What is a pirate? Pirate and licensed games - how they differ What does pirate mean in games

    The licensed version is the most expensive, the game is released by its manufacturer and access to the game without a key is impossible. Pirate is almost the same as the licensed version, but without a key. The repack is most often downloaded, for free. The repack is a newly packaged image of the game. There are flaws in the repack, but it is downloaded for free and without a key.

    With a license it's all clear. You honestly buy the game, get a key (if you need it), you can write to technical support, everything works (if the game is not buggy by itself), it is updated.

    Pirate is the same thing, only removed from the licensed disk and patched so that the key is not required. Or krak has been added (often some kind of Trojan is sitting in krak). The pirate can take up less space, because they cannot cut anything out of it: clips between levels, voice acting. Also, some functions such as updates or multiplayer can be removed or broken.

    Repack - repackaging. The same as Windows assembly. It is clear that this is a pirate thing. But with bonuses. As in Windows from some Zver, a bunch of software and drivers have been added, so a set of cards, new items, patches, mods can be put into the game. Or just replace the standard with something else.

    The concept of repack comes from the English RePack, which can be translated as repackaging.

    Repack is produced, for example, in computer games - in order to save disk space and download faster, in cases where the main version of the game takes up too much space on the disk, while some files and components of the game are transferred to a different format, as well as shrink. It may take a longer time to install a repack version of a computer game.

    Repack is actually a kind of game. One and the same game is simply "repackaged", it is simply a compressed version, an archiver is used. In this case, the game can be run without a disc. But the installation of the Repack version of the game may take a longer time.

    Repack is when the game is compressed to a minimum size, it takes up much less space on the computer. The repack can be downloaded for free on any website.

    The license is a complete game, without any compression or rework. Licensed games are always of good quality, but pirated games are of poor quality, a lot of changes can occur.

    Repack is one of the varieties of the format of the same game. In fact, all the files here are compressed into an archive, which leads to a decrease in the occupied volume of the game. At the same time, there is usually a key to the game, which makes it possible to play the game without using a regular disc for this.

    As you understand in this case, you become a user of a non-licensed game, but someone hacked and posted it.

    * The license is the official image of the game without any alterationsquot ;. How it was made, in this form it is sold.

    * The pirate is a converted image, that is, which is prohibited by law. Basically, video is removed in the game, lower quality sound is inserted and other additional applications are added / cut.

    * Repack is also a converted image, but basically all files / folders are compressed using an archiver + a crack is often added, allowing you to play without a disk. The repack weighs much less than the license.

    We are all economical people, within reasonable limits. We all do not want to overpay for dubious merits or lack thereof when comparing products. Choosing a disc with a game for a PC or console, we by no means become wasteful, and therefore our eyes often fall on illegal copies: they are several times cheaper than licensed products. The so-called pirated versions of games in Russia make up a large part of the gaming industry market. Naturally, the question arises, as in that advertisement: if there is no difference, why pay more? However, there is a difference between a licensed game and a pirate, and noticeable.

    The licensed version of the game is provided by the developers and is completed with a unique code and often software protection against unauthorized use of the disc. Revenues from the sale of licensed games end up in the pockets of developers, which theoretically justifies the continuation of work on a series or the creation of new products.

    Pirate is an unlicensed copy of game discs, unlawfully deprived of the protection established by the developers, or a version with slightly modified parameters. The creation and commercial distribution of such copies is considered an infringement of copyright law and is subject to legal proceedings.

    In principle, although our people traditionally do not care about the problems of publishers and developers, the main difference between pirates and the licensed version is precisely the violation of the law by those who acquire and use a copy of the game. On the other hand, some licenses allow you to create technical copies (backup) for your own use, as well as transfer software products to other devices. Free distribution of demo versions of licensed games in most licenses is not prohibited.

    As for the comparison of the quality of licensed games and pirated versions, here the one who saved on the license fee most often loses. In order to reduce the cost of illegal copies, as well as reduce the volume of files, pirates are ruthlessly squeezed. Instead of two or three licensed discs, one with a copy is offered. Most often, original voice acting and musical themes disappear from such publications, graphics are recoded, multimedia clips are cut out. This is often accompanied by bugs, sometimes critical, with which it is impossible to continue the game. Even if you are offered not a repack, but a 100% copy of the license, errors in the game due to hacked protection cannot be avoided. Accordingly, you will get less pleasure from the game.

    The licensed version of the game does not pose any threat to the user. If the system configuration meets the requirements of the developers, in case of any problems, you can contact technical support. Also, official add-ons and patches are installed only for a license. When installing the absolute majority of pirated copies, the standard antivirus will detect a virus or Trojan in folders with protection cracking programs. Many creators of such versions immediately warn the user about the need to disable the antivirus during installation and during the game. No one will vouch for the fact that the Trojan does not collect confidential information, especially if the disk image was downloaded from the Internet.

    As a rule, in order to reduce the cost, pirates are packed in plastic boxes with leaflets with low-quality printing, most often one-sided. Such options do not contain any additional bonuses. Licensed versions are always supplied with high-quality covers, sometimes with manuals. An image with the name of the game, the name of the developer and publisher is necessarily applied directly to the discs. Gift license options can be supplemented with posters, stickers, other accessories, promo codes and demos of other games.

    Multiplayer Pirates are unable to connect to the Official Recommended Servers, which means a significant drop in interest during the game.

    TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between pirates and the licensed version of the game is as follows:

    1. The licensed version of the game is more expensive.
    2. The pirate version is always the result of criminal activity.
    3. The quality of graphics, translation, voice acting and musical accompaniment in pirates is low.
    4. The pirate is almost always riddled with bugs.
    5. In the vast majority of cases, piracy contains a threat to the system, at least a Trojan.
    6. The licensed version assumes contacting technical support.
    7. The design and equipment of pirated copies is poor, if not absent at all.
    8. Official servers for multiplayer games are often unavailable to pirate owners.
  • Good day.

    The word repack. The repack is a reduced (according to the space occupied, for example, on the disk) image of the game, where drivers and cracks are sometimes added. All this allows you to play the game without a disc, which is impossible in some licensed games.

    A license or licensed game is the official version of the game that the manufacturers release. It is the licensed product that scares off buyers at its cost, and therefore many people buy pirate (pirated version). Pirates usually ship a bunch of games on one disc, so some games may either not be installed at all, or may not start after installation.

    All the same, only the game is shrunken more - it does not weigh as much as a license or a pirate. One thing was removed (the video was unnecessary), and the patch was inserted and the crack was inserted.

    If everything is clear with the licensed version - this is an official product, the game is the way the developers intended it and how they developed it.

    Repek is already a redone image. Here, unlike pirates, the main files are compressed using an archiver, sometimes a crack is added, which makes it possible to run the game without a disk (the size, of course, is much smaller than that of the license).

I already wanted to cook, but I saw that the theme was epic, and Igor drowned
but no
at some point in time it was really a pirate, it was a shit game with a promt translation and she came out ahead of the face, at least in mother Russia
then there really were pirates with compressed video content and the logo of the developers removed
and finally there was such a method of packaging for disks where, for example, VAV sound files were compressed to ogg with no known bit rate and then uncompressed back during installation. this is about the same as compressing textures of the tga format into zhpeg and then converting them back to tga so that the engine reads them pitch-pitch
And as for bugs and glitches, it was just that in 2011, for example, a couple of the Lord of the Rings, the war in the north, came out. so that's pitch-pitch. the first crack was with a bug that turned off the lighting and grafon. then they corrected it, but I personally still had bugs with shadows from tree crowns. all this disgrace was no longer on about the same lesion version.
Sains Moat 3 also contained a similar bug that turned the game into a demo version of a peck-peck. although if you go through this piece on litsuhe further, then it seems to work fine. after a while, the repacks were updated and there were no such problems there. for the PeK of justice, however, to say, I recently downloaded it from incentive and found that the game finally became shitty from there. dialogues are cut off there and some locations dare during missions from something they will not spin.
and what’s probably going on in the original shkyrim ... from incentive with the latest pitch patch
so there is a technical difference between licunzia and pirate, that is, in exceptional examples
if you take more recent games, for example, the dragon uidge inquisitor - there the greedy bakers in the prologue in one of the versions flew to the tar-tar, because the earthly collision simply could not withstand such creepers, spiraling the masterpiece of the updated version
and in GTA5 the bakers were tearfully crying that the game crashes anally during certain missions. and the bug in different versions was in different places like something like that. so the bakers had to wait for a normally hacked game for a while. but on the face, everything was sweet and smooth, the truth is there is pitch-pitch - you are forever banned in gta anline !!! 1111 azazazaza
it is worth remembering the special traps set up by the developers for those who go under the black flag
and no one knows how many herds and humiliations the pirate gamers had
however, even with faces, not everything is so smooth. take ubosoft, see continuous downgrades after the release, vuchdogs ace units, assassin analys. most often, the players have an automatic update and when they reinstall it, it is not a specific version that is installed as a rule, but the latter, which makes rollback a difficult task. but with a pen, everything is smooth and smooth. some version of the game 1.03 instead of 1.05 and the newest one where something was broken because PeK's homeless people were not drawn to dravkaly.

0 Due to the permanent crisis that is taking place in our country, prices are only growing, and salaries, sometimes even " decline"Therefore, many fans of computer games, even if they want to support the manufacturer, are simply not able to do so because of their low solvency. After all, it is too wasteful to give up two to four thousand rubles for a digital key. Especially for those who have there are children and a wife who constantly pulls the blanket over herself and makes her buy any useless nonsense. Therefore, the only and natural way out of the situation is to find Pirate, which means you can read a little below. Our site is engaged in deciphering a variety of concepts, offensive words, phraseological units and words from street argo. Therefore, be sure to add this resource site to your bookmarks in order to have an idea of ​​new jargon and other equally important things.
However, before I continue, I would like to show you a couple of other popular publications on the subject of gaming slang. For example, what does Dodge mean, what is Ping, who is Romer, what does the word Munchkin mean, etc.
So let's continue Pirate, meaning? This term comes from the word " Pirate", which is understood as a person engaged in robbery of other people's ships and ships.

Pirate- this is the name of the non-licensed version of the game, which was purchased from unofficial sources or downloaded completely free of charge from unofficial sources.


I only use pirated versions of the software, I don't understand why I have to pay exorbitant prices.

Tolyan, what are you doing, just download the pirate from the torrent, and you will be happy.

The pirate has only one drawback, it cannot be used to play online.

Pirate- this is the name for any digital content used illegally, it can be films, books, software and, of course, computer games.

Most people, having acquired a brand new console, at first try to buy only a license, but after several purchases, a person is horrified at his extravagance. Therefore, any player eventually starts looking for " pirates"because circumstances force him to take this extremely dubious step. In general, today, almost all single-player games are downloaded from the Internet, and online games are purchased on official resources. In fact, an ordinary person does not care where his money is sent, he wants to get a product, and point!

The pirate is the same program, different from " license", only one, copy protection is removed here. Developers are desperately fighting the distribution of illegal copies, and their purchase and sale in many countries is considered illegal, and may entail legal proceedings.
Using a licensed copy, any user in theory can refer to " developers"to express your complaints or ask for help. In addition, patches and add-ons will be installed solely on a license. Sometimes you can find a Trojan in pirates, which is introduced there by enterprising coders. Although in most cases the antivirus does not swear at malware, but at "cracks" (hacked files or a program to replace several bytes in the code).

Pirates usually come in unsightly boxes with poor quality printing and lack of manuals. On the contrary, all licenses have colorful boxes, and sometimes come complete with detailed brochures explaining the game. More expensive license options may come with some bonuses, such as promo codes, posters, stickers, and even hero figures.

After reading all of the above, we can conclude that a pirate is an order of magnitude cheaper, and is the result of criminal activity, and a license is more expensive, but it has several advantages. Therefore, only you decide whether to download a pirate for yourself, and get a pig in a poke, or not to bother and play the license, having all the rights.

After reading this helpful article, you have learned what is pirate, and now you will not find yourself in a difficult position if you again stumble upon this ambiguous word.

In our time, all people strive to save money. Sometimes this is caused by a banal lack of money, and sometimes unwillingness to pay for dubious products, the value of which is low or none at all. Many users want to play some games, but do not want to spend money on them, because there is a chance that the game will not be interesting, which means that the money will be wasted. It was the desire to get some content for free that gave rise to the phenomenon of counterfeit products or, to put it simply, pirated games. What is the difference between a licensed game and a pirated one and is it worth paying for it?

Licensed game Is a product that is supplied directly by developers on physical media or in electronic form. The user receives a key that allows you to activate the licensed version of the game and enjoy it without any restrictions, and very often additional content, for example, new maps, characters, storylines, costumes and other bonuses. The money from the sale of licensed copies of the game goes into the pocket of the developers, which may affect the development of the sequel and the release of the next part. As a rule, licensed products have protection that prevents the copying of the game.

Pirate version Is a game that has been hacked by craftsmen. Most often it is distributed free of charge or on disks for a nominal fee. Often pirates supply the market with a stripped-down version of the game, where certain components may be missing, something may be compressed or recoded. Thus, players get the opportunity to use the product, but some elements of the game or bonuses may be missing in it.

In addition, the pirated version of the game differs in that it comes out later than the licensed version, because it takes a certain amount of time to crack it. In addition, the pirated version cannot be automatically updated and updates cannot be downloaded to it, which means that in order to receive new features that the developers have released as an add-on, the pirate owners will have to wait for these innovations to appear in the free access, and the game will have to be downloaded and reinstalled again.

Another disadvantage of the pirated version is unreliability of software... Very often, to get a working version of the game, you have to download several versions of repacks or special patches that fix errors caused by hacking. And okay, when the downloaded repack simply turns out to be not working, it is much more offensive when, having achieved some progress in the game, it starts to crash, hang or just give errors. In such cases, you have to search for the game again, and you will most likely have to go through it all over again. In addition to this, many pirated versions from unreliable sources can harbor viruses, and along with the game, the gamer receives a full set of malicious software.

Since the hacking process is laborious, and most often there is no need to pay for pirates, the people who are engaged in hacking find alternative sources of income. Very often these are advertisements that are inserted into the screensavers of the game, unnecessary programs that are installed along with the game and clog the computer.

The above differences are important, but perhaps the biggest disadvantage for many gamers is the ability to play only in single mode... In other words, the player can only go through a single-player mode, and interesting multiplayer versions are not available to him. They have no opportunity to play with other people on-line or brag to the whole world about their achievements. For some players, this is a matter of principle and the pirated version completely prohibits this feature.

Multiplayer modes are not available to the user due to the fact that the game in this case takes place on servers purchased by the developers, which means that unlicensed versions are simply blocked. Some pirates are trying to create the same "left" servers, but stable work on them is usually not guaranteed, and maintaining their costly business.

So, from all the above minuses, it logically follows that a pirated version is bad and it is better to buy a license, but in practice it turns out that there are many people who continue to use unlicensed copies. The explanation for this is quite simple - price... Many people do not play games regularly, and paying a lot of money to sometimes play is impractical, in addition, such people are quite enough of the opportunities that a pirate provides.

The fight against pirates has been going on for a long time, but as practice shows, any protection at some point is still hacked and a free version of the game appears to the delight of the players. Currently, a new method of protection has appeared, which cannot be completely hacked for a fairly long time. This protection can be bypassed by purchasing a disposable key, it costs much less, but it also gives few opportunities. For example, when reinstalling a game, the key will have to be purchased again, while the license key can be activated multiple times, provided that the previously activated game is deleted.

Pirate Pirate version of a computer game, software. Carik lick or pirate? If you are a pirate, then somehow you ask dearly for him. Game consoles, Computer games

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .


See what "pirate" is in other dictionaries:

    Pirate- La pirate Genre d ... Wikipedia

    pirate- PIRATE, a, m. Sea robber, as well as (trans.) In general a robber, robber. Medieval pirates. Pirate attack on a pleasure boat. Air pirates (about hijackers of planes). Video market pirates (persons who illegally replicate and ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    repertoire- a, m. The totality of works (dramatic, musical, etc.) performed in the theater, on the concert stage, etc. These pieces, now long forgotten, even then left the repertoire and were given very rarely. S. Aksakov, Literary and ... ... Small academic dictionary

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