What does eight tambourine mean. Secret playing card sign

Ganymed serves the gods, bringing ambrosia

Map. The eight of the tambourine is a map of balance, tolerance, speaks of talent in the field of financial activity and at the same time on spiritual insight, which does not allow too deeply bogging into the problems of material well-being. Symbolizes practicalism in the good sense of the word.

Myth. Gamed serves the gods, bringing ambrosia, .. Judging Gamorn, Consistent with Equal. True, he was on earth, he is the most beautiful son of people! He is the gods and taken to heaven, Winnurperation Zeus, the landslides, in order to dwell among the monitor of the immortal,
(Homer. Iliad. XX. 233. Per. N Nestycha)
Gamornad - the son of the Trojan Tsar Cape and Nymph Calliroi was extremely beautiful. Zeus squeezed him from the height of Olympus stole, appearing in the appearance of the eagle. He made a young man with his vinorrel and granted immortality. A quick-hearted father got a couple of beautiful immortal horses and a golden vine. Now the gamorn is among the stars - the constellation of Aquarius.

Value. Thanks to the patronage of Zeus, Gamenad acquired immortality. Both in life; Your talents and advantages will be seen and appreciated. Probably obtaining a high patron or influential protege.
Often this card will talk about favorable changes in life. You confidently stand on your feet, look at the future with optimism. Alluring prospects are opened.
In a personal life, the card indicates a promising relationship. Sincere feelings, you may be attended by youthful maximalism. Do not bring your overestimated requirements to the absurd, and everything will be fine. Sometimes a card may indicate new acquaintances, expanding the circle of friends.
The situation with work is developing favorable. You have all the necessary advantages to take a higher position. You can count on a good promotion on the service staircase or a serious increase to the salary. If your own business is the emergence of advantageous companions, a successful alliance with government agencies or superior organizations. You have a strong and stable position. The financial difficulties that have emerged quickly and easily be resolved by providing new opportunities for development. Financing your projects can be implemented by stakeholders. Essential monetary help

On the right below: a student.
This corner of the card speaks of good, but remote prospects. In order to take a high position, you need to work seriously. It may also include an indication of the need for training, an increase in its qualifications or study of new regions. While you are not yet sufficiently confident, little experience and knowledge.
In a relationship - you still do not know your partner's it enough and did not figure out in our own feelings. You need a lot of learning and understand before making any decision. Be careful to what is happening.
In professional life, it will be necessary to pretty well before you reach the desired, learn all the details of the case, feel free to consult with more experienced people. More logic and common sense. Try to count more on your own strength. The financial situation is unstable. Of the excess nervousness and insecurity can push the wrong step. Refrain while large purchases or cash investments.

On the left below: the governess will perform a lesson.
This corner of the card is a carefree performer. They take the right decisions for you, the circumstances are the most favorable way. You only need conscientious performance of your obligations.
In personal relationships, let me occur what is happening. Take everything that happens as good. You need to honestly go through this way, to do according to debt and moral obligations
In professional activity you are now woven. You must be a neat and responsible performer. If you fulfill your duties well, it will achieve the desired goal. The financial condition is quite satisfactory. Making cases are great, material wealth will provide you in the future peace and sincere equilibrium.

Zodiacal constellation Aquarius.
Aquarius is depicted in the form of a man with a jug in his hands and flowing from it water. In the time of antiquity, the constellation was associated with the Garimist, the pets of Zeus, as the outlines, it looks like a rowing wine of Virchrelpia. Moisture-thumping moisture - nectar who drink gods.
Indicates the desire for reformist not traditional activities.

Flowers: Astra, Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum.

Astra is a symbol of sadness. This flower was considered a gift to man from the gods, he was charm, an amulet, a particle of a distant star. Therefore, the sadness symbolized by them is sadness of the lost paradise, it is impossible to climb the sky. Druids have Astra's days from September 12 to September 22.

Gladiolus. Among the gladiators of ancient Rome, which were mainly prisoned warriors, two Thracians were. Faithful to his friendship, they refused to fight friend, with a friend and stuck their swords in the land, when the gladiators were executed, fiery gladiolus appeared from their swords. With the pores of the gladiolus were considered the colors of gladiators. The ancient Romans from the roots of these colors made an overlap. In the modern language, the gladiolus symbolizes the hardness principles. Druids have gladiolus days from November 22 to December 2.

Chrysanthemum. Sixteen-paroxy chrysanthemum national japanese flower, symbol of imperial power, symbol of the sun and welfare. In Europe, chrysanthemus was imported only in the 27th century. The varieties brought then belonged to the most simple Romash almost no attention. There was almost no attention to themselves. About a hundred years passed, while this flower was selected and, reaching outstanding beauty, entered the fashion and became one of the favorite winter colors. In Europe, Chrysanthemums are not as many colors for bouquets and decoration, how many colors funeral. Serving a deep silent sorrow, they are assigned, especially Parisians, on the coffin of the deceased.
In the modern language of chrysanthemum colors, the emblem of sadness, the autumn symbol.

As a map of the Sun, eight tambourine has the opportunity to rise to the very top of success. Despite this, it will strive for glory or not, it will always be respected. The tambourous eights love to "shine" and cause admiration for other people; They are endowed with the talent of the leader. People born under the influence of this card are very strong, but if they are dependent on their strength, it will turn into tyrants. They work out most of their negative karma in power clashes and in the struggle for power with other people.
They do not like when they are controlled, and try to always maintain a guiding role in any respect. The eight strength and position in the "coronal" row of a life set gave this map to the desire for independence and the "punching" character. The bubnic eights know the price and are able to cope with the most difficult situation. For many of them, the strength equates to wealth and the possibility of spending a lot of money. The latter often enters a bad habit. Eight tambourines are able to run a huge amount in the blink of an eye. However, they can achieve everything they want, thanks to incredible hard work and congenital intuition. If the Bubnovy G8 will learn to turn its strength on himself for personal transformation purposes and stop attempting to change the outside world, it will find a stable inner harmony and the ability to own themselves - the key concepts of its karmic card, ladies peak.

Brief description Card values:

  • power of belief in business relationships
  • ambitious desire map to be rich
  • responsibility to people

The tambourous eights are smart and very inquisitive. If they wanted to know anything, they do not stop them. Huge power inherent in them allows you to win victories and wisely to lead other people if they apply this force in the right direction. Sometimes eight tambourines are afraid or do not want to take responsibility associated with this force, but thereby they lose the lion's share of the potential given to them.

Eight Tuben - Map of People Born:
January 19, February 17, March 15, April 13, May 11, June 9, July 7, August 5, September 3, September 1, October 1

People of this card are smart and inquisitive if they needed to know anything, they cannot be stopped. A huge inner force allows them to win victories and wisely to lead other people, but only if they use this force in the right direction. Sometimes the tambourous eights are afraid or they do not want to take responsibility associated with this force, but at the same time they lose the lion's share of the potential given to them.

Relationship with other people

In love, the bubnic eights are inconsistently and indecisive. Their independent, changeing nature resists solid relationships. In other cases, the eight of the tambourine often attracts partners who themselves do not want stability and marriage. Many bubne eights practice "serial monogamy": for their lives they replace three, four or more marriage partners. They need a variety of love, which almost never can give a single person.

Bubnic eights must learn to provide their partners freedom of self-expression and do not try to change them. In addition, they must accept themselves as they are, and paying their love not only on other people, but also on themselves. Ace of peak as a map of cosmic reward and seven of worms as a pluto map say that the main task of the Bubnova Eight consists not at all in the successful suppression of the personality of the partner, but in the awareness of his own fear to remain alone.

As a rule, the eight of Tuben knows what he wants, and purposefully to this seeks. But, unfortunately, the subject of her aspirations is changing quite soon.

In most cases, the wiser decision of this problem will always have the habit of always putting the interests of the career above personal relationships. Otherwise, the Bubnovy G8 risks to lose part of his strength. The eights of the tambourine of both sexes are well rolled with representatives of the trephing suit. If they are able to abandon their own aspirations in love, they will gain real happiness.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Bubnic eight women are ideal for marriage with peak men, especially if those are succeeding and strong people. Beautiful friendship for his whole life is possible with Chervel men. The tambourous eight men often cause sympathy from worm women, and women trephies can bring them real happiness. But best of all, they are compatible with peak women, although before drawing conclusions in this case, you should always study the specific links between birth cards.

Bubnic eight-women

For most bubnic eights, a dazzling solar smile is characterized. It seems as if they are so shine with sunlight. The eight of the tambourine is the map of the lion, regardless of what sunshine her representative was born. In the horoscope of the Bubnova G8, a lion mark will almost certainly be clearly shown. Even in the appearance of these people there is something lion, for example, a thick mane of hair. Of course, not all the tambourine eight women belong to this type of appearance, but most of them are.

Another remarkable feature of the Bubnova Eight is a tendency to apply gross power in terms of money and business. If you need, they will force any person to make even the act not deeperating to him. Even if the bubnic eight-woman looks like meek, in fact, she perfectly knows its price and is capable of a lot. When it comes to money, the eight of the tambourine shows an unusually strong will, and in some cases even ruthlessness. In the horoscopes of the Bubnovy G8, a strong effect of pluton, scorpion or VIII house is very often noticeable.

The number of the "Eight Tuben" card: 34

Birth Card - Eight Tuben

The fortune telling on the playing cards is traditionally feminine art, which is mainly related, with everyday themes: love, marriage, family life, in ...

The divination on the playing cards is traditionally feminine art, mainly with everyday themes: love, marriage, family life, relationship between people, health, well-being and life. In our manual, we will describe the value of each card in the following order: The main value of the map: Values \u200b\u200bin combinations with other maps:

The symbolism of this fortune telling is rich, but allows you to simply briefly and unequivocally answer any "life" questions. 36 cards - 36 characters, that's all. However, it is worth remembering that geomantia costs only 16 symbols, and in the astrology of basic characters not more than a dozen. In the XIX century, when the playing cards had top and bottom, the fortune tellers took into account the direct and inverted position of the cards; But in our time this technique is almost forgotten. However, another reception is used to make a larger diversity of the fortune tackle: they attribute separate fixed, but bad values \u200b\u200bof various maps combinations. For example, a TUZ peak separately - the map is extremely unpleasant, but the combination of four aces foreshadows the soon fulfillment of all the desires: eight tambourines - the card is harmless, but the combination of four eights can foreshadow.

Simple "maps

Sixters: Dear

The role of the six - indicate the character's road marked with the "figure" card (king or lady). Depending on the sixteen, the sixteen can determine:
Six Peak - Dark, Night Road,
Six Tref - Evening Road,
Six tambourine - little close way
Six worms - walk.
Four six - fulfillment of desire.

Six peak

Basic meaning:
Far journey, late road. Road of peak king or lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any peak card - a cheerful road.
With any prefinal card - an unsuccessful road.
Under any prefinal card, the successful outcome of the evil intentions of the gadget.
With any worn card - the road and a date with expensive people.
With a seven or eight tambourine - anxiety and hassle about money.
Before nine or a dozen tambourine - the road for money.
With a ace of peak - highway.
Features of the value in different positions: Next to the asking card - loss.
On the heart - loss, loss.

Six Buben.

Basic meaning:
The happiest card, even the bad value of the ace of peak softens: an ambulance, a cheerful road, the fulfillment of desire. The road of the tambourous king or lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combinations :
With a seven tambourine - troubles in the house.
With a nine peak - Mountain in Name.
With a dozen and nine peak - a disease, even death.
With a dozen tambourine - the fullest fulfillment of the desire to receive money.

Six Tref.

Basic meaning: Sea road. Useless road. Date on the street, in the garden. Path to the specified place. Road of the Trefnic King or Lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With a dozen Treph - an unknown departure offer.
With a ace of peak - highway.
Near the "figure" card - a date at night.
With ace Treph - Railway.
Near the "figure" card - a date in the evening.
With ace of worms (near the "figured" card) - date in the morning.
With ace Tuben (near the "figured" card) - date during the day.
Features of the value in different positions: Between "Figures" - a big walk.

Six worms

Basic meaning: Stroll. Obstacle and delay in affairs (but not in love). The road of the Chervonny King or Lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any worber card - the path to the expensive person.
With a dozen worms - the road and a hearty date.
Features of the value in different positions: All nine worms are the success in love undoubtedly.

Seven joy, sadness, thoughts.

The predominance of seven and eights usually foreshadows without time, lack of money and boredom. By themselves, seven people do not speak of significant events, but in combination with other maps can be very significant.
Four seven in some combinations may indicate intrigue. With a dozen worms and three ladies (or currencies) - the proximity of an interesting position. With currency worms and four ladies - close birth of a son.

Seven peak

Basic value; Quarrel, torment. Surprise. Cheating. Thoughts Lady Peak.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: With any worry card - safety, independence, getting rid of punishment.
With any eight - a treat.
With any "figured" card - trouble.
With the six tambourine - trouble in the house.
With a nine peak and any "figure" card - grief in a relatives.
With a dozen peak - unexpected news about the change of circumstances.
With Valnet Tref - misfortune from enemies.
With a currency tambourine depicts a merchant.
Features of the value in different positions: In the event that the central point looks the edges of the up - tears, a quarrel, a friend's loss, at home where you live, with a lady - lady in an interesting position.
On the heart - trouble, "Top up" - indispensable tears.

Seven Tref.

Basic meaning: Close road, news about success, inheritance. Thoughts of the lady Tref.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: Before the seven tambourine is an abundance of property and receiving an inheritance from distant relatives.
With the eight peak - his wife, beloved, is changing the man.
With the eight of Treph - see the seven tambourine.
With the nine treph - see in front of the sevens tambourine.
With a dozen treph - wealth and happiness.
With ace Tref - winnings, win.
Features of value in different positions: in an inverted position (i.e., if the central point looks at the edge of the up) - tears or weakness from love.

Seven Buben

Basic meaning: Joy, good news, a small gift from gold, silver and general metal. Boots, business. Conversation; Business date. Purchase, sale, commercial deal (good or bad, looking through the nearest map). Thoughts of the Ball1y Tuben. Sometimes-noteworthy.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: With "Figure" - a happy incident.
With the nine Tref and ace of Tuben - great success in the card game.
With a dozen tambourine - successful hassle about money.
Features of the value in different positions:

Seven worm

Basic meaning: Fun, change in life. Thoughts of the Chervonna Lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With a dozen peak - an unexpected offer.
With a dozen worms - a pleasant secluded date.
Features of the value in different positions: in fortune telling for a girl - the birth of daughters in the event of marriage. In fortune telling for the young man - marries a good girlfriend.

Eight: Talking and Houses

The predominance of eight and seven is irreparable time, lack of money, "Serious days." In general, the vocation of the eight is to designate the house, the ladies room of the appropriate suit, while the ace points to the house of the king. Four eights in some defects denote a blow.

Oight peak

Basic meaning: Failure, sadness. Heavy conversation. Disease. Room or Apartment peak lady. Personality from which you get unpleasant news.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: With four kings - a bush, drunkenness.
With seven treph - cheating beloved.
With currency worms - the news of the disease or the death of loved ones or acquaintances.
Features of the value in different positions: Seven peak contracts in a row, including the eight - should not be guessing on this day. Nine Trephal Cards in a row with eight peak is a big misfortune. On the heart - the disease.

Eight Tref.

Basic meaning: Drains about business and money. Tears, annoyance, the death of a loved one. Dark, colored thing. The room or apartment of the Trephal Lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With a seven treph and ace of worms - happy marriage or legacy.
With a dozen Treph - the emergency acquisition of real estate getting an inheritance, wealth and happiness.
With Valnet Tref - an unexpected turnover of happiness in favor of a gadget person.
With currency worms - a conversation about losses.
With Damoy Tref - help relatives or a close woman.
With the king of Tref - rumors about the sea, the death of the ship.
With ace treph ~ success, tip up - fail.
Features, values \u200b\u200bin different positions: With a seven treph (in front of the card, denoting) - unexpected happiness.

Eight Buben.

Basic meaning: Talk about money. Pleasant dreams, dreams. Village, wealth. In some sobs - hatred. The room or apartment of the Trephal Lady.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: L.
Yuba currencies at the eight of the tambourine - a young man engaged in trading or applied for the meeting person.
With the six worms and eight Tref - the news of the fire.
With a seven tambourine (near the "figured card") - the infidelity or impermanence of the person denoted by this card.
With a dozen tambourine - remote money, great money getting.
With currency worms - talk about money.
Features of the value in different positions: With the king or a lady of peak (on the sides of the asking card) - harm from a false and bad person.

Eight worms

Basic meaning: Full success in affairs. Cheerful conversation, pleasure, long road. Chervonna Lady Room.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: To the left of the seven Tref - unexpected happiness.
With nine worms - a date.
With a dozen worms - a secluded date.
With currency worms - heart conversation.
Features of the value in different positions: with a dozen tambourine (near the court asking) - getting money, great inheritance.

Nine: surprise

Four nines - surprise. Pleasant or unpleasant - go on nine, nearest to the map that denotes gadgets, and in general on the cards ahead.

Nine peak

Basic meaning: Development and disadvantage in some cases. Fees on the road. Loss of a friend.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With the nine treph or tambourine-getting money, but with the receipt.
From home or king peak - love.
With the lady or king of any other suit - immodest desires.
With ace peak - disease.
With ace Treph - use or harm (depending on the nearest bright or dark card).
With ace Tuben - cunning and deception of loved ones.
With ace of worms - the proximity of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.
Features of value in different positions: in an inverted position (i.e., if the central point looks at the edge of the up) - tears or quarrel.

Nine Tref.

Basic meaning: Inheritance. Doubt. No disappearance.
Up - annoyance, gossip, tears.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: With any bubnoy card - the right acquisition of money and useless spending them in pleasure.
With any worber card - mutual love.
With a nine or a dozen worms - Success in love.
With a dozen peak - in cash.
With a dozen treph - fun with loved ones, surprise.
Ten and eight or seven treph is one of the happiest combinations.
With currency worms - lament.
Next to any "figured" card is kicker that the person denoted by this card will disappear from your life.
With the lady or king of Tref - love or favorableness.
Features of the value in different positions: In the inverted position (i.e., if the central point looks at the edge of the upward) - annoyance, gossip, tears.

Nine Buben.

Basic value : Map of money, independent life and good luck.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: With the six peak (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant case, failure.
With a dozen tambourine - indispensable and quick receipt of money.
With currency worms - avoid unpleasant travel.
With four kings - a fun conversation.
With the lady or king of the tambourine - love or favor.

Nine wormer

Basic meaning: Consent and satisfaction of individuals folding cards. Love letter, surprise (pleasant or unpleasant, looking through the nearest map): Love at all.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With complete worber masty - and pleasure love,
With any six - an unexpected meeting.
With seven or eight worms - a date with your beloved.
With the nine trif-favorite special will give you your heart. Mend or thing from beloved.
With the lady or king of any suit - love; Sometimes - wedding.
With a lady peak - happiness

Tens: Interests

Business cards. The more they are grouped, the more brilliant will be your affairs.
Four dozens - fulfillment of desire, although not heartfelt.

Ten peak

Basic meaning: Black thing, disease, unrealistic desires, failures.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With a seven peak - an unexpected news about the change of circumstances.
With a seven tambourine - an unexpected offer.
With the eight peak - a disease, with one of the eights - an unpleasant news.
With nine peak - misfortune.
With the nine treph - trouble in cash.
With a dozen treph - recovery from the disease.
With a dozen worms - great money interest in the future.
With the lady and king of any suit - the wedding bed.
With the lady or king of peak - wondered.
With the king and ace of peak - prison.
With ace peak - unexpected receipt of money.
With ace tambourine - mourning, sad letter.
Features of the value in different positions: In fortune telling for girls or women - treason of friends.
But the heart is a disease.

Ten Tref.

Basic meaning: Win, welfare, success. Favorable changes.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any worry card - a find or winnings.
With Six Tref - an unknown departure offer.
With a seven peak (but without a fune peak) - deception, tears.
With seven treph - joy, news about things.
With a seven and six Treph - a big society.
With the eight of Tref - the soon getting big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.
With nine peak - failure.
With nine treph - fun with loved ones, surprise.
With nine and eight or seven treph - one of the happiest combinations, very well.
With a dozen tambourine - indispensable money.
With a dozen worms - success in love.
With the "figure" other mastovoy man, great danger, fires.
With the lady or king Tref - wondered.
With ace treph - change for the better.
Features of the value in different positions: In the presence of litigation - the inevitable loss.

Dozen tambin

Basic meaning: Great joy, gift. Money. Change place. Village. Sea, water. Someone else's city.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With the six peak (right) - the road for money.
With the six tambourine - the fullest fulfillment of desires, getting money.
With a seven tambourine - successful hassle about money.
With seven worms - great inheritance, getting money.
With the eight of the tambourine - remote money, big money.
With the nine tambourine - an indispensable and quick receipt of money.
With nine worms - profitable work.
With a dozen treph - an indispensable receipt of money,
With currency treph - success in cash.
With the lady or king of Tuben - I wonder.
Features of the value in different positions: In the heads - getting money. With ace of peak (on the sides of the card asking - a quarrel because of money.

Ten worms

Basic meaning: Joy, satisfaction, happiness. Motherland, hometown.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With Six Tuben - Fun visiting.
With six worms - a joyful date.
With four seven when lady or curren any suit - proximity
With seven worms - a secluded date, consolation in the mountain.
With the eight of the worms - a secluded date with a beloved woman.
With the nine Tref - your favorite special will give you your heart, the message or thing from your favorite person.
With nine worms (with complete worms) - full enjoyment of love,
With a dozen treph - success in love.
With a dozen tambourine - great money interest in the close future.
With "Figure", any suit means that the person marked with this card takes care of the interests of the gadget or loves it.
With ace of Tuben - a love or joyful letter.
Features of the value in different positions: On the heart - joy, in the heads - a wedding or mutual sympathy.

VnetDenote young people either thought and intentions of the kings of the appropriate suit. In the predominance of currencies, and not kings you can see that simple medium in which the person rotates, which you are guessing. The king and currencies of one suit together with a nine or a dozen worms mean that a person denoted by this king, passionately wishes to see the gadget. Any currencies of the first card "on the heart" - care or trouble, if the king is next to the currency, then the currency means his thoughts.

Four currencies denote upcoming troubles, and if at the same time one of them lies on the heart - care, heavy or not, depending on what cards are dominated, light or dark.

V.years of peak

Basic meaning: Young brunette or man of bad behavior. The man is immoral, devoid of delicacy, neglecting the saints. Quarrel or fight. Bad news. Thoughts of the peak king.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any "simple" peak card - a faithful ally.
With the eight of the peak - a big trouble between the in love.
With any "simple" trephy card - liar, envious, gossip.
With any "simple" tambourous card - an accomplice, a mustle, drunk man.
With any "simple" worr-card - a friend.
With a lady peak - a big quarrel, a fight.

Valete Tref.

Basic meaning: Lovely young man from a good family, caring for a girl. A man in shape or military below the officer rank. Friend, intercessor and friend. However, in the absence of a fusion or king in the scenario, the treph may foreshort large troubles. Near the lady means success, near the man - someone who speaks of his favor. Also means the thoughts of the king treph.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With a seven peak (it is rare) -case due to the goat enemies.
With the eight of Treph - a military man, an unexpected turnover of happiness.
With a dozen tambourine - success in cash.
Between the two currencies of any suit - a restless future.
With currency worms - has a dangerous opponent.
Between the two ladies of any suit is an incorrect wife.
Features of the value in different positions: If it turns out the first card in the fortune, the fortune telling will be absolutely accurate. On the heart - treasury troubles.

Valet Buben.

Basic meaning: Military or postman bringing news. Young man of a simple title or blond. Bracely behave. Thoughts of the Bubnov King.
Values \u200b\u200bin combinations
With the six Tref - an unexpected and ambulance trip with some kind of king.
With a seven peak - a merchant.
With the nine tambourine - hostile man, ambulance.
With the lady Tref is not good.
Features of the value in different positions: Buben's currencies next to the card denoting or with any other map of the supayer expecting him success in cash.

Curlee Chervey

Basic meaning: Light young man. Lover. Unpleasant guest. Bracely behave. Funny company. Thoughts of the Chervon King.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any worber card - success.
With four seven - the rapid birth of a son.
With the eight peak - news of the disease or death of the near.
With the eight of Tref - an unpleasant conversation.
With the eight of the tambourine - talk about monetary interest.
With the eight of the heart conversation.
With the nine TRF-lamentation.
With the nine tambourine - avoiding an unpleasant journey.
With four ladies - the rapid birth of a son.
With the lady or king of any other suit - guest.
With ace worms - a pleasant news explanation in love.


Women and girls. One of the ladies can designate a woman or a girl for whom you guess. Usually, for a dark-haired (or dark-eyed), women choose a trephy lady, and for blondes (or light-eyed) - Chervonny. Four ladies are undesirable in despusting for women. They talk about gossip, and if one of the ladies at the same time is next to the card denoting the gadget, then this means that a woman close to it will spread these gossip. In fortune-money for a man, four injections indicate that it is surrounded by the ladies and generally loves the Ladies Society. If there will be a lady of another suit next to the map that denotes a man, it means that she will prefer him to her legitimate spouse or a regular partner.

Queen of Spades

Basic meaning: Black-haired or black-eyed woman. Old woman, distressed woman or widow. Bad woman. Boredom, gossip; interference, quarrel.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination: With any "simple" card of peak suit - a kind old woman.
With any "simple" map of the trephing suit - the villain.
With any "simple" map of the Bubnova Maste - greedy, envious woman impeding in affairs and in love.
With nine worms - happiness.
Between the two "figures" of any suit - tapping between them.
Features of the value in different positions: Next to the map that denotes gadgets, - grief, trouble, especially in the presence of seven treph or nine peak. On the heart - boredom and longing.

Lady Tref.

Basic meaning: Dark-haired or browseed woman. Friendler or rival. Loyalty, help from a woman.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With the eight of Treph - help relatives or a close woman.
Features of the value in different positions: Together with a peak lady with a map that denotes gadgets, - bad circumstances, courts, troubles because of marriage. Next to the card denoting a gadget woman - a sign that some lady is interested in her.

Lady Buben.

Basic meaning: Blindowing or light-eyed woman. Young woman. Rustic woman or maid. Invalid woman. Mistress.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With a dozen peak and currency tambourine - - an unpleasant guest.
Features of the value in different positions: With nine worms - for women well, for men
- theft. Next to any MASTA MASTA disappear foreshadows success in cash.

Lady Chervey

Basic meaning: Blindowing or light-eyed woman. Honest and quite devoted woman who will provide you with services. Married woman.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With others. Masters are success in an indefinite future.
With a dozen worms - a friend.
Features of the value in different positions: For a woman: with six and dozen worms - tears, with a curren TRF - unexpected joy. For a man: with any worber card - success in love.


Men. One of the kings can designate a man for whom you guess. Usually, for a dark-haired (or dark-eyed), the men choose a trephic king, and for a fair-haired (or light-eyed) -corval. Some gadlocks believe that for all military and officials of men, you need to guess the peak king, regardless of the color of their eyes and hair. Four kings are good deeds, success, high position in society.

King Peak

Basic meaning: Military or official. Enemy, bad man, rival. Dark-haired or black-eyed man.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any peak card foreshadows good.
With any prefinal card, countering and evil.
With a lady and a rings, the peak is the help of a man, respectable family.
With the lady and currency Tref - his hatred.
With the lady and currency of the tambourine or worms - its location.
Features of the value in different positions: If the card denoting gadgets, lies between the eight of the peaks king of the peak, it foreshadows long-term troubles and grief; If the king of Buben is nearby - the help of a noble person.

King Tref.

Basic meaning: Dark-haired or carbohydrate man. Personality fair, which will give you patronage. True friend. In some fortune-law, the trephic king is a military man (the peak king in this case means only officials or judicials). If the king of Tref never appears during the divination, then the prediction cannot be considered reliable.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any trephy card - a little man, friend, husband, groom, lover; In general, foreshadowed happiness.
With six other suit - business trip.
With the nine TRF (aspop down) - an influential person, a favorable person; If the edge up is in trouble with this person.
With Tuz Tref - the happy outcome of the conceived case, the fulfillment of desires.
Features of the value in different positions: If the King of Tref comes out together with the rings, the treph under the map denoting the gadget, it foreshadows him a big grief. However, if the map of the extinguishing is a prefinal suit, then he has nothing to fear.

King Buben.

Basic meaning: Blonde and light-eyed man, sometimes - young man. Bachelor, promising groom (if there is no lady tambourine nearby). Friendship, love date, familiarity with the future cute.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any worber card - fun, oblivion of the past and the change of life.
With six tambourine - indispensable fulfillment of desires.
With a dozen tambourine and currency of any suit - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom.
Features of the value in different positions: The king of Buben next to any "simple" card of a suit gadgetting foreshadows success in cash.

King worms

Basic meaning: Blond-haired man, usually married. A person who is inclined to provide you with favor and help. An unexpected meeting, arrival, joyful news.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any "simple" peak card - trouble.
With any "simple" trephy card - trouble.
With any "simple" tambourine card - getting money.
With any "simple" worr-card - success.


A separate category of cards with a rather wide range of values. The only thing that unites all the aces is that they all can designate letters or parcels. In addition, the aces may designate time: day or time of year; However, these values \u200b\u200bare taken into account only in special defolds committed to find out when it should happen this or that predicted event.
Four Tuys - the fulfillment of desires, a pleasant surprise. If four dozen fall out at the same time, then in the near future you will have a moment (hour, day, week) of limitless joy.

Ace Pick

Basic meaning: Depends on the situation. In the position "Top down" ace peak: means loss, sad letter, blow, fright. This value is considered the main one if the peak lies with the edge up, then the card can mean the benefits acquired by force; Passionate love: someone else's house.
Regardless of the position, the time of day, denoted to the ace of peak, is the night; Time of year - Winter.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With six, any suit - a horse ride,
With a dozen peak - unexpected receipt of money.
With ace TREF (both edges up) - a strong fright.
Features of the value in different positions: a dozen tambourine and ace of peaks on the sides of the Card asking foreshadow a quarrel because of money.

Ace Tref.

Basic meaning: Depends on the situation. In the position "Top down" TUZ TRIF means a false ear, the "government house", success in financial affairs .. "Top up" - fail, a gift (the nearest "figure" shows from whom, without a figure - a gift from an unfamiliar), a prefinous house (House of solid people).
Regardless of the position of the TUZ TREF means a business letter. Time of day - Evening, time of year - Sen.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With the six of any suit - the railway.
With the six Tref - a date and conversation on the street, in general on the road, in the evening.
With seven treph - winnings, victory.
With a nine peak - a quick news about good luck (downstream) or failure (upside down).
With nine worms - tender love.
With the king of Tref - the happy outcome of the conceived enterprise is a quick execution of desire.
Features of the value in different positions: If you are guessing for a woman, then TUZ TRIF with a king of any suit can foreshadow immodest and annoying courtship by the person denoted by this king.
On the heart "Top up" - failure in business.

Ace Buben

Basic meaning: Getting in a short time letters and news (the nearest "figure" will show, from whom). Time of day - day, season - summer.
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With any "simple" card of black suit - distance desired minutes, big troubles.
With any "simple" map of the Bubnova Masty, a quick receipt of money.
With six Treph - a date or conversation at dusk.
With seven, nine or dozen worms - a joyful or love letter.
With nine peak - cunning, deception of loved ones.
With a dozen peak (left) - mourning or sad letter.
With a dozen treph - business letter.
With a dozen tambourine - money letter.
With a dozen worms - a love letter.

Ace wormer

Basic meaning: Joy, satisfaction.
Ace worms - gift, package, morning, spring; Chervoy House (House
married people).
Values \u200b\u200bin combination:
With the six Tref - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening.
With a nine peak - a bush and pleasure, a date and a friend's location.
With a dozen peak - a sad letter.
With currency worms - pleasant news.
With "Figures" of any suit -pic and drink.
With ace of Tuben - a joyful letter,

Hello, dear masters. Almost half a year I visit your forum as a guest and would like to express tremendous thanks for the fact that you generously share your unique knowledge with all those who want. Personally, this forum personally helped to increase clarity, accuracy of divination, and, most importantly, his accuracy.

I promise that I will not ask a lot of questions and take time from you, and I will watch more and simply absorb the information :) /\u003e But something, in my opinion, I don't understand without your help, help me, please decipher such a combination Filled in the position of the future (to the right of the lady) in the cross: 8 bube currencies peak king worms.

The king of worms gave way to the husband, with whom the lady recently divorced. The divorce was the initiator. Does this mean that the resumption of relationships can not be? To clarify, stretched another card and laid the worms behind the king. As a result, it turned out - 8 bubes of currencies peak king of worms of 6 worms. The most suitable option is that the king wants to leave and leave her life "with the ends". Is such a interpretation?

I will be very grateful for your help. Thanks in advance.

Madly nice to read such reviews, Zingarella! We are actually without any rustle to share with all our considerable knowledge on the forum. Including on such a most important and most interesting topic as divination on ordinary maps. Very wanting from all of our students with time to grow real masters of their business, professionals.

On the contrary, we will be very happy if you will ask your questions and participate in discussions. It is doubly useful. And for you, as for a person studying. And for us, for our greater understanding, on which redaries stop in more detail, at what less.

Now essentially the most specified question.

If, when you fortunate the lady of the worms, the cards of 8 boobs fell from it in the scenario, the rings and the king of worms and taking into account the fact that in the recent past between the specified lady and the king was divorce, there is every reason to say that the resumption of relationships ( reconciliation) between these people will not be. Map 8 Bube (as a card of repetition or recovery of relationships) Beats the card currency rocket from the king of worms. This suggests that the king of worms in no way considers the possible version of re-convergence with the lady of worms and really decided to leave the life of the ladies of worms "with the ends". Card 6 worms attached by the map King of worms can only emphasize what the lady of worms should not build illusions about his initiatives (a map of 6 worms, like a map of the road King of worms) and televitations in the side of the ex-wife! King Cherveni is no longer necessary !!!

description of personality

As a map of the Sun, eight tambourine has the opportunity to rise to the very top of success. Despite this, it will strive for glory or not, it will always be respected. The tambourous eights love to "shine" and cause admiration for other people; They are endowed with the talent of the leader. People born under the influence of this card are very strong, but if they are dependent on their strength, it will turn into tyrants. They work out most of their negative karma in power clashes and in the struggle for power with other people. They do not like when they are controlled, and try to always maintain a guiding role in any respect.

The eight and position in the "crown" upper row of a life set gave this card to the desire for independence and the "punching" character. The bubnic eights know the price and are able to cope with the most difficult situation. For many of them, the strength equates to wealth and the possibility of spending a lot of money. The latter often enters a bad habit. Eight tambourines are able to run a huge amount in the blink of an eye.

However, they can achieve everything they want, thanks to incredible hard work and congenital intuition. If the Bubnovy G8 will learn to turn its strength on himself for personal transformation purposes and stop attempting to change the outside world, it will find a stable inner harmony and the ability to own themselves - the key concepts of its karmic card, ladies peak.

The tambourous eights are smart and very inquisitive. If they wanted to know anything, they do not stop them. Huge power inherent in them allows you to win victories and wisely to lead other people if they apply this force in the right direction. Sometimes eight tambourines are afraid or do not want to take responsibility associated with this force, but thereby they lose the lion's share of the potential given to them.

eight of eight tambourines with other people

In love, the bubnic eights are inconsistently and indecisive. Their independent, changeing nature resists solid relationships. In other cases, the eight of the tambourine often attracts partners who themselves do not want stability and marriage. Many bubnic eights practice "serial monogamy": for their lives they replace three, four or more marriage partners. They need a variety of love, which almost never can give a single person.

Bubnic eights must learn to provide their partners freedom of self-expression and do not try to change them. In addition, they must accept themselves as they are, and paying their love not only on other people, but also on themselves. Ace of peak as a map of cosmic reward and seven of worms as a pluto map say that the main task of the Bubnova Eight consists not at all in the successful suppression of the personality of the partner, but in the awareness of his own fear to remain alone.

As a rule, the eight of Tuben knows what he wants, and purposefully to this seeks. But, unfortunately, the subject of her aspirations is changing quite soon.

In most cases, the wiser decision of this problem will always have the habit of always putting the interests of the career above personal relationships. Otherwise, the Bubnovy G8 risks to lose part of his strength. The eights of the tambourine of both sexes are well rolled with representatives of the trephing suit. If they are able to abandon their own aspirations in love, they will gain real happiness.

euro tambourine compatibility with other birth cards

Bubnic eight women are ideal for marriage with peak men, especially if those are succeeding and strong people. Beautiful friendship for his whole life is possible with Chervel men. The tambourous eight men often cause sympathy from worm women, and women trephies can bring them real happiness. But best of all, they are compatible with peak women, although before drawing conclusions in this case, you should always study the specific links between birth cards.

Bubnic eight-women

For most bubnic eights, a dazzling solar smile is characterized. It seems as if they are so shine with sunlight. The eight of the tambourine is the map of the lion, regardless of what sunshine her representative was born. In the horoscope of the Bubnova G8, a lion mark will almost certainly be clearly shown. Even in the appearance of these people there is something lion, for example, a thick mane of hair. Of course, not all the tambourine eight women belong to this type of appearance, but most of them are.

Another remarkable feature of the Bubnova Eight is a tendency to apply gross power in terms of money and business. If you need, they will force any person to make even the act not deeperating to him. Even if the bubnic eight-woman looks like meek, in fact, she perfectly knows its price and is capable of a lot. When it comes to money, the eight of the tambourine shows an unusually strong will, and in some cases even ruthlessness. In the horoscopes of the Bubnovy G8, a strong effect of pluton, scorpion or VIII house is very often noticeable.