The game is flying in a balloon. Psychology. Business game "Catastrophe in a balloon. Psychological Exercises for Training

Statskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna

Plot role-playing game« Air balloon» .

Organizing time: Experimental research activities « Air everywhere»

Goal: Detect air In the surrounding space and reveal its property - invisibility.

Materials: air balloons, pelvis with water, empty plastic bottle, sheets of paper.

Description. The teacher makes children a riddle about air.

Through the nose passes into the chest

And back holds the way.

He is invisible and yet

Without it, we can not live. (Air)

Questions: What are we inhaling your nose?

What air?

What is it needed for?

Can we see it?

Where is air?

How to find out if there is air around?

Gaming exercise "Feel air» - Children make a sheet of paper near his face. What do you feel? Air we don't seeBut he surrounds us everywhere. We can feel movement air.

The tutor shows the children a blank bottle.

What do you think is there in an empty bottle air? (answer children) .

How can we check it out? Empty, transparent bottle is lowered in a pelvis with water so that it starts to be filled.

What's happening? Why do bubbles come out of the neck? This water displaces air from the bottle. Most of the items that look empty are actually filled air.

Name the items that we fill air. (answer children) Children

inflate air balloons. How do we fill balls?

Air fills any space so nothing

it is empty.

Surprise moment - appearance balloons(The balls are tied to the sports rack, which will serve as the basis balloon).

Educator: Guys, today, Omar, together with his mother, Aunt Yulya, prepared a surprise for us, brought to kindergarten balloons(The educator makes a surprise). What do you think in which game we can play with these balls(answer children) . The teacher will fail children to plot role game"Travel by hot-air balloon»

Plot role-playing game"Travel by hot-air balloon»


Learn children Distribute roles and act according to the role assigned.

Form the skill will be divided into subgroups in accordance with the game plotAnd at the end of the specified gaming action to unite into a single team.

Learning to create the necessary buildings, use the subjects of the deputies, to understand the imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.

To form a benevolent relationship between children.

Preliminary work: Reading book N. Nosova "Adventure Locking and his friends". Conversation O. air transport.

Equipment: for the manufacture of baskets: chairs in number children, Gymnastic ropes or rope, sandbags. Attributes for scene games"Cook", "Hospital", Pilot Set - Navigator balloon: Compass, pickle pipe, radio ...

Distribution of role:

Before we distribute the role with you, let's remember the golden rule "Be attentive to friends, listen to their advice and requests"

For the journey to go interesting, we need to choose a commander. Tell me, what should the commander do? (answer children)

The commander will lead the construction balloon, Show route flight. For this, he needs a compass and a picking pipe.

Guys, do you know what a compass looks like? This is a small box with a magnetic arrow. If you follow the arrow, you can never get lost, and you can always find the road back. For travelers, a pickling tube is simply necessary. Who will be commander? Children choose the commander if there are two children's desires, you can resolve a conflict with reading ... Educator: Hands Commander Compass and Pipe Pipe. But the commander needs two assistants, who wants to be an assistant?

Also during the trip can someone get sick. Who will be a doctor? The doctor must have everything you need for treatment. (The child clothes a bathrobe, hat, takes a chest with medicines).

We need cooks to prepare food in the campaign. They must not forget to collect products and dishes on the road (saucepan, plates, spoons and cups).

Us B. flight Reasonable radioist who will keep in touch with land (the tutor must take on this role, since this role will help him lead the whole game, if suddenly the child will show the desire to be a radist, it means that the teacher can become a radio officer)

Let's start preparing to flight. Commander, from which you can build a basket balloonHow to put chairs to inside the circle? Let's build it from the chairs a basket balloon, We will connect all the ropes and go on a journey.

1 Conflict situations:

Prepared balloon to flight, doctors and cooks prepared attributes for their professions, the educator creates a conflict situation, when leaving in share Lacks one place. Solution to the problem (answer children) .

All reckled and started flight, during flight:

Guys, look, we fly over the most important river of our region. The Kuban River is the largest river, there lives a lot of fish in it. And what kind of fish in the Kuban river know? (answer children)

Look down, and what are you seeing? (answer children)

1 Connection by mortgage.

The educator informs children that recently passed "tornado" Above the river Kuban, broken bridge and a big wave on the shore threw a lot of fish ...

The educator asks childrenWhat will happen next? (answer children)

You offer to land and help fish, but I like to travel to hot-air balloonlet's continue the journey next, and let some of the fish will help (answer children) .

The guys make a decision to land and assist.

After landing, the assistants of the commander - the pilot check the technical condition balloonThe chefs are preparing lunch, and the commander with the rest of the travelers is sent to help the victims ...

Children build a bridge, cross the river on the bridge to the other side of the river and let go of the fish in the water (paper layouts of fish, the educator individually asks childrenThe name of the fish, which the child released to the river.

Fastening the knowledge of the golden rule "If a friend got into trouble, I'm in a hurry to help"

The commander with travelers returns to the clearing, where assistants made a technical inspection. balloonChefs prepared lunch. Doctors spend a medical examination and provide first medical assistance. During food intake (which cooks prepared, the educator - a radio station arrives 2 post from the ground ...

2 Connection by mortgage.

The educator informs the guys about what a storm warning came and need to hurry, go further on the journey ...

Cooks collected dishes, doctors finish rendering medical assistance and all searched in a basket balloon.

During flight There is a discussion of the landscape over which the guys fly ...

Educator It's time for you with you Return to kindergarten, because

travelers must be bold, strong people and you are waiting for us to occupy the physical culture of Natalia Alexandrovna (instructor on felting ...

The game endsbut if free space will allow group, the game may continue at any free time at will children.

An abstract classes on the formation of the psychological readiness of children to the school "Journey in a balloon". Tasks:

- Create conditions for the manifestation of smelling, creative abilities;

Contribute to the development of self-regulation;

Provide conditions for the formation of cooperation and cultural communication skills.



Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Children's garden of the general developmental type with the priority activities of the informative and speech direction of the development of children number 30"

Abstract classes

on the formation of psychological readiness of children to school

"Journey in a balloon"

pedagogian psychologist Bogolyub L.V.

arzamas, 2015.

Occupation - game "Journey in a balloon"

- to promote the formation of cognitive motivation in children, the development of cognitive processes: attention, imagination, thinking, shallow motility hands;
- Create conditions for the manifestation of smelling, creative abilities;

Contribute to the development of self-regulation;

Provide conditions for the formation of cooperation and cultural communication skills.

Pedagogian psychologist invites children to get up in a circle.

1. Express "Friendship begins with a smile."Before the exercise, the teacher-psychologist (hereinafter referred to as PS-D) sets up a group to the following words necessary for future work: "Of course, everyone watched the cartoon about the crumb of raccoon, which thanks to the smile made friends with her reflection in the river." And we - we also know that the smile makes real wonders. Let's try to create a small miracle: I'll get up, take your hands, let's look at the neighbor in my eyes - first my neighbor left, then a neighbor on the right and give each of them without words a good smile. Well done! What do you feel? (Children share their feelings). PS-G summarizes:I also noticed that you have changed a little not only in the face (still smile), but also in the soul - they became closer to each other and kinder.

2. Game "Journey in a balloon"

PS-G: I know that each of you in the group has good friends, and you can rely on friends, with them and it is interesting to play, they will come to the rescue at any moment. I suggest today everyone to go on the journey. Agree? But on foot we can quickly get tired. What can you travel?(Children call different types of transport) And in a balloon you can travel? I suggest flying today in a balloon. Let's build it now.(Children put chairs in the circle is a basket).What you need to do so that he flew? Responses of children: You need to inflate the ball hot air. For what?Responses of children. PS-G summarizes:hot air is easier cold, so it rises up and takes a ball with me.

PS-G. : We light the gas burner, cut off the rope that keeps the ball on the ground, and slowly climb over the earth(Children imitate actions).Keep tight. What do we see around? (What buildings, what birds fly by?Responses of children. Children talk about what buildings are around the kindergarten, they only call winter birds if the occupation is carried out in winter) The wind gradually relates a bowl to the forest. Let's take binoculars and look down(Children make binoculars from squeezed cams, bringing them to their eyes). What kind of animals look at us from below? Answers children taking into account the life of animals at this time of year. The wind blew stronger, we approach the warm sea. What animals do we see now? Responses of children. The wind blows stronger, so the sea remains behind. And we rises above. Look at how everything decreased. What does the river look like? Lake? The woods? Road? Responses of children. And we climb even higher. Clouds. What are they?Responses of children. Ps-g leads children to the conclusion that the clouds in the sky are like fog on earth - wet, foggy, cool). How cold it becomes here. It's time to descend. How do we do it? (Children's responses) Gasim fire. The ball is cooled, go down. What a hard landing!(Imitation of hard fall children).Let's help each other to put yourself in order. Stay around.

The game "Curious Varvara". Turn the head to the left, try to make it so to see as far as possible. Now Neck muscles are tense! Put the neck on the right, the muscles have become solid, like stone. Return to the starting position. Similar to the other side. Inhale - pause, exhale pause.

Curious Barabara

Looking left ...

Looks right ...

And then again forward

There is a little relax.

Neck is not tense, but relaxed.

Now raise your head up. Look at the ceiling. Loop your head back! How strained neck! Unpleasant! It is difficult to breathe. Straighten. It became easy, breathing freely. Inhale - pause, exhalation - pause.

And Barbara looks up!

Returns back

Relaxing nice!

Neck is not tense

And relaxed

Now slowly lower your head down. Tension the neck muscles. Behind them became hard. Straighten the neck. It is relaxed. Nice, breathing well. Inhale - pause, exhalation - pause.

And now let's see down

Neck muscles tightened!

Returning back

Relaxing nice!

Neck is not tense

And relaxed.

We flew to an unknown country. It is hot here. The tops of the pyramids are visible. Who learned how this country is called? (Children's responses) That's right, this is hot Africa, distant Egypt. We need to be careful in someone else's country. I propose first to divide the territory.

(Game "Scouts").The room is placed chairs in random order.I propose to choose a countdown of the commander. He appointsscout. The scout goes through the room, bypassing the chairs from any side, and the commander, remembering the road, should hold a detachment in the same way. Then the intelligence and commander of the detachment becomes other children. Well, we came to the famous Egyptian pyramids. They are here for thousands of years and stored many secrets. Want to enter the pyramid inside? Unfortunately, the entrance is closed. To enter inside, we need to guess the castle code. And he is in the notebook. Let's sit at the tables and open them.

(Task "Run signs"):In notebooks prepared tasks:

Only here is not the key. Let's look around, maybe he is somewhere nearby. Oh, there is some kind of sweat on the sand (Ps-g raises the floor with a floor in the roll in the form of a parchment sheet of paper stylized under ancient).Let's turn it out, maybe there is the key to our castle. For sure. This is an ancient papyrus, on which the Egyptians recorded how to open the lock.

See each sign corresponds to the figure. Let's write them in empty cells and then we can enter the pyramid.

So we entered. How cool here is not what is outside. On the walls of the pyramids drawings of ancient artists. But not all patterns are preserved. Let's try to restore the pattern on the wall - we will work as artists-restorers.

(Express "Draw in the cells).You see, you have three points in the notebooks - it's all that remained from ancient patterns. (Points are located in one row at a distance of 9 cells from each other). Put a pencil to the first point, do it line: 2 cells to the right, one cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 2 cells left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell to the left, one cell up, 1 cell to the left, one cell up, 2 cells left, one cell up. The drawing closed. To get a pattern, let's draw the same pattern, starting from the second point, and then with the third. So renovated patterns.

Guys, I read that if a person is in such an unusual and mysterious place, like a pyramid, he becomes also unusual and becomes unusual abilities. Maybe we also purchased them. Let's check it out, especially since we need to return home, and from the balloon we are very far away.

I suggest flying on the clouds.

(Relaxation "Swim in the clouds")Sounds of calm music. Psychologist:"Lie on the mats and take a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Breathe easily and slowly. Imagine that you are in nature, in an excellent location. Warm, quiet day. You are nice, and you feel good. You are absolutely calm.

You learn and look up on the clouds - large, white, fluffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. Breathe free.

During the breath, you begin to gently climb over the ground. With each breath you slowly and smoothly climb towards a large fluffy cloud. You climb even higher on the tip of the cloud and gently drown in it.

Now you float on top of a large fluffy cloud. Your hands and legs are free to stretch to the sides, you are too lazy to move. You are resting. The cloud slowly together with you begins to descend everything below and below until it reaches the Earth.

Finally, you were safely stretched out on Earth, and your cloud returned to myself on the sky. It smiles to you, you smile to him. You have a wonderful mood. Save it for the whole day. " Well, we and at home. If you wanted to learn more about Africa, where will you find this information?The answers of children in which they recall the sources of information.

Reflection . What impression did you have from the game? What did you like in the game? What task did you like most? What task was easy to perform? What is hard? Where would you like to go next time and what?

Business game "Catastrophe in a balloon"

This is a group (team) game that contributes to the manifestation of group cohesion, leadership, the ability of the leader to maintain the effectiveness of his team. Students learn to distribute roles and functional duties within their group, to develop group norms, strive for group unitedness. The game there is a realization of the importance of group cohesion, the ability to effectively overcome controversial and conflict situations. On the example of this game, you can trace the stage of team formation.

The order of the game

You can play in this game without breaking to the command, but if the number of players is greater than 20, you should be divided into commands. The breakdown is usually arbitrary, but you can form groups according to certain features: a group of "wise men", "Humanists", "Hard-work", "wild barbarians", etc.

A variant is possible when the leaders are selected separately among young men and girls. Then the team will form around them. Then both leaders form their teams.

Introduction to the game situation

Lead Pronounces: "How good to be in a circle of friends! Each team is now in a basket of a balloon. You rise above the ground, no longer see the faces below, at home become similar to children's cubes, the roads turn into string - and you fly under the clouds. You fly over the cities and forests, the wind is strong, and now you are over the ocean. The ocean is non-safe, you are visible on top of the white lamb waves, but what is your business, your balloon confidently carries you to the distance. But what is it? A small point appears on the horizon, and this point is approaching! This is a gigantic eagle, he looks at you with unkind eyes! He grows over you, swears over the ball, disappears from the field of your vision - and suddenly you hear the scream, scratching on the trim, blows and hissing. You have a rifle, one of you shoots a mudder - and the wounded eagle slowly slides towards and down. But your ball also begins to lose height. Basket of the balloon can stay on the water, but if the storm starts, the ball will turn over. In the distance, in the direction of the wind, several islands, most likely uninhabited. There is a chance to escape if you get rid of the most necessary things, and fly to the islands. But what to throw? After all, some things can come in handy to live on these uninhabited islands, and how much there will have to live, no one knows. About the climate In these latitudes, nothing is known: now warm, but what is winter?

Everyone opened their eyes - and found themselves in their group. Everyone will now receive a list of things in a basket of a bowl, and will consistently "throw out" things to fly to the island. The first number is noted what you decide to throw out first, the second number is in the second, fifteenth number - what you will throw out least. The work is absolutely independent, it is impossible to discuss anything with the neighbors. In the basket there should be things, the total weight of which is no more than 100 kg. For all the work you have 10 minutes. "

List of things in a basket of a bowl:

  • 1) bowls, mugs, spoons (9 kg);
  • 2) Ranker with signal missiles (6 kg);
  • 3) geographical maps and compass (2 kg);
  • 4) canned meat (20 kg);
  • 5) axes, knives, shovels (12 kg);
  • 6) canister with drinking water (20 l);
  • 7) bandages, wool, hydrogen peroxide, greenfly (7 kg);
  • 8) rifle with a margin of cartridges (30 kg);
  • 9) chocolate (10 kg);
  • 10) Gold, diamonds (25 kg);
  • 11) big dog (55 kg);
  • 12) fishing gear (1 kg);
  • 13) toilet mirror, awl, soap and shampoo (3 kg);
  • 14) Salt, sugar, a set of vitamins (9 kg);
  • 15) Medical alcohol (10 l).

After each has made its choice, the following task is given for the entire command.

Host: "Death threatens you, the only hope is to fly to the island and survive on it. Will not throw anything - you will fall and drown in the sea. Make a mistake by throwing the right thing or immediately everything is dead. Everyone did his choice, now each team should develop a general decision, but not by voting, but unanimous agreement. If at least one person will be "against", the decision is not accepted. At the same time, do not pull the time: you can perish, you have 15-20 minutes. Having finished the work, sum up, in particular, find out whose individual solution was closer to the group. Then we find out whose individual decision was the wiser or who is best able to convince others. "

Command work for 20 minutes.

Those groups that have decided for a smaller number of minutes make a list of discussion winners. This is done so. Everyone has its own list and list of the general group. For each item it is necessary to calculate the difference module, i.e. If p. 1 (mugs, etc.) at Vasi 3rd rank (he decides to throw it out by the third in turn), and the group put it on the 5th place, then on this point the difference is 2; If Vasi had this item at 5th place, and the group on

2nd, the difference would be 3. After creating this difference between the individual and general solution for each item, it is easy to determine how generally the decision of Vasi was far from group, and compare whose decision to group turned out to be closer.

If the group failed to cope with the task ahead of schedule, the definition of the winners can be skipped, but this moment is very interesting for players. If there is an opportunity, it is worth discussing with the group, what, in their opinion, is more important - the ability to prove your right point or work in general on the salvation of the group?

In fact, it is important to discuss the course of the past discussion and contribute to it. What is the general strategy, who contributed to who saved the group, and who is the opposite? It is necessary to take 10 minutes to it. If you skip this moment, then for students, all the happened will be only an exciting game in an adventure, but not a lesson of life.

The group is located in a basket of a balloon that flies over the ocean. Suddenly, the ball begins to lose height. Away, in the direction of the wind, several uninhabited islands. There is a chance to escape and fly to the island, if you get rid of less important things in a basket of a bowl. The question is what specifically throw away? Some things can come in handy for life on the islands, though how many there will have to stay, no one knows.

List of things in a basket of a balloon:

1. Bowls, mugs, spoons.

2. Rankers with signal missiles.

3. Geographical maps, compass.

4. Canned meat.

5. Axes, knives, shovels.

6. Canister with drinking water.

7. First aid kit.

8. Rifle with cartridges.

9. Chocolate.

10. Gold, jewelry.

11. Dog breed diver.

12. Fishing gear.

13. Toiletries.

14. Salt, sugar, a set of vitamins.

15. Medical alcohol.

It is necessary to position these items according to the degree of significance to survive people under these conditions. The first number marks the subject that it is decided to throw away first, the second number is what is thrown into the second, etc. The fifteenth number marks the most important thing - it will be thrown in the last place. The list of things is distributed to the participants of the game.

The game goes in three stages:

Stage 1. Each performs the task yourself.

Stage 2. The task is performed by small groups.

Stage 3. The task is performed by a large group.

To achieve agreement, the Group must come to a common opinion. It is not easy to achieve this, for not every assessment receives the full approval of all. The group should choose such assessments with which all at least partly agree. It is impossible to pull the time - you can perish.

The analysis is carried out with the help of answers to questions:

· What was the atmosphere in the group?

· What prevented the achievement of consent?

· What are the signs of leadership?

· Who showed activity?

· Who was passive?

· Who dominated?

· Due to what was influenced?

· Which individual communication styles could be identified - care, suppression, transition to personality, psychological blackmail, search like-minded people, something else?

· What types of behavior helped, and what did the consent prevented?

Task 16.. Personal position reflection in the group. Check out the information filed below. Determine what was your style of entry into a professional group. Why do you think so?

In modern management, there are the following four types of entry into a team of one or another organization and assimilation of its norms and values:

Negation.The person denies everything, he does not like everything, and he takes his new team, which is called, creaking his teeth, constantly showing it all. Such employees are not delayed in any firm for a long time.

"Conformism". A person agrees with everything that he is told and what they demand from him. Such people do not have their own opinions and are not too worried about the affairs of the company, remaining passive in many situations. They can be good workers, but first of all - performers who do not show the valuable initiatives today.

"Mimicry". Externally agreeing with the norms and requirements of the organization, the person actually does not accept them internally. As a rule, such people are potential mining to other organizations as soon as a convenient case will be introduced.

"Adaptive individualism." (The most productive). Demonstrating this type of entry, a person successfully adapts to the requirements of the new organization, but at the same time openly can express his disagreement and allows himself to speak with the criticism that he does not like. As a rule, these are very strong professionals who hurt for business and cannot indifferently see what is bad in the sphere in which they are well versed.

Task 17.. Professional potential reflection based on the self-analysis of opportunities.

In the book of American researcher, Max Egger "Brilliant career" published a list of issues to study its capabilities in building a career. Try reasonably answer these questions.

Sketches of the life of the life path:

· How would I like to use my life and what would I like to achieve?

· What are my specific goals in the field of career: for this month, for this year, for a decade?

· How to stand out for the better during a meeting: for today, this month, this year?

· What are your career milestones scheduled and when should I achieve them?

· Are my goals are measurable and divisible to the steps?

· Is it possible to establish realistic deadlines to achieve my goals?

· What newspapers and magazines do I need to achieve career goals?

The milestone of the life path is related to the task of strategic life planning. Experience shows that organizations and individual workers who do not speak the skills of strategic planning have much worse indicators compared to those that such planning have. The same can be said about a separate person.

Identify the point of the best application forces:

· In what situations do I achieve success? Why?

· What are the possibilities of growing in my work?

· What did I achieve success today and thanks to?

What should be abandoned in the interests of the career, why?

The career should be built on the military principle - applying the main strike, for which all the forces are collected at one point.

Samoenalysis and self-motive:

· What is the most important incentive for me?

· How will I reward myself for adjacent and progress?

· How can I improve my work?

· What skills will I need in the future for my work?

· What personality qualities help and interfere with me in my work?

· What did I find out today useful, what will help me work tomorrow better?

· What should I do to maintain my professional level: this week, this month, this year?

Without maintaining self-motion at a high level, career growth will be periodically exhaled. Without proper pressure, steam in the boiler the locomotive will not move forward. Therefore, you need a regular fit.

Study of the direct chief:

· How did my boss and the head of my superior?

· What do I like and what do not like to my boss in how I work?

· How can I contribute to the success of my boss?

· What follows in the specialty my boss and should I read the same?

· What strong and weak parties have my boss? How can I use them?

· Can I influence in any way on my chief?

A good boss at work is like a good father at home. It is better to have a good boss in a bad organization than bad - in good. A good boss himself grows and contributes to the growth of his subordinates.

Exploring the possibilities of the organization:

· What is the culture of my organization and as far as I appropriate?

· Who is the leader in our organization and what I differ from him?

· How do people get a boost here?

· Who has real power in our organization?

· What is the classic path of promoting positions interested in me in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, in this organization?

· Who in the organization has a serious impact on the adoption of important decisions?

· What organizations are our industry flags and how can I get into them?

· How to make management noticed my merits?

· What are the criteria for success in work: from the organization, at my boss, I have?

· How is successful in work measured and is ranked by me, my boss, in our organization?

· How can I get great confidence in my work, in my boss, in the results of my own work, in his organization?

Creating a network of connections and dating:

· How do I support useful contacts so that they help my activities?

· What of what I do or read may be useful to those I have included in my network?

· With whom I had a relationship and how can I improve them?

· Who would I like to establish contacts and how to achieve it with colleagues and acquaintances?

· What contacts will you bring the greatest benefit in career development?

Dating and communications are ropes that can raise you on top of success. These are the same time and money that helps professional growth. Above the development of the scope of dating and maintaining them, it is necessary to work in the same way as over their professional skills, if not more.

Control Test

1. Social community with which the individual relates itself as a certain standard is ... a group.

a) formal;

b) conditional;

c) reference;

d) real.

2. Consciousness of man's opinion is the opinion of the majority of the Group, changing their behavior under the influence of the Group to avoid conflict with it - this is ...

a) suggestibility;

b) conformism;

c) Noncommissism.

3. Significance for the individual, groups are distinguished:

a) real and conditional;

b) formal and informal;

c) reference and non-reference.

4. Conformism is:

a) negative attitude towards someone;

b) subordination of the influence of another person;

c) positive attitude to something;

d) human submission to group pressure.

5. What style of leadership meets the directive method of manual?

b) democratic;

c) liberal.

6. Which style of leadership is the collegial manual method?

b) democratic;

c) liberal.

7. The formal and informal groups are divided by the classification:

a) by nature;

b) on property forms;

c) by the nature of internal connections;

d) by status.

8. On the informal structure of the team does not affect:

a) Communication;

b) identification;

c) adaptation;

d) integration;

e) subordination.

9. What type of relationship is characterized by remoteing from each other in the absence of both cooperation and rivalry?

a) friendly cooperation;

b) friendly competition;

c) non-interference;

d) the cooperation of antagonists;

e) rivalry.

10. What type of relationship is characterized by the orientation on an individual purpose even in conditions of joint work, based on the general mutual confidence?

a) friendly cooperation;

b) friendly competition;

c) non-interference;

d) co-operating antagonists.

This exercise is test and allows you to check how efficiently command interaction.
Exercise is performed in mini-groups of 7-9 people. The division into groups can be carried out according to any principle, for example, at the birth season. The mini-group sits in a circle, takes hands, everyone closes their eyes.
12 Vachkovy. B. Basics of group training technology. Psychotechnics: Tutorial. M., 1999.

Team person training

II. Scenario training team building for premises

A) leads the following:
Take each other by your hands, feel each other. How good to be in a circle of friends! So, we are all now in a basket of a balloon and go on a trip to one of the uninhabited islands in the Atlantic Ocean. There, the spring is already warm, pineapples grow, and no need to make out no visas: the island is uninhabited! In short, you scored a lot of useful things in this ball to live without problems at least a week, and in fact - with a stock, and now you are ready for flight. You are accompanied by a bunch of friends and relatives, troubles, hugs, kisses, farewell ...
Close your eyes.
Light swaying, and you tear off the ground. The chill in the chest, and then the feeling of freedom and a flight of the flight ... You can no longer see people under you, at home become similar to children's cubes, the roads turn into a string - and you fly under the clouds. You fly over the cities and forests, the wind is strong, and now you see the blue strip from the edge to the edge of the horizon - this is the Atlantic Ocean. The ocean is non-safe, you are visible on top of the white lambs of the waves - but what is your business before that, your balloon confidently carries you away. And now you have been away, you see a small point - here is the island where you are flying! Above the island of many birds, now there are already a few cups flew very close to you: maybe one of these cases is called Jonathan Livingston? The island is already visible, you are already ready to slowly decline - somewhere in twenty minutes you will be on solid land! What interesting adventures await you there!
But what is it? You see how some big bird come off from the mountain and flies right to meet you! It is a giant eagle, and he looks at you with unkind eyes! Maybe he took you for his opponent? He makes a circle around you around the circle, then suddenly swept off our ball, disappears from the field of your vision - and suddenly you hear the male, scratching with something sharp on the fabric, strikes - and hiss.

You have a rifle, one of you shoot a muddy - and the eagle, losing blood, on my wide wings begins to slowly slide toward and down. But your ball also starts to lose height. Your only chance to escape - fly to the Earth, because at the bottom began the storm and any swimmer will simply break about sharp reefs and rocks. Fly to the island - about 20 minutes. But it is approximately. Maybe more, and maybe less. Even the Lord God will not say the exact figure. There is a chance to escape, if you facilitate the ball, freeing from not the most necessary things. But what to throw?
List extension (outstanding the ticket)

No. p / p Packaging content Weight
1 2 3
1 Bowls, mugs, spoons 4 kg
2 Ranker with a set of signal missiles 5 kg
3 Selection of useful books about everything 9 kg
4 Canned meat 20 kg
5 Tops, knives, shovel 14 kg
6 Canister with drinking water 20 L.
7 Bandages, wool, peroxide, green 1.5 kg
8 Rifle with a margin of cartridges 20 kg
9 Condoms and some medicines 0.5 kg
10 Imported chocolate 7 kg
11 Gold, diamonds and bright decorations, ribbons 0.4 kg
12 Very big dog 75 kg
13 Fishing gear 0.6 kg
14 Toilet Mirror, Shilo, Soap and Shampoo 1 kg
15 Warm clothes and blankets 50 kg
16 Salt, sugar, spices, set of polyvitamins 2 kg
17 Braided nylon rope 150 M.
18 Medical alcohol 10 L.

Teaming training
B) Individualwork.
You have 7 minutes to work. During this time, you must find yourself a handle and record your solution in the first of the three sprays on the right. Range strictly individually. Forbidden any conversations. For conversations, the team will be fined. We start work on my team.
C) commandwork.
The presenter reads the instructions:
It's good or bad, but you are not alone in a bowl - in a ball your whole team, and besides your opinion, there are opinions others. Accordingly, you need to agree. In the second column, you must write down the team rank of miscarriage. Each team now has to work out its overall decision, but not by voting for most votes, but a consensus, that is, the general, unanimous agreement. If at least one person will be against, the decision is not accepted.
For the adoption of a general solution you have 20 minutes. Did not meet in 20 minutes - your team falls into the ocean and eat all the hungry sharks. But keep in mind: if you arrive not with the set of things, then your life on the island will be sad and short. If you agreed faster - this is an indicator of high-quality teamwork. You will be rewarded for it: each saved minute is one thing saved to you.
The host notes, for what time the general group was made, the time for performing the task is determined by each team (one more thing is left for each sacking minute).
D) discussion.
At the end of the game, the participants in the general circle are expressed by who helped them make a decision, and who interfered with what was right, and what was wrong each of them.

L. Scenario training team building for premises 205
7. Exercise "Group Figure"
Exercise takes place in two stages. At the first stage, each participant is invited to draw a metaphorical image of itself (in the form of an image, symbol, sign) at the moment of life. At the second stage, participants are issued markers and sheet of Watman. It is necessary to draw a general drawing of the group in which there would be a place for all individual drawings of the participants.
8. Reflection on the day and all of the trainings
Reflection or feedback throughout the trainings is more detailed. It needs to be allocated enough time (30-40 minutes). Participants are invited to answer the following questions: the most vivid impressions that you made from the training for yourself? How will you use the experience gained in the training? Wishes, thanks to other members of the group and leading.
9. Ritual Day Completion
LIST OF LITERATURE BASEART. Y. Personnel management of a developing organization. M., 1996. Bronsteinm. Management teams: theory and practice of building an efficient team. M., 2004. Vesninv. R. Fundamentals of management: Tutorial. 1999.

Teaming training

Galenkov. P., insurance. I., Faibushevichs. I. How to effectively manage the organization M., 2001. Dontsova. I. Psychology of the team. M., 1984. Zinkevich-Evstigneevat. D. IDR. Team creation technology. SPb.: Speech, 2002. Zinkevich-Evstigneevat. D. Effective team: steps to create. Guide for those who want to create their team. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003. Ilyenkova. D. Innovation management. M., 1997. Capecio. Teams that win. M., 2005.
Karyakin. M. Command Work: Fundamentals of Theory and Practice. Ivanovo, 2003. Maxwell. Create the Leader / Per command. from English L. A. Babuk. M., 2003. Parkerg., Kroppr. Formation of the command: Collection of exercises for coaches. St. Petersburg., 2002. Podigo I. Modern sociology of organizations. M., 1995. Pugacheva. B. Organizational behavior. M., 2001. Rezniks. D. Manager team // Eco. 1997. No. 3. Richterk. Formation of the Command Spirit // Personnel Management. 2004. No. 10.