In Umbra - demonology as a semiotic system - almanac. In Umbra. Demonology as a semiotic system. Almanac demonology as a semiotic system


1 Russian State Humanitarian University Center Tyology and Semiotics Folklore IV International Scientific Conference Demonology as a Semiotic System Moscow, RGGU JUNE 2016. Theses of Reports Moscow 2016

2 UDC 398 (08) BBK 82.3 (0) D31 D31 Compilers and editors D.I. Antonov, O.B. Christophore demonology as a semiotic system. Abstracts of the IV International Scientific Conference reports. Moscow, RGGU, June 2016 / Sost. and ed. DI. Antonov, O.B. Christoform. M., p. Demonology performances are the most important part of current mythology almost everywhere and up to our time. Significant place they occupy in the space of European culture of different eras at all its levels of theological thoughts, church-learning practices, "People's Christianity". The purpose of the conference is the study of demonology as a semiotic system operating in oral tradition, book and iconography, mass culture and post-phollo. The conference discusses the following problems: demonological images and submissions in relevant mythology, folklore and post-phollo; demonological themes in rituals and ritualized behavior; demonological plots in the book and visual tradition, with a special interest in the interaction of the languages \u200b\u200bof the image and written narration; The relationship and mutual influence of the church ("scientist", "book") and folk demonology in a variety of leaks and practitioners; ideas about obsession and related practices; Faith in Witchcraft: general models and local contexts; demonological models in political and ideological discourse and visual propaganda; Demoniating "other": functions, rhetoric, social contexts. UDC 398 (08) BBK 82.3 (0) D31 Collective authors, 2016 Russian State Humanitarian University,

3 Contents Alexandrova T.L. Ways to visualize demonic forces in Evdokia's poem "On St. Cyprian "Antonov D.I. Snakes, Woman, Sphinx and Camel: Who is an articulated Adam and Eve in Eden. 8 Bakan G.V. Man Beast-Demon: The game of images in Roman G.K. Grimeshelsgausen "Simplcyssimus" and understanding the problem of commonwork in early demonological treatises Basharin P.V. "Wonders of the Sea" in Muslim miniature. 17 Berezovich E.L. "Kuleshi Nakuzli, naked ...": Once again about the origin of the Russian dialecty demonym Kulesh 19 Davletshina L.h. Loss in modern ideas of the Tatars of the forever-pre-commercial range .. 23 Giurich D. Personification and demonization of the day of the week Sunday .. 26 Doronin D.Yu. Turgak: Demons of the path in the Altai Mythology of Jephanskaya I. Wolf image in the Polish fabulous and non-bargaining prose .. 39 Zhuravel OD Demonology of the Old Believers-Chapels XX B.: Between the book and the folklore Zotov S.O. Demons in the details: Cleaner Topic of optical devices XIX in Ivanov S.A. The demon of the saint interlocutor in the Byzantine Agiography 49 Ivanova L.I. Mythological characters in therapeutic rituals of Karelov. 50 Queen E.E. Man and unclean power in the fastity of the Old Believers of Latgale. 53 Korolev S.Yu. Lessel and Dead in the Myth and Ritual Tradition of the North Kama Lazareva A.A. Animal as a demonic character in narratives about prophetic dreams 60 Levkievskaya E.E. Polessian ideas about Kolvun on the Western Slavic background Maudzuls M.R. The coat of arms of the devil, the devil on the coat of arms: "negative" emblems as a system of Matveev E.G. "Markers of fear" in the children's terrible stories of Makhov A.E. Dubube of Our Lady. The thing and the word in the demonstration iconography "Madonna coming to the rescue"

4 Medvedev V.V. Bath image in the tradition of the Chuvash: Verbal code 86 Meshcheryakova OA, Sixterkina N.V. Perceptualization of the image of the brownie in the art discourse .. 88 Mikhailova T.A. Demon as a syntax function. 91 Naumova Yu.N. "Previously, the zatsenki was, and now they disappeared": models of denial of demonological knowledge of non-drids S.Yu. Witch Alena 101 Petrov N.V. How is the "biography" of sorcerers and knowledgeable? (fragment of the pointer of the motives of Russian mythological prose) Pisulshchuk D.V. An image of the space of hell in the compositions of the length iconography "Presentation" of the second. floor. XVII XIX centuries. and problems of semiotics of the inscriptions and images Radedkovich L. names of mythological creatures to intimidate children in Slavyan Rusinova I.I., Bobrova M.V., Black A.V. The image of the unclean forces participating in the root of the initiation of the sorcerer (on the material of the mythological stories of the Perm region) Sibagatov F.Sh. The image of Iblis in the Bashkir literature XX in Starostinina AB Representations of walking dead men in medieval China. 124 Cheeff V.I. Mythological image of Dev in the verbal work of Gagauz O.I. Shabash Witch: early images and their possible prototypes of 130 Christorova O.B. "Word about St. Macaria and demons, vessels of the sinking ": Metamorphosis of the plot in the Russian Book and Lumping Tradition 132 Chervanova V.A. Methods of presenting a storyteller in mythological text. 142 Chernetsov A.V. Stefan Permian and demons in the handwritten and fine tradition of Chernova M.A. Fair Fathers and profile (in epic and sulfur mythological prose) Shenavskaya T.L. O Demone, "Which is called the Norwegian language" Schuratok Yu.A., Rusinova I.I., Black A.V. The image of a witch-thing in the mythological stories of the Middle Kama Shumov K.E. Functional and genetic similarities and differences of mythological characters in traditional folklore and post-phollo

5 birch. Berezkin Yu.E. Thematic classification and distribution of folk-mythological motives for ranges. Analytical catalog< Литература Койэтт Б. Посольство Кунраада фан-кленка к царям Алексею Михайловичу и Федору Алексеевичу. СПб., 1900 (пер. А. Ловягина). С. 456 (гл. 27). Марций И.Ю. Стенко Разин донски козак изменник // Иностранные известия о восстании Степана Разина: материалы и исследования / Ред. А.Г. Маньков. Л., Отписка кн. Ю.А. Долгорукова в приказ Казанского Дворца от 16 декабря 179 [= 1670 г.] // Крестьянская война под предводительством Степана Разина: Сборник документов / Сост. Е.А. Швецова. Ред. А.А. Новосельский, В.И. Лебедев. M., Т. II. Ч. I. С Поучительные досуги Иоганна Фриша, или примечательные и вдумчивые беседы, в которых речь идет о полезных и поучительных материях, а также каждый раз сообщается о важнейших событиях нашего времени // Иностранные известия о восстании Степана Разина: Материалы и исследования / Ред. А.Г. Маньков. Л., С Сообщение касательно подробностей мятежа, недавно произведенного в Московии Стенькой Разиным // Записки иностранцев о восстании Степана Разина. (Тексты, переводы и исследования) / Под ред. А.Г. Манькова. Т. I. Л., С Н.В. Петров (РГГУ, РАНХиГС, Москва) Как устроена «биография» колдунов и знающих? (фрагмент указателя мотивов русской мифологической прозы) 1 В традиционной жизни села люди, обладающие магическим знанием, связанные, как считалось, с потусторонним миром, знающиеся с нечистой силой, 1 Исследование выполнено при поддержке Российского научного фонда, проект «Тексты и практики фольклора как модель культурной традиции: сравнительно-типологическое исследование». 106

6 occupy a special place. Usually these people themselves are not inclined to advertise their knowledge, and others do not speak about them openly. However, this does not interfere with all local residents to know who should be contacted in the event of a disease, the search for a person lost in the forest, the love spell. The sign (knowledgeable) can be called: an old woman who treats words; The sorcerer, who spoiled the wedding because of the insult, was not called on her; The one who did so that the shepherd has all the cows scattered through the forest, as well as who found them in the forest and gathered together. This word does not know the separation on those who use magic benefit and who for harm people. This separation on evil sorcerers and good sanguarians to a greater extent exists in consciousness or distant from the traditional culture of modern city inhabitants or researchers. The carriers of the tradition, on the contrary, do not usually do such distinction, and this division itself completely artificially professionals have some secret knowledge that can be perceived as magical. It was the principle that we put the basis of the reference of the texts to the collection [Signs 2016]. To these texts, I prepared a pointer of the meaning elements, the structure of which was based on the section on the sorcerer / knowledgeable pointer of the motives of mythological prose in Russian (most of the collections are taken into account). This part consists of 14 sections. Of course, the pointer is constantly complemented, and the rubrics change their names, in this case it is only an intermediate stage (and report) of the work. The structure of this section is currently represented as follows: I. Social status of signs I.A. Relatives and delicacies have to know I.B. Old men / old people / former people have aware of I.V. Neighbors have aware of I.G. Wanderers / Beggars possessing I.D. Believers / Invitets have aware of I.E. Gypsies possess the I.Zh. Professionals have aware of I.Z. People who have to know by virtue of birth / life circumstances II. Appearance, character traits, features of the behavior of signs II.A. Features of appearance / view II.B. Features of character 107.

7 II.V. Features of behavior II.G. Features of the housing / habitat II.D. No identification feature III. Signs and their magic: good and bad III.A. White and black magic III.B. The expert can harm and help / knows on good and bad III.V. The expert refuses to use the affiliate / black magic IV. Relationships of signs with surrounding IV.A. Surrounding Respect Sign IV.B. The surroundings are afraid / do not like the sign V. Receipt and transfer of nobles V.A. Conditions for obtaining nobles V.B. Transmission conditions Nobles V.V. Ways to transfer Nobles V.G. The sorcerer / connoisseur must be conveyed to know when it comes / before death VI. What are the signs of VI.A. Can smooth VI.B. Squake damage to people / on cattle / at home / on the harvest VI.V. Spoil / guard the wedding VI.G. Disgrained / brought to VI.D. Ensure from the evil eye / damage VI.E. Make people / cattle vi.zh. Provide the integrity of herd VI.Z. Affect fishing VI.I. Graze cattle with the help of unclean power VI.K. Provide house well-being VI.L. Provide luck / failure on the hunt / fishing / Pasties VI.M. Eat home insects VI.N. Looking for a thief / lost objects / money / people / cattle VI.O. Looking for a drowned VI.P. You are guessing / predicted by fate / future VI.R. Recognize the cause of disasters and give advice how to get rid of VI.s. Send to the army VI.T. Help at court vi. Pushes dreams / vision 108

8 VI.F. Heal patients with VI.x. Take / facilitate childbirth VI. Sweep vision VI.C. It is known with the unclean power of VI.Sh. Helps other marks VI. Compare with other connoisseurs VI.E. Other skills of signs VI.YU. Death of sorcerer / sign VII. Attributes of Witchcraft Action VII.A. Vacation: Characteristic VII.B. Holy Water VII.V. Icon VII.G. Plants / Grass VII.D. Books VII.E. Horn / Whistle / Hormon / Batog VIII. The effects of witchcraft VIII.A. An invisible damage returns to him VIII.B. The activity of the sign negatively affects his fate / fate of his family members VIII.V. An expert in treatment takes a disease to itself VIII.G. The connoisseur takes the vitality of the human life of the IX. The result is the magic of IX.A. Treatment / Blood Magic / Not Blood IX.B. Availability / lack of teeth at the category IX.V. Other cases X. Conditions for the success of witchcraft x.A. The expert is putting a conspiracted subject to a certain place. H.B. The connoisseur performs witchcraft actions in a certain place of H.V. The connoisseur performs magical actions at a certain time X.G. The expert / object of witchcraft must comply with certain rules during / after magging actions HD. The expert makes a witchcraft secret XI. Bans in connection with magical and ritual actions xi.A. The expert should not tell about his ability xi.b. The expert must observe the ritual purity of 109

9 XI.V. The expert should not change the appearance of the XI.G. The expert should not use certain products XI.D. The connoisseur should not move in definitely XI. The expert must be silent / speak in a certain way xi.zh. Bans on physical contacts XI.Z. Ecological bans XI.I. Other xi.K. Bans surround XI.L. The consequences of the violation of the prohibitions of the XII. Gratitude / fee Animation XII.A. The sign is not killed / the expert does not pay xii.b. The commercial is paid with money / products / tissue XIII. Unclean power xiii.A. The appearance of the unclean power XIII.B. The unclean force is shown in the anthropomorphic look XIII.V. The unclean force is shown in the zoomorphic appearance of the XIII.G. Signs of the appearance of unclean power XIII.D. How can you see an unclean power of XIII.E. What does the unclean power of XIV do. Wonderful formulas XIV.A. From [damage] came, there and go xiv.b. With x water, with y thinning xiv.v. Give x, take from the XIV.G. Like x sweets and y sweet xiv.d. As x longing, so and y hustles xiv.E. As x [in the furnace] sits tightly, so y tightly sits xiv.zh. As x [on the furnace] dry and Y dries the XIV.Z. As x is spinning, so and Y is spinning XIV.I. As X appears and y will seem XIV.K. As X lies and y lies xiv.l. Both uh heavy and horses are hard xiv.m. How x cannot live without y, so cute can not live without me xiv.n. As x with y connected, so I and I are connected to XIV. Well, as x with y swear / do not agree, and the young swear / do not converge xiv.p. As X forgets y, so niffeline I will forget / I will forget the unworn forgive 110

10 xiv.r. Like x nothing hurts, and y does nothing hurts anything. "XIV.S. Like x no name and illness there is no place xiv.t. How x is crumbling / dispersed and life / young crumbles / split XIV. How x is going / wrapped and y is going to [around] xiv.f. As X is unchanged, so and y should be unchanged (prerequisite) xiv.x. The prosperity of the XIV.Ts Wall for livestock from the beast Formulas impossible Ritual dialog XIV.CH Appeal to the intermediary XIV.E. Redirect actions XIV.Yu. Other cases systematized by the motives (from the "formation" of a sorcerer / knowledgeable, its activities, the terms of the effectiveness of witchcraft prior to his death) constitute a kind of human biography, which is attributed to some secret knowledge and which occupies a special place in the life of the local community. Literature Signs 2016 signs, Languages \u200b\u200band Warlocks: Witchcraft and household magic in the Russian north / comp., Subship. texts, entry Articles: N.A. Biryukova, A.S. Vaskin, P.S. Zadorozhnaya, V.A. Komarova, Yu.V. Lyakhova, A.B. Moroz, O.A. OKUNEVA, N.V. Petrov, E.B. Raby, A.A. Skulachev. Preis., Pointers, comments., Map: A.B. Moroz, N.V. Petrov. 2nd ed. M., D.V. Pisulskuk (St. Petersburg) Image of the Space of Hell in the compositions of the length iconography "Considering" of the second half of the XVII XIX centuries. and problems of semiotics inscriptions and images 111

Russian State Humanitarian University Center Tyology and Semiotics Folklore IV International Scientific Conference Demonology as a semiotic system Moscow, RGU 15 June 17, 2016 Theses

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Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts" Faculty of Art Creativity Department of Theory

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Olonetsky Collection of conspiracies \u003e\u003e\u003e Olonetsky Collection of Zaguezov Olonetsky Collection of custvays Twisturia and People's Religion in the history of Russia. For example, those of them are built as a travel description. Some

Almanac "In Umbra: Demonology as a semiotic system" combines work dedicated to mythological characters - ambivalent and malicious spirits, "lower" deities, demons. Representations of invisible enemies - tempters, pests, disease agents - play an important role in the culture of different peoples. With their help explain many disasters and cataclysms, from personal to global. In traditional


Almanac "In Umbra: Demonology as a semiotic system" combines work dedicated to mythological characters - ambivalent and malicious spirits, "lower" deities, demons. Representations of invisible enemies - tempters, pests, disease agents - play an important role in the culture of different peoples. With their help explain many disasters and cataclysms, from personal to global. In traditional societies, spirits are perceived as natural neighbors of a person: they build special relations based on various ritual and magical practices. Demonology develops on all the "floors" of culture - from the book to folklore, from medieval miniatures to computer games. Images and plots associated with lower spirits in world religions, folklore, art and literature are devoted to the Almanac "In Umbra".

For students and specialists in the field of history, art history, religious studies, folklorestics, social and cultural anthropology.

Anthology "In Umbra: Demonology As A Semiotic System" Includes Articles on Mythological Creatures - Ambivalent and Antagonist Spirits. Th E Idea of \u200b\u200bHumans' Invisible Enemies - Tempters, Wreckers, Agents of Diseases - Plays An Important Role in Diff Erent Cultures of the World in All the Epochs. IT Helps Explain Many Cataclysms and Disasters - From Personal To Global Ones. In Traditional Societies Spirits Are Referred to As The Natural Neighbors of Man - People Build Relationships with Spirits Through Diff Erent Ritual, Magical and Behavior Practices. DEMONOLOGY APPEARS ON EVERY LEVEL OF CULTURE - From Scholarly Theology to Folklore, From Medieval Miniatures to Computer Games. Th e Authors of the Anthology Deal with Images, Motives and Pots, Related to Demons in Diff Erent Religions, Folklore Art and Literature of the World.

The Book Is Intended for Students and Specialists in History, Art, Religious, Cultural and Folklore Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology.

Book " In Umbra. Demonology as a semiotic system. Issue 2.»The author's assembly of articles is appreciated by the visitors of the bookwide, and its reader rating amounted to 0.00 out of 10.
Free viewing provides: abstract, publication, reviews, as well as download files.

Responsible editor: D. Antonov, O. Khristoforova

Compiled by: D. Antonov, O. Khristoforova

Chapter Book

Under scientific Edited: L. Golubneko, N. Vit. Odessa: 2013.

The collection includes the materials of scientific reports of professors, associate professors, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, made in the framework of the VII-International Scientific Conference devoted to the problems of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200band foreign literature. At the conference dedicated to the memory of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Lvovich Skalkin discussed issues of lingu-cognitive and socio-cultural aspects of teaching foreign languages, psychological and pedagogical processes of training and its technology, as well as problems of studying and analyzing literary text.

Gridneva E. A., Kapranova K. O. in KN: Communication of the XXI century: Prospects for the development of social and humanitarian knowledge: Materials of the VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, March 19, 2010 .. N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod branch of NIU HSE, 2010 . P. 87-93.

Communication as a way of determining and collective interests plays a significant role in the processes of rule-making. The success of communication between the people and the authorities, all the subjects of the Company's political and legal organization depends on the understanding of their friend and the developed legal consciousness of all participants in communication.

The article discusses the current state of the methodology of science in relation to psychology. It is shown that the methodology has been so developed and branched it that it was time to develop its special appearance: a methodology for choosing and applying a methodology to private sciences. Specially highlighted the role of art as a kind of methodology: art feeds intuition, and methodology discourse. The article also presents the propaedeutics of the methodological culture and the criticism or the problematization of the uniqueness of a number of methodological principles that are in modern psychology are also given. The problem of compatibility / incompatibility of polarities, centuries of existing in psychology and discussions about which they do not subscribe are also discussed.

The article discusses the views of L.N. Tolstoy as not only a bright representative, but also the end of the era of the Enlightenment. Comparison of his ideas with Spinoza philosophy and Didro makes it possible to clarify some aspects of the transition to the unique Tolstovsky religious and philosophical teaching in this completion. Special analysis underwent common and specific features of three philosophers. Particular attention is paid to the method of thinking presented in the teachings of Tolstoy, Spinoza and Didro, their relation to science, the specifics of their worldview. An important aspect of understanding was the disclosure of the contradiction between the way thoughts and the lifestyle of three philosophers. The nature of creative thinking in their philosophy was investigated. Didro is described through the concept of paradoxalism, in spinosis - through the concept of integrity, in thick - through the clutch method discovered in literary creativity. If for European enlighteners, the way of thinking is directly related to the nature of man, represented as the unity of Natura Naturans and Natura Naturata, then for the thickness of the whole, a certain priority sense of life, impregnated with faith in God and the instinct of self-dedication - love to the highest and other people. The clutch method leads fat from the direct continuation of educational ideas, making significant treatment not only to mind, but also to creative intuition. The transition of thickness from the rational perception of life to its religious and existential grounds is shown. Tolstoy gradually leaves the idea of \u200b\u200ba natural person to the idea of \u200b\u200ba man living in Christ's commandments. It was shown that starting from the educational worldview, Tolstoy ends the creation of a religious and philosophical teaching characteristic of the beginning of the twentieth century.

Edited: E. I. Pivovar M.: RGU, 2011.

Materials of the annual international scientific forum dedicated to current humanitarian issues.

This Important New Book Offers The First Full-Length Interpretation of The Thought of Martin Heidegger with ReSpect to Irony. IN A RADICAL READING OF HEIDEGGER "S MAJOR WORKS (FROM BEING AND.Time. Through The 'Rector "S Address" And The' Letter On Humanism "to 'The Origin of the Work of Art" and the Spiegel. Interview), Andrew Haas Does Not Claim That Heidegger Is Simply Being Ironic. Rather He Argues That Heidegger "S Writings Make Such An Interpretation Possible - Perhaps Even Necessary.

Heidegger Begins. Being and Time. With a QUOTE FROM PLATO, A Thinker Famous for His Insistence Upon Socratic Irony. THE IRONY OF HEIDEGGERtakes Seriously The Apparently Curious Decision to Iron AS Philosophy Begins in Earnest to Raise The Question of The Meaning Of Being. Through A Detailed and Thoroughdegh Reading of Heidegger "S Major Texts and the Fundamental Questions The 20th Century CAN BE READ with AS MUCH IRONY AS EARNESTNESS. THE IRONY OF HEIDEGGER Attempts To Show That The Essence of this Irony Lies in Uncertainty, And That The Entire Project of Onto-Heno-Chrono-Phenomenology, Therefore Needs to Be Called Into Question.

The article is devoted to the concepts of technology in the work of the Ernst and Friedrich Brothers Georg Jungar. The problem of the relationship of technology and freedom is considered in the wide context of the German criticism of the culture of the beginning of the XX century. and discussions about technocracy before and after World War II.

T. Oriental Science. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2005.

The collection presents the works of the "Oriental Science" section of the XLIII International Scientific Student Conference "Student and Scientific and Technical Progress", held at the Novosibirsk State University in 2005

An analysis of modern society, permeated media, is conducted from the standpoint of an ethnomethodological approach and is an attempt to answer a cardinal question: which is the observed order of events broadcast by mass mediators. The study of rituals is in two main areas: first, in the organizational and production system of media oriented on constant reproduction, which is based on a transmission model and distinguishing information / non-information and, secondly, in the analysis of the perception of these reports of the audience, which is The implementation of ritual, or expressive, model, the result of which is a divided experience. This means the ritual nature of modern media.

The book contains full and comprehensive information on the history of Imperial Russia - from Peter Great to Nicholas II. These two centuries became an epoch when the foundations of the power of Russia were laid. But the same time led to the fall of the empire in 1917. The text of the book, aged in the traditional manner of chronological presentation, includes fascinating inserts: "acting persons", "legends and rumors" and others.

Humanity is experiencing a change in cultural and historical era, which is associated with the transformation of network media into the leading means of communication. The consequence of the "digital split" turns out to be changes in social divisions: along with traditional "imaging and the poor" there is a confrontation "online (connected) VERSUS offline (unconnected)". Under these conditions, traditional inter-floor differences are losing importance, it is decisive to be belonging to one or another information culture, on the basis of which media components are formed. The paper analyzes the diverse consequences of amendment: Cognitive, arising from the use of "smart" things with a friendly interface, psychological, generating network individualism and increasing privatization of communication, social, embodying "Paradox of an empty public sphere". The role of computer games as "deputies" of traditional socialization and education is shown, the transformation of knowledge losing its value is considered. In the conditions of an excess of information, human attention is most deficient for today. Therefore, new business principles can be defined as attention management.

In this scientific work, the results obtained during the implementation of Project No. 10-01-0009 "Mediaritals" implemented under the program "Scientific Fund of HSE" in 2010-2012.

Aist A. V., Leonova L. A. Ð Ð ° Ñ Ñ Ð½Ñ Ðμ Ð'окР»Ð ° Ð'Ñ Ð» Ð ° Ð ± Ð¾Ñ Ð ° Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ коР»Ð¸Ñ ÐμÑ Ñ Ð²Ðμнного Ð ° Ð Ð ° Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ° Ð Ð P1. РоððÐμо¸ð¹ Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð "

The paper analyzes the factors for choosing the status of employment (based on data from Russian monitoring of the economic condition and health of the population of 1994-2007). The analysis did not reject the assumption about the forced nature of informal employment. The work also investigated the impact of the status of informally occupied by life. It is shown that informally occupied, on average, more satisfied with life compared with officially executed workers.

In Umbra: demonology as a semiotic system. Almanac. Vol. 5. - M.: Indrik, 2016. - 354 p.

Almanac "In Umbra: Demonology as a semiotic system" combines work dedicated to mythological characters - ambivalent and malicious spirits, "lower" deities, demons. Representations of invisible enemies - tempters, pests, disease agents - play an important role in the culture of different peoples. With their help explain many disasters and cataclysms, from personal to global. In traditional societies, perfumes are perceived as natural neighbors of a person, relations with which determine a lot of cultural use. Demonology develops on all the "floors" of culture - from the book to folklore, from medieval miniatures to computer games. Images and plots associated with lower spirits in world religions, folklore, art and literature are devoted to Almanac "In Umbra". For students and specialists in the field of history, art history, religious studies, folklorestics, social and cultural anthropology.

DI. Antonov
About spirits and werewolves: Introduction / 7
Werewolves and Turnover
S.Yu. Nekludov
Turnover: "Nature of Things",
scope of concept, regional versions / 13
D.Yu. Doronin
Beauty-Almyska and Soul Shaman:
turnover in the mythology of Altaians / 35
V.A. Cyvoywa
Witch Clothes in Toned Descriptions
(on the material of East Slavic mythological prose) / 89
Devil as a werewolf.
M.R. Maudzuls.
Self-disconnecting illusion. External and internal
perspective in the iconography of the devilish navation / 105
A.E. Makhov
Turnover-theologian: In search of theological keys
to "strange" devilish bins / 161
Science of demonach
Philip C. almond.
Science, Witchcraf, and Demonology:
The Saducismus TRIUMPHATUS OF JOSEPH Glanvill and Henry More / 185

Sara Kuehn.
The Eclipse Demons Rāhu and Ketu in Islamic Astral Sciences / 203
Invisible aggression and protection against spirits
"My day and night rest gives my black man ...":
demons obsessed in France XVI century / 239
ABOUT. Christform
Identify the demon. Part 1: Vernacular theories of diseases
and symbolic treatment methods / 259
OD Zhuravel
Demonology ideas
ural-Siberian Starbers-Chapels XX century. / 276.
Sirin and Alconost: Slavic demonology
O.V. Belova, V.Ya. Petrukhin
"Sirins are nurdable, the raw rinks":
from chronograph to folklore / 295
L.N. Vinogradov
Whether the estimated sign is kind / evil
to classify demonological characters? / 309.
HER. Levkievskaya
Mythological mechanisms of the evil eye:
the aggressors and their victims (on the materials of the Polesan tradition) / 333
Authors Information / 351

Editorial Board: D. I. Antonov, A. S. Arkhipova, E. E. Levkievskaya, S. Yu. Nezludov, O. B. Christform
Responsible editors and compilers: D. I. Antonov, O.B. Christform

Almanac "In Umbra: Demonology as a semiotic system" combines work dedicated to mythological characters - ambivalent and malicious spirits, "lower" deities, demons. Performances on invisible enemies - tempters, pests, disease agents - play an important role in the culture of different peoples. With their help explain many disasters and cataclysms, from personal to global. In traditional societies, perfumes are perceived as natural neighbors of a person, relations with which determine a lot of cultural use. Demonology develops on all the "floors" of culture - from the book to folklore, from medieval miniatures to computer games. Images and plots associated with lower spirits in world religions, folklore, art and literature are devoted to Almanac "In Umbra". For students and specialists in the field of history, art history, religious studies, folklorestics, social and cultural anthropology. Anthology "In Umbra: Demonology As A Semiotic System" Includes Articles on Mythological Creatures - Ambivalent and Antagonist Spirits. The Idea of \u200b\u200bHumans' Invisible Enemies - Tempters, Wreckers, Agents of Diseases - Plays An Important Role in DiF Erent Cultures of the World in All The Epochs. IT Helps Explain Many Cataclysms and Disasters - From Personal To Global Ones. In Traditional Societies Spirits Are Referred to As The Natural Neighbors of Man - People Build Relationships with Spirits Through Dif Erent Ritual, Magical and Behavior Practices. DEMONOLOGY APPEARS ON EVERY LEVEL OF CULTURE - From Scholarly Theology to Folklore, From Medieval Miniatures to Computer Games. The Authors of the Anthology Deal with Images, Motives and Pots, Related to Demons in DiF Erent Religions, Folklore Art and Literature of the World. The Book Is Intended for Students and Specialists in History, Art, Religious, Cultural and Folklore Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology.

DI. Antonov
About spirits and werewolves: Introduction / 7
Werewolves and Turnover
S.Yu. Nekludov
Turnover: "Nature of Things",
scope of concept, regional versions / 13
D.Yu. Doronin
Beauty-Almyska and Soul Shaman:
turnover in the mythology of Altaians / 35
V.A. Cyvoywa
Witch Clothes in Toned Descriptions
(on the material of East Slavic mythological prose) / 89
Devil as a werewolf.
M.R. Maudzuls.
Self-disconnecting illusion. External and internal
perspective in the iconography of the devilish navation / 105
A.E. Makhov
Turnover-theologian: In search of theological keys
to "strange" devilish bins / 161
Science of demonach
Philip C. almond.
Science, Witchcraf, and Demonology:
The Saducismus TRIUMPHATUS OF JOSEPH Glanvill and Henry More / 185

Sara Kuehn.
The Eclipse Demons Rāhu and Ketu in Islamic Astral Sciences / 203
Invisible aggression and protection against spirits
"My day and night rest gives my black man ...":
demons obsessed in France XVI century / 239
ABOUT. Christform
Identify the demon. Part 1: Vernacular theories of diseases
and symbolic treatment methods / 259
OD Zhuravel
Demonology ideas
ural-Siberian Starbers-Chapels XX century. / 276.
Sirin and Alconost: Slavic demonology
O.V. Belova, V.Ya. Petrukhin
"Sirins are nurdable, the raw rinks":
from chronograph to folklore / 295
L.N. Vinogradov
Whether the estimated sign is kind / evil
to classify demonological characters? / 309.
HER. Levkievskaya
Mythological mechanisms of the evil eye:
the aggressors and their victims (on the materials of the Polesan tradition) / 333
Authors Information / 351

Editorial board:
D. I. Antonov, A. S. Arkhipova,
E. E. Levkievskaya, S. Yu. Nezludov,
O. B. Khristoforova
Responsible editors and compilers:
D. I. Antonov, O. B. Khristoforova