How the tension sensor works in minecraft. What makes the hook in Minecraft? Hook - Tension Sensor

In the performance of various game tasks in Minecraft, the gamers will constantly come to the rescue, the mechanisms spracted by it are carried out. They will notify about the approach of the unwanted "guests" to the dwelling or the player's treasury, will allow creating various traps for griffers and hostile mobs. Moreover, it is often in such devices will be involved in a hook.

You will need

  • - crafting table
  • - Wooden sticks
  • - Boards
  • - Thicks
  • - Dust Redstone
  • - Chest
  • - Iron ingots
  • - Lamp
  • - Special mods


  • If you, along the gameplay, it turned out to be needed such a mechanism, to begin with, make it the basis. When you need a loop-like hook, it is possible to scrap it from three simple ingredients - iron ingot, wooden stick and boards. It is in this order - from top to bottom - put them in the central vertical row of the workbench. Iron ingot You will receive by mirroring the ore of the corresponding metal in the furnace, sticks - from the plank of the tree of trees.
  • Make from one hook and a conventional chest (it is made of eight blocks of boards on the workbench - leave the central cell unoccupied) trap for lovers to get used at your expense. When you try to open such a box, it will serve the owner of the "hacking" signal. By the way, the strength of the response of such a "alarm" will depend on how many other players are trying to see the contents of the trap chest.
  • Create a stretching with two loop-like hooks, which can serve as the beginning of Western for Griferies or simply a means of warning about arrival on the territory of the strangers. Such a mechanism reacts not only for living entities, but even on arrows. Install the walls of solid blocks located against each other against each other, pull the thread between them and pour about each slight dust of the Redstone. If you put such a simple device in a dark place, even an experienced griffer will not be able to detect it and neutralize - especially when the territory is bearing.
  • Complicate such alarm, adding several items that can carry the danger to other players and hostile mobs. For example, a distributor. Connect it to the diagram of the device with dust redstone and start with something deadly: arrows, snowballs, etc. You can also instead of a distributor to connect the dynamite blocks to stretch. Arrange so that the tension of the thread led the explosive device. Then the corridor between the hooks will become impassable.
  • If you need a mechanism that helps climb on high walls (where it is impossible to simply snake), create a slightly different kind of hook - tee. It is available in Hookshot Cheesy and Grappling Hook. It will take a thread and four iron ingots. First install in the central slot of the workbench, and the latter - in the lower left and upper right cells, as well as on the right and on top of the thread. To throw such a hook, click on the goal with the right mouse button and wait until it gets there. You can move to a clinging tee, pressing "Ctrl".
  • Sensor. It is called a hook, since when used, it bends and his species resembles this item. From several such devices you can make a security system. To make this item you need to place a stick in the center of the workbench, lay down iron ingot, And at the bottom to place a wooden board. After the crafting, two items are obtained.

    To set the alarm, you need to install the resulting items on one line so that the distance between them does not exceed 40 blocks. If it is more, then not the sound of the alarm will not hear. If you do everything right, then when trying to go through between the sensors, the thread rushes, you hear the sound and are ready to reflect a possible attack. To make a full-fledged security system, you need to bring red sand to the sensors and charge the arrows into the distributor (how to create) arrows (the more, the better). Now, when trying to penetrate the territory in the violator, the arrows will fly.

    Mod IndustrialCraft.

    If you install IndustrialCraft modes in minecraft (it can be downloaded below), then instead of arrivals, the violator will be subjected to shocks of electricity discharge.

    • Tension sensor in minecraft can be washed with water. If the thread can be the first, it will have time to give a signal.
    • In the process of fishing there is a small percentage of the probability of the sensor catch.
    • Starting with the 12W23A version, the alarm responds to all mobs, including the edge eye.
    • You can make a chest trap. It is necessary to place the hook in the center of the left vertical column in the center of the left vertical column, and in the next horizontal cell - the usual chest (manufacturer). The resulting item differs from the usual red stripe on the castle. Its main purpose is to pick up the items from the player who will try to open it.

    In addition to the sensors in the minecraft, installing the Grappling Hook (or HookShot Cheesey) modes. To make a hook using this improvement, it is necessary in the center of the workbench to place a thread (more in the article), in the right upper angle we place 3 iron solid, and in the left lower - one more iron ingot. Hook ready.

    Spectrum use

    • You can climb to height. To do this, press the PCM at the selected place and further by holding the Ctrl button, climb. Once the goal is achieved, once again press PCM - and the subject returns to the hand.
    • In addition, it can be used instead of sensors when creating a stretching. When it is triggered, as in the first case, hear the sound of the alarm.

    Today we are waiting for Hyde about not a very famous device in minecraft - about the hook. On the Internet about this subject they write quite a few, as the miniskraft residents are practically not used in everyday life.

    Why do you need a hook in minecraft? Use it primarily to create security alarms, for example, signal stretching. To construct it, it is necessary to connect the stretching itself to the distributor, and in turn, lay a few boosters of arrows. Also, this system can be refined by adding fire to ignite arr. In essence, the Rastone activator players here. As you can see, not quite a standard approach - do not be afraid to conduct experiments, creating new mechanisms.

    To make a hook, we will need several resources that you with a little hard work can get, namely: 1 Iron ingot, 1 board, 1 stick. By placing all the elements of the recipe, as shown in the figure below, at the output you will get a hook:

    You can also watch a video about the creation of a hook:

    Remember that the limitless world of the game Minecraft embodies such many wonderful opportunities that it is only necessary to attach a bit of fantasy to invent a new and interesting!

    How to make a hook in minecraft?

    The hook in minecraft is not only a means that allows you to climb the height, but also a special sensor, with which you can make alarm, trap or an informant approximation of uninvited guests. In order to understand how to make a hook in minecraft, you need to get acquainted with the content of our article.


    This type of hooks is designed to lift to a large height, if there are no other means at hand.

    Make a hook from 4 iron bars and threads. After the hook is ready, it can be allowed to work. In order to hook it at the desired height, it is necessary to hold the location with the right mouse button where you need to clutch, and use the Ctrl key to throw a hook. If you missed, you need to release the button, and the hook will return to its place.

    Hook - Tension Sensor

    The tension sensor is used when it is necessary to secure your home from enemies and uninvited guests.

    It is made a hook of this type is very simple. This requires a board, ingot of iron and a stick, which are located one under another in the cells of the workbench. Among the main use options are distinguished:

    • hanging. In this case, you need to install two hooks opposite each other and pull the thread between them;
    • signaling;
    • sound alarm. In addition to the main items, a sound casket must be included in the composition;
    • explosive device. If you add more and dynamite, then the distributor will shoot;
    • device for lighting. To create it add blocks that emit light;
    • trap. If you hide the distributor in the chest, it will serve as a good trap;
    • pockplate. By creating a hook distributor, they can be replaced by a push plate, where possible.


    1. There are stretch hooks at a distance from 1 to 40 blocks.
    2. On a dark background or in the dark, the thread of the hook is less visible than during the day or on a light background.
    3. Hook-"tensioners" can be made as much as you need in work.

    If you want to make a mechanism in the game, read about it in the article.


    Our greetings to all the inhabitants of the angry Universe minecraft. Usually we tell about the subjects and phenomena, the essence and purpose of which are clear immediately. But today we will talk about the subject, the function of which, in principle, is also clear, but it causes some questions. The hero of today's article is a hook. In fact, why do you need a hook in Minecraft? In general, the two different items in the game are called.

    Hook number time

    The first is an item, the image of which arose in you
    head. What cling. What are cling to. In Minecraft, with the help of this thing, you can climb the height, which just does not succumb to. Well, yes, of course, you can make a staircase, you can do something yes. But in life there are moments when the conquest of heights, and in direct, and in the opposite sense, can be entrusted only to specific subjects.

    Imagine that you, for example, play Minecraft with your girlfriend (well, if you are a guy). In the game, suppose such a miracle, and her parents are involved. And now you have come home to her on a square cow, and her mother shouts: "Vicky is not at home. And in general, what to climb, it's too late, there are full of griffers with mobs. ". What you will do if you really want to walk in minecraft, and the obstacle object is not at all on the first floor. Here for such situations and need a hook. And you will look very worthy, throwing the rope to kidnap your crafter. Moreover, the kraft of this case is very simple. Scrong proves it - iron bars plus thread.

    To learn deftly to handle this subject in Minecraft will not be difficult. Right-click "Ace" to where you need to get and wait a little. Pressing Ctrl will attract you to the target. If the eye brought you out, let go of the right button, and the hook, as if boomerang, again in your hands.

    Second hook

    So, we figured out. Now about the second version. The hook in minecraft is also called a tension sensor. What is it needed for? With it, you can make alarm, and you can also have a full trap. If you use only two hooks located opposite each other, and the thread, stretched between them, will be alarmed about the unpredictive guests. But if you add other components to the system, it is quite possible to force the enemy to regret the disrespect for someone else's private property.

    For example, equipping the system with dynamite, you can get a predictable "wet" result. Clear gamers are used in their schemes in Minecraft distributor. Such a trap, in which case, will shoot and arrows, and, more unpleasant, poisonous potions. To scream such a hook, get the board, iron ingot and stick. And, looking at the illustration, lay them on the workbench in the same way.

    But this is not all. The tension sensor in minecraft is perfect for the lighting device. To do this, you need a block (or blocks) that gives light. By the way, the light source is suitable for the crafting of light alarm. But to make the alarm sound, you can use, say, with a music box.

    In conclusion, a couple of nuances:

    1. The distance between the hooks in minecraft must be at least one and no more than forty blocks.
    2. On a dark background, the thread is not very noticeable, which you can not say about a light background.