Who collects icons as a collector call. How much are Soviet icons cost. What is phaleristic

During the Soviet Union, a large number of icons, medals and memorable coins were made. That is why collectors try to replenish their collections with rare specimens, which are highly appreciated at auctions. Despite the fact that Soviet icons were previously worth a penny, over time they rose sharply in price. View all the most expensive icons of the USSR Photo Price Catalog.

It is no secret that many Soviet people love to collect important and rare items. The tendency to gathering valuable things was like young people and the elderly.

Most often collect the following items: brands, festive cards, labels from products, original envelopes and badges.

In the USSR, you can buy an icon or a postcard in any tent at a relatively small price. Those who could not afford often acquire such things, exchanged them on their old brands. Soviet citizens rarely thought about collective value and the age of certain objects. Most likely, it was like a favorite hobby, which fascinated millions of people.

Everything else, this lesson attracted the fact that it was inexpensive and diverse. Stores offered customers a wide selection of assortment. To get one or another icon, schoolchildren gave whole lunches, breakfast. At that time, many did not suspect that the USSR icons cost Catalog prices are the most expensive.

A variety of icons

The authorities of the Soviet Union loved reward workers for conscientious work, handing solemnly icons of different topics. As a rule, the icons depict the following topics: space, transport, politics, history, architecture, heraldry and much more. For the issue of such a huge number of icons, several dozen plants were involved. Over time, the icons began to include in a special directory and systematize. This is how the graph "The most expensive icons of the USSR price photo" appeared. Now the price of some varieties of icons reaches $ 2,000. This means that phaallists actively show interest in Soviet icons.

The icons were not only a political orientation, enterprises also produced symbols for public organizations. For example, Ocean received a breastplate in the form of a beautiful star with a portrait of Lenin. After that, children were taken to pioneers, where there was also their own symbolism. But the Komsomol icons were issued to those who were able to enter into the ranks of the All-Union Leninsky Communist Union of Youth.

As for members of the Voluntary People's Friend, deputies of folk congresses and drummers of standards, they were issued by the honored icons of political focus. Although at auctions, these types of icons do not pose a lot of interest from collectors.

Big parties in the Soviet Union produced badges on the topic of politics, government leaders and significant dates. Almost every Soviet man could buy them in the stall for a relatively small fee. However, some badges were not sold: "Labor striker", "Drummer of the five-year plan", etc. There were other badges that were simply produced under a certain number.

Dear breast badges

The category of the most expensive icons includes rare and valuable metal copies. At the auction, these products go beyond the round sum. But in order to identify the valuable Issrian icons. Prices and photos are most expensive, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

  1. Metal type.
  2. Year of manufacture.
  3. Circulation.
  4. The presence of engraving.
  5. The state of the chest icon.
  6. Historical facts.

Typically, phalalerists prefer the icons that are created from heavy metals. For example, in the market, aluminum icons are low.

Age affects the final cost of the product. The earlier the icon is created, the more it can be helped with a bidding. Rarity icons are highly appreciated by collectors, especially those that were released at the beginning of the last century.

Of course, if the icons in the years of the USSR were released a small amount, the price is most likely the auction will be high. Collectors love to collect rare specimens.

If engraving is present on the icons, they are immediately counted to rare instances. Those badges that are poorly preserved or have some defects, do not have particularly popular with phable players. Thus, at auction, first of all, market players pay attention to the state of the product. Professional collectors recommend learn the catalog of the USSR icons with prices to watch, whatever be aware of the latest changes in the market.

Soviet icons are valued for their history. It happens that the former Rarenta owners were celebrities or heroes of the USSR.

Rare specimens

Rare icons are considered to be products that were released with a small circulation. It is this factor that increases the value of copies. Recall that such icons in the years of the Soviet Union were awarded particularly distinguished people in school, at work or in military service.

Collectors refer to rare coins of the following metal products:

  1. Great mine.
  2. Excellent of the Navy.
  3. Excellent torpedo.

The cost of these icons sometimes grows to an unprecedented amount, as part of rare icons was made of silver and bronze.

For labor successes, the USSR government also adequately rewarded:

  1. Excellent Social Competition.
  2. Experiencer of the economy of the Moscow Council.
  3. Drummer.

Some icons were made of silver with gilding and enamel.

According to many collectors, rare badges are copies that were issued to the Great Patriotic War. For example, the "Dobole" badges "Friends of the Radio", "Osoavihim" stand on the market not one thousand dollars.

In other words, rare products were issued in the 20s. Then the equipment of the tsarist times functioned in the country, so most of the work was performed manually. In this regard, the state produced a limited number of icons. However, today the price of such icons flew to the maximum level.

In any case, the most valuable icons of the USSR price and photos can be found from an expert who deals with this activity is not the first year.

Russia's icons have a rich history, but Russian phallers in recent years are attracted by rare icons of the USSR, which was released in the Soviet period a large number. They were then a penny, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the cost of them sharply rose. Now collectors are chased behind the icons and the breastplate signs of that era.

Many Soviet people had a passion - to collect, i.e. Collect me something, hobbies, as they say now. Especially such a passion for collecting was manifested in children, in young people. But even adults, the elderly people sometimes were not alien to collecting. They also got out of their eyes at the sight of a rare, valuable thing or subject.

What often collected collectors of all ages?

  • icons;
  • postcards;
  • match labels;
  • envelopes.

Not everyone immediately and remember that the kids and adults were collected in the Soviet country. All the items listed in the list were easy to purchase, buy cheap, exchange. Not needed large investments to replenish their collections. Occupied little space, in contrast, for example, from antique furniture or car rarities. Age in collecting brands, icons, match labels, etc. There was no value.

Faleristics, along with Filateli, was in the Soviet Union the most popular view of collectibles. The main reasons:

  • large selection of icons;
  • a small price;
  • diverse topics;
  • a large number of phallovers societies.

Hobbating icons began at the children with almost preschool age. And at school, young collectors could no longer be quietly passing by the "Soyuzpex" kiosks, specialized stores, where there was such a variety of bright, colorful, interesting icons on the shop windows. Some young phallers for their purchase sacrificed with their breakfasts, dinners at school. They copied the money issued to the parents, not to mention it, and then bought the icon liked. Having matured, most of these collectors lost interest in phablestics.

Topic of the icons of the USSR

The theme of the USSR icons is so extensive and diverse, which is sometimes impossible to determine which one of them is the specimen of one or another. The most interest was the icons of the Soviet era on the themes:

  • space;
  • sport;
  • anniversary dates;
  • military;
  • state, political, public figures;
  • history;
  • transport;
  • heraldry;
  • portraitistics;
  • architecture, etc.

In the Soviet Union, about one and a half dozen enterprises were engaged in the release of icons and other breastplate signs. Some were produced by large parties, the edition of others was limited to a small amount, whose copies are now listed in the catalog of the most valuable. The price of them sometimes at auctions exceeds more than 1.5 thousand dollars. This confirms the interest of phablestovers around the world to Soviet icons.

Massoom was produced in the Soviet country the icon, which can be called political. In the USSR there were many different children's and adult public organizations, societies for interests, etc. Many of them had their own icons.

For example, first-graders took the school in October. In this children's organization, younger students consisted of 3-4 years and wore an icon in the form of a five-pointed star with a little Volodya Ulyanov (Lenin). Then they were taken to pioneers, and at the age of 14, they entered the ranks of the All-Union Leninist Communist Union of Youth (WLKSM), with the obligatory wearing of the Komsomol Icon.

The political icons include signs that were manufactured and issued, for example, members of the voluntary people's squad (DND), deputies of party congresses, winners of socialist competition, fifteer strikers, etc. Currently, they do not represent values, but, nevertheless, some collectors are interested in them.

In honor of the outstanding political, state, party leaders of the USSR, the icons were produced by large parties. Each collector could buy them, and then exchange. At the time, the price of them was small. However, not all icons were sold in the Soviet country. There were those who were rewarded by the transfer of production, for example, "Drummer of Communist Labor", "Had of the Five-Year Plan" (indicated the number of five-year plan: 9, 10, 11, etc.). There were those who were produced under the numbers, they were issued a certain category of people.

Read also

Gold coins with the image of George Victorian

For the manufacture of badges, breastplate, emblems were used by materials:

  • brass;
  • aluminum;
  • duralumin;
  • bronze;
  • stainless steel;
  • glass;
  • stones gems;
  • plastic of different types;
  • varnishes;
  • enamel;
  • rare wood.

Dear icons of the USSR

Expensive Icons of the USSR are rare and valuable specimens that are highly appreciated by collectors. You can buy them at auctions for sufficiently high prices, which sometimes constitutes over one and a half thousand dollars. Let's see what factors affect the determination of the value of one or another instance of the icon or the breastplate, produced in the current state of the USSR.

  • the material from which the icon or sign is made;
  • year when they were made;
  • circulation, i.e. the number of instances released;
  • the presence of engraving on the sign;
  • copy state;
  • stories related to the icon.

In demand for expensive signs of phallovers, those specimens that are made of heavy metals are used. The price of aluminum icons is very low.

Extremely, and, accordingly, the year of its manufacture affects the value of the sign. The sooner he was born, of course, above his age. Especially valued at collectors, rarities released in the first years of the Young Soviet Republic and until the first half of the last century.

Affects the value of the icon put on the auction. The smaller the copies were made, the more expensive its cost.

Much joy causes Falerists the presence of engraving on signs. Such instances are rare and valuable.

The poorly preserved badges and signs are not particularly popular with collectors do not use, even despite the fact that they suddenly be rare instances. The condition of the product is an important factor in determining its price.

These specimens are appreciated that have one or more interesting stories related, for example, with a circulation, with the previous owners of Rareitta.

What is the name of a person who collects (accumulating) icons ??? And got the best answer

Answer from Secret [Guru]
* Collecting orders, medals, badges, any breastplate, including honorary, anniversary, departmental, on the end of educational institutions, etc.;
* Science studying the history of these items, their systems (for example, a system of awards in one country - see the British awards system) and their attribution.
People collecting icons are called Fallistami.
he is engaged in the philumine, he is fond of collecting labels, boxes, cans.

Answer from Alexey Viktorovich[newcomer]

Answer from Karenina[newcomer]

Answer from Yatyana[guru]
Collecting orders, medals, badges, any breastplate, including honorary, anniversary, departmental, on the end of educational institutions, etc. And the one who collects-Fallist is probably.

Answer from Rrrrrrr Rrrrrrrr.[guru]

Answer from LENA[guru]

Answer from Karina[newcomer]

Answer from Alexei[expert]

Answer from Pavel Sidorenko[active]
Falist, or collecting icons, respectively, Fallist

Answer from Look Mom.[guru]
Falcistry - metal decorations that served the warrior signs of the differences from Greek. - metal places, striking), auxiliary historical discipline that studies the history of orders, medals, signs of distinction and traditionally included in numismatics, in a broad sense - collecting bad badges and signs, as well as tokens (usually souvenir, anniversary, memorable, significantly less - service, membership, chest, etc.). As the type of collectibles became popular in the 1st half of the 20th century. (in the USSR - from the late 50s.) With the expansion of international relations, the development of tourism and the mass release of both national and local (in capitalist countries and private) enterprises of various souvenir, memorable and other icons (in the USSR annually about 1 , 5 thousand species). It is usually a thematic character: heraldry, portraitics, history, sports, transport, architecture, etc. Unlike philateli, phylocarty, phylfreaming does not relieve on a strict system, since it is not amenable to international or national cataloging. In the USSR, materials on F. are published in the collection "Soviet collector" and the Bulletin "Filateltera of the USSR".

Phaleristic- Specialization in buying / selling or collecting medals, signs, tokens, orders and badges. This activity is engaged in the Aurora club. Hundreds of people, collectors, buyers who want to acquire a valuable collecting thing cooperate with the club. All customers receive qualified assistance to buy / sell icons in Moscow and other values.

Buying medals and badges

Numismatic club "Aurora" has been operating in the antiques market for many years. During this time, he managed to win the reputation of a reliable partner. The client is guaranteed to purchase a qualitative and original product. If you are interested in buying an icon or coin of the USSR, you have or your relatives, then the specialists of the club "Aurora" will help to evaluate and sell the SSR icons and another antiques. For example, sell a platinum coin without mechanical defects, with the presence of stamped shine, etc. You can quickly and expensive.

If you want to sell icons and enter a "price icon" in the search engine, then leave a message on our website through a special form, use our contact information or come to our offices. We have a free assessment of antiques and buying icons on an ongoing basis.

What is phaleristic

Fallistica is called collecting breast badges, medals, tokens. This hobby has become auxiliary for historians and lovers of antiquity in the study of the events of the past. Many collect the icons of a certain topic: sports, trade unions, law enforcement agencies ... Obsessable phaallists are ready to lay out amounts with many zeros, in order to replenish their collection of a rare instance. Also today they buy icons as a means to preserve and multiply free funds. Therefore, look at the old caskets, the grandfather's inheritance. Or maybe you collected badges in childhood? Today, your collection can be very expensive.

It is important not to get to you and get a good price for your rary. You enter in the search engine "Cost" icons "or" Icons sell prices "? So you will find a lot of price offers from Falerists and dealers. But the best will make our club "Aurora" - contact us and make sure that!

Site icons catalog

On our portal collector, we collected a large number of photos of icons, created their descriptions and indicated the approximate cost. If you want to know what the price of icons is exactly accuracy, contact our appraisers.

There are such icons in our catalog:

  • Memorial USSR:

Law enforcement,

Fire protection,

Members of the CEC and deputies of the Supreme Soviets,


Voluntary societies and public organizations,

Trade unions

The Red Army and the Armed Forces of the USSR,

Labor validity

Civilian educational institutions of the USSR



  • USSR medals.
  • Order, medals and tokens of tsarist Russia:



Charitable organizations

Commercial organizations



To sell Moscow's expensive icons, come to our office, located on the street. Yartsevskaya now!

Today, the cost of royal breastplates reaches huge amounts. Their first of them were produced in Peter I, but, of course, there were very few such copies before our time. Value for phallovers have all the royal signs released until 1917. Their high cost led not only to rarity, and the high mastery of execution. A wide variety of signs of the tsarist era makes them the desired complement of each museum exposition and a private collection. They did not have certain traditional forms and sizes, differ in appearance, composition, decoration, fastening method (screw, hairpin, hairpin, chain, etc.). Therefore, to sell the royal sign of actually any sample you can easily be able to our club.

It is important to note that the section of the USSR icons is total other: a lot of samples of different topics have been produced in Soviet times, which reached our time in excellent condition. An important role in this played high quality products. The cost of icons is increasing for about 80% each year, so it makes sense to strain a valuable instance. Well, if you urgently need money and you are looking for a good sentence in search of a browser "USSR icons cost catalog", we will be happy to assist in carrying out a maximum fast and profitable deal.

The most expensive icons

To those specimens that cost today's considerable money, Falelerists include:

The Blue Cross - During the Tsarist Russia, such a predicted firefighters in fire,

Society Society for the Soldiers, Victims of War - also pre-revolutionary,

- "Great Maine" (1942) - the value of the icon is more than 20 thousand rubles,

"Excellent socialist" (abolished in 1957) - the price of at least 45 rubles. Sell \u200b\u200bthe "Excellent Suggorsunication" icon profitable and quickly you can already today, if you contact our club,

- "Excellent of the Mossoveta farm" - up to half a million rubles. All instances of such an icon went on museums and private collections, so finding it on the market today is very difficult,

- "Head" - also within half a million rubles,

- "Honored Test Pillars of the USSR" - up to 50-60 thousand rubles.

If you doubt the values \u200b\u200bof your raritet, come to our club: there is a free assessment of the icons 6 days a week.

How to distinguish fake

Before holding a transaction for buying a badge, our specialists check it on authenticity. You can bring a found instance to us or send it a photo to evaluate. But some signs of the fake product can determine independently:

  • Consider the degree of the medal or the release date of the icon. With the originality of the product, these parts can be corrected to increase the cost of the subject. Any irregularities and concentration of scratches in this area should alert you.
  • Pay attention to the license lines, the quality of the chasing, the image proportion. Curves lines, uneven form, differences in the image of the coat of arms and symbols should alert you.

Free assessment of icons and their authentication is carried out by our specialists per minute by photo. Get professional advice and rest assured as your icon.

How to evaluate and buy icons

The value of the value of the icon is preceded by such steps:

A high level of professionalism and extensive experience allows you to set the exact price of icons and other antiques even in the photo. But buying the icons is carried out by us only after the inspection of the subject "live".

Collecting Cheerful icons and signs as well as various tokens, formedin an independent industryin phablestics in the 60s-70s of the XX century.
Collecting icons It became popular in the first half of the century due to the expansion of international relations, the development of tourism and the mass production of both national and private enterprises of various souvenir, memorable and other icons. The direction in this form of phaallistics is usually themed: heraldry, history, sports, transport, architecture, and so on.

Collections of some major phallovers are hundreds of thousands of different icons from different countries. Scientists of many countries are still arguing when the first badges appeared, maybe when a person learned to spoke from metal useful things to him, and maybe later, when he opened the process of hardening, smelting, casting and smelting.

Having taking a niche between phaallistic-gathering and studying awards, visual agitation and folk culture, collecting icons It became one of the most massive and democratic hobbies, pulling hundreds of thousands of people united in clubs and proud single collectors, connoisseurs of a beloved subject. Collecting icons can intersect with fanaticism, Fallet Football Fanities collect icons on this topic, hockey fans on their topic. There are meetings on various competitions and other world competitions.where icons gathers show their collections and exchange it with each other interested instances.

Of course, inside a huge family of collectors exist their clans and differences. And those who collect icons on the topic of "religion of all times and peoples", are liming to the gathering of sports or rock musical icons. This world is also unmanaged because it is not necessary for the release of icons (not counting on the mint) of any high permission.

Judging by the documents and excavations, the icons in Europe existed already in ancient Greece in the form of signs of difference of kind and military. Following the generic coat of arms, the emblems of cities and heraldry with their tongue and symbols, which the Christian world follows the centuries. Searches for icons with coat of arms of countries, clans and cities are passionate about thousands of enthusiasts.
Each competent collector will tell you that in classic heraldry there are seven colors - in color of gold, silver and finifts (mobiles, purple, lazuries, greenery and blades) expressing the spectrum of qualities. What gold is a symbol of wealth and generosity, azure - softness and greatness, and the red color is fearless. An important place on herbs is occupied by animals. What the oldest coat of arms are (three leopards in the scrambled eggs) are considered the emblem of England, introduced by Richard Lion's heart on returning from the crusade. What is a modern heraldic sign of Moscow (screaming background and St. George on a white horse affecting the dragon) is based on the design of 1781, approved by Catherine second. And on the icon with the "young" coat of arms of the Jewish autonomous region, wavy lines mean the Bira and Bijan rivers, and the Ussuri Tiger deployed against the canon indicates the unusual origin of the region created by the Jews and the prisoners sent by the Stalin regime to the Far East.
Here you can note the presence of icons with Masonic heraldry.In the Masonic Museums of Scotland, Germany, the United States is stored not only ritual items and thousands of foliants dedicated to the history of Freemasonry, but also hundreds of unique icons indicating the scale of movement that penetrated all continents. A large collection of Masonic icons and tokens is among the 25th thousandthly assembly of the Hermitage Museum of the Museum in St. Petersburg.

In addition to Masonic, greater value in the Hermitagecollections represent memorable signs with gold and enamel, released in the Jewelry Studio A. Filman, which is part of Faberge from the personal collection of Nicholas II.This and the sign of "Society Society, Soldiers, War Victims",approved by the last Russian king in 1913, and the "Blue Cross", dedicated to the help of firefighters, victims during the execution of debt.

In addition to the icons of institutes, military academies and the signs of distinction, issued by mint, in the collection "Hermitage" are stored unique iconsreleased after the October Revolution.
By making them a propaganda tool, the Soviet state produced hundreds of thousands of campaign and premium icons. Among them were not only the icons of the "Soccer Sensors" of Shakhtar A. Stakhanov and others, but thousands of others, whose plots today will seem strange.

Hermitage collection of memorable icons and tokens dedicated to A.S. Pushkin, replenished over 130 years and has more than three hundred exhibits, among which there are both curiosity, when on the back of the gateway dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of the poet, was (in the Spirit of Stalinsky 1937), the Soviet Sickle and Hammer would knock out.

It is worth paying attention toicons of the USSRestablished before the middle of the 20th century, among them there are interesting specimens that, by virtue of the numerous release, can be assessed in a pretty amount.
For example, take the icon "Excellent Road"

The sign "Great Roadter" was produced in 1943-1957 and has three varieties, slightly differing design. In particular, we are talking about the differences in the drawing of individual elements of the token - ribbons, leaves, working tools. There is also a difference in writing the name of the sign and the size of the product itself (about three millimeters in width). In the manufacture, a yellow metal, oxidation, enameling and silvering technologies were used.

Today prices are icons of the USSR On average, from 3 to 5 rubles per one copy. Such a small price is explained that the circulation at one time of these products was very and very large. Falladian lovers, these are those who collect icons, mainly prefer the icons issued to the fifties and acquire them with great pleasure.The excitement of such a demand is that until the fifties in the manufacture of icons, only heavy metals were used, and their number was not significant.

Factors affecting the price of icons a few, the first is how the icon is preserved, then how many of them on the market, the presence of engraving is of great importance, the manufacturer's stamp and so on.
In total, you can allocate six basic assessment groups of icons:

1. Circulation from 10,000 thousand pieces; Simple design. The price of such icons is about $ 25.

2. Circulation from 10,000 thousand pieces; With a complex design, the price will be about 75 dollars.

3. Icons with small circulation can cost 100 dollars.

4. Rare Space or other topics icons with interesting design and great information can cost $ 150.

5. Icons with documents in excellent condition and excellent design with its history price of these comes up to 500 dollars.

6. Rare exclusive icon can cost and above 1500 dollars.