Pokemon go what to do with the same pokemon. Pokemon go: what is pokemon go, how to play and what to do with the same pokemon (video). Pokemon go problems: Pokemon are nowhere to be found

  • Enjoy it. If Pokémon GO becomes a routine or becomes a job, stop playing.
  • Sometimes you will look like a moron who plays Pokemon on your phone. It's ok, don't worry)
  • Play with your friends if possible
  • Don't do pointless micromanagement. If you got 2 pokeballs on pokéStop that you don't need, you shouldn't immediately go into your inventory and throw them away. It's easier to throw out 100 unnecessary Pokeballs at once and save a lot of time.
  • You can evolve up to 60-70 Pokémon when using one (to get more experience). You can also or try restarting the application after clicking on the “Evolve” button to skip the evolution animation (perhaps it will help to reduce the time it takes for one evolution on powerful smartphones)
  • Most of the animation (egg hatching, evolution, etc.) is just for show and does not affect the gameplay in any way. The specified event has already occurred and the animation only shows this.
  • If you rotate the PokéStop icon and get the “Try again later” message, you will still receive items and experience from that PokéStop.
  • If you travel to work on public transport and enjoy taking out high-level hyms, I recommend that you look at the map during your trip for any such hyms on your way to work. Most likely, after work, their status will not change and you will be able to earn experience on their "taking out" and "exposing" your Pokémon
  • In addition, if you are traveling by public transport and there are PokéStops within your reach along your route, rotate the PokéStop icon a little earlier than it gets into the collection area from it
  • Pokemon GO uses about 10 Mb of traffic per hour. A decent phone battery provides 3-4 hours of continuous gaming time.
  • The best purchase in the store is incubators (personal opinion))).

Finding and catching Pokémon

  • You can find different ways to track Pokémon. But the easiest way is to study the area well and know where the Pokémon spawn are.
  • Try to capture all the Pokémon you see. Pokeballs are a constantly renewable resource (as opposed to dust)
  • Pokémon spawns depend on biomes
  • Visit PokéStops more often
  • The less you care about Dratini, the more likely you are to catch this Pokemon.
  • Pokémon from "wild" spawns appear for 15 minutes and are highlighted with white rings; Pokémon attracted appear for 3 minutes and are highlighted with pink rings.
  • Pokémon and their IV are the same for all trainers within the spawn - they differ only in level
  • Which pokemon that hatches from the egg is determined at the moment the egg falls out of the pokéStop, and not at the moment when the gestation is over.
  • Look around carefully before suddenly stopping. Perhaps other people and moving objects are not ready for this emergency braking.


  • Help your lower level friends by attacking with them
  • You can “endure” almost any gym on your own
  • Learn to dodge, even basic attacks. This way you can defeat an even stronger Pokémon, even if he has an advantage over your Pokémon.
  • Learn to “swap” a Pokémon before its health drops to zero
  • If you want to earn coins, you shouldn't borrow "popular" gyms. Your Pokémon won't last long there anyway. So take a look at the Gyms, where the defenders rarely change.
  • Your Gym is “yours” until the moment it becomes “alien”)
  • Don't overestimate the IV value of a Pokémon. The Pokémon's offensive advantage is much more important. If you are not going to "pump" the Pokemon, you can ignore IV at all
  • The high-level Gym is not easy to pump, but it will stay yours longer; especially in low traffic locations

And finally

  • You won't be able to catch every Pokemon you see in the game
  • You may not necessarily see every Pokémon that other players have seen, even if your city is full of Gyms with that Pokémon.
  • Do not believe everything that is written on the Internet about the game Pokemon GO, even if it is posted on a reputable resource. Check it out on your own experience!

In the Pokemon Go app, you play as a virtual Pokemon catcher and trainer all rolled into one. Earning experience points "XP", you increase the level of your character. In principle, it is understandable, as in many games with a pumping system. The higher the level of the gamer, the more rare specimens he comes across when tracking, and more interesting bonuses fall out of the PokéStops.

It turns out that for a faster pumping process in the game, you need to get the most possible amount of experience over a certain period. How can this be achieved? What is the player rewarded with the most experience points for?

The general level of the trainer and the potential of the Pokémon, what are CP and HP

Your level as a Pokemon trainer in Pokemon Go affects which creatures you come across on the map and what power they will have. The higher your level as a trainer, the better Pokémon you will receive in your collection. Having reached the tenth level, the player can come across Pokémon with a large and large CP, and he can also win in halls more often and assemble an excellent team.

How do I earn more XP in Pokémon Go? There are several options.

The first is to catch more of those Pokémon that have not yet entered your collection.

The second is poke-tops jogging. For each "check-in" at such a location, the player receives 50 experience points. Find the place where there are several PokéStops, and they are not far from each other, and you will quickly move to the next level.

The third is the evolution of beings. For each creature that has reached the next generation, you can get a good bonus of 500 XP. Catch as many regular Pokémon that are ubiquitous as possible and transfer them for candy. Resources can be spent on pumping stronger and more rare specimens.

So, The player experience in Pokemon Go is gained by the following actions of the player:

  • Skillful and twisted throws - 10 experience points.
  • An excellent throw, a check-in for a pokéStop, and a training victory in Gym - 50 experience points each.
  • A great throw and a fight with another coach - this is another 100 experience points.
  • Victory in the Hall - 150 experience points.
  • Hatching an egg - 200 experience points.
  • New Pokémon in the collection and evolution - 500 experience points each. The main parameters that determine the characteristics of Pokémon are HP (Health Power) - the health of the creature and CP (Combat Power) - its attack power.

Health is health. The more it is, the fatter the Pokémon is. CP is based on the average of all Pokémon stats. Creatures of similar species with the same CP will inflict the amount of damage set by the game in the arena. You can see the CP of your pets by sorting them in the catalog by parameters. Try to keep in your arsenal only those Pokémon with the highest CP. Having opened a card of any creature, you can observe a scale indicating the CP limit for it. When it is filled to the end, you will no longer be able to pump CP Pokémon at your level. It will be possible to continue pumping further after increasing your level as a trainer.

Improving Pokemon's abilities

Want to become one of the best Pokemon Masters in Pokemon Go? Get yourself in proper shape. After all, the game forces the catchers to move long distances, but in order to achieve great success, this will not be enough.

When the catcher reaches the fifth level, he can move on to another stage - become a trainer of his Pokémon in Pokémon Go. You will be able to fight in PokeGym - a training hall. Here you can upgrade your characters. As soon as you enter the training room, choose one of three teams. They are identified by color. You will have a choice: blue, yellow or red. The player who defeats everyone in the training hall automatically becomes its owner until the moment of his defeat. The hall on the map will be the same color as the team whose player captured it.

You can upgrade your fighters in the training center. To do this, you will need to leave your pet for a while. The more Combat Power your Pokémon has, the stronger it is in battles and the more likely it is to win. It increases due to boosters.

Pokemon development

Each Pokémon has several evolutionary stages. In addition, when tracking down a Pokemon, you can catch both its basic form and its evolved form. Try to evolve your Pokémon at high levels. Ideally, he will have in his arsenal at least one sufficiently pumped pocket monster with strong armor and high attack power parameters. In this case, you can pump your creature further, using candies and stardust.

Resources for development and pumping, and how to get them

As you already understood, training Pokémon in Pokémon Go is about two things: the evolution of creatures and getting bonuses. This has led to candy and stardust becoming essential ingredients.

Let's take a look at the ways in which you can get candy in Pokemon Go.

It's important to know! Candy in the game is not a general subject, but an individual one for each type. For the evolution of each Pokémon family, you will need their own candies.

There are two guaranteed methods to get them:

The first and most straightforward one is to simply catch the Pokémon. This will give you a certain amount of candy and stardust (more on that in the next section). To collect candies for a certain type, you will have to look for exactly the same creatures. Then, having collected a certain amount, combine them.

The second way is trading. You can transfer Pokémon to Professor Willow. For this he will give you sweets for a specific type. To transfer a creature, select it from the list of those caught and click on the "Transfer" button at the very bottom of its description. This method is the most beneficial in the game.

Star dust

This nutrient helps your Pokémon evolve to a higher level. She picks it up SR and HP. Its uniqueness lies in the principle of influence on Pokémon. Stardust affects all species, unlike candy.

If you're new to Pokémon Go, you probably don't understand. where to get this substance. Moreover, how to pump your pocket monsters with it? Let's say right away that you can't find it in the game store. Therefore, we will tell you how to get it. So far there are three ways to get it:

  1. Stardust can be obtained from freshly captured Pokémon. If you get another duplicate, you will receive 100 units of substance, but if this is a new Pokemon, then 500 units.
  2. Capture and hold arenas for a certain time. While the hall is under the control of your team. and there is at least one pocket monster from you, every 21 hours you will receive stardust in the amount of 500 units for one pokemon, as well as all sorts of useful things.
  3. You also get stardust for a hatched egg. Its amount is directly proportional to the distance traveled by you. It can be as much as two kilometers, or five or even ten. But only in large quantities will you receive it only upon reaching the tenth level.

Upgrade or develop

Check your Pokedex regularly, namely each of the Pokémon you have big plans for. The card of each Pokemon indicates two options for further events: Power Up - pump, Evolve - evolve. The difference between the two is significant. Strengthening a Pokémon increases the Pokémon's combat skills (CP) and the amount of life (HP). Evolution makes him a completely different Pokemon, changing his abilities and appearance. Another difference is the use of stardust to enhance the character when only candy is needed for evolution. You will further understand that these are perhaps the most important items to stock up immediately.

When you have accumulated enough candies, then choose the Evolve option. This will evolve your pet into a new form and give some experience points. If your Pokemon has become a new species that has not yet been registered in the Pokedex, then you will also receive bonus experience points in addition.

All methods of installing Pokemon Go can be found on this page:

(version for android 4.4.2 and higher, intel devices are still in flight)


At the beginning of the game, you will need to log in using your google account (since apk is taken from an unofficial source, it is not recommended to use an account tied to ingress). After choosing the color of clothes, hair, skin, a map will open for you - a real map of the area on which you need to walk with your feet. Three test Pokémon, which will need to be caught, will immediately be "thrown up". After catching the first Pokemon, you will be prompted to enter a nickname (nickname must be unique and must not be the name of one of the Pokemon).

Main screen:

Oddly enough, to find and catch a Pokemon, you will have to move around the city (in real space) with gps and the game on. Camera control tap + swipe - turn, double tap + swipe - zoom in / out.

The appearance of Pokémon is not tied to PokéStops (portals), they appear randomly not far from your route. It is noticed that near arenas, the appearance of Pokémon is more frequent.

To search, at the bottom right, there is an indicator that there are Pokémon somewhere nearby. When you click on it, a window with more detailed information will open (when you select a specific Pokemon in the nearby window, when moving in its direction, the window will flash with a green frame):

To catch a found pokemon, you need to tap (click) on it, when it appears in front of you, you need to throw a pokeball at it and get into the green or yellow circle (after catching the pokemon, it can get out of the trap - you will have to catch it again or leave it):

To catch “difficult” Pokémon (with a yellow circle), feed them a berry (from the Razz Berry backpack), and it will be easier to catch them. In addition to Poké Balls, there are also Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and Master Balls.

The color of the scope circle means the difficulty of catching: green - easy, yellow - difficult, orange - veri hard, red - unreal)). The size of the circle also affects the chance of catching a Pokemon - the narrower the circle, the higher the chance of catching. You can submit a pokeball twisted, then when caught, there will be a bonus xp.

After capturing a Pokémon, it will appear in your Pokémon Storage (not to be confused with your inventory).

At the moment, not all types of Pokemon have been introduced into the game, but about 147 species. You can catch and store several Pokémon of the same species.

For the caught Pokémon, they give game points (AR). The number of APs for different captured Pokémon is different. Also, AR is given for collected items, the capture of pokéstops and battles (more on this later). A certain number of collected ARs allows you to get the next level.

Pokemon GO TEAMS

Upon reaching the 5th level, you need to choose a team.

There are 3 teams in the game, indicated by three colors: yellow (instinct), blue (mysticism), red (valor). In order for the choice of a team to appear, the arena must be in your area of ​​action, click on it, the leaders of each team will appear in front of you and tell you what the “strength” is:

Spark: Hi, my name is Spark and I am the leader of the Instinct team. (Yellow). Pokémon are creatures with great intuition. I bet the secret of this intuition lies in the process of their emergence from the egg. Trusting instincts - you will not lose!

Blanche: I am Blanche, the leader of Team Mystic. (Blue). The wisdom of Pokémon is immeasurably deep. I study the reasons for their evolution. Thanks to a calm analysis of the situation, it is impossible to lose!

Candela: I am Candela - the leader of the Valor team! (Red). Pokémon are stronger than humans, and they have hearts too! I am researching how to enhance the natural power of Pokémon in search of real power! There is no doubt that the Pokémon trained by our team are the strongest in battle!

Be careful - you cannot change the team,
the choice is given only once.


There are two types of “portals” - pokéstops (for obtaining inventory) and arenas (gyms) - for training and battles.

Pokéballs tend to end, so they need to be mined from PokéStops (portals). To do this, you need to click on the pokestop (portal) (it must be within the radius of your action, be active):

swipe its image (circle in the middle) from right to left or left to right.

After receiving items from the PokéStop, the next time you can “spin” it after 5 minutes (you can determine by the color of the PokéStop: blue is available, pink is already spinning, you have to wait). It is not necessary to wait for the end of the spinning animation and pick up items, you can spin it and exit right away - the items will automatically go into your inventory.


Pokémon are needed to capture and hold the arena (gym). Go to the unoccupied arena (gim) and plant your Pokemon there:

If the arena (gym) is already occupied by a player of the other team, then you have to overthrow the Pokemon, free the arena (gym) and occupy it. You can also plant your Pokémon in your team's busy arena (there is a limit on the number, see below). The higher the level of the arena (gyma), the more Pokémon the enemy will spend to take possession of it.

How to act: you approach the arena (gim) - open it - press the glove at the bottom right - choose 6 Pokémon for battle - after GO you start tapping on the enemy - when the blue mana bar is typed, a long tap on your Pokemon - you can swipe right to the left, avoiding the blow - if the arena is pumped up (that is, more Pokémon were planted there), then you will have to fight again, and so on until you knock out all the Pokémon.

To free the arena (Gym) from the opponent's Pokémon, you need to lower its prestige to 0. To raise the prestige of your arena (Gym), you need to train in it defeating your own Pokémon.

If your first Pokemon in the arena is defeated, then the second one connects. A third of another player (most importantly, of one faction) can connect.

Fighting in your own arena (gim) is the same as fighting in the opponent's arena (gim). Only in the case of their own Gym, Pokémon do not crash when they lose. It is better to swing in other people's arenas (gyms). It is more optimal to put more powerful Pokémon on your own so that they are not knocked out.

One of the users of reddit'a also reported receiving the maximum level of the Gym - level 30 with 21 slots for Pokémon. This required a total of 204,000 Prestige Points.

If Gym Prestige is reduced to zero, the defending team loses control of the Gym, and you or another player can take control of the Gym by assigning a Pokémon there, which will defend the right to the Gym.

Also, each occupied arena (gym) brings you +10 coins per day, you can pick up coins in the store accessible from the game menu. You can receive no more than 100 coins 1 time every 21 hours, i.e. if you capture 15 arenas, then there will also be 100 coins. All players whose Pokémon are in the arena (gyme) receive coins, not only the one who captured:

What can be bought with coins:

  • Pokeballs (for capturing Pokemon).
  • “incense” baits - increase the chance of finding / attracting wild Pokémon by 30 minutes, from 1 to 3 Pokémon every 5 minutes (Pokémon, which are not found in the vicinity, can run to the bait).
  • Lucky Egg (doubles the points earned in the game for 30 minutes).
  • module "lure" (inserted into the pokéStop and lures the Pokémon, but, unlike the individual bait, everyone who is near the pokéStop can see them).
  • incubator (three times a day, for growing eggs).
  • backpack upgrade (increases inventory).
  • storage upgrade (increases the storage capacity of Pokémon).
  • poke coins (buy a handful of game coins for real money).

Arena (Gym) Questions:

  • How do I replace a Pokemon in the arena (gyme)? - Not until the enemy knocks him out.
  • Why can't I knock the Pokemon out of the arena? As soon as the battle begins, everything collapses and I again find myself in the arena's dressing room. - Communication glitches. Restarting sometimes helps. It happens that the enemy Pokémon has CP10, and he kills the whole team (bug). Sometimes it helps just waiting for the end of the battle (the probability of victory is about 25%)
  • How to challenge a Pokémon to battle with another Pokémon? - With wild in any way. Only in the arena (gyme).
  • What happens to my knocked out Pokemon? Is it lost forever or is it coming back to me? - Returns to the vault.

EGGS Pokemon GO

So, you came across an egg in the game (dropped from pokestops) - to germinate it, you need an incubator. In your inventory there is already one - unlimited, also in the store (game) you can buy three times a day or you will be given when you reach the level, and grow several eggs at the same time. In order for the egg to germinate, you need to go through the N-th number of kilometers (indicated on the egg, there are 1, 2, 5, 10, the further the better the Pokemon). The eggs found themselves are visible on the page next to the page of your captured Pokemon (in the Pokemon store, second tab. In total, you can carry only 9 eggs and you cannot get rid of them, just “carry” them.


You can also improve and upgrade your Pokémon. To do this, select a Pokémon in your storage. To upgrade or upgrade you will need stardust and candy. Candy for power-up needs 1, for upgrade in different ways depending on the Pokemon - 12, 25, 50, 100, 200 or 400. The level of the Pokemon is not written anywhere, but you need to navigate by the notch on the arc on top of the Pokemon. The amount of dust required is also different. At least 200 dust to upgrade the weakest Pokémon. You get stardust when you capture or incubate a Pokemon (100 dust for each) and as a daily bonus for captured arenas (in addition to coins), the professor sends you sweets when you send your Pokemon “for experiments” (1 candy for each) , while the sent Pokemon will not return to you. You can donate sick Pokémon. The button for sending (transfer) is located at the very bottom of the Pokemon window. Also in the pokemon storage window, you can sort them by number in pokedex, chosenness, catch time, name, combat strength.

The scale in the form of a semicircle above the Pokemon is an indicator of combat power (combat strength), the entire scale is the maximum possible CP at a given player's level, the dot marks the current CP. If the position of the point on the scale is not the extreme right, then the CP and HP values ​​can be improved by pressing “Power UP”. Even if your Pokemon has a full scale, you can improve it a few more times, getting a new level. You can give a Pokemon a new name by clicking on the pencil next to the old one (you can use Cyrillic, but no longer than 12 characters).


(the maximum level of a trainer in the game is not known yet)

coach level number of xp to the next. level coach level number of xp to the next. level coach level number of xp to the next. level
2 lvl 2000 xp 11 lvl 10000 xp 20 lvl
3 lvl 3000 xp 12 lvl 10000 xp 21 lvl
4 lvl 4000 xp 13 lvl 10000 xp 22 lvl
5 lvl 5000 xp 14 lvl 10000 xp 23 lvl
6 lvl 6000 xp 15 lvl 15000 xp 24 lvl
7 lvl 7000 xp 16 lvl 20,000 xp 25 lvl
8 lvl 8000 xp 17 lvl 20,000 xp 26 lvl
9 lvl 9000 xp 18 lvl 20,000 xp 27 lvl
10 lvl 10000 xp 19 lvl 25000 hr 28 lvl


(the number of XP is indicated without the use of Lucky Egg)

action number of XP
PokéStop hack + 50xp
capturing pokemon + 100xp
capturing a new Pokemon (+100 for capturing) + 500xp
nice throw (a good throw of a pokeball) - you need to get into a large circle of the sight + 10xp
great throw (good throw) - you need to get into the middle circle +50
excellent throw - you need to get into a small circle +100
curved throw (besides nice, great, excellent) - see FAQ for how to do it +10
incubation of eggs 2km
incubation of eggs 5km
incubation of eggs 10km + 1000xp
pokemon evolution 12-50 candies + 500xp
pokemon evolution> 50 candies + 1000xp
training in the arena with the Pokémon of your team (for each loser) + 10xp
fight in the arena with other team's Pokémon

Q: - how to walk?

О: - kicking around the city))

Q: - What is the difference between commands other than a formal description? What does this affect?

A: - so far only by ideology, it is unknown what it affects

Q: - What influences weight and height?

A: - According to unverified data, it affects CP, both up and down, depending on the type of Pokémon. The marker is XL or XS over height and weight.

Q: - why do Pokémon of the same level with the same level of pumping have different characteristics?

A: - Pokémon do not have an exact value for attack and HP, they have their own, not yet known range. By analogy with living things.

Q: - is there any confirmation / denial that the elements affect the course of the battle? For example, does a fire Pokemon have an advantage over a grassy one, or is a stone Pokemon well protected from an electric one?

A: - Below is a picture of the effectiveness of types (elements):

Generation 1

Applies to: Pok? Mon Green (Japan), Red, Blue and Yellow

Generation 2-5

Applies to:

Pok? Mon Gold, Silver & Crystal.
Pok? Mon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen & Emerald.
Pok? Mon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver.
Pok? Mon Black, White, Black 2 & White 2.

Q: - what does the Battery Saver option in Settings do?

A: - when the phone is turned over to any position other than horizontal, it turns on the black color of the screen in the game with the faded logo of the game. It does not work on all phone models, it is relevant for Super AMOLED.

Q: - is there an assumption / fact how many “paws” are in meters and what kind of trick in the direction of the search?

A: In the field test, one leg was equal to 40 meters. the trick for finding the answer is below.

Q: - The question is, can you upgrade only after you have completely improved it? And where can you see who this or that Pokemon will turn into after the upgrade?

A: - You can evolve with any CP level. after evolution, a window with a new pokemon will automatically open and you will see who it evolved into.

Q: - what do the leaves flying around the screen in a certain position mean?

A: - that there is possibly a Pokemon. most often they appear there

Q: - how many levels does the arena have?

A: - according to unconfirmed reports, 21 Pokémon were planted in one arena, while the arena level was 30

Q: - can a planted Pokemon be replaced in the arena?

Q: - Do HP recover and how long does it take?

A: - they themselves do not recover, in order to cure the Pokemon you need to use a spray in your backpack, or a yellow crystal (if HP is 0) which will restore 50%

Q: - Is there a card like Intel in Ingress?

Oh no. There is a plug-in for IITC, with the ability to save the type of portal (pokestop \ arena), you can upload the entered data and exchange with other players. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/139783/Ingress/pogo-portals/IITC%20plugin-%20pogo%20for%20portals.user.js

Q: - How is the location of the portals in Ingress and Pokestop in PoGo related?

A: - Directly. Pokestops are located only at the coordinates of the portals, but not all. Gym-s are also located at the coordinates of the portals, but not all. There is a theory that Pokemon (Pokespots) respawn according to the coordinates of the other portals. Simply put, if you open the Ingress Portal Map https://www.ingress.com/intel and go to the nearest portal, you will probably find either Pokestop, Gym, or Pokemon nearby (Pokespot).

Q: - How is the flashing of the Nearby bar in different colors related to the distance to the nearest Pokémon?

A: - If you select one of the Pokémon from the Nearby list, the bar will flash when you approach it. If you do not select anyone from the list specifically, the bar will flash yellow when you approach one of the Pokémon on the list, or green when you change the number or order of Pokémon in the list.

Q: - how to roll a curved pokeball?

A: - while holding the pokeball in combat mode, move your finger around (as if drawing a circle) until the pokeball starts spinning and throws it at the wild pokemon. note that the flight path will change

Q: - how to change the game nickname?

О: - you need to follow the link https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=319908, fill out the form, and then confirm your E-Mail by following the link in the letter that came to your mail (if you have not done this before).

Pokemon Go is officially out on iOS and Android. But, as you probably already know, the toy is radically different from those old Pokémon that everyone once played on Gameboy consoles. Now Pokemon exist in the real world, and the smartphone screen is like special glasses that allow you to see a live Pokemon (scientifically, the technology is called "augmented reality").

In general, they have been waiting for this toy for a long time. And finally they waited. And now it is officially released.

And this mini-FAQ is for those who have already started playing, as well as for those who are not yet in the subject, but have already heard about Pokemon Go, are interested and may even have downloaded it.


And a few more useful buttons:

And now - in order:

CHAPTER 2 - how to play pokemon go


Pokemon Go currently only features Pokémon from the classic Nintendo Pokémon Red and Blue. Therefore, the beginner is offered a choice of three Pokemon, with one of which he will start his game. These are Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle.

But! Knowledgeable comrades recommend starting the game with Pikachu. He's not on the map. However, those offered by the game, as it turned out, also do not have to be chosen. You just move on, ignoring the first three Pokémon offered. And so three times. And for the fourth time, the toy will offer a group of not three, but four Pokémon. And the fourth will be just yellow Pikachu.

True, and catching him, it seems, is a little more difficult than the comparatively more "inhibited" others. Especially if you haven't really learned how to throw pokeball yet. But everyone can do it, and you can do it. All the same, level 1.


To catch, pump and teach how to fight (and earn money). It is believed that a Pokemon is a free creature and lives on its own, but nevertheless, you can teach it to fight. Until they came up with a law on cruelty to virtual animals. By the way, the taming of a Pokemon is very peculiar. In addition, the more Pokémon you catch, including unnecessary ones, the more candies you can get to develop other Pokémon.


These are pokeballs. Pokemon are caught with them. Incidentally, this is a long-standing tradition. To catch a Pokemon, you need to hit it with a ball. The ball, as it were, absorbs the animal, and only after that, strictly in accordance with the old rules of the game, you become its owner. True, no one knows how a Pokemon fits into such a small ball. But, on the other hand, no one particularly cares about this issue. By the way, from about 12th level in Pokemon Go more powerful "Big Pokeballs" appear, and from 20th "ULTRA Pokeballs".


One of the most important features of this game is that Pokémon can be located anywhere, in the most literal sense - on the street, in the park, in the office, in the supermarket, etc. Sometimes they may even be in your car. If you drive it to the place where the Pokemon sits. You can see them using your smartphone. If you happen to be close to a Pokemon, then it will appear on the game radar, after which you can try to come closer and catch it. Virtually, of course.

There are at least two ways to search for Pokemon. : just move around until some one appears nearby, or purposefully track down the necessary (or unnecessary) animals in their tracks. Tracks in the game work on the principle of "hot-cold", the more of them are displayed on the screen, the further away is the Pokemon that left them.


There is also a third way: to lure Pokémon (about it - below).

As for the search regions, it is already known for sure that there are more Pokémon where the game marks a higher activity of the players ... That is, in the real world, these are popular and visited places. And you can calculate them, including on the game card. If on it you notice an area with a high concentration of PokéStops (especially with working Decoys) and Gims, then there should also be more Pokémon there. Another thing is that you can't yawn there either, since other Pokémon will definitely be nearby.

It is also worth noting that the developers are sympathetic to complaints from players who, for reasons beyond their control, have very few crowded places nearby. Because there is also there are few Pokémon, PokéStops, and Gims , which is why the game quickly loses all its attractiveness. In this regard, a special page has already been organized on the Niantic website, where each player can, in particular, complain to the developers about the shortage of PokéStops and Gims at his place of residence.


This is the so-called PokéStop. If you come closer to this place, the blue cube on the screen will turn into a disc with the image of real objects - buildings, monuments or parks.

We tap this disk and start rotating it with your finger on the screen. If you're lucky, then something useful for finding, catching and training Pokémon will drop from him. For example:

  • incense- a herb with a mysterious scent that beckons wild Pokémon to you for 30 minutes;
  • lucky egg- filled with happiness and allows players to earn double experience within 30 minutes;
  • incubator- a device that incubates eggs while you are traveling;
  • bait- a device that attracts Pokémon to a PokéStop for 30 minutes, other players nearby can benefit from this device;

Many of these items can be bought for in-game currency - PokeCoins, but you will have to invest real money to buy coins.

By the way, ! THE MOST IMPORTANT "trick" any Pokestop - in that it "recharges" in just 10-15 minutes. That is, in crowded places where there are a lot of PokéStops, you can simply "clean" them out in a circle, replenishing your stocks. until you get bored. True, you have to run a little.


With the current update of the game in Pokemon Go, it became possible to change the player's nickname directly in the game menu. True, this can be done only once, because the developers in their blog even asked users to carefully choose their nicknames.

In general, in order to change the nickname in Pokemon Go, we do the following:

  • open the menu (tap on the pokeball on the screen) and go to settings (Settings);
  • scroll the screen down to the line Change nickname and tap on it;
  • a window on duty will pop up with a question, in it we press YES ;
  • now enter your new nickname, click OK and then YES again ;
  • further in the new window " You are now known as (your new nickname)»Check the spelling and tap OK .

That's the whole procedure. We repeat, your new nickname this time should be "the best", since you will not be able to change it just as quickly and simply in the near future. And return the old one too.


A lot of people have been playing Pokemon GO for two whole weeks. Some, judging by the speed of pumping, are generally around the clock and, most likely, without lunch breaks. True, the Pokémon in the game does not decrease from this, but experience appears. Not in the sense of experience, but in the sense of what and where can be done so that it turns out better and faster. Yes, we are again that a competent cheat in Pokemon Go will never be superfluous. More details - here:


There are 17 types of Pokemon currently in the Pokemon GO game. Each type, of course, has its own strengths and weaknesses. And each type has its own strongest Pokemon. To clarify, we are not yet talking about legendary Pokémon - this is a different story, and we will definitely tell you about them.

In this post, we have collected information about the most powerful Pokemon in each type in Pokemon GO, i.e. about those that you will definitely meet in the game. Or have already met.


You already know what a Pokémon's CP is and how important this metric is to his fighting career. And also, you probably already know that the CP of a Pokemon can be pumped, and you know how to do it. As well as the fact that each Pokemon, without exception, has its own maximum CP level.

New infa!


Pokemon GO Plus is out now. And if you have already bought it, then this post is for you. The new device is quite simple to operate, but, as it turned out, it still takes some time to master it. Exactly enough to study all the Pokemon GO Plus signals. In fact, there are only a few of them, but the active blinking of the LEDs is at first frankly puzzling.

In general, we reserve ourselves with patience and remember.

New infa!


The kilometers traveled will now bring the gamer not only, but also a scarce resource, which, as you know, the game is constantly needed for development. Immediately, we note that the system here is the same as with eggs: the cooler the Pokemon, the more kilometers you need to walk with it in order to earn 1 candy. How many and with which Pokemon you need to go through to earn this one candy, see the table.

Read more in the post:

New infa!


Why is it so important to earn as much experience as possible in Pokemon Go? Well, how can I say ... As the level of the trainer grows, so do his Pokémon. Simply put, the more XP you get, the more chances you have of finding, raising, and developing stronger Pokémon.

New infa!


Invalid kilometers i.e. incorrect calculation of distances in Pokemon Go remains one of the most annoying problems that every player sooner or later faces. Still, to go 10 kilometers, and then see that the igushka only counted 3 - this, you see, is unpleasant.

And although users, as usual, hope that with each new update of the game, this problem will finally be fixed, but there have been updates, and it is there all the time. We recently wrote about the reasons why it is, and how to deal with it.


Well, since you, dear reader, have reached that level in the game when you began to be interested in such a parameter as Pokemon IV, it means that your playing skill also already has its own level, and it is growing rapidly.

So, about IV Pokemon. As you already know, each type of Pokemon in Pokemon Go differs in a set of some basic parameters. However, each individual Pokemon also has its own set of personal parameters. In the original, these parameters are called Attack, Defense and Stamina. The ratio of all these parameters determines the IV of the Pokemon - its individual value, that is, the rating of its "individual value" in the game.


In Pokemon Go, the focus is now on Pokemon CP. And this, without a doubt, has its own logic. However, let's not forget that in the game "health" (that is, "hitpoints") of the animal is no less important than its combat power. Indeed, in Pokemon Go, HP determines how stable a Pokemon will be in battle. In this regard, briefly about the "healthiest" Pokemon in the game.


Pokejims, they are also Training Rooms, they are also Gyms, in Pokemon Go, as you know, this is a special object. And not only because there your Pokemon can always fight with strangers. Gym is also a stable source of PokéCoins, i.e. game currency. The more Gims you control, the more money "drips" into your account every 20 hours. However, in Pokemon Go, Gyms must be captured, they are not given to anyone in the game for no reason. Read more in the post:

Recall that there are currently 17 types of Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Each type has its own characteristic Attacks, each with a specific Strength. This strength is measured on a digital scale. Thus, the Strength indicator means how powerful the corresponding Attack will be in battle. So, let's see:


The so-called Quick Attack is the main attack of the Pokemon, which in battle the gamer, that is, you, carries out with simple taps of your finger on the screen. Having studied once again the Pokémon data table, we have compiled a list of Rapid Attacks with the highest Attack Rate - the accuracy of striking. The accuracy of the attack directly determines the amount of damage that your Pokemon inflicts on its opponent per unit of time (or, more simply, how many of your tapes on the screen reach the target). So:


In Pokemon Go, fighting is always fun. And if you win in them, then the interest, like the fan, increases significantly. In this regard, a little about how in Pokemon Go you can win battles for Gyms more often, successfully conquering new points for yourself and / or your team.


As a reminder, there are 17 types of Pokemon currently in PokemonGo. And the resistance of this or that Pokemon to the Attacks of other Pokemon is actually determined by its origin, that is, by its type. With this in mind, we have made this our plate. Read more in the post:


This is how the “augmented reality” mode is denoted (there is also a virtual one, but this is different). Thanks to him, you see Pokémon in the real world through your mobile device. The technology uses the camera of a smartphone or tablet to "stick" a virtual animal to a real picture.

And it discharges the smartphone's battery very well (more on that below), therefore, in order to save power, it is recommended to turn it off whenever possible. However, not everyone then succeeds in turning AR mode back on.

So, if you turned off AR mode in Pokemon Go, then to turn it on again you need to find a new Pokemon. Then just point your smartphone at it, tap on the image of the animal on the screen, and the AR switch appears in the upper right corner of the screen. However, you must turn on AR mode before you start catching a Pokemon, otherwise the switch will disappear again and you will have to wait until the next Pokemon.


Players who have reached level 5 can join the team. You can join any team of three. The gameplay is the same for everyone. There is no way to leave the command. Therefore, before choosing any of the three, ask playing friends-acquaintances, in which teams they are members, and join where there are more good people and good players.


In the game, they are called pokegym, i.e. literally "gym". But this is a slightly different room. Hall - Pokejim (or Gim) - a place where Pokemon fights are arranged. That is, there you can put your Pokemon against a Pokemon from another team. The fight is carried out one on one. Each Pokemon has a combat potential that can be pumped using items. The most powerful Pokémon wins in battle. It is very easy to train Pokémon. To do this, you need to go to your team's Gym.

In the Gim of the other team (on the map it is indicated by a different color) you enter to fight between Pokémon and / or to recapture the Gim for yourself. If it works out, then you just leave your Pokémon there to protect it, thereby claiming the right of your team to this object. So you have to be ready to part ways with your Pokémon. But don't worry too much. If Gim is captured by an alien team, then the beaten Pokémon will automatically return to their owners.

The team must constantly hold their Gyms, raising their "Prestige" with new victories in the battles with the Pokémon of other teams. Defeating all Pokémon raises Gym Prestige and increases your chances in battle against the other team. If Prestige drops to zero, the defending team loses control of the Gim. Then you or another player can capture that Gim.

It is better to go to the assault on a strong alien Gym as a team. Simply because there may be a very powerful Pokemon, which the available forces simply cannot cope with. And it will be much easier to defeat him with a team. Besides, grabbing Gim is one thing, but holding him down is another. It is also easier to defend with a team.

And one more important point: Pokemon combat is essentially like a rock-paper-scissors game. In each battle, stronger properties win: scissors beat paper, stone - scissors, etc. Therefore, for a successful assault on someone else's well-defended Gym, a strong team of 6 people with well-trained Pokémon of six different types is required. For the same reason, you cannot leave weak Pokémon or even strong ones of the same type in the Gym. Both attack and defense should be diversified.

The number of controlled pokejim is indicated in the section " Shop". Once a day (more precisely, once every 20 hours), Gim "lists" the game currency that can be used to purchase items. Therefore, the more Gims, the richer the team.


During each battle, the Pokémon inevitably receives some kind of damage. He may also faint. But even after winning a battle, the Pokémon is not automatically healed, and hospitals for Pokémon are not provided in the game either. Therefore, we read:


The less often you open the in-game purchase screen, the cheaper the game will cost you. You can always buy the essentials for in-game currency. Except for time. You can only earn more in-game money in the game, constantly looking for new PokéStops and increasing the number of controlled Gyms. And this takes a long time. And you can save (or rather, speed up) it only by pumping your Pokémon for real money. As in other games ...


If this is an ordinary egg, then put it in an incubator (you already have one, and you can find new ones or just buy them), then cover a certain distance (for real), after which a new Pokemon will hatch from this egg. By the way, according to the rules, the distance must be covered, moreover, at the speed of a pedestrian, which is about 8 km / h.

The required distance is determined by the "parameters" of the egg (and the Pokemon in it). The steeper it is, and the less common it is, the further you have to walk. An ordinary egg is “nursed” in 2 km, an unusual one - in 5 km, and a rare and exclusive one - in as much as 10 kilometers. Wherein, if the game is not active (the application is turned off), then the mileage you have traveled will not be counted!

Difficult, of course. However, eggs have several very significant benefits. Namely:

  • egg pokemon is initially much stronger (than the same one, but found in the usual way);
  • a pokemon hatches from an egg along with a set of candies suitable for it (for example, it appears immediately with 15 candies), i.e. you can also pump it right there;
  • "Nursing" perfectly raises the gaming experience (a gamer has to walk, run and ride a lot, but in the process he finds the most of all).

By the way, about walking ... Those who don't want to walk a lot have already begun to come up with "live hacks" that help grow Pokemon eggs without burdening themselves with extra distances:


Let us remind you that unlike Lures, which can only be turned on on PokéStops and in fact in plain sight, Frankincense, firstly, works only for you, and secondly, it is mobile. That is, after activating Frankincense, you do not have to stand still for half an hour while it works.

Moreover, there is no need to stand with him at all. It is noticed that in one place, Frankincense "lures" about one Pokemon every 5 minutes. But if you move, then Frankincense begins to work from a distance, "luring" an average of 1 Pokemon for every 200 meters that you go.

Plus, it always makes sense to use Incense while moving next to a working Decoy. Thus, the chances of spotting and mulling rare Pokémon are significantly increased. And if, at the same time, you activate the Lucky Egg, then the "harvest" of experience for everything that you do at this time in the game will also double. For example: for each new Pokemon (which is not yet in your Pokedex), you get 500 hp, and with the Egg - 1000 hp. Well, etc.

EVOLUTION OF THE EVE POCEMON: how to develop it more correctly

Eevee in Pokemon Go is such an element of surprise. And the thing is that Evie does not develop like the others, but rather randomly. Therefore, the approach to it is special. More on this in the post.


In the "personal file" of each Pokemon in Pokemon Go, several different parameters of the animal are indicated in addition to the most important - the number of Combat Power, which measures the combat power of the animal. In particular, in this list, we always see the name, amount of health, type, as well as the Height and Weight of the Pokémon. With the first four - understandable, but why the rest? What influence this height and weight of the Pokemon in the game, we read in the post:

MEDALS IN POKEMON GO: what and for what they give

In Pokemon Go, medals are awarded to gamers for various in-game achievements. And since achievements are different, both outstanding and ... different, there are also many nominations in the game. And in each of them you can earn 3 medals: gold, silver and bronze.

CHAPTER III - general Pokemon Go questions


Rare Pokémon are, figuratively speaking, such a carrot in the game that makes the gamer constantly move and explore new places on the map and in the real world. After all, one and even more so several VIP-Pokémon, such that very few people have, not only decorate the collection, but also provide a number of advantages in the game. Plus, there is, of course, an element of CCHS. In view of the novelty of the toy itself, with the types, habits and habitats of rare Pokemon, we have not yet fully figured out. However, some of the nuances of the game mechanics underlying their game behavior are already more or less clear. We will tell about them:


It is believed that some of the Pokémon in the wild are found only in certain regions of our planet. That's why they are called that. Regional Rare Pokemon (ie literally "regional rare Pokémon").

Thus, no matter where you live, there will always be a couple of animals (well, except for the Legendary ones, they are no longer in the game at all), which you will not find on your continent. The list of "regional rare Pokémon" is quite short:

  • # 122 - Mister Mime (Mr. Mime) - Pokemon of a double psycho-fabulous type in Pokemon Go lives exclusively in Europe;
  • # 128 - Tauros (Tauros) - "Normal" type Pokemon lives in North America;
  • # 115 - Kangaskhan (Kangaskhan) - the same one that looks like a kangaroo, also "Normal" lives in Australia and New Zealand;
  • # 083 - Farfech'd (Farfetch'd) - "Normal Flying" Pokemon is found in Asian countries, mainly in Japan and South Korea, if you take into account the local realities of the distribution of the game Pokemon Go.

It is because of such a "registration" of all these Pokémon are called regional. But …

However, this does not mean that you definitely need to fly to Australia to catch Kangaskhan (although, if possible, why not fly?) Any of the regional ones can be grown in an incubator, so to speak, at the place of their current residence. Of course, they hatch from eggs less often than Pidzhi, nevertheless, they are not completely scarce either.


The developers have plans, as the classic wrote, GROMADIE, and this year the toy will be constantly updated and re-updated. So it promises a lot of different surprises. By the way, the CEO of Niantic himself promises John Hanke. So you just have to believe him. And we have to hope that these surprises will only be pleasant. But wait and see. In this post, we collect those pleasant surprises that have already been discovered in the game and will be discovered. By tradition, we called them "Easter eggs":


Since Pokemon Go is, first of all, a computer program, and therefore already a toy, some especially enlightened gamers, puzzled by the question of finding out the game parameters of Pokemon, “dug up” in the end the so-called “master file” of the game. It just displays all the statistics of the Pokémon. In particular, the “runaway” rating, which each animal has its own. Everyone, of course, already guessed about this. However, it's one thing to just guess, and quite another to see everything in numbers:

What does the player get when they catch all the Pokémon?

Only ChSV ... Although the most successful gamers, according to rumors, will receive a separate award ...

What to do with the same Pokémon?

They can be exchanged with the Professor for candy. To do this, click on the pokeball icon at the bottom of the screen, select the same Pokemon and tap "Exchange". For a Pokémon, the player is entitled to candy of the same type. Candies in the game are used to level up Pokémon. BECAUSE THERE ARE NO EXTRA POCEMONS IN THE GAME !!!

Some Teeth? Why are there so many Zubatov?

The Pokemon population in Pokemon Go is determined by your location and the geography of the area you are in. For example, in one place there may be more Zubats, in another - Pidgets or Paras. Some Pokémon like the city more, others like to live closer to the water. Night game gives you the opportunity to catch Night Pokémon - Gastly and Clefair. In fact, the whole point of Pokemon Go is to travel and search for Pokemon in different locations. In addition, the more Pokémon around, the better. Even if you come across the same "faces" all the time. Any excess Pokemon can always be exchanged with the Professor for candy.

Can a Pokémon be set free?

No! It was in old toys that users could release their Pokémon. In Pokemon Go, this feature is not provided. You can only exchange your Pokemon for candy with the Professor.


Well, at Niantic, the guys are smart. Before Pokemon Go, they developed and released a rather interesting multiplayer toy Ingress. It also functions on the basis of augmented reality technology, through which the gamer needs to find and capture virtual portals, which in the real world are located at the site of some local attractions. The data for this game were provided to the developers by the participants themselves, based on their own idea of ​​the popularity of a particular place. Some of this data Niantic, of course, included in Pokemon Go. So, if you find some special game object, like the same Gim, in the place of some no less special and visited attraction in reality, then, most likely, local Ingress players should be thanked for such an unusual humor.


In fact, looking for Pokémon, say somewhere in a busy urban area, is an activity that requires care and discretion, even from a sober person. Still, moving through the streets, peering with enthusiasm at the screen of your smartphone is always not safe, both during the day and at night. However, it is better to quote the statement of the game developers, which is published on the official website of Niantic. It is written there in particular the following: “For safety reasons, never play Pokemon GO while driving a car, riding a bicycle, hoverboard or doing anything that requires increased attention, and of course, chasing Pokemon, never go far from parents or accompanying persons. " As for alcohol, it is obvious that the augmented reality of the game should not be supplemented with something superfluous. Since such a "game" can cause inconvenience to others or lead to conflict situations. And then, let's not forget that in our area the expression "looking for Pokemon" from an adult and a drunken person can be perceived in different ways and with different consequences. In Australia, where the game was released earlier than in other countries, the police are already publishing official appeals to citizens with appropriate warnings and reminders. But, however, it turned out there that one of the PokéStops ended up right on the territory of the police station:

Why is there such a stir?

This is probably a consequence of the culture shock that the world experienced in the 90s. Then the Pokémon from a rather simple, but very popular video game, for the first time made a real expansion into the real world. There were cartoons and cartoons, special cards and a lot of different things that people liked and continues to like to this day. Simply put, it turns out that Pokémon never went out of fashion. And the current fuss around the new game is another proof of that. By the way, only the last two Pokemon games for Nintendo 3DS were bought in the amount of 25 million copies.

CHAPTER IV - mega-archive of useful articles on Pokemon Go [updated]


Keep for updates. The post is supplemented and edited constantly ...

Identical and extra Pokémon can only be exchanged for candy. They cannot be sold yet, it is possible that such a function of the game will be created in the future. And candies can be very useful to you, they will help you pump the Pokemon to a higher level.

It is better to transfer your Pokémon to the next higher level, because in fact they are all different. When Pokémon go through evolution it's good for the game. But if you think that you have superfluous and there are absolutely identical characters, then there is an opportunity to exchange them for Kandy, these are candies.

Each of the Pokémon can bring the player to fetch up to several candies at a time. There is a backpack to use for this purpose.

Identical and unnecessary Pokemon in the game "Pokemon GO" can be exchanged for candies, which can be further used to improve your Pokemon - take them to the next level, thereby becoming stronger. Any Pokémon can bring several candies, so when playing on the ground, you should collect all the Pokémon that will come across on the way. Everyone will be useful, especially since the backpack provided in the game allows you to do this.

In the Pokemon Go toy, you catch Pokemon of different types for your collection, but if you already have a creature, do not pass by its twin - take it as well. If you have the same Pokémon, then you can develop them, and ultimately they evolve to other species that are not in your collection.

In addition, extra identical Pokémon can be used as exchange material. We keep one for ourselves, and send the others to the professor, who will give you candies... And you will need candy to upgrade your creatures.

Conclusion: identical Pokémon should be taken, they will be useful to you.

In Pokemon GO, you can catch the same Pokemon multiple times. At the same time, each of them will take up space in the inventory. Only 250 can be placed in a backpack. Repeating ones can be exchanged for candy for the same Pokémon.

If you have the same Pokémon, don't worry - duplicates will come in handy too. After all, existing Pokémon can be pumped, thereby allowing him to evolve and turn into a Pokémon of a higher level.

In addition, thanks to the repetition, you can earn candies - for this you need to give the Pokemon for experiments to the professor, and he, in turn, will give you one candy. You can send a Pokemon for experiments by clicking on the "transfer" button below.

The resulting candy can be used to level other Pokémon. Just keep in mind that those Pokémon that you give for experiments cannot be returned back.

If in the game Pokemon GO you come across the same Pokemon, do not get discouraged and do not pass them by. Catch Pokémon, even if you already have one.

Capturing Pokémon brings additional experience, and Pokémon can always be exchanged for sweets. Do not forget that Pokémon can evolve, after going through the evolution you will get a completely different Pokémon.

Despite the fact that some Pokemon in the game Pokemon GO can duplicate each other, you should not pass by the doubles when you meet them - they also need to be taken into your piggy bank, since these copies will be useful later for exchanging for candies, so necessary for pumping strong Pokemon, for which are the main hopes.

Playing the popular game Pokemon go you catch pokemon on the ground. It often happens that you have caught many identical Pokémon. In this case, you can exchange the same Pokemon for candy (candy), which can be used to pump other Pokemon.

There are no extra Pokémon. Pokemon of the same type can come in handy, you give them to the Professor, and instead you will receive candies for pumping your main Pokemon. Take everyone, even if you already have about twenty exactly the same.