Secrets Game Kiss and Meet in Contact. Cheating hearts in Kiss and Meet VKontakte. Cheats kiss and get acquainted

Today, a wide variety of games appear in the life of young people and girls on the Internet. Some of them can further contribute to the free time, mining pleasure and opportunities to get acquainted with interesting people. For other people, it's just the opportunity to pass time with pleasure. The game every day is becoming increasingly popular on the Internet. Many participants for a long time spend precisely behind this application on social networks. One of these games is "Kiss and Meet" VKontakte. Otherwise, it is called a bottle.

About the game

The essence of the game is to get a larger number of hearts and cocktails that will help in the future. The table with 12 players opens. In the middle of the table there is a bottle that participants are twisted in a circle. At that moment, when the bottle stops and shows on the partner, and the player makes a choice, whether to kiss the most pretty player to you or refuse a kiss. There is an excellent opportunity to choose the most attractive partners (partners) on the table. At the table is always the same number of girls and guys so that the participants stood an honest and equal choice. Bright red heart in this game is a kind of cash equivalent. With the help of these hearts, it will be possible to participate in various contests, thanks to which this bright red currency can be noticeably replenished. There is an excellent chance to earn cherished hearts with the help of kisses. However, do not forget that one heart receive only for ten kisses. This is the most common opportunity to get them. There is also an excellent chance to get five free hearts if the VKontakte application is added to the menu on the left side of the screen.

With the help of so-called codes, the application participant can obtain a practically infinite amount of hearts. They enjoy many players "Kiss and Meet" VKontakte. In this case, the codes are not necessarily by downloading or sending SMS as in other Internet games. Just need to punch the code to the game described. As a result of the operation made, 9999 hearts will be charged free. Instructions for gaining codes can easily find on the Internet. That is why this game does not prevent any difficulty.

Cocktails Love

In addition to the hearts in the game, the so-called love cocktails receive the so-called VKontakte. As a rule, it is obtained in the form of a gift the most favorite member of the application. The cocktail itself can be purchased only for votes. A paid cocktail began after numerous cheating and the appearance of codes in the application. This can be considered the main negative side of the application. If it were not for the commercial component, then with a huge share of the likelihood of fans the game had much more. Many of it refused to be abandoned.

Currently, the cocktail of love in the Application "Kiss and Meet" is in gifts only after purchasing hearts from the application. Then you need to refresh the page with the game "Kiss and Meet". The cocktail of love stopped appearing after cheating and other unlawful actions, now it can be obtained only. Do not forget to refresh the page and then get a bonus for gifts.

This is the most important thing that you can say about the game "Kiss and Meet". If anyone did not try to enjoy, cherished hearts and love cocktail, then you have such an opportunity in the presence of a computer with an Internet access.

Distribution of hearts and cocktails for the game Kiss and get acquainted VKontakte!

First launch game application

The game application "Clear and Meet" provides the opportunity for each user of the social network "Vkontakte" for a long time forgetting his shy and plunge into the world of limitless opportunities for love seekers. During the first launch of the game application, each expects a pleasant surprise. In addition, the new participant immediately twists the bottle and he is given the opportunity to kiss any cute partner in the game that he will like. Plus, the application gives 5 pieces of hearts and completely free, just for the fact that the participant will add on the page the application game on the left side.

Red Hearts - Home Game Currency

The main currency for the effective love game is the red hearts that make it possible to show an increased level of sympathy for their partner and have much more chances for acquaintance with him, as well as for this chance of the further development of events. To have at its disposal as many hearts as possible, it is necessary to go to the app more often and more to play the wonderful game "Kiss and Meet." The game has various contests in which you can get red hearts even more.

Additional features of the application "Kiss and Meet"

The game has a gaming chat in which people can communicate and rewrite with each other online and all together at the same time who is now in the appendix and wants to communicate. The same chat can sometimes be particularly sensitive to upset a lot, because there may be periodically to appear from non-urban users, insults and various obscene vocabulary to other chat participants and users of the application. Since the verbal flow monitors the automatic bot, and then words when communicating is large enough, he does not have time to process them and they go into chat without processing, so you need to be ready. It is better not to pay attention to this and try to find in the appendix only good sides. To give and take cocktails, which here are one of the most important indicators of sympathy for a partner or an object of sympathy, nothing can be more pleasant, except that only the emergence of mutual sympathy for each other. Since the chat reigns a little different atmosphere, then they can be neglected and emphasized on the main game process, where it is necessary to twist the bottle and show their sympathy towards the participant who visited, be it a girl or a guy, depending on the floor of the first participant.

The benefits of the game application "Kiss and Meet"

During the number of numerous game parties, with the same uncountable number of bottled rotations, here you can truly truly receive benefits from this simple process. It can be in fact that the majority of participants are here, this is a search for a couple, a beloved girl or a guy, and perhaps in the future, even a spouse or spouse. Everything will depend on mutual purposes and the sympathy level in relation to each other. But, but everyone has such the same opportunities, it is worth only to wish it and try to make efforts, it will be clear that it will be, the main thing is to find here what is important for everyone.

But, at a minimum, the app will give a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions, especially girls, because according to the generally accepted public standards, it is believed that it is the guy who should take the initiative and give the girl with gifts and his attention. Therefore, girls here are simply an incredible amount of male attention. Although, the guys here will also get a lot of pleasant here, it is an opportunity to watch beautiful girls and choose from them for themselves alone.

Cheat on Cube and Meet developed and created with one goal this enrollment on an account of an unlimited number of hearts. You can add hearts on both your account and accounts for your friends and acquaintances.

Essentially a kiss game and get acquainted so that people could not only spend time playing in the old bottle of the bottle, but also for those who are older and who wish to meet or find their half in real life could do it through this application . Functional and tasks in the game are very simple and there are only few of them.

  • Twist a bottle.
  • Discard kisses.
  • Give gifts.

And of course, I get acquainted to send public messages or personal messages what is naturally provided in the game. What concerns gifts, then there are a lot of them here and notice that the developers often add them. And what else would you like to tell you to inform those who do not know what on our portal There are many different other cheats for VC, so you can see and maybe some of them use for other applications, such as new and wonderful.

I want to tell a little about gifts that you without restrictions of course if you have hearts, give your favorites and loved. Everyone, for example, take a gold crown that we have two hearts, a gift is really beautiful and I think it will be nice to get from you who do you like more. For example, treat everyone who is in your circle, coffee or other drinks.

And here are subscribers and guests we reached the very essence of our current theme, and this is the consideration of the program to wind the hearts. I will note that the cheat is very simple and does not require installation all that you need to do it go into the game, select the desired amount of hearts for winding and activate enrollment . The miners are credited instantly and you do not have to wait a few minutes. Everything is simple and fast.

Download cheat to Keeje and Meet the hearts I repeat Who does not know, you need two versions for what he worked and started on any version of Windows and naturally through any browser. So you can safely use it through that browser through which you constantly play. All questions and wishes to leave in the comments, I will answer all. Powes and to new updates.

Hacking game kiss and familiar cheats Give you an unlimited number of hearts in the game. These cheat codes for hacking the game Clear and meet fit for use in any social networks, such as VKontakte (VC), classmates, my world (mail) and Facebook. In order to hack this game, you don't even need to download anything and all this without SMS. You just have enough to enter the cheat on the hearts in the game Kiss and get acquainted. Immediately after you enter the cheat code into the game, you will be accrued with 9999 hearts absolutely free. If suddenly you still do not know where to enter cheats for hacking kiss and get acquainted, then for you below in this article we have placed the instruction in which everything is described in detail, and hack game kiss and get acquainted You will not be difficult. Have a good game!

  • To receive 9999 hearts enter this cheat code - KH_aMNWNNTQX

All cheat codes can be entered many times.

Attention! In order to get instructions for cheats, you need to subscribe to the channel of this guy on YouTube, and put a fog under any of his video and view this video to the end without rewinding

Cheat codes are better than programs for hacking kiss and get acquainted because:

  1. You do not need to download any programs for hacking kiss and get acquainted.
  2. You can hack the game Kiss and Meet the hearts for free.
  3. You do not pick up the virus because you do not need to download anything.
  4. This Breaking into 100% safe because you do not need to download malicious programs for hacking.

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  • kiss and get acquainted cheat on hearts

Today, at least several tens of thousands of applications has been created for VKontakte. Most of them are just computer games. But there are some other applications. For example, for online dating.
Everyone knows the very popular program "Chatvnava". There you can chat with a stranger and get to know or even find love absolutely randomly. But this is a separate site.
And there is a program of the same kind for VKontakte.
The trouble is that for "Kiss and Meet" you need money, There it is necessary to give the interlocutor gifts, and for this you need "hearts". It's not the mark "I like" from VKontakte himself, it's precisely a full-fledged gaming currency that can be obtained, you can buy, and you can - cheat.
The program for cheating of hearts VKontakte exists, and the name of her - Bot Broket. It can send a permitted free amount of hearts from an account under its control.
It is known that many users have several accounts and carry out similar procedures. Nevertheless, this is not enough. If you want to communicate with your selected interlocutors without interruptions and give them all the gifts available in the game, then you need to wind hearts using programs.
You can download the program for cheat cards VKontakte on our website in the downloads section, the program is initially operating from one account, but when buying a unlimited license can work from an unlimited number of accounts.

Program for VKontakte hearts - what other functions are there?

It would be silly to use such a powerful tool only for hanging hearts. Primarily, he can cheat normal hearts - that is, the usual marks like it. Secondly, he may communicate with people for you (but here it is necessary to have aactile - it's best to connect the bot in the settings section and to teach him a little).
Thirdly, he can invite to groups and add friends.

Finally, he can participate in hacking accounts, taking on the function "Lose confidence and invite to the trap site."
In general, the tool is the most versatile, and not just the program cheat cards VKontakte, you can download it directly on our website in the downloads section.

How can you help in meeting the cheating of hearts in kiss and get acquainted VKontakte?

First of all, we are talking about to give gifts only with hearts. Further - in order to start communicating outside the program, you also need hearts.
Suggest what will happen if you sobble with man, and he suddenly disappears. And you do not know what happened - whether he had money over, or he has no more interest in you, and he only pretends that he has ended money on hearts.
Yes, and the most active and mining men, the hearts will still be, free, due to active communication.
That is why in this program is who has many hearts, he won the nomination "The most attractive partner."
So, we looked at this program, and decided to download it, the cheating of the hearts of VKontakte may not begin immediately, and after we configure the program, add an account there, which will be promoted.
The program for hearts in VKontakte will begin its work after we also specify that it is necessary to do that. You can put an action in the application, or specify the usual cheating of conventional hearts (likes).
If you are thinking, buy or download, cheat cards VKontakte when you seriously take care, can tell you - the more accounts for sending hearts, the better.
Therefore, you can safely buy a maximum license for a bobot.

Support - Program for VKontakte hearts is developed by responsible people.

Support for users from a bobot at height. There is own website of the program, there is a team of those who answer questions, as well as many groups of VKontakte and the like.
You may, in the future, want to start the promotion of groups and the automatic addition of friends. If so, then you will tell you where to start, they will show how other people do. And then you can make sure that the team of the Broket is composed of exclusively responsible and understanding their work of people.
Broket is a truly effective program. It is worth thinking about immediately acquire a maximum license for a bobot, and thereby remove most of the problems that will arise in the future if you want to do other activities on the Niv of social engineering.
For example, you can get a group and issue hearts in the application for repos. Well, and so on, the flight of fantasy is absolutely not limited. Guess what you want to do, well, and a bobot, as a obedient robot tool, make a lot for you and will help you large.
Broket - a unique and universal program, download or buy it and you will not regret!