Secrets of The Cursed Crusade game. Stronghold Crusader: Passage Old Streets Zare

It is not immediately clear, whether the Cursed Crusade is trying to be God of War about the knights, or that is still Knights of the Temple with Nezness. On the one hand, everyone here goes in shining lats and neat gloves, almost do not increase the voices and, generally speaking, want to free the holy earth. On the other hand, without the interference of the gods and otherworldly forces, it also did not cost, and periodically on the screen everything caves infernal fire. Approximately about a third of the game takes place in volatile torment: what will one turn out? Unfortunately, we outweigh the sullen knights.

Nevertheless, for the budget slasher The Cursed Crusade is surprisingly meaningful. It seems to be a lot of combo, the protagonist teaches new techniques after each level, shoots from the crossbow, and over time, it develops the fencing with two blade at once. When you study the gigantic character development screen, it seems that this is the most detailed action in the world. But in the dynamics everything turns out, alas, not so cheerful.

First of all, because this very dynamics is not in principle, and there is no place to use a combo. The knight slowly, the rotor walks in terms of the level, with dignity she brings the sword and leisurely rubs enemies. Then helancholithically spends some, with the permission to say, Fatalyti: cuts off the enemy head or pierces the belly. If the sword suddenly broke down (hardened steel is crumpled into a duct after two dozen shocks!), I have to score all the hardware remaining in your hands. It seems that faster and more efficiently to attach the enemy an arrow between the eyes, but long-range weapons, alas, are rare. Basically, you have to endure with swords.

The storming of the fortress will end in two minutes, and we will start to sleep with boring battles again.

And nothing else, except for boring Drak, there is no in the Cursed Crusade. Locations are close, QTE Rerewn, bosses for the most part - Banal knights-pitchings. Only the parallel world looks interesting, where, because of the imposed curse, the hero is abandoned. Once at that light, our growing horns and meets some devils. But the mechanics of the game from this does not change at all.

At the studio Kylotonn. (You, of course, forgot, and this is the authors Bet On Soldier) There is one truly good game - SpeedBall 2: Tournament, futuristic sports, created in collaboration with Bitmap Brothers.. For slashers, we would also advise them to find companions, alone the French did not succeed. There is something mystical in the fact that after ten years fails they have not yet closed, - apparently, until they performed their carmic destination.


1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies, we comprehend the first aza battle. Then we look at the roller and run away from death to the church, pressing the arrows on time (you need to press at a time when the circle is approaching the arrow and become white). After the roller, we fall in the hiring menu. Learning to distribute skills glasses (they are spent on force, the rage of the Templar, the mastery of possession of weapons / armor, the maximum amount of health), skill points (help to master the one or another type of weapons perfectly, helps to learn new combo).


1) Biron Castle assault

We play for Denza, in the assistants we have a young Spaniard Esteban. The causing a covering device, and at the right time, when enemy archers produce a hail of arrows, hiding into the shelter by pressing the space.

Having reached the gate, we take into the hands of the crossbow and shoot enemy archers, leaving the shelter, aiming (when the enemy falls in the crosshair, it becomes red) and shoot, pressing on the right mouse button. When enemy archers fall in front of the gate, we look at the roller in which these gates will be undermined.

We fall on the bridge leading to the main goal of the castle. Kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach Taran, click e, thereby we will stand for his management. We press Q, thereby calling the aid of Esteban, after that press the right arrows on time.

Mitigars through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. When the main wave of guards will be killed, three more will appear on the stairs in the far part of the courtyard. We kill them out of the crossbow (for this we click the arrows down, thereby the crossbow will fall to our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and again by E. So we will help you to climb the Estebana and bring themselves. We step in the next courtyard, we kill the shopping guards, we find three chests (see with treasures). The path further blocks the wagon. With the help of Esteban, roll over it and run into the castle.

Climb upstairs, there find the fourth chest. Then go down and run away through the bridge to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We get the task to deal with martin. The fight with him passes in two stages: for the first time we defeat him in a normal condition, the second time we defeat him being in a state of curse. Strong these two states do not differ, only an external entourage and a couple of parts that you do not. Do not forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competitions in Eci

This level is simple and monotony. Just need to fight four times in the arena, between battles passing training. For the first time we learn a stunning blow (the average mouse button), the second time we study the palling of the strikes and the removal of the enemy from the balance (the gap, when the opponent is blue), for the third time they are studying how to dug off strikes (the average mouse button when the enemy orange) For the fourth time we will be taught to determine the status of the sword (the R button, if the sword is broken, it is painted in red). The battles are quite simple, though the fourth time will have to fight two days and with several enemies. After winning competitions, we fulfill our goal, and the game transfers us in the cursing menu, where you can pump a damn.

3) chase in the lunar night

Kill the enemy squad attacked us. We are successful before the alley, which is blocking the cell, move it. We kill archers, ahead of the protrusion to which you need to climb. But be careful, two chests left on the location. After we climb on the ledge, let down and learn how to look for weaknesses in the wall, while in curse.
We find a weak point in the wall, break it, pass through the house, we kill the detachment again, roll back the cart.

We fall on the square in front of the gates leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate - you need to pull the mechanism by opening them. This mechanism is in the guardroom. Not far from the gate find a chest, next to double doors. We climb the stairs, in the room of guardians we find a mechanism, we use it. In the room with the mechanism there is a balcony - there is a chest, there is a staircase on the top floor, there is also a chest.

Just go down to the goal when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is unnecessary. Our goal is to kill Baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it can happen so that it will have to help Esteban getting out of the world. Yes, and in the curses mode, you will have to crush your blades with the old baron.

5) nightmare I

We are in the nightmare of Esteban and Danza. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we have to just run forward and kill ghosts, which, by the way, die from the first blow.

Then we look at the roller, after which we learn to shoot fire in the curse mode (LSHIFT + E). Glind the door in the form of a head, the door is located with a bunch of enemies and a cross, which will appear after the killing of all ghosts.

Then death appears, which you need ... kill. We immediately say this, I immediately say, I will not succeed, but you can kill, shooting in her fire and hitting the sword.

6) Interlude

Just screensaver.

Chapter 2.

1) Zain Tower

We rise to the ledge. If you immediately go to a weak point in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall in its weak point, pass through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two balleys, which can be broken in the curse mode. We climb, kill the guard, we find a mechanism, climb even higher. Under the stairs we find the second chest. We kill the guard, we find and use the mechanism, rising to the roof. Go to the curses mode, we find a cross. I liquidate the supports, go back to the curse, we blow the door, go down and twist the mechanism. We again go down, chain two enemies, then go through the main gate.

2) landing in the port

We run forward, hiding behind the shield, we are successful to powerful gates that just do not open. They open with damned fire (LSHIFT + E). Not far from the gate is the chest. We run forward, along with Esteban raise the gate. The task is to destroy all the ballists in the number of three pieces. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, fire from the curse. Having destroyed all the balleys, we look at the roller and turn the lever.

3) old streets of Zara

We run forward, raise the gate, then by overpowing another area and raise one more gate (in front of them the chest). On the square behind the next goal you can find a cross and a chest. We run through a couple of heavy gates and find ourselves at the destination.

4) forward on the peninsula

The meaning of this mission is to hold a ballast to the bridge. In essence, the task is simple - just protect the ballast from the incoming enemies, we do not give them to destroy it. When the Ballist stops before the closed gates, we run on the workaround path and open the gate on the other side. Closer to the end of the mission it will be necessary to replace the place of one of the soldiers, because it will be killed.

5) fortified bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to destroy protective structures on the other side of the bridge with the help of Billists. They are aiming the ballast on them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we guide the dotted line of the flight path line turns into a red color). Having destroyed the strengthening, take the chest, which is located on the ladder on the left, and run along the bridge.

In the curse we blame the door, we run to the next passage, wrap in the extraction of the right, where the chest is waiting for us. To the left of the passage, in the fence there is a weak place that we find being in a curse. Jump down and turn ourselves on the shore.

We run back, find a chest. We run forward, in the curse we blame the wall, go into the sewer. If you go right, you can find a chest. As we find, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn to another go. Coming out on fresh air, we turn out to be near the room where the mechanism is located, which will open the baron gate. We kill enemies, we use the mechanism, climb the stairs, run a little forward, go down again. On this alleka you can find a chest and cross. We rise to the tower.

6) five wells burdens

If you do not descend and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run left, we find a cross and a chest. Fight with the boss - captain guaranium-fatman. The battle happens to it in two worlds: curse and real. To get into the real world and start damping the captain (and the injury to him is exactly in curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that they are walking along the battlefield.

7) Next to the Core Fortress

We take the chest lying at the very beginning of the mission. We pass forward, get trapped. Shoot the archers, climb the second floor. We switched in the curse, we find the chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. Go down, we find the cross directly opposite the stairs with which they descended. Being in the curse we find a weak point in the wall, we divide pass. On the left, finding the chest, run right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We shift the cart that interferes with passing, run into a large area. In front of the large bivalve doors there is a chest. Shoot all archers, and blast the door

8) drop dive

If you go straight and right - you can find a chest and two ghosts. Prowing the ballast, raise the gate. We kill archers, blast the gate to find and kill the ghost. We run further, we find a chest behind the turn. Prowing another ballast, blast the gate to find a cross. We run forward, raise another gate. We look at the screensaver and get ready for the battle with the boss.

The tactics of the battle is the same as with the captain-fatman. Isn't that a bunch of ghosts do not need to be killed, you need to approve only two.

9) nightmare II

We are again in the nightmare. We climb up the slope up, after the second lift we wrap the right, we find the cross. We continue the rise, watch the screensaver in which we learn to be aiming for shooting fire (LSHIFT + lmouse + space). I am aiming blasting the door in the form of a tank and run into it. Again we meet death, fight her again. The tactic battle is as follows: when death stands on the mountain, you hit it with fire (button E), when death goes down, beat it with a sword, and fire. It is important to note the fact that the death of death is when she is on the pedestal, it is possible only after all the ghosts are killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with ghosts and cannot help, and his assistance is obligatory).

10) Salvation of the Empire

Just screensaver.

Chapter 3.

1) Walls of Constantinople

We go down from the ship, we break the opponent's detachment, we get the task to find the road to Kvat.

On the way there is a chest, and one more chest is lying in front of stone stairs, which lead to the request. We turn out to be ladders, deploy 180 degrees and run forward, find a chest. We re-deploy and run to the hardests. We destroy them with hellish fire, after that to the left of the second hardest, in the wall, we find a weak place and go to the tower. In the room right-cross. We again find a weak place in the wall, we leave. We run right.

2) Golden Gate

We look at the screensaver in which with the help of curses, destroy the huge door. Then, after the screensaver, it will have to crush the door with the help of a taran. Just press the arrows on time.

Next, the cover and hiding from arrows, as in the first missions. We reach the northern gate. We destroy the scaffolding with the help of aiming fire, so we want to open the gate. But they do not open. Deploy and run in the opposite direction. Near the turret we find the cross, on the right and to the left of this place the chest, and another chest - on the stairs, in front of the huge doors. We run toward the southern gate.

Also become for the shelter and go ahead, in time hiding from arrows, then shooting archers, then killing the guards with a sword. We destroy the yellow backups. Again the gate did not open.

3) trapped

The mission will begin the fight with the boss. Everything is extremely simple and trite. Just beat the sacrup, but we can not kill him because he gives Deu. To the right of a big destroyed column there is a cross. We go towards the colon, after the cloud of arrows will be released, we divide with Esteban and go to the right. We are looking for a weak place in the wall, pass. Fight with the detachment of enemies, climb upstairs. Turn to the right, find the chest. We go to the left and quickly run forward.

4) the death of the emperor

Just watch the roller.

5) Walls Vlavern

We look at the roller in which we see that the siege of the city began. Driving two siege towers, moving towards the walls. When enemy archers appear - shoot them, otherwise they burn our tower. Get to the wall, we run into the building, we take the door. We run to the end of the wall. We see that enemy soldiers destroyed the stairs. We run back to the wall, next to which our tower is. We run to the next zda, turn left, there is a chest. You knock out the door of this Zdanian, run forward, having gone out the next doors and killing crossbars. In the end, go down to the ground. We understand the enemy detachment. We find a cross next to the gate, which is depicted a double-headed eagle. We find a chest near the trolley, we use the mechanism to open the gate.

6) Gardens Vlaverna

In this mission, we will track the traitor who overthrew the emperor. So, we explode the scaffolding on the left, we understand the squad of the archers. We rise, open the door, watch the roller.

We fall into the garden. Fight with the enemy. We find a cross, which hangs near one of the statues, nearby the chest. We run to the goal, watch the video, after which we will have to deal with the crowd of ghosts. The crowd of ghosts will never end, if not destroying wells, of which it rushes. To destroy the well, run up to it, press E, and destroy the column. We kill the last enemies and follow the traitor.

7) Near the Palace of the Emperor

At the beginning of the mission we find the chest. Just go ahead, fight the enemies when this requires the game from us. Having reached the gate, go to the curse and look left, there will be a cross. Begins the battle with the boss. You need to overthrow the arrogant traitor!

Everything is as always simple. Beating a sacuostat with a sword, or set on it with fire. Defending it, he will burn us, but from his attacks it is easy to dodge. Unfortunately, in this battle we do not kill it.

8) Vlasharn Baths

Find out in the baths. Again opposite we are an arrogant traitor. We shoot it from the crossbow, then shoot a sighting fire. Then go to the right, knock the door. If you go straight - you can find a cross. After that, turn the left, we run to the next doors, knock them out.

We again meet with a traitor. We shoot in it fire, he will run away again. We go to the left, blast the door, then go to the right, blast the door. We go into the room in which the traitor hid. There we find a detachment of enemies. We run forward, climb the stairs upstairs, kill the traitor with a sword. Before death, he will tell something.

9) Capitol

We go to the left, kill the archers, repel the cart. We go right and go down to the sewer. Turn to the left, climb the protrusion, go to the statue. We find a cross. We return to the sewer, we find another ledge, climb the stairs, fall into the capitol. We find a stone coffin. Opposite him, in the wall, - the coffin. And next to him in the wall weak place. We smack and pass. We look at the screensaver in which we find part of the old relic - a spear of fate. For this, the relic will now break out a battle with the Marquis Banifacim himself. Battle Tactics Banalne: Gilt the enemy and shoot a sighting fire. However, it is not possible to kill it.

10) nightmare III

Again we meet our acquaintance - death. This time he is terribly dangerous and you need to run away from it. We run into the opposite side of him. Complay to the bridge, we find a cross. We run up to the fountain. We learn a new ability - a fiery whirlwind. With it, you can amaze a bunch of enemies around. We blame the talking door, cross the bridge.

Fight with death. Damaging his attacks, hit him by sighting fire. You need to be careful, sometimes you need to help Estebana. We watch the video.

Chapter 4.

1) Forum Feodosia

We turn out to be at the square where the detachments are attacked, which are five minutes ago by our allies. We run forward, to goal. We run and slam them. We run left, get to the next gate. We fall into the trap. We destroy the backups that hold the column. We run right, then left, separated with enemies. If you go right, then you can find a cross near the cart. We go to the wall and turn to the right. We watch the video.

2) Forum Constantine

We go ahead, then turn the right twice. Fight with an enemy detachment. We find a chest behind a wooden grid. Two times turn left, run up to Colon, kill enemies. We pass through the next lattice. Chest left. We go to the right, repel the cart. We find a cross behind a wooden grid. We run forward, killing piles of enemies. We are successful to a man who fights with a bunch of enemies. We help him.

3) Road to Palace

We kill enemies, we go to the square. The cross on it is located near the iron gate, opposite the wall. Pret the infinite number of enemies, pass through the gate, we kill the crossbars, pass through the following gate. The battle of the boss begins, which is complicated by a large number of enemies with shields. We are afraid to start with them, then kill the boss. In reality and in curse.

4) Temple Gallery

We kill the guards in the yard, with the help of Esteban raise the gate and pass. We watch the video. We go ahead, climb on the wall, look another video. Killing enemies, reach the next gate and raise them, pass. In the courtyard fighting with enemies and reach the wooden gate.

We fall into the trap of ghosts. Kill them, then kill the knights. Again we fall into the trap. We kill them and raise the gate, come to the next courtyard. Run left. We look at the long roller in which the Banifaces with the help of the relics found by him causes a demon. Here we will have to fight with this demon.

Tactics: Beying a demon on the legs until he sticks his head. Then we shoot with fire.

6) Cathedral of St. Sophia

Immediately the enemies are flying on us, we kill them. Go to the right, climb the stones. After we are withdrawn the cart, turn right. Kill the knights, unfold and explode the scaffolding. They move on them to the other side of the wall.

In the courtyard over the fountain - the cross. Kill enemies and go to the passage. In the room we find a mechanism that open the doors to the cathedral.

7) Saint Sophia Cathedral

Immediately I say - this is a rather difficult mission. You will need to defeat three demons at once. Fortunately, they attack one one. While one demon attacks us, the other two are sharpened in fiery circles. Next to them there are still circles, over which huge chandelier hangs. So, lubricate the demon in the circle, over which the chandelier hangs, beat the demon on the legs and twitch for the mechanism in order to drop this chandelier. So do three times. As soon as the last daemon is defeated, the screensaver will start.

8) to the Bosphorus

We watch the video.

9) go from the scattered empire

And another roller ...

Chapter 5.

1) Fortress

We look at the roller, at the end of which zombyaki attack us. Kill them and go ahead. Periodically, we will fall into the curse. To choose to destroy all ghosts. We reach the stairs, climb and find a chest.
Walk forward, we find a cross on the balcony.

We fall into place where there are two stairs: up and down. Go down the stairs leading down. We get into the wine cellar, when we leave it, we are separated with the enemies and turn to the left. Right to the gate to hell.

The tactics of their destruction is as follows: Esteban distracts most of the enemies, and at this time we will spread with the gate with the help of fire. When the gate is closed, we look at the room. In the far left part in the wall we find a weak place, divide it. We watch the video.

2) Epilogue

Enjoy the end of the game, we hope to continue.

Prologue: Old Templar
Syrian desert. Winter 1198

It came on 1198, which was characterized by crusades. Martin passes his friend Knight of the Order of the Templars a valuable box with a solid thought that in the hands of Jean she will be useful. Who knows what is hidden in this box.

Chapter 1: Task 1 - Winter Evening

France at the same time

Jean de Beil, the hero of the prologue, tells about his son, a day, who decided to follow the example of his father and become a templar. Brother Jean betrayed their family and assigned all wealth. Also, our eyes are represented by another hero, Estebana Novymbol. This Spanish mercenary lived on the street, he fed on the stolen money, was taken for any dirty work, in general, the unjust life was led.
So, playing the day. At the beginning we kill all the robbers. Then watch the scene in which the shower reaper appears. It is both a day and Estebana. Heroes can not overcome it. Then the Denz decides to hide in the church, since death can not get there. To escape from the reservoir, we do the following: go ahead, and when three circles appear with the key inside, we wait until the narrowing circle reaches the external (white) and press the desired arrow. This is called QTE - Quick Time Events. When Denz gets to the church, the reaper will lag behind him.
At the end of each chapter will be shown your statistics. Then you can go to the improvement menu. There are several points of pumping: weapons, abilities and demonic power. The latter is improved only as the storyline passes. Develop skills depending on their game style.

Chapter 1: Task 2 - Biron Castle assault

Clash of fate
France, Biron Castle, Summer 1199

Commander Boduen and his mercenaries precipitate the Castle of Biron. By a strange coincidence, our heroes Denz and Esteban get to him in a detachment. Boduñen gives them an order to blow up the main gate. Thus, the guys got acquainted.
So, when trying for the shelter, move forward. When the arrows of arrows will fly to you (you will be presented with you), hide. Having reached the end, Esteban will advise you to take care of the arience. Three will be below, three - in the windows from above, one left. By killing archers, Dentz will throw a vessel with Selutyra to goal and explode it.
One barrier is overcome, but the other way is different. Commander Boduen will order you to use a ram. Going to the device, along with Esteban, take it to it. Next will go QTE.
When you penetrate the gate, kill everyone around. Three archers will appear. Concede them and go to the place where they stood. Close to the burning platform and go further.
On the way in secluded places, look for chests. If you find all the chests at each level, then you will get an extra skill point. When you get to the commander, kill all the enemies around it. Push to the side of the ballast and climb the stairs. In the extension you will see one single pass. Do not hurry to enter it, and first reflect the attack of the enemy and climb on the ladder to the second floor (there is a chest). Next, go back and pass through the same waymark.
Now you have to fight with Martin himself from the elementary video. The fight is divided into two parts. First, De'alge will appear in front of you in the human appearance. The battle with him is difficult only by the fact that it often blocks your attacks. Use counterattacks. First, run from it all the armor, and then seek.
The second part of the fight: you were transferred to the world of curses and took the appearance of demons. This time Martin will start using magic, namely, to create small crater under the characters. Wait until the enemy breaks up on your partner, and attack it from the back.

Chapter 1: Task 3 - Tournament in Eci

Redemption crusade
Castle Eci, July 1199

Our heroes arrived at Eci Castle on the Knight's Tournament. Dentz hopes to impress the king, so that he allowed him to participate in a cross campaign on Jerusalem. The hero hopes to find her father there, Jean.
After the video, you will be offered to undergo training before the tournament. Before each new round, you will test the battle skills, such as "counterattack", "evasion" and "breaking protection". The fights themselves do not represent anything special: just beyt enemies. First you will fight with a sword, then you will be given an ax, after - peak. At the end, you will fight ... Here is a surprise ... Commander Bodouen, but only your swords will be broken. However, it turns out that Boduner is also cursed, and you are again transferred to the dark world. Kill a broken sword a couple of minions and pick up the weapon. Now the battle will take place on equal.

Chapter 1: Task 4 - Running on Moon Night

Dar to fall into trouble
Castle Eci, the next night

Here you go. Accommodation Bonifice still overtake you. Gather and reflect the attack of the enemy. Then a hotel's neighborhood for the presence of chests. Pull the trolley and ... Reflect the attack of the enemy again. Next, rise to the platform. Then, using demonic strength, inspect, and then break the gate, and ... For the third time, reflect the attack of the enemy. After the roller ... fight the opponent. Next, go to the guardhouse. What do you think there? Of course, again opponents. Inspect the entrance for the presence of chests and turn the coland to lower the wooden bridge. Go down.

Chapter 1: Task 5 - Forest Trails

Out of the frying pan into the fire
France, minute later

After a long chase, the heroes finally got to the royal camp. Suddenly, where neither take, Boduen appears. It turns out that he is one of the royal commanders. And of course, according to old friendship, the villain decides to prevent the heroes to go hiking and does not give them to the camp. Well, according to a good agreement with him it will not work, we will do in bad. You again will fight with the former commander. After the defeat in the tournament, he did not acquire any new skills, so I think it would not be difficult for you to defeat him.

Chapter 1: Task 6 - Nightmare I

In loop
On the same night

Denitsa dream nightmare. It seems to him that it turns out to be in the world of curse. He sees the body of his mother and of course understands that all this is a trap. The work of the apparatus.
Go ahead and kill everyone on your way. Next, when you reach the fountain, you will meet Esteban. It turns out that you dream of the same dream. Well, let's see what will be further.
Thanks to the fountain, you will have a new ability - the sacred fire. First practice in its souls. Then burn the speaking door. There you will see a damned crucifix. It needs to be "cleaned" with the help of sacred fire. In other words - spread to pieces. During the entire game, similar crucifixes will appear at some levels. Clean them in order to get an extra skill point. But there is one "but": the crucifixions can be found only when moving to the world of curse.
After that, you have a battle with a reaper. The scheme is simple: when it stops in you (or partner) with a beam of fire, use your new ability on the reaches: aim and quickly press the action key. When the enemy is stunned, seek his sword.

Chapter 1: Task 7 - Unfulfilled Hope

Venice Republic, summer 1202

In this video, Jean de Bale tells about the events occurring within two years and connecting the first and second chapters. Dentz and Esteban joined the army of the king and went to their first campaign, under the command ... Bodouen.

Chapter 2: Task 1 - Zai Tower

Debt size
Zara, Kingdom of Croatia, summer 1202

One of the parts of the Bonifation Plan was the assault in Zara. Boduen was appointed commander. His hatred for the main characters was so strong that he decided to go to any tricks in order to kill them. Esteban naucleased on the ship (and specifically, he gave the captain in his face), and Boduen decided to take advantage of the opportunity to be able to dare with the Templar and his friend.
So, the commander sends a day and Estebana together to the castle so that they opened the gate for his troops of the Crusaders.
Go straight along the path, to the very end. There you will find a chest. Return a little back and see a small branch from the path leading to the wall. Climb her and use demonic power to find a weak point in the wall and break it. It is waiting for you to guard. After the scuffle, go to the stairs. On the next floor you ... the guard is waiting again. Reflecting the attack, use demonic power to destroy the balleys. Do not forget about the souls that appear when you go to the world of curse. Next - again the guard. Kill two heavy warriors and go to the screw staircase. Having rising to the second floor, do not rush to parse with all the opponents. See the wooden staircase leading to the roof? The second chest is hidden behind it.
Rising to the roof, deal with the guards. Then go to a large iron door. She will flicker yellow. Destroy it with the help of sacred fire. It will be a room for it, in the corner of which you can find a staircase. For her, the heroes are descended down to the mechanism. Suddenly, nor from this, they fall into the world of curse. You need to destroy 10 shower to return back.

Chapter 2: Task 2 - landing in the port

Illegal invading
Zara, the next morning

Well, you and your faithful defeat and hate the commander who hate you spoke into the territory of the fortress. However, local meet you not quite friendly, but more specifically - a hail of arrows.
Go ahead, hiding behind the shield, so that you do not hooked. When you go through the bridge, disappear with the enemies and climb the stairs. The gate will be closed, and Esteban suggested passing through the market.
Move forward, pass the enemies pass. When you get to the lattice gate, turn 180 degrees and see the chest. Destroy the gate with the help of sacred fire and go on. Observe the opponents and open the following gates. Repeat with the guards again and destroy the ballast with the help of sacred fire. Return back and see barricades. Destroy her. Behind it is a new portion of enemies and the second ballist. Destroy it, pass by the mechanism and see the third ballast. Blowing her, you will finally turn the coland and raise huge gates. Boguen Boduen did not even thank you.
Next, go back to the place where there used to be the third ballista, and apply the power of the cleansing fire to the lattice door. For her, you will be waiting for another same door.

Chapter 2: Task 3 - Old Streets of Zara

Task for one
Zara, the same morning

Here you have penetrated the city. Your goal is to get to the main street of the city and open the gate.
Go ahead, in passing to cleanse the alleys from annoying enemies. Searches every extraction for the presence of chests. Next, open the heavy iron gate and continue to straighten with the enemies. In total, there will be 2-3 such gates on your path. Before you go to the gates leading to the main street, check if you found all the chests and crucifixes.

Chapter 2: Task 4 - Road to Peninsula

Defense iron and tree
Zara, minute later

"Strange. On the main street there are no opponents at all," it seemed to the day. "You probably just watched badly," Esteban noticed. And rightly noticed. Five guards attack you from behind. Kill them and destroy the gate with the help of sacred fire.
Well well. The light in the eyes of Bodouen Pesame, when he realized that the heroes were still alive. He dragged with him a ballast, and wanted to destroy the gate with it, deciding that the guys had long been dead.
Now you have to guard Blystil. Go ahead, pass through the enemy passing. Hop - Ballist can not get further, the gate is closed. No problem! Go to the alley right and you will find the "open" gate. Go through them and return to the lattice, near which the ballast is worth. Turn the square and follow the on. When the Ballist stops again, proceed by the same scheme as the first time. Having reached the lattice, glowing yellow, destroy it with the help of sacred fire.

Chapter 2: Task 5 - Fortified Bridge

Water stone sticks
Zara, later

It happened! Gameplay games are finally diverse. Now Bodayen will trust you shoot from the ballists. Everything is simple: Wood in the "wooden boxes" in the top of the towers. By destroying them, run forward along the bridge and disperse with archers. Then - blow the door with the help of demonic strength and work out the territory.
And again, the restless commander sends a day and Esteban to the right death, forcing them to go and open the gate. Opposite these very gates on the bridge there are "unaffined" stone barriers. Look at them and then destroy. Going down, do not hurry to blow up the wall, but unfold and go back. Under the bridge, in the water, you will find another chest. Next, explode the above-mentioned wall. Go through the catacombs until you reach the fork. To the right - chest, left - exit.
Rising upstairs, shake custody. Go ahead until you reach the lifting mechanism. First kill enemies, and then turn it.
Return back, climb the stairs to the walls of the fortress and at the top heading towards the gate that you just opened.
Turn the mechanism and go to the exit. Now your flotilla will be able to get into the city port.

Chapter 2: Task 6 - Five Dog Beats

Curse that can be removed
Zara, later

Finally, a small respite comes. Inspect the area for the presence of chests. Then go to the wells. And wherever neither take you attacks the captain of the Guardian burdens. He says that the skeletons of the former conquerors encroached on his city will be encouraged in the wells. But we do not want to be in the well, right? Therefore, it will have to teach him.
It turns out that Captain Guardi is also cursed, and you are transferred to the world of curse. Remember: until you destroy 20 shower around, the captain will remain invulnerable. In addition, he has a very strong armor, so you will have to change the weapon. I think this is the most "long" bosses in the game.

Chapter 2: Task 7 - Castle Zare

The intention of terrible business
Zara, later

Here you have reached the heart of the city. Zara castle. Go forward and turn right. Thistle trap! Hiding behind the column, shoot crossbars. Then climb the stairs upstairs and burn shimmering yellow doors. Go down and disperse with the enemy. Opposite the huge gate there is a wall. And the crucifix is \u200b\u200bhanging over the gateway in the air. Navigate to the world of curse and destroyten. Next - again enemies. Kill everyone, but do not hurry to push the trolley. First, go further on the square. There you will find a chest.
Return and push the trolley. Some weather you will meet your commander. Help him defeat the enemies and run to the main goal. Arbitrators will attack you along the way. Restrave them, and then look at the building - the legacy of the ancient architecture - opposite which the house was stood with crossbars. On the porch of this building there is a chest. After go to the main gate and burn them.
Suddenly, Bonifacea Monferrat's Bonifacea itself joins our company. He offers a degree deal: the heroes kill the owner of the castle, Vladislav, and he finds information about the father's father in return. The guy, of course, agrees.

Chapter 2: Task 8 - Drop Drop

Secrets of the separated soul
Zara, minute later

So you sneak into the castle. Obschery yourself with the enemies and push the ballast. Pass on. You will attack archers. Mark them and push the next ballast. Move forward, shooting from crossbars and exterminating infantry. Raising the gate, you will find a face to face with Vladislav ...
A few words about him. A rather unusual unawarer, due to a typical split personality (as, for example, in the "Lord of the Rings"). The most real shatter.
All the time talks about some kind of treasure, the heart of the castle, which "they" allegedly should not give anyone. But, the heroes do not pay attention to his chatter and the duel begins.
At first, the battle with the boss is primitive: Dubaste him until he takes you to the world of curse. Then interests: the essence of Vladislav in the parallel world as it should be divided into two parts: material and spiritual. The material part can be amazed in any way, spiritual - only with the help of sacred fire. After you destroy them - move back to the real world, and the enemy with the new forces you attacks you. Load him and move back to the Azz World. Then back. And so several times.

Chapter 2: Task 9 - Nightmare II

Unworthy Son, Prodigal Father
Zara, evening of the same day

Dentz sends an Estebana to overhear the conversation Boniface and Bodouen. From this conversation, the hero understands that the search for holy Christian relics was the new goal. Well, Mr. will, you think.
The heroes again dream of the same dream. Reapest again playing with them. He is trying to knock the day with a sense, imitating his father's voice.
Guys climb the slope and spread with minion. Rise another level upwards and, turning to the right, pass along the wooden bridge. Behind him crucifixion. They return to the fork and rise at the level upwards. There is a fountain, thanks to which they get the opportunity to extort a new new ability - hellish crossbow, or "roaring flame". First, the guys hide the skills of its use, exterminating ghosts, and then burn the next speaking door. Denz and Esteban are moving through the bridge, followed by the reaper of the shower and his army of darkness.
The battle scheme with the reapers is: while he stands on the hill, the guys exterminate the souls. When the souls run out - they shoot in the rebel from the hellish crossbow. When a fiery beam appears, Dentz directs him towards the rebel. Well, when they finally set fire to the reaper descends down. There heroes are already finishing it with their favorite cold weapons. After that, the reaper is again teleported to the elevation, and the boy-Templar and his faithful assistant have to be filled with boredom. Mix with skeletal souls that are killed from one blow, spiritual shells, which can be easily burned, and rare minions. Getting rid of cannon meat, guys again shoot in the backside of the Cross. And so to the victorious end.

Chapter 2: Task 10 - Salvation of the Empire

November 1202 - July 1203

From this video, we learn that the Crusaders cease to be a church clearance movement that they left the former missionary goals and turned into ordinary mercenaries. Bonifacea concludes a deal with the son of Emperor Knittia Alexy, the Angel for the fact that the crusaders are siege to Constantinople and killed the emperor, and in return received money on a hike in Jerusalem.

Chapter 3: Task 1 - Constantinople Walls

Dedicated to knights and leafsplane
Constantinople, Byzantium, July 1203

The army of the day is directed to the walls of Constantinople. On him a new armor, which also liked Esteban. After the flame speech of the Templar boy, a small detachment of the Crusaders with violent cries is in the offensive.
Adjust along the wall, cleaning the area from opponents. When you reach the first siege tower, Esteban will take it on her. Go further up to the next siege tower. On it you can get on the wall. But note: you should have at least one soldier, otherwise the Denz is stuck at the wall.
Here you also sneak into the territory of the fortress. The goal is to destroy the desires if you go a little back along the wall, then find the chest. Now go to the first you will require and destroy it with the help of sacred fire. Go further, and discover the second require. Having understood with him, inspect, and then destroy standing behind the wall. See a small passage that ends with the door? There is a crucifixion.
On the contrary, only the destroyed wall there is another wall, which you also need to destroy.

Chapter 3: Task 2 - Golden Gate

Union of Cursed
Constantinople, later

You arrived at the main entrance to the city, where the Bonifaces and Bonifacea are already waiting for you. Path inside block majestic golden gates. Do they build them for giants?
Dentz proposes to combine the forces and the four-way gate. Bonifaces approves this offer. After the combustion procedure, it becomes clear, I don't just need the sacred relics to the Markis Montferrat ...
Now you have to destroy smoldering gates with a taran. With this procedure, you have already met when passing the first chapter. The usual QTE.
Further, as in the first chapter, you need to overcome the way to the iron lattice, hiding under the mantletes from the arrows. When the Denz takes the arbelt in the hands, destroy the arbentholes that appeared. Go forward a little forward. Music soldiers will appear. Obschery yourself, and then destroy wooden fortifications with the help of a hellish crossbow.
Failure. The gate is blocked. Run right in the opposite side, to another grid. On the way, near the Tower, standing in the center, you can detect the crucifixion.
Having reached the second mantlette, repeat the procedure: to pass - to hide - go through - to shoot the crossbars - go through - to kill the wins - destroy wooden fortifications. Again failure.

Chapter 3: Task 3 - trapped

Angel defending demons

"Allow me to introduce yourself, Tatiki Ribe, the guard of Constantinople, the athlete of the Byzantine Empire!" - Having greeted our heroes of another madman who daring to challenge them. Well, the fight is so fight. "Looks like there is a more powerful force than a curse" - thought Dentz. "Chur His Gold Armor - My!" - thought Esteban.
So, the long and stubborn battle begins, requiring tricks and smelting some kind of contractions with the boss. The tricks are there anything here: the athlete is twisted until he falls to your feet. And no holy defense helps him. However, it seems, the Grand Tatika does not have the concept of honor, and therefore cowardly runs away, leaving after himself to fight only that arrived by Varyag. Actually, they themselves suggested him. By the way, near the arena, to the right of the destroyed column, the crucifix is \u200b\u200bhanging in the air.
We destroy our Norman guests and collect their thorough weapons. After that, we move through the above-mentioned column. Another trap. Guys again watered rain from arrows. Dentz and Esteban decide to divide: one goes to the left, the other - to the right.
We go to the left. We go to the next "wall". Looks like the builders did not particularly observe the technical norms, once in the walls of so many fragile places. So, we destroy the wall, followed by Vikings. We kill everyone and climb the stairs to the wall. If you go right, you will find a chest. But you need to left. Enemies on the wall seem to never end, so try not to stay for a long time here.

Chapter 3: Task 4 - Emperor killed, promise is forgotten

Byzantium, July 1203 - April 1204

So, the crusaders fulfilled their part of the contract. The title of Emperor Constantinople is now owned by Alexy IV. However, he did not particularly hurried to fulfill this boniface promise. After some time, the emperor was overthrown, and Bonifami decided that he had the full right to take the city by storm and assign himself his wealth.

Chapter 3: Task 5 - Walls Velvers

In the womb of the beast
Constantinople, Byzantium, April 1204

Began storming Constantinople. Denz and Esteban, at the head of two siege towers, are suitable for the walls of the city. Where neither take, archers appear, allowing fire arrows in you. Grab the crossbow and begin to shoot them methodically, otherwise your tower will flash, like a match. Finally, coming to the wall, go to the next building and take the door. Run to the end of the next wall.
Damn it. Looks like a loss soldier destroyed the stone staircase, and you can now come down to the ground. No problem. Run back to the wall to which you landed from the siege tower, but on it - to the destroyed building. There will be another door that you need to break. But do not rush to do this. First, turn left and go through the end of the next wall behind the chest.
Passing through the door, run along the wall. Arbockets again! Remier them and take the next door. Behind her ... another door. Pass to the end of the wall and go down the stairs. "Finally, solid land" - thought at this moment Esteban.
Here you are attacked by Vikings. We kill them and select their steep two-handed axes; d. See the gate with a double-headed eagle? (Those who do not know: the Russian coat of arms with two-headed Orlam came to us just the same from Byzantium). Crucifixion hangs near these gates. And the last chest you can foot near the trolley. The last thing remains to do is turn the mechanism located near the wall to open the gate.

Chapter 3: Task 6 - Various Gardens

Emperor - Killer
Constantinople, later

Hmm It seems that our heroes launched Murzufla - the very villain, who surges the Emperor Alexy, and because of which they did not receive the promised money. Well, the killing of the scoundrel will bring guys to glory, and fame - something more ...
To the left of you is something like wooden forests. They can be settled with the help of sacred fire. Next you are waiting for Varyags. Disappear with them and climb above, to the wall. Suddenly the crossbars attack you. You can shoot them, but you can stick - the choice is yours. So, climbing the stairs, open the door and go further. Follow the video, in which the Dentz learns about the location of Murzufl. And Esteban learns that the Denz is capable of sooo much.
Here you have reached the garden. Bring away from enemies. Near one of the statues, you will find the crucifix, and in the opposite corner is the chest. Now go to the gate, where you are Raddlecho Murzulf, the self-ancient emperor of Constantinople.
Like many rulers, Murzulf Provers to hide behind the protection. Therefore, he ravels the Horde of Ghosts. They will appear and appear until you seal stone wells. Everything is simple: erasing them, and then one destroy the columns. When the wells are collapsed, you will return to reality. And you are attacked by the same real enemies. Obschery yourself with them, and then open the grille and pursue Murzulf.

Chapter 3: Task 7 - Imperial Palace

Echo past battles
Constantinople, minute later

Heroes continue to chase at the pseudo-merchant. At the very beginning of the level, behind yourself, you can detect the chest.
I will say honestly, this task reminded me of "Ninja Turtles", and a few other old submissive games. Everything is simple - you move only forward, stopping from time to time on mini-arons, without the possibility of promotion. On these arenah, you need to fight back from the clouds of opponents. Keep everyone - go further. On the way you will see a huge gate. To the left of them is a crucifix.
So you got to Murzulfa. This is one of the easiest bosses. All you need to do is to kash it with swords (or what you have there), and from time to time to dodge the fiery attacks through Qtw.

Chapter 3: Task 8 - Various Terms

Fire bath
Constantinople, minute later

Well, our heroes were in ... Ban. However, now, thanks to Murzuflu, you can fall in it in a fraction of a second. And in order not to turn into a couple of well-woeful bifhctecs, Dentz and Esteban should stop the emperor.
Shot into the scoundrel from the hellish crossbow, and then burn with the fiery beam. After a couple of such manipulations, Murzulf will run away from you again, recognizing the fear of a worthy opponent.
Turn right and remove the door. If you go straight, you can find a curse. But to catch up with the emperor, you need to turn left, where you are waiting for another door. Destroy her and go face to face with Murzulf. The scheme of the second battle with it is identical to the first. Burn the usurper with the fiery beam, and it will retreat. Also in this episode, another curtain hides the true essence of the curse.
Turn left and destroy the next door. Now turn right and destroy the door again. Go to the room where Murzufl disappeared. Here you are attacked by soldiers. Obschery yourself and destroy the next door.
It seems one of Varyag decided to calm down. Very interesting scene \u003d) We are regraining with the Vikings and climb up the stairs, the Gouda ran away by the great emperor of Byzantium. Everything that is required of you is to avoid it until it falls. And after he tells you all that he knows about the shrines ...

Chapter 3: Task 9 - Capitol

All secret becomes clear

Before you, the majestic capitol, the central building of Constantinople. Bonifacea orders you to get a relic from there. Judging by Murzulfa, this relic - a spear of fate. The most that Jesus Christ pierced.
Go around the building on the left. Disagree with the crossbars and push the cart. Go to the right. See the statue with a spear in your hand? Opposite it has a crucifix. But until you can get it.
Pass on and go down to the sewer. Everything around dies with a damned flame. Look to the left - there is a small porch, which leads to a wooden staircase. Clear it upstairs and find yourself just near the statue and crucifixion.
Inspect the sewer and find another porch, which also leads to a wooden staircase. On it you can get into the capitol.
Disappear with guards. See the stone coffin? With the help of demonic vision, inspect, and then destroy the wall near it. By the way, the trunk hides behind the wall in front of the wall.
So you discovered a part of the great spear of fate. And Dentz understands that with the help of this sacred relic you can get rid of the curse.
Suddenly the gigantic door flashes into pieces. Marquis Monferratsky demands a relic. However, Denz is not going to give it. Bonifacea mocks them, says they have no idea what you need to do with the shrines, and gives them the last chance to conquer his will. In an unsuccessful attempt to kill the scoundrel, Esteban gives him a clear answer. Apparently, the Marquis is accustomed to always get the desired, so he decided to take a spear by force.
To defeat the boniface is easy: to beat it with sacred fire and burn with the fiery beam. However, Duke Monferratsky turns out to be stronger than it was at first glance. He wakes up with a sword over the head of the young de "Bale and ...

Chapter 3: Task 10 - Nightmare III

Until the death separates us
Stopped instant

Dentz and Esteban again turn out to be trapped shower reloads. This time it is much more dangerous. If you come close, you will die. Therefore, from all the legs, in the opposite direction. Bear fire - he can burn you alive. When you get to the end of the bridge, destroy the crucifixion. Now go to the fountain. Here the heroes will learn a new ability - a fiery whirlwind. This is something like a mass attack. Thanks to him, you can hit all the nearby enemies. Practice on ghosts, and then burn the speaker door. Go through the bridge. Hmm ... death really everywhere ...
Enter the battle with the reaper. Suggest it with fire and from time to time to go away from attacks through QTE. Soon the enemy falls under your Natius.
Also fall and bonifaces. Before the Cold Blade Blade pierced the neck of the day, he managed to discard Marquis back, and Bonifami lost consciousness. "There is nothing, only some kind of pathetic area," Esteban said disappointed, pulling out the debris of the sacred crucifixion from the duke's pocket.

Chapter 4: Task 1 - Forum Feodosia

Between the hammer and anvil
Constantinople, a few minutes later

Your goal is to find a princess that keeps the third relic - a thorns of the crown. It seems that jubopats did not pose to appoint a reward for our heroes. As soon as you find yourself on the square, your former allies attack you. Run straight, to another goal, passing away from the enemy. Dentz and Esteban shook gigantic doors right in front of the duke's nose.
Run to the left, passing the opponents in passing. When you get to the next gate, the heroes slam them and turn out to be in ... dead end. Well. If we cannot escape from someone, we must try to delay it. And for this we will need ... Quite a strong argument. Weight of several hundred pounds.
Destroy the wooden backups on which the column holds. A huge marble block, like a match, will be broken down in half and will collapse directly on Boniface, without lifting a single dust in the air. Unfortunately, Marquis is not so easy to kill ...
Run straight, turn left. A new batch of enemies attacks you. Clear with them, but do not rush to go to the wall. First, turn right and take the crucifixion near the cart.
Now go to the wall, and turn right too. Who is it there? Looks like our old familiar, guardian of Constantinople, Tatirova Ribe.

Chapter 4: Task 2 - Constantine Forum

Saving enemy
Constantinople, a few minutes later

Your gaze opens a grand area, with a gigantic column in the center. You need to get to the tact.
Go a little forward, then right, then right again. Push the cart and enter the fight with knights. See for a wooden grid in the chest? You can view it and then destroy.
Go left, then left again. Move to the column. Near her a lot of enemies. Disappear with them and destroy the grid behind the column. For her - the area. To the left of the main gate you can find the chest.
Move right. There you will find a cart. Push it. At one of the wooden grids, the crucifix is \u200b\u200bhiding on the left.
Go ahead, exterminate enemies, look for chests, push the carts. When you destroy the last grid, you will see an athlete, fiercely fighting with an innumerable number of enemies. You need ... help custody cope with knights. Of course, he will not be union with you, but nevertheless, will not attack you.

Chapter 4: Task 3 - Road to Palace

Eliminating angel
Constantinople, minute later

As soon as the task is started, Vikings will immediately attack you. Disappear with them and go out to the area where the infinite number of enemies attacks you. See Iron lattice gates? Opposite them, the wall is crucifix.
Go through the gate. Crossheads. Relieve everyone and raise the following gates.
Wow, what people! Boduen himself! Long time we did not see it ... And his feet spread tatiki tape. Well, we will rescue the negligent "hero" ...
The only complexity of the battle with the former commander is that the minions are danced with shields, so they are hard to kill them. And so, the bustling edges - the brochure of Bodoyn in the real world, then - in the world of curse ...

Chapter 4: Task 4 - Temple Gallery

Strong alliance
Constantinople, minute later

Wow. You have an ally, represented tathy tatika. Although he does not completely trust you, but, for the sake of security, the Princess Theodora, all the same decides to take you to her.
Kill all opponents in the yard. Then go to the metal gate and lift them. Over the gate awaits you a new portion of the knights. O_o How was the Great Atlet of Byzantium, if we just left him behind the goal ???
From the dying viking, we will know the location of the princess. And we still find out that we are waiting for a very strong opponent ... Who is he?
Go further and climb on the wall. We see the scene of cruel cruising crusaders over knights. O_O Tatika again somehow mysteriously manage to join you ...
Continue methodically to exterminate enemies. Next you are waiting for another gate. It seems that our newly-handed appaught learned to pass through the walls ... That's where we are so ...
Anyway. Clean the courtyard from all arriving Hordes of the Crusaders and head to the wooden gate leading to the building, in the tower of which, apparently, hides the princess.

Great price
Constantinople, minute later

You have penetrated the territory of Auguston. Suddenly, as if from under the ground, the Horde of Ghosts grows around you. Kill them all to return to reality and fight with more dangerous enemies - knights. Then push in the direction of the cart and ... again fall into the trap of ghosts. And again kill them all, the benefit is not much difficult when you are in the hands of the Azzky sequir;)
Raise the gate, and you will get into the beautiful courtyard, with majestic statues. To the right of you, on the porch waves Tatirov's toporage. Run to him.
Meet. The first and only woman you meet in the game - Princess Feodorus. Yes, and that - dumb. When Dentz tried to ask her about the relic, he interrupted his voice from the outside. The voice of an old friend ...
It turns out that Bonifacea did not lose time with the gift, and managed to find the last relic. The crown has long been thinned, but his fossil spikes were inlaid in a wooden cross. And with the help of this cross, Marquis kills a poor building to call his new friend. Eee ... well, and a friend. 4 times above the boniface itself. The demon kills the unfortunate princess and tries to crush the Esteban. In rage, Dentz prays Markiz Monferratsky, so that he spared the Spaniard in exchange for the return of relics. Well, the deal is so a deal. However, the demon does not disappear anywhere, and we will have to make a lot of effort to defeat it ...
So, the scheme of the battle with the boss is: following the advice of the Estebana, Bates him on the legs. When the monster fill in front of you, "Clean" it with the help of sacred fire. Soon the demon will fall, and friends will go to chase Boniface. After all, if they were able to destroy such Mahine, then with the marquis they will cope and inexpressible.

Chapter 4: Task 6 - Saint Sophia Cathedral

Traitor must die
Constantinople, minute later

Rejoice! You are near one of the most beautiful places in the world ... Well, the world of those times. Actually, you have reached the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia.
Bonifation wars will be attacked on you. Kill them and go ahead. Turn right and climb above the stone mound. Here you need to push the cart. Turn right. Marquis knights await you ahead. Clean them, and then unfold and engage the blinking yellow wooden structures. On them, transfer to a friend's side of the wall.
You got to a small courtyard. Over the fountain standing in the center, you can detect a damned crucifixion. Disappear with enemies and directions in an open passage, leading to a room with a mechanism that needs to be turned. The gate will open in the cathedral. There you need to go there.

Chapter 4: Task 7 - Saint Sophia Cathedral

Those who fought with hellish hordes
Constantinople, minute later

What the hell?! Do you get trick in your eyes? The screen was divided into 3 parts? Picked up game?
Looks like no. Probably one of the Giant Demon was few, and the developers decided to add a triple yet. Although, on the other hand, everything is logical: three relics are three demon.
Well, one demon defeated, overcome and the rest.
First, the demons will attack you for you, which greatly simplifies the task. When the first demon attacks you, pay attention to the fire circles in which two other monsters are concluded. Nearby, to the left and right of them are other circles laid out of a stone tile, which hangs Picicadilio (something like a huge lamp). The scheme is simple: when you make a demon in a stone circle, beat it on your feet until the giant falls on your knees. Then pull the lever, and Piccadilio with a crash will wrap its weight on the back of the monsters. The same needs to be done with other demons. When the last monster is defeated, the gate will open. Run to them and chase Bonifacea.

Chapter 4: Task 8 - to Bosphorus

From the flame of hell
Constantinople, minute later

The Giant Monster pursues our friends. Denz and Esteban with all legs ... that is, from all horsepie hoofs rushing towards the Bosphorus Strait, on the shores of which the balleans are. Heroes are dismounted and jumping on them. Shot, even shot - and now, the monstrous demon fell on the ground, struck by huge arrows on the head. Ehhh, it is a pity that we yourself did not give it to do, but only showed a video!
Well, our affairs in Constantinople are finished, and guys decide to go to Syria, in order to find Jean de Beil, the father of the day. After all, he is known for the fourth relic.

Chapter 4: Task 9 - leaving the ruined empire

April - May 1204

Murzufl escaped. Tutters tape are dead. Constantinople remained without defenders. The greed won the hearts of the Crusaders. They robbed, killed, desecrated sacred relics. They swear to raise the sword only against the wrong. Now their blades were painted with blood in any innocent people.
Byzantium remained without the emperor. Bonifaced disappeared with mysterious circumstances. Therefore, the imperial throne took his closest coordinate ... Who would you think? Boduen himself ...
In the meantime, our heroes moved through the Bosphorus strait and Krak de Chevalé went to the fortress in which his father is located in the fortress.

Chapter 5: Task 1 - in the Fortress

On the border of worlds
Syria, May 1204

Welcome to Krak de Cheval. The fortress built by the ancient Templars. The fortress that no one has yet been conquered. The fortress, where Is Jean de Beil, the keeper of the last relics of the Lord.
But what is it? It seems that Bonifami has already managed to get here - zombie wars are going to meet you. Looks like Marks learned to use the power of relics, in order to lift the dead from the earth.
... Mail the dead. Go forward. Promotion will not be difficult for you, as the corridors do not branch. On the way you will be postponed to the world of curse and you will not be able to return back until you kill all ghosts. When you get to the staircase leading to the wall, pick up it - there is a chest.
Go all the time forward. Get to some kind of balcony, in one of the openings you can detect the crucifix.
After that you will be a fork: a room with a wooden floor. Staircase up, or staircase down? You need a staircase down. Going along it, the heroes will fall into the Templary wine cellar. Daaa, alcohol is enough of the second world ...
At the exit from the cellar, you will be waiting for a new huge huge huge. Nothing, we are no longer used to joyful meetings ... After the battle, turn left and go straight to the chapel.
Here they are, the gates of hell. Live, warm blood nourishes them, does not allow them to close. But nothing, now we will contribute to this.
The scheme is simple: Esteban distracts the enemy, you "clean" the gates. The best way here is to use the Fiery Whirlwind. Thus, you will not only cause damage to the gates, but also you can drive off the prestablishing undead.
The gates of the underworld are closed. However, the Templator still does not leave the premonition that something is wrong here. Inspect the room. In the long part of the cathedral, you will find a wall that can be broken. And for her ...

Meeting of old friends
Cairo, Egypt, a few weeks later

That ended your crusade, with what I congratulate you.
Although ... I am sure that in the future, our paths will cross, because the enemies remained alive. So let's wait together to continue this interesting game ...

1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies, we comprehend the first aza battle. Then we look at the roller and run away from death to the church, pressing the arrows on time (you need to press at a time when the circle is approaching the arrow and become white). After the roller, we fall in the hiring menu. Learning to distribute skills glasses (they are spent on force, the rage of the Templar, the mastery of possession of weapons / armor, the maximum amount of health), skill points (help to master the one or another type of weapons perfectly, helps to learn new combo).

1) Biron Castle assault

We play for Denza, in the assistants we have a young Spaniard Esteban. The causing a covering device, and at the right time, when enemy archers produce a hail of arrows, hiding into the shelter by pressing the space.

Having reached the gate, we take into the hands of the crossbow and shoot enemy archers, leaving the shelter, aiming (when the enemy falls in the crosshair, it becomes red) and shoot, pressing on the right mouse button. When enemy archers fall in front of the gate, we look at the roller in which these gates will be undermined.

We fall on the bridge leading to the main goal of the castle. Kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach Taran, click e, thereby we will stand for his management. We press Q, thereby calling the aid of Esteban, after that press the right arrows on time.

Mitigars through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. When the main wave of guards will be killed, three more will appear on the stairs in the far part of the courtyard. We kill them out of the crossbow (for this we click the arrows down, thereby the crossbow will fall to our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and again by E. So we will help you to climb the Estebana and bring themselves. We step in the next courtyard, we kill the shopping guards, we find three chests (see with treasures). The path further blocks the wagon. With the help of Esteban, roll over it and run into the castle.

Climb upstairs, there find the fourth chest. Then go down and run away through the bridge to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We get the task to deal with martin. The fight with him passes in two stages: for the first time we defeat him in a normal condition, the second time we defeat him being in a state of curse. Strong these two states do not differ, only an external entourage and a couple of parts that you do not. Do not forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competitions in Eci

This level is simple and monotony. Just need to fight four times in the arena, between battles passing training. For the first time we learn a stunning blow (the average mouse button), the second time we study the palling of the strikes and the removal of the enemy from the balance (the gap, when the opponent is blue), for the third time they are studying how to dug off strikes (the average mouse button when the enemy orange) For the fourth time we will be taught to determine the status of the sword (the R button, if the sword is broken, it is painted in red). The battles are quite simple, though the fourth time will have to fight two days and with several enemies. After winning competitions, we fulfill our goal, and the game transfers us in the cursing menu, where you can pump a damn.

3) chase in the lunar night

Kill the enemy squad attacked us. We are successful before the alley, which is blocking the cell, move it. We kill archers, ahead of the protrusion to which you need to climb. But be careful, two chests left on the location. After we climb on the ledge, let down and learn how to look for weaknesses in the wall, while in curse.
We find a weak point in the wall, break it, pass through the house, we kill the detachment again, roll back the cart.

We fall on the square in front of the gates leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate - you need to pull the mechanism by opening them. This mechanism is in the guardroom. Not far from the gate find a chest, next to double doors. We climb the stairs, in the room of guardians we find a mechanism, we use it. In the room with the mechanism there is a balcony - there is a chest, there is a staircase on the top floor, there is also a chest.

Just go down to the goal when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is unnecessary. Our goal is to kill Baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it can happen so that it will have to help Esteban getting out of the world. Yes, and in the curses mode, you will have to crush your blades with the old baron.

5) nightmare I

We are in the nightmare of Esteban and Danza. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we have to just run forward and kill ghosts, which, by the way, die from the first blow.

Then we look at the roller, after which we learn to shoot fire in the curse mode (LSHIFT + E). Glind the door in the form of a head, the door is located with a bunch of enemies and a cross, which will appear after the killing of all ghosts.

Then death appears, which you need ... kill. We immediately say this, I immediately say, I will not succeed, but you can kill, shooting in her fire and hitting the sword.

6) Interlude

Just screensaver.
Chapter II.

1) Zain Tower

We rise to the ledge. If you immediately go to a weak point in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall in its weak point, pass through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two balleys, which can be broken in the curse mode. We climb, kill the guard, we find a mechanism, climb even higher. Under the stairs we find the second chest. We kill the guard, we find and use the mechanism, rising to the roof. Go to the curses mode, we find a cross. I liquidate the supports, go back to the curse, we blow the door, go down and twist the mechanism. We again go down, chain two enemies, then go through the main gate.

2) landing in the port

We run forward, hiding behind the shield, we are successful to powerful gates that just do not open. They open with damned fire (LSHIFT + E). Not far from the gate is the chest. We run forward, along with Esteban raise the gate. The task is to destroy all the ballists in the number of three pieces. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, fire from the curse. Having destroyed all the balleys, we look at the roller and turn the lever.

3) old streets of Zara

We run forward, raise the gate, then by overpowing another area and raise one more gate (in front of them the chest). On the square behind the next goal you can find a cross and a chest. We run through a couple of heavy gates and find ourselves at the destination.

4) forward on the peninsula

The meaning of this mission is to hold a ballast to the bridge. In essence, the task is simple - just protect the ballast from the incoming enemies, we do not give them to destroy it. When the Ballist stops before the closed gates, we run on the workaround path and open the gate on the other side. Closer to the end of the mission it will be necessary to replace the place of one of the soldiers, as it will be killed.

5) fortified bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to destroy protective structures on the other side of the bridge with the help of Billists. They are aiming the ballast on them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we guide the dotted line of the flight path line turns into a red color). Having destroyed the strengthening, take the chest, which is located on the ladder on the left, and run along the bridge.

In the curse we blame the door, we run to the next passage, wrap in the extraction of the right, where the chest is waiting for us. To the left of the passage, in the fence there is a weak place that we find being in a curse. Jump down and turn ourselves on the shore.

We run back, find a chest. We run forward, in the curse we blame the wall, go into the sewer. If you go right, you can find a chest. As we find, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn to another go. Coming out on fresh air, we turn out to be near the room where the mechanism is located, which will open the baron gate. We kill enemies, we use the mechanism, climb the stairs, run a little forward, go down again. On this alleka you can find a chest and cross. We rise to the tower.

6) five wells burdens

If you do not descend and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run left, we find a cross and a chest. Fight with the boss - captain guaranium-fatman. The battle happens to it in two worlds: curse and real. To get into the real world and start damping the captain (and the injury to him is exactly in curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that they are walking along the battlefield.

7) Next to the Core Fortress

We take the chest lying at the very beginning of the mission. We pass forward, get trapped. Shoot the archers, climb the second floor. We switched in the curse, we find the chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. Go down, we find the cross directly opposite the stairs with which they descended. Being in the curse we find a weak point in the wall, we divide pass. On the left, finding the chest, run right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We shift the cart that interferes with passing, run into a large area. In front of the large bivalve doors there is a chest. Shoot all archers, and blast the door

8) drop dive

If you go straight and right - you can find a chest and two ghosts. Prowing the ballast, raise the gate. We kill archers, blast the gate to find and kill the ghost. We run further, we find a chest behind the turn. Prowing another ballast, blast the gate to find a cross. We run forward, raise another gate. We look at the screensaver and get ready for the battle with the boss.

The tactics of the battle is the same as with the captain-fatman. Isn't that a bunch of ghosts do not need to be killed, you need to approve only two.

9) nightmare II

We are again in the nightmare. We climb up the slope up, after the second lift we wrap the right, we find the cross. We continue the rise, watch the screensaver in which we learn to be aiming for shooting fire (LSHIFT + lmouse + space). I am aiming blasting the door in the form of a tank and run into it. Again we meet death, fight her again. The tactic battle is as follows: when death stands on the mountain, you hit it with fire (button E), when death goes down, beat it with a sword, and fire. It is important to note the fact that the death of death is when she is on the pedestal, it is possible only after all the ghosts are killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with ghosts and cannot help, and his assistance is obligatory).

Guardian "S Crusade

"GC" in Japan came out for quite a long time called "Knight and Baby". The game, despite the pretty primitive children's schedule, is very cheerful and meaningfully deep. The charming Monster Baby control is very simple and efficient, over 70 and busy toys, and combat strategies include a huge number of options! Many enemies, everyone owns a variety of combinations, force, speed and to everyone needs to be adapted.
The most fascinating part of the game is related to the collection of living toys, long sophisticated searches and finally the joy of findings, because they are very well hidden! The camera allows you to look at the most hidden corners, where chests and various items can be removed. Some find almost impossible, and only the case and luck will be able to help you.


* Chapter 1: Departure.
You wake up in bed - you woke you up the faithful girlfriend Nehani, which in the course of the game is your adviser. It is enough to press the S button and you can talk with it. It contributes and in battle - heals you with Pixie Dust, but maybe in case of occurrence, if necessary, if necessary.
Now it is possible to rename your hero, as the name Knight (Knight) is more suitable for him. Nevhani will advise to talk with the elder - the house is at the top of the right.
After negotiation with the elder, you will need to take a letter to the nearest city of Santa Claria. Before you go there, wander around the city and talk with all the oncoming, as it should be in the role-playing game. Talk to Meru at the bridge on the west exit from the city to get a chocolate bar (Candy Bar), restoring health by 30 HP. Find two old toys at the top of the left house, next to the guy named Algo. In the lower right corner you will see an old man looking for a blue kitten. Go to the farm south-west of the city and find another toy for different mechanisms and devices.
As soon as you leave the city, immediately come across the monsters. When the development is achieved, turn left in Santa Clara. Here you can relax in the hotel, and for free. Find a treasure chest in the house upside down from the beach, and at the same time inspect other houses - you can hang nicely, you can invite non-shini. When the incess of getting riddled, go back to the house of the elder, it is the largest at the top of the city. Look at the bookshelves, then chat with elder. When you do, you can return to your city Olgo.
When you come back, first meet with Boby, small pink and cute (near the bridge). A mysterious person with rabbit ears will suddenly appear and advises to take a baby in God "s Tower (God's Tower). From this point on, Baby will follow you. Talk to the elder, he will advise you to leave Baby in a cave near Grave Road. This is a good advice - go there.
In Grave Road, the path lies on the right track from the development of the road leading to Santa Clara. There are many battles here, so you will need experience and skill. Make sure that the monsters fled from you when you find. In fact, this is the basic rule of the game - bold monsters until they become afraid of you and try to avoid fights, but for this you need to be strong and masterfully fight. Going through the bridge, meet very strong enemies. Kill so many, how many can, leave Babei at the cave entrance, go back to the city and take a little bit.
This night you will see a dream in which the conversation with a rabbit man will repeat. When you wake up, you will understand what you need to return to the cave and pick up the babe. Return to the caves, take the courage and enter them - there are very steep monsters, especially Bearephant (Bear Elephant), which can weigh specifically.
Type a high level, otherwise there is nothing more to do. Sorry as it should and come back to Santa Clara a little relax and boot Cacdy Bar. When you get the power and strength of level 8 or 9, you can climb into the cave. At the first intersection, go to the top of the old toy, then go back to the crossroads and go through another track. Take a bronze shield and toy in the chest. It is not clear why so much good is scattered in these monsters of the monsters!
At the next crossroads, go upstairs, they meet even more terrible monsters - it's just Thornsaurus dinosaurs! Try to avoid contractions with them and quickly take the iron sword from the chest. Go up to a dead end, there is another chest with an old toy. Return to the crossroads and go through the right this time.
Now you will get to Kell, the city is very peaceful monsters. But before you find out about it, fight with a very combat monster, to find the location of the Beey. Before combating Mushmare, use the free hotel and buy some suits. As in life, if you begin to consider different goods in the store, then in the end, you will definitely buy. Look around the other tents, you may find something useful, and then follow in the barn.
To survive, you need to gain the 10th or better level of the 11th level, since Mushmare is also a fruit. Bring it from all over urine, and there will be no special problems with him. Return back and talk with elder again. Here you will find the first live toy - Mr.ctNeal. He will revive all the toys you find, and Elder will tell you that in the barn you can find another toy. Go there, take a toy, inspect the shed - there may be other treasures. Now at your disposal should be a whole bunch of live toys.

* Mr. Oneal.

Kogotit enemies stick. Maybe he and the first live toy, but definitely the weakest, since his stick infects only symbolic damage.
This toy owns a fiery attack, makes serious damage every time, perhaps one of the greatest toys.

* Cupid.

It can heal small damage, especially useful in the early stages of the game, when the Health of the Knight of Babe is slightly correct.

* Nurse.

Nurse, also can slightly correct health, and its services will be cheaper than Kypida.

* Da Bomb.

This thing explodes in three rounds. When it is called, it explodes, but maybe you can get, not just enemies. However, if you have time to put the block, you will remain unharmed. Use it, if only Baby is very disciplined and certainly listens to your teams, otherwise he will inevitably die.

* Park Rostle.

Perfects "Dark Element" attacks, everything will be happy without exception, and even the block will not help you.

* Jupiter.

Perfects the attacks "Light Element", and they are equally dangerous for everyone.

* Vipbr.

Powares the paralyzing arrows into enemies.
When getting deep into the caves, take a look at the southern walls to find a cave with a vibrant Phoenix toy. And a little further find another one - WalkBomb, and even further - a chocolate bar.

* Phoenix.

Absolutely necessary living toy, do not leave the caves until you find it. Restores health to normal.

* WalkBomb.

The explosion produces surprisingly powerful damage, depending on the distance traveled. Use economically.
Make a well-fatty baby on the way, a bunch of eggshells and a bird-mammy. Get ready for a fight with another boss, although there are no special problems foresee. Throw in the boss Da Bomb and Rugo, he will not worry.
And do not forget to put the block in the third round.
Take another live timeout toy after contractions. A few scenes will be in the hotel, where, in the end - ends, meet the merchant Bonik. Find another live mapster toy. Then, after negotiations with the wife of the hotel owner, you can use Baby in battles, although it is not quite ready yet. Further go north, then turn east to the city of Iten.

* Timeout.

Any protects from any damage for three rounds. If you want to take a timeout and rest, but at the same time it is to get to it, then be kind! Throw DA BOMB when you use Timeout, and then some other toy in your choice. At the same time, they do not affect at all.

* Mapster.

Not a very important thing, as you can always look at the map in the computer. And during the battle, it can damage only one level.

* Chapter 2: The Yourney.

When you arrive in the city and listen to the arguing, in addition to your will, you will be drawn into a fight with a balb chest named Richten to help your new Bonica friend. When "Free", inspect the city and meet the first time a couple of Ibkee Monsters and Darkbeat. You will have to fight with Darkbit (Ibki sister will not interfere). Look at the building and in the lower left corner will find a live Kimoni toy.

* Kimoni.

It can heal better cubida, but only one character.
Continue searching further south to Buccaneer Mail. It is well protected from the "Light Element" attack. Make a bet in the tote and be sure to lose, regardless of which put. In the end - ends, you will understand why. Next, in the house of Marco, inspect the toilet and get something from non-shiny. When, finally, everything will end, relax in the hotel, as the next day the fight will begin. She slightly reminds the street with one-way movement, since you will find yourself on the floor before you have time to come to your senses. After the battle, talk to Marco (get a few extra rubies) and go back to the Richten House "s for another live toy Contributor.

* Contributor.

Money throws in enemies - a little reminds Final Fantasy, isn't it? Money is damaged, but not very serious, 20 RB per blow.
Now go to the south again, and then east to the Zed Harbor and destroy the path as many monsters as possible. After each fight, Babei will increase the level, so it should reach the 8th or 9th, when you arrive at the Zed Harbor.
Talk to people, get some information, buy supplies and relax in the hotel. You can even once a different play on the piano.
In the house with Artema-idolaters, talk to one of them upstairs - get a Vampire toy. Then talk to a man near the bookshelf, and then inspect the shelf behind him - there is another toy Heal Bat.

* Vampire.

Literally useless toy, causes an enemy damage in the amount of 10% of your HP. At the same time and you lose your health!

* Heal Wat.

As it should be a bat, sucks HP from the enemy, but very little.
In the House of Governor (Governoz), look at the flower pot in the corner of the room, find the sword of the buckanera. On the second floor, inspect the chest several times, open it and find another toy - Baron.

* Baron.

As if the reverse container, turns 10% of your damage in the money for you! If you need money, so let you damage ...
Then go to the harbor south, find the big gun and take Tower Shield, and at the same time the boxes (east of the gun), where you find the view. When you open - you will find another live minicar toy.

* Minicar.

Talls one enemy and kills instantly right on the spot. Unfortunately, very often wakes up.
Now go to a ticket office, where to meet Bonika again and discover that he just bought the most recent ticket. He will only have to talk to the governor and go to the next trip to the search, you need to find the beast-emerald and get a ticket.
Go back to the port area and face the regular guys - Kalkanor, Ramal and Gwinlodin. After a small scene, leave the city and go to the cave in the West.
Starik Rogo will take you for his assistant and will send to Garmarthen to arrange a Galik spread. But before you go there, inspect the boxes near the house and find a strange bug, and then look in the Western Tunnel, find the "Snauseid" on the wall. Enter the store, buy several items from the merchant - remember, this is the only chance to purchase the necessary things in a cheaper. Now it's time to the road, well, if the knight and Baby will raise the 15th level, as the monsters in the cave are very strong.
In Karmarthen little interesting. Find a house of Galik in the southwest of the city, but it is not at home. Go to the mine and find a live Miner toy.

* Miner.

You can warmly get rich with a miner if you're lucky. He knows how to get rubies. They will be very useful and cause serious damage in the game, especially in final missions.
Leave the city and go to the west, go through the swamps to the old chapel. But one should not even go there if the Knight and Baby will not raise the 19th level, otherwise the death is inevitable. To get well and cool armor, it will certainly come in handy. Turn a slightly camera at the entrance to see the lost merchant, you can relax and remember the game. It is not bad to learn several transformations (if Baby is in a good mood) - this can teach Psychocat, Fatal Frog and Treead.
Go to the right (west) at the first intersection, turn a slightly camera to find a chest in which the live toy psychodoc sits.

* Psychodoc.

Turns 20 HP at 10 HP, in general, not very effective. Essentially, only the loss of one round.
On the right, you will find a chest with Plach Potion, and we will see a large room with two boxes, where chocolates are lying. Then in the center of the room in the chest, find a live toy Foreman. Beware, unexpected dangers are possible.

* Foreman.

Attacks are rather weak, like Mr. O "Neil. It is much more important that you can return to the entrance, and this is very important!
When will pass this room, go to the next intersection and go south, find great armor Kuldian Armor. Then go to the north and take two more live toys FREUD and CERICY.

* Freud.

Easily shifts enemies. Useful - sometimes.

* Cerricy.

Early health after each round. Return to the main intersection. Roll into the east or south, you will still get into the cave zone with steep monsters. In one of the lateral caves, find a very important live toy angel, and you will find a cheeseburger on the way.

* Angel.
Very good doctor, but quite expensive, so use it silently.
Having passed almost to the end, in the West, detect the mighty Sword of Might, then go to the red door. Here you will meet Kalkanor with buddies and see how they are shared with a monster. When they take the emerald and dismiss, they can fight themselves with a monster, but the fight will be very unclean. It is best to use ruo and embed the enemy as it should. In case of victory, get a luxurious white shield (White Shield).
Return to the Galik's house and hand it a wreck of a wrench from the gate, a low-oat item. Find Spinach Snack in a rather strange chest upstairs, and also a chewing, and there is nothing more there. Return to the harbor of Zed Harbor and go to the house of the governor. Meet the Kalkanor again and find that the stone, which was picked up after the rescue of Babei from a giant bird, in fact, holy relic, sharply necessary for the rescue of the world.
On the Zepher ship, inspect the phonograph in the captain's cabin and find the mushroom mushroom, go down to the bottom deck, relax and save the game. Go around the ship and chat with friends. On the bottom deck, take a peach tincture in a chest and an apple from the bag. Return to the room, relax and get to JUNGO. Detect here a happy couple, talk to a man and get a chance (call) to give the name of his son. Throw the find where you want and what you want - get a new live toy DitchMobile. Then talk to the yellow penguin (where did Penguins come from the tropics?). There is another living toy Ringsider.

* DitchMobile.

Health improves mobility and agility, which is very useful in the fights with enemies.

* Ringsider.

It is not known what to do with this toy, however, you will deal with yourself.
In the house near the cafe go down the stairs, take the beetle and beans, then leave the city and try to learn more about the transformations from Zakra. Here is Baby! Then go to the lighthouse in the southwest of the island and take up the next toy Mi Armour.

* Mi Armour.

Great strengthens defense, especially important when battles with bosses.
Now come back to the ship. Rain began, go through the nasal part of the new toy terroroid.

* Terroroid

It seems to be a useless thing, but it seems that you can scare enemies.
Return to the bottom deck, go around a bit, and then return to the top - Baby's disease will begin. It slightly flies fresh air, and you view a very pretty clip. And then you can unexpectedly be dropped into the sea, break from Baby and find yourself on the island of Kerple. Go to the center to the village to learn about the fate of Baby, and then in the leader's hut behind the live mudsy toy.

* Mudsy.

Slows down the movements of enemies, especially useful when you are surprised.
There is a strange barrel here, from which you will get one ruby \u200b\u200bevery time, but a decent amount is for quite a long time. After all, if you need good money, it is much easier to finish off some monster, isn't it?
Anyway, now it is already clear to you that it is absolutely necessary to finish the God of the Yugonga tribe to save the poor fellow of the Babe. Talk to all the inhabitants of the village, go to the chapel (if you do not talk to the inhabitants, you can't log in). You must have a 25th level or even higher. On the way you will find another toy.

* Rippanic.

Skonfusit, embarrassment of one enemy, will sit in it panic.
Go further by aisle and look around Crystal Armor's crystal armor. Now, if you reached the 27th level, then it's time to fight the leader-God. Use Timeout, Da Bomb, Contributor (it is in this order), then throw all the forces on your own defense, and the victory will get easy!
After the victory, return back to the city, and Baby will be free. Take a toy in a warehouse hut (samurai), and at the same time Chester Flute. Before leaving the island, return to running there, where they fought with God, then go to the West Passage.
It would be nice to get a bigger experience, because in captivity he looked great. Take from the Crystal Shield chest, expand the slightly camera to see another hobo joe toy.

* Samurai.

Very powerful weapon, but at the same time "removes" all living toys. So call the samurai first, if you want to use in a fight, but note that it costs 10 PP, and this is not noone.

* Novo Job.

Very deftly steal useful items. Especially great to dig in the most powerful monsters. In the northern pass, you will see a beautiful beam in the northern pass, but you should not fear it. Return to the city and go on the nearest beach.

You have to be very strange even for role-playing journey through the sea - say "Hello" Water Bug Chester The Water Bug! But only he is very slow, it is easy to fall asleep, especially if you need to get along the sea into another part of the world. Go to the nearest town of Den Heldar, inspect at home. In one of them, someone will throw insectorfly in you a live toy when you try to enter.

* Insectorfly.
Weakens the protection of the enemy, especially good when fighting with bosses.
Now you are free to go anywhere, you have a good weapon, enough rubies, and you can get all the best. Talk to the same house with the daughter of the mayor and go to the charity mission of the salvation of innocent people prisonered in the North Tower (North Tower). But before immediately rush there, a little a little bit around.
Now go to the island of north of Den Helder, where you find the granddaughter of Zeppetto, the creator of living toys. There is no toys here, but if you have a wardrobe behind him, you will find an incredibly powerful helmet "Zeppetto Helmet". You will not need another helmet for a long time.
You can go to the northern tower. You need to gain the 30th level, and Baby - the 28th. On the first crossroads, go to the right pass (west) and enter the passage of the live toy Douwner. Make the same thing in the left pass (East) - there is a sword of Crystal Sword. Then follow the aisles and find two more doorway. In one TOUGHWALL toy, and in the other - the devil shield (Devil "s shield).


Reduces the power and defense power of the enemy.

* That is a UOH Wall.

It acts as a shield, knocks off most of the attacks in several rounds. Really noticeably facilitates the fights with enemies, especially for Baby.
Climb up the stairs and learn from Nevhani that no one here. Before leaving, inspect the roof and find some equipment - Splint Mail and another live toy - Vegas. Going down to the bottom floor, see the monster entering the secret passage. Follow him and meet Ibki and Darkbit. Talk to them and take the Mossman toy in the corner.

* Veoas.

Very affects good luck. If you are a gambling player, you can take a chance ...

* Mobsman.

Reduces, and very efficiently (much more than Douwner) attacking the power of the enemy.
Now boldly enter inside, and when you meet two monsters, then Darkbit and Ibqi will take one, and you will deal with others. He is such a weakness that even no pleasure. Call Contributor, Pyro and attack, more than two or three rounds it will not last. When you are divided with it and save your own, then take Spinach Snach in a hitroplated hidden chest in the southeast corner of the room. Enter the next room, look around and fight with the Guardian boss, it will be ridiculous. Use Contributor, Rugo, Toughwall to help Babei, and everything will be ok. Be so necessary if necessary. It will take no more than 5 rounds. Take the Ring of Solomon (Solomon "s ring), and non-shy something vagues something. The watchmaker saved by you will ask you to find him in Trisken. Now you can go out, there is nothing more to do here. Use Foreman, Return to Den Helgar, Talk to the mayor and take Live toy windmeister.

* Windmeister.

Useful toy, causes serious damage to wind gusts, especially good against the "Earth-Element" of monsters.
It's time for the next continent, go through the south of Trisken and open the chest, there is another stare toy.

* Stare.

You can take a look at the city with a bird's-flight and shelling enemies with powerful rays.
It was the turn of the large city of Trisken, fight here with a monster named Bobodragon (on the way), it is very strong. However, if you defeat it with Baby, the latter will be able to master its powerful transformation.
Before entering the entrance gate to the trickle, fight the guard, and get a toy Dr.Snooze. In the store nearby, inspect the boxes - there is another beetle. Go to the bell tower in the northern part of the city and take it on it. On the way you will find another SACRIBAT toy.

* DR. Snooze.

It can easily be lit by enemies, more useful than Freud.

* SacriBat.

He sacrifice one live toy during the attack. At least now there is an effective way to use such toys like Mr. O "Neil, Miner, Mapster, etc. Call (in a cheap) some weak toy, then call SacriBat and he sacrifices a weak, due to which it causes severe damage to enemies. And do not spare the toys, you will not lose them forever.
Here is the Monsters Training Center, where Baby will be able to fight these guys. Although they are very strong, they can be learned from them a variety of transformation. Baby transformations list can be seen at the bottom of the section 5.
In one of the houses there is only one boy. Climb on the second floor, inspect the barrel in the corner and find many beetles. Why are there so much not very clear. An unfamiliar man will give you a wallet, but then another person will say that he lost it. Tie them and get a thousand RB immediately. In the house in the west of the bell tower, a graceful watchmaker will give you a toy Tarantula as a reward. Do not enter the cafe until you have 3000 RB. And be sure to buy a very expensive ring Calm Ring - I will understand why when you get to the tower of God (Cods Tower).