Mafia Mafia game strategy. Mafia game strategy Search for civilians

You know, everything can happen in life, one guy who met with her cousin, who met his cousin, watched the love events similar to the plot of the film Pearl Harbor. However, such things usually only an exception that emphasizes the rule agrees with me?

So in the mafia, there are cases that occur with the concepts of "most likely", "most likely." In other words, certain game episodes occur, which one can say "most often it means ..." or "with a greater probability ...". Such things in the game I call the theory of probability. For example, a black player next night shoots not very often? Truth? Therefore, two below the given thesis please consider almost an axioma.

Consider an example: on the first night, Mafia shoots 1 player. On the first circle, players 2, 3, 4, 5 vote for 6. 10 player is shot in the second night. One sheriff is opened at the table - this is a player 2, its checks: 3 - red, 4 - red.

We have:

  • 2 Sheriff
  • 3 Checked red - brought 6 player
  • 4 Checked red
  • 5 incomprehensible player

According to the theory of probability on the first day, four red can not remove the red from the table. May, of course, but the probability of this is about 5%. And if it happened, then mafia has the right to win. In this situation, you need to shoot with 5 players. Because, based on the "probability theory" between 5 and 6 there is one black. "On the first day, four reds cannot withdraw a red player, at the same time four redes can withdraw a black player." This statement is valid by 95%. I do not suggest just to believe - check in practice and you are most likely to make sure the legitimacy of such judgment. This concept will help us in the future, when we will disassemble the fundamental definitions in the mafia - balance and counterweights. Thus, we use the principle of "probability theory" and play counterweight (see further an article about the balance and counterweight) and remove from the game 5 player. The game should continue! If not - I repeat once again, in the current situation, where four red in the first circle were removed the Red - Malia should win. After withdrawing 5 players and continue the game, you understand that between 5 and 6 one black player left. The sheriff makes another check, finds red - the game mathematically won. At the table after the output of 5 player, six participants remain, of which one sheriff and two proven red, at night shoot the sheriff of the game, and five players remain at the table - 3 and 4 proven red + night check commission. If the check is red, then with five players at the table - two unchecked and the victory of peaceful are removed.

Thesis 2: "When on the first round the table is divided between two players 3-on-3 or 4-on-4, then there is a black player among the car accidents in the car accident"

If there is one-to-4 vote on the first vote, "with a probability of 80% between these players there is one black", if 3-on-3, then "with a probability of 60% between these players there is one black." I will immediately say that it did not lead a strict counting, as it is done when collecting statistics, but in sensations, the percentage rather correctly and reflects what is happening in the game. My practice practice suggests that the voiced interest is about true and correct, but even if you are ready to argue - perfectly, at least the topic of the dispute was asked. By the way, I want to note that with the second thesis, you can still argue - the numbers of 60% and 80% have to do so, then with the first statement everything is categorically. My position is fundamental - if suddenly four reds removed the red in the first circle, then peaceful should lose such a game and this is normal! Of course, it is not necessary to build only on it, it is necessary to fold many other factors arising in the game, but the data on the theory of probability can be used when it is difficult for you to make a decision and you are not sure what to do. Two sheriffs? No accurate understanding? Do everyone want to vote for different sheriffs? Can combine the city by the argument about the "theory of probability" and take out 2 day (at 7 or 8 participants at the table) of the player who came to the car accident in the previous day, but eventually stayed in the game? Be careful, perhaps players will want to choose between the sheriffs anyway, it's not necessary to goofy, then make the choice. But to offer your option and convince the city - it has never been a bad step :) Try to take the game for yourself and one day you will feel like it happened.

Summing up, I want to say, in fact, the probability theory is only two points:

  1. "On the first day, four of the red can not withdraw a red player, at the same time four redes can withdraw a black player"
  2. "When on the first circle the table is divided between two players 3-on-3 or 4-on-4, then there is a black player among the car accidents"

Why do we love games? For the ability to change the situation, without leaving on vacation, for new acquaintances and, of course, for excitement. So that all this left the maximum of impressions, it is necessary to play with the mind. And with tips from the pro.

The main thing in any game is a good company


Consultant: Leading games in "Antikafe" Pavel Mashan

Secret 1.

Immediately turn into the game: Listen and watch. Pay attention to how people behave before the game began, their natural behavior. If at the table it changes, then it is probably the whole thing in the mafia map. Also worth paying attention to the player's behavior when he protrudes on the side of the citizens. Next time you can notice if it suddenly changes.

Secret 2.

Surprisingly, the fact: "Mafia" won not only police investigators, but also dentists. And also surgeons. Because the analytical abilities and the ability to recognize gestures and facial expressions are far from the only key to success. The key value has a composure. At least for those who want to take advantage of the first secret, could not take you. Whatever the charges do not poured on your head, someone from the friends of the peaceful citizens did not solve the linch - let your face speak no more than a medical mask.

Secret 3.

By the way about the accusations. Often, the arguments in favor of the massacre over the alleged mafiosi roll like from the horns of abundance. If this mafiosa is, you will use the next reception. We wait for the stream runs out, choose the most ridiculous argument and it is possible to refute it. All words of your opponents will lose their weight.

Secret 4.

Mafia is a command game, so if you want to win, create coalitions, do not pull the blanket on yourself. However, no one cancels the advantages of a good speaker. In "Mafia" it does not matter whether you will be the first, second or last; It is important that you will say.

Secret 5.

Psychology is good, but no one cancels the analytical path of mafia calculations. At the same time a good workout of memory. The simplest thing is to follow, against whom one or another player votes and by whom, in the end, his victims are: really "mafia" or a stipulated civilian inhabitant. It is better to conclude in several moves: "Mafia" can agree to "merge" his in order to take suspicions, but no one will sacrifice the participants.

Oksana Lysikov knows how to control the "cash flow"

"Cash flow"

Consultant: Leading games in "Antikafe" Oksana Lysikova

Secret 1.

The board game "Cash flow" appeared thanks to the American Robert Kiyosaki. She wondered as an investor and business coach as a training project that could help people master the main principles of successful finance treatment. And if you want to deeper the essence of the game, read the bestseller Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad".

Secret 2.

The key to success is your inner state at the time of the game. "Cash flow" is a kind of test for what is happening in the player's life now. Someone feels in a suspended state, he does not enthrall him, and someone lives in a constant driver, perceives life in all her paints and manifestations, it is living her, and not watching her. It is such a state and will help you achieve victory in the "cash flow".

Secret 3.

Do not be afraid to risk. Children in the "cash flow" won almost always because they have no fear that they will not be able to return the debts or the transaction will be disadvantageous. There was a case when a young couple came, the girl had a deal, and she asked her husband's money, and he did not hear. She did not repeat. And literally in the next progress, her spouse lost exactly the amount that he did not lend his wife. No need to be afraid to make the choice that you consider correct.

Secret 4.

Take place next to an experienced player. In the "cash flow" - as in life: the meaning is not to beat the rest, but in order to live a moment and fulfill your dream. Here players do not compete. Therefore, newcomers can count on the Council of more experienced participants.

Secret 5.

Play! Many newcomers say that they look after, studying and get used to the rules, and therefore prefer to linger at a certain stage of the game. While you try to pick up the key to success, the rest of the players break out of "rat runs" and fulfill their dream.

Dmitry Snegiley will teach how to stay alive on the "island of fear"

"Fear Island"

Consultant: Leading games in "Antikafe" Dmitry Snegirev

Secret 1.

To be a hamster mutant. Our game is similar to Mafia, but one of the differences is a wider set of characters. And a hamster mutant, in my opinion, is the most powerful hero: for each move he can clean one participant and, in the end, to remain the only survivors. Another question is that not everyone succeeds. Hamster does not know who one or another player is, and, maybe, after all the peaceful islets, he will fall under his hot hand, he will remain aunt-a-a-tet with twisted. And these guys know who among them is their own, and who are strangers. So being a hamster-mutant, first of all kill the root.

Although it is also dangerous clairvoyant. This is an analogue of the Commissioner in the "Mafia" - he can learn from the lead who is one or another player. Including you. And a hamster-mutant that civilians that werewolves, to put it mildly, disliked.

Secret 2.

If you are in the team of the islander, also start with a clairvoyant until he has time to reveal you all. The next one in the queue is again a hamster mutant with his bright, but often a short life. Complete top nurse and witch: these characters will fill all the cards to you, then the cancellation of events, then the cure of the characters. Therefore, it is better to deal with the characters of "special purposes", and then calmly begin the "main dish".

Secret 3.

To take suspicions, it is better to pose and join the disputes only as necessary: \u200b\u200bto permanently give up, make a serious face or portray a deep Duma on the face. Against Tijuns voting rarely. But on the other hand, this behavior makes the game boring. And I, for example, being a member, and not leading, vote primarily against them. Just in the interests of the game. And I can not be the only player dividing this opinion. So better turn into the game and use other tricks.

Secret 4.

Another difference between the "island of fear" from "Mafia" - the availability of events that change the course of the game. Among them are "Foggy Night." When the map of this event falls out, the characters wishing to make an action against another player cannot simply show the leading on it - they should touch the hand. Accordingly, the neighbor is unprofitable - that "wakes up" and passes you the rest. Usually you have to get up and go to the selected victim. From here Moral: Going to the "Island of the Fear", put on something unheestropful, sit down in the most unfounded chair and clamp on the most unbreakable pillow. And the ladies are better without heels!

Secret 5.

If you want to save incognito as much as possible, focus. On the alleged sacrifice, indicate the lead only look. Even if it seems to you that you are silent, like a Japanese ninja, is not a fact that your neighbor will not feel the breeze from hand moving. Attentiveness will help at the occurrence of an event, after which, during the discussion, pronoun cannot say. The violator is deprived of the right to vote. It happens that only 30% of participants remain the right to vote. But there is another danger. As a rule, all the remaining arewolves, because from the very beginning of the game they are attentive than others, as they are forced to follow not only for others, but for themselves. Thus, too scrupulous caution can give a short with head.

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"Night comes, the inhabitants of the city fall asleep with strong sleep, and the mafia wakes up." Do you like this game? If so, then I have already understood what we are talking about. And if not, be sure to try to play in a friendly company. Before the start of the game, everyone gets a card with the designation of his role - a peaceful citizen with an indication of the profession or random mafios. Well, then each participant tells about himself. Peaceful residents speak the truth, and the villains are pretending to be civilians. The task of the first to bring the mafia to clean water, the task of the second is slowly exterminating peaceful citizens and capture power in the city.

First, it is fascinating and fun. And secondly, you at the same time will spend any more scientific experiment, checking the guess of psychologists Nadav Klain (Nadav Klein) and Nicholas Epley. They have long been learning our ability to distinguish a lie from the truth. The ability, which, according to conscience, is difficult to call outstanding. For example, a meta-analysis of studies on this topic shows that on average we are about 61% of cases in a position to say that the interlocutor tells us the truth. But the lies recognize on average only in 47% of situations 1. In general, fifty-fifty, eagle or rush.

By the way, and the fact that we know our interlocutor for a long time, it also does not guarantee that we can easily determine if he says or Lukavit. Research testify: a lie in the lips of friends or relatives, we recognize about the same as often as a lie pronounced by strangers 2.

How to be? First, not to stay with liars alone, and secondly, it is defined to discuss what he saw and heard. That is, to do exactly what players in the Mafia make. After the ideas, they are engaged almost exclusively what they are discussing who is really convincing in the role of Pecary, the driver of the bus or the student, and who seems to hide their mafia entity under the lichnaya resident. Here your buddy delivered a dusty speech about how he and flies in life will not be offended because she is engaged in breeding colors, and immediately went to drink water into the kitchen. Maybe it really wanted to drink? Or maybe I wanted to avoid unnecessary asked? And by the way, his eyes somehow run suspiciously, do not find?

This is exactly what it manages to take liars on clean water, they are confident by Nadav Klein and Nicholas Ohmp. In their study, 3 groups of volunteers demonstrated video recording of various people. The task was to determine, the truth says speaker or not. At the same time, in half groups, participants could not communicate among themselves: everyone recorded his own opinion, and the general verdict was carried out on the basis of which option did the majority of votes - truth or a lie. In the other half of the Group participants received the opportunity to discuss viewed videos and develop a collective solution. And solutions to these groups turned out to be much more accurate.

Many psychologists find this result quite unexpected. He, for example, contradicts ideas that we all tend to other times for the manifestation of herd feelings. And not away without unnecessary pondays to join the opinion of some ardent and charismatic speaker, which may well be sincerely mistaken or meaningfully trying to knock us off.

  • You talk a lot;
  • You are talking little;
  • You do not watch the interlocutor in the eye;
  • Aggressively behave in relation to another player;
  • Sit in the "closed" pose;
  • Behave not as in the previous game;
  • Dramatically changed the suspect;
  • They put up for the player who was Mafia.

Good bad evil

Players will be able to continue this list. But it is already clear that many of his items will contradict each other. How to be? As an option - rely on intuition and behave naturally, remembering that everything is happening - the game, and no one really has the negative to you. At least it will eliminate the novice player from the emotional tension during the game.

Peaceful resident is always threatened

Let's talk about the rational aspects of the game. Peaceful resident is always threatened. His day can be killed by the townspeople, and at night - Mafia. Mafia is under threat only during the day (if the game does not participate a maniac or sheriff). This often determines the behavior of the players.

An ideal peaceful resident should be absolutely logical and moved. He will ask compromising issues, provoke, memorize "communications" between players. Who for whom to vote, who suspected who suddenly changed the opinion. Mirny at 100% can only be sure of himself and therefore it will be less likely to change the opinion of the suspects and will not succumb to the provocation "You suspect me, then I will suspect you." Vendetta is non-constructive and therefore harms survival.

Strategy of a peaceful resident

Hmmmm ...

it is the search for the hidden motives of other players and answer the question "he did it because ...". The larger the metrics tracks a peaceful resident, the more precisely there will be its conclusions.

Beginner players can focus on tracking one metric. For example, for whom players vote. The task is to understand why a person votes precisely for this person. Determine the mafia will help you by changing the player of the suspect without good reason.

Combine with the players of which you consider peaceful. Over time, other players will enter your tandem. Power in unity!

Remember or write down how people behave. If, in the last game, a person was closed, spoke concisely, she tried not to stick out and turned out to be Mafia, and in this game he is sociable and cheerful, then, most likely he is a peaceful resident and is not dangerous.

If you play with newcomers, then those who have got the role of mafia, most likely try to become as imperceptible as possible. They just do not know how to behave.

If you have learned a commissar and at night a peaceful inhabitant - use it to detect the mafia. Start actively suspect a peaceful in the afternoon and see who will support you in knowingly incorrect suspicions. Mafia does not like to independently deploy active fighting during day voting, but with pleasure joins when civilians want to make a mistake and drive their own.

Mafia Strategy

Mate Mafios know that the best strategy of behavior will be to copy the behavior of civilians. They also provoke, analyze, rarely change the view and, if case they can even initiate the killing of their less experienced accomplice to get a stock of confidence. Inexperienced mafia will behave passively and evade the placement of other players to the vote.

If one of you began to suspect from the beginning of the game, you can set a colleague for day voting and thereby take suspicion of yourself.

The last of the day discussion speakers has the greatest impact on the opinion of the players. Kill the peaceful mafia to speak the latter.

Use the time before the game starts, to understand how people behave in a relaxed atmosphere. Ask a neighbor a couple of questions, pay attention to his posture, mood. If a person was cheerful, and then suddenly spoiled - perhaps he is "on the black side."

Take a notepad on the game and on the game, make a mark in it. So it will be easier for you to argue your point of view and take suspicion from yourself. Learning less - better draw the scheme. For example, you will show a sketchy table with players and arroges, mark who against whom voted.

Do not justify. So you will make any more suspicion. If there are several arguments against you - refute the weakest. Check on the records and statistics, even if you do not lead it.

Be sequential. If you set the suspect to vote, but it remained in the game - exhibit it again and prove the intelligence of your choice. So you will quickly conquer authority.

Agree on the rules of the game. It is important to play the same rules, otherwise the game can go to the quarrel, quickly end and do not bring pleasure.

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In the game "Mafia", the role of an ordinary peaceful resident may seem less interesting and important, but it is not. This is a very important character of the game. You can bring several recommendations when the correct tactics of the game in the mafia will allow an ordinary citizen to lead to the victory of the entire team of civilians.

If the citizen has to say his word, then you should say exactly, calmly. The town dweller is absolutely clean before the population of the city, and he has nothing to fear. It is better to immediately determine for yourself a circle of suspicious persons so that when discussing to watch them more carefully.

You can admit that you are a peaceful town dweller, mafia and so knows it, and for representatives of the team of citizens this may be a sign of confidence if it is considered sincere. Such a tactic game in the mafia can slightly relieve position among their.

During the discussion, it is necessary to speak specifically and essentially, and the main information should be postponed at the end of speech. It is better to support their suspicions with facts or examples, unreasonable suspicions usually make only inexperienced players.

The faithful tactics of the game in the mafia implies not to pay attention to the one who throughout the game suspects you. This is possible a citizen who is confused, and, suspecting him in response, you can lead to your team from true mafia.

Need to follow the progress of the game. How many times did the mafia shot, how many checks did the sheriff, how many voting cycles passed, what is the ratio of players at the moment according to the results of the past "days" - all this information will help to clearly navigate in the present gaming position.

If it still fell suspicion and your candidacy was put on a vote, do naturally, do not show aggression. During his excuseal speech, speak calmly and smile, consume a couple of times the word "truth" is like people. Pay more attention during your speech on those who rather doubt what finally decided that you mafia.

How to play a doctor?

The doctor must be a very angry player to accurately calculate and help the peaceful resident in need of "treatment". It is better not to open up the doctor before the critical moment, otherwise the mafia and the maniac will respond very quickly and can take you out of the game.

How to play sheriff?

If you are a sheriff, then check the player who put you as a suspect. Check also the one suspects most players in the previous circle. Because if it is a player team of civilians, that is, the likelihood that in the next round it will be removed from the game.

There is a tactic "Lhashcherify", this is when a peaceful resident, not being sheriff, declares himself to them, thereby supplied to the blow and reducing the suspicion of the sheriff.

How to play mafia?

Mafia in turn can also tactics "Store" when the Mafia player points out for a member of his team, thus taking suspected or more important mafia. Or "Safety", when one mafia votes for another mafiosa, so that he was taken out of the game.

How to play a prostitute?

The role of a prostitute in the game is well managed to people with an adventuristic warehouse of character. Due to the fact that the "life" of any player depends on the invitation of a prostitute, unlike other characters of the game, does not try to hide its role. Especially playing for peaceful inhabitants, feeling their impunity. If a prostitute plays for the mafia, peaceful residents need to keep track of who she protects. Playing peaceful citizens, a prostitute can, how to protect them from the "shots" of Mafia, and "neutralize" the city for the night of dangerous mafia.

How to play maniac?

The maniac himself can win if one remains. He kills at night, and in the afternoon playing peaceful inhabitants. Maniac is important to comply with the balance between civilians and mafia. On the one hand, the mafia helps the maniac to come to goal - to kill civilians, and on the other hand, Mafia is dangerous for maniac, since it can also withdraw the character from the game.

Let's hope that such a tactic game in the mafia will assist you.