Ace peak edge down. TUZ PIK: value, description and interpretation. Mystical Card Tuz Peak - What Warns

Tattoo value TUZ

No topic is more delicate in the tattoo industry than that that affects the prison or religious symbolism. You can not know anything to know about the hidden sense that your tattoo carries. However, at a meeting, for example, with the "leaning" the former gentlemen, a very much information will tell them about you.

Historical summary

Did confirmed facts say that playing cards exist from the XI -XII century. In East Asia, which is famous for its excitement, there are documents describing games using paper pictures. Before that, there were bamboo and other signs on which various games are based, like Mahjong.

Next, the gaming industry has spread gradually for: India, Persia, Egypt with all the relatives lying lands, and from there to Europe. Only in the XVII century cards reached Russian lands. And in 1649, they were strictly prohibited by the government. Next, the king Peter decides that it is better to bind all this than to breed the underground "underground" and allows manufactures to create cards for sale. In the future, the cards themselves repeatedly changed the appearance, and the number of their admirers increases until now.

Religious promise

Oddly enough, but religious communities began to swell maps very strange values \u200b\u200band symbols, despite the fact that they were created through more than 11-12 centuries since the alleged life of the Son of God. For example, Christianity called the game to the cards a terrible blasphemy, and each suit gave symbolic meaning:

    The cross (trephies), of course, based on the name, mean that the same cross, on which the Romans crucified Christ;

    The value of Tatu Tsightfor believers, people can take completely different, since the peaks that have historically happened from the leaf of the plant began to denote the spears who pushed the Son of God while he was brought to the cross;

    Bubne - a symbol of nails in the body of Jesus;

    The worms became a symbol of the sponge, which was singing and wrapped in people on the crosses before killing.

After listening to all this, it becomes somehow not on my own that people will think about you. And without that tattoos are accompanied by a lot of diverse and reproaches, it will also appear those who will call you with Satanist and Herod. Not everyone likes. However, this is just the beginning. This symbolism has another side.

Prison Send

In the prison sphere, a special attitude to a tattoo, which has not so much artistic as a semantic value. Naturally, it all depends on the table. Keep in mind that tattoo ace peak value: You position yourself as a steep authorita-thief, to which everyone goes to bow. This may be regarded as a challenge. Trefoy marked the thief in the law, which left the past behind, but did not forget the roots.

Tattoo value TUZred strings are not the best of the prison "assortment." Cherva, stuffed on a man, denotes that he "omitted" by other male representatives and is used as a sexual target. With the tambulls, everything is a little easier - a chief of a fraudster, who should not even trust.

Alternative values

Well, enough about the negative sides of the question. As in many other pictures, there is a positive side. For example, peak ace value tattoo Considered as good luck talisman, since the time of World War II. This theory was introduced by American soldiers who loved poker and proceeding from its principles.

Now, during the time of the positive attitude of young people to the nutritional drawings, the cards again entered the fashion. On the territory of the CIS countries, a special excitement is spinning around one image - four aces together. This is the same formation of fortune, but more understandable to local lovers of "fool". In addition, such a tattoo is still combined with other symbols: death, turtles, weapons, money. Typically, it makes "steep bad guys", screaming to the whole world: "For me, life and death is a game!".

Special attention is paid to the general fiction of the composition, because each element can negatively change even the most artistic tattoo. Be vigilant and if you do not want problems, it is better to give up from this symbolism. Even if you are a girl and all these prison "things" are not for you.

Means necessarily death or tragedy. This is not true. Ace Picksymbolizes great strength, energy and power. As for the direction, in which this force is valid - in favor of the client or against it, it is largely depends on its individuality. The fact that the nature of this force can be obtained on the basis of which position is this card in the scenario and which Maps are located nearby. Availability Ace Pick Causes the possibility of class high positions. If the strength of which is in question is the inner strength of the client itself, it can restrain it as necessary, find internal energy to combat obstacles found on the way. It should look into the future without fear and With growing hope. He himself must decide whether it is worth the execution of any risky designs. Ace Pickcan mean and danger. Uncontrolled forces can condescend to the client and crush it and his loved ones. When appearance Ace Pickit is necessary to investigate its symbolic essence and explain to the client how much the most strict self-discipline is needed and in order to pay the power at the right time to be discussed in its favor. Ace Pick It turns out in the center of the scenario, then the power of which is in question will provide a dominant influence on the life of the client. He has a great gift of healing and can succeed in medicine, in care for sick, etc. It has the ability of the manager and can achieve great success in politics, jurisprudence, etc. fields of activity requiring noncommon energy. However, it, in all likelihood, is limited, stubborn and prone to dogmatism. He should advise tolerance and direct its ability to assist its loved ones. Mu must restrain its character and its ambitious aspirations, or its inner strength will be destructive and will open the way for hostile actions from other persons with significant efforts. If Ace Pick It turns out in the upper right corner of the layout, then it represents the external force with which the client must be encountered. He must prepare to cope with her and turn her in his favor. In case of success, it will come out of this test by a more experienced person and gains inner calm due to the deeper knowledge of his own opportunities. If Ace Pick It turns out in the upper left corner of the scenario, this means that the client has the opportunity to introduce this power to his life or to avoid it. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the client's ability so that he can actually act in unfamiliar situations. It may turn out that the client is on the verge of making any decision. If he is a timid man, gracious and indecisive, then he should advise him to not try to radically change his life norms. However, if he dare, self-confident and inclined to risky actions, there are extraordinary opportunities in front of it. The final decision must take the client himself; He must weigh everything behind and against the path scheduled and independently decide whether he is ready to stand on this interesting, but, in all likelihood, fraught with difficulties. If Ace Pick It turns out in one of the lower corners of the scenario, it is most likely, indicates a particular situation where some power plays the role. Neighboring cards They will give some idea of \u200b\u200bher character. In this case, the client must be ready for an emotional bora or an unexpected dangerous situation, or to a deep najm from a certain influential person. If he is able to overcome this difficult position, it can turn into his favor. Ace Pick It is not for the power of evil. Who will be able to adapt to her, he will gain unexpected spiritual wealth in the future.

Many beginner gadgets there are some difficulties with the interpretation such a difficult card, like a Tuz peak, some even "are afraid". But is it worth it? For the value of cards, their position is very important for the value, since the inverted and direct species will have different interpretation, sometimes completely opposite.


The value of the peak ace in despustion is a bad news from a loved one.

It will concern the disease, loss or refusal from something personal. Such a message will cause a storm of negative emotions: disappointment, fear, sadness, sadness and even hatred.

Including it indicates that now it is sharply necessary to appreciate the moments of happiness and try to rationally use their own time. It should be paid to the fact that in the near future the holiday is expected. Noisy fun will be accompanied by drinking. Such a pastime will allow to relax and release the accumulated negative emotions.

There is a positive value, but only if it drops the latter after negative peak mats. It is possible to interpret such an alignment as the fact that the whole negative will eventually come to no, the situation will receive a prosperous outcome.

Ace peak in combination with:

  • 6 The goback indicates what appropriate to expect a meeting with old friends, classmates or colleagues.
  • 7 Peaks predicts that the need to take money to debt, return which will have immediate.
  • The lady Tref - the cherished desire will surely come true in a short time if you gain patience.
  • The king or lady of peaks is a real estate of a solid man.

Hading on a certain person, suggests that this person is targeted, has leadership qualities, has a clear mind and has confidence in their own forces. Such a person is unable to betrayal and hypocrisy, he is a true friend. Someone else's secrets and secrets can be entrusted without fears.


This option has a completely different value that warns the danger. During this period, a person may fall into an unpleasant situation that will have a sad outcome. Need to take care during recreation in the company: Do not participate in conflicts, fights or scandals and do not get drunk by alcoholic beverages. If you allow yourself too much, that is, the risk of substantial harm to its health.

Card Ace Pikik symbolizes in this form an unpleasant news, a loss of a loved one, severe illness, a danger to life or a life test.

If there is a nearby:

  • TRF of the same dignity, then the situation will arise that will cause strong frightened.
  • King worms - should be prepared for the fact that a close person will report his serious physical, moral or material condition.
  • 8 Cross - sad lead: a friend or a close person can soon die.



The value in the literal position has the following:

there is a deep connection between partners, but sometimes it brings discomfort.

In this regard, this situation can be described as the fact that people are very quarreling, but they can not disperse, as they are pulling them again. As a result, a vicious circle occurs.

If the fortune telling happens on a particular man, then this is a courageous and spiritually strong person who can trust all the most intimate. But for a woman, loss of this map is a very strong character that does not require a male shoulder to solve problems. On the contrary, she can be the "rear" for anyone.

If the alignment is carried out for a representative of a beautiful floor, then when you fall out before the king of any suit, it is interpreted, as this king thought and repents before this lady.


Interpretation here is quite categorical and unpleasant

- Scandals, quarrels, threats of physical violence.

Including there is fear of stay alone due to abnormality, as well as coldness, repentance or secrecy. If the inverted version is located to the left of the worm ace, then the couple will come to a mutual solution, but on the right - will certainly break out.

Gives a number of additional information, being in a pair of:

  • King of peaks - arrogance.
  • The lady of peak is possible to treason.
  • 7 TRIF - separation with a close man.



Peak ace in gadania on a career means that

difficulties and obstacles will not be able to influence the implementation of the tasks.

It can also interpret how the inner closure that surrounding can perceive, as a secrecy, and the desire to get to the essence of the matter.

A gading person speaks of a predisposition to success. He can give it to others, but at the same time, if he wants to fully present his rights to him. For example, copyright to work performed.

If suddenly aligning the choice of activity, it should definitely be intellectual, but you can still pay attention to social or charitable.

Together with this in a pair:

  • With 10 peaks means an unexpected receipt of money.
  • With the Cross Walt - a long-range business trip, which may become a journey.
  • With 10 goback - success in conceived.


What does TUZ peak in an inverted version?

Bad news, conflicts (if with 10 tambourines, then on the basis of finance), difficulties with working issues.

The combination of cards here will be of particular importance:

  • With a tambourous currency - a lot of trouble.
  • With 9 peaks - difficulty with paperwork.
  • With 8 worms - disruption of the planned plans.

More Our long-range ancestors used playing cards as the most common means for predicting the coming. For the first time mention of decks met in the European literature of the fourteenth century, it is since then they are popular. Conventional cards are directly related to mystical tarot; In many fortune telling, they are not only aligned, but also the meaning. The ace of peak, for example, is similar to the Tuzu swords, and the suit of pentacles - tambourines.

Preparing for fortune investment, as a rule, a person is not a full deck consisting of fifty-four cards, but an abbreviated version, from thirty-six. The ritual is recommended to carry out in the room without an icon for a more accurate result, the cross must be removed from the body, and all pets, in particular the cat, are bent away. The value of the card is described below.

Ace (peaks)

First of all, you should pay attention to the position of the map. It may be as follows:

  • Ace peak edge up. The value of such a card can be considered generally positive. Traditionally, perceived as a sign warning about the ambulance of the fate of a man with a treason house. It is not necessary to scare and think about prison, it is possible that this is just a trip to the public institution - to the administration building, a military board or hospital. The second value is more nice. The falling peak Ace can foreshadow the cases that bring pleasure, their mood promises to carry into themselves only the benefit, but do not need to relax. This card also acts as a warning: it is necessary to take care of issues related to the legal side of what is happening. The Ace's Environment plays a considerable role, and in some cases its appearance in the defold predicts passionate love.

  • Ace peak edge down. To interpret from the positive side, alas, it will not work. Such a card promises rapid disappointments, possible diseases, defeats in affairs. Not excluded treason of a loved one or a betrayal of a friend, family member. Finding a number of other peak suites only enhances the negative nature of the omen.

Tuz peak in front of the king of peak

The value of this combination of cards is often interpreted incorrectly. Some girls, wanting to find out the attitude of the men to themselves, resort to the help of divination, but the answer of mystical forces may not arrange an inappropriate, and then she begins to look for positive parties. The most common mistake is to consider the ace that fell out after the king, the full repentance of a person who was taken on him in relation to a woman. If the lovers were cried, the answer of the cards does not mean that a man regrettes, he only shows that at the moment he is bad, and the reason for this can act anything.

If the peak ace falls in front of the king of the peak in the literal position, it predicts the speedy and finally parting a couple of fault of a man. If the map turned out to be turned out, the woman will be a prisoner of strong, but unfortunate experiences.

Ace wormer

How to suit, directly related to love relationships, "Heart" also quite a few wondering. In the literal position, the card is extremely positive. This certainly will certainly happiness, huge joy, crumpled which is extremely difficult. If the card with the image of any figure (at home, king or curren) falls next to the ace of the worms (at home, king or currency), it may mean a meeting with friends, a fun feast, a date or just sitting with drinking alcoholic beverages.

The inverted position of the card will make a gadget person less. The promised joy will be diluted with a spoon of encompassing, the fun feast will be overlooked. To understand what exactly the neighboring cards will help.

  • Ace Cerves, Sixer Tref - acquaintance promises to be useful, but it will certainly incur naughty waste of cash;
  • Ace worms, nine peaks - a gadget person waiting for the unpleasant news associated with health problems;
  • Ace worms, ace of peaks - the meaning of this combination is interpreted as a negative nature news who promise a quarrel with a loved one. However, she can act as a pleasant sign. In order to understand this, you need to pay attention to neighboring cards. The eight of Tref, next to the combination of aces, promises good news.

Ace Tref.

The main value of the card is associated with financial issues.

  • Ace tref. pregnant « top up" Such a card promises financial revenues. It is possible, good profits from the conceived enterprise, a sudden inheritance, a gift. If a figure lay a number, you can understand the sender of the present, the absence can be interpreted as a surprise from an unfamiliar person.
  • Ace tref. pregnant « top down" The map advises a gudy man to show caution in financial matters, maybe unreasonable gossip.

  • Any six, ace treph - such a combination prevents joyful news.
  • Semyon Tref, Tuz Tref - in the personal life of the gadget, an extremely joyful event will happen, a victory is expected in the Competitive Environment.
  • Nine Peak, Ace Tref - these cards are a muster of great hassle and strongest disappointments.
  • Nine worms, ace treph - on the threshold of the upcoming events is a mutual love, which cannot but accompany other joyful events.
  • King Tref, Tuz Tref - a gudying person worth waiting for betrayal from a relative or friend. This is how this value of maps is interpreted. "Ace Peak - Ace Chervi" is very similar to this combination of Treph.
  • Ace Peak, Ace Tref - promise a strong fright.

Ace Buben

Symbol of coming news. In the literal position, they can be both positive and neutral. You can see the character of letters and other messages, if you look at the surrounding masters. The presence of positive cards promises the corresponding value. Ace Peak warns of difficulties, worms promise love confession, or an invitation to the celebration. If the map dropped down, a departing person should prepare for negative news. Any card without a figure belonging to black masters, suggests that hopes are not destined to come true, nine peak acts as a signal to betrayal an important person, a long road is possible. Separately, it is worth considering the situation when the ace of tambourine leng between the peak king and nine peak suit, such an alignment promises a happy future or an increase in work.

King Peak

Interpretation of provisions as follows:

  • Direct position. A person directly associated with the civil service intervenes in a short time. They may be a military, official or representative of any other treason profession. In another interpretation of King Peak called a person who occupies a high position, respected in society. Friendship with him will bring a lot of good, but the feud promises to end the tragedy. Very faithful in love.
  • Top down. A person who does not have moral principles is inclined to take bribes, too hard and rude. Cards warn: cooperation with him will bring a lot of problems. Expressive proceedings in court, the king can take this value. Ace of peak in a combination with this card is considered in another part of the article.

King Buben.

This is a very positive map. In the first position predicts a young and pleasant person, usually a blond. Such a friend can be useful at the expense of its influence in many areas, as well as the willingness to discard its affairs and come to the rescue. However, he has too overestimated ego, which can deliver a lot of unwanted hassle. If the fortune-telling occurs in order to find out how relations with a certain person will be elaborated, the appearance of this card means a positive answer. Wedding or friendship, - King Tuben is characteristic of this value. Ace of peak next to the map promises a quarrel due to money. The second position (inverted) speaks of the appearance of an unwanted person in the life.

King worms

If in the scenario, this card met from the deck, you can expect the appearance in the life of a good-natured, just person. He can act as a beloved, or an ordinary patron, whose help will be very by the way at this stage of the events of events. As a rule, this is a man with a bright face and rusia hair, still young, but already crossed the trait of his youth.

In the reverse position, the map advises to fear a person with a changeable character, he is not inclined to answer for his words, but it is willingly scattered by false promises. Sometimes ace of peak appears next to the king of worms. The value of the map in despusting enhances the negative side of the answer, trouble is expected.

King Tref.

In the right position - the most reliable comrade, not a stingy, always ready to listen to any request. For a person engaged in business, means the appearance of a good partner. Love is true, it can become an ideal husband. Appearance of dim, dark hair.

In the reverse position - the man is generally extremely unpleasant. Unfair, angry, possibly old. To understand the cause of this relationship, you need to look at the environment, the ace of peak directly indicates anger and hatred. As a rule, the king of TRF in this case is an extraneous man, envious, possibly stepfather or a neighbor.

Direct position

Ace of peak is the news (most likely, in writing or printed form), these events are important and often causing anxiety or fear, it is a loss or forced refusal of something. In addition, the peak AUs is sometimes interpreted as a moment or a period of time. In this sense, it can designate, respectively, night or winter.

At the event level, the card may indicate a holiday associated with drinking, or on noisy fun. For example, together with 6 Treft, the peak Ace symbolizes a meeting in the company of classmates or classmates.

With 7 peak, the card predicts the return of debt, and with a three-way lady - a rather high probability of execution of desire.

Inverted position

In the reversed form, the TUI peak warns about the events of sad or dangerous. For example, if we are talking about a walk, then the map says that it can end the fight, if the drinking is about "integrity", which cannot be called otherwise as a drunken.

Other interpretations of such a card: bad news, heavy loss, blow of fate.

In combination with the Tref Tuz, the turned on the fruit of the peak, with a worry king - on the disease of someone from Rodney or acquaintances, from 8 Treph - on the sad news, associated, perhaps with someone's death.

Love and relations

Direct position

Here the TUZ peak symbolizes the deep relationship between partners, which, nevertheless, sometimes creates discomfort them. In essence, this is akin to the situation, when people quarrel with each other, but they cannot part, because they are pulling them to each other.

Describing a man, this card speaks of his masculinity and confident strength. Such a person is able to be a true friend who can trust the most intimate and delicate. Meanwhile, for a woman, this card will be an indicator of a very strong character, so it is unlikely to be needed to rely on the male shoulder or feel "reliable rear", because she herself is quite capable of becoming a solid rear for someone.

Being to the left of the Chervonne Ace, the turned out of the TUI in the situation indicates that a couple of people will certainly come to a mutual agreement, and on the right - that, on the contrary, people will ultimately part.

Inverted position

For the layouts on the relationship, the overtaken peak Ace should be interpreted as a scandalivity, attempts to physically violent or, at least its threat. And in addition, the card can be perceived as the fear of being abandoned, like a repentance, like an external coldness, as an increased secrecy. In combination with the peak king, she talks about arrogance; With a peak lady - about the probability of married treason, with 7 treph - about separation from a close man.


Direct position

When you fortunate on the professional sphere, the TUI PIK is a disabilities in the face of difficulties and barriers, and also symbolizes internal closure (which by the part may even seem to the secrecy) and the desire to do with anyone to its essence.

The person who fell out this card, as if predisposed to success. Moreover, reaching it, he may well leave everything and move away from affairs, allowing others to use the results. However, if it is necessary for him for one reason or another, he will not give up the rights fairly belonging to him. Let's say we talk in this case can make copyright rights.

If the question concerns the choice of profession, then the ace of peak means that the best area of \u200b\u200bactivity is intellectual. And also - charitable and social spheres.

Together with the peak, a dozen Ace of a TUI, peak is pushed as an unexpected receipt of money (profit, etc.), with a trephy currency - as a long-distance travel, which will also be traveling at the same time, with the nine treph - success in conceived.

Inverted position

In this case, the inverted ace of peak can mean unexpectedly those who came poor news, conflicts (paired with 10 tambourines - on the basis of finance), the difficulties associated with the performance of their working responsibilities.

In a pair with a tambourous currency, the overtaken peak ace is numerous troubles, with peak nine - difficulties in the design of some papers, with the worm of the eight - a breakdown of plans.