Weapon upgrades. Adam jensen - weapons of mass destruction Deus ex human revolution weapon modification

Original Deus Ex came out over 11 years ago and gained wild popularity. Personally, I consider Deus Ex one of the best games of all time. Not surprisingly, immediately after the release, they began to make a sequel - Invisible War, which was released at the end of 2003. The result is a failure of truly epic proportions. Apparently, the developer himself did not fully understand the reasons for the success of the original game, releasing its pathetic semblance as a continuation. And only many years later, Eidos Montreal decided to make a new game in the Deus Ex universe.

And a miracle happened Deus Ex: Human Revolution turned out GREAT! The developers really managed to put all the best that was in the original Deus Ex into the new game and release a high-quality, interesting and original product. Those. if you like stealth shooters and don't mind the idea of ​​crawling through ventilation shafts for half a game looking for workarounds, playing "hack" mini-games and getting bonuses for "bloodless" and "stealthy" completion of levels, Deus Ex: Human Revolution can be safely taken. The new Deus Ex: HR is by far the best game of the year so far.

Revolutionizing the stealth shooter genre

Hand on heart, call Deus Ex: Human Revolution "stealth shooter" maybe with a stretch. As such, there is practically no shooter in the game. Of course, you can whirl through the levels, spraying enemies right and left with lead, but then why play Deus Ex? There are better shooters, for example, the same immortal Bioshock or Singularity. Yes, and experience points (on which the number of installed implants directly depends) for such a passage will be given noticeably less than for a thoughtful study of the game world, opening countless electronic locks and computers. As a result, in Deus Ex: HR, being a thoughtful saboteur is much more profitable than a sort of Rambo.

I have no desire to write a full-fledged review and arrange debriefing like “what the developers did and where they screwed up”. Although there is something to complain about. For example, to a 25-second non-rewindable video at the start of the game, the impossibility of launching the game in a window, in some places indistinct animation of the hands (because of which some characters look like disabled people, which they are not according to the plot of the game). Not to mention such "little things" as serious problems with the synchronization of Russian voice acting and "English" facial animation. However, all this does not particularly spoil the game, although it does not paint.

Therefore, instead of a review, I will allow myself to give the players some valuable advice. In my opinion, they will be useful primarily for those who are still unfamiliar with the Deus Ex universe in general, and with stealth shooters in particular. So, what does Deus Ex: Human Revolution want from you, and how can you best meet the demands of the game in order to get the most pleasure and points for your game?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution and possible technical issues

During your first playthrough Deus Ex: Human Revolution I found the following rather rare problem - the loss of all interface elements. Not only did I not see the interface, but I could not even switch weapons. And worst of all, I didn't save, relying on the newfangled auto-save system. As a result, I had to go through almost the whole of Detroit again.

So tip number one is to periodically save the game in separate slots. Trust all these newfangled chips with autosave in no case can not be. Completed the main mission - signed up.

Development strategy and implants in Deus Ex: HR

Insofar as Deus Ex: HR tuned for stealth and hacking(this is the game you will earn the most points), it makes sense to invest in implants that help exactly hacking and finding alternative ways to play the game. Next, here is my personal top implant:
  • HACK: CAPTURE- all electronic locks and computers have levels. You cannot hack the system if your level is below the system level. Therefore, it is desirable to swing this particular branch as soon as possible.
  • HACK: STRENGTHENING- in the process of hacking, you will need to “strengthen” the nodes of the system, which will give you extra time to collect bonuses and, in fact, to capture the main node. After all, the higher the node level, the slower it is processed by the tracer. This is the next goal in character building.
  • REFLEX AMPLIFIER- allows you to silently "cut down" two opponents at once. Given the bonus to experience, a truly invaluable skill.
  • camouflage system- makes the character invisible for a short time, which makes it easier to pass the game in stealth. Plus, it allows you to overcome the "laser beams" of security systems. In my opinion, it is desirable to swing at least one level.
  • CYBER PROSTHETIS HAND- very interesting thread. First, this MOVING HEAVY OBJECTS. It is useful both in terms of opening alternative passages, and in terms of throwing refrigerators and other household appliances at enemies. Secondly, those who like to collect all the clothes in a row and stock up on ammunition in unrealistic quantities should gradually swing LOAD CAPACITY. Thirdly, it makes sense to swing WALL BREAKING. Allows you to find hidden passages. In general, this skill does not give much benefit; as a rule, one can enter a particular room opened by this ability through a door with an electronic lock or through a ventilation shaft. But the skill itself is quite curious.
  • IKAR LANDING SYSTEM- allows you to painlessly (and with great special effects) jump from any height and "cut down" opponents. You can do fine without it, but sometimes "Icarus" allows you to save time on finding safe descents from all sorts of buildings. Especially useful after arriving in Hänsch.
  • CYBERPOTHESIS LEGS- it is desirable to take JUMP IMPROVEMENT. Again, in order to be able to get into areas inaccessible to a person with ordinary legs.

    When stealth passing Deus Ex: Human Revolution other implants can be omitted altogether. On the other hand, there are bosses in the game with which you will have to enter into a fair duel. Here, additional armor and increased shooting accuracy will be quite useful!

    Overview of weapons in Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    AT Deus Ex: Human Revolution all weapons can be divided into two types - for stealth (mostly non-lethal) and for skirmishes.

    Stealth weapon

  • Paralyzer- the most powerful and useful weapon in the game, knocking out any enemy with one shot. The stunner can even temporarily stun bosses.
  • Tranquilizer rifle- the number 2 weapon in the arsenal of any stealth lover. Rolls a sniper rifle into the minus.
  • Silenced sniper rifle- just a surprisingly unsuccessful weapon, the worst weapon in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It kills with one headshot only at the initial stages of the game (perhaps there are no problems with this when playing at an easy level - I have not tried it). It is impossible to bring down well-equipped enemies from this thing, so after the first mission in Detroit, you can safely throw out a sniper rifle with a silencer.
  • Crossbow- Unlike the Sniper Rifle, the weapon is powerful and useful. But as practice has shown, if you have a Tranquilizer Rifle, you can do without it.
  • P.E.P.S.- a weapon of medium scall. In fact, P.E.P.S. unsuitable for stealth: the weapon is quite loud, although not lethal. P.E.P.S. Easily detect nearby enemies by sound. It is better to save slots and take a couple of Stun and Gas grenades with you.

    Weapon to kill

  • Revolver- supports a special modification that allows you to shoot explosive bullets. The silencer is not put on it, which makes the revolver useless in stealth.
  • Semi-automatic 10mm pistol- unbelievable, but true: as in the case of a sniper rifle, it is almost impossible to kill an enemy with a single well-aimed shot to the head with a pistol. Therefore, the Pistol in Deus Ex: HR, even upgraded and with a silencer, is not a weapon for stealth. But thanks to the “armor-piercing” improvement, it can effectively shoot even heavily armed enemies and finish off bosses.
  • shotgun- so-so. The price of a miss is too high.
  • Shotgun- of course, better than the usual double-barreled shotgun. The Shotgun in Deus Ex: HR has an upgrade that allows you to shoot 2 rounds at once at a time (to do this, you need to press and hold the "E" button). When passing the game in stealth, the Shotgun is not needed. And it takes up a lot of space.
  • submachine gun- if you strained with cartridges, and you want to fill up the enemies without fail, you can pick it up. And so - the Rifle looks preferable.
  • (Assault rifle- if in Russian, then the usual Automatic. One of the best guns in Deus Ex: HR, supports all major upgrades. Serious disadvantages - it takes up a lot of space and eats a lot of cartridges.
  • heavy rifle- if in Russian, then the machine gun. High lethal force is balanced by a considerable size, a delay in spin-up and overheating (which is treated with a special improvement). In general, the weapon is not bad, but without a spark of God. You don't need a Heavy Rifle for stealth.
  • Sniper rifle without silencer- after full pumping, it has twice the lethal force than a similar rifle with a silencer. The silencer cannot be attached in any way, and therefore when passing through Deus Ex: HR in stealth is not needed.
  • laser rifle This thing can shoot through walls. Of course, if you have rocked the appropriate implant for yourself. Eats scarce batteries at an incredible rate. Can be taken to kill Namir.
  • rocket launcher- takes up a lot of space, needed for the final boss Namir, no more. And even then, if you do not have the Tong Grenade Launcher.
  • Grenade Launcher Tonga- especially good against the final boss Namir, who is killed from this darling with four or five shots. Surprisingly compact and incredibly fast-firing device. Available to players who pre-ordered Deus Ex: HR (for example, on YuPlay.ru).
  • Plasma Rifle- removed from the lifeless calf of the last boss. It will be useful at the very end of the game. However, the last fight can not be called the most difficult.


    Grenades in Deus Ex: Human Revolution are extremely useful. It is necessary to have at least a couple of EMP grenades in the bins of the homeland. Yes, and Gas and Frag grenades will be useful when passing the game.
  • gas grenade- very good for stealth.
  • Stun Grenade- it is useless for stealth - it is very noisy.
  • fragmentation grenade- good for killing groups of enemies and even bosses.
  • EMP Grenade- very good against robots and bosses (temporarily disables them).

    So what weapon should you take with you?

    For stealth, be sure to grab a Paralyzer and a Tranquilizer Rifle. Whether or not to take the Crossbow and PEPS is up to you.

    Be sure to upgrade one medium-range cannon (not a shotgun!), It can be a Pistol or a Rifle. It will be needed at least for the bosses and to save Farida Malik.

    Be sure to have at least a couple of EMP grenades with you. They will be needed against robots and bosses. Or better yet, two pairs. In general, grenades in Deus Ex: HR rule, collect and use, especially against bosses.

    If you strictly win back the "saboteur" Revolver, Submachine gun, Double-barreled shotgun, Shotgun and Heavy rifle, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is not needed at all. Grenade Launcher or Rocket Launcher should preferably be left for Namir. Laser and Plasma rifles - at the discretion.

    How to kill bosses in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

    The first boss Lawrence Barrett is killed like this: we throw an EMP grenade, and while Barrett arrives in prostration, we throw red explosive barrels and gas cylinders at him. You can still plant a couple of clips in Barrett's head. And you can honestly hide from him behind the columns and release one store after another - at will. But killing Barrett with barrels is much easier.

    Deus Ex: HR walkthrough - first boss Lawrence Barrett

    The second boss Elena Fedorova is killed like this: we stop her from the Paralyzer while she comes to her senses - we wet her head with a Pistol or Rifle. You can stop her with EMP grenades. You can - PEPS. You can let her discharge the Typhoon into wall computers and let her shake under the current. Just keep in mind that in the server room someone poured water on the floor, so it’s better not to stand next to Comrade Fedorova.

    Walkthrough Deus Ex: HR - second boss Elena Fedorova

    The third and final boss, Charon Namir, is simply taken out of the Tong Grenade Launcher. In this case, it will be the easiest boss fight. If you don't have a Grenade Launcher, and you rocked the character exclusively for stealth, the fight with Namir will be the hardest.

    How to save Farida Malik?

    Deus Ex: HR - Farida Malik rescue video in two ways

    It is not necessary to save Farida Malik, but in my opinion, this is a matter of honor. Fortunately, saving her is quite realistic even with a Persian without a single combat implant. An example sequence of actions is as follows.

  • Deus Ex: Minkind Divided little different from Human Revolution especially in terms of gameplay. In fact, these are twin brothers, two peas in a pod, one of which is thicker only due to additional augmentations. But that's where the differences end. We have already completed the game and have prepared a small guide for you. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which dismantled the most important aspects of the game. What augmentations to choose? How to earn money? Hotkeys in Mankind Divided- all this and much more in our tips for passing the game.

    Play on hard difficulty

    Even if you are not a skill player at all, even if you have never played first-person shooters. Middle and Easy difficulty here is a walk for an infant. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided not a difficult game at all, especially after unlocking most of the lethal augmentations. No, no, of course, if you want to experience chill out (which is difficult to do with cyberpunk techno) and all that, then no problem. But it is a high level of difficulty that will help reveal all the gameplay ideas, make stealth interesting, justified, and RPG role-playing will become more meaningful.

    At the start, take a rifle with a tranquilizer

    At the start of the first mission, you will be given a choice of weapons. In the dialogue, I advise you to choose “non-lethal” and “remote” in order to get a tranquilizer rifle. And this, guys, in no way means that this weapon is the best choice. It's just that in the future, tranquilizer weapons are much less common than other types. So why not take care of it from the very beginning?

    In the skin of a ninja - the most interesting thing

    I do not insist, play as you wish, it is your right. But the entire game and game design has clearly been designed and created to reward stealth. It is in this mode that you, like a real James Bond, will be able to use the full range of all augmentations. By the way, the game can be completed without a single kill and get the achievement “Pacifist. How do you like the challenge? And pumping under stealth will allow you to go through many side missions that may be inaccessible to a warrior.

    What augmentations to choose at the beginning of the game

    At the very beginning of the game, you should not spray yourself with unnecessary augmentations for Adam, here are some of the best combinations for improvements:
    • Intelligent Vision: The most used augmentation in the game. With it, you can find useful loot, hidden entrances and exits, and other mysterious openings. I advise you to study it first and bind it to a convenient key, for example, like me - to the “bottom” of the D-Pad
    • Invisibility cloak: A good choice for stealth passing, as well as for diving under the beams of laser grids. And such devices, believe me, keep the most profitable secrets. Tip: Augmentation drains your battery wildly, but not if you're standing. This can be very beneficial in many situations!
    And these augmentations won't help you in battle, but they will help you uncover many secret places, become the master of loot, and gain access to easy ways to complete tasks.
    • hacker hack. For most side quests, level 3 or 4 will do, but ideally level 5, then stealth will be a joy to you, and the opportunities after hacking the enemy security system are much more valuable than the same Titanium armor.
    • Cybernetic Prosthetic Legs (Jumping). Well, you've never played Mario, have you? With the help of jumps, you can jump on enemies and kill them ... Just kidding, yes, I know, I know, I have genetic problems with jokes :-) But still, jumping is very, very necessary to get to interesting places. I suggest downloading first.
    • improved musculature. No, not in order to crush enemies with his bare hands, like Jax, but in order to work as a Loader. Well, you know, a loader, a loader is a hard-working guy. Moving and moving boxes and other objects here is a way to get into hard-to-reach, but so alluring places.
    • Place in inventory. And here there is nothing to say, the dream of any huckster is Wasserman's vest. This is the opportunity to carry the entire arsenal with you, as well as to make fewer walkers for good, to carry a bunch of Snickers bars with you. The most important augmentation in the game world….hehe

    By the way, I brought all these augmentations for a reason.

    Break everything you can! After all, your mother will not scold you for this. Of course, Adam Jensen is our trendy crime fighter at Interpol. But his strength is in dexterous cat fingers. If you want to live in a world of decline, it's time to start robbing caravans. Break open all the doors, who knows, maybe in addition to Praxis there will be a sultry blonde with a third size? Sneak into the labs, cook meth (steal neuropozine), teach the police how to shoot (at them). And then Prague will no longer seem like such a boring place to you, where eternally boring little people have gathered.

    Advice from an experienced trader. Sell ​​all weapons, forget upgrades

    Yes, weapons can be split into parts, improve the volume of the store ... but these are all such petty operations. Much more green papers you will raise on the sale of weapons. Choose 1-2 main trunks for yourself and, like a huckster, get down to business! We take everything to the store, where they pay well for it, and then with the money you can buy whores, whiskey and, most importantly, a bunch of jokes in your inventory. This is especially helpful in Prague, as there are heaps of weapons on two legs around. We take, we cut down three guys patrolling the area, we take away the weapon, we sell it, we cut it down again. Your bank account will be very grateful to you. And the little Jew inside of you (well, aren't all people descended from Jews? :D, damn it) will tremble with joy. Oh yeah, don't buy ammo, there are just a ton of them in the game!!! And the weapon itself - no less.

    Buy Praxis Kits at Jensen's Apartment

    In our hotel, you can buy as many as 2 praxis sets from the moron downstairs, in the store they cost fabulous money, and are rare, in principle. And here it’s practically a freebie, well, that’s why he’s a moron.

    Sniper rifle for suckers, assault rifle - a competent choice

    Everything is simple here, the rifle can be equipped with a silencer, has auto- and semi-automatic shooting, as well as a fourfold magnification (with which you can definitely see even the pussy of an ant). This is more than enough for 99.9% of all locations. The sniper rifle shoots slowly, and also summons a bunch of enemies for your soul. Do you need it?

    Give this dude some Neuroposine

    There is a guy right behind our interpol apartments who will take us on some interesting quests in exchange for Neuroposin. Believe me, his advice will be very useful. As well as the reward for these quests.

    The best delight is sidequests. Pass them!

    For what? In order not to miss a bunch of really interesting stories, nice rewards and fully reveal this world, and it’s definitely very interesting. Yes, and there are many transition points in the game, after passing which you can’t return to some quests.

    Visit points of interest

    They often lead to side quests, sometimes they give us small and funny stories, they reveal human facets to us, they give us feelings. And, of course, this way we can visit all the sights of futuristic Prague, isn't it lovely?

    Find the strength to limit yourself

    And again I teach you, but I really want you to feel all the possible wagering in this game. What could be better than getting the most out of what the gameplay has to offer!?
    • Play without fast downloads, act according to the situation. The game itself will give you a choice, as if you were living in the game.
    • Disable radar and object markers (in options). The pleasant feeling of stealth will delight you.
    • Disable UI elements, HP and ammo indicators. Count them, focus on feelings and skills. Is this not gambling?
    • Multitools is too easy. Hack, find passwords, interrogate people - what are you, really?? Then you will whine about easy complexity ???

    Remember the new shortcuts to manage

    For those who play on PC with an Xbox One gamepad, remember the new useful shortcuts
    Hold X + RB = Change grenade type
    Hold X + LB = Change weapon
    Press X + LT = Put ​​away weapon.
    Press X + RT = Switch between the two most commonly used weapons

    Use Icarus Landing as often as you can.

    Why use a ladder when we can plan like a cybernetic god? Hehehehe, pathetic people!

    Sneaker and read the letters

    They tell some really cool stories. Many of them are simply incredible, and the world itself will open up for you from the other side. It's like taking apart a car piece by piece, seeing weaknesses and vices, very cool.

    Live the world of Deus Ex

    This is my most important tip. You can get great pleasure from the game, for this you just need to take your time, live the game, slow down and listen to the voice of the street. Explore beautiful Prague, there are so many sights to see. Listen to people, their conversations will make your stay in the world more alive. Even in hostile territories, there are many interesting things that are available only to inquisitive players.

    Thank you for reading our guide and tips for passing. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. And evgenii.bad was with you. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with our

    "Pixel Hunting"

    Pixel hunting
    You found all the hidden objects in Megan's office. Too much free time?
    Megan's office is the first location where we will find ourselves starting the game. Before leaving the office, you must find 6 items needed to get the achievement. Here is their list:

    Medical tablet lying on the left side of the couch

    Toy car on the bedside table near the printer on the right side of the office

    The book Being More Effective is on the nightstand to the left of the typewriter.

    Tablet with news on the table

    Photo frame on the table, to the left of Megan's computer

    Megan's computer


    "Do not forget"

    Do not forget
    You returned to where you were captured by Belltower agents.
    In the same compartment with containers where we are given a quest to check the cryochambers, there is also a container where Belltower agents found us. To get into it, you need a leg implant pumped for jumping. If you want to get all the achievements from the DLC in one playthrough and don't use Praxis, save to a separate cell, pump up your legs, get the achievement and load the save. You can, of course, build a tower of boxes to get into the right container, but the save option is much simpler.

    "Pixel Hunting"

    Pixel hunting
    You found all the hidden objects in Megan's office. Too much free time?
    Megan's office is the first location where we will find ourselves starting the game. Before leaving the office, you must find 6 items needed to get the achievement. Here is their list:

    Medical tablet lying on the left side of the couch

    Toy car on the bedside table near the printer on the right side of the office

    The book Being More Effective is on the nightstand to the left of the typewriter.

    Tablet with news on the table

    Photo frame on the table, to the left of Megan's computer

    Megan's computer


    "Do not forget"

    Do not forget
    You returned to where you were captured by Belltower agents.
    In the same compartment with containers where we are given a quest to check the cryochambers, there is also a container where Belltower agents found us. To get into it, you need a leg implant pumped for jumping. If you want to get all the achievements from the DLC in one playthrough and don't use Praxis, save to a separate cell, pump up your legs, get the achievement and load the save. You can, of course, build a tower of boxes to get into the right container, but the save option is much simpler.

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    A great game with a wonderful and user-friendly interface, which plays a very important role. What I understand by the convenience of the interface is the ability to select menu items not only with the mouse, but also with the keyboard, interrupting plot cutscenes at any time (except the very first one) and the ability to save anytime, anywhere - unlike the same Alpha Protocol. Yes, yes, it was Alpha Protocol that most of all reminded me of the style of passing Deus Ex - stealth, hacking and bonuses for a bloodless victory over the enemy.

    You can complete the game with any of three styles - power, stealth or hacker. Moreover, as a rule, at least 2 styles are combined - my Adam was a secretive hacker. I immediately want to dwell on the protagonist's implants - they are all useful to one degree or another, and by the end of the game you will learn a lot of them, however, the style of your passage depends on the sequence in which you study them. My unconditional choice was a hacker. Why? Because immediately, initially, it gives a lot of experience - very easy and so necessary at first.

    Never use keys and passwords, always hack everything - experience, extra credits, and viruses and worms that are so useful in hacking (by the way, feel free to use them - by the end of the 1st chapter they will accumulate about three dozen of each type).

    A comparative inconvenience is a small inventory that can be expanded for precious Plex, sorry, Praxis. However, on the other hand, what do we need to carry in our inventory? The main place is occupied by weapons, which will be needed only at the very end of the 1st chapter - to kill the boss. The entire first chapter is played exclusively on knocking out the enemy with a shocker (or rifle) or hand-to-hand combat techniques from an ambush. If you have chosen a power way of passing - immediately pick up a machine gun or a shotgun, and forget about all the problems. In my version of the game, almost immediately at the start, 10,000 credits were issued for lifting, a double-barreled shotgun and a silent sniper rifle, which for some reason I carried in my inventory throughout the first chapter - what if I need it? Not useful.

    Definitely useful items are: a shocker (or a rifle with darts), stamina recovery tools (cyberboosters, Cyberboost), EMP and knockout grenades. Everything else can be immediately sold to shops (of which, by the way, there are not very many, in the first chapter there are only 2 merchants who can sell honestly stolen equipment). In addition, before the fight with the boss, it is recommended to either drink alcohol or use a couple of hypostimulants (Hypostim) - to increase the amount of health to 200.

    Immediately I want to dwell on the unconditional benefits of bloodless passage. For killing an enemy, you get 10 experience, and for knocking out - 30. Given that you have to remove a lot of enemies from your path, by the end of the first chapter, the difference will be converted into a whole Praxis.


    And now a little about the order of learning augmentations. If you have chosen the hard path of a hacker, then immediately learn hacking up to the 4th stage, as well as Hacking: Stealth up to the second stage - it will save you a lot of time and nerves by lowering the chance of detecting an intrusion attempt by 30%. Hacking: Analyze is not needed, just like Hacking: Fortify, we have nothing special to analyze, and viruses will be responsible for fortification. Subsequently, slowly learn the deactivation of turrets (by the end of the 1st chapter) and robots (as your hands reach), as well as the actual hacking to level 5 (before going to the police station, or better already while exploring the houses of Detroit).

    A very, very useful addition is the Social Enhancer (Cranium Aug), it is worth studying before going to the police station - this enhancement allows us to influence conversations with the NPC and convince them to do our way, and not the way they would like.

    The next skills that will save us a lot of personal time are the Cybernetic Leg Prosthesys (Leg Aug), which allows you to jump high and the Icarus Landing System (Back Augmentation) parachute. Activating each implant costs 2 Praxis, but they are worth it.

    Also a very useful investment of our Praxis will be skin augmentation - Cloacking System, which allows you to become invisible for a short period of time. In combination with the further development of cybernetic legs (silent running and sprinting), this will be simply indispensable for covert penetration behind enemy lines.

    After that, you should pay attention to the number and speed of recharging energy cells - Sarif Serie Energy Converter (Torso Aug). However, remember that only the first energy cell is automatically recharged, the rest of the energy can only be replenished by boosters, so in the 1st chapter it is better to increase the energy recovery rate, and do not pay attention to the number of cells for now. Not so many boosters will come across to you at first, 3 (the most powerful ones, restoring 3 cells at once) are sold and located in the Finiteness clinic, the rest will have to be found by yourself.

    A good addition would be arm augmentation - breaking through walls and moving heavy objects (Cybernetic Arm Prosthesys), as well as dermal armor, especially electricity protection - now no EMP grenade will take you.

    To fight the bosses, you can learn the military system Typhoon (Typhoon Explosive System) - extremely effective and eliminates the need to look for heavy weapons towards the end of the chapters to fight the final villains. But if you really study, then immediately to the full, i.e. for 3 Praxis.


    Boss fighting is, one might say, a game within a game. If during the main passage time we can simply not show ourselves to the enemy in the eye, then here, willy-nilly, we have to face a heavily armed enemy face to face. However, at the end of Chapter 1, we will either have a grenade launcher or a bunch of grenades, mines and exploding barrels, and in the future we will also study the Typhoon.


    Always collect all the information first, and only then hack the actual system - or destroy the defense system (yes, yes, sometimes you can destroy the defense system instead of gaining access). As a rule, for this you get money, experience and two types of useful programs for future hacks - a worm and a nuke. If you see two directories with difficulty 3 and 1, start with the 3rd one, until it cracks, you will have time to click on the easier one. And most importantly - we have at least 2 hacking attempts - for the 4-5th difficulty level - and as many as 5 for the 1st. If you see that you don’t have time to hack the system before they cut you off - feel free to press Esc and exit - you won’t have to wait half a minute until the next attempt.

    useful items

    Tranquilizer rifle and stun gun. You can get one of these items before the starting mission. The rifle will subsequently be sold at an arms dealer at a gas station (1500 tugriks), and we will find a shocker behind a category 2 lock in a warehouse located just above the northernmost inscription Downtown Apartments on the map.

    Boosters. They allow you to restore energy in energy cells sucked dry. Only the first two types are good, restoring 1 and 2 cells, a booster restoring 4 cells takes up 4 slots in the inventory and does not stack.

    EMP grenade. One such grenade is enough for any robot.

    Pain reliever (painkiller). Raises our maximum health by 25, but remember that regeneration only goes up to 100.

    Combat, experience and weapons

    It is most advantageous to cut down, and not kill, the enemy hand-to-hand. Why? For a bloodless victory we get +20 experience, for the use of martial arts techniques another +20. In total, with the experience for the enemy that has actually ceased to function, it turns out 50. For a headshot, there is a bonus of +10, that is, a maximum of 40 experience can be obtained for using a tranquilizer rifle.

    Stealth is everything. If no one saw us throughout the mission, we get a bonus 500 experience for the achievement Guest (Ghost, a friendly Ghost with a motor), and if we don’t cause a single alarm, then the Smooth Operator (Ninja :) - another +250 experience.

    A little about weapons. Any deadly weapon can be upgraded with several upgrades - rate of fire, reload, damage, and so on - and usually more than once. We study the performance characteristics of weapons, yellow divisions - basic characteristics, green - how many upgrades can be inserted. So even from an ordinary pistol you can make a real death machine. And also hang a laser sight, a silencer, and so on and so forth.