In life, as in chess, quotes. Winged phrases and aphorisms. Mikhail Tal

Rook endings are not won!
Siegbert Tarrasch.
Rumor mistakenly attributes this aphorism to Savely Tartakover, who himself honestly referred to Tarrasch's authorship.

I feel great seeing my opponent wriggle in his death throes.
Robert James Fisher

Poor people! How similar in all your endeavors you are to the chess player who "could have won his game" ...
Savely Tartakover

Be a threat every time you sit down to play.
Ken smith

During the tournament, the chess master must be a temperate monk and a predator all rolled into one. A predator in relation to an opponent, an ascetic in everyday life.
Alexander Alekhin

Bogolyubov: Checkmate in four moves! Tartakover: Don't bother me!
Savely Tartakover

Capablanca proved that you can be the best and still the first.
Savely Tartakover

Weaknesses of character usually appear during a chess game.
Garry Kasparov

The computer is the only rival that finds no excuse when it loses to me.
Robert James Fisher

This is exactly what chess is about. Today you give your opponent a lesson, and tomorrow he will teach you.
Robert James Fisher

All your life with one woman is like an endgame with opposite colored bishops.
Victor Korchnoi

Life is a game of chess.
Miguel Cervantes

Chess is a healing plaster on a thousand pricks of fate.
Max Weiss

It is typical for a grandmaster that he wins a won position quickly and accurately.
Irvin Chernev

Your game is as good as your worst move.
Dan Heisman

Always remember to counterattack. This is the best defense and often wins even lost games.
Frank Marshall

A good player is always lucky!
Jose Raul Capablanca

The tactician must know what to do, when there is what to do, the strategist must know what to do when there is nothing to do.
Savely Tartakover

The loser is always wrong.
Vasily Panov

The penultimate error wins.
Savely Tartakover

Second-class moves are often the most accurate.
Savely Tartakover

Maintaining the maximum number of combat forces is in the interests of the side with a large playing space at the moment.
Alexander Alekhin

Mistakes are always waiting to be made.
Savely Tartakover

Mistakes exist to be made.
Savely Tartakover

Erroneous moves are often very difficult to find.
Savely Tartakover

Opponents checkmate themselves. You just have to wait a little.
Siegbert Tarrasch

The greatest art in chess is not to show your opponent what he can do.
Garry Kasparov

Combination is the soul of chess.
Alexander Alekhin

People have been playing with me for 15 years below their capabilities.
Robert James Fisher

The games are always different, the interviews are always the same.
Garry Kasparov,

This game is the touchstone of the human mind.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Strong opponent pieces should be exchanged.
Jose Raul Capablanca

The strictest rules in chess are exceptions.
Savely Tartakover

You know that you are a chess fanatic when your first question when meeting someone is: What is your rating?
Bill Wall

You know that you are a chess fanatic when you buy the coolest and most expensive computer just to play chess on it or use it as a database.
Bill Wall

You know that you are a chess fanatic when you buy a newspaper just because it contains a chess column.
Bill Wall

You know that you are a chess fanatic when you take a chess textbook to the toilet and forget to go there.
Bill Wall

The threat is stronger than its execution.
Savely Tartakover

An isolated pawn depresses the mood throughout the board.
Savely Tartakover

A draw can be achieved by repeating the position three times or with one weak move.
Savely Tartakover

It's not enough to be a good player, you have to play well.
Siegbert Tarrasch

There is no woman whom I would not win, even putting my knight forward.
Robert James Fisher

There are no good or bad players. There are only good or bad players.
Adolf Anderssen

There are no good or bad players. There are only good or bad moves.
Siegbert Tarrasch

There are no good or bad moves. There are only good or bad cigars.
Emmanuel Lasker

There are two types of victims: correct and mine.
Mikhail Tal

There have been periods in my life when I almost believed that I could not lose even one single game.
Jose Raul Capablanca

Better to sacrifice the opponent's pieces.
Savely Tartakover

Mistakes are the salt of chess.
Savely Tartakover

Don't rely on your opponent's mistakes, but rely on them.
Bill Wall

I am the world champion and do not have to discuss anything with anyone.
Viswanathan Anand

I don't believe in psychology, I believe in strong moves.
Robert James Fisher

I have not yet met a single chess player whose eyes did not glow with the fire of mortal revenge after losing a game.
Bill Wall

I consider each of my opponents a master until he proves to me otherwise.
Vasily Panov

I hate anyone who beats me at chess.
Lisa Lane

I have never had the pleasure of beating a perfectly healthy opponent.
Amos Bern

In the first game, I had a toothache. The second had a headache. In the third I was tormented by rheumatism, and during the fourth I did not feel very well. And in the fifth? Well, you can't win all the time!
Savely Tartakover

I know people who have tremendous willpower, but cannot play chess.
Robert James Fisher

I love chess for its consistency.
Efim Bogolyubov

I love chess for its illogicality.
Savely Tartakover
1887 - 1956

I play fair and play to win. If I fail, I take my medication.
Robert James Fisher

I have been playing chess for 50 years now, but I have never won against a healthy opponent.

I understand chess better than any other living master.
Jose Raul Capablanca

At first glance, I grasp the essence of the position and know what to do in it. Others appreciate, but I just know.
Jose Raul Capablanca

I will beat the top 30 US chess players in a simultaneous session.
Jose Raul Capablanca

I find that chess is very useful when traveling alone in Turkey. ... Take yourself to the nearest teahouse. Order a glass of tea, and another or Raki, and set up a chess problem. Within seconds Turks will appear. They won "t play chess with you, but it starts a conversation.
Brian Sevell

To you, Mr. Lasker, I can only say three words: check and checkmate.
Siegbert Tarrasch

In blitz, the knight is stronger than the bishop.
Vlastimil Gort

Everyone wins in chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important thing, then even defeat is not scary.
David Bronstein

There can be only one mistake in chess: overestimating the opponent. Everything else is either bad luck or weakness.
Savely Tartakover

In chess, you can only become a great master when you realize your own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life.
Alexander Alekhin

Intelligence is determined not by the path traveled, but by the result.
Garry Kasparov

Don't eat beans before playing.
Bill Wall
Chess journalist

I wasn "t sure what square to take the rook to. Because there were three alternatives e8, d8 and c8, I decided to go for the middle one.
Ian Timman

Yes, I once played a blitz game, it was on a train in 1929. (from an interview in 1989)
Mikhail Botvinnik

The older I get, the more I value pawns.
Paul Keres

Karpov is a museum piece.
Garry Kasparov

All grandmasters are insane. They differ only in the degree of their insanity.
Victor Korchnoi

Mixing and trading under the floor should be prohibited.
Savely Tartakover

Lisa Lane, the US chess champion, once called Fischer the strongest chess player alive. Answer: "This is true, but Lisa Lane is, strictly speaking, unable to judge it."
Robert James Fisher

Long analysis, wrong analysis.
Bent Larsen

You don't always have to make the best move. The move must be active, adventurous, correct and beautiful.
David Bronstein

In chess, one learns only from mistakes. There is always something right about mistakes.
Savely Tartakover

My first goal was not to win the game, but to sacrifice a piece.
Wilhelm Steinitz

The absence of spectators does not bother me. The struggle in my games is enough for me.
Vladimir Kramnik

Modern Computers have taken the place once occupied by woman chess players.
Robert James Fisher

Mom, I just became an ex-world champion. (coming home after losing the match to Mikhail Botvinnik)
Mikhail Tal

In chess, there is nothing more difficult than choosing the strongest, which is often the only correct one, out of two approximately equal in strength.
Siegbert Tarrasch

Nowadays, when you "re not a grandmaster at 14, you can forget about it.
Viswanathan Anand

Only a good elephant can be sacrificed. The bad can only be lost.
Yuri Razuvaev

Only a really strong chess player knows how weak he plays.
Savely Tartakover

There can be no brilliant victories without mistakes.
Emmanuel Lasker

Sacrifices are possible only due to the opponent's mistake.
Savely Tartakover

Chess laws exist to be broken.
Savely Tartakover

Chess is life.
Robert James Fisher

Chess is merciless. You must be ready to kill.
Alexey Shirov

Chess is a struggle mainly with one's own mistakes.
Savely Tartakover

Chess is like life.
Boris Spassky

Chess is like a beautiful woman to whom we constantly return, no matter how often she rejects us.

Later ... I began to achieve success in decisive games more and more often. Perhaps because I realized a simple thing: not only I was overcome by fear, but also by my opponent.
Mikhail Tal

Place the board so that the sun shines in the eyes of your opponent.
Rui Lopez

Style? I have no style!
Anatoly Karpov

The strategy determines how to lure the girl into the back seat of the car. Tactics - what to do next.

The game is far more important than the final result.
Alexey Shirov

There are tough players and nice guys, and I "m a tough player.
Robert James Fisher

Tips for the winner: Invite your opponent after the game to analyze his play for all his mistakes.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Remember always that you had the best position all the time - before the mistake on the last move.
Bill Wall

Loser Tips: Ask for better conditions for the game next time.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Draw your opponent's attention to the fact that he has been thinking for a long time and thereby slowed down the game.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Tell your opponent that he was on the losing side due to the disgusting play in the opening, middlegame and endgame.
Bill Wall

Loser Tips: Treat your opponent with understanding, in the end he was just lucky.
Bill Wall

In an effort not to stand on a loss, some lose the game.
Savely Tartakover

On Women: Chess is better.
Robert James Fisher

Try playing after your opponent has had a solid lunch.

What do other women and chess players have in common? Their goal is a good game.
Marcus Ronner

What is Chess? - What is life?
Haroun al-Rashid

We like to think. (asked by Hans Ree why he and Karpov get into time trouble so often).
Garry Kasparov

If your opponent offers you a draw, try to understand why he thinks he is worth worse.
Nigel Short

When you play with Bobby, it's not about winning or losing. It's about survival.
Boris Spassky

When I visit a chess club, everyone goes numb with admiration.
Jose Raul Capablanca

When I win, I am a genius. When I’m not winning, I’m not a genius.
Robert James Fisher

When I play white, I win because I play white. When I play black, I win because I am Bogolyubov.
Efim Bogolyubov

If Spassky sacrifices a piece, you can give up almost immediately. But when Tal sacrifices a piece, keep playing. He can donate something else and then ... who knows?
Miguel Najdorf

Whoever takes a step back steals wallets too.
William Fenton

Who is your favorite writer? "I myself."
Alexander Ermolinsky

Who is your opponent today? "Today I am playing against black pieces."
Akiba Rubinstein

After grinding them one by one, my superiority became evident.
Jose Raul Capablanca

How does Tal win? He develops all his pieces to the center and then sacrifices them somewhere.
Robert James Fisher

How can I accept a draw? I don't know how I stand!
Fritz Semisch

Chess, this calculating game, requires luck, luck and more luck!
Savely Tartakover

The victory is achieved not by good, but by the best game.
Savely Tartakover

Good evening.

Let tonight be as easy as ever :-)

I bring to your attention some interesting statements from famous players. This is a selection of statements by three chess players who shone in the 1950s and 70s.

I am pleased to find some fair, some ironic ... but definitely related to the game of chess. Why do I like Fischer the most as a chess player? He lost the least of all games, but that's why I love Tal the most ... just compare his quotes with quotes from colleagues :-)

Victor Korchnoi

Chess is like an infection, it is difficult to get away from it.

All grandmasters are insane. They differ only in the degree of their insanity.

All your life with one woman is like an endgame with opposite colored bishops.

Before the simultaneous game in Havana, Korchnoi was warned that Che Guevara is a big chess lover and would be happy to play a draw. Upon returning from the session, Korchnoi said: "I nailed them all!" - "And Che Guevara?" - "I also nailed Che Guevara - he has no idea in the Catalan beginning!"


Tal became world champion, not knowing how to play. Now I have learned - and will not be any more.


There are geniuses who show themselves anywhere, maybe in chess, but this is the case. They can prove themselves in anything. There is no special chess talent.

From the interview:
- Viktor Lvovich, I’ll ask you a very simple and at the same time very difficult question: tell me, please, is Anatoly Karpov a great chess player?

- I would only call Fischer and Kasparov great, because everything that Karpov has achieved has been done with someone's help. And the theoretical developments he used belonged to someone, and he played with many advisors, while his personal contribution is very meager. You asked the question that is most difficult for me to answer, because it hurts my heart, and I am inclined to defend my heart, therefore I should answer this way: in no case! - but I say differently: he did not deserve to be great.

- You call Robert Fischer and Garry Kasparov the most brilliant grandmasters in the history of chess ...

- ... and I can't help but ask you about Fischer, whom many thought was crazy - was he really that?

- Well, what do you need to be in order to single-handedly beat the Soviet chess machine? When Fischer played the match with Spassky, he had a second, an assistant by the name of Lombardi, so he did not let him near the chessboard - he analyzed everything himself. The only thing William Lombardi did was to respond to dirty Soviet letters in writing. As a result, one person beat the entire Soviet cohort both at the board and at home, during the analysis of postponed games - it was incredible!

Robert Fisher

This is exactly what chess is about. Today you give your opponent a lesson, and tomorrow he will teach you.

How does Tal win? He develops all his pieces to the center and then sacrifices them somewhere.


When I win, I am a genius. When I’m not winning, I’m not a genius.

The computer is the only rival that finds no excuse when it loses to me.

Lisa Lane, the US chess champion, once called Fischer the strongest chess player alive. Fischer's response: "This is true, but Lisa Lane is, in fact, unable to judge it."
People have been playing with me for 15 years below their capabilities.
There is no such woman whom I would not win, even by giving the knight ahead.
On women: chess is better.
I know people who have tremendous willpower, but cannot play chess.
I play fair and play to win. If I fail, I take my medication.
I don't believe in psychology, I believe in strong moves.
I feel great seeing my opponent wriggle in his death throes.

Mikhail Tal

There are two types of victims: correct and mine.

Later, I began to achieve success in decisive games more and more often. Perhaps because I realized a simple thing: not only I was overcome by fear, but also by my opponent.

Question: “If I win 10 games against Fischer and 10 games against Tal, what rank can I count on? Now I have the third. "
Tal's answer: "If you win 10 games against Fischer, I won't sit down with you!"


From a telephone conversation with my mother after the defeat in the rematch against M. Botvinnik:
"Mum! I just became the youngest ex-world champion! "

What are you, what a morphine addict I am, I am a Chigorin!

Chess is a world very similar to the real one, but it is still not the real world.

I have beaten this poor guy three times already, and therefore I have every right to scratch his name. (about Fisher)

I drink, smoke, go out with women, gamble, but chess by correspondence is a sin that is not on me.

For many of my colleagues, the beauty of the game lies in the triumph of logic; a beautiful game is a classic building with impeccable proportions. I, too, often achieve my goal with the help of common sense, but still I value more in chess the triumph of illogicality, irrationality, and absurdity.

In 1982, the Chess Federation of the Federal Republic of Germany, after many years of attempts, obtained from the Ministry of Finance the recognition of chess as a "useful sport with educational value" (which allowed the federation to receive tax incentives). The decisive argument was a quote from a letter from the Prussian king Frederick the Great: "Chess fosters a tendency to think independently." The end of this phrase, which the federation chose not to quote, read: "... and therefore should not be encouraged."

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move.

I've been watching veteran chess players in real life for a long time. The majority are adequate, optimistic and keep sober thinking until old age. And they look younger than their age!
Farid Karimov

The nature of Alzheimer's disease is similar to that of common physical illnesses. For example, if you regularly tense a muscle, you are less prone to injury and disease in that area. If you exercise your brain regularly, then you are correspondingly less prone to mental disorders like Alzheimer's. Working with your head, you create new neural connections, and also stimulate your body to produce new nerve cells that replace cells damaged by the disease ... Perhaps the day is not far off when doctors will prescribe regular chess practice along with proper nutrition and exercise.
Professor Verghese

Exercising the brain can be very beneficial. The elasticity of the brain is strongly associated with the production of new dendrites, tree-like neural processes that transmit nerve impulses in the brain. Every time you flex your brain, you are actually modifying it. For centuries we have been told that nerve cells do not regenerate, but it turns out that this is not the case.
Dr. Gene Cohen, Director of the Center for Aging and Health

Chess is a quiet game of rauma music.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

A person acts in life just like moving pieces on a board, there is nothing to add here. The essence of character is visible in every move.
Albert Sanchez Pignol. Into the heady silence

You can learn a lot more from a game you lose than from a game you win. You have to lose hundreds of games before you can become a good player.
Jose Raul Capablanca

Life is like chess: just a skillful placement of the necessary pieces on a black and white field.
Oleg Roy. Redemption

I do not play chess - in chess I fight.

Chess fosters a tendency to think independently, and therefore should not be encouraged.
Frederick the Great, king of Prussia

Chess, like music or any other art, is capable of making a person happy.
Siegbert Tarrasch

Chess is a game of kings. Civilized and strategic and completely unbreakable.
The Shawshank Redemption

Only after we deeply study the known, can we confidently take a step to the side and look around the big picture.
Then unknown horizons open, old knowledge acquires new meaning and innovation becomes not an exception, but the norm.

Chess evolved from military teaching techniques that served to develop strategy and tactics.

Chess in the evening.
Lev Tolstoy

The first book printed in England was devoted to chess.

Chess is not for the faint of heart.
Wilhelm Steinitz

"Chess ennobles a person because it is full of disappointments."
(Savely Tartakover)

"You can't win a game without experiencing anything."

It is strange for me to see a padishah who does not know how to play chess. How will he run the state?
Ardashir Papakan

the king is the most hopeless figure - she cannot live on her own and drag her butt more than 1 cell. It does not have a single development perspective, unlike a pawn that can become a Queen.

As a psychotherapist and sports psychologist, Giuseppe Sgro emphasized the ethical dimension of the game of chess: humanity, adherence to rules, respect for another person, education of responsibility. “All this,” the psychologist emphasized, “can be transmitted on a non-verbal level to our children at an early age and can become a real opposition to the problems of child aggression and bullying of peers.”

Chess is a game in form, art in content, and science in terms of the difficulty of mastering the game.
Tigran V. Petrosyan

The older I get, the more I value pawns.
Paul Keres

Do you play chess, Mr. Castle? It so happens that a well-placed pawn is stronger than the king.
Season number: 4
Episode number: 12

In chess, where the pieces are unequal and where the most varied and bizarre moves are assigned to them, complexity (as is often the case) is mistaken for depth. Meanwhile, attention decides here. As soon as he weakens, and you commit an oversight that leads to miscalculation or defeat. And since chess moves are not only diverse, but also ambiguous, the chances of a mistake increase accordingly, and in nine cases out of ten, it is not the more capable, but the more focused player who wins. Checkers is another matter, where only one move with minor variations is allowed; here the chances of oversight are much less, attention does not play a special role and success depends mainly on sharpness. For the sake of clarity, imagine a game of checkers, where there are only four kings left and, therefore, there can be no question of any oversight. Obviously, here (with equal forces) victory depends on a successful move, on an unexpected and ingenious decision. In the absence of other possibilities, the analyst tries to penetrate the thoughts of the enemy, puts himself in his place and often at one glance notices the only (and sometimes obviously simple) combination that can involve him in miscalculation or confuse.
Edgar Allan Poe. Murder on Morgue Street

Attacking ...
- If the attack is going smoothly, then there is an ambush ahead.
- Yes. Where is this from?
- From life. So ... E-3, F-5.
- So, well, everything is going according to plan.
- And if everything goes according to plan, then the enemy knows about it!
Season number: 1
Episode number: 1
I have the honor!

Memory is a mysterious thing: I play blindly with three chess players at the same time, I can easily reproduce games from twenty years ago, but I just can't remember my mobile phone number.
Ashot Nadanyan

From chess observations: a piece that has been inactive for a long time can suddenly take away terrible strength. This requires the game to continue.
Vladimir Levy. Where to live

Football is chess where the pieces don't need a chess player.
Ashot Nadanyan

To play chess, you need a mathematical mindset, logical thinking.
If tomorrow comes

There are geniuses who show themselves anywhere, maybe in chess, but this is the case. They can prove themselves in anything. There is no special chess talent.
Victor Korchnoi

If someone called himself a chess player, and at the same time neatly combed, does not jerk his legs and speaks intelligibly, he is an impostor.
Ashot Nadanyan

Thank you, my soul, that you are learning chess. This is indispensable in every comfortable family.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

During the tournament, the chess master must be a temperate monk and a predator all rolled into one. A predator in relation to an opponent, an ascetic in everyday life.
Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

Chess teaches first of all to be objective.
Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

When Kasparov threw his pieces into the attacking fire, the opponents remembered the smell of burning for a long time after the game.
Ashot Nadanyan

Chess, like love, requires a partner.
Stefan Zweig

Chess is a brain gymnastics.
Blaise Pascal

Don't look for a move, not two moves, but look for a whole plan.
Evgeny Znosko-Borovsky

What matters? Fantasy first. And also the gift for abstract thinking.
Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

... do you know what a gambit is? Not? In Italian, gambette means footboard. Dare il gambetto - "substitute the bandwagon." A gambit is the beginning of a chess game in which a piece is sacrificed to the opponent in order to achieve a strategic advantage.
Boris Akunin. Turkish gambit

I willingly combine tactical with strategic, fantastic with scientific, combinational with positional, and I strive to satisfy the requirements of each given position.
Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

I work on chess 8 hours a day - in principle.
Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhin

“Many of our military leaders consider chess to be a very necessary and useful game. After all, they develop in a warrior, whether he is a soldier or a general, the most important qualities - the ability to foresee the course of events, the ability to feel the moment when it is necessary to seize the enemy's initiative ... "
Ivan Khristoforovich Baghramyan
Marshal of the Soviet Union

“Isn't the narrow definition of 'play' offensive to chess? However, this is neither science, nor art, or rather, something in between, hovering between these two concepts. "
“This game combines the most contradictory concepts: it is both ancient and eternally new; mechanical in its essence, but bringing victory only to those who have imagination; limited by a tight geometric space - and at the same time limitless in its combinations; continuously developing - and completely sterile; thought without inference, mathematics without results, art without works, architecture without stone. And yet, this game has stood the test of time better than all the books and creations of people, this is the only game that belongs to all peoples and all eras, and no one knows the name of the deity who brought it to earth to dispel boredom, sharpen the mind, cheer soul ".
“People gifted exclusively with the abilities of chess players. These are special geniuses, who have a flight of imagination, perseverance and mastery of accuracy no less characteristic of mathematicians, poets and composers, only in a different combination and with a different orientation. "
"Chess, like love, requires a partner."
"A remarkable feature of chess is that the mind, strictly limiting the field of its activity, does not get tired even with very strong tension, on the contrary, its energy sharpens, it becomes more lively and flexible."
S. Zweig

"In chess, the winner is the one who makes the penultimate mistake."
"An isolated pawn spoils the mood of the whole board." Savely Tartakover

"Only a player with initiative has the right to attack."

"Chess is 99% tactics."

"Greatness in chess is a sign of an insidious mind"
Sherlock Holmes

"Chess is a sea in which a hummingbird can get drunk and an elephant can swim"
Indian proverb

Any pawn can threaten the king with checkmate.
But the kings do not stoop to checkmate.

Load your brain ... in different ways!
Why chess?
They load the brain with different types of activities, see:

Planning and pattern recognition

Chess is not only about improvisation, but also about memorization. You need to remember certain rules, positions, openings, and so on.

Sense of time
Time in turns. How many moves does it take to carry out a particular plan? Whose pawn will break through to the queen faster, and so on. Plus the time in seconds. Chess is played with a clock. Here with these:

Calculations and visualization
When calculating, you do not move pieces across the board - it all happens in your mind. This loads your "processor" the most. The multi-pass options will make your ears turn red. And your brain))

Sense of space
The game is limited to 64 squares, and your plan needs to fit within that space.

When the clock shows seconds, the reaction decides everything. Quickly react to the opponent's move, set him a difficult task and make him waste precious time.

Chess is a quiet game of rauma music.
Leonid Sukhorukov

The victory goes to the one who made the mistake of the penultimate one.
Savely Tartakover

With correct play on both sides, a draw is inevitable.
Siegbert Tarrasch

In general, I think that in chess everything is based on tactics. If strategy is a lump of marble, then tactics is the chisel that the master uses to create a piece of chess art.
Tigran V. Petrosyan

Pawn endgames are golf.

There is no woman whom I would not win, even putting my knight forward.
Robert James Fisher

Those who say they understand chess do not understand anything.

In life, it is like in chess: when the game ends, all the pieces - pawns, queens and kings - end up in one box.
Irwin Yalom, Liar on the Couch

Chess is like life, only life is total war, and chess is a limited war.
Robert Fisher

Chess, like love, requires a partner.
Stefan Zweig, "Chess Novel"

You can learn a lot more from a game you lose than from a game you win. You have to lose hundreds of games before you can become a good player.
Jose Raul Capablanca

Don't look for a move, not two moves, but look for a whole plan.

Intelligence is determined not by the path traveled, but by the result.
Garry Kasparov

Lies and deceit do not last long on a chessboard.

Chess teaches first of all to be objective.
Alexander Alekhin

It is always best to sacrifice your opponent's pieces.

We are, in essence, pawns on the chessboard, and the pawns do not know where the player's hand will send them.
Mikhail Sholokhov, "Quiet Don"

All your life with one woman is like an endgame with opposite colored bishops.
Victor Korchnoi

It's true that chess can be a cute family game - but only until then. while the father beats his son.
Azberto Sordi

Openings teach openings. Endgames teach chess.

Perhaps for some, mate is an obscene language, but for chess players it is their daily bread.
Ashot Nadanyan

Your game couldn't be better than your worst move.
Dan Heism

The first offensive principle: don't let the enemy evolve.

The gluteus muscles are what makes chess a sport.
Ashot Nadanyan

Chess is a brain gymnastics.
Blaise Pascal

If your opponent offers a draw, try to understand why he thinks he is worth worse.
Nigel Short

Nobody has ever been born a master. The path to this title lies through years of study, struggle, joy and sorrow.
Paul Keres

In order not to lose a piece, many players surrender the game.

I've been watching veteran chess players in real life for a long time. The majority are adequate, optimistic and keep sober thinking until old age. And they look younger than their age!
Farid Karimov
Every healthy society has a passed pawn.

Stirlitz felt the smell of burning, and indeed: Kasparov appeared from around the corner.

Don't rely on your opponent's mistakes, but rely on them.
Bill Wall

Chess is like a beautiful woman to whom we constantly return, no matter how often she rejects us.

A good heart is useless in chess.
Nicolas Chamfort

Chess is not for the faint of heart.
Wilhelm Steinitz

One bad move can ruin forty good ones.

The games are always different, the interviews are always the same.
Garry Kasparov

People have been playing with me for 15 years below their capabilities.
Robert James Fisher

It is necessary to play correctly at the end of the game, but it is impossible.

When you play Fischer, the question is not whether you win or not; the question is whether you will survive or not.
Boris Spassky

Chess, like music or any other art, is capable of making a person happy.
Siegbert Tarrasch

The gods placed the middlegame before the endgame.

Who is your opponent today? "Today I am playing against black pieces."
Akiba Rubinstein

You know that you are a chess fanatic when your first question when meeting someone is: What is your rating?
Bill Wall

Only the player with initiative has the right to attack.

Place the board so that the sun shines in the eyes of your opponent.
Rui Lopez

There have been periods in my life when I almost believed that I could not lose even one single game.
Jose Raul Capablanca

Weaknesses of character usually appear during a chess game.
Garry Kasparov

Everyone wins in chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important thing, then even defeat is not scary.
David Bronstein

Chess is a torment of the mind.
Garry Kasparov

I consider each of my opponents a master until he proves to me otherwise.
Vasily Panov

The greatest art in chess is not to show your opponent what he can do.
Garry Kasparov

The world I would compare with a chessboard - That day, then night. And the pawns? We are with you. Moved, squeezed and - beaten. And they put me to rest in a dark box.
Omar Khayyam

It is not the one who thinks a lot that gets into time trouble, but the one who thinks about the wrong one.
Gennady Malkin

Chess fosters a tendency to think independently, and therefore should not be encouraged.
Frederick the Great, king of Prussia

The threat is stronger than its execution.
Karl Eisenbach (rule of chess strategy)

The pawn is the soul of chess.
A. Filidor

To you, Mr. Lasker, I can only say three words: check and checkmate.
Siegbert Tarrasch

Chess was born for the Internet, and the Internet was born for chess.
Anatoly Karpov

Chess is a sport, a bloody sport.
Marcel Dunamp

Expressing an opinion is like moving a pawn in a chess game: a pawn may die, but the game begins and can be won.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

There are no good or bad moves. There are only good or bad cigars.
Emmanuel Lasker

He is not a chess player who, having lost a game, does not claim that he had a winning position.
Ilya Ilf

The strategy determines how to lure the girl into the back seat of the car. Tactics - what to do next.

It is strange for me to see a padishah who does not know how to play chess. How will he run the state?
Ardashir Papakan

This is exactly what chess is about. Today you give your opponent a lesson, and tomorrow he will teach you.
Robert James Fisher

Chess is a struggle mainly with one's own mistakes.
Sergei Prokofiev

I have all the moves written down!
O. Bender

I am the world champion and do not have to discuss anything with anyone.
Viswanathan Anand

Ideal women are chess players: they can be silent for hours, follow the pieces well and know many interesting positions.
Ashot Nadanyan

A passed pawn is a criminal who must be kept under lock and key.

Chess is 99% tactics.

When I play white, I win, because I play white; when - with black, I win, because it's me.

Later ... I began to achieve success in decisive games more and more often. Perhaps because I realized a simple thing: not only I was overcome by fear, but also by my opponent.
Mikhail Tal

Chess is not only a game of figures, but also of people - psychology matters.
Mikhail Botvinnik

There are players who need time to make a good move.
Maria Farisa

During a chess competition, the grandmaster is a tiger on the hunt and a monk at the same time.
Alexander Alekhin

The computer is the only rival that finds no excuse when it loses to me.
Robert James Fisher

Always remember to counterattack. This is the best defense and often even won games.
Frank Marshall

On women: chess is better.
Robert Fisher

Some horses do not jump, but limp.

Each step towards the endgame strengthens the king.

Invest in tennis, and you will remove one boy from the street, and if playing chess, ten children at once.
Evgeny Sveshnikov

In chess, you can only become a great master when you realize your own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life.
Alexander Alekhin

Being a good player is not enough - you have to play well.
Siegbert Tarrasch

A winner is one who makes fewer mistakes than his opponent.

Combination is the soul of chess.
Alexander Alekhin

Some part of the error is always true.

The true hero plays a chess game during the battle, regardless of its outcome.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Unlike chess, in life the game continues after checkmate.
Isaac Asimov

Enjoying gambits is a sign of youth in chess.

We must try so that the theory of chess does not interfere with thinking independently.
Alexander Alekhin

A good player is always lucky.

Our world is not a chessboard at all, since every piece here is a grandmaster.
Pavel Sharpp

To play successfully, you need to experience a chess hunger.

The loser is always wrong.
Vasily Panov

From great to ridiculous - one check.
Arkady Arkanov

A woman will never play chess on an equal footing with men, because she cannot sit silently at the board for five hours.
Paul Keres

The computer once beat me at chess, but in kickboxing he was just a weakling.
Emo phillips

There are more paths in chess than in the entire world.
Pierce McOrlane

All chess masters play blindly.

A good sacrifice is one that is unnecessary, but leaves your opponent confused.

Chess requires more intelligence than life ... and more than bridge.
Thomas Hardy

Chess is a sea in which a hummingbird can get drunk and an elephant can swim.
Indian proverb

An isolated pawn spoils the mood of the entire board.

There can be only one mistake in chess: overestimating the opponent. Everything else is either bad luck or weakness.
Savely Tartakover

I do not play chess - in chess I fight.
Alexander Alekhin

Combination is the soul of chess.
Garry Kasparov

Life is a game of chess.
Miguel de Cervantes

There have been periods in my life when I almost believed that I could not lose even one single game.
Jose Capablanca

Mistakes exist to be made.
Savely Tartakover

Capablanca proved that you can be the best and still the first.
Savely Tartakover

In chess, there is nothing more difficult than choosing the strongest, which is often the only correct one, out of two approximately equal in strength.
Siegbert Tarrasch

A draw can be achieved by repeating the position three times or with one weak move.
Savely Tartakover

The computer is the only rival that finds no excuse when it loses to me.
Robert Fisher

Most amateurs slowly rise to some, in fact, very insignificant, level of chess skill and freeze on it for many decades.
Emanuel Lasker

Chess is a struggle mainly with one's own mistakes.
Sergei Prokofiev

You don't always have to make the best move. The move must be active, adventurous, correct and beautiful.
David Bronstein

There can be no brilliant victories without mistakes.
Emanuel Lasker

There are no good or bad players. There are only good or bad moves.
Siegbert Tarrasch

We have learned to organize factories, but we still do not know how to be economical in our mental work, in the creation of ideological values.
Emanuel Lasker

Don't rely on your opponent's mistakes, but rely on them.
Bill Wall

This game is the touchstone of the human mind.
Johann Goethe

The victory is achieved not by good, but by the best game.
Savely Tartakover

There can be only one mistake in chess: overestimating the opponent. Everything else is either bad luck or weakness.
Savely Tartakover

Better to sacrifice the opponent's pieces.
Savely Tartakover

Everyone wins in chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important thing, then even defeat is not scary.
David Bronstein

I love chess very much: it combines art and science. They give me rest and inspiration.
Dmitry Shostakovich

Weaknesses of character usually appear during a chess game.
Garry Kasparov

Opponents checkmate themselves. You just have to wait a little.
Siegbert Tarrasch

Mistakes are always waiting to be made.
Savely Tartakover

The greatest art in chess is not to show your opponent what he can do.
Garry Kasparov

Poor people! How similar are you in all your endeavors to the chess player who "could have won his game."
Savely Tartakover

Chess is a test of the mind.
Johann Goethe

The penultimate error wins.
Savely Tartakover

Sacrifices are possible only due to the opponent's mistake.
Savely Tartakover

An isolated pawn depresses the mood throughout the board.
Savely Tartakover

Be a threat every time you play.
Ken Smith

He is not a chess player who, having lost a game, does not claim that he had a winning position.
Ilya Ilf

When I win, I am a genius. When I’m not winning, I’m not a genius.
Robert Fisher

Chess laws exist to be broken.
Sergei Prokofiev

In chess, one learns only from mistakes. There is always something right about mistakes.
Savely Tartakover

Chess for me is a special world, a world of struggle between plans and passions.
Sergei Prokofiev

Intelligence is determined not by the path traveled, but by the result.
Garry Kasparov

There are millions of players to whom the master can successfully give the queen ahead; players who have stepped over this step, you can probably count no more than a quarter of a million, and those to whom the master cannot give anything forward, it is unlikely that there will be more than two or three thousand.
Emanuel Lasker

I love chess for its illogicality.
Savely Tartakover

Chess, this calculating game, requires luck, luck and more luck!
Savely Tartakover

A good player is always lucky!
Jose Capablanca

Thoughts and quotes as well as sayings and aphorisms about chess for adults and children on the site