News from the Fronts: Ranked Battles - The worst implementation of good ideas. Ranked battles in World of Tanks Are ranked battles included in statistics

Let's start with when... World of Tanks 9.18 update will feature a new Ranked Battles mode. The meaning of this mode is that all players will be divided into groups according to the personal rating in the profile. Tankers with the same personal rating will fight each other in "ranked battles". The tank ranking system for WOT is borrowed from Blizzard and its Starcraft 2 project, where MMR has recently been introduced to all players. Depending on the MMR level, gamers are divided into leagues - Grandmaster, Master, Platinum, Gold, etc. Each league is divided into 3 groups - Tear 1, Tear 2 and Tear 3. Thus, by playing "ranked battles" you can move up the stairs of glory. The same system will be introduced to World of Tanks gradually.

"Ranked battles" - a new mode for World of Tanks

As soon as the "ranked battles" mode gains popularity, all players will be assigned its indicator and level, so that one can immediately assess how successfully a particular tanker fights. Every 3 months, statistics on "ranked battles" will be reset to zero, giving everyone the opportunity to try their hand again in the new season. The result of each season will be recorded in the player's statistics.

For the successful implementation of the "ranked battles" mode in World of Tanks, a limitation on the level of technology will be introduced. At the time of the launch of the mode, these will only be tier 10 tanks. Teams of 15 vs 15 tanks will fight for an individual rank.

After the "ranked battle" is over, your contribution to the team's victory will be reflected in a special table. As Olga Sergeevna (pictured on the right) said, the outcome of the battle in any ranked battle will not affect the result in the table. The higher you climb in the "ranked battles" table, the more difficult the opponents become. The top players in the Ranked Battles mode will receive rewards at the end of each season.

As for the idea of ​​creating a ranked mode for World of Tanks, it is focused on the esports component and the competitive effect that fuels interest in WOT in general.

All prices and terms are not exact. It all depends on the compliance of your account with the conditions. You will be contacted after confirmation of the order. In a personal conversation, all the details will be discussed and only then the final price and deadline will be announced.


  • High probability of getting a Master
  • Driver plays with high account stats
  • Crew upgrade
  • Obtaining rare medals and achievements
  • Often we make a record for experience, both total on the account and on individual tanks

Personal combat missions (LBZ)- this is one of the key game activities in World of Tanks, which allows you to get unique vehicles in your hangar for completing special tasks. This activity appeared in the game back in February 2015, and its continuation ( LBZ 2.0) received in August 2018. This is a great opportunity not only to test your level of knowledge of various equipment, but also to acquire a new one.

With the release LBZ 2.0 inWorldoftanks a number of points were reworked, which, on the one hand, simplified the implementation, and on the other, complicated:

  • The progress system has been overhauled. Now, during the battle, you can track the progress of the current task.
  • The progress of some tasks can now be completed over several battles (the fulfillment of the conditions is summed up in each battle).
  • Unlike the first campaign, completing tasks is no longer strictly tied to the vehicle class. The main condition for the passage of LBZ 2.0 was binding to the nation.

In total there are 4 groups of nations for which we will have to go personal combat missions 2.0:

  • Union (USSR and China);
  • Block (Germany and Japan);
  • Alliance (USA, UK and Poland);
  • Coalition (France, Czechoslovakia, Sweden and Italy).

To get 3 tanks, you will need to complete 15 personal combat missions for each of the presented groups. In addition to the final reward in the form of a tank, you will also receive other rewards, including silver, crew members, Premium Account and equipment.

What tanks can be obtained for completing LBZ 2.0

  • Excalibur - British tier 6 tank destroyer. The required level of technology to perform is VI-X. Completing tasks is not limited to one battle, achievements are summed up in each battle.
  • Chimera- British tier 8 medium tank. Required level of technology to perform - VII-X. Each task must be completed within one battle.
  • Object 279 - Soviet heavy tank tier 10. The required level of technology to perform is VIII-X. Finish multiple battles with the same result.

How to Complete Personal Combat Missions 2.0

To complete the tasks, you must have good enough skills in the game World of Tanks. If obtaining the first tank does not require special knowledge and effort, then completing this task will require a colossal amount of time, which is not enough for everyone. Getting the other two tanks will require you not only time, but a huge amount of effort, which often goes down the drain "thanks" to not very experienced allies.

Therefore, for a more comfortable passage of the service WOT- HELPER prepared for you a new service in which you can buy LBZ 2.0 for money at low price. By ordering this service from us, you will receive all the necessary equipment in the shortest possible time, along the way you will receive an improvement in statistics, because only professional players work in our service.

For a more comfortable and faster completion of all tasks, it is desirable that your hangar has the equipment presented below:

  • UNION- WZ-111 5A, 113, WZ 132A, IS-3, T-10, IS-7, Ob.277, T-54, Ob. 907, Ob.140, T-44, T-34-85, Ob. 261, 212A, SU-14-2, T-100LT
  • BLOCK- Maus, E100, E25, E50M, E50, Leopard, Tiger, Panther, RU 251, G.W. E100, G.W. Tiger, Grille 15, Type 5 Heavy, STB-1
  • ALLIANCE- Hellcat, M4A3E2, T110E3, T110E4, T110E5, T57 Heavy, T92 HMC, M40/43, M53/55, T69, FV4005, FV 215B 183, T49, T32, T29, Super Conqueror, Caernarvon, M41 Walker Buldog, T71, Conqueror GC, FV3805, Centurion AX, Cromwell
  • COALITION- AMX 50 100, AMX 50 120, AMX 50B, AMX 13 90, AMX 13 105, FOCH 155/B, BC 155 55/58, Lorr. 155 58, TVP 50/51, Skoda T50, Strv 103B, Strv 103-0, Kranvagn

The second season of Ranked Battles has started, in which, according to the developers, the mistakes of the first beta season have been taken into account. Is everything so rosy? To put it mildly, not really. And now I'll break it down. The article will be especially relevant for players who have not yet played in the new season.

1. Changes in the accrual of chevrons
In the first season, chevrons were given for defeat, and filling a high rank was not even close to a problem. Now, the player will not receive a chevron for a defeat. Moreover, in total, 15 people left the battle cheerfully - 12 from the winning team and 3 from the losing team received a chevron. Now this number has decreased by a third - 10.
My words are well confirmed by statistics - after the first day, the top player had 5 rank points in the asset, in the last season, the inhabitants of our game scored 10-15 points on the first day.

2. A large number of points to get into the leaderboard.
As is known from the 1st beta season, in order for you, the player, to be displayed in the league statistics, you need to score a certain number of points. Last season it was 16 - roughly speaking, 4 points per stage. Now 12 - also 4 points per week of the stage, because there are 3 weeks, not 4.
Everything seems to be the same as it was? But this problem follows from the previous one, you will spend at least three times as much time to achieve the results that you had last season.

3. More chevrons for ranks.
In the first season, to level up the 5th rank, you needed to get 19 chevrons, in the new one - 25. In particular, to level up from the 4th rank to the 5th, you need to earn 9 chevrons. Quite a large number. Now only a small part of the players, referring to their skill and the ability to spend dozens of hours in the game, will be able to reach rank 5 within one stage.

4. Unavailability of the mode for non-skilled players.
If earlier, a 47% player spent a lot of hours to raise the coveted 5th rank, playing several times more battles than, for example, a 55% player, then this season such players are unlikely to take the 3rd rank. I think it’s obvious for any adequate player that 48% - 50% are the most common statistics among players, and this huge mass of people will not get into the leaders of the season from now on, and thousands of hours spent in the game, as it was in season 1, will not help . From this, an easy conclusion follows, at the end of the season there will be a much smaller number of people in the leaders of the season than it was in the first beta season, which, unlike the current one, had good PR from both developers and streamers and even e-sportsmen.

5. Mass "standing" of players.
This problem has not gone away, unfortunately. Last season, it was not uncommon to see Type 5 Heavy players standing behind everyone else and at the end of the fight dealing damage, getting into the top 3 and getting a chevron. Now the players strive to get into the top 5, and the fate of the battle does not really bother them: a victory is excellent, a loss is okay. This is especially noticeable from rank 3. Apparently, even such changes in the regulations are not enough to force the players to act as a team.

As they say, criticize - offer.

First, you need to start by editing the number of points to get into the leagues. It seems that the developers simply forgot about it, and by default pushed 4 points into the stage, forgetting about the changes introduced to the chevron accrual system. 12 points is too many. This number must be reduced, 9 points will be enough, 3 points per stage, respectively.

Second. Reduce the number of chevrons required to upgrade a new rank. In the hardened realities of the second season of Ranked Battles, getting 9 chevrons on the way from rank four to five is a rather tangible problem. This can take even very strong players 3-4 days, which seems unthinkable, if you think about the first beta season.

And the third point is to "equalize the players". In dota, cs and most other MMOs, when you lose, everyone will receive a rating decrease, regardless of your contribution to the battle, similarly, when you win, all players go up in the rating. Apparently, tanks also need something like this. This will somehow make the players move.

That's it, end. We believe and expect that the 3rd season will surprise us, at least not disappoint us. Thanks for reading.

Get your "tens" ready for battle! From 23 to 25 November fight in ranked battles on your favorite Tier X vehicle and get worthy rewards and medals. There are nine leagues in total. Ready to find out how high you can get?


19 :00 The local time


10 :59 The local time

What are ranked battles

Ranked battles are an opportunity to fight with opponents of approximately the same skill level in intense battles. The main goal is to get into the highest league possible before the end of the stage. For skillful actions in ranked battles, you earn points, thanks to which you move up through the leagues.

Battles take place in the 7 vs 7 format in the Standard Battle mode on certain maps. In Ranked Battles, you don't have to pay for tank repairs, so you'll earn more Silver in battles than in Online Battles. Moreover, in this stage, for every battle where you deal more than 500 damage, provide intel, thanks to which the allies deal at least 500 damage, or detect at least two enemy vehicles (it is enough to fulfill one of these conditions), you will receive twice as much silver!

At the end of the season, you will receive a medal and rewards corresponding to the league you managed to reach.

League balance

First, the balancer will select players from one league for the team, then from the nearest leagues, and only after that, if it still fails to assemble the teams, it will supplement them with players from the queue, regardless of the league.

  • Waiting for players from the same league - 90 seconds.
  • Waiting for players from neighboring leagues - 120 seconds.
  • After 120 seconds of waiting in line, players from any league can join your team.

How to participate

To unlock the Ranked Battles mode, you must have Tier III or higher vehicles. As soon as the season starts, you will find this mode among others when you download World of Tanks. Ranked battles are only available for solo players. If you are in a platoon, when you switch to Ranked Battle mode, you will be asked to leave the platoon.

To participate in Ranked Battles, you must have at least one Tier X vehicle.

Ranked Battles: Game Mode Screen

Once you unlock Ranked Battles, they will appear on the game mode selection screen. On this screen, you will see the following information:

  • Season: the current season of ranked battles, in which players will be able to take part during the event.
  • Countdown to the end of the season: information about when the current season of Ranked Battles will end.
  • Season rules: a set of rules that is unique for each season of Ranked Battles.


After one qualifying bout you will take a place in the league. After that, you will be able to see how many points you have earned or lost after each Ranked Battle.

Points are distributed as follows:

  • Victory in battle:+100 points.
  • Defeat in battle:-100 points.
  • Experience leader on the losing team:+100 points.
  • Moving to a new league:+100 points.

Maps and modes

Ranked battles take place in the Standard Battle mode on the following maps:

  • "Himmelsdorf"
  • "Himmelsdorf - Winter"
  • "Mines"
  • "Mines - Rain"
  • "Cliff"
  • "Cliff - rain"
  • "Cliff - Winter"
  • "Lost City"
  • "Ensk"
  • "Ensk - War!"
  • "Highfall"
  • "Port"
  • "Port - Snow"
  • "Komarin"
  • "Fishing Bay - War!"
  • "Industrial zone"

Leagues and awards

Depending on your league, at the end of the Ranked Battles stage, you will receive one of the following rewards and exclusive medal the league you reach. and other awards.

This season, we have changed the number of points required to advance through the leagues. Explore all the tabs below to see how many points you need to score for each league.

When the Ranked Battles stage ends, you will be able to claim your reward within 30 days. Please note: the reward is issued only once, based on the results of all battles for the maximum league reached.

  • 0 Silver

To move to the Bronze League, you need to score 300 points.

  • 50 000 Silver

To move to the Silver League, you need to score 400 points.

  • 100 000 Silver

To move to the Golden League, you need to score 500 points.

  • 250 000 Silver
  • Coupon for the flag

To move to the Platinum League, you need to score 600 points.

  • 500 000 Silver
  • Coupon for the flag
  • 2 combat missions "Personal reserve: x3 experience"
  • 2 combat missions "Personal reserve: x4 crew experience"

To move to the Warriors League, you need to score 700 points.

  • 1 day premium account
  • 1 000 000 Silver
  • 4 combat missions "Personal reserve: x3 experience"
  • 4 combat missions "Personal reserve: x4 crew experience"
  • 2 combat missions "Personal reserve: x2 silver"
  • 4 flag coupons

To advance to the Masters League, you need to earn 800 points.

  • 3 days of premium account
  • 1 500 000 Silver
  • 6 combat missions "Personal reserve: x3 experience"
  • 6 combat missions "Personal reserve: x4 crew experience"
  • 6 combat missions "Personal reserve: x2 silver"
  • 6 flag coupons

To move to the Hero League, you need to score 900 points.

  • 3 days of premium account
  • 2 500 000 Silver
  • 8 combat missions "Personal reserve: x3 experience"
  • 8 combat missions "Personal reserve: x4 crew experience"
  • 8 combat missions "Personal reserve: x2 silver"
  • 8 flag coupons

To move to the League of Triumphs, you need to score 1000 points.

  • 7 days of premium account
  • 5 000 000 Silver
  • 10 combat missions "Personal reserve: x5 experience"
  • 10 combat missions "Personal reserve: x6 crew experience"
  • 10 combat missions "Personal reserve: x2 silver"
  • 10 flag coupons

end of season

After the end of the Ranked Battles season, you will see the total number of points earned and a list of rewards that you are entitled to. You can enter this mode again to view the Ladder tab with your results or friends' results.

In addition, you will receive the highest league medal you can achieve:

Medals are listed from lowest league to highest, from left to right.


Can I go down a league as a result of a series of unsuccessful battles?

No, you can't go down a league.

Is the queue used for matchmaking in Ranked Battles the same as for Random Battles?

No, there is a separate queue for ranked battles.

Do I need a premium account to join a ranked battle?

No, players without a premium account can participate in the battle.

Are there any restrictions for tanks? Can I play premium vehicles using camouflage or premium shells?

For Ranked Battles, only those restrictions that are described in this article apply. Otherwise, the same rules apply as in online battles.

Do ranked battles affect my game statistics?

No, they don't.

Can I play as a platoon in Ranked Battles?

No, this mode is only for solo players.

Why can't I see ranked battles in the list of modes?

You must have at least one Tier III or higher vehicle.

How many fights do I need to play to get a place in the league?

You must play one battle.

Do I need to pay for tank repairs in Ranked Battles?

No, the repair is free.

What is the team size for Ranked Battles?

Fights are held in the format "7 vs 7".

Are all cards available in Ranked Battles?

No. Ranked battles take place only in the 7vs7 format on a limited set of maps.

What tier vehicles can I use in Ranked Battles?

Only on Tier X vehicles.

When the season ends, how do I know what position I'm in?

You will receive a message with information about your results. In addition, you can also enter the Ranked Battles mode after completing a stage and look at the "Ladder" tab.

What modes are ranked battles in?

Only standard combat is available.

Hello friends! Today let's discuss ranked battles in world of tanks added to our favorite game with patch 9.19.

I think that it's not a secret for anyone - the usual fights in a random house somehow bother the player. They do not have a competitive part in a big way, except for the numbers in the post-battle statistics. Therefore, in order to maintain interest, various formulas for calculating the effectiveness of a player played well in their time.

From the oldest portal, for example, there was an "Efficiency Rating" or efficiency, which everyone, so to speak, equaled and tried to score as many points as possible. Since they could show their coolness on the World of Tanks forum, or in their videos, streams, and so on. Of course, according to the efficiency rating, players were also evaluated for admission to the top clans, in the years that way 2012-2014. Further, the WN8 rating appears in WoT, according to which the effectiveness of the player in battle was evaluated. To get the coveted purple nickname in the Olenemeter or to be accepted into a clan.

Ranked battles in tanks are designed, in my opinion, to bring just the same entertaining and competitive part to the game. Plus, of course, to separate players into different leagues: Gold, Silver, Bronze - as is done in other popular games. After all, you will agree that it is much more interesting to play ranked battles in World of Tanks, when players of a sufficiently high skill are against you, than to watch fights in a random house where from battle to battle, some fool, to put it mildly, drains his tank in 30-40 seconds . And there are no penalties or restrictions for him, he swept, let's say, on the batch, merged and ran immediately to the next fight, and you continue to drag the rink and sweat to get the coveted victory and result.

The essence of ranked battles in World of Tanks, in my opinion, is to encourage players to try to win back as best as possible. After all, with positive results, your ranks grow, you rise in the rankings, and finally move up in the leagues. Plus, depending on the results in World of Tanks ranked battles, we will earn Bonuses. This is a new currency that is used to buy an improved version of equipment for tanks. As well as various instructions that further enhance our modules in tanks or crew perks of your choice. Bonuses, in turn, will be awarded by developers for the so-called stages and seasons. Each stage is divided into 7 days, in turn, the season will last a month. The entire rating of ranked battles in WOT based on the results of stages and seasons will be summarized in the player's statistics. Determining the best of the best by the end, and giving the opportunity to get into the prize league.

All of this is a great move from the Wargaming campaign that will ultimately reduce the toxicity of randomness and stress after playing World of Tanks Ranked Battles. In the strongest leagues, idiots who drain their tanks in 30-40 seconds of battle should disappear. And leaving your team in an awkward position during the fight. I hope that fights with a score of 15:0 or 15:3 will also disappear as a species, because they do not bring any joy or pleasure. All this can be checked only after the expiration of time and the experience of playing in ranked battles of the world of tank.

How to play ranked battles? the most important question tormenting the majority.
Prime time for different servers:
RU5: 15:00-24:00 (MSK);
RU6: 15:00-24:00 (MSK);
RU8: 11:00-16:00 (MSK).

Keep in mind the schedule and calendar of Ranked Battles!

How to participate in ranked battles in World of Tanks?

Very simple! select the desired item from the drop-down menu and go to battle!
Do not forget that in order to get into a ranked battle, you need a lvl 10 vehicle in the hangar!
By itself, the Ranked Battles mode does not differ from a regular battle in WOT.

Rewards in Ranked Battles will be given out every stage and season.

Most likely, the list of rewards will change, at the moment it is relevant for the beta season of Ranked Battles in the World of Tanks.

Why are there no ranked battles? most likely you are trying to play at the moment when the mode is turned off.
Follow the schedule, including temporary.

How to participate in ranked battles in tanks? you must have the desire and technique of lvl 10.

The best tank for ranked battles? very common question.
In my opinion, you need to choose the technique on which you play best in World of Tanks.
After all, you need to show maximum results per battle. To gain rating in ranked battles and advance through the leagues to receive prizes and bonds.

Therefore, only you can answer which technique is better for ranked battles. In my opinion, IS-7, T110E5, T62A, E 100, Maus, batchchat, TVP T 50/51, and other handy vehicles will be popular in order to deal as much damage as possible.

The feature of World of Tanks ranked battles is, among other things, the rating. It is built not only from the damage dealt, as it was in random battles.
Basically, people with a higher skill, let's say, often stood behind their backs and inflicted damage. To raise your WN8 rating or capture the base.
Now, in WOT ranked battles, exposure and other parameters that affect the final distribution table of the best players in the rating are also taken into account. Which should say positively on the overall gameplay and remove the players who are always standing in the bushes.

You shouldn't expect a good balance in Ranked Battles right away, because it's the beta season now. As a result of which there will be a distribution of players and other goodies.
Therefore, do not expect that right here and now, when you enter World of Tanks ranked battles, you will experience epic battles.

Why won't ranked battles work in wot? most likely you have not studied prime time for fights.

I hope that we answered how to play ranked battles, why do it, and what will be the benefit for your nerve cells.
See you on the battlefield gentlemen!