All you wanted to know about D & D, but lazy to ask. Dungeons and Dragons dungeons and dragons 5 edition

I hate Dungeon & Dragons 4th edition. Even the words are not enough to describe how much.

After reading the rules of the fifth editorial board ( also known as D & D Next), I felt grace and enlightenment - even gained a little peace and faith in humanity.


The main company showed sluggish interest ( rather, it would even be about the negative meaning of interest), looked at a couple of pages, and three of the four said "And yes, na, let's then chase four - she likes you so much!".

On the reactive pull, I flew to another company, in which he suggested playing a vanshot on the top five. There we quickly agreed, played the session ( about somewhere in August of this year), and then we have an idea with a breakdown of different systems and setages in the form of a pen.

So, although on the site this report and put on the third, chronologically, it was the very first.

As a script, I used a draft of one module, which did not have any opportunity to play. As it turned out in the future, the draft under the Vanchot was worth refining.

About the system.

D & D is a role-playing game of a heroic type. The main emphasis is placed on crawling on the dungeons, solving mysteries, fighting traps and monsters - not in realistic spirit ( high level characters can literally shoot a hundred arrows, and they will survive after that), but with a large variety of tactics and solutions of various situations.

The characters are divided into classes that provide access to certain ability and improve certain parameters - for example, a magician is better counteracting the pressure on the psyche, the warrior more survive and more often gets a weapon, and the barbarian makes more damage.

Each class best performs a certain role, and the parties are very desirable to choose them to perform as much tasks as possible - for example, it is very desirable to descend into the average dungeon with a dude, changing in traps and opening locks.

The total power and experience of the character is estimated at levels - a level 5 character is stronger than 4 or smaller. At the same time, receiving the level, you can choose both the same class (making a character more narrowly specialized) and other classes (expanding its capabilities).

All situations are allowed by throwing D20, the throw complex sets the master. Modifiers from different sources are added to the result of the throw - their own skills, favorable / adverse conditions and special abilities.

In addition, the character may have an advantage (DISADVANTAGE). And in that, and in another case, 2 twenty mooring is thrown at once - with the advantage of the greatest result, the smallest is interference. If the character at the same time and the advantage and interference, then they neutralize each other.

During the battle, 20 at the same time is considered the best result - the automatic hit (with a critical damage) is applied. At the same time 1 is an automatic slip.

After the hit, another cube rushes, the type of which depends on the weapon - the knife, for example, gives D4 damage, and the two-handed ax - D12.


Characters we took at once level 6 to see more opportunities.

It was just decided to no one with the creation of the characters and the spreading of the tsiferok - so they took from here pregerov, and not even optimized.

The names were taken right in front of the party, and again not bothering. Thus, it turned out:

Customs spells, with a specialization in illusion. Among spells - mostly every crap to remove the eyes and strengthen allies.

Two-meter cabinet with 62 hits, two-handed ax and combat rage. It runs in one pants and demolides the head of wide axles of the ax.

Winner of the highest protection in a pack. Like any Cleric in D & D, is needed for rapid treatment of wounds.

A thief with a specialization "Assassin", embroidering enemies from Luke. It knows how to rush, pove into the castles, dig in other people's pockets and neutralize traps.

There were no secrets to anyone - a bundle for a stupid cutting out of counter opponents. And what else, in general, demand from the muffa?


On the story of the differences five from the fourth and new buns ( like advatives-explants) It took about half an hour. It seems to me that, because of this, the system is good for beginners - its bases are quickly explained, no need to affect the nuances, and the players need to know not so much.

Along the way, I explained that as a setting we have simply D & D "Shone Generic Fantasy, in which you can meet the drow, Bechholder or Duergar. Made it just to save our time so that you should not focus on the world history, geography and other details - we They were assessed primarily the system, and the settings of us are not surrendered.

Party of Heroes has rested for several days in the city of Amberrsain. They were preparing to start looking for some Khalurku when a letter came with an invitation from the Aeronavy Club - an extremely respected society, inventing aircraft. The letter politely proposed highly paid job for which delicate adventurers were needed.

Nothing thinking, the heroes went to the club. Before the expensive building of the club, they were slightly detained the Swiss because of the appearance of Crag Hek, and they still had to wait for the leaders before admission ( if someone tried to overhear under the door, I would hear how the secretary says "There came ... uh ... visitors, with some kind of unwashed half a century" ).

The managers were two - Merivaer Amberrsain and Lewis Anchaine. I described them as "two gentlemen in expensive outfits", and even tried to create a feeling of something old-fashioned-pomp. If someone drew attention to the surname of one of them, I would report that this guy is one of the descendants of the founders of the city, and that theoretically you can raise more money.

The club was required for the heroes to visit the Corvus Tanniklif - the hereditary nobleman, a honorable member of the club, a brilliant inventor and an unbearable person. The club arranged a competition every year, at which the club participants showed the devices, and held them a special track somewhere near the city (for which the audience came to the city from the nearest regions).

A kind of witness who lives near the estates of Tannicliff, said that he had seen some fatal apparatus, moving at a very high speed. The club leaders suspected that Corvus violated one of the most important rules for the construction of the racing devices - no magic in the design, nor for the construction of the apparatus or in direct work.

When the club sent experts and mostly asked to show the apparatus for checking, Tanniklif refused to do it. Here it would simply be disqualified from races, but Corvus grabbed a couple of racing rules, according to which he could not show the device before the start, if the device was created with the contract with a third party's non-disclosure agreement. What is interesting, for some reason, players did not ask what kind of agreement, and did someone in the club seen him.

Thus, officially heroes were sent to Tanniklif to remind overdue payment for some minor event - and in fact it was necessary to find the device, inspecting the presence of magic, and break it in violation of any rules - no harm for other property, health or the lives of the Kororus himself and his servants ( club executives were sure that this is the only way to keep the Korvus from any trick capable of disrupting or turning into the farce race).

The party agreed to this task - of course, with the agreement on suturing the essence of the task and without signing any papers leading to the club, but with an enlarged advance.

Going out and looking at the bag with money, the players suddenly drew attention to their belongings - all had only the most simple weapons and a rather meager inventory. A slightly strange moment for the 6th level pack, to be honest, let and proger.

Immediately it was decided to fix it - the sun obtained the magic onion (+1, the most simple and affordable), and was bought by any garbage on the road to various situations. Satisfying craving for materialism ( as it turned out in further Vanches, quite for them are ordinary), the party went to Tanniklim.

On my way.

Going across the tract, the first time the heroes observed the pastoral terrain around the city - mills, farms and wheat fields. Only after a couple of hours, they went out on the unnecessary lands that the road crossed.

There were wild animals on them.

The first fight I decided to make the most simple as possible to me, and the guys could enter the nuances - why there were only four identical wolves on them (which were actually vorgi from Monster Manual with "Other Skin"). The battlefield is an open road, next to which a pair of pebbles and trees are drawn for decency.

Here I have to make one blot so that these text reading this text did not make my mistake: The complexity of the Enkounter in the top five is calculated from the amount of expestation given for the monsters, and then the resulting figure is superimposed on a simple sign with the levels of characters from which it follows, for example, that the 6th level character for breakfast will burn monster / monsters at 300 exp.

Then the summable expuations with enemies must be multiplied by a certain number (depending on the number of monsters), specified in another sign. As a result, four Vorga cost not 400 exp. ( slightly above the level "Remain for breakfast" ), and 800 ( nearly "Tell me thank you if you survive" For one character). It was on multiplication that I went, because brutally delighted "Hooray, in the top five everything is much easier than in the four!"And did not read this page.

That is why when I was on all wolves per character, it almost broke into small pieces.

Yes, I'm well done.

The wolves ran on the side of Barbara, he began to drink them at an accelerated pace, and the battle lasted the entire round 3-4 - however, the Wangs turned out to be one very entertaining abilka: after their successful attack, the goal should block the savings in force in order not to fall.

I happily pounced on a gnome-wizard, and was quite very surprised that sufficiently crazy (26 health, 13 defense), but the friendly wolves very quickly brought the magician's health almost to a minus. Perhaps, without the help of Varvara, a gnome could and die.

Part of the wolves ran so as not to cause free attacks (Attack of Opportunity - the ability to hit the enemy when it runs by) and not to take it from Barbara, and part specially went past him to make an important remark about the free attacks.

The fact is that in the fourth edition, the character / mob can grab along the Hare, if the hand-to-hand strike will not follow their protection ( picky in the nose, run there and cool the spell, do some sufficiently complex manipulations with small things, etc.), while in the top five this moment simplified: now it is possible to grab, only leaving the cell At a distance of impact.

It was definitely liked to all the crashers, since and rocking on Earth gnawed by dwarf, and confused clerics were thrown by spells without any constraint, although they were surrounded.

Here they felt well, as the DISADAVANTAGs are strong: lying gnome, trying to punish something to punish Cuba with him ( i judged, which is quite difficult to focus on magical formulas, lying in dust and feverishly disappeared from four wolves), and for all four rounds did not play no one Successful spell.

Putting the wolves and slightly in order to wished to the gnome, the heroes continued the path. When it was dark, it was decided to swell in the field so that it was fresh and rested on the spot.


The territory of the Tannikliff estate was surrounded by a fence, with whom heroes walked around with a kilometer before turned out to be in front of the gate.

On the ringing of the bell, a loud knock and almost no one came out. Craghe Haki decided not to push, fearing that he would bring the gate.

When it finally became clear that no one would come out, the sun decided to simply climb through the gate, followed by anyone, dead silence, an empty three-storey estate without a single glimpse in dark windows, an empty waggered and thick darkens on the gate.

Somehow coping with the gate, the heroes looked into the house of Storam. Although at first glance it seemed that everything was fine in it, the cleric decided to turn into the floor of the soaked straw - and saw the closet blood stains on the boards.

The entrance to the mansion was on the second floor, on the terrace, to which a double staircase led. A little glanced in the windows (inside prevailed some kind of defeat), the sun again decided to show the initiative and tried to open the front door. Almost immediately through a thick oak door flew something, thoring her shoulder and showering the surrounding fragments.

Azazir immediately began to treat the affected thief, and Crag-Hack jumped inside the house with an ax, nico, but there was no living alive in the room, just a heavy, powerful crossbow was aimed at the door, which was called a miniature ballist.

Strictly speaking, it was not even quite a crossbow, but a massive mechanism with fastening screws, which could be attached to almost any smooth surface. Dwarf, after a careful inspection, found the stigma and inscription "Magitek" - with some creak, remembering that this is some kind of duergar ( race underground dwarves, famous extremely frowning character) Manufactory, producing very expensive mechanisms.

It all looked together it is somehow not good, especially if you consider that the whole house was turned upside down.

After examining the upper floor, the characters did not find almost a single whole thing - all the furniture was broken, the pictures were removed from the walls ( places in which buried holes), In one of the rooms, book stacks were stacked, which, after watching someone, much less neatly discarded into a bunch. As I was hoping, everyone understood the hint that they were looking for something here, and for quite a long time, and that Corvus is clearly in a distress.

Gently moving around the mansion, the heroes reached the kitchen, which, obviously, from time to time someone used and did not remove it too diligently. There was also a staircase for the first floor.

The following room was used as a meal warehouse - and several bags and barrels were inaccurately opened. In addition, the party came across second Closed door in the whole mansion. Crag-hek did not return the arguments that on the first was the trap - only grunted in response, and boldly pulled the handle on himself.

Of course, the door was hung another "wall crossbelt" Magiteca, and everyone again felt with wooden chips from a thick arbal bolt - this time, however, no one was injured ( barbarian successfully threw the damp), But in the future I decided not to allow to doors.

Meeting with guests.

The lower floor was intended for servants - he was not so richly decorated ( but looked still decent), And on the way they saw a lot of barrels and drawers with provisions, as well as with a dozen small residential rooms.

There was still no living soul. In addition, there were no windows on the first floor, and all the lamps were obviously dead long ago and were not used for several days - which did the heroes even more suspicious ( at first, even no one wanted to light the torch, but I still had to do it - only Crag-Hack and Sun and Suns could see in the dark).

Finally, they approached the next locked door. While the rest distracted the crag-hay in a riddle "like two sticks to make a triangle," the sun opened the door and carefully looked into the room.

At first, everything seemed to her the same as in the rest of the premises on the floor, but the rest also joined the inspection - and, with a bitter experience, they decided not to even step over the threshold. Particularly neat and meticulous was a gnome Vanzot, who saw the third trap - the third browse arbulete in the excavator right above the entrance, and the pressure-based pressure hob, thanks to which the bolt had to get straight into the tank in the inattentive guest.

So they, surcharged to the slab and deciding not to pick up with the disconnection of the Magichet crossbow, passed the close cellar, made by barrels to the ceiling. Only they began to look at the room, how the nearest Mountain of the Khlama moved, from which some modified stone construct got out, and the poisoned darts flew out of the darkness.

Perhaps it was at that moment I began to admire the five.

Using only three monsters ( galeb Dhur - the same as-golem - and two swirfneblin - living deep under the ground of the gnomes), And growing most of the use of a narrow space with darkness, it turned out to make a rather complicated and interesting fight, to which I did not even have to make any particular efforts - to open Monster Manual and calculate the complexity of the collision.

Galeb Dhura had a very high resistance to physical damage - that the remaining players of someone did not even be too fully, giving him to Barbar. So smashed the golem, along the way, fading the ax.

In addition, he could bring additional damage with overclocking with the probability of damping the goal ( than I did not take advantage of the cramped), And create your small copies - what I did, taking advantage of a successful gap in two cells between the main group and thief.

Swirfneblands were very dirty, but small, sophisticated and well-able to hide among the stones ( which were finished walls of the first floor - a small stretch, I know, but I decided that it would come down). They just fucked with poisoned darts, complicating the life of adventure, and just in case there were small "combat kirk" with them (War Pick).

The battle passed something like this: the sun was broken away from all, and tried to talk with one of the swirfnembols as a reasonable being. He was sacred confident that he was not seen, slightly condensed and rushed from the frightened by Elfka Warm on his back, starting hysterically beat her with his pick.

While the sun penetrated with contempt for a humane view of the monsters, the rest tried to cope with Galeb Dhhur and the little "Galive Dhiryati", who happily pushed Azazir and became slowly turning his insides in the chop.

Separately, everyone pleased the second swirfneblin, which hurned from the darkness and born on the Magitec Cross. Realizing that now the bolt will arrive in someone in someone very inadvertently, Vanzot decided to launch any spell more powerful, and used a ray of energy, after which Swirfneblin rolled down from the crossbow in the form of blackened bones.

After the fight and rapidly sliding wounds, everyone returned to the inspection of the room - first of all asking a question "And who are such swirfneblons?". What I gave another hint about what awaits them further - "These are deep gnomes that rarely come on the surface, but often there are slaves from duergars". Why inspect the remains of Galeb Dhura and clarify "what to expect from duargars" no one.

In addition to dead gnomes ( from which were quite expected to overall all things), Heroes also interested Luke in the floor, and a model of some complicated (by local standards) of the mechanism. After a brief inspection, everyone came to the conclusion that this is a non-working prototype, who worked on natural gas - for which this thing was needed, no one understood, but everyone remembered for the future.

Nizhny basement.

At first, the heroes wanted to pause and rest, but they didn't really like the idea during his rest on the head from some submilitous dwarf - so they climbed down immediately, with a reduced margin of spells.

The basement turned out to be a workshop - a short corridor led to another room, littered with drawers and tables with tools. On the walls hung a lot of sketches and schemes, but even more papers were lying on the floor - who would not invade the mansion, here he also managed to crumble everything.

When the adventure was found in the workshop locked door, suddenly attacked Duergars.

As I said above, I quite tangible in the system of calculating the complexity of the battlefield, so instead of "hard" I accidentally made the level of difficulty "deadly". Oops.

On all sides, the whole gang came out on all sides and surrounded the whole gang - 3 SwirfneBlin and 6 armed Duergarians, one of which has highlighted more skillfully made equipment and an eyebission.

I gazay, I issued the parameters of the Hobgoblin-Barlord - it turned out a rather evil leader-fencer, able to make a lot of damage in one move and parry enemy strikes ( it is mechanically met, it is pretty funny, simply and efficiently - once a move can be increased by 3 from the near impact).

Duergars were able to become invisible (what they did, attacking the ambush) and increase in size for 1 minute - so they occupied more space and applied more damage.

For the heroes, the fight was pretty heavy, no one was checking on the surprise, so the dwarves received a round of surprise - a whole move when only they acted, as they should recoup almost all the characters. By the time when the heroes began to act, everyone lost from a third to half of the hits ( what made me further renounced, did I contradict anything with the complexity).

I even seemed to me a couple of moves that I was about to give all the lacarounds of all (which for Vanzota is not so scary, perhaps), but Barbarian began to knead the dwarves, and when two of them fell, the leader soberly appreciated the strength of his friends.

One-eyed duergar ordered everyone to retreat and began to fall back to the exit, if possible, getting up to block other people's attacks and not give to other dwarves - in the end, everyone except him. The leader was tied, haunting did not begin to pursue in my opinion, in vain, in the future it was supposed to cause big problems).

Having increasing the corpses, the heroes began to interrogate Duergar - he only bored and insulted them in response ( a couple of throws on intimidation and conviction were made, the results of which were not too impressed by the experienced puzzle). When Crag Hack has already prepared to break the leader of the finiteness on one, someone asked:

And what outside the door in the workshop?

Watch yourself. - unpleasantly grinned duergar.


Behind the door was the knitted Corvus Tanniklif, at first, who accepted adventurers for new torchings. However, misunderstanding tried to dispel as soon as possible, and finally disbelief sleeped when the rope was removed from the Korvus and he managed to kick a couple of captured duergar on the kidneys.

According to Tanniklif's story, 3 years ago, he won the club's competitions, making a glider with three axes of rotation - so he devoted all the other inventors who were solving various variations of balloons and inapplices.

However, it seemed to him that this was not enough - there was still some kind of element in the design so that she could develop more decent speed, traction and maneuverability. In his searches, he stuck with the engineer from somewhere from the subway, Duergar Kadol Danotchisirikul (\u003d 3), which shared the rules of the apparatus with its development - gas engine.

For the last one and a half years, Tanniklif and Tanotchisirikul were built various forms of the aircraft and a landfill, where there were already several prototypes - and they were able to make a steady apparatus who were going to shake on the next race ( their confidence in success was fully justified - 40 km / h against low-speed balloons).

That's just Cadol forgot to mention why he turned out to be on the surface at all: he ran from the Magitec technological concern, which for the sake of his invention chasing the cadol for several years. Several friends and relatives were injured, why he decided to leave as far as possible.

Cadol and most of the servants were at the landfill, preparing the apparatus to the race, but Tanniklif was not lucky - he was kept in the basement for about a week, alternately to try him, then the three remaining servants.

Corvus was silent as partisans, although all the three tortured to death, and he himself broke most of the fingers and left scars throughout the body - he understood that all this shrose would just take everyone on the landfill if he had someone on his location.

Having heard this story to the end, Vanzot something "unstable" said in the Spirit "Great, and we came here to gather a duty for one club event ...".

Corvus looked at the printed slaughtering "gatherers" (especially holding his eyes on Crag-Heke), and she said that he knew, why they were sent here. Vanzott tried to deny something, but Corvus simply suggested to go to the Polygon with him, to make it honesty himself, and to accept another contract - with the ability to lose the nose of the Airplane Club.

Quickly gathered on the road ( with torment inspected a crushed house), Corvus led heroes to Cadol to the landfill. The road took approximately 8 hours off-road (excluding one more overnight stay in the undergrowth), and at night they were in place.

There they met Cadol ( climbing on one leg, and looked at strangers with poorly covered fear), and inspected standing under the canopy plane. In which, of course, there was not a drop of magic.

And there, Corvus made them a proposal - to say to the club managers, that everything is wonderful, passing them money for the event, and then return here and prepare to piloting the device on racing.

Everyone agreed, but on the clock Irl had already been ten in the afternoon - and the rest of the script required quite a long time. We decided not to continue, because everyone wanted to see in the role system - they saw.

And sorry - the race promised to be very elevated, as well as prepare for her. I was going to make a separate nontrivial task of the delivery of the device to the start (the surviving duergars would try to rip it), and strongly complicate the life of the aircraft crew - there would be "boarding duargars", which would have to throw off the wings of the aircraft, and traps of competitors, and even attempt to break away from the dragon: The ubiquitous dwarves would hang out the local druid noodle community on the ears that the gas engine would quickly complete the entire ecology if he was seen in action, and the druids would turn with this problem to the Golden Dragon living in the forest.

But what they did not play, not played. It is a pity, but everything in the end I have left is the plan of the track and sketch of the aircraft.


From funny: players were largely much more adequate than I used to ( in another pack, it is a common thing to attack on other adventures, completely inhumanly tortured prisoners and ... khm ... shit on the threshold taverns), but at the same time less stored.

I was surprised that the mansion was climbing immediately (in the backyard, another entrance and a pit with three corpses would be found) that they didn't throw knowledge checks on opponents (the same Galeb Dhighs would be faster if they knew about his resistance to physical damage - yes And for sure, it would be better to prepare for an ambush, knowing that duergars could be invisible), and that they managed to get into pretty obvious traps twice.

When discussing impressions, it was all pretty carefully said "The same eggs, only in profile" (relative to D & D 4), but soon agreed that the new system is much better than old. One of the players even gathered to insist on changing the four in his campaign to the top five

I can say that the system is at least good for the master - it is easy to cut the Enunters in it, to count the complexity and remuneration, and in general it is easier to take into account the things "behind the screen". All the abilities have become easier and visually, monster from the first MM (Monster Manual) is enough for a long time.

From the side of the wizard, it is possible to clutch except for the terrible structuring of spells and magic clothes - they are decomposed on the alphabetically and not by type or at least the level of power, and additionally contributes the translation - you can nicely get confused in search of "treatment of small wounds", which are in another Translation became "healing small wounds."

From the side of the players - solid advantages in comparison with the Four. Judge:

1. The battles were faster, dynamic and a clear tactic appeared in them, and not a boring "Enhunter-Enkaneter-Etvlle Etville Etville." To a large extent, an adequate amount of health affected the adequate amount of adventure and monsters.

2. The heap of modifiers disappeared, why you will not have half an hour to count the bonuses and cons of the skill / parameter / level / items / weather / mood / desire for the left heel - is now used by a minimum of modifiers, and their main part is replaced by the system of advantages and interference.

3. Returned to 20 levels instead of 30, normal spells returned (as in D & D 3.5 before), returned an adequate multi-class.

Personally, in my opinion, to make characters in the four just uninteresting - they know how to approximately the same thing, the differences between classes in one archetype have to be sought with a magnifying glass, and sometimes more benefits can be obtained from a new clothes, not a new level.

Now, although the system seems to and become easier, the characters are made where as more individual and is given a greater choice of development.

If you did not play before this in the D & D, nor in role-playing games in general - the fifth edition will be an excellent choice for a start.

Here are intelligible and well-structured rules, very steady balance ( less difts - heavier to ruin everything because of any error), And you do not need to look for tons of books to make an adequate character that will not eat in the first battle.

The only serious drawback is the small number of materials. The system came out relatively recently (the end of 2014), which is why official books have so far.

If you do not like the Four, but you are tired of multi-volume and having a nuance nuances 3.5 / Pathfinder (or do not want to try them) - D & D 5 you can get along with it.

On Sunday, the official Dungeons & Dragons 5 campaign was finally started, which is called "Casion Queen Dragons". About an hour finished the characters. All players played for the first time in D & D. 5. Two players were newbies, the maximum played me from my strength a couple of times.

This campaign came out the very first and essentially the system itself was not fully ready, so there are some inaccuracies. From the problems that I personally gave me a campaign for the current game, this is the absence of all the necessary monsters in Bestiaria and it is very uncomfortable, especially because even in the official Bestiary there was no all necessary beings.

Since 3 people played in the campaign, it was a good challenge for them, but they quickly got the first level. Although I did not fully understand maybe I am not quite correctly I give out it either this in the game everything is very quickly gaining level.

What I liked. Now everything comes down to the characteristics. You have skills, the presence of which simply gives a bonus to throw the characteristics, as well as with savings. It is quite convenient. The abundance of all sorts of fittings confuses a little. Just like the class system from which I am already over.

For the game the lead you need to know essentially 3 books for sure. 1 player book to help players. 2 Book of the leading where there is any information for the leading campaign, etc. 3 Bestiaries, where all the characteristics of monsters are described. Additional materials are the book "Guide Volo on Monsters" and it is desirable to know information about such a setting as Forgotten Realms. This setting is the main for the 5th edition of the DND.

I like that all checks are reduced to one. For magic, the sorceressant does not even throw cubes, instead of this purpose they pass the characteristics against skill using magic. At the same time, the whole magic that came across that way. Also, the abundance of races and the rescue gives a very extensive choice when creating characters. The presence of a pretentory in which there are random signboards allowing you to create very interesting characters. And often you can get very interesting characters because of the selected races, class and prehistory

The cons that I discovered at the moment. The abundance of the necessary books for the comfortable driving game. I do not quite understand the advantages and interference, not the mechanism of their work, and for which they will be issued, maybe with re-reading it will become clearer. And the battleship with the initiative is static and not so obviously as in the diary of the adventurist.

In general, I want to further look and study this system while it looks good. True, it can be said to the epics, here and at the start the characters of the players are no longer any overannants, but normal adventurers. Let's see what will happen next, the beginning looks good, but so far it seems to me that the players grow too rapidly in the level.

If suddenly you have any questions it would be interesting to hear them and try to answer you.

To survive, the adventurist does not have enough of one rough strength and the ability to throw spells. You can quickly and accurately break with a sword or throw the most powerful spells, but during adventures there are always tasks, to solve the speed of mind, versatile skills and a little good luck. This chapter describes the additional use of many skills that will allow the characters to overcome a wide variety of difficulties.

Although one of the main themes of this book are skills, they are only part of a variety of character's abilities. The skills described in this chapter are aimed at creating a versatile adventurerist. They will help make your character more flexible, more hardy, regardless of whether the fighter is whether it wants to solve any more tasks, in addition to a direct battle, or a thief who wants to improve their fighting skills. Many of these skills reveal new ways to use existing skills, effective enough to give them all just like that. Others expand the capabilities of special thief attacks, ninja and scout. And several skills subsections expand the existing character abilities, such as bard music or wild-shaped Druid.


The skills are used by all adventurers, ranging from a strong fighter, which specializes only on Lazania, to a brilliant clever magician with ranks in all knowledge.

Sharing skills

Very often do not pay attention to such an aspect of D & D as teamwork. Warrior is easier to pay attention, only when it comes to won a sword or cleric easily, while the thief is trying to deceive the party past the guard, but in this way the characters misses the valuable opportunity to help the group succeed. In addition to the rule "help another" (see page 65 of the player's books), this section describes new methods to assist your friends.

Single events

A character with 5 and more ranks in the skill that participates in a general action can take a penalty -4 to check in order to give a situational bonus +2 to check the same skills to all the allies that are accomplishing the same task. For example, Lidda Thief 2 levels can help their allies to sneak through the dungeon. Having made a fine -4 on inspection of secrecy and silent, Lidda gives Josan, Tordek and a situational bonus +2 to everyone for the same checks. And although Lidd itself is not so imperceptible as usual, the whole group as a whole has become more imperceptible.

At higher levels, the character may provide greater support, but at a higher price. Character with 15 and more references of the skill can take a penalty -10 on checking to give a situational bonus +5 to check the same skills committed by all the allies nearby allies performing the task.

An ally must be 30 feet from you to get a bonus, and you must see and hear each other. Returning to the previous example, if Lidda was invisible, then she could not give bonuses to those characters who would not see her. If the invisible was Maualia, then Liddah would also not be able to give her a bonus if, of course, she had no ability to see invisible creatures, but she would still be able to give this bonus to the rest of the characters.

Usually this kind of help can be provided only when applying the following skills: balance, bluff, climbing, craft, diplomacy, release, training, secrecy, silent, horse riding, search, survival and swimming. In special cases, the master can decide that help can also be provided in other skills, or the character cannot get help, even when applying the skills described above.

Help another

The player describes how the characters can help each other by performing a similar check. Successful checking against the 10 first character C 10 gives a situational bonus +2 to check the same second character skills (see page 65-66 player books). This section provides add-ons for this rule that allow more skillful characters to provide great help.

When the character with 5 and more skills uses the action to "help another" for the skill, it can give a higher bonus than indicated in the player's book. For every 10 units of the assistant check above 10, the situational bonus increases by 1. Thus, the result is 10-19, as usual, will give a situational bonus +2, the result 20-29 will give a situational bonus +3, the result is 30-39 - a situational bonus +4 And so on. (To quickly calculate the situational bonus simply divide the result of checking the assistant to 10, round down to a smaller side and add 1.)

Higher bonuses can only give assistants with 5 or more ranks in the skill used. Only an experienced character can provide additional assistance offered by this rule.

At the discretion of the wizard, this rule can also be applied to the action "help another" for battle to increase the attack or allion protection. Any character with a basic attack +5 and above can give a greater bonus attack or allion protection, as described above. This rule encourages experienced fighters to help each other in battle (often this is the best option with a monster with an unusually high protection or attack).

Synergy skill

Synergy skills can not only help their own character checks, but also its allies. A character with 5 and more ranks in the skill that gives a bonus to another skill due to synergy, can check, using the first skill to help in applying the skill that receives a bonus from synergies. For example, Soveois - tracker 2 levels can check for training to help Josane in a riding check (using the rule "to help another" described above and in the player's book), since the character with 5 ranks in training gets a +2 bonus on horseback riding - Sinergia. See Table 4-5: Synergy skills, page 66 player book.

The usual rules with the "help of another" are used as usual. For example, even if Barbarian Krask has 5 ranks in training, he will not be able to use them to help the druid of Vadania in checking the empathy of animals, as the paint itself cannot perform animal empathy checks. Some combinations are difficult to imagine, but the master should allow any "help to other" due to synergies, which seems logical. For example, at first it may seem strange that Moalia will use the art of magic to help Liddle in checking the use of magical objects when reading a scroll, but it is until you present a magician looking over the shoulder of the thief and helping it to pronounce complex words.

Extended skill description

This section describes new skills and explained the use of several existing D & D skills. New and advanced features given in this section are available to all characters that can use a specific skill, unless otherwise indicated in the description.

Evaluation (Int)

During theft or spy tasks, adventurers usually do not take extra time to assess the cost of potential mining. Characters can use the skill score to quickly, but not very accurately, determine the cost of the subject.

Check: You can rate the object quickly, but the cl will be higher. Failing means you can not appreciate the subject.

Act: A fast assessment ranks 1 round.

Repeat: You can try to evaluate the thing as usual (takes 1 minute), but you cannot try to make a quick assessment of the same item again. You can try to appreciate the thing as usual, regardless of whether you succeeded in a quick assessment or not.

Specifically: Skill Evaluation of the magical strength allows you to use the ability to estimate to determine the properties of magical things. See Skill Description.


You can run through narrow surfaces or resist when footing.

Resist at the footage: If you have 10 or more elevation skills, you can check the equilibrium instead of checking for strength or dexterity to resist when the footboard. You get a fine -10 on this check. If the check is successful, then you do not fall. If you succeed in checking equilibrium, then you cannot try to complete the opponent.

Accelerated balancing: You can try to run through a narrow surface by taking fine -20 to check the balance.

Lazain (Forces, Penalty of the Armor)

Experienced characters in Lazania can climb much faster than others, and also know how to effectively beat from the walls. The possibility of quick climbing first appeared in the Epic Level Handbook, but the actions described below are available to characters of any level if they take appropriate fines.

Fast climbing: You can climb faster than usual. By adopting fine -20 to check the climb, you can move by the amount of your speed (instead of ¼ speed).

Fight from the walls: You can move freely enough to avoid shocks during climbing. Having received a fine -20 on Vasnia Checks you can save the defense agility bonus during climbing.

Craft (Int)

Volugarly increasing the complexity of the task facing you, you can create things faster than usual. This feature first appeared in the Epic Level Handbook, but this use of crafts is available to characters of any level if they take appropriate fines.

Fast creation: You can voluntarily increase the object creation check for any value of a multiple 10. This will allow you to create a item faster (after all, on the result of the check you will multiply higher SL to determine the readiness of the product). You must declare you want to increase the complexity until the cast is made.

Craft (poisons manufacture): The subtle art of the constraint of components into dangerous poisons requires patience and caution (not to mention carefulness, because the poisons are not allowed everywhere by law). Creating a poison with the help of the skill of the craft (manufacturer of poisons) is subject to the rules described in the player's book for remodes, with the following exceptions.

Poison SL CREATE Price A type Sl Spsbroska Primary damage Secondary damage
Arsenic 15 120 zm. Absorption 13 1 tel 1D8 tel
Poison black viper 15 120 zm. Wound 12 1D6 tel 1D6 tel
Black lotus extract 35 4500 ZM. Contact 20 3D6 tel 3D6 tel
Bloodroot 15 100 zm. Wound 12 0 1D4 bodies + 1d3 wise
Blue Winnis 15 120 zm. Wound 14 1 tel Loss of consciousness
Zhroy evaporation of O. 25 2100 zm. Inhale 18 1 tel * 3D6 tel
Brain fluid creeping padelver 15 200 zm. Contact 13 Paralysis 0
Thamnoggo's Powder 25 300 zm Absorption 18 2D6 tel 1D6 bodies + 1d6 forces
Mortal blade 25 1800 zm. Wound 20 1D6 tel 2D6 tel
Bile draaron 30 1500 zm. Contact 26 3D6 forces 0
Poison drow 15 75 zm. Wound 13 Loss of consciousness Loss of consciousness 2d4 hours
Poison Giant Oska 20 210 zm. Wound 14 1D6 fishing 1D6 fishing
Green blood oil 15 100 zm. Wound 13 1 tel 1D2 tel
Moss of consciousness 15 125 zm. Absorption 14 1d4 int. 2D6 int.
Fog madness 20 1500 zm. Inhalation 15 1D4 wis 2D6 wise
Poison of big scorpion 20 200 zm. Wound 14 1D4 tel 1D4 tel
Dust lycha 20 250 zm. Absorption 17 2D6 forces 2D6 forces
Paste from the root of Malissa 20 500 zm Contact 16 1 fishing 2D4 fishing
Poison medium bunch 15 150 zm. Wound 12 1D4 forces 1D4 forces
Nifrit. 20 650 zm. Contact 13 0 3D6 tel
Oil Taggita 15 90 zm. Absorption 15 0 Loss of consciousness
Poison purple worm 20 700 zm. Wound 25 1D6 forces 2D6 forces
Infusion of Sassons leaves 20 300 zm Contact 16 2D12 hits 1D6 tel
Teni concentrate 20 250 zm. Wound 17 1 forces * 2D6 forces
Poison small multiodies 15 90 zm. Wound 10 1D2 fishing 1D2 fishing
Concentrate of Libery 15 180 zm. Absorption 11 1 wis 2D6 wise + 1d4 int
Root of the therin 25 750 zm. Contact 16 1D6 fishing 2D6ov
Prahi Ungola. 20 1000 zm. Inhalation 15 1 Both 1D6 Both + 1 Both *
Poison Vivenna 25 3000 zm Wound 17 2D6 tel 2D6 tel
* Sucking characteristics, not damage

Price:the cost of materials required to create poison varies depending on how accessible an active reagent is a poison or a plant from which toxin is distinguished. If the materials are easily accessible, their price is one sixth of the market value, and not one third as usual. Otherwise, materials cost at least three quarters from market value - provided that the material can be found at all on sale.

Volume: To find out how much poison you can make a week, make a craft check at the end of the week (poisons manufacture). If the check is successful, then multiply the result of checking on the verification cl. The value obtained is the value in the gold on which you created poison. When the sum of the gold on which you have already created a poison comes with the cost of one of its dose or exceed it, the poison will be ready. (Sometimes you can make more than one dose of poison per week, depending on the results of the check and the cost of the poison.) If the result of your check is less than 4 and less does not take up to the cl down, then for this week you do not move into the creation of poison. A failure for 5 and more means that you wereted by the materials at half the cost, and you will have to buy them again.

Decryption (int)

You can use the ability to decrypt to create a unique cipher that will allow you (and those who know the corresponding keys) to record information without fear that anyone will be able to read it. Any document created using a similar code can only be read by you or those who have relevant decryption information. The remaining characters having ranks in the skill of the decoding can try to solve the code by checking against C 10 + your outcome modifier skill at the time of creation. (In fact, you "take 10" to create a cipher, and the deciphering character conducts mutual check against your 10-ki.)

Act: Creating a cipher takes one week of continuous operation. The first attempt to decipher the code takes one day of continuous work, and the subsequent rents - every week everyone.

Repeat: You can try to decipher the code more than once, but on each subsequent attempt you should spend a huge amount of time. Each attempt to decipher the code after the first, takes one week of continuous operation. The first attempt takes only one day.

Diplomacy (Both)

You can bargain with a merchant or become an intermediary between two opposing groups, finding a diplomatic or legal solution to their problems that will satisfy any, despite the circumstances.

Bargain: With the help of diplomacy, you can knock down the price for a product or service, and even magical. When you agree to the sale of goods or the provision of services, you can try to reduce the price by checking diplomacy, to improve the NPC ratio (see footnote on page 72 of the player's books). If you were able to improve the attitude of the merchant to the "helpful" (usually at first most merchants are indifferent to you), then it will throw 10% of the cost. Add a merchant diplomacy modifier to the SL as required to achieve the result. For example, in order to improve the ratio of an indifferent merchant with a diplomacy modifier +3 to a friendly one, you should succeed in checking diplomacy against Sl 33 (basic CL 30, +3 for the skill of the skill of the target diplomacy). If you worsened the attitude of the merchant to yourself, he generally refuses to sell you anything this time. The master is the last instance, and he must limit the abuse of this opportunity if it slows down the game.

Act: Bargaining takes at least one full minute as an ordinary verification of diplomacy.

Repeat: You can not repeat the verification of diplomacy for bargaining.

Mediation: To try out the differences through the mediation, you must change the attitude of each of the parties to friendly or better in relation to other parties. You make a diplomacy check to change the attitude of PM, as usual, but add a diplomacy modifier of the group leader to the cl commanded to achieve the result. For example, to change the attitude of the unfriendly group headed by the leader with the diplomacy modifier +7 on a friendly one, you will need to check diplomacy with the result 32 or higher (basic CH 25, +7 for the diplomacy modifier). If the result of your check is less than 12 (less basic versatility 5, +7 for the diplomacy modifier), the attitude of the goal is worsening to hostile. The complexity increases by 5 if the parties belong to different cultures or races.

Act: Mediation - a long process in which it is often impossible to succeed, having broken his head. Each check occupies a whole day of playing time. You can take a penalty -10 to check if you want to try to negotiate in an hour, instead of a whole day (for example, when trying to prevent the preparing battle).

Repeat: While both sides are not hostile (that is, until at least one of the parties remain unfriendly and higher), you can repeat the verification of diplomacy committed to settle disagreements. If at any time after your first attempt both parties become hostile, you can no longer repeat the check.

Breakdown (int)

You can reduce the time required for breakage, or add a bypass element to the trap.

Bypass trap: You can try to embed a bypass element that will allow you not to activate the trap if you encounter it again. To make it you should take a penalty -10 to check the breakage. If you succeed, then you can not only pass by the traps (as it were, if you exceeded a CL traps 10 or more - see page 72 player books), but also added a bypass element to it, which will allow you or Your satellites avoid activation of this trap in the future. For example, you can insert a wedge that blocks the gears of the mechanical trap or find a narrow passage between the pressure plates producing poisonous darts from the walls.

Fast deactivation: You can try to break the trap faster than usual. To reduce breakdown time to one full round action, add +20 to the device. For example, a trap that is usually breaking with a successful check against 20 for 2D4 round, it can be broken in one action of a complete round, successful checking against S 40.

Release (Fishing)

You can get out of the way, spells and captures much faster than usual, but for this you get a fine penalty.

Fast release: Performing a rapid release check increases with 10. Slipping from ropes, handcuffs and other ways (except for the struggle) takes only 5 rounds. Fast slip from the network or revitalizing rope, plant management, power over plants Or entry spell occupies one standard action. Fast slipping from the fight or hold occupies the action of moving. In order to squeeze through narrow spaces, it will take half the time (at the discretion of the wizard, at least 5 rounds).

Fake (int)

Official documents are an excellent way to confirm your words and argue your point of view. With the appropriately manufactured document - created by the skill of the counterfeit and the oncoming test of the observer fake (or check of the intelligence, if the observer has no ranks in the fake) - you can get special bonuses to some skills.

At the discretion of the wizard, you can make documents that give a situational bonus +2 to certain bluff checks, diplomacy or intimidation. Such fake delirectives become, in fact, an excellent work tool and give bonuses similar to those that give high-quality tools when using other skills. Unlike most others, these bonuses work only when you submit a document and a creature with which you interact, did not find a fake. If you presented a fake document, and the goal recognized the fake, then the verification for which the document was used is automatically failed. The Master has the right to say that in this case other options for developing events are possible.

Training (both)

Teach animal team: In addition to the teams described on the page 74-75 of the player's books, the animal can also be trained in commands below using a successful training check against said complexity. For some of these commands, it is necessary for the animal to skillfully perform other teams.

Help in the attack (under 20): HANE STANDARD ACTION The animal helps you or another creature in the attack. When you give the animal to this team, you must indicate and one who needs to help and rival. An animal uses the action to "help another" (see page 154 player books) to give a bonus target for the next attack throw against the specified opponent. Also, it is trying to go to the opponent to the flank if it can do it without causing attacks if possible. To learn this team, the animal should know the "Attack" command (player's book, p. 74).

Help in protection (sl: 20): Watching the standard action, the animal helps you or another creature in defense. When you give the animal to this team, you must indicate and one who needs to help and rival. An animal uses the action to "help another" (see page 154 player's books) to give a bonus to protect against the specified opponent. To learn this team, the animal should know the "Protect" command (player's book, p. 75).

Help in a surveillance (sl: 20): Animal helps you in tracking. An animal must be near you when you check survival for tracking. If the animal succeeded in checking survival versus 10, then you get a situational bonus +2 on your survival check to track the goal. To learn this team, the animal must have the ability to smell and know the "Track" command (player's book, p. 74).

Take (under 20): An animal imposes a fight and tries to keep the goal in his paws, claws or teeth. An animal with the ability of improved seizure uses this ability, otherwise the entry into fight provokes an attack with the possibility. To learn this team, the animal should know the "Attack" command (player's book, p. 74).

Home (sl: 20): An animal, making the necessary movements, returns to the place in which he was taught to execute this command.

Hunt (s 15): Animal to hunt, trying to get food for you using skill survival. To clarify the rules of hunting, see the player's book 83 page. Although all animals are able to hunt for themselves, this team teaches the animal to preach you, and not just eat it.

Steps (Shot 20): An animal snatches the item from the specified character and brings to you. If several objects are available, then the animal will choose randomly. To learn this team, the animal should know the "Aport" team (player's book, p. 74).

Glush (sl: 20): An animal attacks the specified being and causes it a deadly damage, getting fine -4 on attack throws. The animal ceases to attack when the creature falls unconscious. To learn this team, the animal should know the "Attack" command (player's book, p. 74).

Single (SL 20): The animal reacts to the approaching creatures, even if he is not given special teams, regardless of whether it will see it, hear it, or will be discovered by smell. The nature of the audio published (hiss, growl, crackle, bark) depends on the type of animal and workout. This sound is selected during learning and cannot be changed. If the running does not stop after this warning, the animal attacks. During training, the animal can be learned to ignore certain beings (for example, friends of the trainer). To learn this trick, the animal should know the trick "guard" (player's book, page 75).

Prepare an animal to fulfill the task: The tasks described here are expanding the list given in the player's book. To allow the animal to prepare for the task, it must have intelligence 2.

Advanced Fight (SL 20): An animal trained for an advanced battle, knows the team to "help in the attack", "Attack", "retreat", "take", "wait" and "wilderness." Preparation of an animal for an advanced battle takes five weeks. You can also develop an animal prepared for a battle for an advanced battle, spending two weeks and having completed a successful check of training against SL 20. A new task and new teams completely replace the previous animal task and all the commands that it knew.

Covering security (sl: 20): An animal trained for covering protection, knows the team to "defend", "retreat", "guard", "take", "wilderness" and "deceptions". Preparation of an animal for covering protection takes six weeks. You can also develop an animal trained to protect for covering protection, spending three weeks and having completed a successful checking check against SL 20. A new task and new teams completely replace the previous animal task and all the commands that it knew.

Theft (SL 20): An animal trained for theft knows the team "Aport", "To me", "Home", "Look", "Steps" and "Work". Preparation of an animal to theft takes six weeks.

Number of teams

Most creatures with intelligence less than three can learn three commands for each intelligence value. Trained animals and special hopping can learn more teams, taking the skill the additional team described below. The Master should not be ashamed to enter special stalls or trainers specializing in learning animals with an additional team and a unique collection of teams.

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Treatment (MUD)

You can use the skill of treatment to determine the cause of the death of the creature. The complexity depends on the cause of death, according to the table.

For every day, the resulting from the moment of death, CH Treatment Checking to determine the cause of death increases by 5.

Act: Treatment testing to determine the cause of death takes 10 minutes.

Repeat: Yes, but each check takes 10 minutes.

Secrecy (fishing)

You can mix with the crowd, make runs between shelters, and remaining not noticed, sneak to the enemy or trace for someone.

Middle with a crowd:you can use sweat skill to mix with the crowd. This maneuver hides you only from who is looking for you. You stay visible to everyone around, and if they are unfriendly, then, most likely, you will notice.

Movement between shelters:if you are already hidden (thanks to the shelter or hide) and you have 5 and more grades in the ability to secure, you can check the stealth (with a fine) to try to move around the area that does not give you hide or shelter and do not reveal yourself. For every 5 ranks in secrecy, you can move to a distance of up to 5 feet between shelters. For every 5 feet that you need to overcome, you get a fine -5 to test secure. If you move more than half the value of your speed, then also get fines for checking secryity for rapid movement (-10 for moving over a normal speed, -5 Move between half and full speed).

You can also use this opportunity to sneak to someone from the shelter. For every five feet of the open space between you and the goal you get a fine -5 on checking secure. If the test is successful, the goal does not notice you to your attack or other attracting action. Such a goal is considered unprepared against you.

For example, Lidda, the second level thief may try to run past the open door opening of five feet wide, not opening his presence of orcs in the room. Although the open door does not give shelter or hide, Lidda can check the stealth, against checking the observation of orcs. Because of the distance to overcome, it gets fine -5 to test secure. If it moves more than half the speed, it will also receive a fine -5 or -10 on this check, depending on the speed of movement (see above)

Trace for someone:you can imperceptibly follow someone. If you are not closer than 60 feet then your goal, then you must make a successful stealth check every ten minutes. At a distance of less than 60 feet, you must perform stealth checks each round. Unusual actions (such as witchcraft or attack) on your part can reveal you, even if you have not failed check.

For surveillance, as usual, a shelter or hide is required. Not strongly crowded street provides enough shelters, to perform this reception, or, you can move between shelters, as indicated in motion between shelters (see above).

Even if you failed checking secrecy during surveillance or were noticed when they made their ways between remote shelters, you can check the bluff against the inspection of the point insight to look harmless. Success means that the goal noted you, but did not realize what you follow it. In the case of failure, the goal learns about what you follow it. Various modifiers can be added to inspection, depending on how suspicious is the target. The table below contains insight modifiers for some situations.


You can accelerate the hacking check by reducing the time required for this.

Fast hacking:you can try to hack the lock faster than usual. In order to reduce the time required for hacking, to the action of the movement, increase the lock clock clock to 20. For example, the hacking of the middle lock usually requires a check against 25 and one full round. For hacking the lock for the movement, you will need to check against 2.

Insight (wise)

You can estimate the combat abilities of opponents, highlighting especially strong or weak.

Estimate the opponent: sand the standard action you can use insight to determine how strong the enemy opposes you, depending on your level and rating of the rival risk. Checking this skill is opposed to check bluff target. To make this action you need to see the opponent, and it must be no more than 30 feet from you. If you saw this opponent in the battle, then you get a situational bonus +2 on this check.

The accuracy of the evaluation depends on how much your insight test exceeded the bluff check target. If you successfully check, you can get the following information:

In case of a successful assessment, you will learn that the goal belongs to one of two adjacent categories (for example, "easy" and "honest battle"). If your insight check exceeds the bluff checking target 10 or more, then you can find out exactly what category opponent belongs to what category.

If the bluff check is equal to or not very superior to your inspection check, then you do not get any useful information. If the bluff check target is superior to your insight check for 5 or more, then you can (at the discretion of the wizard) to get false information, believing that the opponent is much stronger or weaker than it is in fact (the chances of the other are equal). If the bluff check target has surpassed your inspection check by 10 or more, then you are mistaken at least two categories (so, a deadly threat can be regarded as honest battle).

Specifically:skill Combat intuition gives a Bonus +4 to inspection of insights to assess the opponent. Also, it allows you to narrow the assessment of the opponent's combat abilities to one category. Finally, it allows you to evaluate for a free action.

The opponent, especially vulnerable to one of your usual attacks (for example, a vampire faced with a high-level cleric pelur) is determined by one category below; The same, which has resistance to your usual attacks (for example, a golem, fighting with a thief, relying on a sudden attack), is determined by one category above.

Repeat: You can use this skill on different rivals each round.

Survival (MUD)

You can lay the path through wild areas, improving your own speed and speed of satellites.

Pave the way:when traveling with bad conditions or in difficult areas, you can check survival to speed up the group's promotion.

When checking 15 or more, you increase the ground movement modifier to ¼, to a maximum in × 1 (see table 9-5: landscapes and ground movement, Art. 164 player books). For example, you can increase the speed of movement of off-road in the jungle with × ¼ to × ½ of your usual ground speed. With the result 25 and above, you can increase the ground movement modifier to ½ (and, thus, the trip through off-road in the jungle will be held with ¾ speed). In any case, the maximum in × 1 - you can improve, but do not exceed the usual movement.

You can lead a group of up to 4 people (including yourself) without fines. However, for every three additional people (rounded up) in the slave group you get a fine -2 on trying to pave the path. So, a group of 5 to 7 (you and from 4 to 6 people) will lead to fine -2, group from 8 to 10 - to fine -4, etc.

This ability only works on terrestrial moving to large distances - it does not work with tactical movement.

Swimming (forces, armor penalty)

Fast swimming:you can try to sail faster than usual. Taking a penalty -10 on the voyage checks, you can swim up to its speed for the action of a complete round (instead of half a speed) or up to half the speed of movement (instead of one quarter).

Acrobatics (fishing, penalty of armor)

You can fall from a significant height without getting damage, get up faster or slip by enemies at full speed.

Fast rise:with a successful audit of acrobatics vs 35, you can stand for a free action (instead of the action of moving). Such use of the skill provokes an attack with the possibility as usual.

Ignore drop damage:and every 15 units of acrobatics checks, you can consider the height of the fall by 10 feet less valid, to calculate the damage from falling. Check with a result of 15-29 reduces the distance by 10 feet, 30-44 - by 20 feet, 45-59 - by 30 feet, etc.

Acrobatics on the run:you can try to slip by an opponent Il through it while running with acrobatics, taking a fine -20 on this check.

Knitting knots (fishing)

You can tie nodes faster than usual.

Fast knitting nodes:you can try to tie a knot, a special knot or rope with a rope faster. Taking a fine -10 on checking knitting nodes You can make one of these actions for the movement (instead of a complete round).


Skills are the cornerstone of the abilities of any adventurerist. They determine the ability of an adventurist, giving it new ways to apply skills, improving class abilities or offering absolutely new combat capabilities. Skills from this chapter are focused on using skills, adding opportunities for multi-class characters, the opening of new opportunities for bard music and emphasize the ability of characters with a large set of skills, such as thieves, bards, trackers, scouts, spells and ninja thiefs.

Attack with jump

You can combine a strong jerk and a mighty jump in one crushing attack.

Benefits: You can combine the jump with a back on the opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet horizontally with your jump and finish your hop in the cage, from which you threaten your goal, then apply + 100% of the additional damage obtained for using a powerful attack skill *. If you use this reception with two-handed weapons, you will inlets an additional damage from the skill of a powerful attack.

This attack follows the usual rules for using the jump and performing skot, except that you ignore difficult surfaces in the cells through which you jump.

* Includes refinement from Errata.

Fight with two big weapons

You are a master of possession of a big weapon in an unfounded hand.

Benefits: If in a non-core hand you use one-handed weapon, you get fines for the battle with weapons in two hands, as if you used a light weapon in the nonsense hand (see page 160 player books).

Especially: The fighter can take a fight with two large weapons, as one of the additional fighter skills.


You can jump on the trees like a monkey.

Benefits: You can move through woody areas with its terrestrial speed, ignoring all the impact of the area for moving. You must be at least 20 feet from the surface to use this ability. This ability only works in medium and dense forests (see page 87 of the Master Manual).

Fast exploration

You can get a lot of information even from a quick inspection of terrain or subject.

Benefits: You can make one observation test and one hearing check each round for a free action.

You also receive a bonus +2 on the initiative check.

Usually: Use of observation and hearing as a reaction to anything - free action, but active attempts to check observation or hearing requirement of traffic.

Military intuition

Your subtle understanding of opponent's movements and an instinctive feeling of the flow of battle allows you to learn the combat abilities of your opponent.

Benefits: For a free action, you can use insight to assess the danger of one opponent, in relation to your level / bone of hits (see the ability to "evaluate the opponent" in the description of the ability of insight, p. 102). You get a +4 bonus on such checks and narrow the result obtained to one category.

In addition, every time you attack the near combat the creature that you attacked in the near battle in the previous round, you get a bonus of understanding +1 on the cast attacks of the melee against this creature.

Especially: The fighter can take military intuition as one of the additional fighting skills.

Vocal spell [ bardian music]

You use the power of your bard music in magic, and you can spend the bard music to impose spells.

Benefits: Bardened music, speaking 9 ranks, the ability to spontaneously impose magic spells of the 2nd level.

Especially: For all spells that you detonate, using the vocal spell skill, an additional magic focus is added - your musical instrument, if you are using.

You can not use the skill of the vocal spell to impose spells under the action of a methamatag skill silent spell.

Thief - hermit

You went beyond your monastic workouts to embody new ways of an invisible battle. Although many of your fellow monks of the monks are looking at your methods, but no one can doubt that a variety of workouts added you the abilities to beat exactly and disperse enemies quickly

Benefits: When you spend a sudden attack in a hand-to-hand and use a stunning blow, you add 2 to the LOOK attempt.

Your levels of thief and the monk are folded to determine the hand-to-hand damage. For example, a man thief of the 5th level / monk of the 1st will apply 1D8 damage to a hand-to-hand attack.

Also, you can freely multiclate into the thief and the monk. You must remain lawless to keep the abilities of the monk and take new levels of the monk. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.

Double punch

You are excellent able to beat two weapons on the go. Your training with two weapons allow you to attack them both at the same time while you move through the chaos battle.

Benefits: Standard action You can make a near attack with its main weapons and weapons in the non-core hand. Both attacks use the overall attack cast and the worst of the attack modifiers of both weapons. If you use one-handed or light weapon in the main hand and light weapons in the nestless hand, you get a fine -4 on this attack throw, otherwise you get a fine -10.

Each weapon causes its usual damage. Reducing damage and other resistance are applied separately against each of the attacks.

Especially: When you spend such an attack, you add aimed damage (for example, from a sudden attack) only once. If you apply a critical blow, only the weapon in the main hand does an additional damage from the critical impact, the weapon in the non-core hand causes a normal damage.

The fighter can take a double blow as one of the additional fight skills.

Wild grip [natural]

While you are in the form of an animal, you can rigly to break any creature that you managed to grab.

Benefits: While you are in the wild form, every time you make a successful checking of the fight to cause damage to the merits with which you are already struggling, you can also add damage from a sudden attack. Creatures that are not subject to a sudden attack, do not receive additional damage.

Long song

Your inspirational bard music remains longer with the listeners, after it will reveal her last note.

Benefits: If you use bardened music to instill braveness, instill greatness or impose heroism, the effect lasts 1 minute after an inspired ally will cease to hear you.

Usually: Universe courage, the establishment of grandeur and the intercourse of heroism last until the ally hear the song of the Bard and 5 more rounds after.

Additional team

The creature with this skill can learn more teams than usual.

Benefits: The creature can learn more than three commands than usual.

Usually: Without this skill, animals and magic animals can learn a maximum of three commands for each intelligence value.

Especially: This skill can be taken several times. Each time the creature gets the ability to learn three more teams.

Additional music




Additional music

You can more often use bard music.

Benefits: You can use bard music additionally four times a day.

Usually: Bards without additional music skills can use bard music once a day for the bard level.

Especially: You can take this skill several times, its effects are folded.

Vision of Cougar [Natural]

You can see in the dark as a cat.

Benefits: You can spend one wild shape to get twilight vision for 1 hour per bone of hits. Also you get a Bonus +4 for all observation checks. You retain these advantages in any of your forms.

Sokoli vision [Natural]

You can improve your visual sharpness.

Benefits: You can spend one wild form to get a +8 bonus on observation check for 1 hour for hits. While this advantage is valid, you only receive half a fine for the range (-1 on the rifle attacks for the increment of the range, and not -2) and you get a fine -1 on checking observation per 20 feet of the distance (instead of 10 feet). You retain these advantages in any of your forms.


Your music can act even on those who do not understand what he hears her.

Benefits: You can perform music or poetry so quiet that rivals do not notice this, although your allies get all the usual advantages of your bard music. You can also affect rivals within the action of your music, but if only they see your speech or cannot somehow detect it, they will not be able to determine the source of the effect.

Skillful blow

You can strike into a weakly breeding place.

Benefits: Standard action you can try to find a weak point in visible target armor. This requires a successful observation test against the Calus Protection. If you succeed, then your next attack against the target (which should be made no later than the next move) ignores the goal armor bonus and the bonus of natural protection target for (including any bonuses of increasing for armor or natural protection). The remaining defense bonuses are used as usual.

If you are using small arms to make an attack, the opponent must be no further than 30 feet from you to take advantage of this skill.

Witchcraft in motion

Your concentration allows you to move during the imposition of spells.

Benefits: When you embed a spell, you can perform a special concentration check (Sl 20 + Spell level). If the check is successful, then you can impose a spell and move to the distance to its speed in one standard action. (You cannot use this ability to conjure spells, whose overlay time is more than one standard action.) If the check is waiting, then you lose the spell as if you failed the concentration test for witchcraft from protection.

You, as usual, provoke attacks if possible for witchcraft spells from all beings that threaten you anywhere in your move. You can convene from protection when using this skill, but it will increase the complexity of the concentration check up to 25+ levels.

Sorcerer - hermit

You use unusual martial arts that combine independently learned witchcraft and the nearby fight to achieve a greater effect.

Benefits: For a rapid action that does not provoke attacks if possible, you can spend one of the spells available to you on the day to add a bonus to throw and damage hand-to-hand attacks on one round. The bonus is equal to the spell spent level. The spell is lost as if you were put it.

Your levels of the monk and sorcerer are folded to determine your bonus on protection. For example, a person's 4th level sorcerer / monk of the 1st will receive a bonus +1 to defense, as if he were a level of the 5th level. If you can add a bonus of wisdom to protection (like, for example, an unloaded monk without a armor), you instead add the charm bonus (if there is such) on protection.

Also, you can be freely multiklassized in a sorcerer and a monk. You must remain lawless to keep the abilities of the monk and take new levels of the monk. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.


You can apply wounds that make it difficult to move the opponent.

Benefits: If you apply damage to a sudden neighbor attack, you can also apply a wound that limits the opponent's mobility. On one round (or so far the target will not cure the ability to treatment with 15 or any magical treatment, which restores at least one hit, which will happen first), your opponent is considered contused, even if its stressful damage is not equal to its current hits. The goal can withstand this effect of resistance to the savings (SL equal to the damage). Several contusion shots are not folded for one purpose. This skill does not act on the creatures of the unaccounted critical shocks and a sudden attack.

Live as a monkey [Natural]

You can improve your ability to climb.

Benefits: You can spend your wild shape to get a climbing speed equal to your ground-based base for 10 minutes for bone hits. This skill also gives you a racial bonus +8 on checking climbing and allows you to take 10 on the inspections of Lazania, even if you are in a hurry or threatening you.

Lovely Opportist

You are ready for surprises.

Benefits: You get a bonus +4 on attack throws when you make attacks if possible.


You scored superficial knowledge in all, even the most difficult skills.

Benefits: You can use any skill as if you had ½ rank. This advantage allows you to check the skills that can usually be used without preparation (like decryption and knowledge). If the skill does not allow verification (for example, languages), then this skill does not act.

Usually: Without this skill, you cannot verify some skills (deciphering, breakage, training, knowledge, hacking, profession, dexterity of hands, languages, the art of magic, acrobatics and the use of magical objects), if you do not have ranks in them.

Powerful throw

You learned to deadly throw weapons.

Benefits: At your move, before throwing attack, you can subtract a certain number of all attacks with throwing weapons and add the number too to damage with all throwing weapons. This number cannot exceed your basic attack. The end of the attack and the bonus on damage act before your next turn.

Especially: The fighter can take a powerful throw, as one of the additional fight skills.

Slant [Natural]

You can exacerbate your sense of smell.

Benefits: You can spend one wild shape to get the ability to smell (see page 314 of the Book of Monsters) for 1 hour for the bone of hits. While this advantage is valid, you can detect rivals 30 feet from you by smell.

Also, if you have a skill tracking, you can track creatures by smell. You retain these advantages in any of your forms.

Extensive knowledge

You are a storehouse of little-known information.

Benefits: You get an understanding bonus +4 on checking the use of your bard knowledge or class ability to know.

Searcope on the touch

You can rely on a quick reaction and agile fingers instead of intelligence, when searching for rooms or neutralizing traps.

Benefits: You add an agility modifier (instead of an intelligence modifier) \u200b\u200bto all search checks and breakage.

You also do not get fines for these checks for darkness or blindness.

Outdoor Mind

You can redirect your memories and skill experience.

Benefits: You get 5 points of skills. You can spend them as usual. You cannot exceed the usual maximum rank in any skill for the current level.

Especially: You can take this skill several times. Every time you get another 5 points of skills.

Hunter - hermit

You went beyond your monastic workouts to embody new ways to make justice in lawlessness. Although many of your fellow monks of the monks are looking at your methods, but no one can doubt that a variety of workouts added your abilities to beat exactly and disperse enemies quickly.

Benefits: When you try to stun your chosen enemy with a hand-to-hand attack, you can add half the bonus to the damage for your chosen enemy to SL attempts to stun.

Your levels of investigative and monk are developing to determine the hand-to-hand damage. For example, a person tracker of the 7th level / monk of the 1st will apply 1D10 damage to a hand-to-hand attack.

Also, you can be freely multiklassized in the trail and monk. You must remain lawless to keep the abilities of the monk and take new levels of the monk. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.

Evaluation of magical power

Your ability to evaluate objects and your knowledge of magic allows you to determine the specific possibilities of magical objects without using the identification spell or the like.

Benefits: If you know what the subject is enchanted, then you can use the score score to determine the properties of the subject. Such use of the assessment requires 8 hours of continuous operation and spending of special ingredients by 25 zm. The complexity of the assessment check is 10 + the level of the subject caster.

Song for plants

Your bard music can affect plants.

Benefits: You can change any of the abilities of Bardov music (or similar abilities of other classes based on the speech), so that they affect only plants, and not on all beings. However, plants receive a bonus +5 on the sprockets of the will, against all such effects.

Usually: Plants are usually not subject to all spells and abilities affecting the mind.

Song of steel skin [ bardian music]

You use the power of your bard music to afford to ignore minor wounds.

Benefits: The rapid action that does not provoke attack if possible, you can spend one bard music to reduce damage 5 / - myself or one ally 30 feet, which can hear you before the start of your next move.

Song resistance [ Bardian music]

You can use the strength of your bard music to support your allies, allowing them to act, even after receiving wounds, from which the other would have fallen.

Benefits: Immediate action You can spend one use of bordan music to give all allies (including yourself) The advantage of the skill of a strong nut (see page 93 player books) until the end of your next trip. You can use this skill sequentially several times to support yourself and allies in consciousness. You or your allies can perish if your hits reach -10 hits or less, even when this skill is valid.

This skill does not work in the zones of magical silence.


You can make the opponent to attack you.

Benefits: For the action of the movement, you can incite the opponent who threatens you, has a line of review, you can hear you and has intelligence 3 and higher. (Incitement is affected by the mind.) When the opponent, which you raised, begins its next move, if it threatens you and has a line of review to you, he must make a preservation of will (till 10 + ½ of your character + your character Observation modifier). If the opponent fails the savings, the only creature on which he can spend close attacks in this move is you. (If he kills you, bring to loss of consciousness, will lose sight of or otherwise, he will lose the opportunity to carry out the attacks of melee against you, it can make all the remaining attacks against other enemies, as usual.) The creature that raised may be free to conjure spells, commit Rifle attacks, navigate or perform any other actions as usual. Using this skill limits only neighboring attacks.

Especially: The fighter can take incitement as one of the additional fight skills.

Natural communication

Your contact with the animal satellite is incredibly strong.

Benefits: Increase three add your effective druid level to determine additional bones of hits, additional teams, special abilities and other bonuses that your pet animal gets (see page 36 player books). This bonus will never make your efficient druid level more than your character level.

If the character has several animal satellites, then the bonus from this skill is given only to one of them. *

* Clarification from Errata.

Permeable reaction

Your sharp mind gives you unprecedented skill, which helps you avoid dangerous effects.

Benefits: You add an intelligence modifier (instead of a dexterity modifier) \u200b\u200bon the rescue of the reaction.

Jump for shelter

You can jump over the shelter or fall to the Earth quickly enough to avoid most of the area effects.

Benefits: If you fail the reaction spacros, you can immediately repeat this savings. You must take the results of the second throw, regardless of whether it is successful or not. Immediately after re-trying to save, you fall to the ground.

Versatile performer

You are trained in many types of speeches.

Benefits: Choose the number of types of performances equal to the modifier of your intelligence (minimum 1). For the purposes of checking the speech checks, it is believed that you have the number of ranks equal to the highest number of ranks in any type of performance. Later you can not change the selected views of the performance, but their rank increases automatically when you later increase the rank of the highest of the skills of the speech. You get new types of performances when your intelligence bonus increases on an ongoing basis.

You also receive a bonus +2 on the combined speech check, when you use two or more types of performance at the same time, such as, for example, a bard playing on the lyre during singing. In this case, add a bonus to the highest of your skills of the speech.

Destructive kick

You traded the art to apply the aimed blows against non-living beings, conducting the energy of the spell through the attacks of the weapon.

Benefits: To use this skill, you must donate one of your spells on this day (minimum of the 1st level). This is a quick action that does not provoke attacks if possible.

In exchange, you get a bonus understanding towards close attacks and damage to 1 round. The attack bonus is equal to the level of a donated spell. Bonus damage is 1D6 for the level of donated spell, plus any additional damage, from your ability to sudden attack.

These bonuses apply only against one type of creatures, depending on the type caused by the spell. If you spend the magic spell, they are applied against the mechanisms if the divine bonuses are applied against undead.

Example: Mag 5 / Thief 1 activates the skill, sacrificing the prepared web spell. He receives a bonus of understanding +2 towards close attacks against mechanisms for 1 round, and also adds a 3D6 damage to successful attacks against the mechanisms during this round (2D6 for the 2nd spell level plus 1D6 for damage from a sudden attack).

This skill does not allow you to apply critical strikes or make sudden attacks on mechanisms or undead.

Jealous actor

You refused to chase on empty musical talents, in favor of religious workouts to the ministry of good and justice.

Benefits: Your paladin and bard levels add up to determine an additional damage caused by the ability to show evil and determine the number of use of your bard music per day. This skill does not give you additional use on the day of abilities to punish evil and bard music, more those that you usually makes the level of class.

Also, you can freely multiklassize in Barda and Paladin, and you can even get new bard levels, despite your law-abiding worldview. You must remain lawless and kind to keep the abilities of the Paladin and take new levels of the Paladin. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.

Jealous Inquisitor

Your faithful service deity includes training methods that many paladins would find dubious. Using unconventional methods of thieves and assassins, you learned how to apply crushing sudden attacks against evil creatures.

Benefits: When you successfully use the ability to cure evil and spend a sudden attack against the same enemy in one attack, you have a chance to stun the enemy. The opponent who came under the action of both abilities should make a preservation of the will (less than 10 + ½ level of your character + both modifier), otherwise it will be stunned by 1 round.

Also, you can freely multiclate in thief and paladin. You must remain lawless and kind to keep the abilities of the Paladin and take new levels of the Paladin. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.

Jewish hunter

You found a balance between your desire for the forests and your commitment to religion, mixing these two aspects in one indivisible integer.

Benefits: Your levels of the paladin and trafficking are formed to determine the additional damage of your ability to cure evil and determine the bonus of your ability to understand animals. This skill does not give additional use of the ability to show evil.

If you have a special rigid animal and an animal satellite, you can specify your special upper animal as your animal satellite. The roller animal receives all the advantages of what they are and your special upper animals and your companion animal. For example, an animal-satellite of the Paladin of the 5th level / traction of the 6th level will receive 4 additional bones of hits, an increase in the bonus of natural protection by +6, +2 forces, +1 dexterity, two additional teams and intelligence 6, as well as empathic Communication, improved suggestion, separation of spells, separation of savings and communications.

Also, you can freely multiclate in the trafficking and paladin. You must remain lawless and kind to keep the abilities of the Paladin and take new levels of the Paladin. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.

Knight - Hermit

You belong to the special order of religious monks who teach their followers, that spontaneousness and generous ministry are drawn from one well of purity. As a student of this philosophy, you joined the training of the Paladin and a monk to one whole.

Benefits: Your monk and paladin levels are formed to determine your hand-to-hand damage. For example, a person, the Paladin of the 3rd level / monk of the 1st will apply 1D8 damage to a hand-to-hand attack.

Your levels of the paladin and the monk are formed to determine the additional damage applied to your ability to caraw evil.

Also, you can enjoy multiklate in the paladin and monk. You must remain lawless and kind to keep the abilities of the Paladin and take new levels of the Paladin, and you must remain law-abiding in order to keep the ability of a monk and take new monk levels. You still receive conventional OO fines, for several classes that differ in more than one level.

Supernatural concentration

Your mind is so focused that you can conjure, even when concentrated on another spell.

Benefits: When you concentrate to support the spell, you make a concentration check (Sl 25 + Spell level) to maintain a concentration for the movement. If you are superior to 10 or more, you can maintain a quick effect concentration (see fast actions and immediate actions, p. 137). Using this ability is free action, but if you fail a concentration check, then you will lose a concentration on the supported spell and its effect will end. This skill does not give you the opportunity to concentrate more than one spell at the same time.

Usually: Spell concentration - standard action.

Supernatural spell accuracy

You can form a spell area to exclude one creature from it.

Benefits: When you put the spell with the area of \u200b\u200baction, you can try to change its area of \u200b\u200baction so that one creature does not get into it. To do this, you need to succeed in checking the art of magic (25 + spell level).

The imposition of spells with the action of the supernatural accuracy of the spells requires the action of a complete round, if the usual time of the spell overlay is no more, in which case, the time of the imposition of the spell does not change.

Power personality

You brought up unshakable faith in yourself. Your feeling of yourself and your goal is so strong that they strengthen your willpower.

Benefits: You add the charm modifier (instead of the wisdom modifier) \u200b\u200bon the savings against the spell and abilities affecting the mind.

Power throw

You know how to deadly throw weapons.

Benefits: You can add a strength modifier (instead of a dexterity modifier) \u200b\u200bon the attack attack by rolling weapons.

Hidden witchcraft

You can impose spells so that those surrounding this will not be noticeable.

Benefits: You can imperceptibly impose spells, hiding words and gestures in your speech. To hide witchcraft you need to check the performances as part of the action used to impose spell. Watching should get a value equal or more of your result on checking the observation to detect that you disperse the spell (your speech see everyone, but what you call - no). If the spell visually does not come from you or the observers do not have other ways to determine its source, they do not know where the effect comes from.

Spell imposed with hidden witchcraft can not determine the art of magic, even those who understand that you impose a spell. Witchcraft provokes an attack if possible, as usual.

Death blow

You do not spend time, dealing with the defeated enemies.

Benefits: You can make mercy against defenseless target for standard action. He still provokes an attack if possible.

Usually: The accomplishment of the blow of mercy occupies a complete round.

Tactic - expert

Your tactical skill is working on you.

Benefits: If you find a substantial attack with the opportunity, then you and your allies get a situational bonus +2 to close attacks and damage against this creature on 1 round.

Improved distraction

You can easily and quickly distract the enemy to hide.

Benefits: You can use a bluff to distract the enemy to hide (see page 68 player's books) for the action of the movement. You get a Bonus +4 on a bluff check, performed for this purpose.

Usually: Without this skill to distract the enemy using a bluff, a standard action will be required.

Especially: The fighter can take an improved distraction, as one of the additional fight skills.

Improved swimming

You can swim faster than usual.

Benefits: You can go for the action to swim half of your speed or the full speed for the action of a complete round.

Usually: You swim a quarter of your speed for the action of the movement or half for the full round.

Superior flight

You have greater maneuverability when flying than usual.

Benefits: Your classes of maneuverability during the flight increases by one step: clumsy to bad, bad to medium, medium to good or good to superb.

Hear invisible

Your hearing is so thin that you can calculate the position of the opponent in the sound, which allows you to attack, even if the opponent is hidden.

Benefits: For the action of a movement that does not provoke an attack if possible, you can check the hearing against Shot 25. In case of success, you can determine the location of all rivals of 30 feet if you have a line of action to them. This advantage does not eliminate the usual chance of misses for the fight with rivals with hide, but it ensures that you indicated as the purpose of attack the desired cell.

If you are stunned or in a silence spell area, you cannot use this skill. If an invisible or hidful opponent is trying to move silently, then your hearing check is made against checking the sacchability of the opponent, but the opponent gets the +15 bonus on this check. This skill does not work against absolutely silent rivals, for example, against disembodied creatures.

Feeling danger

You are constantly on worse.

Benefits: Once a day you can cross the cast of the initiative, which just made. You use the best of two throws, but you must declare that you want to repeat the throw before the start of the round.

The feeling of the blind [natural]

You can feel creatures that can not see.

Benefits: You spend one wild shape to get a feeling of blind per 1 minute for the bone of hits, which allows you to determine the location of creatures 30 feet from you if you have a line effect to them (see page 306 Monster Manual). You save it Advantage in any of your forms.

List of spells from Players Handbook D & D5 in Russian and English. Barda Spells (Bard), Cleric (Cleeric), Druid (Druid), Ranger (Ranger), Paladin (Paladin), Correce (Sorcerer), WarlLock (Warlock), Wizard (Wizard) from Players Handbook, Dungeon Master Manual, Temple Of Elemental Evil and Sword Coast Adventurers Guide with spells of different archetype classes.

Spells can be filtered by:

  • name
  • classes
  • levels
  • schools
  • languages

Hide spells

Card spells can be hidden from the general list if you click on In the upper right corner of the card. In this case, the spell will disappear from the general list and its name will be displayed at the bottom of the filter panel. If you click on the name, the spell will return to the general list.

Fixing spells

Spell cards can be fixed - in this case, they will be displayed at the very top of the spell list. For consolidation, you need to click on In the upper left corner of the spell card. You can fix the cards of the spells of different classes. When fixing the spell, it does not disappear from the general list. If you click on the "Fixed Spells" header, the fixed cards will hide (so as not to interfere). No filters are valid for fixed spells.

Selection of spells

To create something terrible immediately with several spell cards, they can be highlighted, click on them with a pinch key. In addition, the keyboard key + [A] will allocate all cards, or remove the selection from all cards if they are already allocated.

When cards are highlighted, you can do the following massively:

  • Spell text font size. The font size of everyone will be like the card on which plus or minus is pressed to change the size of the font.
  • Change the width of cards. The menu buttons will only change the size of the selected cards, or at all if there are no selected.
  • Fasten / disappear cards. When clicking on the castle icon All of the cards will be secured on any cards. Similarly, when unfolding fixed cards.
  • Hide cards. When clicking on the eye icon All of the cards will be hidden all dedicated.

Display spells

To see the spells, select a class, or another filter. Or press:

Print spells

If there are fixed salaries, then they will be printed only.
If you want to print spells, it is best to do this through Chrome (convenient print settings). To do this, it is necessary:

  • press the keyboard key + [p]
And, if everything suits, click the "Print" button, or:
  • in the window that appears, click "Advanced Settings"
  • select Fields "Personalized"
  • take the mouse in the field so that the cards are normally distributed on the sheet (remember that usually the printer prints with fields if the fields are too small, when printing part of the cards can clip)

If you have questions or suggestions -.

Dungeons and Dragons- This is an extremely known role-playing system in the West. Unfortunately, in our country, she did not receive such widespread. But it is impossible to overestimate its effect on the culture, and each computer player directly or indirectly faces. She served as the basis for hundreds of books and a dozen computer games. And thousands of games were made under her invisible influence. Ready "Dark Elf" Salvator? Heard pro "Saga about spear" Margaret Wass and Tracy Hikman? Played B. "Baldur" s gate " or "NEVERWINTER NIGHTS"? Maybe you caught the animated series as a child "Dragon dungeons?". And all this variety is only the King Sweet, the Great Role System D & D..

What is the role-playing system and why is it needed? This is a set of rules describing the interaction of characters in the fictional world. And it takes for four-five friends to get together and participate in an epic fantasy adventure. One of the players becomes the lead, Dungeon Master.-th. He must prepare an adventure scenario in advance and think about the place where it will happen. The remaining players create one by one character, thinking on them a biography, appearance and asking gaming characteristics. When preparations will be finished, the lead will begin to tell the story, and the players are to describe their actions in it. The master outlines the players at the situation, speaks on behalf of the characters in this world, draws cards of the dungeons. Players move the figures of heroes, and speak of their name, trying to get into the skin of their characters.

Host: You see a giant spill in the ground, in which the sinister languages \u200b\u200bof the flame are danced. The air here is very sultier and pushed by the smell of sulfur.
Player: I'm running away and jumping through a spill with a cry of "Lee-I-Ira Ja-E-Enkins"!
Master: You do not reach the other edge of the pit and burning on fire!
Master: Throw a playing bone and add your skill there. Let's see if you have to overcome the class of complexity 30!

Player: My result is only 23, damn!
Master: Now I will throw a bone to determine the damage from the fall and burns of the third degree ...

Gary Gayseks plays with death in D & D

The beginning of the D & D was put back in 1971 when Gary Gaysekscreated the first prototype of the role system, chainmail, which described the characteristics of fantasy characters. In the same year, the first scenario of the adventure for authorship Dave Arnezone. So the long history of the dungeons and dragons began. The system has sustained many edits and changed the right holders. They corresponded and the giant drafts of the rules of rules were rewriting. The success of the system was deafening at the beginning, but she did not pass popularity and now. What is the secret? It would seem why all these difficulties with playing bones and books of the rules when you can just play computer RPG?

Great adventures. So this happens in reality.

And so - in the imagination of the players.

And the reason is one - the freedom of actionto which computer games can not come to a cannon shot. You have never been irritated in computer games scripting doors that can not be opened ahead of time? Fences through which you can not get into the forbidden locations? Villains, with whom you can not agree? Or vice versa, characters that can not be killed, although I really want? Turns of the plot that cannot be influenced in principle? Such restrictions in the desktop role-playing game no in principle. There your character is wave to go anywhere, and to do what he pleases. Yes, the leader has a script estimated The development of the plot. But you, as a player, are always able to present a leading surprise! Slit the dragon poisoned princess, instead of fighting with him! Find and kill the main villain for two acts to the final! Cut the wall out in the maze, which you are tired of passing! Become the greatest hero or vigilant concern evil! You simply do not limit anything, the system only determines the likelihood of success of a particular action. And in incomprehensible situations, the final decision makes a lead. Yes, of course, there is no graphic engine and the whole action takes place in imagination. But the fantasy of the player is actually the cooler of any engine.

Character Creation.

Consider some common concepts of role-playing games that could hear about.

Common terms D & D

Aligment - The system of formal designation of the worldview of characters, first appeared in D & D. However, the inhabitants of the Internet, this thing really liked and now widely spread in the separation from the role base. The essence lies in the fact that each character is characterized by a kind of kind of kind (evil-neutral-kind) and decency (chaotic-neutral-law-abiding). The combination of these parameters gives 9 mainworldviewarhetips. . Parody scalesworldviews surely saw everything.

Macchin - This is not only a well-known board game Steve Jackson, actively paroding D & D, but also a certain type of role player. Macchins are called those who do not bother with a playing role, but just want defeat all. Macchins love to create extremely steep characters, know the rules well and always interpret them in their favor. The only thing that such players want from the game is to earn a maximum of experience points and equipped with the most steep things.

d20 - Designation for a 20-graded gaming bone, which is the main in the game. When a character declares the success of which is not obvious (holding an attack, jumping through the abyss, hacking the castle), he throws this bone and adds a bonus to the result, depending on the characteristics of his character. If the resulting number exceeded a pre-designated master dC, DIFFICULT CLASS) - This is a success! Need for playing and other bones, such as 8-graded and 4-grades. In total, their 6 main species.

Evolution of playing bones.

Actually, various bonuses, characteristics of the characters and the rules for their creation are described inPlayer Book (player "s Handbook). The lead will find everything necessary to create an unforgettable adventure inMaster's manual (Dungeon Master "s guide). The monsters with whom the players may face are described in Bestiari (Monster Manual). Bestiary is simply huge here, but some D & D monsters stand out especially and are a kind of business card system.

Monsters D & D

BEHOLDER (Beholder)- One of the most recognizable and replicable monsters of D & D. And in the truth, it looks unusual and battles with him go amazing interesting. Each eye of this creature shoots a ray with a special effect. One eye subordinates the will, the second erases into the powder, and the other is immersed in sleep.

Gelatinous Cube ) - Another common monster. He does not boast the ferocity of the angrily. All that he does, it is ominous to pass on the player and begins to digest him slowly and painfully, at the same time dissolving weapons and equipment. When trying to chop him with a sword divided into smaller independent cubes.

Illitida (Illithid. ) - ominous slave traders from Substream (underdark) that feed on brains. Very smart, have abilities for telepathy and mind control. Little is so afraid of a player as a character management loss. The barbarian who fell under control could well beat half of his comrades before they manage to divide with hated Illitid. It is also interesting that Illitid is a head. Literally. Because the rest of the body is simply usurped by the calmic-like larvae of Illitida in some reasonable being.

Aboleth (ABOLETH) - Another psychic monster, it looks like a hefty fish with tentacles. His characteristic feature - 3 eyes located by a column. Absorolt \u200b\u200bsly and dangerous opponents, for which they are loved by leading and players. Like Illitids, they know how to subordinate the mind, as well as create illusions. The bodies of aboles are covered with mucus, the touch of which causes a terrible and difficult-scale disease that converts the skin into a transparent membrane. But their main feature is an unlimited lifetime in combination with a constantly developing brain. As a result of this, the unimaginable abyss of knowledge and intelligence beyond the imagination.

What, in principle, players will be faced, is determined in advance with the selected setting. Setting - This is a game world in which the action takes place. Each setting is described by a separate series of additional books of the Rules. During the second edition of the D & D, the number of settings has passed over dozens and all of them were associated with common cosmology. At the moment, only a few gaming worlds are officially supported, which, however, does not prevent playing in the netting of the past.

Mira D & D

Forgotten kingdoms (Forgotten Realms) - The most worked setting system. There are famous for computer games of the city Baldur "S Gateand Neverwinter.. There is a suspension Salvatore City of Dark Elves. Menzoberranzan. From there, the majority of famous heroes, starting Drizzt to "Urden And finishing Elminster.

Planescape (Planescape)- The most unusual setting of D & D, the support of which, unfortunately, has long been discontinued. Unusual races, impossible places and unique modules dedicated to the solution of eternal philosophical issues. This setting is based on a cult computer game Planescape: Torment..

Eberron (Eberron)- Young, but rapidly developing setting, combining noura elements, detective and adventure novel. Eberron is the world of magic that has not been distinguishable from technology. Lightning railways, aircraft on an elemental drive and of course the semi-axis robots "forged" (warforged) created for the battle in the last war. Games are made in this setting. DragonShard.and Dungeons & Dragons Online.

Robot air pirate robs a lightning train. The whole essence of Eberron in one picture.

But one setting to start the game is not enough. Lead needmodule - Scenario of the game with a description of key places, characters and turns of the plot. The modules came out a great set, some of them served as the basis for computer games. For example, computer gameThe Temple Of Elemental Evil Based on the table adventure of the same name. However, experienced masters do not use ready-made modules, preferring to compose scripts on their own.

Horror Tomb (Tomb of Horros) - this is most famous andthe most deadly module In the history of role-playing games and therefore deserves a separate mention. Of course, each presenter can make a module for killing players. However, onlyGary Gayseks it managed to create a module that kills so damn sophisticated, scary and methodically, but leaving the truly smart heroes the chances of success. This adventure was created as a final test for the most experienced players and the coolest characters. The sinister demiller Acerca made this dungeon in such a nightmare not by chance and not sneaking, but only the finals of the adventure will put everything in its place.

Dozens of ingenious traps, few, but terrible opponents, continuously increasing the atmosphere of horror, hopelessness and paranoia guarantee you just unforgettable impressions. No, the monsters will not jump out due to the corner under the crunch of the lead: "BU!". Just any incorrect step here becomes the last. By the way, one of the most famous traps of the tomb kills Stupid and careless Adventure instantly and without any checks. The character of the character does not matter.

Gary Gayhex leads players on horror tomb.
"Throw a bone to find out if you will shove. And if so, how much strongly. "

The whole truth about D & D

It should be noted that the world of role-playing games does not end with the D & D system. Just she got the greatest spread. There are many other systems, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Here are just a few examples:

Other role systems

Pathfinder RPG. - Side branch on the glorious tree of dungeons and dragons. It continues the tradition of the rules of the D & D 3.5, creatively develops them and corrects a number of old problems and difficulties. At the same time, the system retains to combine almost with all the material 3.5. All the necessary information about Pathfinder can find the site The system is strongly recommended for learning. The only difficulty in getting acquainted with the Pathfinder-OM is that the system material is not translated into Russian. And those who have difficulties with English should first study the Russified D & D material of 3.5 or 4 editions ( Thank you aldarin. and pegasoff For their comments).

ARS Magica (art of magic) - Role-playing system that makes focus on magic art. Instead of using ready-made spells, the player can create them on the go using the magic designer. Currently, five editions of the system

Gurps.- The brainchild of Steve Jackson, the creator of the game Machcin. This is a universal rules system that can be applied in any game world. It is based on the glasses system that, when creating a character, is spent on attributes, the choice of advantages and disadvantages.

Eclipse Phase. - Role-playing system dedicated to the future of mankind. Clones, cyborgs, implants, super computers and space flights. Transgumanists should like.

Era Aquarius - Domestic role-playing system for city fantasy style games, with glamorous vampires and werewolves. By this day, the second edition was released.

Interested in role-playing games, but do not know where to start?

That's what you need:
1. Player Book, Master and Bestiary selected edition. You can download these books in Russian on the website of the studio Fantasy Phantom (Thank you very much for translations). The foundations of the rules you need to know, but read books from the crust to crust is not necessary and meaningless. Just keep books at hand as a directory. On the site you can find the editorial books of 3.5 and 4. Users who own English, it is recommended to explore the Pathfinder system instead.

2. At least in one type of game bone (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20). Hexagon cubes are better somewhat. The kit can be bought in the online store or make it yourself by printing the patterns of bones on dense paper and gluing. Another option is electronic generator programs.

3. Map, chips and markers. Spill manually or on the plotter sheet of paper (A2, the more, the better) on the cells of 2.5 centimeters and cover it with a thermal film. On it you will draw dungeons and castles in which players will fall. To begin with, take just squares from cardboard.

4. Gaming module.You can come up with it yourself, but it is better to use it better (like this). Make a ready-made module is very simple - there is everything, starting with literary descriptions of landscapes, ending with the characteristics of monsters. Read it completely, but be prepared to improvise, because the actions of the players should not be predicted until the end.

5. Leists characters. Download (for example, from here) and print them on A4 format paper by the number of players. Help them create characters, explain the basics of the system.

And let the great adventures begin!

Even pony play D & D!
(By the way, in the first season, the MLP can be found that twilight sparkle knows25 spells and including telecinez that within D & D 3.5 corresponds to the 10th level wizard with intelligence 18)