All Weapons and Equipment The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the augmented - Hyde. Bats with bosses in The Surge - Strategy and Tactics Surge Bosses Tactics

The Surge developers drenched inspiration from the gloomy worlds Dark Souls and Bloodborne to create their own, futuristic and unusual. People undergo modernization using exoteric costumes, and on the planet they roam a miracle-yuda mechanics. The main character of Warren is quite quickly immersed in this world with his head, forcing the players to adapt on the fly. What is quite difficult to do, considering the number and quality of enemies in The Surge, the abundance of combat strategies and techniques. The editorship of Game2Day, groachty and corrosive, put on expo armor: the time has come for instructive stories. Go! And for a start, several useful tips for beginners.

How to restore your reserves

Whenever Warren dies under your "sensitive" leadership, the whole technical "scrap" remains at the site of death. Moreover, for a limited period and it is better to hurry for him immediately after the respun. You can stretch the limit, won over the opponent. So when you hurry to a point where all your reserves lie, kill everything you see.

For each killed fraction you will be rewarded with a gaming currency (Tech SCRAP). With it, you can open improvements, increase the supply of health, endurance and energy. "Scrap" is the main ingredient of craftting and updating items. In general, copy. The stock of the pocket does not learn.

Points of Transition and Drone

Another feature that The Surge borrowed from Dark Souls is the ability of players to open the speed of a quick transition. Basically, they resemble doors or elevators and work only one way.

Yes, it is small and imperceptible. But Drone, a tiny detail in a difficult and big game can be the key to success. Its level grows with a marvel of the character's energy in proportionally with a damn damage.

How to defeat the first boss P.a.x?

The first boss in the game P.a.x is created for testing purposes, in order to force the player in time to shy away from dangerous attacks. This is the very first opponent who can attack the whole area, although its movements are shown in advance.

The first boss in the game P.a.x is created for testing purposes, in order to force the player in time to shy away from dangerous attacks. This is the very first opponent who can attack the whole area, although its movements are shown in advance. Improving the distance immediately and try to keep one of his gigantic legs. Circling around it and wait for the blow. Pershing, start an attack.

P.a.x has a modest arsenal of movements, but a huge one-time damage. He often keeps his legs (sometimes once). Keep distance as soon as you see such movements, but try not to go far so that when you pause, perform a series of shocks. Stayed right in front of P.A.x`om bad idea, because the car will try to cut you on sushi with their giant blades. Cray around it, using both legs as bypass tracks. Each blow to the boss fills the orange scale. As soon as it is completely filled, P.a.x crashes on the ground. That's right, we go ahead and begin to treat the enemy with straight in the head. Continue until the robot falls on his feet and again will not continue to try to hide you in a pellet. We repeat the tactics until the boss uses his "ultra", releaseing a volley of missiles in your direction. Damage and tolerate. It is recommended to fight with the first serious opponent with a rapid weapon that makes a large number of damage in a minimum period of time.

How to defeat the second boss LU-74 Firebug

At the first stage of the battle at Firebug, two main attacks: the first - an attempt to knock down the player with one of its numerous legs. The second - madly twist to all legs immediately, imitating whether Bruce Lee, whether the windmill, the main enemy of Don Quixote. Catch the boss on Zamache, deviating back. As soon as Firebug is finished with an attack, jump forward and rub a limb to him. After the 4th hits, the leg falls off, and the giant beetle sank to the ground, where he can be a well-to-wear in the face.

After three cropped limbs, Firebug will be offended by you and moves to decisive skills, while retaining previous acceptors. As soon as he retreats to the corner of the Arena, jump in different directions and evaporate. Your goal is the unfortunate limbs of a huge insect. Once all the legs are tearing off, run right under the boss for a second and will collapse on you. The main thing is to evade and immediately return to the attack, while he tries to rise. We repeat the reception until the monster is completely finally. And to whom it is not entirely clear - a video structure with a visual manual.

We still have a lot of interesting things. The Surge - standing. At least at first glance. What will happen in the view of the second and third - time will show. For now, good luck and do not forget to play good games, in parallel reading Game2Day!

We just started to pass the game, but are already ready to give a couple of tips on how to defeat the first boss - P.A.x in The Surge, as well as share secrets about the victory over the second boss - LU-74 Firebug. Meet our first guide on the game The Surge!

How to defeat the first boss in The Surge - P.A.X

P.A.X is the first boss in the game that to win - always stay on the side of it and attack the leg to fill the orange stripe from above. After filling it in P.a.x will shoot rockets, at this moment will be stood next to it, and they will fall into it. Then spend the attack on its weak point (2 in front and 1 rear).

This scheme must be repeated twice, there will be no more revelations from the boss. In more detail on this video:

How to defeat the beetle - LU-74 Firebug, the second boss in the game The Surge

This boss has 2 forms. The first is when it is in a crab-like state. To defeat it in this rack, you will need to attack his legs after his jump and fall from the sky. After falling, run to it, perform 1 attack (1 - no more !!).

After you weakened the legs, the boss will fall on the ground. Attack his fallen leg until it breaks. Continue to repeat this scheme to a small animation with an explosion.

After this roller, the beetle will turn into a second form, flying around the combat zone. He will try to pull you up to himself or rotate with her own hands, in these moments you need to stay as far as possible! Attack at the time of its recharge, take 1-2 impact and step back. In more detail on this video:

Did you miss the hardcore game mechanics DARK SOULS? Want to reveal the sweet taste of victory after the twentieth attempt to combat a particularly slapped boss? In this case, we advise you to play in the last draft Studio DECK 13, which almost completely copies the gameplay SOULS, but it develops in a completely different setting - a postpocalyptic cyberpunk. Naturally, this game will not be easy and to somehow help you in this difficult test we decided to publish a detailed passage of The Surge.


The actions of the game occur in a distant future, where the land is mainly managed by the Government of different states, but the advice of directors of large corporations. One of these includes Creo Industries, which recently received an order from several countries to solve problems with overpopulation and sharp climate change on the planet.

To fulfill the tasks, the Corporation has released several missiles in the framework of the "Determination" project. These rockets sprayed special chemicals throughout the land, allegedly aimed at stabilizing the environment. However, everything is much more confusing than we might think at the beginning. Slide this tangle from secrets and mysteries to us and will have to pass the game.

As the main character, an honest worker named Warren will perform, which, because of several failures, I had to get a betrayal in the above company. One of the conditions for such a work is to use a special eco-site implanted into the body. However, during the operation there is something wrong, and therefore our protagonist is sent to the local landfill. After a few hours, he wakes up on the grief of scrap metal and decides in order to know what happens here and why they were treated as ordinary garbage.

Abandoned shop

The first steps

We listen to information about new technologies, and then leave the wheelchair on the wheelchair. Turn to the left and go down the tunnel. We turn right and see two rooms in front. Here we will have to choose a class for the hero: the operator supports heavy or light technology. The second option suggests that we will mainly pump dexterity, speed, and so on, and the second - vitality, strength, and so on. However, there is no tough binding here, so in the future we can decide which weapons and armor to apply.

The Surge's passage itself will begin in the ruins, and the main character in his hands there will be only useless handicraft weapons. Go through robots, attacking them weak and strong blows, performing attacks in a different order to compose simple combo. To put a block, press the "Q" key.

Any of your actions aimed at attack or defense will exhaust endurance, so you should learn to shy away from the strikes of enemies. If you spend all endurance glasses, then you will be defenseless for a certain period of time, so we advise you to watch this indicator during the battle.

Collect yellow pyramids on the road. These items are scattered throughout the game world and often fall out of enemies. They contain materials, drawings and items that are generated randomly. You should not try to collect them all, as valuable things are rarely found in them.

Get to the destroyed ship on which you will find the terminal. During a short dialogue, you will get some information about the world and open access to the medical compartment (Medbay). Thanks to him, you can increase the characteristics of your character, keep scrap (analog of shower) and heal the hero. If you die, then appear in this location.

Before entering the next building, you can find an implant - Medical Audit (Medical Audit). Install it in the free slot on the Implant tab in the medical compartment. He will give you the opportunity to see health strips in enemies.

Repair of the energy core

Initially, you will not be able to take advantage of all the features of the medical compartment. You will be able to change only implants. The fact is that your core is damaged and it is necessary to find anything, with what can be fixed. Exit the ship through the opened door and go down. Next, turn left. You will meet your first enemy. Please note that its head is not protected - use auto off and select your head, switching between the limbs. Now your hero will try to attack only the selected limb. As this part of the body does not have protection, you will apply the maximum damage to the enemy.

Continue to go ahead and deal with two more opponents. Your main goal is the last opponent who is trying to go through the closed gate. It is equipped with much better past enemies. After the victory over him, the subject will fall out. Take it and take it to the medical board to restore your exoskeleton.

From this point on, you can exercise the upgrades of the limbs, create objects from the drawings and update our kernel (analogue of the redistribution of experience points). More information can be found in the "Tips" section. After issuing a "coupon" from the panel you will get a mechanized leg and hand. Open the inventory and put them - these are parts of your exoskeleton that will improve your parameters. You should not try to collect materials for new items by any possible ways, since most of them you can get by simple destruction of enemies.

We descend on the ladder and pass through the shell of the rocket, standing in front. Next, we find a new audio recording. Now we return to the point in which we have previously fought with a powerful cyborg (we have taken away the power unit we need). On the left side of the gate notice the terminal. We reboot from him the power chain, applying the charge of the energy unit. If its level is less than 10, then we will not succeed, so do not forget to increase it at the medical station.

Main assembly line

We pass through the gate and come across a few more cyborgs. We go into the opposite part of the location and open all the doors. In mandatory, I will answer the doors that lead to previous zones, as many of them are opened only on the one hand.

We see ahead of the exolute. Sitty in it and climb upstairs, where we collect a couple of valuable things. Then activate the elevator located near the premium.

We go to the end of the assembly line at the first level and we understand with a couple of cyborgs. After we run out and jump onto the container in which LUT lies. We jump from the wreckage (by the way, it is worth clicking on a space for a jump; besides, it is possible only when running). We climb the containers, jump even higher and climb the ladder to find another audio record.

We are chosen out and pass through the big doors (it was about them who was hit by one of the opponents). On the right side we reboot the power chain. Open the door on the right, thereby getting access to the previous area. We pass through the shell of the rocket located on the left. We find yourself in a swamp with toxic air. Therefore, after the first rocket body, we find a turn leading right in bushes. For them we see a simple drone and a huge robot.

They get close to the battle car and begin to circle around her, trying not to get under her bucket. From time to time, beat on the robot body, constantly keeping a sufficient amount of endurance for a possible retreat. The fact is that sometimes the enemy will fall on the ground and create a dangerous wave.

By defeating the enemy, we take a brilliant coin (if we collect 5 such coins, we will be able to exchange them on cool armor) and comic Ironmaus №1. We move forward, kill the enemy and climb the ladder. We descend from the opposite edge and go to the zone of assembling rockets.

Station Assembly Rocket

On the right side we notice an exolift. We rise to it and see that the magnetic line is in the disconnected state due to the lack of electricity supply. We descend and pass through the right door leading to the power plant.

In the new location, we continue to go down and deal with the new cyborg, which will be much faster and tracked by the previous ones. However, he has unprotected parts of the body, which we have to plant your blows. Restart the power chain and go upstairs.

Note: At the top level we advise you to go on the left side of the entrance and find the road leading to the basic. We save your spare parts there, and then we run on the rocket assembly station again. Just a few minutes later we have a battle with the boss.

We carefully inspect the location and search for a couple of audio recordings: one of them can be obtained during interaction with the console located on the left side of the magnetic road (rising from the exoliferate to the place where the transition to the following zone is carried out); We find the second in the lower level of the power plant.

Battle with Boss Pax

We considered in detail the battle with this opponent in the relevant manual, so here we will only give a couple of recommendations that simplify the battle:

  1. We capture the goal on one of the two legs of the enemy.
  2. Next, we run out and jump in such a way as to be between the two paws of the boss. This trick exercise every time the robot will jump from us to keep next to him.
  3. We are trying to constantly stand behind him. We actively use the space.
  4. Beying the legs of the robot no more than 1-2 times, as PAX from time to time will apply strokes that can kill us with a pair of tyamins.
  5. Over time, an orange strip will accumulate from above. When it fills the robot jumps and launch the rocket. Quickly run up to the car and hurt from her under the belly.
  6. After stunning beat the boss on the shoulders and head. Then the robot will rise again and we will need to repeat the previous steps.

By destroying the boss, we will get a new weapon called "Emperor PAX".

Production Center B.

We rise up, looking at the video, which is twisted on the screen, and then get into the first area of \u200b\u200bthe new location.

Registration Dronov

Do not rush to go down. On the right side we find a console and activate it. After talking with a drone assistant. We ask him about the state of affairs at the factory, and after moving the drone to the inventory. From now on, we can use it if necessary. True, at the moment it has only one attacking module, when using which it shoots an electric charge in the enemy.

To the left of the stairs notice the pile of scrap metal. Next, we call the elevator and go into it, thereby going down to the next area of \u200b\u200bthe production center.

Turn to the right and see how the passage is taken away (not far from the other door and console). So we can get into the operating center. Now we will be able to take advantage of only a medical station. To use the communications terminal, workbench and other devices will need to file electricity to them. We leave with the left door and go through the next room.

Material storage

We go ahead and kill one enemy. On the left side we see the energy chain of the 10th level. We reboot it, in order to supply the operator with electricity. We return to this location and consider the terminal. We get another audio recording. If necessary, activate the workbench. Do not forget to also talk with a girl through a holographic connection.

We go to the storage of materials. We raise with the first opponent and notice Shirma ahead, followed by the passage. He is defended by two powerful robots of the company. It will be almost impossible to deal with them, besides, this makes no sense, since we still fail to use the terminal. Before the screen on the left side is a broken exolift. Jump down the boxes.

Next, reboot the kernel from a stranger, which is ahead near the terminal. We speak with Din Hobbs - he will advise us to go to the operating center. We study the side terminal to obtain new audio recordings. Near the opposite wall we find the implant amplifier aggression B.1. However, such.

We jump down and deal with the opponent. On the left side, I'm stumbled on a couple of enemies. There is a ladder, leading to the operator - on the way there we kill another cyborg with a hammer standing right in front of the screen with two robots-guards.

Get back to the ladder, not climbing upstairs, and behind the box located in the right corner, finding the door. We reboot the chain and take it. Here we find Davie. We talk with him and send to the operator. As soon as we have time, we also return to a safe location. We speak to Din and Davi. The latter will ask us to find the medicine - a unique implant. We immediately note that it is possible to find it in the next area, in the "decision" biologist.

Go back to the previous ladder. Becoming back to it, turn right and near the walls find audio recording. Again we get back to the stairs and look left. In the distant left corner we see containers. For them notice the exolute and rising to the top level. However, this area ends with a dead end.

Below, we find a small box, which is revealed only at the 75th level of the kernel. Inside it we can find 2 nanoaders.

Important: With the help of a nanodeder, we will be able to improve your weapons and equipment from the 4th level on the 5th, so we advise you to carefully treat them.

Recycled protective equipment

It is a secret location, at the end of which we can find the implant mechanized counterweight B.2, which will increase damage from weapons. However, for it, we will have to fight at once with several opponents.

Conveyor shop

Go down, get face with the stairs and pass to the left corridor. For drawers we find the passage leading to the new location zone - the conveyor workshop. Immediately reflect the attack of the enemy, and after we deal with another enemy a little ahead. Then we go down the ladder and kill everyone on my way. Next, we go to the right and we meet a new enemy, a huge robot, moving on the 3-legs. Beying the back paw, as it is most vulnerable.

After the extermination of the fur rises to the top and we turn to the left wall before the passage. We go through the old track and find the implant Healthmaker B.1. In walk in the room with a mass of containers upstairs.

Inside one of the boxes, finding the implant of the energy character B.1. Then we will meet 3-4 enemies equipped with a new equipment - scarab. By the way, by collecting all parts of one armor, you can get a good bonus. Here we find another container in which 2 nanoaders are lying (you can restart with the kernel of the 70 level). Further find the door and inaccessible terminal.

We return back and we turn left from the ladder or we go into the room that is ahead. With the second version, we deal with another fur on the 3-legs. On the right side of the stairs we find an exolift that leads to a technical tunnel, but we will not go there yet.

We fold to the left, we get to the tree, and then go down the steps. Lestenka is on the left side. Here we speak with Irina and offer her our services in search of the pole. We can go down and thereby turn out to be near the central station, but until it is blocked.

Raised and turn left again. If you go through the pipes that lead to the opposite station, we can go to the location of the support line 2. However, we will not hurry and pass along the ravine to search for a staircase with several spans. On the way down, we find a box with 2 nanoadres (for opening requires the core of the 60th level).

Even below, among the lute on the forest, we select a module for drone called "Impact module". When using it, your robotic assistant will turn away and diversify the enemy at all. In the bottom we can find another implant and a door with a closed terminal. We pass to the place where we talked with Irina, but now we do not go down to the girl, but turn on the right side. In the corridor we kill several opponents and pass through the bridge on the left side. Here we have a meeting with a whole group of enemies. Do not attack them, but begin to lure one by one. After finding ourselves in the processing department.

Department of Processing

In the left side of the left side, we find a pile of scrap metal, and in the right room where cyborg is standing, finding a workstation with another audio record. We destroy all opponents indoors and a distant corner, at the top of the ladder we take the implant universal tactile amplifier B.1, which increases the mastery of possession of the weapon.

We choose from the room and turn to the right. As a result, we fall on the fork. With the right part, we notice the exolift. We use it and climb upstairs. There are two doors: the left will lead us to the "Support line 2" (here we will go from the conveyor workshop, and therefore we just open the door go inside, take the audio recording and immediately go), and the right thing is in the control room. In the distant corner of the second place, we select audio recording, and on the right we see a broken terminal to control the robot. Even further approach the console, the control bridge. We use it to deploy bridges. On the left side is a medical station, thanks to which we can restore the number of injections.

In the middle of the room on the left side there is a door control panel. We use it, and after pressing the "E" key and see how the doors open at the lowest level. Find here the elevator and go down. We destroy two large robots with buckets to obtain two shiny coins.

We leave from the elevator and turn to the right. We notice several enemies over the bridge, among them they will be both robots and cyborgs. On the right side near the wall between the racks, we select audio recording. On the left at the end of the racks we can find the Bladheound weapon.

We descend down the ladder and find an implant under it an increase in endurance B.1. We reboot the power chain and opens the door leading to the removal of toxic waste. However, so far we do not go there.

We return back, climb the ladder and jump from it to the pipe. We find a hole in the floor and jump into it. As a result, we turn out to be on the other side of the fence. Kill the enemy, the grid and boxes, in order to be in the technic tunnel. Here I'm stumbled on an exolift that can lead us to the implant Healthmaker B.1. We go back the former route.

Support line 2.

We go here from the processing or conveyor department. When choosing the second option, we go through the pipes to the other side and turn to the right, and then rising upstairs. We smack the box and finding out audio recording.

After the pipes, we divide the lattice grid in front and enter the tunnel. Next, climb on the exoliphet, open the door to the console and more with another lattice, thus returning to the arrival area.

Here we go down just below and find a new implant. As a result, we will have a new passage, which allows you to quickly proceed from the processing department or the conveyor workshop to the premium through the support line. Next, we go to the removal of toxic waste.

Removal of toxic waste

We pass by the corridor and get into a new area called the processing of toxic waste. We raise the opponent and listen to the audio recording. We look into the glass and see our next boss.

We descend, and after climbing the ladder in front of the room. In the room on the left side right behind the box we find a robot and implant mechanized counterweight B.1. On the right upstairs, looking for a new audio record.

We rise by using another staircase. In this room in the left side, right outside the cabinets, we search for the "Fortified Pipe" weapon, which is a sixth. Just he tries to find Irina Becket. Returning to the girl and talk to her. In the same room we find audio recording. On the right we see the door, but only personnel can take advantage of it.

We descend and notice the exolift. We use it and go to the top level. We select the implant blue cable x.

We return back and descend towards the sanitary treatment zone, but halfway there we turn to the left. Here we reboot the power chain to activate the elevator. I get to the storage facility. From now on we have another workaround route.

We go on the corridor and turn to the left. By the way, the road from above, on which we can get using the exolift, leads to the same area. We continue to move forward, overload the chain and fall into the arena, where the second boss was already awakening.

Battle with "May Zhuk"

We examined in detail the battle with this enemy in another guide, so there will be only a brief description of the battle with him. Our main task in battle with this opponent is the destruction of all six of his legs. With each lost limb, it will be becoming increasingly aggressive.

Initially, the May beetle will apply two main blows. The first is applied by one of his legs, provided that the character is next to it. The second is the rapid tight of the paws, and the boss tries to get closer to the main character.

The first attack is very easily recognized. With her, we only need to dodge. For example, if we see that the boss began to raise one of my limbs, then immediately jump back. When he executes one of his attacks, run up to it and hit a couple of times. After four successful attacks, the leg of the May beetle falls off, because of which he belongs to the ground. At this moment you need to beat it on weak places.

As soon as we destroy three enemy paws start the second stage of the battle. After that, the robot will begin to apply much more techniques. In addition, he will increase the aggression and it will begin to attack us even from afar. In addition to previous blows, two new attacks will appear at the boss.

We see that the boss began to retreat in the corner and preparing to strike? Then immediately jump away aside when he starts to move in our direction. In addition, the enemy will begin to apply flamethrower, but when this reception is performed, it will mostly stand still.

We continue to shy and beat the beetle one or twice. By the way, it is not necessary to smash all the legs of the enemy at all - it is possible and simply hitting it with the case when they fall to them. If we were able to destroy all the paws, and the boss is still alive, we get up right under it, and then we run away, so that he sharply fell to the floor and was stunned. We use it for your own purposes, impunity attacking the enemy to anywhere.

After the destruction of the boss rose on the exoliphet. We can go down on the ladder and rummage in a pile of rare scrap. At the top level we find the door. Unlock it to find a short way to waste recycling department.

We climb even higher and go to the room. We take the weapon "Biomaster SERU HSS" and find the audio recording on the left side. We add that the Six Beckett may not like it, but it will accurately take "biomaster". Next, we descend to the support line 1 and go to a new location on a magnetic train.

Biolaboratory "Solution"

Station "Blue Sky"

We arrive at the station, and after immediately turn to the left and rising upstairs. We select a rare lama pile on the way and go along the platform on the right side. We find broken exolute and go to the top level. Opposite the train we find the operating center.

We enter it and activate the terminal on the right to get an audijour. We can sit in the workbench or use the basic. The communication system is now applied to us. We immediately find the implant plasma regenerator B.3. We are chosen from the operator and go through the only path past the locked door. After moving down the slope.

External sewage

We are racing with a robot and divide the box on the right side to find the implant Vanadium cell B.1. In another part of the corridor, we also select a couple of useful things. We turn around the nearest corner and go to the right side. On the left we find the energy chain and overload it. We deal with a couple of boxes and find a little scrap further.

We go back and go down. We go around the hole on the bridge and with the help of the console, unscrew the door to pick up the implant Automobile Pom. We return, but now climb the corridor to the top level. We are going even higher and at the top of the cell we notice prey, which will not succeed from here. Turn to the right and go down the ladder. Stumble on a closed door with an inaccessible control panel.

We pass to the elevator and on the left side over the corner we reboot the electrical chain, placing first with several enemies. We find another door to the left, but you can open it only with a certain pass. Currently, we do not possess them. Thanks to the exolipter, we turn out at the top. We pass a little further and deal with the pair of opponents.


We descend as low as possible and select a useful thing near the left wall - a pile of scrap metal. After the ladder, we go through the passage and turn the corner in the right side. At the end of the way, we can argue with two cyborgs and divide the wooden box with another scrap metal. On the container, we search for the Implant of the energy engineer B.2. To do this, we rose to one span stairs and jerk on the yellow container. Then jump into the red, where it lies the subject we need. Near the location in the scene right under the Creo monitor, we find another implant - the energy heater B.2.

We go back and go through a straight line past the yellow tanks. Ahead we see the greenhouse - the selector not far from the doors.

With the help of a selector with us, Dr. Chavez will be released. We talk with her. She will ask to help her get out of the trap. To do this, we will need to get to the largest greenhouse, find the main control panel and discover the construction. On the right side in a puddle with an acid lies the implant Healthmaker B.1. If we go left from the door, then in the wreckage in a small niche can find another such subject.

To search the shortest path to the operational center to the left of the selector, we detect a container with an energy chain. We reboot it and pass a little forward in the opposite direction, while on the other side of the tank. Open the door by using the console (if we cannot restart the chain, the terminal will be blocked). You find audio recording outside the door and pay attention to the exolift leading to the Blue Sky station.

We return and go to the left, to the zone where we have not had yet. Near the wall on the right side, we find the Fenris A-7 weapon.

A little ahead notice a large assembly machine equipped with a bucket. We have already met such earlier. To destroy it, we need to run around her in a circle, without falling down under the bucket and hitting the robot from time to time. If we see that the enemy plans to fall, they immediately roll back. Sometimes the sides of the car will unlock hatches, followed by weak points of the enemy. Be sure to beat them if possible. All the difficulty of battle with this robot will be in the presence of a poisonous gas, in which you can easily get. By defeating iron opponent, we select a brilliant coin and weapon "Rusty butterflies".

We go to the selector, in order to leave this zone, and turn to the left. Under the wall we find a hole in the floor - jump into it.

External sewage

We are moving along the corridor and, passing through the ladder, unfold in the other side. On the right side of the steps we find audio recording.


To the left of the screen, the opponent hides around the corner. On Earth, we discover the amplifier of aggression B.2. We are heading to the opposite part of the corridor, but first climb upstairs and on the platform we find the implant energy condenser B.2. A very valuable subject, since thanks to it, we will be able to save energy, that is, it will not fall below a certain threshold.

Go down and notice a room with a couple of glazed greenhouses.

Behind the boxes on the left side, we search for a pile of scrap metal. We pass a little further and on the same side stumble on the pile of rusty scrap metal. Here you also reboot the chain to activate the elevator. We are racing a drone and a three-year robot, and then find an audio recording on the table. On the left side, without getting to the tables, we discover the container (80th level of protection), in which 2 nanoaders are stored.

Climbing the ladder and find themselves near the door guard door. At this stage, it will not be able to unlock it, and therefore we simply go to the elevator and go to the top level.


We descend and find a pile of scrap behind the curtain. Then we pass through the passage on the right side and find yourself in a new area of \u200b\u200blocation - the climatic zone "Savannah". Here we are growing with two opponents and turn to the left.

Next, we find yourself in the climatic zone "Eurasia". We destroy several boxes in the right pass, we deal with one opponent and select the implant with the implant Implant B.3. Nearby finding out the door with a disabled console. In the distant left corner of the room, we find the mail terminal from which you download a new audio recording. Near the walls come back on the insulation control panel. Interaction with it for unlocking most doors in the area.

We choose from here through the other door. As a result, we find yourself in a familiar location - a biolaboratory. We kill all opponents and pass to the room where the selector itself is located and the doctor chavez.

Climatic zone "Tropics"

We are afraid of the opponent and next to the right wall we find the weapon "Biomaster SERU HSS". It can be an excellent replacement of the arms that we decided to give earlier Irina Beckett. On the left side of the passage we see a closed door with a disabled console. I eliminate opponents, climb the ladder and reboot the chain (22nd kernel level).

If we managed to restart the chain, we head to the first floor, where the door leading to the room in which the implant is an extractant V.2 was opened. This augmentation increases the size of the spare parts received from the killed enemies by 20 percent. Next, go down the road located to the right of the ladder.

Tunnels supply

We continue to move down. Wheel boxes, destroy the robot and take the implant to increase endurance. Go down even deeper.

Pumping station

Find out in the new zone. We understand with two cyborgs that are broken at the door, and after passing the room where Chavez is. We speak with her and agree to fulfill another task for her - to give the Fox chip or bonam.

On the table we find the Botex power unit (module for drone). Thanks to it, we will be able to restart the chains at a high distance. In the corner of the room we find audio recording.

Note: Note that the electrical chains, the reboot of which our drone is engaged, have a slightly different appearance. Instead of a green plate, we will see a red sign with a drop of drone. We can find such a chain, for example, in the overall room of the pumping station right above the door. We come to it, aim and clamp the "1" key.

Having received a new ability, we continue to go for the same route by which we walked earlier.

External sewage

Coming out of the corridor, in which we needed to restart the chain, climb the stairs, and then turn right. There is a long staircase that leads to the lower level. We descend only a couple of spans and find an energy chain on the wall intended for drone. We reboot it and continue to go down. There we find a previously blocked door. We pass inside and finding the implant of the medi-eletical injection in.3.

Side Quest Davie - Passage

To find the implant, the injection of modaxionala returns to the main zone of the "solution" biologist and we go to the greenhouse on the right side, where we included the insulation control panel. There is another locked door here, which hangs the energy chain. We reboot it with drone and go inside. Here and lies the item you need.

Last location we return by train.

How to get to the new location from the production center B

We go to the opening center and give Davie the implant desired to complete the side quest. As a result, we obtain the implant health injection B.3 in the form of award. We talk from Sally through the terminal standing on the right side of the Best, and we learn how to get to the administrative center in which the leadership was closed.

Having a new way to open doors, return to the initial zone.

Abandoned shop

Come back, go down to the power plant. In the corridor, right before the descent leading to the place of rebooting the chain, finding out the closed door, above which the energy chain is located, which is rebooted only with drone. We use your iron assistant and enter inside. We deal with two opponents and download a new audio recording from the computer.

We go to the previous corridor and see the right. Last time, when visiting this area, we did not pass through this pass. We go there and go down to the lower level on the exoliphet. We remember the door here, which is opened only by workers in the security service.

We go along the corridor and interact with the terminal to get another audio record. We search all the rooms and climb over the second ladder leading to the main assembly line.

However, to find weapons "Forgotten Ghost" we will need to go down even lower. Here we will see a lot of corridors that are filled with poisonous gases. Quickly run on them, we select weapons and return back, without forgetting if necessary to enhance injections to restore health.

We go to the top of the area to search for a blocked box (55 level protection). Reboot it and get 2 nanoaders.

Nearby we find a closed door, which we have failed to open earlier. We go to the left and search for an exolift. We rise and reboot the energy chain, which is a little further. Open the above door and find inside audio recording and implant support matrix B.1.

Tower administration

We go to last location and go to the train on which we went to the biolaboratory. Next to it is a bridge leading to a blocked gate. On the left side of them there is a chain, to reboot which we use your drone.

To obtain an implant, a plasma generator B.3 and a brilliant coin we deal with a huge collector robot. We rise and turn into a cage standing on the left side. We select an implant increasing endurance B.3. In the corrider with the energy chain, we turn to the left corridor and see a large crowd of opponents. We shove them alone with drone and destroy. One of them is looking for an implant extractor B.2 and audio recording.

While entering the new room, we select another audio recording.

Cleaner "Solution"

We descend on the ladder and find out near the first opponents a module for drone Emergency cooler. With this subject, drone will be able to produce liquid gas to slow down enemies. Here I also buy on the closed door. Near her in the corridor you can find the energy chain. Reboot it and open the door. Inside, we take audio recording and implant implant electrodes B.2.

We pass along the corridor and reach the door of the air turret. We unscrew it and understand that they were again in the conveyor workshop. Thus, we managed to find another workaround.

We go back to the room with moving mechanisms and find a ladder that leads up.

We are racing the opponent standing on the right side of the passage, and select the implant health injection in 3. Turn from the boxes to the right and notice the car on the three legs and with the tail. We understand with the robot, jump into the hole in the floor and select the implant of the support matrix, which lies on the pipeline.

We reach the door, but we are not in a hurry to pass through it - there is a terminal on the contrary. We approach it and load audio recording. From the left side of the door we find the implant autoinacle. Now we are trying to open the door. We will not be able to do this, as we need to admiss the security service. We go through another passage and climb the ladder.

Aerial tower

Once at the top, we meet Irina Bekett, which we previously presented the pole (and may not give).

We pass through the passage not far from it, without forgetting to first talk to the girl (the task she will not give us), and we paint with the opponent. Turn the right and notice the door with the console. We open it by returning it in one of the areas of the conveyor workshop. We kill three enemies and smash a glass bench, where we can pick up the Creo Ex-2 prototype. We will be able to implement it on the premium.

Building service entrance

Next we rise to the top level and pass through the bridge on the other side. We destroy the ventilation grille and fall to the exolipter in the material store for its recovery. We go to the medical station and install a new exoskeleton. However, with the help of it, we still will not be able to unlock the door security doors - this requires other equipment.

We go back and climb on the exoliphet. We jump onto the platform on which we notice a huge car. Getting ready for battle with the boss.

Battle with big Sister 1/3

This fight takes place in three stages. At the first stage, the main threat to the hero is two big claws. However, beat the robot will be only one "hand." We use the block key and capture the target to focus your attention on one claw. Occasionally, the enemy will attack us with a laser, so be sure to follow it with the remaining limbs.

With the help of the boss, the boss will perform different attacks, many of which are blows of the plafhmy or lunges towards the protagonist. In both situations, evade, in order not to get damage. After each attack, the hand robot for a while freezes. Then we should beat it. We repeat this process until both claws are destroyed. After that, the second stage starts.

We move forward to the next platform where the plurality of the tental with lasers will be. Rays do not apply a lot of damage, but 4 of them can get at once, which can lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, choose one of the sides and keep near her.

This stage will be very turmoil. Attach the tentacles as soon as we have such an opportunity and constantly monitor the main blow of the boss. Ships away from all shots and destroy all the hands of the car. Then go to the kernel a large sister.

The third stage will begin, in which you need to beat the central control panel to destroy the eye of the boss. The enemy's core will protect a few paws that are able to grab us and beat the land. Therefore, we try to shy away from their captures and occasionally apply strikes.

Being the kernel of a couple times, jump off, wait until the enemy calms down, and then we hit 2-3 times again on the console. We repeat so in a circle until a large Sister 1/3 turns off. As a result, we get a weapon of the Prut-Firetrel of B.2.0.

Service mine to Creo 1

After the boss is destroyed, we find the left at the bottom of the platform, in the wall of which there is a ventilation grille. We divide it and go through the tunnel in the next area of \u200b\u200blocation.

We rise up on the exoliphet, we destroy another grille and move forward until we get into the new zone.

Research Division

We climb the ladder on the top, passing by the door for the guard workers. We pass through the lattice on the last span to get to the pressure control compartment.

Pressure control

When we get into a new room, I'll immediately "yell" alarm. Apply your drone to reboot the chain located at the top. Next, we interact with the terminal. We go to the room on the left side and take away from the table sunglasses. We can use them instead of a standard helmet.

We go back and climb even higher until you get to the exhibition hall.

Exhibition floor

We go along the top level and behind the exhibition stands on the right side, we find the implant mechanized counterweight. We pass ahead and at the end of the corridor in a dark corner stumble on the pile of spare parts. We go to the overall room and go to the operator, which is directly aware of the room. Inside, we take the audio recording and talk with Alek Noris. Agree to help him find her daughter. He will give us a key card. Next, speak from Sally through the terminal.

Applied nanorobonation

From here there will be only one road - climbing the ladder, which is in the opposite part of the room and get into the new area. First of all, we deal with a drone that gives other opponents to the shield, and after the cyborg destroyed. We go to another through the door and listen to the message from Gina Baretta. In the corner next to the locked door we find a box. We divide it and select an implant ampoule with adrenaline B.1.

Forbidden zone: Utopia project

We pass through the left door and deal with all the enemies in a room, standing near laboratory tables. Here we find the workstation and listen to a new audio recording. On a small hill on the right side, we reboot the electrical chain for opening the door in the opposite side of the hall. We pass through the opened passage, we deal with one enemy and select the implant plasma regenerator B.3. We return to the hall and try to find the container with the 65th level of protection. It has 2 nanoaders.

We rise to steps upstairs and deal with the enemy. We destroy the camera from the glass on the right and under the table we select the implant vanadium cell. We break the ventilation grille and go ahead. We get to the exolifetta located on the left and climb the next floor. We continue to go, overcoming the maintenance tunnel, and jump down. We fall into the corridor. We go ahead and see the door on the right side, for the opening that the pass is required, and therefore we move to the end of the corridor and pass through the other door.

Research of biological impact

We raise with all the enemies, we go to the balcony located on the left side of the room, and reboot the chain.

We return to the room and break the ventilation lattice, behind which the enemy will arise immediately. Here we will have two tracks: right or forward, however, so that we would not choose - you can still apply an exolift. If you go to him in front, then after some time we will fall into the workshop of the nanorobotrointeen, and if we go to it right, we will go down and find the implant Health in 3. Ahead of us awaits the passage, which leads to the exhibition floor with the operational center.

However, while we should not go to the shop of nanorobotrointeen, as we previously rebooted a chain that opened access to the console near the door next to the balcony. We pass through the door and destroy the ventilation grille on the right side. At the end of the tunnel, we descend on the exoliferate and jump into the department of applied nanorobotroincing.

In this room, we have not yet been. We consider the control panel to the left and download audio recording. Next, we return to the room where the balcony with an electrical chain was located. After going to the tunnel again and go ahead to the Exolift, which will lead us to the workshop.

Workshop of nanorobotroins

Turn into the left tunnel, we use the exolift and we are painted with the enemy. We interact with the console nearby for opening the door. Inside, we find two collectors' robots and a couple of boxes in which the implant is hidden injecting.

We go down and go to the door on the left side. Upstairs we notice the energy chain. From the run by jumping towards this item to reach it. Thus, we will be able to unlock the room on the right.

We enter into this room and find the implant here. There is also a console in which we can download audio recording. In the left corner behind the container is a box. We divide it and find the energy of B.3. We go ahead on the corridor and notice on the wall of the energy chain for your drone. Reboot it to open the right door. However, we are not in a hurry to go there, as we can find a workaround to the operator. On the left side of the wall with a chain there is a well-disguised passage. We go through it and turn out to be in the new location.

Hall "Future of the Earth"

We understand with all the opponents and open the door at the end of the corridor. As a result, we get to the exhibition floor again.

We go back, with the help of drone reboot the chain and pass through the door on the right side. We exist in a spacious room. Turn the left and use the ladder. We kill all cyborgs and load audio recording from the console. At the bottom of the region we find the door, the terminal to which will be closed. We rise higher and discover the chain. Reboot it and interact with the control panel to open the door at the bottom.

Looping compartment "Utopia"

We destroy opponents on the top tier and take the implant of the XL excoost resistance capacitor in the left corner. We break the grid and pass through the tunnel. Next, sit down in the exolift. We leave from the opposite side of the workshop in which we saw a doctor.

After hitting the room with another car with a human face, we destroy the robot and choose through the window.

According to the plot, we need to get to the exolift on the left side. However, we are currently going on bridges to the second broken window. We accelerate and jump into it, and after destroying drone and cyborg. We go along the corridor and open the left door. Here we find a daughter of Norris. The girl will turn out to be a car. We speak with her and carry out the task of Alec. We choose through the window and sit down in the exolift.

In the tunnel we find a new audio record. Then turn to the right and reach the placement with the implant to increase the endurance of V.5. After going to the opposite part of the tunnel, not far from which the audio recording was located. Here we break the ventilation grille and go inside.

Again, we turn out on the exhibition floor, but now at the top level. We go ahead and deal with one opponent. We pass through the door and detect the box. We destroy them and find a medical station, in which you can replenish the injection. After using an exolift and go down.

Unregistered plot

We leave from the exolipter and load the audio recording from the console. We are growing with several enemies. The door, standing near, will not be able to open, as it requires a special pass. We break the ventilation grid and go ahead. We go into an exolift and go upstairs. Breaks another grille. Do not forget to open the door from the glass, using the control panel.

Classified objects

On the left side is the door leading to the exhibition floor. Dispiring it to get a new short path. We pass through the long-distance right pass. We fall into the trap Gina. With the right and left side on the 1st and 2nd levels there are laboratories. The consoles make it possible to unsubscribe / block them both outside and from the inside. In the laboratory at number 12, located on the top tier there is a control panel from which you can download audio recording.

Climb even higher and go on the left side. Next to the glass, followed by the doctor, is a console for controlling the laboratory at number 01. We use it and open the door. Go down, we understand from opponents and reboot the energy chain indoors.

We choose in the overall room and find the open door at the bottom. We pass through it, we deal with the opponent and use the exolift. We enter the room with Gin and break the boxes on the right side to obtain audio recordings.

We speak with the doctor and go back to the first level. We go to Laba 01 and turn left where ventilation is located. Next, we turn right and climb the elevator to another laboratory. Here we go to the balcony and select the implant health injection B.3. We leave the room through the ventilation tunnel and immediately go upstairs on the exoliphet. Here we find audio recording.

We return to the exhibition floor on which the large door was opened. We deal with the protection and interact with the terminal to return to the production center B through the gates.

Hall of administration

Having arrived in the past area, we run to a large door behind the screen and protected by two members of the security service. It will currently be open, and next to it will be a weapon "Legionary MG".

Protected Access to Creo 1

We go to the elevator located on the right side and wait for the launch of the loading. We climb even higher and go to the operational center. We speak with the help of the console from Sally. If necessary, use a medical station and workbench. We split the grid on the left side and see that the further path is blocked. To open the door, use the control panel located on the opposite side. Therefore, we go through the passage nearby.

All-seeing eye

After hitting this location, you are not in a rush to run along the steps ahead. To the right of them there is a descent. We go there, break the grid and check in the tunnel. Crush boxes on the right side and find audio in the niche. Here we will stumble upon a dead end, and therefore we step on another track. We climb on the exolifetta and deal with the couple of enemies. It turns out that we managed to get around the ladder. Next, we go to the lattice, we break it and go on the second tunnel. After descending down, using the elevator. We turn out to be at the lowest level in which Black Cerberus gave orders to his associates.

At first it seems that Black Cerber is a simple soldier. However, it is not necessary to relax ahead of time, since so it will remain only in the first half of the battle. We approach him closer to start the battle. During the first phase it is worth applying a weapon with rapid blows, so that we could quickly shy and quickly apply retaliatory attacks.

Evasion from its powerful strikes should not have special problems. As soon as he executes them immediately counteracting it. When the scale of the life of a black cerper will drop to 25 percent, he will discard us and run away.

From a major passage will be released PAX with which we fought earlier. We will again deal with this awkward robot, and then resume battle with the main boss. We focus your attacks on the "pacas paws" and turn the same technique that we have been described at the beginning of The Surge.

After the destruction of the car, we finishing the Cerber. We carry out the same attacks as before. Having understood with this boss, we get the drawing of the "Black Cerber" equipment and the MG judge 2.0 weapon.

We go to a new room and go on the forest to the top. We select lout and load from the console another audio analysis. Salazim in the ventilation shaft and reboot the energy chain. Do not miss this action, since it is precisely thanks to it that we will be able to get the execution of the security service. Return to the operator and break the left glass panel. We take a prototype of the security service suit and install it in the premium. From now on, we can easily unlock all the doors who demanded a certain skip.

Note: Before continuing to follow the main plot, we decided to return to the closer and pick new implants and audio recordings.

Abandoned shop

We go to this location and go down to the power plant. Turn to the left and go to the basement connecting the main assembly line and the power plant. Here is a previously blocked door. We unscrew it and finding the implant of the healor V.5.

Production Center B.

In this area, near the operator, we find the elevator and go down to the lower level. Next, we turn to the right and find the lasy. We rise and see on the left cherished door. Unscrew it. Here we find the same implant as in the previous room, and from the console, you load a new audio recording.

We go to the train that leads to the abandoned shop. Near him we find a dead body and audio recording. We rise to the air tower. There is also one closed door that requires a skip. We open it and find in the room the weapon "MG Negotiator" and the implant Vanadium Cell B.3.

Biolaboratory "Solution"

Here we can find at once 3 locked doors, but they will all lead us into the same corridor. It is painted with several opponents and search for a couple of useful implants: a red cable x and a pneumatic caliber.

Research Division

There are also the doors for which the admission service is needed, and they again lead into the same corridor. Get to here from the air tower. We go to the Exolift, where we previously beat with a big syster. As a result, we will reach the pit - we jump into it and turn to the biolaboratory. The door you need is ahead.

Open and pass inside. Here we first meet the enemies having the cocoon equipment. They rub off the limbs to obtain the drawings. Two consoles will also be here, from which you will be able to download a couple of audio recordings. We go to the left and straighten with another opponent. After looking for a third workstation with another audio record.

How to get a secret weapon: on the left side of the last console, where strange particles are filled, we find the energy chain. We wake it up and we receive a message that new exhibits appeared in the lobby. We go to the opening center and notice the steel case near it. We break the glass panel and take the weapon - the pole "code name: fireplace".

All-seeing eye

We go to the area in which we fought with the Boss "Black Cerber". From above, near Exolipter there is a guard service door. We open it and find an audio recording lying next to the cabinets. We call the elevator, we are growing up with the enemy and rise above. Here we find another audio recording.

After killing all the cyborgs, we take the implant with the implant with the implant Implant V.5. We pass through a couple of the door and get into the hall of the administration.

Hall of the Creo Administration

Moving through the only track. Behind the door in front notice the mesh grille. I wicked it and pass through the tunnel in a new room. We destroy the box and get the implant plasma regenerator V.5. We use an exolift, standing nearby, and pass through the tunnel down. We break the grille and select the implant. A nearby elevator is able to bring us to the very beginning of the area. We approach it to save this short passage.

Again pass through the upper tunnel and go to the opposite part of the room. Go down to the lower level and select audio recording. Were grid and unscrew the door leading to the new room. We download a new audio message from the console.

The door in front will be able to bring us to a new ventilation hole, and the door on the left side is in the hall, in which we have already been before, but it is different. We choose the second option and we turn to the boxes, near which we discover the copper-electrochemical injection of V.5.

Raised the ladder at the opposite end. We turn to the right and straighten with a couple of opponents in front of the door. Behind the tree opposite the passage we find a mechanized counterweight, and in the office load the audio record.

A new voice message can be found next to the ladder, on which we have risen here earlier. Get up to her with your back and see on the left of a small fence, and on the right - the steps leading to the office. We go around the fence and pick it up behind it.

Here we see a big staircase that leads to a huge passage. We paint with all the opponents, but do not rush through the door. On the right side we notice the door is smaller - make a way there and get into the server room. Stop your back to the small door and go to the front pass.

We kill all enemies in the corridor and find two doors. We first go to the one that on the right and see the Corpse of Hackette. We see the video recorded by them, and under the body we find a sound message. In the room we find the console and interact with it to open a small room on the right side of the corpse. We select the pneumatic calibener V.4.

The next door is able to bring us to the exolipter leading to the camp of retraining. However, the first thing will try to open a large door located in the last room, but we will not work. We go to the right door and pass to the server.


In the console, nearby download the sound entry. Another message lies next to the corpse, lying near the stairs, which leads down. We pass along the ladder and find a container with the protection of the 85th level, in which 2 nanoaders lie. It also detect the energy chain that cleaner isolation. We reboot it and go to the big door. Next, we enter the meeting room and view the video. After we hear that the launch of "Utopia" is being prepared.

We leave out and go to a new location.

Camp retraining

We descend and go to the room through ventilation. Behind the stove on the right side, we detect a new audio message. To open the door reboot the chain for the drone located on the wall. We return to the top of the region. Next, we go to the negotiation and we go on the right track to the power barrier with a lot of enemies. We kill Cerber and get a SNS V.4 dysinigitor.

We make your way to an elevator for switching to another zone.


Start site 01.

Once in a new area, immediately take the sound message, and then go on the left side. On the wall in front of the corridor leading down, we detect the chain. Managed to reboot it? Excellent, in this case we pass through the door located right around the corner. We descend and not far from the ladder we select the healthy injection of V.5.

If we could not hack the chain, then just pass through the second door, located next to the past.

1st floor - Loading compartment

If we go down on the right ladder, we can smash boxes in which there is a plasma regenerator V.5. We go further through the only track and the platform is called an elevator. It is in him that we will be able to find the next operational center. There is a workstation with which we can download a new audio record.

We continue to go ahead. We understand from the opponents in the "cocoon" and unscrew the door. Raise above. The first door will be blocked - it will be able to open it only with the console located on the opposite side. On the next floor there is a second door, through which we will be able to go right now. We go through it and get to the technical tunnel leading to the roof of the elevator. Here we find the Dysianegitor SNS V4. We return and climb to the very top where the sound message is. Then we pass through the door being here.

Second floor - filling compartment

We go around the design on the right side and finding the control panel to call a freight elevator, that is, the operator will drive it right to you. We go to the beginning of the level and unfold, in order to explore it more carefully. We understand with the enemy, we turn around the containers and come across two more enemies. There is also a new sound record and recreational injection of V.5. On the right side, we detect the ventilation grid. We break it and rest in the end in the glass door, to open which you need to use the control panel on the other side.

We return to the main hall of the second level and continue to go ahead. Repeat on the left side and we are painted with two cyborgs. If we go down, we can find a pile of scrap. After opening the door, we turn out in the corridor, but it will immediately be blocked and we have to fight the opponent in the "cocoon". You can go away from here by using exolipter. At the third level, we find the container with the protection of the 50th level, in which 2 nanoaders are hidden. Then we call the elevator and jump on it.

Nitrogen feed station

We descend and break the boxes on the left side, in which the Vanadium cell of V.5 is lying. We continue to go on the corridors, climb up, using the exolute, and in the distant corner of the room reboot the chain. We go ahead and open the door guard door.

Preparation of "Utopia": Classified

From the workstation, download the audio record. Another one detect near the dead body. We climb even higher and detect a new audio message from Anna. I woof the ventilation grid and go through the tunnel until we find the energy chain. Reboot it and go down. Next, go through the aisle on the left side. On the way, we can interact with the console to load the virus and obtain one of the two endings.

Start site 02.

During the transition to this area, the download will happen. Here we find a sound message and weapons "Code name of the death of gods".

We go back and in the corridor, in which we fell, we turn into a turn, where the ladder is located leading down. Over the corner of the right is an exolift. We rise to it in the technical tunnel and find a sound message.

Next, we go to the lower level and we understand with a strange creature. Unlock the door guard and detect the workstation in the corridor. Download from it a sound entry. When hiking in the other side, we find the glass door, which we have not previously unlocked. In the place where the monster arose, there is an elevator. We enter it and fall on the top floor. We understand the enemies and climb even higher.

Send Station

With this train, we can go to the first location - production center V. However, we do not pay attention to it and jump into the hole. As a result, we get to the desired premises. To unlock the door you should restart the chain. We enter the room and climb upstairs. We reach the console and reboot it.

We go back to the first level in the loading compartment. There will be a passage through which we can pass. We continue to move towards location where we have to fight the last boss - unauthorized access.

Battle with unauthorized access - how to kill?

After we try to reboot the power circuit, "unauthorized access" will arise in the room, which received material embodiment. He will be significantly different from that we have seen earlier. We advise you to take into my hands as quickly as possible weapons, in order to apply a large number of attacks in suitable moments.

Capture a point on the enemy housing and begin to beat it, not forgetting to shy away from its powerful blows. Successfully touched, immediately attack the boss, causing 2-3 attacks to him. Then we try again not to come across his combo.

When the enemy remains about 25 percent of health, he is lit for a few seconds. At this time, we run up to the power circuit and end the reboot. Now we will manage to carry out this procedure, but the battle is still completed.

In the second phase, the enemy will receive the form of a person, however, despite the apparent harmlessness, the enemy will become stronger. We are standing from the boss as far as possible and try not to get under the three of its consistent attacks. Then he is lit for a second - then we must start beat it. Make 1-2 impact, and then immediately move away.

Dron at this stage will provide us with considerable support. For it just apply a module that knocks down the enemy from the legs. So we will be able to win for a few seconds for the restoration of health or stock.

As soon as the "unauthorized access" will be destroyed to us will be issued by the Hameleon Weapons and will show one of the final. Congratulations, the passage of The Surge is completed.

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 57
Stroy strength: high
Attack speed: Low

Energy Getting: + 70%

Production method:

Falls from the first boss P.A.X. Only in the event that the boss never falls on the battle with its own missiles. Just save the distance during the rocket volley and go away from rockets. To "drop" the boss, during the launch of Bate on the foot on which it stands. But first you need to knock off the shields on his legs. They are knocked off from ordinary shots and relatively quickly.

Weapon feature:

The displayed power field on the blade and a special attack when retarding PCM.

"Throttle" May Beetle "B.2.0

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 24
Stroy force: low
Attack speed: high
Owning Effect Weapon: High
Energy Getting: + 5%

Production method:

During the battle with the "May Zhuk", it is necessary to cut off all the limbs. The task is not difficult, just highlight the legs on SCM and Beach. It is very convenient to cut off those limbs, ktotry "beetle" stuck in the floor after a strong impact. By the way, at the end there should be an ONDA that does not cut off the leg, which does not stand out through SCM, everything is fine, it is not a bug, you will still get weapons.

Weapon feature:

All attacms have been added damage from fire with a chance to set fire to the enemy.

"Prut-gunstar" in 2.0

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 62
Stroy force: average
Attack speed: average
Owning Effect Weapon: High
Obtaining energy: + 25%

Production method:

During the battle with the Boss "Greater Sistr", it is necessary in the second phase of the battle to leave the minimum of 2 burners on the assembly platform and then immediately attack the kernel.
Just destroy 2 burners on the left or on the right row and go to attack the kernel. The vacant place can be rejected as a place to retreat.

Weapon feature:

Adding damage from fire to all attacks with a chance to install the enemy.

"MG Judge" B.2.0

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 106
Stroy strength: high
Attack speed: Low

Getting Energy: + 55%

Production method:

Cut off the right hand of the fourth boss "Black Cherberry".

Weapon feature:

If there are 10 power units, it is possible to release a power wave by pressing PCM.

"Structural claws" and "chameleon"

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 83
Stroy force: average
Attack speed: high
Effect of possession of weapons: very high
Getting energy: + 20%

Production method:

Cut off the right hand of the humanoid form of the final boss

Feature weapons

Of course, the best weapon in the game in terms of damage in a second.
Probably the best weapon in the game as a whole.
Combined combat mechanical mechanics of one-handed weapons and weapons with double fastening.

In addition, I would like to mention the best one-handed weapon: "chameleon"

Basic characteristics:

Basic damage: 131
Stroy force: average
Attack speed: high
Effect of possession of weapons: very high
Getting energy: + 20%

Production method:

IMPORTANT: The main way to get this sword blocks the possibility of obtaining "structural claws".
1) The main way: kill the humanoid shape of the final boss branches his head or craving the torso.
2) Kill the final boss, get "structural claws" as described above. Start a new game +. In this mode, the player will meet special "zombies" in some places, you will learn them on a variety of equipment (sometimes from different armor sets) and weapons. As far as I understand, "chameleon" can appear with absolutely by chance. So everything depends on the luck only.
But there is a way to smear:
In the new game +, in the first chapter in the location "main assembly line", there is one such "zombie". Find him and look at him for the weapon. If this is not "chameleon", then let's kill your character and repeat this process until the opponent is not equipped with "chameleon". Theoretically, such a scheme should work with the rest of such opponents.
IMPORTANT: These zombies are not resting after you kill them and are very strong, so you need to kill them bangs the right hand from the first time.

Feature weapons

Increased damage and attack speed among all one-handed weapons.

In the new draft team DECK 13, in addition to ordinary opponents, you will have special enemies that will have much more lives of lives and apply you a significant damage. Battles with some of them may be incredibly difficult for players. Therefore, we decided to write a guide about the battle of bosses in The Surge, which contains the most effective strategies and battle tactics with these opponents. You will learn their weak points and main movements, and therefore you can better prepare for battle with them.


It is the first boss in the game. For victory over him, you need to constantly stay behind him and attack his leg until an orange scale is filled at the top of the screen. After that Pax attacks you with your missiles. It is necessary to quickly approach the robot as close as possible so that the rockets do not have for you, but according to your opponent. Next you need to hit its three weak points (2 in front and 1 coming).

As soon as you hit several times by its vulnerable point, P.A.X. Rises to your feet and you will need to repeat the above trick. After two such falls, the boss will be destroyed.

LU-74 "May Beetle"

The second boss in the game, which has two forms. In the first form, it looks like a crab-like being. If you want damage to him, then attack his legs after he jumps and falls from the sky. As soon as he falls from height, run up to it and start to beat it with severe blows. But do not overdo it, otherwise the enemy counteracts you and cause serious damage.

After weakening his legs, the "May beetle" will fall to the ground and you can attack one of his faulty legs until it explogs. Repeat this strategy until the cat-scene starts, in which the Boss will show its second form.

The enemy will start to soar around the arena and will try either cut into you at all speed, or to hurt you with your raw limbs. Any of these attacks can lead you to instant death. Therefore, if you notice that he is going to spend one of these blows, then we advise immediately prepare for evasion from them.

The best time for attack on the boss is to wait until he hit, and then immediately pounce on it and make a couple of cutting attacks. Then immediately retreat, otherwise it will easily hurt you with your crushes. Repeat this method to a victorious end.