Alchemy classic HD recipes. Alchemy. Tips in Alchemy

Absolutely illogical game, from our point of view, designed exclusively for "murder of time". The essence is that the player chooses some "elements" and by mixing them with each other trying to get new "substances". If a certain logic is still traced in some "transformations", then in most "experiments" it is simply not. Therefore, the game is passed by simply extinguishing all possible variants of the combination of elements, which is significantly complicated as the number of basic and composite elements is increasing. The easiest way is to sort out the elements "blindly" - in "a certain similarity on the cooler of the medieval alchemist": thus dragging items can be accidentally opening a new one. To do this, select more items from the list of open, and then quickly-quickly move your finger on the phone screen - soon you will definitely be lucky and some unprecedented chemical reaction will be happened. However, IMHO, do not waste your time: no new new game you will open.

Water + air \u003d couples
air + fire \u003d energy
Air + land \u003d dust
Earth + fire \u003d lava
water + land \u003d swamp
water + fire \u003d alcohol
water + lava \u003d couples, stone
air + stone \u003d sand
water + stone \u003d sand
Stone + Fire \u003d Metal
tree + fire \u003d coal
Fire + dust \u003d ash
air + lava \u003d stone
swamp + sand \u003d clay
clay + fire \u003d brick
air + energy \u003d storm
Fire + Sand \u003d Glass
stone + stone \u003d stone, stone, fire
Fire + alcohol \u003d energy
Metal + Energy \u003d Electricity
stone + shells \u003d limestone
tree + fire \u003d coal
swamp + energy \u003d life
swamp + life \u003d bacteria
water + life \u003d algae
bacteria + water \u003d plankton
Bacteria + Plankton \u003d Fish
bacteria + swamp \u003d worm, sulfur
stone + plankton \u003d shells
plankton + fish \u003d whale
land + plankton \u003d worm
air + worm \u003d butterfly
land + worm \u003d beetle
Beetle + Sand \u003d Scorpio
swamp + worm \u003d snake
sand + worm \u003d snake
Life + stone \u003d egg
Snake + Snake \u003d Egg, Snake, Snake
Bird + Bird \u003d Egg, Bird, Bird
Lizard + Lizard \u003d Egg, Lizard, Lizard
dinosaur + dinosaur \u003d egg, dinosaur, dinosaur
Turtle + Turtle \u003d Egg, Turtle, Turtle
air + egg \u003d bird
swamp + egg \u003d lizard
Sand + Egg \u003d Turtle
Earth + egg \u003d dinosaur
Air + dinosaur \u003d flying dinosaur
Snake + worm \u003d lizard
Water + Snake \u003d Fish
air + lizard \u003d bird
Earth + Lizard \u003d Beast
life + beast \u003d man
Golem + Life \u003d Man
beast + water \u003d whale
man + poison \u003d corpse
Tool + Scorpio \u003d Poison
Snake + Tool \u003d Poison
Mushroom + tool \u003d poison
swamp + algae \u003d moss
Algae + Earth \u003d Mushroom
swamp + moss \u003d fern
land + moss \u003d grass
Earth + Seeds \u003d Tree
Life + Sand \u003d Seeds
Grass + grass \u003d seeds
tree + tree \u003d seeds
Pasha + Seeds \u003d Wheat
Pashnya + grass \u003d wheat
swamp + grass \u003d reed
Fire + Grass \u003d Tobacco
life + ash \u003d ghost
life + corpse \u003d zombies
Zombies + corpse \u003d Vurdalak
Blood + Man \u003d Vampire
Vampire + man \u003d vampire, vampire
Vampire + Beast \u003d Vampire, Werewolf
tree + life \u003d walking tree
dinosaur + fire \u003d dragon
Flying dinosaur + fire \u003d dragon
Storm + Bird \u003d Thunder-Bird
Fire + Bird \u003d Phoenix
Life + Fire \u003d Fire Elemental
clay + life \u003d golem
Life + lava \u003d lava naked
Life + Metal \u003d Metal Golem
Water + Lavova Golem \u003d Stone, Energy, Energy, Stone, Energy, Couples, Energy
Water + Fire Elemental \u003d Energy, Energy, Safety, Energy, Couples, Energy, Soft
Metal + man \u003d instrument, man
Tree + Tool \u003d Wood, Tool
Earth + tool \u003d Pashnya
Tool + Wool \u003d Fabric, Tool
Fabric + Man \u003d Clothes
Tool + reed \u003d paper
paper + pen \u003d book
Clay + man \u003d ceramics
man + man \u003d sex
stone + man \u003d hut
clay + limestone \u003d cement
water + cement \u003d concrete
concrete + brick \u003d brick house
Brick house + glass \u003d skyscraper
Wood + Tool \u003d Wheel
Metal + par \u003d steam boiler
Steam boiler + coal \u003d steam engine
Water + Wood \u003d Boat
Wood + Boat \u003d Wooden Ship
Wooden ship + fabric \u003d sailboat
Boat + Fabric \u003d Sailing Boat
Wooden ship + steam engine \u003d steamer
Wood + wheel \u003d cart
Beast + Telega \u003d Hard
steam engine + cart \u003d steam locomotive
Tool + Metal \u003d Weapon, Tool
weapon + man \u003d hunter
Weapon + poison \u003d poisoned weapon
Poisoned Weapon + Man \u003d Killer
Weapon + Hunter \u003d Warrior
Limestone + Manure \u003d Seliver
Selitra + sulfur \u003d powder
dust + fire \u003d powder
Weapon + powder \u003d firearms
Stone + Wheat \u003d Flour
water + flour \u003d dough
fire + dough \u003d bread
Fire + egg \u003d scrambled eggs
Meat + Fire \u003d Roasted Meat
alcohol + bread \u003d beer
Paper + Tobacco \u003d Cigarettes
Wheat + alcohol \u003d beer
Water + alcohol \u003d vodka
alcohol + man \u003d alkash
Beer + Man \u003d Alkash
Vodka + man \u003d alkash
Beast + Man \u003d Man, Domestic Cattle
Home Cattle + Grass \u003d Domestic Cattle, Manure, Milk
domestic cattle + man \u003d man, meat, wool, milk
Beast + Hunter \u003d Hunter, Meat, Wool, Blood
Hunter + Bird \u003d Hunter, Meat, Feather, Blood
Dinosaur + Hunter \u003d Dinosaur, Blood
dinosaur + man \u003d dinosaur, blood
Warrior + Beast \u003d Warrior, Blood
Warrior + Dinosaur \u003d Warrior, Blood
warrior + man \u003d corpse, warrior, blood
Warrior + Dragon \u003d Hero, Blood
dragon + man \u003d dragon, ash
Dragon + Hunter \u003d Dragon, ash
book + fire \u003d ash
paper + fire \u003d ash
moss + fire \u003d ash
Fire + man \u003d corpse
Fire + corpse \u003d ash
tree + fire \u003d ash, ash, coal
Wood + fire \u003d ash, coal
Snake + Fire \u003d ash
Fire + worm \u003d ash
Fire + Lizard \u003d ash
Fire + Tobacco \u003d ash
Fire + walking tree \u003d ash, ghost
Grass + Tool \u003d Lawn Mower
Pasha + man \u003d gardener
Earth + tool \u003d Pashnya
Fire + Algae \u003d iodine
water + water \u003d sea
ONONE + sea \u003d salt + couple
sea \u200b\u200b+ elephant \u003d whale
How to get a bar? The answer is below:
Tequila + brick house \u003d bar
Limestone + Fire \u003d Lime
Snake + electricity \u003d electric eel
Vampire + Bird \u003d Bat
Storm + Bird \u003d Thunder-Bird
sea \u200b\u200b+ volcano \u003d island

hydrogen + oxygen \u003d rat gas
Electricity + water \u003d oxygen + hydrogen
Corpse + Zombie \u003d Vurdalak
Electricity + corpse \u003d Frankenstein
man + oxygen \u003d carbon dioxide + man
water + carbon dioxide \u003d soda
Pressure + fossil \u003d kerogen
swamp + algae \u003d moss
moss + land \u003d grass
Grass + grass \u003d seeds
seeds + man \u003d gardener
Seeds + water \u003d flower
grass + fire \u003d tobacco
tobacco + alkash \u003d cancer
Pashnya + grass \u003d wheat
Wheat + Tool \u003d Flour
flour + water \u003d dough
dough + fire \u003d bread
Bat + man \u003d Batman
Lava + Life \u003d Lavova Golem
aluminum + oxygen \u003d ruby
Aluminum + Glass \u003d Mirror
Man + Beast \u003d Man + Domestic Cattle
bacteria + milk \u003d kefir
man + kefir \u003d diet
flower + beetle \u003d bee
bee + flower \u003d honey
Sand + Water \u003d Beach
hut + chicken \u003d chicken
Lawn mower + Pashnya \u003d Tractor
skyscraper + lamp \u003d lighthouse
flower + alcohol \u003d perfume
flour + beetle \u003d flour beetle
Water + Wood \u003d Boat
alcohol + oxygen \u003d vinegar and water
Storm + Water \u003d Typhoon
Boat + Wood \u003d Wooden Ship
Clay + man \u003d ceramics
Wheel + wood \u003d cart
knife + wood \u003d count

The interesting game is alchemy (Alxemy) dozens of similar: "Alchemist", "God's simulator", "Genesis" and others with the same gaming mechanics and a puzzle principle. Before you the best game "Alchemy" in Russian: you can play for free in online version with answers and prompts.

Time to play: Alchemy will wake up the researcher in you! Fill your own world from scratch and start with four basic: water, fire, earth and air. Create from them new natural phenomena and items in the Alchemical laboratory right now! The game trains creative thinking and memory, stimulates the brain ability to work with diverse information and analyze. You can play alchemy online and no registration on the site is not needed for the prompt. Tips for passing: Answers with recipes of elements you will find a little lower.

The main plus of this version of the game is alchemy: help in Russian and understandable gameplay. At start 4 elements. With the creation of new phenomena of nature, items and substances you will receive more alchemical raw materials and gradually fill your world. In the bottom corner of the right, see the forecast: a hint of elements that can be made by alchemy from already available. Follow the Tips Assistant Alchemist: He says the answers in the form of a riddle, analyze!


Drag as well as the mouse any pair of elements on the transmutation circle and click on it to start the converter. If the selection of ingredients is successful - you will get a new item! To remove unnecessary components (pulled by mistake), roll them into a black circle, in the right part of the laboratory.

Tips in Alchemy

From the start in the game without your participation, a friendly interface is configured:

  • open elements reactions are available;
  • pop-up tips with answers of possible transformations from already open components;
  • tips for teacher alchemy.

If you want to play without tips, update the game and click the Reset button on the start. Do not hurry to spy, play with pleasure! Enjoy the study of Alchemy on Alheims!

Quoted1 \u003e\u003e Alchemy game 390 elements (recipes alphabetically: a, b, in, g, e)

Alchemy - a game for lovers of puzzles who want to visit the Grand Ancient Alchemist, nascent all the elements of our planet.

Your laboratory will not be a scientific modern center, do not meet in it and computing machines and installations, heaps of tubes for experiments and other attributes. Just imagine, even on nanotechnology here is unknown to anyone!

As you know, for Alchemists, the world seemed completely different, consisting only of 4 components and their combinations (fire, water, air and fire). Their combinations were supposed to give the lives to the whole living and inanimate on our planet. At least now it seems that it is naive and similar to a fairy tale, you will agree, never ceases to be so interesting! Actually, this is for you to feel in the game.

Starting with the "invention" of sand by grinding stones from wind, we use this principle further. Everything is interconnected and starts with the simplest components. Starting from the opening of the simplest plants, natural phenomena, heavenly shining, we will reach even before receiving DNA. This is not easy alchemy Answers game In which are given only after logical reflection. But you have an assistant, he will tell you that it may be necessary to synthesize new elements.

But if you still put you in a dead end, Alchemist, the answers can be spacked on our website. It contains all combinations of components that allow you to synthesize one or another element. After all, sometimes, the absence of a component alone can strike the game.

Recipes for the game Alchemy 390 Elements - Part 1 (Alphabetical, Letters: A, B, B, G, D)

1. 1Up \u003d life + mushroom

2. McDonald's \u003d Coca-Cola + Sandwich

3. R2-D2 \u003d robot + hero

4. Australia \u003d Kangaroo + Country

5. iPhone \u003d phone + fruit

6. Aquarium \u003d Fish + Glass

7. Alkash \u003d beer + man

8. Diamond \u003d Coal + Pressure

9. Albert Einstein \u003d Scientist + Energy

10. Aluminum \u003d Airplane + Metal

11. Butterfly \u003d air + worm

12. Bacteria \u003d Life + swamp (dirt + life)

13. Bar \u003d brick house + beer

14. Bacon \u003d Fire + Pig

15. Belarus \u003d Tractor + Country

16. Gasoline \u003d Pressure + Oil

17. Concrete \u003d Water + Cement

18. Library \u003d Book + Book

19. Beatles \u003d Beetle + Beetle

20. Bitumen \u003d Pressure + Kerogen

21. Beaver \u003d Dam + Beast

22. Swamp \u003d Water + Earth

23. Hospital \u003d Brick house + patient

24. Patient \u003d flu + man

25. Borsch \u003d Beet + Fire

26. Brilliant \u003d diamond + tool

27. Paper \u003d Pressure + Wood

28. Pinocchio \u003d Wood + Life

29. Storm \u003d Air + Energy

30. Batman \u003d man + batting mouse

31. Vampire \u003d Blood + Man

32. United Kingdom \u003d Robin Hood + Country

33. Bike \u003d Wheel + Wheel

34. Venus \u003d Planet + Woman

35. Venice \u003d city + water

36. Camel \u003d Desert + Beast

37. Wind \u003d air + air

38. Blast \u003d gasoline + fire

39. Vikodin \u003d Patient + Doctor

40. Wine \u003d bacteria + grapes

41. Grapes \u003d Earth + Wood

42. Water \u003d Initially

43. Vodka \u003d alcohol + water

44. Hydrogen \u003d water + electricity

45. Algae \u003d Life + Water

46. \u200b\u200b43 air \u003d initially

47. Warrior \u003d Weapon + Hunter

48. Wolf \u003d Moon + Beast

49. Time \u003d Life + hourglass

50. Volcano \u003d Pressure + Lava

51. Vurdalak \u003d corpse + zombies

52. Hazing \u003d water + carbon dioxide

53. Lawn mower \u003d Grass + tools

54. Geyser \u003d couples + land

55. Germany \u003d Volkswagen Beetle + Country

56. Hero \u003d Dragon + Warrior

57. Clay \u003d sand + swamp

58. Golem \u003d Clay + Life

59. City \u003d skyscraper + skyscraper

60. Hot chocolate \u003d fire + chocolate

61. Harmony gas \u003d oxygen + hydrogen

62. croutons \u003d fire + bread

63. Mushroom \u003d Earth + Algae

64. Influenza \u003d Air + bacteria

65. Grigiff \u003d Blood + Bird

66. Coffin \u003d corpse + wood

67. thunderstorm \u003d storm + electricity

68. Thunder Bird \u003d Bird + Storm

69. Gromber \u003d Thunderstorm + Metal

70. Dirt \u003d Dust + Water

71. Pressure \u003d Earth + Earth

72. DVS \u003d steam engine + gasoline

73. Santa Claus \u003d old man + Christmas tree

74. Money \u003d Coin + Paper

75. Wood \u003d Earth + Seeds

76. Wooden ship \u003d Boat + Wood

77. Jedi \u003d Hero + Light Sword

78. Ginn \u003d lamp + ghost

79. Diet \u003d Man + kefir

80. Dilemma \u003d Egg + Chicken

81. Dinosaur \u003d Earth + Egg

82. Rain \u003d Cloud + Water or Sky + Water