Ken Levin loves to challenge the ideas, including those that do not suspect. A bad shooter can be a good game, the first hour and the last half hour can smooth out boring shootings, and with the choice of genre you can make a mistake, without noticing this year. Bioshock Infinite dreams of becoming an adventure, but, like the heroine Elizabeth, locked in a cage: Songberd Publisher does not allow it. This could be forgotten if Irrational was able to make shooters. But they have art galleries, characters, the development of the plot, dialogues, production, thousands of small things, and almost all the battles necessarily fall.

In Infinite, only decorations changed dramatically. Instead of the Libertarians atheists, Rasist's religious fanatics, instead of the city under water - the city in the sky. Plasmids repainted, the hero of the buter spoke, and the splines were organized in a full "capture Wall Street", but it was still Bioshock, with all its advantages and disadvantages. The first minutes in Columbia are not inferior to the first minutes in Rapple. First, you just do that they look around, consider the frescoes and posters with propaganda, listen to passersby. Irrational Games had a plausible city: children play classics and smoke around the corner, sellers at the fair are called to themselves, the aristocrats are sitting on the benches and rest, and the girls look at the buoy, talk and giggle. It is easy to believe that people live here.

But one choice changes everything: Columbia is empty, only the police remain on the streets. It is easier to give them a hook on the head than to shoot them, and this is only one of the problems of battles Bioshock Infinite. There is a lot of weapons in the game, but it is all boring, cardboard, without a strong return and tactile sensations of the best games of the genre. I would not pay so much attention if you didn't have so much to shoot. Of 15 hours that you will spend in Infinite, only 5 will come to the study of the world and history. The rest of the time you will spend behind battles, dreaming so that they finally end. The exception is skiing skiing, allowing jumping on enemies and shoot them raid. It is very fun, but in many places the rails are not laid, and the game turns from the acrobatic shooter into a mediocre shooter.

The imbalance in battles is best manifested in the prompt that the game gives - "Do not forget to use forces", the local plasmid analogue. About them and the truth often forget. Not because there are no interesting - these abilities of the buoy just enliven battles - and because it is always easier to quickly shoot enemies and go further. When you find a new strength, you use it once on some subject to advance through the plot, and then it may not need. Here, IRRATIONAL would have to learn from Arkane: Dishonored not only gave freedom, but also created conditions for her, provided such design levels so that no choice seemed preferable.

The game lacks a change of tones: stealth, puzzles, more interesting saidquests. And in the shootouts do not need a tactic: you, if that, Alizabeth will always help. In battles, she throws out the cartridges, medicinal drugs and salt (spent on the use of forces), and also asks for help from other measurements: causes turret, mechanical "patriots" with machine guns, hangs hooks, creates shelters and even revitals the hero when death. With the exception of the last fight, in Infinite it is almost impossible to lose, and the choice of another level of complexity only emphasizes the weakness of the game as a shooter, and not only because of the weapons, but also because of the enemies. In Bioshock, it was felt that there is a small story behind each splice, and the appearance of a large daddy was forced to panic. In Infinite this is not: the enemies are impersonal, and the strongest of them are Handimen - appear just a few times.

But Elizabeth almost always falls into the frame. This is the main breakthrough Infinite - she does not woves for you, and herself runs forward, helps to crack the castles and decipher the inscriptions on the walls, looks what happens around, and cares about himself. In an interview with Ken Levin clearly exaggerated the possibilities of artificial intelligence (Elizabeth, yawning in the room, full of corpses, looks strange), but these are already soldiers. The heiress Alix succeeded, and if something needs to be stealing from Bioshock Infinite, it is how to enter the accompanying character in the game so that he does not interfere.

I am very insulting to scold Bioshock Infinite, because it is a rare type of game exhibition. In it, I want to see each binoculars, find every audio and every dollar, see all the posters. But this is not a film and not a video gallery - it is impossible to flush boring moments, so it will be very often to endure. At times, after the story turn, the failure should be a bakery backtrack or the battle with the same boss three times in an hour. But for the last scenes, Infinite want to forgive: such a beautiful and thorough ending in video games was not long ago. Immediately after it, you begin to remember: the replica of some characters there is a second meaning, non-visual events become key, but there is enough space for interpretations. Is it worth it? Yes of course. A bad shooter may be a good, even very good game, although it will never be outstanding.

The duration is also extremely normal - 12-13 hours, if you do not inspect every angle in search of the aidhechk, equipment, money and audio angles. Before the authors do not customize us with sticks - on the contrary, allow no slowly to walk through the streets of the heavenly city, enjoy the views, to write rooms, listen to the conversations of passers-by and beautiful "Caverits" -anonism (for example, here and here). Of course, the "sandbox" is not talking about, but the road in the already studied areas is blocked infrequently and always warn in the "no return points."

Back to Where You've Never Been

Let this city-utopia do not rest at the bottom of the ocean, and it is crazy in the clouds of vanilla color, and instead of insane mutants, Derportads and proletarians are annoyed, sensations are the same as from the first. Preserved an old formula, simplifying some elements along the way.

Plasmids who showed the character with abilities, changed the name and principle of operation (then they rewritten DNA, causing addiction, now change the person on the quantum level without addiction). Fire, electricity, flock of bloodthirsty raven, telecinez ... "Char" only 8 pieces, but some multiply damage in combination. Running "spell", you can hold the mouse button, and the hero instead of throwing will install a min-trap.

Upgrades enhance the effect. Parabe - for each talent and four - for each type of weapon. And if there are original bonuses in the supervision, then in a machine, which improves the "trunks", are solid modifiers to damage, the size of the clip, the rate of recharging, and so on. Practically, but boring and much harder than in. After all, there are no different types of ammunition for one pistol, U-Invent units, where we collected rare things from spare parts, and hazardous hunting for "sisters" mining Adam.

Passive bonuses (tonic) redesigned in clothing items: hat, vest, shoes and pants. They, for example, give 70% to the maximum number of cartridges or chance to ignite the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. Alas, accessories a little, therefore the flour of the choice is not threatened with you (the owners of Season Pass and is suppressed - they are handed over to them a great set).

But the hook-propeller, with the help of which the heroes are driven by the rails connecting the islands, turned out to be in fact not so interesting. There is a truly open world, and the airways exist exclusively where the scenario is making. Or in some battles, so that the buoy can deftly snap from the enemies, change the firepoint, flights on the tier above / lower, or, having imagined the moment, collapse on the villain from the height.

The device is especially useful for the complexity of "Hard" and "1999 Mode", where the health bar and reserves of cartridges decrease with frightening speed. Actually, those who appreciate the shootout at least narration, I advise you to start immediately with the "Hard". Although the hotter and more dangerous, the skirmis is, the stronger the unsuccessful "Chekpoint", sometimes throwing 10-15 minutes ago. We could not be greedy, if they decided to do without the "quixais".

But "hacking" the mechanisms, picking up in a tedious problem, no longer needed - molecular magic turns turgle to the allies for a while, and the vending machines immediately straighten the bunch of coins. The focus and with living enemies, and the poor women are so deeply washing the brains, which, foaming the bower, they raise accounts with life. Who is a baton to reveal the skull, who will shoot the heart shotgun. With cruelty, if anyone is curious, everything is in order. Sometimes heads fly from shoulders, as if they pushed the spring. Rating "18+", as-nothing.

There's More Than One Of Everything

The high age qualified game has deserved not only for the scenes of violence, but also for the topic raised by the authors. This time, in addition to the class struggle, touched upon segregation and blind worship of religious idols. Colombia only seems to be a paradise. Under bright postcard landscapes hid a rotten police state. His ruler of the Comstock, the "Great Prophet" and "Father-founder", created a cult around himself, rewriting for this page of the newest story. The local elite, lazily sunbathing on an artificial beach, nothing but disgust does not cause - racism and xenophobia here are vaccinated with young nails.

However, like a propaganda car of Colombia, a climbing slogan about vigilance and patriotic debt, the scenarios teach the mind is not very subtle, and even along the rolled scheme. After a tour of the quarters, where the cream of society live, the buoy will be sent to the slums and the factory complex - there are thousands of workers for pennies Kuyut someone else's bourgeois happiness. But if we observed the consequences of the civil war, here we will see the full cycle of the revolution, from the first bursts of discontent to the pavement, littered corpses.

And feelings of isolation, habitual for games, no. Devitt is wandering around Colombia and communicates with people, and does not listen to monologues by walking like Jack out. Plus, he is accompanied by a wonderful assistant. Elizabeth is not a template NPC, for whose life we \u200b\u200bmust shake the whole road, and spit enemies. She takes into account the first-aid kits, the cartridges and money, hacks the castles, puts the wounded buoy on his feet and, it is worth asking, materializes weapons and auto tubes through spatial-temporary breaks. Oh yes, this "sister" in a white and blue dress is far from an ordinary girl! That's the question of who protects whom.

View BioShock Infinite Screenshots Gallery

The main character BIOSHOCK INFINITE. Booker Devitt should some kind of people have a lot of money - those without explaining the details, in exchange for financial freedom they require the lead to them the Girl Elizabeth, which is kept in custody in the most interesting - the flying city of Colombia. Mate Devitta without warning is shot in a special capsule in the air; In a moment, in front of his eyes, an absolutely fantastic landscape with soaring in the clouds and whole streets opens. So begins one of the most rapid, tangled and unusual adventures that video games knew five years old, if not more.

I visited an amazing place - amazing so much that I want to tell friends - and advise immediately go there. Ken Levin, the main game designer, was guided by the next principle: the primary environment, and not the mechanics. First you need to create a place of action, invent, how everything is arranged there, inhabit it with people, give them housing and work - and only then add this picture of details in the form of a player, his enemies and other utilitarian pieces. According to this principle, both previous parts of Bioshock were built and a mandatory classic like Deus Ex and System Shock 2. In Infinite, this technique reaches its apogee. The air city of Colombia is not just a set of attractions (although they are there too), but an absolutely independent environment, built not only for the sake of the player and its actions. We get into an unfamiliar, full surprises city, every detail of which deserves attention. Damn it, I visited a completely incredible place.

It should be understood that it is still about the shooter, where the main thing is to be interesting to shoot, and everything else, it seems, optionally. The basis of the mechanics for which the two previous games Levin worked: in one hand hero holds a weapon, and the other hits enemies with electricity, starts them into the air, set on and entertains more wild methods - here they are called "power engineers." All this can be developed in different directions near the special stalls; Most often, the choice rests on the price of the issue: weapons improve cheaper, but in the end it or it shoots it, or is recharged faster, in such a spirit. The development of abilities has a dramatic effect on what is happening: an energy engineer called "Return to Sender", allowing you to catch all the bullets flying to the hero, and then launch them back to the author. Infinite surprises and strongly refreshes the whole mass of moments. The shooting dynamics knocks the ground from under the feet: as soon as the introductory part ends and the game begins directly, the pace of what is happening is gaining momentum at the speed of light, and somewhere in the middle of the shooting game in Colombia alleys grows to the modest war of hostilities with the abodes of aircraft and the opportunity Walking to enemies on the head, pre-breaking down on special rails stretched through the air between the houses. The companion of the Main Hero, Elizabeth, unlike, it seems, in general, all virtual partners from other games, behaves clearly not as a stolen girl, more often helps, what requires care, and makes the game only more interesting. Together with the heroes of Bioshock Infinite constantly grows over himself, at times jumping above the head; Up to the final, new mechanics and algorithms are offered, and from the point of view of the production and development of the plot, absolutely amazing affairs work.

Back to ninety

Announced half a year ago 1999 Mode for Bioshock Infinite, as follows from the name, offers the most severe difficulty level. What is interesting, the regime not only works in the spirit of the old school, but also opens. To open the 1999 mode, you need to or go through the game, or in the main menu to type the so-called Konami Code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, (Cancel), (CONFIRM).

The authors are able to withstand the tone and know the measure: wild on the scale of bloodshed and bustle a shootout with the participation of the revollable mannequins of George Washington with machine guns will certainly be replaced by the contemplative part, where it remains only to twist heads around the sides with scattering eyes. The tangible part of the game time, goes to the study of places, attend which is not at all, but otherwise it does not work - curiosity takes its own. For locked doors, Elizabeth helps to penetrate: at some point it turns out that many years of loneliness surrounded by a whole library did their job, and at the level of the theory, the girl generally knows a lot of interesting things. A separate song is the development of relations between Elizabeth and a buoy. In the course of the play strictly business interest of the heroes to each other develop into a certain dependence, and contrary to logic it turns out that it is impossible to get out of the city without breaking these bonds. Here they begin such turns, tell about which, not hurt vital tissue, it is impossible, but believe me: During its development, the plot Infinite has time to minimize so many times in the unexpected direction that you will be told to count.

Responding to a popular question: Infinite - a hermetic, complete work, for understanding which to know the oppression of the previous Bioshock is not necessarily. Nevertheless, there is an extremely nontrivial connection between these games, and for the complete head of the head during the Infinite final it is recommended to see at least the first part.

Memory is painfully trying to grope films and books with which Bioshock Infinite could be compared for clarity, but nothing happens. This is a completely unique experience, the rarest case spreading its exclusivity far beyond the understanding of the functioning of video games and boring reasoning about the game process. It is difficult to talk about it with a imperturbable face: I didn't just pass the Bioshock Infinite, I spent a few days in a fantastic, incredible city, doubt the reality of which I do not have a single reason.

The version for PC was reviewed.

Publication date: 04/01/2013 21:05:44

In the yard of the 21st century, and it would seem, the developers literally unleashed their hands - with modern technologies you can create unique and stunning game worlds. Not there was something: in favor of mass taste, and rather, his absence, only the continuation of the franchises sold, and military shooters come from the conveyor. But a preventive blow to the soul of even the very cynical skeptic conservative.

The most revalued game that I saw. If you go through to scrape on all slaves, it turns out very boring and prolonged, but it tastes and color ... But the plot is the most ridiculous ending, which could be invented. Included here Ohhi and ahi in the end? When you start to play - you see, before you steampunk to one degree or another, a little plasmid, which is diluted, but no paranormal ahine, and here suddenly, it turns out that there are other reality and that type is very twisted because one pretzel Of the two reality, I got into one, like, well, just a vertex that it was possible to come up with a similar thing, Nicchonny, the ending was used in the Chronicles of Sialia (the trilogy of books), which came out a long time ago and seem to even remember some film with a similar end. And what is there to be surprised when trying to spite this Aachen is not the first time? And what is surprising here for the first time? In the battle, the plot is worked out ... A red assessment of this is 3.5, just because at least in some places it is interesting ... but in general, no one will advise to spend time at this time.

Post is edited by user 06/05/2015 08:32:18

An excellent game and with the opinion of Gamer Info, I completely agree. The mobile sometimes sometimes happens and a little boring, but having passed quite a bit starts something very interesting, and no longer borrow.

sergeant wrote (a):

what exactly is the minus of the game? Moem translation into Russian is a plus.

This is probably like in GTA. 5. In the minuses of the game, there is still no longer flying to the moon or make a home elephant.
Most likely there is simply no minuses)

Grand Master Jedi

review is chic and honest. Except for one point. What exactly is the minus of the game? Moem translation into Russian is a plus. Otherwise, the plot would only be understood by those who own English

Added later:
Looked review. There was a desire to go through the game. Bought and passed. Revised review. There was a desire to cross. Ah, Gamer-Info, what are you doing with me?

How much ... how were you wrong, friend)))) Hello, Birrual at Sea Part 1 and Part 2 ....

Dmitry19 wrote (a):

Review is worthy to revise and re-read again, which is not to say about the game itself. (

Well, I would not say, the game is just wonderful. There were no such games for a long time ago I put it 6/5, because I repeat once again the game went to the joy to everyone and I agree with the observation.

Added later:

kirowa2013 wrote (a):

spectators, but not participants

You're wrong!!! Tonics are needed there all, some simplify the passage, some are cheerful, and there is no weapon there in bulk, take it, I don't want it, so it's already you just start to underestimate the assessment, and so the game is perfect and yes at the expense of choice. Where the first time you choose you can choose: immediately start to beat everyone (but at the same time not to hit the slave) or hit the slave and not start to beat everyone, while other choices develop the situation immediately, and in the end it is necessary to reflect only the smallest . What you wrote about the ending there, do you know that everyone and all do the endings happy, so think nafig and us the ending where Elizabeth dies ?? At the very beginning it was clear that the buter does not want to be the ruler of Colombia, he just wanted to pay off his duty, and to start or did not begin the revolution, it did not depend on us, there were so slaves so wanted, and not you would uptaking them.

Post is edited by user 02.05.2013 14:07:59

In my opinion, the author looked a little game. With all its advantages - the ending, the world, characters, etc. This is all. But in the minuses you can still write something. Care from a subtle balance between magic (tonic) and technique (weapon) turned the game to the shooter, all the same in the first biocker paid a lot of attention to the mutations, tonics, etc. Here for some reason greatly simplified this part. By themselves, the ability of some useless, except for the first (enemy control) and the latter (shield). The rest never took advantage. Just two weapons with you? Why this realism? You never know that you are waiting for - a crowd of enemies, a huge robot or someone else, often stay with unnecessary weapons. In general, minus them for it.
Elections that we do the whole game in the end do not lead to anything, do not affect the end, so why are they? Those. we are deliberately doing spectators, but not participants, because we cannot influence what it will end. In my opinion, it was possible to make several endings, where we save El, where she dies, where the buoy becomes the ruler of Colombia, start or not start a revolution, etc.
And for the Russian subtitles added at the last moment, you need to thank people who signed the appropriate petition, otherwise we are generally in English. were playing. Such an attitude to us honestly surprises little and strains.
Next, you can kick developers for curve optimization, as a result, after 20-30 minutes, the game begins to slow down independently of the picture, and neither patches nor drivers have so far been fixed.
The game without a doubt is worthy, especially against the background of the current total low quality, but still reviews should be more impartial and objective.

It is harder and harder becomes inventing something simple, ingenious and, most importantly, new. Here the creators used classic storycrops (princess in the tower, a hero with a dark past, a city on the threshold of the catastrophe), but created something completely new, and perhaps even ingenious. They took the old concept of the gameplay, cleaned from superfluous, slightly corrected on the mannerDISHONORED. Visual row and gave the player to the care of a pretty and very real girl who trained to help in battle. And it seems that the novelty would have a minimum - but freshly composed pieces of mosaic about me are going to the picture of unprecedented beauty.

The Bioshock series returned to the original developers of the original, and they did not fail. Before us, one of the most serious applicants for the "game of the year", and already quite definitely - a gorgeous adventure, which cannot be passed by.

Lived, lives, will live

BIOSHOCK INFINITE - the phenomenon by the standards of shooters is extraordinary. At ten - fifteen hours of playing time, an incredible number of events is tamped, and I really want to tell about everyone, that's just afraid to spoil the first impression. Unlike the initial, the plot of which was almost completely built on the player's deception, the moral system itself is deceptive. Even after passing, it will not be possible to call the characters with good or evil - the motives of actions and their consequences are wooping in such a tight tangle that several passages and many hours of hot discussions will have to unwind it on the forums. Perhaps, in spirit, the game is most like a cycle of books about Heralt Andrzej Sapkovsky - only here the dilemmas are not taken as frankly, and the evil grabbed you for the collar does not hit the ear: "Choose!" Previously, Bioshock has always been clear, you are doing well or not. In INFINITE, it is generally difficult to notice a moment when you make a choice - and it's not clear to the end, do it at all.

If you look around, you can find a lot of interesting. For example, here is such a corpse. Freedom is dead!

The game just begins - the Booker Devitta, our alter ego, is brought to the lighthouse. The hero is not aware of how this lighthouse will allow him to get to Colombia, a flying city. He still does not know exactly how Elizabeth will save the girl and why it should be saved at all. Any item in Bioshock Infinite is important - that's even this boat trip. And the dialogues in it are not accidental. Even the fact that the gates in Colombia serves the beacon - remember how the player fell into delight? - Also not by chance. The adoption of the hero of baptism before entering the city is not accidental. Meeting with a pair that throws up a coin is not random. In Infinite there is no nothing random. That is why the re-passing is not avoided - to understand everything, you need to know the ending.

The first 29 minutes Bioshock Infinite. The hero sails to the next mysterious beacon, but instead of going underway, soars in heaven ...

IT IS INTERESTING: In Infinite, the music play a special role (of course, damn beautiful) - she brings Elizabeth with the main character, helps to feel the moments of the spiritual lift of Devitta. When the music sounds, both hero behave a little differently and everything around as if it becomes kinder.

At first, all the oddities of the surrounding world are written off on the sense of humor of developers, but then, during the next story turn, everything turns away from the legs on the head, and humor seems no longer so funny, and then - not by humor at all. " This is the most prophet that looks at us from paintings, posters and stained glass windows, - says the game, - and there is a main antagonist" Colombia leader does not like our invasion and attempt to save the girl? " For the throne, it is kept, swam, we know"," Thinks player. Infinite deftly plays stereotypes, until time hiding his depths for them.

Do you think to predict the result of the catch of the coin just? This is the first lesson that in Colombia simply can not be.

I introduce us to the disposition, the game smoothly proceeds to the process of formulating issues. Why Elizabeth locked in "Tower"? Who is her parents? Why and when she lost a little finger? What for Anna, who Devitt asks for forgiveness to delight? Why is it so easy to kill people? Sometimes there is an answer to the answer to question, but it is necessary to be morally ready for the fact that some of them will be deceiving, and over time, the Slender picture of the world of Infinite will change beyond recognition.

Elizabeth talks with the Prophet. The scene is almost from the game final. Think, questions after that will be less? ..

Separate victory of scripts - Grand Final. After the difficult last battle, when you expect to see a short final video with a hint for a continuation, the developers laid out their chief trump card - we are still twenty, they are twenty for different places and, like Morpheus from the "Matrix", direct text reported everything that used only to hinted. When titters begged on the screen, the player remains to sit with a quiet head and scattered from surprise the jaw. The ending is so cool that we will not be surprised by the whole shaft of the imiters.

Died, dying, dies

In the game, the mass of reference to other religious projects. Left - reference to SystemShock, right - it seems to Silent Hill.

Should the game process stand in the first place, or in the brilliant game of the gameplay can move aside, giving way to the plot and setting? For Bioshock Infinite, this eternal question is not worth it: the gameplay is made at the same level as the plot, it is turned out, licked and pulled up. Yes, as in the past parts, at each level there is a simple task to reach the end, but we are often allowed to go back, say, look for secret places. Neither hacking nor arcade elements in the game. Even the puzzles are more difficult to "turn the lever" - and those not delivered. Only a pure action movie. Sometimes you can try slipping unnoticed - the game allows, but it does not encourage.

IT IS INTERESTING: Even in Infinite has its own special entertainment - rides on the rails stretched out right in the open sky. Hooking a hook for aerotracks, the hero can quickly get from one house to another, and even with the breeze. Enemies are also trained to use the aerotrack, so the hook is very important in battles.

It is difficult to believe, but everything that in other shooters seems to be disadvantaged, here turns into dignity. For example, the currently modified restriction on two guns in Infinite is not annoying, but adds speakers. Closed premises are quickly replaced by extensive locations - just a shotgun was your best friend, and now you are forced to go with a hare to get to sniper rifle. It is not annoying and the need to hide from time to time to shelter, because health is not restored by itself. You can translate the spirit, but there is no sense to sit behind the protrusions of the relief: as soon as the energy shield is recharged, you need to run on. For a first-aid kit, for example.

Hook - almost perfect weapons for those who like to arrange a bloody bath.

In addition, the restriction in weapons pushes to experiments with superpowers. In principle, the energy sector did not change - except that they are now drinking, and not torture (from here and the name "Energy"). They still require a special resource (here the Blue Substance is called not to mana and not Eva, but "salt") and everything is still effectively combined with weapons. No ability can apply for the title of the most: each has its own niche for use. For example, "shock jockey" is ideal to temporarily deal with mechanical opponents: brought with a zipper, released the clip, repeated - and one robot less. With people, such a thing will not pass: after the discharge, they quickly come to themselves. But they are well lifted to the air "Rider": the enemies are helplessly silent with legs, and we water them lead. But this energy has a serious limitation: if between you, say, the abyss or fence, the trick will not succeed. In this case, an alternative may be a call for flocks. The abilities will help if it is not enough of the weapon in the established atmosphere, - with their help you can quickly reduce the distance to the enemy, weaken it, distract it.

Such here people-gorilla closer towards the end of the game will not fall back the palms.

From the bulky system of development, they cut off all unnecessary - and it turned out like, only without runes. Just in mastering, convenient to use. The role of amulets took on the clothes - a fashionable hat will allow to apply additional damage to fire with a hand-to-hand attack, and the jacket will increase the radius of the Ranker's damage. Character dolls are just not enough to see how new clothes are sitting. True, this system was found only during the second passage, so if someone had hats adding damage, it seems stupid in this game - it is not necessary to use.

Through singular machines, you can buy improvements - four pieces for weapons, two on the ability. And if the trunks can be increased mainly accuracy and slaughter, the energy of energy changes more globally. For example, the "charm", intended for robots, begins to work against people, and the successful "barracks of the jerk" is not only chibane enemy, but completely restore the capacitance of the shield. Improve everything is unlikely to work out, you will have to carefully choose.

Who to shoot in Colombia?

The enemy is stronger in memory, more precisely, one particular type, occurring closer to the end. This is a low little man with two copper pipes instead of ears. It's not easy to kill him, if at all possible, - barely freezing the player, he explodes, calling for a crowd of dwarfs in George Washington masks. According to the description, it is funny, but in practice - fascinating terribly. The last levels are generally forced to remember that some sticky horror - with a rifle in his hands it seems not scary, but the situation is very similar.

The rest of the opponents, though paples. The bulk of enemies - people: police, soldiers, bandits. In stock And several options for automatic turrets. There are four types of particularly powerful enemies: two fans of power engineers, a walking robot and a natural gorilla in an exoskeleton. Opponents prefer to take the number and coordination of actions, although the above-mentioned "half-offs" can deliver problems and solely. What can we talk about the ghost ... about which we are better than default, so as not to spoil the impression from meeting him.

What kind of fancy creatures is a good question. Perhaps the answer lures in one of the countless audio inventers ...

Sometimes there are strange flickering bottles on the levels - red, yellow or blue. Each bottle of slightly increases or the scope of health, or the capacitance of the shield, or the maximum salt supply - the player's choice. It is not easy to choose - the increased margin of "mana" allows you to continuously water enemies by spells, but without the advantages to health and shield in the middle of the game the hero kill very quickly. However, death does not lead to a reboot of the control point - there is a system of rebirth to the manner of Vita cameras from the first parts. Only here it is much more organic and does not seem to be legalized Cheating - because the faithful girlfriend and the Parliament of Elizabeth pumped out.

New Face of Freedom

Elizabeth loves Paris, enjoys music and opening windows in space and time. In the game there are several peculiar musical "Easter", when modern music is heard from such ruptures.

Perhaps the main achievement of developers - it is she, the princess, which we save from imprisonment. Elizabeth turned out not just useful - it feels character, felt a life. At least she seems much more than people in whose society you go to the subway in the morning. Put the shootout started. The girl, not to be confused under his feet, is immediately looking for shelter. And as soon as our cartridges, health or salt will begin to approach the end, it will readily boost the necessary. Throw from her, admit that it is necessary - not every professional pitcher can throw a heavy rifle from thirty meters precisely in hand.

It was not without unique abilities - Elizabeth can break the spatial-temporal continuum fabric to move useful items. For example, hang an excess crane for which you can hook with a hook, or a fireplace with a powerful rifle as an ornament.

Elizabeth can masterfully open the locks - there would be a mustache. I wonder why this is engaged in the young and seemingly inexperienced especially, and not the famous Pinkerton?

In peacetime, Elizabeth is engaged in the study of the surrounding space - for a person, for a long time spent in imprisonment, it is quite natural. Elizabeth is curious - she looks into shop windows, carefully examines the interiors of the houses and generally behaves like the most real, alive, Teenager, rejoicing free life. Well, if the partner is lucky enough to detect something interesting, like a set of messengers, she will definitely say Devittu about the find. The found object will be highlighted by a blue halo for a few seconds. And if we rush somewhere and do not know the road, Elizabeth can tell where to go.

When all childhood spend in the walls of the Golden Cell, a collision with reality, full violence and deaths, cannot pass unnoticed. Elizabeth is experiencing and does not hide his torment: passing their way of growing up the adoption of violence, it changes. Each of her act, every word makes it not like a soulless set of scripts - in this character you believe, he empathizes, fall in love with him.

Of course, not only scripts or animators were made a lot of work - the background turned out to be the characters. The visual row will not force back to the PrintScreen button to capture a moment. And all this magnificence is extremely untransitious to the gland. With the maximum settings, the game does not fly without a single lag or departure, without turning the system unit into a domain furnace. And it gives a picture of rare beauty.