Clock in Klondike where to take. Tips and secrets of the game Klondike: Missing Expedition. Is it worth buying a botanical garden

The game Klondike develops the topic already familiar to you, and some moments look like farm plots. But here you are not closed on one goal, but constantly open new lands, collect her wealth, carry out tasks, and then go on a map to a new place.

Game Klondike for real Indiana Jones.

Become primary travelers, which drives the feeling of adventurism, excitement and curiosity. The game Klondike play offers online, and you will always return to events chopped earlier. Since this is a browser game, you will not stay alone on deserted lands alone with wildlife, and you will be surrounded by neighbors - real players with whom you can contact, go to visit, exchange gifts. They can also ask for advice where to get the desired and how best to enter some situation.

To do this, it will be necessary to the game of Klondike registration, but it is so simple and fast, which will be required less than a minute, and you already familiarize yourself with the beauty of the surrounding violent nature. Now you are the owner yourself, and to feed and equip life, you will have to work. If you first, the tasks are simple, then only have time to perform them.

Merry Rutin

To live a day, you need to do the following:

  • Collection of resources - materials that will be useful for construction and production of items.
  • Harvesting - Food Your Main Engine. Without it, the character will not do anything, therefore, sowing the fields, water the shoots, collect yields.
  • Look for treasures that are hidden throughout. They can be attached under stone, wood or bush. They are hidden coins and useful things.
  • Look time periodically to friends. You will find treasures on their space - they will be yours.
  • Engage trading, selling your surplus and buying in return.
  • Hire workers who will help to clear the pad.

Almost everything you need can be mined yourself, but the shop provides many useful things that facilitate and accelerating your work. Also, its warehouse has goods that are useful in the life of each discoverer:

  • Animals
  • Greenhouses
  • Scenery
  • Seeds
  • clothing
  • Workers
  • Energy
  • Extensions
  • Instruments

Secrets of experienced players

Games, who have already mastered the virtual space, the game Klondike Iplayer opened its secrets. Now they are divided by small secrets that will come in handy beginners.

  • While the character performs one order, it can be assigned a number of others, and it will go to them in the same order.
  • If you want some tasks to change places or completely cancel, close the extra red cross. To put these cases at the end of the queue, assign them again.
  • The character will be able to travel by moving around the territory if it detects the map in one of the buildings.
  • Even if you know where the cache is, remember that your neighbors can take it before.
  • If a certain item can not find, and it is needed to fulfill the quest or collection, mark it in the "Wishlist". Perhaps seeing your mark, friends will give it to you.

Features of the game Klondike.

  1. The first thing that opens is a bright color scheme, a variety of excellently drawn items.
  2. Next, you are immersed in the most interesting story of Klondike, gradually recognizing her secrets and surprises.
  3. At the beginning of each player accompanies simple and understandable training at all major stages. Each task is spelled out clearly and accessible.
  4. You cannot create your main character, but against the background of other possibilities, it is insignificant.

It is better not to send Kamenotian to extract coal. Try to extract it with your own forces, with energy. In this way, you can get an additional experience (4-54 experience in one blow on corner) and detect some number of elements of collections. Kamenotees advise to break large stones as long as your protagonist will not be able to smash them by their own. The same situation with the woodcutters - the more they collect the tree, the less you will receive experience and parts collection that you could get for cutting on your own.

In the sawmill and quarry at the same time, I can work no more than three workers, collecting different resources. At the stations there will be 2 Eskimos - free workers, all others need to hire for money from among your friends. Price for which you can hire your friends can be all different. If you want to hire friends cheaper, look in our lists of those friends who do not often come and has a small number of their friends, the price of their hiring will be small. You can also buy a hotel, the cost of hiring will be also small. Friends workers need housing. Build them a tent, shack, apartments, house with an attic or a hotel. The better accommodation, the less you have to pay the worker in the hour of work and from here he will be able to work on you without a break.


While Eskimos-Woodcutters mined trees, break the pyrite, clay, coal and ore. In them you will get a large number of experience, and even energy, coins and parts of collections. Get the latest parts of stones or wood yourself, - for the decisive blow to the resource you will get a lot of experience, parts of collections, even - gold. Pyrite is also necessary to break independently - energy - where you get a large amount of gold, which you can sell and buy something you need. If you use Kamnetsians, you will receive a regular stone. If you need some kind of resource, try to dig away from a friend, because during digging some quantity of the rushing resource can fall.


Gather as possible more work out from animals - ordinary, sheep's cows, sheep and others - it will be necessary for you when building structures and performing some quests. Go to search for bird nests at the stations from friends. To seize a friend's nest - hire him to work. In order to protect their nests, build a farm, and hide the guard for birds.

Your animal will die after the fulfillment of your limit. Most birds are 15-25 nests, ordinary sheep - 25 wools, conventional cows - 50 milk, powdered sheep - 125 wool, purebred cows - 200 milk, rabbits - after they eat 26 herbs. Golden monument in which an animal can turn themselves to open only the owner by clicking on the button on it. From such a monument you can fall out of the valuable parts of the collection, as well as coins, experience, materials and products of this animal. Do not destroy all the grass at the station. To all of the time it is to be food for the production of birds - worms, grass lives mammals - cows, sheep ... In the absence of a place where animals are lacking, you will have to provide them with hay. If you want birds to rush, you need to buy or prepare for them in the barn, fountain or place for feeders. There will be an opportunity to grow birds and various cattle on a farm and a poultry farm. Basically, this living nature will be powered by a feed.


Drink a number of living players using all 100 free shovels every day (5 per one friend). The limit on free shovels is restored at 00.00 for Moscow time. Shovels will still help take eggs from nests from all your neighbors, if there are special buildings, resources, scenery or plants that close them. It is necessary to click on the subject covering the nest, and after - on the nest itself. The player is sleeping the subject, and after - will gather all the eggs, of course, if other friends of your neighbor did not meet them.

In the event of the need for energy, gold, resources, or certain collections, dig the items where there is the likelihood of their loss. By changing some kind of collection - you can get a special shovel with which you can get energy and collection from your friends.

Golden cores

All the time spend cash ones at objects, scenery or other resources of your friend, in the desire to find the golden ore, the update of which has to come once a week. The ability to detect a valuable treasure increases if you look for it not in the easy places yourself, where few people have been from the neighbors. In such a unique treasury, the size is 2-8 shovel, it is possible to detect: gold, experience, elements of collections. In each station, at random is born by constantly 20 deposits under various buildings, scenery, resources and even grass. Housings in any case are distributed throughout the station, even if it is still closed. The smaller the number of different items from your friend, the more you can find deposits. With the help of gold, there was a very good way to get rich, but it would be necessary to hire a friend to work. What to simplify the search live, hire a dog, she will find everything you just for a delicious bone.


The more friends in your game, the more options you will have for sharing resources, which means it will be a high-quality game. Send invitations to the game. Select free gifts to your friends every day. The more gifts you send and the faster after the night update of the game you do it, the more you can get experience in response. Make only the necessary gifts to your friends. This will help you a hint about what each your friend needs. Thus, your friends will be very grateful to you if you give them no useless gifts, but those that they will be very useful in any purposes.


Do not sell all the contents from the warehouse to earn, - in the future it will be needed for you. In the caches there are coins that remain after the cutting of resources, and can also be obtained as a reward for the sale of collections. During the commissioning of collections, try to leave some of themselves for the future, you will also need them in adventures. With a lot of need, you can sell gold if you need something to buy or sell egg trays made in the barn. Here you also need to sell with the mind, do not sell all the objects of the same type. With urgent need, you can skip coins under some buildings. It is possible to take a good way to make a sale of vegetables, animals, which becomes more and more after feeding. The fastest way to get coins is the sale of collections - Indigo (falls out of the nests and statues of different birds, more on the collection page). As well as its exchange through a special option.


Often the collections will be necessary for the passage of tasks, so think twice before selling some part of the collections, it can still be very useful for you. The collections are mined with a digging of the comrades and at their station, they are found in the caches under the stones and trees, and fall from the golden liveli. Valuable collections are falling from gold monuments of animals, in which your living crop transforms, after performing its production rate.


The permanent limit of the player's energy limit is growing quite slowly due to level growth. Starting the game, you will have the biggest limit of energy - 15. The third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels will be added on the energy item to the general limit. As a result, reaching the 20th level, reaching the 20th level, you will have a limit for 20 energy. A complete list of levels can be viewed on the level page at the top of the menu.

You can raise the limit for a while. For this, when the energy limit filled to the edges, break a lot of resources, stones and trees to all until the last part. After that, once again achieve all the resources (in which only one unit) at one moment. From the caches that are under these resources drops different amounts of energy (depending on the size of the resource). The quality of the energy set can be enhanced if before updating the game (up to 00:00 in Moscow) to spend excavations from the neighboring building and scenery, where it can fall out. Such an action can be done after the update. By increasing the overall energy limit, you will have the ability to smash the resources closed earlier to break the main character. Energy can be dealt with the help of bread, which is thrown from gold monuments of rabbits, and the rest of the baking you can do in the bakery.

Mining and energy accumulation

Energy is spent on everything - on seeds, cleaning the forest, on cleaning and delivery of stones, to the halter of grass and shrubs, on a splice in the barn of firewood and to take place obstacles. When the reserve of energy comes to an end, it will be necessary to wait for its recovery: every 3 seconds you will be charged one point of energy. But in the forehead, the case of energy is missing forever, the question of where and how to get energy is worried about all the players, as well as how to get it. Energy can be mined in the following ways:

  • in the glands under the stones, trees and deposits of coal, clay and ores secretly (caches do not have to be their own - the neighboring),
  • brankaya at its station overgrown acacia, snow-covered and autumn bushes,
  • digging by the neighbors: under flooring, lanterns and buildings, fences and mailboxes for mail, a dog cone and pillars, fern and sequoia, under benches and on the flower beds, near the gnomes and in the houses;
  • for past quails;
  • eating made in bakery with pie, bread and cookies and cheesecakes or consuming edible, brought from the expedition,
  • from gifts obtained in the Christmas trees;
  • getting from the neighbors - in gratitude for the gifts purchased in the Christmas tree;
  • cutting a palm tree or sulking in a cache located under it.

In the case when all the methods are triggering, and the energy is not enough, it is accelerated to restore energy, if there are reserves, which were bought in the shop are changed to emeralds.

To gather more energy wants every player, and it's not difficult to do it. For this you need to know a few tricks. For example, trees, solid workers with sawmills, will provide only a clean product. If the player is spilithing them itself, he gets in addition to bonus experience also energy.

With each following level, your energy will be recovered. You need to monitor the number of stars, during the period when they are left to the next level, try to completely delete the residue of your energy: cut out something or plan. Then you need to destroy one of the caches, exchange your gold statue or collection. After that, your energy strip to the next level will be fully filled.

For a week, VKontakte's social network users have access to the new browser toy "Klondike: Missing Expedition". During this time, we learned about her a lot of new things. Pleasant surprises and indirect difficulties - what we encountered in the first days of the game. These several days were quite enough to pump up to 15-17 levels, a little clear the island for the future village, as well as go through all the tasks presented to us ..


It is better not to put Kamenotokov to extract coal. If possible, extract it yourself, with the help of energy. Thus, you can earn an additional experience (4-54 experience in one blow on corner) and find several elements of collections. Kamenotesians are better to break large stones until the protagonist can finish them on their own. The same can be said about the woodcutters - the more they produce a tree, the less you have experience and elements a collection that you can get for an independent deforestation.
Three workers can work in the sawmill and quarry, producing different resources. At the station you have two Eskimos - free workers, the rest should be hired from among your friends. The cost of hiring different friends can differ significantly. To hire at the lowest price - look for and note for yourself friends who come to the game at least once every two days and who have few friends, and therefore they rarely hire them. Or buy a hotel, the cost of hiring the same. Employee friends need accommodation. Put them a tent, shab, apartments, house with an attic or hotel. The better housing, the less you have to pay the worker in the hour of work and the more time he will be able to work at you continuously.


While the Eskimos-wood-maker chickens trees, break the pyrite, clay, coal and ore. In these resources, a lot of experience falls, as well as coins, energy and elements of collections. You need to finish the last unit of stone or wood yourself, - for the last blow on the resource there is a lot of experience, elements of collections, often gold. The pyrite needs to be broken independently - energy - a lot of gold falls from it, which can be sold to buy something more necessary. If you get it with Kamnetsians, they will bring ordinary stone. If you need some resource, dig under it from a friend, because when there can fall a few units of the resource in the digging.


Collect as much products from animals - Cows of ordinary, sheep and others - this product is useful in passing quests and building buildings. Look for the nests of birds at your station and at the stations of your friends. To pick up the nest from a friend, you need to hire it to work. To protect your nests from playful friends, you will have to buy poultry houses with guard or guard dogs.
An animal is dying by performing its limit on the products. All birds are mostly - 15-25 nests, ordinary sheep - 25 wool, cows ordinary - 50 milk, powdered sheep - 125 wool, purebred cows - 200 milk, rabbits - after they eat 26 herbs. An animal turns into a gold statue of a monument that only the owner of the animal can open, with one click on the statue. From the gold monument of any animal, elements of collections are poured, including and rare, coins, experience, materials and products of this animal. Do not delete all the grass at the stations. Though in it, there is food for growing birds - worms, grass feed mammals - cows, sheep ... If there is no place where animals are giving around, you will have to put the hay. In order for birds to become, you need to buy or cook for them in the barn, fountain or estate feeders. You can also grow birds and animals (except rabbits and swans) on a farm and poultry farm. Feeding livestock there.


Drink your neighbors using all 100 free shovers daily (5 per one friend). The limit on free shovels is updated at 00.00 in Moscow. The shovels also help take eggs from the nests from your neighbors if the buildings, resources, scenery or plants close them. You need to click on the subject covering the nest, and after - on the nest itself. The character robes the subject, and after - the eggs will take if they did not take the other neighbors of the player.
If you need energy, gold, resources, or specific collections, dig those items from which it falls from .. Exchange by the collection of good luck - get super shovels with which you can dig collection and energy from your friends.

Golden cores

Copy every time under the new building, scenery or a resource from a friend, if you want to find a golden core, which updates its location once a week. Also a chance to find the treasure rises if places in hard to reach the coppe - where there was no shovel of another neighbor. In this peculiar treasury, a capacity from 2 to 8 shovel, you can find a lot of usefulness: gold, experience, elements of collections. At the station of each of the friends, Randomno breaks down 20 lived every week and they can be located under any buildings, scenery, resources and even grass. The veins are distributed to all sections of the station, even if they are not yet available (closed). The fewer items at a friend's station, the greater the chance to find a living on him if there is still not overtaken by other neighbors. The search for gold lived is a wonderful way to get rich, but to dull the golden core from a friend, you need to hire him to work. You can read more about the golden housing on its page in the "Miscellane" section in the top menu. Much simplifies the search for the golden lived watchdog dog, which will make it instead of you for a delicious bone.


The more in Klondike you have neighbors, the more gifts and the possibilities of exchange, which means that the game is more productive. Invite new friends in the game. Select free gifts daily. The more gifts you send and the earlier after the night update of the game you do it, the more you get in response. Give your friends what they need. In this case, the tick is very helping "to show who looking for" when sending gifts. In this case, friends will be more grateful to you than if you receive unnecessary gifts instead of the materials you need.


Do not sell products from the warehouse to earn, - it will surely need it. Coins lie in the caches left after the cutting of resources, as well as they can be given for the surrender of some collections. Passing the collections, always try to leave a few of their views on the future, because they may need in adventures. You can still sell gold if there was a need to urgently buy something useful or selling egg trays created in the barn. In this case, it is also better to sell everything since the little, and not one type of materials completely. If coins are urgently needed, you can accumulate them under some buildings and scenery. Another way of earning is the cultivation of cucumbers and cabbage, as well as the sale of rabbits, the number of which grows after each feeding. Faster things can be swapped with coins, take the collection of indigo (falls out of the nests and statues of different birds, more on the collection page). Or remove it in the Exchange on the right in the menu.


The collections are required when passing some quests, so when exchanging the collection, think well, whether it is better to save it for the future. The collections fall into the digging of friends and at their station, come across the caches under the stones and trees, as well as raw from the golden livers. Good collections fall out of the gold monuments of animals in which your living crop turns, fulfilling its product production rate. For details on where you can find the required collection, you can read in the top menu section "Collections".


The permanent maximum character's energy limit is growing very slowly - thanks to raising levels. Starting the game, you have the maximum energy limit - 15. The third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels give another energy to the general limit. Thus, reaching the 20th level you will have a limit of 20 energy. The entire list of levels can be seen on the level page in the top menu.
You can increase the limit temporary. To do this, having energy filled to the edge of the limit, break a lot of resources, stones and trees to the last unit. And then once again achieve all the resources (in which only one unit) at the same time. From the caches under these resources, different amounts of energy falls (depending on the size of the resource). The effect of a set of energy can be increased if before updating the game (up to 00:00 in Moscow), proceed from the neighbors of the construction and scenery from which it falls. The same can be done immediately after the update. By increasing the overall energy limit, you get the ability to break the resources inaccessible earlier to break the main character. Energy can also be obtained using bread that falls out of gold monuments of rabbits, and another pasting that can be prepared in the bakery.


See the tasks from the adventure card on the site site in the top menu in advance to better navigate the game. There you can find the entire list of current quests and tasks you want to execute.

On any question we will reply to you.

How to send free gifts (instructions)

Free gifts (BP) are customary to send daily and by filter.

  1. Click on the gift box (at the top of the left).
  2. Choose the latest material available to you to send BP.
  3. Remove the option "Notify".
  4. Select the "Show Who searches". Those who wish to receive this material will be displayed.
  5. Click "Give everyone".
  6. Go left to the next material (red arrow).
  7. Repeat actions 5 and 6 for all materials.
  8. Remove the "Show, who is looking for" option. Those who have not chose a single BP will be displayed.
  9. Return to water or coal (they are the most sought-after) and give the remaining.

Since 2012, thanks to the Belarusian company "VIZOR INTERACTIVE", lovers of browser games can spend time with an online strategy "Klondike: Missing Expedition."

The game has become a real "boom" among users "VK", "Odnoklassniki", "" and the Polish site "NK.PL". At the same time, the developers continue to conquer other countries: it is planned to issue versions available to a number of world-famous social networks.

"Klondike: Missing Expedition" is available for users of 4 years, and the number of players grows and grows.

The reason for this is the features of the game. When registering, you opens your personal small world, which requires constant participation. You must control everything, performing different tasks. At the same time, each time their complexity grows, and the time for their passage increases.

"Klondike" - for real fans of games about farm

The game, like most of the like, does not require constant investment of funds, however, for faster development, it is necessary to buy crystals that occurs for your money.

Game "Klondike: Missing Expedition" - plot

Once you receive a letter from your parents. They report that they went to search for gold, and you should deal with their affairs. However, it takes time, and you are all alone. And here the new news: the expedition with the parents disappeared! Your goal: find it.

Now you live like a real colonist - mining treasures, means for existence, gradually drawing up the place of its temporary refuge.

Food takes place at the expense of animals that you will grown. These are geese, chickens, turkey and cows.

In the game of the game, such tasks will occur in front of you:

  • Collecting materials and resources in those buildings you will do.
  • Collection of seeds, vegetables, fruits and care for them.
  • Mining treasures that need to be sought.
  • Buying and selling items.
  • Visits to friendly territories.
  • Attracting new helpers who will help watch the cleanliness and keep everything under control. If you suddenly need anything, but it will not be possible to grow, you have a store with various goods sorted by sections. You can purchase seeds to plant them, buy everything to improve your buildings, feed for animals and their ourselves. You also have a list of mercenaries that will be ready to help you. There are clothing so that you are not frozley and went in pure.

Game "Klondike" - advantages and disadvantages

Pluses of the game:

  • Interesting story;
  • Not bad drawing and design;
  • The presence of tips.


  • Only one hero is available, which is not possible to change;
  • Your hero is not voiced - he has no voice.

Successful passage of the game "Klondike" implies the right actions and tactics. If you know them, you can easily develop and achieve success.

  • Your hero can produce many actions in turn - just specify them.
  • For cancellation, click on the red cross.
  • You will be provided with a card as a reward for one of the tasks performed, you can conquer new territories with it.
  • You can mark the desired items like those you want to place them in a special section.
  • Found treasures need to be taken immediately until others stole them.

The game has many buildings that you have to open:

  • Steel factory, in which you will make a lot of items at the same time.
  • In the house where fisherman lives, you will produce things for successful fishing;
  • In the building of trees processing, you will produce wooden materials;
  • At the dairy factory you will have to process milk into various milk products.
  • Metal objects you can also produce at a special factory.

Also available buildings for glass processing, lighthouse to look for treasures,

sawmills to cut the trees available in the game. In the forge you can make chains, fire and other items. And this is not all. The rest of the buildings will open the game "Klondike"

Some buildings are sold in the store in a complete form, and some need to spend a considerable amount of resources.

One of the features of the game is an extended map. There is a lot of locations, where you have to travel. To achieve them, you must use different additional devices.

On the map of the game Klondike available 19 settlements. All of them are created to perform various tasks, as a result of which you get rewards.

In the game you can become a collector, collecting materials and other things. Then you can make an exchange with friends or even get crystal resources. Two collections are available: for Vikings and hunters. The first can be replenished, dust under the statues of gold animals and forest trees. The main source for the second are rabbits.

In general, the game "Klondike: Missing Expedition" will delight all lovers of economic strategies!

All quests

If your foot stepped on the land of Klondiac, prepare for the fulfillment of quests. Quests are divided into several categories. Quests at the station, the so-called homemade. Quests that you will perform on locations on the expedition, we have called their expedition quests. Also in the game there are temporary quests that appear together with shares from various sponsors. Well, of course, the most anticipated, these are new quests, they will always be located at the top. Having visited the page you will immediately see them up.

New quests

At the moment, this line of quests is the newest and the latter. If you have already completed it, expect new quests.

Home Quests

These quests can be done right at the station. To do this, you do not need to leave for other locations. Part of quests - preparatory. They prepare you for traveling.

Quests of the expedition

Forward quests will be available to you only when you find the card. All major locations usually contain a line of quests, except for temporary and auxiliary locations, such as diamond, rainbow, christmas, etc.

Temporary quests

Carefully follow the shares from the sponsors. As a rule, each such share has a simple range of quests, which will replenish your warehouse with pleasant prizes.