Didactic game Features and features of games. The concept didactic game, its structure, specific features and place in the pedagogical process of preschool institution. Main features of didactic games

Features of didactic games and entertaining exercises.

06.04.2013 7142 0

Features of didactic games and entertaining exercises.

Didactic games and entertaining exercises are built onreceptions of visual, auditory, motor clarity, entertaining andassociated to children questions, puzzles., moments of surprise, surprise, mystery, competitions - all these techniques contribute to the intensification of mental activity.

The value of the didactic games is that children inmuch independently learn, actively helping each other andmutually checking. A variety of gaming actions, with which the same is solvedor another mental task, support and strengthen the interest of children to cognitive activity, to know them by the surrounding world.

Pedagogical games are characterized by a number of features:

- the mental processes of the child's activities are activated;

- are built on a voluntary basis;

- create the most favorable conditions for the development of creative

- during the game, students get deep satisfaction,

Didactic games and entertaining exercises contributethe formation of one of the most valuable qualities of the human mindmobility, flexibility.

Much of the games allows the child to do something or anothergeneralization, realize the rule, repeat the knowledge gained in unity, insystem, in new connections, which contributes to a deeper assimilationpassed.

Games combine two elements: informative and game(emotional).

The game is characterized by a certain pace, rhythm; their violation leads toviolation of the game itself. Invalid in the process of the game are extensiveexplanations (they should take place before the game), abundance of commentsthe disciplinary order, the desire, by all means to bring to the consciousness of the child a mistake, long waiting for his child,stroke. In the game, children should feel freely, at ease,experience satisfaction from the consciousness of its independence andfullness. Subject to the correct guidance of the didactic gamechildren with joy in it turn on

Preparation for the game. Choosing the game to occupation, you need to be guided by the content of the program and take into account the principles of building a game system: didactic, psychological and socurated.

The didactic principle requires support on the logic of the subject, the program and the curriculum. Most of the proposed didactic games solve the tasks of replenishment, consolidation or systematization of knowledge obtained in the course of direct training, so the teacher or educator should be taken into account, whether the program has passed under the program, what is the degree of assimilation. The fact is that the players should be able to operate in the knowledge gained, otherwise the game will have to be interrupted for explanation and amendments, and this destroys it.

The psychological principle of building a game system suggests that the age capabilities and interests of children take into account their choice. It is noted that too easy games, as too difficult, do not cause playing interest, therefore, the game according to the degree of complexity should correspond to the level of mental development of children.

As the program material is absorbed, the game can be complicated, so a number of games in the collection have options. The teacher himself may complicate the game by increasing the number of items for its holding, changing (accelerating) the pace, replacing the visual material of the game to verbally, by entering the competition in the ranks, etc.

In one lesson, depending on its content and training tasks, one or more games can be carried out. The duration of games is different: from 3 - 5 minutes to 15.

Taking into account the use of the study time and the degree of difficulty of the game action, miniatures are distinguished, which occupy 3 - 5 minutes, episode games - 5 - 10 minutes and occupation games.

Miniature Games, as a rule, require a lot of attention, rapid orientation ("What is the letter at the beginning of the word?", "Otrich", "pick up the word", "hunter", "say on the contrary", etc.). They can be held in the middle of the classes, at the end and occasionally, some of them - at the beginning. In the middle of the lesson, miniatures can be used instead of physical attacks. At the beginning of the classes, only those games in which specific knowledge and skills acquired in previous occupations are being checked, and the concentration of children ("Rolling", "semi-computer", "learn by voice," and so on).

Episode Games in which children should be able to compare items and their images, combine objects one or more signs ("find their friends", "Who needs you", "Three Bear", "what we have in the portfolio" and others. ), it is better to spend at the end of classes when children will be tired of serious types of work. In addition, most of the episodes game involves the execution of the role or entry into an imaginary situation, and since children sometimes with difficulty "come out of the image", it may disrupt the further course of classes. Separate episode games can last up to 15 minutes ("subject dominoes", "Kolobok-Advisor") and are held only at the end of the lesson.

The didactic game requires children a significant voltage of attention, memory, so in its conduct, the teacher must observe playing and when the first signs of fatigue (or strong arousal) have to finish the game.

The game as a learning method is used:

- as independent technologies for the development of concepts, themes and evensection Programs

- as an element of more extensive technology

- as a classes or its part (introduction, explanations, consolidation,
exercises, control).

- as educational technology .

The concept of "gaming pedagogical technologies" includes quite extensivegroup of methods and techniques of the pedagogical process in the form of variouspedagogical games.

The pedagogical game has a significant feature - a clear goal of learning and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, are explicitly highlighted and characterized by educational and informative.

Target orientation of game technologies:

Didactic : expansion of the horizons, cognitive activity; application of knowledge, skills and skills in practical activities; the formation of certain skills and skills necessary in practical activities; the development of common technological skills and skills; Development of labor skills.

Raising: raising independence, will; the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and ideological plants; Education of cooperation, collectivism, sociability, communicativeness.

Developing: Development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, skills to compare, compare, find analogies, imagination, fantasies, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to find optimal solutions; Development of educational motivation.

Socializing: admission to the norms and values \u200b\u200bof the Company; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation, communication training; psychotherapy.

Psychologists, teachers, health experts, scientists - Didakta unanimous in the fact that the development of the child should be holistic and harmonious. It was at an early age when providing a qualitative developmental environment and favorable conditions for care and education, it is possible to disclose and the full development of nature-like qualities and the abilities of the child's personality. In the new standard of pre-school education, the content determines the educational areas:

§ "Health" is the physical development and basics of security, the skills of large and small motility, sensorotor skills, etc.;

§ "Communication" - determines the content of expectations on the language development of the child - vocabulary, grammar, syntax, literacy (reading and writing skills), Communication oral and written, etc.

§ "Cognition" development of cognitive interest and general knowledge;

§ "Creation" reflects the development of interest, imagination and ingenuity of the child when performing productive, creative tasks

§ "Society" - a reflection of the socio-emotional development of the child (awareness of oneself, self-control, relationship, adaptation)

The proposed games and the abstracts of game classes are divided by educational areas. Although this division is conditional, because The successful development of the child in one area depends on success in another. And the main principle of building a pedagogical process is the principle of integrating the content of educational areas.

1.3. Characteristics of didactic games.

The main feature of the didactic games is determined by their name: these are educational games. They are created by adults in order to upbringing and learning children. But for playing children, the educational and educational significance of the didactic game does not protrude openly, but is implemented through the game task, game actions and rules.

Didactic games belong to the "Rubber Games", representing a transitional form to the non-game activities that they prepare. These games contribute to the development of cognitive activities, intellectual operations, which are based on the basis of training. For the didactic games, the task of an educational character is characterized by a training task.

The Didactic Games were first developed for pre-school education by F. Rubela, M. Montessori, for primary learning - O. Decrets.

In domestic pedagogical practice in 1940 - 1950s. didactic games were considered predominantly as a form of work in preschool education; In elementary school, they were assigned the role of a recreation from serious training sessions. In 1960 - 1970s. The experience of using the game as a means of activating the educational process not only in primary, but also in secondary classes. Since 1970 - 1980s. The introduction of training from 6 years of age stimulated the use of didactic games in the educational process. Since the 1980s Wide distribution received business games.

Increasing the flexibility of learning, expanding the freedom of action of the teacher, as well as expressive opportunities and high educational potential of the game encourage teachers to apply it at all levels of learning.

2. Didactic games should be distinguished from actually children's games, in which free game activity acts as an endoler. Specific features of the didactic games are their premediation, the planability, the presence of a training goal and the intended result, which can be isolated, are allocated explicitly. (6, p.75) didactic games are usually limited in time. In most cases, gaming actions are subordinated to fixed rules (some developing didactic games aimed at the sensory development of preschoolers), their pedagogically significant result can be directly related to the creation of material product and gaming products during the game.

Within the framework of the Didactic Games, the learning goals are achieved through the solution of gaming tasks. When holding a game, the teacher acts simultaneously as the organizer of two interrelated, but substantially distinguished activities of students - gaming and educational and educational, seeks not only to achieve a didactic goal, but also to preserve and develop enthusiasm, interest, child independence.

For the practice of pre-school education, the developing impact of the didactic game is especially important: the development of the propulsion apparatus, psychomotoric; behavior skills in accordance with the rules; identification mechanism, empathy; ability to present yourself in someone else's role; the formation of skills to plan, evaluate the upcoming actions, orient in the situation; Development of cooperation skills (especially in team games), a number of personal qualities (patience, perseverance, self-control), making a game of a school of arbitrary behavior. Therefore, it is important to targeted children's training procedure itself, the explanation of its content, rules, methods of action, the teaching children to self-control and interconnected during the game.

An important place didactic games are in familiarizing preschoolers with the world around, expanding and enriching their ideas about him.

In teaching young children, as a rule, games are applied with a predetermined course of gaming actions and a clearly pronounced "educational" onset related to the transfer and application of knowledge, with exercises, mental development of children.

4, computer didactic games become a means of bookmarks in children of computer literacy, familiarization with programming languages.

Computer games are used as a didactic agent in training in a wide variety of subject areas.

The game is a "child of labor." A child watching adult activities, transfers her to the game.

The child plays first with the real surrounding objects, and then with imaginary, which is physically unavailable for him. In these games, he seizes the objects of the world.

The emerging need to act and act as an adult is not always satisfied. Playing, the child takes over the social function of an adult and recreates it in his actions. Children's games most often reflect the professional activities of adults. In them, children join various relationships:

cooperation, coented, mutual control. The norms of human relationships through the game become the source of the development of the morality of the child himself; Children get an opportunity for becoming as a person in general and individual mental processes.

Games in their development are evolving from subject to role-playing and from role-playing to didactic. The interest of children in the didactic game moves from gaming action to the mental task. So, in the role-playing game "Captains", children, acting in an imaginary situation, "drive the ship" (turn the imaginary steering wheel to one, then in the other direction, buzzing, implementing the role of the steamer), and in the didactic game they imitate the mental work of the captain - "The ship is conducted at the specified course" based on the calculations.

The didactic game is a valuable means of upbringing the mental activity of children, it activates mental processes, causes students a living interest in the process of knowledge. In it, children willingly overcome considerable difficulties, train their strengths, develop the abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material fascinating, causes deep satisfaction with students, creates a joyful working mood, facilitates the process of learning knowledge.

Highly appreciating the meaning of the game, V.A.Somhomlinsky wrote:

"There is no game without a game and there can be no full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a lifeful flow of ideas is poured into the spiritual world of the child, the concepts of the environment. The game is a spark, igniting the light of the inquiry and curiosity "(15, 347).

In the didactic games, the child observes, compares, compares, classifies items for one or another signs, produces an analysis and synthesis available to it, makes generalizations.

Didactic games provide the opportunity to develop in children the arbitrariness of mental processes such as attention and memory. Gaming tasks are developing in children a mixture, resourcefulness, intelligence. Many of them require the ability to build a statement, judgment, conclusion; They require not only mental, but also volitional efforts - organized, excerpts, the ability to follow the rules of the game, subordinate their interests to the interests of the team.

Artistically decorated toys, drawings, demonstration and distribution material to games perform the task of artistic education.

However, not every game has a significant educational and educational significance, but only the one that acquires the character of cognitive activity. The didactic game of the training character brings the new, cognitive activity of the child with the already familiar to him, facilitating the transition from the game to serious mental work. (15, p.28)

Didactic games are constructed in different ways. In some of them, there are all elements of the role-playing game: the plot, role, action, the gaming rule, in others - only individual items: action or rule or both.

Therefore, according to the structure, the didactic games are divided into plot and role-playing and exercise, including only individual elements of the game. In plot games, the didactic task is hidden by the plot, role, action, rule. In the exercise games, it is clearly expressed. In the didactic game, its intention, rule, action and the mental task included in them is a unified system of forming effects.

When selecting games, it is important to take into account the clear-effective character of the thinking of the younger schoolboy. It is also necessary to remember that the game should facilitate the full comprehensive development of the psyche of children, their informative abilities, speech, communication experience with peers and adults, instill interest in learning activities, form the skills and skills of educational activities, help the child to master the ability to analyze, compare , abstruct, generalize. In the process of conducting games, the intellectual activity of the child must be associated with its actions in relation to the surrounding subjects.

For successful learning of mathematics in the game, it is necessary to apply both subjects surrounding schoolchildren and their models.

Psychologists found that the mastering of knowledge begins with the material (or materialized) action with objects or their models, figures, diagrams. In this case, images of objects, their properties, signs and actions that children are carried out with objects or their models are transferred to the representation plan. Practical actions Children describe verbally. This process reflects the approval of a student with a learned material. Thus, the relationship between the material and the extensive forms of action is carried out. The support on the actions with objects or their models is constantly reduced. Prompticing game actions is transferred to the inner action plan in mind (5, p.54) Thus, the material (or materialized) form of action is the initial, extensive - implies reasoning, the mental form of action (pronouncing itself) is carried out when the student already has Submission or concepts are formed. (4,54)

These three forms of action are interconnected, affect the development of various sides of thinking: clearly effective, visual-shaped and verbally logical. When studying each section of mathematics, it is necessary that the children have learned all forms of action. The activities of children should be diverse not only in shape, but also in content and constructing in accordance with the laws of training formulated by teachers: "The greater the intensity of students with the subject of assimilation, the higher the quality of the assimilation at the level of the nature of the organized Activities - reproductive or creative "(7.28)

According to the nature of mental development, they can be attributed to the following groups:

1. Games requiring children performing activities. With the help of these games, children perform a sample action (for example, the game "make a pattern"),

2. Games requiring reproduction of actions. These games are aimed at the formation of addition and subtraction skills within 10. This is "mathematical fishing", "best pilot", "Best Cosmonaut" and others.

3. Games with which children change examples and tasks to other logically associated with them. For example, the "chain" (III version), "mathematical relay", "compilation of circular examples". The transformative activity also includes games, developing control and self-monitoring skills ("Best Controller", "Arithmetic Running", "Check the Ugadike", etc.).

Tatyana Suslin
Essence, types and structure of didactic games

In psychological and pedagogical science, the game is considered as a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience fixed in socially assigned methods for the implementation of subject action in the subjects of science and culture.

One, from the type of games are didactic games. Main feature didactic Games are defined by them title: These are educational games. They are created by adults in order to upbringing and learning children. But for playing children educational and educational significance didactic Games do not perform openly, but is implemented through a game problem, game actions, rules.

As noted by A. N. Leontyev, didactic games relate to"Lighting Games" Introducing a transitional form to that kind of gaming activities they prepare. These games contribute to the development of cognitive activities, intellectual operations, which are based on the basis of training. For didactic Games are characterized by the presence of an educational task, a learning task. It is guided by adults, creating didactic gamebut facilitate her in an entertaining form for children. Examples of educational tasks:

To teach children to distinguish and correctly call colors, geometric shapes, clarify the ideas about the dining room or clothes, form the ability to compare items on external signs, location in space, develop eyemeter and coordination of small movements. The training task is performed by the creators of the game in the appropriate content, is implemented using gaming actions that children perform.

The child attracts in the game is not a training task that is laid in it, but the ability to show activity, perform play actions, achieve the result, win. However, if the participant of the game does not master knowledge, mental operations that are defined by the learning task, it will not be able to successfully perform playing actions, achieve results. Successful performance of gaming actions is due to whether the child has learned to perform the tasks set.

Thus, an active part, especially winning in didactic The game depends on how much the child mastered the knowledge and skills, which are dictated by its learning task. It encourages the child to be attentive, memorizing, compare, classifying, clarifying your knowledge. Didactic The game will help the child something to learn in a lightly not forced form. Such training received the name aVTODIDIDETIVISM.

The ability to train young children through an active, interesting activity for them is a distinctive feature. didactic games. However, it should be noted that the knowledge and skills acquired by playing are for them by a by-product of activity, since the main interest is not a training task, but game actions for children of early and junior preschool age and the solution of a gaming task, winning for children of senior preschool age.

In preschool pedagogy, all varieties didactic games are combined into three main view: game with objects and toys, natural material; wall-printed; verbal games.

In games with objects, toys and real objects are used. The value of these games is that with their help, children get acquainted with the properties of objects. As children mastering new knowledge about the objective environment, the tasks in the game are complicated

A variety of toys are widely used in didactic games. With the help of games with toys, the educator manages to cause children interest in an independent game, tell them the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game with the help of selected toys.

Games with natural material always cause children living interest, the desire to play.

Table print games An interesting lesson for children. They are diverse views: lotto, domino, paired pictures, etc.

Different and developing tasks that are solved when using them. The game tasks of this type of games are also the consolidation of knowledge about the quantitative and order account, about the spatial location on the table, sheet, the ability to tell clearly, associated with the changes that occurred with the pictures, etc.

The verbal games are built in words and actions. In such games, children learn, relying on the available ideas about the subjects, deepen knowledge about them, since it requires the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, circumstances. Children should solve a variety of thought tasks. With the help of these games, children are brought up by a desire to engage in mental labor. The difficulties of the child overcomes easily not noticing that he is taught.

Regardless of the type, didactic The game has definite structure, distinguishing it from other types of games and exercises. The game used for learning purposes should contain, above all, a training task. The obligatory component of the game is its rules, thanks to which the teacher in the course of the game manages the behavior of children, educational and educational process.

Consider each of the components. didactic game.

Didactic The task is determined by the purpose of learning and raising children in accordance with the education program in kindergarten, where for each age group, the volume of knowledge, skills and skills that children must be seized.

So for choosing didactic Games need to know the level of preparation of pupils, since in games they must operate already with knowledge and ideas.

In each didactic The game has its own learning task that distinguishes one game from another.

The main goal of the rules game is to organize actions, the behavior of children. The rules may prohibit, allow, to prescribe something, make the game entertaining, tense. What the rules are hard, the game becomes more tense. Compliance with the rules in the game requires certain efforts from children, overcome negative emotions, manifested due to an unsuccessful result. IMPORTANT, defining the rules of the game to put children in the conditions under which they would receive joy from performing the task.

Didactic The game differs from gaming exercises by the fact that the fulfillment of the game rules is sent and controlled by playing actions. The development of gaming actions depends on the fiction of the educator.

In this way didactic The game is a game of a learning task, rules and game actions. Basic species didactic Games are games with objects, verbal, wall-printed games.