Experimental study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in senior preschool age - abstract. Analysis of the role-playing game "Let's ride dolls in a car" Analysis of events for a role-playing game

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Modern transformations in society, new strategic guidelines in the development of the economy, the openness of society, its rapid informatization and dynamism have radically changed the requirements for education. The education systems of most of the leading countries of the world have responded to these challenges by basing the goals, content and technologies of education on the expected results. The main goal of education is not a simple set of knowledge, skills and abilities, but professional competence based on them - the ability to independently obtain, analyze and effectively use information, the ability to rationally live and work in a rapidly changing world.

In the light of all the above, the theme of the development of a role-playing game does not lose its relevance today, since the game is the leading activity of preschool children.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. The game clearly manifests the features of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication.

An outstanding researcher in the field of psychology L.S. Vygotsky emphasized the unique specificity of preschool play. It lies in the fact that the freedom and independence of the players is combined with strict, unconditional obedience to the rules of the game. Such voluntary obedience to the rules occurs when they are not imposed from the outside, but arise from the content of the game, its tasks, when their fulfillment is its main charm.

Characteristic of games, especially plot-role-playing ones, is the presence of two types of relationships between children: imaginary, corresponding to the plot, role, and real relationships of participants in a joint game.

In early childhood, the child has the greatest opportunity, namely in the game, and not in any other activity, to be independent, communicate with peers at his own discretion, choose toys and use different objects, overcome certain difficulties logically related to the plot of the game, her rules.

The older the children get, the higher the level of their general development, the more valuable the game (especially pedagogically directed) for the development of amateur forms of behavior: children have the opportunity to outline the plot themselves or organize games with rules (didactic, mobile), find partners, set goals and choose means to achieve their goals. Amateur play requires the child to be able to establish relationships with comrades. In these informal children's associations, different character traits of the child, his habits, interests, ideas about the environment, various skills are manifested, for example, the ability to independently find a way out of problem situations that arise in the game, guided by known norms and rules of behavior, or the ability to independently organize a real (and not imaginary) labor activity for solving game problems.

Object of study is a purposeful pedagogical process.

Subject of research is a role-playing game for preschoolers.

Purpose of the study: to study the features and peculiarities of the development of the role-playing game of a preschooler.

Research objectives:

· Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Studying the structure of the role-playing game.

1. Role-playing game as a means of comprehensive development of the child

Role-playing creative games are games that children themselves come up with. The games reflect the knowledge, impressions, ideas of the child about the world around him, social relations are recreated. Each such game is characterized by: theme, game plan, plot, content and role.

In games, the creative imagination of a child is manifested, who learns to operate with objects and toys as symbols of the phenomenon of life around him, comes up with various combinations of transformation, through the role he takes on, leaves the circle of familiar everyday life and feels active.

In games, the child not only reflects the surrounding life, but also rebuilds it, creates a desired future. As L.S. wrote Vygotsky in his works, "a child's play is not a simple recollection of the experienced, but the creative processing of the experienced impressions, combining them and building from them a new reality that meets the needs and inclinations of the child himself."

In the game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed in unity and interaction.

The game occupies a large place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

The game is of great educational importance, it is closely related to learning in the classroom, with observations of everyday life.

In creative games, an important and complex process of mastering knowledge takes place, which mobilizes the mental abilities of the child, his imagination, attention, memory. Playing roles, depicting certain events, children reflect on them, establish a connection between various phenomena. They learn to independently solve game problems, find the best way to implement their plans, use their knowledge, express it in words.

Often, the game serves as an occasion to communicate new knowledge to preschoolers, to expand their horizons. With the development of interest in the work of adults, in social life, in the heroic deeds of people, children have their first dreams of a future profession, the desire to imitate their favorite heroes. All this makes the game an important means of creating the orientation of the child's personality, which begins to take shape in preschool childhood.

Creative play cannot be subordinated to narrow didactic goals; with its help, the main educational tasks are solved.

An interesting game increases the mental activity of the child, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class. But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of a game. Teaching requires the use of a variety of methods. The game is one of them, and it gives good results only in combination with other methods: observation, conversation, reading, etc.

While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to use them in different conditions. In creative games, a wide scope for invention and experimentation opens up. Games with rules require the mobilization of knowledge, an independent choice of solving the problem.

The game is an independent activity in which children enter into communication with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common experiences. Game experiences leave a deep imprint in the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, skills of collective life. The task of the educator is to make each child an active member of the play team, to create relationships between children based on friendship, justice, and responsibility to comrades.

The game brings up interest and respect for the work of adults: children portray people of different professions and at the same time imitate not only their actions, but also their attitude to work, to people. Often the game serves as an incentive to work: the manufacture of the necessary attributes, design.

The game is an important means of aesthetic education of preschoolers, since this activity manifests and develops creative imagination, the ability to plan, the rhythm and beauty of movements develop. A deliberate selection of toys helps to form an artistic taste.

Thus, in preschool childhood, the game is the most important independent activity of the child and is of great importance for his physical and mental development, the formation of individuality and the formation of a children's team.

2. Structure, content and types of role-playing game

The relationship of the image, the game action and the word is the core of the game activity, serves as a means of reflecting reality.

The main structural elements of the game are: game concept, plot or its content; game actions; roles; rules that are dictated by the game itself and are created by children or suggested by adults. These elements are closely related.

game plan is a general definition of what and how children will play.

It is formulated in speech, reflected in the game actions themselves, formed in the game content and is the core of the game. According to the game design of the game, the following groups can be divided: reflecting everyday phenomena (games in the “family”, in the “kindergarten”, in the “polyclinic”, etc.). Reflecting creative work (construction of the subway, construction of houses). Reflecting social events, traditions (holidays, meeting guests, traveling, etc.). Such a division of them, of course, is arbitrary, since the game can include a reflection of various life phenomena.

The structural feature and center of the game is the role that the child performs. According to the value that belongs to the role in the process of playing, many of the games are called role-playing or role-playing. A role is always related to a person or animal; his imaginary deeds, actions, attitudes. The child, entering into their image, plays a certain role. But the preschooler does not just play this role, he lives in the image and believes in its veracity. Depicting, for example, a captain on a ship, he does not reflect all of his activities, but only those features that are necessary during the game: the captain gives commands, looks through binoculars, takes care of passengers and sailors. In the process of playing, the children themselves (and in some games, adults) establish rules that determine and regulate the behavior and relationships of the players. They give the games organization, stability, fix their content and determine the further development, the complication of relations and relationships.

All these building blocks of the game are more or less typical, but they have different meanings and are related differently in different types of games.

Role-playing games: differ in content (reflection of everyday life, work of adults, events of social life); by organization, number of participants (individual, group, collective). By type (games, the plot of which is invented by the children themselves, dramatization games - playing out fairy tales and stories; construction).

3. Management of the role-playing game

The necessary elements that provide interesting play activities, the development of cognitive interests and moral qualities of the child are knowledge - action - communication. A special role in this belongs to the educator. It is on the personality of the teacher, his knowledge, skills, professional skills and ability to creatively organize the management of children's play activities that their use for the purposes of the comprehensive development of the child's personality depends.

The process of managing a plot-role-playing creative game should be built in such a way that the development of game skills and abilities is organically combined with training and education, including labor education. Based on this principle, 3 groups of methods can be distinguished.

The first group of methods is associated with enriching children with knowledge, impressions, ideas about the life around them. These include observations; excursions (primary, repeated, final); meetings with people of different professions; emotional and expressive reading of fiction; conversation. A conversation-story using illustrative material about the work of adults and their relationships in the process of it; the teacher's story, accompanied by a demonstration of specially selected photographs, paintings, reproductions of events taking place in the country. Drawing up stories by children on certain topics related to observations of the surrounding life; individual conversations with children, clarifying knowledge, ideas of preschoolers about the phenomena of social life, about moral categories. Dramatization of literary works using toys, puppet theater characters; ethical conversations.

The second group is methods that contribute to the formation and development of gaming activities. Among them, an important place is occupied by the direct participation of the educator in the creative game: playing with one child, playing a leading or secondary role. In addition, the teacher makes extensive use of helping children to implement the knowledge gained in the classroom through suggestions, reminders, advice, selection of game material, conversations about the idea of ​​the game, development of its content, and summing up.

The teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of the child, if he is confident in himself, it is important to teach him to critically evaluate his answers. If you are shy and indecisive, you need to support any initiative.

In order to educate children in the skills and abilities of independent organization of the game, assignments are also used; assignments (for the selection of game material, for the manufacture of homemade toys, etc.); conversations; encouragement, clarification, questions aimed at prompting children about the possible implementation of the plan, the definition of game actions.

Such skills necessary for the child, such as defining a role for themselves and bringing it to the end of the game, are formed through advice, individual tasks, assignments; attracting illustrative material, reading excerpts from literary works that characterize a particular character; individual conversations about the role; making together with the child elements of the costume for his role.

An important task is to educate children in the ability to independently distribute roles, taking into account the capabilities, interests and desires of each. Therefore, the teacher should study well the characters, inclinations and habits of his pupils and constantly help the children to get to know each other better, drawing their attention to the positive aspects of the personality of each child. To solve this problem, you can use such a technique as holding competitions for the best inventing elements of a costume, for interesting proposals regarding role-playing actions, for the expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, and gestures.

The third group of methods is associated with teaching children how to design from building materials and play with buildings, making toys. This group includes such methods and techniques as the joint implementation of buildings by the educator and children; examining the model of the educator, showing design techniques; use of photographs of children's buildings, diagrams, tables; the use of thematic tasks such as "Let's build a street in our city", "Let's build a metro", etc.; selection of material for beating buildings.

An important role is played by teaching children the ability to make paper toys by folding (boats, steamers, animals, cameras, benches, glasses, etc.), from thin cardboard according to patterns; production of toys from natural and additional materials (coils, cardboard boxes of various shapes and sizes, etc.); the use of thematic tasks: to make beautiful furniture for newcomers, carousels and other equipment for the playground (the game "City Building"), etc. An important role for the development of the game is played by the ability of children to use objects - substitutes (a brick instead of soap, etc. ), the more substitute items the children bring in, the more interesting and meaningful the game is.

The use of the methods and techniques described above depends on the age characteristics of children on the level of development of their playing skills and abilities.

4. Role-playing games of senior preschool age

A child of older preschool age has a deepening interest in the labor affairs of adults, in the results of their work, there is a feeling of admiration for the selfless deeds of people, a desire to imitate them. The games of children of this age are characterized by games with a heroic plot.

Children of the 6th year of life tend to want to fulfill their role with more imagination, ingenuity, interest in details. They are attracted by beautiful material, graceful designs, unusual elements of decoration of buildings. To develop the content of the game, children successfully use their technical skills, for example, to create the necessary toy from a designer (metal, plastic). They more amicably agree on the theme of the game, without conflicts, distribute roles among themselves, taking into account which of them will better cope with this or that role, create a vivid image.

At this age stage, more complex games appear, both in content, the use of real life display tools, and in organization. These are already role-playing games that last a week, two, a month, etc., with a gradual development and complication of content; games that deeply affect the feelings and interests of children. Their themes are mainly connected with modern life ("Cosmonauts", "Journey to the North Pole", "Journey to Antarctica", etc.) or with fairy tales and stories most beloved by children. In these games, the content is constantly evolving and becoming more complex as children acquire new knowledge about the life around them, with the development of skills to apply this knowledge, with the improvement of constructive skills.

Long plot-role-playing creative games are of particular importance for the integrated solution of the problems of mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education of children.

In a long game, the child develops the skills and habits of collective life faster, and independence grows. As a result, this kind of game becomes the most effective form of organizing the interesting life of children in a preschool institution. Children get used to the role so much that they often feel in it even when they are no longer playing. In such cases, it is easier to influence the child through his favorite image.

In such a game, the child shows more independence, imagination, creativity in the choice of actions, in the distribution of roles, and the use of auxiliary materials. The teacher needs to use this factor to educate children in the ability to coordinate their interests with the interests of the team, to help each other in the implementation of the plan, in the performance of a certain role.

A long-term creative role-playing game is fraught with tremendous opportunities for the development of a child's thinking.

The child's actions with objects are transformative. In the game, he is a tireless researcher: he learns the properties and qualities of real objects, ways of working with them, and, depending on the plan, on the development of the plot, he melts life material, replaces some objects with others, combines knowledge, intertwining reality with fiction, fantasy. In the development of the plot of the game on a certain topic, a logical sequence of actions, a set of interconnected and interdependent events and phenomena of the real world can be traced.

This experience, knowledge and ideas are creatively refracted by the child in play activities. Enriching the child's mind with a variety of ideas, a system of knowledge means giving abundant food for the development of his imagination, for creating images, situations that can be realized in the game. It is possible to conduct a series of construction and manual labor classes related to a common theme (manufacturing of large trucks, cranes, wagons, electric and diesel locomotives, railway stations from matchboxes, cardboard, etc.).

The emergence of the long-term game "Traveling for animals to hot countries" may be associated with the trip of children to the zoo. To satisfy the child's curiosity, the educator specially reads excerpts from books on this topic; organizes modeling of animals from plasticine, etc. As the ideas of preschoolers are enriched, the content of the game develops and becomes more complicated. Children show more initiative, creativity and mental independence in solving practical problems. If the teacher cares about expanding the ideas of children, the group will develop games on a variety of subjects: "Journey to Antarctica", "Journey to hot countries", etc. The work of the imagination helps the child to clearly and distinctly imagine the seas, oceans, ships sailing on them, icebergs , the work of distant polar stations, flights of spacecraft, etc.

The child creates game images creatively, consciously. He not only reproduces life, blindly copies it. In the depiction of certain situations, heroes, children bring many elements of creativity, freely combining the impressions of life with the content of fairy tales, stories, adding their own fiction, which indicates the activity of the imagination. A fascinating, complex in content game, satisfying the desire of the child to participate in the events experienced by the country, gives him joy.

Leading such games, the educator should not rush to prompt the children to solve certain problems that arise before them. Watching games, it is necessary to establish what children should pay attention to during classes (especially in classes to familiarize themselves with various phenomena of the surrounding life, with the flora and fauna). The teacher should strive to direct the attention of pupils to the essential aspects of a particular social phenomenon, to help understand the simplest connections and dependencies between them. It is also necessary to think over methods and techniques that contribute to the further development of a particular game (selection of pictures, board-printed games; instructions for children: watch television programs), outline a number of classes for making homemade toys, constructing from building material, provide children with free use of plasticine, clay, scissors, glue, cardboard.

A prerequisite for a long-term role-playing creative game is that children have the ability to play in large groups, to consult together and help each other, to achieve the goal together.

It is also necessary that children love to play, so that they have the skills to outline a topic, select means for displaying and developing an idea, distribute roles taking into account the capabilities and desires of each participant in the game, establish rules and clearly follow them.

To guide long-term creative games, excursions (primary, repeated, final) can be used as the main methods. The main methods of managing a long-term creative game can also include conversations, stories, conversations with children using illustrative material when familiarizing themselves with the events of modern life. The active participation of children in the distribution of roles contributes to the education of collectivist feelings. Children learn to reckon with the opinion of their comrades, to take into account both the possibilities and desires of each other.

The role of the educator in a long-term creative game is ambiguous. At first, the teacher can take on a leading, leading role, if the children have insufficiently developed organizational skills, there is no proper experience. At the same time, the leadership of the teacher must be careful not to suppress the initiative and creativity of children, but in every possible way to contribute to their development. The teacher is an older friend of the children, a partner in the game, gradually helping them to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom in the performance of individual tasks and assignments, encouraging mutual understanding, sensitivity, justice, and mutual assistance.

At the subsequent stages, tips, reminders, suggestions, targeted selection of game material, tasks aimed at developing the content of the game, forming children's cognitive interests, organizational skills are used. During the year, you can spend about 6 long-term creative games with the intention of consistently improving children's self-organization skills.

The following methods and techniques contribute to the development of a long game, the education of children's mental activity, moral feelings and self-organization skills: conversations about its progress before the start of the game, summing up the results of the game and planning its further development together with the children; reminders, advice, instructions, assignments, assignments. The teacher teaches pupils to independently use building materials and constructors in games, make homemade toys, use skills in drawing, modeling, dancing, singing.

Individual conversations, looking at pictures, illustrations, photographs, reading excerpts from works of fiction help the child to reveal the game image.

Older children play with natural materials. The teacher, by showing photographs, pictures, reminders, advice, directs preschoolers to independent actions with sand, so that when building buildings they show initiative, invention, ingenuity. You can invite children to build buildings on the theme "What people ride." One group of children is building an airfield, another a railway station, a third a river port, and if you give them sand combined with clay, then small builders can make a navigable river, dig canals, install locks, etc.

Playing with sand and clay requires different additional material - wood trimmings, pegs, cords, plywood figurines of people, animals, trees, various cars, etc. Some of the toys preschoolers can make themselves, for example, boats, planes, railroad cars, etc.

Buildings made of snow can be large and small - on tables. Large buildings can be united by the common theme "North Pole" or "Zoo", "Stadium", etc.

The teacher teaches pupils to make bricks from snow and build the walls of houses from them, compact snow, make ice paths for sliding, shafts; sculpt figures of animals; make colored ice floes to decorate buildings, for house windows, etc. For large snow structures, a base is required. For it, you can use boards, boxes, plywood panels, thick cardboard, wooden slats, etc.

In winter, when constructing buildings on the site, it should be possible to provide for the possibility of such games as "Journey to Antarctica (to the North Pole)", "White Olympics", "Russian Winter Festival", as well as games based on the fairy tales "Hare hut", "Wintering of animals", "Morozko", etc.

Like younger children, older preschoolers love theatrical games based on literary works. The main thing in the management of dramatization games is the choice of a literary work, work with children on the expressiveness of text transmission, the creation of scenery and costumes.

Literary works for the games of preschoolers must meet the following requirements: ideological orientation, dynamism of the plot, the presence of dialogues. If during the initial acquaintance with the work the children became interested in it, when reading it again, one should most expressively highlight the speech of the characters, help to correctly assess their actions, and establish the sequence of events. In order to make it easier for children to memorize the text, to emphasize the dynamics of events, in some cases the teacher, when re-reading, excludes episodes of a descriptive nature.

Children of senior preschool age can already assign roles themselves.

The teacher provides the pupils with the opportunity to independently create game images, if necessary, suggests how best to fulfill the role, gives photographs, illustrations in order to get more detailed acquaintance with the appearance of a particular character, organizes listening to recordings.

Fun games in the senior and preparatory groups for school can be in the nature of fun relay races, competitions, attractions with the participation of 2 or more teams: "Sled relay race". "Turtles" - a fun sledding competition; "Air football" (children with a purposeful stream of air try to quickly drive a paper ball into the opponent's goal, and the opponent, blowing on a light paper ball, tries to seize the initiative; as soon as the ball is in the goal, the score opens). Showing clockwork toys by the educator on the themes “Circus”, “Children in a Cage”, etc. may contribute to the desire of children to prepare a circus performance themselves. The possibility of its preparation and implementation is determined by the degree of physical development of preschoolers; the presence of such physical qualities as dexterity, flexibility, accuracy of movements, endurance. In addition, the child should have a sense of humor. The content of preparation for this fun game should include: drawing up a circus program; the distribution of children to the roles of artists, as well as artists and decorators and the distribution of responsibilities (who will make what elements of costumes, scenery, who will issue invitation cards and how, etc.).

These theatrical games are prepared and held with the active participation of the educator.

The game is a natural companion of a child’s life, which has great educational power, a way of knowing the world around us in this regard, folk games are of great importance - they develop ingenuity in children, introduce them to the life and life of the people, traditions. Folk games are a traditional means of pedagogy, they clearly reflect the way of life of people, their way of life, work.


role-playing creative game preschool

The game streamlines not only the behavior of the child, but also his inner life, helps to understand himself, his attitude to the world. This is practically the only area where he can take the initiative and creative activity. And at the same time, it is in the game that the child learns to control and evaluate himself, to understand what he is doing and learns to act correctly. It is the independent regulation of actions that turns the child into a conscious subject of life, makes his behavior conscious and arbitrary.

Childhood is not only the happiest and most carefree time of a person's life. This is the period of the most intensive formation of personality, something that did not work out in childhood can no longer be replenished by an adult.

Plot - role-playing games in combination with other educational means are the basis for the formation of a harmoniously developed active personality, able to find a way out of a critical situation, make a decision, take the initiative, i.e. acquire those qualities that are necessary in the future life.

List of sources used

1. Mendzhritskaya D.V. Educator about children's play - M .: Education, 1982.

2. Preschool pedagogy / ed. IN AND. Yadeshko. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

3. Venger L.A., Mukhina V.S. Psychology - M.: Education, 1988.

4. The game of a preschooler / ed. S.L. Novosyolova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

5. Management of the games of children in preschool institutions / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

6. Shcherbakova E.I. Formation of the relationship of children at 3-5 years old in the game. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984.

8. Korotkova N.A. Role-playing game for older preschoolers.// A child in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 2.

9. Korotkova N. A. Role-playing game for older preschoolers.// Child in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 3.

10 Korotkova N.A. Role-playing game for older preschoolers.// A child in kindergarten. - 2006. - No. 4.

11. Matskevich M. Artistic creativity and play in the space of the museum // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 6.

12. Smirnova E.I. Modern preschooler: features of gaming activity.// Preschool education. 2002. - No. 4.

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Analysis of the role-playing game "Kindergarten", in the senior group.

Idea games" Kindergarten" arose after a daytime sleep, when the children saw new dolls on the shelf. While washing, the children remembered what professions people work in kindergarten, planned where in group can accommodate kitchen, laundry room, dining room, bedroom and playground. After an afternoon snack, the attributes were laid out to game: bed linen, dishes, clothespins, ropes, irons, tables were moved to the group had more space. Children independently chose their roles, united by service (kitchen, laundry room, bedroom, dining room, playground) and started doing things in sequence. Each service prepared its own workplace. "Educators" built cribs for children, covered them with bed linen, "cooks" equipped the kitchen, built tables for dishes and cutting food, stoves for cooking dinner, "washerwomen" built a washing machine, ironing tables, tied ropes for drying clothes; nannies built tables, chairs, washbasins for the dining room. When the building was finished Kindergarten is open and the children began to take care of the dolls. Game actions were performed with love, they told fairy tales to children, sang lullabies, persuaded dolls to eat a cutlet. In the first part plot- the role-playing game was interconnected with the construction game. During games children preferred relationships with each other. Some children, having put the dolls to bed, decided to build them playground, and after finishing it, they took their dolls for a walk. There is a new plot" Construction playground"And" Walk". In total, 12 people participated in the game, the children united in services for 2-3 people. The game lasted 40 minutes.

Seeing that the children were losing interest in the game, I announced that the parents had come for the children and Kindergarten is closed. Taking on the role of parents, I asked the "educators" how the "daughter" behaved, did she cry, did she eat everything during lunch. I asked the "cooks" what they had prepared for dinner, whether the dish turned out tasty, I asked the "washerwomen" what they washed, so that the linen was clean, it smelled good.

After the children removed all the attributes, they continued the discussion games. The cooks told what a delicious soup they had cooked, the builders told what a beautiful car they built on playground. Children enjoyed sharing their impressions of the game with their parents in the locker room. Telling who they were children's garden and what kind of work they did.

During games I watched the children, occasionally giving a little advice - remarks along the way games. For example: so that the laundry does not fall off the rope, what needs to be done (pin it with clothespins so that the laundry smells good, what to put in the washing machine ("Leenor", if the children heard my remarks, then they used them in the game.

The game is age appropriate. During the game, the children "got used" to the role of adults, skillfully played out the roles they took on, were friendly, helped each other, shared toys, used objects as substitutes, easily finding them in group.

The children's vocabulary was replenished, while communicating, the children used dialogic and monologue speech, they were emotional.

In the future, I plan to continue the development of gaming activities. Pay special attention to talking with children about the future course games, the possible actions of children in a particular role, assisting children in creating a playful image. Individual conversations, tasks and assignments help to create game images. A crucial moment in the management of the game is summing up its results. When summarizing games it is necessary to draw the attention of children to their successes, even if they were insignificant for someone. Participating in children's games, sometimes I take on the main roles, sometimes I play the role of an ordinary participant, but in any case I direct the initiative and creativity of children.

Forming the relationship of children in the game, trying create situations that encourage the child to enter into relationships with others, make attributes with children, watch other children play, conduct observations, excursions, talks, read fiction, look at illustrations. I think that much attention should be paid to the ability of children to act together in game situations, to coordinate their actions with the actions of their peers. For this I use in my work games- dramatizations based on fairy tales in the content of which there are dialogues between characters ("Zayushkina's hut", "Spikelet", "Teremok", "Cat, rooster and fox", etc.)

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Designing a role-playing game with preschool children "Circus" in the senior group“Game technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions” “Designing a role-playing game with preschool children "Circus" in the senior.

PHOTO REPORT on the role-playing game "Circus" in the senior group Let the childhood play enough, laugh, jump, Let it wake up joyfully.

Summary of the role-playing game in the senior group "Journey to Africa" Theme: "Journey to Africa" ​​Purpose: to promote the development of the foundations of children's environmental consciousness through a role-playing game. Tasks:.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "My Kindergarten"(Sytnik N.A.; Mamaeva E.S.) Synopsis of the role-playing game “My Kindergarten” (including children of primary and preparatory groups) Sytnik.

Synopsis of a role-playing game in the senior group "Hospital" Synopsis of a role-playing game in the senior group on the topic: “Hospital” Prepared and conducted by the educator: Ezhkova T.V. Accompanying game: “Daughters.

Topic: "Journey to the Zoo" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, use attributes,.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 2



Compiled by: senior teacher

Babenko S.V.

Satka, 2013

Explanatory note

    Options for analyzing gaming activity

    Diagnosis of play activity of preschoolers

    Planning play activities for preschoolers



The game is one of the types of human activity, a way of self-expression of a person. For a child, play has a special meaning. It is customary to call her a childhood companion. The game acts as a leading activity, as an important means of education.

The skill of the educator is most clearly manifested in the organization of independent activities of children. How to direct each child to a useful and interesting game without suppressing his activity and initiative? How to alternate games and distribute children in a group room, on the site, so that it is convenient for them to play without interfering with each other? How to eliminate the conflicts and misunderstandings that arise between us? The ability to quickly resolve these issues depends on the comprehensive upbringing of children, the creative development of each child.

The development of independent activity of children depends on the content and form of direct communication between the teacher and each child. This communication, no matter what pedagogical methods it is carried out, should proceed in the form of equal and benevolent cooperation between an adult and children. It should guide kids to independent reproduction of knowledge, skills, methods of action with objects, obtained in the classroom and in joint activities with an adult. The teacher should encourage the manifestation of activity, initiative and invention of children. If the teacher himself knows how and loves to play, he understands the mood of the players, communicates with them sincerely, with interest, does not use standard memorized phrases and words.

Planning a system of pedagogical activities, on the one hand, should direct children to display in the game various phenomena of the surrounding reality that are new to them, on the other hand, it complicates the ways and means of reproducing this reality.

Children's knowledge of the life around them, obtained from various sources, determines the content of game tasks, and the formation of the game itself depends on them.

The expansion of children's knowledge is provided for in the classroom or during special observations. At the same time, a connection is established between the past experience of children and new knowledge. The acquired information and impressions of children are taken into account when planning educational work to guide the game.

Planning such a complex activity as a game is difficult for many teachers, especially beginners. In addition, in the analysis and self-analysis of the pedagogical process, teachers also often experience difficulties.

All of the above determined the purpose of creating these guidelines: to help preschool teachers in planning, diagnosing and analyzing various types of children's play activities.


Scheme of analysis of game activity.

1. Preparing the educator for gaming activities.

9. Management techniques for different types of games.

10. End of the game.

Questions for the analysis of role-playing games of the educator.

1. Who initiated the game?

2. Did the children plan ahead of time?

3. How many children participated in the game?

4. What were the roles and how were they distributed?

5. What game actions did the children perform in accordance with the roles?

6. What did the children prefer during the game; actions with objects or relationships with people?

7. What new game situations were invented during the game?

E. How long did the game last?

9. Is this game related to other children's games?

10. How did the game end: organized or unexpected? Did the children discuss the course of the game after it was over?

11. Are the children independent in the development of the game, or did it develop with the participation of the teacher?

12. Is the game age appropriate for children?

13. What is the level of development of children's play activities?

14. How will you design the further development of gaming activities?

15. What kind of relationships between children did you observe?

16. How was the distribution of roles?

17. How many children participated in the game? Who decided the issue of admission to the game?

18. Did the children leave the game during it and why?

19. Were there any conflicts in the process of distribution of roles? Who and how are they


20. How will you plan the work of the educator to form the relationship of children in the game?

21. The relationship between the teacher and the child.

22. Relationship of this event with other activities.

Analysis of the observation of children's play activities

Management techniques for role-playing games used by the educator.

1. What techniques did the teacher use to develop the role-playing game;

Expanded the ideas of children (through stories, reading a book, looking at illustrations, conducting a didactic game);

I was interested: “What are you playing?”;

Offered new game actions;

Offered new roles;

He brought in additional equipment or offered to make it together with the children;

Offered new game situations;

He gave direct instructions for action: “Feed the doll”, “Turn the steering wheel”;

Asked questions that guided the development of the game;

He took on the main (secondary) role and thus directed the game;

Evaluated (analyzed) the game;

2. What methods did the teacher use to form the relationship of children during the game?

Involved timid, shy children in the game (through the direct offer "Take to play", by introducing a new role);

He organized around himself a team for the game;

Encouraged children to independently negotiate (about the distribution of roles, about toys);

Prevented or eliminated emerging conflicts (because of toys, because of roles, because of the implementation of the rules);

Encouraged children to combine different games with each other;

Used some other methods.

Game activities for children in the 2nd half of the day.

1. Preparation of the educator and game activities.

2. Types of games, their role and place in educational work with the group.

3. Features of the game material in each age group and its location.

4. Conditions for games: availability of games, game material; how much time was allotted for games.

5. The beginning of gaming activity, the emergence of a role-playing game.

6. The theme of the games, their content, duration, the attitude of children to various types of games.

7. The state of gaming skills and abilities. Game culture.

8. As an educator, he uses game activity to form moral traits, character, moral, volitional qualities of a person (reception of leadership, use of the game as a means of moral education).

9. Management techniques for different types of games.

10. End of the game.

Desktop printed games.

1. The name of the game. What type of so-printed games does it belong to.

2. Educational value of the game.

3. In which group can it be used and why?

4. Explain the rules of the game and come up with a new version of the games.

Scheme for the analysis of children's play.

1. Did the game bring joy to the children?

2. Reasons for the achieved result - preparation for the game:

Game planning (does the program content correspond to the age and developmental level of children, does the program content reflect the comprehensive management of the game;

Creation of conditions (what time is allotted in the daily routine, is there a special place in the group, how is the game equipped);

Preparing children;

Who initiated the game?

Whether there was a preparatory period of the game in accordance with the age;

Are the children independent during the game or the game develops with the participation of the educator;

What was the leadership of the game on the part of the educator (techniques, directions);

Did the educator suppress the children with his interference?

Children's activities in the game;

How was the task of developing children's creativity, initiative, and imagination solved?

How the game was finished - in an organized or unexpected way;

How the analysis was done.

3. How would you manage this game?

Building material games.

    Correspondence of the tasks set to the age characteristics of children.

    What preparatory work was carried out before the game, its expediency?

    What building material was used in the game (specially created, natural, auxiliary).

    Methods and techniques for stimulating and motivating the game.

    The effectiveness of methodological techniques used during the game and to complete it.

    What type of construction was used during the game, its age appropriateness, expediency:

A) on a given topic;

B) by design

B) according to the conditions;

D) according to models.

    Place and time to play.

    Associations of children.

    What conditions were created for beating buildings.

    Educational focus of the game.


Criteria for the development of gaming activity

I. Conditions for the emergence and development of children's games

    Teachers create conditions for enriching children with impressions that can be used in the game (read books together, listen to records, discuss events in the lives of children, talk about themselves and other people, organize excursions, walks, visit museums, theaters; draw children's attention to the content of activities surrounding and their relationships, the phenomenon and the relationship of events in animate and inanimate nature, etc.).

    They encourage children to deploy the game (they turn to the kids: “Look, the bunny’s leg hurts, let’s treat it”; offer older children to play a specific game or choose a plot; encourage children to take a role and give it to a partner; agree on the rules of the game with the elders children, etc.).

    As direct participants in the game, teachers offer children examples of various game actions (the teacher feeds, bathes the doll, involving kids in the game; shows how to build a spaceship, tells how to play games with rules - “Edible - inedible”, “Gardener”; pronounces a rhyme to establish the order or select the driver).

    strike a balance between play and other activities in the pedagogical process: protect the time intended for the game, not replacing it with classes; provide a smooth transition from game to regime moments.

    They provide a balance between different types of play (mobile and calm, individual and joint, didactic and plot-role-playing).

II. Conditions for the development of communication between children in the game

    Teachers organize joint games for children (offer games with a different number of participants, taking into account, in particular, friendly attachments between children; unite separate playing groups with a common plot; organize joint games for children of different age groups in order to mutually enrich them with gaming experience).

    They develop ways of playing communication, giving children roles (dialogues between characters, role-playing actions, taking into account the role of a partner).

    They develop in children the ability to communicate about the game (negotiate, share toys, take turns, tactfully resolve conflicts, etc.).

III. Teachers create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in the game

    They do not regulate the game of children, avoid reproducing stereotyped and monotonous actions, plots and techniques.

    Provide children with the opportunity to choose during the game (type of game, plot, role, partners, toys, etc.).

    Encourage children to improvise in the game (inventing plots; introducing original characters into traditional games; changing and combining roles, making game attributes and costumes, etc.).

    They encourage children to use substitute items, help to select and expand their set, and use playground equipment flexibly.

    They contribute to the emergence of an emotionally rich atmosphere during the game (teachers join the game, infecting children with their interest, vivid emotions; they bring moments of surprise, mystery, fabulousness, etc. into the game).

    They carefully and tactfully observe the free play of children, joining it as necessary, as equal partners.

IV. Employees implement an individual approach in organizing children's games

    They organize games taking into account the personal characteristics and special needs of children (games that stimulate the activity of shy children and children with physical disabilities, with developmental delays; increase self-control in excessively disinhibited and aggressive children).

    They pay special attention to "isolated" children (organize attractive games for them, provide support, promote them to central roles).

    Contribute to the gender-based socialization of boys and girls in the game (organize games separately for boys and girls and joint; offer girls the role of mother, housewife; boys - roles associated with courageous professions; provide children with the opportunity to choose appropriate toys, attributes, costumes).

    Support the individual interests and abilities of children in the game.

V. Employees contribute to the development of different types of play

    Organize a role-playing game.

    Organize games with rules.

    Contribute to the emergence of director's game.

    Organize drama games.

    They encourage children to play fantasy games (inventing fairy tales, etc.).

    Organize sports games.

    Use didactic games in the pedagogical process.

    Involved in the games of different peoples.

Diagnostic sheet

to determine the level of development of children's play

Development indicators

Surname, name of the child

I. Game content

1. The idea of ​​the game appears:

a) with the help of an adult;

b) independently

2. Variety of designs

3. Number of game tasks

4. Variety of game tasks

5. Independence in setting goals:

a) insert an adult;

b) with the help of an adult;

c) independently

II. Ways to solve game problems

6. Variety of play activities with toys

7. Degree of generalization of game actions with toys:

a) deployed;

b) generalized

8. Game actions with substitute items:

a) with the help of an adult;

b) independently

9. Game actions with imaginary objects:

a) with the help of an adult;

b) independently

10. Takes on a role

11. Variety of role-playing activities

12. Expressiveness of role-playing statements

13. The presence of role-playing statements

14. Role statements arise on the initiative of:

a) an adult;

b) a child

15. Role-playing conversation occurs:

a) with an adult;

b) with a peer

16. Role-playing conversation occurs on the initiative of:

a) an adult;

b) a child

III. Interaction of children in the game

18. Interacts:

a) with an adult;

b) with a peer

19. Sets game tasks:

a) an adult;

b) peer

20. Accepts game tasks:

a) from an adult;

b) from a peer;

c) refuses

21. Duration of interaction:

a) short term

b) long

The order of filling the table. The identified indicator of the development of the child is reflected in the diagnostic sheet with the sign "+"; the absence of an indicator is marked with a “-” sign. For example:

1a - "+" (the idea of ​​the game appears with the help of an adult).

1a - "-" (the adult did not take part in the appearance of the idea of ​​the game).

16 - "+" (the child himself figured out how to play).

16 - "-" (the child needs help in the appearance of the idea of ​​​​the game).

2 - "+" (the child's ideas for games are varied).

2 - “-” (the child’s ideas for games are monotonous, they repeat every day).


    The design of the toy, the material from which it is made must be safe for the child and meet basic hygienic requirements (resistant, safe paints must be easily hygienically processed).

    The design should be combined with a plastic form and color (artistically expressive). Toy for toddlers - color saturation, color contrast, older age - realistic and decorative coloring.

    A figurative toy should be realistic (give the right idea).

    The toy must be dynamic (influence, perform actions with it), providing the possibility of its multifaceted use in the game.

    The toy should satisfy the child's desire for activity and excite it.

    The toy can display healthy humor, a cheerful, funny attitude to the original, but not ridicule.

    The toy must have educational properties, have a reserve of play opportunities and be entertaining.

    The toy should cause more or less long-term surprise


Typical difficulties experienced by teachers when planning a game:

    Many pre-plan the themes of the games, which often do not fit with the work of getting to know the environment.

    The plans almost do not trace the prospect of the gradual formation of a role-playing game (that is, the complication of the plot is often understood as a simple increase in the number of game actions, and not the development of the ability to creatively combine game episodes).

Benefits of forward planning:

    It is possible to provide for a consistent solution of tasks in the "Game" section.

    It is easier for the educator to take into account and use in the game the knowledge, skills, skills acquired in the classroom and in everyday life.

    Along with the enrichment of the storyline, it is possible to gradually enrich the ways of game reproduction of reality.

    Planning helps to carry out continuity in the work of educators of one group.

Long-term planning consists of 4 graphs (similar to the components of the integrated method):

    getting to know the environment;

    enrichment of gaming experience;

    changing the gaming environment;

    activation of communication between an adult and a child.








Children's age:

Game Development Tasks:

Tasks of moral education:

Preliminary work:

Main storylines:

The course of the game (tactics of game interaction with children):

A) the beginning of the "game" (how to push the children to the beginning of the game),

B) distribution of roles,

C) game problem situations for the development of the game,

D) the end of the game.


Theater type:


Game Development Tasks:

Development tasks:

Educational tasks:

Preliminary work:

Game progress:


Game Development Tasks:

Development tasks:

Educational tasks:

Construction type:


Preliminary work:

Game progress:


Learning task:

Game task:

Game rules:

Game actions:

Game progress:

Examples of task formulation for a role-playing game:

Game Development Tasks:

1.5-3 years: To form the ability to carry out conditional game actions with plot toys and substitute objects, deploy a chain of several game actions related in meaning; to supplement, continue in meaning the play action of an adult partner, and then a peer, verbally designate a conditional play action.

3-4 years: To form the ability to accept and verbally designate a game role, to implement specific role-playing actions, deploy paired role-playing interaction, an elementary role-playing dialogue with a peer partner, independently select game attributes, come up with a simple plot together with the educator, use substitute objects.

4-5 years: To form the ability to change role behavior in in accordance with the different roles of partners, change the playing role and designate it for partners in the process of deploying the game, independently act in accordance with the game plan, the ability to choose a place, pick up toys, attributes, combine several game actions into one plot.

To form the ability to build new sequences of events and at the same time focus on peer partners; designate for them (explain) the next plot event, coordinate their actions with the actions of partners; develop the story based on the knowledge gained.

To form the ability to creatively use knowledge about the environment in games, independently distribute duties and roles among themselves, follow the rules in a joint game, form the ability to combine the events proposed by the child himself and other participants in the game in a common plot, independently choose a topic.

Tasks of moral education:

To evoke a feeling of sympathy for a partner in the game.

Arouse a desire to participate in joint games, show a feeling of sympathy for a partner in the game, friendliness.

To develop the ability to objectively evaluate the actions of partners, to subordinate their behavior to the rules, to distribute roles without conflict, to show friendly relations.


Topic: " Salon"

Age: middle group.

Program content:

Educational: to expand children's knowledge about social life, about the profession, the appointment of the profession of a hairdresser; to improve the ability of children to invent and develop actions in the game;

Developing: to promote the development of children's creativity in inventing the plot of the game, thereby developing interest in enriching the game plot, attracting more children to the game;

Educational: to cultivate a positive attitude towards professions, to actions and results in the game, to form friendly relations in the group, to promote team building and play “together”;

Game Development Tasks:

To form the ability to change role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners; to outline the game role and designate it for partners in the process of deploying the game; act independently in accordance with the game plan, the ability to select a place, pick up toys, attributes, combine several game actions into one plot; develop the story based on the knowledge gained.

Tasks moral education : to develop the ability to reckon with the interests of comrades, to provide all possible assistance; to develop the ability to objectively evaluate the actions of partners, to subordinate their behavior to the rules, to distribute roles without conflict, to show friendly relationships.

Reception methods:

a story with illustrations, a conversation, a demonstration of the actions of combing, putting dolls in order in a group in individual work, creating a subject-play environment, introducing game material, mediated game management.


Photos of the hairdresser at work, an illustration with Petya and Seryozha (for reading a poem by S. Marshak), a hairdresser's corner, combs, bottles, the use of substitute objects (cubes, sticks ...), a telephone, a toy TV, a catalog of hairstyles.

Vocabulary work:

Forceps, types of haircuts, perm, beautician, makeup artist.


Hairdresser, assistants, visitors, beauticians, masseurs.

Main storylines:

The choice of actions by children (combing, haircut, shampooing, curling, coloring, etc.)

Invitation to visit other types of services: make-up artist.

Involvement of new roles, actions in the game: sweeping the floor, a trip for new paints, scissors.

Game progress:

TV announces the opening of a new barbershop:

"Attention! Attention! A new hairdressing salon has opened in our kindergarten group, it employs experts in their field! They will gladly accept everyone!

And the services are very different:

    creating hairstyles for the holidays, for every day;

    haircuts for women, men;

    perm, hair coloring;

    in the near future, the hairdresser plans to open both a beauty salon and a massage room.

Do not forget that you can sign up for services by phone: 3-44-55

Come all! Hurry up!

The new barbershop is waiting for you!

Attention! The new barbershop is looking for:

    Hairdresser in the women's and men's room

    cosmetologists, make-up artists

contact the new director - Maria Petrovna"

Distribution of roles: The boys show their interest and get a job on their own. Indirect guidance may consist of an offer to do an internship next to a specialist; ask the director to replace an employee who is on makeup leave.

On the street, a clown knocks on the window, asks to be let in! He comes in and says that he came at the announcement of the opening of a new hairdresser. He says that he did not have time to comb his hair, but he has a performance at the circus today! He asks to help the children.

The guys offer to do their hair, the clown suggests actions - he wants to dye his hair, cut his hair. Giving explanations to the hairdresser, children observe, fulfill their roles, and come up with new ones.

The clown thanks the hairdressers. Paying off. He invites all children to make beautiful mischievous hairstyles, because. he invites them to the circus.

Celebrates the work of masters, beautiful hairstyles. At the end of the role-playing game with the guys, the clown conducts various games, shows tricks, and plays.

In the second half of the day, a letter from the clown arrives in the group! In it, he thanks the hairdressers for their excellent work. All the audience liked the hairstyle. And he offers to make a magazine - to come up with and draw hairstyles, makeup, a costume for the holidays.


Game Theme : "Zayushkina hut".

Age: senior group

Target : develop creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image, distinctness of pronunciation: learn to use the means of expressiveness of dramatization (posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice, movements).

materials: bast and ice huts, masks.

preliminary work : reading Russian folk tales, an outdoor game "who screams how", "who moves how".

Individual work: pronunciation of the words of individual characters.

Methodical methods: artistic word, distribution of roles, demonstration, explanation.

Game progress.

Like from our village

The trail freezes along the edge,

Blizzard ruffled,


All day the blizzard sweeps

Weaves good stories.

A blizzard wove into a braid -

The story will be about Lisa.

Guys, today we will play the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut". We have read this story many times before. you all know the content. Can you tell me what are the main characters in this story? That's right, a fox, a hare and a rooster. What other characters are in this story? That's right, dogs, wolf, bear, bull.

We will have Elvina as a fox, Adeline as a hare, Rail as a rooster, Egor and Airat as dogs, Amir as a bear, Marseille as a bull, and Alyosha as a wolf. Take your masks. I will be the author and usher, and the rest of the children will be spectators, take the money.

So, viewers buy tickets! One ticket costs 100 rubles! And do not forget about the rules of conduct in the theater! Who will remind me? Lera, tell me please! That's right, don't talk, sit nice!

Take a seat, so the fairy tale begins!

My hut is light, and yours is dark! Mine is light, yours is dark!

Let me hare, at least to the courtyard to your place!

Hare:- No, fox, I won’t let you in: why did you tease?

The next day, the fox asks again:

A fox:- Let me, hare, on the porch.


A fox:- Let me go, hare, into the hut.

Hare:- No, I won’t let you go: why did you tease?

A day passed, another - the fox began to drive the hare out of the hut:

A fox:- Get out, oblique! I don't want to live with you!

Dogs:- Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What the fuck are you crying about?

Hare:- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came. the fox's hut melted. She asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

Don't cry, bunny, they say dogs. - We'll kick her out.

Hare:- No, don't kick me out!

No, let's get out!

Went to the hut.

Dogs:- Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Go, fox, get out!

And she told them from the oven:

The dogs got scared and ran away. Again the bunny sits and cries. Goes by Wolf:

What the fuck are you crying about?

Wolf- I'll kick her out.

No, you won't get kicked out! They drove the dogs - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out.

No, I'll kick you out!

Uyyy... Uyyy... Go, fox, get out!

And she from the oven:

As I jump out, as I jump out - shreds will go along the back streets!

The wolf got scared and ran away.

Here the hare sits and cries again. Goes old bear:

What are you, bunny, crying about?

How can I, bear, not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came. the fox's hut melted. She asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

Don't cry, bunny, says bear,- I'll kick her out.

No, you won't get kicked out! The dogs drove, drove - did not drive out, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out. And you won't get kicked out.

No, I'll kick you out!

The bear went to the hut and growled:

Rrr... rrr... Go, fox, get out!

And she from the oven:

As I jump out, as I jump out - shreds will go along the back streets!

The bear got scared and left.

Again the hare sits and cries. Goes rooster, carries a scythe.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Zainka, what are you crying about?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring came. the fox's hut melted. She asked me to come, but she kicked me out.

Don't worry, bunny, I'll kick the fox out for you.

No, you won't get kicked out! The dogs drove - did not drive out, the gray wolf drove, drove - did not drive out, the old bear drove, drove - did not drive out. And you won't get kicked out.

The rooster went to the hut: - Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my feet, in red boots, I carry a scythe on my shoulders: I want to cut the fox, the fox went from the stove!

The fox heard, got frightened and said: - I'm getting dressed ...

Rooster again: - Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my feet, in red boots, I carry a scythe on my shoulders: I want to cut the fox, the fox went from the stove!

BUT a fox says: - I put on a fur coat ...

Rooster for the third time: - Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my feet, in red boots, I carry a scythe on my shoulders: I want to cut the fox, the fox went from the stove!

The fox was frightened, jumped off the stove - yes, run. And the hare and the rooster began to live and live.

Here is the end of the tale! Actors, come out together and take a bow! What should the audience do? That's right, clap! Let's applaud our "artists".

Viewers, did you like it? Whose game did you like the most? Why? Who thinks differently?

Well done, guys, I liked all the guys, everyone went into their role, like real actors! Thanks to all!

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    Shuleshko, E.E., Ershova, A.P., Bukatov, V.M. Socio-game approaches in pedagogy / E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov. - Krasnoyarsk. - 1990. - 116 p.


1 Theoretical foundations for the development of the role-playing game of older preschoolers

      Role-playing game in psychological and pedagogical research…….4

      Lines of development of role-playing game in preschool childhood…………13

      Indicators of the development of the role-playing game of older preschoolers ... ..

2. Experimental study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in senior preschool age

2.1 Organizational aspects of the design of the experiment………………………………

2.2 Analysis and discussion of the results of the study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in senior preschool age ……………………………………………….


Used Books…………………………………………………………………………………



A role-playing game is the main type of game for a preschool child. Describing it, S. L. Rubinshtein emphasized that this game is the most spontaneous manifestation of the child and, at the same time, it is based on the interaction of the child with adults. The main source that feeds the child's plot-role-playing game is the world around him, the life and activities of adults and peers.

In a role-playing game, children enter into real organizational relationships (they agree on the plot of the game, distribute roles, etc.). At the same time, complex role-playing relationships are simultaneously established between them (for example, mothers and daughters, a captain and a sailor, a doctor and a patient, etc.).

Numerous studies of domestic teachers and psychologists (D. B. Elkonin, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, A. V. Cherkov, P. G. Samorukova, N. V. Koroleva, etc.) have shown that the main content of creative role-playing games children is the social life of adults in its various manifestations. Thus, play is an activity in which children themselves model the social life of adults.

The role-playing game in its developed form, as a rule, has a collective character. This does not mean that children cannot play alone. But the presence of a children's society is the most favorable condition for the development of role-playing games.

Unfortunately, at present, an analysis of the practice of preschool institutions shows that the game in the organization of the pedagogical process has faded into the background, giving way to classes. In this regard, not enough attention is paid to the management of the role-playing game of preschoolers.

Experts note that children's games become meaningless, game actions become monotonous, children cannot adapt this or that plot to new circumstances. The reason that the game often does not reach its developed forms in preschoolers is some features of the living conditions of children at the present time (communication with peers in the same age group, specialized education, the disappearance of large families).

This state of affairs in practice determined the relevance of the problem of our study.

Research hypothesis: the dynamism of the development of a role-playing game depends on the level of development and involvement of children in the game process

Object of study- role-playing games for children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study- development of role-playing games for older children

The purpose of our study: the study of the dynamics of the development of the role-playing game in senior preschool age

In accordance with the object, subject and purpose, the following tasks were defined:

    Consider the role-playing game in psychological and pedagogical research.

    Consider the lines of development of the role-playing game

    To consider indicators of the development of a role-playing game in senior preschool age

    To study the dynamics of the development of a role-playing game in senior preschool age

Research methods:

1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. Observation.

3. Conversation.

1. Theoretical foundations for the development of a role-playing game for older preschoolers

1.1 Role-playing game in psychological and pedagogical research

Most domestic scientists explain the game as a special type of activity that has developed at a certain stage in the development of society.

The game is social in its origin, i.e. arises from the social conditions of the child's life in society. D.B. Elkonin developed the hypothesis that in the history of mankind, children's play occurs at a certain stage in the development of society. The complication of production, on the one hand, makes it impossible for the child to participate in real social productive activity, and on the other hand, it requires him to be oriented in the system of tasks, roles and rules of behavior in adult society. The plot game, according to D.B. Elkonin, is a special symbolic-modeling activity that allows this orientation to be carried out. The hypothesis of the scientist was put forward on the basis of the analysis of historical and ethnographic materials.

Ethnographic studies by D.B. Elkonin showed that in more primitive societies, where children can take part in the labor activity of adults very early, there are no objective conditions for the emergence of a role-playing game. The child's desire for independence and participation in the life of adults is satisfied there directly and directly - starting from the age of 3-4, children master the means of labor or work together with adults, and do not play.

These facts allowed Elkonin to draw an important conclusion: role play arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system of social relations. Vygotsky and Elkonin say that role-playing is precisely the product of the child's social relations with society, and therefore it performs certain functions and a certain modeling character. Elkonin shows this precisely by the example of the expanded form of the game. Elkonin shows Vygotsky's idea of ​​the social essence of play activity using the example of an analysis of the expanded forms of play activity, to which he refers role-playing game. Therefore, in theoretical terms, this game did not arise by chance, but precisely because Elkonin tried to show that this particular type of game is an expanded form of this activity, respectively, it can be seen in all its components, in all the specifics of internal relations that take place in this activity.

For a child, a role-playing game provides an opportunity for orientation in the outside world, because. it is in this game that children model the meanings of human existence and those forms of relations between people that exist in society and that will be carried out by these people later. Those. the game acts as an intermediary activity that allows you to enter into such interaction with the relationships of life, with which in real "adult" life it is impossible to interact in this way. The essence of the human game is to transform reality by reflecting it. A person's need to influence the world around him, to become the subject of his activity, first manifests itself precisely at the age of preschool childhood and precisely in a role-playing game. Despite the fact that the child does not produce anything while playing, he continues to develop. The result of the game is "I", developed to a new level. The development of human relations in a role-playing game occurs first on an emotional level, then on an intellectual one. The central moments of the game becomes what meets the immediate needs. It is from the game that the need for a real, socially significant, evaluated activity is born, which becomes an important prerequisite for teaching. In the game, it is not the result that is important, but the process - the process of experiencing associated with game actions. The game contains all the trends in the development of the child in the future. Considering the social nature of play activity, Elkonin comes to the need to study this nature using the example of an extended form of play, which is why he proposes a role-playing game for analysis.

It was Elkonin's work that made it possible to consider the internal organization of a plot-role-playing game, he suggested that based on the consideration of the detailed forms of a role-playing game, one can generally see the entire structure of game activity, its structure.

Elkonin singled out such structural components of a plot-role-playing game as an idea (imaginary situation), role, game actions, rules, game attributes, game content and plot.

The main structural components of a creative story-role-playing game according to Elkonin are the role (those generalized functions that the child takes on in the game), plot (the area of ​​reality that is modeled by the child in the game), content (what is reproduced by the child as the central moment of activity and relations between adults and their working and social life) game action (conditional, generalized actions by means of which the child realizes the roles assumed and relations between people), game rule (a standard that is introduced by the child to streamline, regulate actions and relationships) and game attributes (any item or toy that is used by a child in a game with a conditional purpose).

Role- a means of implementing the plot and the main component of the role-playing game. For a child, a role is his playing position: he identifies himself with some character in the plot and acts in accordance with the ideas about this character. Each role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the world of adults. So, mother takes care of children, prepares food for them, puts them to bed; the teacher speaks loudly and clearly, is strict and demands attention in her lessons. The subordination of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is the most important element of the role-playing game. The deviation of any of the players from the rules causes protests from the partners in the game. That is, for preschoolers, the role is a model of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own. The role appears in the game on the border of early and preschool age. Throughout preschool childhood, the development of a role in a plot-role-playing game proceeds from the performance of role-playing actions to role-images. The role is not a specific person taken from life, and does not consciously collect the image of the role from numerous observations, processing and
complementing them. The role, or role behavior, acts as
synthesized form of manifestation of creative abilities
preschool child in a role-playing game. As noted by D.B. Elkonin, the child in this game reflects the relations specific to the society in which he lives. In the role-playing game, the main attention of the child is directed to the social relations of people. That is why the child begins to play with familiar topics - a store, a hospital, a school, transport - and many others. Playing activities are associated with the role. These are conditional, generalized actions by means of which the child realizes the roles he has assumed and relations between people.

rules- this is a standard that is introduced by the child to streamline, regulate actions and relationships. The observance of the rules and the conscious attitude of the child to them shows how deeply he has mastered the sphere of social reality reflected in the game. It is the role that gives the rule meaning, clearly shows the child the need to follow it and creates opportunities for control over this process. Failure to follow the rules leads to the disintegration of the game.

Game Attributes is any object or toy that is used by a child in a play with a conditional purpose. Game use of objects, conditional substitution of real objects at the disposal of the child. True substitution occurs only when the child names the substitute object in accordance with its new function, that is, consciously endows it with a new meaning. Objects-attributes help the child to take on a role, plan and unfold the plot, create a game situation. They provide external conditions for the implementation of the role, making it easier for the child to role-play behavior.

The main component of the role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game itself.

The plot of the game- this is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. The plot is a reflection by the child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions (turning the steering wheel of a car, preparing dinner, teaching students to draw, etc.) are one of the main means of realizing the plot.

The plots of the games are varied. They are conventionally divided into household(family games, kindergarten), production, reflecting the professional work of people (games in the hospital, shop, etc.), public(games to celebrate the birthday of the city, to the library, school, etc.).

Depending on the depth of the child's ideas about the activities of adults, the content of the games also changes. The content of the role-playing game is embodied by the child with the help of roles which he takes on. Elkonin noted that it is the content of the game that allows us to see how deeply the child has penetrated into the essence of human activity, the activities of which adults are engaged in.

D.B. Elkonin carries out in his work the idea of ​​the internal relationship of all types of games, the author's clear scientific position on the social origin and content of the child's plot-role-playing game attracts attention.

Slavina notes that the role-playing game begins with the isolation of the role as a central unit, because the whole meaning of the game revolves around it, it is associated with the motives and goals of the game activity. Particular attention is paid to this in the works of Mikhailenko, she proposes to single out the role as a special formation that includes relationships, which it is legitimate to talk about in terms of the implementation of the plot of the game. The role includes the implementation by children of actions and relationships characteristic of the characters given by the plot. The child, as it were, tries on the action of another person and implements them with special game means.

Elkonin's position was substantially supplemented by the work of such authors as Kravtsova. She tried to show why the role-playing game develops in children quite late, that the child, while mastering the game, only really approaches the psychology of the role-playing game for some time. She said that not every creative game is role-playing in its essence, that a real role-playing game only develops at a certain stage of development, at the stage when the child is psychologically able to realize himself in a role-playing game, and not in what precedes it. . Kravtsova said that the psychological content of the role is nothing more than a generalized form of representation in the mind of the child of those rules by which one can build relationships with other people. The role in itself initially accumulates positional relations and there is always a system of relations behind it. That is, if a child takes on a role, for him this implies the need to act taking into account the position of a partner in the game. The psychological content of the role is not mastered by the child immediately, therefore, before he comes to truly role-playing behavior, there is something that precedes this, Kravtsova calls it a figurative role-playing game, where the child only learns to take on the functions of other people, objects, phenomena, living things. objects, but this is not a role in its social sense.

In the works of E.E. Kravtsova deepened the idea of ​​the game as the leading type of activity of a preschooler. The leading activity at this age is not only plot-role-playing, as was commonly believed following D. B. Elkonin, but also five types of games successively replacing each other: directing, figurative, plot-role-playing, playing with rules and again directing play but at a qualitatively new level of development. As specially conducted studies have shown, the role-playing game really occupies a central place in preschool age. At the same time, the child's ability to actualize the plot-role-playing game is provided, on the one hand, by the director's game, during which the child learns to independently invent and unfold the plot, and on the other hand, by the figurative game in which he identifies himself with various images and thereby prepares the role-playing game. line of development of gaming activity. In other words, in order to master the plot-role-playing game, the child must first learn to invent a plot on his own in the director's game and master the ability for figurative-role-playing realization in the figurative game. In the same way that directing and imaginative play are linked by genetic continuity with plot-role play, plot-role play, as shown in the studies of D.B. Elkonin, developing, creates the basis for playing with the rules.

Analysis of studies (L.S. Vygotsky, L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, R.I. Zhukovskaya, A.P. Usova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, etc.) allows us to conclude that in In preschool childhood, the role-playing game becomes the leading activity in which the most favorable conditions are created for the general mental, including the intellectual and personal development of the child. The role-playing game, like no other activity, brings the child closer to the world of adults, models their relationship.

D.V. Mendzheritskaya, defining the game as a social practice of the child, his real life in the society of peers, emphasized the relevance of the problem of using the game for the purpose of comprehensive education, and, first of all, the formation of the moral side of the personality. At the same time, she notes that in the role-playing game, children reproduce in a visual-figurative, effective form the work and relationships of people, and this allows them to better understand and experience this reality more deeply, and is also a powerful factor in the development of thinking and creative imagination, the education of high human qualities.

An analysis of the work of psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, L.A. Venger, D.B. Elkonin, and others) confirms the position on the development of mental processes in the plot games of children. The child in the game acquires the ability for abstract thinking, therefore, the most important transformations of his intellectual sphere take place. This is evidenced by the process of development of play, in which the child moves from indirect actions with objects to their verbal designation.

At an older age, role-playing modes of action and modes of communication are characteristic of a role-playing game. It is these methods that act as carriers of the social generalized experience of the child's activity.

E.V. Zvorygina, noting the role of the plot game in the educational process, points out that the value of such a game for the further mental development and comprehensive education of the child is not only in obtaining, consolidating and expanding knowledge about the environment, but in the fact that the game improves the imaginary situation with a gradual transition from object play to games of an internal, mental plan, the transition from individual to collective, a new level of comprehension of reality expands the creative possibilities of children.

Thus, story games are significant for the comprehensive development of the child. But whether they will determine the mental development of children and actively influence their comprehensive upbringing depends on adults.

As a result of many years of observations, special pedagogical research and study of the leadership experience, data have been accumulated on the features of the games of children of different age groups. These features, identified by research teachers (R.I. Zhukovskaya, E.A. Arkin, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko) and psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin and others), are complex in nature and can serve as guidelines in the management of children's play.

Many teachers, emphasizing the main feature of the games invented by the children themselves - an independent character, call such games - creative. These include directorial, role-playing, theatrical, games with building materials. In the new classification of games developed by S. L. Novoselova, independent plot games include: plot-representative, plot-role-playing, directorial, theatrical games.

The independent nature of the plot game and the significance of this feature for the development of the child's personality were pointed out by both teachers and psychologists.

Scientists emphasize that in the game the child does not copy life impressions, he creatively processes them, putting his attitude to the displayed events. And only when in the game the child is able to independently set game tasks and choose ways to solve them, it will have a proper developmental influence on the child's personality. A.V. Zaporozhets in his works, noting this feature, emphasized that the game should turn into a form of children's amateur performance.

Psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin) noted the following feature of children's play: the basis of the plot-role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation. It lies in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by himself. The imaginary situation is also characterized by the transfer of meanings from one object to another and actions that recreate in a generalized and abbreviated form real actions in the role of an adult accepted by the child.

The results of many years of observations, the study of the features of children's games allowed researchers to identify a number of stages in the development of a story game. There are several approaches to determining the stages of game development.

D.B. Elkonin proposes to distinguish between the plot and the content of the game. The plot is that sphere of reality that is modeled and reproduced in the game. The content of the game is the content of people's activities, which is reproduced by the playing child during the development of the plot. At the beginning of preschool age, the content of the child's play is the reproduction of simple operations with objects and the sequence of objective actions, then the content is already the reproduction of social roles in accordance with given norms and rules, and, finally, at a later stage, the reproduction of social and interpersonal relations .

According to A.P. Usova, the development of the plot in children's games goes from the performance of role-playing actions to role-images, and the development of the plot depends on a number of circumstances. First of all, it is the proximity of the theme of the game to the experience of the child. Lack of experience and ideas arising from it becomes an obstacle in the development of the plot. A.P. Usova notes that the development of the plot is also determined by how coherently the roles develop in the game. Role consistency is needed in every game that has a specific theme. The better the children begin to understand each other, the more smoothly the game proceeds.

A.P. Usova, pointing out a number of features of the development of games, which should be taken into account when organizing them, determines the stages of development of the game. The author notes that in children at the age of three, games become plot-based and in this direction games develop intensively throughout preschool childhood, the determining factor is the child's gradual mastery of the role played in the group of children. At the first stage, the games of preschoolers consist of everyday activities performed by children (cook, wash, heal, etc.). At the next stage, role designations appear associated with actions (I am a mother, I am a cook, I am a doctor, etc.). Here, along with role-playing actions, role-playing relations appear in these designations. And finally, the last stage comes with the advent of the role.

There are two points in the characterization of the plot-role-playing game - the plot and the role, they are defined as the fundamental and semantic elements in this type of game.

1.2 Lines of development of the role-playing game in preschool childhood

Many domestic researchers have revealed and interpreted the lines of development of the role-playing game in different ways.

For example, E.A. Arkin, who paid great attention to the study of the game and attached great importance to it, characterizing the development of story games, notes that the structure of games changes with age: from plotless, consisting of a number of often unrelated episodes, they turn into games with a specific plot, and the theme of children's games also changes: at a younger age, these are episodes from personal life or the immediate environment, and in older groups in games, children often display the content of a read story or events of social and political significance.

E.A. Arkin points to five main lines of development of the game: 1) from small groups to more and more crowded; 2) from unstable groupings to more and more stable ones; 3) from plotless games to plot ones; 4) from a series of unrelated episodes to a systematically unfolding plot; 5) from the reflection of personal life and the immediate environment to the events of public life.

Elkonin believed that one of the essential tasks in the study of role play is to elucidate the question of the psychological prerequisites underlying the child's taking on a role and the development of the content of the role performed by the child in the game. Along with this, he believed that it was also important to clarify the change in the child's attitude to the role played in the game. These questions were the subject of his research and experiments. The materials obtained by Elkonin first of all show that with the same theme or plot of play, i.e., when children recreate the same area of ​​reality, in fact, different aspects of this reality occupy a central place in the child’s play. He believed that with the same plot, children of different ages reflect different content.

Based on the fact that the semantic center of the role-playing game is the role in the course of an experimental study of the features of children's play, D.B. Elkonin singled out four levels of development of the role-playing game during preschool childhood.

First level. The central content of the game is mainly objective actions. In fact, there are roles in the game, but they do not determine actions, but themselves follow from the nature of the actions performed by the child. As a rule, there is no preliminary planning of the game: children do not name roles, but designate them only after performing a game action. Actions are monotonous and show a tendency to multiple repetition, their logic is easily violated. The complex sequence of actions that make up role-playing behavior is not reproduced by the child in the game.

Second level. The main content of the game is still objective actions. The game reproduces a rather complex chain of actions. At the same time, the correspondence of the game action to the real one is brought to the fore. The logic of actions is determined by their sequence in real life. The range of types of game actions is expanding. Substitution options are limited. Game renaming of items is unstable, the new value of substitute items is quickly lost. Children name roles, but, however, the child's acceptance of one or another role decisively determines the choice of a play object and the play action itself.

Third level. The main content of the game is the performance by the child of the role and related actions. There is a preliminary planning of gaming activities, control over the performance of roles and its correction. The roles are clear, precise, determined by the children before the start of the game and determine the logic and nature of the actions. Game actions appear that convey the nature of the simulated social relations. These actions become diverse, generalized, often performed only in speech terms. There is a specific role-playing speech that reflects the relationship between the characters; the possibilities of substitution are expanding: the new play value of the object is quite stable, but only when the substitute object does not have a clearly fixed objective function. The rule is not presented in an explicit, open form, but actually regulates the performance of roles and is updated when the logic of game actions is violated.

Fourth level. The central content of the game is the performance of actions that reflect social and interpersonal relationships. Preliminary planning is carried out: the idea of ​​the game is formulated, roles and game objects are distributed, sometimes the rules of the game are determined. The roles are clear and precise, their implementation is regulated by the rule. Speech is expressive, developed and has a clearly role-playing character. Actions are logical and varied, deployed in a clear sequence. The proportion of speech actions is increasing. The child isolates the rules from real life and demonstrates obedience to them in the game. Substitutions are widely used.

Thus, one of the features of the role-playing game is the adoption by children of the role of adults. D.B. Elkonin proposed to consider the role as the main, indecomposable unit of the developed form of the game. Through the performance of a play role, the child is connected with the world of adults. For children, the actions of adults become interesting, and later - their interactions and relationships. The ideas of children become more interesting and diverse. The number of game tasks set by children is increasing.

Kravtsova supported Elkonin's point of view and noted that the psychological development of the role involves the ability to see the partner's position and, based on this, realize the role taken on.

The idea of ​​the game is revealed through the plot and the role, the role is realized through the game action, built with the help of rules and appropriate attributes. The plot is filled with certain content, which is associated with game actions, rules and attributes used, and with the modeling of actions and relationships, which is possible only through the implementation of rules and the use of game attributes. Accordingly, the role unfolds in play actions and manifests itself as role-playing behavior, which is regulated and ordered by the rule and implemented through the use of the necessary game attributes, but it is through this that the child can model the actions and relationships of adults that are the content and fill the storyline.

D. V. Elkonin defines the plot of the game as follows: "The plot is that area of ​​reality that is reproduced by children in the game. The plot of the games is extremely diverse and reflects the specific conditions of the child's life." The plot is a recreation in the game of the logic of real life events. And since the concrete reality is diverse, accordingly, the plot of the game is extremely diverse and changeable. The choice of the plot, its content, as D. V. Menzheritskaya pointed out, primarily depends on the predominant motive of the activity. The plots of the games are varied. Conventionally, they are divided into household, industrial, public. Children can play a varied number of stories with the same characters.

A slightly different approach to determining the stages of development of gaming activity can be found in N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova. Studying the features of play activity, the authors identified three gradually more complex ways for children to build a plot game:

Deployment of a chain of conditional objective actions. The child imitates someone in the game, but he himself is not yet aware of this. This method can be called subject-effective. The child takes on the role. Actions become more diverse, include more and more role-playing speech, which is an indispensable attribute of any character. All this means the child's transition to a new way of constructing play - role-playing behavior. The main thing for the child is to recreate integral events that include various roles with their actions and relationships. The complexity of the content of such a game requires an increasing use of speech designation. The game passes partially into the plane of speech and imagination. This method can be called plotting.

Consistent mastery of these methods of play allows the child to recreate the actions and relationships of the people around him, as well as to creatively develop the game thanks to the free operation of various elements of the plot in it - events, characters, their actions.

Thus, we can say that two lines can be traced in the role-playing game. One is related to the plot, the other to the role-playing positions through which the game is played. And if there are two fairly independent lines, then the child needs to master each of them before he can play the actual role-playing game.

1.3Indicators of the development of the role-playing game of older preschoolers

The central moment of the role-playing game is the role that the child takes on. At the same time, he does not just call himself the name of the corresponding adult (“I am an astronaut”, “I am a mother”, “I am a doctor”), but, most importantly, he acts like an adult, whose role he has assumed. Acting like an adult, the child, as it were, identifies himself with him. Through the performance of a play role, the child is connected with the world of adults. The most characteristic moment of the role is that it cannot be carried out outside the practical game action. Game action is a way to implement a role. For older preschoolers, the number of roles performed expands to about 10, of which 2-3 become favorites. There is a close relationship and contradictory unity between the role and the corresponding game actions. The more generalized and abbreviated the game actions, the deeper the system of relationships of adult activity is reflected in the game. And vice versa, the more specific and expanded the game actions, the more relations between people go into the background, the more the subject content of the recreated activity comes to the fore.

The content of the game of older preschoolers is the fulfillment of the rules arising from the role taken on. Children of senior preschool age are extremely picky about the implementation of the rules. Performing this or that role, they carefully monitor how their actions and the actions of their partners correspond to the generally accepted rules of behavior - it happens or it doesn’t happen: “Moms don’t do that”, “They don’t serve soup after the second”.

So the division into role-playing games and games with rules is rather arbitrary. But in role-playing games, the rule is, as it were, hidden behind the role, it is not pronounced on purpose and is felt rather than realized by the child.

In children of older preschool age, the idea of ​​the game is more stable, developing, dynamic. They jointly discuss the idea of ​​the game, take into account each other's points of view, reach a common solution. A long-term perspective of the game appears, which indicates a high level of game creativity. Before the game, children outline a general plan, and during the game they include new ideas and images in it, i.e. planning, consistency in the game is combined with improvisation.

During the game, a variety of relationships between people are modeled. The ability to jointly build and creatively develop the plots of games is being improved. Children show a desire to learn as much as possible about what they play. Episodes from fairy tales, public plots occupy a significant place in their games.

Role interaction is meaningful. The game uses a variety of means of expression. Speech occupies an increasing place in the implementation of the role that is indicated by the word. The word is often replaced by game actions.

Children perform game actions with substitute objects, natural materials, toys, and their own homemade products. They widely use ancillary material in the game, during the game, picking up or replacing the necessary items.

Children realize that the condition for the implementation of the role is compliance with the rules (A.K. Bondarenko, E.V. Zvorygina, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, etc.).

Thus, the play of older preschool children is more stable and independent. The leading role at this stage is acquired by speech, which performs not only organizing and regulating functions during the game, but also often acts as a substitute for action.

For older preschoolers, 3 to 5 people can participate in the game.

From how rich and correct will be the playing skills and abilities of a preschool child depends on his further development.

2. Experimental study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in senior preschool age

2.1 Organizational aspects of the design of the experiment

An experimental study was conducted in January, May 2011 on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 279 "Fidgets" in Novokuznetsk.

Purpose: to study the development of a role-playing game in senior preschool age. The experiment involved 15 children aged 5.8 to 6.3 years. Characteristics of the sample in table No. 1.

Table number 1.

Sample characteristic

Name code.

The study was of an ascertaining nature. It was aimed at studying the development of the role-playing game in senior preschool age. At the stage of empirical research, 2 methods were used: observation in order to study the dynamics of the plot-role-playing game of children in conditions of free activity; a method of conversation that was used to study the play preferences of children.

When observing, we recorded the indicators of the development of the role-playing game that we have identified:

  • Relations,

The first procedure we used was to talk to the children about their play preferences. The results of the conversation are presented in table No. 2. the plots of children's games were also analyzed and characteristic plots for children of older preschool age were identified, the results are presented in diagram No. 1.

2.2 Analysis and discussion of the results of the study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in senior preschool age

Conversation analysis.

After analyzing the results of the conversation, we concluded that at senior preschool age, 20% of children prefer to play at home and 80% in the kindergarten group, justifying this with a large number of children, that is, prospective gaming partners, which indicates that these children prefer play in a group of peers.

Chart #1

Based on the results of the conversation about favorite and desired games, the answers of the children showed that at the senior preschool age, 10% of children want to play object games with toys and 90% prefer role-playing games with peers, based on this, we can say that role play in children of this age is the leading activity and its features correspond to age characteristics.

Having studied the answers of children about the play actions performed in the game, we came to the conclusion that at the senior preschool age, 10% of children in the game perform object actions and 90% perform play actions aimed at a peer in a role-playing game.

According to the results of answers to questions about the preferred partner in the game, at the senior preschool age, 100% of children prefer to play role-playing games with their peers. According to the results of this analysis, it can be seen that in the senior preschool age, the main topic is becoming a public theme (“school”, “ travel”, “cafe”, “shop”, “hospital”).

The second procedure that we used was the observation of independent role-playing play by children aged 5.5-6 in natural conditions. Our goal was to study the development of the role-playing game in senior preschool age. We analyzed the observational data according to the levels of development of the role-playing game identified by D.B. Elkonin (the criteria were the components of the role-playing game according to Elkonin: 1-role, 2-plot, 3-content, 4-game actions), the analysis of levels is presented in diagram No. 2.

Chart #2

Observation analysis:

After analyzing the results obtained, we can conclude that the fourth level of development of the plot-role-playing game according to Elkonin prevails in children of senior preschool age.

The central content of the game is the performance of actions that reflect social and interpersonal relationships. Preliminary planning is carried out: the idea of ​​the game is formulated, roles and game objects are distributed, sometimes the rules of the game are determined. The roles are clear and precise, their implementation is regulated by the rule. Speech is expressive, developed and has a clearly role-playing character. Actions are logical and varied, deployed in a clear sequence. The proportion of speech actions is increasing. The child isolates the rules from real life and demonstrates obedience to them in the game. Substitutions are widely used.


Table number 2.

Features of the development of the role-playing game of older preschool children based on the results of the conversation.

Age group

senior preschool age

Yes, in kindergarten, there are a lot of toys and children.

Shop, hairdresser, dolls, mosaics.

I make hairstyles for dolls, we play shop with the girls.

A hairdresser, and sometimes a visitor when there is already a hairdresser.

With girlfriends Anya and Christina.

The seller, and sometimes I buy things myself.

Educator, I want to educate children, teach them.

I have dishes and dolls.

I play with Marina and Anya, sometimes we go shopping together.

Yes, in a group because there are a lot of kids, at home because there are a lot of interesting toys.

In a shop, in a cafe, in dolls, mosaics. But most of all in the house, I always play it.

I go to the store when I am a mother, I like to collect mosaics..

All sorts of different dolls, I take them to the store, to the theater, I want a castle for them, because I don't have any.

Yes, I like to play at home, because I have a lot of horses, a lot of different ones, both small and large, I take them one by one to the kindergarten.

I like to play in the stable, take care of horses.

I comb the horses, I take them for a walk.

I am a seller, a doctor, a cashier, a mother, a horse.

I also like to be a seller, to sell everything.

There are dishes, dolls, puzzles, mosaics, soft toys, horses.

Yes, on the street and in a group, because you can run and play with the guys.

To school, to the store, to the theater. On the bus, on the driver. In cars.

I drive a car, I take the children to bus stops, I buy different products.

Driver, passenger, buyer, seller and sometimes dad.

Motorcycle, rims, remote control, cars, truck and dogs.

Yes, at home and in kindergarten. at home there is a dog and all sorts of games, and in the kindergarten there are many children with whom I play.

I buy something, I sell it. I love to play with dolls.

A seller, and sometimes a buyer, because other girls also like to sell.

The seller, I wonder when they come to buy something, and I sell them

Dolls, mosaics, ball, constructor.

With the guys, because they are interesting.

I am a Kamaz driver, and sometimes I am a doctor and a dad.

Doctor, driver and dad.

I want to be a driver, drive a car

I play drivers with Cyril and girls when I'm dad.

Yes, in kindergarten here I play with friends, it's interesting here.

I collect the designer, I drive the bus by passengers.

I play with all the guys who play constructor.

I love being a driver.

Ball, cars, lego, robot.

Kick the ball with the guys, play driver and passenger.

Yes, in kindergarten, it's interesting and beautiful here.

teacher and salesperson.

Yes, at home, there is a dog and all sorts of games

Shop, cafe, dolls, mosaics. I love playing with my family.

I buy something, I sell it. I love playing with dolls with girls.

A good fairy, because she is kind and everyone loves her.

With the guys, because they are interesting.

Yes, in kindergarten, there are many children.

I collect new cars from the designer

Balls, cubes, big KAMAZ and soldiers.

With friends in different games.

Driver, In the bus, in the driver. In cars

Driver, Passenger, Buyer, Seller

I love being Rimbaud, or a mutant. I love being a driver.

Motorcycle, car rims, truck and constructor.

With friends, I am the driver and they are my passengers.

Yes, in a group, because there are many children and you can play a lot in different ways.

I sell apples, coffee, I try to treat the sick and cook dinner for everyone.

I am a seller, a doctor, a cashier, a mother, a cat and a girl.

I love being a salesperson, selling everything. Or a doctor and treat everyone.

There are dishes, dolls, puzzles, mosaics, soft toys, cows and horses

Yes, in the group, there are a lot of children and beautiful toys.

In a house, a hospital, a hairdresser and a mazin, and also in a cafe.

Mom, because she is the main one. A visitor to the hairdresser, I go to the store to buy groceries

A cook, because my mother is a cook and she cooks delicious food

With the girls to the family, to the store, to the hospital. They are very interesting to play with.

Questions for conversation:

    What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

    What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

    What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

    What toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

Who do you play with the most and why?

Protocol #1

Conversation with a child.


Time: 10:35

Name: Komar Katya

Age: 6 years old.

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

    Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

    Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

    Yes, in kindergarten, there are a lot of toys and children

    Shop, hairdresser, dolls, mosaics

    I make dolls hairstyles, we play shop with girls

    A hairdresser, and sometimes a visitor when there is already a hairdresser.

    Hairdresser and salesman, I love doing hair.

    Dolls, mosaics, ball, constructor.

Output: During the conversation, it was found that the child prefers role-playing and subject games, role-playing games are dominated by stories from professions familiar to children, the girl seeks to take on various roles, and is open to playing with peers. The preferences of the child correspond to the age characteristics of this age.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the child prefers role-playing games with children, takes into account the distribution of roles. Takes on both the main and secondary roles in games, thereby taking into account the preferences of children.

Protocol #2

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 11:35

Name: Savina Sveta

Age: 5 years 9 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

    Yes, in kindergarten, there are a lot of children, we play together.

    In different, usually we play shop.

    We sell various things that are in the store.

    The seller, and sometimes I buy things myself.

    I want to be a teacher to educate children, to teach them.

    I have dishes and dolls.

    I play with Marina and Anya, sometimes we go shopping together.

Output: Based on the results of the conversation, we can conclude that the child prefers role-playing games, with a variety of roles and plots. When choosing a role, the child takes into account the position of the partner in the game. The game preferences of the girl correspond to the features of the senior preschool age.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the child prefers role-playing games, takes into account the desires of other children, the girl's preferences correspond to this age.

Protocol #3

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 11:40

Name: Mukhina Ella

Age: 5 years 9 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in a group because there are a lot of kids, at home because there are a lot of interesting toys

    In a shop, in a cafe, in dolls, mosaics. But most of all in the house, I always play it.

    I go to the store when I am a mother, I like to collect mosaics

    I am a buyer, I buy things for the house Or a mother, if we play at home, because mother is the most important.

    Mom because she is beautiful and smart.

    All sorts of different dolls, I take them to the store, to the theater, I want a castle for them, because I don't have any.

    With Galya, Katya, because they are good and know a lot of funny games.

Output: During the conversation, it was found that the girl prefers different games with different roles. It can also be noted that the child likes to take on the main roles, interacts with children.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the girl prefers role-playing games with children, while it can be noted that the girl likes to take on the main roles in games.

Protocol #4

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 11:55

Name: Travkina Marina

Age: 5 years 8 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, I like to play at home, because I have a lot of horses, a lot of different ones, both small and large, I take them in turn to the kindergarten

    I like to play in the stable, take care of horses.

    I comb the horses, take them for a walk. I am a salesman, a doctor, a cashier, a mother, a horse.

    I also like to be a seller, to sell things to buyers.

    There are dishes and dolls, puzzles, mosaics, many different horses.

    With all the girls and boys, with my mother when I'm at home. Because they know a lot of games.

Output: During the conversation, we found that the girl prefers subject games with toys, and also takes on both the main and secondary roles in games, but still prefers to take the main roles. It was also found that the girl is friendly, interacts with all children. Game preferences correspond to this age.

Analysis: Thus, it was found that the child likes to play subject games with toys more, we also note that the child plays role-playing games with children, takes on various roles in them, which corresponds to this age.

Protocol #5

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 12:08

Name: Vorobyov Zhenya

Age: 5 years 8 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, on the street and in a group, because you can run and play with the guys.

    To school, to the store, to the theater. On the bus, on the driver. In cars.

    I drive a car, I take the children to bus stops, I buy different products.

    Driver, passenger, buyer, seller and sometimes dad

    I love being Rimbaud, or a mutant. I love being a driver.

    Motorcycle, rims, remote control, cars, truck and dogs.

    With friends, with Sasha, he always comes up with everything. With my dad, he's smart.

Output: During the conversation, we found that the boy is active, likes to take on different roles, takes into account the children's gaming preferences, plays a variety of game plots. The child prefers to play more fantastic characters, such as Rimbaud, a mutant.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the child is sociable, interacts with all children, is open to communication. Also, the child prefers a variety of roles, giving preference to fantastic heroes, which corresponds to this age.

Protocol #6

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 12:15

Name: Kristina Starikova

Age: 5 years 8 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

    Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

    What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

    What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

    Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

    What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

    What toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

    Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, at home and in kindergarten. At home there is a dog and all sorts of games, and in kindergarten there are a lot of children with whom I play.

    Shop, cafe, dolls, mosaics. In the ball, my love, I kick.

    I buy something, I sell it. I like to play with dolls, I throw the ball to the dog, and she catches it.

    A seller, and sometimes a buyer, because other girls also like to sell.

    The seller, I wonder when they come to buy something, and I sell it to them.

    Dolls, mosaics, ball, constructor.

    With the guys, because they are interesting.

Output: From the conversation, we found out that the girl prefers role-playing games, takes on various roles in the game, and develops different game plots. The game preferences of the child fully correspond to the characteristics of this age, along with the role-playing game, the child is also interested in actions with toys. Also note that the girl takes into account the wishes of other children.

Analysis: Thus, we note that the child takes on different roles in games, prefers the main roles, but taking into account the desires of other children, also takes secondary roles. Interacts with all children.

Protocol #7

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 12:29

Name: Chizh Maxim

Age: 6 years old

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in kindergarten, there are many children.

    KAMAZ driver, and sometimes I am a doctor and dad

    I treat patients, prescribe them cough pills.

    Doctor, driver and dad.

    I want to be a driver, to drive a car.

    All sorts of cars, designers and Lego.

    I play drivers with Cyril and girls when I'm dad.

Output: Based on the results of the conversation, we found out that the child prefers role-playing games, tries to take on the main role in the game, develops different plots. The game preferences of the child correspond to the age characteristics of this age.

Analysis: It can be noted that the child is sociable, prefers role-playing games with children, and actions with objects, plays with both boys and girls, easily enters into game actions, plays a variety of plots, which corresponds to older preschool age.

Protocol #8

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 12:40

Name: Kirill Kulik

Age: 6 years old

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in kindergarten here I play with friends, it's interesting here.

    I collect the designer, I drive a bus with passengers.

    I build houses, various buildings, and also robots.

    builder and driver. I love to transport people.

    Builder, build big houses.

    I have a lot of robots, there is a big constructor and a small one, a lot of machines are also big and small.

    I play with all the guys who play constructor.

Output: During the conversation, it was found that the child prefers actions with objects, and also takes on various roles in role-playing games with children. We also note that the child is sociable and prefers to play calmer games with children.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the child likes to play calmer games - building blocks, mosaics, Lego, and also likes to play role-playing games with children.

Protocol #9

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 12:52

Name: Mikheev Stas

Age: 5 years 9 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, on the street, there I kick the ball and run.

    A football player, kicking a ball, and also a tram driver.

    I kick the ball, I am a driver and a passenger.

    I love being a driver.

    Football player, score a lot of goals.

    Ball, cars, lego, robot.

    Kick the ball with the guys, play driver and passenger.

Output: After analyzing the child's answers, it is clear that the child prefers both role-playing games and actions with objects. In role-playing games, the child prefers to take on the main roles, but taking into account the preferences of other children, he also takes on secondary roles.

Analysis: Thus, we note that the child is sociable, in role-playing games he takes on various roles, while taking into account the desires of other children, the plots in the games are diverse, which corresponds to older preschool age.

Protocol #10

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 13:05

Name: Simakova Katya

Age: 5 years 9 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in kindergarten, it's interesting and beautiful here.

    To school, to the store, to the hospital.

    I teach children, I like to sell things, and also treat people.

    teacher and salesperson.

    I want to be a princess, she is beautiful.

    Ball, dolls, princess, horse and dog.

    I like to play with Marina, she has a lot of beautiful horses, we exchange them.

Output: After analyzing the answers of the girl, it was found that she prefers to play with children, and to dominate the game, she always tries to take on the main role. The girl's answers included fairy-tale characters, the role of which the girl would like to take on. The game preferences of the girl correspond to the senior preschool age.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the girl likes to dominate, take on the main roles, is sociable, prefers various plots in games, which corresponds to older preschool age.

Protocol No. 11

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/21/2011

Time: 10:35

Name: Klokova Nastya

Age: 6 years 1 month

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in kindergarten, there are a lot of interesting toys and friends with whom I play

    Shop, cafe, dolls, mosaics. I like to play family and hairdresser.

    I buy something, I sell it. I like to play with dolls with girls, to make their dolls hairstyles.

    A buyer because some want to be a seller.

    A good fairy, because she is kind and everyone loves her.

    Dolls, mosaics, ball, constructor, Lego.

    With the guys, because they are interesting.

Output: During the conversation, it was found that the girl prefers role-playing games with children, takes into account the preferences of other children. Also in the conversation, the girl announced that she would like to take on the role of a fairy-tale character. The game preferences of the girl correspond to this age.

Analysis: in this way we can say that the girl takes on various roles, takes into account the preferences of other children, plays various plots in games, we can also say that the girl is sociable, prefers to play in kindergarten because of the large number of peers.

Protocol No. 12

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/21/2011

Time: 10:52

Name: Koshaev Sasha

Age: 6 years old

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in kindergarten, there are many children.

    I like to play builders and drivers.

    I collect new cars from the designer.

    I am a passenger and a driver.

    Dad because he drives a car.

    Balls, cubes, big KAMAZ.

    With friends in different games.

Output: After analyzing the child's answers, it can be seen that the boy prefers both play actions with objects and role-playing games with children. In the distribution of roles, he takes into account the preferences of other children, likes to play with peers, and is open to communication.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the boy is sociable, interacts with all children, takes into account the preferences of other children in the distribution of roles, plays various plots, which corresponds to older preschool age.

Protocol No. 13

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/21/2011

Time: 11:00

Name: Andrey Krivousov

Age: 6 years old. 3 months

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, on the street and in a group, because it's interesting here and there are a lot of children with whom I play.

    Driver, bus, driver, cars

    I drive a car, take the kids to bus stops.

    Driver, Passenger, Buyer, Seller.

    I love being a spiderman, saving people from danger. I love being a driver.

    Motorcycles, cars, truck and lego.

    With friends, I am the driver, and they are my passengers,

Output: During the conversation, it was found that the child is active, takes on different roles, and also likes to take on the role of a heroic cartoon character, deploy various plots in the game. Thus, we can say that the child's play preferences correspond to older preschool age.

Analysis: Thus, we can say that the child prefers role-playing games with children. He likes to take on the main roles, but taking into account the preferences of other children in the distribution of roles, he also takes on secondary roles, plays various plots in games. The game preferences of the child correspond to the senior preschool age.

Protocol No. 14

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/21/2011

Time: 11:10

Name: Maslennikova Galya

Age: 6 years old

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in a group, because there are many children and you can play a lot in different ways.

    In the house, in the kitchen, shop, mosaics, hospitals, parks, cafes.

    I sell apples, coffee, I try to treat the sick and cook dinner for everyone.

    I am a seller, a doctor, a cashier, a mother, a cat and a girl.

    I love being a salesperson, selling everything. Or a doctor and treat everyone.

    There are dishes, dolls, puzzles, mosaics, soft toys, cows and horses.

    With all girls and boys.

Output: After analyzing the conversation, we found that the child prefers to play role-playing games with children, to take on the main roles. She is open to communication with all children, prefers to play in a kindergarten group, explaining this by a large number of children. In games, the girl plays a variety of stories, which corresponds to this age.

Analysis: Thus, we note that the girl is sociable, plays with all children, prefers plot-role-playing games, plays various plots, and we also note that the girl loves to take on the main roles in games. The game preferences of the child correspond to the senior preschool age.

Protocol No. 15

Conversation with a child.

Purpose: To study game preferences.

Date: 06/21/2011

Time: 11:20

Name: Kopalova Anya

Age: 6 years old

Experimenter Questions

Subject's responses

1. Do you like to play? Where do you like to play more: at home, in a group, on a walk? Why?

2.What games do you play? What games do you like to play the most and why? What games would you like to play?

3.What do you do in games? What is your favorite thing to do in games and why? What would you like to do in games?

4. Who are you in games? Who are you most often in games and why?

5. What do you like to be in games and why? Who would you like to be?

6.What kind of toys do you have? Which ones are your favorite and why? How do you play with them? What games? What toys would you like to have and why? How would you play with them?

7. Who do you play with the most and why?

    Yes, in the group, there are a lot of children and beautiful toys.

    In a house, a hospital, a hairdresser and a shop, and also in a cafe.

    Mom, because she is the main one. A visitor to a hairdresser, I go to the store to buy groceries.

    Sometimes I am a hairdresser, I make beautiful hairstyles for girls and dolls.

    A cook, because my mother is a cook and she cooks delicious food.

    Barbie dolls, a large house for them and dishes, only there is no locker for her.

    With the girls to the family, to the store, to the hospital. They are very interesting to play with.

Output: During the conversation, it was found that the child prefers both the main and secondary roles in the game, and we can also note that the girl loves to play with toys and with children, playing various stories with them. The game preferences of the girl correspond to the senior preschool age.

Analysis: Thus, we note that the child is sociable, prefers to play with all the children, takes on various roles, but still prefers the main roles, takes into account the desires of other children, plays various plots. The game preferences of the child correspond to the senior preschool age.

Protocol #16

Supervision of independent play activities

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 10:30

Full name: Ella, Katya, Anya, Zhenya.

Age: 6 years old

Experimenter's actions

The actions of the subjects

Role-playing game "Daughters-mothers", "Shop", "Driver and cashier".

The game ends as the teacher calls everyone to dress for a walk.

Katya cooks soup, and Anya does the dishes. Katya: "I'll be a mother." Turns to Anya: "- and who do you want to be?". Anya: "I'll be a daughter then." Ella “- and I will be a seller, you will have to buy groceries” takes toy vegetables and lays them out on the table. Zhenya: “I will be a bus driver, I will take you to the store, only I need a conductor.” Galya comes up: “- I will be the conductor, you will pay me the fare, and I will give you tickets.” She takes chips and sits on a chair near Zhenya. Katya continues to cook soup, then Anya comes up to her and says: - “Mom, we need to go for groceries, and also buy a chocolate bar for my doll” Katya - “well, now the bus will arrive and we will go” Katya and Anya sit on chairs. Zhenya plays the role of a driver, pretending to start the bus and turn the steering wheel, making the sound of the engine - “trr-trr-trr”. Galya comes up to them and says, “I’m a conductor, please pay the fare, and I’ll give you tickets.” Katya pretends to give money _ "please take it." Galya gives the girls chips "- take these are your tickets." and takes his seat." Zhenya addresses the girls, “We all arrived, here is the store stop.” Katya and Anya approach Ella. Ella "- hello, what would you like to buy? The store has everything." Katya - "We need bread, butter and milk." Anya turns to Ella "- and a chocolate bar for my doll." Ella "- here, please take it and here is your check."

Output: in the course of observing the independent plot-role-playing game of children of senior preschool age, we can note that the level of the game is formed. The children, without difficulty and conflicts, assigned roles, who would be who in the game, and corresponded to the role they took on. 4 people participated in the game: 3 girls and 1 boy. In the game, the children were independent, they themselves organized the game and prepared the attributes corresponding to each role. For example, Galya, instead of tickets, took chips, and Ella laid out toy vegetables in her “shop”. During the game, we observed that the children call themselves and other participants in the game in accordance with the role they took on, the children behaved friendly, were interested, active

Protocol #17

Supervision of independent play activities.

Purpose: To study the features of the role-playing game in senior preschool age.

Date: 06/20/2011

Time: 10:30

Name: Marina, Ella, Katya, Anya, Zhenya, Kirill

Age: 6 years old


Children's actions

Role-playing game: "House", "Hospital"

The game ends as the teacher calls the children for a walk.

Anya turns to Katya, “Let's play house, I will be a mother, and you are a daughter, I will braid your pigtails,” Cyril approaches, “I will be a dad, I will drive you to the doctor.” Zhenya "I'll be a doctor, treat you for a cold." Anya asks Ella "- and who do you want to be?" Ella "- I will be a grandmother who comes to visit, and her father meets her by car" Marina addresses the children "- and I will be a cat, you will feed and stroke me." Anya takes a comb and starts combing Katya. Kirill takes a toy phone and says to himself “- what are you talking about? Grandma should come when to meet her? Yes, I will soon ”sit down on a chair and makes the sound of a motor“ trr trr trr ”tells Ella to sit down, he will take her home to visit, Ella sits on a chair nearby. Katya happily meets her grandmother and asks what she brought her. Ella goes and takes the doll and gives it to Katya. Katya: "You need to feed the cat." Marina goes on all fours and meows. Anya puts her plate on the floor and Marina pretends to eat. Katya starts to cough. Anya tells Kirill that he needs to see a doctor and stop by the store on the way. Kirill sits down on a chair, Anya and Katya are nearby and drive to the hospital. Anya says to Zhenya: “Our daughter is sick, could you look at her throat and take her temperature?” Zhenya: “Yes, of course, sit down Katya, now I will give you a thermometer and measure the pressure”, Anya sits down and takes the pencil that Zhenya gave her instead of a thermometer.

Output: In the course of observing the independent play of older preschool children, we can note that the children assigned roles without difficulty and conflict, and boys and girls also participated in the game. Children independently organized the game, the wishes of each child were taken into account, they asked who wants to be who. In the game, the children corresponded to the image, the role they took on. The game was attended by 6 people: 4 girls and 2 boys. There were more roles in the game than in the first one (grandmother, cat, dad, doctor), there were also objects - substitutes. The children were active and interested. Thus, the dependence of the development of the game on the level of development and involvement of children in the game process is clearly seen. Compared with the first experiment, we see that the storyline of the game varies, becomes more flexible and branched, due to the greater self-awareness and interest of children. Roles are becoming more complex, their number is increasing. The dynamics of the development of the game is clearly traced using the following indicators: 1) the number of participants in the game; 2) the number of attributes of the game, 3) the duration of the game action, 4) the development and variability of plots "


    Smirnova E.O. "Child psychology" Moscow, 2006

    Arsent'eva V.P. “Play is the leading activity in preschool childhood. Moscow, 2009

    Uruntaeva G.A., Afonkina Yu.A. Workshop on preschool psychology: A guide for students of higher education. and avg. textbook Institutions - 2nd edition., - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

    Elkonin D.B. M., "Pedagogy", 1978

    Reprintseva G.I. “Play is the key to the soul of a child. Harmonization of the child's relationship with the outside world ": a methodological guide. – M.: Forum, 2008.

    Abramyan L.A., Antonova T.V. and others edited by Novoselova. "The game of a preschooler" M .: Education, 1989.

    "Child psychology" Textbook. allowance Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A., Belous A.N. and others, edited by Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A.

    Management of children's games in preschool institutions: (from work experience) Comp. Tvertina. M.A. Barsukova. L.S. ed. Vasilyeva M.A - M .: Education, 1986

    Uruntaeva G.A. "child psychology" M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2008.


As a result of the work done, the conducted research, we can say that the role-playing game is undoubtedly the leading activity of the senior preschooler. It is through the game that the child learns the world, prepares for adulthood. At the same time, the game is the basis for the creative development of the child, the development of the ability to correlate creative skills in real life. The game acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults, where everything is intertwined and interconnected: the world of adults influences the world of children (and vice versa). Plot - role-playing game is based on the perception of the presented rules, thereby orienting the child to comply with certain rules of adult life. The game, by virtue of its characteristics, is the best way to achieve the development of the child's creative abilities without the use of coercion methods. From all of the above, it is clear what role play should play in the modern educational process and how important it is to strive to intensify the play activity of preschoolers.

Currently, there is a reform of Russian pedagogy, including preschool. Today, the most relevant is the implementation of modern developing pedagogical technologies in the educational process. As mentioned above, the leading activity of preschool children is the game. Therefore, recently the most urgent problem is the introduction of modern gaming technologies into the educational practice of preschool institutions. It is known that the role-playing game in the classification of gaming activity is considered the most complex, but also the most significant for the personal development of children when they enter the world of social relations with the people around them, nature. The success of the performance of game actions, the ability of children to live in a single children's team, and the development of the horizons of children's speech depend on the correct management of the game, on the timely enrichment of role-playing games.

The work carried out allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

1. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature (A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, A. P. Usova, R. I. Zhukovskaya, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, V. P. Zalogina, R. A. Ivankova ) we concluded that the educational and developmental possibilities of the role-playing game in the life of a preschooler are extremely large, and it is important for the teacher to be able to realize them. In order to realize the potential inherent in the plot games of preschoolers and to carry out adequate pedagogical influences in relation to the plot game of children, it is necessary to understand its specifics well, to have an idea of ​​its developmental significance, of what it should be at each age stage, and most importantly , be able to play appropriately with children of different preschool ages. At each age stage, the pedagogical process of organizing the game should be two-part, including the moments of the formation of game skills in the joint game of the educator with children and the creation of conditions for independent children's play. (N. Ya. Mikhailenko, N. A. Korotkova)

2. An analysis of the state of the practice of preschool education shows that the problem of enriching role-playing games is relevant for a modern kindergarten.

Explanatory note 62 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, 17 protocols

Plot - role-playing game, lines of development, indicators of development, experimental research.

The object of the study is the role-playing game of children of senior preschool age
The subject of the study is the development of a plot-role-playing game in senior preschool age.

The goal is to study the dynamics of the development of role-playing games in senior preschool age. In the course of the work, an experimental study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in the senior preschool age, organizational aspects of the experiment, analysis and discussion of the results of the study of the dynamics of the role-playing game in the senior preschool age were carried out. As a result of the experimental study, it was found that the dynamics of the development of the game directly depends on the level of development and involvement of children in the game process.

Plot - role-playing, suggest ... actions Thoroughly Superficial Dynamics Fast Slow execution...

  • A game as a means of developing family relationships in children senior preschool age

    Coursework >> Psychology

    Target research: explore influences games on the development of family relationships in children senior preschool age and develop ... Directing and figuratively role-playing games become sources plot-role-playing games. Later, it is separated games with the rules. ...

  • plot role-playing a game as a means of forming a positive attitude towards schooling for children aged 5-6

    Thesis >> Pedagogy

    A large number of experimental research, characterizes the basic quality of children's thinking preschool age from which... plot-role-playing games. Our experimental the work is being implemented in the MDOU kindergarten "Topolek" village. Murygino. Examining senior ...

  • Prevention of conflicts by means of play activities in children senior preschool age

    Thesis >> Psychology

    educational content games and its importance in the prevention of conflicts in children senior preschool age 2. Experienced experimental work on... . IN preschool age leading activity is plot-role-playing a game and communication becomes her...

  • Help on the results of operational control. "Analysis of the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment for the development of a role-playing game"

    Order No. 17 dated February 12, 2016
    Author of the work: Vdovenko Svetlana Petrovna, senior educator, kindergarten No. 2 "Smile", working settlement Ekaterinovka
    Target: analyze the work of the teaching staff on the assimilation of innovative areas in the content and practice of managing children's play activities and improving the developing environment in groups.
    Age groups: all age groups of kindergarten
    Control content selection:
    Observation and analysis of the organization of the role-playing game in each age group, the activities of the educator in the process of organizing the game.
    Planning role-playing games in each age group.
    Analysis of the state of the game developing subject-spatial environment.
    Terms of control: February 15 – 17, 2016
    Basis for control: fulfillment of the task of the annual plan for the 2015-2016 academic year.
    Composition of the commission:
    head of preschool educational institution - Tarasova T.N.
    senior educator - Vdovenko S.P.
    Methods: analysis, observation, conclusions.
    Operational control was carried out in accordance with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution in order to use new approaches for educators to organize a role-playing game. The activities of teachers were based on the recommendations of the exemplary general educational program "From birth to school" and the methodological manual "Development of gaming activity" by N.F. Gubanova. The manual reveals the general strategy of the teacher's behavior in organizing the game and the specific tactics of his interaction with children in the game at different stages of preschool childhood.
    During the control, the following results were revealed:
    The plot-role-playing game is organized in each age group, by each educator, as a separate joint game activity of children and adults and as part of the learning activity.
    In the course of observing the plot game, a system was noted in the work of educators in organizing games with children, the ability of children to organize a game on their own, take on some role, implement role-playing actions, change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, lead role-playing dialogue with a partner in the game. At the same time, the educator also changes his position in the game: first he plays the main role, then auxiliary roles, then becomes an observer of the children's game, at any time able to come to the rescue in case of a difficult situation in the plot.
    So, for example, in the second group of early age, the teacher Ermakova S.V. organized both the individual "Let's Dress the Doll Lyuba" and the joint "Margarita's Birthday" role-playing game. The leading role during the game belonged to the educator, she created problematic game situations so that the children performed the task in the game.
    The educator of the younger group Budynkova M.G., organizing the game "Hospital", designated herself in the role of a doctor, gradually the educator involved children in the game, offering them the roles of patients. Then the educator suggested that the child take the main role of the doctor, as a result, the children played the role of both the doctor and the patient. Thus, the teacher taught the children to accept and designate different playing roles, to develop role-playing interaction, an elementary role-playing dialogue with a peer partner. As a result, the children successfully continued to play "Hospital" on their own, using attributes and toys. At the same time, the teacher activated the children, she was nearby.
    Watching the game in the middle group, it is necessary to note the complication of the goals set, the role relationships between partners, the inclusion of more roles in the game. Efremova E.N. set a goal for more complex role-playing behavior in the game "Hospital". Having offered the main role of the doctor to the child, the educator indicated her additional role of the patient, then she suggested that the "doctor" be his nurse and help him to see the patients. Demonstrated examples of role-playing dialogues and role-playing interactions in the game, involved children in the game. Gradually, a big game unfolded, in which all the children participated. At the same time, the teacher also continued to change her playing role and designate a new one for the partners in the game, showing the children examples of different role-playing behavior in accordance with different roles. These were the roles of a pharmacy that opened, where you can buy medicines prescribed by a doctor; there was a need to bring these medicines to the pharmacy, so the role of a car driver appeared.
    Educator of the mixed-age group Tsarenko E.V. continued to develop in children the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners in the Supermarket game. The main role is also indicated by the child, and the educator performed additional roles. Here, after some paired role-playing interaction "seller - buyer", the need arose for the emergence of new game roles. New events developed. At the same time, the teacher, as it were, agreed with the children about the upcoming change in the plot and the emergence of new roles. As a result, the children continued to play on their own. The teacher was included in the game only when it was necessary.
    Educator Anikina I.G. organized the game "Bus", where the children of the whole group were gradually involved in the game: the driver, the cashier, the passengers, the controller. Gradually, the game continued, the passengers got hungry, and the teacher suggested playing the game "Cafe". The game used various attributes.
    In the senior and preparatory groups for school, educators strive to teach children to combine various events in the game, to coordinate individual ideas in a common plot.
    So, the teacher of the senior group Yakovleva Yu.V. invited the children to go to the "City of Masters". The game combined the events taking place in the hairdresser, shop, construction site, hospital. Children independently determined for themselves partners in the game and roles, deployed role-playing interactions and dialogues. The educator outlined her role, the role of a journalist who visits all the places in the city of masters. Various role-playing dialogues unfolded. They developed children's speech, stimulated to activity, helped to carry out role-playing interactions. The game continued for a long time, stopped when the parents began to take the children.
    The teacher of the group preparatory to school Lisina E.M. together with the children organized a game - the laboratory "Young Researchers". The theme of the game, the main events were discussed verbally; role-playing interaction was carried out, actions characteristic of the characters were discussed. The teacher took on the role of a scientific consultant (watched the game, coordinated as necessary), children - the role of young scientists. The children had the initiative in the game (explored objects of wildlife), at the end of the game they decided to continue the next day to explore inanimate nature. Substitute items were used in the game.
    As a result of the analysis of the organization of the role-playing game, the interest of each educator, his desire to teach children to play and learn to use new approaches to the organization of the role-playing game is noted. All educators used the artistic word in the game, various attributes, but preliminary work was carried out only in a group of different ages.
    Role-playing games are planned in the calendar plan of educational work on a daily basis. The theme of the games is varied, the planning takes into account the interest of children and the emergence of new concepts in the surrounding life.
    In each group, a developing subject-spatial environment was created for organizing free play activities for children. Educators systematically update the attributes for the game, using both ready-made items bought in the store and those made with their own hands from waste material (especially in the age group).
    In the course of control, in none of the age groups, a system of work with parents on organizing the game was noted.
    The plot-role-playing game in kindergarten is organized, children have the skills of the game.
    Educators in the system plan game activities, replenish the developing subject-spatial environment, study methodological literature on the organization of the game.
    1. Educators plan role-playing games in accordance with the age of the children, supervise the formulation of the goal of the game activity for the senior teacher, and, if necessary, organize consultations for educators on the organization of the role-playing game.
    2. Carry out preliminary work before teaching children how to play. With older preschoolers, plan the preparation and repair of game attributes.
    3. Educators to bring to parents information about the importance of a role-playing game in the life of a child, involve parents in organizing children's play activities, creating attributes for the game.