Focuses with maps stickers for beginners. Secrets of focus with cards: video learning. Find in the deck of cards selected by two spectators

Just gorgeous card focuses you can look at this video for free at any time. "Hand agility and no fraud" - this phrase reflects the essence.

To skillfully show different illusory manipulations, you need to master secrets more time than when studying tricks using fingers, with coins, with paper or rubber band.

The best tricks on the video. The most unthisted, wonderful transformations and disappearances of cards.

Maps can be said are the next step in the knowledge of the wonderful world of magicians.

In society, in the world, where information is distributed by the lightning of the Internet technologies, you can download any video training for beginners.
So the training video you can find on the Internet.

How to make any focus using some cards. Great secrets on video. The best masters and lovers.

Card tricks for beginners from the simplest elements to the most difficult

Imagine how spectacularly throw a deck of cards from your hand, how fast one card is changing at ease. But these are additional effects that help to actually show illusions, and one of the main tricks is guessing the selected card. Surprise the girl - learn how to perform tricks, learning for beginners begins with basic lessons, subsequently complicated.

Even if a person who follows you and your hands is to focus, it will not be able to notice anything, he will not be able to reveal your secrets.
It would seem that such a card.

These are small cards with pictures, no more, but why they attract everyone. Manipulations and methods of application a lot. Poker for money, fortune telling. To predict fate, solitaire just for free time and much more. And now also focuses.

Try to learn on your own video. In the lessons everything is simple and understandable.

The wizard describes in detail the secrets. Download the lesson you need now and start training. The earlier you begin to practice, the faster you will surprise your loved ones.

Focus is a tricky, a clever tricky action, which is based on the dexterity of the hand of the artist, equipment of the equipment, props, tricks, cunning discretions.

Learning to do some cards simply, others will require you a lot of patience, a lot of time, skills, practitioners.

Miracles love everything! Card tricks - spectacular way to entertain guests or steal children. To whom I do not want to become a wizard for a short time. Having learned a few simple focus, you can hit your audience with your telepathic abilities. Focuses with cards are not a difficult lesson to make sure that we offer some simple tricks. You will need a deck of 36 cards.

1. "Guessing cards" is a completely simple focus, with which you can call cards. These cards two people will choose from the deck.

You will need a deck of cards with latin letters marking. To show this focus, divide the deck into two types of cards: one should consist of cards with numbers or letters with a flat or sharp top (ace (A), king (K), currency (j), 3, 4, 5, 7, And the second is from the cards with numbers or letters with a round riding (lady (q), 2, 6, 8, 9, 10. Restrained, you can sort cards quickly, right in front of the audience.

Call two volunteers and dividing a deck into two parts of different types, give each one by one of the parts. Ask each of the two focus participants to pull out one card from the deck of another. Now every assistant should look at that card he chose, show her viewers and remember. At this time you can turn or clog. Further, each participant must put the chosen card in its half of the deck and thoroughly mix cards.

Ask assistants to decompose face up the cards of their halves of the deck. You can easily guess the cards chosen by the helpers, because they will be another type.

2. The following focus is built on arithmetic. Remember the number 27 - you will need it. After that, ask the viewer to take cards and shuffle them, choose a map and put it on top of the deck. Then ask to remove any number of cards and recalculate them, let's say, 15 cards.

Next, let the viewer calculate the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, let it take the second part of the deck and, turning the picture up, counts and remembers the sixth black card. Then the viewer must put this part of the deck on the charts that he removed at the beginning and all the cards must give you.

The deck is turned with a shirt up, and you post on one map from below, mentally counting black cards, 27-15 \u003d 12 - the twelfth card will be the card that the viewer chose.

3. Another simple, but very spectacular focus.

Drag a deck and remember the bottom or top card, for example, a tambourine ace. Ask any viewer to give you a deck of a bubne ace. The viewer pulls out any card out of the deer and, without looking at her, gives it to you. For example, lady worms.

Ask the same viewer to pull out the lady of the worms out of the deck, the viewer will pull another card and give you back again. For example, he pulled 6 orders. Then you say: "And now 6 Tref, I will pull out of the deck yourself," after which it is imperceptible to take the card from the deck that you remember at the beginning of the focus.

Now you have all 3 announced cards on your hands: Bubnovy Ace, lady of worms and 6 treph. Show these cards to the audience.

Benefits of focus with maps for beginner magicians

The deck of cards is always with you, it can surprise how many people of any age. Even novice magicians will easily cope with special cards, such as, for example, a tricky deck or a magic deck of our own production. Some tricks with cards can make children from four years, such a focus, for example, contains a set of focus "Pocket tricks No. 1"! At the same time, card focuses have a huge potential for development - even with an ordinary deck it is not difficult to learn how to make incredible tricks, if you study on books and disks of professionals, and, with time, you will be surprised that you can come true!

What tricks can ordinary people do?

Whether you want to explore the capabilities of your hands along with a deck Baysycle Standard, showing dexterous tricks without secret devices, feel the magician after 15 minutes after studying the instructions with swallow cards or beat everyone in poker with a magic deck, it is possible even if you are in life did not take into the hands of the card. The most important thing is to know the secret of the focus and comply with all the rules during the show, and, of course, practice several times before the main performance.

Where to buy tricks for beginners?

With us :) Our focus shop offers a variety of card tricks for beginners, for any age, in sets and separately. With each focus in the kit there are detailed instructions for use in which secrets are disclosed and useful tips that will make your representation unforgettable. And our sellers and administrators will always prompt you which focus will be perfect for your level, or the level of one person who you decide to make such a wonderful gift - the opportunity to surprise familiar and reveal the wizard! With our special decks you will learn how to do tricks With maps and in this you will help one of the decks where you can make the transformation of the whole deck from the selected viewer map in one map:

With this standard deck of cards recognized worldwide, you can do both simple tricks with cards and complex.

Many people want to master the magic of card focus and become real professionals. To start learning the art of card focus is best with the most simplest focus, which are nevertheless also quite spectacular and help develop memory, attention, reaction and ability to distract viewers. All of these qualities should have any person who decided to master the ability to show.

The most simple focus of developing memory and attention

The easiest focus with which it is worth starting learning, allows you to learn how to competently distract the viewer's attention. It does not require a special dexterity of the hands for its show, only a deck of cards is needed. The magician offers the viewer to choose from his "magic" deck any card and put it on top of the deck. After that, the novice illusionist, without ceasing to lead a relaxed conversation with the viewer, looking straight on him, takes a deck in his hands, removes them behind his back and quickly turns the top card. Next, the deck goes and on the extended hand the viewer shows her bottom with the question, whether the latter is the lad card. At the same time, the inverted selected card looks straight on the magician. Regardless of the response received, the deck moves again behind the back. The selected card, which the guide was already able to remember, turns into its original position. Knowing the card, the magician gives a deck to the viewer with a request, as you can mix it with a thoroughly and with a mysterious view, it starts searching for the selected card. At this stage, in search of the desired map, you can include fantasy and train at the receptions of verbal impact on the viewer.

The next simple focus requires only attention from a beginner illusionist, the ability to distract the audience and a small dexterity of hands. When showing this focus, the illusionist is guessing 3 top cards from three heaps, which are laid out the deck. The demonstration begins with Tastovka decks, at the end of which the magician, distracting the attention of viewers, for example, a funny joke, remembers the lower card and the inconspicuous movement puts it upstairs. Next, anyone is proposed to divide the deck on 3 piles. Knowing the top card in one of the heap, the magician calls that card that he remembered, but takes the map from any other handch, without showing the audience, looking at the card and puts on the table shirt up. Then calls the one that I took the first, and takes the next top card. The latter is taken by a map that the magician remembered, and is called a card removed from the second hand. Now you can show the audience cards.

The simplest mathematical focus

Another simple focus, developing attention and mathematical thinking, is a focus with guessing a card from a reduced deck in 21 card. Maps are laid out in front of the viewer with three rows of 7 cards, after which the magician asks to guess any card and call the row in which it lies. Next, the deck is assembled in such a way that the specified row is located in the middle of the decks and is declined again with equal rows - this time by vertical, the viewer again calls a row with a planned card. The procedure for collecting and laying the rows is made again, the specified row should also settle in the middle of the deck, the viewer for the last time calls a number. The magician, watching the named series to be in the middle, is the last time collecting a deck and starts to lay out the cards one. The conceived card will always be 11th on top.

Having mastered these 3 simple focus and learning to show them accurately and at ease, you can start learning more complex card focus.

Maps - the sacred props of the magician. Why are the maps so loved by illusionists? First, there is a huge number of foci with cards. Their variations are countless, you can constantly invent new tricks. Secondly, with cards you can not only show tricks, but also make beautiful manipulations.

Thirdly, cards are very compacts, which allows them to just put in his pocket and carry hundreds of focus. Finally, the cards have become a certain fetish for magicians. They are pleased to make up, sort, twist, they develop fine motility, soothing nerves, attract views. There is only one problem ... Focifurses love cards too much.

However, among the entire variety of card tricks there are boring (type, "Choose a map - I will find it"), long and small, where you need to lay out something, count, shift, put again. And there are bright, spectacular tricks that instantly demolished the roof! You just imagine: the card selected by the viewer passes through the glass, it turns and restored, it turns out on the ceiling, the aquarium glass, flies, disappears or turn into another object.

Many viewers do not even imagine how spectacular and original card tricks can be. Sometimes, you have to hear from the audience "I do not like card tricks", after which, asking them to watch literally one trick, the idea of \u200b\u200bcard focus in the root changes.

Our task is to teach such focus that the brain would break, broke stereotypes of maps and forced to believe in miracles. Spectators should squeeze from delight and ask you to show something else!

Oddly enough, the principle of Pareto works in card magic: eighty percent of all card focus is made twenty percent of existing technical techniques. These technicians can be called basic, and it is them necessary to master if you want to learn the best focus in the world.


The card number is designed for three classes (with an interval of at least two weeks between classes).

The first lesson is devoted to the study of basic work techniques:

  • various ways to control the chosen viewer of the card;
  • basic slots (tricks) used in focus;
  • fake tacks and inserts;
  • elements of decorative manipulation (trimming, veser, tapes from cards, throws, etc.);
  • imposing the choice of the desired card (forcing);
  • several focuss, to work out basic techniques.

To work out basic technician will leave from several months to a year. Therefore, you should not decease and expect quick success. According to statistics, part of the students loses interest in foci after the card course, facing the difficulties and the need for rehearsals. However, one who masters this material opens the door to the world of card magic.

The second lesson is devoted to the study of legendary focus based on basic techniques. These are focuses from the sensational videos of David Blaine, as well as other tricks, after which the audiences often utter phrases: "I will never play with him anymore," you are probably not allowed in a casino "," this can not be, showing more time".

In any company, it will be enough to just ask the deck of cards or get yours so that it is immediately in the spotlight, if not becoming a hero of the party. And it is not surprising, because you will be able to change the color of the cards, make the disappearance of the whole deck in front of the nose in the viewers, per second change the cards without even touching them, manipulate with completely dressed sleeves as the audience it was seen only in the movies. You can clearly demonstrate the principle set forth in the legendary film about the magicians "Illusion of Deception":

"The more careful you look, the less you see."

The third lesson is devoted to the use of props when working with cards. Just learning how to handle the usual deel, you can afford to use special. Combining classic card techniques and secret props, you can confidently reach a new level of skill, without fear of questions: "Let your cards look?".

In addition, the third lesson addresses additional techniques for working with cards (palmization, false account, color shift, control methods, cheerful techniques, etc.), as well as questions of the management of viewers. These secrets are not found on the Internet and they are too well hidden in books.

IMPORTANT! It is strictly not recommended to use the knowledge gained in gambling, even though some techniques will give the temptation to do it. Cheating is another direction in which completely different accents are made. If everything is directed to the external effect in focus, then the shoe technologies are focused on imperceptibility and quite specific goals. Shulera have a different set of skills and techniques (including psychological), rather than magicians.

The use of focus technician in a shoe game will inevitably lead to unpleasant consequences, for which we cannot bear responsibility, but we consider to warn our duty and eliminate these situations. All the magicians adhere to the rules: fundamentally do not play gambling. This ethical position eliminates any misunderstandings associated with games. Yes, and the situation in which the magician wins cards (playing honestly), it will hardly be out of suspicion, and at best will cause a grin.

The training program for card focus can be changed or supplemented, and the number of classes is increased if necessary. One lesson lasts an hour, cost - 10,000 rubles.