Game in the Cossacks Robbers Rules and Descriptions. Classic rules of the game in the Cossacks-Robbers. Video games "Cossacks - Robbers"

For the game in the Cossacks, the robbers must collect a large company consisting of 6 people and more. Next, it is necessary for all participants of the game to divide into two teams. This can be done with the help of a draw or by agreement with each other. Each team has its name: one - "Cossacks", the second - "Robbers". At the same time, the "Cossacks" may be slightly smaller than "robberry".

Children's mobile game Cossacks-Robbers: Rules

Participants agree in advance with each other, within which territory you can play, and where it is impossible to be prohibited, for example, it is impossible to go out for the territory of the school yard.

Participants of the team "Robbers" conduct an internal meeting and make a secret phrase that will serve as a password.

Members of the "Cossacks" team depart towards in such a way as not to see the participants of another team. To do this, you can go inside the entrance or hide around the corner of one of the houses.

Robbers take chalk and draw on the asphalt large circle that marks the beginning of the movement.

Arrows can be drawing absolutely on any surface: on a tree, border, bench, house wall.

At the signal, the command "Robbers" starts to run out according to the arrow markup.

Subsequently, you can divide the robbers to the mini-group and draw arrows in different directions to confuse the seekers of their Cossacks. As a rule, the time during which the robbers need to have time to hide is limited and averages 20 minutes.

The main task of the robbers - as best can hide. Therefore, the more confusing the drawn arrows will be, the more difficult the Cossacks will find the robbers.

While the robbers are hiding, the Cossacks are equipped with "dungeon" - a place where they will subsequently tortured caught robbers. For this outlines its borders, try to hide it from prying eyes by external means.

Next, focusing on the shooters, the Cossacks need to find robbers and lead to a dungeon, where they are beginning to torture (tickle, put small insects). However, in advance all participants of the game should discuss the rules of torture so that they are not cruel or offensive.

The Cossack, who caught the robber, remains watching him in the dungeon while the remaining Cossacks continue to hunt for robber.

The robbers remaining on freedom have the right to attack the dungeon and release a member of their team.

The main goal of the game is to derive the Cossacks a secret password for robbers. In this case, the Cossacks are considered the winners. Also, if all the robbers were in the dungeon, the victory was awarded the Cossack team.

What is "Cossacks-Robbers"? The rules of the game are familiar, of course, each of us since childhood. This entertainment has always been incredibly interesting. They play such in the courtyard, as a rule, girls or boys aged from six to twelve years. Participate in this game of six (or more) guys. The more the people going, the children's game "Cossacks-Robbers" is more fun.

Play, as a rule, on a fairly large area. It can even be a few neighboring courtyards. The greater the territory - the more interesting.

"Cossacks-Robbers": Rules of the game

So, why does everything start? What is the essence of such entertainment, like "Cossacks-Robbers"? The rules of the game understand quite easily. Initially, participants are divided into two teams. Some Cossacks, the second - robbers. After that, it is decided where the "dungeon" will be. There will be caught by caught robbers. It can be a bench, a small platform, or simply drawn circle.

At the beginning of the game is given a few minutes to pick up the cipher. Words for the game "Cossacks-Robbers" are chosen, as a rule, long and complex. They should be difficult to solve. After that, the robbers run away and hide.

They may do it with the whole team, small groups or one. At the same time, it is not necessary to be in one place. Cossacks cannot spy on where their rivals run away. Robbers are left on the walls, asphalt, arrows of arrows, indicating the direction of their movement. However, it can be false.

As soon as the time reserved time expires, the Cossacks begin to look for them. They need to catch their opponents, applying various attack methods. For example, you can surround the place where the robbers hid, the whole team. And you can track them down and one. As soon as the robber find, it is catching up and grabs. Caught is considered the player whom the Cossack "caught". Before it happens, he, naturally, should try to escape from his pursuers.

If the robber was still caught, the Cossacks take it into the "dungeon". Here it can be "torturing" in order to obtain a secret word. But it can be helped. Any of the unprofitable robbers, touching the hand of his comrade, frees it from the "dungeon." Therefore, it protects her several Cossacks. With successful salvation, the robbers run away and can hide again. But if they catch up - both players are sent to captivity.

The game continues until the last robber is caught or a secret word will not be solved. After that, the team usually change places and begin again.

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So, we play "Cossacks-Robbers". The rules of the game are not complicated at all. But it is very responsible for the choice of "dungeons". It can be a tree, bush, pillar or any other noticeable landmark. Best of all, if the "dungeon" will be protected from the attackers with a wall or a fence. But, of course, it is impossible to arrange it in any entrance or shed. And even more so in the ravine or similar places. In any case, the approaches to the "dungeon" must be quite comfortable and open. Choose a place for captives is not too big enough to protect it easier. However, it should be sufficient to put all caught players by the end of the game. Borders are usually indicated by stones or sticks. However, the easiest way to draw a line on Earth. Beyond the "dungeons" prisoners are not eligible to run right.


As a result, the place of imprisonment is found in order to play "Cossacks-Robbers". The rules of the game say that a person needs to be not just caught, but also to send. Caught robber "Realist" who stopped his Cossack could not.

Lead the prisoner for the sleeve or by hand. It can not break out. Nevertheless, if the Cossack for any reason the opponent releases, he becomes free again and can run away.

The first one given in the "dungeon" of the robber must be watching. Similarly, they come with other participants of the game. At least one Cossack should stand guard. If you wish, it is possible to distinguish a larger number of people.

Watchtime Cossacks and Atamans

Fight from the "dungeon" is quite difficult. After all, the guard of the Cossacks choose the most attentive and clever. That is, the mission of them is very honorable, as well as the mission of Ataman. He directs the Cossacks in search of robbers at the beginning of the game and says where to go. Ataman gives advice, but, of course, also catches rivals himself.

Robbers also choose a commander. Ataman advises his wards where to hide. He sends the weak players away. After that hides myself. If possible, Ataman also organizes the revenue of the robbers, constituting the plan.

Small tricks

There are some more nuances. "Cossacks-robbers" (the game, the description of which is presented above) may differ in certain rules. They are negotiated by participants in advance.

For example, if the Cossack is not sure that he will catch up with a runaway opponent, he can call for help. Then the robber catch shared forces.

To lead it to the "dungeon" is best that way, where other opponents of the Cossacks were not found. You can call a partner in order to take the prisoner together.

How to make it easier for the players?

How to act robbers when one of them lead to the "dungeon"? If the terrain allows, you can arrange an ambush. The main thing is imperceptibly to know the prisoner about his intentions.

For example, he can distract the Cossack with some distracting question, showing a finger in the other side. So far, he will peer in the specified direction, the robbers will jump out of the ambush, "caress" the captive and run away.

Well, the Cossacks are best to arrange the "dungeon" in an open place. Therefore, it is quite difficult to cut out the robber comrades. But the captives can help them. If you distract the guard Cossacks in some way, for example, having arranged a lightweach, get to the robbers much easier. Attack the "dungeon" is best in great forces, and then when the prisoners are already a lot in it.

In short, the "Cossacks-Robbers" - the game exciting and interesting. It continues often for a very long time. At the same time, it does not annoy the children, like, however, and many other famous standing games in the yard.

Modern children spend too much time at the computer, playing various strategies, races, etc. They prefer to have as much virtual friends as possible, becoming more dependent on the Internet day. In order for your child to develop correctly and was physically healthy, he needs to spend more time on the street.

The game of the Cossacks-Robbers is a great option for those who break the head and does not know than to distract their child from the computer. It will suit both parents and defensions of 7 years. Let's remember how to play the Cossacks-robbers.


Before the game starts, all participants should crash into two teams. You can draw a draw, which will determine who will get the role of the Cossacks, and who will play as robbers. Each teams should have differences. For example, the Cossacks are fixed on the shoulders peculiar ships of bright color with an applied shelf symbols, as well as rank. They cannot be removed until the end of the game, after which you can pick up as a souvenir.

Rogues are issued hats on which the bandage is attached. You can also use a pirate eyecup to create a more realistic image of the villain. According to the rules of the game in the Cossacks, the robbers is prohibited to take attributes until the end of the quest.


In order to make the game interesting for children in the Cossacks-Robbers, tell them the legend, which reveals the whole essence of the opposition. It begins with the fact that unscrupulous robbers attacked, and then robbed the ark owned by the Cossacks. It was a cache with a covenant for Cossack descendants. Calling the text, the villains decided to destroy it and broke into small pieces, handing out each robber one symbol (letter).

Cossacks became very angry, but they were not desperate and began to catch the robbers to collect all parts of the covenant. Having gathered with the forces, they saddled their irrepressive horses. And there was no such place where the robbers who were angry the Cossacks could hide.

Beginning of the game

After the teams crashed into two groups and threw the lot, the robbers put the ribbon on the headdress and the pirate eyecup, and also get letters. According to the rules of the game in the Cossacks-robbers, they are given only 10 minutes to wear all the details, reliably hide parts of the covenant in the upper clothes and hold a short meeting on which you can discuss the plan for further action.

Cossacks are engaged in assigning their shoulders, and also build a strategy to capture all the robbers, competently distributing the role of each team member. The main task is to catch the robber and take away the cherished letter, which is part of the text that needs to be decrypted. After everyone has believed distinctive signs, the Red Rocket announces the start of the game. Now the robbers have only 10 minutes in order to find shelter in the yard or on the playground, after which the Cossacks are thrown into the chase, which are only 50 minutes for the capture of all villains.

The main task of the Cossacks is to find the robber, hiding on the ground. After the villain is caught, it is necessary to neutralize it, removing the bandage from the head. Only in this case the robber can be considered caught and has no right to resist. It is worth remembering that the rules of the game in the Cossacks-Robbers are forbidden to show aggression or excessively gross power!

As soon as the headband is removed, you can proceed to the search, in order to find the letter hidden in the upper clothes. The robber has the right to voluntarily give the leaf to avoid torture tick. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the inspection of the detainee on the spot is possible only in the presence of an officer, whose title is not lower than picked. If there is no older for the rank, then the robber accompanied by two Cossacks is convened. All the collected letters must be delivered to the painter who sits in the glade along with the Atamans. Their task is to restore text. As soon as the chase ended, and all the robbers were caught, the commandment is read three times in front of everyone who gathered.

Important! In the event that the Cossacks could not find the cherished letter at the caught robber, they can refuse to search for its further search. At the same time, they have the right to demand to show the hidden sheet to make sure that he was at the arrestant. If the proof is obtained, the captive is released, and it gives 10 minutes to find a new shelter. Then the chase continues. However, if there are no letters at the villain, it is a violation of the rules of the game in the Cossacks-Robbers.

End of the game

50 minutes after the start of the chase, there is a beep, stopping the game. All teams are collected in the meadow, where points will be counted. The team that will gain the largest amount of points accrued as follows:

  • blue and pink ribbons - 5 points;
  • red and blue - 20 points;
  • orange and turquoise - 35 points;
  • malinovaya and dark blue - 50 points;
  • burgundy and purple - 75 points;
  • the found letter - 5 points;
  • for the fully restored text of the covenant - 500 points.

However, there is a system of fines for violation of rules, such as:

  • roughness and aggression to any participant - 300 points from the team are removed;
  • failure to fulfill the conditions of the game or minor violations - the team loses 100 points.


Adults should not forget about elementary safety rules. Take care that there is no sharp objects around the perimeter to be selected for the game, and so on. Now you know how to play the Cossacks-robbers, and you can have fun on the street with your children.

Cossacks-robbers - a children's game, popular in the XX century. Many variations, many game development scenarios, and almost endless time for the game - sometimes in one "tour" played half a day.

Cossacks-robbers - a children's game, popular in the XX century.

Many variations, many game development scenarios, and almost endless time for the game - sometimes in one "tour" played half a day.

In this article you will learn the rules of the game in such a popular yard game.

For the game you need to collect a fairly large company (no less than 6 people, it is better much more).

All together agree, within which area you can hide and play (courtyard, two yards, a couple of entrances or the whole street).

"Robbers" meet and make a secret word (password-phrase).

Rogues at this time were drawn with chalk on the asphalt circle (denoting the "start of motion") and further from it the arrows in the direction of their movement.

It was possible to draw arrows on the asphalt, on the walls of the house, on curb, on the trees, on benches, etc.). As a rule, first fled and painted arrows all together, and at the end ran out on different catches. The faster you run and draw - the greater the chances to hide so as not to find. In order to conflict and complicate the game "Cossacks", the arrows were put immediately in several directions, still "fraudulent" arrows, arrows at sufficiently large distances or small in a weakly-wear place.

The time on the hidden "Robbers" was negotiated in advance, but was usually allocated at least 15-20 minutes ("Cossacks" at that time had fun at once with other games and were looking for and equipped the "dungeon" where they were then caught by caught robbers).

The dungeon also had to be equipped - to draw or point clear boundaries with stick-stones, try to protect it as much as an extraneous eye. At the same time, it was impossible to arrange it in a completely closed secluded room - the whole "luxury" of the game was lost.

Next - the most interesting. "Cossacks" were looking for "robbers", focusing on the drawn arrows (some of them started in a dead end). When the "robber" found, it was necessary to start catching (stain) - he had the right to run away from the Cossacks. If he was stained, they took over the sleeve (or hand) - he no longer had the right to resist, and led to the "dungeon." If, on the way for any reason, the Cossack released the hand of the robber - he was considered free and could run again. Lowing one caught robber in the dungeon, the Cossack remained watching him there.

The robber could be "torture" (the most common type of torture is tickling).

"Cossacks" were considered the winners if they revealed a password, or if they were found and delivered to "prison" of all the robbers.

The robbers could help each other - for example, "attack" on the dungeon, grab the guard, and while they hold it, the prisoners could scatter.

This name is both at the film, and the series, and in several literary works of various genres. But first of all, the Cossacks-Robbers are a favorite children's game.

It's not a secret for anyone that the time of the yard games almost passed. Gadgets replaced chatting and physical activity to children. But all this is exactly as long as the adult enthusiast is, which "will open" children's other games. I have repeatedly became a witness of the paintings, when children widely discontinued eyes, listened about "River", "tents", "traffic lights" - the uncomplicated games of past generations. And then it was immersed with such "unusual", "new" gaming conditions. Cossacks-robbers - a game with a century-old history - invariably causes special interest.

There is no accurate data on the time of the game, but it is known that they played in her before the revolution. The name of the game, for sure, taken from life, because its rules imitate reality: in the Tsarist Russia, the Cossacks were folk self-defense, protecting the peaceful population from robber raids. There is an opinion that the game arose in the XVI century, when the city Cossacks from the settlements for remuneration were caught by the "thieves" Cossacks.

Play from six people and more (the more, the better). Playing stipulate the territory on which the game will pass. Encatarating into two teams, they define who will play for the "Cossacks", and who for the "robbers". Sometimes the atamans are selected.

Then there are discrepancies in the rules of the game. In the classic version, "Robbers" meet and make a code word (secret password). It may be a word, and a set of numbers (its length is negotiated in advance). In other embodiments, "Robbers" make up the phrase, the number of words in which is equal to the number of players. Everyone remembers "his" word.

According to the signal, "Robbers" run away to hide, "Cossacks" should not pry. The movement path "Robbers" is denoted by the arrow on the asphalt and other surfaces (walls, fences) so that the "Cossacks" have a tip where to look for. Most often, at first the team runs together, then divided to confuse rivals. The faster the "robbers" run away and confusing the arrows drawn, these are more likely to reliably hide.

"Cossacks" at this time decorate the "dungeon" or "headquarters" and come up with how torturing prisoners will be "torturing". After an agreed period of time, usually 15-20 minutes, the "Cossacks" go to look for "robbers". The found "Robber" is caught as in the tricks, and we are discharged into the dungeon. Crashed does not have the right to break out and run away.

In some variants of the game "Cossack", caught a "robber", remains in the "dungeon" to watch it. In others -
the guard is prescribed, which constantly monitors the "robber" in the "dungeon", while the rest of the participants can flee other "robbers".

To withdraw a secret password of "Robbers" as if "torture" - tickle, sew insects, harness nettle. Types of "torture" are negotiated in advance: they should not be cruel or offensive. The game ends when the "Cossacks" becomes known for the password or code phrase entirely.

A special acute game was added that "robbers" could help their comrades from the "Tomnov". Then the arrows indicating the direction became even more confusing, and "Cossacks" had to start looking for first.

This game is essentially a mixture of hide and sledge with the plot line. It must be said that the game is useful in every sense. In addition to physical activity, it involves strategic thinking (confused the arrows and hide or find or detects in landmarks), patience and exposure ("Robber" needed to quietly sit "in the ambush" and not to issue a team secret to the "torture" of command secrets). Playing a large range of human relations was opened: exciteled by excitement, but it is impossible to move the boundaries of the rational in "torture", because the next time the player risks itself on the site of the "robber". It is not surprising that the Cossacks-Robbers is a long-lived game. In modern conditions, it is possible to play it not only in the summer, using chalk, but also at any other time of the year. Landmarks can be left, for example, on adhesive stickers or with the helpless water-based paints. The main thing is a big company, ready to experience the game with an age-old story.

The article prepared Anna Fedorkova based on