How to collect disassembled. How to disassemble and clean any laptop yourself. Step by step guide. We make a temperature test - rejoice!

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Have you learned to collect Rubik's cube without any difficulty? Or, on the contrary, you started to collect it, but hopelessly stuck over the solution of this puzzle and are close to surrender? Be that as it may, you can easily disassemble the cube on the part. Although it can be made with bare hands, it is better to use the devices listed below. However, remember that the central cubes should remain in place, so be careful with them.


Disassembly of the cube

    Turn the top plane by 45 degrees. Take the Cube Plafhmy in one hand, and the second cover the upper plane. Turn it so that the angles performed over the middle cubes of the second plane. Leaving the top plane in this position, go to the next step.

    Patty one of the middle cubes of the upper plane. It is necessary to pry down the middleweight cube of the upper plane, and not one of its corner cubes. At the same time, press the cube below smoothly, without jerks. Shifting a cube from a place, keep pulling it up, steeping from side to side until you pull out completely.

    • It is easiest to do this, going on a cube with a tool like a flat screwdriver. Use a screwdriver as a lever - shave its thin end under the middle cube and click on the handle down.
    • If you do not have a flat screwdriver at hand, use other tools that are mentioned below instead. In the extreme case, you can hurt a cube with a thumb, but it is much more difficult.
  1. Slide corner cubes. Now that you have reset the middle cube, an empty place remains instead. Remove the corner cubes, moves them in turn to this gap. Pull them, slightly twisting from the side to the side. It is possible that some effort will be required to overcome the resistance of internal stoppers, but applying a slight constant pressure to angular cubes, you can move them.

    Pull the remaining cubes of the upper plane, except the central one. So, you removed from the upper plane of the extreme row, consisting of three cubes, and this plane is still deployed at an angle of 45 degrees. Now pull out two medium cubes next to the already remote nearby.

    • After you removed the extreme row, the cubes should be removed easier, but if necessary, you can use any device as a lever.
  2. Continue to pull out the rest of the cubes. As the number of cubes decreases, it will be easier to be easier, because there will be less neighboring cubes that restrict movement around them. At this stage there is no obligatory sequence of actions - just pull the cubes one by one, if necessary, shifting them aside. You can also rotate the remaining planes in order to change the angle and easier to pull out one or another cube. Recent cubes will be removed very easily.

    Additional tricks

    1. If you do not have a screwdriver at hand, use other tools as a lever. In the previous section, to make the first cubes, it was recommended to use a flat screwdriver. This is a good choice, but this screwdriver is far from the only tool suitable for this purpose. Any flat thin object is suitable. Here are just a few possible options:

      • The spoon
      • Knife for oil
      • Ice cream wand
      • Slim wrench or nail from your drawer with tools
    2. Clean the inner edges. If you encountered great difficulties, you can lose weight with sandpaper The inner edges of the adjacent planes, while leaking the paper between them. Thus, you will slightly expand the gap between adjacent cubes, and it will be easier to remove (and put back into place).

      • Use this method carefully. If you overdo it, then gathering a ruby \u200b\u200bcube back, detect that the plane rotate too loose. In this case, individual parts can even fall in themselves.
    3. Use Vaseline. Add some vaseline (or similar lubrication) between the rotating cubes planes, and it will be easier for you to remove them. After that, when you again collect a cube, its plane will rotate much easier (just like after the light grinding described above). However, this method is good because it does not change the form of components, so there is no danger that in the future the Rubik cube will fall apart.

    4. Collect a cube back, starting with extreme pieces. About how to do this, described in detail in the article how to collect Rubik's cube again. The principle of action is:

      • Start from the installation of extreme (but not angular) cubes in the bottom plane. Watch that the pieces are attached to be the same color as the central cube of this plane remaining on the axis.
      • After that, insert angular cubes into the bottom plane. And again pick up the cubes of the desired color.
      • Install the angular cubes into the middle plane (the average cubes of this plane remained unremitted on the axis).
      • Restore the upper plane in the rows. After completing the first row, turn this plane by 45 degrees (in the same way, as you did during the disassembly of the cube). The latter should be installed one of the middle cubes.
    • Do not apply too great efforts. Press neatly and smoothly, without jerking and sharp jerks, otherwise you risk breaking the Rubik's cube and not gather it again.
    • When assembling a cube, the last piece is harder to put in place. To facilitate the task, slightly wipe it with a vaseline.

Like any thing, the turntable requires care to serve for a long time and delight the owner. Sooner or later, any owner of Spinner will have to disassemble it and climb into the inside, you need to be ready for this.

In fact, the reasons may be somewhat:

  1. Change bearing. Replace marriage, or for example, I wanted to put the coolest bearing.
  2. Lubricate Bearing. Lubrication has a lying property over time, because of this, the toy makes more noise and vibrates stronger. However, be careful - excess lubricant will also negatively affect the characteristics of rotation!
  3. Clean the bearing and details of the spinner from dust and garbage. Again, the dirty turntable will be worse to spin and noise.
  4. Just out of curiosity.

How to disassemble and clean the turntable

A warning! If the spinner turns well and feels great, it is better not to climb it all times, you can only make it worse if your ass uses an irregular means for cleaning or overdo the lubricant. Special talents are managed when disassembly break the case.

How to disassemble metallic and plastic spinner

  1. Remove caps from the bearing. It can be on a thread and unscrew, and can be removed up, depends on the model.
  2. Remove the bearing, if possible. Sometimes they are glued to the body or plant the sealant, then it is not worth tearing it. If suddenly they randomly tear off, then glue back to superciles.
  3. Carefully remove the anthers on the bearing itself if they are. Make it can be fashioned by it with a screwdriver or other thin object.

Congratulations, you disassemble the spinner! It remains only to clean it and collect back.

The difference between the analysis of the plastic and metal spinner is that the plastic may not fully understand and when cleaning, you need to be careful both with chemistry and with the applied efforts, it would accidentally break the case.

If you are the winner of the glowing spinner, then the disassembly may include removing batteries and LEDs, it all depends on the model.

How to clean the spinner

We will need a cleaning agent - isopropyl alcohol, or specials. Tools for cleaning automotive brakes. At the extreme case, acetone, kerosene or solvent, but in no case do not lubricate the plastic spinner, the body can spoil the contact!

About WD-40 opinions are contradictory. Some say that after the WD-40 spinner cleaned, it began to spin at 30-40 seconds longer, others claim that, on the contrary, the time rotation decreased twice. The fact is that lubricating substances on the surface of the balls on the surface, although not long, in contrast to the usual lubricant, therefore, the speed of rotation may decrease first.

  • Washing. The bearing is pretty watering the cleaning agent, rotate it to wash all the garbage and fat. You can even wash it under the carriage with Fairy.
  • Drying. You can use a napkin or a soft pure cloth, but it is better to climb the hair dryer, so that not to leave the villi and the new garbage. Be sure to dryness!
  • Lubricant. Lubricate a droplet of synthetic oil from the synthetic synthetic synthetic oil, oil is best suited for sewing machines or hourly mechanisms. Do not use vegetable or thick machine!

What to lubricate the spinner What would he spin longer?

There is such a moment - with a lubricant, the spinner is less cracking and vibrates, but also the speed, as well as the duration of rotation drops. So if you want a turntable spinning smoothly, then smear. If you want that the spinner is spinner longer, then you should not lubricate enough, it is enough to rinse, or completely completely drip oil.

However, without lubricant, the life of the bearing will decrease, it will become stronger afraid of water and condensate.

Visual video, how to rinse the spinner and increase the speed of rotation:

How to collect disassembled spinner

Actually act on the same scheme as they disassemble, only in reverse order. Spinner is quite simple in its design, it is difficult to get confused with the assembly.

  1. We collect the bearing from Spinner - we dress your boot, insert it into place.
  2. Close the cap.
  3. We rejoice in the revived Spinner, which spins longer and quieter.

Or sadness about the killed turntable, which after the procedures rotates 2 times less 🙂 here it already depends on your hands and brains.

But it is not necessary to worry much, in most cases it is fixable, perhaps you just moved with lubricant, or the garbage was thrown more than it was before it. Try to repeat the procedure, but use another tool for cleaning and try not to incur dirt inside.

Another interesting articles.

If you have purchased a bike on the Internet, we are ready to help him collect so that ride was easy and fast. Most of these tips apply to the bikes of all sizes, which is good and for children's bikes too.

Buying a bicycle online can be advantageous for the price; Also, you can find models inaccessible in stores, such as Mango.. However, you can experience a little about assembling a bike on his arrival. Fortunately, in our time, many reliable sellers send a bike with almost assembled. This means that from the moment you take the bike from the box, until it is ready for driving, it can take less than 5 minutes.

In this lesson, the most basic assembly processes will be discussed, primarily concerning precisely assembled bicycles. For the assembly, a horn wrench is required for tightening the pedals, the hex key for tightening the bolts, the pump (if the bus is not pumped) and the bicycle lubricant for the pedal thread and the seat pin.

First, it is worth checking the box to make sure there is no damage. Most bicycles come with unscrewed steering and discontinued pedals. It may also be necessary to install the wheel and saddle. To start, remove the protective tape and the zip code that can be bike. Be careful not to scratch a beautiful new frame if you use scissors. Remove and check all the details.

Let's start with the steering wheel. The first thing to do is to tighten the 4 clamp bolts that does not give a roll to slide forward (it must be done if the steering wheel is not attached). Disclaimed in the middle of the steering wheel and install in the vertical position as you want. It is easy if the manufacturer has turned on the marking indicator; Otherwise, you can make an eye or with a roulette. You can always reconfigure.

Next, you need to tighten the top cap on the steering column, and then two stem bolts. The goal is to align the car's removal with the wheel so that the steering wheel was straight. When the result arranges, tighten the upper bolt, then the bolts below on the removal. Make sure that all bolts are securely tightened and the steering wheel does not move when using force, but smoothly rotates the wheel.

If the wheel turns hard, then the steering column of the tug and it is necessary to weaken it. If you put the bike front wheel to the wall and push forward, there should be no movement. If there is - the steering column is tightened too freely, and it will be necessary to repeat the process of tightening the bolt.


Turning to pedals, the first thing to do is to check if they have lubricant on them around the threads. Good bicycle sellers are already lubricated them. If not, you need to lubricate a little. Next, you need to choose correctly and install left and right pedals using stickers. For example, one indicates "WR" - for the right side. This is very important because the left pedal should be tightened against the clockwise, as it has its own threads. Install the pedals and securely tighten. It should be remembered that the right pedal is tightened clockwise, and the left - against.


Pump tires to the recommended pressure indicated on the sidewall bus. Ideally use the pump with a pressure gauge to measure the desired pressure. If the saddle is not installed, check if there is a lubricant on the seat pin, and then insert the saddle. Tighten the eccentric mount or the seat mount bolt. The saddle must be parallel to the earth and not bend forward or backward.

Additional steps

There are also a couple of moments regarding bicycle assembly, such as installation of wheels and brake adjustment. If the wheels are installed, you need to make sure that the front is installed correctly, according to the rotation of the arrow on the tires. Usually the rear wheel is fastened in the same way, we will not go into details (if it is not so, and the gears should be indexed - it is possible to attribute a bike to the mechanics).

Attach the brake levers is easy if the cables are in place. They must be installed in the preferred position on the steering wheel and be tightened.

Control check

During the first trips on a new bike, you always need to configure anything. Therefore, we carry a hex key with you to adjust the settings until you find the best option.

Before moving, it is recommended to make two things. First, it is worthwhile to write a room, in case the bike is stolen. Secondly, before going to check the safety of the bike to make sure everything is in order and ready to move.

How to collect and set up a bike from the box - Video