Map of paris wot position. Overview of the new map "Paris" in World of Tanks: how to play it? In "Tanks" the result of the game depends on the whole team

This fall, all tankers have a chance to personally pay a visit to the capital of France: with the release of version 9.16, the Paris map became available for random battles. On the paving stones of the quarters located near the palace of Chaillot, with the clang of caterpillars and the roar of armor, combat vehicles leave. And the fight begins.

Earlier we about historical objects on the new map. In this article, we will describe the basics of the gameplay and options for using various classes of vehicles.

General description of the map

The playing area of ​​the "Paris" map can be divided into three parts: open, located along the Seine embankment, city blocks in the south and the center in the area of ​​the Round Place. This separation gives all classes of technology the opportunity to realize their potential.

Each game zone is distinguished by landscape and special objects. Due to this, it turned out to diversify the fighting, giving individual features to the gameplay on each of the sections of the map.

Seine embankment

Game process

An open area, which is located in the northern part of the location. The fighting takes place in the park area and along the river embankment. There are four small earthen mounds in the park, around which the main battles will develop. From the very edge of the map is an embankment with an excavator. This is an important point of contact between rivals, beyond which fierce clashes will take place.

Capturing control of the Seine embankment provides excellent opportunities for further development of the attack: you can capture the center to help fire the allies in urban areas, or break through to the enemy base. This part of the map offers little cover, and there is a real chance to get shot by a disguised opponent or get a landmine from the "arta".

The advantage in this playable zone is with mobile medium and light tanks. Here, they can make full use of their agility and speed during fast-paced battles for control of the hills in the park. Auxiliary type of equipment - self-propelled guns and tank destroyers. Vehicles of this class occupy distant positions, closer to the edges of the map, and support mobile allies with fire.

city ​​blocks

Game process

The most convenient terrain for well-armored vehicles. This part of the map will surely appeal to tankers who are ready to fight with an opponent at a distance of a pistol shot. The most important point of this game zone can be considered the bridge on the edge of the city, for the control of which the main hostilities will unfold. The first line of battle is relatively safe from the fire of enemy self-propelled guns, but the vehicles supporting the allies from the second line can come under artillery fire.

Capturing the bridge area allows you to move closer to the opponent's base or attack the central part of the map.

Protected vehicles will feel most comfortable in this part of the map: heavy tanks or tank destroyers. Fans of medium tanks will have to act very carefully here, from the second line or hiding behind more armored allies.

round square

Vehicle spawns and bases for both teams are located on both sides of the square. It is here that light tanks can give the initial “light” to the opposing team’s passing, and with luck even detect their self-propelled guns. This is a rather risky move, but the result can exceed all expectations.

At the very beginning of the battle, scouts have the opportunity to reveal the actions of their opponents. To do this, you need to get close to the Round Square with a lightning throw, "enlighten" the passages to the enemy base and go to the flank, which will be safer

The rest of the map is perfectly shot from the center. However, both teams have this opportunity, and it can be expected that the opponents will keep this area at gunpoint. At the first stage of the battle, holding the center is quite risky: the chances of getting under fire are high. The value of the Round Square increases closer to the middle of the battle, when the vehicles of both teams are distributed over the area of ​​the map and get involved in a firefight. It is in such a situation that the Round Square becomes an excellent opportunity to break through to the rear of the opponent. The ideal option would be the joint actions of the group: it can be medium or light tanks, as well as mobile "heavies" like the T-10.

Examples of positions on the map "Paris"

Below is an interactive mini-map of "Paris", which shows firing positions for various types of vehicles.

One thing that WoT players don't have to complain about is the lack of variety in game maps. Not only are there several dozen of them, but also the developers are constantly engaged in improvements and modifications: either they will remove a convenient passage, or move a bush ...

Nevertheless, new maps for tank battles continue to be introduced into the game with enviable regularity. Fresh tankers were pleased with the novelty - card "Paris". Well, let's ride around the Eiffel Tower, shall we?

However, the players will not be allowed to drive up to the tower itself - the creation of the architect Gustave Eiffel can only be admired from a distance, albeit a rather small one. For battles, there is a place right in front of the 300-meter beauty, in real Paris corresponding to the gardens of the Trocadero, Trocadero Square and the streets adjacent to it.

Characteristics of the Paris map

"Paris" - urban type map, there is a minimum of “greenery” here, which means that there is practically nowhere to hide. In the northern part of the map there is a large open space where the Trocadero gardens now bloom. This is practically the only place where you can use the relief folds of the terrain and there are no bushes suitable for covering tank destroyers and light tanks.

Since for now there is only one game mode for "Paris" - "standard battle" - the location of the bases is fixed. They are located on absolutely flat areas with moderate vegetation approximately in the middle of the map, in squares F1-F0. So the capture of the base on the "Paris" will be a non-trivial task, the brave invader will hide from the shooters almost nowhere.

What map can the new Paris be compared to?

Otherwise, "Paris" is the realm of large houses and wide streets. Even before the release of the map, many were quick to compare it with the locations already in the game, for example, with Ruinberg. But in fact, it turned out that the novelty has serious distinctive features. For example, the same streets are much more spacious and wider than the players are used to. If on "Himmelsdorf" or the same "Ruinberg" in rather narrow streets it is often not possible for two large tanks to turn around, then on "Paris" there is a real expanse. There is so much space on the streets that you can hold a tank parade, launching five Mouses in a row, and there will still be room for a couple of IS-7s.

A lot of shooting and open spaces, despite the city type of the map, leaves its mark on the style of play on it. You need to be constantly on the alert, because you never know where the next shot will come from. There are not so many truly safe zones, but armored fighting vehicles can relish tanking from the sides, because every house serves as a completely reliable natural obstacle.

"Paris", unlike "Stalingrad" or "Kharkov", is a very bright and eye-catching map. No gloomy "fifty shades of gray" and dirty snowdrifts, summer day reigns in the French capital. I caught myself thinking that "Paris" would be perfect not only for tank battles, but also, for example, for racing. There is something here from the beloved Need for Speed ​​​​series. I want to take a fast LT-shku and drive, leaving majestic statues and kilometers of perfectly smooth asphalt behind.

What about the card balance?

At the same time, "Paris" is an almost symmetrical map, the discrepancies in the design of its two sides are minimal. In fact, if there is a mound with dense bushes in square B4, then exactly the same position can be found in square B7. At a minimum, no one will complain about good/bad rep, because everything is essentially the same.

By the way, it was on this map that perhaps the most armored object in the WoT world was found. It's... a construction crane that's lurking in square B5. No matter how much you shoot, no matter how much you push with caterpillars - everything is like water off a duck's back! It’s even scary to imagine how many millimeters of armor are in such a seemingly harmless car. Seriously, in the next patches developers should fix this object, making it destructible. And then the “super-armored” Mouse with the E100 is crying in an embrace, looking at an impenetrable handsome man with a proudly sticking out arrow.

What types of equipment is the card suitable for?

"Paris" is perfect for almost all types of equipment. Difficulties will be with artillery, which is traditionally not easy to live on city maps, and light tanks. However, with a competent analysis of the minimap, just the LT-shki can do things, breaking into the gaps formed in the enemy’s defense with lightning speed and shooting from the back carried away by the head-on collision.

Armored vehicles will feel especially comfortable. If the tank has decent millimeters of armor, then you can hide from the artillery, and tank, and shoot yourself well. It will be a little more difficult for medium tanks, their task is to immediately stray into a flock, choose a direction for themselves and push it as quickly as possible, creating an advantage on a specific section of the map. Armored tank destroyers can actively tank, cardboard ones can use long-range diagonal shots, which, thanks to the design of the map, are enough.


Summing up, we can say that the new map "Paris" by Wargaming was a success. It turned out to be very nice and playable, minor flaws will probably be removed in the next updates.

In the fall of 2016, tank crews from all over the world had the opportunity to virtually visit Paris, the historical center of the city. Yes, we are talking about the "Paris" map introduced into the random with version 9.16. Tanks drove along the French paving stones - caterpillars clang in the area of ​​​​the Seine embankment. The fight begins...

Consider the tactics of the game on this interesting, multi-level map on different classes of combat vehicles.

Map of Paris - description

In general, I divided the map of Paris for myself into three components:

  • open part (along the Seine embankment);
  • city ​​- on the right side of the map (south side of the city);
  • center - the area of ​​​​the Round Square (partially intersects with the open part).

It is clear that this division of the map is suitable for a certain type of technique. To fully realize your tank, you need to understand where to go at the beginning of the battle. By the way, it is the passing that gives an advantage in the game on this map. After 2-3 minutes of battle, it will be much more difficult to change the position imperceptibly and take a profitable position. After all, the backache here is just crazy - a kind of smooth Robin. But we, then literate guys, will analyze the fighting from our own experience.

Tactics on the Seine Embankment location

The Seine embankment is located in the Northern part of the map, there is a Park area and the embankment of the river of the same name. Such open terrain attracts gunners and light tanks with tank destroyers. It is not so easy for a light tank to shine on this part of the map. More precisely, you can shine - but in the event of a light, it will be difficult to leave, often impossible. But if you manage to push through this part of the map, it means that there is an opportunity to go into the rear of the opponents and victory is a matter of technique. If you are not an experienced player, but have chosen free World Tanks accounts and now ride on 10 levels, our review of the Paris map will definitely come in handy for you. But on this part of the map there is little cover - remember about the land mines of the art-sau and bush tank-sau.

Here, fast combat vehicles - medium and light tanks - will meet in confrontation. Fri-sau and art-sau act as support. But due to the short distance, if you are in the light, beware of enemy shots.

Tactics on the location "City blocks"

Heavy tanks and armored tank destroyers reign here - battles take place at close range. Therefore, it is important to be able to tank, give out good damage, removing opponents. In general, protracted battles, sluggish skirmishes are characteristic. The situation changes - if they broke through the location "Senna Embankment" and enter from the rear.

The fight mainly takes place behind the "bridge" - this is a key point in the city blocks. In principle, you are protected from art-sau shots for a long time. But being on the second line, there is a chance to catch a suitcase. The capture of the "bridge" makes it possible to attack the center or go to capture the enemy base.

Tactics on the location "Round Square"

Round Square - teams appear on both sides of this part of the city. Primary light in the central part near the square can show almost the entire patrol of the enemy team. Only such a light, if done carelessly, is fraught with sending to the hangar. You need to shine at the maximum of your view, do not drive closer.

It is risky to occupy the Round Square itself at the beginning of the battle - at best, half of the tank's health will fly off. We recommend "taking" it in the middle of the battle - the teams have spread out across the map and are not so actively following this part. Fast tanks with strong turrets then feel confident on the square itself. Helping on the Seine and controlling the city center, preventing opponents from bypassing your heavy tanks in the bridge area.

Video review of the map of Paris

Greetings to all, dear friends and guests of the portal site. On the agenda today is a new map, released in the World of Tanks 0.9.16 update - Paris. From this guide, you will learn about the game features of the map, a number of possible directions for playing in a random house, optimal positions for all classes of vehicles in the game (even for artillery!), As well as tactics for playing on it. So, let's get started.

General information on the Paris map in World of Tanks.

Picture 1. Standard battle minimap

The map of Paris in World of Tanks is:
1. Summer city card of closed type
2. There is only 1 mode - standard battle
3. Introduced into the game with update 0.9.16
4. Almost symmetrical about the center of the map
5. The main shelters on the map are houses

Key elements on the Paris WoT map

Picture 2. Basic elements

So, let's start the analysis of the map. Conventionally, "Paris" wot can be divided into three sectors as shown in picture 2.

The first sector is the battlefield for medium and light tanks, if they are in teams, sometimes tank destroyers stand in the bushes near the houses in the lower part of the first sector, their positions are indicated by two arrows pointing at each other. These bushes can be occupied not only by tank destroyers, any combat vehicle with good camouflage will do, but you should always remember that you can simply be "blanched", that is, shoot at random into a bush, assuming that a tank is standing there. In this position, the first thing to do is to aim in advance towards the passage of medium and light tanks, their positions are symmetrical on both sides and one of the positions is shown by an arrow.

ST and LT players should remember that every time you leave your cover, you will definitely get into the field of view of the enemy, know that you will definitely be shot and first consider whether you need such a risk.

The second sector is the center of the map, in which absolutely any tanks can play, this zone is equally well played by both fast tanks and heavy ones. When playing from any respawn, it is important to always remember that the second sector needs constant monitoring, otherwise enemy tanks will inevitably come to your side and stern from there, and with the support of combat vehicles from the third sector, they are guaranteed not to leave you alone and most likely the result of such a battle will be a defeat.

Also, tanks entering through the center should not rush and rush forward from the very beginning of the battle, because you can very easily fall into a trap if you poorly "enlighten" opponents in the second sector or underestimate your strength in the third sector. In this scenario, you will have to fight back from two different sides, which often does not end well. Despite its size, the second sector is more significant than the first and third, because control over it gives the team a tactical advantage, and even if most of the allied tanks are lost, a well-timed passage through it can "turn around" the outcome of the battle.

The third sector is, of course, the territory of heavy tanks and tank destroyers, the sector most closed by houses is at the same time the most difficult. Playing in this direction requires constant attention to the mini-map, you just need to keep an eye on every enemy on it, because forgetting about it, you risk being caught between two fires - from the tanks in front and the tanks that passed through the second sector, you definitely will not survive in such a situation.

Despite the number of houses, the main positions from which your vehicle can fire at the enemy are easily shot through by artillery from the first sector. You will have to learn to sacrifice a better firing position for a safer one. Believe me, it's much more important to save your car's hit points than to take risks for a couple of shots. If your combat vehicle has the ability to go faster than the T95, then pay attention to the possible crossings along the lanes between the third and second sectors.

Tactics of the game on the map Paris World of Tanks

Picture 3. Tactics

It's time to move on to the guide to a detailed analysis of the tactics of the game on the new map.

Positions for tanks of different teams are marked with different colors, and positions for artillery are highlighted in large and have an orange color.

So, let's begin. First of all, let's look at the positions for the left spawn team of the Paris WoT map in the guide. In addition to the positions of the first sector, I will only write that if you decide to take a far point on a medium or light tank, then you should never stop along the way, otherwise you risk not reaching at all. The position closer to the center can be occupied by a tank with a drum-loader or "bangs" (FV 4005 or FV 215B (183)).

On these machines you can catch the enemy and possibly destroy the enemy tank at the very beginning of the battle. You should not linger in the position, it is better to give it up to a slow tank and move towards the third sector. Make it through the center of the map or through the bottom side - decide

You, the choice will depend only on the situation in battle. The lower positions of the third sector should be occupied by heavy and mostly slow tanks. Get into good positions, use the terrain under the bridge and the corners of the buildings, but always remember that you can get a projectile from some enemy Conqueror GC, this machine will get you perfectly from the first sector and if it does not make a direct hit, it will hit you for sure. Points for "art" of the left "spawn" are located in the first and third sectors, choose a place based on the tactical and technical characteristics of your combat vehicle and the direction of movement of teammates.

Now it's the turn of the right respawn team of the Paris WoT map. Since the map is symmetrical, the possible positions remain the same. In the same way, the second sector at the beginning of the battle can be occupied by a tank with a drum loader or "baba", heavy tanks should go to the third sector.

By the way, positions in the third sector for the team of the right "spawn" are practically not shot through by enemy artillery, but it is inconvenient and rather problematic to fire from them throughout the entire battle. For medium and light tanks, the second sector should become the preferred territory for the game, try to secure control in this zone as quickly as possible, this will allow you to destroy enemy tanks in these positions in a short time.

The first sector should only be occupied by a few tanks in order to prevent a quick "rush" to the base and save your artillery. Otherwise, the sector is unplayable and its significance is almost minimal. The main task will be the destruction of the tank, which can squeeze under the columns in the center of the map. "Arta" feels great in the upper right part of the first sector. The most comfortable thing there will be a "horse".

At the end of the guide on the map Paris WoT

The wot Paris map, although symmetrical and monotonous at first glance, is still one of the most creative in the game. The number of possible developments on the map can surprise even experienced World of Tanks players, not to mention beginners. What brings victory on this map? It's simple - it's the ability to read the minimap and think ahead of the enemy's actions.

A competently played platoon is able to "turn" the whole battle, or the slightest tactical mistake will lead to a quick loss of advantage. Of course, the experience of the game is fundamental and, as often happens, the more experienced team will win. This concludes my review of the Paris WoT map. Many thanks, friends, for taking a little time, I hope this will help you navigate this map and become even more experienced. I wish everyone good luck on the battlefields of World of Tanks!

World of Tanks is a popular multiplayer online game dedicated to ground military equipment of the 20th century. Players can fight against tank fans from all over the planet, asserting their right to the territory.

In the game, you can upgrade cars from many countries and different types. Users who like a slow game and high damage will like heavy, heavily armored tanks. Those who prefer fast driving and maneuverability will like light tanks and fast medium tanks. The player can choose tank destroyers that are stealthy, high-damage, and fast-moving, or self-propelled guns that deal massive damage but have thin armor.

In "Tanks" the result of the game depends on the whole team

In his hangar, the player can put steel machines selected from three hundred types of equipment produced in the USSR, USA, France, Germany, China, Great Britain and Japan in the twentieth century.

The game always gives users the right to choose: it is possible to play in random battles, team battles, company battles, in the "fortified area" mode, in special, training and training battles.

There are more than 30 maps in the World of Tanks, developers often delight players with new locations

So, in the latest update, the Paris map appeared in World of Tanks.

This map is unique, it is not similar to any of the other locations. It depicts the real Paris, the area next to the Eiffel Tower. The card can only be found in a standard, random battle. Relative to the center, this location is almost symmetrical, the bases of the teams are located on the squares A1 and F0.

The location can be conditionally divided into three parts: the upper one, where the park with bushy hills is located, the middle one, where the streets of the city converge, and the lower one, which is the city.

This location of the location makes it possible to implement all types of equipment. In the first part of the map, light tanks, maneuverable medium vehicles, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns can operate. If the artillery takes the right position here, it will be able to shoot through a significant part of the city. The center of the map can become a collision point for any tanks, there is excellent visibility, which is both a positive thing, since it will be easy to target the enemy, and a negative one, since it will be just as easy to target the player. The city is a part for heavy tanks. Here are high, up to 5 floors in height, houses and a bridge, for which fierce battles of the "strands" will take place.

The Paris map in World of Tanks makes it possible to use all types of vehicles in epic battles against the backdrop of the Seine and the Eiffel Tower.