Cool MMORPG games on PC. Top MMORPG for all platforms. Games of past seasons

Decent to spend their time on them. This is certainly severe reality, for there is such a country as the Republic of Korea, in which the production of games of this genre is delivered to a confident flow. But there are projects that are allocated from the total number of their quality, and even one is not enough to entrenched in our memory, and sometimes cause nostalgia. It was about 10 good free multiplayer games today and would like to remember.

Lineage 2.

And start with one of the best games that our planet ever seen. And, in general, in this phrase, even there is no irony, well, almost. In 2003, she came out in 2003, she saw the light only in 2008, when it was published by an involuntary Innova. It was the "line" defined in many respects, as it will look, and where the genre will move as a whole. It was after her other projects were evaluated from a position as a "line" and not as a "line". Especially since she satisfied the demand of those gamers, whom the toad stifled to buy a subscription in World of Warcraft.

Starting the game, we choose the race, and, depending on your choice, various classes are available, which in the game as much as 37 pieces. However, reaching 85 levels, each of them is reborn into one of the eight balanced archcripes, which, in general, is correct, since maintaining the balance is easier in 8 classes, and not 37.

Unfortunately, for many years over the years, Lineage 2 pledged. High levels have become much easier. But, in my opinion, it is correct because the most interesting content is always at the maximum level, which has led to the emergence of various PVP servers with X100 or even x1000. Not all of these changes came to the soul, and it is not surprising that Lineage 2 Classic appeared, which returns all early hardcore and grind, of course.

But the most important thing in the project is, of course, the sieges, in which crowds of players fight for the right to be the best. In general, this is an interesting topic for discussion. What is better? Helight content on PVP servers, when everyone runs in top clothes and glow from the boughs, Aki Garlands, and everything solves only the ability to master the opponent's virtuoso on skills? Or when the pumping is slow, players can differ from each other again and every few levels experience from the game is supplemented with new skills with clothes and opportunities? Write what you think about it, in the comments.

Perfect World

C Perfect World began my way as MMO gamer. She came out in a distance of 2005, albeit and got to Russia only in 2008. What did it differ at that time on the background of competitors? The answer is obvious - graphics and just a huge open world, on which it was possible to fly on all sorts of vehicles. Of course, at that time was World of Warcraft. But where does the poor schoolboe get money for a subscription? And the perfect world is right here, free, without registration and SMS, although it was necessary to register there.

At that time, among the interesting features of Perfect World, the character editor was faced. It is now we lit up, and you will not surprise anyone, but in those distant times it was one of the first games with such extensive customization.

You probably find it interesting to you, but what about the plot? Honestly, damn it knows. I was spitting on him then, and do not care now. When you perform idiotic tasks for Jashma every day, the meaning of which to buy this Black Yashma for the nearest merchant and bring the NPC, who gave you a quest, and then fly throughout the map, performing idiotic daily tasks, at some point, and in the case of PW This moment comes immediately and sharply, the plot becomes as much as possible, especially since he takes a precious time, which would be much more profitable to invest in Kach.

Otherwise, in front of us, which is now typical, Target system and very colorful skills. You can also note a pleasant sound, which, like the whole game, refers gamers to Chinese mythology.

Revelation Online

Further, a relatively new project that localized. Transfers of such games on the great and mighty event are quite rare and, as a rule, late. Because revelation in some sense broke the foundations and did not have time to be visually. Well, for MMO, of course.

And so what's interesting here? Well, for example, the character editor. New MMO in this key trying to surprise in every way, and Revelation did not remain aside. But the class system did not bring anything revolutionary. Everything is quite template - Magician, Tank, Heel and DD. But the world is completely seamless, and on it can be literally flying. By the way, the flight time from the edge to the edge of the map will be 20 minutes.

Another of the main chips is a combat system. She is hybrid here, which means that here you can choose what you are more convenient to use a non-target or target system. It turned out somehow so-so. In an attempt to hesitate to two stools, developers quite medically implemented both options. Target System is all the same target, but Non-Target is rather autograph. But even despite this, playing Revelation interesting.

Although the world and seamless, not a lot of full-fledged instances, which you can pass with the team, and no one will hurt you. However, in the game there are restrictions on the number of hikes in them, and not only the victory over the boss is counted, but also the attempt to murder himself, which is not weakly adding Hardkore. But in general, this is not a bad representative of free MMORPG, on which several evenings spend not ashamed while you do not get bored.


Another game that Innova localized us. And unlike the same Lineage 2, Aion was originally distributed by subscription. But her best times have long been behind, so now you can play completely free, although with some limitations. Let's start with the graphics, which is based on the same Lineage 2, but with promgested. Polygons have become more, and the picture is more realistic. And what is the most important, players learned not only to jump, but also fly. The world in Aion is not open, but the locations are quite extensive and well worked. Unfortunately, you can fly far from everywhere, which is very upset.

The plot of the game begins with the fact that the ancient God of Ayon created atrework - a wonderful world, which split into two halves. As a result, the awakening of the balaurov, aggressive and powerful race, and in two half of the world two races were formed - Elya and Asmodian. Here for them we have to play. First can be characterized as supporters of good, as they remained on the bright side of the atrey. They preserved beauty and attractiveness, and their wings did not lose whiteness. Asmodians were on the ice lands of Asmodeus. They were subjected to some metamorphosis, acquired claws, and their wings were painted. It is in the mass conflict of the above-mentioned guys we are offered to take part, and the plot is built around it, which you are quite possibly will also trim.

Classes in the game of the whole 11 pieces, so everyone can find something for themselves. All of them are pretty standard - wizards, arrows, gladiators, stand out among them. Is that a pilot that is a huge fur. The combat system in Aion Target, but it does not prevent her very good MMORPG.

RF Online

As you can see, Innova localized quite a lot of interesting projects, and RF Online also entered their number. And unlike all other games Top, there is no place for the occurrence of fantasy. Severe future and war for resources. The races in the game three - the empire of the Akrethians, the federation of Bellato and the Sacred Alliance Cora. The essence lies in the fact that they all fight with each other. No global aroused from the abyss of the universe universal evil, only a civil war for minerals. It would seem that it would be trite, but after all the pathos and the patterns that each second MMO feeds are feeding us, such a landmark seems to be a sip of fresh air. Finally, we are not selected wrestlers with the universal evil of galactic scale, and we do not need to ride with their brown of heavens. Although magic is still present.

By the way, the combat system at RF Online by Oldly Target, and Alo what is different from all that can offer us the Market MMO games today. Nevertheless, the system of skills is quite interesting, we will have to buy them, and the level of spells themselves grow on how often you use them.

Of course, the dawn Rf Online has long passed. On official servers play two and a half cripples. However, you can always go to informal servers and just to pass if you played it before.

Black Desert.

Again, a fairly fresh game that Gamenet's extremely known company has published. Missed Pretty Parso, I dare to notice. However, in this article we will not discuss the problems of localizers. And if you try to describe the Black Desert in one word, it will be grind. Greengets has everywhere, for whatever you take. Want to become a master of cooking or professional player, be kind to urge a lot of real-time.

And the character pumping is a separate story. In ordinary MMO there is a maximum level, the so-called cap. Everyone is striving to him, and having received it, go to the activities of Leitheim - dress the character or pump kraft skills, swing reputation and other things and so on. In Black Desert, you never reach Capa, it's simply not. Apotheosis Grinda, what to say here.

You will receive most of your experience for murdering monsters. But it is worth noting what to do it, damn it, nice. Excellent Non-Target Board will not let you get bored. But the number of mobs is extremely small, so that the clashes for the SPOT (Points of Respauna Mobov) in Black Desert is not rare.

The trading system is a bit complicated, and is aimed primarily not to entertain the player, but again on Grind. You will have to hire workers, produce goods and sell them. Moreover, if you want to sell more expensive, the goods will have to carry out the thieves of land. In general, here you can literally stick if you are a lover literally live in games. In addition, with graphics and animation here, too, everything is in perfect order.

Tera Online

One of their games that decided to move away from the usual obscure in the world of MMORPG, making one of the first real non-target boots, quite good, by the way. That's so much that I will not even be afraid to call Tera game with one of the best non-target boots on the market in principle. And she is good because she is the most honest, tobish shoot, beat, bullet fireball, and will he get to the enemy, depends only on your root. There is no cunning auto-car or monstrous hits. It is for non-target that she got into this top and got, strictly speaking. Because of the non-target gameplay boots for those who arrived in MMO, classes looks like a new way, you have to dare, move and simultaneously enter the target.

The game world in Tera, though large, but, unfortunately, not seamless, and it is impossible to fly on it. However, a set of classes is not bad and, suddenly, due to the same combat system is extremely diverse. Knights, swinging with spears, aggregate monsters and cover themselves and allies shields, archers and arrows lead a distant battle behind the knights, and next to them are magicians and healers who support their team, overlapping useful bass. It seems to be all the same as in any other MMO, but the feeling because of the bugs are completely different.

It is worth noting that both the graphics in the game are really beautiful. As everything works on the Unreal Engine 3 engine, which is still quite quoted for MMO. True, I'll trouble with the balance. Each time a new class is introduced, it is for some time (usually until the next major update) becomes black imb. It is horrified as unpleasant, but keeps the filleic parts of the community in a tone.

Blade and Soul.

Another game with a non-target system, but in my scarmony opinion Blade and Soul is somewhat inferior to the same Tera. Here the stop is made rather on the combination of shocks, and there are not much skill themselves, while there are much more in Tera Skill, and it looks more like a typical MMORPG. Although there is probably taste, and someone build a combo much more interesting.

Blade and Soul boasts a pleasant graphics and an interesting character editor. Although in all modern MMO, these two items are usually present by default. The main feature of Blade and Soul is definitely a combat system. She is Non-Target, it implements interesting combos-strike systems in it, so it decides not your gear, and your skill.

The assortment also has a plot, but to delve into it is completely optional, because he is completely saturated with Korean flavor and branded Asian madness.

Separate mention deserves pumping. Since no bonuses give the clothes and regularly perform a cosmetic function, it is proposed to raise the stats by a thing called trigram. Strictly speaking, it looks like a saucer on which you are posting various pieces that raise your stats, and it is difficult to explain. Just know that instead of the aircraft on +10 to agility there is a certain abstract shnyaga on the same +10 to agility. In fact, nothing has changed, only externally filed otherwise.

Also by the word about external chips. You can't fly or soar here, but you can jump quite high. This is something like a local version of fast movements, and it has been performed very and very effectively.

Unfortunately, the game has not been translated into Russian for a very long time, and I visually managed to outrage. But relatively recently she was localized, and now everyone can immerse it from the soul into this, I must say, very pleasant Korean.

Icarus Online

You will probably be surprised that this game does in this top. And this is not surprising, because Icarus Online is a good game with a bad Russian-speaking publisher, like this sometimes happens. Meet, as usual, for dressing and graphics, and at least Icarus does not reach the same Black Desert, it still boasts the Cryengine 3 engine, which, by the way, does not even lag, which is quite amazing.

The races in the game also did not take, only people, only hardcore. Classes in the game are standard, as in any self-respecting MMORPG. Doctors, tanks, damaggers, in general, nothing new. The character's editor is good, however, now this is not surprised by this. And everything would be very sad and dreamed, and we would pay the project to the stall to the rest of the pale MMO, if not ... beasts. Tobish, pets are the main trick of the whole game.

If we had to stall for a long time on any other MMO, then in ICARUS Online, we quickly transplant to the Mount. First, just riding, but rather soon on flying. And to start their use, they must be tamed, but it is implemented in the form of a mini-game.

The combat system is hybrid here, and strongly resembles the one that was in Revelation. To fight, though it is pleasant, but very, let's say, for a long time, since the pumping in the game itself takes decent times so. And this is due primarily with just a huge open world, which is fully seamless. Therefore, to get to the tasks sometimes for a very long time even using pets. In addition to simply moving flying beasts can be used for battles. Although fighting, in fact, we ourselves, just sitting on your back at your horse. But even it is quite fun.

Icarus Online will leave after a pleasant aftertaste. It's not a fact that it hovers strongly for a long time, but still for some time definitely.

Neverwinter Online

Seeing the name, you probably thought that we were online continuing the masterpiece neverwinter nights from BioWare and Obsidian, but no. The universe, of course, the same, and when entering the game, you will see to pain familiar races - Tifligi, half amenities and many others, but to their senior fellow Neverwinter Online, of course, does not reach. RPG components were strongly trimmed, but it is damn cool MMO.

We transfer the Non-target bore, good, but fed to it impossible. It is not necessary to accurately follow in the enemy, it is enough for the scope to be at least about the sugary. And even despite this, it's very fun to fight. It is necessary to dodge, use skills, which, by the way, do not require mana. So everything can be started immediately after Kuldaun.

The world is not seamless and divided into many territories and instances. A controversial decision, after all, people prefer the open world and the raid of bosses, which have to hold PVP. But in Neverwinter all this is not. On the other hand, the system of instances in the game is quite well implemented. By performing a story quest, you can transfer from location to location to cooperation with other gamers. Also in the game a workshop is available in which players can create their own tasks, and the most interesting awards are awarded. Quite an interesting feature, although I didn't really go.

Neverwinter Online came out in 2013, and still feel good. Isn't that quality indicator?

Top 10 Best Free MMORPG Video Open Close

Over the past two decades, many top and monotonous MMORPG appeared on the world. I decided to set the Internet and collect the best projects that will definitely delight class graphics. One can already play, both in the West and in Russia, but over other developers continue to work.

Tree of Savior.

The developers of Tree of Savior before creating the project were inspired by the cult MMO. In fact, the guys improved graphics and added new content. Get ready to meet with the crowds of enemies, go to the raid, visit the dungeon and, of course, snatch the goddes from the paws. But, before downloading the game, make sure that the control and position of the camera is suitable for you. You can give orders to the hero using a mouse, and watch from the height of a bird's battery. Thanks to isometric appearance, there is a chance to notice the enemy in advance and come up with a plan.

The release of the game took place in 2010, and in 2013 the developers declared reprint. As a result, the schedule was improved, many systems were changed and errors were eliminated. The key feature is the ability to see the past. Look at the screen filled with paints, special effects, adventures, exploits and battles. Each separate mission is a fascinating journey.

Find your perfect world in which you can get stuck for a couple of hundred hours.

Want to find a decent MMORPG that will help fall out of reality? A lot of options. In fact, in our time, PC gamers choose just huge. Home computers are focused on the focus of the game industry.

Why are we confident about this? Because we take into account the rule of Steam in the game market, the desire of many publishers to produce games only on PC and active promotion from Microsoft Windows 10 as the main game system.

Many of the best exclusives are available on PCs, and some of them are MMO projects. And although the demand for World of Warcraft has already slept a little, the MMO market is still alive than all living things and can offer a lot of interesting games that will be delayed from the first seconds.

And although a large number of players can participate in these games, it nevertheless it is worth noting that these MMORPG are amazing, exciting and well thought out. You can easily get lost when you look for a suitable game. But you only need to know where to look. Fortunately, we have prepared for you a selection of excellent MMORPG for playing on a computer and console. We selected for you 30 best, so get ready for new adventure.

Retired from the main list

Available by: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PC

I was delighted when I learned that Uncharted Waters, one of my favorite games of the 16-bit era, acquired a MMO-continuation, where the players met a large-scale and open maritime world. All distinguishing features of games about pirates and marine simulators are successfully connected to Uncharted Waters Online, which work perfectly in the online game.

The combat system, both on the sea and on land, is fascinating, but the main feature of UWO is its depth. Agra will avoid traditional monotonous Grinda in favor of multifaceted trade systems, banking, research and adventure. UWO is able to take you for a few weeks for which you will not open the inclined potential even on a quarter.

But the game is replenished with new content and to this day; For example, new ships, costumes and weapons for crew members have appeared in the game in the game.

Available by: PC

Among others, ELSWORD Online is allocated to the recognizable Side scrolling style. Graphics in the game, which, as if painted with pencils manually, is beautiful. Catscenes and character design send us to the manga eponymous, which served as the basis for this game. Instead of the usual set of ELSWORD classes, offers a player to choose characters from the original source and develop them so that they fit under the preferred style of the game.

In addition to standard professions (fighter, the magician, Ranger) in Elsword there is a number of more exotic options, like Yves, Queen of the Log, which can call on assistant robots on the Bola of Battle. The combination of memorable graphics and intuitive battles make ELSWORD a very original project with a bright author's handwriting.

Available by: PC, Mac

As you know, Marvel and Disney have long been firmly settled in the entertainment industry, and therefore the appearance of MMO from these studios was only a matter of time. It is amazing that the resulting game (given the recent updates) is not a cheap snience, but a high-quality product in which it is stupid to get lost for a couple of months.

Conditionally free game makes it possible to feel yourself in the skin of your favorite superheroes and combines the classic Diablo receptions with the MMO tested time with the mechanics (add a familiar flavor of the MARVEL universe here). Of course, 30 captains of America running around the map can embarrass the uninitiated, however, you will soon notice that it is really interesting to play for your favorite comic hero, and only for this this MMO can forgive all the small flaws.

Available by: PC

The idea of \u200b\u200bcombining concepts is near and diablo and creating on their basis MMO-game is not at all nov and this game is one of those where this idea managed to implement.

The game "Legend MJ", the successor "MJ online", successful and innovative South Korean MMO-game, is characterized by chaotic movements, impressive effects of damage and fantastic heroes, which fans of Eastern MMO games immediately recognize.

Despite the fact that the game "Legend of the MJ" was not created in order to arrange a revolution in the world of action-RPG-Games, nevertheless, she is very entertaining, there are quite a lot of content in it, and it can be played for a very long time, without breaking away from Screen.

Available by: PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC

At the moment, the game "Osiris: New Dawn" is one of the most affordable. Although it still needs to be improved, as there is little weapons in this game (a gun with a limited number of cartridges and a rifle) and rarely fight. But there is one big plus - the atmosphere of this game is unforgettable. The caves in which are full of mysterious skeletons, but to get to them, will be waiting for you to get to them, you will need to wade through sandy storms and meteorite rains.

And how will you get to them? Of course, with the help of vehicles and space ships that you can create yourself. The starting platform in the game is a satellite Proteus 2, where you will build your own home in the form of high-tech equipment. Resources include meteors that fall to the ground during a thunderstorm, natural gas that you produce with the help of barrels, as well as various metals. Judging by the first reviews, it can be said that the game "Osiris: New Dawn" is definitely worth paying attention to her.

Available by: PC

For MMO, released in 2014, in Wildstar, there is indecently a lot of outdated mechanic. Uncomfortable raids settings? On the spot. The daily chains of quests appearing at random time, which greatly make it difficult to have a set of experience? Also in place.
Tied in infinite Greenget Quest system? We put a tick and here. But the fact is that it does not particularly upset, because the combat system, built on a spectacular action, takes over all sins. Take, for example, one of the skills that marks the land plot before the character special markup.

While the enemy is within this marking, all your blows will be accounted for exactly in the target. And this emphasizes the need for active deviations and competent use of skills - as a result, the battle is almost never boring.
In addition, each class in the game has flexible characteristics, and can play at least 2 roles from 3 standard for any raid (chieler, tank and DEMEJ dealer).

Currently, the project is experiencing small financial difficulties as a result of canceled promotion in the Chinese market, but this did not affect the players from Europe and North America. It's time to try the game.

Choose your second life.

Available by: PC, Android, iOS

The game is in the final stage of beta testing, but still deserves places in this list due to its unique visual stylistry, excellent PVP mode and fresh look at the Craft and Professions familiar to MMO.

In those moments when you do not fight with other players for new territories and prestige or explore the dungeons, destroying monsters and collecting rare resources, Albion Online offers to be equipped on quiet islets, where players can build their farms and breed animals, and customize their homes .

Albion Online is still at the very beginning of a long journey, but the game already looks serious competitor to the more famous Taitles, and if the development continues at the same impressive pace, then soon we will see the game that, it is likely to stay in our hearts at least for a decade.

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Without a doubt, for MMO requires a certain character warehouse, because in order to fully know the charms of such a game, you will have to spend not one hundred hours in it. Not all are ready to pay so much time to the virtual world! And it is clear, but some still like to go to the raid in the Citadel of the Ice Crown, soaring in heaven above the nexus and create all new and new characters, and then give them names with the help of a random generator.

Of course, for many years in the MMORPG genre there was a lot of worthy specimens, therefore it is not surprising that many new projects, without holding the competition, fail with a crash. However, the commercial failure of the game does not prevent her fans to love her, and in our top there are several similar examples.

# 10 EVE Online

Experienced players eve Online will be the first to tell you that this places are very boring, but in those rare moments when it is not so, adrenaline just raises!
EVE Online is large and incredibly difficult, and all the events that occur in it are initiated by the players themselves. In particular, they come into battles with each other, fighting for the resources and forming a corporation at their discretion, because confidence in the allies is very important. Most of the time they fly on the galaxy spacecraft, approaching the replenishment planets, replenish reserves or trade with other players. The game also has events in real time, which you have probably read about all sorts of gaming portals.

EVE Online is known for large-scale battles that can last a few days. In addition, it contains mechanics that are officially prohibited in other games - in particular, griffing (stealing resources or attempt to substitute other players hostile NPC).

EVE Online is a game for patient cosmos lovers, and if you rank yourself to those, you definitely stand in it.

# 9 Lord of Rings Online

The Lord of the Online Rings is a game for real fans of fantasy. By the way, not so long ago, the game celebrated its decade. Judging by the ratings in Steam, the Lord of the Rings Online remains one of the highest quality games in the world.

The player in the Lord of the Rings Online can travel along the Mediterranean, with each addition of the world expands (five additions came out). Health indicator here is called a martial spirit, which can be raised by food or rest, as well as music and special combat shoes. In this game, the system of cooking and agriculture is well developed. What is called, feel like a hobby! Groups in the game are called brotherhoods, which also adds to it an authenticity.

One of the distinguishing features of the character development in the Lord of the Online Rings is the ability to perform songs and play on various musical instruments. In this case, the instrument in this case protrudes the playing keyboard, the keys of which cover the range in three octaves, and the music that the player reproduces is audible to other players. At one time, this feature has made a lot of noise, and some players even organized concerts.

In addition, there is a homeowning system in this game. Anyone who acquired their home can furnish it and decorate to their taste, having received decorations and furniture as a reward for quests or buying them at auction.

# 8 Neverwinter

This is a fantasy game based on the world of Dungeons & Dragons franchise. The action takes place in the fictional town of Neverwinter and unfolds according to the rules of the fourth edition of D & D, but compared to the Campaigns of the original Neverwinter game is significantly easier and humane to beginners.

For F2P Game, Neverwinter has an extraordinary depth, and its best element is the dungeons created by users that can be passed along with other players.

Hack-and-Slash It turns out good, and opponents sometimes come across strong. From the point of view of the NEverwinter combat system, Diablo is strongly reminded. The character has eight abilities that are not difficult to master.

Thanks to the ability to create your content, Neverwinter is still considered one of the best free MMO in the world.

# 7 wildstar

Wildstar will forever remain for us one of the best MMO games in the world, despite the fact that shortly after the release of it went large part of the players. The plot of Wildstar is based on the conflict of two factions that are fighting for a huge planet called Nexus.

The game is considered scientific fiction and cannot boast of fundamental differences from other representatives of this genre, however it is worth noting that all the best elements are collected in it, and it looks great. The history of the planet and the peoples living on it fascinates, players can acquire at home and invite friends, and the PVP system exceeds all expectations.

Other interesting ideas were also implemented in Wildstar - for example, raids are 40 people (however, they did not use much popularity) and curious movement mechanics.

Special attention deserves a soundtrack, almost the best soundtrack for video game in the world. It is heard in mysterious and otherworldly sounds that complement the impression from the Nexus wandering.

Once Wildstar is so good, why no one wants to play it? Unfortunately, the CARBINE STUDIOS developer focused on hardcore players and did not take care of the appropriate content configuration. Players, hammering to the maximum level, could not collect a suitable group and did not find themselves. In addition, many were dissatisfied with the shortage of PVP-equipment, and the community collapsed very quickly.

However, if these reasons are not frightened, you can go to the nexus and experience the best combat mechanics.

# 6 Everquest

The Everquest Next project looked promisingly, and it was his abolition that became my biggest disappointment over the past few years. Why? Because Everquest was, I will not be afraid of this word, an epic game.

She was born in 1999 and became the second major MMORPG in history. In addition, it was the first 3D-MMO, which favorably distinguished it from competitors. Impressive, isn't it? It is not surprising that the game with such a story significantly influenced the whole genre and overtook its predecessor, Ultima Online, less than a year.

Everquest was already sixteen races (including elves, trolls, fires, gnomes and dwarves), as well as several classes (archers, robbers, monks, wizards, necromancers, warriors and others). Today, many are obvious that most ideas and mechanic from Everquest switched to World of Warcraft.

# 5 Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 appeared 5 years ago, made a special contribution to the world of MMO and quickly gained popularity around the world.

The best element of Guild Wars 2 was the crafting system, including cooking. This system still works flawlessly and implies receipt of new recipes by trial and error.

In Guild Wars 2, the scaling system is also present, that is, locations are adjusted under the characters, and they cannot kill monsters from one strike. This increases the reegrity of the zones, since players can receive exciting experience, regardless of the level. In many locations there are secret places and complex tests.

The combat system makes the players act faster than usual, so PVP battles are intended for lovers to rinse their nerves. In addition, in Guild Wars 2 there are dynamic events, location for the event is determined randomly.

And in the game there are magnificent landscapes, which were created by developers 5 years ago and still not outdated.

# 4 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Over the past 5 years, MMO-game through the Star Wars Universe called The Old Republic managed to firmly settle in the market.

Players highly appreciate her for the complexity and social gameplay, as well as the opportunity to choose the direction of development of the plot. Add to this the fact that the action unfolds in the megapopular setting, and you will get the game from which it is impossible to break away.

For some time it seemed that the Old Republic developers could still not decide which way they wanted to move (MMO or plot RPG), but the last addition of Knights of the Fallen Empire put everything in its place. Now from 1 to 60 levels can be played almost alone, mastering plot missions. At the maximum level, you can attend raids and dungeons or grinding equipment with friends.

However, the role of friends sometimes protrude companions. After a patch, any of them becomes a lamp, a fighter or tank at your discretion and really helps, and does not interfere with fighting.

Previously, for teleportation to a specific point, it was necessary to first open this very point, now it is enough to open the location in which this point is located.
In general, the gameplay was less nervous, so we recommend looking into the Old Republic at least for the scene line.

# 3 Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy is one of the most popular franchises in the video game industry, so immediately after the release of Final Fantasy XIV, many players were disappointed with it.
However, the developers from Square Enix were not confused, made a change in the game and released it again. The new game received the name Realm Reborn. It was rebirth in a literal sense, in full accordance with the title.
Now the game can boast of luxurious visual effects and fast movements, thanks to which the journey from point A to point b takes a few seconds and never makes the players bored.

The plot looks finished, there are many unexpected turns in it. The only drawback is that some elements are not voiced, but are presented in the form of text.

Realm Reborn has a magnificent character identification system that allows you to automatically change the class depending on the existing weapons. In addition, players can change equipment on the fly and call in battle Chokobo. You dreamed about it, right?

In addition to the main storyline, there are additional quests and events that resemble events from Guild Wars 2.

And in this game there are sounds for every taste - from pacifying entries intended for contemplating peaceful landscapes, to tough guitar riffs during battles with bosses.

At first, all players hated FFXIV and regretted that she was generally born, but after improving the game became one of the best MMORPG samples in the world.


The Elder Scrolls Online absorbed the best of the world of Elder Scrolls and multiplayer games of the new generation. Her rating in Steam is equal to 9 points out of 10 - a good achievement, right? Initially, the developers of Bethesda and Zenimax planned to distribute the game on the subscription, but quickly understood that it would not work. They renamed the game in Tamriel Unlimited, changed the model of payment on B2P, and the project quickly acquired popularity.

The action of the game occurs in the open world called Tamriel. Players can create a character of one of ten races and four classes. Events in TAMRIEL UNLIMITED preceded events from Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion.

The huge world is filled with the most different non-game characters, and the game itself has limitless opportunities for individualizing game characters. Each race has access to a special racial armor that can be made in various styles and painted in any color. The characteristics of armor may vary depending on the availability of certain properties and bonuses from weapons.

Now ESO together with all loadable content is sold at a reduced price, which makes it a very popular choice for most MMO players.

# 1 World of Warcraft

Without a doubt, Blizzard is dominated today in the world of MMORPG. World of Warcraft by right is the title of the most popular multiplayer game in the world. She was born in 2004 and is not inferior to the position until today. Developers are constantly heated by players' interest in various updates, thanks to which new and new classes appear in the game.

Despite the fact that the newcomer in World of Warcraft accounts for not easy, the game constantly feels the influx of fresh blood. It has excellent dungeons with unique designs and exciting raids. This world really lives his life! It is always full of players and non-game creatures, the opponents lie down the heroes at every step. But about the wealth and variety of game history and not to speak! In World of Warcraft, everyone finds a lesson in the soul - some are fulfilled quests, others collect materials for pumping professions, others are trying to make money at the auction, the fourth tame fighting pets ... and each of them loves this game in his own way!

Nevertheless, the popularity and superiority of WOW is a stick about two ends. It is this game that is usually used as a reference to evaluate other MMO, and many of them are confused - simply because they are too unlike the World of Warcraft.

Mass multiplayer online games or simply MMORPG - this combination is known to almost everyone, and every day the army of fans of this genre is growing. In the same place, the developers hurry to indulge this army of fans all new and new MMORPG. However, unfortunately, most of them are reduced to a simple cloning of existing projects.

But today I will introduce you to ten games that truly cost them to play. Perhaps you will be surprised that neither the famous Lineage 2 did not get into this top, no more famous World of Warcraft. The point here is that these games are pretty outdated and no longer meet the requirements of today. Many play them so far only because they simply do not know about others - much more modern games in which both graphics are increasingly cooler, and the gameplay is much richer. That's about such - really standing projects and will be speaking in our top.

10. Blade and Soul


Next on the list, but not by value - another great game of the line Elder scrolls.. Events in the game unfold over a thousand years before the events in Skyrimia. The action takes place in the fictional world Tamriel

We, as usual there will be an abundance of the choice of races and classes. The game has a huge and amazing combat system, which is changed so that the junction of all skills looks like in other MMORPG.

Here are also there are pets, horse riding, pumps of profes, soul stones and three fractions represented by different animals. Here you have vampires, and hoists, and much more. However, there will be no possibility to get infected and buy a vampire. Apparently, it was too difficult to realize this in MMORPG, and they refused the idea.

7. Arche Age.

Developers provide a player so many opportunities that just around the head. First, it is worth noting that you can build, and to build houses for yourself, create farms. Moreover, you can independently build whole fortresses and seize territory. Moreover, on the captured area you can get tribute from all players who will also build houses on your territory.

In addition, in the game a very original PVP system - no confrontation between races or classes. All confrontation is based on players. Someone, let's say, attacked your fortress and destroyed it. It is clear, you go with your clare camping to take revenge on the bastards. That's exactly what the PVP is tied and the whole game story. You can build not only at home and fortresses, but also ships - fight on these ships, take enemies to boarding and so on. In addition, there is a certain fantasy semblance of tanks.

You can produce resources and rob else players. Also, by itself, there is a huge number of infant, bosses and various kinds of mobs, of which you can knock out many differentty. There is in the game, of course, the cons, one of which is what the Russian localization of the game is responsible to Mail.Ru, which, as you understand, can spoil the good game by the abundance of Donata.

6. Parograd

This game is the only browser MMORPG in our list. Of course, in terms of graphics, it is inferior to the giants, but the rest is striking with its capabilities that are not inferior to top games in their genre.

The main advantage of the game Parkard is that it does not need to download anything. You simply register on the site and immediately start playing right in the browser. At the same time the game is completely three-dimensional. It can also travel through the big world, there is a skills panel. In short, everything, as in the usual normal MMORPG.

5. Aion.

A rather strange game in the sense that despite it seems like a paid subscription, it allows yourself such arrogance as game shops for real money.

Of course, it is very easy to hate the Korean crafting system and a showful social feed right up to weddings. But if this is playing, then the right to existence has a game.

The game highlights beautiful graphics and truly free outdoor world. You can fly on your own wings, climbing the highest mountains and leaving the eyes of the colossal world of Iion.

Read more about the game in Iion review.

4. Royal Quest

The only Russian MMORPG in this top. Of course, it fell into this list it is no coincidence. After all, in all its characteristics, it corresponds to any top online games. This is an excellent graphics, and a huge bright world with a large number of virtual characters and real players.

The game highlights the same unique stylistics, which includes fantasy and steampunk elements. The game begins as an ordinary fabulous fantasy, but as location passes everything is growing growing, amazing mechanisms begin to appear, and then signs of the modern world with electricity and so on.

3. Neverwinter Online

One of those games that millions of gamers waited without exaggeration. Neverwinter Online distinguishes magnificent graphics, truly beautiful locations, non-target combat system, embodying a realistic physical model of battle and even the opportunity to create its own quests

The game is distinguished by linearity, that is, you will travel to you mainly according to the path defined for this, which allowed the maximum to hone all the quests.

Due to all this, the game is truly interesting.


Another MMORPG in the style of steampunk and fantasy.

One of the key chips of the project is the ability to pass some missions within the robot - mehi. Moreover, you can play both from the third and first person, as in classic shooters, for for some reason for MMORPG is something truly unique. Although the opportunity to play from the first person would seem to have long been in the air, carrying the amazing championships of the gameplay.

The game was developed in China, however, the developers were inspired by the film by the film, because the main theme that is revealed in the game is the opposition of the world of nature and technologies. Each player can choose the other side and enter into an irreconcilable war.

1. Tera Online

The game provides a huge beautiful world, explore which is one pleasure. A huge number of skills that you can strengthen. By the way, it is worth noting that the combat system is very and quite attractive.

The game is good in all categories that can be measured only. There are here, of course, and your chips. For example, the non-target system is that is, to strike the enemy, you must aim in it, otherwise you just get involved. It looks so cooler than it sounds, believe me, the battle is very realistic. This is especially true of the shooters. First, it is difficult to get used to such a system, but after an hour of the game - you master and begin to bend. The Non-Target feature is that the player can bear the enemy, even if it is above it in terms of the level - and everything is just because the mouse is taking place and competently. Here is she, Tera online.

Naturally there is kraft, there is a prof, which can be pumped and a lot of what is peculiar to any self-respecting MMORPG. Finally, another important advantage of the game is its Russian localization, and of course free.