Who invented the map. Video: History of playing cards. French card names and masters

Very long time the invention of playing cards It was attributed to the French painter of the XIV century Jaclay Grangonnera, who allegedly invented these little painted cardboard sheets. And he did it with the aim of stepping by Karl VI in minutes of the enlightenment of the madness of His Majesty.

The version was the first to be refuted in the XVIII century two scientists of the writer, Absmir de Longrew and Riv, which in their disligrations convincingly proved that cards and card games appeared long before the reign of this poor sovereign.

The first undisputed proof of this is the authentic act of the Cologne Cathedral, who has paid the card game to spiritual persons.

This act appeared much earlier than that time when Grangonner presented them with the maps of the monarch with the misfortune of the monarch. A decent fee received for these cards has prompted the artist to work, and he began to work actively on improving maps. He replaced some figures On the maps, and in the reign of Karl VII made further changes in the images on the maps and invented the figures the names they wear and now.

So, by the whim of the artist David, peak king was the emblem of Charles VII, and the king worm was called Karl the Great. Queen Regina in Trefova dame Pictured Maria, Charles VII spouse.

Pallada, a peak lady, personified the Virgin Orleans, Jeanne D`ark. Rachel, Bubnovaya Lady - Gentle Agnes Sorell, and the worm lady Yudify - the light "on morality" Isabella Bavarian. Four valet (Sprayers) denoted by four brave knights: Rude and Lancel with Carlo Great, Hecker de Gallara and La Gira with Carlo Vii. And other names of the cards were constructed by the artist in the taste of that time - the militant allegory. The worms were the emblem of courage, peaks and tambourines represented weapons, trephies - edible supplies, fodder and ammunition. Finally ace (AS) in the Latin significance was that which was always recognized as the main wealth of war - money.

Painter Grangonner, thus, although it is not inventor cardsBut he left his compatriots and everyone for the inheritance, which largely contributed and contributes to the entertainment of people, and not only idle, but also business, and led to a variety of classes in all layers of society.

The phenomenon of the rapid distribution of maps worldwide is unparalleled. The cards play in all corners of the globe. The topic of research cards can be for a philosopher and psychologist, statistics and economist, for the moralist and minister of the cult ...

Need to admit that origin of cards Until now is covered with impenetrable mrak. Just late scholars, time had time to destroy monuments that could shed light on the history of the cards. However, many scientists have dedicated a majority of their lives to study the history of playing cards.

But, despite all their efforts, this story still abounds with many white spots, is configured, and it is safe to say that it is hardly for someone to succeed to figure out when the cards actually appeared and when for the first time The first players sat down at the playing table.

What did playing cards

Actually, for a card game, it is not necessary to have those playing cards that we know currently: rectangular, oval, round or some other shape made from dense cardboard. They can be made of wood, leather, ivory or even metal. Such cards can be seen in many museums of the world. In some countries, and still maps are made of wood, in some plastic materials in the form of Domino, especially for such card games, like Rams. and Canasta . Thus, the material from which cards make may be different. The most appropriate, however, turned out to be maps made of special paper. Moreover, such paper appeared almost simultaneously in many countries.

If the paper was indeed invented in China back in 105 of our era, then apparently not much later and paper cards appeared.

For the invention of maps there are many legends. According to one of them, in prehistoric times, a beautiful princess was abducted by one robber. Being imprisoned, she made from the skin of the map and taught to play their enslave. The robber allegedly is so fascinated by the game of cards, which, as a sign of gratitude, released the princess to freedom.

One Greek legend attributes to the invention of Camband's cards, the son of the Evobey Tsar Napplia, a very smart and cunning, who succeeded, for example, to expose the Odyssey itself. Odyssey wanted to stay away from the war Greeks against Troy. When, in connection with this, Palamned was found. Odyssey attracted crazy. And he did it like this: he was in a plow to his bulls also donkey, and began to settle the field not with grains, but to scatter in the furrow salt. However, Palamned immediately solved deception. He returned to the palace, took the son of Odyssey - Telemach from the cradle, brought him to the field and put in a furrow before the slaughter and donkey. Odyssey, of course, turned aside by giving it out. This trick of Palamned was the basis for the various inventions to be attributed to him. He allegedly invented the scales, letters, playing bones, some measures, and during the many years of the siege of the Troy - playing cards. And it happened 1000 years before our era!

There are researchers who call another person allegedly an invented maps. They allegedly are one of the seven wise men of ancient Greece, namely the philosopher Kilon, who wanted to help poor forget about food. To do this, he invented the cards in which the poor began to play and during the game they thoroughly forgot about hunger.

The list of legends and fairy tales of the invention of cards can be continued, but it is clear that they are not an invention of one single person.

How the rules of old card games were developed

It can be assumed that these were, first of all, combinational games like the current games of Rams and Canasta, that is, such games in which it was necessary to combine cards by pictures necessary as quickly as possible. This is evidenced by the fact What were the games in which maps were used not only with 3 and 4 images, but also from 5, 6 and more. Korea play cards with an image of 8 figures: men, horses, antelopes, rabbits, pheasant, crow, fish and stars. And for each of these figures there are 10 different car, i.e. the deck consists of 80 cards.

The Chinese in the old days played even on impaired monetary signs. Since the coins were little, and a long journey with a lot of money was dangerous, already in the 7th century the state was allowed the so-called "flying money". For the wasteful life of their yards, the masters needed everything in more money and ordered them to print them with whole piles. Money was depreciated with catastrophic speed, and it came to the point that in the 9th century they lost all values. Old banknotes exchanged new in the ratio of 1: 100, 1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000 ... It was at that time with old money began to play cards. And these cards from money existed in China almost until the end of the 9th century. In China, they also play cards, which depicts general, two advisers, elephants, horses, battle chariots, guns, as well as 5 soldiers. These 16 figures are painted in red, white, yellow and green. Each suit is repeated twice, and thus, the total number of cards in the deck is 128 pieces. Characteristic for Chinese maps has always been their form: they are long and narrow.

A completely different form of Indian cards, they are square, and sometimes round. Indian maps usually had 4 suits, but there were cards and 12 color, and each color consisted of 12 cards, i.e. the number of cards in the deck was 144.

When playing cards appeared in Russia

Presumably in Russia, the cards appeared shortly after their appearance in Europe, in particular in Germany and in France. They quickly penetrated primarily in the ruling circles. In any case, already with Anne Ioannovna and Elizabet Petrovna, card games, especially in court circles, flourished, and the highest heyday card games reached the reign of Catherine II. It is reliably known that Ekaterininskoy Velmazby played almost all the polls. Many of them raised their colossal states on a map, while the lands were played in tens of thousands of tents and the fortress people. The peasants are completely around, waking up in the morning, learned that they were trying to another person on the whims of the host and move to his property. The yard girls, especially beautiful, walked on the card sometimes for the tremendous amount, and along with them on the map they walked hunting dogs and thoroughbred horses.

About when the cards appeared in Russia, there are no accurate information. Some researchers believe that it happened quite late, approximately the second quarter of the 9th century. However, this contradicts other obvious facts. Researcher Yu. Dmitriev reports that in 1759 the mechanic Peter Dumolin, who came to Moscow, was demonstrated in one of the houses in German Slobod, "moving cards". And the other Russian researcher A. Vyatkin refers the emergence of cards in Russia to an even earlier term, by the 7th century, and justifies it by the famous royal deposition of 1649, in which he was prescribed to act with the players, "as with Tatya", that is, with thieves. In the opinion of the same Vyatkin, the maps came to Russia through Ukraine, from Germany ("Timing Cossacks Corotal for a card game").

The fact that the cards appeared in Russia simultaneously with their arrival in Europe, testifies that the Russians "went to the foot" with Europeans in mastering the secrets of many card games.

Video: Playing cards

A rare modern man did not hold the playing cards in the hands. The versions of their appearance are several, and the researchers have not yet come to a common opinion on this matter.

Maps ancient and very dramatic story. Long existing opinion that the maps were invented in France to entertain the mental king of Karl Vi insane, is just a legend. Already in ancient Egypt, they played with cuttings with numbers marked on them, in India - plates from ivory or sinks; In China, the cards similar to modern, are known since the XII century.

There are two main versions. The first is Chinese, although many still do not want to believe in it. Chinese and Japanese cards are too unusual for us and in appearance, and by the nature of the game, which is more like Domino. However, it is undoubted that already in the VIII century in China, the first sticks were used in China, and then the strips of paper with the designations of various symbols. These distant ancestors of cards were also used instead of money, so they had three masters: a coin, two coins and a lot of coins. And in India, on the playing cards, the figure of a four-row shiva was depicted, which kept the cup, sword, coin and rod. Some believe that these symbols of the four Indian classes and gave rise to modern card masters.

The Chinese complicated the game in the bone and got domino. Then instead of points on the signs began to depict figures, flowers and household scenes. Such signs were used to resemble the solitaire of the game "Mahjong", common in China and Japan. The essence of the game is to make a pair of the same from a set of tables on the table. From Asia, Italian travelers brought an idea to Europe to use cards with images for games. Surprisingly, neither bones nor Domino nor Mahjong disappeared with the advent of cards - an excellent example of coexistence of various branches of evolution.

But much more popular is the Egyptian version of the origin of the cards converted by the newest occultists. They argued that in ancient times, Egyptian priests recorded all the wisdom of the world on 78 gold signs, which were also pictured in the symbolic form of cards. 56 Of these, "younger arcans" - became ordinary playful cards, and the remaining 22 "senior arkan" were part of the mysterious tarot deck used for fortunes. This version was first published in 1785 by the French Occultist of Ettela, and its successors of the French Elimas Levi and Dr. Paul and the British Mates and Crowley created their own interpretation systems of Tarot. The name is allegedly comes from the Egyptian "Ta Roche" ("path of the kings"), and the cards themselves were listed in Europe or Arabami, whether the gypsies, who were often considered to come from Egypt.

True, no evidence of such an early existence of the Tarotie scholar deer found.

According to the third version (European version), ordinary cards appeared on the European continent no later than the XIV century. Back in 1367, in the city of Bern, the card game was banned, and ten years later, the shocked Papal Messenger watched with horror, as the monks enthusiastically cut into cards at the walls of her abode. In 1392, Jacken Gringonner, a jester of the showerful French king Karl VI, drew a card deck for entertaining his master. The then deck differed from the current one detail: it only 32 cards were in it. Not enough four ladies, whose presence seemed to be superfluous. Only next century, Italian artists began to depict Madonn not only in the paintings, but also on the maps.

There is an assumption that the deck is not a random set of cards. 52 cards are the number of weeks a year, four suites - four years of year. Green suit is a symbol of energy and vitality, spring, west, water. In medieval maps, the sign of the masters depicted with the help of a rod, proud, sticks with green leaves, which, when printing cards, simplified black peak. The red wash symbolized the beauty, north, spirituality. On the map of this master depicted cups, bowls, hearts, books. Yellow suit is a symbol of intelligence, fire, south, business success. On the playing card depicted a coin, a rhombus, a grilled torch, sun, fire, a golden bubber. Blue suit is a symbol of simplicity, decency. The sign of this suit was acorn, crossed swords, swords.

Cards at that time had a length of 22 centimeters, which made them extremely uncomfortable for the game.

There was no uniformity in cardas. In the early Italian decks, they wore the names of "swords", "Cups", "Denaris" (coins) and "wands". It seems like in India, it was associated with the estates: nobility, clergy and trading class, while the rod symbolized the royal power standing over them. In the French version, swords turned into "peaks", the Cups in "Chervi", denary - in the "Bubnes", and "Wands" - in the "Crosses", or "Treft" (the last word in French means "clover leaf") . In different languages, these names are now sounded differently; For example, in England and Germany, this "shovels", "hearts", "diamonds" and "clubs", and in Italy - "Spears", "Hearts", "Squares" and "Flowers". In German maps, you can still meet the old names of the masters: "Justice", "Hearts", "Bells" and "Leaves". As for the Russian word "worms", it happened from the word "Chervoy" ("Red"): It is clear that the "hearts" originally treated red suit.

Early card games were quite complicated, because in addition to 56 standard cards, 22 "senior arcans" were used in them plus another 20 trump cards called by the names of the zodiac signs and elements. In different countries, these cards were called differently and so confused the rules that it became simply impossible to play. In addition, cards were painted and cost so expensive that they could only be purchased rich. In the XVI century, the cards were radically simplified - almost all pictures disappeared from them with the exception of four "senior masters" and the jester (Joker).

Interestingly, all card images had real or legendary prototypes. For example, four kings are the greatest monarchs of antiquity: Karl Great (worms), Biblical king David (peaks), Julius Caesar (Bubnes) and Alexander Macedonian (Trephis). In relation to the ladies of such unanimity was not - for example, the lady of the worms were judith, then Elena Troyanskaya, then Didona. Lady Peak traditionally depicted as the goddess of War - Athena, Minerva, and even Jeanne D "ARC. In the role of ladies Peak after long disputes began to portray the biblical Rachel: she was ideal for the role of" Queen's money ", because she had some kind of her own father. Finally, the lady Tref, In the early Italian maps speaking as virtuous Lucretia, turned into argina - allegory of bustle and vanity.

- A frivolous figure in the Triko, the Schutskaya Cap, the Bubares ... And in the hands - a scepter with a head of a man, who is now humane artists replaced with musical "plates". In pre-revolutionary stage values, a similar character was called Fradyavolo. "" Above all, it does not have a suit and is considered the strongest in the game. Thus, at the top of the pyramid is not the king, but Daus ...

Ace - the word of Polish origin from German Daus. The German-Russian dictionary indicates the meaning of the word: Daus - Devil. It is possible that DAUS is a variant of the distortion of the Greek "DOLBOS" - the scatter slander.

The most complex figure of the card Pantheon is a currency, or, in English terminology, squire. The word "currency" first meant a servant or even a jester, but later it was approved by its other value - not quite honest, albeit a brave adventure officer. Such were all the real prototypes of the currencies - the French Knight of La Gir on the nicknamed Satan (Chervi), as well as the heroes of the Epos Ozier Dane (peaks), Roland (Bubnes) and Lancelot Lake (Trephs).

The "trump" cards, their very name, have their own special purpose. "Kosher" i.e. "Pure" called Talmudists ritual sacrifices ... What, as you understand, connected with Kabbalah.

Yet each researcher leads its interpretations of masters and figures. Menstroy's father believed that cards are symbols of great monarchies (Jewish, Greek, Roman, French), and four ladies are nothing more than the main women's virtues: piousness, motherhood, wisdom and beauty. Others believe that the "ladies" are depicted by such historical individuals like Maria Anjuic, Agnes Sorel, Isabella Bavarian and Zhanna D "Ark. But hypothesis remains hypotheses.

One Greek legend attributes to the invention of Camband's cards, the son of the Evobey Tsar Napplia, a very smart and cunning, who succeeded, for example, to expose the Odyssey itself. Odyssey wanted to stay away from the war Greeks against Troy. When, in connection with this, Palamned was found. Odyssey attracted crazy. And he did it like this: he was in a plow to his bulls also donkey, and began to settle the field not with grains, but to scatter in the furrow salt. However, Palamned immediately solved deception.

He returned to the palace, took the son of Odyssey - Telemach from the cradle, brought him to the field and put in a furrow before the slaughter and donkey. Odyssey, of course, turned aside by giving it out. This trick of Palamned was the basis for the various inventions to be attributed to him. He allegedly invented the scales, letters, playing bones, some measures, and during the many years of the siege of the Troy. And it happened 1000 years before our era!

By the XIII century, the cards were already known and popular throughout Europe. From this point on, the history of the development of cards becomes clearer, but rather monotonous. In the Middle Ages and fortune telling, and considered sinful. In addition, the cards became the most popular game during the working day - terrible sin, according to employers of all times and peoples. Therefore, from the middle of the XIII century, the history of the development of cards is becoming the history of the associated prohibitions.

For example, in France in the XVII century, Householders, in whose apartments they played gambling card games, paid a fine, lost civil rights and expelled from the city. Card debts were not recognized by law, and parents could recover a large amount with a person who won money from their child. After the French revolution, indirect taxes on the game were canceled, which stimulated its development. The "pictures" changed themselves - since the kings were in opal, then instead they were taken to draw geniuses, the ladies now symbolized virtues - in other words, the new social device came to the card symbolism. True, already in 1813, Vnets, ladies and kings returned to the cards. Indirect card for the game for the game was canceled in France only in 1945.

In Russia, the cards appeared at the beginning of the XVII century. By the middle of this century, they were already gained popularity as a "path" to crimes and inciting passions. In the "Casting" of 1649, at Queen, Alexei Mikhailovic was prescribed to the players to do so, "as written about Tatya", that is, beat them with a whip and deprive fingers and hand by cutting.

By decree 1696, under Peter I, it was prescribed to search for all those suspected in the desire to play cards, "... and someone will be removed, beat the whip." These punitive sanctions and similar followers were due to the costs associated with the spread of gambling card games. Along with them, there were so-called commercial card games, as well as the use of cards to show focus and folding solitaires.

The development of "innocent" forms of application of the cards contributed to the decree of Elizabeth Petrovna from 1761 on the separation of cards for prohibited for gambling and allowed for commercial games. The path of penetration of cards to Russia is not entirely clear, they received distribution in connection with the Polish-Swedish Intervention during the time of the time of the beginning of the early XVIII century.

In the XIX century The development of new drawings of playing cards began. She was engaged in academics of painting Adolf Iosifovich Charleman and Alexander Egorovich Beideman. It is worth noting that currently their sketches are stored in the State Russian Museum and in the Museum of Peterhof. However, the drawings of the Academician Adolf Josefovich Charlemman, who we know now, were launched in the production of Academician, which we also know.

A.I.Sharleman did not create a fundamentally new card style. Drawings on satin maps had their first-base so-called "North-German picture", which also took place from the very ancient folk French card deck.

Created new sketches of cards did not have their own name. The concept of "satin" in the middle of the 19th century relate to the technology of their manufacture. Atlas is a special variety of smooth, glossy, shiny silk fabric. The paper on which they were printed, pre-rubbed the talc on special talee cars. In 1855, a dozen deck of satin cards cost 5 rubles 40 kopecks.

Since the end of the XVIII century, the present has begun that covered the whole Russian culture. For example, Derzhanin lived mainly on money won in cards, and Pushkin in police reports was not as a poet, but as a "famous on Moscow". Gambling Nekrasov and Dostoevsky often lost the last penny, and careful Turgenev preferred the game "for interest." In the then secular society, especially provincial, almost the only entertainment were maps and associated scandals.

Gradually, card games were divided into commercial, based on a clear mathematical calculation, and gambling, where all the rules are the case. If the first (screw, whist, bridge,) established themselves among people educated, then the second (SEC, "point", a pigs and hundreds of others, right up to the harmless "podkin-fool") rearly reigned among the mortfles.

In the West, "mental" card games that train logical thinking were even included in the school curriculum. However, the cards began to serve for completely non-intellectual classes. If naked girls are depicted on them, there is not to Bridge. But this is a completely different game.

I must say, in the century there was a lot of wishing to upgrade card images, replacing them on animals, birds, bodies. For political purposes, the decks were produced, where Napoleon or German Emperor Wilhelm appeared in the role of kings. And in the USSR, during the years, attempts were attempts to depict workers with peasants and even introduce new suites - "sickles", "hammers" and "stars". True, such amateur is quickly stopped, and the cards stopped printing for a long time as "bourgeois decomposition attributes."

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September 23rd, 2010

It happens often with a player:
Having sat rich in the poor man.
Who took the card, pretty progress,
That is not to know the games happy.
Gambling Game:
She is not God's God, -
Satan came up with her!

Sebastian Brand. 1494

Have you ever asked yourself a question: what do playing cards mean? Where did the names come from - currency, ace, trefy, peaks, cherries, etc. If - yes! Then this is an article for you. Especially impressionable request not to read)

A few words about the history of the question:

There are 3 versions of the origin of the cards:

1. First - chineseAlthough many still do not want to believe in it. Chinese and Japanese cards are too unusual for us and in appearance, and by the nature of the game, which is more like Domino. However, it is undoubted that already in the VIII century in China, the first sticks were used in China, and then the strips of paper with the designations of various symbols. These distant ancestors of cards were also used instead of money, so they had three masters: a coin, two coins and a lot of coins. And in India, on the playing cards, the figure of a four-row shiva was depicted, which kept the cup, sword, coin and rod. Some believe that these symbols of the four Indian classes and gave rise to modern card masters.

2. Egyptian The version of the origin of cards converted by the latest occultists. They argued that in ancient times, Egyptian priests recorded all the wisdom of the world on 78 gold signs, which were also pictured in the symbolic form of cards. 56 Of these, "younger arcans" - became ordinary playful cards, and the remaining 22 "senior arkan" were part of the mysterious tarot deck used for fortunes. This version was first published in 1785 by the French Occultist of Ettela, and its successors of the French Elimas Levi and Dr. Paul and the British Mates and Crowley created their own interpretation systems of Tarot. The name is allegedly comes from the Egyptian "Ta Roche" ("path of the kings"), and the cards themselves were listed in Europe or Arabami, whether the gypsies, who were often considered to come from Egypt. True, no evidence of such an early existence of the Tarotie scholar deer found.

3. European version. (Let us dwell on it more - it is considered the main one). Conventional cards appeared on the European continent no later than the XIV century. Back in 1367, in the city of Bern, the card game was banned, and ten years later, the shocked Papal Messenger watched with horror, as the monks enthusiastically cut into cards at the walls of her abode. In 1392, Jacken Gringonner, a jester of the showerful French king Karl VI, drew a card deck for entertaining his master. The then deck differed from the current one detail: it only 32 cards were in it. Not enough four ladies, whose presence seemed to be superfluous. Only next century, Italian artists began to depict Madonn not only in the paintings, but also on the maps.

4. Occulta. According to the writer S.S. Narovchatova, with Ivan the Terrible appeared in Moscow someone Cherchelli. Cherchelli, in Italy was called French, in France - Hermann, in Germany - Pole, and in Poland - became Russian. He brought to Moscow, a chest coached in a shawl, black with red divorces, which as it were to match the masters - black and red. Cards began to be in demand. At first, it was tolerated for classes with the maps of power, but then they began to persecute for them, because the intervention of unclean strength was seeing. From the legislative monuments about the maps for the first time mentions the Code of 1649, which prescribes with the players to act "as written about Tatya" (thieves), i.e. Be a little, cut off your fingers and hands. Decree 1696 It was introduced to search all those suspected in the desire to play cards "and someone will be removed, beat the whip." In 1717 The game is prohibited at the threat of money fine. In 1733 For recidivists, prison is defined, or baute.

So what do the masters and the values \u200b\u200bof the cards mean?

The structure of the card decks everyone is known: Ace, the king, lady, the currency is even lower than dozens, nines, and so before the sixth or to the twos in the full deel - a typical hierarchical staircase from higher to the lower:

Joker - a frivolous figure in the Triko, the Schutskaya Cap, the Bubakers ... And in the hands - the Scepter with a head of a man-held on him, who is now humane artists replaced with musical "plates". In pre-revolutionary stage values, a similar character was called Fradyavolo. "Joker" above all, it does not have a suit and in the game is considered the strongest. Thus, at the top of the pyramid is not the king, but Daus ...

Ace - the word of Polish origin from German Daus. The German-Russian dictionary indicates the meaning of the word: Daus - Devil. It is possible that DAUS is a variant of the distortion of the Greek "DOLBOS" - the scatter slander.

King. Interestingly, all card images had real or legendary prototypes. For example, four kings are the greatest monarchs of antiquity: Karl Great (worms), Biblical king David (peaks), Julius Caesar (Bubnes) and Alexander Macedonian (Trephi).

In relation to the ladies of such unanimity was not - for example, the lady of the worms were judith, then Elena Troyanskaya, then Didona. The lady peak was traditionally depicted as the Goddess of War - Athena, Minerva and even Jeanne d'Ark. In the role of ladies, peak after long disputes began to portray the biblical Rachel: she perfectly approached the role of the "Queen of Money", because he robbed his own father. Finally, the lady Tref, in the early Italian maps speaking as a virtuous Lucretia, turned into argin - the allegory of bustle and vanity.

Valet (FR. Valet, "servant", "Laki", egoologically dimming from "Vassal"; the old Russian name "Holop", "Klap") - a playing card with a picture of a young man. All the real prototypes of the currencies (according to the European version) - the French knight of La Gir on the nicknamed Satan (Chervi), as well as the heroes of the epic of the bearer of the Dane (peaks), Roland (tambourines) and Lancelot Lake (Trephs).

The "trump" cards, their very name, have their own special purpose. "Kosher" i.e. "Pure" called Talmudists ritual sacrifices ... What, as you understand, connected with Kabbalah.

Now suit:

In the French version, swords turned into "peaks", the Cups in "Chervi", denary - in the "Bubnes", and "Wands" - in the "Crosses", or "Treft" (the last word in French means "clover leaf") . In different languages, these names are now sounded differently; For example, in England and Germany, this "shovels", "hearts", "diamonds" and "clubs", and in Italy - "Spears", "Hearts", "Squares" and "Flowers". In German maps, you can still meet the old names of the masters: "Justice", "Hearts", "Bells" and "Leaves".

As for the occult principles, the essence of them is as follows:
1. "Cross" (Trefa) is a map with the image of a cross, on which Jesus was crucified and whom the polio is twisted. Translated from Yiddish "Trefa" means "bad" or "evil"

2. "Vini" (peaks) - symbolizes the gospel peak, that is, Spear of the Holy Martyr Longgin Centnik, who he pierced the belly of Jesus

3. "Worms" - implies a gospel sponge on the canes: "One of the warriors, took a sponge, filled with vinegar and, imposing a cane, gave him to drink"

4. "Bubnes" - a graphic image of gospel forged quadrogenic serrated nails, which were nailed by the hands and legs of Jesus to a wooden cross.

An interesting fact that in the USSR during the NEP years there were attempts to depict workers with peasants and even introduce new suites - "sickles", "hammers" and "stars". True, such amateur is quickly stopped, and the cards stopped printing for a long time as "bourgeois decomposition attributes."

As always - it is worth only to climb into some kind of theme deeper, and so much new and interesting is immediately detected! It would seem playing cards - what's this thing?

History of cards

Those cards we are accustomed to from childhood came to us at the beginning of the 17th century through Poland and Germany from France. "Russian deck" in 36 cards is a trimmed (i.e. starting with six) 54-card "French deck".

In about 15-16th centuries, the French deck fully developed in their usual form and since then practically did not change. Recent changes - this appearance in 1830 symmetric about the vertex-niza pattern in 1830 (before the card figures were drawn in full height), the appearance of rounded angles, the appearance of small index patterns in the corners of the map (in 1864 they paten them in America).

1658, Guinea, France. Modern reprint deck with the addition of indexes and rounding corners of cards

In the middle of the 15th century, France got from Italy, where there was a private card deck with unusual as masters for us (see below), slightly different from the region to the region (62 cards from Bologna, 78 in Venice, 98 in Florence) . A feature of such cards was 21 trump card - "Senior Arkana". Apparently, the Tarot cards appeared so, which were played until the 18th century, and only then the occultists began to use them).

Italian maps refer to the so-called "Latin" (Spanish, Portuguese) - this is the first European maps, brought to Apennins at the end of the 14th century by crusaders from the countries of the East.

The first written mention of playing cards in Europe is a decree of 1367, prohibiting the card game in the city of Bern. In 1392, Jacken Gringonner, a jester of the showerful French king Karl VI, drew a card deck for entertaining his master. That deck was different from modern - there was only 32 cards in it (there was no ladies).

The further history of the cards is lost in the centuries. There are several versions of their origin.

One of them is borrowing a card game from Persia through India. It is in Persian sources that have the earliest mention of this game. In the "Chronicles of Egypt and Syria" there is a reference to knowing when the court played the game "Kanjifah", using cards of 8 strings of 12 cards. But under the influence of Muslims in the middle of 17th century, this game was forgotten.

In India, the cards have taken place, the local deck was called Ganyfa. This word is first mentioned in 1527 in the diary of Emperor Babur (Babur), where he writes that he sent a deck to his friend.

On Indian round playing cards, the figure of a four-rowed shiva was depicted, which kept the cup, sword, coin and rod. It is believed that these symbols of the four Indian classes and gave rise to the masters of the Latin deck.

Handzhif cards are still manufactured in Razistan (India)

Another common version is Turkic. In the 12-13 centuries, Egyptian Mameluki played a deck of 52 cards with advantages from 1 to 10, in which there were four masters (swords, sticks, bowls and coins), "Malik" (Emir - King) and his two assistants - "Naib Malik "And Tanya Naib. It very much resembles a "Latin deck", in it also originally absent ladies, and there were kings, currencies and cavaliers. Only the sticks of steel in Europe with ceremonial rods (or batons). And the word "Naib", "Assistant", became the name of the card game.

In 1939, L.Aeier in the Istanbul Museum Topkapi found an incomplete deck of Mamluki cards.

Mamluk cards. Ten Cups, Troika Cups, First Cup Counselor, Second Cup Advisor.

There is a version that seems to me simply attempted to mystification that the maps came to us from Egypt. She first announced in 1785 the French Occultist of Ettela. Allegedly, Egyptian cards are 78 gold plates, on which the priests recorded all their knowledge. 56 Of these, "younger arkans" - became ordinary playful cards, and with 22 "older arcans" they made a target deck used for fortunes. But the scientists did not find any archaeological confirmations of this version.

Another version, which also does not personally cause me confidence that the card game manifested itself in the 12th century in China. But although there are paper pictures with various images of colors and birds, several resembling cards, but the rules of the game in them are similar, rather, on Domino.

Chinese "cash" cards

Drawing card

The most common playing card design in Russia is traditional "satin cards," it was created in the mid-19th century by Academician of Painting Adolf Josephovich Charlemander. Since then, the drawing has not changed, not believing that the image of the emblem of the Russian Empire was removed from the card of the worm currency and the tambourous ace.

But Charleman did not create a fundamentally new card style. When developing drawings, he relied on the tradition of the "North-German picture", which came from the ancient folk French card deck.

1875 year. Satin cards made according to the sketch of A.Sharelemyan

The Anglo-American playing card template, common worldwide, developed from Ruan (Variety of French) Template.

Anglo-american pattern

The "Parisian Template" cards were created in the middle of the 17th century on the basis of the artist's cards of Hectery de Tro. Nowadays, the image of the Parisian template is most often found on the playing cards for the preference (deck of 32 cards) of French production.

Maps of the Paris Sample Template 1895

In French maps, unlike ours, where "pictures" - just abstract kings and queens, each map is attributed to his prototype:

king worms - Karl Great
king Peak - King David
king Buben - Julius Caesar
king Tref - Alexander Macedon
lady worms - Judith (earlier images - Elena Trojan or Didona-Founder Carthage)
lady Peak - Athena Pallada (in other versions of Minerva or Zhanna D "ARK)
lada Tuben - Rachel (biblical character. personifies greed and soberly)
the lady Tref - Argin (anagram of the word "queen" - "Regina". The name of Argini soon began to call the mistresses of the French kings). Interestingly, this card most often changed the prototype: it was portrayed a virtuous Lucretia, a chart of charm Filon, Huquba).
camnet worms - Etienne de Vigol (nicknamed La Gear - "rage"). Advisor Zhanna D "Ark, who became the hero of the Folk Folklore.
rates Peak - Ogor (Ogorier) Dane. The cousin of Charles Great, National Hero of Denmark
buben - Hector (but not Troyansky Tsarevich, and Hector de Marhe, Round Table and Brother Lancelot)
valts Tref - Lancelot. Knight Round Table.

On these cards of the French "decks on the legs" (1648) images are signed by their names.

The tradition of decorating the peak ace went from the fact that during the reign of King Yakov I English (1566-1625), a decree was issued, according to which there was a peak (since this card first in the deck) it was necessary to print information about the manufacturer and its logo. On the same Ace put a special seal, testifying to pay special cards.

Card masts

We are familiar to us the masses of cards - peaks, trees, tambourines, worms, - also have their own history. They were invented in France and together with the "French deck" were now worldwide distribution, practically pushing two other major types of playing cards - "Italian and" German "decks.

Maste originally symbolized the attributes of the knight - spear (peaks), sword (trephies), shield (worms) and coat of arms (tambourines).

These suit are the result of the transformation of the antiques "Italian deck" - "swords", "cups" (chash), "pentacles" (coins, dinaris, disks) and "wands" (clubs, blinds). It seems like in India, they symbolized class: nobility, clergy, merchants and the royal power standing over them.

In the French version of "swords" turned into "peaks", "Cups" - in "Chervi", "Pentakley" - in "Bubnes", and "Wands" - in "Crosses", or "Treft" ("Treft" French means "clover leaf" or "Visitnik").

In different countries, the names of the masters now sound differently.

In France, they are literally translated as follows: peaks (spears), shaded, hearts, tiles (bridge).
In Italy - Peaks (Spears), Flowers, Hearts, Squares.

In Spain, initial names are preserved, batons, bowls (cups), coins.

In Germany and England - shovels, batons, hearts, diamonds.

In addition, on German maps (southern and eastern regions of Germany) and now you can meet ancient designation: acorns, bubrentes, leaves, hearts. They are also used in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia. Croatia, Hungary and Romania.

Switzerland has its own national options - flowers (roses), tambourines, shields (coat of arms) and aches.

In Russia, the name of the Cerves cards, apparently, from the French "Cur" - a heart, or from the word "Chervoy" i.e. "Red", also associated with a heart.

Traditional deck. Spain, 1590

Traditional deck. Italy

Traditional deck. Germany

Traditional deck. Switzerland

Interestingly, the currency (from the French Valet - servant, Lackey) is associated with an adventurer, a brave, but a rolled adventure crawler.

In some options, card decks (for example, in the ancient "Spanish", "Swiss", "German" deck) there are no ladies, but besides the king there are two more male characters - Unter (Junior Vallets) and Ober (senior curren).
Queen's cards first appeared in Italy, from where they were borrowed by the French.

Map of modern distribution of national decks:

Taken from here:

Hello everybody.

Today I will tell you one of the many versions on how playing cards appeared in Russia. Many versions are a reflection of those epochs in which maps originated. And this version is one of the curious.

Modern playing cards are a multi-stage development of history, with its advice and falls, the development of the story that is constantly developing, and is looking for new ways of perfection.

Only one of this fact is to be proud.
One of the mystery remains that no one has yet been known to the exact date, the year of the origin of playing cards, and also the mystery to this day the place of their invention remains.

Place the origin of the card

Of course, you probably read many theories about a particular place and the date of origin. In one old Chinese dictionary, Ching Jie Tunga (this dictionary was popular in 1678 in Europe), it says that playing cards were invented in 1120 in China, but in 1132 they received mass distribution in China.

But let's consider today several options for the emergence of cards, in addition to the Chinese version, also consider the version of the Indian and Egyptian version.
With all interest in the cards, the Japanese and Chinese deck are unusual for us, which is sometimes surprising and misleading our mind.

Appearance, the nature of the game, which is similar to Domino - all this is of interest. However, there is information that in China in the VIII century, wands were used for games, and after a strip of paper with different symbols.

These distant progenitors were used as or instead of money, which is why there were only three masters: a coin, two coins and a lot of coins.

After some time, the Japanese appeared a fourth suit, and the meaning of the masters also changed, now these suit symbolized the seasons, and the number of cards (52 pcs) in the deck meant the number of weeks a year.

There is also another theory of the origin of playing cards. Before the appearance, all of us habitual paper cards, the Japanese played special signs that resembled cards, carved from ivory or wood with drove out figures.

And in medieval Japan, the founders of playing cards served sinks from mussels, such cards were among the most amazing.

With the help of playing maps, solitaire was laid out on the table, in the decomposed shells, seashells were searched with the same patterns. Such paces, the fame of maps and in India and in Egypt became in the XIII century.

One of the most interesting moments was that in India in the pictures of playing cards, a four-time Shiva was depicted, who had a cup, sword, coin and rod.

After such images of the four-rifle Shiva in India, it became believed that these items in the hands of Shiva denoted class and this was the beginning of modern cardas.
But one of the most popular versions of the origin of playing cards is Egyptian. This version is promoted by modern occultists.

They argue that in the deep ancient times of the priests of Egypt recorded all the wisdom and the sacraments of the world on 78 gold signs, and these signs were depicted in the form of symbols of playing cards.

The plates were divided into parts: 1. "Younger Arcana" - 56 pieces (later they became ordinary playing cards); 2. "Senior Arcans" - 22 pieces, considered mysterious cards tarot decks, and used them exclusively for fortunes.
This version was launched in the mass in 1785 by French county ettehyl, and its numerous successors not only supported and continued, but also created their own system interpretation of tarot cards.

The name of Tarot allegedly has the origin from the Egyptian word "that Roche", which means "the path of the king", and they are listed in Europe, again, allegedly, were either Arabs, or gypsies, who, by the way, were often considered before the people from Egypt, and maybe This day is considered so.
The only thing I can tell you is that not a single evidence of such an early factories of Tarot's cards, no scientist was failed to prove it.

Card appearance in Europe

There are several versions about the appearance of cards in Europe. One of the versions is such that the appearance of cards is associated with the appearance of Gypsies in Europe in the XV century.

And the other version opens the interesting fact to us, as if a little-known painter invented the maps for entertainment, the sillioned king of France Karl VI (1368-1422), and in history, he is known to everyone as Karl insane. Allegedly with the advent of such entertainment at the king, he calmed down and his despotic crazy character was distracted.

The view is that the invention of cards for Karl VI crazy as entertainment and joy is just another legend. The game on cuttings with images of numbers on them was played in ancient Greece already in those days, and in India are shells or plates from ivory; And in China, playing cards are similar to our modern cards, are known from the XII century.
In 1379, the first documentary confirmation of maps was published. A note appeared in the chronicle of one of the cities in Italy: "A game introduced a game, which came from the country of Saracin and called them" Naib ".
By the name of this game "Naib" - it can be assumed that this game was invented by the military, or had a military character, because "Naib" means "captain", "boss".

Arab cards

Arab cards had one feature that distinguished them from other playing cards, only numbers were depicted on these cards, the ban was on the image of human figures, such was the law of Mohamomet. Therefore, the French rather did not invent the cards, and only transformed already available to all sorts of drawings.

Maste card decks have always been diverse. In some of the earliest Italian deck, do you have called the names: "Swords", "Cups", "Wands", "Denaris" (coins).

It was very similar to Indian themes: the clergy, nobility and the trading class, and the rod himself symbolized the royal power to us all of us.
But the French came up with their version of the masters and they had "peaks" instead of swords, the Cups became "worms", denary turned into "Bubni", and the rods were called "crosses" or "Treph" "Treft - from French means" Clover Leaf " ).

Variety of titles

These names, in different languages, are now sounding in different ways, for example: England and Germany are "shovels", "diamonds", "hearts" and "clubs", Italy is "spears", "hearts", "flowers" and "Bells" and "Leaves". And in Russia, the word "worms" happened from the word "Chervoy", i.e. Red, now it is clear why the worms originally treated red masters.

Maps, cards, cards .. Ah it is a word, many people have a word in this way, Azart took the top of us, the mind did not cope. The rapid pace of the card was distributed in many European countries.

The government is watching all this, tried to tighten the excitement in people, taking measures and prohibiting the game of cards, but ... All attempts are insignificant. Along with the crooking gambling, new and new gambling cards appeared.

In Germany, craft shops began to appear, which were engaged in the manufacture of cards, the methods of selection were also improved.
In the XV century, the masts of the cards were installed in the XV century, which still exist to this day. It is believed that the suit of each card speaks of the four main objects of the knightly ego: Trephists - Sword, Chervi - shield, peaks - spears, tambourines - banner and coat of arms.

What is encrypted in the maps?

There is a mystical connection in the maps and something unearthly and at the same time all of us familiar, for example, 52 cards are the number of weeks per year; 4 suites - correspond to the times of the year; Each suit is 13 cards, the same number of weeks in every time of year; If you fold all the values \u200b\u200bof the cards, the total amount will turn out 364 - as well as the number of days a year without one. Amazing nearby.
The first card games were very intricate, because not only 56 standard cards took part in the game, but also 22 senior arcany cards, and another 20 cards that were visor named for the elements and signs of the zodiac.

From the country to the country, the names of these cards are confused and how confused is that it has already become simply impossible to play. And the uniqueness of these cards was that they were painted manually and the price of them was large enough, and that is why only rich people could acquire them.

Radical changes occurred in the XVI century, when almost all pictures disappeared, there were only four "older masties" and the joker's jack. Interesting the fact that all images on the maps were either real or legendary heroes.

We continue to investigate how playing cards appeared.

Who played the role of kings?

For example, four kings, amazing people of antiquity: Great cards (worms), Julius Caesar (tambourine), Biblical king David (Peaks), Alexander Macedonian (Trephis). Regarding the ladies on the cards, the unanimity was not - the lady of worms was YDIFE, then Didona, then Elena Troyanskaya.

The peak lady personified the goddess of War - Athena, Minerva, Jeanne d'Ark. In the role of a fatal woman, ladies Peak, after many disagreements, began to portray the biblical Rachel, it was like anyone better for the role of the "Queen of Money", because She robbed his own father.

The lady Trefer acted as a virtuous Lucretia, gradually turned into arginas - symbolizes the bustle and vanity.
One of the most complex card figures is a currency, from English means a squire.

Initially, the words "currency" was the value of servants and even the jesters, but then approved in another meaning. The French Knight of La Gear, the nickname of which was Satan (Wormi), the heroes of the epic of the Randing Dane (peak), Roland (Bubne) and Lancelot Lake (Trephists).

The first cards were very expensive due to the fact that they were painted by hand, the machines did not exist in their production. The length of the card was, at that time 22 cm, it was very not comfortable, but it was convenient for card drawers.

Satin cards

In our lives, where we are accustomed to all that we are familiar from childhood - it seems usual. Here are satin cards, she is native and familiar for us, looking at other cards, they may seem like ridiculous.

Not one ten years, satin maps are distributed throughout the world and that is why they have earned our trust.

They are so familiar to us as fairy tales like myths and epics. But the cards appeared in Russia just in the middle of the 19th century.

An alone of the highest specialists, Academician Adolf Iosifovich Challemani (Bode-Charleman) and Alexander Egorovich Beideman were engaged in issues of decoration.

These people made an era of their talent, your skill, already after an era, card images decorated with these people are a benchmark and wonderful card graphics. In this period, these masterpieces are decorated with a meeting of the State Russian Museum and the Peterhof Card Museum. We continue to investigate how playing cards appeared.


Over time, the games in the cards were divided into two components: commercial (purely mathematical calculation), gambling (will case). The first option (screw, whist, preference, bridge, poker) took root from the educated people who loved to play, then the second direction (SEC, "Point", a pigs and hundreds of others, up to the harmless "pricker fool") reigned in common.

The West progressed towards cards, developing the logic and thinking of the game were included in the school curriculum of children. However, to judge and argue, play, think, win. My story about how playing cards appeared ended.

I advise you to learn:,

Good luck in your story, be lucky.