Quests at school. Quests at school Ready-made scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

What you need to know when ordering a quest on the school grounds

  1. The event must be coordinated with the principal of the school and the class teacher. Even if the quest is planned on a school street area open to other visitors. This is important so that on the day of the game there are no unexpected difficulties with the guards.
  2. The quest lasts about 1.5 hours. The exact time depends on the area that we use for the game and the activity of the participants themselves.
  3. A quest at school requires preparation and adaptation of tasks. We will come to see the game site a week or two before the event. We will discuss the details with you, agree on what can be used. What is better to avoid.
  4. All programs are hosted by hosts. These are not animators, but pleasant active young people who easily find a language with children.

Choosing a quest for high and elementary school

  • When planning a quest in elementary school, be prepared for the hyper-active behavior of the guys. This is not surprising - gambling and your own discoveries will excite anyone.
  • Our quest for high school students is a full-fledged investigation. A complex, action-packed detective, we offer the same for adults. So don't expect an elementary walkthrough! A serious quest is just what teenagers will appreciate.
  • If you are planning a quest in a school class, choose our quiz. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make a full-fledged quest in a single room. But let's play an intellectual quiz, during which you do not need to move anywhere.
  • For a full-fledged quest, you need a fairly large area. Depending on the program, this may be several classes and a corridor (for an investigation quest, for example). And for a quest game for an elementary school related to finding objects, a school street area or several floors in the building itself is suitable. But Fort Boyard can be placed both in the assembly hall and in the sports hall, but it is optimal to play on the school grounds.
  • If you are planning a school quest for several classes, we will develop an individual program. In it, we combine diverse tasks - sports, logical and team building. 60-150 people can participate in such a game! The quest competition will captivate the children for the whole day and will provide an opportunity to show their abilities at different stages of the quest.

When planning a children's party, the easiest option is to contact people who are professionally involved in organizing holidays. They will offer you a lot of options for holding, various types of entertainment, among which quests are especially popular today.

Quest- this is a chain of tasks, interconnected by some topic, a common goal.

It is not surprising that children are delighted with quests, because they love to solve mysteries, go to the goal and get such a coveted prize as a result.

But to arrange an exciting quest, it is not necessary to contact anyone. By turning on ingenuity and imagination, any parent can write a script for their special quest, which will be compiled taking into account the hobbies and interests of your child. And such a quest will be even more valuable, because you have put your soul into it, and even more interesting, because who, if not you, knows how to interest your own child.

To write a script, you will need tasks for a quest for children. Consider different options for children's tasks, arranging which, you can create your own unique scenario.

To read it, you need to do certain actions with it. Examples of such a letter:

  • milk lettering. Appears when heated. To do this, you will need matches or a lighter, so this task should not be given to kids. But even if you are doing a quest for schoolchildren, at this stage it is desirable to participate or at least the presence of an adult for security purposes.
  • wax candle or crayon. Paper with a hint must be painted over with a pencil so that the inscription appears. Great safe option.
  • embossed inscription. We take two sheets of paper, put it on a soft surface and write a message so that it is printed on the bottom sheet. It will be our secret letter. To read the inscription, it must be painted over in the same way as in the previous version.


You can easily make your own. For example, the answer to the next stage will be the word “sun”. For each letter of the word, we come up with another word: the letter “C” is a dog, etc. And it may not necessarily be the first letter of the word. Then for each of the words we select a leading question or a riddle. The answers fit into the cells and the result is a hint word in one of the columns. We paint it with some color. An example of such a crossword can be found here.

Hidden clue

For this type of task, you will need a container with sand, any cereal or pasta, in which a capsule with a hint is hidden. You can also use a bucket of water.

Such tasks are more suitable for a quest that takes place in nature.

You can hide the hint not in a container, but in a certain area. It can be some bushes or thick grass.


One or more questions, after solving which, the participants receive a hint. It is desirable that the questions of the quiz were united by one topic. These can be phrases from fairy tales, according to which you need to guess the fairy tale itself.

More quiz options:

  • we take several objects or pictures, you need to guess from which movie or cartoon these objects are;
  • geographical quiz - guess countries, cities;
  • a quiz with questions about animals, birds or insects;
  • a quiz with questions about household appliances or about any items used in everyday life.

If the quest is conducted with schoolchildren, the quiz can be devoted to any subject that they study at school. In this case, the task will be not only exciting, but also useful.


More suitable for nature, but can also be arranged at home. On the street, it can be stretched ropes between which you need to crawl, or a tunnel of branches - this should already be looked at from the availability of materials.

At home, you can use a special children's tunnel or stretch tape between the walls in the corridor.


It can be in both prose and verse form. The answer is the key to the next task.

To complicate the task, write the riddle backwards - then the children will have to try to read it, and then only guess.


We depict the key word with the help of a rebus. You can choose a ready-made rebus, or you can come up with it yourself.


We pre-print a word or a picture on paper, stick the paper on thick cardboard and cut it into pieces. The task of the child is to put the puzzle together to get a hint.

Word encrypted with phone buttons

Phone buttons have letters, which means that each letter in a word can be represented by a number. But each number corresponds to several letters, which complicates the task. Such tasks are suitable for schoolchildren, kids may not be able to cope with them.

Word encrypted with icons

Each letter of the alphabet is indicated by some kind of sign - a circle, a square, an asterisk. Children are given a cipher of signs and an alphabet with symbols. Their task is to pick up letters and guess the word as soon as possible.

find 10 differences

A well-known entertainment since childhood is to compare two pictures and find the differences. It is quite possible to make it a task for a children's quest. The team to look for differences is much more fun and interesting.

relay races

This is part of the quest in nature. There are a lot of relay variations. You can come up with your own, stylizing it to match the theme of the quest. For example, if the quest is dedicated to the New Year, then instead of a ball, children can pass each other a toy snowman or a bag of Santa Claus with gifts.

Who is out of place here?

Children are offered a few words or pictures. Their task is to determine which object or word is superfluous. The extra word will be the key to the next stage. A variant with complication - we guess each word with a riddle or a rebus, then the children first need to unravel the words, and then look for something superfluous among them.


We prepare cards with hints in advance, on each card there is a word and a number. To find out which word is the key, you need to count something. You can count steps in the entrance, benches or trees on the street, windows in the house, etc. We complicate the task - we need to count several objects, then add these numbers to get the key.

Find the right box

It is necessary to prepare several identical boxes, one of which contains a key or a word. The task of the participants is to open all the boxes. The option is more complicated - we put a key in each, but only one of them fits the lock, or we put a piece of paper in each, but only one of them has a hint.

Mirror reflection

We write a word or a riddle in a mirror image. Participants must guess for themselves that they need to use a mirror to read. By the way, the mirror can also be hidden, thereby making the task even more interesting.

General task rules

Only the main options for tasks are selected here, you can take them as a basis or come up with your own, but you must follow a few rules:

  • All assignments must be free of danger. You can not force a child to swim across the river or kindle a fire;
  • Problems must be age appropriate for participants to be able to actually solve them. But at the same time, they should not be too simple;
  • the stages of the quest should be united by one theme, smoothly transition into each other, line up in a logical chain;
  • at the end, the participants should expect a prize, and it should be such that no one is offended. If the game is a team game, then the prize should be calculated for the whole team. If desired, you can give small prizes at each stage of the passage.

We hope that our tips will help you and you will organize your original and exciting children's quest!

Disgusting event and disgusting company! On 12/14/2019, a quest was presented by the Quest-for-everything.rf company called Sherlock. A disgusting room, the props are old, shabby, not to mention the fact that they are catastrophically small. 15 minutes before the start, a girl called me and asked me to stay for 20 minutes, because. they have renovations. Despite the fact that we had planned the participation of 16 people. The room is completely unequipped for receiving participants, they led me into a dark room with 2 hooks on the wall for clothes. There were hints at every turn along the way. We didn't even have time to look around. It feels like they were trying to get us out of there as soon as possible. The quest itself is not interesting at all. To my numerous requests to contact the administration, I received only answers "you will be contacted." As a result, my phone number was blocked by the company. Payment is accepted only by Sberbank-online to some non-resident card, as a result of which the commission was also deducted for the transfer. They work without checks. Disgusting work! No compensation for the disrupted event did not wait, not even an apology!

An unexpectedly real and emotionally rich quest. The brain perceives everything as truth and you can directly smell, you catch sharp movements out of the corner of your eye, you feel a real fall, some objects look so real that you feel uncomfortable ... It was both scary and fun, the puzzles are interesting and unbanal, the end is especially epic! Unlike classic quests in rooms, emotions are at the limit.

With friends, we completed the escape plan quest, escaped in 48 minutes, this is a success) At the beginning it was a little creepy to be handcuffed in a prison cell, but in general it was very exciting. Interestingly, the quest rooms consist not only of prison ones.

Fascinating quest, my child personally ran out on emotions) She told in a chokehold how their team tried to escape from the captivity of aliens, through whose fault they were "stuck" on an alien planet. The children went through the quest with an animator-cosmonaut, which was very pleasing. I recommend the company and the quest.

I went with my younger sister and her classmates to the "School of Magic" quest. It's amazing that 10-year-old children know everything about Harry Potter)) Both spells and magic wands came in handy) The quest is not difficult, but the animator Hermione helped us)

For a long time I wanted to take the children to a real quest, I chose a quest from Exitgames. Among all the quests of the Avengers company - designed for the smallest, as I need - I have children 5 and 7 years old. They took an animator in an Iron Man costume for an additional fee, the children really liked it. Without the help of the animator, it would be difficult for children. Impressions are good.

It was great! The game hour flew by. The three of us experienced deja vu, again plunging into the magical world of Harry Potter - each had his own magic wand, magic spells opened doors, and the sorting hat identified me in Gryffindor))! To be honest, not everything worked out right away, we managed to get out in 55 minutes, although I would not say that the riddles were difficult. Having called for help all their ingenuity and "" magic wand "" finally found a magic potion)

We were at the children's quest for the first time, the child chose the "Escape Plan" himself, we supported it. There were 4 of us, three children and me. The quest is of high quality and the puzzles are selected so that all the children are busy, in order to get into the next room you need to solve not one, but several. The quest is small, perfect for 3-5 people. We managed, but took hints. I was glad that I could take pictures in the quest. After the quest, we drank coffee with cakes in a cafe at the center, but I would like more variety of food - if you didn’t order in advance, there are no hot dishes available.

I made a gift for my 14-year-old son for his birthday - he and his friends went on the Ring of the Nibelungen quest. I went on my own and share my experience. I liked the quest, it was difficult, the guys did not have time to complete it, as they say, a couple of minutes were not enough, but the administrators prompted and explained the last task at the end. Detective quest, logic tasks. I guessed with a gift. Thank you and I recommend

Together with my sons and my husband, this quest went through the mystery of the "Flying Dutchman" - I can say it really captivates, the surroundings are wonderful - there is a mast with a sail, and a helm, and a cabin and a captain's bridge. The only thing is that the room is a bit small, but there were 5 of us, but more would be crowded) I liked it, the puzzles were not difficult, they passed in 45 minutes.

First, we will separate the flies and cutlets. I want you to immediately understand for what type of quests the tasks are collected here.

Type of quests for which these tasks are suitable

In total, 5 types of quests can be distinguished (my selection is only for the latter):

  • Quest rooms. There, the props are built into the walls and partially laid out on pieces of furniture and on the floor. Participants move from one room to another and solve a chain of puzzles.
  • Exit quests. These hosts bring a lot of props to your home, office, loft, dacha, school, entertainment center or nearest park and play an interesting thematic game with a plot. Props are complex and expensive (often made to order or purchased on special sites). . Here .
  • Banquet Quest. Everyone is sitting at the tables, the actors show fragments of the performance, the assistants carry the props. Guests are active participants in what is happening. .
  • Quest-walker. You can walk around the museum, city, park, manor, recreation center. Run. Ride a special bus, bicycle or even a jeep on a difficult route outside the city. The participants have a map, a goal, a chain of difficult tests. As artifacts - museum exhibits, monuments, signs on houses, stucco, statues, drawings on forged gates and fences, graffiti and even advertising banners. .
  • Home paper quest. This is my personal name. The point is that participants receive all tasks in the form of letters, notes, scrolls, SMS. Such a game can be invented and played by parents or teachers themselves, using the most common household items: books, balloons, kitchen utensils, boxes, chess, souvenirs, furniture, household appliances, toys, etc.

How to use these examples of tasks for the quest

These ideas are for creative people. Such people read the description of the quest task, and suddenly come up with something completely new. They don’t just change words and pictures, but make up a new puzzle that suddenly “flies” into the head. Even the book is "Steal like an artist." Look for the old, make your own arrangement, create a new one, passing through the experience of predecessors.

The cheat sheet contains examples of collective gathering and my personal "arrangements". Use, inspire, create.

I remind you that all this is suitable for those who conduct quests for their children or students. For professional presenters, there is also something useful, but you need to use real game props.

Story and mechanics

I'll try to be very short. You can't just give kids one puzzle after another. You need to come up with or borrow a ready-made plot and main characters from literature or cinema, determine the goal, think through the obstacles on the way to this goal. And to overcome these obstacles, all these tasks (game mechanics) will be needed.

Well, for example, the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". For a happy ending, Kolobok needs to collect some clues from each character. Just like that, the Hare, the Wolf and the Bear do not give anything. It is necessary at each stage of the game to solve their tasks, get a letter, add a password word from the letters. Hearing this word, the Fox will apologize for his predatory thoughts and take Kolobok back to his grandmother and grandfather.

This is a primitive example, of course. The topic can be anything. I already have topics, "Secrets of the Egyptian Princess", .

There are also several scenarios from readers of the site with quest tasks in the apartment and in nature. In these examples, you can see how individual tasks fit into the plot.

Where to hide the next clues and tasks

In other words, I will briefly list WHAT EXACTLY WORDS we will encrypt most often. You can, of course, just tell the children that the key to the chest with gifts is hidden somewhere in the room, and they will search the whole room for you. The essence of the quest is to alternately guess the places where new passwords, scrolls, items are hidden.

These are the places:

Furniture (in the answer of the riddle there should be: a table, an armchair, a chest of drawers, a window, etc.)
sofa cushions
household appliances (microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, bread maker, oven, etc.)
"under carpet"
interior items (vases, boxes, caskets, chests, paintings, etc.)
magnets and souvenirs from different countries on which the name of the city is written
multi-volume collected works (guess the volume number and pick up a hint there)
mailbox (insanely recklessly go down to the first floor and open your mailbox with the key when it comes to the last clue about gifts)
suitcases and briefcases with combination locks

Other caches can be:

A bottle (even if it floats in the bath, than not the sea)
balloons (they need to burst, of course)
ice figures (in the New Year's quest, I froze water in rubber gloves and balls, I got a whole basin of ice blocks of various shapes. For the sake of getting clues, the children thawed it all under the tap in the sink)
a box of sand in which you need to find small items
candy wrappers
hint/prediction cookies (here is the recipe on my website)
bulk storage jars
pots with live plants
dishes on the festive table (you can attach a hint to the bottom of the plates)

Quest tasks

1. Composing a word from individual letters

  • letters can be found one at a time, as in my quest "Night at the Museum", then from them to make the final word and find gifts
  • write the letters on the disposable cups that are on the festive table
  • the word can be made up of letters written with a marker on balloons
  • bury plastic letters in the sand, children love to dig (I use a magnetic alphabet)
  • freeze letters in ice cube trays
  • write letters on fish with magnets (ready-made children's game "Fishing"), let them catch and make up a word

2. Puzzles

  • make a gift search map from pieces
  • make portraits of famous personalities from 4 fragments (we cut the faces into strips, as for drawing up an identikit)
  • on a cut picture, you can write a riddle (the answer is another place with a hint: a sofa, a vase, etc.)
  • puzzle pieces can have a lock code or a phone number that your assistants will give you a hint on
  • ordinary puzzles for 30-50 fragments can be put together by two teams for speed (struggle for an additional prize or hint)

4. Attentive account

  • in the scenario of the Night at the Museum quest, I suggested counting stacks of coins to guess the phone number
  • you can count the same objects in the picture in your room
  • steps in the house
  • windows in the opposite building
  • books on the shelf
  • divide the beans and red beans into piles and count how many more beans of one color than the other (“Princess Quest”)
  • how many soft toys are in the basket
  • add up all the numbers that write the date of birth of the birthday person (09/02/2009 \u003d 22)
  • count the number of letters in the name and surname of the birthday person, etc.

All these numbers may be needed to guess the password to the lock, for example. Or the guessed number will be written in a conspicuous place on a piece of furniture with another clue.

5. QR codes

This, of course, is not a task for the quest, but one of the ways to obtain information, but children usually like it. Through a special application in your smartphone, you can encrypt any picture or note with clues. Where to attach the printed QR code? On the inner surface of the cabinet door, under a plate, on a souvenir or a toy, put it in a book, etc.

6. Puzzles, charades, crosswords

It makes no sense to give many examples, you will select on the Internet on the topic of your quest or create your own puzzles in the image and likeness. Here is a simple example in which the word is encrypted "painting". As symbols - the edges of the "lattice" around the desired letter.

There is especially a lot of such goodness in old Soviet books and schoolchildren's calendars. For those who want to find something really interesting, I recommend going to the library. With charades and crossword puzzles, it is convenient to select an intellectual load by age. In the same topic, you can come up with quest tasks for teenagers, adults and children from 6 to 10 years old.

7. Mirror text

We compose the desired phrase, which is difficult to read without a mirror. The search for the mirror itself can also be given attention by guessing it using the previous puzzle.

To complicate the task, type the text in an unusual ornate font, otherwise the players will easily flip the letters without any mirror.

8. Anagrams

These are examples for inspiration. Just only at first glance, since even adults sometimes make up another word from the letters of one word for a long time. If the quest is a team one, mark the time and encourage the most savvy with additional points, prizes or tips. The composed word can become a password to the next puzzle.

9. What is hidden in the picture

There are a lot of such riddles for mindfulness of varying complexity on the Internet. On the left is an example of a puzzle for kids, on the right - for teenagers: "How many animals are there?"

There are also interesting collections with the general title "What is hidden in the photo."

10. We designate the name of a fairy tale (film, song) with emoticons

Quite difficult, but fun. There are not so many emoticons, so you need to call on all your imagination to help. You can not give all the pictures, the children will get tired. Encrypt this book with a fairy tale in which another clue lies. And in the picture something like this: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Frog Princess”, “Mumu” ​​(possibly), “ Star rain”, “Snow Maiden”, “Hare hut”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the snake”, “Porridge from an ax”, “Pot of porridge”, “Thumb boy”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “Rapunzel”, "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk".

11. Invisible ink

To be honest, I haven't written notes with milk and lemon juice for a long time. No time)). Now on sale there are pens with invisible ink and a special flashlight. I write letters and messages to children on mirrors, furniture, in ordinary letters. Sometimes even on his own son (they painted his arms and legs with tips and drawings).

Right now, I wrote the name of my site on my hand and shone it with a flashlight. No letters can be seen without a UV flashlight! By the way, you can draw one letter on each guest before starting the quest, then collect the final word.

12. Ciphers

Where without ciphers. Here are the most popular (pictures are on the Internet)

  • dancing men (thanks to Sherlock Holmes)
  • morse code
  • numeric cipher (each letter is assigned a number)
  • semaphore and flag alphabet
  • symbols
  • homemade ciphers (different pictures of mustaches, toys, food, cosmetics - all images are assigned a letter)

The semaphore alphabet can be shown (one member of the team shows the encrypted word to everyone else). Son, thanks for your help!

Long phrases are difficult for children to decipher. Maximum 3 words of 3-5 letters. This is enough to tell the location of the next clue.

13. Labyrinths

The labyrinth can be drawn. Something confusing must be unraveled along the lines or go through the "corridors" without dead ends. I sometimes distribute a printed labyrinth to each participant in the quest. Whoever is first opens the combination lock and takes out gifts, otherwise there will be heated debate)).

There are parents who are not too lazy to make a rope maze. Ropes of different colors are laid out on the floor in the apartment or stretched between the trees in the country. Everyone chooses their color and follows the line. A clue is tied to the end of one of the ropes. It is still possible between the ropes stretched at different heights between the trees to get to the goal (a gift, a key, another scroll).

14. Excavations

This is definitely a fun activity! This picture was sent by my reader (look at all of it). She collected chicken bones for a month for excavations! The skull is actually plastic. I repeated her idea, but buried a lot of small toys from kinder surprises in a basin of sand. Duplicate figurines had to be set aside, one unique one was a clue.

Instead of sand, you can rummage in semolina, rice, salt and buckwheat.

15. Puzzles with matches

More often, large fireplace matches or counting sticks are used for this purpose. There are very simple puzzles, there are those over which even adults rack their brains. Here is an example from my Haunted Bunker quest. Move one match so that the answer is still correct.

16. Button puzzles

Here, instead of buttons, there can be any figures, which is really necessary on the topic of the quest. Bugs, mummies, angry dogs. The bottom line is that you need to divide the figures with four lines so that there is one in each cell.

The task of speed, the fastest gets extra points, tips or privileges.

17. Classic puzzles

Let me remind you what it is. The rules are always the same, easy to guess. The commas before the picture show how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the word, the commas after the picture show the letters to escape at the end of the word. The equal sign indicates which letter in the word should be replaced by another.

The words are encrypted on six pictures: lemon, capital, stork, student, gift, queen. The Internet is full of such puzzles, embed them in your quest, taking into account the plot.

18. Encrypted poem

First digit is the line number at the top.

Second digit is the ordinal number of the word on this line.

Third digit is the letter in the selected word.

Here is a piece of the cook's book from my Ratatouille quest. Children should get the word "refrigerator". The essence is clear, it’s easy to come up with your own riddle!

Quest for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - a ready-made set of colorfully designed tasks, with the help of which teachers or parents can arrange an exciting team quest for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 at school or at home with the search for a hidden surprise, it is possible to divide players into 2-3 teams.

All the tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • This kit will help to congratulate schoolchildren in an interesting and original way both on the beginning of the school year on Knowledge Day on September 1, and on graduation (at the last call, at the graduation party), as well as to conduct an exciting educational game for any occasion :) Give schoolchildren a fun and unforgettable adventure !
  • The quest provides a wide variety of universal places at school or at home where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • There is no imposed search chain, tasks can be hidden in any order, which is very convenient for the organizer of the quest.
  • It is not necessary to use all task options, you can do any number of stages (maximum 12 stages).
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games. Most of the assignments are related to certain school subjects. Riddles are not very complex, but not primitive either, they are more designed for ingenuity and ingenuity than for any specific knowledge. The choice is wide, so you are sure to be able to create a search chain to your taste!
  • The kit is designed for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 However, it may be of interest to adults as well.

With this kit, you can organize a quest:

  • for two or three teams: each type of task is made in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and quick wit of the players;
  • for one player or for one team of players: in this case, the organizer of the game will have a choice of the most convenient places in the forest for compiling a search chain; in each type of task, you need to choose the option with the most appropriate keyword.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards. It is stable and cooks in just a few minutes (details included), in the middle is the first hint; postcard format - A4. When finished, it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in brackets are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. Hint "Encrypted Proverbs" ( Journal,flower,kettle). A fascinating task for associative thinking. You need to guess which famous proverbs of the Russian language are encrypted with pictures.
  2. Hint "Literary work" ( battery,newspaper,umbrella,backpack). A difficult task for ingenuity: you need to cut out 9 squares with letters and put them into one large square so that you can read the title of a literary work.
  3. Tip "Math Terms" ( pantry,dining room,bedside table). An excellent task for ingenuity, entertaining puzzles.
  4. Hint "Symbols of the countries of the world" ( painting,ladder,plant ). An interesting task for erudition.
  5. Hint "Botanical Fieldword" ( vase,cupboard,package,a door,lamp,desk). A good task that requires the players to focus and composure.
  6. Hint "Zoological cipher" ( camera,fridge,pot,the envelope,host, piano,Assembly Hall,lobby ). First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them.
  7. Hint "History of the Ancient World" (a diary,textbook,hanger ). An interesting quiz in the form of a test.
  8. Tips "English" ( window, table, chair), "German" (table chair). Riddles about animals.
  9. Color tangle hint (curtain,a computer,television ). An entertaining task for compiling anagrams, you need to restore the confused names of colors.
  10. Hint "Musical Instruments" ( mirror, tobox,plate,gym ). Players will not only need to find the key to the tricky cipher, but also remember the names of musical instruments.
  11. Hint "Sports" ( corridor,notebook,phone ). With the help of pictures and just one prompted letter, solve the crossword puzzle .
  12. Hint "Puzzle" (globe,calculator,microscope,stand for pens and pencils,briefcase,Frame,clock). A simple but entertaining task: you need to assemble a puzzle and find out from the restored picture the place where the next clue is located.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest + a handy sign for compiling a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(postcard and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 97 pages, instructions - 4 pages (pdf files), postcard to start the quest (jpg file)

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