Selection of mods of gambling. Races in "Oblivion": description and advantages of fashion for the game

Made a small selection of the best (according to gaming) gameplay modes for Oblivion.

All mods are Russified, each for convenience is equipped with a branded loader, that is, you can put only those who like. Description of each fashion under spoilers.

1. Dragon Citadel

Among the sets of modes for TES 4: Oblivion are particularly popular with those who add additional locations to the huge world of the game. But today nothing has happened. Therefore, the modification of the Dragon Citadel should come to taste to all those whom and the "whole world is not enough."

The Dragon Citadel adds a completely new island, which is destined to get only high-level heroes, equipped with the latest magic wand. According to the legends of the world TES, the last surviving dragon gathered all the legendary emeralds in one place in one place, the citadel, where the invaluable treasures still continue to wait until they reach them the hands of our chief holder. But to get treasures is not as simple as it seems at first glance: the habitat of the last dragon, the scent ends with the strongest sacothes, chained in artifact armor and armed with good weapons.

As the author of Fashion, Vibliribland itself recognizes, no other resources except in the game, he did not use. The mod cannot please with new models, shaiders or textures, but it absolutely gives you the opportunity to satisfy the True Machcheck.

2. Velkindsky Sword

"Velkindsky Sword" is a small, but extremely interesting "subject" mod. The highest elf named Ungarion from the "Happiness of the Koldun" in the town of Baravil is ready to tell a sustainable customer about the legendary Isleid sword, allegedly made from the famous Velkind stone. Ungarion himself long ago went to search for this artifact, but his journey was not crowned with success. So the merchant just gives you to read your diary, where he did records about the mysterious sword, and reports that it will be very grateful if we continue his work and go to a distant journey to search for a sword. This is the main task of modification.

To find the cherished blade, it is necessary to know perfectly with the geography and the history of the continent of Sirodil, and finding the repository, it will have to drive through the hordes of the Terrible Azklan trolls. Well, in the final to fight with the Mighty Ghost Champion Bestless - an ancient warrior, who, in fact, forged this sword.

The mod will like, first of all, those who have already passed TES4: Oblivion and to whom there are little standard weapon samples.

3. Thieves of the Imperial City

It is no secret that in the world The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion can be stealing, and many players turn into thieves, pockets, and some even in mothers and racketeers. But little for whom theft became the main profession - the possibilities were not enough. Why last time? Because the modification of the "Thieves of the Imperial City" allows you to engage in thefts in TES 4: Oblivion day long and getting tangible benefit from it.

The main problem of vorays in Oblivion was always selling stolen. Expropriating wealth from citizens is not a problem, but where then to give the extracted trash, because the usurists and the buyers flatly refuse to take a stirred product? But it is worth putting a modification - and the situation changes. In the Imperial City, you will find a new store, at first glance, no different from others: a gray sign, rusty door. However, for this very door you will meet the owner of the shop Derreyen Valit. Sell \u200b\u200bhim a few stolen things (buy as nice), after which the most interesting starts.

Derriene hints, which can give a tip, where it lies badly, it is impossible or stitched into the mattress. Thus, the scene line of fashion starts. The buyer is stolen gradually feeding you 13 quests - each subsequent harder than the previous one. To fulfill many tasks, you will have to be administered in thieves. However, it is not necessary to think that being a professional thief is the only condition for success. For many tasks, it is necessary to master other skills: for example, develop an intelligence skill or become a tracker. In addition, you will be attentive, for you constantly have to scrupulously explore the premises in search of caches and safes.

"Thieves of the Imperial City", perhaps one of the most unusual additions for Oblivion. The local gameplay is largely reminiscent of Thief 2: The Metal Age. Add high quality performance and absence of bugs.

4. Gate to Asgaard

Features: Mod Made based on Margaret Farrell Books

"Gates to Asgaard" is a visual allowance for all modulated, how to proper fear on the player. From the very beginning of the passage, the heart is compressed from horror, closer to the middle of the soul, slowly begins to move to the heel area, and the very real shiver swores to the final.

In the hands of the main character, a letter from a long-standing girlfriend, which reports that an unknown traveler dropped in the tavern card with the image of mysterious runes. From the markings on the reverse side it becomes clear that the marauders have already tried to penetrate the ruins. The girl on his misfortune also decided to go there. And we, understandable, you need to urgently save the young seeker of adventure.

Her searches will lead you to gloomy catacombs, at the verification of the kingdom of the damned - Asgaard. Going under the ground, the main character from time to time finds all new and new girls notes, which just recently passed the same way. Whether they can save the research and get to the surface alive - it depends on how successful you will perform quests, destroy the bosses, and even from the speed of passage: a minute zamanka can cost a life not only to a lost girl, but also you.

5. Dar of Kinaret

Supplement "Darlet" adds a new quest and a lot of high-level equipment to Oblivion. Although who will surprise new outfit now? That's just getting it difficult. You can only become the owner of advanced armor and weapons. Only by following the commission of the Goddess Kinaret: you have to go a small but difficult test.

On the hill of heroes there is a tomb of the great warrior of antiquity - Morichus. Getting into it is not so easy, you will have to fight with numerous opponents. But on this tests do not end. Once in the tomb, the main character finds a manuscript, which says that he did not happen here at all, but by the will of the goddess kinret. Ayled Marauders got into the tomb, overwriting guardians, and stole Morichus's armor.

To get the next mini-quest, you need to penetrate the second room of the tomb. But the path to it is blocking four warrings, equipped with the latest daederic fashion. When the bodies of all four guards are lying from our legs, you can go inside the tomb and get a task from the ghost of Morichus. After completing it, you will become the owner of not only the blessings of Morihaus and kinaret, but also excellent gear and weapons.

6. Gunning House

Original title: Haunted House * Author: Kane1045 * Character level: Any * Time passage: 4-7 hours * Action: Maximum * Role playback: Minimum * Trappers and tricks: Medium * Features: Horror-modification with a strong storyline * Overall grade Fashion: 8/10

From time to time we wonder why it is rarely long and at the same time interesting modifications. And then our eyes, as on request, there is a fresh mod "House with ghosts" for Oblivion.

Despite the long-standing duration for fashion, the plot holds on a short reason, sometimes even forcing the locations to return to the already covered locations in order to figure it out in more detail.

The plot is dedicated to a person who has become a victim of ghostly monsters, flooding his house. And although in the diary, which fell into hand, it is strongly recommended to not see the damned building, we, of course, go on the road.

Moved on the corridors of the "bad" house, you will feel that something terrible is happening around: blood spots on the floor, flashering silhouettes in the dark, scattered in the corners furniture. It is not possible to materialize the items that were not here for another minute ago, the situation in the house changes, blocking the way ... to spoil you with pleasure and disclose the details of the story we will not become, because the plot in this addition is extremely good and unpredictable.

7. Castle Hoarthrost

Modification "Castle Hoarthrost" adds to the world TES4: Oblivion a new location - a huge lock and territory adjacent to it. Put the mod, go to the game - the message in which the message is said to your "mailbox" that the Hoarfrost attacked the castle, the owners of the citadel were destroyed, only an old man manager survived. At the end of the message, the author explicitly hints that it would be necessary to go to Hoarthrost and bring order there.

Reaching the goal of the castle and having received a quest from the manager, we go to the stone draws. Because of each angle, zombies are sprinkled, from the slots in the walls there are flocks of skeletons, the evil ghosts are circling under the ceiling - in general, they do not have to miss. In addition, all this gesture is nothing compared to the main villain, which organized an attack on the castle. However, he is not immortal, dealt with him, we will get to the possession of Hoarthrost (after all, its former owners are already alive), at the same time access to several dozen new quests will appear.

In order for the castle normally function, it is necessary to take care of it: you have to hire a magician, blacksmith, guard ... Yes, a lot of someone else. It is not easy to find cool specialists, not only money is needed, but also connections. So, we collect the thing again - and on the road. Passing all the quests modifications, you will get at your disposal a very beautiful and well-equipped castle.

8. Invasion of Dragons

Original title: Dragon Invasion 2 * Developers: JLF2N and Saiden Storm

MOD "WASHING DARONS" is one of the most unusual additions for TES 4: Oblivion. He adds to the game the opportunity to fight with the most real dragons, and even get into addition unique artifacts and the rarest types of armor.

To fully enter the image of a noble knight, it is enough to connect the mod and wait a bit. Our hero receives a letter from the Countess of Narins Kwwein from Bruma, which says that the happy and peaceful life of Syrodial can soon come to an end. As a result of the earthquake, an ancient and damn evil dragon woke up. He calmly won thousands of years in his stone bed, and almost forgot about him. And what is the worst - forgotten and methods that dragons can be defeated.

And the dragon would be alone. As soon as the evil reptile opened up the eyelids, the army of goblins began to flow under her wings, which only dream to turn the Tamriel into picturesquely smoking ruins. The case is aggravated by the fact that the dragon is almost invulnerable to weapons of ordinary mortals, so all hope is only at the Syrodial champion - at you.

9. Lord of Storms

Localization of the fashion "Lord of Storms" adds a new plot fragment and a unique opportunity to control the weather in the already rich world of Oblivion.

The main quest fashion begins in the hallway of the university of the sacraments, where the player reports a magic tower that allows you to manage the weather. It turns out that the magician Guild sent a sorcerer to the name of Manip with his student, but there were no news from them for a very long time, so we are sent to integrate the situation in the mysterious tower. Having come there, we find that the manip is not only alive, but also suffer from destructive mania - plans to dissemble the city of Skingrad in the fluff and dust with lightning, which just with the help of the magic tower are called.

To save the world, relying only on yourself and their skills, because it is not easy to combat manirot. However, Oblivion adjusts the complexity to the level of the player, so there should be no problems. After the overthrow of the manirot, we are offered to take the place of the weather wizard and manage the magic tower - just like Saruman. After the main character becomes the manager of the towers, it gives a small quest for training the weather control skills - save the local vineyard from drought.

The mod contains almost 200 lines of new dialogs, most of which are voiced. For a small fashion, this is a great indicator. All stages of the quest are recorded in the magazine, so you just unrealless forget or miss something.

Significant flaw in fashion is only one. When we rose to the top of the tower, maniro can simply not be there. As the authors of the modification explain, you just need to wait for it an hour or other. If Oblivion was provided to simulate the life of NPC, independent of player actions, it would be reasonable and acceptable, and so - just strange. But it does not spoil impressions from the game. Another - rather entertaining, rather than sad - moment: if next to the magic book stored on the top of the tower, apply the shock wave spell, the book can just fly to the blue gave and find it will be impossible. Very, by the way, a realistic situation that makes the player once again think, where and what kind of witchcraft can be applied.

10. Dungeon Ivellona

Original title: Dungeons of Ivellon * Developer: Lazarus * Features: Detective story in the best traditions of Romanov Agatha Christie

Most of the "dungeon" mods of TES 4: Oblivion are built according to the standard, boring scheme: a map in hand, a couple of words about who needs to be killed and what values \u200b\u200bto collect, and go ahead to the conquest of the next underground kingdom. "The dungeons of Ivellon" are arranged differently. This is the most real detective story in the spirit of the Romanov of Agatha Christie and William Collins.

To advance through the plot, it is not enough to just explore new locations and destroy monsters. It is necessary to collect prompts, compare facts, repeatedly return to the already covered zones, chat with numerous NPCs, many of which, by the way, are very reluctant to share information - with some will have to chat 3-4 times (in the intervals performing small quests) before they tell , what to do next.

The battles, however, is also enough. Sometimes it falls a few minutes to beat with one very strong opponent, running away from him along the corridors, hiding in the clefts, and even climbing the ceiling on the stone ledge. And sometimes monsters (most of the models are created by the author of the fashion from scratch) poured a huge wave, and then nothing remains, except to cuddle to the wall, so as not to surround, and beat to the last drop of blood.

11. The killer path

Original title: Assassin Quest * Developer: Jannix Quinn * Character level: Any * Passage time: 2-4 hours * Action: Middle * Role playback: Minimum * Trappers and tricks: Many * Features: Oblivion skillfully masked under Assassin s Creed and Hitman at the same time

"The killer path" is such a kind of attempt to make a quick and acrobatically verified Assassin Creed from a slow and measured Oblivion, and even with Hitman additives in addition. Of course, the main character does not own the arsenal of gymnastic techniques affordable to Altair, but it turned out a very good equilibrist from it. And the lack of firearms, which was at the agent №47, he skillfully compensates for throwing daggles.

The lattice of the story is: an unknown throws up a note by us in which he asks to kill one of the inhabitants of Bruma. Why and why it is not clear, but the remuneration promises to be serious. As befits the true Asassine, the moral side of the issue does not have - much more important than the fee. In the course of the matter, it turns out that it is not necessary to finish off one person, but to make a whole series of daring murders. And if at first it is enough to simply cut the victim in a dark alley, then towards the end to plan the attack is accurate to step. Not only are the victims themselves are able to give serious rebuff, so even around full of law-abiding citizens who are ready to call for the guard or even try to catch you on their own. Even if you manage to go away from the persecution, you will be discovered in all cities of Syrodial. That's how it turns out, whether it cost for "non-paying".

12. Servant Dawn

This modification has two main differences from most other additions for Oblivion. First, you can start playing, only graduating the main quest game. That is, the mod is designed for hardcore gamers who have passed the main storyline and pumping the character. Secondly, the modification allows you to play an evil side.

When you first start the fashion, the girl-NPC is suitable for you and report that the Order "Mystical Dawn" survived and what you need to meet with the main priest in the sanctuary of Ipsamali. Agreeing, you will get a unique opportunity to see the cult of Daera from the inside.

There are also ingenious intrigues that weave members of the Order, and external disassembly with other fractions, many new quests and even a unique opportunity to attend other followers of "dawn" during battles. We will not tell in detail the plot of fashion, otherwise it will not be interesting to play, we only note that there are several options for very unusual endings in fashion, and almost all quests (from banal murders and theft of values \u200b\u200bbefore the protection of fortresses, hostilities and creepy rituals) have many Options for passing.

During localization, we were modified several times and declare it with full responsibility that it is no worse in the quality of execution, and maybe even better than the original quests Oblivion. "The servant of" Dawn "has undergone many reprints, and in the final release (we translated it with him) bugs that most other mods are filled with, no. The author of the addition, Endrek, even guarantees the compatibility of the Fashion with a number of other common additions.

In addition, the mod adds a new set of clothes for dark heroes, spells and skills, weapons and many artifacts. However, the main highlight of the addition is all the same gameplay. Before us is one of the best mods for Oblivion, or even the best.

12. Mystery Enurk

Supplement "Mystery Enurk" for TES 4: Oblivion is the first chapter of the epic saga "Children Rurkena", telling about the secrets of the coumen and isleides. The modification action unfolds in the dungeons of Enurk, long ago dug and equipped with aleids and dwells.

The ghosts are buried in the catacumba, Zombie Guardians lie in the abandoned caves, in the spacious halls they roam with swords of the hired murderers of Azura. But the protagonist descended underground at all in order to put all the evil on the knife (although this, of course, would have to do), his main task is to solve the mystery of the underworld. In the course of the game, the chief hero constantly falls across the old diaries and half-hearted manuscripts, revealing the secrets of Enurk.

Immediately warn you, low-level heroes in these dungeons it is better not to see. It is not enough to wave a sword with almost no break, so also the dwell traps come across very often - the hammers, blades and other dwarfs can spoil the life of anyone.

What are such solarms? We answer. From scraps of information that the hero learns from diaries and notes, it becomes quickly clear that the magic crystals are buried somewhere in the dungeons, the legendary broken sword and another magic artifact, capable of turning the player and crystals, and the blade in one of six sets Weapons and armor.

To open the plot in more detail and we will not describe the gameplay, otherwise it will be uninteresting to play.

13. Dark art

"Dark Art" is one of the best storytelling modifications for Oblivion.

Although after installing the mode and launch the game does not happen even account anything. Where are the new quests? Where is the plot? Do not worry, everything will be - to start, just put the main character to sleep. Awakening, however, will not be pleasant - exactly at midnight the terrible vampire attacks the chief holder. He is not particularly strong, so it is quite simple to kill him, and after the battle on the body of the bloodstream you will find a note and the key from his house. With this, the main quest starts. To disclose the plot further - it means to deprive you of all pleasure from passing, so let's just say what you have to unravel the confused mystery associated with the murder of the vampire itself.

The authors of the modification warn that it was created with an eye on hardcore players, so there will be no easy life. To solve the secret, you will have to collect dozens of evidence and defeat many complex enemies.

14. Fanatics of nine

Among the sets of modes for TES 4: Oblivion, unfortunately, not so many works capable of comparing in quality with the original. "Fanatics of nine" is a rare exception.

The plot is quite original, although the beginning does not foresee anything unusual. The poor maid asks the main character to investigate the disappearance of its owners. It would seem, well, disappeared and disappeared, what is this here? However, it turns out very quickly that not so simple. It turns out that the "Church of Nine" is involved in the mysterious case, which by all means available to it (often far from legal) suppresses a small group of believers in a single God.

It would seem that everything is clear: insidious usurpers want to destroy the stronghold of true faith, and the holy duty of the chief hero - to shout wicked. But not everything is so simple. Intrigue, secret conspiracies, riddles at every step. Very quickly you will begin to understand that ... do not understand anything. So, it is not worth chopping a gossip, it is necessary to understand everything and only then it is necessary to finish justice.

By the way, we will reveal a little secret - the endings from the game are several, each of them is very original. To understand all the cruciation of the plot, you will have to go through the addition of several times. However, the occupation is so fascinating that they do not have to miss. Repeating moments in each story branch quite a bit.

In addition to the large number of complex quests, there is a cathedral in Czedina and the opportunity to live in his own mansion overlooking the river. In addition to a purely aesthetic function, the house plays the role of headquarters, where you can store items found and save the strength before the next turn of the detective story. At the end of the main quest, the house completely passes into your possession.

All opponents and NPC are worked out in detail. Goblins in extensive dungeons, fanatics on the surface, undead on abandoned cemeteries, ghostly conductors, members of the secret society, adherents of the cult of ancient religions, spies ...

Despite the fact that there are practically no new graphics in fashion (original gaming models are used), it does not spoil the overall impression, because the gameplay delays from the first minutes and does not let go until the very end of the game.

15. Four elements

Modification "Four Elements" for TES 4: Oblivion refers to the so-called intellectual additions. The gameplay here is built not on pumping the physical characteristics of the main character and not on the use of better weapons and armor - here the success of the trip primarily depends on tactics, from the ability to monitor the plot and solve unusual tasks and puzzles.

The main quest "Four Elements" begins in the city of Baravil, where the main character meets the mysterious Danmer Alex and finds out of him about certain stones of elements - artifacts, without which it is impossible to light the magic fire in the beacons of elements. And it is necessary to arrange the illumination, because it is the beaches of the elements support the balance in Tamriele. The problem is only that the unknown villain the beacons put out and after that everything went around in the world.

The first quest is just in finding the magic stones, which, according to Alex, are stored in the temple of the elements. Find the temple is quite simple - just follow the travel marker on the mini card. But get the stones - this is not a task not from the lungs. We will have to go through fire, water and copper pipes, and in the very same way to have a literal sense of the word.

When artifacts are received (you will have about an hour for this), Alex will explain how to light fire in the lighthouses. It seems to be elementary, but in fact everything turns out to be quite difficult. Suddenly, a hero appears on the scene on the nicknamed wise, who tells a lot of interesting and unusual about the lighthouses, after which it is already unclear whether they should be lit in general. After all, it is possible that they will not bring peace to Tamriel and peace, but on the contrary - will cause dark forces into it.

Because in the "four elements" will have to think a lot, do not wait for the abundance of the Drak - the action is quite a bit. But mysteries, puzzles and placed at every step trap counting. To solve, solve and get around most of them, you will have to think firmly.

There is no new content in the modification, since the addition uses all the elements that were laid in the game developers. But the gameplay is so balanced that it is just a sin to complain about it. Yes, and whether new weapons are needed, monsters and buildings in the addition, designed primarily on the player's seamless, and not on the skill stupidly waving enchanted sequirs?

Special thanks to the UYRGEN user for help with spoilers.

P.S. Selection weight 436 MB

Changed February 26, 2018 by Darkonix

Promises of the game developers series The Elder Scrolls.very reminiscent of the rhetoric of Soviet leaders. " For the next five-year plan, we will double the livestock of characters, in the morning of the clothes with each monster, give 534 million square meters. km of gaming housing, in Five times you will increase the number of spells and ten - time of passage. The number of polygons per capita will grow by 13244.01%! " - Something like loudly declared party bosses from the tribune Bethesda Softworks. Before each new project. Alas, the promised bright future for some reason does not want to come true: the game world - at least Morrowind.Although his addons Tribunaland Bloodmoon -at its truth, there is no comparison with bourgeois Gothic.and Fable, and the plot is significantly inferior to the same Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Knowing about it in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion The developers decided to finally shift priority from the quantity to quality. Quantitative data, however, is also impressive - two hundred dungeons, four hundred books, a thousand NPC and nine thousand objects - but against the background of the same "Morrowinda", where the characters alone were two and a half times more, it's not so much.


The main emphasis in the new part is made to work on the game world. The largest metamorphoses will occur with artificial intelligence. Now all the characters act do not once and forever the initial scenario, but live quite a full life. Sensing hunger, they go to the search for food (they buy money on earned or steal them from anyone, maybe even at the player), I want to communicate, they climb (optional to you - they can talk with the same computer statist), and Charter, go to sleep. In addition to the momentary needs, they have global goals - something like life priorities. The whole system is called Radiant AI. Watching the NPC with such an advanced intelligence, it will probably be no less interesting than to go around the game itself.

One of the eyewitnesses who had happiness to get acquainted with Oblivion, told a very busy story. When he looked into a bookstore, the seller's woman without any visible reason suddenly suddenly suggested him to climb him on the second floor. Upstairs, instead of immediately go to the demonstration of underwear and spicy anatomical details, decided to boast ... the ability to shoot from the bow (!). The lady, alas, was not the most snarling - all the arrows flew past goals. Not for a joke, a significant girl took the potion, increasing the accuracy, but here a new stimulus appeared: her dog was hungry and began to deafening the gavly. The lady fed the dog and, spitting on the cavalier, sat down for reading some book. However, not long. The four-legged friend of man quickly dealt with food and again filed a voice - apparently, the portion seemed insufficient to him. The hostess shrinkled on him and went to bed, hoping that the dog would calm down sooner or later. But it was not there: the perturbed Mukhtar only added the volume. In the end, the woman cleared to such an extent that she took and "shut up" (most likely, forever) pet fibergol. Such here in the Oblivion kipache "life." By the way, not the topic, but about: a pet will be able to start and player, to mock, understand it, to mock it (whether the ability to train the little animal is not reported). It will be possible to use a woman-spouse as a pet (as in Fable, for example), unfortunately, is unknown.

Little brothers live their own lives. Each animal, every monster in the game has its own habits. Some lead a daily lifestyle, others - night, and at any time they can become a victim of a predator or a hunter (this will not necessarily be a player). Half an hour of playing time is equivalent to one minute of real, accelerate or slow down the flow it is possible (but there is no need for this, because there is such a feature as Fast Travel, see the story about it below).

The plot of Oblivion follows the events of Morrowind, but there is no close connection between them - these are two different stories. Tie approximately next. Emperor Tamrilyl, having learned about the preparing attempt on his life, trying to escape from the palace, but at the very last moment the killer still overtakes him. Before death, the guarantor of the Constitution instructs our hero (a prisoner who accidentally turned out to be nearby) The task of exceptional importance: to find a person able to stop the invasion of demons from Oblivion, the local analogue of hell. Such a trust in the first counterfear criminal Emperor showed not at all by chance: according to his own admission, he saw the main character in his dreams.

The place of action will be the Sirodil and the most ill-fated obstinate. The main cities are nine, the names of seven of them are already voiced: Quolch (Kvatch), Horrol (Chorrol), Sirodil (Cyrodiil; This is the capital of the province of the same name), Skingrad (Skingrad), Satch (Sutch), Cleidinal (Cleydinhal) and Evil (Anvil) . The territory available to the player will be noticeably less than in Morrowind, but also enough of her ears. In total, we are waiting for two and a half dozen of perfectly square kilometers, half of which is assigned to the forest (for consuming the Zelenki "simulated with the participation of biologists and ecologists from the University of Maryland). If you focus only on the main quest, the game can be overcome "just" in thirty hours. To play for each fraction (their four - the guild of magicians, thieves, warriors and hired killers) and climb every dungeon (they are, as you remember, two hundred), you need an order of magnitude more time - hundred hours and more. Damn it, for the sake of this game, it seems you have to take a whole vacation ...

So that the players do not plot in three pines, the developers have made a compass in Oblivion, which will indicate the location of key objects - plotting buildings, quest items, and so on. " The description of the place can be entrusted with NPC, but it is not quite convenient, - explains the employee of Bethesda Softworks Matthew Verling (on the forums of the official site Oblivion is known as Mattryan), - first, in words it may sound very difficult (first go to the right, then left, then again right, once again right ...), and many players often scroll the dialogs. Secondly, if designers later decide to change the place, we will have to make edits into all the dialogues where it is mentioned, and renovate some of the replicas. There is finally the third moment: the forests in the game are so thick that they can easily get lost. Here it will be necessary compass. " It is quite logical, but wasn't it easier to make a mini card? It would be more convenient.

Morda did not come out

Not to suffer with modeling of different persons for thousands of characters, developers used the program Facegen. from Singular Inversions.. In the presence of this utility, the "bowlers" with eyes can be stamped in industrial quantities, one by one. The process is simplified to disgrace: instead of scrupulously cut off each bend on the face of the electronic blank, you only need to specify the main parameters (race, age, floor, color and detail of textures on certain areas of the head, and so on), and Facegen itself I will give the result (for animation, however, you will need another program). Try yourself - a very busy thing. Take Facegen you can from our disk In chapter " Useful software”.

Many chips that were in Daggerfall(The second part of the series, who left back in 1996, and therefore it was seen who had an unmanned elders from among those who are twenty), but disappeared into Morrowind, return in the fourth part. The set of movements will expand (a player, for example, can climb on the walls), banks will appear, the Fast Travel option (for instant movement between remote points), the ability to buy almost any real estate and any vehicles (including ships). But the most important thing is the horses again in the game! This is not the fastest kind of transport, but definitely the most convenient. And in the end - what kind of hero without a horse?!

Minuses at the sowing Bourge, however, is also enough. Riders are not allowed in buildings, caves, dungeons, individual areas of cities (shorter, wherever there are closed spaces) and even in Oblivion. Moreover, it is impossible to fight on the horse - if you will unwind. Steve Meister. (on the forums dwells under nickname MrsmileyFaceedude), one of the game developers, is justified: " Believe me, we ourselves were very sorry to abandon the battles of riding, but you understand - the deadlines are pressed. Do it ababy how can not - long testing is required”.

Perfectly understand the torment of demiurgs (worthy games with the possibility of fighting the horse, there was no longer there, so Bethesda would have to do everything from scratch), but there is a suspicion that with such a situation from a personal guinestum there will be more harm, rather than use: with each attack you have to sly On Earth (rider vulnerable, he cannot attack anyone) - Some continuous inconvenience! To blame for the failure of the battles on the horses, first of all Microsoft Xbox 360 - Oblivion will be one of the "starting" games for this console (i.e. will be released at the same time - already in November), so developers need to be extended to the cake, but finish Project on time. However, it is possible that in one of the upcoming addons, players will still receive this wonderful opportunity.

Having received a lot of dentoverts for a primitive combat system, Bethesda pledged to remake her: if at first it would be rejected only on a stupid click-click-click, then special services will be available (for example, disarming the enemy). On the "case", by the way, you can take both partners who will obey your orders.

The role-playing system remained almost unchanged - the more often you use one or another skill, the faster it grows (roughly speaking, love about and wait with a sword - it means that I wait for the growth of the Long Blade skill).

In technical terms, Oblivion may not be ahead of the rest of the rest, but already ahead of all other RPG. Soft lighting, thick vegetation, almost suspicious web under the catacombs ceiling. The image in the last fashion is blurred using "Blur", however, unlike some of his colleagues, the developers from Bethesda know the measure - the picture does not look as if it is smeared with sunflower oil. Of the flaws of graphics, only an annoying special effect called "Bump", because of which models of people and monsters look as if they were made of plastic (it was annoyed yet in Far Cry.).

By the way, in the game there are several very interesting graphic "Fich", which were previously not used anywhere. For example, if you get out of the dark room into the street, your hero will blind from sunlight and only after a while when the eyes are accustomed to, the image will again become normal.

Physical engine Havok 2.0.(This seems to be the first debut in role-playing games) in Oblivion is used not only for the plausible modeling of bodywork of corpses, but also for much more complex operations: for example, the grass from the winds of the wind is waves, foliage on the trees trembles, and their trunks are bent.

Which iron will need to display all this happiness on the maximum settings - it is better not to think even. The game is done with a sight under the Xbox 360, and if he has been forgotten, a three-core processor, which works at a frequency of 3.2 GHz, half agigabyte of fast memory and the newest graphic chip from ATI. Approximately the same appetites will probably be different and the PC version will be different (Bethesda never drove itself with optimization). Indirect confirmation There is already there: when at the end of June NVIDIA released the seventh generation GeForce, Oblivion developers immediately reported that optimal performance can be achieved only with these video cards. At the same time, they will cost almost twice as expensive than the new "X-box" - up to $ 600 ...

You could not voice the dialogue without exception, they were too much. I had to limit ourselves to only the most important conversations, but they also gained them for fifty hours (!).

To Oblivion, the editor of the card will be attached, and in a strongly modified form. Making cards from scratch no longer have to (although if there is a desire ...), the program itself will generate any of their number - before generation you need to set several basic parameters, and after - to correct what I do not like.

11 years of success

Series The Elder Scrolls.he has existed since 1994, but she had no ships during this time so that very much - at least in comparison with other series of about the same age.


The first game of the series - and immediately success. Arena.already contained all that later became the hallmark of the "ancient scrolls" (stupid, it is necessary to admit, the name): the view from the first person, to the impossibility of the confusing mythology, a huge number of glitches and an eternal passion for giantovania - alone the cities here were four hundred! By the way, last year "Arena" became free, and if you want to see what it all began, welcome to our disk - there is everything you need for happiness.

The Elder Scrolls Chapter Two: Daggerfall (1996)

The second part of the "ancient scrolls", which came out two years later, accompanied even more success than the original. The recipe remained the same: again the endless world (however, not all Tamriel was available for research, but only some of its provinces), again countless monsters and dungeons and again ... glitches. Glitches here was so much that the game is more often called not Daggerfall, but Buggerfall.


Redguard - the second attempt of Bethesda to change the genre of the already legendary series (this time the players were offered to the quest) and, unfortunately, again unsuccessful. The game was very good (fencing was especially possible), but for some reason the audience did not notice her. However, for Quests, 1998 was as unsuccessful as for the Russian economy.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)

Bethesda employees finally injured the voice of the mind and took up the fact that they get better - role-playing games. And, as the result showed, did the right thing: Morrowind. He became one of the main projects of the year - large-scale, thoughtful and very exciting. " We ourselves did not think that we could ever release this game - it seemed to be just not the end"," Admitted someone from the developers.


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal / Bloodmoon (2002/2003)

A couple of anything particularly notable addons to Morrowind, in the development of which Bethesda, most likely, was guided by the principle of "Ku Iron, while hot." IN Bloodmoon. only patch 1.3 added, several cosmetic changes and a hassle of new items, in Tribunalwerewolves, several new territories and the sea of \u200b\u200bnew glitches appeared. The most running moments - the interface and combat system - the developers left unchanged.

The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon


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The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey

* * *

The network game in Oblivion is still not planned. Nothing strange in this seems to be no: the developers give all the strength to the elaboration of a single campaign, and doubt that everything will be at the highest level, it is not necessary - when the game comes out, we will fall out again from life for at least a week. But it's amazing that: why did Bethesda have not yet taken to master the MMORPG genre? Early universe, a loud brand, a huge number of admirers - all this has long been from the company. Although ... maybe already do the witch?

The whole series of game The Elder Scrolls is famous for the unique features for playing a role or another. Different chains of quests, guilds, types of pumping, plot selection - All this gives us the opportunity to pass the game repeatedly, every time playing a new character, unlike the previous one. And not the last importance in the dive in the history of his protege has the choice of the race of the hero.

About the game

The fourth part of the series of "ancient scrolls" was published in 2006 and had a dizzying success both among players and among critics. The new game gained all the advantages of the previous ("Morrowind") and developed them even more: a huge world, a wide freedom of action, an unimaginable amount of quests. And, of course, in the "Oblivion" moved the system for choosing a character race. For the most part, this gaming feature does not significantly affect the process of passing, but has several specific advantages:

  • Role-playing component. For those players who like to make the most scrupulously to play a certain role, the choice of race in the "Oblivion" will allow you to get more close with your virtual embodiment. Someone wants to be a harsh warrior-Orc, someone - a clever thief-kajit, and someone is a sophisticated magician from the highest elves.
  • Racial bonuses. Depending on the choice, the player receives small bonuses to one or another skills (light armor, safety, short battle, etc.).
  • Basic characteristics. Each race has its own indicators of basic characteristics at the beginning of the game. Someone has more developed power, but less - eloquence and so on.
  • Abilities. Some races have a certain ability that can be used as a magic skill, but only once a day.
  • Features. These are passive skills that give certain bonuses that cannot be developed, in contrast to the characteristics and skills.

Races in the game

In total, the standard "Oblivion" is ten. They are also found in Morrowind, and in Skyrim.

List them:

  1. Argonian is humanoid lizards, suspicious, but faithful and honest. Famous thieves and illusionists.
  2. Bretons are impulsive, emotional people, beautiful magicians and poets.
  3. Or altmera - arrogant, contemptically relate to all other races. Some of the best wizards in all regions of magic.
  4. Dark elves or Danmers - hate alone, hold only their relatives. Good both on the battlefield and in the magic of destruction.
  5. Imperbs are the state-forming nation of people, good merchants and diplomats.
  6. Orcs - fierce fighters and good blacksmiths, a little foolish and cruel.
  7. Nordes - the harsh natives of Skyrima, coarse and straightforward. Wonderful fights.
  8. Redconds are excellent soldiers, right-born to battles by any kind of weapons.
  9. Forest elves or barefoots are deft and prudillary swarms and the best archers of Syrodial.
  10. Kajiti (Hajiti, Khajiti) - Cat people, famous liars, thieves and smugglers. Very clever and cunning.

What kind of race to choose?

As mentioned above, each race in the "Oblivion" has its own set of bonuses. Thanks to him, it will be easier for you to develop on the path that is closer to a certain race. However, there is no framework in the "Oblivion", and you can safely do both eloquent orc-sorcerer and a strong boss in heavy armor with two-handed hammer. Unless it will be a little more difficult to pump out at the beginning of the game.

What race to choose in "Oblivion":

  • Argonian - good magicians due to the developed skills of illusions, mysticism, alchemy. As well as deft thieves.
  • Bretons are good solely in magic, but almost in any.
  • Also, it is also preferable to operate precisely witchcraft.
  • Dark elves differ in the near battle, shooting, the magic of destruction and mysticism.
  • Imperbs have bonuses to heavy armed and equipment, trade and eloquence.
  • Orcs Exceptional fighters in heavy armor and crushing weapons.
  • Nordes are also good in heavy weapons, possess the ability to have a blacksmith and recovery magic.
  • Redconds are wonderful fighters with good bonuses to a variety of combat skills.
  • Forest elves are beautiful arrows from onions, acrobats and warriors in light weapons.
  • Caudis are the best in the game thieves, perfectly legged in light arm with one-handed weapon.

Fashion on the game

The whole series of "scrolls" is loved by models, as it has a large open world, as well as an affordable designer of mods. Naturally, they could not bypass the part of the game as the race "Oblivion".

New groups of heroes in these modes "Oblivion" dozens: ghosts, daders, deserted elves, lychee, skeletons, demons and a large number of fictional races, many of which have not yet met in the franchise at all.

A selection of mods for the game Oblivion from Gaming

Lord of storms
The main quest fashion begins in the hallway of the university of the sacraments, where the player reports a magic tower that allows you to manage the weather. It turns out that the magician Guild sent a sorcerer to the name of Manip with his student, but there were no news from them for a very long time, so we are sent to integrate the situation in the mysterious tower. Having come there, we find that the manip is not only alive, but also suffer from destructive mania - plans to dissemble the city of Skingrad in the fluff and dust with lightning, which just with the help of the magic tower are called.
To save the world, relying only on yourself and their skills, because it is not easy to combat manirot. However, Oblivion adjusts the complexity to the level of the player, so there should be no problems. After the overthrow of the manirot, we are offered to take the place of the weather wizard and manage the magic tower - just like Saruman. After the main character becomes the manager of the towers, it gives a small quest for training the weather control skills - save the local vineyard from drought. The mod contains almost 200 lines of new dialogs, most of which are voiced. For a small fashion, this is a great indicator. All stages of the quest are recorded in the magazine, so you just unrealless forget or miss something.
Significant flaw in fashion is only one. When we rose to the top of the tower, maniro can simply not be there. As the authors of the modification explain, you just need to wait for it an hour or other. If Oblivion was provided to simulate the life of NPC, independent of player actions, it would be reasonable and acceptable, and so - just strange. But it does not spoil impressions from the game. Another - rather entertaining, rather than sad - moment: if next to the magic book stored on the top of the tower, apply the shock wave spell, the book can just fly to the blue gave and find it will be impossible. Very, by the way, a realistic situation that makes the player once again think, where and what kind of witchcraft can be applied.

Citadel Dragon
The Dragon Citadel adds a completely new island, which is destined to get only high-level heroes, equipped with the latest magic wand. According to the legends of the world TES, the last surviving dragon gathered all the legendary emeralds in one place in one place, the citadel, where the invaluable treasures still continue to wait until they reach them the hands of our chief holder. But to get treasures is not as simple as it seems at first glance: the habitat of the last dragon, the scent ends with the strongest sacothes, chained in artifact armor and armed with good weapons. As the author of Fashion, Vibliribland itself recognizes, no other resources except in the game, he did not use. The mod cannot please with new models, shaiders or textures, but it absolutely gives you the opportunity to satisfy the True Machcheck.

Fanatics nine
Among the sets of modes for TES 4: Oblivion, unfortunately, not so many works capable of comparing in quality with the original. "Fanatics of nine" is a rare exception.
The plot is quite original, although the beginning does not foresee anything unusual. The poor maid asks the main character to investigate the disappearance of its owners. It would seem, well, disappeared and disappeared, what is this here? However, it turns out very quickly that not so simple. It turns out that the "Church of Nine" is involved in the mysterious case, which by all means available to it (often far from legal) suppresses a small group of believers in a single God.
It would seem that everything is clear: insidious usurpers want to destroy the stronghold of true faith, and the holy duty of the chief hero - to shout wicked. But not everything is so simple. Intrigue, secret conspiracies, riddles at every step. Very quickly you will begin to understand that ... do not understand anything. So, it is not worth chopping a gossip, it is necessary to understand everything and only then it is necessary to finish justice.
By the way, we will reveal a little secret - the endings from the game are several, each of them is very original. To understand all the cruciation of the plot, you will have to go through the addition of several times. However, the occupation is so fascinating that they do not have to miss. Repeating moments in each story branch quite a bit.
In addition to the large number of complex quests, there is a cathedral in Czedina and the opportunity to live in his own mansion overlooking the river. In addition to a purely aesthetic function, the house plays the role of headquarters, where you can store items found and save the strength before the next turn of the detective story. At the end of the main quest, the house completely passes into your possession.
All opponents and NPC are worked out in detail. Goblins in extensive dungeons, fanatics on the surface, undead on abandoned cemeteries, ghostly conductors, members of the secret society, adherents of the cult of ancient religions, spies ...
Despite the fact that there are practically no new graphics in fashion (original gaming models are used), it does not spoil the overall impression, because the gameplay delays from the first minutes and does not let go until the very end of the game.

Dark art
"Dark Art" is one of the best storytelling modifications for Oblivion. Although after installing the mode and launch the game does not happen even account anything. Where are the new quests? Where is the plot? Do not worry, everything will be - to start, just put the main character to sleep. Awakening, however, will not be pleasant - exactly at midnight the terrible vampire attacks the chief holder. He is not particularly strong, so it is quite simple to kill him, and after the battle on the body of the bloodstream you will find a note and the key from his house. With this, the main quest starts. To disclose the plot further - it means to deprive you of all pleasure from passing, so let's just say what you have to unravel the confused mystery associated with the murder of the vampire itself.
The authors of the modification warn that it was created with an eye on hardcore players, so there will be no easy life. To solve the secret, you will have to collect dozens of evidence and defeat many complex enemies.

Thieves of the imperial city
It is no secret that in the world The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion can be stealing, and many players turn into thieves, pockets, and some even in mothers and racketeers. But little for whom theft became the main profession - the possibilities were not enough. Why last time? Because the modification of the "Thieves of the Imperial City" allows you to engage in thefts in TES 4: Oblivion day long and getting tangible benefit from it.
The main problem of vorays in Oblivion was always selling stolen. Expropriating wealth from citizens is not a problem, but where then to give the extracted trash, because the usurists and the buyers flatly refuse to take a stirred product? But it is worth putting a modification - and the situation changes. In the Imperial City, you will find a new store, at first glance, no different from others: a gray sign, rusty door. However, for this very door you will meet the owner of the shop Derreyen Valit. Sell \u200b\u200bhim a few stolen things (buy as nice), after which the most interesting starts.
Derriene hints, which can give a tip, where it lies badly, it is impossible or stitched into the mattress. Thus, the scene line of fashion starts. The buyer is stolen gradually feeding you 13 quests - each subsequent harder than the previous one. To fulfill many tasks, you will have to be administered in thieves. However, it is not necessary to think that being a professional thief is the only condition for success. For many tasks, it is necessary to master other skills: for example, develop an intelligence skill or become a tracker. In addition, you will be attentive, for you constantly have to scrupulously explore the premises in search of caches and safes.
"Thieves of the Imperial City", perhaps one of the most unusual additions for Oblivion. The local gameplay is largely reminiscent of Thief 2: The Metal Age. Add high quality performance and absence of bugs.

Servant "Dawn"
This modification has two main differences from most other additions for Oblivion. First, you can start playing, only graduating the main quest game. That is, the mod is designed for hardcore gamers who have passed the main storyline and pumping the character. Secondly, the modification allows you to play an evil side.
When you first start the fashion, the girl-NPC is suitable for you and report that the Order "Mystical Dawn" survived and what you need to meet with the main priest in the sanctuary of Ipsamali. Agreeing, you will get a unique opportunity to see the cult of Daera from the inside.
There are also ingenious intrigues that weave members of the Order, and external disassembly with other fractions, many new quests and even a unique opportunity to attend other followers of "dawn" during battles. We will not tell in detail the plot of fashion, otherwise it will not be interesting to play, we only note that there are several options for very unusual endings in fashion, and almost all quests (from banal murders and theft of values \u200b\u200bbefore the protection of fortresses, hostilities and creepy rituals) have many Options for passing.
During localization, we were modified several times and declare it with full responsibility that it is no worse in the quality of execution, and maybe even better than the original quests Oblivion. "The servant of" Dawn "has undergone many reprints, and in the final release (we translated it with him) bugs that most other mods are filled with, no. The author of the addition, Endrek, even guarantees the compatibility of the Fashion with a number of other common additions. In addition, the mod adds a new set of clothes for dark heroes, spells and skills, weapons and many artifacts. However, the main highlight of the addition is all the same gameplay. Before us is one of the best mods for Oblivion, or even the best.

Four forces
Modification "Four Elements" for TES 4: Oblivion refers to the so-called intellectual additions. The gameplay here is built not on pumping the physical characteristics of the main character and not on the use of better weapons and armor - here the success of the trip primarily depends on tactics, from the ability to monitor the plot and solve unusual tasks and puzzles.
The main quest "Four Elements" begins in the city of Baravil, where the main character meets the mysterious Danmer Alex and finds out of him about certain stones of elements - artifacts, without which it is impossible to light the magic fire in the beacons of elements. And it is necessary to arrange the illumination, because it is the beaches of the elements support the balance in Tamriele. The problem is only that the unknown villain the beacons put out and after that everything went around in the world.
The first quest is just in finding the magic stones, which, according to Alex, are stored in the temple of the elements. Find the temple is quite simple - just follow the travel marker on the mini card. But get the stones - this is not a task not from the lungs. We will have to go through fire, water and copper pipes, and in the very same way to have a literal sense of the word.
When artifacts are received (you will have about an hour for this), Alex will explain how to light fire in the lighthouses. It seems to be elementary, but in fact everything turns out to be quite difficult. Suddenly, a hero appears on the scene on the nicknamed wise, who tells a lot of interesting and unusual about the lighthouses, after which it is already unclear whether they should be lit in general. After all, it is possible that they will not bring peace to Tamriel and peace, but on the contrary - will cause dark forces into it. Because in the "four elements" will have to think a lot, do not wait for the abundance of the Drak - the action is quite a bit. But mysteries, puzzles and placed at every step trap counting. To solve, solve and get around most of them, you will have to think firmly. There is no new content in the modification, since the addition uses all the elements that were laid in the game developers. But the gameplay is so balanced that it is just a sin to complain about it. Yes, and whether new weapons are needed, monsters and buildings in the addition, designed primarily on the player's seamless, and not on the skill stupidly waving enchanted sequirs?

Velkindsky Sword
Velkindsky sword "- small, but extremely interesting" subject "mod. The highest elf named Ungarion from the "Happiness of the Koldun" in the town of Baravil is ready to tell a sustainable customer about the legendary Isleid sword, allegedly made from the famous Velkind stone. Ungarion himself long ago went to search for this artifact, but his journey was not crowned with success. So the merchant just gives you to read your diary, where he did records about the mysterious sword, and reports that it will be very grateful if we continue his work and go to a distant journey to search for a sword. This is the main task of modification.
To find the cherished blade, it is necessary to know perfectly with the geography and the history of the continent of Sirodil, and finding the repository, it will have to drive through the hordes of the Terrible Azklan trolls. Well, in the final to fight with the Mighty Ghost Champion Bestless - an ancient warrior, who, in fact, forged this sword.
The mod will like, first of all, those who have already passed TES4: Oblivion and to whom there are little standard weapon samples.

Mystery Enurk
- SaharDoom
- Character level: Sixth and higher
- Passage time: 1.5-2 hours
- Machine: maximum
- Role playback: Middle
- traps and tricks: maximum
- Features:

Supplement "Mystery Enurk" for TES 4: Oblivion is the first chapter of the epic saga "Children Rurkena", telling about the secrets of the coumen and isleides. The modification action unfolds in the dungeons of Enurk, long ago dug and equipped with aleids and dwells. The ghosts are buried in the catacumba, Zombie Guardians lie in the abandoned caves, in the spacious halls they roam with swords of the hired murderers of Azura. But the protagonist descended underground at all in order to put all the evil on the knife (although this, of course, would have to do), his main task is to solve the mystery of the underworld. In the course of the game, the chief hero constantly falls across the old diaries and half-hearted manuscripts, revealing the secrets of Enurk.
Immediately warn you, low-level heroes in these dungeons it is better not to see. It is not enough to wave a sword with almost no break, so also the dwell traps come across very often - the hammers, blades and other dwarfs can spoil the life of anyone.
What are such solarms? We answer. From scraps of information that the hero learns from diaries and notes, it becomes quickly clear that the magic crystals are buried somewhere in the dungeons, the legendary broken sword and another magic artifact, capable of turning the player and crystals, and the blade in one of six sets Weapons and armor.
To open the plot in more detail and we will not describe the gameplay, otherwise it will be uninteresting to play. We only pay attention to the fact that "Mystery Enurk" is only the beginning of the narration. The following chapters of the Sagi "Children Rurkena" will come out in the very near future, well, we, of course, will translate them into Russian.

Dar Cinaret.
- Painkiller_rider
- Character level: any
- Passage time: 1-2 hours
- Machine: maximum
- Role playback: minimum
- traps and tricks: Middle
- Features: It is possible to get unique weapons and armor

Supplement "Darlet" adds a new quest and a lot of high-level equipment to Oblivion. Although who will surprise new outfit now? That's just getting it difficult. You can only become the owner of advanced armor and weapons. Only by following the commission of the Goddess Kinaret: you have to go a small but difficult test.
On the hill of heroes there is a tomb of the great warrior of antiquity - Morichus. Getting into it is not so easy, you will have to fight with numerous opponents. But on this tests do not end. Once in the tomb, the main character finds a manuscript, which says that he did not happen here at all, but by the will of the goddess kinret. Ayled Marauders got into the tomb, overwriting guardians, and stole Morichus's armor. To get the next mini-quest, you need to penetrate the second room of the tomb. But the path to it is blocking four warrings, equipped with the latest daederic fashion. When the bodies of all four guards are lying from our legs, you can go inside the tomb and get a task from the ghost of Morichus. After completing it, you will become the owner of not only the blessings of Morihaus and kinaret, but also excellent gear and weapons.

Castle Hoarfrost.
- Joseph Lollebek Aka Antistar
- Original name: Hoarfrost Castle
- Character level: any
- Passage time: 2-4 hours
- Machine: maximum
- Role playback: Middle
- traps and tricks: few
- Features: It is possible to get and equip your own castle, having passed a number of interesting quests.

Modification "Castle Hoarthrost" adds to the world TES4: Oblivion a new location - a huge lock and territory adjacent to it. Put the mod, go to the game - the message in which the message is said to your "mailbox" that the Hoarfrost attacked the castle, the owners of the citadel were destroyed, only an old man manager survived. At the end of the message, the author explicitly hints that it would be necessary to go to Hoarthrost and bring order there.
Reaching the goal of the castle and having received a quest from the manager, we go to the stone draws. Because of each angle, zombies are sprinkled, from the slots in the walls there are flocks of skeletons, the evil ghosts are circling under the ceiling - in general, they do not have to miss. In addition, all this gesture is nothing compared to the main villain, which organized an attack on the castle. However, he is not immortal, dealt with him, we will get to the possession of Hoarthrost (after all, its former owners are already alive), at the same time access to several dozen new quests will appear.
In order for the castle normally function, it is necessary to take care of it: you have to hire a magician, blacksmith, guard ... Yes, a lot of someone else. It is not easy to find cool specialists, not only money is needed, but also connections. So, we collect the thing again - and on the road. Passing all the quests modifications, you will get at your disposal a very beautiful and well-equipped castle.

Gate to Asgaard
- Authors: Koukoustudios and ThePriest909
- Original name: Gates to Aesgaard - Episode 1
- Character level: any
- Passage time: 2-4 hours
- action: maximum
- Role playback: minimum
- traps and tricks: few
- Features: Mod Made based on Margaret Farrell Books

"Gates to Asgaard" is a visual allowance for all modulated, how to proper fear on the player. From the very beginning of the passage, the heart is compressed from horror, closer to the middle of the soul, slowly begins to move to the heel area, and the very real shiver swores to the final.
In the hands of the main character, a letter from a long-standing girlfriend, which reports that an unknown traveler dropped in the tavern card with the image of mysterious runes. From the markings on the reverse side it becomes clear that the marauders have already tried to penetrate the ruins. The girl on his misfortune also decided to go there. And we, understandable, you need to urgently save the young seeker of adventure. Her searches will lead you to gloomy catacombs, at the verification of the kingdom of the damned - Asgaard. Going under the ground, the main character from time to time finds all new and new girls notes, which just recently passed the same way. Whether they can save the research and get to the surface alive - it depends on how successful you will perform quests, destroy the bosses, and even from the speed of passage: a minute zamanka can cost a life not only to a lost girl, but also you.

House with the ghosts
- Original name: Haunted House.
- Kane1045
- Character level: any
- Passage time: 4-7 hours
- action: maximum
- Role playback: minimum
- traps and tricks: Middle
- Features: Horror-modification with a strong storyline
- Total Fashion rating: 8/10

From time to time we wonder why it is rarely long and at the same time interesting modifications. And then our eyes, as on request, there is a fresh mod "House with ghosts" for Oblivion. Despite the long-standing duration for fashion, the plot holds on a short reason, sometimes even forcing the locations to return to the already covered locations in order to figure it out in more detail.
The plot is dedicated to a person who has become a victim of ghostly monsters, flooding his house. And although in the diary, which fell into hand, it is strongly recommended to not see the damned building, we, of course, go on the road.
Moved on the corridors of the "bad" house, you will feel that something terrible is happening around: blood spots on the floor, flashering silhouettes in the dark, scattered in the corners furniture. It is not possible to materialize the items that were not here for another minute ago, the situation in the house changes, blocking the way ... to spoil you with pleasure and disclose the details of the story we will not become, because the plot in this addition is extremely good and unpredictable.

Killer path
- Original name: Assassin Quest
- Developer: Jannix Quinn.
- Character level: any
- Passage time: 2-4 hours
- action: Middle
- Role playback: minimum
- traps and tricks: lot
- Features: Oblivion skillfully masked under Assassin S Creed and Hitman at the same time

"The killer path" is such a kind of attempt to make a quick and acrobatically verified Assassin Creed from a slow and measured Oblivion, and even with Hitman additives in addition. Of course, the main character does not own the arsenal of gymnastic techniques affordable to Altair, but it turned out a very good equilibrist from it. And the lack of firearms, which was at the agent №47, he skillfully compensates for throwing daggles.
The lattice of the story is: an unknown throws up a note by us in which he asks to kill one of the inhabitants of Bruma. Why and why it is not clear, but the remuneration promises to be serious. As befits the true Asassine, the moral side of the issue does not have - much more important than the fee. In the course of the matter, it turns out that it is not necessary to finish off one person, but to make a whole series of daring murders. And if at first it is enough to simply cut the victim in a dark alley, then towards the end to plan the attack is accurate to step. Not only are the victims themselves are able to give serious rebuff, so even around full of law-abiding citizens who are ready to call for the guard or even try to catch you on their own. Even if you manage to go away from the persecution, you will be discovered in all cities of Syrodial. That's how it turns out, whether it cost for "non-paying".

Dungeon Ivellona
- Original name: Dungeons of Ivellon.
- Developer: Lazarus.
- Features: Detective story in the best traditions of Romanov Agatha Christie

Most of the "dungeon" mods of TES 4: Oblivion are built according to the standard, boring scheme: a map in hand, a couple of words about who needs to be killed and what values \u200b\u200bto collect, and go ahead to the conquest of the next underground kingdom. "The dungeons of Ivellon" are arranged differently. This is the most real detective story in the spirit of the Romanov of Agatha Christie and William Collins.
To advance through the plot, it is not enough to just explore new locations and destroy monsters. It is necessary to collect prompts, compare facts, repeatedly return to the already covered zones, chat with numerous NPCs, many of which, by the way, are very reluctant to share information - with some will have to chat 3-4 times (in the intervals performing small quests) before they tell , what to do next.
The battles, however, is also enough. Sometimes it falls a few minutes to beat with one very strong opponent, running away from him along the corridors, hiding in the clefts, and even climbing the ceiling on the stone ledge. And sometimes monsters (most of the models are created by the author of the fashion from scratch) poured a huge wave, and then nothing remains, except to cuddle to the wall, so as not to surround, and beat to the last drop of blood.
The only drawback of the fashion is that it is focused on well-grained characters (not lower than the 20th level): weaker heroes will not last more than half an hour.

Dragon invasion
- Original name: Dragon Invasion 2.
- Developers: JLF2N and SAIDEN STORM

MOD "WASHING DARONS" is one of the most unusual additions for TES 4: Oblivion. He adds to the game the opportunity to fight with the most real dragons, and even get into addition unique artifacts and the rarest types of armor.
To fully enter the image of a noble knight, it is enough to connect the mod and wait a bit. Our hero receives a letter from the Countess of Narins Kwwein from Bruma, which says that the happy and peaceful life of Syrodial can soon come to an end. As a result of the earthquake, an ancient and damn evil dragon woke up. He calmly won thousands of years in his stone bed, and almost forgot about him. And what is the worst - forgotten and methods that dragons can be defeated.
And the dragon would be alone. As soon as the evil reptile opened up the eyelids, the army of goblins began to flow under her wings, which only dream to turn the Tamriel into picturesquely smoking ruins. The case is aggravated by the fact that the dragon is almost invulnerable to weapons of ordinary mortals, so all hope is only at the Syrodial champion - at you.

Cybiad's liberation
- Original name: Daggerfall Memories: The Liberation of Cybides
- Developer: Deathless Aphrodite

When you install the Cabioma Liberation mod for TES 4: Oblivion, the game will immediately appear a small island to be cleaned by the evil who captured him. Death delay is like, so you need to act quickly and decisively.
The liberation crusade begins immediately after in one of the cities of Sirodiel, a certainty Donillo Minearus will meet us - he, in fact, will tell about the damnist, which is happening in one of Tamriel's corners. Immediately after that, the main character is highlighted with Dionillo to the banks of the kibiad. A small walk on the local settlement clearly makes it clear that there is not everything in a purely on the island. The villages are ruined, all sorts of utensils are scattered everywhere, the houses are empty. But the most incomprehensible, where did all people go?
Next starts quite interesting. The settlers are found literally at the next hill, that's just on normal people, they are now not too similar - the will of them enslaved the magic flaming ball, similar to the Palantir from the "Lord of the Rings".
Just to figure it out with a mysterious natural phenomenon (for example, destroy the ball and free the village) does not work, so you have to look for bypass maneuvers, find out what is generally happening on the island. It is not enough that the process itself is very interesting, so also a reward for the rays of the mystery is relying serious. The liberated inhabitants will give you a huge house with a fully furnished alchemical laboratory.
In addition to a rather unusual plot, in the "liberation of a cybiad" there are all signs of the most prominent mods. The environment is completely redesigned: the textures are redrawn, the characters model are simulated again, the sound and music are written specifically for the fashion (and wrote clearly not at home, but in a professional studio).
In addition, the installer includes several versions of the supplement so that the "kibid" is compatible with various versions of the game - for example, with the official addon Knights of the Nine.

Snack "At seven roads"
Developers: Julianos, [Email Protected], Investigator, Volodimer, Niazan
As well as: "Little" (wife Julianos "a), Mazofako, Romilius

Scene line from a dozen big quests. History will tell you about the fraternity of free adventurers who live in the tavern "Snacking" southeast of the imperial city. You will meet colorful characters - both from friends and from enemies. Your ward will hunt for the magic rings, search for missing pirate captains and treasures of legendary pirates, hunting ogres in abandoned mines. You can also get the title of the best fighter of the two continents - Tamrilyl and Akavir, winning the tournament in the arena of "Red Pdov".
New stories will help you with new swords and armor. The authors also brought beauty, slightly converting the effects of fire, light and shadows. Everything unfolds around the "fraternity of the diner" - at the first view of the banal community of free adventurers. The fraternity settled in a small Harchevna southeast of the imperial city. The story begins with the fact that the main character accidentally wandered into the eaterial "from seven roads," took the room from the owner and asked him to tell visitors ...

You know if the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivionhe was a wealthy burgher and, as it believed to the decent tolerance of the Burger, he regularly looked to visit psychoanalyst, then on a classic question: " What is your problem?"She would answer the following:" My problem is my porarician and marketers».

It's probably not a secret for any year in the gaming industry, the creators, talented people who spark the ideas and have long been lost to the bloody corn of the hands, give out autographs (although these guys work with no less energy, What their colleagues worked five, ten or fifteen years ago).

The world's world of computer entertainment rule averages, with Mother's milk absorbed Catler's teachings, Black and other marketing and piana cornea. Because of the neat, merging with the walls of any office of "dress code", we practically do not see these citizens - but they are. And the more the authorities turn out to be in their hands, the more noticeable the mistakes performed by them become.

The current number " Gamesania"It is very indicative in this regard. A little further on the magazine in the Pooh and the dust of the kimoric of domestic bottling Lada Racing Club.whose pirachikov worked for five, vigorously promoting what to unwind in principle was not worth it. In the case of Oblivion, the problem is completely different. Having a powerful project in his hands, people responsible for his promotion, for some reason forced us to search for an air castle all of us - and turn into a short moment to turn away from the real advantages of the game.

For many this short bli, it turned out enough to ruin his impression from the fourth part of The Elder Scrolls.

Oh, damn, vision

Stones from the walls of the air lock begin to pour literally in the first moments of the game. Many of you probably remember The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind-Belive predecessor Oblivion. Remember the journey on the ship for the transport of prisoners, remember short training, conversation with Selllo Gravius \u200b\u200band the door opening in Seyd Ning, a small coastal city, one glance to which was enough to lose the gift of speech for a long time. Behind these little cozy houses, for a beautiful harbor, for mighty, funny-rude riding beetles immediately seen a whole peace- Huge, mysterious, mounted and full adventure. A couple of minutes spent in Seyd Ning were charged with many energy sufficient to pass the entire game.

At first it seems that Oblivion begins in the same way. Sirodil, Metropolitan province Tamriel. Our new chief chief is a prisoner again, which now lives in prison. Accurate under the Palace of the Emperor. Moreover, in the most real VIP-camera - it is here that the door to the underground stroke is harnessed in the case of "unforeseen incidents". So there is nothing strange when the emperor Uriel's emperor uriel appears at the far end of the raw corridor. Grandfather today clearly got up from that foot: on the heels behind him, the hordes of militant cultists are racing, and he grabs the amulet on his chest, to boight the poor Zeka with a look and murms something like: " That's it, this person was in vision, it was he who will save our world" Suddenly, amnesty comes, and the guard has to take us with them.

Further everything is happening at the roll-up scheme - we are wearing the raw dungeon, helping the emperor, while studying the game and creating a "role-playing portrait" of your character. At the end of Uriel's walk, of course, they kill, but before you to leave the spirit, he gives us an amulet in a set with a punishment to attribute the stronger "where necessary". In the meantime, the gates to the parallel dimension of Oblivion, from which the shaft rushes from the chamber. It's time to save the world, elected! The door to the cherished "street" opens and ...

And Graphic Oblivion Engine , one of the most modern and high-tech today, draws us the following picture: modest lake, lifeless plain and something there on the horizon. We again lose the gift of speech again. This time - from emptiness and disappointment, which can be with the same plain.

A few minutes later the game understands his mistake and begins to rehabilitate. In the scalks of the seeming dead world, something begins to move, clap through eyes and make sounds. Here we are admiring the boat tied to the pier, and a little further on the shore is played by the real battle: the Unnamed Archer is shooting from the crabs from him. We come to the rescue and instead of "thanks" we get an arrow in the stomach. Yes, you still have to get used to local laws ...

With each minute we are fascinated more and more. Long journey through the rolled road. Rare houses, abandoned ruins and attackers from ambush enemies. Beautiful landscapes that you want to admire, racing the camera with a long time and choosing successful angles. Flames of the torch in the hands of a lone guard on a horse. He already knows about the death of the emperor - and in his voice, his fear and confusion sounds. And this constantly flashes the Imperial City on the horizon - the mounted city on the island, to get away from it is not so simple, as it seems.

About this moment we start feelgame. Oblivion world is doomed. And that is why it wants to live in it.

Log people

Alas, but as soon as the game returns our trust and more or less firmly falls on his feet, she put another footboard. And so strong that the whole wall falls off from the air lock Mig.

Radiant Ai. The thing to which the main bet was made when promoting the game. According to the promises of the developers, this system of behavior of the game characters was supposed to make them the most "alive" in the history of computer games. The scene with the owner of the store, which offered to the second floor to rise to the second floor, then worked out in archery from Luke, read the book and burned the fiberglass a boring dog, shocked, probably everyone who saw her or at least read about her in a specialized press. " It's only the beginning!"Disturbantly heard from PR-Rupors. It was promised that each character in the game will receive their own character, their own habits and goals, and both momentary and global.

In the first minutes, held in Imperial City, it seems that the capital has flooded some completely wild and uneducated jelly, which survived the "intellectuals" with Radiant AI education. Alas, but in the rest of the cities of Sirodiil, the same social catastrophe broke out - by the streets they roam the hordes of the whirlwind of the homeless money and frowning workers-clones, and the so-called "Bohemia" leads endless conversations in the spirit: " And you heard that glamorous armor sell in the store?" Honest word, life in Oblivion is no more than in the old woman Gothic.. At the same time, in the "Gothic", the characters though behaved naturally - here the natural circus-shapito is going around around the player.

Alas, the failure of almost all items from the description of Radiant AI is not the only complaint that can be submitted to programmers of artificial intelligence. It is very bad, for example, joint actions are made when the company is hampered by a computer-driven allies. The fight in their execution resembles the game to the roulette - you will never understand, on which the pods will be able to competently distribute the goals and attack opponents. In general, given a markedly increased amount of massive dumps, the game would not hurt the simple interface of the management of comrades - but, alas, it is possible to hope only on modifications developers.

Those who love to indulge in theft of theft will remain disappointed. The fact is that on the stolen things in Oblivion, it seems that they are written in large letters "stolen" - even if you go to the other end of the world, no normal seller will buy them with you. So you have to look for rare buyers stolen and sell them your Skarb. At the same time, by the way, the "thief" is also written in large letters - any urban guard from a huge distance, it is noted that there are other people's things in the bag, and immediately offers or pay a fine, or stump into the cataadium. Although, of course, it is also possible to just fill the face of the law.

But this is not the biggest absurd. At the beginning of your trip, the player receives a real horse. In the company with her, any road becomes shorter and - three times "ha ha!" - Merry. Imagine ourselves: here the next gangster with a huge ax pops on a lonely causta. We are hurrying, I will put the sword and ... We begin to poke them the enemy in the side - the stupid Ai has already jammed on the horse and enthusiastically trying to cut it into the cutlets. The poor animal, in turn, thwarts with hooves. And the horses in the Syrodial of obviously special breeds - even if you do not enter into battle, and stand on the sidelines, the man's painline almost always scores the enemy.

Well, now - the continuation of the banquet! Only our four-legged tank has time to deal with the brazen bandit, as the second bushes pop up from the neighboring bushes and, catching onions, absorbs the boom directly into the massive croup of the poor animal. Relief, entering a new goal, rapprochement and next scene: the area of \u200b\u200bthe archer, which is trying to stay at a distance, horses, enthusiastically swinging hooves on the villain, and does not understand the player. Just above, we have already used the phrase "Circus-Shapito" - you can, repeat it again, well?

But the player manages to break through to the enemy - and the combat system by the MiG itself in all its glory and disgrace. Contact contactions in Oblivion are complex and exciting - the enemy flashes around the hero as a charted ninja, constantly popping out from the field of view and inflicting blows in the sides and back. And he makes it at such a speed that sometimes you just do not understand - in which direction the scoundrel joined this time? The remote battle is not always saved - and the onions, and most spells have to aim, but to do this, given the supermanity of opponents, is quite difficult at times.

But pleases the appearance of the stealth mode. A sneaky kick in the back does not suspect the enemy several times more damage than the ordinary tone of Tesacian, is definitely our method, friends! Yes, and the system itself works "honestly" - if you move carefully, to approach the enemy unnoticed will not be difficult.

Proper story

Well, Oblivion? How do you rehabilitate yourself this time, what will pay the coin with the players for the unsolicited Radiant AI and a strange combat system?

The answer is simple - a fascinating plot. Unlike Morrowind, which literally pressed the player with its sizes and scales, Oblivion takes another saturation. A short walk through the Imperial City - and the player forgets about the instructions of Uriel, getting involved in many side quests. Tasks are issued literally at every corner: even a random conversation with ordinary passersby can pour out in a long runway throughout the continent. And we are still silent about a huge number of guilds (magicians, fighters, thieves, murderers), whose ranges of quests on the scope almost do not give way to the main campaign.

The individual five in the diary is obtained by scripts: the standard tasks "take away", "kill" and "collect" in Oblivion retreating into the background, skipping forward to those thought out to the smallest details of the quest. You will be informed about the pier that a citizen who cheap sells his house is tavern. A few minutes of searches - and now you are already looking at the decoration of the dwelling. Then five thousand conditional units leave your pocket. Widow arrived on a new property, you or go to travel further, or go to bed and ... We discover that ghosts live in the house. Their evaluation and punishment of the negligent seller - a separate long history ...

Traditional fly spoon again in place. It is not clear why the developers tied the level of most opponents to the player level. That is, we grow - "grows" and the world around. This approach gives Oblivion some sterility - it almost does not have both light and complex tasks, only "arithmeticly averaged." Develop a character, again, it becomes uninteresting - why to strive for this if the enemies will automatically grow up to the same plank?

Although the role-playing system is amazingly good. Accessious for three big games and a crazy number of addons, in Oblivion she almost reached ideals. Each race has a predisposition to one or another style of the game (orcs - excellent warriors, the highest elves are born to be the magicians), the sign of the zodiac adds any pleasant perk like an increase in magical power, and the distribution of skills depends on the selected class , alchemy - between the main (very strong initially; quickly pump out) and additional (pumping slowly). The growth of skills pulls over the overall level, the player is also choosing which of the basic characteristics to increase, - beauty!

Separately should congratulate the magicians. The fact is that in Morrowind "Magica" (the local analog of mana, spent on the use of spells) was restored only during rest or sleep. It made the game for the magician a terrific complex. In the Oblivion "Magic" dripping at any time, with a rather high speed.

Elves on the excursion

Quality quests in Oblivion are supported by luxurious graphics. The engine itself, honestly, leaves a very dual impression. On the one hand, he draws huge open spaces, there is great lighting in it (you would see what a luxurious day and night change here!), Forest and grass worked. But on the other hand, "in the fresh air" is too much noticeable discharge of detail depending on the distance. That is, if everything is in order - trees there, pebbles, grass, beautiful soil, - then you should look at the hilly away, as you will see that it consists of a modest number of polygons, covered in a nightmare folding texture. Disgusting contrast.

The picture, however, pull out designers. The world in Oblivion is much more compact than in Morrowind, and thanks to this, it is almost no "dead" places, he is comfortable and mil. A bit strange on this background looks like instantly move to one of the key points on the map - after all, using it, the player misses almost all exciting travel.

Well, the most beautiful in Oblivion is settlements. Imperial City, like most of the capitals, suppresses its dimensions, scope, statitivity. Provincial towns scattered throughout the map, on the contrary, attract. Each of them has its own planning, its unique architectural style and its cozy locations. Yes, it will probably sound pathetic and funny, but any settlement in Oblivion has a unique soul, There are secrets and legends. And, traveling around the world, sometimes you start feeling a real tourist, who, hitting the new city, spans the mouth, wanders for a long time in his streets and makes screenshots-photos.

Beauty External reinforce music - she is calm, does not distract from the process and at the same time greatly coming up to the style of the game. Jeremy Sul Obviously received his work dollar not in vain.

And, alas, again it is necessary to return to disadvantages. Animation in the game is just awful. The definition of "Pyratina", popular in the gaming press, is probably ideal for local characters. And yet: Never, hear, never, do not press the jump button when the form on the form from a third party! ..

The technology of creating Facegen's faces, about the awesome possibilities of which we told so much, also turned out to be another loud pen. It makes no sense for a long time about it, it is enough to say that in the absence of beautiful female characters.

The editorial office of "Game" walked along a variety of official and informal forums and prepared a small instruction with which Oblivion can be made a little more stable and faster.

First, let's deal with errors. According to the developers, 99% of such bugs arise due to problems with sound codecs. Therefore, we go to " Installation and removal of programs "And check whether there did not hide K-Lite Codec Pack . If yes - remove it. After that, follow the directory Windows \\ System32. and rename file. in, for example, mPEG2DMX.AX.OLD. .

Now improve system performance. Let's start with the simplest and logical - with updating all the main drivers: video and sound cards, as well as the motherboard. Take the latest versions of the most popular drivers for video cards You can C our DVD from the section " Iron Soft».

Noticeably increases the number of frames per second and another trick. Install Coolbits. (REG file that opens additional video card settings, you can take from our disk in the same section), after which in the driver setup menu Additional Direct 3D Settings put the parameter Max Frames to Render Ahead on value 0 (ATTENTION - when starting other games it is better to return this setting to the initial value!).

The last item is editing an ini game file that is in My Documents \\ My Games \\ Oblivion . Open it with "Notepad" and change the following entries:

In order to include shaders version 3.0 (there is a NVIDIA video card starting with GeForce 6200 and ATI starting with Radeon X1300), we put ballow30Shaders \u003d 1. ;

In order to make textures on remote objects better, put uGRIDSTOLOAD \u003d 7. and flandTexturingTillingmult \u003d 0.5000 .

Good game!

* * *

To be honest, we absolutely do not understand the serious foreign play editions that one after another make the game almost one hundred percent ratings. For what colleagues? Numerous fans are talking about Oblivion, but they are fans. At the same time, in huge, dozens of pages, Internet discussions often skip offended statements in Spirit: " But it was promised, but did not!" or " And here it is not clear why changed - there was better because it was better!».

Games from The Elder Scrolls have never been perfect. Remember how many flaws were in Morrowind - and what eventually his fate turned out. We are simply confident that, despite all the problems described above, Oblivion will be one of the most popular RPG in the history of the genre, turns out a huge number of official addons and amateur modifications. It is a pity that there, in Bethesda, did not understand this - and "painted" with us a completely different game.

The game that we never see and see.

Recharactery- Yes

Cool plot- Yes

Originality- not

Easily master- Yes

Expectancy justification:50%



Sound and music:9.0

Interface and management:5.0

Wait?The promised revolution and the birth of the "RPG of the new generation" was not accomplished - the The Elder Scrolls series continues to break the track. Oblivion is a huge and deep role-playing game, which, unfortunately, is rich not only on the strengths, but also for disadvantages.