REPEATABLE ROMANCE SCENES \\ Repeating romantic scenes. Passage - Act II: Quests of associates Dragon Age 2 relationships

On the dark streets of the upper city of Kirkvol, there was no soul on this night. How did all the robbers and the killers hid in their logs. And only he was today alone with silence.
"Damn, well, at least someone will come to my blade now. Then I will have an excuse, and I will not come to her today and I will not tell you about what I feel. "
Absorbed by His thoughts, Fenris did not even notice how her legs brought him to her house. How many nights he came here, tormented by the desire to knock her house at the door, conclude it into his arms, so favorite and desirable. How many times did he draw in his most bold fantasy night spent with her. Every time it was like revealing.
Finally, it was today that he was determined more than ever. Words of Warric pushed him to action. It was today that he finally decided not to be a coward.
You're ready to knock on the door, for a second it is froned, but the shavers of gusting once again quit everything to hell and escape, he made these cherished three knocks.
The door opened, but Bodan was on the threshold.
- "Damn, as awkward that" - thought Fenris "I still have time to turn around and leave"
- "Oh, Master Fenris, please pass, Monta Hawk told me in case of your arrival, if it is not at home, delay you. Maybe you want to drink something? " - He met his dwarf.
"No, nothing needs, I'll just wait for her here, in the hallway, leave me" - snapped Fenris.
"As you wish, if I need it, just call," Bodan spoke and came out.
Fenris approached the fireplace. Firewood was cheerful. He handed his hands to the fire, feeling the heat from coal on his palms.
"Fenris .." he heard suddenly.
Starting, he wrapped his hands from the fire and turned around. It was she ...
"So he, the moment of truth ... Now my fate will be solved. Will I be able to feel happy for a moment, or my illusions will dispel in the dust ... it's time .. "
- "I thought about you here ... No, honestly, I think only about you. Tell me to leave and I will leave, "Phenris whispered.
- "Do I say something?" - Molded Hawk.
Fenris did not hear her reply now, he didn't matter what her words mean. Answer yes or no did not matter. His desire was only to conclude it in the arms and feel the heat of her lips, the warmth of her breathing.
It's no longer able to hold back, Fenris gave a gust of the sunny feelings, hugged Hawk and kissed her passionately. He did not expect a response to his kiss, but she pulled him to the wall with force. Now he knew that he was not mistaken what he did right. He even stronger hugged her and began to kiss. She could not breathe, as he could not break out of his arms. He felt like each kiss it believes in it, like a split steel blade and something beats and pulsates inside. Finally he pulled his lips from her and looked into his eyes. Taking hair from her face, he spoke gently and hoarsely:
"I can't forget that night when I first met you, I loved you as soon as I saw." Seeing you then, I realized that you either make me the happiest in the world, or destroy irretrievably. "
The words of him for a moment were frozen, and the palm lay down on a high maiden's chest. The thin cloth of her home apparel could hardly serve as a barrier for his fingers. The hand slid below, exposing the body. Hawk tried to say something, but it turned out that she had no voice, nor the desire to do it. He felt that where he concerned, she was experiencing a heat, and where he did not have time to touch, the body was eager for his touch.
"I have always been afraid to be in captivity of your beauty," Phenris whispered.
He strongly pressed her lips to her, continuing to caress. Then his hand moved below, as if the ookolding her. His lips played with her lips, went and returned again. This kiss was simultaneously enjoyed and violence - wild and sweet.
For a moment, he froze, she raised the eyelids and saw his eyes that seemed dark green from passion. She flashed and took the eye.
- "No, do not look at me! - Fenris whispered hoarsely, and pressed her tightly, as if it was the last time in his life.
At that moment, Hawke seemed that she sees in the eyes of Fenris tears.
Without giving a minute for unnecessary questions, the elf picked it up on her arms and carried it to the second floor ...

To be continued...

Passage - Act II: Quests of Comraders
In the second act you will begin to find gifts that you can give to your companions. Each gift, when founding, starts a mini-quest and in the magazine it is indicated who exactly should be given to. Unlike gifts in the first yes, the gifts of this game shift the attitude of the comrades in the already existing side of friendship or rivalry. That is, if your associate is in friendship with GG, a gift will bring the glasses of friendship, and if rivalry is, respectively, rivalry, even if you choose absolutely the same options for answering dialogs. Replicas of associates in this case will differ depending on their relationship to the GG.


Conversation with Fenris / Speak to Fenris

Talk to Fenis in his mansion. You will receive an increase in friendship glasses if you offer him help, and rivalry glasses - if you agree that these are not your problems.

Questioning Beliefs

Talk to Fenis. He will tell you about how he managed to escape from Danarus. This quest appears only if you have reached 50 friendship and rivalry glasses with Fenris.

Book of Shartan / The Book of Shartan (gift)

When visiting the elphina after sunset in one of the bags along the northern street, you will find the book "Slave Life", written by Elf Chartan, the companion of Andrasta. Give it to Fenris.

Nightmare Fenris / Fenris's Night Terrors

This quest only appears if you took Fenris with you to the shadow (Quest of Fainriel) and he betrayed you a demon of pride. Talk to him and listen to his apologies. You will deserve friendship or rivalry glasses depending on whether you will assign to the celebrity or express claims.

Bitter Pill / The Bitter Pill

This quest appears after you move a little on the storyline (it always appears after the "explosive service"), if you go beyond the Kirkolla with Fenris in your group. On the way to the destination you will be expected to expect an ambush from the Tevinister slave trade, who were sent to return Fenris to his former owner.
After a short conversation, the battle will begin. Although you can choose an answer option "We may agree" (which, for obvious reasons, will give you glasses of rivalry with Fenris), you will not avoid battle. After the fight, one of the attackers will open at the location of the Hadrianne - ladies, which, apparently, leads the search for Fenris.

Go to the new location on your world map. The approach to the cave of slave trade is covered by several detachments, including magicians. Be careful.

In the cave itself you will find many traps - and traps that cannot be turned off - they are activated every time they come to them. Fortunately, they can be easily noticed by color tiles other than the rest. In some bottlenecks, you may be easier to take on behalf of the characters and gently promote them forward one in one to avoid damage.

Having reading part of the caves from the detachments of slave owners, magicians, unclean and other cute creatures, you will meet with a young slave-elf orana. If you are kind with her, then deserve friendship glasses with Fenris. Fenris, Varrick and Alelin will give you friendship glasses, if you offer a girl service with you, specifying that it is not slavery and you will pay her for work.

Finally, having achieved Hadrianne, you will have to fight with an infinite waves of the workers and the shadows that she will call for help. It is best to focus all the firepower on it, as soon as its protective barrier disappears, to bring it a maximum of possible damage in a short time - otherwise it will not only reach the barrier again, but also will teleport all over the room, it will also be teleported throughout the room, making it difficult to access battle.
After the battle of Hadrianne will automatically speak with Fenris. After a conversation, Fenris temporarily leaves your group.
To get it back, go to your estate. There, Fenris will talk to you and this will complete this quest. If you have already completed the quest doubts and flirted with Fenis before, this conversation will also be a turning point in your relationship.

If you do not immediately go to the Hadrianne, and you will perform other tasks, then the Tevinters will be attacked on you (with Fenris in the group) - in this case, Fenris will give you the glasses of rivalry and put an ultimatum - to go to the refuge of the Hadriannes immediately. If you refuse, he will leave one and you will not see it anymore.

Note - In one of the chests in the dungeon of the slave traders, in the room where you met an elf is a gift for Anders - Amulet of the Tevinin Church.


Conversation with captain / Calling on the Captain

Talk to Alellin in the Palace of the governor.

Invertible Doubts / Doubts That Linger

This quest appears only if you took Avelin with you in the shadow (Quest of Fainriel) and she betrayed you a demon desire. Talk to her about what happened and depending on your reaction you can earn friendship or rivalry glasses.

Questioning Beliefs

Talk to Alelin in the Palace of the governor of the worsening atmosphere in Kirkolly. This quest appears only if you have reached 50 friendship points or rivalry from Avelin.

Long Way / The Long Road

Talk to Alellin in the Palace of the governor. She will ask you to make a trickle. Remember the guide of the donon from the first part of the game? He recovered and again in the ranks. So, we need to attribute him a gift from Alelin, and then tell her about his reaction.
Give a gift to the Donkey, which stands in the next room, and come back to Avelin with a report.
She will ask you to make one more trivial business: hang on the board the schedule of guard duty and find out the guard's reaction to its purpose.
We go to the board in the lobby, hinder the announcement, listen to the perplexity of the guards on this issue and the report of Alelin.
Alelin in difficulty, what to do it now - and your colleagues are happy to comment on what is happening (their conversations during this quest is perhaps the best part of it, especially trying Isabel).
During the conversation, the captain will ask you to arrange a meeting with the Donnik in the evening.
We go to the Donkey and call him in the "Hangton", then we go there yourself. We look at the movie, which out of all this comes out, and speak to Alelin.

During the conversation, we agree that you will arrange a calm watch with a donon on a torn shore, so that she can talk to him without interference.

We go to the torn bank and moving after the quest arrow.
We have to sequentially kill three groups of enemies about three "lighthouses", after which the "lighthouses" and watch Avelin are going on. Be careful - in addition to the enemies on the roads to the "lighthouses" numerous traps are placed.
Wave before lighting the third fire. Subsequently, in a short scene, your conversation with the Donnik and Alelin, you will have the opportunity to help Avelin get the desired and vice versa.
After talking we go to the city - there, in the fortress of the governor, you will be waiting for an upset Avelin. During the conversation, the donon appears, and they continue their conversation without you, behind the closed door.
If you decide to help them, then get the glasses of friendship with Avelin - and the Donnik can come to your aid in the final battle of the game.

Once again, talk to Alelin and find out what they have agreed with the Donnik. This conversation will complete this quest.

Captain's Condoles / The Captain's Condolences

Talk to Avelin after completing the quest "Everything that is left." You will receive glasses of rivalry, if you blame her in what happened or if you do not listen to her story.

Shield Lady Knight / Shield of Knight Herself (gift)

Give Alelin Shield, which you can find in the refuge of Warella in Quest "Find and Lose". If you persuade her to take it as a friend's gift, then it will turn into a real shield (and very good), to use which can only Alelin. In other cases you can also use it.


Visit Anders / Visit Anders

Talk to Anders in his hospital.

Amulet Church Tevinter / The Tevinter Chantry Amulet (Gift)

During the Quest of Fenris "Gorky Pill" you will find in the chest in the room where you met Ehphica Oran, Amulet of the Tevinin Church. Give it Anders.

Disagreement / dissent

In the second act of the game, we get from Andres news that he wants to talk to us. We go to him in the hospital.
Anders is very worried that recently grained grated magicians in the city, and they packed and those who have already passed torture - which is not allowed under church laws.
And so, through the underground network of disagreements with the Board, Meredith Magov, Andres learned that, it turns out, there is a whole plan on the harm of Mages of Kirkvolla. The author of this plan is the temple of Alrik, who is pacified by Charles, a friend Andres, which you can remember on the first act.
Andres will ask us to get this plan.
And for this, we, just, you need to penetrate the incidents of the cloac.

We agree and go to the tunnel, choose two more satellites and go to the task. Andres in this quest will be your mandatory companion.

In the tunnel we are waiting for many smugglers of Lyrima, half of which can go into stealth and then attack the back. The further you promote, the more the "leaders" will meet you among the enemies. Therefore, excessive caution will not hurt you. Also there are poisonous spiders.
We kill everyone who comes across to us along the way, and as the enemies that we killed our enemies come forward with one of our killed enemies. This "cute" item will open you a small quest.

We reach almost the end of the dungeon, we persist. We make a few steps forward and observe a very interesting scene with the participation of the Temple Alrika and the young Magesse.
Get involved in battle. Hope you have enough potions with you? The battle will not be from the lungs, Alrik himself and his workflowers - the guys are strong enough. Some go to stealth and beat from it. Alrik himself uses a lot of self-templeless skills, so I would recommend to kill at the beginning, and only then deal with the rest. You can also run back the entire group - then you will drive only a few temples for you and - sometimes Alrik himself, and the subsequent reinforcement waves will calmly wait at the same place until you come back to them.
As soon as the last temple was killed, quickly press on F5. It will give you the opportunity to replay the dialogue if the result does not suit you.

The battle is finished, and you are atomatically starting a conversation with young Magiche and revenge.
Options for the end of this quest two.
1. If you do not care that with Maghesa, who escaped to say goodbye to the parents, you can support the justice that yes, everyone deserve death and not stop.
Then he has time to kill the girl, after which he retreats Andres comes to himself, sees the work of his hands and leaves.
2. If you do not care, choose the answer marked with an asterisk "do not touch it!". Andres comes to itself, translates the spirit and leaves.

And we, having left with two satellites, search Alrik and find it the very plan of the ability of Kirkwall magicians.
We must admit that this plan did not approve the Supreme Priestess and did not approve of Meredith.
It turns out, Alrik's plan was carried out without their consent with the group of its like-minded people, and since it is no longer there, the magicians, so far, nothing threatens.

We go forward, to a close way out of the caves and on the way you search one small yoke. There, in the usual drawer, there is an improvement in the armor Andres - "Essence of the Spirit" - increases the resistance to magic.

We leave the caves, talk to the Maghesis saved by us. Only depends on you, whether it will return to the circle or leaves the Kirkwall, fearing the persecution of the temples.

Returning to Andres in the hospital. After conversation with him, the quest will be completed.
In this conversation, you will have the opportunity to drive Andres from your team, let alone be dealing with his justice.
It will be possible to get together and support the magician, saying that we will help him cope.
And, for those who have a novel with him, will be able to reach Love Replica.

Faith Question / Questioning Beliefs

Talk to Anders. For those who have a novel with him, I strongly recommend to survive - this is a turning point in your relationship with him. This quest appears only if you have reached 50 friendship points or rivalry with Anders.



Talk to Merril in her house in Elfinza.

Reflection in the mirror / mirror image

Merril will show you a broken mirror-Eluvian, which she has long dreamed of gathering and repairing you in a shack (Elfinage). To do this, she needs the tools that are only at the Dolians. Go with Merril to the camp on a split mountain and talk to Maretari. Instead of a special carving knife, the keeper will ask you to provide a service: to kill the warmerral in the cave at the camp and find traces of hunters sent there earlier. At the entrance to the cave from under the ground, a few more busy corpses will come out - override them and enter inside.
In the first cave camera, poisonous spiders will attack you. There is also a body of one of the dead clan hunters - a well-ahead of it and take the amulet. The second hunter will lie in the lateral deadlock of the cave.
Return to the main cave and go down the stairs. Spiders will again be attacked. The third murdered hunter lies behind the staircase, on the site above the failure. Take it to the amulet.
A little further than you will meet an elf named Paul who does not wish to take help from you because of the presence of Merril, and will run away. Follow him deep into the cave, where Varterral will attack on the boy, to which several spiders will join. Be careful: Varterral is sleeping poisonous saliva (as soon as he spits, immediately get away from the resulting puddles, otherwise you will constantly get damaged) and causes the coloration of stones from the cave ceiling. Looking at him - as soon as he starts bouncing on the spot - it means, it is going to call the collapse (which can immediately send to the next world of your most serious colleagues) and you better change the position. Fortunately, Warterlell takes some time to complete this technique, so if you are attentive, you will have time to avoid damage.

Having won it, pick up the treasures of the Varryralral and do not forget to take his heart (for the task of the Solivitus herbal). Do not relax - on the way back in the cave, you will attack a few more busy dead, and before the easiest of the cave is a rather impressive group of undead led by frosty horror.
Selecting from the cave, go back to the camp and talk to Maretari. You can donate the tools of Merril (get the glasses of rivalry from Fenris and Anders - and the glasses of friendship from Merril) or leave them (in this case, Merril will give rivalry glasses).

Returning with a split mountain / Back from Sundermount

Talk to Merril about what happened in the lag of the warterle.

Wooden Halla / Wooden Halla

This figure can be bought from Islem Masters in the camp of the Doli. Give it Merril.

Apologies Merril / Merrill, An apology

This quest appears only if Merril betrayed you a demon of pride in the shade. Talk to her about what happened.


Plans for the Future / Plans for The Future

Talk to Varrik in "Hangcope".

Family Business / Family Matter

So, in the second act of the game, Warrick will notify us that his agents have finally tripped Bartartrance. According to reports, Brother Warric now lives in one of the places of the Upper City and Gnome asks to compile him to visit his brother.
We agree and go to deal with this greedy short.
We approach the mansion in the upper city and see that it seems for a long time abandoned. Well, they examine it better.

We go and ... We look at the roller in the style of American Western with Warrik in the lead role, after which we take the management of our crossbath for yourself and clean the house from all the guards alone.
However, Cassandra interferes with the process of the narration, which explains what is happening ...

So, this time you find yourself in the whole team mansion. You almost in every room will attack dozens of amusing guards with their commanders. Be careful - in the 5th, the room is a few traps, and in the 7th at the entrance you will be thrown away with slow gas (this trap can be neutralized, if you see this trap), and at the same time a whole army of guards will appear in time). In the hall with the central staircase, neach another trap and take on the blow of a whole avalanche of amusing guards running to you on the stairs. After you deal with them, Bartartan's survivor will come to you and tell about the madness that covers his owner. The servant will run away, and as soon as you open the door to the central room (the top area of \u200b\u200bthe stairs), a new flow of axled guards led by BarTartrance himself - this time, they will be attacking you from the bottom floor. Brother of Warric is nicely drawn with pair blades and can cause huge damage to the back.
After the fight, listen to the insane speeches of Bartartrance and decide what to do with it. If Andres is present in your group, he will be able to help the gnome for a short time and will save him from the influence of an idol - then Bartartannd will once again gain the ability to communicate well.
If Andres is not, then the intelligible dialogue will not work. Consult Warrik, as you think, you need to do with Bartartrance (peaceful outcome will bring you friendship with Warrik), and this dialogue will complete this quest.

Trended History / A Story Being Told

Talk to Bartrannd in "Hangcope" about his descriptions of your adventure.

Ring House Tetras / The Tethras Signet Ring (gift)

In the shop of baubles in the lower city, buy a ring with a seal and give it to Warrick.


Internal search for Isabeli / Isabela's Ongoing Search

Talk to Isabel in "Hangcope". She will tell that it is very close to the disclosure of the location of the relic, which you told you in the first act. If you express your readiness to help find it, you will get friendship with Isabel's glasses.

Isabel's ship / A Ship for Isabela

Give Isabel a boat in a bottle that you can find in the pit of smugglers during the plot quest "Explosive Service".

Questioning Beliefs

Talk to Isabella in History. This quest appears only if you reach 50 friendship points or rivalry with Isabella.

Apologies of Isabel / Isabela's apology

This quest appears only if you took Isabel with you to the shadow in Quest of Fainriel and she betrayed you a desire demon. Listen to her apologies. Depending on your answers, you will receive friendship or rivalry glasses (as well as an additional opportunity to smell with Isabel).

Attention: Quest Isabeli "Catch the thief" is a storyline and will be described in the final of the second act.

Do not spray for people who do not want to see in you deity Decent person (C)

At the weekend played in DA 2. But in the plot did not go - it worked out exclusively romantic lines. There are two reasons for it. More precisely, the reason is one - my favorite A. I left, and without him I don't go to the game - this is a rule. He also wants to see everything. It was not three days - and during this time me so Desperately lacked the strong male shoulder chief that I decided to take the soul on the game.
I spent in dismissal time - given my workload with work to try to lose all the nuances of love episodes. It turned out entertaining, I really liked it).
But in order.
The first, as I thought - dose Merril. Because I fulfilled her quest - Well, godlessly with her flirting, of course. I do it with all - even with Sebastian.
Returning home, I caught her there. After her monolign in style: " you are too good for me, but can I hope?"Hawken fucked her

By the way, the fun in sex with Merril is that it is the only option seen by me when they are divided to underwear. All other fuck solely dressed, as if the parents are waiting for guests, from minute to minute.

After that, we talked about love and Hawk suggested Merril to live with her.
After that, Merry began to decide in some white clothes. Well, probably, as the mistress is approved from the upper city.
But, after that, after that, Anders - whose quest "Question of Faith" was started next, I ran into a friendly explanation that I " gave him to understand that we and I are just friends" O_O. And shared plans for the revolution. I came to horror - because I had more vulgar plans on Anders than friendship and a joint game in Che Guevar. After that, I rushed to reboot the story with Merril - deciding to tell her the solid "farewell" after the first turbulent seitia.
Said. Merril was upset, called himself a fool, got up and left. And I-Hawk went to seduce Anders.
In front of me, these huge unfortunate lemurei glaze Merril, when I told her that it was all frivolous. And from this - you go crazy - I got into the soul so Pascudedly, as if I was my foot of the puppy, approached to ask to eat. After that, I rebooted again - and I decided at Hawk at home until I decorate until I decide this problem.

By the way about Merril - I'm sorry for me. She is so touching, yes, for sure. Let it not too smart, too naive, too obsessing and all that. But I'm unpleasant to offend her and do this I will not. Point.
And in battle, by the way, Merril Well done is a hundred glasses forward Bethany. The main thing is to pump stone armor in time - and excellent. Entropitus it so that the enemies die from Ebola virus.
By the way, the merryl does not need to offend. When Anders said that he would come to me, I was seriously worried, if I could do my house with Merril - who also had to come. But no. Only the one who "appointed" will come to the latter. And Merryl after that did not say anything, he only noted in the "party" chatter, what happy Anders look with Hawk. Well, nice that no offense.

Having understood with Merril and cheating flirting with Anders, I went to Fenis. And here was my epic Fale. I started the quest "Question of Faith" for my elf - and she graduated from him. Fenris did not succumb. I played in every way, alternately rolling out, Merril and Anders - to no avail. He told me his story and repeated many times that I was his friend.

Well, friends, as I understood, Fenris is not going to fuck. His "Question of Faith" ended, and I stayed with my nose. As a result, it seemed to me, I understood what the problem was: it was not necessary to go to him, a parallel flirting with Merril, out of Anders. Not in vain, he then said: " Did anyone else make a company yet? Why do you need me?»
Of course, it was a little offended. Think, well, I smelled with someone else, so what? Does it matter? I-real, too, before the meeting with my beloved, was by no means a virgin, not to mention about his Rich past. But it never interfered with our Union. On the contrary, it even helped. We both have already understood what is special, and what is both transient.

Well, okay, I understand it is a personal case of Fenris. In principle, I have and earlier saves - I already wanted to download them and play more "chaste" behavior for GG. But here ... I have already said that I brought Anders to "before the condition" ... So, I suddenly realized that I did not want to develop relations with Fenis. Not in the sense that he is bad or something else ... No, Fenris is definitely beautiful and interesting, and I may somehow play the second chapter, especially for him.
But now - now Anders still managed to take me.
Yes .. Finally, I have a personal interest in Da II. And I even understood why my choice fell on Anders - I don't care who as it applies to it and so on. I have enough my own understanding of the situation. If someone considers that this is a fair flaff - even if. I do not care.
So ... what attracted me:

1. Bonnie and Clyde. Yes, his phrase: "... We will be chased, we will hate us. There will be a whole world against us"This is just for me. In the end, what difference is to fight for peace - or against him?
2. First kiss in Cloake.

Well, yes, I understand how it sounds - "Kiss in Cloake." Nevertheless, it happened passionately. No, however, it was a complete feeling that he will decompose her right on the dirty floor and wonders, not paying attention to the discontinued mouth of patients. It was promising.
3. Justice. Already at home we asked Anders, about justice: " It became an invalid member ... of our love trio?»
And it is cool. Fuck with obsessed. Surely he should be able to do something that is not available to ordinary men. I can even try to imagine it.
4. Jealousy. Straza Anders: " Did you decide that you need something more than a quick rehearse with Isabella?" Yeah))). "Move - with you." Yes, Anders I like - and as a man too.
By the way, what is interesting: how much I have a spike version of the options for dialogues with Anders, he never mentioned his bisexuality. Even about Charles he spoke exclusively neutral. He says exactly what slept with men? Or are it rumors? But why were it removed, I do not understand - from the passage for the fembhuck? Personally, my bisexuality of the same Zearan in Da: O was not completely confused - on the contrary.
And Anders admits that in the circle he had many sexual adventures. But he never fell in love. And fell in love - only now and it is clear to anyone. This is a stamp. But in life there is nothing more believable than stamps. They are because they are called. And I am pleased). Moreover, he confessed in love so far, not too intrusive. It's good.
5. Kisses. Of all that I saw him is the hottest.

This mod adds four repetitive love scenes for each of the romantic interests in the game, three common for everyone and one unique for each of them. Scenes can be activated by interacting with a bed marker in Hawk's estate after the novel has been confirmed. That is, for Anders and Merrill - after their relocation to Hawk in the second part and after the romances of Isabeli and Fenris were confirmed to fulfill their personal quests in the third part. For Sebastian - after completing the quest "Vera" in the third part.

Cat-scenes are activated randomly and can be repeated several times. If you lose them in a row without a break, as the author, according to his recognition, has not yet found a way to control them.

If the novel is not confirmed, you will receive a standard phrase that the dog jumped the bed again. After performing the main storyline of the cat scene, it will not work, regardless of whether you have official add-onsto the game "Heritage" and "killer stamp" or not.

Installation: Unpack the contents of the archive and install the Repeatable Romance Scenes V1.2 \\ Custom Cutscenes folder
At the address: Documents \\ Bioware \\ Dragon Age 2 \\ Packages \\ Core \\ Override.

Delete the installed folder.


QUENCHEDSTEEL,Auto Fashion, For his work and permission to place the material, as well as our site modgames, for what it is.

Who to build, and how to develop a romantic relationship?

There are several love lines in the game. The ability to start romantic relations with satellites appears with a sufficient level of location and respect. Compliments, flirting, sincere conversations with satellites in a common camp, where the whole detachment is going to intervals between the tasks, and correctly built dialogs are creating wonders. For the time being, you can stay immediately with several partners, but will surely come when you have to choose. The transition to a new level of relationship occurs most often after performing the personal assignments of lover satellites. True, there are exceptions: with due diligence, rapprochement occurs at times faster, and the location is enough to go from the kisses right away to the case, without performing personal assignments. In case of loss of interest with the satellite, it is possible to part, switting your attention to other potential partners. The rupture of the relationship leads to a decrease in confidence that can be restored using actions or gifts. Resume previously broken loving relationships can not be, satellites are very serious about loyalty issues and do not forgive blows in the back.

Satellites available for relationships, in the game:

Female Gender: Alister (achievement "First Knight").
Male floor: Morrigan (achieving a "witch crazy").
Both sexes: Leliana (the achievement of "Wine, Ballad, Woman"), Zevran (achievement "Careless Lover").

For love relationships with all satellites in the game, the achievement of "Had" is issued (all passages are taken into account). You can get it already during the second passage, if both times have begun and finished love lines with all possible partners. For this game, there are characters of different floors. The most compliant in Dragon Age: Origins is Morrigan, a point of contact is very fast with it. It was not far from her Zeevman, the genus of his activity in the Anchie taught him to be very flexible in love issues (the goal justifies the funds). With Alistair and Leliana, they will have to tinker a little longer, but they will eventually turn out to be in bed opposite the fire.

Alistait Tairin

Alister. - Romantic interest for Woman's Guardian. He does not perceive the relationship like something light. There are many ways to start a novel with him through dialogs. Make him compliments, say that you like it, in general, everything except ridicule over him will help arrange it to himself. If you offer him a relationship to a sufficient level of approval, he may reject them because of his inexperience, saying that he cannot perceive such things so easy. If you continue to offer after this moment, it will lead to loss of approval. If you continue to earn friendship glasses, he will invite the heroine to his tent. He likes to be loved and desirable, and sometimes he answers with a shade of economic activity, but he does not like when laugh above the proximity.
Note: Even if you have high approval and if it is tightened, you will have to complete one of the main quests before you ask him to spend the night with the heroine.
An explicit feature that Alistair became interested in guarding as a woman, a gift will be a rose. You can take it or not. If Alister has high approval and high approval from Zeavran or Leliana (adoration or love), during the next conversation with him Alistair makes choosing between them.

If Alister becomes the king, the relationship will end if the guard of no noble origin and Alistair is not tightened. Even if it is tightened, the relationship will end if the guard will spare Logyne or choose the wrong replicas in the dialogue after the lands meeting. Choose a replica "No one can force the king to do what he does not want to do," to convince Alistair to continue relationships. However, even if Alister broke up with guardian, he retains tender feelings to her, although she tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the guardian and other coarse.

Note: A noble girl should use the belief to marry Alistra, when he will choose between her and anorya at the land collection, although it is not necessary to be in relationships with him and even have high approval. With a tightened alistair, this option becomes affordable if the guard refused to offer Riordan to make Logain with gray guard; If the guard supported this idea, then the toughened alistaire becomes the king and executing Logain, this will cancel the dialogue, where he will have to choose between Alistair and Anorya and will give the opportunity to choose the board with him.

If the guard did not agree to the offer of Morrigan and took the alistar on the battle with the archdoor, he would bring to the sacrification even if he broke up with guardianship on his own initiative.

If the guard-girl slept with an alistar, tightering him during his personal quest, and his approval is high enough, he may agree to be the third with Isabel on the ship.

During the DLC of the Chronicles of the Chronicles of Darkness, if you look at the Codex page about Leliana, you can find a reference to the fact that she is a lover of Alistair. (Actually, if there is a novel with an astista, and Leliana will be a girlfriend in the guard (somewhere around 45-50), then between Leliana and Guardian there may be a dialogue that begins with the words of Leliana "I think Alister is crazy about you" . With a certain version of Lelian's answers, Leliana reveals the guard that if the guard did not attempt to establish relations with Alistair, it would have done Leliana.) However, there are no hints at Dragon Age: Start, "even if the guard is not in the novel with them.

If the approval of Alistair reaches the highest point, Winn will start a conversation on this topic, saying that he does not approve such relationships and she does not want an alistaster to suffer. And still try to spend a fascinating lecture on the topic "Where children are taken from."

Zevran Arannai

Master seduction(according to his own statement) Zeavran It will frankly flirt with guard, and with some other satellites, too, albeit just a joke. He is not too picky and clearly underestimates his requests, which facilitates the undertaking of the novel with guardianship, regardless of gender. Almost immediately after joining the team, he shifts sympathy to guard, and he can answer reciprocity.

Log in the location of Zevran is quite simple. He loves playful hints and asked about his adventures, and so far the guard takes his sexual past as proper, the novel will continue. It can be asked to make the guard in a tent even at the level of "interest", to which he will be happy to agree. After that, Zevran explains that he does not hold the character, and this is his choice whether their night will be a single case or connection will continue. On the contrary, if ZEvran has high approval and guardians yet offered him to sleep, he will suggest his company for the night. If after asking Zeevran about love, it will lead to loss of influence, however, if you tell him that it was just one night, this will lead to a significantly greater loss and completion of relations. The best option is to say "it suits me." Zeusman is also faithful in relations, as well as the rest of the partners, although he has thoroughly flirt with other characters.

Regardless of the level of approval, the attitude of Zeyran will not change to "love" until the assembly of land is convened. The group will face (and kill) Yevran's old friend, Taluez, and Zeusman will receive a breather from the pursuit of raven.

In gratitude, he suggests the guard his earring on returning to the camp. After that, the elf will refuse trips to the tent. If you refuse the first offer of the earrings, then during the conversation on a personal topic (when the elf confesses what is confused by its feelings), Zeusman can again offer her as "sign ... mmm ... sympathy." Moreover, it is possible to achieve a sentence from an elf in this conversation by choosing certain replicas. However, if you take the earring just a second time, in the inventory it will not appear, it is a bug. If the guard responds that "the offer is too", the relationship will end.

Lelianait is a possible romantic interest, both for the male guard and women's guard. The first opportunity for the guard to kiss her happens when its approval reaches "adorations" (71 or higher) and it starts a conversation in the camp, starting with words "I like the night in the camp. The night always looks more peaceful, I think. Safer " . Nevertheless, she will not be interested in a tent, and she will stop with guardian, only if in love with him / her. She will not be in love with the guard until its personal quest is completed and until its approval reaches 91 or higher. To raise her approval, talk a lot, listen to what she tells you, support, avoid critics when she talks about the creator, give significant gifts, make good actions while it is in the group and avoid evil actions (or at least not Take it in a group when you make them).

Note: Sometimes the novel does not begin even with 100% approval. The nature of this phenomenon is unknown.

Note: This is due to the bug if the relationship with it is developing too quickly due to gifts. Personal quest also becomes not available.

Note: Personal quest is fulfilled, but the relationship has not developed.
In order for the quest to become available, with Leliana will have to part, but after performing the quest, the novel can be resumed and even complete, for this you need to choose the right replicas in a conversation about Margeolain.

If for some reason you missed the opportunity to start a novel, another attempt will appear after the completion of the quest with Margesolain. Ask how she feels after everything experienced, you see that you know that it means, after her answer, and in the subsequent conversation, tell me that people change over time. If in the end, Lelian will notice that you remind her Margeolain - you are on the right track.
If you have not talked for some reason with Leliana about her past and reached the relationship with it +100, thereby losing the opportunity to perform her personal quest, it is possible to artificially establish the conditions for triggering the trigger. To do this, enable the console and enter Runscript zz_addapproval 9 -30 () and then talk to the Leliana in the camp, the desired replica will appear in the list, as is the ability to perform Quest Leliana. Further, its attitude can be restored again through the console or gifts.

If you play for the guarantee of a man and decided to arrange a grand end, planning the marriage on the anteau, but at the same time leave "with you" and Leliana, then simply do not talk to her up to the epiraloga and coronation. If we talk to it before, she will say that he too respects Anora and refuses to stay with guard. And in a conversation in front of the coronation itself, she will say that life is already too short, and will remain a mistress of gray guard. Do not forget to tighten it.

Note:Sometimes, regardless of relations with Leliana, if its approval is large enough, the novel will begin to be unnoticed for the guard. It makes the current love interests asking about the relationship of the guard to Leliana and vice versa.


Go to the most delicious! - Morrigan!

Morrigan, perhaps, more complicated from all the characters to please, if compared with other romantic interests for the male guard. However, it is easier to sleep with it, just reaching 51 approval points. She will like most of the random gifts found at the beginning of the game, but it will not approve almost all the good deeds of the guard.

For a successful novel with Morrigan, the player must either make any bad deeds, or to engage in good deeds, while Morrigan is not in the group, since the negative result will be more common than the decline in Leliana's approval, Alistair and Winn. Entering the conversation with her, it is important to remember that Morrigan appreciates the power higher than anything else. To get her approval, one time will have to agree with her philosophy "survives the most adapted". She despises everything related to love and compassion. If the guard pursues the novel and with it and with any other companion (Zevran or Leliano), she will begin a conversation with guard and makes choose. It will interrupt a novel with a satellite, which was denied, and slightly reduces his approval, although Leliana and / or Zeusman can put the stratum ultimatum as much as Morrigan does. In the end, Morrigan gives the guard's unique ring during the novel with her. Ring is a connection between two people.

After completing the quest "Grimoir Fleet", she will begin to be afraid of his love for him, which will cause a dialogue about love if its approval is high enough. There is a possibility of falling its approval during a conversation or breaking relationships until the correct replicas are selected.

At the end of the game, the epilogue will read that "then the night came when he was sure that she was thinking about him ... somewhere. She felt regret and sorrow. But more ring did not say anything. " No happy epilogue with Morrigan. She will leave the group immediately after the final battle, regardless of its approval. However, the novel can be continued and happily complete depending on your choices in Origins and conversations during the DLC "Witch Hunt". As a result, Morrigan and Guardians kiss and pass through Eluvian together.

Note: Entry into Roman with Morrigan will arouse the "maternal conversation" with Winn, in which she will advise her to throw it. If you refuse to stop the novel with Morrigan, then after in relations with Morrigan will be "love", Winn will apologize.

If the guard fell with Morrigan in the camp and refused to offer its proposal in the Rarcliffe Castle, it will be said in an epilogue that she expects a child, although the ritual was not committed. This is not a bug, but also an Epiloga of Morrigan. This is a hint that she unexpectedly got pregnant until the day before the final battle.

If the guard broke with Morrigan, when she asks this, at the gate of denereim, she will call the guard "My love" (even if it's just friendship with her) and the epilogue will be written about regret and sadness (even if the guard began another novel). It is strange that even if the ring is destroyed, you still get an epilogue about the ring.

Bugs / Cheats.

If you wish, the approval of Morrigan +100 can be obtained almost immediately after its appearance in the detachment - in lottering. The method is guaranteed when playing a magic (patch 1.05 and any earlier), with one point in the skill of influence and the starting rate of force. (theoretically possible and other classes, however, you need a small rate of force)
We come to the lottering, we pass the robbers, we go to the cage of Stan. We talk to him, learn about the reverend mother. We exclude from the group of all satellites, except Morrigan. We go to the church, there we find a reverend mother (right and right). We tell her about the kunari in the cage, and use intimidation, requiring you to give a key or life. Morrigan rejoices, her threat to priests (+4), and the reverend mother refuses to give the key, (unsuccessful intimidation will occur only if the power indicator is small enough, otherwise it will give the key). After unsuccessful intimidation, this conversation can be repeated again and again, each time I get the approval of Morrigan (the method also works on versions).
In Ozammar, Garin's merchant has a special gift for Morrigan, giving approval (+20) - golden mirror. It can not be given to other satellites. If you give a Morrigan mirror after breaking with it, you can simultaneously lead a novel with it, and with Leliana.