The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Guide and Walkthrough. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - description of the game Morrowind description

Series of games The elder scrolls- These are games that certainly belong to role-playing games, but at the same time they are so distinctive that some people call them "an independent genre". This is, perhaps, too much, but it must be admitted that the skills of playing Might & Magic or even Wizardry not very useful on your travels in Morrowind.

First, the plot in The elder scrolls extremely free. It is so free that you can spend whole days (in real time, not gaming) walking through virtual spaces, doing a variety of things - from protecting humiliated and offended ones to robbing stores. The world is immense, there are a great many cities and settlements, life is boiling everywhere. How many cities are there usually in the works 3DO? Seven? Twelve? Hehe. The whole universe Might & Magic VI or Wizardry VIII easily fit in a small provincial area of ​​Tamriel (the world of all games in the series The elder scrolls).

All this is fine, but in the previous game of the series - Daggerfall- freedom has reached such unattainable heights that ... the plot is simply lost. Nobody forced us to move somewhere in the game, and after a while it began to seem that there had never been any goal.

In addition, it is difficult to imagine that someone will plan and draw a hundred cities individually. This was not done. The settlements, from the provincial capital to the slicked village, looked like twins.

All this aroused fair criticism. And in Morrowind the developers have tried to take into account the previous problems, while not losing the unique face of the series. Perhaps they succeeded.

To some extent.

Second unique feature The elder scrolls- role-playing system.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to surprise a seasoned player in this respect. What have you tried! The systems - class and classless, technical and magical - are no less than cities in Tamriel, counting together with urban-type settlements. Under the role-playing moon, the system is by no means new Fallout with her individual character pattern, no magical structure Arcanum... As Andrei Knyshev said - "everywhere, wherever you spit, they have already spat, and many times." But still...

The game has 27 skills. For each character, these skills are divided into three classes: primary, secondary and others. They grow as they are trained and applied in practice. And depending on their growth, the level grows - and not vice versa!

Character creation in Morrowind is a rather delicate matter. And a mistake in this delicate process can make the game extremely difficult.

What is much worse, this error has a chance to affect itself far from immediately. That is, you play for several days and feel great, and suddenly it turns out that everything was done wrong, and therefore it is extremely problematic to move on. Do you like this?

I think no.

Therefore, before talking about the plot and other high matters, let's figure it out better with what the character can do, how his skills grow and how to plan his development.

Make yourself

Now let's add legs -

It turned out octopuses!


At the start, the hero is asked to name who he is and where he is from, that is, choose a race and a name, then there are three options: choose a class from the list, answer questionnaire questions, or plan everything yourself.

As for the list of classes, we will talk about it later, but in fact, I definitely do not recommend this to a beginner player. This method is not very effective, and, in my opinion, smacks of primitiveness - with such alternatives. Choosing a class by answering questions - the trademark of the series The elder scrolls and Ultima- even less effective, but at least interesting. But we’ll take a closer look at the character planning option.

In theory, it would be necessary to start chronologically: with the race, because you will be asked for it first. But then it will be unclear what racial advantages mean and why they are needed. So let's act unorthodox: first, we will describe the skills and attributes, and finally, we will return to the races and zodiacal signs.

Finally, I will make one more warning. All skill training systems I know of simply call for intensive character training and optimization of character training. This guide will hopefully help you achieve this noble goal, but I solemnly urge you not to overdo it.

The fact is that the balancing of the system raises considerable doubts. There are even frank holes in it, allowing you to dance with gusto on the bones of poor game mechanics. Using them contributes to self-affirmation, but not getting pleasure from the game. Yes, in Morrowind you can become a superhero with the help of a "detour" way, and any small animals will simply fly away from you; but do you need it? After all, here is not Ultima Online to measure "coolness" with the surrounding players.

Think ...

A character in Morrowind has a specialization - combat, magic, or stealth. All skills are divided into the same three groups. Specialization determines in which skills the hero will have an advantage. And the advantage is quite significant - +5 to each skill, +5 to the "ceiling" of their development, plus facilitating the training of this skill.


The hero has eight attributes, or basic characteristics.

Force (Strength)- affects the strength of the blows, the reserve of strength, the ability to carry the load, as well as the initial number of hits (this is usually called the number of blows that the hero can survive relatively harmlessly). Used for the skills Gunsmith, Strike Weapon, Long Blades, Axes, and Acrobatics.

Intelligence- determines the amount of magical energy. Used for the skills Conspiracy, Hacking, Witchcraft and Alchemy.

Willpower- resistance to magic and some other unpleasant things. Used for the skills of Destruction, Restoration, Mysticism and Transformation magic.

Dexterity- accuracy, the ability to evade an attack, a reserve of strength. Used for Parry, Light Armor, Shooting and Stealth skills.

Speed- movement speed. Used for the skills Athletics, Short Blades, Unarmed Combat, and Armless Combat.

Endurance- affects the number of hits, both initial and for each level, and the reserve of strength. Used for the skills Medium and Heavy Armor and Spears.

Charm (Personality)- affects the disposition of other creatures to the character. Used for Speech, Trade and Illusion skills.

Luck- affects everything at once.

When generating a character, two attributes can be selected as the main ones: they will receive a bonus of +10. Whoever you create, I strongly advise you to choose Luck as one of them: it is the most difficult to grow it. True, not all versions of the game that have come to our country are allowed.

Skills and levels

Let's beat swords into plowshares, -

said the Khajiit, replacing Long Blade with Speechcraft.

When creating a character (through manual selection or class definition), skills will be divided into three categories for him: major, minor and miscellaneous. This division affects the entire game.

The fact is that in Morrowind, unlike the overwhelming majority of role-playing games, it is not skills that grow with the growth of the level, but, on the contrary, with the growth of skills, the level also grows. It happens like this. In order to get the next level, you need to gain 10 steps in your main or side skills. Not necessarily in one thing: the steps recruited in different skills are added. After resting, the hero comes to a new level.

(If, before resting, you scored more than 10 steps in basic skills, the extra steps will not disappear, but will remain until the next level increase.)

In this case, the hero acquires additional hits (1/10 of your Stamina), as well as three points, which can be distributed according to their attributes (no more than one for each attribute). However, the amount by which an attribute will grow when bonus points are “injected” into it is not constant and depends on how carefully you trained this attribute: by adding a bonus point, say, to Dexterity, you will get an increase from 1 to 5 points - depending on on how actively the Dexterity skills were practiced.

The calculation formula is as follows. We add up all the levels we received in the skills of the corresponding attribute, divide by 2 and round the result down (if it is more than 1, but less than 2, then up to 2). This is how many attribute points will be added for a prize point. For example: 4 points in Heavy Armor, 5 in Spears, total (4 + 5) / 2 = 4.5, round off, we get 4. For a prize point in Endurance (the attribute responsible for these two skills), we get 4 points. If there are 2 in Spears, and 1 in Heavy Armor, we get (2 + 1) / 2 = 1.5, since this is more than 1 - round up to 2.

"Other" skills cannot give a coefficient better than 2.

Recommendation: as it is easy to see, not a single skill is directly related to Luck, that is, the prize point will increase it by only 1, and nevertheless, I advise you to give one of the points to Luck every or almost every time. Having reached the high steps, she will do you an excellent service, but it is not easy to grow her.

How do I choose my skills? What to put in the main, what - in the side? There should be five main and secondary skills.

In theory, it is assumed that your main skills are what you will use in the first place throughout the game. However, this is not quite true.

The most important question to consider when choosing each skill is how easy it is to grow.

There are two ways to grow a skill: by putting it into practice or by buying levels from teachers (who always have a ceiling on what they can teach you). The main method is practice (exceptum excipiendum: if you take advantage of the hole in the balance, which we will talk about a little later in the section "stealth skills", then there will be more money than you can use, and buying skills will become a good tradition). Practice can be expensive or dangerous. Or maybe, on the contrary, do not require anything special from the character at all.

By choosing completely difficult skills for yourself, you will greatly complicate your progress through the levels. Oddly enough, there is a reverse problem: if you make one of the main skills, for example, Athletics, you will get too fast level growth. And this is not at all as wonderful as it might seem: monsters (not all, but many) will grow along with you in the levels, and if your increased skills do not help you remove them from your path, then your life with new levels will become where sadder ...

I believe that at least one of the basic skills should be combat: a pure magician can beat the game, but it is much more difficult. One more position (it is possible among the side skills) should be given to one of the armor skills: walking, gleaming with a soft unprotected abdomen, is categorically not recommended.

There should be at least one skill from every attribute that you ever hope to develop on the list: training "other" skills gives the effectiveness of the reward points to a maximum of 2.

And, finally, it makes sense to have a number of lifting skills that are easy and safe to train (Athletics is bad because it rises involuntarily, without your will).

Yes, I still haven't mentioned that in the main skills you get a bonus of +30 from the very beginning, in the secondary skills - +10, in others - +5.

Let's move on to the list of skills.

The battle

This group contains combat and auxiliary skills. Note that light and small arms are not a military matter, and they belong to rogue professions.

Armorer... Attribute - Strength. Maintains armor and weapons in a "new" state. The fact is that they gradually wear out and become less efficient.

To use this skill, you must carry a hammer with you. Taking it in hand, you can repair your equipment. The hammer also wears out sooner or later, it cannot be repaired (and it makes no sense: it costs a penny).

The skill has a chance to grow every time a thing is successfully fixed. But in terms of growth, this skill is one of the slowest and most vile. There is, however, one way to speed up his training a little: to do this, you must learn the spell of destruction of armor (Disintegrate Armor) and read it on your things.

Heavy Armor... Attribute - Endurance. The effectiveness of wearing heavy armor depends on it, as well as the ability to move relatively freely in them. With a weak development of this skill, you will not get much benefit from such armor: it will hinder movement instead of protecting its owner.

What armor is heavy? It depends on the material. Iron, Steel, Silver, Dimeric, Daedric, and Ebony.

It is very easy to develop the skill of wearing armor. To do this, you just need to expose yourself to the blows of serious opponents. Painfully? What to do. You can resist. And you can substitute alternately the right and left cheeks, during the break, pumping up the pre-stored healing potions. But in this case, it is recommended to pack the Divine Intervention scroll in the bag as well, which will return you to a safe place in time.

At the same time, the skill grows by leaps and bounds. The same method applies to any other type of armor.

Some argue that the type of enemies is not important, but only their number is important, and in a room with a bunch of rats, growing the skill of wearing a shell is no worse and much safer. According to my observations, it is still worse, but I cannot say with certainty. Maybe I just took too few rats.

Medium Armor... Attribute - Endurance.

Almost everything that has just been said about heavy armor can be repeated about medium. This category includes: chain mail, scales, bone and orc armor.

Long Blade... Attribute - Strength. These are long swords, claymores, katanas, sabers, broadswords, etc. Probably the most balanced weapon.

Axes. Attribute - Strength. This includes all axes, poleaxes, etc. They, as a rule, do not have the possibility of a meaningful thrusting blow, but a powerful chopping one.

Spears... Attribute - Endurance. Lances, spears, halberds ... Most of them, on the contrary, are strong in a thrust blow and useless in a chopping one.

Strike weapon (Blunt Weapon)... Attribute - Strength. Staffs, clubs, clubs, hammers.

How to train them, I think, no questions arise. Fight, fight and fight again, as the great Porthos bequeathed. Of course, your "training dolls" sooner or later fall apart; so the key to quick training such skills - places where monsters arise in abundance and constantly. And hit them with the most ineffective of your attacks (depending on the weapon).

There is also a method "on the verge of cheating": attacking friendly ghosts in the mission about the Cave of Incarnation. This is one of the main missions, it is impossible to pass by. The trick is that the aforementioned ghosts are simply invulnerable for nonmagical weapons, and you can kick this "punching bag" to complete satisfaction.

Naturally, the same method applies to martial arts from other skill groups.

But if you want my advice - don't get carried away with the "optimal" methods of skill growth, but just play. Along the way, they will grow up anyway. This is not Ultima Online where growth is not a game, but a prelude to the game ... Walk around the world, complete tasks and have fun!

Parry (Block)... Attribute - Dexterity. This skill allows you to parry shields; successful parry fully reflects the attack. The importance of this ability for melee specialists cannot be overemphasized.

It grows at the same time as combat skill, if you take a shield in your hand ...

Athletics... Attribute - Speed. The skill is in charge of running and swimming. Whenever you run (and you do it all the time, I know you! How many have experienced the exotic pleasure of moving around the game worlds at a leisurely pace?), Thereby you train Athletics. Athletics is essential for scuba diving.

The value of this skill is modified by armor: it swims rather mediocre in heavy armor. As the people say - “a dwarf in chain mail can also swim, but neither good nor far”. However, Athletics trains much better in armor! It is known that Athletics as an “other” skill, but in armor, grows faster than as a side skill for fans of light equipment. The usual weight, not put on the character, does not matter.

For those who are obsessed with safe training: push yourself into a corner and run as fast as you can. By staying in place, you will gradually develop this already simple skill in training.


This group includes all magic schools, the ability to defend without armor, as well as the skills to create magic items and potions.

Enchant... Attribute - Intelligence. The skill manages the imposition of spells on objects, as well as the recharge of magical things. It is this latter that serves as the key to training the skill: there are many simple soul gem lying around everywhere, and by constantly using the charges of a magical item, and then recharging it, you will train yourself well in spells.

Not only the ability to create and recharge objects depends on the Conspiracy, but also the speed with which the item in the character's hands consumes charges.

Alteration... Attribute - Will. Theoretically, the adepts of this school of magic should transform objects and living beings; in fact, this magic mainly refers to travel, allowing you to better jump, run, carry a load, swim underwater. It also gives the ability to fly. You can create barriers with it to protect against attacks, open and lock locks. This is a good auxiliary school, but there is not much to do with it “at the forefront of the attack”.

To train this skill, create the simplest spell for 1 point of mana (how to do it - see the chapter "Magic"), and then use it to your heart's content. Do not even try to make this spell useful: its whole task is training. There shouldn't be any problems. The skill is trained quickly and efficiently. The same is true for other types of magic.

Important: the training spell should not be harmful, even in the mildest version. You will walk with him and train on the road; and if it inadvertently hits a civilian, you will have a lot of problems.

Destruction... Attribute - Will. This is combat magic in its purest form: fire, lightning, disintegration. “And besides the scuffle - no miracles,” as one genie used to say.

Illusion... Attribute - Charm. This includes magic that makes you invisible, blinds, enchants, paralyzes, soothes, takes away the power of speech, etc. Some of the monsters are resistant to it, but nevertheless it is no less significant combat magic than the previous school. Although rarely used alone.

Conjuration... Attribute - Intelligence. Subjugates creatures, draws a spell weapon out of nothing, and also summons otherworldly servants. Combines very well with combat skills.

Together, these three schools provide a weapon with which the mage can hack his way through the battlefield. The other three (Polymorph, Mystic and Restoration) are rather auxiliary in nature.

Mysticism... Attribute - Will. Quite strange and, in my opinion, not very logical school with many different types of spells: teleportation, telekinesis, absorption or reflection of magic, detection of the invisible. Probably, the authors just wanted to adapt to the generally accepted idea of ​​"psionics", but they turned out strange.

Restoration... Attribute - Will. Here, on the contrary, everything is clear and obvious: heal everything and everyone, enhance the characteristics, and so on. It is necessary not so much for the magician as for the fighter.

All of these five schools of magic are trained on exactly the same principle as Transformation.

Alchemy... Attribute - Intelligence. This science allows you to identify potions and magical substances, as well as to prepare potions from these substances yourself.

Some of the substances can simply be found, the rest are the product of the preparation of carcasses (alita, daedra and other creatures). To make a potion, you need to take a mortar and pestle in your hands and use it on the original components.

The number of possible effects is finite and not too large. The general principle for composing potions is this: if you know that ingredients A and B give effect x, and ingredients A and C - effect y, then together A, B and C will give both of these effects. The order is essential: if B and C together also have some kind of effect, then a mixture of A, B and C will not have it. In general, this is a rather tricky business, and we will return to it in more detail.

To train Alchemy, you just need to buy cheap components in the store, buying up the entire stock, grind them in a mortar and sell them right there. During this time, a new stock will appear there. Continue until done.

Unarmored Combat... Attribute - Speed. A special defense skill for those who are not wearing armor. Of course, such a fighter will still not achieve a degree of protection comparable to that given by good armor with a decent level of the corresponding skill, but at least there will be at least some chance to dodge.

Trained in the same way as other armored skills. It only hurts ...


In this group - fighting skills of the "light" style, all kinds of "thieves" skills and communication skills. According to many Morrowind players, it is they who give the role-playing system a taste ... In this game, a thief or a merchant can be stronger than a warrior and a magician!

Hacking (Security)... Attribute - Intelligence. Breaking open locks and removing traps. The business, I must say, is quite profitable: there are a lot of castles in the game, and there is a lot of money behind them. But it cannot be compared with Trade in terms of financial efficiency.

For training, you will need a spell that locks the door and a box. Lockpicks are commonly found in Balmore, on the lower floor of the South Wall Club, from a Khajiit merchant.

You can also lock the lock with a master key. In some online game it would be very useful, but here it is more of a decoration. Although training can help.

Sneak... Attribute - Dexterity. Street thief's bread: invisible, silent movement and small tricks with the client's pocket. It can, of course, be used to stick a sharp knife into a client.

The game has implemented almost honest line of sight. Keep in mind that it doesn't matter whether the character is facing or facing you. Stealth allows you to strike from the most advantageous position.

Keep in mind that jokes with the law are bad. True, you can try to buy off the guards, but if the number does not work, you will go to jail. With the subsequent decrease in skills, which is especially disgusting.

In order to grow this skill, in theory, it is enough just to move in the "hidden" state (that is, with the Stealth button pressed), but I noticed that the growth substantially accelerates if someone is nearby, and even more if that someone is a guard. However, it is quite possible to move into the corner of the wall, as in the case of Athletics. So choose a servant of the law who has turned back to the corner, turn the same side to him and ...

Acrobatics... Attribute - Strength. Allows you to jump far and fall relatively harmlessly. Quite frankly, I was not imbued with this wonderful skill; in my opinion, there are many more useful activities in the world. True, they say that an experienced acrobat can get to some hiding places that are otherwise inaccessible.

There is, however, one guaranteed use of this skill: fighting the hero getting stuck in corners bug. And for some reason I can't believe that Bethesda will fix it someday. Although I want to believe in the best. But you don't have to be a master of acrobatics for this. Moreover! Too jumpy character runs the risk of jumping on the floor ... getting stuck with his head in the ceiling and peeking out of the carpet of the second floor in the manner of Sayid. Very inhumane.

The skill grows cheerfully and cheerfully, you just have to cheerfully ride a kid. It is better to do this on the way up the hill or on the stairs. The only problem is that, unlike Athletics, you cannot simply hold down the jump button. And you will have to hammer on it with the stubbornness of a Stakhanovite woodpecker.

Light Armor... Attribute - Dexterity. These include: leather, tanned leather, chitin, fur and ... glass. The rest of the skill is completely similar to other armor skills already described earlier.

Short Blade... Attribute - Speed. In theory, knives, daggers and wakizashi should win due to the speed of blows, but these weapons, nevertheless, did not make much impression on me. With one exception: they make it much easier to deal with Shield Masters.

About height, etc. - see the description of other weapons in the military skills section.

Shooting (Marksman)... Attribute - Dexterity. Ranged weapons have their advantages; it can be used from an ambush, from above, etc. But personally, I do not prefer bows or crossbows, but small throwing knives and stars: they work much faster, and in light of this there is a chance to repeatedly damage the enemy before entering into personal contact. Your position will not always be so profitable ... Not to mention faster skill growth. Although knives, unlike arrows, are in short supply.

Train - the same as all other weapons.

Trade (Mercantile)... Attribute - Charm. Improves purchase and sales prices in stores.

Oh, how I love those who worked out the balance in this game!

I, of course, understand that the player needs very strong reasons to leave aside the favorite skills of weapons and magic in favor of despicable gold, but ... not so much! Trading combined with Speech, when well developed, is a real hole in the balance sheet. The fact is that in this state of affairs, you can buy items in the store for less than you sell them there!

And since in the previous game of the series everyone was very tired of the merchants running out of money too quickly, their stock was made ... large. Highly. Ergo: By buying and selling the same old shoe to the same merchant, you can become a millionaire.

Who wanted to be a thief there?

“A petty crook is a person who, in his illegal activities, takes risks that are inappropriate to the profit received,” as the brilliant Asprin put it. To take the path of theft in this game is a typical quixotism. An "honest" businessman will earn a thousand times more with minimal effort.

Maybe they will patch the hole in the near future?

But enough of the lyrics, let's get down to specific things. To use this skill, adjust the price of the item with the arrows. Start by changing the price of one coin, gradually build up your insolence. Of course, from time to time you will be sent to the blue distance, but this is not scary: the skill is still growing! Of course, relations with a particular merchant will deteriorate somewhat, but if you do without excessive impudence, everything will work out.

Important: when selling items in a bunch, the skill gain is less than when selling them one at a time.

Speechcraft... Attribute - Charm. This skill improves relationships with other characters, helps in trading, and, perhaps most importantly, allows you to receive more tasks and information, that is, makes the game more active.

It is quite difficult to train Speech. I advise you to buy this skill whenever possible (and this, by the way, can be done from our main employer - Cosades). It is also said that regularly selecting the "admire" item in the chat menu helps. Even if this does not impress the interlocutor.

To increase the efficiency of trade, it makes sense to try to strike up a conversation with a merchant before starting a bargain. It's quite difficult, but sometimes it works.

Fight Without Weapons (Hand-to-Hand)... Attribute - Speed. Attacks without weapons hit not the health, but the fatigue of the enemy, until he falls unconscious. Trained in the same way as other combat skills. But I must tell you that I have not yet succeeded in getting a serious sense of this "combat" skill. Enemies usually have enough energy reserves.

Small summary

When you divide skills into main and secondary ones, in the main, first of all, determine not the most necessary ones, but those that are more difficult to train. Namely: Speech, Hacking, Gunsmith, Trade, Spells, perhaps - one "armor" skill. Magic and weapons feel great in the side. Finally, Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth should be either in the side or even in the "others" - in any case, training them is as easy as shelling pears.

Note that for the passage, in general, it is enough one weapon and one armor skill. The ability to fight with two types of weapons does not add anything fundamentally new, although it makes it easier for the warrior to increase levels. But a new kind of magic provides completely unique opportunities that you just can't get. First of all, this concerns Mysticism, Restoration, Illusion and Transformation.


Ready-made classes

If you create your character by fully describing its capabilities, this chapter will not be useful to you, and you can safely skip it.

Most of the ready-made classes are not very playable. Abundantly duplicated weapon and armor skills, for example, are very few people need, and it would be more productive to spice up military training with some magic or thief skills. Shortblades, I think, make sense as a main skill for thieves, but not for fighters. Etc.

Here is a complete decoding of the characteristics of the ready-made classes offered for selection by the player. These classes are seven of each type.

Combat classes

Stealth classes

Magic classes



Well, it's time to consider the races. Each race starts with its own characteristics (which also depend on gender), its own pros and cons, unique advantages and disadvantages.

In the descriptions of special abilities below, the durations are indicated in seconds. If “self” is indicated in the “target” column, then this ability affects only the hero himself. Finally, the "price" of abilities is paid in mana.

There are ten races in total. Four human, three elven and three beast. Out of respect for the owners of the field - after all, we are walking around Morrowind, the blood elven land - let's start with the elves.

Dark Elf

The Dunmer, or, as the despicable Imperials call them, "dark elves" are the original inhabitants of Morrowind (by the way, this name, obviously, should mean either "black wind" or "wind of death": the current authors, unlike Tolkien, like to mix the roots of different languages).

Contrary to the usual stereotypes, Dunmer are not at all distinguished by their agility or speed, and in a duel with melee weapons, I would not recommend betting on them. Their path is the path of a magician, a thief, a night blade, a hired killer. Historians claim that dark elves are famous for their ability to fight in formation ... Perhaps, but it seems to me that there are more suitable races for this. It is better to make a mobile military magician out of Dunmer. The innate magical ability - Ancestral Guardian - saves their lives in difficult situations.

Only representatives of this race can join the assassins guild - Morag Tong.

High elf

Altmer - the "main" branch of the elves - is distinguished by exceptional ... how shall I say ... fragility. Any targeted spit inflicts grievous bodily harm on them. It is very difficult to live with a weakness for magic, fire, cold, shock. To some extent, this is redeemed by the advantage in one's own magic, but ... And resistance to diseases - oh joy, at least they are resistant to something! - very mediocre atone for such vulnerability. It is completely incomprehensible what is based on their vaunted sense of superiority over other races ...

Naturally, with such characteristics, they are simply doomed to the life of a magician. Perhaps a combat one, the one that walks head over heels in armor. But certainly not a warrior or a thief. Don't give a high elf a heavy scrap of iron in its slender legs!

Wood Elf

These high elf cousins ​​have become so feral that they have even forgotten how to be vulnerable to everything in the world, like their older brothers. True, and with a magical talent, things are very much to themselves. A true wood elf's tool of labor is the bow, and its path is the path of a scout, archer, or thief.

A valuable property of wood elves allows you to command the beasts they meet. Not free, for mana.


Moving on to people.

A famous race of thinkers, poets and sorcerers, the Bretons study the verbal components of spells immediately after the words "mom" and "dad". And to the elves - a lesson: this is how the highest race with a penchant for magic should look like.

The Breton is the best choice for a beginner magician. Its magical advantages are not as strong as that of the elves, but it does not have all these nasty weaknesses. So - make way for the inhabitants of the Upper Rocks!


These charming, educated and disciplined gentlemen are the superior race, not by dubious ethnographic data, but by political status. The lords of the Empire are superbly skilled in the skills of Trade and Speech, and for all that they are not bad fighters. It is logical to make a variation of them on the theme of the "Knight" class.

The additional innate magical abilities of the Imperials are not so impressive, but not useless: for example, stopping an enemy in place with a commanding voice ...


Is it conceivable to do without everyone's favorite - a daring Northern warrior from Skyrim, the Land of the Horizon? In different worlds they are called differently - Vikings, ice barbarians, and so on - but the essence is the same everywhere: people walking around in furs and stunning with axes, simple-minded and straightforward, warlike and proud barbarian tribe, where from the cradle of a baby they are taught to break skulls .. ...

The northerners are so accustomed to the cold that they wanted to spit on even the most fierce frost, and even themselves are able to radiate it from time to time. Every northerner is a weapon connoisseur, even if he has taken up a completely different business ... but who will create a northerner who is engaged in a different business ?!

Red Guardian

The Red Guard Redguards - the Moors from the country of Hammerfell ("The Falling Hammer") - are worthy rivals of the northerners in the competition for the title of the best warriors of Tamriel.

Oddly enough, it is they, and not the northern barbarians, who gnaw at the edge of the shield in battle rage and rush at the enemies with superhuman strength. Add the highest resistance to poison and disease ... and you have a creature that you will not want to face in the open field, especially if you are a scribe or a bone tramp ...


And finally, the beast races.

Tell me, where did the game developers get the idea that the lizards breathe underwater ?! Eh, poorly taught biology in the West. Then the lizards breed like rabbits, and even spawn (this is me about the sackras from Master of Orion 1-2), then they swim like frogs ...

Since childhood, these specific representatives of the reptilian class have the ability to breathe underwater and are almost immune to damaging warm-blooded diseases and poisons. Otherwise, it should be noted that they are average: males hunt, females are not shy of magic. They make good light magic fighters.


The Khajiit feline race is renowned throughout the Tamrielic world for its thieves, smugglers and skuuma drug dealers. If you need illegal goods, look for the Khajiit ...

Clawed cat paws can be a weapon in combat and are easy to climb with. In jumping with khajiit, too, few can compare. And their gaze confuses people.


And finally - one more race of warriors. Hardly anyone doubts that orcs, in this and any other life, are only fit for fighting. But these are fighters of a defensive plan rather than an attacker, their specialty is armor and shields. Moreover, they are resistant to magic. However, they, like the red guards, have a berserker rage, and remarkable willpower can make them good battle mages.


Zodiac signs

And finally, the last thing to choose when generating a character is the constellation under whose sign he was born. It makes sense of additional advantages and disadvantages. And it should be chosen, in theory, for a pre-conceived combination of race and class / set of skills.

All signs can be roughly divided into several categories.

The first includes those that simply enhance the character in one thing. They will come in handy for almost any hero for whom amplified characteristics are essential. This includes: Warrior, Mistress, Lover, Mage, Horse. I was most impressed by the sign of the Lady.

The second offers an advantage in exchange for a disadvantage: Atronach, Master, Apprentice. This requires very careful planning so that the disadvantages do not outweigh the advantages. Out of this group, I like the Disciple the most. The Lord and especially the Atronach completely change the way you play, so be very careful with them!

Finally, the third - Tower, Thief, Lover again (this sign fell into both categories), Rite, Shadow - offers the hero a new ability or spell. The question here is simple: is this spell valuable enough to be preferred over a normal empowerment? As a rule, characters of this type must be created specifically for interaction with the constellation. Rite and Lover among this group seem to be the most interesting options.

Atronach... A sign for those who desire the strange. For such a character, magic is not restored by itself, but only absorbed when it is used against him. In this case, the maximum supply of magic increases by (2 * Intelligence) units. For a warrior who rarely uses magic, this may be a good choice.

Tower... The Beggar's Scent spell searches for animals, slander and keys. As for me, only the latter did me some good.

Warrior... Increased attack by 10 units.

Thief. Gains the special ability Sense of Danger, which allows you to protect yourself with the effect of the sanctuary.

Lord... The Heavenly Lord grants a strange blessing ... Apparently, our great-grandmother sinned with the troll, and now our health is rapidly regenerating, but we are very vulnerable to fire. It looks tempting at first, but it's actually harder to play with such a character than it looks.

Lady... The Favor of the Heavenly Lady increases stamina and charm by as much as 25 points. For a knight, for example, it couldn't be better, and not only for him.

Serpent... A special spell is added that poisons the victim, but removes 30 health units from the mage himself. Hmmm. The developers overlooked something here. Maybe I don't understand something, but, in my opinion, this sign is for persons with an innate tendency to suicide. No matter how strong this poison is, the hero usually cannot afford such a luxury. Not our choice!

Lover... Agility increases by 25 (apparently, for overcoming obstacles and for jumping out of the window?), And we get a special "kiss" that takes away magic powers from the victim and paralyzes him. I never thought that a vampire is called a lover in Tamriel!

Mage... The magic reserve grows by (0.5 * Intelligence) units. Modest, but no side effects.

Ritual... The character gains the ability to banish undead spells - by touch and at a distance, as well as magic that restores health. You can make a curious paladin character.

Steed... Increases speed by 25 units.

Shadow... Provides an invisibility spell. Nonsense support for those who are deprived of the magic of illusions, but against the background of some other signs, perhaps, it looks so-so.

Apprentice... Elven blood increases the reserve of magical energy by (1.5 * Intelligence) units, but gives 50% vulnerability to magic. Not a bad choice for a magician, but only for him.

And now with all this nonsense on board, we will try to take off ...

Finally, you have figured out all the intricacies of character generation. What to do next?

Example I: paladin

Idea: a warrior, a fighter against undead and evil spirits ... We will need a decent weapon, preferably not one type, decent armor, the ability to heal, some attack magic, the ability to heal ... Witchcraft and / or Spells are needed. Let's estimate:

For example, like this. However, this is still not ideal.

You may ask why we need both Medium and Heavy Armor: won't we go in two sets at once? And this is a fair question, but we must also remember that it is not always possible to get the necessary armor right away, and magic armor may not be of the type that we would like. However, if you wish, you can replace them with something else. Other weapons, for example. Impact?

It would be nice to have some other magic at your disposal, say, Destruction or Transformation.

This is where the race and the constellation come to the rescue: you can get a free position for the missing skill if you say goodbye to Restoration. Instead, we take the sign of the Rite (here it is, the power against the undead!). It remains to learn how to cope with diseases and poisons; The Redguard race addresses this problem while enhancing our longblade abilities along the way.

Speech and Armsmaster should be transferred to the core skills: it is very difficult to train them. And Conspiracies are not too easy to study.

Red Guardian, born under the sign of the Rite

Option: instead of Medium Armor, we take Strike Weapons.

Option: We replace Athletics with Short Blades, which also train Speed.

Specialization - of course, combat: magic is a secondary weapon for this hero. The main characteristics are Luck (if allowed, of course) and Strength.

Of course, teleportation does not seem to be one of the obvious properties of this hero. But since it makes life extremely easy, it is probably worth replacing one of the types of armor with Mystic.

Example II: Knight of the Cloak and Dagger

Now let's try to do something so secret, underground and very dangerous. At the same time, the rich ...

First estimate:

Dagger + magic + secret movement. The idea, in general, is clear. Everything seems to be good, but take a closer look at the list: at least half of the skills train Dexterity! And you can't live without Strength and Endurance either. This means that it would be nice to look for skills that are useful for us on these characteristics.

The Weaponsmith skill is certainly useful, but very poorly suited for training, because it trains when the subjects require it, and not when we feel like it. Additional weapon? May be. But it is possible that this is where the otherwise not very valuable Acrobatics skill will come in handy. By jumping, we will easily grow Strength. And maybe we will find the very hiding places that were mentioned in the "Acrobatics" section of the "Skills" chapter ...

Spears? In my opinion, they are neither to the village nor to the city for this character. It's better to take Medium Armor to train Endurance.

What are we going to donate? Most likely part of magical skills.

Finally, Stealth is an important skill for us, but it can be pumped so easily that it has nothing to do in the main ones.


For the most greedy: remove Shooting, add Speech. And we'll buy everything (see the Trade section in the Skills chapter).

Race? This is how a Khajiit or a dark elf asks. But a dark elf in this combination will give a more aggressive character, and this is perhaps for the best.

The most logical choice of the main characteristics, in my opinion, is Luck and Strength. It's also a good idea to do basic Stamina and ditch the Medium Armor, making room for Speech, Polymorph, or whatever.

Finally, a sign. We are supposed not to see us, and we must strike first; the sign of the Apprentice is very effective under such conditions. The Sign of the Lover gives us a powerful weapon against the lonely victim. And finally, the Mistress is the best sign for a character who will take Eloquence instead of Medium Armor, refusing to train Endurance.

1 2 3 4 All

Role-playing game where you play the role of the performer of the prophecy and the hero who is free to do as he pleases. In other words - complete freedom of action. The thoughtful world of the game makes its exploration fun and unforgettable. The Morrowind universe has its own huge and unique history, which can be studied for more than one month.

Various ruins of long gone peoples, heroes of bygone eras, legendary weapons and armor. Everything has its own background and reflected in a book, of which there are the same plenty. Morrowind is interesting to study and explore, in the process completing quests and sometimes even forgetting about them, plunging into a long journey to find another cave with valuable and not yet met artifacts.

Depth of the world

On a warm May day in 2002, the sequel " The Elder Scrolls"-. This is an amazing world with warriors and magicians, heroes and adventurers, honest thieves and merciless killers. Morrowind could have become an ordinary project, but it has two "buts" that determined its future destiny. The plot, sound and even graphics are not the most important thing in this project. The main thing is peace. Every Elder Scrolls game has a universe to contend with huge scale... Long ago, in Arena, this world began. Daggerfall showed that it is huge. Morrowind reflected its full depth, and this happened Great.

This case is quite rare when the whole universe was spawned by one computer game. The game world can be described for a very long time, it will take hundreds of pages. And for each question: “How? Why? What?" there is an answer. Someone will ask: why are there no horses? Answer: the ash storms that poison them. Who are altars installed in the Empire: the answer is in the book. Each race (and there are 10 playable here) has its own long and interesting story.

Why do we love

The merit of the game can also be called not that it answers all kinds of questions, but pushes the player to search answers to them. The player first receives a small piece of information and lights up, wanting to get to the truth. For example, in a city, the player encounters a large creature that clearly looks hostile. Comes closer, and it turns out this is a Silt Strider - a common mount. Someone will have enough of this information, while the other will ask the cabman everything about the creature. Learn how they were tamed and how they are controlled. There is even a task during which the player tries to learn the language silt strider.

The game will become a paradise for those who prefer to explore the world around them. Concerning game strings- it is typical for the series. The former prisoner finds himself in the organization of the Blades, later finding out that he is the Chosen One and off we go. A lot of evil will have to be exterminated, which is included in the entertainment program. Of course, it smacks of triviality, but still play interesting, because in the end I want to find out who is behind all this.

The plot itself is just a drop in the ocean. The player, as he develops, will be able to join guilds: Temple, Legion, Imperial Cult, Fighters Guild, Mages Guild or Thieves Guild; to one of the three Great Houses and to the vampire clan, and only one of the three in one playthrough. Side quests the game is rife.

The player will be in all corners of the local world, performing the most various assignments... These are the standard "kill-fetch", as well as "find out", "find", "get" and so on. Some tasks are available for execution in different ways. For example, you should get an item, but no one cares how the player will do it. There are as many quests as you need to keep the city from getting bored.


It is worth noting that along with the game appeared Constriction Set- it is he who allows you to create a wide variety of modifications. With its help, new weapons were added, graphics were altered (and very successfully), new villages and buildings were created. There are even global mods that include additional NPCs, quests, and even entire islands. Many modders continue create add-ons for this popular game to this day, paying tribute to the project.


Morrowind is deeply embedded in the souls of players. Here, after passing half of the island, you will not stumble upon a weak enemy, as in Oblivion, where the level of the world adjusts to the level of the player. Climbed into someone else's territory - get ready get a confident rebuff... If you try hard, you can achieve unprecedented heights in one game month, and yes, this is slightly absurd. Nevertheless, the protagonist will forever remain a foreigner for the inhabitants of the island - no matter what he does for them.


The soundtrack should be noted separately. Responsible for the music in the game Jeremy Soul, who tried his best. Throughout the adventure, an orchestral arrangement is heard, which during the battle is replaced by faster and more intense music, not intrusive and sounding to the point.


The Elder Scrolls is a huge world. They talk a lot about him, listen to him a lot and play him for a long time. Every dedicated RPG fan has noted The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, which features you can live that not all projects succeed.

The elder scrolls III: Morrowind Is a famous RPG game. Which has won a huge number of awards and prizes, won over a crowd of fans and was named game of the year. The popularity of Morrowind is very difficult to repeat, the game has sold over 4 million copies, and electronic editions are being bought in our time. The player has access to an open world inhabited by various creatures and peoples.

System requirements:

Any modern computer of 2008 and above can easily pull this game. Here are the system requirements on which this game will simply fly like a fighter, so that you understand how old it is, but how masterpiece it is in terms of being the property of the game world. Pentium 4 CPU (1ghz) or higher, RAM 1 gigabyte or higher, hard disk space 1 GB, os xp or higher.


The main character is an unnamed prisoner who was sent to the province of the dark elves of Morrowind for an unknown purpose. The player can choose one of several playable races. Each race has its own characteristics and predispositions. There is also the possibility of choosing a class, which only affects the initial characteristics. Choosing a magician does not have to be a magician. In addition to the above, there is a constellation system. Each constellation gives the hero a unique skill.

After going through the training, the player finds himself in an open world, where he can perform various tasks, join organizations, receive new titles in them, and also go through the main storyline.

There are many skills in the game, which are quite simple to level up. You need to learn to shoot from a bow - you need to shoot from a bow. Does your character need to jump high? To level up acrobatics, you need to jump a lot. Run or Swim Fast - You need to run or swim.

There are several organizations in Morrowind with varying degrees of legality. There are similarities between them: everywhere you can move up the career ladder and everywhere there are paid tasks of varying complexity. The main organizations are the Fighters Guild, the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the Morang Tong Assassins Guild.

Features of the game:


1. Unusual leveling and class system.

2. Several playable races

3. Unique system of interaction with NPCs

4. Several gaming organizations that you can join

5. Interesting plot

6. A huge number of unique NPCs.

7. Two additions with secondary storylines.


1. The game is quite old and it can be seen from the graph.

2. A small map (again due to the old age of the game)

3. At first, the game may seem unreasonably difficult (in the first quest of the guild of fighters, the main character may be kicked by rats). The main problem is that if the player does not have the skills to wield a weapon, then he will constantly miss them.


Skywind- a project whose goal was originally to transfer part of The Elder Scrolls Morrowind to the Skyrim engine of the next part of the continuation of the scrolls. But in 2013, the course began to change and the original version of Morrowind did not become a reference for them, because of this, many fans left the team. At the moment, unfortunately, nothing is known about the project.

Morroblivion- The situation is absolutely the same as with the Skywind project, only the project has already been suspended.

Openmw- implementation of the game on the new GPL v.3 engine with deep study of the game, bug fixes and much more interesting things.

Guilds TES

The game features 3 guilds in which you need to spend a lot of time to succeed and they will reward you with interesting advantages. What guilds exist:

  • Guild of Fighters - this guild is intended for players who are used to solving their problems with a sword and a shield. Here for you there will be numerous tasks from a variety of NPCs ranging from the simplest to protect any merchant to the direct task of killing any enemy.
  • Guild of Mages - the choice of guilds of mages, as you guessed it, for those who chose the path of everything related to magic. It is very interesting and when you enter it, you are seized by the atmosphere of this place and you begin to penetrate to this place. You will find a wide variety of tasks from collecting herbs for making potions to killing enemies that threaten the peace of the city.
  • The Thieves Guild is one of the most hidden and, unsurprisingly, dark deeds are done there. It contains the most terrible criminals, thieves, robbers and other swindlers. Whether you want to become one of them depends only on you. I will add extremely difficult tasks from them and require dexterous hands and stealth.

Combat system:

The combat mode in The Elder Scrolls Morrowind is very well thought out for those times, there is also the power of the blow that depends on the reserve of forces. Several types of attacks: piercing, cutting, and slashing depends on the type of weapon you are wearing. There is a system of reflection and blocking, which also depends on the reserve of forces; when applying a powerful blow, there is a chance to incapacitate the enemy for a few seconds, which will stun him.


This game is suitable for all fans of this series of games and RPG in general. Interesting tasks and the beautiful world of Morrowind will do their job and drag the player for long hours. Those who started their acquaintance with the series in Morrowind may be interested in other games such as Oblivion and Skyrim, which take place in the same world, but in different provinces.

The time and place of each feat is determined by fate,
but if the hero does not come, there will be no feat.
Tsurin Arctus, Underking

You are an imperial prisoner born on a certain day by unknown parents. It would seem that your fate is a foregone conclusion and your fate is unenviable, but ...

Everything changes when you, absolutely without any explanation, are sent from the hateful capital prison to Morrowind - one of the distant imperial provinces, the mysterious land of the dark elves.

Arrival to Seida-Nin

You see a dream in which vague images of unknown lands flicker, and a strangely familiar female voice whispers, "I am following you ... you were elected."

You wake up in the hold of a ship, snatched from your dream in a very real voice - one of the prisoners wakes you up. His name is Jiub and he is a dark elf. Now it's your turn to introduce yourself (this is where you name your character). Jiub informs you that the ship sailed to Morrowind and immediately stops talking - an imperial guard is heading in your direction. He pleases you with the news that you will finally be released. Follow him as you learn how to control your character's movement and interact with objects. Open the hatch to get out of the hold. The guard on the deck of the ship will direct you to the docks, they say, they will show you how to find the Imperial Chancellery, where you must complete the formalities with your release. You will not go even a few steps, as you will meet another guard - it was he who was entrusted with escorting you to the office. The Imperial will ask where you come from (at this stage, you choose your race, gender and appearance and your character).

Enter the Imperial Chancellery building and speak to a man named Sokucius Ergalla. (the crucial moment has come - the choice of the class of your character and the constellation under which he was born). After that, the official will give you a certificate of release, offering to check the correctness of the information (you can change the name-race-gender-appearance-class-constellation of your character for the last time).

Now, according to the officer, you should speak with Captain Selous Gravius ​​about the allowance in your name. Take away the certificate of release from the table and go to the next office of the office.

Open the door and go into the room with the table. Here you can get hold of the items you need - a dagger as a weapon and a thief's lockpick. There is also food on the table and in baskets on the floor, and bottles of drinks on the shelves. There is a chest on the lowest shelf. On it you can practice the art of opening locks.

Taking in the room everything that you deem necessary, leave it into the courtyard. Looking around, you will see the door to the office you are looking for. Search the barrel next to the door - in it you will find a magic ring, which will serve you well in the future.

Go to the office and talk to Selous Gravius. After giving him the release certificate, ask him about Morrowind, and then about the assignment. Then the captain will inform you that a secret package arrived with you, which must be delivered to Balmora and handed over personally to a certain Kai Kosades. Having said goodbye to Gravius, leave the office.

Now you are a free citizen and are free to do whatever you want, but keep in mind that every crime is punishable by law.
Balmora can be hiked by asking for directions from Elon, a Redguard scout who lives in Arril's inn, but it is much safer to use the local transportation, the so-called "silt striders" - huge insect-like creatures driven by drovers. Contact the driver, in the conversation, select the line "travel" and in the list the city you need.

In Balmora

Arriving one way or another in Balmora, seek out the house of Kai Cosades. The city is crossed by a small river, the house of Cosades is located on its eastern bank, on the northeastern edge of the city. On the surface, Kai is a lonely old man, exhausted by life, addicted to the drug skuume, but in fact he is the head of the Order of Blades - an organization devoted to the Empire and the Emperor. After receiving a secret package from you, Kai will initiate you as a member of the Order of Blades. Now you come under the command of Cosades and will follow his orders. Kai will give you some money and offer you to "settle down" in the city, get hired work, in other words, create a legend of an adventurer for yourself. You can follow his advice and join any of the guilds of the city (magicians, fighters, thieves) or immediately contact Kosades with a request to issue you an assignment. You can spend the money received from Kai at your own discretion.

Task number 1: Dwemer puzzle

First of all, Cosades asks you to meet Hasphat Antabolis of your local Fighters Guild chapter and inquire about the secret cults of the Nerevarine and the Sixth House. Kai warns you that Hasphat will not share information just like that, so you should first complete the errand for Antabolis.

To reach Arkntand, head south from Balmora past Silt Strider Port. Then you need to go eastward. Cross the bridge over the river and turn north at the signpost to Caldera. Next there will be another pointer, this time to Molag Mar. Follow him, and soon the road will lead you to a bridge leading to Arkntand.

Caution, the bridge is guarded by a necromancer! It is not difficult to cope with him, if you do not engage in close combat, but shoot him from a distance from a bow. There is no need to kill the skeleton summoned by him - it is enough to deal with the owner, and the undead will disappear by itself. After killing the necromancer, cross the bridge to Arkntand. To open the fortress door, simply turn the lever located near the entrance.

Inside the fortress, an unpleasant surprise awaits you in the form of a gang of smugglers who have chosen Arkntand as their lair. Of course, Antabolis did not mention anything about her, but who said that everything would be easy?

Go down the piles of large stones. You need to get to the second floor in the room of Cells of the Empty Hand. This can be done in two ways.

Method 1: go downstairs, deal with the smuggler there and climb the stones to the 2nd floor.

Method 2: go down, but not to the end, but until the stones are visible, along which you can climb to the 2nd floor. In other words, you need to try to jump from stone to stone so as not to fight the smuggler below (but after you find the Dwemer puzzle, you still have to go down, nevertheless, you can try to escape from the smuggler).

Behind the door leading to the Empty Hand Cell, another smuggler will attack you. After killing him, examine the room - on the shelves you will find the desired thing (looks like a small brown cube). Leave Arkntand the same way you came and report your success to Hasphat Antabolis. In exchange for the Dwemer puzzle, Hasphat, as promised, will share the necessary information. Take the papers given by Antabolis to Kai Kosades and receive a new assignment from him.

Task number 2: Skull of Llevole Andrano

Kai tells you that the information received from Antabolis is insufficient and asks you to visit Sharn-gra-Muzgob at the Mages Guild so that she can tell you about the Nerevarine prophecy. The Mages Guild is located in a building adjacent to the Fighters Guild, it is not difficult to find it (it is recommended to join the Mages Guild in order to use its teleports). Orc Sharn is on the ground floor. And, of course, she's not going to share information for thanks. For some reason she needed the skull of a certain Llewoul Andrano, and she offers you to steal it from the family tomb.

Ask her about the location of the tomb - the orc woman will give you an enchanted dagger for the rest of the undead there and several useful scrolls. It's not worth getting to the tomb by the way that the orc woman advised - it is long and tiring. It is much easier to use the Silt Strider Port and travel to Seida Nin.

From the Silt Strider Port at Seida Nina, follow the road east. At the fork, take the Pelagias. Soon you will see another fork in the two roads, take the northern route to Pelagiad. A little further the fork turn to the west and you will find the required tomb. After entering the tomb, deal with the spirit of the ancestors and turn left. Go along the arched corridor to the large room with two skeletons, from it along the next arched corridor go to the entrance to the small room. In it you will find Andrano's skull.

Return the same way to Seida-Nin and use the Silt Strider to get to Balmora. Give the skull to the orc, and she will share valuable information about the cult of the Nerevarine. Give the notes to Sharn Kai - he will thank you for your good work and raise you in rank. The next task from Kosades can be obtained only when your hero reaches the third level.

Assignment # 3: Three Informants from Vivec

After reaching the third level, visit Cosades. He will inform you that he has considered the information received from you and now wants more information from three informants in Vivec. And of course, you will have to deal with the collection of this information. Kai's informants are the Argonian Huleia of the Assassins Guild Morag Tong (Location: Alien Quarter), the Khajiit thief Addhiranirr (Location: St. Olms District), and Dunmer Priestess Mehra Milo (Location: Temple). It is in this order that it is most convenient to visit them. Use the Silt Strider to Vivec. The city stands on the water and is divided into several districts, each of which is connected to the other by a system of bridges. You will arrive at the Outlander Quarter. Climb any of the 4 ramps and enter the door that leads to the lower belt. The Black Shalk inn, where the Argonian you want to stay, is located in the middle corridor on the east side.

You will not confuse huleia with anyone - the lizard-like Argonians are very noticeable. Talk to him, he will say that he would like to get into his friend's bookstore, but some types do not allow him to pass. If you ask him about the details, you will find out that the place where he needs to go is “Jobasha's Rare Books”. Of course, the Morag Tong has his own methods of work, but Huleia cannot apply them now, so you must help him deal with the situation.

Indeed, several aggressive Dunmer are found in the tavern. Talk to any of them, as you can see they are racists who do not like that "this dirty lizard" came here. Your task is to increase the attitude of any of the racists towards you to at least 50 points. Flatter, bribe - any means are good. Once you manage to raise your attitude to 50, mention the "dirty lizard" - the racist will be reluctant to give up his intentions and the whole gang will let you through. If, after talking with Huley, you try to take him past the racists to the bookstore, they will attack you. One way or another, after persuading the racists or killing them, escort the Argonian to Jobashi's shop, which is located in the middle corridor on the western side of the lower rows. There, in a calm atmosphere, Huleia will share with you the information Kai needs so badly.

Now it was the turn to find Addhiranirr. Kai mentioned that she is somewhere in St Olms' County. In the Quarter of Aliens on the lower floor we find a gondolier that transports passengers between districts. We book a trip to the Arena District. From the arena we move south, and here we are in St. Olms County. If you ask the townspeople about the Khajiit, you will find out that there is no better opinion of her here, and no one knows where she is now. However, Seviza Teran can give you useful information. This Dunmer woman stands at a small altar at the canal level.

Talk to her and she will say that Addhiranirr is forced to hide in the dungeons, as she is being pursued by an Imperial agent. Not far from Seviz there is a hatch leading to the underground. Take advantage of it. If you decide to go down into the dungeon in a different way, then you run the risk of running into a hidden Daedric sanctuary, guarded by very strong warriors.

Go down into the dungeon, not far from the entrance you will find a fugitive khajiit woman. Talk to her - she really is hiding from the imperial agent, and while he hangs around and sniffs out information, the thief will not tell you anything useful. Promise Addhiranirr to deal with the problem.

From the gondolier in St Olms 'Parish, book a trip to the Temple or you can walk - the Temple is located south of Saint Olms' Parish. Arriving at the Temple, go through the door leading to the Hall of Wisdom. In the hallway, find the door to the library.

Mehra Milo is a Dunmer woman with short red hair, wearing a blue robe. She will escort you to a distant room where she can tell you about the cult of the Nerevarine without hindrance. Mehra will also advise you to find the book "Progressing the Truth", which tells about the Apostate Priests. This book can be stolen from the shelf in the southwest corner of the library, or purchased from Jobasha's Rare Books in the Aliens Quarter.

With the information received from three informants, return to Balmora to Cosades. You will be promoted to the rank of Wanderer and sonorous drakes for a job well done.

Assignment # 4: Ashlander Informant

Kai is ready to give you an errand again. This time, on reflection, he decided that in order to advance the case, it was necessary to obtain information about the prophecy of the Nerevarine from the lips of the Ashlander - the indigenous inhabitant of the inhospitable ash land. Usually, Ashlanders are not inclined to talk with strangers, but Kai has a hint of Hassur Zainsubani - an Ashlander who left his native place and settled in the Ald "rune. It is to him that Kosades recommends contacting, not forgetting to warn that Ashlanders like to give and receive gifts, hinting that you need to figure out what Hassur might like.

On the Silt Strider (or teleport the Mages Guild) we travel to Ald "runes. From the Silt Strider Port we head east past the Council Club until we reach the Ald Scar tavern.

Ashlander is in the room to the right of the bar (stairs lead there). He will immediately ask what led you to the cause - do not rush to bombard him with questions, this will only worsen his attitude towards you, it is better to ask him about the custom of giving and receiving gifts, as well as what, in his opinion, should be “sensible present".

Hassur will answer gravely that he is very fond of poetry. So a sensible gift is ready! It remains to get to the nearest bookstore - it is located not far from the tavern, and buy a gift there. It can be any of three books of poetry: Words of the Wind, Ashland Hymns, or Five Distant Stars. The last book is the cheapest, so it is more profitable to buy it. We buy the book and return to Hassur. Having received the gift, Hassur will be happy to answer all your questions. Ask him about Ashland and you will receive notes for Kai. Return to Cosades with these materials. Kai will raise you, assigning you the rank of Seeker, and send you to the camp of the Ashland tribe Urshilaku, but first he wants to tell you the whole truth about your liberation and the role you are destined to play in the fate of this harsh land. It turns out that the emperor is convinced that it is you who are described as the Nerevarine - the incarnation of Indoril Nerevar, who died many years ago, a hero with whom many rumors and legends are associated. Cosades will give you a decrypted copy of the package that Selus Gravius ​​once handed to you upon your release.

Assignment # 5: Urshilaku Tribe Initiation Rite

So, your path lies far north, to where the yurts of the Ashland nomads of the Urshilaku tribe are located. Kai ordered you to pay a visit to the ashkhan (leader) Sul Matuul and the shamaness Nibani Mesa (you will have to visit here more than once in the future, so purchase the mark-return amulets in advance or learn the appropriate spells). To get to the camp, you have to make two trips first: first to Ald "rune (silt with a strider or teleport from the guild of magicians), and from there with a silt strider to Maar Gan. In Maar Gan, in the building of an outpost located near the port of silt striders, talk to with a Dunmer woman named Nuleno Thedas, she will explain the way to the camp and mark its position on the map. You will have to reach Urshilaku camp on foot. From the Silt Strider Port, take the road northwest, at the crossroads turn east - a small isthmus leads to parallel to the northern road. It will lead you directly to the sea, to the wreck of the ship. From it move to the east along the coast past the Daedric ruins of Assurnabitashpi and soon you will see the Ashlander camp. it is not necessary, it is better to immediately go to the yurt of the gulakhan (assistant leader) Zabamund and talk to him about the prophecy of the Nerevarine. nd will ask you what you care about the prophecy, you can try to bribe him, impress him with your heroic deeds, or just tell the whole truth about your misadventures, and to challenge him to battle is at least stupid - a wise ashlander will consider this childish, and his attitude towards you will deteriorate.

One way or another, get him an audience with Sul Matuul and follow to the leader's yurt. Are you a Nerevarine? Ashkhan is skeptical, but he is ready to test you and for this purpose is preparing an initiation ceremony. First, you need to go to the Burial Caverns of Urshilaku and retrieve from there the magic Bonechewer Bow, which belongs to the father of the chief Sul Senipulu.

Getting to the Burial Caverns is a snap. Follow the coast to the east until you see a pile of stones that resemble a small pyramid. From this landmark, turn strictly south and you will soon find yourself in front of the door of the Tomb.

Ancestral spirits tirelessly guard the peace of the dead, so prepare enchanted weapons in advance. Through the cave of the Astral Burial, go to the cave of the Karmic Burial, then into the cave of Burial Laterus, in it climb the stone spiral to the very top until you reach the door to the cave of the Beautiful Burial. Here is the bow you need, the only problem is that it is guarded by a powerful spirit. Calm the ghost and take the bow from his remains.

Return to the Urshilak camp and tell Ashkhan about your success. Sul Matuul appreciated your courage - he proclaims you a friend of the tribe and allows you to talk to the shaman Nibani Mesa. In addition, the generous chief gives you the same Bonechewer Bow that you obtained with such difficulty.

The shaman lives in the largest yurt. Tell her that you have passed the test and after that you can ask all your questions about the mysterious prophecy of the Nerevarine. The shaman will give you two books: "Seven Visions" and "The Stranger" and will tell you that some important prophecies have been lost, but the Apostate Priests, bit by bit collecting ancient knowledge, may have retained some of the legends. And, none other than you should find them.

Return to Kai Cosades, report on the completion of the task. Kosades will take your information on the Lost Prophecies carefully and decide to consult Mehra Milo about the Apostate Priests. In the meantime, he will do this, you have to complete one more task.

Assignment # 6: Elimination of the Sixth House Base

Kosades will warn you that the quest will be extremely dangerous, so you should take care of the availability of useful potions and scrolls in advance (for example, the Almsivi's Scroll of Intervention is very useful), as well as armor and weapons of proper quality. Tell Kai that you prefer to be careful, and not headlong at bayonets, and he, rightly deciding that you are not ready enough, will give you a cash bonus of 400 drakes to buy weapons and armor. As soon as you are ready to complete the task, notify Cosades about this, and he will give you the details. It turns out that the command of Fort Motley Butterfly sent a patrol to the fishing village of Gnaar Mok in order to identify the connection between the smugglers and the Sixth House. During the operation, the Sixth House Base was discovered. More details about this raid, according to Kai, will be able to tell you Raesa Pullia - Protector of Fort Motley Butterfly. The fort itself is located south of the Ald "rune, near the southern gate of the city. Get to the Ald" rune on a silt strider or teleport to the Mages Guild. Enter the fort building and talk to Raesa Pullia.

The brave lady will inform you that only one patrolman has returned from the raid. He was barely alive, disfigured by a terrible disease - corrus. In a feverish delirium, he babbled that he had been spared so that he would tell everyone that "the Sixth House has risen." He also mentioned the priest of the cult of the Sixth House, the creepy Dagoth Gares, and that the cave in which the sanctuary of the Sixth House is located is called Ilunibi. Soon the unfortunate man died.

Ask Pullia about the whereabouts of Gnaar Mok and she will mark the village on your map. You can find the way, using Raesa's explanations, or you can independently make a shorter path directly from Ald "Runa through the mountains. Of course, it is more dangerous, but much faster. Anyway, when you reach Gnaar Mok, ask the locals about Ilunibi. If their attitude towards you will be below 50 points, they will not tell you anything about this place. north of Gnaar Mok. Having dealt with the netches, again contact any of the residents, and in conversation with him do not hesitate to mention the unfortunate “couple of netches.” If his attitude towards you is still lower than 50 points, again boast of reprisals over the netches. Now Feel free to ask about Ilunibi, a system of caves located at the northern tip of the island, at the top of the Hartag cliff (the location of the cliff will be automatically marked on your map).

So, here is the door to the caves ... Inside there are several branched passages leading in different directions. You don't need to visit all of them. From the Sacred Heart cave, walk on the left to the Marovaka Ridge cave. Inhabitants of these places: Seers, Scamps, Ancestral Spirits, Ash Slaves, Corprus Hunters (for information about them, look for the bestiary). Then follow to the Black Heart cave, and from it to the Soul Rattle.

This is where Dagoth Gares, a powerful priest of the Sixth House cult, dwells. Before attacking, he will greet you and even kindly answer your questions about the Sixth House and Dagoth Ur. But the battle cannot be avoided! Get ready for a tough fight. Before dying, the treacherous priest will curse your flesh by sending corrus - that terrible disease that killed the patrolman. Before leaving Ilunibi, carefully examine the room from which Dagoth Gares emerged, there you can find very valuable artifacts.

Leave Ilunibi using Almsivi's Incursion scroll. You will find yourself in the Temple of Balmora. Report to Kai. He will congratulate you on completing the task and assign you the rank of Traveler. However, Cosades is concerned that you have contracted corrus, but advises you not to lose hope of recovery. According to him, you must go to Tel Fir - the tower of the Telvanni magician and scientist Divayt Fira. It contains the Corprusarium, the final resting place for those afflicted with this terrible ailment, and, according to Kai's informants, knows a cure. Do not forget to ask Kai about the location of Tel Fira, he will mark it on your map. Also, Kosades will give you 1000 drakes for expenses, several levitation potions to get to the magician's quarters without interference (Telvanni do not recognize stairs) and a Dwemer artifact, as a gift for Fira.

Assignment # 7: Healing from Corrus

Benefit from the services of the Balmor Mages Guild and travel to Sadrith Mora's Mages Guild. The path to Fira Tower is through water, so stock up on a water walking or swimming potion. Inside the tower, go through the Onyx Hall into the corridor that leads to the right into the Hall of Fira. Go to the center of the room and look up, there will be a mine for lifting. Use the Levitation Potion given by Kai and head up the shaft. It is here that the chambers of Divayt Fira are located. In general, Fir is a curious specimen. He collects artifacts (some really valuable things are stored directly in Fira's chambers, but they are protected by locks, difficulty 100 points and traps), cohabit with artificially created daughters and, oh yes, investigates corrus - the so-called "divine disease". It turns out that those infected with corrus become immune to all other diseases and, moreover, their lifespan is many times longer. Side effects include monstrous deformation of the body and complete madness of the victim of the disease.

Talk to a scientist. Fir will be interested in the Dwemer item (the one that Kosades gave you in advance), be polite and present the Dwemer artifact to Divayt as a gift. Tell him that you are sick with corrus and ask for help. You can confess to Fira that you are a Nerevarine, you can lie that you have not heard of the prophecy, Divayt will send you to the Corprusarium anyway. He needed to pick up the shoes from the craftsman there.

Bring your shoes - get the medicine. However, Fir does not promise instant healing, all past experimental samples have died after experiencing the effects of the drug. Nothing to do - go to the Corprusarium. The path to it lies through the Onyx Hall along the left corridor.

At the door of the Corprusarium, you will be greeted by the Argonian Vista-Kai, the caretaker and protector of the victims of the disease. He will warn you that in no case should you harm the sick, no matter how ferocious and disgusting they may be. The Corprusarium itself is a network of gloomy caves, through which disfigured victims of the disease roam. Carefully, without attacking anyone, go to the door leading to the Core of the Corprusarium. And if in the first cave the cripples and hunters were very aggressive, here they just hobble past with a mournful look. Find Yagrum Bagarn. This miserable creature swollen with fat on steel spider paws is none other than the last of the dwarf people. You can ask him if you are interested in the secret of the disappearance of the Dwemer. Just don't forget to ask him for Fira's order. The gnome will give you the boots, you can return to the scientist.

Fir is ready to give you a potion, but on the condition that you drink it right here. Refusal will not be accepted. Well, agree. Amazing! Divayt says that the negative aspects of the disease have receded, but the beneficial properties of corrus, such as immunity to other diseases and longevity, remain. You can return to Cosades and tell about the miraculous healing. Use the Scroll of Divine Intervention to enter Sadrith More. Teleport to Balmora through the local guild of magicians.

Kai will assign you the title of Agent of Blades and inform you that he will be urgently recalled to the Imperial City, so then you will have to act alone. Kai will give you his personal belongings and entrust you with a new assignment: to see Mehra Milo in the Hall of Wisdom, in Vivec, so that she will help in the search for the Lost Prophecies. Kosades warns you that the priestess may be watched, so if something unexpected happens, you should look for a message under the code "Amaya" in her personal apartment.

Activity # 8: Finding the Lost Prophecies

Travel to Vivec Silt with a Strider or through the Mages Guild. Take a gondola to the Arena and from there to the Temple, or walk. In the Hall of Wisdom, you can visit the Library, but Mehra is not there. This means that the very unexpected happened. Look for the priestess's apartment. The door to the room is locked with a simple lock (20 points), but the resident is spinning nearby, so you need to open the lock with great care.

In the room on the chest of drawers, the desired message will be found to Amaya, that is, to you, in which Mehra hints that he is now in the Ministry of Truth and needs your help and the scroll of Divine Intervention (you also will not be disturbed by the scroll of Divine Intervention or Almsivi's Intervention). In the same place, on the chest of drawers, take 2 levitation potions - they will be useful for you to penetrate the Ministry, it is in the sky above the Temple.

Levitate to the Ministry. Tell Alvela Saram, who is at the post, that you have come to see Mehra. The guard will give you the key to the door, warning you that you are strictly forbidden to kill the residents inside the Ministry. Stock up on lockpicks, potions of invisibility and a chameleon and go ahead to save the priestess. Without attracting the attention of the guards, get to the prison. The cell in which Mehra is imprisoned is on the far right. Open the simple lock and talk to the priestess. She has an escape plan, all she needs is a scroll of Divine Intervention. You have to leave the Ministry and go to the Holamayan Monastery, stronghold of the Apostate Priests. To get to it, at the docks of Ebengard, find a woman named Blatt Hateria and ask her to take you fishing. Once you are ready to set off, when talking to Blatt, select "Travel" and she will take you to the pier near Holamayan. At the pier, talk to the nun Vevrana Arion, and she will show you the way to the monastery, and also inform you that its doors open only during the sacred hours of Azura - at sunrise and sunset. The monastery is located on a hilltop north of the pier. Wait for sunrise or sunset and enter the monastery.

Inside, look for the library, this is where Mehra Milo and the head of the Apostate Priests Gilvas Barelo are located. Talk to him about the Lost Prophecies. Dunmer will give you two books, The Lost Prophecy and The Seven Curses, as well as the Weapons of Kagrenac document revealing the true nature of the power of the Tribunal gods. If you are interested, you can ask the priest about the interpretation of the prophecies, about the Nerevarine and the position of the Temple in relation to the Apostate Priests.

Now the time has come to return to the shaman of the Urshilaku tribe and tell her the information received. Use the scroll of Divine Intervention (you will find yourself in Sadrith Mora) or sail from the pier to Vivec. Anyway, you need to get to the Ald "runes, and from there silt with a strider to Maar Gan and a familiar route to get to the Urshilaku camp (or if you previously used the" Mark ", now use" Return "). Tell Nibani Mesa about the Lost you got. Prophecies. The shaman needs time to consult with the spirits of her ancestors and make a final decision. Return to her in a day and listen to the “sentence.” Spirits and stars told her that you can become a Nerevarine if you pass the Seven Trials. According to her, you are already passed the First Test - you are a foreigner and were born on a certain day from unknown parents. The shaman's dreams tell her that you have passed the Second Test, but she cannot explain how. But you can! Tell her about how you were healed of corrus. Now you have to go through the Third Test, but not a shaman, but the leader of the tribe will tell you about it.

Assignment # 9: Trial of the Leader

Go to the Sul Matuula yurt. In order to proceed with the Third Test, you must prove to the leader that you are strong, dexterous, brave, in short, worthy of being called the Nerevarine. Therefore, Sul Matuul gives you a special task - to bring three things from the halls of the ancient fortress of Kogorun: tears of corrus, a bowl with the hallmark of the House of Dagoth and the Shield of Shadow. Do not forget to ask the chief about the whereabouts of Kogorun (he will mark him on your map). Get to Kogorun by the road recommended by Sul Matuul or by your own way, using the map. Tears of Corpusa and a bowl with the hallmark of House Dagoth are relatively easy to obtain from the Pollock Woman Cathedral in the southeast. Inside you need to deal with Dagoth Girer and pick up the required things. Getting the Shadow Shield is an order of magnitude more difficult ...

First you need to enter the Fisto Room. From there to the Hall of Poppies. Through the hall, reach the large room, where the left corridor will lead to the lower floor to the locked door of the Nabit Fairway. Unlock a simple lock (20 difficulty points) with a pick or scroll. You will find yourself in the sewers. Go down the tunnel and follow the left side to the tunnel branch. Follow the branch to the door to the "Breath of Charma" cave. From this cave, proceed to Bleeding Heart Cave. Turn right at the crossroads, right again at the next one. Fight another henchman of Dagoth, and the Shield of Shadows is yours! Now you can return to Sul Matuul with a clear conscience.

Assignment # 10: Cave of the Incarnation

Having made sure that you are truly worthy, the leader will reveal to you the secret of the Third Test. It consists in solving the riddle and finding the sacred Cave of the Incarnation, where Nerevar's legendary Moon-and-Star ring is kept. To find out the location of the cave, you need to guess the riddle: The eye of the needle lies in the teeth of the wind. The mouth of the cave lies in a pearl skin. The dream is the door and the star is the key. Sul Matuul will wish you luck in solving the riddle and give you the belt of Malipu-Ataman, an important relic of the tribe. Put on the belt and talk to the shaman, and then to the other members of the tribe. They will be happy to help you solve the riddle. So, you will need to walk along the coast past the camp to the east until you reach the Daedric sanctuary of Zergonipal. From it, move southeast until you come out on the road, the landmark is the tomb of the Dareleths, and follow this road until you reach the Cave of the Incarnation, the doors of which are decorated with signs of stars and the moon. You can enter the Cave at 6 am or 6 pm. After waiting for the right time, enter the cave. Inside on the palms of the statue of the goddess Azura lies the ring of Nerevar. Take it, watch the video. In the cave, incarnation spirits will appear, who have not been able to fulfill their mission. Ask each of them about his story and receive useful gifts from them - things that will no longer help them, but, perhaps, will serve you and your high goal. Return to Sul Matuul. He sees that you have obtained the legendary ring and is ready to proclaim you the Nerevarine of Urshilaku. Listen to his instructions and advice from the shamaness. After that, the chief will proclaim you a Nerevarine of the tribe and give the Teeth to Urshilak, a valuable family relic. Now new challenges await you.

Assignment # 11: Uniting the Three Great Houses

Morrowind is currently ruled by five great Houses: Hlaalu, Redoran, Telvanni, Indoril, and Dres. Only three of them have a trade interest within Vvardenfell. These three great Houses of Vvardenfell each have their own color: red for the Redorans, yellow for Hlaalu, and brown for Telvanni. Thus, the Hlaalu dynasty, for example, can be called the Yellow. The tradition of the Great Houses dates back to the ancient Dunmer clans and tribes; they now function as political parties. Membership in one of the great Dunmer Houses is determined by birth or marriage, however, one can enter the service of the Great Houses, and gradually become a member. At first, the stranger becomes only a mercenary who swears an oath of allegiance. He must show loyalty to the only House. Later, after many years of faithful service and promotion, he can enter the House. To advance to high office, a candidate must be supported by a Great House counselor. To find such a patron for oneself, it is necessary to perform some outstanding deed for the whole House.

House Redoran

The Dunmer of House Redoran are honest and proud, and they value martial arts above all else. Redoran's residence is Ald "rune with its quaint houses. House counselors live under Skar, the shell of a fossil giant crab. The shaman advised you to find a friend among them and enlist his support. Your friend may be the influential Atin Sareti. Find his estate near Skar. Atin is ready to proclaim you by the Mentor, if you save his son Varvur, who was captured by the order of the advisor Bolvin Benim. His only request is not to kill anyone, otherwise an unprecedented scandal will break out and you will not see the title of Mentor like your own ears.

Go to the Venim Estate. It is located right there, under Skar. From the first room, head to the right wing of the estate. In the center of the hall, on a bench, read a note, from which it follows that the prisoner is being kept nearby, in the room behind the tapestry. The key is attached to the note, but you need to take it imperceptibly, guards are found nearby. Find a wall nearby, covered with tapestry, come closer - here is the door to the dungeon! Open it with a key or pick a lock. In a small room, Varvur is found, who has already lost all hope of salvation. Tell him to follow you, and with all your strength, take your feet out of the ill-fated estate. Outside the estate, you will not be pursued, so you can safely return to Atin. An immensely happy father will fulfill his promise and cast his vote in favor of your candidacy. He will also convince councilors Garisa Lletri, Hlaren Ramoran and Miner Arobar to vote for you. Walk through their estates and collect votes. Brara Morvane will also vote for you, but she does not live on her own estate, but in an apartment in the Council Hall.

Once you've secured the support of all the advisors, visit the Venim estate. The chief adviser has not yet forgotten how you fooled him with the son of Sareti, and therefore, seething with righteous anger, challenges you to a duel that will take place in the Arena in the capital city of Vivec. I must say that Venim has excellent equipment and weapons, so be prepared for a very serious battle. Defeat Benim and take his things with you as a valuable trophy. You can now return to the Ald Rune to Atin Sarethi, become the Mentor of House Redoran and receive the Ring of the Mentor, but the best thing to do while you are in Vivec is to start building ties with House Hlaalu.

Hlaalu House

All Hlaalu are born businessmen, their motto is "Everything is for sale and everything is bought", so prepare a tidy sum in advance. Start with Crassius Curio. His estate is located in the Plaza of Hlaalu County. Pay a corrupt advisor 1000 drakes and he will agree to vote for you.

Next, visit Yngling Half-Troll at his residence in St. Olms County Plaza. This dumb Nordling is also surprisingly greedy, his voice costs 2000 drakes. If you do not want to pay, make him angry so that he pounces on you with his fists, and then kill. The refuge of the great conspirator Drama Bero is located here, on the Plaza of St. Olms County, in an abandoned haunted house. You only need to pick the lock of 50 points of difficulty. Drum Bero will give his vote for free. Now your path lies on the plantation of Orvas Dren, located north of Vivec. Dren is not going to vote for you. If you say that you want to bring peace to Morrrowind, then he will simply attack you, because he is at one with Dagoth Ur. Draen is a strong opponent, so if your fighting skills are not very good, you can go the other way, picking up the key from the table on the first floor and opening the locked room with it (do not forget to defuse the traps). In the room, kill two of Dren's henchmen and in the chest with a very difficult (75 points) lock on the shelf, find dirt on the intractable adviser. I must say that Dren has a lot of valuable things in locked chests, so if your hacking skill allows you to open them, by all means do it. You can persuade Dren to vote, but for this you need to be very, very eloquent or rich ... One way or another, having gotten the voice of Orvas Dren, visit Nivena Ulis in her mansion, it is located northeast of the Dren plantation, on the road leading to Suran. It is very close to the city, at its northern exit. Nivena is on a short leash with Dren and therefore does whatever he says. She will unquestioningly give you her vote. Now it was the turn of Velanda Omani. Her estate is located on Elmas Island, near Vivec. Travel to Telvanni County, from there, get off the bridge to the mainland, then turn south and cross the bridge to Elmas Island. Velanda also obeys Dren and therefore won't have any problems with her voice. After collecting all the votes, return to Crassius Curio. He will proclaim you the Hlaalu Housemaster and give you the Mentor's Belt.

House Telvanni

First, pay a visit to Arion at Tel Vos Tower. It is convenient to get there from Sadrith Mora (from any guild of mages) via Tel Mora and Vos. Tel Vos is near Vos (follow the road northwest). Arion will briefly tell you about the other Telvanni advisors and mark the location of their residences on your map. He himself will easily give his vote for you.

Now you can visit the rest of the advisors. In Tel Mora you will have to face Mistress Drata, an ardent man-hater, so if your character is a man, it will not be easy for him. After flattering an old pepper pot or bribing her, rush to her feet and beg to listen. She will take pity, and, having learned your story, she will vote for you. She will give her voice to a woman without the slightest hesitation. Visit Tel Arun. Gotren, the big shot here, is famous for never giving a definite answer. And now, in response to your application for proclaiming you a Telvanni Mentor, he will mumble about the importance and what he needs to think about. Anger the would-be adviser, let him attack you, and, without ceremony, deal with him. In Sadrith More, in the Tel Naga tower, meet with Mr. Nelot, the most unpleasant boorish guy who doesn't even want to listen to you. Well ... flattery and money will be invaluable to you. Improve your relationship with Neloth to the maximum value and try again, the old man promises to vote for you. And, finally, Mrs. Terana is an old woman out of her mind who raves about spiders and thinks that you want to become a “scammer”. Its tower is located in Tel Branor. Do not listen to her crazy chatter, she can talk about all sorts of nonsense forever. Improve her attitude towards you to the maximum and tell your story. The Counselor will give you her vote.

Assignment # 12: Uniting the Four Tribes

Return to the shaman Urshilak and tell her that you have completed the Fourth Test. Ask her about the Fifth Test. It consists in uniting the four Ashlander tribes - Urshilaku, Ahemmuza, Zainab and Erabenimsun. Urshilaku has already recognized you as a Nerevarine, it remains to achieve this title in the other three tribes.

Ask Nibani Mesa or Sul Matuul about the whereabouts of the Ashlander camps and they will mark them on your map.


Ahemmuza is a calm and peaceful tribe. The easiest way to get to the camp is on foot from Vos (route: Sadrit Mora - Tel Mora - Vos).

There is no leader in this tribe, and his role is played by the shaman Sinnammu Mirpal. Talk to her in her yurt. The shaman will reproach you for ignorance and direct you to her gulakhans (assistants). There are three of them, this is Kausi, Dutadalk and Yenammu. Contact any of them and find out that the peace-loving tribe is looking for a place where, in case of danger, they could take refuge. Return to the shamaness. She will report that earlier such a safe place was the abandoned Daedric sanctuary of Ald Daedroth, but now some overzealous cultist and her supporters worship there the insane Daedra Shigorat. And it is in your best interest to clear the sanctuary of them, otherwise you will not be the Nerevarine of Ahemmuz.

Ask the shaman about the whereabouts of Ald Daedroth, and she will mark it on your map (this is to the north of the camp, on a fairly large island). The path to the sanctuary passes through water, so stock up on potions for fast swimming, walking on water or levitation (the shaman herself has a water walking spell, so you don't have to worry about her). Sinnammu will ask you to return for her after the "cleanup" so that she can make sure that the sanctuary is really safe. You can satisfy her request by clearing the sanctuary and returning for her, or you can act more cunningly, taking the shaman woman with you on "feats of arms" (if the shaman dies, you cannot become a Nerevarine). I must say that not only were you given the task to deal with the cultists - residents are gathering around the sanctuary. Talk to any of them, and to his question "what are you doing here", answer that you just want to plunder the altar, then you will be allowed in peace. If you say that you are a Nerevarine or make an unfortunate joke that you have come to worship the Daedra, they will immediately get into a fight, they are such a serious people. You do not have to clear the entire temple, it is enough to kill the enemies in the Outer Sanctuary (Orc and Dunmer) and in the Inner Sanctuary (Nordlings and Golden Sanctuary) without going into the Right and Left Wings. In addition, you do not always have to fight alone - the gallant residents are right there. However, if you decide to arrange a grandiose clean-up, then in the "Front" you will meet very interesting subjects: the same cultist, an orc who imagines himself a Khajiit and a talking scump. You can persuade the cultist not to harm the Ashlanders, or kill her, the orc and, for company, the scamp.

Either way, escort the shaman to the Statue of Shegorath in the Ald Daedroth Inner Sanctuary, and she will proclaim you the Nerevarine of Ahemmuz and give you a tribal relic - the Stone of Madness of Ahemmuz.


Ashlanders of the Zainab tribe are dexterous and skillful. The tribal camp is located near the Ahemmuz camp, in the southwest. Follow to the yurt of Ashkhan Kaushad. Talk to him. He doesn't take your words seriously. A shaman of the Sonummu Zabamat tribe can give you advice. According to her, the leader likes everything foreign, and he would gladly receive beautiful shoes as a gift ... You can look for these shoes or simply bribe the leader, which is also quite effective. Finally, Ashkhan is ready to listen to you and give you an assignment. Kaushad wants you to kill the vampire Calvario, who has settled in Nerano's tomb. If you listen to the leader's guide, you will never find this damned tomb in your life. It is much easier to find it, following from Tel Vos to the west past the Mudan Mul egg mine. The tomb is located between the mine and the mountains. Disarm the poison trap on the door leading to the vampire's lair and take out Calvario. Return to Kaushad.

The leader is pleased with your victory, but this is not enough for him. He, you see, wants to receive a gift from you, and not just any, but a high-born lady from the Telvanni clan, who would become his wife. Naive Kaushad, does he really think that a noble lady will marry an Ashlander? But he seems to think so. Here's the problem ... Well, let's turn to a shaman woman for help. Sonummu Zabamat knows how to help you. An old friend of hers, Saville Imayn, is a slave trader in Tel Arun. And perhaps she has a suitable slave to dress up and pass off as a Telvanni lady. We leave for Tel Arun (Vos - Tel Mora - Tel Arun). On the square we find a richly dressed Dunmer woman Saville Imine and ask her for a “special product”. You are lucky! The merchant just has a suitable slave - Falur Llerwu. It remains only to dress her in accordance with her future rank. To do this, you will need to purchase an elegant shirt, a graceful skirt and graceful shoes for the girl. All this can be bought in Tel More from the elegnan dressmaker. Saville is pleased with your purchases. But the Telvanni lady needs an exquisite perfume called Telvanni Beetle Musk. You can buy them here, in Tel Arun, from the pharmacist Bildren Arelet. After purchasing the perfume, return to Saville. Pay 1200 drakes for a slave and give her clothes and perfume. Now she is ready to become a real lady! Take the girl to the Zainab camp and introduce her to the chief.

Kaushad liked the "lady" clearly. He names you Nerevarine Zainab and gives you a tribal relic, the Scourge of Zainab. If after that you talk to Falura about Kaushad, she will say that she likes him. And Kaushad, in turn, admits that he figured out your trick with the false lady, but it doesn't matter anymore, because he likes Falura. He will give you a nice shirt.


The Erabenimsun is a warlike tribe that prioritizes the strength of their weapons and the strength of their armor. Their camp is located southwest of Tel Fir (the easiest way to get there is from Sadrith Mora). Ashkhan Ulat-Pal is a cruel and ignorant leader, it makes no sense to talk to him. It is better to immediately turn to the shaman Manirai and ask her advice. It turns out that the tribe needs a new leader who would rule the Erabenimsuns without violence, and the son of the former Ashkhan can become such a leader. But Ulat-Pal will not give up his power claims so easily. He and his fierce gulakhans will stand to the last. So you need to get rid of them. So, the "black list" includes Ulat-Pal and his assistants: Ahaz, Ranabi and Ashnu-Akhe. Ranabi owns magic, Ashnu-Akhe is the best warrior of the tribe, and Ulat-Pal never leaves the yurt without a bodyguard ... The battle promises to be hot. After killing all enemies, return to the shamaness. She will send you to the yurt of Khan-Ammu, a new candidate for Ashkhani, complaining that the young man lacks such important leadership qualities as wisdom, strength and courage. We speak with Khan-Ammu. It turns out that he does not want to become an ashkhan. Give him the magic robe taken from Ranabi's body. This is a symbol of the wisdom of the new Ashkhan. Then give him the ax taken from Ulat-Pal's body. This weapon is a symbol of Ashkhan's strength. Finally, give him the "Fiery Heart of Sanit-Kil" amulet, taken from the body of Ahaz, as a symbol of Ashkhan's courage. Now Khan-Ammu agrees to become the leader. And, as the head of the tribe, he names you the Nerevarine of the Erabenimsuns. Visit the shaman Manirai, talk to her about the Nerevarine prophecy, she will congratulate you on receiving the title of the Nerevarine tribe and give you a relic - Capture of the Erabenimsuns.

Task number 13: Battle of Red Mountain

Return to Shaman Urshilak as a Nerevarine of all Tribes. You passed the fifth test with flying colors, there is very little left. Nibani Mesa asks you to meet Toler Sarioni, Archcanon of the High Cathedral of Vivec. It seems that the Temple finally realized the danger of what was happening and decided to take steps towards reconciliation with you. Travel to Vivec in the Temple District. Danso Indules will meet you near the High Cathedral. She will order you to be allowed inside. Enter the right door of the cathedral. Sarioni's room is opposite, but it is forbidden to the castle (45 points of difficulty), an ordinator looms nearby. Open the lock discreetly and talk to the archcanon about the doctrine of the Temple and agree to meet with Vivec. You will receive the key to his palace.

To reach Vivec's Palace, head south from the Temple. Open the door with the key and talk to Vivec. From him you can learn the details of the Battle of Red Mountain, as well as the history of the rise and fall of the Tribunal. But the main thing is that Vivec has a Ghost Guardian, an artifact, one of Kagrenac's Weapons, necessary to destroy Dagoth Ur. Swear to protect Morrowind and deal with Dagoth Ur. Vivec will teach you how to use the artifact, he will also promise to end the persecution of the Apostate Priests.
In general, to defeat Dagoth Ur, you will need to take possession of three things: the Ghost Guardian gauntlet, the Separator hammer and the Cleaver blade. You already have one of the artifacts. The remaining two you will have to fight off the ash vampires in their strongholds Veminal and Odrosal behind the Ghost Chapel. It should be said that the Separator and the Cleaver can be handled only by first putting on the "Ghost Guardian" glove, otherwise you will receive serious wounds or even die.

You can reach the Phantom Gate, the stronghold of the Guardians of the Phantom Chapel, by walking from the Ald "rune, orienting yourself on the map. The Phantom Gate consists of the Tower of Dawn and the Tower of Sunset. In the Tower of Sunset, talk to a veteran Imperial named Wulf and accept an old coin of fortune from him. She will give you the new ability “Emperor's Luck.” Talk to the eternal guards about the situation inside the Phantom Reach - they will give you a map of Red Mountain and mark the main strongholds on your map.

Replenish your supplies, repair weapons and equipment and hit the road (Levitation potions are especially useful). To get behind the Ghost Chapel, click on the buttons on the small stone pillars in front of the Ghost Gate.

Your target is the Dwemer fortresses Veminal and Odrosal. You can visit them in any order. Ash storms are raging behind the Ghost Chapel, stone heaps now and then block the path, making it difficult to navigate ... This is where potions or levitation skills will come in handy.

Finding your way around the map, get to the Veminal fortress. Her master, Dagoth Wemin, is in the Bracelet Hall, on the ground floor. Kill him and take the "Divider" hammer from his body. Also, trusting the map and levitation potions, visit Odrosal Fortress. The door of the room leading to the Tower, where, in fact, the blade "Cutter" is kept, is locked (20 points). Dagoth Odros has the key to the lock. Do not stand on ceremony with him. Well, all the artifacts are assembled. You can recall Vivek's instructions. To defeat Dagoth Ur, you need to sever his connection with the magical Heart of Lorkhan. To do this, you need (having equipped the "Ghost Guardian" first) hit the Heart once with the Splitter, and then hit it several times with the Splitter. Remember? Then forward to the final battle!

Citadel Dagot Ur is located in the center of Red Mountain. The entrance to it is closed by stone doors, but you remember from Arkntand that you need to look for a lever that opens them. The lever will be found near the fortress. Open the fortress entrance and enter the Citadel Outer Complex. From the Outer, you need to get to the Inner Complex. Deal with Dagoth Ur's henchmen who are hindering the passage and enter the Complex Cave. There you will finally see the one who brought so much grief to Morrowind and his people. Meet Dagoth Ur himself. It was he who sent you strange dreams and urged you to join in order to rule this land together ... But the one who betrayed one day will betray again. And Dagoth Ur does not intend to share with anyone the power and power bestowed upon him by the divine Heart of Lorkhan. Conjure yourself with all the useful things that you have, and get ready for battle. You can talk to Dagoth, find out his plans in case of victory. He will also ask you questions that interest him. Regardless of your answer, the battle is inevitable. And this battle is extremely difficult. After defeating Dagoth Ur, rest, heal, prepare a Levitation / Slow Fall Potion and head to Akulakhan's Chambers.

Dagoth Ur is already there. But your task is not to kill him, because as long as the Heart is alive, he is also alive. Therefore, we recall Vivek's instructions and levitate / slowly fall down onto a wobbly bridge leading to the Heart beating inside Akulakhan - a giant golem created by Dagoth. We put on the glove, hit the Heart once with the Divider, and then hit the Heart with the Cutter until it collapses. Dagoth Ur will disappear, this time completely, everything around will begin to crumble. Run upstairs, open the stone doors with a lever nearby and get out of the cave. At the exit you will meet Azura, the Daedric goddess of sunrise and sunset. She will thank you for freeing Morrowind and present her with her magic ring.

The prophecy has come true, Dagoth Ur is defeated, and the sky over Morrowind will never be covered by the haze of dust storms bringing death. Glory to Nerevar the Reborn!