Russian folk game Gori Gori clear rules. Russian folk games and dance. "Hare burners" Movable game - a modern version of the Russian folk game

The time has come when most children spend all their free time on the street. How do they manage their time? Do I play moving games? Do our tips use to leisure?

Let's remember today about the wonderful mobile old Old Russian game having a variety of names: "burners", "separations", "praises", "Ogarashi," Gori-Oak "," Gori-Stump ". Analysis of historical and linguistic data indicates that the name of the game is consonant with the word "burn". According to various Russian historians of the last century, the game "burners" is directly related to the customs of the Slavic-Gentiles. In the "burners" played annually. And the game was connected or with the arrival of spring, "when the Goddess of Lada was famous," or with the celebration of Yaril's Day or Ivan Klapala, when the day of the summer solstice is celebrated. "Burleys" - the game is the festive, which was started with the accumulation of a large number of people. Originally the game was not a children's fun, because the unmarried girls and bachelors played in her. Weling became exclusively a young man and according to the rules he only caught a girl. Thus, thanks to the game, it was possible to get acquainted, communicate, choose the bride. The name went from the complementary game of the song: "Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out."

And now the game "Burners" - for people of all ages, but first of all, it is children's. Changed for a long time and the rules of fun.

Rules of the game
The game is held at an open place: on the lawn, glade, a wide street in front of a house, a spacious yard. Players become pairs with each other. At a distance of two steps back to players, ahead of all, located the leading "Torch" or "burner". Players of Naraspov say words:

Gori, Gori clearly,
So as not to go out.
Look on the field
Drubacchi go there
Yes eating Kalachi.
Look at the sky:
Stars are burning
Cranes shout:
Times, two, not rave
And run like fire!

Once words are completed, the last pair of players cuts the column on both sides. Driving, not having the right to turn around, trying to ignite any of the runners. In the event that the players of the last pair managed to take each other by his hands before they were osal, they become ahead of the first couple, the "Torch" continues to drive. But if the driving await of any pair running earlier than they will take hands, then the right to drive goes to an awaited player. And "Torchik" stands ahead of the column together with the player who have lost the couple.

"Burners" in art

Play this game along with the singing of the corresponding song in Opera P.I. Tchaikovsky "Peak Lady" ("Choir of Children, Nyank and Other").

The game in the burner we meet in a fairy tale and the Soviet cartoon "twelve months". There, the hare speaks by the proteins: "Squirrels, and proteins, let's play in the burner!", After that, the spots tries to catch up with a running pair of protein.

Song "Gori, Gori clear!" We hear in the Soviet cartoon "Geese Swans" of 1949. Girls sing this song, and after them Masha.

Double burners. Players are built into four columns. "Light" one pair. At the expense of "three", the last fourthkee is shattered by couples (at the same time it is impossible to disconnect the hands in pairs) and tries to connect ahead of the leading pair. If any of the leaders caught some pair, then it joins the "burning", then they form the first row.

Swedish burners or "Last Couple - Forward!" There is always an odd number of players. The one who remained alone is leading. Players are divided into couples and get up each other in the column. Driving is located in front of the column back to the players. He shouts: "The last couple is forward!" The last pair of columns runs forward, one player rushes a column on the one hand, the second on the other. The presenter can not look around and turn the head, he sees the players only when they turn out to be in front of him. The task of players is to stand forward and taking up hands. The task of the leading - grab one of the players by the hand faster than his partner will do. If the "Torch" succeeds, then the caught player becomes the lead, and the former leader forms a couple with the remaining player. They become a number of the first pair, and the game begins Syznov.

Option of Swedish burners. Players get up in pairs, but at the same time they do not hold hands, but as if they form a "corridor". Each pair has its own sequence number. The burner in the hands of two sticks, he departs from the first pair forward for about ten steps. The game begins when the "burner" calls the pair number. Then the players caused to run to him between the ranks and, having snatched by a wand, there are standing couples on the outside, returning the wands of the burner. The point earns that Sherga, whose player returned the wand first. At the end of the game, the scores are calculated and the winner team is announced.

Daria Slavina, Mom, Petrozavodsk

Folk games for preschoolers

History of Russian folk games

In the culture of each people enter the games created by him.
For centuries, these games are accompanied by the daily life of children and adults, we produce vital qualities: endurance, strength, dexterity, speed, honest, justice and dignity.
Russian folk games have a crowded history:
They have survived to this day since the times of deep old days, were transmitted from generation to generation, choosing the best national traditions.
In addition to the preservation of people's traditions, the game has a great influence on the education of the character, the wills of the will, interest in folk creativity in young people and develops physical culture.

Explanatory note

The folk game is a game implemented on the principles of voluntaryness, spontaneity under special conditions of agility, the popular and widely common in this historical moment of the development of society and reflecting its features undergoing changes under various influences: socio-political, economic, national. The folk game, being a phenomenon of folk culture, can serve as one of the means of the admission of older children to folk traditions, which, in turn, represents the most important aspect of the education of spirituality, forming a system of universal value; In the modern situation of social development, the appeal to the people's origins, to the past is very timely.
The folk game contributes to children of senior preschool age, the development of the necessary moral qualities is always in conjunction with qualities relating to the physical, mental, labor and other parties of culture. A wide variety of games can be used to form a culture of communication in children of senior preschool age. Thus, including the folk game in the educational process, the teacher is unobtrusively, purposefully introduces children to the world of popular culture, teaching children a culture of communication.
The peculiarity of the people's game as a educational means is that it enters as a leading component in folk traditions: family, labor, family, festive and other. This allows adult unobtrusively, purposefully introduce children to the world of popular culture, ethics, human relationships. It is no coincidence that the gaming experience of children of senior preschool age will certainly include a variety of folk booms, game counts, folk moving, comic and other players with peers and adults.
Folk outdoor games affect the upbringing of will, moral feelings, the development of intelligence, the speed of the reaction, physically strengthen the child. A sense of responsibility to the team is brought up through the game, the ability to act in the team. At the same time, the spontaneity of the game, the lack of doedactic tasks makes these games attractive "fresh" for children. Apparently, such widespread use of folk moving games and ensures their safety and transmission from generation to generation.
In folk games a lot of humor, jokes, competitive rear; The movements are accurate and figurative, often accompanied by unexpected fun moments, tempting and beloved children with counters, drawing, rims. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic value and constitute the most valuable, indisputable game folklore.
The main condition for the successful introduction of folk moving games to the life of preschoolers has always been and remains deep knowledge and free possession of an extensive game repertoire, as well as a technique of pedagogical leadership. Educator, creatively using the game as an emotionally-shaped effect on children, awakens interest, imagination, achieving active performance of gaming actions. Folk games in the complex with other educational means are the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed person, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. This is the relevance of the topic of my work.

Purpose of work: The acquisition of children to the national culture of the peoples of Russia.
Using folk games, it is necessary to implement the following tasks in parallel:
To acquaint with folk holidays included in the Russian national calendar; with the history of their occurrence; To bring up a desire to adopt and keep folk traditions.
Develop coordination of movements, muscular tone, artistic skills.
Promote the development of initiative, organizational and creative abilities.
Fair well-known saying: If you want to know the soul of the people, look like and what the children play. The game accompanies man from the cradle. Scientists have long noticed that it is children's games that help visibly imagine gray old. Much of what was characteristic of life has disappeared from the centuries, but something has been preserved only in children's games.

Folk games are a natural child's life satellite, a source of joyful emotions, which has a great educational force. Unfortunately, the folk games almost disappeared, so the task of the teacher to make this activity part of the life of children.
The practical significance of this card file is that it creates the conditions for the revival of folk games and helps to make leisure children with meaningful and helpful.

TARGET: The acquisition of children to the folk culture and culture of the peoples of Russia.
1. To acquaint with the people's holidays, which are part of the Russian national calendar; with the history of their occurrence; To bring up a desire to adopt and keep folk traditions.
2. Develop the coordination of movements, muscle tone, artistic skills.
3. Promote the development of initiative, organizational and creative abilities.

At Grandma Malania.
Children are going round, senoming:
"Malania, an old woman,
Lived in a small hut
Seven sons
Seven daughters
All without eyebrows
With this nosa,
(Show gestures)
With these beards,
They were all sitting,
Did not eat anything
Did this ... "
(reproduce the actions shown by the lead)

The participants of the game are divided into 3-4 subgroups. Each subgroup forms a circle in the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a handkerchie with patterns hang. Children take hands, go around the chairs around the chairs, sing and sentenced:
We are funny guys.
We will collect everything in a circle,
We play and drink,
And we surround the meadow.
With the end of singing, children are rebuilt into one common circle. Holding hands, moving in a circle. With the end of the music (or by the "Build Tent" signal), children quickly run to their chairs, take scarves and pull them over the heads in the form of a tent (roofs). Wins a group that the first to build "tent".

In the center of the Big Circle put "Penos" (chair), in the circle there are pegs (or toys designating vegetables). All playing standing around. "Ogorodnik" sits on a penetment and "tears pegs", while sentenced:
I'm sitting on the penet
Crayons pegs teles
Garden is parting.
With the end of words, the players try to quickly run into the garden and carry the pegs ("vegetables"). The child, who touched the "Gardener", dropped out of the game. Wins the one who will give the most pegs.

Katay loaf.
One of the children tie their eyes, then turn it several times around the axis and, continuing to turn sing:
Katay loaf,
Turn, come on,
To the forest - Kuroles,
In the garden climb,
Breakfast break
Ridge fossi.
Speak, blind, -
Where is your head?
"Blind" must guess and call the place where it turn head. For example, to the wall, to the window, etc. If he gave ways correctly, the other participant occupies his place.

Storks and frogs.
Children are divided into two groups: "Storks" and "Frogs" - and are located on the opposite sides of the site. Storks stand on one leg, and the frogs jump to them with the words:
On one leg cost,
You look at the swamp
And we are fun, jump - i
Catch up with us, friend!
Storks catch up with frogs. Next time, children change roles.

Playing are built in the circle, choose the "spleen" and "opener". Children go in a circle, holding hands, and sing:
Spiece Duck Dogonal
Young duck chased:
"Go, duck, home,
Go, gray, home! "
The spleen goes inside the circle clockwise, and the duck behind the circle counterclockwise. With the end of singing, the spleen catches the opener by the type of "Cat - Mouse" game. Catching the "citioner", the spleen leads it to the circle and kisses the cheek.

Gori clearly.
Children stand in a circle and hold hands. In the middle - a baby with a handkerchief in his hand (driven). First, the children go in a circle to the right, and driving the handkerchief. Then children stop and clap into your hands. Drinking jets inside the circle. With the end of music, they stop and turn to face to two children in a circle. Then the playing choir sing count:
Gori, Gori clearly,
So as not to go out.
One two Three!
For the words "times, two, three", children clap the hands three times, and driving three times with a handkerchief. After that, two guys, opposite which he stopped driving, turn their back to each other and ride a circle. Everyone seeks to take away the first to take a racing handkerchief and raise it up.
The game is repeated.

Gori, Gori clearly. (2)
Children lined up a couple behind a pair. Driving becomes ahead. He is not allowed to look back. All sing:
Gori, Gori clearly,
So as not to go out.
Look at the sky -
Birds fly, bells ring!
When the song ends, children standing in the last pair are disconnected and circling standing in pairs (one left, different on the right). They try to capture hands ahead. Driving, in turn, tries to catch some of the runners. Caught becomes with leading in the first pair, and the remaining without a pair becomes new leading. If a couple of runners manage to connect earlier than driving anyone to catch anyone, this couple becomes ahead, the game continues with the former leading.

Children stand in a circle. One child is chosen in advance - Raven. (He stands in a circle with everyone).
Oh, guys, Ta-Ra!
Mountain stands mountain
(children go to the center of a circle by a fractional step)
And on that grief oak,
And on the Dube of the funnel.
(the same step is the children back, expanding the circle, and leave in the center of "Crow")
Raven in red boots,
In gilded earrings.
(Ravens dance, children repeat his movements)
Black raven on oak
He plays a pipe.
Tube is accurate,
Pipe opaque
Song foldable.
With the end of the song "Raven" runs out of the circle, everyone closes their eyes. Crows ripped out a circle, touching someones, and it becomes a circle. With the beginning of a song, the child, to which they touched, becomes a raven.

The players choose the owner and the buyer. All other - paints. Each paint comes up with a color and so that buyers do not hear, calls him the owner. Then the owner invites the buyer. Suitable damn, knocking a wand about the ground and speaks with the owner:
- Knock Knock!
- Who's come?
- I will fucking with horns, with hot rapids,
From the sky fell out, fell into the pot!
- Why came?
- for paint.
- What?
- For red.
If there is no red paint, the owner says:
- No such. Go home. On their path curve.
If there is paint, the owner says:
Download on one leg on the red carpet
Find red boots.
Poss, pony
And back to bring!
At this time, the red paint runs away. And the hell is trying to catch up with her.

The guys wrap each other over the belt and become a housal along the spring stream. All sing:
Sprung springs,
Golden horn. U -H!
Broke the key
White, snow. Uh!
On mkham, swamps,
On rotten decks. Uh!
Then she is trying sideways to jump over the stream without touching the water. But at the same time, everyone bothers his neighbor. He who touches water from the game leaves.

Grachics fly.
Children become a circle. One goes to the middle and sings:
Grachics fly
On the whole rus tube
We carry spring!

He raises his hands upwards, showing howrs flying.
Fly! Fly! - Children shout and raise hands
Cranes flying
On all Rus shout.
Do not catch up with anyone!
Fly! Fly! - Children shout and raise hands.
Piglets fly away
Striped scatter.
Oink oink oink
Tired of us in Klelev!
We fly, le ... - Some children are mistaken and raise hands up. Who is mistaken - he comes out of the game. Next, you can call other birds and animals.

The lead takes the ring. All other participants are sitting on the bench, fold the palms with a boat and put on their knees. The lead is bypassing children and puts his palms in his palm, while he sentences:
I am going on a goenge, I carry a ring! Guess - ka, guys where gold fell? "
One of the players leads imperceptibly puts in the hands of the ring. Then he leaves a few steps from the bench and pronounces the words:
Colek, ring,
Go to the porch!
Who will come from the porch
That ring will find!
The task of the player who has a ring in the hands - jump from the shop and run away, and children sitting next to, should guess who is hidden, and try to stick with their hands, do not let this player. If the player with the ring fails to escape, it returns the ring leading. And if it is able to escape, it becomes new leading and continues the game

Raven (2).
Choose raven and hare. The rest of the children are encountered. They cling to the hare, stretching in a long chain and sentence:
Around the crow go,
Three grains carry.
To whom two, to whom one
And the crow - nothing!
Raven sits down to the ground and picks her with a wand. Hare comes to him and asks:
-Soron, Raven, what are you doing?
-Pall digging - replies raven.
-What are you a hole?
- I am looking for.
-What are you money?
- Sucking buy.
-What is the Sitchik?
-Tell sew.
- Why do you need a bag?
-Kamushki laying.
-What are you pebbles?
-In your children to throw!
-What did my kids do you?
- My garde resorted to the garden
Lucky and Magikhiki Poted!
And a replica, yes the mint -
Stove the heels!
Kar-Rr! - Screams Raven and rushes on the race, and the hare protects. Totzaychnok, which will pull the raven from the chain and becomes a new raven.

A circle is drawn - a vegetable garden. On the middle of the circle, playing folded their caps, belts, scarves, denoting cabbage. All participants of the game are behind the circle, and one of the guys selected by the owner sits next to the cabbage. The owner, showing the movements imagining the work sings:
I sit on the pebble
Chalks pegs Tehu / 2R
Garden is horror,
So that the cabbage was not stolen,
In the garden did not resort
Wolf and fox
Beaver and cunning
Zainka Usatoy
Bear Tolstopy.
The guys are trying to quickly run into the garden, grab the "cabbage" and escape. Who is a goat touches her hand in the garden, he is no longer involved in the game. A player who will leave the cabbage from the garden, is announced by the winner.

Wolf and sheep.
The players choose the wolf and the shepherd, all the rest are lambs. The shepherd becomes in the middle of a meadow with a stick in his hands. Around him graze lamb. The wolf is hiding behind the tree. The shepherd sings:
Pasya, Pasya Leshek not far from the river
Wolf behind the mountain, gray for cool.
And in the afternoon and night chops, my sheep is looking for.
And I'm not afraid of the wolf. Bumping workers,
I will keep my stitching.
"I'll go, I will sleep!" - says the shepherd, falls and pretends that there is no sheep, and picks up:
Pasya, Pasya until the evening,
And you have nothing to drive home!
Gray wolf came
My sheep pitch?
And I fell asleep and did not stick the Spirit!
The shepherd begins to look for sheep, knocking a stick about the ground and sentences: "There is a wolf track, there is a sheep trail .."
Suitable to the wolf and asks:
- Volk, have you not seen my sheep?
-What are they?
- white.
- ran on a white path. (Lamb, who have blond hair run away from the wolf to the shepherd) then the wolf says "ran through a black path" and run away lambs with dark hair.

Baba Yag.
The Baba Yaga is selected by reading. Then the circle is drawn on Earth. Baba Yaga takes a branch - a pomelo and becomes in the center of the circle. The guys run in a circle and tease:
Grandma Egypt - bone leg,
From the stove fell, broke the leg
And then says:
-My leg hurts.
She went outside,
Crushed the chicken.
Went to the bazaar
Crushed Samovar.
Went on the lawn
Scared hare.
Baba Yaga jumps out of a circle on one leg and tries to touch the guys with his damp.

The participant is selected - depicting flower. The rest of the guys are divided into 2 groups of watchmen and bees. Storam, holding hands walk around the flower and sing:
Torn bees
Golden wings
What are you sitting?
Do not fly in the field?
Al you rain sees
Al you sunbread?
Fly for mountains high
For forests green.
On a round meadow
On a laase flower.
Bees are trying to run into the circle, and the guard, then raising, then lowering hands interfere with them. As soon as one of the bees succeeds in penetrating the circle and touch the flower, the worshipers did not lose the flower to protect the flower. Bees run behind them trying to worry and wake into the ears.

Golden Gate.
One pair of playing takes hands and raises them up, forming a gate. The remaining participants in the game, holding hands, the chain pass through the gate and sing:
Mother Spring is going
Answer-ka gate.
The first March came -
All children led.
And for him and April -
Opened the window and the door.
And how did May come
How much do it go now go!
By missed all a few times, players forming the gate, everyone asked what he chooses the side - right or left.
Divided by 2 teams, all make up new couples and holding hands, raising them up, become among the gates. One of the players who does not have a couple is included in the gate, and they sing to him:
Walking Mother Spring
On the fields, forests alone
For the first time says
Another time is prohibited
And for the third time you will not miss you!
Then he is the edge of the palm of the palm of standing couples. Formed 2 teams measured by force - drag the rope.

Playing choose a participant depicting a woodpecker. The remaining players are suitable with a woodpecker to the tree and sing:
Sader walks on Pashnice,
Looking for grains wheat,
I did not find and hammer bitch,
It is distributed in the woods a knock.
After that, the woodpecker takes a stick and counting about herself, knocking on the tree a conceived number of times. Which of the players will first correctly call the number and will hang around the tree so many times, becomes a new woodpecker and the game is repeated.

Zarya is a charge.
One of the guys is holding a pole with ribbons attached on the wheel. Each player is taken behind the tape. One of the players is driven. He stands outside the circle. Children go in a circle and sing song:
Zarya -Asaryan, Red Maiden,
On the field went, the keys dropped.
Gold keys, blue ribbons.
Once, two are not rave
And run like fire!
With the last words of gaming chorus, driven up to some of the players, he throws a ribbon, they are together running in different directions and ride a circle. Who is the first grabbing the left ribbon, he will win, and the loser becomes leading. The game is repeated.

Olive circle. The following is chosen. The mask of a terrible monster is put on it. He becomes in a circle. The rest run around and pick up:
Eco Divo, Miracle - Yudo,
Sea lip - Dropper!
Eco Divo, Miracle - Yudo,
With Mountain Oak - a lame frowning!
An unexpectedly, the player depicting the dust, jumps out of the circle, and jumping, on one leg, catches the children running around. Who he cares, he captures the circle and rests. Then it is again teased, and the dying, along with the prisoner, jump on one foot, catch the remaining. The game continues until the game with the helpers will not flow all children.

Grandfather Mazay.
Playing choose Grandpa Maza. The remaining participants agree, what movements denoting work will show him (threshing, harvest, etc.) they are suitable for Grandfather Mazay and sing:
Hello, Grandpa Mazay,
From the box to get out!
Where we were - we do not say
And what they did - show!
After these words, everyone depicts the movements of the work that agreed. If the Grandfather Mazay is guessing, the children run out and he catches them. Who will catch the first, he becomes a new grandfather mazaz and the game is repeated. If he does not guess, he shows another job.

Thief - Sparrow.
Selects the garden and sparrow. The remaining players form a circle and take hands. The gardener comes to the middle of the dance, the sparrow remains behind the circle. Children will drive round and garden sings:
Hey, Thief - Sparrow,
Don't keep my hemp
Neither mine nor your nor neighbor.
I'm for that hemp
You break the leg.
Ogorodnik runs to catch a sparrow. Children are admitted in the range of Sparrow and produce, and the gardener can catch him only for the circle. In this case, everyone sing:
Our Sparrow.
In the gray Armenian
In a purely field does not go,
Hemp does not peck
In the yard scents,
Crumbs collects.
Catching Sparrow, the garden is changing with him places, or the new gardeners and sparrow are chosen, and the game is repeated.

One of the players depicts owls, the rest - mice. Owl shouts: "Morning!" And then the mice begin to run, ride. Owl shouts: "Day", mice continue to move. Zeta, Owl says: "Evening!", Then mice begin to walk around her and sing:
Oh, you, Sovka-owl,
Gold head,
That you do not sleep at night
Do you look at us?
Owl says "Night". At the same time, the word mouse instantly freezes. Owl comes to each of the players and various movements and cheerful grimaces is trying to laugh. The one who laughs or makes any movement, leaves the game. He who will not laugh at the game.

Playing choose the lead, sit around it and sing:
Horses, horses, my horses,
We sat on the balcony,
Tea drank, soap cups,
By - Turkish said:
-Cub - Chalabi, Chub - Chalabi.
Arrived cranes
And they told us: "Zamri!"
And who is the first one
He will get a bump in the forehead.
Do not laugh, do not chat,
And the soldier stand!
As soon as they sing the last word, all shut down. The leading tries to make each of the children - movements, funny grimaces. If someone from the players flashes or says the word, then gives waterfant. At the end of the game, each of the participants will redeems their phantom: at the request of the leading, various actions perform (sing, read verse ...)

The players choose the participant depicting a cat, tie his eyes with a handkerchief, - he is a bumper, - fed to the door and sing:
Go, cat, on the threshold,
Where sour cream and cottage cheese!
Turn five times
Catching mice, not us!
After these words, everyone scatters, and the cat is looking for them. Children are sinking, squatted, walk on all fours (however, to hide or run very far away!). If the cat is suitable close to any subject, which you can hit, warn it, saying: "Fire!" . When a cat - Zhmurka caught any of the children, he takes his place, and the game is repeated.

Playing get up in a circle, each participant, without going off, spinning. In this case, everyone sing:
Meli, Mell Mill,
Rentally spin!
Meli, Mels are falling asleep
And snap into the bags!
On the last word of the song, everyone should stop and standing without moving. Who will fall or will not be able to stop in time, one of the game comes out, the rest repeat the song, and again circling. It remains in the circle the most hardy. He wins.
Play in winter. Children get up in a circle. The middle goes away. He jumps on one leg, and the other pushes the iceclock in front of him. He is killed:
Captain, captain,
Do not fuck ice
By curves boots!
You have a bitch nose
Head left
Back drawer!
On this leading answers:
Jumping along the path on one leg,
In the old lapotychka,
On hemp, on bumps,
On the hills, along the hills.
Buck! Mink!
With the last words, driven by trying to get ice on the legs of the players. Children bounce, skipping the ice. Whom cliff will touched, he becomes new leading and continues the game.

One of the players takes the ball and sits:
Olya, Kolya, Oak Green
Lily of the Lily White, Bunny Gray
With the word "throw!" High throws up the ball up. Which of the players first will pick it up on the summer, he sings the same game chorus and throws the ball.

Playing choose two. One tie the eyes with a handkerchief, the bubans give another. Then drive around them rounds:
Thrints - Brynts Bubrenitsy,
Gilded ends.
Who is playing on the bubbers -
That bumper does not catch!
After these words, the player with the tambourines begins to call them and walk in the circle, and Zhmurka try to catch him. As soon as the bumper caught him, they are replaced by other players, and the game continues.

Children sit down in a row and fold palm with a boat. Driving puts his palms in the palm of each participant of the game. One of them should imperceptibly leave the "ring" - the ring, pebbles, a nut, which is groping between his palms. At the same time they kill:
I go along the bench
Gold ring bundle -
In Matushkin Teremok,
Under Batyushkin Castle.
You do not guess, do not guess!
I do not tell you, not say!
Sitting answers:
We have long been ghada,
We have long been ringing
All behind strong locks,
Behind the oak doors.
Then one of the players trying to guess, who has a ring hidden. He is sentenced to him: "They rolled the ring with a red porch - on wheels, in the casis, on the barn, in the Seine. Find the golden ring! " If he finds, with those who had a carriage with a bench. Run in different directions. Who will come running, he becomes leading.

In the sky, the larks sang,
The bell rang.
Rushed in silence
Hided the song in the grass.
Children stand in a circle, sing. Lark - a leading child with a bell moves jets inside the circle. With the end of the song stops and puts the bell on the floor between two children. These children turn back to each other. Everyone says: "He who will find a song will be happy for a whole year." These two ride a circle, moving in opposite sides. Who is the first grabbed the bell, becomes a lark. The game is repeated.

Katay loaf
One of the children closes their eyes, turn around several times around and chop:
Katay loaf,
Turn, come on,
To the forest-Kuroles.
In the garden climb,
Breakfast break
Ridge fossi.
Speak blindly
Where is your head?
The child must guess and call the place where he turn his head. If he gave ways correctly, another participant takes his place.

Children are located in a circle. Inside the circle there are two chairs with backs to each other. Choose a leading barrina, it goes inside the circle.
Barin walks around the integration,
Looking for Barin to the girl.
(Barin takes one of the girls by the hand and takes into a circle)
Children. Found!
Barin. Is my maiden good?
Children. Good, worker, beautiful. Sit down (Barin and the girl sit on his chairs back to each other.) Once, two, three! (At the expense of the "three" barin and the girl turn the heads if they turned in one direction, the barin and the girl become a pair, if in different - it means not fate)

Hello grandfather proof!
Children stand in a circle. Choose the grandfather of the puncture, he gets up in the center of the circle.
Children. Hello, grandfather proof! (Go to the center of the circle, bow) did not ripe the peas? (Return to the former place) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Delicious, sweet peas! (rhythmically poured)
Grandfather proof. No, not matured, just planted, it is necessary to rain.
Children. The rain, the rain water, will be a nice harvest (raise and lower your hands imitating the rods of the rain) Hello Grandfather Prokop! (Go to the center of the circle, bow) Isn't your peas ripe? (Return to the former place) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Delicious, sweet peas! (rhythmically pour).
Grandfather proof. No, not matured, only poured. Heat, the sun is necessary.
Children. Red Sun, heve, will be a nice harvest! (Draw in the air the sun with two hands.) Hello, grandfather proof! (Go to the center of the circle, bow) did not ripe the peas? (Return to the former place) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Delicious, sweet peas! (rhythmically poured)
Grandfather proof. Raw! It's time to pour! (go to each other by imitating the throat of peas) thy!
Everyone runs away, grandpa puncture catchies.

Children become in a circle, one child is sitting in the middle of squatting and closes his eyes. Children stretch one hand in the center, open the palm, and leading with the words:
Gus-swans flew
They were gold
And the guys are resorted
And gold collected
One of the children is put in the "Gold" hand. Children squeeze her hand in a fist and quickly turn it over. Sitting in the center of the circle gets up and tries to guess who in the hand "Gold". Everyone is loudly considered to three. If you did not guess, then the child with the words "That's gold!" Runs, and he catches it.
Folk games are learning a lot of children, contribute to the development of agility, speed of movements, accuracy. Teach to the intelligence. Of course, these games are national wealth, and it is important that the preschoolers know them and loved.

Participants line up in two ranks in the back of each other. Choir pronounce such words:

"Gori, Gori clearly not to go out. Look at the sky, birds fly. The bells are ringing!"

In the words "Look at the sky ..." Children standing first, raise heads up, and on the final words Running up to the finish line. Who will come running first, he won.

// - the game "Tag Eye". - //

Draw on the wall at home where there are no windows, or on a wooden shield a large target. Take snowballs and compete, who has more hits to the center of the target.

// - The game "Snow basketball". - //

In an ordinary basketball ring or, if there is no such, in an ordinary bucket throw snowballs. Who gets most often?

// - game "Do not miss!" - //

In the snow, draw a large circle (with a diameter of 5-6 m), go away from it for three adult steps and throw snowballs into it. Who fell, leaves for another two steps, then still. Continue until one winner remains.

Playing with children, fantasize more, encourage them and let them come up with their games. Do not stay indifferent to their initiative, encourage the work of their imagination.

Very effective for overcoming shyness so-called contact games when children touch each other, naturally, in reasonable ethical and aesthetic limits.

// - 1. Collective dance "Lavata". - //

The kids get up in a circle, take hands and, moving in a circle, sing:

"We dance together, the Ta-Ta-Ta, the Ta-Ta, the dance of the cheerful" lavat ". My legs are good, and the neighbor is better! ".

With these words, they are touching the foot of the neighbors in a circle and continue to move with the song, changing the word "legs" on the "hair", "ears", "elbows", "fingers", etc.

// - 2. The game "confusion". - //

Under the funny music, the kids get into the circle, close their eyes and, stretching their hands forward, converge in the center. With right hand, each of the participants of the game takes someone by the hand, leaves the left free, in order for someone for her to take. When everyone took up his arms, they open their eyes and try to wrap up, without spreading hands.

// - 3. Game "Zhmurki". - //

Leading with tied eyes catches you trying not to come across the children. After catching anyone, he is trying to make a touch to guess who it is.

I highly recommend role-playing games in which you will additionally have to communicate with each other. Offer to play the situation "in the store", "in the hairdresser", "at the doctor's reception". Prepare simple attributes of a profession (at all about nothing to buy for this expensive toys, you can make them from cardboard) and play! You will see that through the game your shy kid will gradually learn to free communication.

The children are very loved by collective speech games that can be carried out in winter and in summer, and in the room, and on the street.

// - Games "Armpenders Loudly". - //

1. An adult lead starts a string, children harbor.

I want to arrange a ball, I am guests to my guests ... (called). Everyone here we have a talent - both singer, and ... (musician). Enough to cunning, bored, start ... (dance). If the dances are tired, seek on ... (swing). And sneak tired? We are accepted for ... (case). It is better to sit at the table and ice cream ... (eat). All ate, defense? Play then ... (it's time)!

2. Rules are the same as in the previous game.

Ra-Ra-Ra - begins ... (game). Ry-fish - in boys ... (balls). RO-RO - we have a new ... (bucket). Ru-ru-ru - We continue ... (game). Re-re-re - worth the house on ... (grief). Ri-Ri-Ri - on branches ... (bullfinches). AR-AR-AR - BIKET NEW ... (Samovar). Or-or-op - ripe red ... (tomato). Ir-Ir-Ir - my dad ... (commander). Arge-Art-Arge - hanging on the wall ... (lantern).

3. Rules are the same. You can finish the string is not a chorus, but one by one.

Now the turn has come

Play the game "On the contrary".

I will say the word "high",

And you answer: ... (low).

I will say the word "far",

And you answer: ... (close).

I will say the word "ceiling",

And you answer: ... (floor).

I'll tell you the word "lost",

And you say: ... (found).

I will tell you the word "coward",

You will answer: ... (brave).

Now "the beginning" I will say -

Well, answer: ... (end)!

4. Rules are the same.

In the river, the big fight, two were quarreled ... (cancer).

Where did the sparrow dined? In the zoo at ... (animals).

Above the meadows above the water

Pouring rain

And then hung

In the sky rocker.

Baby Radules

Color ... (rainbow).

Forester her kittens

Get home won't want.

She will not say: "Cat, stray", -

Because it is ... (lynx).

Make riddles to children so that they collect them collectively.

Well, the dress: completely needles, it is worn only ... (Christmas trees).

Not spiny, light blue, in the morning everywhere ... (frost).

Crop, crumbly, Bela, on the table it came from the fields.

You are situated to her a little. After all, it is a delicious ... (potato).

He made you cry all around, he is not a dracne, but just ... (onions).

I am a hostess of various dreams about dolphins and elephants, about the Palaces of Crystal and about the star distant. You go to bed, and in your ear there is a sink ... (pillow).

Long beak slim grabbing frog. Crop with beak drop. Who is it? .. (Heron).

My sock disappeared, dragged him ... (puppy).

Gray wolf in a dense forest rushed red ... (fox).

I wake up in the morning. Early together with the sun, I fill the crib itself, I quickly do ... (charging).

So, the first steps towards friendship are made. From day to day, overcoming shyness, your baby will learn to be open and trusting. Now our task is to establish the right relationship with comrades, teach him to communicate with them.

Moving games are of great importance in the life of the child, as they represent an indispensable means of receiving knowledge and ideas about the world around the world. They also affect the development of thinking, smelting, skill, dexterity, morally volitional qualities. Moving games for children strengthen physical health, teach life situations, help the child to get the right development.

Moving games for preschoolers

Moving games for the younger preschooler

Children of junior preschool age in the game, as a rule, imitate everything they see. In rolling games, kids, as a rule, manifests not communicating with peers, but the display of the life that adults or animals live. Children at this age are happy to fly like sparrows, jump like bunnies, make up with hands like butterflies with wings. Thanks to the developed ability to imitate, most of the moving games for children of junior preschool age carry a storyline.

  • Moving game "Mouse water dance"

Purpose: develop motor activity

Description: Before starting the game, you must choose a leading - "cat". The cat chooses a "stove" (it can serve a bench or chair), sits on her and closes his eyes. All other participants are taken by arms and begin to drive away the dance around the cat with the words:

Mice water dance,
On the furnace having a cat.
Hide mouse, do not make sure
Cat Vaska will not be
Here wakes Vaska Cat -
Disasters our dance! "

During the pronouncement of the last words, the cat pulls out, opens his eyes and begins to chase mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game begins first.

  • Game "Sun and Rain"

Tasks: Teach children to find their place in the game, navigate the space, develop the ability to perform actions across the tutor.

Description: Children sit in the hall on the chairs. Highchairs are their "home". After the words of the teacher: "What a good weather, go for a walk!", Guys get up and start moving in an arbitrary direction. As soon as the teacher says: "The rain went, run home!", Children must run away to the chairs and take their place. The educator sentences "Cap - Cap!". Gradually, the rain subsides and the teacher says: "Go for a walk. Rain over! "

  • Game "Sparrow and Cat"

Tasks: Learning children to gently jump off, bending legs in the knees, run, felt from the leading, run away, find your place.

Description: Circles are drawn on Earth - "nests". Children - "Sparrow" sit in their "nests" on one side of the site. On the other side of the site there is a "cat". As soon as the "cat" will bend, "Sparobushki" fly on the road, flying from place to place, seek crumbs, grains. "Cat" wakes up, meowes, runs behind the sparrows that must fly into their nests.

First, the role of "cat" performs an educator, then someone from the children.

  • Moving game "Spar bull and car"

Another game for children is 3-5 years old about Vorobushkov.

Tasks: to teach children to run in different directions, start moving or change it by the lead signal, find your place.

Description: Children - "Varobushki", sit in their "nests" (on a bench). The tutor depicts the "car". As soon as the teacher says: "Sparobushki flew to the walkway", children rise from the bench and begin to run around the site. According to the tutor signal: "The car rides, fly the sparrows into your nests!" "The car" leaves "Garage", and children should return to the "nests" (take the bench). "Car" returns to Garage.

  • Game "cat and mice"

There are many games for children with participants in cats and mice. Here is one of them.

Objectives: This mobile game helps to develop in children the skill perform movement along the signal. Exercise in the run in different directions.

Description: Children - Mice are sitting in minks (on the chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the site sits "Cat" - an educator. The cat falls asleep, and the mice are scattered around the hall. The cat wakes up, meowes, begins to catch mice, which run into mink and occupy their places. When all the mice return to the mink, the cat takes place again, then returns to his place and falls asleep.

  • Moving game for preschoolers "at the bear in Boru"

Tasks: develop the rate of reaction to the verbal signal, exercise children in running, develop attention.

Description: Among the participants are chosen by one leading, which will be a "bear". On the playground to draw two circles. First Circle - Berlog Bear, Second Circle - House for other participants in the game. The game begins with the fact that children come out of the house with the words:

At the bear in Bor
Mushrooms, berries take.
And the bear is not sleeping
And roars on us.

As soon as the children uttered these words, "Bear" runs out of the berry and catches children. The one who did not have time to reach the house and was caught by the "Bear", becomes leading ("Bear").

  • Through the streams (moving game with jumps)

Tasks: Teach correctly jumping, walking along a narrow track, keep balance.

Description: Two lines are drawn on the platform at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters one from another. At this distance, pebbles are drawn at a certain distance from each other.

Playing standing at the line - by the coast of the stream, they must go (jump over) to pebbles, not watered feet. Those who stumbled - wet feet, go to dry them on the sun - sit on the bench. Then they are turned on again in the game.

  • Game "Birds and Cat"

Tasks: Learn to follow the rules of the game. React to a signal.

Description: For the game you will need a cat mask and birds, drawn big circle.

Children get up in a circle from the outside. One child becomes in the center of the circle (cat), falls asleep (closes his eyes), and birds jumped into the circle and fly there, beolate grains. The cat wakes up and begins to catch birds, and they run away for the circle.

  • Game "Snowflakes and the Wind"

Tasks: I exercise in running in different directions, not pushing out each other, act across the signal.

Description: By the "Wind!" Signal Children - "Snowflakes" - run on the site in different directions, circling ("The wind is circling in the air of snowflakes"). By the signal "No wind!" - Sat ("Snowflakes fell to Earth").

    Movable game "Find yourself a couple"

Objectives: Develop the ability to perform actions on the signal, quickly take into pairs.

Description: Participants are standing along the wall. Each of them gets the flag. As soon as the educator gives a sign, the children run on the site. After the team "Find a couple of yourself", participants having the flags of the same color are combined into pairs. The game should participate an odd number of children and at the end of the game one remains without a pair.

All these mobile games can be successfully used to play in kindergarten in a group or walk. Children of different ages: from kids for 3 years to children of the middle group 4-5 years old, gladly play them.

  • Moving games for children 5-7 years

In children 5-6, 6-7 in years the nature of the game activity changes somewhat. Now they are already starting to be interested in the result of a mobile game, they seek to express their feelings, desire to carry out the conceived. However, imitation and imitation do not disappear and continue to play an important role in the life of a senior preschooler. These games can also be played in kindergarten.

  • Game "Bear and Bee"

Tasks: Exercise in running, follow the rules of the game.

Description: Participants are divided into two teams - "Bear" and "Bees". Before the start of the game "Bees" occupy places in their "horses" (benches can serve as benches, ladies). At the command of the leading "Bee" fly to the meadow behind honey, and at this time "bears" are closed in "hives" and tall honey. Hearing the "Bears!" Signal, all "bees" return to the "hives" and "foolish" (Salat) who did not have time to escape "bears". The next time the stolen "Bear" no longer goes beyond honey, but remains in Berorga.

    Game "Burleys"

Tasks: Exercise in running, react to the signal, follow the rules of the game.

Description: An odd number of children who become couples are taking part in the game and hold hands. Ahead of the column is a leading, which looks forward. Children choir repeat the words:

Gori, Gori clearly,
So as not to go out
Look at the sky -
Birds fly away
The bells are ringing!
Time! Two! Three! Run!

As soon as the participants say the word "run!", Standing in the last pair in the column lets and run along the column forward, one on the right side, the other - with the left. Their task is to run forward, get up in front of the lead and take up the hands again. Driving, in turn, should catch someone from this pair until they take hands. If you get caught, then driven with the caught forms a new pair, and the participant who remains without a pair will now drive.

  • Movable game "Two Frost"

Many famous game for preschoolers with simple rules. Tasks: Develop braking in children, the ability to act across the signal, exercise.

Description: On the opposite sides of the site there are two houses indicated by lines. Players are placed on one side of the site. The educator chooses two people who will be watering. They are located in the middle of the grounds between the houses, turning the face to children. These are two frost - frost red nose and frost blue nose. At the tutor signal "started!" Both frost pronounce words: "We are two young brothers, two frost are deleted. I am a frost red nose. I - frost blue nose. Which of you will decide in the road-Roaring way? " All players answer: "We are not afraid of threats and not terrible to us" and run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who touched the frost are frozen in place and remain so standing until the end of the mining. Frozen recalculate, after which they join the playing.

  • Game "Sanding Fox"

Purpose: develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: On the one hand, the line draws the line, thereby denotes the "Fox House". The teacher asks to close the eyes of children who are settled in a circle. The teacher is bypassing the backs of the children formed a circle, adapting to one of the participants, which from now on becomes the "fox cunning".

After that, the teacher offers children to open his eyes and looking around, try to determine who is a cunning fox. Next, children are asked 3 times: "Sunshine Lisa, where are you?". At the same time, asking people look at each other. After the children asked the third time, the fucking fox jumps on the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I'm here!". All participants run up on the site who is where, and the Sly Fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people caught, the teacher says: "In the circle!" And the game begins again.

  • Game "fishing deer"

Tasks: Exercise in running in different directions, dexterity.

Description: Two shepherds are selected among the participants. The remaining players are deer located inside the outlined circle. Shepherds are behind the circle against each other. According to the signal of the lead, the shepherds take turns throw the ball in deer, and they try to dodge the ball. The deer, in which the ball got, is considered caught and coming out of the circle. After several repetitions, counts the number of caught deer.

Poem about the game in the ball on change(Svetlana Windmaker wrote specially for the site)

To play fun
You need to pump the ball.
And boys and girls
The ball will hit the balloon.

Real athletes
We run to change.
Will jump and jump
And catch up each other.

We influence the ball deftly
It is only necessary to have a skill.
Scheduled, click
Quickly run away!

Games different with the ball
Be sure to begin.
And in the "frog" and in the "dog",
In the "Rouh" and in the "Quick Ball".

Return to turn
Completed for the gate.
Jumped over the courtyard
Ran through the fence.

Quickly spinning, flies!
Who will catch it now?
Quickly doggy
And give a neighbor.

Multicolored bright ball
Stop running, having fun
We need to go to learn!

We inflated a huge ball,
Played, rested.
It's time for us to return to the classroom,
There are classes from us.

    Game "Fishing Rod"

Tasks: develop agility, attention, speed of the reaction.

Description: Participants are located in a circle. In the center is a leading - educator. He holds the rope in his hands, at the end of which a small bag with sand is tied. Driving rotates the rope in a circle over the earth itself. Children bounce in such a way that the rope does not hide their feet. Those participants who started the rope on the feet are dropped out of the game.

  • Game "Hunters and Sokol"

Tasks: Exercise in running.

Description: All participants are falcons, are on one side of the hall. In the middle of the hall there are two hunters. As soon as the tutor will give a signal: "Falcon, fly!" Participants must run on the opposite side of the hall. The task of hunters catch (stain) as much as possible Sokolov, before they manage to cross the conditional line. Repeat the game 2-3 times, then change the leading.

    Game "Spider and Flies"

Description: A web is indicated in one of the corners of the hall with a circle, in which the spider is driven. All other guys are flies. All flies "fly" around the hall, buzz. By the signal of the lead "Spider!" Flies die. The spider comes out of the shelter and carefully examines all flies. Those who will move, he takes into his web. After two or three repetitions, the number of caught flies is calculated.

    Mousetrap moving game

Tasks: Develop the ability to perform actions on the signal.

Description: Two participants become face to each other, connect their arms and raise them above. After that, both choirs say:

"How do we mouse tired, they slept everything, everyone got out!
Mousetrap We will put and mice then catch! "

While the participants say these words, the rest of the guys must run under their adhesive hands. In the last words, leading sharply lowered their hands and catch someone from the participants. Caught joins the catches and now they are becoming three. So gradually the mousetrap is growing. The participant remaining the most latter is the winner.

Moving games for schoolchildren 7-9, 10-12 years

Schoolchildren also love to play games on change or walks. We picked up games in which you can play for walks on the extension or in the lessons of physical culture in 1-4 classes. The rules of the game are becoming a bit more complicated, but the main tasks of the games: Training dexterity, reaction, speed, general physical development and ability to cooperate with the guys.

Many moving games are universal: boys and girls can play in them. You can divide children into groups of girls and boys or on another principle.

    The game "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: develop attentiveness, thinking, speed and endurance.

Description: A hunter and homeless hare are chosen from all participants. The remaining players are hare draw every circle to themselves and get up in it. The hunter is trying to catch up with a running homeless hare.

The hare can be saved from the hunter, running into any circle. At the same time, the participant who stands in this circle should immediately run away, as now he becomes a homeless hare, and the hunter catches him now.

If the hare hunter caught, then the caught becomes a hunter.

  • Moving game "Feet from the Earth"

Tasks: Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: Driving along with other guys walks around the hall. As soon as the teacher says: "Catch!", All participants are running out, trying to climb on any elevation where you can lift legs above the ground. You can only wear those who have legs on Earth. At the end of the game, the number of losers losers is calculated and a new leading is selected.

    Game "Empty Place"

Objectives: develop the reaction rate, dexterity, attentiveness, help improve running skills.

Description: Participants form a circle, and the leading is located behind the circle. Touching the shoulder of one of the players, he thus causes him to competition. After that, the participant he has chosen, run along the circle in opposite directions. That of them who are the first will take empty space left by the chosen player remains in a circle. The remaining without a place becomes leading.

  • Movable game "Third Extra"

Tasks: develop dexterity, speed, raise a sense of collectivism.

Description: Participants walk in a circle in pairs, holding hands. Distance between pairs of 1.5 - 2 meters. Two driving, one of which runs away, the other catchies. A running player at any time can stand ahead of any pair. In this case, the rear player of the pair, in front of which he got up, becomes those who catch up. If still a player managed to catch up and rally, then the leaders change roles.

  • Game "Shootout"

Tasks: develop dexterity, attentiveness, reaction speed.

Description: There is a game on a volleyball playground. Having retreated 1.5 meters from the front line inside the hall, the line parallel to it, so that something like a corridor was formed. On the other side also the additional line is carried out.

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is located on its half of the area from the middle line of the corridor. In both teams, you need to choose a captain. It is impossible to enter the opponent's territory. Each player who had a ball is trying to get into his opponent, without going for the middle line. The female player is departed and is located there until the players of his team do not throw him into the ball. After that, the player returns to the command.

Moving games for walking

Walking with children in kindergarten or on extension in elementary school, the educator needs to take the children: an excellent solution is to organize moving games during a walk. First, the teacher introduces children with various games, and in the future children themselves, divided into groups, will be able to decide which game they want to play. Games in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the development of the children's body and the strengthening of immunity. And the walk time flies unnoticed.

Before the start of the game, the tutor should be paid attention to the state of the game field: there are no extra objects, fragments and everything that can prevent the children to play and create an atmospheric environment - unfortunately, not only on the street, but also on the school site or kindergarten can be found a lot of trash.

  • Game "train"

Tasks: Develop the ability to perform movement on the sound signal, fix the construction skill to the column. Exercise walking, running each other.

Description: Children are built into the column. The first child in the column is a steam locomotive, other participants - wagons. After the educator gives a beep, children begin to move forward (without clutch). At first, slowly, then - faster, gradually moving to run, say "Chu - Chu - Chu!". "The train approaches the station," says the teacher. Children gradually slow down the pace and stop. The educator again gives the beep, the train movement is renewed.

  • Movable game "Zhmurki"

Tasks: Defense education, the development of ability to navigate in space, observation.

Description: Free space is needed for playing. It is chosen by the leading eyes, to be tied and removed on the middle of the site. Water turns several times around its own axis, after which he must catch any player. Caught becoming leading.

  • Game "Day and Night"

Tasks: Exercise in running in different directions, act across the signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One day "Day", the other - "Night". In the middle of the hall draws the line or put the cord. At a distance of two steps from the line, the backs of each other are teams. By team lead, for example, "day!" The team with the corresponding name begins to catch up. Children from the "Night" team should have time to escape for the conditional trace until they had time to stain rivals. That team wins, which will have time to stain more players from the opposite team.

  • Game "baskets"

Tasks: Exercise in each other, develop speed, speed of the reaction, attentiveness.

Description: Two leading are selected. One of them will be a catcher, the other - a fugitive. All the remaining participants are divided into pairs and take hands, creating something like baskets. Players run in different directions, and the leading are divided, the catcher is trying to catch up with a fugitive. Fugitive should run between couples. Baskets should not catch a fugitive, and for this he calls the names of the participants of the basket, to which runs up.

  • Game "Grab, Run"

Tasks: Develop the ability to perform actions on the signal.

Description: The tutor is located in the center of the circle. Throws the ball to the child and calls his name. This kid catches the ball and throws it back to adult. When the adult throws the ball up, all children should run away in "their" place. The task of an adult is to try to get into runaway children.

In this article, we led 29 moving games with a detailed description of the rules of games. We hope that this material will help organize children's games at school on changes and lessons of physical culture, for a walk in DOU and GPA.

Compiler: Oksana Gennadievna Borsch, primary school teacher, Deputy Director for Educational Work.