Schemes for the game geocont. Master class "Developing game of V.V. Voskobovich "Geokont"" presentation on mathematics on the topic. Entertaining educational game

Master class for teachers

“The use of the educational game of V. V. Voskobovich"Geokont", for the development of the intellectual sphere of preschoolers "

Purpose of the master class: improving the professional skills of teachers in the development of the intellectual sphere of preschoolers in the process of playing activities.

Tasks of the master class:

Introduce teachers to the use of educational games"Geokont" with children of preschool age;

To teach the participants of the master class the methods and techniques of using the developmental game in the pedagogical process;

Develop interest in original educational technologies, initiative, desire to put these technologies into practice;

Arouse a desire for cooperation, mutual understanding.

Handout: didactic game"Geokont" , samples for making patterns.

Master class plan:

1. Opening remarks, the relevance of the topic.

2. Familiarization of the participants of the master class with the game technology for the development of the intellectual abilities of children by V. Voskobovich.

3. Practical session with the participants of the master class on using the game"Geokont" for the development of the intellectual sphere of preschoolers.

4. Reflection:

conclusions, summing up,

Questions from the participants of the master class.

Master class progress:

Dear colleagues!

One of the most important tasks of raising a small child is the development of his mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. The basis of V. Voskobovich's technology is the idea of ​​focusing the intellectual and gaming activities of preschoolers on the result that is obtained when solving problematic and creative tasks. A system of ever more complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks for each game. This makes it possible to use one game to solve different problems of educational activities for a long time.

The purpose of the technology is to develop the intellectual abilities of children.

Characteristics of the developing game:

1. Multifunctionality. In the game, you can solve a large number of educational and educational tasks. Unbeknownst to himself, the child masters numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color, shape; trains fine motor skills of hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

2. Wide age range of game participants. This game attracts children of three and seven years old, and sometimes even high school students. This is possible because it has both one-two-action exercises for toddlers and complex multi-step tasks for older children.

3. Fairy cut. A fairy tale story for children is both an additional motivation and a model of mediated learning. The children play with pleasure not with squares, triangles and trapezoids, but with the non-melting ice floes of Ice Lake and the multi-colored cobwebs of the Spider Yuka, they do not master the relationship of the whole and the part, but unravel the secrets of the Miracle Flower together with Baby Geo. New, unusual always attracts the attention of children and is better remembered.

4. Creativity. The game gives the child the opportunity to translate their ideas into reality. A lot of interesting things can be done from multi-colored "cobwebs". Cars, planes, ships, butterflies and birds, knights and princesses - a whole fairy-tale world! The game provides an opportunity to show creativity not only for children, but also for adults.

The purpose of training with the game "Geokont":

The development of the child's cognitive interest and research activities.

Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity.

Harmonious development in children of emotional-figurative and logical principles.

Formation of basic ideas about the world, mathematical concepts.

The development of fine motor skills.

People call Geokont"Plate with carnations". Indeed, plastic nails are fixed on the plywood playing field, which are called"colorful". For "multi-colored" cloves are pulled"webs" (multi-colored elastic band, and the contours of geometric shapes, object silhouettes are obtained. Dynamic"elastic" acts as a design tool.

The same game attracts children of three and six - seven years old, as it is possible to solve exercises in one or two actions for kids and complex multi-stage tasks for older children.

With the help of one game, you can solve a large number of educational tasks. Unbeknownst to himself, the child learns numbers and letters, learns and remembers color, shape, trains fine motor skills of hands, improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

What game does the child play with the longest? Of course, with the one that gives him the opportunity to translate ideas into reality, How many interesting things can be thought up and made from multi-colored"cobwebs" "Geocont".

Children's interest in fairy tales is both an additional motivation and a model of mediated learning. Children are happy to play not with squares, triangles and trapezoids, but consider and create on"Geoconte" not construction models, but multi-colored cobwebs.

On Geokont children create silhouettes according to an adult's show and their own plan, according to a sample scheme and a verbal model (on the playing field"Geocont" unlike similar games, a coordinate grid is applied).

The whole complex of games and manuals under the general name"GEOKONT" intensively develops the intellectual sphere of preschoolers.

First of all, "Geokont" opens the way to the world of Geometry, this is evidenced by the name of the game, formed from two words"geometric""contour"

With the help of the game, children master sensory standards of color, shape, size, train tactile-tactile analyzers. This is of great importance for their further mental development.

Designing figures on"Geoconte" contributes to the maximum development of fine motor skills of children's fingers, which is important for improving speech and intelligence.

In the game "Geokont" there is no age gradation of game tasks, so it is important to focus on the level of development of the child, selecting game tasks according to one's abilities.

The possibility of these games in their use both in the home, family game library, and in groups of children, kindergartens, in individual and correctional practice is invaluable. The structure of the game has a strictly algorithmic nature and allows it to be used in various models of education. This is an opportunity for individual work and correction of the educator, this is material for organizing classes in a group. Moreover, games can be used both as individual material and as a group-wide visual aid.

To encourage the child to engage in"Geokontom" it is enough to organize an explanation of the rules and tasks once, and the availability and manufacturability of the material will allow the child to discover its new and new facets each time communicating with the game. Unstructured figurative material stimulates spontaneous creativity, and here the task of the teacher, on the wave of the child's interest, is to use the flexibility of the game system. Principle"play-feel-know", step by step, consistently provides not only a fun pastime, but also a technological learning model based not on a conscious need to gain knowledge, but on constant interest, creativity of both a child and an adult.

To make sure of all this, practical tasks that we will complete with you using a tablet will help us."Geokont".

1. Task: "Tracks" and "Square, triangle, house"for children 2-3 years old and at the first acquaintance with"Geokontom" older preschoolers. (teachers follow the pattern)

You can invite children to walk with their fingers along the red, blue, etc. paths. Then we try to build long and short paths, wide and narrow, stretch large and small squares, build houses. It is important to invite children to come up with a pattern themselves. A prerequisite for the game is to name the shape and size of the objects being created.

2. Tasks completed according to ready-made schemes for older preschoolers(4-7 years old) - "Gold fish"

3. Play with "Geokont" children will be more interested if we try to include them in some fairy tale story.

We will now go with you in search of the missing Pinocchio.

"Excited Pierrot(from the famous fairy tale about Pinocchio)told me that he met a frightened Pinocchio with a Golden Key in the forest. “I think he was hiding from robbers. I wanted to catch up with him to help him, but I couldn't. I'm very worried that something bad will happen to him! whispered Piero.

Educator: Pinocchio can get lost and get lost in the forest. Guys, let's help Piero find and protect Pinocchio from robbers! We have a wonderful clearing with carnations and magic cobwebs. With the help of them, we will find Pinocchio. (Children(in our case, teachers)from rubber bands - cobwebs on"Geoconte" make up the silhouette of Pinocchio according to the model shown by the teacher.) Guys, you are great! You did it! Pinocchio rejoices that nothing threatens him now and thanks you very much.

4. Very interesting tasks and games can be invented for children of the speech therapy group to make it easier for them to memorize the letters of the alphabet. (teachers lay out letters, syllables)

Thus, using the logic game"Geokont" By connecting your imagination, you can achieve very good results in the development of the intellectual sphere of children in a relaxed game, and most importantly, an interesting form for a preschooler. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote : “Without the game there is, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitive curiosity.

Dear readers, this article is for those who are interested in how to create a geocont with their own hands and what educational games you can play with it.

A geocont is a board with buttons or studs fixed in a certain order, on which colored rubber bands are pulled. In fact, such a game square can be called an original designer that allows you to create various geometric shapes, schematic images of objects, all kinds of ornaments. At home, it is quite possible to make an analogue of an industrial toy. Do you want to know how? Read!

Entertaining educational game

Geokont is a useful game for the development of logic, imagination and sensory and spatial sensations of the baby. It stimulates the formation of figurative thinking and mathematical abilities. The child learns to construct various geometric shapes from rubber bands, creates houses, boats, cars, flowers, etc. This process naturally and unobtrusively develops fine motor skills of children's fingers, stimulates the development of speech and memory.

Children 3-4 years old learn to independently pull elastic bands on colored hats, creating the simplest geometric shapes. The children get acquainted with the concepts of "exactly", "higher", "lower". At the same time, kids memorize colors.

At the age of 5-6, preschoolers master mental counting, spatial concepts, begin to study numbers and letters. During this period, the geocont game simulator will be a great helper. Parents come up with schemes, name the coordinates of the points for fixing the elastic, and the baby must find them. Gradually, an image is created that needs to be named.

In creating a picture, feel free to use several rubber bands of different colors. Complicate the contours by combining broken and straight lines. Design with fantasy and imagination. Invite the baby to recreate the image from memory, naming the coordinates of the desired points. Ask about the associations that various broken lines and shapes evoke.

For senior preschool age, come up with tasks for self-transfer of the image in accordance with the diagram on paper. Arrange contests for the most interesting scheme or the most complex figure. Children are always pleased with the game competitive basis of activity.

home workshop

It is very easy to make a geocont yourself. Look up a master class on the Internet on how to make a toy with your own hands. Explore different game board layout options. Determine the appropriate dimensions and materials and get to work.

Required materials and tools:
  • square board (fibreboard, plywood, very thick cardboard) with sides of 21 cm, or 35 cm, or 50 cm;
  • materials for board design: paints, self-adhesive colored film, fabric, oilcloth;
  • carnations or buttons with colored caps in all colors of the rainbow;
  • colored stationery gum;
  • ruler, pencil, colored markers, glue;
  • pliers.
Instructions for making a geocont:
  1. Prepare the base square of the desired size, carefully process its edges and corners.
  2. Cover the square base with colored paint or cover with a cloth, film or oilcloth. The color of the base should be uniform, light, allowing you to clearly distinguish the colors of carnations or buttons. Traditionally, a geocont has a yellow field.
  3. Draw intersecting black diagonals, connecting opposite corners.
  4. Through the intersection point of the diagonals, draw perpendicular lines connecting the midpoints of opposite sides.
  5. Draw squares with vertices on diagonals and sides of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm, etc. if you have a large board.
  6. Mark the point in the center of the square with the letter "C", number the remaining points of intersection of all lines from the center to the edge of the segments. Each line has its own numbering. So, for example, in the smallest square around the center, all points will be with the number "1", in the next - with the number "2", etc.
  7. On each segment with numbers from 1 to the last, firmly insert carnations or buttons with hats of the same color. The first line from the center up is white. Then arrange the color segments in the order of the colors in the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet. Don't be discouraged if some color is missing. Feel free to replace it with an available one or repaint the hats.
  8. Mark the extreme points of each colored segment with the first letter of the corresponding color (B, K, O, F, H, D, C, F). Now each point has its own name (B2, K4, Z2).
  9. Turn the board over and check the back side. If the sharp edges of nails or buttons dangerously pierce the base, bend them with pliers and fill with glue. It is best to stick cardboard on the back of the game board, which will protect the baby from scratches and injuries.

The geocont for your child is ready.

Possible options

The geocontact may look different.

  1. Prepare a large square - this will be the base, as shown in the picture.
  2. Draw the playing field into squares with sides of 5 cm.
  3. Distribute buttons across all intersection points. Moreover, all hats can be the same color.
  4. Secure the back of the board.

Such a play square is quite suitable for the kid for designing and modeling. Please note that an ordinary chessboard can become the basic basis for such a geocontact. It already has the perfect markup. It is enough to securely and securely fasten the buttons.

Summing up

  • The geocont game square helps children develop and learn.
  • You can create this game at home.
  • Be sure to monitor the safety and reliability of all parts and fasteners.
  • Use geocontact for speech development classes to master the basics of mathematics.
  • Encourage the initiative of children in creating new images.

Dear readers, if you have experience in creating a geocont and working with it, please share with us. We look forward to your feedback and comments. See you soon!

Developing games by Vyacheslav Voskobovich are very popular among teachers and parents. One of these games is “multi-colored cobwebs” or “a board with carnations”, as the Geokont constructor is popularly called. However, it is far from immediately that parents can figure out how to play Geocont by V. Voskobovich and properly present it to their children.

What is the constructor "Geokont"

The name of the game "Geocont" is derived from the phrase "geometric contour". The constructor is a board made of plywood. A film with coordinates is glued onto this board and 33 plastic carnations of different colors are fixed. A black carnation is attached in the center, while the rest are arranged in color groups, except for the white carnations on top.

V. Voskobovich used the laws of optics in the designer, saying that the white color consists of 7 colors. A white ray, falling on the central black carnation, breaks up into 7 colors of the rainbow.

This property not only helps to introduce children to primary colors, but also makes it easier for children to get acquainted with the coordinate system. The rays have a letter designation in accordance with the color, where "B" - white, "K" - red, "O" - orange, "Z" - green, "G" - blue, "C" - blue, "F" - violet.

The carnations in the rays are also numbered from 1 to 4. With this, the search for the necessary carnation occurs by its designation, for example, B1, Z4, G2. Included with the designer is a set of multi-colored rubber bands, a manual with illustrations, which offers creative games of varying difficulty levels.

See the following video for a detailed description of the game.

To create such a constructor for a baby with your own hands for those who wish will not create any problems. To do this, you need a sheet of plywood on which you need to draw a coordinate system. Carnations are easily replaced with pushpins of different colors. Purchase a set of colored rubber bands designed for money. And the manual offered in the kit will replace your imagination.

How to make a game in the likeness of Geokont Voskobovich, see the next video.

We play with a fairy tale

V. Voskobovich came up with a fairy tale, the application to which is the designer. The main fairy tale characters are baby Geo, raven Meter and uncle Slava. The child, with his illustrations from rubber bands for a fairy tale, makes a journey and helps the characters get out of various difficult and dangerous situations. All the schemes that the child should get are provided in the manual for the designer.

The manual offers tasks of different levels of complexity and different ages of children. This helps to make the Geokont constructor attractive not only for children 2-3 years old, but also older. Even adults will be happy to travel with their child.

You can also come up with your own fabulous plots and patterns for constructing rubber bands. This will diversify your game with the baby and make it even more attractive for him. You can invite children to build paths of a certain color, long and short paths, wide and narrow. Design various geometric shapes of different sizes, build houses.

Invite the kid to come up with his own pattern, ask him to name what shapes he used for him. You can even try to portray a fairy-tale hero with the help of rubber bands.

What are the benefits of games with "Geokont"

The Geokont constructor will bring great benefits for the development of a child of any age. For young children, Geocont will help:

  • get acquainted with different geometric shapes, their features;
  • learn basic colors, shapes and sizes;
  • will teach to work according to the model and according to the scheme from the manual;
  • inventing their own schemes, the kid will develop imagination;
  • develop fine motor skills, which is very important for the child.

Older children, in addition to the above, will:

  • learn the basics of modeling;
  • understand what a coordinate system is and learn to navigate in it;
  • develop thinking, including non-standard;
  • develop attention and memory;
  • be able to find common and differences, learn to analyze;
  • to get acquainted with the concepts of "symmetry" and "asymmetry";
  • develop thought processes;
  • find and establish patterns.

The Geocont constructor will provide invaluable assistance in intellectual development for children of all ages.

See the following video for an example of a lesson with Geocont.

GEOCONT do it yourself. Do-it-yourself educational game of Voskobovich geocont. Voskobovich's educational games are aimed at developing silhouette design skills, mastering basic geometric knowledge, representations and spatial relationships. Playing with these aids, the child gets the opportunity to improve his intellect, attention, memory, imagination and creativity. "Geokont" - it is also called a "board with carnations" or "multi-colored cobwebs" - is a plywood board with a coordinate film applied to it. Plastic studs are fixed on the playing field, on which multi-colored "dynamic" elastic bands are pulled. As a result of this design object silhouettes, geometric figures, patterns, numbers, letters are obtained.The game set is accompanied by a methodical fairy tale "Baby Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" (the word "geometry" is encrypted in the name of the fairy tale). motor skills of the hand and fingers, sensory abilities (mastery of color, shape, size), thought processes (construction according to a verbal model, construction of symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, search and establishment of patterns), creativity develop. mesh, geometric shapes and rays.At each of the 33 intersection points are placed multi-colored plastic new carnations. Stretching between them the multi-colored rubber bands included in the kit, the child will be able to create geometric shapes, object silhouettes, patterns, numbers and letters. A child can act both according to the model, using instructions with diagrams and drawings for this, and following a verbal algorithm or his own plan. The verbal algorithm can be encrypted by writing down the coordinate points of the objects you invented. To do this, construct your own figure on the Geocont and ask the child to recreate it using only your coordinates. The manual can be used to familiarize children with the basic geometric concepts of "ray", "segment", symmetry. You can invite the child to play "Mirror Reflection". To do this, create a part of the intended image on one half of the playing field and invite the child to symmetrically complete it on the second, “mirror” part of the Geocont. What happened in the end? Games with Geocont will help you develop your children's sensory abilities (learning colors, shapes, sizes), creativity, imagination, fine motor skills of the hand and fingers. Such games will become the basis for a strong assimilation of geometric representations and spatial relationships. Development of skills in constructing according to a verbal model and building symmetrical figures, searching for and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Subscribe, like, leave your comment! My affiliate program