Tactics and strategy in Darkest Dungeon. Darkest Dungeon: Hyde for characters and group compositions. Gypsy Chibeet, Cemetery and Family Memoirs


Guide to the most effective methods for conquering the parotal dungeons and bosses at the champion level. I will not disassemble many possible options for parties and tactics, to paint numerous parameters and numbers - for this, obviously, you can watch Wiki on the game. I will tell only about the ways that I yourself experienced and found the most convenient, effective or interesting.
Most bosses in this game are built on some trick. If you want to play without guides and information about vulnerabilities of one or another boss, then get ready for your team to be beaten many times. If the vulnerabilities are known and the correct composition of the team is selected, even a beginner will be able to win.
Also, think over and create your parties and tactics is an exciting occupation in any good RPG and, perhaps you want to use your parties. I think that in this case my management will be useful.

The dowler dungeon Mission 1 "We - Flame!"

In the first mission of the darkest dungeon, the most dangerous threats are bleeding, stress damage and repayment of the party.
Whatever bleeding is recommended to get four cleansing crystals (+ 40% of bleeding resistance, poison and debuff), which make this mission much less risky. Yes, this is not so simple, but the fact is that these trinkets are needed for all four missions of the darkest dungeon.
It is harder to fight stress - trinets on stress resistance are not effective here. It is better to choose a route (enemy detachments are located on the map not randomly) with minimal content of witches - they can stress your fighter with stress attacks in two turns and he will receive psychosis. Recommended route Look at the video. And the main thing to have in the party of characters who can take care of stress in the party. I also recommend that the imperfection of the mechanics of fines for tightening the battle. What is this mechanic? If you kill all the enemies, except for one, and if he remains alive, then a small amount of stress will receive through the round of the party and after two rounds will appear reinforcement, which will interfere with you to curb. So, on the mission there is a pair of enhincounters with groups of which there are two ultimentory cultures - they do not make any attacking actions. While these two are alive, you can not be careful with health and, most importantly, stress. Developers changed the delay penalty system, and now the above-described abuse is impossible. Another important feature is if a psychosic character reduces stress to zero, he will return to a normal state right on the mission. You can also try to experience good luck and get heroism on your heroes.
The boss at the end of the route is dangerous attack by mixing your team. It is important to choose skills so that your fighters have the ability to attack from any position. It is also important not to touch the priest-cultist, which stands in the fourth position. If you kill it, the boss will call the protective thigh, which will be Guard (of course, it will be a big problem).
The pair of crusaders are ideal for this mission - treat stress, can beat the holy spear from the rear row, have good health and basic damage.

Dotter dungeon Mission 2 "consecrate the path"

In this mission, you will surely need characters with the ability of Guard - minibysses have the ability that causes the Giangsky damage and stress to the Party, unprotected by a special trinet-torch (which is given only three). The choice of classes is small - psar or one-eyed grandfather. I recommend one-eyed - it is perfect for absorbing a huge number of damage in this mission.
Be sure to take cleaning crystals on this mission - the enemies in the corridors beat with strong bleeding, miniborsce are strongly etched. For a minimum, two will be needed for your defender warriors.
With special training you can do with only two torches. You will need two grandfathers with kwirki increasing speed. It will fit +2 speeds and +4 speeds in the first progress, also one-eyed can give each other at +3 speeds for four future fights. It is necessary to be guaranteed to act before minibors at the beginning of the battle and guard the defenseless jester and the nun.
Two warriors in the first round defend the fighters in the back row, and in the second time they use the skill of the counterattack. Although tedious and tedious tactics, but it is reliable and effective.
The jester on the missions is needed primarily to increase the accuracy of the riposta by its party buff (the enemies are high fugitives). He also come in handy for the treatment of stress, he can also work quite effectively with his sickle.
The nun is needed, as usual, for stable treatment. The occultist is not recommended for this mission, as the two in a row "treatment" on zero, obviously, can lead to poor consequences. However, the occultist can also be used - it treats unstable, but it is very useful for its ability-curse reduced damage. In this case, you should choose a more attacking game style. While the occultist will relax one enemy, the rest of the parties should focus the attacks on another enemy and quickly eliminate it.

Dotter dungeon Mission 3 "in the belly of the beast"

With the right team, this is a light mission. The key character in this task is a plague doctor. The double camp is very effective against the local miniboss - does not give him a lot to attack and reduces the chances of teleport team. The occultist not only treats, but will be used as a dealer DEMEJ, thanks to the bonus to the damage on the enemies of the "mysticism" type. The front row is occupied by a pot and dicking, it is important that they can effectively attack the fourth position in the enemy squad - in battle with minibus in this position there is a freak, which is the longer there is alive, the more the chance of applying the ability of the teleport batch to another end cards. The dogman also has a bonus damage on all enemies in this mission, and the barbarsh and the doctor form an effective stunning combo.
Again, I recommend putting cleaning crystals - many opponents with poisonous damage, and the boss still hangs unpleasant debuffs. Stress damage and bleeding on this mission no longer pose a threat. See the shortest route to goal.

The dowler dungeon Mission 4 "hell is in the heart"

A relatively easy mission, more precisely, the battle with the boss. The main feature of the battle is that the heart kills two of your fighters, and you can make a choice who will die, and who will remain alive. For the battle, any characters are suitable and, perhaps, in this mission it is difficult to lose, the main thing that the team can beat on any positions. And in the final stage of combat the surviving characters, the attacks operating from the first two positions were activated. In this battle, you can even do without a gear, but I recommend the classic brand party with the occultist - he marks the goal, the rest of the parties beat on it with a double damage.
The main danger in battle is boring / poison and, especially, stress damage. Yes, crystals will come up again, they will also help to avoid problems with psychosis trinkets for stress resistance. It is better to choose characters with elevated stress resistance, of course if there is such an opportunity. In all four stages of battle, the boss is vulnerable to stunning - this should be used.

The necromance is a relatively light boss that does not require any special preparation. There is no reason not to take on the mission of two crusaders - the boss itself is the undead and calls on the undead. The crusader has a high base damage and a good bonus damage by undead. Crusaders will not give the necromancer a lot of minions - with proper equipment is high like that one knight Vanzhotit skeleton, whom the necromancer calls in every round, and the second knight beats the sorcerer himself.
Necromance is relatively vulnerable to stunning, weakens and movements. For this reason, the bunch of the occultist + hunter with suitable skills will be perfectly shown. Stunning is especially useful, as the boss will miss the move and will not call the skeleton.
Do not give the skeletons to multiply and do not tighten the battle - the necromancer can quickly block the party, as well as with each round there is a risk of calling bone general.
Update: After the update with the addition of "secrecy", necr now calls skeleton-swords, who cannot be attacked by single attacks two rounds, because they are in "Stelce". A vision of such enemies can be applied to the attack of the Crusader "violent accusation", but you can also ignore them. The main thing to pull the necromancent under the blows of the Crusaders, which can help the occultist, and quickly eliminate it. Also, it is desirable, to weaken the necra to damage - he is rather strong.
Update (Color of Madness): In the Balance Patch of Color of Madness, all the direction associated with stunning was weakened. For the battle with the necromancer, you now need a stunning specialist. The choice of characters on this role is not great - an occultist or a plague doctor. At the Occultist Frontovik with an orange butt, there will be a good chance of stunning, but I think it is not necessary to explain that this is a marginal option. A plague doctor with two class bottles to increase the chance of stunning is the most optimal option for this task.

The key character in this bossfaite is an occultist. The Prophet shaves the ceiling on one or two members of your party at the end of each round, causing a huge damage. The sustained fan of the tentacle follows how to quickly curse the prophet, thereby cutting off the damage from the debris. I recommend putting on the occultist trinkets with an increase to accuracy and chance of Debuff, which would guarantee the hitting and action of the curse. He also does not hurt something to resist stunning, it is necessary for greater reliability.
Warrior should take for additional protection - it will guard and substitute for the collapse instead of more vulnerable characters. Also useful will be its ability to increase the accuracy, speed and chance of Crete.
The boss is sitting in the fourth position and has a resistance to move 345% - it will not work out from there. Two crossbows will complete the battle quickly - for three or four rounds. You can replace one arbos on the dog in the second position, this is a more convenient composition of the detachment. Also, you can optionally nourish on the wreckage of the barricades, followed by the prophet. For their destruction you will receive extra gold. I advise you to buy antifones and holy water or put on antidigid trinkets - the Prophet is sleeping some kind of poison on the whole detachment.
Update (Color of Madness): The occultist weakened in a balanced patch. Now his skill "weakening curse" can shoot only 20% damage in the round. However, no one forbids you to take on the task of two occultists. The wreckage is applied 21-42 damage at the champion level. By the way, the fragments have a chance of a critical attack in 1%, if you are very "lucky", then you will receive 63 damage, but it is very unlikely. You need to impose 5 curses, and then the debris will make 0 damage.

The team, which is specially not built for the battle with the witch, there may be big problems. However, if it is well prepared - the witch has little health and this is a simple boss. The witch can be quickly eliminated, the main thing to build a party so that all the fighters can beat high-quality in the rear row, where the old woman is located. When one of the characters fall into the boiler, the rest should concentrate attacks on the witch and quickly kill it until the unfortunate will be cooked. You will have up to three rounds (depending on the health status of the character in the boiler), before the welded victim falls out of the boiler for the first position on the threshold of death. Vintage buses with copper and arbaletchists are perfect for focusing the boss. Also a good option in this mission are a pair of geek.
Alternatively, you can try to play fugitive and avoid getting into the boiler. This is recommended to take in the game of warriors and / or psai. There will also need good trinkets at the oppression. The problem of this approach is that it is unreliable. However, it is possible to apply the hybrid tactics of Rush / damp. The team for this approach is two dogs and two geeks. If you did not succeed, then nothing terrible happened. Having remained the threesome, such a team squints the witch faster than suffered by suffering to weld.

In my opinion, one of the most difficult bosses. For example, one mistake in this battle can lead to very poor consequences. If you thought out your actions well, do not rush and do not risk, then the boss will not provide problems. There is no trick of a substantially simplifying battle. If you have a paid character of a palate, then it can speed up this fight at times.
It is not easy to get to the gun - more often walking very dangerous. The gun has impenetrable protection and the highest resistance to any effects - with any scenario to pick it for a long time. If something goes wrong and the gun will shoot, it will cause a huge damage to the entire party, but trying to curb in this battle - only to raise the risks. So that the gun does not shoot you need to kill / jerk, which will be repaired every round again. In addition, the gun calls on the random number of all the varieties of bandits, and healthy with a flutter too.
Classes are suitable for killing canonir, which can with high-quality damage to attack any positions. This is a savage, a crossbow or grave thief. Rashchka obviously should be damage and accuracy. It is desirable to increase the lower boundary of the damage to 16 units (by a 16 XP freight).
The imbiy party of two pairs of psares and gear will show themselves well in this fight. Give the fighters of trinkets for accuracy - the robbers have a high tartback. It is still incomprehensible to buy a pack of bandages, which would treat bleeding that gangsters can hang.
Update (Color of Madness): There are changes in gun statistics. Protection changed from 45% to 20%. However, they added Buff -25% of any damage. It was done so that attacks with the ignoring armor would not simplify significantly this fight. Let me remind you, such skills have shields and a new grave thief.
To date, the best character against the cannon is a leaper. His skill "Revenge" is a very effective self-defense and, most importantly, the whole fight works now.
I also want to add information about the Empty Shot Damage at the championship level - this is 17-50 damage. As you can see, one unsuccessful throw and all your characters on the threshold of death. To joy, the gun cannot cause a critical attack.

The strongest of three primary bosses. Huge carcass with great damage and health.
The use of Arbalettc makes this bossfight light - they have a skill that removes stunning and brands from your characters. If you remove the brands that Vilbur piglets at your fighters at the beginning of each round, then the pork ruler will beat the random goal with a weakened attack.
For additional reliability I recommend using Vestka in the second position, which will pour attacks with Debuff to damage and accuracy. You can also take a dicarka or hunter for heads dressed by trinkets for stunning - the boss is relatively vulnerable to the mills. Another good option is a leper - together with a monk, they can remove with a pig 20 accuracy and, most importantly, 63% damage. Finally, it will be useful to resistance to stunning, which will reduce the likelihood of stunning from Wilbur's Vigra. Accordingly, items that reduce these resistance (such as camouflage cloak) are harmful and dangerous.
And yes, if you did not know - the piglet should not be touched, in any case, until you have not cut a lot of pig damage and accuracy. If the pork ruler will remain without a piglet, he will be every turn to make his mass attack with a stunning throughout the party.
Update (Color of Madness): After the balance sheet patch, the witness drops Debuff damage and accuracy on the skill "Hand of Light". At the moment, Debuff dammes make only two characters - the occultist and swelling.
I also want to add information about the damming damage. By label, pigs makes a double damage. Single attack he makes 18-34 damage and attack at position 1 + 2 it makes 12-26. The chance of a critical attack has 17%.

The complexity of the boss varies from the middle to the heavy, depending on the variable composition of the segments to which it is divided. All parts of the flesh, except for hearts, have very high protection, so anti-flesh attacks with poison / blood. The main threat to the flesh is the Mass Attack-cake of the Psar "Wrinkle Hound" - the flesh is divided into four parts, which divide one health strip, but at the same time damage from bleeding segments get individual. Simply put, multiply damage from bleeding into four.
Take on the mission of the plague doctor and barbarsu - they can join all four parts of the boss for the round, which is very effectively preventing harm. If two pork bosses were formed in front - jammed them, similarly should come with pork ass. But the hearts attack, even though they have a boss.
I recommend also stocking bandages and antids, well, and still holy water to reduce risks.
Update: "Tocus of Hound" lost its former efficacy, because the doghouse weakened. At the moment, the most effective option is to put two brands of the dog in the selected segment, which will reduce protection by 60%. Next, obviously, focus the attacks on this segment.
Update (Color of Madness): "Top Hound" returned to the former efficacy after the balance sheet patch. This attack makes up to 36 damage from bleeding. Also, this skill has excellent chances of applying a critical strike, which activates the critical effect and increase the chance of bleeding.

Boss with an interesting concept. With proper preparation and equipment of siren, it is simply not able to provide you with difficulties. Like a necromancer, she knows how to call Mighton. In addition, it is able to temporarily lure to his side of one of your characters. So, its hypnosis is Debuff, and if trinkets with resistance to this effect and sprinkle with holy water, then the sirens are guaranteed nothing. There is another option - to fight the crossbox with the skill "Signal Fire". This skill raises resistance to Debuffam from the entire team. You can still take on battle and "give" a siren anti-welder or low-level character (the priority of Siren's attacks will be on it), which is guaranteed not to harm being on the enemy side.
Any vintage party comes perfectly - Quickly focus Sirena, while she did not give protective colmaries and other nastiness. In the party it is useful to have a character with a stunned skill in case of defenders.
Update (Color of Madness): The chance of triggering the effect of siren control is no longer determined by the resistance to Debuffam. Now this chance can not affect, and it is 70%. Thanks to this change, the siren turned from a trifle in one of the most dangerous bosses.
I do not recommend taking any strong attacking character for this fight - it leads to great risks that it will be used against your party. Also, it is better not to take the self-checker - I had a case when he cured critical treatment of Sirena at 240xP. I think this task is best to take a couple of occultists dressed in objects with bonus damage against "mysticism". Also suit a doggyman who makes serious damage only against the label.

Drill recesses make three more actions for the move. The first action is always attracting the first position of the random character, which also causes an anchor. The anchor always attacks the hero standing in the first position, he immobilizes him, inflicting him every move of stress damage. When an anchor holds someone, the boss begins to curb, and its defense and resistance increases much. So, the main thing is not to allow an anchor to grab anyone, the mills and fathers will help. If he grabbed someone, then it must be killed as soon as possible.
You can still try to pull the sailors in the front row so that the anchor will be in the fourth position, where he is harmless and can only miss the moves. To do this, the amulet and the movement stone will be needed, which will greatly increase the likelihood of attracting. These trinkets need to be issued to your hunter or occultist. By the way, before, because of the bug, the trinkets for moving did not work. Now I confirm that this error corrected, and the above-described trick works perfectly.
Driving and anchor belong to undead, hence the best Damager will be a crusader, and it is better to take two immediately. The vintage focus, of course, is also an excellent option. I recommend using my special commission (see section below) for the championship bay.
Update (Color of Madness): The developers recognized as an exploit trick with the team attracting. The resistance to the movement from the team was raised by 100%. However, the team still does not provide the difficulties of the prepared party. Stun the anchor when he did not grab anyone. Do not attack him if he does not hold anyone - he has 50% protection, and he also will fill all HP after capturing. Also, the capture can be destroyed if you put a character injected into the first position.

Wulf Robber leader attacks your estate after a special urban event. This event may appear only after 35 weeks, also a prerequisite is the presence of at least 4 heroes of the fifth level. If this event is to ignore, then two random upgrades of buildings will disappear in your estate. Also this mission of the sixth level (as a mission in the darkest), respectively, when retreat from the card, you lose one random member of the party.
Interestingly, this is a short mission, therefore it will not work out and drought on a privala. On the way to the boss, you will have several bundles of gangsters. You will also meet psychopaths, which is better to quickly neutralize that your fighters did not grant stress and did not go crazy.
On the mechanics, this boss is a hybrid of the prophet and a gangster gun. I recommend to take a squad to protect one-eyed - very painfully beat bombs that explode a random fighter from your party upon completion of each round. Also take the occultist who will curse Wulf, checked - damage from the bombs will be much smaller. I do not advise you to be distracted by the destruction of barrels and designed bandits, but immediately focus damage on Wolfe. Perchive bundles will be perfect, but best for this mission take a couple of head hunters - they have an excellent bonus damage in people.
I want to add a couple more interesting facts. From the bombs it is almost impossible to dodge their accuracy is 227.5%. Bombs have a chance of a critical attack 10%, and, accordingly, it will be 68 units of damage.

Shambler, also known as Tmannik - a very dangerous optional boss. In the championship dungeons you have a 12% chance to meet him in the corridor, if you wander in complete darkness. Also caused by the use of torch on the altar with the red sphere. If you defeat in the battle, then get one of five unique and valuable artifacts.
I recommend looking for altars for hunting Shambler - to wander in the dark is very dangerous.
Ripos are very effective against Shambler, these are the skills that activate the response attack. Such skills have a gangster and warriors. The greatest danger is not Shaumbler himself, and his sweepers, which he swallows every move. Shepalz make a big physical and stress damage, while enhance their defense and damage every round. Elimination of the sweep charged to their strengthening is priority. It should take a lot of holy water to hunt, which increases resistance to bleeding and poison.
I will add that you should not take trinkets that work with bright light - the name of the boss as it would hint that the fight goes in the dark.

Raven - Boss, Radiant Update Added in Update.
How to meet him? The first way is to wait for one of two special urban events. Raven or steals from the repository of 8 random trinkets, or it is proposed to go to the raid at one of the four Voronene artifacts. The second way - if you have lost the team of fighters equipped with 8th trinkets, then the mission will appear in more often, for the execution of which the lost returned.
The main feature of the boss is 63 fathers (the championship version), and for this reason without skills and trinkets to accuracy the majority of characters on it will be difficult to get. He also makes three strokes for the round, has 9 speeds and immunity to the poison. At the end of the fourth round, the raven flies by hanging around with all four parties for 50 stress.
At attacks are quite dangerous - it can peck with a large chance of Crete and bleeding, can hang disease and debuff to accuracy, also has two strong stress attack individual and throughout the party. And yet, Shricer is unlikely to have someone to kill for four rounds, if there is a doctor. I do not advise only to take on the mission of low-level characters - they get more stress-damage and a great risk of death from a heart attack. When Raven flies to you, the victory is counted. Fight participants have a chance to get special "Vorony" Kvirki as positive so and negative.
What do you get for killing a crow? In essence, nothing, well, except for the cancellation of the penalty for the thief on the fourth go. But for the collapse of the nest (this is a small secret) you will receive up to 4 precious stones of 3,500 gold each. Therefore, rationally beat the socket and ignore the crow. Kill for four round and crow and a nest difficult, but you can. To do this, you will need a special party and artifacts.

Parts for the championship regions (Radiant Update)

A new section, which decided to add after updating Radiant Update. This decision is motivated by the emergence of four new monsters (one for each region) in the championship dungeons that change the requirements for the optimal compositions of parties, skills and trinkets. I will tell about the recommended compositions of the parties in this section. Also in the new section, I will talk about new opponents, what they are dangerous and how to disassemble them.

The new opponent in the ruins is a bone scanish. It does not have an attacking potential, but it is dangerous that he strongly raises the damage to everyone in the enemy party - while the scanishman is alive all the enemies receive a bonus + 25% damage, he also distributes Buff to damage and accuracy with a random ally. Also resurrects the corpses of the allies, and not only skeletons, which would be logical, but in general. Stands in the back row. It has a lot of HP and a tall damp, also has immunity to stun. It is recommended to focus the attacks on the scanner, preventing it, or for one round to destroy both the enemy and its corpse. Let me remind you that the use of poison / blood leaves no corpse.
The composition recommended for use is 3 Crusaders and a nun. Although the braking, but very aggressive party with strong regeneration properties - all characters have treated skills. It is possible to strengthen the regeneration by issuing each stone by + 40% of the treatment obtained - such a party will be almost unhappy. If you want greater reliability and safety, you can replace the front knight to the grandfather's grandfather, who can protect focus fighters.

Virago or Mushroom Witch now lives in more often and makes this place incredibly dangerous. Pray that Virago did not get to you in combination with a mushroom giant. The main feature of the witness is the ability to turn the corpses into a mushroom that blocks all attending skills. It also has attacks that are not only poisoned, curse (on -20 fatty and -10 accuracy) and put brands, but also put it difficult, especially with Crete. In short, the witch has the highest priority of murder. This prevents 48 (!) Fullies, a lot of HP and high resistance to Debuffam (115%) and the poison (145%), besides, not everyone can get the 4th position, where the witch is usually worth it, and she is still immune to stun.
The recommended party has a low battle rate. It works from protection, which is based on skills that reduce the accuracy of enemies and increase the damp of the allies. The first round for such a party is always preparation - apply skills: brand, solo, fire for suppression and amplification. Arbaletchitsa-Okkultist Warrior-Jester is one of the most synergistic parties. In addition to the observed overclocking, the crossbow and the occultist still have brand and therapeutic synergy, also a wonderful protective bunch - curse the occultist and the guards of one-eyed. Finally, the Warrior can protect the sloppy parsley and push the goal from the first position to the flavor of the Arbaletcake.
From trinkets you can give each on camouflage flood (+15 fatigue). Also, all, except for one-eyed, I recommend to give trunk raising chance of Debuff, it is especially important to increase the effectiveness of the curses of the occultist. Alas, the accuracy will be lacking, and there is no place for trinkets for accuracy. The lack of accuracy can be compensated by the Warrior Skill "Team" or Shutovskaya "Balladia".
A good alternative is to take a lepers instead of a jester. It is less protective and less dependent on special items, also a rapid and attacking version of the party. The lepers helps the occultist to weaken the enemy party with his attack, which for the round removes 10 accuracy and 33% of the damage from two front positions is an excellent counterweight of mushroom zombies and giants. Also, the lease is able to clean the corpses, which in the new conditions has become a more useful opportunity. Disadvantages of such a party is a vulnerability to shuffles and the lack of stress treatment.

Spearweight or hodge - Monster Champion of Catacombs. It can apply a huge damage in all positions. An attack on a single target for 13-19 damage with a chance of Crete 19%, possible stunning and garbage to the last position. Attacks positions 2 + 3 + 4 by 6-14 damage with poison and debuff at -6 speed and -8 fatigue. Of course, the pig has impressive statistics - a lot of health, 33 fathers, 15% protection and 9 speed. Resistance to Debuffam is not particularly high, so the occultist may seriously reduce damage issued by pork. Also, pigs are almost not dangerous in the first position, where only a weak attack on 4-8 damages can apply. Another vulnerability is a relatively weak resistance to stunning. The easiest way is killed by dogs.
The recommended party is strong and universal, but especially good in the catacombs. The jester will spampol solo, sometimes helping damage and removing stress. In the second position there is a tanker flavor, which is not bad and helps to remove 10 accuracy and 30% damage from the monster in the front row for one round. Psari switches between protection and aggression modes, providing both excellent protection and serious damage for any purpose.

Recessed violinist or drunk pirate ghost, I do not even know how to adequately translate into Russian Squiffy Ghast. The least interesting from the fourth of new monsters. Makes the minimum physical damage, but it can cause a gigantic stress damage to the entire party. It appears in 3-4 positions, from where in the first round makes an individual stress attack on a random character and moves to the first position. Then, in the second round, makes a massive stress attack by +10 stress and infects all parties with "horror". Horror is a unique status-effect, which is similar to poison / blood, but makes 5 units of stress four more rounds.
In one round, it is difficult to safely kill the violinist, so I recommend using an additional option - to throw it into the rear row, where he does not know how to make his mass stress attack. It will help to carry out this plan a bunch of the Warrior Hunter. The warrior applies his skill to a party increase in speed, almost guaranteeing the hunter the first in the second round, which would have time to push the enemy with his uppercot in the rear row, also with a chance of stun. The occultist shows well in the region as an attacker - he has a bonus damage on opponents of the "mystic" type, and these are almost all enemies in the bay, so in this case it is better to abandon the nun as a hell. Psar will treat stress and together with a hunter soften opponents with high defense - armor, defenders and crabs. So the aggressive special aircraft for the bay with excellent attacking potential is formed. This party lacks only the treatment of bleeding, but it is compensated by the purchase of bandages. By the way, an excellent option is the replacement of the psar on the second occultist. So, of course, there will be no treatment of stress, but there will be more reliable treatment and excellent damage on the rear row.

Explanation for Supplement CRIMSON COURT

In addition, the CRIMSON Court introduces a new region for hiking - the courtyard. Some mechanics in the new region differ from those known, so first I want to clarify a couple of important moments. In the courtyard, the light level always keeps on the bright level and the torches are not needed to maintain brightness. Solar rings, raincoats and other trinkets that work with bright light will always work. Torches can be used to get a temporary bonus +3 accuracy, or to interact with CURIO-Dicks. Cards in the Giant Region for Duration. You can leave the courtyard and continue the new campaign from the place in which you stopped last time. The twig for the prival is not issued to the mission, but it can be found if you apply a shovel on a box with bottles of wine.
It will also be useful to know that the criminal curse that vampires infect your party is a disease. Accordingly, the chance of infection is determined by the resistance of diseases from the character. For example, a plague doctor has a genuine diseases of 50% disease, also the character has a class trunk-bouquet, which raises resistance by another 40%. A good option for hiking to the courtyard are subjects of resistance to infection with diseases - this is Charmik, the Book of Constitution and Garlic. Finally, it is better to choose characters with Kwirk + 15% of the resistance of the disease.

The first boss in the add-on you will meet. The ridge can apply a huge physical damage, while it is very strong and quickly stresses the whole game. Obviously, the faster you eliminate it, the better. Relatively vulnerable to stunning, bleeding and motion, sufficiently resistant to weakens and poison.
Each course of the CROC will move and the Buffchchchka to go to position 2 or 3. From there, it either take advantage of one of its smaller attacks (attracting and blood flow, or mass stress attack) or it will dive, getting ready for a powerful attack that causes a large Damage against the 1st - 3 random purposes. He also can regenerate and increase its own protection.
One of the effective strategies is to take advantage of its weak resistance to movement and make it be in position 1 or 4 as much as you can. In the 4th position, perhaps it is the least dangerous.
It is possible to apply against the genes of a march focus or a batch sharpened on the bloodstream. The most effeptive I found the team sharpened on the ripost. If he applies his mass attacks, he can get in response immediately from two or even three fighters.

The fanatic is "wandering" along the corridors of the mini-boss. In fact, he represents a huge threat and, perhaps, this is a newly new champion among all bosses. Begins the hunt for your teams after a special urban event dedicated to the average level of infection. The more you have in the team infected with a curse, the greater the chance to run into an unexpected meeting. The chances of the appearance of a fanatic in the dungeon are as follows - with 2 years infected by 20%, with three 33% and, respectively, 75% at 4th. It is recommended to avoid battles with this monster, the benefit is not difficult and good reward for the victory you will not get. To wander with vampires in the team - already in itself the punishment, and competently will get rid of vampires or keep them on the replacement bench. For the victory over the fanatics, trinkets associated with the bugger curse are falling and almost all of them are trash. After a patch, a couple of drugs from vampirism still falls from him. If you still managed to kill fanatics, then next time it can be found only in the next cycle of infection.
If you want to eliminate the fanatic, then it should be done only with the team sharpened under this task. It is also better to hunt in the entry-level dungeons, where the fanatic is less dangerous.

The fight consists of the very viscont and three hanging bodies that occupy other rows. The first action of the Viscount will always have one of the bodies, the priest, strengthening and / or relaxing itself. The use of the largest body will use 3 of its actions from four, and will also reduce its accuracy and damp. The use of a small body slightly weakens the attack of a viscont. The use of the middle body does not have negative consequences for it and from this body should begin if you choose the path to eliminate hanging carcasses.
You should not beat the boss with attacks with poison / blood - it will immediately cure. You can first destroy the body, but it will be more effective if you know what you are doing, focusing the attacks on the boss. The vintage lots are suitable (even without a gear), which their dialect potential is superior to their damage. Also against the viscont, the ripostal parties are effective - he imams four strokes in the round and many attacks beat at the same time for several purposes. Viscount himself will quickly kill a couple of your gangsters or warriors.

Countess three forms, each with its unique attacks, stats and resistance. She starts in the "thirsty" shape, with three actions for the round. In this form, it clings to a batch of ticks that make a small time damage, after which they explode with a strong damage and weakening. She can also use a dangerous skill that makes a big stress damage, mixes and pokes the whole game. This makes parties that rely on stable positions unsuitable for this battle. After several actions, it can change the shape on the "exhaust" (when changing the shape, it is healed from poison / blood). In this form, she has only one action for the round, reduced stunning resistanceAnd this is her themegest form, because it does not have any way damage. After that, the Countess becomes "bloodthirsty" (when changing the shape on the "bloodthirsty" it is healed from poison / blood, given that contact with concomitant stress attack). This is its most dangerous form with 4 actions for the round, while all its stats increase, especially protection and resistance.
The idea is to hold the Countess in the weakest form as long as possible with the help of the mill, and in the process to penetrate bleeding, which are very effective against it. I recommend to fight the hunter for heads - it has stunning acting from any positions and with a high chance of triggering. The bladler, a gangster or dicking, will fit the bloodstands.

For some reason, previews for this video does not work. Then just link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dk hu0ins

After the victory over the Countess, there are ordinary randomly generated cards of medium duration for trips to the courtyard, where the Stone Guard guards the chests with network trinkets.
Fight with a statue is not dangerous, but rather tedious.
Torso, shield and spear statues are very strong, also have immunity to any effects. First of all, destroy a spear, which keeps blood and stresses the whole game.
Do not destroy the shield, otherwise the statue will shine you:

Also, after the patch, the shield is now immune to stunning, it is necessary to wait one round, which would be the opportunity to attack the guard of the guard. Take the task of Vestka with stable treatment - while the shield will not be a housing for the Paria.
Update (Color of Madness): In a massive balance sheet, the grave thief is almost completely recycled. Now Kirk Mraudorchi ignores armor, so it is one of the best attacks against the statue. Also, the Marauderka can strengthen its attacks using the new ability to "care in the shadow" if the torso statue is closed from shielding.


Playing in Darkest Dungeon a large amount of time, remembered a lot that helped me to pass the dungeons without a single loss of health and stress. Yes, such a passage will take more time, but also will retain the life of your characters.
In this guide or guide, I will try to give you what you need to remember first and never forget.


The game has seven kinds of characteristics, which will help make a car from a cart for carelessness.
Characteristics are marked with three colors; Gray - static, without negative and positive effects, yellow - characteristic that has been improved by skill, pepper or artifact, red - characteristic exposed to the deterioration of artifact, skill or pep.

In the game of all more types of characteristics, namely:

  • Health is a very important indicator of the ability to survive. It is very easy to increase, because the improvement of the armor increases the health indicator.
  • Evasion is a very dubious indicator, because you never know, you're impassing you or get a blow right in the forehead. A large plus of this feature is that as well as health improves with armor.
  • Resistance is the most difficult characteristic. It can only be obtained from a number of artifacts that can only wear a crusader and a pep, which is quite difficult to catch. Extremely useful characteristic, although it did not understand how it works to the end, but noticed that with an indicator 10 - the incoming damage is strongly cut.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bis your initiative, ie, the more it is, the better, because much more pleasant when your characters begin to walk first and are able to apply controlling the ability to opponents.
  • Accuracy - the characteristic of which should not be forgotten, it is better to have it in prosperity, because some skills have a small accuracy modifier with the level.
  • The chance of a critical strike - here it is not necessary to speak, everything is clear.
  • Damage - here is the same as with a chance of a critical strike.


In the game, there are eight types of resistance, each of which can be overclocked to 100% +. But share it, it will not give you guarantees that you will not be subjected to them. Some opponents have the indicators of "chance to stun 200%" and others.

Consider all kinds of resistance:

  • Stun. There are a lot of opponents who possess the ability that can stun you.
  • Poisoning. A very rare kind of dot'a, but much stronger than its analogue of "bleeding".
  • Bleeding. The frequent view of Dot'a, but in contrast to poisoning - two times weaker. All types of dot "OS are folded as bleeding, like poisoning.
  • Disease. Very critical resist, because almost every opponent and subject in the dungeon can be imposed.
  • Death blow. Pretty funny resist, he helps the character not to die when the character gets damage, which lowers his health to the level of zero. Each repeat strike on the character with the effect of death "- can kill immediately or absorb all damage, regardless of the number of damage.
  • Movement. Helps the character "Resist the legs". Rarely opponents have such abilities. But the occultists often occur, not depending on the dungeon, and the priests of the occultists have such abilities.
  • Traps. Everything is simple, it affects the chance of hitting a trap when activating such.
  • Negative effect. All other effects that do not fall into previous items fall into this category.

Four of the best & one

The game has implemented not all characters, but let's look at the best. Which will help you to pass everything without much losses.

Indispensable satellites:

  • (Fourth Slot) The jester: imposes a very useful group bough speed, critical impact, accuracy and chaotically reduce stress from your heroes with the help of auxiliary skill. Also impose strong bleeding. (Always need to keep in the fourth position).
  • (Third slot) nun: there is nothing to say. The only character with stable treatment is also stunned with a torch replenishment and self-treatment with a blow to four hex.
  • (Second slot) Treasure hunter: Ace in each sleeve, has a strong control with an indicator of 200% chance to stun. If you wear a couple of artifacts on a stunning chance - it's stunning any boss, guaranteeing the machine. (Even in the appendage, two skills in the company's skills branch, which increase the chance of "surprise" of opponents and the chance that the Hunter group itself does not fall into the "surprise" ". And may impose BAU" Intelligence ").

So the list of "Masthev" is closed. In the fourth slot you can put any character, but I always take the Crusader or Barbara.

Pros of these two characters:

  • Crusader: He has treatment, strong impact strikes and impact on the fourth slim, which moves the character to one slot forward. The additives can be replenished by a torch resource due to a banner and aegid.
  • Barbarian: It has strong blows and very effective mill in 200%, which beats at once two goals in the first two slots.

There are no other characters in the account due to the fact that due to practice - there is no worthy characters in the slots that can be put in return for treatment, the BAU and the decline in stress. Treasure Hunter is the best controlling character that allows you to walk with an extinct torch. He can with the help of a skill of the company - to reduce the chance of "surprise". Further the choice is yours, who should be in your first slot.

Improving estate

The most important thing is that you need to know in which sequence.

First of all, to improve the recruiting of new characters for once, preferably before the first level. Then improve the guild to the first and second level of skills. Then the blacksmith in the level of the characters, the first thing to improve the weapon, then armor.

Tactics of Boy

The main thing is to use the correct combination of skills and always monitor the speed of the enemy. The first thing is stunning those who can attack at once all or get long-range slots that are less protected.

The jester has the highest speed indicator, which gives him the opportunity to impose his Buff of speeds, accuracy and Crete at all. A trail is either a Hiller or a hunter, it is better to start the priest from trying to stun. But Hiller has only 100% stunning chance, which means you choose the most vulnerable or hit the discharge of the farthest opponents, which will not reach your first two slots.

Because of the jester, you will almost always be the first in the course, and therefore take the barbarian, it guarantees you a 200% chance of the mill on the first two cells immediately, the wilderness of either a two-month enemy, or at once two that it makes it very useful.

As a result, we have three stunned and one almost dead or already dead. If the stunning fails or the enemy will have time to criticize or cause damage to health / stress, then Hiller and the jester will remove stress and cure you.

The best artifacts are the best.

In this section, I will tell you what and why artifacts are needed by our heroes.

  • Jester: hawk suspension with a chance of evasion and speed (two pieces). The jester is located on the fourth slot and it will most often attack enemy long-range units. And by itself, the jester is a very skinny owner of the reserves of health.
  • Priest: It is best to take artifacts for the speed and accuracy of distant attacks. All the attacking skills of the priest is distant, the Book of Raire and the Sniper Ring is best. The ring will give the desired accuracy and close the most critical minus book of rage, the book itself will give two points of speed and damage, which is in battle with subtle opponents.
  • Treasure Hunter: It's very simple here, two amulet on the chance of the mill and minus evasion. With such a layout, he will be able to guarantee a stunning to any enemy, even bosses with high resistance to stunning.
  • Crusader: Two rings of perseverance, they will allow holding strikes any opponents with minimal damage and additional health items. Although they will cut evasion, but I can say on experience - this is the best choice. Even Crete some mob beat 1 damage, and bosses above 8 damage did not beat. And if you enter the rack of protection - you will become immortal.
  • If you took Varvara: the same instructions as to the hunter, everything is on the chance of stunning.

How and with what they eat

Although there are many artifacts in the game, but not all of them are useful and are generally applicable.
Most give more minuses than pluses. But the least critical those that reduce resistance. I will explain why:
Resistance grows with a level, not all, but most. And most of the mobs have attacks with negative effects that do not exceed the indicator 100%, so you can, with a high level, dial 100% resistance and slightly reduce their artifacts to a certain level.

But in the game there are artifacts that did not possess the minuses, the Barbarian has such a percentage of damage and the chance to impose bleeding effect. Also there are artifacts that strongly reduce evasion, but also give a characteristic that cannot be obtained by another (except for obtaining hardening pepper). An obvious example is a ring of persistence that is best suited to the crusader or lepers.

But all the same, most of the artifacts cannot be used due to the fact that they cut the main combat characteristics.

I advise you to choose artifacts with minus resistances that you get with a level to a decent level, and not with minus speed, accuracy and other things.


As a result, we have a remote, which is capable of getting dry from the water and re-pass new circles of hell, without loss in their rows.

Thanks for reading this guide on the Darkest Dungeon game.

Attention! This material is relevant for the 7794 game version. If you notice any inaccuracies, then leave a description in the comments. You can update.

After an unsuccessful start, do not start the game first.

In order to lose in Darkest Dungeon, you need to very much and try. The fact is that throughout the game you have a free live resource, namely, new heroes, which, regardless of the circumstances of your previous hiking, again and again appear in a recruiter kibit.

Cemetery of heroes with a description where and from whose hands they died. Nervous often list is not recommended.

The death of previous recruits affects only the length of the list on the cemetery. Therefore, it is all first to start, especially if you contapgraded several buildings, there is no sense.

Carefully choose the heroes in Roster.

First of all, pay attention to the sickness of the applicant - than them less, the better. Next, check the Hero's abilities and select whether you have more useful, because on the erased hero with the "left" skills that you do not use, you will have to spend extra money.

Conduct balanced improvements in the city.

Do not neglect the decline in the cost of treatment, improvement of armor and weapons, as well as pumping abilities, since you, for example, can not pump the character of the first level of the armor or weapon of the second level.

Do not worry - put on the hero of the zero-level armor of the first level either will not work either.

That is, in order to wear armor 4 level character should be at least 4 levels. Therefore, if you have no high-level heroes in the team, it is worth spending resources to reduce the cost of buying skills, armor, weapons, etc.

Reduce the cost of buying abilities for survival last.

This is due to the fact that at first long journeys will be little, short and medium will come across much more often. In the first, you will not be able to use these abilities at all, and secondly, only once, and at this time, their wrong selection will not be critical. In addition, short samples are best suited for Pharma, since for their passage you will need less resources that clog the smaller number of inventory slots and you can take almost everything that falls at hand in the dungeon.

Improvement not only reduces the price of hiking skills, but also increases their number.

After increasing the number of heroes in Roster, you can rather painlessly assemble a group with various hiking skills, instead of buying fit in a tent.

Collect the team and highlight "Dream Tim".

Already after several experiments with the team makeup, you will understand your perfect combination that you will be comfortable to play. Because In Roster, you can have a maximum of 20 heroes, we have 5 teams for 4 people each. Do not dial random classes from your kibitat to Roster - select specific classes for future commands. Create a team with incomprehensible to you while the classes of heroes, in order to experiment once again, find out the strengths and weaknesses.

Candidate in Dream Tim: a bunch of useful permanent buffs and one minor disease.

In this case, the hurry is not needed if there is no need, but not to whom, then type the random heroes for the "suicidal hike", the purpose of which will be updating the recruitment set in the kibitka, the maximum earning money from the campaign with the subsequent dismissal of all the heroes of such a "suicidal hike "Who grasted stress and the treatment of which is a pity to spend money.

Have a balanced Camping Skills team for large levels.

In the campaign you will deal with stress, small amounts of health, dotami and debuff, as well as with possible battles immediately after coagulation of the camps. Therefore, in a full-fledged team, which calculates the long swells on the dungeons without any problems should be heroes with various abilities.

Excellent Vestal hiking, reduced stress with religious team members (Bounty Hunter, Crusader, Occultist).

That is, sharpened, for example, under the removal of stress in the camp, the team can easily finish the journey did not fly away from the fact that it was not able to replenish a sufficient amount of health during the parking lot due to the lack of necessary skills from its members.

Spent resources for upgrades with the mind.

Do not improve anything just because "I have enough of it right now!" Decide that in this situation it is critical for you: if your team grabbed the diseases that need to urgently cure, then it makes no sense to invest in a forge, and if your heroes are strongly "enhanced", then of course there is no point in improving some cathedral to remove stress right here And now, especially if you have little characters with a critical level of stress. Take patience and through one successful or not very hike. Perfect what you really need a shot. About "suicidal hiking" for Pharma should also not forget.

Treat critical diseases in the first place.

All diseases that give digital minus are treated first. All other diseases are situational and therefore less dangerous. These include kleptomania, various phobias and wishes to climb into any chest or choke any altar. Logic here is simple - you may not meet altari and other dangerous things and these diseases can simply not work. But there are always diseases with digital minuses (with the exception of minuses for specific types of enemies).

Typical "critical" disease. In the underground Weald Masha will be susceptible to 20% more stress. It is better to cure immediately than suddenly detect such a hero in this dungeon with this ailment.

Also follow diseases that do not allow the characters to take stress in the city in any building (cathedral or tavern), especially if you do not have improved these buildings. Do not treat "useless" diseases. For example, a character who does not hang fills can "get sick" minus a chance to the imposition of Dot. It is clear that you do not need to spend money on cure from this disease.

Lisa has -5 to accuracy attacks from the distance. Because She is Hellion and she has a secreir in her hands (unexpectedly), which she does not have the opportunity to quit, then you do not need to treat this disease.

Open incomprehensible objects with smaller stress and high health.

If you are lazy, do not want to climb on the Vicky on DD and you have little experience in the dungeons that you can meet in the dungeons of the game and what the effect will entail the lazain with the playful handles for incomprehensible doors, reconcted to open everything with a healthy and stress-resistant hero. You may not be able to get a debuff or a huge piece of stress, as a result of which the hero risks die or go crazy. Well, or "do not know - do not touch."

Before going around, calculate the amount of money necessary for its comfortable passage.

First of all, after returning to the city, decide what next dungeon you will go, who will go to it, count how much you will spend on the supplies (food, shovels, torches, etc.). So you will understand how much you will have free money that you can spend on treatment, removal of stress and pumping the skills of heroes.

One hundred fifty gold in the rest. We do not treat anyone, do not buy anything.

Such a sequence will not be a chance to thoughtlessly spend gold on the city and heroes, while staying without supplies to the next trip. Does not apply to "suicidal campaigns" in which you can walk in general without supplies.

Keep the leisure heroes.

Yes, you can't lose in Darkest Dungeon because of the constant influx of those who want to get on the brains in dark surveys, but you can lose a ton of time and money if you lose in the race of a really leased hero (heroes). Even the most enjoyable reward is not worth the money and efforts that you spent on the character, say, the fourth level.

Very funny button, which, when "no time to explain, everything is bad" will allow to escape from the battle, sparkling heels.

This is especially true for combat units without disease and with accumulated permanent buffs (to the left of diseases are yellow), heavily pumped skills, armor and weapon. The beauty is that you can get out of battle at any time of your turn. Do not move this opportunity, do not throw the bosses corpses, be calculated.

Kill single goals.

The best sick of his squad and the best means not to get stress - the rapid murder of the enemy. There is no point in leave four goals with 5% of health and at the same time get from every damage or a greater portion of stress in the following course. Use the abilities that cause damage to several enemies, in situations, when, for example, one of the goals are very little health and you will be guaranteed to kill it, while the enemy standing nearby. Leave armored tails for a snack, leading first goals with a big damage and a small amount of life. Do not forget about priorities at a particular point in time - if the main thing is not to get stress, then kill his enemies appreciating one after another (usually such uncomfortable opponents stand behind), if you have problems with the health of the team, then focus on the low-breed goals with great damage. The more you play, the faster you will study the enemies - which of them more often criticizes who hangs stress who hits several goals immediately, etc. Remember the ability of opponents and then you can understand who represents the greatest threat.

Stack of dots and buffs.

All dots and buffs in the game are stuck up to a certain level, so do not hesitate to hurt your enemies as much more thanks as possible, and as many baffs as possible. Stacking on itself Buffov is especially effective before meeting with bosses when you are on a privala in a room next to the boss. Handbook as much baffs as possible on your best damage and good luck!

Use dots and brands mainly on "thick" and hard-to-reach enemies.

There is no point in using dots or brands for sorrow (which you can kill for one or two blows), for the purposes that are about to die. At the same time, Doti and Tags are extremely effective on "fatty" bosses and "thick" enemies that you will pick long enough. Beautiful dots show themselves also on bosses or simple enemies, which over time roll back in recent positions, instructing skeletons in front of them (boss necromancer) or worse. Do not forget to check the enemy's resists before you hang dot on it.

Have at least one cruiser in the team.

Pretty controversial advice, but only this hero has the ability to take stress right during the battle. It is because of this ability and it is worth taking it to the team. If a lot of stress has accumulated in your gang, then leave one or two silence enemies, and you ourselves are stressful with your heroes crueider, while stunning opponents.

Love him for Stress Heal +5.

Remember that if you do this without damage to enemies for several moves, the heroes will receive stress. If there are no stunning abilities in your team, then the remaining enemies that need you only for the removal of stress, abilities with a small damage (different tags, dots, etc.).

Think over the route by the dungeon.

As soon as you get on the card, the first thing to make such a route, in which you had to go as little as possible once open transitions and rooms. It will save you time for passing, the heroes will save the heroes from unnecessary stress and will save on torches.

Try not to use the abilities that rearrange enemies.

The main goal of using such skills is to pull forward an uncomfortable and dangerous enemy standing behind, and then kill his skills of heroes that can only attach the first 2-3 goals. The reasons for which I give this advice as many as three. First, it is sometimes easier to kill the enemies standing ahead, so that standing behind the opponent himself fell to you. The exceptions are cases where the first two places occupy one thick enemy, but even in such a situation it is sometimes easier to kill the montra standing at position 3, thereby tightening the position 4 to the position of the enemy killed at position. Secondly, the ability to rearrange enemies apply very little damage and you, roughly speaking, lose a whole course on it, which could be spent on damage ahead of standing monsters. Thirdly, when collecting the team, it is desirable to have in the third-second position of the hero, which could more or less beat all the goals, well, or at least a goal standing at position 3.

  • After the task requirements are completed, you can return to the village at any time - it is enough to click on the coat of arms at any time. To leave the dungeon, it is not necessary to return to the entrance.
  • The hospital is usually used to get rid of harmful features and diseases of heroes. In addition, there can be enhanced by a useful traction; At the same time, it will become constant, and new useful features will not be able to oust it. Each hero can consolidate up to 3 useful character traits.
  • Some monsters have a high security indicator that reduces the resulting damage. Effects that cause damage over time (poison and bleeding) are ignored by protection and therefore are particularly effective against such impenetrable opponents.
  • Over time, some harmful features of the hero are fixed and becoming serious. Get rid of a serious harmful feature in the hospital will cost much more expensive.
  • The light of torches will gradually fade! The current level of lighting affects many factors in the game. The darker around, the harder the heroes and the greater the possible reward. To make the light brighter again, right-click on the torch in the inventory.
  • The supplies should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the area where you are heading, the duration of the task and your preferences. In any case, it is worth getting a stock of food and torches! Going on your first short task, take at least 8 servings of food and 4 torches.
  • At the same time, the hero may have no more than 4 active combat skills. Activate and disconnect the skills by changing your arsenal.
  • The hero can have no more than 4 active camp skills, but only 3 is available at hiring.
  • When the heroes are no longer able to withstand stress, they develop psychosis. This affects their behavior and characteristics. If you fail to completely remove the stress of the hero during the task, the psychosis will have to take care of the city.
  • Sometimes heroes react to excessive stress in heroic, experiencing a mental lift! This elevated state of the spirit is preserved until the next prival or before returning to the village, improves the characteristics of the hero and gives other advantages.
  • When the health of the hero drops to zero, it turns out to be in death. Collure the hero so that he is no longer in death!
  • At any time you can run from the battlefield or refuse to task to save your heroes.
  • The detected traps will be visible on the floor when you approach them. Choose a hero and click on the trap to try to neutralize it. Some heroes cope with this task better than others.
  • Each hero can wear two decorations. Just drag the desired decoration from the inventory into the cell of the chosen hero. As a rule, decorations have their advantages and their cons. Some decorations are available only to the heroes of certain classes.
  • Each task has its own goals and rewards, and each terrain has its own characteristics. Try different combinations and see what and where it works. However, we recommend to take a Vestka or Occultist with me everywhere, as they know how to cure other heroes.
  • For each successfully completed task, heroes receive determination points. The level of determination of the hero depends on the points of determination. If the hero with a low determination will go on a difficult task, then it will quickly break under the action of unbearable stress.
  • Stress continues to accumulate and after psychosis. If the scales of stress at the hero will be filled twice, then its body will refuse. It is necessary to treat heroes or return to the city before it happens.
  • From the dead monsters remain corpses. They are not allowed to go through, but over time disappear. You can attack the corpse so that it disappears faster, but for this purpose, long-range fighting skills, pushing and attracting, as well as special skills of deliverance from corpses, which own some heroes.
  • If the monster died of bleeding, poison or critical impact, then the corpse will not remain.
  • Heroes that completed the task in the darkest dungeon will never return there, but you can invite them to other tasks.
  • After passing the game, a new complexity of New Game +

Based on the general opinion, Darkest Dungeone is considered a challenging game, and therefore the information given here can be useful as novice, just running the game and experienced adventurers who are not the first hundred o'clock, but still experiencing difficulties. For convenience, the headlines are made at the very beginning of the article - the content that will allow you to choose the section that interests and not waste time for you unnecessary for you. Most of the moments will be written in terms of passing the game on Stygian, which is applicable for other levels of complexity.

Difficulty levels

After the roller, you will have the opportunity to click on the envelope, thereby creating a game profile. You will be offered three levels of difficulty, as shown in the illustration above.


Suitable for familiarizing the game. The dungeon is shorter, and the number of lives of opponents (and bosses!) Is lower than in the other levels of complexity, which is a very important element of the game. Judge himself - the opponent has more health, therefore, it is necessary to spend more resources for it. If you kill the enemy in the world with two heroes, then this particular difference in lives will not allow you to do it on Stygian. You will need to strike the third, which means that others will survive and cause you damage. And so, the fight for the battle, the team will weaken. The light will allow you to get comfortable in the game, arrange priorities in the dungeons, but can relax, because Mode and truth is not very complex.

ATTENTION, IMPORTANT: The complexity affects only on the life of opponents, but not on the resistance!


Also suitable for familiarizing the game. Yes, it is more difficult than the light, but does not allow to relax and trains the method of trial and errors, because There is no restrictions on time for passage. The level of difficulty for those who are not afraid of the call from the game and is preparing for playing Stygian.

Bloody Moon / Pitch Darkness / Stygian

Long dungeons, the maximum number of lives at opponents. The torch flies faster. In addition, there is a time limit and in the number of deaths.

Total darkness is Darkest Dungeone without adding the CRIMSON COURT. It applies the following restrictions:

For weeks - 86.

For deaths - 12.

Bloody Moon, respectively, includes the addition of the CRIMSON Court. Restrictions:

For weeks - 100.

By fatal - 16.

After the time or if the cemetery remains for the corpses, you lose.

ATTENTION, IMPORTANT: To have time to go through the game on time, it is not necessary to defeat all the bosses. It is enough to pass a darker dungeon. And this will be our strategy in the passage of Stygian. After the victory over the last boss, all restrictions will be removed and you can easily have fun at this level of difficulty further, without fear of being late or buried more than you need. In general, I do not recommend newcomers at least because before going to the darker dungeon, it is advisable to explore it well. Stygian does not give such an opportunity, and the shaking blindly guaranteed means death.

City and development strategy

Yes, the darker dungeon begins not with the dungeon, but from the city (not counting the old road). The right building not only facilitates the passage of the game, but also speeds up your promotion to the final (which is very important, playing on Stygian). Improvement is made at the expense of four currencies, which you can see in the image above - busts, portraits, boss and emblems.

Initially, you are available: Diligence, Gypsy Chibeza, Cemetery and Family Memoirs.


The most important building is in this game. Without a diligence, you will just be able to send to the dungeon. Skills and artifacts are meaningless without heroes. That is why, first of all, you will need to do the improvement of the diligence. Every week, two new hero will be boosted for you (every week is changing. The quantity will not be copied). But there are subtlety, because the number of places is limited (from the very beginning - 10). Fortunately, the reserve can be expanded.

Decoration improvements:

The network of diligeans - each level increases the influx of new heroes in a diligence to one.

Heroes barracks - each level expands the number of places for your heroes.

Experienced recruits - high-level heroes will come with some chance in the diligence.

From the very beginning I recommend to give one level of the network of diligeans and the barracks of heroes. So far, let's leave in the rest of the diligence, because for its improvement is required fombing (and herba, by itself). Fombing We will need to improve the blacksmith. Now every week they come to you three characters (this is still more than enough) and you have 13 places for heroes. What does 13 seats mean? These are 3 completely different groups, ready to perform in the dungeon, while other heroes rest (treat stress, relieve negative features). When your list is from 12-13 heroes, you can get out for another level of the barracks of heroes. Why do not pump a network of diligeans? The list of heroes will not bearing for too much increase and it will be useless. The only advantage is a big choice of heroes. However, because I consider all the characters with useful and necessary, for me and this plus is leveled in the accumulation of deposits to improve the blacksmith. But as soon as the improvement is available, experienced recruits - Improve (requires busts). This will allow us to receive heroes with level 1, with all the skills (second level) and the equipment of the second level. That is, they do not have to spend money on them (first time).

Gypsy Chibeet, Cemetery and Family Memoirs

What you do not need.

Gypsy Kibitika Responsible for the sale of artifacts. Prices there are terrible. Gold you need for many other purposes - treatment of stress at the heroes, the removal of negative traits and the consolidation of positive, improve their equipment and skills and the banal purchase of supplies in the dungeon. Initially, two artifacts on the purchase are available in the kibitake (change every week).

Improvements of the Gypsy Chibute:

Chibeet size - increases the number of artifacts available for purchase.

The trading network - heeshes the artifacts.

Requires only herba And I ask you until the end of the game, do not even look into this cereal establishment.

Cemetery Serves one goal - mock you. You can go there and mourn the fallen heroes that you gave a unique name and chose the color of their clothes and who died stupidly (for example, I had that I had a completely healthy hero dies at the beginning of the dungeon from two crises in a row). As mentioned above, a special role is assigned a special role in Stygian. There is also one urban event that allows you to resurrect the fallen hero. It will keep his determination, but all his skills and equipment will be the first level.

Family memoirs On the contrary, demonstrate your achievements. There you can listen to the story of a defeated boss (divided into three parts - one on each complexity of the dungeon), as well as read the mined diaries.

Blacksmith, Guild, Forester House

Blacksmith - One of the key spheres in the game, allowing you to win. Responsible for improving the equipment of heroes - weapons and armor.

Enhanced blacksmith:

Forging weapons - allows you to improve weapons.

Forging armor - improves armor.

The furnace - hesitates improving weapons and armor.

For improvement requires fombing (and of course, herba). Kupi will need a lot, which is why I do not recommend everything to spend on a diligence. Before going on any boss, it is important to improve all the outfitting of the heroes to a possible limit (that is, against the "green bosses" to the second level, "orange" to the fourth level, "red" to the maximum level - fifth). First of all, it is better to better improve the forging of weapons and armor, if not to the maximum, then before the third level, ignoring the furnace. Yes, it will be not weak for the equipment to make up for equipment, but with such a scheme you will quickly leave the "green" levels to Orange, which contributes to the increase and monetary turnover and the relics received (busts, portraits, deposits and coat of arms).

Guild - Another key sphere. Responsible for improving the skills of heroes.

Guild improvements:

Instructor mastery - allows you to improve skills.

Preparation mode - cheapens to improve skills.

For improvement requires portraits (and herba) That we will spend only on the guild until it is completely not improved. Recommendations are similar: try to go to bosses with the most improved skills; First of all, insert the instructor in the skill (level to the third), then into the preparation mode.

House Lesnik - Less useful construction that allows you to buy camp skills.

Improvement of the forester's home:

Bonfire - hearses the acquisition of camp skills.

For improvement requires only herba. I often went to the forester's house playing on Stygian, because Very important skills protecting from night attacks. It is also important to monitor the combinations of skills - heroic useful than common. Four skills available, at the hero initially there can be only three of them - sometimes it is necessary to purchase. In general, there are details that can affect the outcome of your campaign to the dungeon. At other levels of difficulty, you can go into this structure at about the same time, when in a gypsy kibitu.

Tavern, Monastery, Medical

Tavern - The building engaged in the removal of stress. Negative features of heroes can determine a specific place where he wants to go or vice versa, will not go into any.

In the restaurant there are three improved institutions: bar, games, brothel.

Two improvements are aimed at accelerating recovery after stress, two on the cheapening of treatment and two on the expansion of the place for heroes. For improvement requires portraits (and eerches). In general, I do not recommend investing in this institution before the end of the game (until you improve the guild and do not build all the buildings in the suburb, requiring portraits)

Monastery - similar to the restaurant building.

Three enhanced places: a cloud, a translat and a lounge of repentance.

For improvement requires busts (Yes, herba also). I do not recommend improving until the end of the game (until you improve the hospital and do not build all the buildings in the suburbs that require busts). I often send heroes to the monastery, because There they cannot lose / drink gold, artifacts, although there and there are their nuances. For example, the heroes may generally abide for a week or another (while occupying a slot in the building). Where heroes can get negative features (associated with the fact that they will not want to visit this place, or vice versa, will visit only it).

Hospital - takes place in a number of the most useful buildings. Allows you to remove negative features and consolidate positive. The trait is that straw, which can win you fight, or lose it. That face, that nuance, which can remain behind the scenes, but to influence constantly. In general, this is an important aspect of the game. Also treats diseases.

Improving care:

The treatment library - reduces the removal / fixation of the feature.

Medical devices - cheapens treatment of diseases and raises the chance to cure more than one disease.

Chambers of patients - increases the number of places for heroes.

For improvement requires busts (+ herba). First of all, I recommend to the maximum to improve the library of treatment - here it is important, and then, the chambers of patients. Lastly, medical devices (although a couple of levels can be improved at the beginning). Diseases are better not to receive at all, and if they got, some heroes can cure them right during the campaign! Therefore, it is often necessary to spend money for treatment and the improvement of this branch is simply not.


Prices for building submissions are beware before the middle-end of the game. In addition to the prices in relics and gold, for construction requires blueprintsthat you can get a winning bosses (either at an event). In general, when playing a game for a while, I managed to build only one building before the battle with the final boss, so I can not give any special recommendations. For other difficulties, you can rebuild everything.

First of all, reflect the city, and then proceed to the outlook.

The bank adds 5% of the amount in your treasury. It allows you to forget about savings with the correct handling of money and to get out even for artifacts in the Gypsy kibitka.

Cartographic tent - the flare light brings more benefits.

Barn - gives some free food before the dungeon, allows you to treat a little more health from food (by 15%). It is not so important because in the group of heroes, the doctor is obligatory.

Puppet Theater - stress unoccupied heroes decreases by 10. Allows you to save money on the treatment of stress.

Bloodstockable workshop - 2 blood bottles / week. Very useful building, allowing you to ignore the laying location in the courtyard.

And 6 buildings aimed at improving each hero. Build, based on your own preferences and strategies.

So, summarize. First of all, we spend boss on improving the diligence (one level on the network and barracks, and then, in need, expand the barracks); Portraits We spend on improving the guild to maximum; Beebo - on improving the blacksmith to the maximum and busts - to improve the hospital to the maximum. After that, you can build the outskirts of the outskirts, and lastly, to spend money on the remaining buildings - first to the monastery and bar, then to the Gypsy kibituka. Forester's house improve the need, but, in general, also last.