TDI Group and Morozproduct have united generations in an advertising game. Golden plans of the company "Morozproduct Game ice cream 28 kopecks

You just need to choose the right ice cream - "28 kopecks" or FRUDOZA from the "Morozproduct" company (for details, see "BE ON THE COURSE!"). The advertising game "Generations of the country, unite!", Which gives this chance, in full swing, the number of participants is growing. What do they gain? Who are these people? What motivates them more: the desire to win a prize or love for ice cream? We managed to talk to the winners of one of the stages of the game and find out everything.

Dmitry: He prophesied to himself when he said: "The TV will hang here!"

Tips for materializing desires usually boil down to the fact that you need to want something specific and as accurately as possible represent the object of your desires and its place in your life. Dmitry Zadiran, a 33-year-old resident of Minsk, did just that. Hearing that in the advertising game "Generations of the country, unite!" you can win a big good TV, he said, pointing to the wall in his apartment: "This TV will hang here!" Only after that he got acquainted with the rules of the game and became a participant in it, although he does not at all consider himself a gambler.

I have never participated in such promotions, draws, I have never even been to a casino, - Dmitry admits. - And then I thought: if you buy a lot of ice cream in the summer, why not try your luck. My whole family is ice cream lovers: my dad, my sister and my husband, and their children. Unsurprisingly, we ate over 50 servings of ice cream in total in a month. You didn't even need to change your tastes to participate in the action. For example, I really love the classic ice cream, so ice cream "28 kopecks" is always a pleasure. And nephews love FRUDOZA. And the heat began just at that time, and there is never too much ice cream for those with a sweet tooth in such weather.

Now I advise everyone: play! - says Dmitry. - After all, at first I did not consider myself lucky, but I chose a prize for myself - and won. Thanks to the organizers of the game "Generations of the country, unite!" And participating in it is not at all difficult.

Anton: The first five fillings brought good luck

For Anton Anglinsky "Generations of the country, unite!" also became the first advertising campaign in which he took part.

Most of all I like the 28 kopeck ice cream. When I found out about the stock, I started buying it more often, ”says Anton. - And already the first five packs of ice cream, the codes of which I registered, brought me luck - I won a laptop bag and a backpack.

Around the same time, Anton received a lucrative job offer (he is an economist-manager by profession), so it is quite possible that this win marked the beginning of a streak of success. Moreover, the drawing of the main prize - a car that Anton claims on an equal basis with all the participants in the game - is still ahead.

Lyudmila: Tablet and phone are the first big win

Sometimes she won something, but in little things: now a blanket, then a bag. And now the win is not just big, but doubly pleasant - both a mobile phone and a tablet. Very handy. I was just going to change the phone!

Lyudmila's husband also had a hand in winning. With regard to ice cream, they have the same tastes - both prefer FRUDOZA, which they once tried as a novelty and have been buying it constantly since then.

FRUDOZA is very juicy and refreshing, with pieces of fruit, - says Lyudmila. - Today we have discovered another novelty from the Morozproduct company - 7 kopeck fruit and berry sorbet. I also liked it very much.

Lyudmila does not exclude that her beloved FRUDOZA can bring good luck and bigger. After all, summer is still ahead, ice cream will still be the main delicacy in the family, which means that many codes from its packages will still be registered. After all, those who have already won something are not prohibited from playing further.

Victor: Won a gift for your own wedding!

And for the programmer Viktor Zhilko, winning a TV and a game console became a gift for his own wedding! We talked with him and his future wife Anastasia just on the eve of this event and learned that FRUDOZA brought good luck in the game.

I really love this ice cream and in the heat I ate it two packs a day. I like that there are fruits and milk, and not just popsicles, - says Anastasia. - When I found out about the advertising game, I told my husband: “Why do we just eat it like that? Let's register! " So I was mainly responsible for eating ice cream, and Victor was registering the codes. For two weeks there were 15 of them. And there is still a supply in the freezer at home - both FRUDOZA and the 28 kopeck ice cream. And this is not only because of the action. I really love ice cream very much, and my husband too. We can just eat it and buy fresh berries (blueberries, strawberries) at the market. For this, I bought beautiful bowls.

By the way, this is not the first time I have played with the Morozproduct company - many years ago, when I was still at school, I won a tent thanks to Gosha ice cream.

It seems to me that ice cream is such a product that everyone likes, - says Victor. - Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to participate in this game and win. Efforts for this are minimal, costs are small, and registration is very simple. Our advice based on our own experience: participate, eat ice cream with pleasure and do not bother with thoughts of victory - then it will come by itself!


Advertising game "Generations of the country, unite!" runs from 10 May to 31 August. There are double prizes every two weeks: laptop bag and backpack, phone and tablet, TV and game console. The main prize - a stylish car and a city bike - will be drawn in the final. Place of the drawing of the main prize: Minsk, Central Children's Park named after M.Gorky

Details on the website

And may luck smile at you in this sweet game!

Certificate of state registration No. 2721 dated 03.24.2016, issued by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus, Organizer of the advertising game TDI Promovent LLC, UNP 190771520.

JLLC "Morozproduct", UNP 101501860

Our Belarusian sluggish winter, in accordance with the instructions of Hydromet and partly with its correct forecasts, ended ... in April. The notorious spring-summer period has come.

For our specialized publication, this means the need to pay attention to such product groups as ice cream. Let's put it simpler and harder. It makes sense to dwell on ice cream and one of its leading manufacturers.

It will be very difficult to write something fundamentally new about the company "Morozprodukt" and their products, although ... Quite interesting.

To begin with, let's recall a few historical milestones. To start a conversation.

"Seventeen +" moments of spring ...

"Morozproduct" appeared on the map of the Belarusian food market almost 20 years ago, in the spring of 1998. During this time, sorry for the somewhat clichéd expression, the company has won its place in the minds of consumers and trade in Belarus and Russia. "Morozproduktovskie" symbols - the classic series of ice cream "20 kopecks" and "28 kopecks", the charming parrot Gosha, the first Belarusian ice cream with pieces of berries and fruits under the FRUDOZA brand have become recognizable, popular and in demand ...

Four years ago, in May 2013, Morozproduct JLLC opened its own, brand new, ice cream factory in Maryina Gorka. This made it possible to increase the volume and release a variety of new items. The company's portfolio includes new types of popsicles, briquettes, sandwiches, cones, as well as original large-volume packaging (so that it will probably be enough for the whole family or company) and much more. A whole magazine is enough for listing and description. But this is unnecessary.

Therefore, today you will find out what to expect in general from one of the recognized market leaders in 2017. At the same time, we will recall and tell you about several original "models" of the last seasons.

In general, all the news and nostalgic elements are in one article.

All the best comes from childhood

Today we all know that in childhood the trees are bigger, the sun is brighter, the grass is greener, and ice cream tastes better. But that's kind of in theory. And the Morozproduct team decided to prove that everything was so in reality. Anyway, if we talk about ice cream.

Exactly ten years ago, in 2007, the line of fillings was revived, which caused nostalgia among the middle generation - about 30 years old and older. It was a real marketing and taste breakthrough. The series was popularly called “Soviet theme” or simply “kopecks”: ice cream “20 kopecks” and “28 kopecks”. The success was phenomenal.

But "Morozprodukt" is also different in that it never stops at what has been achieved. In addition to the 20 kopeck and 28 kopeck ice cream seals in different versions, since 2016 the company has launched a series of 7 kopeck sorbet, a new product for the market. Cherry-apple and apple sorbets are based on natural fruit puree intended for baby food.

It would seem that what else can be done here, fundamentally new, and why? However, in 2017, the company decided to creatively develop the famous "Soviet theme" and connect it with modernity. Thus, at the beginning of the year, ice cream “28 kopecks” with strawberry flavor appeared, plus real creamy ice cream in the shape of a heart - with the same romantic strawberry flavor. These novelties instantly declared themselves.

At the largest Eastern European food exhibition "Prodexpo" in Moscow, new strawberry ice cream from the legendary series "28 kopecks" immediately received a gold medal - within the framework of the "Best Product" competition.

The fact that the company decided to offer the first novelties of the season back in January, indirectly makes one recall Churchill's phrase during the Great Patriotic War: "The people who eat ice cream right on the street in a fierce winter with such an appetite are invincible."

Gosha is good

Parrot Gosha has been and remains a symbol of the company - practically from the day of its foundation. The company is changing ... Gosha lives, grows and develops, following the interests of modern children.

As a result, under the old and really good brand "Gosha", completely new, somewhat revolutionary products are being produced today. One of such new products is “screw” creamy ice cream with “Bubble Gum” flavor. It presents complex interesting tastes, while the delicacy is bright and original served. Absolutely in the style and spirit of the Morozproduct company.

And already a new generation of children, who know nothing about the first steps of the legendary parrot almost 20 years ago, will babble touchingly to their smiling parents today: "Gosha is good."

By the way, this truth was confirmed at the already mentioned Moscow "Prodexpo" in February this year. The new ice cream was warmly received by ordinary and non-ordinary visitors of the exhibition, highly appreciated by the professional jury. The result of the first appearance at this ball of new tastes and product revelations - a silver medal for ice cream "Gosha" with taste "Bubble Gum".

Pistachio surprises

In addition, the Morozproduct company and its technologists have recently been working a lot and fruitfully with such a recognized nut delicacy as
pistachios. This focus has resulted in the expansion of two popular ice cream series starting in 2015.

First, a series of ice cream cones in a crispy sugar cone under the famous brand "Gosha" supplemented with a new pistachio flavor. These products were launched two years ago and have become quite popular.

In addition, already in 2017, ice cream "Caprice"(famous for the use of chocolate chip cookies) was complemented by the extraordinarily aromatic taste of pureed pistachios. It is unnecessary to write something about their “unique, fabulous taste”. The imposition of one's opinion and taste often provokes a backlash. Any layman will tell you this.

We only note that this ice cream did not remain without an award at Prodexpo. Apparently, so that Morozproduct could evaluate the entire medal spectrum of the Best Product competition, the jury awarded the new Caprice a bronze medal. Although it certainly deserved more.

But we will not argue about tastes. A medal is, by definition, good. However, sooner or later it needs to be put aside and start doing something new.

Here we put "ellipsis"

Of course, within the framework of one material it is impossible to tell about everything that should be expected from the Morozproduct company this year. We only know for certain that there will be more news, very loud.

Let's just hint at a couple of phrases ... The company is confident that this year can become a landmark both for Morozproduct and for the entire ice cream market. Speaking in an official style, the company plans to release new items by the summer that will be of interest to the consumer and profitable for trade.

Total ... We will talk about all the new ideas of "Morozproduct" promptly and as original as possible. Take our word for it - it will be interesting.

Ice cream is everyone's favorite delicacy, especially his children adore. Many adults still remember the taste of the Soviet ice cream they ate as a child. Today it is endowed with a Belarusian product " 28 kopecks ". Ice cream that tastes familiar from childhood. It is very popular among the inhabitants of the country as it is very tasty and nutritious. It is consumed in both thirty-degree heat and twenty-degree frost. People eat over half a million tons of delicious cold dessert every year.


Ice cream "28 kopecks" was created specifically for lovers of traditional ice cream, which is made from natural ingredients and does not melt quickly. This product is quite fatty, but also the most delicious of all. It is made from milk, butter and eggs. In this case, the fat content can reach twenty percent. The manufacturer produces this, it can have various flavors, since, in addition to the classic version, there are also aromas of vanilla, strawberry, cocoa or lemon in a fat glaze that covers the dessert. The stick allows you to comfortably hold the product in your hands. " 28 kopecks "- ice cream, which is in demand, because, thanks to its qualities, it is able to give people a good mood on the hottest summer day, as well as remind them of the taste that came from childhood.

Composition and nutritional value

Structure ice cream "28 kopecks" (Belarus) has several differences from the one that was produced during the Soviet era. Today this dessert is made from water, fat glaze (butter, icing sugar and cocoa or flavoring, depending on the type of ice cream), condensed milk, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, emulsifiers and stabilizers, margarine, eggs and wheat flour. As you can see, this product contains various flavors, stabilizers and preservatives. And in Soviet times, such a creamy ice cream was prepared only from natural products, without any additives. Wherein " 28 kopecks "- ice cream which tastes similar to what was known under the Soviet Union. Whether this is due to various additives in the product or not is unknown. This cold dessert contains the most fat, while proteins are the least observed. The energy value is three hundred and eleven kilocalories per one hundred grams of the product.

Reviews about ice cream "28 kopecks"

Many ice cream lovers choose exactly "28 kopecks" because it is relatively inexpensive and of good quality. Ice-cream in chocolate glaze is especially popular. Its taste is appreciated for the presence of creamy and chocolate notes. At the same time, the glaze is clearly separated from the ice cream, it does not slip off of it. Differs in rich chocolate color and perfect taste. Some consumers claim that " 28 kopecks "- ice cream from high-quality Belarusian raw materials, which periodically take part in various promotions. The manufacturer thus attracts new customers. The mass of ice cream is seventy grams, which is quite enough for one person.

Other people say that in the composition of the ice cream, which is indicated on the package, water comes first. In addition, there are stabilizers and preservatives. But this is attributed to the fact that in modern times the manufacturer is not able to produce a product using the technology of thirty years ago. But a modern product is no less tasty.

A little about the manufacturer

This product is produced by the Morozproduct company, which is focused on making every day festive and light. Therefore, the company chooses for its products only the highest quality and safest ingredients, offers a wide range for every taste. The idea of ​​organizing the production of high-quality delicious ice cream in Belarus came to the director of "Morozproduct" when he visited the Ice Cream Palace in Havana, where everyone had the opportunity to taste many types of this delicacy.

The real rules of the advertising game "We love, we know, of course, we play!" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), aimed at promoting products manufactured under the trademarks "20 kopecks" and "28 kopecks", have been developed in accordance with the Regulations on the conduct of advertising games on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 30, 2003 No. 51 (with changes and additions), and determine the order of the advertising game "We love, we know, of course, we play!" (hereinafter referred to as the Advertising Game).

In these Rules, the following terms have the following meanings:

Game product- a product that has a special Packaging of the Game Product with information and the logo of the Promotional Game, released under the trademarks:
"28 kopecks":
ice cream "28 kopecks" ice cream with vanilla aroma in fatty cocoa-containing glaze popsicle, 70 grams;
ice cream "28 kopecks" chocolate ice cream in fat cocoa-containing glaze popsicle, 70 grams;
ice cream "28 kopecks" ice cream with vanilla flavor in fat glaze with lemon popsicle flavor, 70 grams;
ice cream "28 kopecks" ice cream with vanilla flavor in fat glaze with strawberry popsicle flavor, 70 grams.
"20 kopecks":
ice cream "20 kopecks" ice cream with vanilla aroma in a waffle cup, 70 grams;
ice cream "20 kopecks" chocolate ice cream in a waffle cup, 70 grams.

Registration data- a set of data that must be registered on the page of the Advertising Game on the Internet site to participate in the Advertising Game, namely:

  • unique code;
  • personal data: surname (required), first name (required), patronymic (required), postal address: postal code (preferred), region (preferred), district (preferred), locality (required), street (required), house ( required), building (if available), apartment number (if available);
  • email address (required);
  • Participant's mobile phone number in international format (required).

Unique code- an alphanumeric 11-digit code, which is located on the inside of the special Packaging of the Game Product with the information and logo of the Promotional Game.

Participant's serial number- this is the number assigned to the Participant after successful Registration of 5 (five) Unique Codes on the Promotional Game page on the Website by the date and time of registration of the fifth Unique Code and sending the Registration Data corresponding to the Rules.

Current draw- each drawing of the Advertising Game, which takes place on a specified date and time in accordance with the Rules of the Advertising Game.

Web site- the site, on which the Participants must enter their Registration data on the page of the Advertising Game.

  1. Organizer of the Advertising Game.

  2. The interested person of the Advertising game.

  3. Participants of the Advertising Game.

  4. Name of the Advertising Game:

    "We love, we know, of course, we play!"

  5. Territory of the Advertising Game:

    Republic of Belarus.

  6. Start date of the Promotional Game:

  7. Expiry date of the Promotional game:

  8. The name of the goods, in order to stimulate the sale of which the Advertising Game is held.

  9. Prize fund of the Advertising game.

  10. Name


    Cost from
    VAT per unit, BYN

    Total, BYN

    Cash prize 20,000 (twenty thousand) Belarusian rubles

    Grand Prize

    Cash in the amount of 2,971.92 Belarusian rubles

    Cash in the amount of 2.11 Belarusian rubles


    Watch GG222 (Watch2)

    Cash in the amount of 35.71 Belarusian rubles

    FujiFilm Instax Mini 8 Grape camera (hereinafter - Camera1)

    FujiFilm Instax Mini 8 White camera (hereinafter - Camera2)

    Cash in the amount of 7.62 Belarusian rubles

    FujiFilm Instax Mini 8 Yellow camera (hereinafter - Camera3)

    Cash in the amount of 7.62 Belarusian rubles

    White towel 100 * 180, with logo embroidery (hereinafter referred to as the Towel)

    Thermo mug col. white / blue, logo engraving (hereinafter - the Mug)

    Monetary reward in the amount of 1 Belarusian ruble to the account of the subscriber number of the Winner's mobile operator (hereinafter - Money to the account)

  11. Procedure for participation in the Promotional game.

  12. Place, dates, time and procedure for the Prize Fund Drawings, including the procedure for determining the winning Participants of the Advertising Game:

      Place of the Prize drawing: Minsk, st. Krasnozvezdnaya, 18b, 4th floor.

      Place of the Grand Prize drawing: Minsk, Pobediteley Avenue, 9, TC Galleria Minsk.

      Prize Draws are held according to Tables No. 2, No. 3:

      Table 2. Prize draws:

      lynch No.

      All Ordinal numbers participate,
      assigned during the period

      Date and time of the Draw

      Prize for the Draw

      From 06/01/2017 (00:00:00) to 06/18/2017 (23:59:59).

      06/20/2017 at 11:00.

      Money to the account - 14,000 pcs.
      Watches1 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera1 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      Lunchbox - 50 pcs.

      From 06/19/2017 (00:00:00) to 07/02/2017 (23:59:59).

      07/04/2017 at 11:00.

      Watches1 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera1 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      Lunchbox - 50 pcs.

      From 07/03/2017 (00:00:00) to 07/17/2017 (23:59:59).

      07/19/2017, at 11:00.

      Watches1 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera2 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      Lunchbox - 50 pcs.

      From 07/18/2017 (00:00:00) to 08/01/2017 (23:59:59).

      08/03/2017 at 11:00

      Clock2 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera2 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      Lunchbox - 50 pcs.

      From 08/02/2017 (00:00:00) to 08/15/2017 (23:59:59).

      08/17/2017 at 11:00.

      Clock2 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone2 - 3 pcs.
      Camera3 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      Lunchbox - 50 pcs.

      From 08/16/2017 (00:00:00) to 08/31/2017 (23:59:59).

      09/05/2017 at 11:00.

      Clock2 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone2 - 3 pcs.
      Camera3 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      Lunchbox - 50 pcs.

      Table 3. Grand Prize Draw:

      Drawing of Prizes of the Third Category.

      The first 14,000 (fourteen thousand) Participants who find the phrase "RUBL NA TELEFON" in the Game Product on the inside of the Package next to the Unique Code, register the Unique Code on the Internet site and provide their Registration Data in accordance with these Rules, become the owners of the Prize third category.

      If there are not enough Participants in Raffle # 1 to draw Cash to Account Prizes, these Prizes will be drawn in subsequent raffles.

      Mechanics of the drawing of the Grand Prize and Prizes of the first category.

      11.5.1. The Organizer assigns 1 (one) Sequential number of the Participant for 5 (five) registered Unique codes. By the time of the Prize Draw, the Organizer forms a list of the Sequence Numbers of the Participants participating in the Current Draw (hereinafter referred to as the List). All Participants Sequential Numbers have the same bit width. For the Drawing, a lottery drum and a set of balls in the amount of 10 (ten) pieces with numbers from 0 to 9 are used. The winning Sequential numbers of the Participants are determined by forming them from left to right from the numbers of balls, alternately extracted from the lottery drum. The rally begins with the first rank from the left.

      The first digit on the left of the winning Sequence number of the Participant is determined. To do this, the Organizer places balls with numbers from 0 to the first left digit of the last Sequential Number of the Participant of the Current Draw into the lottery drum. The organizer removes one ball from the lottery drum. The number of the removed ball is the first digit from the left of the generated Sequence number of the Participant.

      After that, all 10 (ten) balls are loaded into the lottery drum, the balls are mixed, and a ball is removed from the lottery drum, the number of which determines the digit of the next digit of the winning Sequence number of the Participant.

      This is how the numbers of the winning combination of the Participant's Sequential number are determined from the 2nd (second) to the 6th (sixth) category.

      To determine the last digit of the winning Sequential Number of the Participant, balls are loaded into the lottery drum only with those digits that correspond to the 7th (seventh) digit of the Sequence Numbers of the List Participants, 6 (six) digits of which coincide. The organizer removes one ball. The ball number drawn shall be the 7th (seventh) digit of the winning Participant's Sequential Number.

      If the number of the ball extracted from the lottery drum when determining the number of a certain category of the Participant does not match in the corresponding category (combination of digit digits) of the Participants' Numbers of the Current Draw, then the ball is not returned to the lottery drum, the Organizer draws the next ball until it matches.

      11.5.2. During the drawing of the Grand Prize, the Organizer additionally determines 1 (one) reserve Sequence number of the Participant, according to the procedure described in clause 11.5.1.

      Determination of the Winners of the Second Category Prize Draws.

      The winners of the second category "Towel" Prize are 1 (one) Serial number, determined in accordance with clause 11.5.1, and every 100 (hundredth) following it in the List, in the amount of 49 (forty nine) Serial numbers for the Prize "Towel" ... The winners of the Prize of the second category "Mug" are 1 (one) Serial number, determined in accordance with clause 11.5.1, and every 100 (hundredth) following it in the List, in the amount of 49 (forty nine) Serial numbers for the Prize "Mug" ... The winners of the Prize of the second category "Lunchbox" are considered to be 1 (one) Serial number, determined in accordance with clause 11.5.1, and every 100 (hundredth) following it in the List, in the amount of 49 (forty nine) Serial numbers for the Prize "Lunchbox" ...

      During the drawing of Prizes of the second category, the Sequential number can be recognized as winning only once. In case of repeated hit of the Sequence number in the range of the Winners, it is not recognized as winning; the next Sequence number on the List is recognized as the winning one.

      If the winning Sequential number is at the end of the list, then further calculation continues from the beginning of the List.

      The Sequence Numbers of the Participants of the Current Draw will not participate in subsequent draws of Prizes, with the exception of the drawing of the Grand Prize, in which all the Sequence Numbers of the Participants registered from June 01 to August 31, 2017 participate.

      The participants who have received the Prize of the third category participate in the drawing of the Prizes of the first and second categories of the Current drawing. The serial numbers of the Participants of the Current drawing who have received the Prize of the first category cannot become the Winners of the drawing of the Prizes of the second category.

      The result of each Lottery is compulsorily recorded in the protocol of the lottery, signed by the members of the commission present at the meeting.

In 2015, TDI Group developed and implemented an advertising game “Win ​​the Prizes of Your Generation” for two leading brands of the Morozproduct company - “FRUDOZA” and “28 kopecks”. The creative idea was based on the division of the audience into generations in accordance with the brand. The prize fund also corresponded to the tastes of two generations: each participant could choose which prize - modern or retro - to participate in the drawing.

This year, two brands - "FRUDOZA" and "28 kopecks" - together with the TDI Group, followed the path of uniting two generations and double prizes were awarded in the advertising game.

Name of the game:"Generations of the country, unite!"

Dates: May - August 2016

Geography: All Belarus.

The target audience:

CA "28 kopecks" - the older generation: men and women 35–45 years old.

CA "FRUDOZA" - the younger generation: men and women 18–35 years old (core - 19–25 years old).


- TV / Game consoles;

- Smartphone / Tablet;

- Laptop bag / Laptop backpack.

Grand Prize:

Stylish car / City bike.

Game mechanics:

Registration of codes located inside game packages of products on the site


Promotion channels:

TV / OOH / I-net / RADIO / PRESS.

Final draw:

The main prize of the advertising game "Generations of the country, unite!" was raffled off as part of the Family Fest ice cream festival, which took place in the Central Children's Park. M. Gorky. Many entertainment activities were organized for the guests, which supported the concept of the advertising game and were interesting for both generations.

At the entrance to the park, visitors received special passports for the guests of the Family Fest, which recorded the passage of competitions, and after completing all the tasks they could be exchanged for ice cream from the Morozproduct company. Guests could also treat themselves to ice cream for free, take pictures in a photo booth and watch a festive concert.

Family fest

Creative Group:

Client: JLLC "Morozproduct".

Agency: TDI Group.

Creative director: Artem Cheley.
Senior copywriter: Vovka Miranovich.
Designers: Alexey Kulinkovich, Ellia Urudzheva, Ilona Kotova.
Art director: Vladimir Androsov.
Account Director: Tatiana Kalitnik.

Project manager: Ekaterina Podgayskaya.


Photo: Grigory Livshits.
Video: LiteMagic Studio.