Why are there numbers on the banknotes? Why are there numbers on the banknotes? What money will the bank not accept?

The issue of currency, which is a means of payment in a particular country, is always strictly controlled by the state. In most cases, the issue of banknotes, that is, the printing of money, is carried out by the Central Bank of the state or another body performing similar functions.

In order to avoid the spread of counterfeit money, which can cause enormous damage to the economy, the state usually develops special tools to protect banknotes and coins from counterfeiting. So, such tools can be watermarks, metal or other inserts in the body of a bill and other elements that are difficult to reproduce at home.

An additional way to protect monetary units from copying is to affix an individual number on each bill. So, in the Russian Federation, the number of each banknote usually consists of a series containing two characters and, in fact, a number consisting of seven digits. The combination of these signs and numbers on each banknote is unique: therefore, there are no two genuine banknotes with the same series and number.

It is interesting that in the process of printing banknotes on one sheet, not the digital, but the alphabetic part of the number is replaced. After the sheet is pre-printed, in the cliche used for the print, one number is changed, after which the process, involving the replacement of the letter part, is repeated again.

Room functions

Thus, according to the number of a specific banknote, its characteristics, for example, the year of issue, can be established, thereby determining the authenticity of the banknote. However, the application of the number on the banknote is also used for other purposes. So, for example, one of them is the accounting of production and wear of banknotes. So, it is known that paper bills have a relatively short shelf life, therefore, after a certain period of time, banknotes of a particular year of issue, which can be determined by the number, begin to be gradually withdrawn from circulation.

Another function performed by the numbers on the banknotes is to record distribution and circulation: by the numbers of the banknotes, you can track which regions and in what ways they get. As a result, by tracing the migration routes of banknotes, the Bank of Russia can determine the degree of demand for certain types of funds in different regions and accordingly modify the distribution flows of the money supply. This will increase the overall circulation period of the money supply in the country and reduce the cost of printing money.


Krause catalog. All coins of the world from 1801 to 1900

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Year of issue: 2007
Colin Bruce, Thomas Michael.
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Krause
Number of pages: 1248
Description: Krause standard catalog. All coins of the world from 1801 to 1900.


Dmitry, Odessa


25-12-2016 21:52:14


Directory-reference. Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2018 (V.E.Semenov)

ISBN: 978-5-94088-039-4

Author: V.E. Semenov
Year of issue: 2018
Genre: Numismatics

Russian language
Number of pages: 94
Description: The catalog-reference "Konros" on the coins of the USSR and Russia is already published in the 45th edition. When describing coins, information on mints, circulation, fineness and weight of coins is indicated, diameter is indicated. Contains mid-market prices as well as a 2019 coin release plan. Convenient and practical catalog of coins of the USSR and Russia. Coins are divided into types (by denomination and in chronological order) and varieties with under ...


Directory-reference. Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2018 (Semenov V.E.)

ISBN: 978-5-94088-037-0
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Semenov V.E.
Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: ZAO "Konros", St. Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: 94
Description: Due to the unstable situation on the Russian numismatic market, timely updating of current prices for various coin types seems to be very relevant - which was done in this publication. The catalog contains current market prices for all coins of this period, an approximate gradation of prices in accordance with the safety of the coin, the plan for the issue of coins for the next year by the Central ...


Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2016. May 2016. Directory-reference (V. Semenov (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-94088-035-6

Author: V. Semenov (ed.)
Year of issue: 2016
Genre: Collecting, coins and banknotes
Publisher: Auction House "Konros"
Russian language
Number of pages: 88
Description: The guide includes descriptions and images of regular coins, trial coins, local coins and commemorative coins in precious metals and copper-nickel, as well as bimetallic coins and themed sets. When describing coins, information is indicated on mints, circulations, fineness of metal and weight of coins, their ...


Directory-reference "Conros". Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2012 (edition 31 December 2011)

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Konros-Inform
Russian language
Number of pages: 42
Description: "Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia of 1921-2012" includes regular issues, trial coins, local issues, commemorative coins of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and thematic sets. Provides information on mints, circulation, fineness and weight of coins. Contains market prices as well as a 2012 release plan.


Coins and banknotes of the world No. 1-4

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Hachette Сollections
Russian language
Number of pages: 16
Scan author: Vitautus & Kali
Official website: http://money-collection.ru
Description: Collect coins and bills of five continents, learn to decipher their symbols and images in order to penetrate deep into the history of the peoples of the world. Collecting coins and banknotes is one of the most ancient hobbies. This pleasant pastime was at first common among emperors, monarchs and aristocrats, over time it turned into a public entertainment ...


World coins and banknotes №№01-120

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of issue: 2013-2015
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Hachette collections
Russian language
Number of pages: 28
Description: Do you want to hold in your hands a bill from the times of Saddam Hussein's reign? or Afghan banknotes before the Taliban spread in the country? Marvel at the exoticism of Tanzanian coins, Zambian banknotes or distinctive Indian coins. The World Coins and Banknotes collection invites you to look into unexplored corners of our planet and get acquainted with the amazing currencies of the countries of the world. Scanning and processing: Vitautu ...


Complete encyclopedia of world tanks. 1915-2000 (Gennady Kholiavsky)

ISBN: 985-13-8603-0, Military History Library

Compiled by: Gennady Kholiavsky
Year of issue: 2006
Genre: Encyclopedia, military history
Publisher: "Harvest". Minsk
Russian language
Number of pages: 601
Description: This book is a reference publication devoted to the problems of the formation and development of world tank building. For the first time in one book, such an extensive factual material has been collected, including information about the history of creation, design features, combat use and evolution of almost all serial tanks produced in the world since 19 ...


Combat ships of the world. Heavy cruisers of Italy (1927-1945) (Trubitsyn S.B.)

ISBN: 5-98830-002-2
Series: Warships of the World
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Trubitsyn S. B.
Year of issue: 2004
Genre: Military equipment
Publisher: ANO "Eastflot"
Russian language
Number of pages: 71
Description: The book is devoted to the history of design, construction and combat service of Italian heavy cruisers. Italy found itself among the victorious powers of the First World War and took its rightful place at the peace conference in Versailles. In 1923, a program for the development of the Italian armed forces was drawn up. All Italian heavy cruisers are named after the cities received by I ...


New catalog of strong earthquakes on the territory of the USSR from ancient times to 1975 (Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (ed.))

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (ed.)
Year of issue: 1977
Genre: History of earthquakes
Publisher: Science
Russian language
Number of pages: 536
Description: The catalog contains the most complete information about the strong earthquakes in the USSR. When compiling, a new method of complex data interpretation was applied, on the basis of which all the material of macroseismic and instrumental seismological observations was reworked. All data are presented in a unified form, providing direct coding and input into a computer for solving various seismological, seismic ...


Regicide on March 11, 1801 (Collection)

Author: Collection
Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Historical prose
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Ternovsky Evgeniy
Duration: 16:43:41
Description: The book includes only reliable sources, and not retellings based on rumors and speculation. The purpose of this publication is to contribute to a complete clarification of the truth about the bloody events and the coup of 1801 (the assassination of Emperor Paul I). The book includes the most reliable and important testimonies of eyewitnesses of those events, both direct participants in the coup, and persons close to Emperor Paul, his family ...


Russia in the XIX century (1801-1914) (Pushkarev S.G.)

ISBN: no
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Pushkarev S.G.
Year of issue: 1956
Genre: history
New York: "Chekhov Publishing House"
Russian language
Number of pages: 509
Description: The book "Russia in the XIX century (1801-1914)" by the outstanding Russian historian Sergei Germanovich Pushkarev was published in 1956 by the American publishing house named after Chekhov. “... in all spheres of life - in the field of state building, social organization, economic activity and cultural creativity - Russia in the pre-war era quickly and successfully moved forward, outliving its backwardness and its shortcomings ...


All the gold in the world, or Vacation in Zurbagan (Leonid Ostretsov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Leonid Ostretsov
Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Contemporary prose
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Irina Vorobyova
Duration: 15:46:47
Description: The gripping, dizzying plot of the novel develops in an amazing country, familiar to everyone from the books of Alexander Green. There, in the intricacies of storylines and twists, covering different countries and eras, life plays a bizarre game of the fate of the heroes. This is the first book by a young author Leonid Ostretsov, and it promises success
Add. Information: Read from the publication: M. Vagrius, 2004
Cleared by: sky4all Processing ...

but I

Jack Ryan Universe 05. All the Fears of the World (Clancy Tom)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Clancy Tom
Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Action novel
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Length: 45:21:55
Description: An action-packed novel by the most popular American writer Tom Clancy, written in the form of a political detective and dedicated to the struggle of the intelligence services of Washington and Moscow against international terrorism and attempts by terrorists to unleash a third world war. Jack Ryan Universe 1. Patriotic Games 2. Hunt for Red October 3. Kremlin Cardinal 4. Real threat 5. All the fears of the world 6. No mercy 7. Until ...


All about the most famous orders in the world. Directory Atlas (Sergey Afonkin)

ISBN: 978-5-9603-0085-8
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Sergey Afonkin
Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Orders, medals, insignia
Russian language
Number of pages: 208
Description: The book tells about the famous orders of the world and, first of all, about the orders of Europe. The most detailed are the orders of Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Frania, Sweden and Japan. Provides information about all orders of Russia. The texts tell about the history of the creation of the order, its symbols, the number of degrees and the rules of awarding. At the same time, everyone is very ...


The role of the masses in the liberation war of 1648-1654 and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (Pinchuk Y.A.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Pinchuk Yu.A.
Year of issue: 1986
Genre: History
Publisher: Naukova Dumka
Russian language
Number of pages: 216 Scanning and processing: GPU3
Description: The monograph covers the Soviet historiography of the liberation war of 1648-1654. and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The decisive role of the masses in these events and the degree of study of this problem in the historical literature are revealed. The inconsistency and unscientific nature of the bourgeois-nationalist interpretations of the issues under consideration are shown. For researchers, teachers and students of history ...

Hello dear readers. Today I decided to tell you about the Krause Catalog, more precisely and more correctly - about the Krause Catalogs, since this is not the only edition and not even a number of editions of the same catalog, but a whole series of numismatic and bonistic Catalogs united by a single name Krause catalogs.

These catalogs of coins and banknotes belong to highly professional editions, as a result of which their cost is quite high. But both the significance and the volume of publications are very large and extensive, due to which the Krause Catalogs are widely demanded today, and I am not ashamed of this word - world famous! So, from lyrics to practice.

When did the Krause Catalog start to be published?

To begin with, it's worth understanding who Krause is. Back in 1952, a retired American soldier Chester Krause (Chester krause) creates the Publishing House of the same name ( Krause Publications). It is rather difficult to describe the whole story in one article, and I did not want to achieve this goal, but it is worth noting that the above-mentioned publishing house has specialized in the direction of collecting and numismatics throughout its history, which served as the passion of Chat Krause.

An important stage in the life of a publishing house is becoming first edition of the Krause Coin Catalog 1972 ( ), edited by Chester Krause with Clifford Mishler. It is from this moment that they acquire a truly immense fame not only in their country (USA), but also abroad.

About "Old Man Krause" and the use of this term.

Have you met this term before? Maybe. Great and mighty ... well, that's not what I wanted. I will try simply and briefly: collectors often use this term in between barrels, some of them truly believe that there is a certain American old man, Mr. those. the book itself.

We will make it clear: Mr. Krause is indeed one of the most famous numismatists in the world, and it is he who is the publisher of the first (and not only) Krause Catalogs on numismatics (we have already written about this). But it so happened that the Publishing House has not belonged to Chester Krause since the early 2000s. He simply sold it to new owners, and sold it together with the "name" of the publishing house. Of course, the new owner did not destroy the promoted brand and continued to release new Catalogs under the same name. From a marketing point of view, it is one hundred percent justified.

Thus, for many years, the opinion of Mr. Krause does not apply to the catalog of the same name, and it would be more correct to call the edition "Standard catalog of the world's coins. Publisher: Krause." And the term (expression) - " Old Man Krause"to correlate with the publication (catalog), and not with the person.

In which languages ​​and in which countries is the catalog published?

I'll start with a "fly in the ointment" - the Krause catalog is not translated into Russian. As mentioned earlier, Krause's publishing house is located in the United States of America, and they publish their publications in their native language - English.

But do not be so upset, the world languages ​​are world languages, and the language of numismatics, for an initiate, is a little different and, to a certain extent, international. It is not so difficult to work with Krause's Catalog of Coins and the Catalog of Paper Money, it is compiled in a fairly understandable way, and in case of stumbling upon a complex English-language term, we can all turn to a translator on the Internet, incl. there are usually no problems with understanding information in Krause Catalogs.

The most famous and popular Krause Catalogs.

As I already wrote, Krause Publications has always specialized in the field of collectors' interests. Among their publications there are Catalogs on Militaria, Small Arms and Cold Weapons, hunting and fishing areas.

Nevertheless, catalogs on numismatics and bonistics brought their world fame to the Publishing House. These include:

  • Standard Catalog of World Coins
  • Unusual world coins (Unusual world coins);
  • North American Coins & Prices;
  • Standard Catalog of World Paper Money.

Krause coin catalogs.

As you understand, my dear readers and me, of course, are most interested in the Krause Catalogs on numismatics and, to a greater extent, in the Catalogs that include Russian coins. That is to say, the view from foreign collectors, as THEY see our coins.

I will give a few examples among the latest published Krause Catalogs on numismatics:

  • 2015 Standard Catalog of World Coins, 1801-1900, 8th Edition;
  • 2016 Standard Catalog of World Coins, 1901-2000, 43th Edition;
  • 2016 Standard Catalog of World Coins, 2001-Date, 10th Edition.

Practical application of Krause Catalogs.

To discuss in detail why Coin Catalogs are needed for professional numismatists is perhaps rather stupid, probably they themselves know how to use them and why. But for novice collectors, or those who have not yet encountered this publication, but no longer consider themselves to be beginners, I will explain the practical component of working with Krause Catalogs.

Like any directory, The Krause catalog contains systematized information on the issue of coins by a certain country (issuer) in a certain period of time (circulation period). Thus, we get a professionally compiled table of all issues (years and major varieties) of all types and denominations of coins. Based on which we will build our own collection, while checking with it about the presence or absence of certain coins.

In addition, the Standard Catalog of World Coins is not only a Catalog, but also Price tag for coins... Thanks to this, we can use it as a tool for evaluating collections and individual coins.

And thirdly, the Krause Publishing House Standard Coin Catalog is a multifaceted catalog. It includes information about coins of many countries of the world, and this can be useful both for a novice collector who is just choosing Which collection to start collecting, and for an already quite experienced numismatist who has decided not to limit himself to collecting coins of only one country and wants to start new collections from foreign coins, but for which he needs introductory information.

Where to buy or download the Krause Catalog?

There is nothing complicated with this issue in our modern world. It is enough to go to any book or numismatic store in a large city. For those who find it difficult (due to remoteness or other difficulties) but really want to buy the Krause Catalog - there is the Internet. It has now become so easy to order books that even a school-age child or a retirement-age person with poor computer skills will be able to cope with this task.

Regarding the Downloading of the Krause Catalog: I have an ambivalent attitude towards this issue, I will explain. Of course, any Internet user knows perfectly well that downloading a scanned-copied-stolen edition is quite simple. RucCoins.TK ADMINISTRATION SPEAKS FOR THE COPYRIGHT and certainly does not recommend searching for and downloading the Krause Catalog from the Internet, because the copyright holder does not upload this publication for free (this is a fact), thereby performing this action you will take on administrative and criminal responsibility ... well, and pangs of conscience;) a confident decision based on the fact that this publication will be of the quality and volume of useful information that you expect from it. Therefore, well, at least with one eye, it's worth a look, but after that be sure to go and buy the official edition! In addition, the scanned versions of the Krause Catalog are likely to be of too low quality and their practical application will be quite problematic.

... in conclusion.

Perhaps we have considered the issue of Krause Catalogs from all sides, and What is Krause catalog, and How to apply it and why you need it - it should now be clear. I will add only one thing, yet this catalog is not targeted at the collector of Russian coins, and it is far from the only catalog and price tag. Therefore, if you decide to take this catalog together with others - definitely YES, we recommend. If you are faced with a choice: either Krause or some other catalog of coins of Russia and the USSR - approach the question as carefully as possible.

That's all. Thank you for your attention.

Directory-directory 'Konros' Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and RF 1921-2014 (rev. 37) Updated 37th edition The catalog-reference "Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2013" includes regular issues, trial coins, local issues and commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and thematic sets ... Provides information on mints, circulation, fineness and weight of coins.

Unique catalog of coins of the British colonies

All coins of the world minted in the 20th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalog. Text search is available.

All coins of the world, minted in the 19th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of the official email Krause catalog... The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

All coins of the world minted in the 18th century with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of the official email Krause catalog... The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

All coins of the world, minted in the 17th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge the images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

Directory-directory 'Conros' Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and RF 1921-2013 (rev. 35) as well as bimetallic coins and themed sets.

Revised and revised standard catalog of world coins from 2001 to the present, 7th edition. All coins of the world minted in the 21st century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality. Search by text is available.

22nd edition of the famous North American coins & prices catalog published by Krause. Images and actual prices of coins of Canada, USA and Mexico.

The coin catalog was created in order to give you the most complete information about the coins of different countries of the world: colorful images, characteristics, descriptions, information on types, mintage, issue years and approximate market prices for coins of different types. We are confident that the coin catalog will be a convenient and useful tool for any collector.

General information about the catalog

The catalog contains information about coins from different worlds, different historical periods. You can always see the total number of coins in the catalog on a special page with statistics. Please note that this number is constantly increasing - our editors work every day to develop and replenish the catalog.

The main page of the catalog consists of several parts:

  1. Images and brief descriptions of coins.
  2. Group navigation.
  3. Page navigation and coin display control.
  4. Link to open advanced search.

Using the advanced search system, you can search for coins based on various parameters:

  • denomination, metal and year of minting;
  • Krause's catalog number;
  • text description of the coin in Russian or English.

Please note that the search for the textual description of the coin takes into account the morphology and word formation of the Russian and English languages, so you can simply write the keywords you are interested in - the catalog itself will give you not only coins with a full match of keywords, but also coins in which the keywords are used in different forms. For example, the query “Sydney” will return not only coins with the description “Sydney, colored enamel”, but also coins “Sydney Olympic Games”.

If you have selected some filters in the advanced search and clicked the "Apply" button, then the selected values ​​will be saved and you can safely navigate through the various groups and pages - the filters will be enabled. In order to disable the action of the selected filters, you must click on the "Reset" button.

Details of coins

By clicking on the "View detailed information" icon, you will be taken to a page with a detailed description of the coin.

The main elements of the page:

  1. Technical information about the coin (country, denomination, metal, weight, diameter, fineness, Krause number).
  2. Form for leaving an application for this coin.
  3. Description of the issues of this type of coins (year of minting, circulation, minting quality, additional notes, as well as the approximate price, according to our data).
  4. A form for buying such a coin (shown if these coins are in the store).
  5. A field for your comment on this coin or for responding to comments from other users.

Coin Issue Information

Coin issuance information is given in the table below the main coin description. In addition to such technical things as mintage and minting quality, from this table you can find out the approximate market prices for coins of these issues.

We do not like theoretical reasoning about the numismatics market. All the prices that you see in the coin catalog are the real prices at which the coins were produced and bought. In the table you can see the average prices for coins for the last period. By clicking on the icon with a graph, you can see the dynamics of changes in coin prices over time in order to assess the changes taking place in the market.

Applications through the catalog

In addition to providing information, you can use the coin catalog to inform us about the coins you are interested in. For this purpose, we have developed an application mechanism.

If you are authorized on the site - next to each coin in the catalog you will find the link “I want this coin!”. After clicking on it, a form opens in which you can optionally indicate comments on your application and confirm the application.

The administration of the store prepares new exhibits in the store, first of all, according to your requests. Let us know about the coins you want to find - and we will do our best to bring them to you.

If coins appear in the store that correspond to your applications, you will find out about this from the letter that will come to your mail, and from the message at the top of each page of the site.

Each offer indicates the time during which this offer is assigned to you and other users who have left the same request. Until the specified time, no one else sees or can buy this coin. When this time comes, the offer becomes available for ordering also to other users.

If the coin suits you, you can buy it. In this case, your application is automatically considered completed and removed from the site. If it does not suit you, you must refuse it by clicking on the appropriate button. In doing so, we will ask you to indicate the reason why the coin does not suit you. This is necessary so that we know what exactly in the coin you did not like and would find for you a coin that is more suitable for your application.


They wrote to me that the coin was postponed for me until a certain time, but someone had already bought it. How so?

We do not reserve coins for certain users. We give priority to buying pending coins to all users, who left applications on them. Thus, there was an application for the pending coin from another user and he bought it faster than you.

What happens if I refuse your offer on my application? How many times can you give up coins?

You can refuse coins on applications until we provide you with the coin that you want to buy. There are no sanctions because of your refusal and will not be. If you are not satisfied with the quality or price of a coin, feel free to refuse it and we will continue to search for the most suitable coin for you.

If you indicate “I already have” as the reason for refusal, we will automatically delete your application. This reason was created for those cases when you bought a coin somewhere else and forgot to cancel your order on the order management page.

I made a request and I immediately had suggestions for it. But these are the same coins that I saw in the store and did not buy, because they did not suit me. Why are you showing them to me?

For a more accurate fulfillment of your application, we need to know what does not suit you in the coins presented in the store. Just opt ​​out of them on the suggestions page and indicate the reason for refusal. If we showed you a coin in offers, and you refused it, it will never be included in the offers for the second time.