Dragon Age: Origins - Guardian of the Limit Walkthrough. Other Guardians Gray Wardens in dragon age inquisition

The side quest Guardian of the Reach in Dragon Age: Origins can be completed during the Broken Circle story mission. The action of this quest will take place in the tower. And it will be possible to complete it during and after the completion of the "Broken Circle" mission.

Start task

To activate the quest "Guardian of the Reach", go to the student rooms. One of them got to an ancient secret and now everyone is in danger. To neutralize it, find six student notes. Please note that there are many possessed and demons in the location.

And even if these are not the strongest opponents, there are still many of them. In addition, in this location you will have to fight with the Rending Shadow. And at the very end you will meet with the boss Shah Wird. Please note that as soon as you enter the rooms, the door will close behind you. And until you clear the area, there will be no way out. Therefore, before embarking on a dangerous adventure, stock up on everything you need from the quartermaster.

Passage of the quest "Guardian of the Limit"

To get started, you need to find six student notes. If you are playing the PC version, it is easier to do this, because active items are highlighted by pressing the TAB key. In any case, the quest notes are hidden in the following locations.

  • The first floor is student rooms. You will find one note in the first room behind the door, which is closed by the templars. Until where you meet Wynn. The next one is in the next room. You will find the last note on this floor if you dig through the pile of books piled up in the second section of the library.
  • The second floor is the chambers of the senior magicians. You will find one of the notes in the room in which three wizards are fighting with the possessed. Find the second in the upper room on the map.
  • Third floor - Great Hall. You will find the last required note in a room with three statues. The item lies next to the distant statue.

Now that all the notes have been collected, you need to solve the riddle. To solve the puzzle, activate the statues in a specific order. The algorithm looks like this.

  1. Statue with a bowl.
  2. Statue with a sword pointing up.
  3. Statue with a sword pointing down.
  4. Statue with a shield. This statue is located in the central room, from which there are steps to the upper floor.

After activating the statues, you will hear a click. Now you need to go back to the student rooms.

Boss fight

In the room where you met Wynn, the vault door will open. Shah Wird - Demon of wrath will come out of it. Long ago, he was imprisoned in the lower floors of the Citadel. But now that you have activated all the statues, the magic shackles from the demon have been removed. And Shah Wird broke free to destroy all the wizards in his path.

It is difficult to fight this enemy only with a non-pumped hero. If the stealth skill is less than the fourth level, then do not even try to activate it. Combat tactics are similar to those of other Demon of Wrath. He has a high level of attacks. Use warm balms to reduce damage. And of course, remember that such opponents are vulnerable to cold, and they have high immunity to fire.

Petra, Kayleigh and Kinon will help you in the fight. And this is very useful at high levels of the game. But if in the story mission, you sided with the templars, then during the passage of the "Guardian of the Limit" these magicians will not be in place. Therefore, you will lead the battle alone.

If the magicians become allies in the battle, then do not let Shah Wird kill any of them. Otherwise, the wrong entry about Wynne's death will appear in the code. After defeating the demon, the "Guardian of the Reach" quest in Dragon Age will be completed. And you can go in search of new adventures.


For completing the "Guardian of the Reach" quest, you will receive a unique Yusaris Greatsword. Crafted from Silverite, this artifact adds +20 fire resistance, and +10 damage to dragons. Plus, it deals 16 and a half damage and has a 2.25% crit chance. Therefore, this award cannot be called useless.

Another valuable item that you will find when completing the quest is Malachite. This gem is quite rare and can be sold to a merchant for 60 coins. In addition, the emissary Fellhammer will accept Malachite, in exchange for an increase in the Dwarf troops for the final battle. The next reward is Fluorite, refer immediately to the merchants, because this gem is not used in quests or recipes. But for it you will help out 50 coins.

A bonus to previous awards will be a regular chain mail. This armor will be very useful for acquisitions in the early stages of the game. Plus, it can always be exchanged for gold.

You will receive this task, provided that you have installed the "Guardian Fortress" add-on. When you install this add-on, then soon a character named Levi Dryden appears in your camp. He asks you to go with him in search of the legendary fortress of the Gray Wardens, in which his probabot Sophia fought for a long time. Sophia was the Guardian-Commander of Ferelden at the time. You need to find proof that she was a hero and restore the long-lost name of the Drydens.

A location called Soldier's Peak will soon appear on your map. In the courtyard of this fortress, you can see a vision of the past - these visions will haunt you throughout the entire exploration of this fortress and give you a clear picture of what happened in the last days of the defense of the fortress. Soon, the lying corpses in the yard will come to life and start attacking you. From the body of an elite commander, you can take a very good crossbow.

Go to the fortress. Clear the first and second floor. Along the way, you will learn a lot from the history of this fortress. Here you can collect various records and books. In a huge hall on the first floor, you will see the last battle with the participation of Sofia, after which a demon of rage will sharply attack you. Note that he will heal himself as long as there are corpses of the guards next to him, so it is best to first deal with the Guardians, and then with the demon himself.

The exit from the second floor is temporarily locked for you, so go to Sofia's room and talk to what is left of her. Here you have to make your choice. If you refuse, then you will have to fight with her, if not, then go through the previously locked doors, and then across the bridge. Be careful - there are traps here. Through the bridge you will find yourself in the tower of a magician named Avernus. If you do not kill Sophia, then you need to kill Avernus, if you kill her, then together with Avernus you will have to patch up the holes in the Veil. Regardless of which side you choose, you still have to block the path of the demons. At the end of the ritual, you will have to fight the Demon of Desire.

After you close the Shroud, you can either kill your ally or let go. If you leave them alive, then you will not hear anything about them anymore, except for Avernus - Levi will tell you that he will not climb out of his tower. Also, if you leave an ally alive, then you will not receive a set of armor of the Commander of the Shooting - this is Sofia, and you will not receive a mantle from Avernus.

In the end, Levy will talk to you and your assignment will be completed. Of course, the Drydens' good name could not be restored in any way, but for that they can use the fortress as their base. Also, in Soldier's Peak you will be given a chest in which you can store your things, besides that, you will have a merchant - Levi and his brother the blacksmith. The blacksmith will be able to forge you an excellent weapon, or rather the Starfang sword, but on condition that you find a meteorite during one of the random encounters, but of course this does not happen every time. And by the way, at the entrance to the hall of Avernus, you can find a bottle that gives the skills of Blood Magic. When you drink the contents, you will receive two additional skills - which skills, depends only on the class of your character.

Ancient history

It is necessary to find four sources of information that are hidden in the fortress, and then find the treasure. This quest is activated after you find any source of information:

- a statue located in the western part of the courtyard.

- a book, which is located in the archive of the fortress, on the first floor.

- a jar of raspberry jam, which is located on the second floor of the fortress.

- a corpse that is on the wall in the tower of Avernus.

We recommend that you activate the statue first. When you finish the task Soldier's Peak, then you will not be able to return back to this fortress, just wander around, so you will not get the treasure. When you find all the information, then move to the second floor and find the largest picture that should be above the fireplace. There you need to repeat the oath of the Gray Wardens and soon a chest will come out of the wall, in which there are very good things. Here it is worth noting the sword of Asturian - a one-handed weapon that has one slot and the ability to weaken the fiend of darkness.

This completes the passage of this DLC.

When the sun disappeared, the forest turned completely black. It seemed that he was moving, the shadows inside him were moving and vigilantly watching, waiting. There was not a single light ahead. The darkspawn did not need light. Compared to the darkness of the forest, the valley where the army was lined up looked like a bright starry sky. Everyone waited until a huge shadow began to separate from the forest and approach, as if spreading over the ground in impenetrable fog. There was a roar and grinding, the howl of pestilent wolves in the distance and clanking footsteps. From the side of the defenders, on command, fiery arrows shot up and hit the front ranks of the enemy like a starfall. The shadows trembled, roared, growled, and rushed forward. The defenders were ready, they moved to meet and with a loud clang they faced the first wave of enemies, heavy blows crashed against the shields. Archers and mages stood on the platforms and supported the allies, and finally the roar of the creatures of darkness blocked the war cries of the people. When the darkspawn got close enough to the torch-lit area, Elissa shuddered. Only once from afar she had to see a person sick with leprosy, and she could not forget that sight, but these creatures seemed to be lepers for a hundred years. Pale to yellowish-brown skin was swollen or wrinkled, as if scalded with boiling water, noses seemed to be cut off, and crooked teeth and fangs, for the absence of lips, protruded ugly forward. They grinned, growled and squealed in a way that blocked their ears. With a heavy hand, spiked maces and curved swords were brought down on the shields of the defenders, leaving dents. The darkspawn had no strategy, no reason. All that led them forward was someone's invisible will and unquenchable malice inherent in their very being, sparkling in their predatory whitish eyes. Elissa staggered back as the first dwarf darkspawn rushed at her. Reflexively, she lit up the shield, and the mabari barked nearby. Elissa came to her senses and, twisting around, with a strong blow blew off the enemy's head. Dark blood splattered on the sword and armor, and the heavy body fell forward and was no longer dangerous. For nobody. Elissa looked at the fallen enemy and felt unexpected satisfaction. No longer hesitating, she continued the fight. Anger and bitterness for the family receded with every swing of the sword, with every drop of blood spilled, she was freed from the load that so pressed inside and prevented her from breathing. Soon Elissa felt that she needed to speed up the pace. Ignore the accelerating heart and just fight for life, not think about anything. She already knew how. Elissa slammed a tall spawn of darkness from behind and thus saved the life of one soldier. The enemy's flimsy armor of iron plates and strips of leather easily succumbed to the silverite blade. Elissa did not turn around and continued to hit any enemy that came her way. Faster, smoother, clearer, as she was taught. Breaking forward, she did not notice how she ended up in the first line, the pressure on which was increasing. The main forces of the enemy entered the battle, the enemies around became more and more. The shield held back two, and sometimes three swords. Elissa moved, turned, pushed, smashed. The faithful dog covered her back, but with the dramatically increased number of opponents, he no longer had time to drag everyone away from her. The girl tried to retreat to small groups of allies and fight with them, cover each other, but the groups quickly disintegrated and each was already fighting for his life. “My lord, our vanguard is in trouble! - reported to Loghain. - Let them hold on. The spawn of darkness must not break into the center. Loghain stood behind and gave orders, moving units across the battlefield like chess pieces. He was confident in the party, but every now and then he looked out in the crowd for a man in golden armor who was so recklessly rushing forward. King Kaylan did not like to sit on the sidelines. If his soldiers go into battle, he will go with them; if they fight, he will fight shoulder to shoulder with them until victory, otherwise it could not be. He is their ruler, and he wanted to be a hero to them, like Loghain and their father. Duncan considered it his duty to save the young king and tried not to leave him in battle for more than three or four steps, but in the heat of battle it is sometimes difficult to keep track of his comrade. People were scattered to different ends of the field, forcing them to think first of all about their own lives and the lives of those who were nearby. King Kaylan fought fiercely and sincerely. He focused on the enemy in front of him. Having defeated one, he switched to the next, feeling proud that he was protecting the country along with everyone else. At some point, he lost sight of Duncan, but did not look for him, but continued to fight, hoping that everything was in order with the Guardian. Kaylan defended the soldiers, defended himself, his kingdom, but he felt that he was getting tired. He entered into battle with another humanoid creatures of darkness, which the Gray Wardens called Garlocks, and stumbled - stumbled from behind on someone's body. He fell on his back, rolled to the side, but, before he could get up, he took the blow of the undersized genlock on the sword, parried it, pierced his flesh. Dark blood poured onto the golden armor, the enemy growled, flashed with predatory eyes and went limp. The king threw off his body and with horror saw how the unfinished Garlock raised the serrated sword. Really ... A moment before he lowered the sword on Kaylan's head, someone suddenly slammed into the enemy with a shield and threw him aside. Garlock was defeated. His savior turned to the king and touched his shoulder. - Your Majesty! he called out worriedly. Kaylan knew him. I knew very well. Alistair is one of Duncan's junior Gray Guardians. - Caution! - shouted the king, pointing behind the Guardian. Alistair looked around and managed to substitute a shield and a sword under the blows of two harlocks, but a moment later they were already struck from the back by a sword paired with a silverite dagger. - Duncan ... - Alistair, what are you doing here? the Guardian Commander asked sternly. - Where are your charges? - Ah ... Davet with archers in the rearguard. Jory's squad did not enter the battle. - And Elissa? Alistair lowered his head. - I do not know. I lost her. - Find her and be by her side! - Got it. Alistair rushed away. By that time, Loghain's tactical maneuver had already developed in full force, and the advantage in the battle shifted to the side of the people, which gave some units time to breathe. - Your Majesty, are you injured? - bent over King Duncan. “No… no, it's all right,” Kaylan muttered, still discouraged by the recent situation, and slowly got to his feet. Duncan breathed a sigh of relief, but outwardly did not show it. It was dangerous. And where did the king's guards go? “I suppose this battle is also ours,” Duncan said, looking around and listening. - Congratulations to Your Majesty on your victory. However, Kaylan did not hear him, but only looked carefully in the direction where Alistair had disappeared. - Your Majesty? - BUT? Yes? - I propose to take a break and watch the end of the battle from the rear. I think Thayrne Loghain will be glad to see you unharmed. To Duncan's surprise, the king did not argue, he glanced once more at the crowd of fighting and followed the Guardian. Together they made their way to one of the side platforms in the rear, from where the archers fired back. Loghain stood in the center and, noticing Kaylan, only sighed heavily. The archer on the platform dropped another arrow into the eye of the enemy, who got too close to the rear. “You're not going anywhere,” he grinned. - Is that you, Davet? he heard a voice behind him. - Ah, Duncan. Decided to join? Our sir knight, I suppose, tomorrow will complain all day that the battle has not reached him ... or maybe he will be delighted, - reasoned Davet, not looking back, but continuing to shoot one arrow after another. - Oh, wrong, they were also sent into battle. - A detachment with fresh forces will drive the remnants of the creatures of darkness into the forest. I believe this was part of Thayne Loghain's plan. - Yes, he knows how to twirl the troops. No wonder the legends go. Davet finally turned around as his quiver was empty and, noticing King Ferelden next to Duncan, gasped in surprise. Kaylan, however, did not pay attention and concentratedly watched the final stage of the battle. - Have you seen Alistair and Elissa? Duncan asked. Davet had an incredibly sharp eye. In the light of the moon and lights, the archer peered into the crowd for a while, and then pointed ahead. “There they are, in the vanguard. And look: these two have already sang. In the huddled ranks of soldiers in the very first line, two warriors fought back to back so harmoniously that not a single spawn of darkness could get close to them from behind or from the flank. When one was surrounded by enemies, the other came to the rescue. When one noticed the enemy behind a comrade, then without unnecessary words and movements he rushed to cover his back. So they circled around an invisible axis, not moving away from each other, until the opponents began to randomly run away. "Yes, it looks like they really will get along," Duncan said with satisfaction. - Milady Seriousness and a joker? I would have looked at that, ”Davet said with a grin. Kaylan smiled imperceptibly as well. The battle was won. The soldiers shouted with delight, raised their swords, axes and spears. Elissa looked ahead, listened to the cry of her allies and also felt a pleasant feeling of unity and joy of victory - something that she dreamed of every time, taking a sword in her hands. She was able to smile, but the smile immediately faded. If only ... if only her father and brother were with her now. “You all did a great job,” Duncan told them after the fight. - You can rest, and tomorrow I will tell you more about the initiation ritual. For sleep, the three recruits were allocated the tent where Elissa had left her things, but after thinking for a second, she announced that she would sleep on the street near the fire. - I agree. The fire is much warmer than in these cold tents. I don’t understand how people sleep in them, ”said Alistair. His bed had already been spread out not far from a high, multi-stage bonfire set in a circle of dilapidated arches and statues. Duncan often carried night shifts at this fire, his tent was nearby. Elissa took off her gloves, cuirass, shoulder pads and quilted shirt and spread out the bed away from Alistair's bed and tent. Duncan watched her movements closely. “Elissa,” he said to her, and she turned around. - It seems that your wound did not really bother you in battle, but just in case, go to the infirmary tomorrow morning. Elissa slightly bowed her head in obedience and went to fetch the bags to the tent, where the other recruits had already disappeared. - Is she injured? - Alistair was quietly surprised. - An arrow in the back. “Duncan… what happened at Hayever? You just wrote that you hurriedly left there and were leading the recruit. “I don’t think now is the time to talk about it, Alistair, and you’d better not ask her about anything.” The rest of the night was calm. In the eastern part of the camp and in the valley, the soldiers celebrated the victory. Even King Kailan had not slept yet, and happily celebrated with them to the joy of the warriors and considerable annoyance of Loghain. The western edge of Ostagar was quiet. Duncan's bonfire blazed brightly, and he himself walked along the tents and sleeping soldiers, as if not tired. Alistair opened his sleepy eyes for a moment and saw Duncan bend over Elissa, sleeping on her side, in the light of the fire and pull the woolen blanket over her shoulder. That night she slept soundly without dreams. Elissa Cousland woke up at dawn. The entire camp was still asleep after the night of celebration, but the patrol parties were on guard. Thayrne Loghain would never have let his guard down and let the darkspawn take them by surprise. Duncan was nowhere to be found, Alistair was snoring peacefully next to the fire. Elissa got up and, noticing the sign of the infirmary nearby, went there. Mabari sleepily raised his head, but, reassured by the hostess, went on to sleep. “Almost healed,” the female healer said as Elissa showed her the arrow wound. - I'll change the bandage, and in a couple of days it will be completely delayed. True, the scar will remain. Elissa nodded and, cringing, endured the dressing. She felt embarrassed, half naked, surrounded by so many people, but no one was looking at her, so after a while she relaxed. “You can wash if you want,” said the doctor. - On the northern side of the ruins, the magicians built an artificial reservoir, there are women right now. At the thought of the bath, Elissa suddenly felt herself covered in mud and road dust from head to toe. The hair, which she did not unravel for an unknown number of days, had long since been knocked out of her braid and stuck out in all directions. Elissa thanked the doctor and decided to take advantage of the offer. The reservoir was a large pit surrounded by partitions. Several women had already bathed there and more and more came. Elissa again felt uneasy about having to undress in front of everyone, but reminded herself that this was a military camp, and in others, perhaps, there were no such conveniences. She quickly took off her clothes, leaving a bandage on her shoulder, and went into the water up to her chest, it was warm. Elissa happily washed her face, scraped off the road dirt, washed her hair. Despite the same not quite clean clothes and the smell of a cesspool, carried from somewhere by the wind, the bath has never been so enjoyable. Long, damp hair fell pleasantly down her back and shoulders. When the girl returned to the tent, her comrades had already got up. “… And where are the rest of the Gray Wardens? Davet asked. “In the valley on the other side of the ruins. The main body of the army was stationed there. This fortress will not fit everyone, - answered Alistair, laughing, and gulped something out of the bowl. “I've seen other Guardians,” Jory said. “They wear some kind of special armor. Why aren't you and Duncan wearing those? Alistair was dressed like any other officer in the royal army - in brown plate armor. “Duncan doesn't care too much about formalities. Our order in Ferelden is still very young, and Duncan is doing everything to strengthen it, and form is the tenth thing for him. The brothers wear it because they wanted to. Duncan ordered the armor for me too, and it seems they were even ready, but we were called to Ostagar earlier. “It's a shame,” Davet said with a smile. “The Gray Wardens are not united by form. - But it's still nice to feel part of something in common. Soldiers, as I heard, all polls stuff themselves with mabari tattoos as a sign of strength and belonging to the warriors. Chase barked cheerfully, everyone was distracted and noticed Elissa. Alistair raised his eyebrows, but blinked quickly, Jory came to his senses and tactfully averted his eyes, and Davet smiled and stared openly at her face and shirt, which stuck to her wet body, emphasizing his curves. The girl cringed from this look, she wanted to hide at the same moment and hide in some distant corner. - Do you want to eat? - Alistair asked suddenly. - Let's go and show you where. He rose and waved his hand in an inviting gesture. Jory leaned over to Davet's ear and whispered loudly, “Maybe that's why women aren't often hired as Gray Wardens, so as not to be distracted from business? - What are you looking at? You have a young wife, and the child will soon be born, ”Davet smiled slyly. - Yes I…! Elissa did not hear further, she did not return to the tent and just drank half a plate of thick stew on the way. I didn't want to anymore. She fed the enclosed bread to Chase, who, judging by his slight appetite, had already had breakfast somewhere. When the girl was thinking about what to do with the rest of the food, she noticed that a pair of hungry human eyes were looking at her from the cage. “I heard he was imprisoned for desertion and should be hanged soon,” commented Alistair. Elissa looked at the prisoner, then at the bowl in her hands, walked over to the cage and held out the food. The prisoner abruptly grabbed the plate along with the girl's palm, Elissa shuddered and jerked her hand away. The prisoner, as if nothing had happened, conceived quite enough and, as a token of gratitude for the food, handed Elissa the key, which, as he said, he had stolen from the magicians before his arrest. The girl sighed, accepted the useless gift and took it to the magicians. Alistair did not go, as he had "already seen enough of the magicians", and Duncan scolded him for that quarrel before the fight. “We must all work together,” the Sentinel Commander told him. Elissa noticed that some of the wizards were lying to the side right on the grass, as if they were sleeping, but with very focused expressions on their faces. The Templars, in full combat attire, watched them closely. - What are they doing? - asked Elissa to nowhere. “Their souls are in the Shadow. Elissa turned and saw an elderly slender sorceress with incredibly kind eyes, in which an almost youthful energy radiated. She carefully examined the girl and spoke again. - Greetings, young lady. Duncan brought you in? It is not easy to impress him, you can be proud. Let me introduce myself: my name is Wynn, and I am one of the mages of the Circle that the king has summoned. “Nice to meet you, Wynn. My name is Elissa. ”The girl nodded politely. Wynn's thin lips stretched into a smile, she appreciated the manner. - You will soon become a Gray Guardian, but do you know about the connection of the darkspawn with the Shadow? - Is the shadow the kingdom of dreams? - Not really. The shadow is the place where spirits live - the first children of the Creator, and their distorted essences - demons. She is separated from our world by the Veil. Whenever your soul is separated from your body - in a dream or after death - it goes to the Shadow. Most, waking up, do not even remember this, but magicians can enter the Shadow consciously and sometimes look for answers there, - Winn pointed to the "sleeping". “I heard that mages entered the Shadow and defiled the Creator's house. “You speak of the Tevinter masters who, at the cost of sacrifices, tore the Veil and entered the Shadow in the flesh. There they met the true God - the Creator, and with their sins defiled the Golden City, turning it into Black. For this, the Creator cast them down to earth, turning them into the first creatures of darkness. At least that's what the Song of the Light says. - And it is true? “Who knows… maybe it's just an allegory that teaches that a person is ruined by his own pride, or maybe the truth. At least this explanation is no worse than others. - But Andraste existed. She said that she heard the voice of the Creator and led an army against the ancient Tevinter and his false gods. This is how the present Church was born. - Yes, but such long-standing legends in many interpretations are often overgrown with speculation, - said Wynn. “At least there’s something to think about,” Elissa said. - Yes, it is wise to think about your actions from time to time. Elissa looked closely at Wynn, she reminded her a little of her nanny Nan, who loved to tell Elissa fairy tales with morality. Nan and Wynn were absolutely different, but the girl felt something familiar and dear in the wise tone of the sorceress. - Can you give me any advice? Elissa suddenly asked. - Advice? - Wynn was surprised and laughed fervently. - No, really! You young people already know everything in the world. Why do you need advice from your elders? They are not exactly alike. Elissa sat on her bed and listened with half an ear as Davet told the story of his acquaintance with Duncan. It turned out that this weasel grew up in a village near the Wild Lands, and then fled from his father to the capital, where he was engaged in theft. He cut off Duncan's purse in the crowd, but he noticed it. Davet should have been hanged for his past tricks, but the Guardian intervened and announced the Right to Summon. “When I left, I showed my tongue to the guards,” laughed Davet. - Now I am tied up. Who would have thought that I would become a Gray Guardian! “And I won the tournament Earl Eamon arranged for Duncan,” Jory said proudly. - Alistair? - What? Before that, I was a templar. More precisely, he studied in the church for him. After taking the oath, he was supposed to serve in the Circle of Magicians, oversee them and chase the apostates. Fortunately, Duncan took me before I made my vows. That was ... six months ago. - Didn't you like it? - My soul was not in it. “But you’re very good at making the magicians angry,” Davet grinned. “I’m okay with magicians. It's just that I absolutely do not like magicians who do not like me. I really don't want to live out my life as a frog. I'm fine anyway. - Elissa? - Jory addressed, hinting at keeping up the conversation. Everyone looked at her. The girl shook her head and turned away. Today she approached the soldier who was guarding the passage to the Wildlands of Korkari several times in the morning, but he said that there were no Hayvers soldiers among the troops returning from the reconnaissance. And those warriors who returned were completely wounded and frightened. Elissa was worried about her brother and did not find a place for herself. “Come on,” Davet insisted. “We will soon be Gray Wardens together. How did you impress Duncan? Elissa frowned, stood up abruptly, and walked away, gesturing to her mabari not to follow her. I survived.“That was a very tactless question, Davet,” Duncan said in a hollow voice. Behind the dilapidated walls of a building that hundreds of years ago could have been a temple or a meeting place was the headquarters of the command. Loghain was standing over the table, bent over the cards ... and again arguing with the king. He was informed that Kaylan nearly died last night. - Your recklessness on the battlefield will bring us to trouble! How long do you have to be on the brink of death for you to drop your naive dreams of heroism? “Nothing happened to me, Loghain. The Gray Warden Alistair saved me. “Which speaks of his merits, not your discretion. I asked you to leave the battles to our soldiers, and you not only climb on the rampage, but also invite enemies to our lands. - The Orlais Wardens also fight the Blight, as do the Fereldans. Thayrn slammed his palm down on the table. - There is no Mora. You are too carried away by legends and trust these Guardians in everything. Remind you how one day your father almost died because of them *? “And upon his return, he issued a decree to return the Order of the Gray Wardens to Ferelden,” Kaylan retorted. - I was against it then, and now my opinion has not changed. The Gray Wardens serve no king or country. They always pursue only their own goals, and for their sake they will sacrifice anything and anyone. - Enough, Loghain. Let's end on this, - the king said dispassionately and left. Orley ... Loghain knew that Kylan was trying with all his might to make peace with his recent enemy. Born already in liberated Ferelden, the young king did not know what it was like for the people to live in slavery for almost seventy years, how Orlesian soldiers took mothers, wives, daughters from their beds and raped them in front of the family, how they took the last piece of bread and killed everyone, who just "wrong" looked at them. Loghain vowed that he would cope with all the darkspawn on his own and would not allow that nightmare to happen again. Tairn ran a hand through his hair in annoyance and rested his palms on the table again. The servants did not dare to approach him. Everyone thought they had a fight with the king again over the queen, daughter of Loghain. However, and on this occasion, they have recently argued quite often, as if they had never been friends as a family. Kaylan sighed in annoyance. When the war was over, he would have to have a serious talk with Loghain about Orlais. Enough of this enmity. Ferelden deserves peace, and Kaylan, as king, is obliged to provide it. Kaylan walked to Duncan's tent and saw Elissa walking towards him. Noticing the king, she stepped aside and bowed, but Kaylan also stopped and spoke to her. Duncan could see them talking from afar. Elissa answered in monosyllables, shaking her head and nodding. After that, sadness flashed across the king's face. He said goodbye to the girl and went to the Guardian. “I’m so sorry that I can’t help her now,” Kaylan said sadly. “Elissa understands everything, Your Majesty. I hope she wasn't rude to you? Duncan asked politely. - No, on the contrary. She was very polite, and that's why I only feel bitter when I see her so sad. Look after her, Duncan. “Of course, Your Majesty. “However, that's not why I was looking for you,” the king perked up. “On the battlefield yesterday, Guardian Alistair saved my life. I would like to thank him. “He,” Davet looked around, but there was no one behind him, “… he was just here. Let's go find it. Davet got up and pulled over to help find Jory. “Alistair was just doing his duty. I think he would have told you the same if he was here, ”Duncan replied to King without turning around,“ but I will convey your thanks to him. - Well, well, and ... - Kaylan noticed the shoulder of plate armor protruding from behind a high fire and smiled to himself. “… Tell him that later I'll figure out how to reward him. “Of course, Your Majesty. I'll pass it on. Kaylan left. - Duncan, what was the king talking about? Alistair asked quietly. - About Elissa. Who is she? The Gray Warden sighed. “She is the daughter of Thayrn Cousland. - What? Is she from the Thayrn family? Alistair was surprised. Usually nobles of this status do not let the heirs go to the order, entry into which means the end of a past life and an eternal struggle with death. In addition, the authority of the Gray Wardens is far from what it used to be. However, Duncan's account of what happened at Hayever explained everything. “If I had not taken her from the castle with the Right of Summoning, she would have remained to protect her parents and, of course, would have died with them. She hoped to find her brother in Ostagar, but the king sent him with intelligence to the Wild Lands. He still hasn't returned. “Wow,” said Alistair. “I don’t think she needs someone’s pity. Just don't ask her about Hayever. In time, she will come to terms with grief. - What about Initiation? Can she? Duncan himself was afraid. “We can only hope that she will find the strength in herself,” the Guardian looked at the sky, checking the time against the sun and shadows. - There is no more time to wait. Alistair, collect the recruits. It's time for you to go.

Guardian of the Reach in Dragon Age: Origins is a quest that you can start during the main campaign when you are in the tower of the Circle during the quest "Broken Circle". To start on the first floor, you need to find one of the notes of an unknown student. You can complete it at any time during the game.

You will find the first three notes on the ground floor in these locations:
- the first room outside the door that the templars will close;
- the next room behind the same door that you entered before;
- the second section of the library - you need to search in a heap of books. It is highlighted so it won't be too difficult.

Big hall- go to the room with statues and find a note at the far side.

Now, in the same room with statues, you need to take the following actions in turn:
1) click on the statue with a bowl;
2) then the statue raising the sword:
3) behind her, lowering the sword;
4) and the last one holding the shield - you can find it in the central room of the floor.

After that you have to go down to where you met Wynne and try to enter the vault - at this moment the demon of anger will appear. It is worth knowing that if you took the side of the magicians, then three more people will help you in the battle, if not, then you will have to accept the challenge yourself.

The peculiarity of this battle is that you cannot activate invisibility by a robber - the enemy will appear out of nowhere and hit from behind.

Ultimately, after the battle, you can get the following items:
- Yusaris - two-handed sword;
- malachite;
- fluorite;
- quartz;
- chain mail.

Naturally, at the end of the quest, you will have another entry in the code of the defeated demon.

Yusaris Sword marked by the game as unique and, in addition to a good attack, it also gives protection from fire and a decent additional damage to dragons.

Chain mail common and not of particular value. This is worn by the temporary companions of the Guardian in the introduction before initiation. You can safely sell it if, of course, you have it no worse.

It can be useful malachite which, if given to the emissary Fellhammer, will increase the number of dwarves in the final battle.

Quest bugs

If the demon Shah Wird kills all three magicians, then the wrong record of Wynn's death will be displayed in the codex.

There is a bug on PS3 when the player tries to complete the quest a little later and does not have a chance to go to the third floor through the rooms of the senior magicians. To eliminate it, you need to approach from the other side of the wall.

Also, if you are going to go through the add-ons, then you will probably be interested in articles that tell about all that have been released, as well as a full walkthrough - one of the extensive DLCs for the game.