Self-awareness of Lila. Space game. Jagat Lila. ONLINE GAME LIEL CEL value

37. Wisdom (Jnana or Giana)

Clean wisdom, free from judgments and estimates, is the force that raises the player to the plan of bliss, located in the eighth row outside the chakras. A player who understands his role in the game and nature of actions that will allow him to fulfill this role, lives in bliss. Jnana is awareness, but not final implementation. Jnana is the penetration into essence, but not the most essence.

38. Prana Loca

Prana is life force. In Sanskrit this is synonymous with life and the name of the breath of life, which we get with each breath. Prana is<дух> In the body, the connection of the soul and physical shell. Consciousness leaves the body along with Praran. With the help of pranayama, yoga raise Prana on the spine and reaches various Siddhi - mystical perfection.


Athana is, as opposed to Prana, the energy running down and is responsible for bodily allocations. This is the main force that contributes to the purification of the body. Mixing prana and aphanas causes the waking of Kundalini - colossal energy concluded at the base of the spine. Kundalini gives physical immortality and supernatural abilities.

40. Vyana-Lok

Vyana takes posantic energy in the lungs and distributes it on all body systems. This vital energy is responsible for the flow of blood, the secretion of the glands, the movement of the body down and up, as well as for opening and closing the eyelid. Together with Praran and Apana, they are responsible for the normal body work. Full control over pranay, apican and eating allows yoga to get rid of bodily influence and direct its energy to the highest chakram. Understanding the Divine Presence player throughout the creation, acquired during the journey through the fourth chakra, makes him seek the Divine inside himself, and so his attention refers to the processes occurring in his body and reflecting the processes of Macrocosm. His consciousness and experience are expanding, washing the line between the inner and external.

41. Human Plan (Jana-Lok)

Jana-Loca (or Jnana-Lok, the sphere of wisdom), the fifth plan of the fifth level, is the inadequate of Siddhov (creatures that have achieved a high degree of development and possessing forces that allow them to perform actions,<сверхъестественные> For people who are at the lowest plans) and the saints constantly immersed in the contemplation of the Lord Vishnu. The element of air prevails here, and the body of the beings, which are in this plan, consist of pure wisdom, non-liable desires. In this regard, the player comprehends the true meaning of what it means to be a man. Often it is achieved directly during the transition from the level of the third chakra with an arrow leading from the field of selfless service.

42. Agni Plan (Agni Loca)

Agni or Fire - Fire is a source and colors, and forms that make up the essence of the world of phenomena. Fire is a rude manifestation of energy, its conductor. A player who falls on this plan understands that his body is also only a tool, an object of sacrifice. That is why the mediator is seen in the fire between man and God. All religious rituals are performed in the presence of Agni as an eternal witness and a victim. Fire is present in all creation, he does not hide anything from him. He is a witness who excludes any deception and self-deception.

43. Human Birth (Manushi-Gianma)

The passage through the plan of Agni is preparing a player for real birth. The cooled in the second chakra, fed and brought up in the third, filled with human emotions in the fourth, is now a player is ready for the resurrection of his true human essence - to the second birth. He becomes twggling, Brahman - a follower of absolute truth, Brahman.

44. Ignor (Avidya)

Seejaya means<знание, ведение>, a - prefix negation. The lack of knowledge is eating. Knowledge is an understanding of the player of his role in the game, wherever he is at the moment. The player falling on the field of ignorance, forgets the illusory nature of being and becomes tied to those or other emotional states or sensory perceptions. The energy of the player, the stolen snakes of ignorance, descends to the level of the first chakra and the plan of sensuality. The loss of understanding the nature of Maya (illusions) leads to a tininess of its intelligence and leads to identification with certain states.

45. Proper knowledge (Suvidya)

If Jnana is a realization of truth,<правильное знание> Includes awareness and behavior (practice). This combination raises the player to the eighth plan, on the field of the Space Good. And now only one step separates it from the goal. He is aware of himself as a macrocosm in a microcosm, the ocean enclosed in a drop. Proper knowledge adds a new dimension to Jnane, awareness of the unity of the past, present and future. The right knowledge field completes the passage of the fifth chakra, the fifth row of the game. At this stage, the player reaches a complete awareness of his unity with space, it is connected to the ultimate reality and is assigned to the Rudra plan (Shiva), the plan of the Space Good.

46 Distribution (Viveka)

The ability to distinguish is the ability to listen to your inner voice, which suggests what is true, and what is not. Viveka could not appear in the game before. The player can get here only passing through the right knowledge field (45). If the player gets on the boom of proper knowledge, he immediately rises to the plan of the Space Blade. Otherwise, he has to resort to the ability to distinguish to determine the further course of the game. The ability to discrimination raises the happiness plan. At the level of the sixth chakra, a person overcomes the effect of coarse matter and becomes able to see the past, present and future in any direction - it opens the third eye. But the subtle influence of Maya remains. As a reliable reference point, the inner voice or the voice of the Lord in the heart.

47. Land of neutrality (Sarasvati)

In the sixth chakra, the negative and positive effect of the chakras and energies gradually disappears and only neutral remains. Plan Sarasvati is the kingdom of the goddess that is the same name. Here the player is surrounded by clean music and lives in a state of seey, knowledge. Sarasvati, the deity of teaching and beauty, gives him the opportunity to achieve equilibrium and be outside the influence of energy fields of existence. Now he can just watch the course of the game.

48. Solar Plan (Yamuna)

In the sixth chakra, the player establishes the balance between the male, sunny principle and female, lunar. This harmonious fusion of elements creates<я> An observer, which is neither man's nor female, but represents a harmonious combination of both. Below the sixth chakra is solar and lunar energies are intertwined with each other, here they merge and become one. This feeling of the whole whole characterizes the plan of asceticism. In the sun, the realization of solar energy comes, but this energy does not affect the observer standing in the Yamun River and feeling how the hot solar energy of creation and destruction, life and death passes through it. Yamuna - sister of God the death of the pit

49. Moon Plan (Ganges)

The player entering this plan turns out to be at the source of attractive and enveloping female magnetic energy or mental energy, which balances the solar energy of creativity.

50. Plan asceticism (Tapa Loca)

Just as in the fifth chakra, knowledge had for a player the basic meaning, here, on the plan of asceticism, all the aspirations of the player are aimed at performing the hard work of repentance and ascetic. Tapas word means<подвижничество>, <умерщвление плоти>, <горение>. This is the practice of self-denial meditation. Tapa Loca inhabited by great yogas and ascetrics who left along the way with which there is no return shipped into deep roving, the purpose of which is to move upwards, to the next level, Satya Lock. A player can get on Tapa Loka directly through the practice of Sudjar (a plan of religiosity) in the fourth chakra or gradually, moving through the fifth chakra, developing consciousness and mastering the system of lunar and solar energy.

51. Land (Prichivi)

The Earth symbolizes the great maternal principle. This is a scene on which consciousness leads its eternal game, known as Lila. Here the player understands that the Earth is not just soil, but the mother earth. The player opens up new patterns and harmony, new ways of playing, previously hidden from him in the fog created by the involvement in the lower chakras. Despite the fact that her children cut her body and harness the soul, the earth gives them diamonds, gold, platinum. It should surely follow the law of Dharma and does not make differences between high and low. That is why the field of the Earth is located in the sixth chakra. We see her body, the physical plan of the first chakra. What we cannot see is her spirit, her understanding, generosity and kindness, her greatness. This is an understanding coming to the player when it reaches the sixth chakra. If the player fails to achieve cosmic consciousness, he will have to return to the mother-land again and from here to start to the highest goal.

52. Violence Plan (Himsa Loca)

The player who has reached the sixth chakra is aware of the unity of all things. Human bodies serve only with transient forms. The true essence of all players exists outside the kingdom of names and forms. The player knows that death is just a change of life scenario. Here there is a danger that the player will begin to resort to violence, perfectly realizing that his actions ultimately do not apply real harm to other players. But he has not yet been released to the end of the karma and violation of the laws of Dharma will entail a fall on the fourth level - in purgatory.

53. Liquid Plan (Jala Loca)

Water is cold in nature, it absorbs heat, bringing coolness. The heat of the mobility of the sixth chakra, ascetic, makes the player cruel. He needs to go through the pure water of a liquid plan to repay the burning energy of violence and turn it into an even warmth of spiritual love.

54. Plan of spiritual dedication (bhakti-log)

Bhakti, or spiritual dedication, is based on approval:<Любовь есть Бог, а Бог есть любовь>. A devotee-bhakta loves his deity. Divine-Valid, and devotee - in love. Bhakti is the immediate method, this is the shortest way to Divine. All yoga and all knowledge, Jnana, hold on the cornerstone of true faith, true devotion and love, true bhakti. There is nothing higher than love, and bhakti is a religion of love. Jnana makes the player with a sage, while Bhakti turns him into a divine child on his mother's knees under the benevolent defense of the Father. The wisely will have to go a long way to meet the Lord. Bhakta is always surrounded by his deity present in the myriads of his forms and names in every part of life experience.

55. Egoism (Ahamkara)

Ahamkara is a feeling of separation of its existence. When all the attention of the player is directed exclusively to the satisfaction of his desires, even spiritual, he becomes an egoist. The satisfaction of spiritual and material desires pens out to the background of love, humility, sincerity, attentiveness to others and all other dumplings. The concentration on themselves is contrary to the spiritual path - the ways from Himself to the Divine. As soon as obstacles arise to satisfy the desires, such a player falls into the old Wrath trap and falls at the first level.

56. Plan of initial vibrations (Omkara)

OM is a single sound present everywhere in the universe, manifested and unmanifested. This is the thinnest of the forms in which there is energy. Omkar is a vibration plan that produce this cosmic sound in harmony with all other vibrations. A player who falls here is aware that OM is a vibration that fills all the elements of being.

57. Gas plan (Wi-Lock)

Viyu-Loka (literally<план воздуха>) Located in the field of Satya-Loki, the reality plan, in the seventh row of the playing board. This Waiy is one wind, or the air, which is on the physical, or earthly plan. This is the essence of the physical element of the air. Wi-Loka is a plan where the player becomes the flow of energy, along with which the entire atmosphere is moving, overcoming gravity. Here are inhabited by enlightened souls with light bodies who have not reached the Satya Loki - a reality plan. In the sixth chakra, we met with a liquid plan, but the liquid still has a form. Gas has no certain form. Liquid has weight, gas - no. The player is no longer burdened, he acquired the true freedom of action. It becomes a creature, unnecessary gravity and not shaped.

58. Lighting Plan (Tedja Loca)

Tedja is the light that was created at the beginning. The world that we perceive in the wakeful state is the world of phenomena and forms, a phenomenal world, which is crowned in the light (Tedja), from which he materializes. This world is similar to the world of our dreams, but is not it. This state is completely<сделано> Of the light and inhabit the truly enlightened.

59 Reality Plan (Satya Loca)

Satya Loca is the latest plan from the seven major lok, located in the spinal column of the playing board. Here the player reaches the world of Shabda-Brahman and is on the verge of liberation from the cycle of rebirth. He achieved the highest plan, outside of which Vaikuntha is located, the location of the cosmic consciousness. In this regard, the player is approved in reality. Here the player reaches its highest chakra and itself becomes a reality realized by the Being. He is in the blissful state of samadhi, like a drop in the ocean. But even here the player has not yet achieved liberation. Here, at the seventh level of the game, there are three snakes. The first is egoism. Second - negative intelligence. Third - Tamas. Having reached the reality plan, the player escaped one of these snakes, but two are waiting for him ahead, challenging his desire for liberation.

60. Positive Intelligence (Subudids)

Subudids are a proper understanding that comes only with the achievement of a reality plan. After the player reached Satya-Loki, his consciousness becomes perfect and free from duality and he comprehends the Divine in all forms and phenomena of this world. Such consciousness and there are subdids.

61. Negative Intelligence (Durbuddhi)

If a player does not follow the laws of Dharma, doubting the cosmic nature of the Being and the Divine Presence in each of his experience, he freshes a snake of negative intelligence, dropping down on the plan of insignificant. He did not learn to take everything that the world offers him, enjoy all the possibilities for development and see God's hand. Now he will have to go through all vibration plans related to the second chakra, unless the boom and charity arrows will not help. If he does not resort to the help of these arrows, he will have to redeem its negativeness (cell 21 - redemption) and find the dharma again or choose a completely new course of action.

62 Happiness (Sukha)

Happiness, or Sukha, comes to the player when his consciousness tells him that he is very close to the goal, giving him the confidence that he is approaching liberation. The feelings that he experiences are indescribable, do not describe them with words. He feels happiness that is experiencing the river, connecting with the ocean after a thousand miles long travel. This is a feeling of merging with your source. If, staying in such a happy condition, the player will not be neglected with his karma, will not be lazy and passive, he has a real chance to achieve cosmic consciousness during this life. But if he is so stunned by the experience of happiness that forgets about the need to act, feeling that his mission is close to the end, the snake of Tamas, who slept next to him, is ready to swallow him, returning its energy to the level of the first chakra.

In Sanskrit, the word Tamas means<тьма>. Tamas is a snake of darkness, the longest snake in the game, which ruthlessly paints the player in the illusion of the radiance of a reality plan. In the seventh chakra, Tamas is an ignorance that arises from attachment to sensory perception. This ignorance comes after the player implements the fortune of happiness and thinks that it is the end of the need to execute karma. But here the player can not stop all activities. He forgot that as long as he reaches liberation, the game is not over. Inaction is an attempt to avoid the law of Karma. Tamas is the attribute of Togun, its manifestation in the microcosm. When the same force is discussed as the Prakrit attribute in the eighth row of the game, it is called Tamoguna.

64. Phenomenal Plan (Prakriti Loca)

The manifested Prakriti is a material world consisting of elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether (Akasha), as well as the mind (manas), intellect (Buddhi) and Ego (Ahamkara). Such are eight gross manifestations of Prakriti. Divine Prakriti is Maya-Shakti, the illusory energy of God, the shadow of God.

65. Internal space plan (Uranta Loca)

Leaving behind the seventh row and realizing the existence of Prakriti, the player begins to penetrate the source of all phenomenal phenomena - great consciousness. The player merges with him, and at this moment every duality disappears. The player gets a clean experience of immense measurements, an infinite space lying inside it<Я>.

66. Bliss Plan (Ananda Loca)

Consciousness is described as truth, being and bliss - Satchitananda. Ananda is the highest truth, the essence of being. In the process of creation<Я> Gradually covered with five shells. Of these, the first and the thinnest -anandamaya-koki -thely clean being, a pure experience of consciousness. This is the body of bliss, in the center of which is cosmic consciousness. During the period corresponding to the creation, it acts as an individual consciousness.

67. Space Good Plan (Rudra-Lock)

Rudra is one of the names of Shiva. All creation passes through three phases. The manifestation is accompanied by maintaining the resulting form and inevitably ends with a decay or destruction. These three processes are creation, maintenance (preservation) and destruction are carried out by three forces of the Most High, which is not created by anyone, but everything creates. Creator (Brahma), guardian (Vishnu) and the destroyer (Shiva) were born from his will. These three forces are interdependent and are interconnected. Creation takes place by the will of the Lord, according to his own will, the created is preserved and in the end collapses. Without the destruction of false self-defining - the concept of a separate reality, the individual ego - the true Union (Yoga) is impossible. Thus, Shiva, destroying the false ego, combines an individual consciousness with its cosmic source. Rudra-Loca is one of the three central squares of the highest row of a playing board, where there are divine forces responsible for all the creation, to unity with which everyone seeking liberation. The desire for proper knowledge leads to a player for Lesiv's location. Here he comes to the awareness of the Space Blade, the essence of which is the truth, and the form is beauty.

68. Space Consciousness (Vaikuntha Loca)

Building over all the logs, outside of all limits, there is a Vaikuntha - Loca of Space Consciousness, the Life Strength (Prana) of the entire manifested reality. This log also consists of an element called a mahant serving the source of all other elements. Before starting the game, the participant takes the importance and significance of this plan of being, which will always be its goal. Vaikuntha is the abode of Vishnu, a place that every follower of Hinduism hopes to achieve, completing existence in its current form. Here is a cosmic consciousness, since Vishnu, being a truth, is a patron and defender of consciousness in his ascent. Points falling on the kity's playing bone correspond to the level of player vibrations. The bone determines both the player's position on the field and the coming, and the upcoming path. The player can follow the discipline of the Ashtang Yoga, the octal path, gradually undergoing the level behind the level. Or, following the Dharma, become bhakta - spiritual devotees. All paths lead to one goal. Whatever the player's path among all countless possibilities, now he reached the monastery of Vishnu. Vishnu, who serves the essence of creation, truth. It is directly above the reality plan, since the truth is the highest reality. The game stops. What happens now depends on the player. The nature of the space game is simple - this is the opening of new combinations. With what new karma, with what companions player will be able to enter the game again, seeking to find a fortune again, which will be his real face? He can continue this game in hide and seek with himself or forever stay outside the game. Or he can go back to the ground to help other seekers achieve their goal.

69. Absolute Plan (Brahma Loca)

On one side of the Vaikuntha Lockey, there is still ores, and on the other - while Brahma is. Together they form the Brichma Triad, Vishnu and Shiva in the center of the highest row of the playing board. Inhabited in truth inhabit here, without experiencing fear before returning to the execution of karmic roles. Mercier's practitioners come here, they are in the monastery of Brahma, not by ledging fear. Brahma is the Creator of the Material World, the active principle of Noahman, the force, transforming consciousness in countless forms and reflections. His abode is Brahma Loca. A player reaching this place merges with this absolute force, this subtle principle. Despite the fact that Brahma Loca is located next to the plan of cosmic consciousness, Brahma cannot give the player liberation. The game should continue. Brahma defines the form of the game, but there is something else, in addition to the form. Only truth, bent on the path of spiritual devotion or by gradually movement on the yoga stairs to the highest blessing (Shiva) can be given the final liberation.

70. Suttvaguna

Sattva herself is a Guna virtue, contributing to the performance of Dharma. Suttvaguna is synonymous with such concepts as light, entity, true nature and higher levels of vibrations. Calm, unperturbed state of meditation, leading to samadhi, is implemented when sattva prevails. But three humans in the world of karma always exist together and Sattva early or permanently is mixed with Rajas (passion) or Tamas (ignorance). Unclean sattva is always affected by karma. Clean sattva is not different from the Space Consciousness, the Supreme Truth. Sat and means<истина>.

71. Rajoguna

Rajoguna is an activity in consciousness, or an active consciousness. A player who has reached the eighth row, but failed in an attempt to realize cosmic consciousness, fond the strength of karma, activity. This activity is the cause of all suffering, it assumes the presence of a figure, inevitably falling victims of its ambitions and expectations of fruits from activity. Any obstacle on the way to the desired goal gives rise to pain and suffering.

72. Togun

Togun hides the truth so that the rope seems to be a snake, and the snake is a rope. Darkness is the main sign of Tamoguna, and its nature is passivity. The player comes here immediately leaves the level of space forces and returns to the ground to search for a new way of ascent. What happens next, depends only on the player and that single, which is the truth.

Made the abstract book "Lila" for the convenience of players. I removed the "water", added something from myself. Maybe someone will come in handy.

Brief description of the fields in the game "Lila"

1. Birth (Dzhanma)

Entrance to samsar. Six fell out - the sixth element (consciousness) is connected to five material elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth). The unit is the root of creation, an independent person, the search for his unique path.

2. Illusion (Maya)

Begins the game of hide and seek with yourself. The awareness of unity (yoga) with the highest consciousness is inferior to the feeling of disunity, false self-defining, ego, duality (two). This feeling is created by Maya - the illusory force of the highest consciousness. Maya is the tail of the Snake Darkness (Tamasa).

3. Wrath (Crodch)

Anger is the first and lowest manifestation of the ego when obstacles arise on the way to the implementation of your false "I" and, as a result, uncertainty. Anger is the tail of the snake of egoism. Anger lowers at the level of the first chakra and burns all the achievements, depriving mind. Anger can also clean and develop perseverance and hardness of nature if its cause is not in egoism and it is not aimed at any particular. Troika symbolizes dynamism, and the dynamics can be both negative and positive.

4. Greed (Lobcha)

Egoism, dissatisfaction and insecurity give rise to greed, comprehension, the desire to ensure its place in the game. Greed is the tail of the snake of jealousy. Material support is the main concern for the player's level at the level of the first chakra. Even having everything you need, such a player still feels emptiness. And in order to plunge this feeling, he is trying to take possession of an increasing number of material goods. Greed makes a person with a minor, but can also be aimed at love, the acquisition of spiritual experience and knowledge that can work for good. Four symbolizes completion. The desire for completion in this coarse material level turns into greed.

5. Physical Plan (BSh Loca)

Earth, the coherent plan of being, the first of the seven Lok (levels of existence). In this regard, the player is entirely absorbed by the material achievements associated with the body. If the problems associated with the physical plan are not solved, it will not be able to rise above. From this dense plan there are no ascending arrows, and there are tails of seven snakes, lowering the player with other, higher plans. Commier and gradually implement this plan of being for all players. The five is the number of material elements: ether, air, fire, water, earth. There are also five limitations of feelings, coarse interaction organs with matter: ears - for sound, leather - for touch, eyes - for perception of shape and color, language is a feeling of taste and nose-for smell.

6. Mooring (Moha)

The delusion of animals of attachment, dependence, obsession, which burst the player's eyes, not letting him see things as they are, and forcing it to be reborn. Unlike Maya, which is the world itself of illusion, delusion is what binds the player to this world. The error comes from the misunderstanding of the laws of Dharma, the world order, the universal religion, the laws of the game. The error is the first cell in which the player gets, after he throws the six. In this field also leads the tail of the snake of the worn or the lack of true religiosity. The six is \u200b\u200bassociated with creative activity and dwells in equilibrium, but this illusory equilibrium can be an obstacle to movement further, creating the illusion of comfort within the framework of materialism, egoism and sensual pleasures. Those who are in this field continue to suffer from wrath and greed.

7. Vanity (MADA)

Vanity is self-deception, pride, intoxication with imaginary or genuine grandeur and advantages. Vanity is a consequence of bad communication (the tail of the snake called the "bad company"), and the result of bad desires. Seven is a number that symbolizing the problems of adaptation, by nature a single seven and strives for completion, creating society around him. This is the number of writers and artists who, in the absence of development, are in false pride and non-efficient gold. They love the shock and the overthrow of the men, tend to create their own religion and spend life in entertainment.

8. Decity (Matsaria)

Vanity leads to greed - a person thinks that he deserves the whole thing from others and even more. And he is ready to go to everything to take possession of what belongs to others. The greed is firmly connected with envy - it is in the tail of the snake envy. Greed is envy in aggregate with greed. Eight is the number that, when multiplying any other, is reduced, and when multiplying is multiplying, first increases, and then it comes to 8. Thin decreases when the rude increases. And so until the penetration is in the essence of coarse, and then it becomes thin again. Knowing rude brings wisdom and allows you to move on.

9. Sensual Plan (Kama Loca)

The ninth square finishes the first level and leads to the second that begins with cleansing. Without passing through the sensual plan, it is impossible to rise above. Kama is a desire, which is a stimulus for development. But this desire is rude. Here is the tail of the snake of ignorance or gradual research of the first chakra. Nine symbolizes completion and perfection.

10. Cleansing (TAPA)

Start of the second level. Energy loss at the first level creates a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction, even despite the feeling of comfort. Then the player's attention refers to cleansing. Here it begins an arrow leading to a heavenly plan and allows you to immediately overcome all the problems of the second level.

11. Entertainment (Gandharva)

Gandharvy - Heavenly Musicians. Their life is devoted to the entertainment of others and getting pleasure. At this level, they go after purification and fills the players in the inner joy and ease, a sense of rhythm and harmony, the ability to hear the music of spheres. They are already free from the feeling of uncertainty and concern to material well-being, which is characteristic of the first level.

12. Envy (Irania)

The first snake. It returns the player in the cage of greed at the first level. This is the first fall arising due to the insecurity and the inability to accept the fact that the other can also be at the second level or even higher.

13. Non'tariya (Antarkha)

Antarkha is a plan located between the physical plan and heaven (Svarga Loca). Here the player is in a "suspended" condition: neither in heaven, nor on the ground, in fact in nothing. The state of Antarkha is the tail of the snake of negative intelligence and comes from the misunderstanding of its destination, existential fear and the feeling of instability. The player is experiencing a sense of inner emptiness, does not find himself places and stays in constant alarm and lost. All this is a by-product of the transition to the second chakra. The player crashes his small energy on sensual pleasures and, quickly breathing, loses interest in life and the game. This is the main problem of the second chakra. Replenishment of energy reserves allows him to move on.

14. Astral Plan (Bhwar Loca)

The astral plan is a measurement of mental space located between the Earth and Heaven. This is a plan of dreams, dreams, fruitful creativity and imagination. The player has already satisfied his material needs and now he sees that life is much more interesting and more diverse than he could imagine, being concerned about the development of livelihood. The player is released creative imagination, he spends time in pleasure, sexuality becomes the main means of expression. The player has already overcome the earthly plan, and his imagination gives him an idea of \u200b\u200bheaven. The danger lies in the fact that dreams and sensuality will lead the player from reality, depleting his vital energy.

15. Fantasy Plan (Naga Loca)

Naga Loca, the world of magical snakes is the abode of those who are fully immersed in their fantasies. This abode is underground. The player lives in a fantastic world where life opportunities are expanded to incredible borders and do not apply to the familiar restrictions. All the player's energy is directed to the study of this world and manifests itself in creating works of art, new ideas and discoveries. At the astral plan, the player begins to realize his capabilities, here it is completely absorbed by this measurement of mental space.

16. Jealousy (Double)

Jealousy arises from a sense of insecurity. Suspiciousness and inability to trust close people deprives the player with the feeling of reliability, security and return it to the first level in encouraging greed. To regain self-confidence and tomorrow, the player needs to go back the first level to deal with the causes of uncertainty.

17. Compassion (Daya)

Compassion, mercy, empathy is divine quality that is so strong that he raises the player with the second chakra on the eighth, on the absolute plan. In the strongest form, compassion is manifested when it is directed to the enemies when the player "puts the cheek", instead of "give delivery." The compassion and forgiveness develops not least due to the imagination, which allows you to imagine that it feels and thinks another person, why he is forced to act like this, and not otherwise, obeying the rules of the Great Game of the Universe. The compassion spreads the boundaries of the false "I", approaching the absolute, but does not relieve the karma. Therefore, the player will have to move on until he bits the snake Tamogun and will not return it to the Earth to complete his mission.

18. Joy Plan (Harsha-Loca)

Here, at the end of the second level, a sense of deep satisfaction comes to the player. Travel through envy, insignificance, jealousy ... and the world of fantasies comes to an end - the player approaches reality. He managed to go through the first chakra, and now he does not feel fear and is quite confident. Rising above sensual desires, he completed the second stage. Ahead of him is waiting for the joyful performance of karma yoga and his joy does not have borders.

19. Plan of karma (karma-log)

In whatever level there is a player, he will strive to satisfy the service at this level. In the first two chakras, this desire is manifested as a desire for money and sex. In the third chakra, the main need becomes self-affirmation, achieving power and influence. Fantasy is inferior to an understanding of the actual position of things and the law of Karma, the law of interaction and rewarding, which stands for the world order. Karma (action) creates shackles, but it can also destroy them.

20. Charity (Dana)

It raises the player on the problems of this level, and it moves one level up to the equilibrium plan located at the heart chakra level. Finding on this field, the player identifies himself with Divine, good present in everything, and makes actions aimed at the benefit of others, without waiting for any benefit for themselves. These actions fill the player with the joy accompanying the rise of the energies to higher levels. Charity satisfies the developing ego and frees the player from the shackles of the third chakra.

21. Atonement (Samana Pope)

Gradually, the player realizes that in the process of satisfying the feeling, he could cause harm to others, and now this bad karma prevents its development. There is a time of repentance and error corrections. Also repentance helps those who have not yet adapted to the high level of the third chakra. The player takes over his mistakes, following the principles of Dharma, an universal religion, and is configured to a higher level of vibration.

22. Dharma Plan (Dharma Loka)

Dharma is the Ecumenical principles that lead to the harmony of the world seeming chaotic. Dharma is the laws of life in the Universe, following which creates the conditions for overcoming the lower plans of being. With the Dharma Plan, the player rises immediately at the seventh level, in the field of positive intelligence. Dharma is the initial property of everything in this world. Ten basic qualities distinguishing those who follow Dharma: hardness, forgiveness, self-control, restraint, cleanliness, control over the senses and actions, intelligence, proper knowledge, truth and lack of anger.

23. Heavenly Plan (Svarga Loca)

The third among seven plans of being. In this regard, the first place comes out. Creatures inhabiting this plan emit light. In the first chakra, the player is looking for security and tries to take possession of many things that could support his physical existence. In the second, he explores the world of senses and seeks to enjoy. Lifting up to the third plan, it opens up a new dimension - created by the thought of Paradise, the world who satisfies his understanding of happiness and satisfies his ego, the desire for self-defining and for eternal life in happiness and pleasure.

24. Bad company (Ku-Sanga Loca)

In search of self-defining characteristic of the third chakra, the player is looking for a group of other people who could support him. At the same time, he risks to get into society of people retreating in their actions from the laws of Dharma. This is the "bad company". The force being created by the group serves as the soil for the growth of the ego and self-conceit of the player, and, the spontaneous snake, the player returns to the first chakra - in the field of vanity.

25. Good company (Su-Sanga Loca)

A good company at the third level is a community of people who help each other realize their best qualities and expand their ego. This community is going around the spiritual teacher with a developed fourth and fifth chakra. In contrast, a bad company, as a rule, is going around a charismatic leader with a developed third chakra. The result of staying in a bad company is the development of self-consistency, while in a favorable society a person develops the ability to compassion. Good communication is extremely necessary for switching to higher levels.

26. Sadness (Dukha)

Joy is a state of expansion, and sadness is a compression state. In spiritual practice, sadness arises due to the awareness of its inability to get closer to the Divine - due to problems with the first and second chakras. But the yield is - dedicated service, the best cure for sorrow.

27. Selfless fence (paramart)

If charity suggests the actions committed from time to time, then selfless service is a permanent position, the way of existence. Param means "higher", and Artha is a target for which the action is performed. Everything that is being done for the sake of the highest goal is paramart. Higher can mean God or some other idea whom the player decided to devote his life. Selfless ministry is a refusal of yourself and its self-defining for the sake of the highest goal. Individuality ceases to exist as a separate unit, becoming part of a greater whole. The ministry arrow transfers the player to the human plan, for the fifth level.

28. True Religiousness (Sudharma)

Sudharma is life in harmony with the laws of the game. Sudharma is an understanding of his place in the game and following his own Dharma. Sudharma is an individual path to liberation. As soon as the player begins to understand Sudharma, it becomes religious internally, and religion is done by his life. Rituals lose their importance, life itself turns into permanent worship. And the player becomes ready for the transition to the Askie Plan, for the sixth level.

29. Wearless or lack of religiosity (Adharma)

Adharma is non-compliance with the laws of the Dharma, the action in advance of its inner nature. The cause of adharmic activity is often too much self-confidence. A person who has achieved a certain spiritual level may begin to consider himself to be God able to independently determine what is good, but what is bad, without taking into account the laws of the universe, uniform for everyone. Such a person bites the snake vanity and it rolls at the first level. Avoid this allows true faith based on the understanding of the foundations of being and humility.

30. Good trends (Uttama-Gati)

Good tendencies manifest themselves from the player spontaneously if it moves in harmony with the laws of Macrocosm. While he vibrates on the three lower plans, these trends do not develop. Their growth begins only here in the fourth chakra, since it requires a certain degree of internal balance. Supporting good tendencies helps respiratory control, meditation (especially early in the morning), vegetarianism, sweats, exploring the Scriptures and all the virtues mentioned in this game. All this will help stabilize and reduce empty waste of energy through the lower chakras.

31. Holy Lock Plan (Yaksha Loca)

Yaksha is essential beings living in heaven. The player falling on the plan of holiness is experiencing divine mercy, unity with the divine and the ability to see the manifestation of His mercy in all creation. This unity exceeds a simple intellectual understanding and becomes a real part of everyday life. The player's attention attracts primarily comparing the nature of the divine existence and the presence of the Divine in all creation.

32. Equilibrium Plan (Mahar-Lock)

The first three Loki serve the arena, where the Jiva (individual consciousness) lives, developing in a series of new and new rebirths. In this fourth Lock, the player rises above the physical level, desires and thoughts, and lives in a state of equilibrium in the invisible world. In the heart center, male and female energy balanced. Here, the player overcomes the intellectual understanding of the Divine, characteristic of the third chakra, and moves to the direct emotional experience of its presence within his "I", source of love in my words and acts.

33. Fragrance plan (Gandha-Loca)

Gandha-Loca is the level of divine flavors. Find at this level the player not only acquires the ability to feel the finest flavors of the physical and metaphisy nature, but also himself begins to exhibit a pleasant fragrance. His bodily allocations are no longer silent.

34. Plan of Taste (Race Loca)

Race is clean shades of emotions, sensations, moods, tastes. When the player enters the plan of taste, his taste in every sense of this word is sophisticated. It becomes a connoisseur and a connoisseur of a good taste recognized by everyone.

35. Purgatory (Narak Loca)

Narak-Loca is the abode of the God of death, where there is a cleansing from the finest pollution and sins. Here the player is subjected to the sufferings of a physical and moral nature, repents, aware of the nature of unnecessary sin, gets rid of negativity and is approved in his Dharma.

36. Clarity of Consciousness (Swatch)

The clarity of consciousness is the light that fills the player when he leaves the fourth level to join the fifth, where a person becomes a man with a capital letter. In Sanskrit, the word swatch means "clean, clear, transparent". This transparency is the result of the purification process through which the player takes place in the Narak-Lock (human sphere). There is no point of rationality, intellectual understanding. Devotion and faith help to overcome this condition, and the player enters the level of living knowledge. All doubts go and remain absolute transparency. The player visited the plans of the aroma and taste and is now ready to join the ascending flow of energy that hesitates it to the fifth chakra.

37. Wisdom (Jnana or Giana)

Clean wisdom, free from judgments and estimates, is the force that raises the player to the plan of bliss, located in the eighth row outside the chakras. A player who understands his role in the game and nature of actions that will allow him to fulfill this role, lives in bliss. Jnana is awareness, but not final implementation. Jnana is the penetration into essence, but not the most essence.

38. Prana Loca

Prana is life force. In Sanskrit this is synonymous with life and the name of the breath of life, which we get with each breath. Prana is the "Spirit" in the body, the connection of the soul and the physical shell. Consciousness leaves the body along with Praran. With the help of pranayama, yoga raise Prana on the spine and reaches various Siddhi - mystical perfection.


Athana is, as opposed to Prana, the energy running down and is responsible for bodily allocations. This is the main force that contributes to the purification of the body. Mixing prana and aphanas causes the waking of Kundalini - colossal energy concluded at the base of the spine. Kundalini gives physical immortality and supernatural abilities.

40. Vyana-Lok

Vyana takes posantic energy in the lungs and distributes it on all body systems. This vital energy is responsible for the flow of blood, the secretion of the glands, the movement of the body down and up, as well as for opening and closing the eyelid. Together with Praran and Apana, they are responsible for the normal body work. Full control over pranay, apican and eating allows yoga to get rid of bodily influence and direct its energy to the highest chakram. Understanding the Divine Presence player throughout the creation, acquired during the journey through the fourth chakra, makes him seek the Divine inside himself, and so his attention refers to the processes occurring in his body and reflecting the processes of Macrocosm. His consciousness and experience are expanding, washing the line between the inner and external.

41. Human Plan (Jana-Lok)

Jana-Loca (or Jnana Loca, the Sphere of Wisdom), the fifth fifth level plan, is the insanity of Siddhov (creatures that have achieved a high degree of development and possessing the forces that allow them to perform actions, "supernatural" for people who are at the lowest plans) and Saints, constantly immersed in the contemplation of the Lord Vishnu. The element of air prevails here, and the body of the beings, which are in this plan, consist of pure wisdom, non-liable desires. In this regard, the player comprehends the true meaning of what it means to be a man. Often it is achieved directly during the transition from the level of the third chakra with an arrow leading from the field of selfless service.

42. Agni Plan (Agni Loca)

Agni or Fire - Fire is a source and colors, and forms that make up the essence of the world of phenomena. Fire is a rude manifestation of energy, its conductor. A player who falls on this plan understands that his body is also only a tool, an object of sacrifice. That is why the mediator is seen in the fire between man and God. All religious rituals are performed in the presence of Agni as an eternal witness and a victim. Fire is present in all creation, he does not hide anything from him. He is a witness who excludes any deception and self-deception.

43. Human Birth (Manushi-Gianma)

The passage through the plan of Agni is preparing a player for real birth. The cooled in the second chakra, fed and brought up in the third, filled with human emotions in the fourth, is now a player is ready for the resurrection of his true human essence - to the second birth. He becomes twggling, Brahman - a follower of absolute truth, Brahman.

44. Ignor (Avidya)

Seeing means "knowledge, maintenance", and is the prefix of negation. The lack of knowledge is eating. Knowledge is an understanding of the player of his role in the game, wherever he is at the moment. The player falling on the field of ignorance, forgets the illusory nature of being and becomes tied to those or other emotional states or sensory perceptions. The energy of the player, the stolen snakes of ignorance, descends to the level of the first chakra and the plan of sensuality. The loss of understanding the nature of Maya (illusions) leads to a tininess of its intelligence and leads to identification with certain states.

45. Proper knowledge (Suvidya)

If Jnana is a realization of truth, "proper knowledge" includes awareness and behavior (practice). This combination raises the player to the eighth plan, on the field of the Space Good. And now only one step separates it from the goal. He is aware of himself as a macrocosm in a microcosm, the ocean enclosed in a drop. Proper knowledge adds a new dimension to Jnane, awareness of the unity of the past, present and future. The right knowledge field completes the passage of the fifth chakra, the fifth row of the game. At this stage, the player reaches a complete awareness of his unity with space, it is connected to the ultimate reality and is assigned to the Rudra plan (Shiva), the plan of the Space Good.

46 Distribution (Viveka)

The ability to distinguish is the ability to listen to your inner voice, which suggests what is true, and what is not. Viveka could not appear in the game before. The player can get here only passing through the right knowledge field (45). If the player gets on the boom of proper knowledge, he immediately rises to the plan of the Space Blade. Otherwise, he has to resort to the ability to distinguish to determine the further course of the game. The ability to discrimination raises the happiness plan. At the level of the sixth chakra, a person overcomes the effect of coarse matter and becomes able to see the past, present and future in any direction - it opens the third eye. But the subtle influence of Maya remains. As a reliable reference point, the inner voice or the voice of the Lord in the heart.

47. Land of neutrality (Sarasvati)

In the sixth chakra, the negative and positive effect of the chakras and energies gradually disappears and only neutral remains. Plan Sarasvati is the kingdom of the goddess that is the same name. Here the player is surrounded by clean music and lives in a state of seey, knowledge. Sarasvati, the deity of teaching and beauty, gives him the opportunity to achieve equilibrium and be outside the influence of energy fields of existence. Now he can just watch the course of the game.

48. Solar Plan (Yamuna)

In the sixth chakra, the player establishes the balance between the male, sunny principle and female, lunar. This harmonious fusion of elements creates an "I" of an observer, which is neither male nor female, but represents a harmonious combination of both. Below the sixth chakra is solar and lunar energies are intertwined with each other, here they merge and become one. This feeling of the whole whole characterizes the plan of asceticism. In the sun, the realization of solar energy comes, but this energy does not affect the observer standing in the Yamun River and feeling how the hot solar energy of creation and destruction, life and death passes through it. Yamuna - sister of God the death of the pit

49. Moon Plan (Ganges)

The player entering this plan turns out to be at the source of attractive and enveloping female magnetic energy or mental energy, which balances the solar energy of creativity.

50. Plan asceticism (Tapa Loca)

Just as in the fifth chakra, knowledge had for a player the basic meaning, here, on the plan of asceticism, all the aspirations of the player are aimed at performing the hard work of repentance and ascetic. The word Tapas means "Moving", "killing flesh", "burning". This is the practice of self-denial meditation. Tapa Loca inhabited by great yogas and ascetrics who left along the way with which there is no return shipped into deep roving, the purpose of which is to move upwards, to the next level, Satya Lock. A player can get on Tapa Loka directly through the practice of Sudjar (a plan of religiosity) in the fourth chakra or gradually, moving through the fifth chakra, developing consciousness and mastering the system of lunar and solar energy.

51. Land (Prichivi)

The Earth symbolizes the great maternal principle. This is a scene on which consciousness leads its eternal game, known as Lila. Here the player understands that the Earth is not just soil, but the mother earth. The player opens up new patterns and harmony, new ways of playing, previously hidden from him in the fog created by the involvement in the lower chakras. Despite the fact that her children cut her body and harness the soul, the earth gives them diamonds, gold, platinum. It should surely follow the law of Dharma and does not make differences between high and low. That is why the field of the Earth is located in the sixth chakra. We see her body, the physical plan of the first chakra. What we cannot see is her spirit, her understanding, generosity and kindness, her greatness. This is an understanding coming to the player when it reaches the sixth chakra. If the player fails to achieve cosmic consciousness, he will have to return to the mother-land again and from here to start to the highest goal.

52. Violence Plan (Himsa Loca)

The player who has reached the sixth chakra is aware of the unity of all things. Human bodies serve only with transient forms. The true essence of all players exists outside the kingdom of names and forms. The player knows that death is just a change of life scenario. Here there is a danger that the player will begin to resort to violence, perfectly realizing that his actions ultimately do not apply real harm to other players. But he has not yet been released to the end of the karma and violation of the laws of Dharma will entail a fall on the fourth level - in purgatory.

53. Liquid Plan (Jala Loca)

Water is cold in nature, it absorbs heat, bringing coolness. The heat of the mobility of the sixth chakra, ascetic, makes the player cruel. He needs to go through the pure water of a liquid plan to repay the burning energy of violence and turn it into an even warmth of spiritual love.

54. Plan of spiritual dedication (bhakti-log)

Bhakti, or spiritual loyalty, based on approval: "Love is God, and God is love." A devotee-bhakta loves his deity. Divine-Valid, and devotee - in love. Bhakti is the immediate method, this is the shortest way to Divine. All yoga and all knowledge, Jnana, hold on the cornerstone of true faith, true devotion and love, true bhakti. There is nothing higher than love, and bhakti is a religion of love. Jnana makes the player with a sage, while Bhakti turns him into a divine child on his mother's knees under the benevolent defense of the Father. The wisely will have to go a long way to meet the Lord. Bhakta is always surrounded by his deity present in the myriads of his forms and names in every part of life experience.

55. Egoism (Ahamkara)

Ahamkara is a feeling of separation of its existence. When all the attention of the player is directed exclusively to the satisfaction of his desires, even spiritual, he becomes an egoist. The satisfaction of spiritual and material desires pens out to the background of love, humility, sincerity, attentiveness to others and all other dumplings. The concentration on themselves is contrary to the spiritual path - the ways from Himself to the Divine. As soon as obstacles arise to satisfy the desires, such a player falls into the old Wrath trap and falls at the first level.

56. Plan of initial vibrations (Omkara)

OM is a single sound present everywhere in the universe, manifested and unmanifested. This is the thinnest of the forms in which there is energy. Omkar is a vibration plan that produce this cosmic sound in harmony with all other vibrations. A player who falls here is aware that OM is a vibration that fills all the elements of being.

57. Gas plan (Wi-Lock)

Wi-Loka (literally "air plan") is located in the field of Satya Loki, a reality plan, in the seventh row of a playing board. This Waiy is one wind, or the air, which is on the physical, or earthly plan. This is the essence of the physical element of the air. Wi-Loka is a plan where the player becomes the flow of energy, along with which the entire atmosphere is moving, overcoming gravity. Here are inhabited by enlightened souls with light bodies who have not reached the Satya Loki - a reality plan. In the sixth chakra, we met with a liquid plan, but the liquid still has a form. Gas has no certain form. Liquid has weight, gas - no. The player is no longer burdened, he acquired the true freedom of action. It becomes a creature, unnecessary gravity and not shaped.

58. Lighting Plan (Tedja Loca)

Tedja is the light that was created at the beginning. The world that we perceive in the wakeful state is the world of phenomena and forms, a phenomenal world, which is crowned in the light (Tedja), from which he materializes. This world is similar to the world of our dreams, but is not it. This state is completely "done" from the light and inhabit the truly enlightened.

59 Reality Plan (Satya Loca)

Satya Loca is the latest plan from the seven major lok, located in the spinal column of the playing board. Here the player reaches the world of Shabda-Brahman and is on the verge of liberation from the cycle of rebirth. He achieved the highest plan, outside of which Vaikuntha is located, the location of the cosmic consciousness. In this regard, the player is approved in reality. Here the player reaches its highest chakra and itself becomes a reality realized by the Being. He is in the blissful state of samadhi, like a drop in the ocean. But even here the player has not yet achieved liberation. Here, at the seventh level of the game, there are three snakes. The first is egoism. Second - negative intelligence. Third - Tamas. Having reached the reality plan, the player escaped one of these snakes, but two are waiting for him ahead, challenging his desire for liberation.

60. Positive Intelligence (Subudids)

Subudids are a proper understanding that comes only with the achievement of a reality plan. After the player reached Satya-Loki, his consciousness becomes perfect and free from duality and he comprehends the Divine in all forms and phenomena of this world. Such consciousness and there are subdids.

61. Negative Intelligence (Durbuddhi)

If a player does not follow the laws of Dharma, doubting the cosmic nature of the Being and the Divine Presence in each of his experience, he freshes a snake of negative intelligence, dropping down on the plan of insignificant. He did not learn to take everything that the world offers him, enjoy all the possibilities for development and see God's hand. Now he will have to go through all vibration plans related to the second chakra, unless the boom and charity arrows will not help. If he does not resort to the help of these arrows, he will have to redeem its negativeness (cell 21 - redemption) and find the dharma again or choose a completely new course of action.

62 Happiness (Sukha)

Happiness, or Sukha, comes to the player when his consciousness tells him that he is very close to the goal, giving him the confidence that he is approaching liberation. The feelings that he experiences are indescribable, do not describe them with words. He feels happiness that is experiencing the river, connecting with the ocean after a thousand miles long travel. This is a feeling of merging with your source. If, staying in such a happy condition, the player will not be neglected with his karma, will not be lazy and passive, he has a real chance to achieve cosmic consciousness during this life. But if he is so stunned by the experience of happiness that forgets about the need to act, feeling that his mission is close to the end, the snake of Tamas, who slept next to him, is ready to swallow him, returning its energy to the level of the first chakra.

In Sanskrit, the word Tamas means "Darkness". Tamas is a snake of darkness, the longest snake in the game, which ruthlessly paints the player in the illusion of the radiance of a reality plan. In the seventh chakra, Tamas is an ignorance that arises from attachment to sensory perception. This ignorance comes after the player implements the fortune of happiness and thinks that it is the end of the need to execute karma. But here the player can not stop all activities. He forgot that as long as he reaches liberation, the game is not over. Inaction is an attempt to avoid the law of Karma. Tamas is the attribute of Togun, its manifestation in the microcosm. When the same force is discussed as the Prakrit attribute in the eighth row of the game, it is called Tamoguna.

64. Phenomenal Plan (Prakriti Loca)

The manifested Prakriti is a material world consisting of elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether (Akasha), as well as the mind (manas), intellect (Buddhi) and Ego (Ahamkara). Such are eight gross manifestations of Prakriti. Divine Prakriti is Maya-Shakti, the illusory energy of God, the shadow of God.

65. Internal space plan (Uranta Loca)

Leaving behind the seventh row and realizing the existence of Prakriti, the player begins to penetrate the source of all phenomenal phenomena - great consciousness. The player merges with him, and at this moment every duality disappears. The player receives a clean experience of immense measurements, an infinite space lying inside his "I".

66. Bliss Plan (Ananda Loca)

Consciousness is described as truth, being and bliss - Satchitananda. Ananda is the highest truth, the essence of being. In the process of creation, "I" is gradually covered with five shells. Of these, the first and the thinnest -anandamaya-koki -thely clean being, a pure experience of consciousness. This is the body of bliss, in the center of which is cosmic consciousness. During the period corresponding to the creation, it acts as an individual consciousness.

67. Space Good Plan (Rudra-Lock)

Rudra is one of the names of Shiva. All creation passes through three phases. The manifestation is accompanied by maintaining the resulting form and inevitably ends with a decay or destruction. These three processes are creation, maintenance (preservation) and destruction are carried out by three forces of the Most High, which is not created by anyone, but everything creates. Creator (Brahma), guardian (Vishnu) and the destroyer (Shiva) were born from his will. These three forces are interdependent and are interconnected. Creation takes place by the will of the Lord, according to his own will, the created is preserved and in the end collapses. Without the destruction of false self-defining - the concept of a separate reality, the individual ego - the true Union (Yoga) is impossible. Thus, Shiva, destroying the false ego, combines an individual consciousness with its cosmic source. Rudra-Loca is one of the three central squares of the highest row of a playing board, where there are divine forces responsible for all the creation, to unity with which everyone seeking liberation. The desire for proper knowledge leads to a player for Lesiv's location. Here he comes to the awareness of the Space Blade, the essence of which is the truth, and the form is beauty.

68. Space Consciousness (Vaikuntha Loca)

Building over all the logs, outside of all limits, there is a Vaikuntha - Loca of Space Consciousness, the Life Strength (Prana) of the entire manifested reality. This log also consists of an element called a mahant serving the source of all other elements. Before starting the game, the participant takes the importance and significance of this plan of being, which will always be its goal. Vaikuntha is the abode of Vishnu, a place that every follower of Hinduism hopes to achieve, completing existence in its current form. Here is a cosmic consciousness, since Vishnu, being a truth, is a patron and defender of consciousness in his ascent. Points falling on the kity's playing bone correspond to the level of player vibrations. The bone determines both the player's position on the field and the coming, and the upcoming path. The player can follow the discipline of the Ashtang Yoga, the octal path, gradually undergoing the level behind the level. Or, following the Dharma, become bhakta - spiritual devotees. All paths lead to one goal. Whatever the player's path among all countless possibilities, now he reached the monastery of Vishnu. Vishnu, who serves the essence of creation, truth. It is directly above the reality plan, since the truth is the highest reality. The game stops. What happens now depends on the player. The nature of the space game is simple - this is the opening of new combinations. With what new karma, with what companions player will be able to enter the game again, seeking to find a fortune again, which will be his real face? He can continue this game in hide and seek with himself or forever stay outside the game. Or he can go back to the ground to help other seekers achieve their goal.

69. Absolute Plan (Brahma Loca)

On one side of the Vaikuntha Lockey, there is still ores, and on the other - while Brahma is. Together they form the Brichma Triad, Vishnu and Shiva in the center of the highest row of the playing board. Inhabited in truth inhabit here, without experiencing fear before returning to the execution of karmic roles. Mercier's practitioners come here, they are in the monastery of Brahma, not by ledging fear. Brahma is the Creator of the Material World, the active principle of Noahman, the force, transforming consciousness in countless forms and reflections. His abode is Brahma Loca. A player reaching this place merges with this absolute force, this subtle principle. Despite the fact that Brahma Loca is located next to the plan of cosmic consciousness, Brahma cannot give the player liberation. The game should continue. Brahma defines the form of the game, but there is something else, in addition to the form. Only truth, bent on the path of spiritual devotion or by gradually movement on the yoga stairs to the highest blessing (Shiva) can be given the final liberation.

70. Suttvaguna

Sattva herself is a Guna virtue, contributing to the performance of Dharma. Suttvaguna is synonymous with such concepts as light, entity, true nature and higher levels of vibrations. Calm, unperturbed state of meditation, leading to samadhi, is implemented when sattva prevails. But three humans in the world of karma always exist together and Sattva early or permanently is mixed with Rajas (passion) or Tamas (ignorance). Unclean sattva is always affected by karma. Clean sattva is not different from the Space Consciousness, the Supreme Truth. Sat and means "Truth".

71. Rajoguna

Rajoguna is an activity in consciousness, or an active consciousness. A player who has reached the eighth row, but failed in an attempt to realize cosmic consciousness, fond the strength of karma, activity. This activity is the cause of all suffering, it assumes the presence of a figure, inevitably falling victims of its ambitions and expectations of fruits from activity. Any obstacle on the way to the desired goal gives rise to pain and suffering.

72. Togun

Togun hides the truth so that the rope seems to be a snake, and the snake is a rope. Darkness is the main sign of Tamoguna, and its nature is passivity. The player comes here immediately leaves the level of space forces and returns to the ground to search for a new way of ascent. What happens next, depends only on the player and that single, which is the truth.

In fact, there is only one the game, a game in which each of us is an actor acting. This game - Lila, universal Space Energy game, Divine Game inherent in Nature Higher "I". This aspect is obliged to its existence the entire phenomenal world - the world of names and forms. Lila - This is life itself, the energy that manifests itself in the myriad of thoughts, feelings and events passing before the eyes of the person.

The essence of the player is enclosed in his ability to take its role and play. This entity can enter any role, but as soon as the player enters the game, he begins to identify himself with the role adopted and forgets about its true nature. He forgets about the essence of the game, and now its movements are determined by the playing bone corresponding to the karma .

There are times when sunlight suddenly lights the entire picture of the waves and flows, which make up the river flow, in the same way and the pure light of consciousness snatches from darkness the structure of the player's life role. At these points, nature and the course of vital energy goes to the fore and exemptions. The player rises over attachment to his role and begins to see his life as part of a greater whole.

The purpose of this game is to help players to free themselves from identification and become the "best" players. This game is reflected in the microcosm of another, greater game. The content of seventy two squares of the game board field is the result of hundreds and thousands of years of self-knowledge, which makes up the heart of Indian tradition. Moving from the square to the square, as it expands its understanding of the game, the player becomes more clearly aware of the structure of his own existence. He sees that each state is temporary, and his attachment weakens. The complete awareness of the transient nature of any position destroys identification, and the player goes to the free journey, learning more and more about the miracle of existence.

As in other games, there is a goal here. Since the essence of the player is the ability to identify, its only chance to "win" is to come to identifying with its source - the cosmic consciousness, the essence of pure being, staying outside space and time that does not know the boundaries, eternal and unchanged, absolute and inclusive, not having Neither qualities or form, nor name. The game ends when the player becomes himself, the essence of the game. Such is Lila .

The wise men who discovered this game used it to understand their own state at the moment. Watching your movement from the plan to plan, they could see which snakes lead them to fall and which arrows lead them determined by the playing bone karmareflecting the level of the evolution of players. They consciously watched the picture created by their movements on the board. Passing through the game again and again, they carefully watched their reactions when they fell into a number of or another. Watching your inner space, they developed a state of non-abundance. At the same time, the structure of the game allowed them deeper and deeper to penetrate the divine principles and knowledge underlying the game. It was the study of the Scriptures and the study of their "I", connected in one process. The uniqueness of Lila is concluded - Self-knowledge games.

The game "Lila", which has more than two thousand years old, has remained a "secret knowledge", protected and gentle-transmitted from generation to generation in India in the families of Brahmin. Now and we have the opportunity to touch the sacrament, which was still available only to a narrow circle of dedicated ...

Lila translated from Sanskrit - "Life Game" ...

We come to this life, we are born, we investigate ourselves, we plan goals, we get results ... And it does not always happen to what we expect what we want to achieve, and it happens that we are not at all where we want to be ... Sometimes you have to make a lot efforts to get the desired, and in this process we suddenly realize that we wanted not at all ...

How to understand, realize that in fact we need to have planned our soul for us, and what is it - this short and joyful way for the realization of the conceived? ... What rakes we are with an amazing regularity that our habits and beliefs make us change The direction and again be disappointed in the selected ... How to understand how true our desires are, what do we really want and what can help us get from point A in point B the shortest way? ...

So, we formulate the intention and begin to know the way to achieve it. The game consists of eight levels - plans of being, on the game field 72 cells, each of which contains important information. You throw a cube and start your movement. During the game, your character will move along the game board, where the arrows and snakes connect the cells of different levels. The arrows will take you to the upper levels, and snakes - return to the beginning, at the bottom. Each move is a small discovery and awareness: how I go to my goal, what bothers me and that it helps, what kind of familiar stereotypes, the patterns of thinking and behavior lead me to the result or lead from it, where and what I stumbling on what I will win on And what slows me ... and maybe it's time to try to change the intention itself, expand your borders and see other possibilities? ..

Remember that you are the Creator, and everything that happens to you is your creation! .. So let's do it consciously, recognizing your mistakes, fears and restrictions, taking with humor what is happening ... and thank yourself for all the experiences acquired on life Understanding that gratitude to yourself is an important component of success!

Life is a game, but who knows the rules? .. Do you want to figure it out? .. The game Lila is waiting for you!

Participation in the game by appointment, you must apply for email - [Email Protected]

The Lila game is the most ancient and most famous simulatory transformational game. Sources in which references to this game are found from two to three thousand years. Millennies people played and continue to play this magnificent game of life. She still helps people find their way and achieve their life goals.

We are all born, growing, laugh and cry, strive for something, and from something we run away, love and hate, playing different roles in this world, in this big game called life. All that we do in this big game are all small games that are one big. This is Lila - the Divine game of the Universe.

Philosophical aspects of the game

The word "lila" in translated from Sanskrita denotes the "game". This is a game of life that includes both matter and our aspirations, emotions and thoughts. The Lila game was created in order for the player to enter into contact with his highest "I". In order to solve some problem, you have to disconnect from it, look at it from the side, as if on top. Then you can see this problem as a whole and the path of its permission. The lila's game helps players go beyond their usual vision, stand over the problem, see what was hidden before and resolve the negative situation.

The whole world in the philosophy of Hinduism is the manifestation of our Divine "I" or Absolute. Lila is a divine game in which the Higher "I" is both a creator and a player, and the game itself, expressed in material reality. When we play the game Leer, the game field, on which our game symbol moves, performs a certain microcosm, in which, as in the hologram, is present all this world. Thus, those insights and awareness that we get in this game are automatically moving to the macrocosm - this universe. So we transform our fate when we are aware of what was previously hidden from us.

The lila's game with a thorough study of each playing field, which was hit by a player, gives more and deeper awareness leading in more and more subtle reality layers. No wonder this game is played by Buddhist monks for thousands of years. This is a game of self-knowledge, with which there is a deep rethinking of life. This is a game that transforms life and opens the truth. Therefore, it is also called Jnana Chaupada, which means "Knowledge Game."

Everything in this world is a manifestation of the absolute or universal consciousness. And all that can happen is already in us. All varieties of events are also in us. We are free to choose, on what path we will go. But often we do not see the optimal one. The lila's game is the oldest knowledge game will help choose the most optimal path that leads to the goal.

Game description

The game itself is a playing field consisting of 72 cells. Each cell of the playing field has its own definite name. The value of each playing field cell is described by one of the states of being. All these states were identified during the thousand-year practices and studies of yoga and are contained in the Vedas and other ancient philosophical sources.

On the game field you will see images of arrows and snakes. Arrows is something that attracts us to higher states of being. Snakes, on the contrary, face us down. Everything is interconnected in life. Therefore, some of the states of being lead to takeoffs, while others to falls.

In the game, Lila, as well as in life, we can take off and fall. Finding on some field of the game carefully read its meaning and think why you hit this field. From how much you understand why you get on certain game fields, how much you are aware of all aspects of your situation depends, whether you will achieve the goal and how quickly you can implement it.

How is the game lila

For the game you need to have a playing field, a playing cube, a book or card with a description of all 72-fields of the game, a handle and a form where the players will record all their moves. Each player must have a gaming character - some small personal item. This item will be the "I" symbol of the player. It is important that this symbol you liked, because at the time of the game it personifies you, and play the symbol that you do not like, means that you immediately bring the dissonance to the game, experiencing negative emotions.

Setting the goal game

Also before the start of the game, each player must put a goal for which he will play in this game. The request for the game should be concrete, clearly supplied and reflect the real goal that a person wants to achieve. The rules for setting goals you can see here. Since the Lila game describes the state of being, then it often put global requests for their purpose or mission in life. Such requests can and need to be put, but it is necessary to specify them slightly. You can also set goals and some situation. For example:

  • What steps do I have to do to fulfill my earthly mission?
  • What tasks are facing me to create a family?
  • What should I do to recover from my illness?

Form your request right right. It depends on how the game will go. During the game, you should not change it. One game passes on one request.

Stage First - Birth

Before starting the game, all players put their game symbols on the field number 68 - Space Consciousness. This is the state of "out of the game." The game of life has not yet begun, you have not yet been born and are in a sense "above the game." To start the game, you must go through the birth. And this is not a simple moment.

To "be born" in the game Lila, you need to throw the six on the game cube. This is not easy. Some players may not throw out the number 6. This suggests that the goal they formulated for the game is likely to be reformulated. If the player immediately throws the number 1, then this is a sign that the goal should be reformulated.

After the player threw the number 6, it moves on the field No. 1 - "Birth", and from there immediately on the field number 6 - "Moorling" (Moha). Congratulations! You got into this illusory world! Throw a cube again! (The player continues to move, since he threw the number 6).

Number Six Emission Rule

In the game Lila, there is a rule for throwing out a player several times in a row of Number 6. If he threw the six, then his move in the game continues and he throws a cube again.

If a player throws three times the number 6, and in the fourth time it throws another number on the cube, then he returns back, to the field, where he began to throw out the seisters and moves forward to the number of points he thrown in the fourth time. For example:

  • The beginning of the course was on the field number 7
  • The player threw 6 and moved to the field number 13
  • Again, thrown 6 and moved to field №19
  • The third time threw the six and hit the field number 25
  • With the fourth throw, throwing out the figure 5 and on this rule moved to No. 12 (as I started with No. 7, then 7 + 5 \u003d 12)
  • Since he got on the field number 12 where the head of the snake is located, the player falls on No. 8. It will be the end of his stroke.

If such a situation happened at the very beginning of the game, i.e. the player will throw three sisters and then another number (for example 3), then first falls on the field number 6, then it goes to field number 12, then on the field number 18, and then Returning to field No. 1 "Birth" and moves to 3 cells, i.e. it turns out on the field number 4.

If the player threw the number 6 four and more times in a row, he continues to throw a cube until some other number throws away. At the same time, it moves forward to the number of field cell fields, which is equal to the sum of all the thrown glasses on the cube. So if a player threw a number 6 four times in a row, and then threw up three, then it moves forward to 27 cells (6x4 + 3 \u003d 27). At the same time, it does not stop at intermediate fields, immediately goes to 27 steps forward. After that, his move ends and moves to the next player.


Players throw a cube in turn, passing the progress of the neighbor on the right (counterclockwise). After his stroke, the player records his turn and carefully studies the description of those fields to which he got.

If the player hit the field where there is an arrows, then it moves to the field where its tip is located. If he got on the field with the image of the Snake's head, then it drops on the field down before its tail. So the envy gives rise to greed - fall from №12 to №8. And hitting the "cleansing" field (No. 10), the player takes off in the "Heavenly Plan" (field No. 23).

Do not forget about the hestwork emission rule. Regardless of whether the player fell from a field or soared if he got into these fields when the number was released on the cube from 1 to 5, then its move ends. And if Sixer was thrown, then the emission rule 6 and the course continues.

Options for passing game

The Lila game is a transformation game of self-knowledge. She doesn't just "respond" to your request, it helps you to achieve the goal you put, a flock of your gaming "I" on the game field. But in order for this happened, you must thoroughly work out all the fields for which you hit the process of passing. And this requires time.

Therefore, based on the depth of studying your request, the duration of the game can vary from the pair of three hours to several years. Consider these options for passing the game.

The first version of the passage

The first option is the fastest and most common in the modern world. Suitable for ordinary, domestic types of type - buy an apartment, a car, etc. Players gather together at one table or online, throwing the cube and try to realize and work out the value of the field to which they hit before the next move. If the player did not have time to do this, then he needs to miss his turn.

This transformation game and transformation should occur, work should be carried out on its purpose. Otherwise why did you come? This is not a fortune telling. This is working on yourself with this ancient self-knowledge game.

Second option

The second option more long and implies a more thoughtful approach and work on yourself. In this case, the goals may be more global. For example, requests for relations with the opposite sex, at work, with friends, some business projects, etc. In this version you have a day until the next turn. What do you need to do:

  • Carefully examine the description of the field, or those fields that you hit during this course.
  • Slightly like the states of being that you have touched, belong to your request. In what moments and cases in your life they showed?
  • In closely looking at everything that will occur throughout these days. What does the world want to tell you about your gaming request? What happens during these days and what can you do, relying on the knowledge of those states of being that you received by reading the description of your cell of the game field lila?
  • Reflecting and watching what is happening in the context of your stroke, try to realize why you got exactly on these playing fields. If you have an insight on this is the best option. This is the most faithful sign that you are well doing work on yourself.

After you have completed all this work on yourself and your goal, after a day you make the next move and the whole cycle is repeated until you finish your game.

Third option

The third version of the game is even more long. In this case, players make a weekly break between their moves. For a week, you can not only realize why you have fallen into certain fields, but also to work well enough and those vibrations that are present in those plans of being for which fate threw your game symbol "I".

This option is very good for those who not only reflect on their problem or task, but also makes concrete steps to achieve their goal. Optimally, if a player passes some psychotherapeutic process, which can very well work out the situation in which he was. In such processes, with the help of experienced leading, study is carried out most deeply and fully. So, why the player came to this game, it will be possible to make it easier and quickly.

Fourth option

The fourth version of the game Lila is the longest and solid. It is usually suited for those people who take global goals and carefully work them out step by step. In this embodiment, there is no clearly defined temporary framework. The player makes the following course only after he realized that the previous step was completely worked out.

This is a difficult, but very high quality way to achieve your goal. The game here serves only a certain assistant, a guiding star that suggests what to pay attention to and what to work at the moment.

This is a good option for the global goals of the type of purpose and mission on this land and other spiritual requests that you want to work efficiently. Overlapping options set. It can be a psychological processing with experienced leading, it may be some kind of spiritual practice or training. The main thing here is to understand that this field of the game that fate threw you is really worked out and you can do the next move.

Regardless of which of the above game options, you will prefer in your game, remember that the game lila is a transformation game of self-knowledge. And you must feel that you really understood something and realized why you were on one or another field in the game. Why did it happen so? So, this field is significantly for your request. Earn it and move on to your life goal.

When does the game end?

The game ends when the player falls on the field number 68 - "Space Consciousness". The circle closed. Where did the game start, it hits there. More precisely, it is a way out of the game called Life.

It happens when the player passes by this field of the end of the game and falls into the fields number 69, 70 or 71. In this case, the player must be thrown into a cube as many points so that he can make a move. If it throws out such a number of points, which leads for the field number 72, then it remains in place and moves to the next player. Ultimately, he will need to be on the field number 72 (it may be necessary to take from 1 to 3 hours), where the head of the snake is located, go down on the field No. 51 "Earth" and continue the game.

The game can be finished not only on the field number 68. If the game takes place until a certain time, or you feel that you have enough understood what you want to say a game towards your request, you can just finish Irga on some kind of playing field. Important! If you decide to finish the game without reaching her end - fields number 68, then you must dwell on the game field, which does not cause any negative emotions. It must be favorable for you and your game goal.

How to analyze the game

On the way to its goal, players meet different obstacles, expressed in the game Lila as snakes, and also receive support - arrows leading in a player to higher states of being. After passing the game, you need to see the records that you led. It should be noted the following points:

  • Fields with a snake head from which the player moved down
  • The fields that you hit more than two times
  • Repetitive moves, especially if they led to drops
  • Those gaming fields from which the player crashed up arrows
  • Those fields and their descriptions that are particularly "hooked" you caused some strong emotions.

These are the highlights that are required for the further development of the game in life. It is especially important to make such an analysis for the usual game, which is held immediately (first option).

First of all, pay attention to those fields that have had a strong emotional influence. They are desirable to work first in the first place, since that negative charge you felt is available to work with it and the passage will give you more strength and energy for further work both above your goal and life.

Then select all the fields that you hit and on which the head of the snake is drawn. With these fields there was a descent for lower plans of being. Mark all such fields. Special attention is paid to those with which you have fallen more than once. Carefully reread the condition of being that corresponds to this field and where you descended. Think why it happened. What in your life corresponds to these states of being.

The following are work in the fields where you visited two or more times. For some reason, during the game, you fell on them again and again. Why? The game shows that these states of being meaningful for you and your game request. It must be understood and work.

Work on yourself after the game

All the game moments found in this way, which impede the achievement of your goal, it is necessary to work in psychotherapeutic sessions, in sessions of psychological and spiritual processing or other practices that actually work with the causes of human states. For each found item found, it may be necessary from one to several sessions.

After you have received a relief of the state, passing the corresponding game (state of being) the processes, have been insight and understand why you hit these fields, start working out the remaining moments. Qualitative study of all aspects of achieving your goal is the necessary conditions for its implementation.

In the processings, you will detect and work out negative aspects that prevent you from living and seek your goals. Perhaps when passing them, you will change your goals, realize that you really wanted not to do this, but something completely different! It's just wonderful! So, the transformation occurred, you got your insight and life continues! You can again take this ancient game Lil, ask your new question and again plunge into an interesting and exciting world of self-knowledge!

This world is infinite, tasks and objectives are multifaceted and diverse. Use the game Leer for self-knowledge, improve your life and fulfill your life tasks!