Games at the children's autumn holiday. Autumn games for children of the younger group in kindergarten Autumn games at the autumn festival

Natalya Chernikova

The material can be useful for physical education instructors, teachers and music directors in organizing autumn leisure, entertainment, holidays for preschoolers.

As a rule, the purpose of such events is to create a favorable emotional mood in children. A selection of these games, competitions and relay races will help to realize it.

relay races

Relay "Harvest"

The facilitator helps the children line up in 2 teams. In front of each team are fruits and vegetables in a hoop. Their number is equal to the number of children in the team. In front of each team at a distance of about 10 m is a basket. At the signal of the leader “One - two - three! Harvest!” the first participants take any fruit or vegetable from the hoop, run to the basket, put an object in it and return to the team, stand at the end of the column. Then the harvest is collected by all team members in turn. The team that harvests first wins.

Relay "Pick mushrooms"

The leader helps the children to divide into 2 teams. Teams line up, one team opposite the other. The last members of each team are next to the mushroom clearing. The clearings are covered with a scarf or any other cloth. The leader removes the scarves. Near the first participants there is a basket. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Collect mushrooms in baskets! the last participants take mushrooms in turn and pass them along the chain to the next participant. When the mushrooms reach the first participants, they put them in baskets. The team that picks mushrooms first wins.

Relay race "Carry a potato in a spoon"

The leader helps the children line up in 2 columns. The first participants have a spoon in their hands, in which there is 1 potato. Team members receive a task - at the signal of the leader, run around a bag of potatoes and return to their team, pass a spoon with potatoes to the next participant, and stand at the end of the line. The team that completes the task first wins.


Competition "Vegetables-Fruits"

The host calls 4 people, divides them into 2 teams. Give each team a basket. One team is invited to choose vegetables from the pelvis and put them in a basket, and the other team - fruits.

Competition "Edible and non-edible mushrooms"

The host calls the children at will (6-8 people, divides them into 2 teams. You can divide the children into a team of girls and boys. In front of each team there is a basket of mushrooms, in which among the edible mushrooms there are inedible (poisonous) ones. On command: "One - two - three! Remove inedible mushrooms from the basket! "Children put aside inedible (poisonous mushrooms).

Competition "Harvest vegetables"

The host calls 8 children. Four of them stand in one line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. In front of each lies a hoop - this is a bed, vegetables of the same type (5-6 pieces) in the hoop: potatoes in one, carrots in the second, carrots in the the third - onions, in the fourth - cabbage. In front of each child, at a distance of about 10 m, there is an assistant - a child with a bag in his hands. The assistants are inclined towards the bags, holding the bags open. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Harvest!” children take one vegetable from the hoop, run to their assistants, put the vegetable in a bag, and return to their garden. They take the vegetable again and run to the assistants. And so on until the vegetables are removed from the garden. The team that first removes the crop from the garden wins.

Competition "Vegetables for soup, fruits for compote"

The host chooses children for 2 teams: 2-3 people for each team. Each team receives a basket and a tray. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Get started! children begin to lay out vegetables in a basket, fruits on a tray.

Competition "Which of the gnomes is faster"

The host puts a basket of mushrooms next to him, calls a couple of participants to him, each has a cap on his head. These are gnomes. There is a chair between them. Children say in chorus:

There lived a cheerful dwarf in the forest,

He built a house for himself.

All from cones and foliage,

Unprecedented beauty.

Dwarf, gnome, dance.

/music sounds, both participants dance;

at this time, the host puts a couple of mushrooms from a basket on a chair, gives a task /.

For example: "Show me the fly agaric."

/each of the participants tries to grab the mushroom as quickly as possible and lift it up. Whoever does it first is the winner.

Competition "Choose a potato"

Models of vegetables are scattered in 2 hoops, including several potatoes. The host calls 2 people, blindfolds them and offers to pick potatoes by touch. As soon as the children choose what they think are potatoes, they remove the bandages and check if they have done the task correctly. The host then calls a new pair. It is recommended that every time the participants are blindfolded, they should stir the dummies in the hoop.

Outdoor games

Mobile game "Naughty mushrooms"

Children and the leader stand in a circle, the leader stands in the middle of the circle.

We are funny mushrooms / children walk in a circle, holding hands /

We grow on stumps and bumps / stop, rise on toes, squat /

We like to hide, play / stomp their feet/

You try to catch up with us! /scatter/

The driver catches up with the children. The game is repeated again.

Mobile game "From what tree leaf"

The host exposes 3 tree models: maple, oak, birch. Each child has a piece of paper in their hands. To the music, the children run in a circle one after another, then circle. When the music ends, the children run up to the corresponding tree, squat down. The facilitator checks if the task is completed correctly. Then the children can exchange sheets. Tree layouts can also be swapped. The game is repeated again.

Mobile game "Let's collect a bouquet of leaves of the same color"

Children run around the hall to cheerful music, when the music ends, they squat down. The leader at this time raises a leaf to the top, for example, yellow, and then the children, who have yellow leaves in their hands, run up to the leader and join their hands with the leaves in a bouquet. Then the music sounds again, the children scatter around the hall.

The game is repeated as many times as there are leaf colors (you can use red, yellow, green and orange leaves). At the end of the game, the children give the leader the leaves.

Mobile game "Collect mushrooms"

There are mushrooms on the floor in a circle (the number of mushrooms is less than the number of children). Children go in a circle with the words:

We go, we go, we go

We will find mushrooms now

Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,

On a stump, under an aspen.

Here is the mushroom, don't yawn

And grab it quickly!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the children should quickly take any mushroom.

You can use music. To the music, the children run cheerfully in a circle, when the music stops, each of the children must take a mushroom. Whoever did not get the mushroom is out of the game and sits on a chair. The last child is the winner.

Mobile game "Fruits for compote"

You will need 3 hoops of different sizes - these are cans. The host calls the children at will, puts headbands with the image of fruits on their heads. Invites them to take a place in a large bank. To do this, first the host puts a large hoop on the floor. To the music, fruits move around the hall. When the music ends, the fruits take their place in the jar. Anyone who does not have enough space is out of the game. The facilitator praises the fruit that went into the first jar. The game is repeated again, the leader removes a large hoop and puts a medium-sized hoop. Participants for the game, you can call others. For the third time, a small hoop is placed and the third jar is filled with fruit.

Mobile game "Potato crumbled"

The driver is selected, he can sit on the bench. The participants of the game stand in a round dance. This is a potato (you can use rims with the image of a potato). Children walk in a circle, pronounce the words:

Ah, you are a potato, a potato,

You feed honest people

If there are potatoes in the house -

You will be full all year round!

The host says:

And if the potatoes crumbled, what to do?

After these words, the participants scatter, the potatoes seem to crumble. The driver catches up with the children. He leads those whom he has caught up to his bench, as if picking potatoes. The game is repeated again. You can choose another child to be the leader.

Mobile game "One-two-three! Pick up the leaves!

Leaves are scattered on the floor. Children go for a walk to the music. When the music stops, the host gives the command to collect the leaves. For example: “One, two, three! Collect maple leaves! or “One, two, three! Gather the yellow leaves!” command options can be diversified, focusing on the size, color, belonging to the tree. Each time after checking the completion of the task, the children give the leaves to the leader. He scatters them again. The last time the leaves are placed in a basket and removed.

Creative task

"Color the Leaves"

The host invites the children to color the leaves with autumn colors using cotton swabs. To do this, you need leaf templates that can be mounted on 3 easels. It is necessary to choose patterns of maple, oak and birch leaves. You can ask the children from which tree the leaves are, what paints will be needed to color them. It is recommended to use large-sized templates so that each child has enough space for creativity. Children should be divided into 3 groups respectively.

Logarithmic exercises

Logo-rhythmic exercise "A walk in the autumn forest"

/ children turn one after another, go to the center of the hall, form a circle, focusing on the spread out leaves, perform movements/

Along the path through the forest

Everyone went in droves.

Friendly, merrily walk,

Don't lower your head. walking next to each other

Carefully we go

We take care of our feet. walking on heels, hands behind the head

Our children are not tired

They ran into the forest. easy run

Logo-rhythmic exercise "A walk in the autumn forest"

We are walking, we are walking walking in circles

We are walking in the meadow.

The wind blows from above wave your arms up and down in front of you

Tends to herbs and flowers. bending to the right and left with raised arms

And now it's easy and together

Let's jump together on the spot. jumping on two legs

Above! Have fun! Like this!

We are taking a step. walking in place, then one after another

General developmental exercises

"Leaf fall"

1. "Leaves sway on trees"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands with leaves below.

1 - raise your hands with a leaf up,

2 - swing from side to side,

3 - return to and. n. (repeat 4-6 times)

2. "Leaves fly in the wind"

I. p .: the same.

Swinging with straight arms back and forth alternately (repeat 4-6 times)

3. "Leaves spin in the air"

I. p .: legs together, both leaves in the right hand

1 - raise your hand with the leaves up,

2 - stand on toes,

3 - spin over the right shoulder.

Do the same, taking the leaves in your left hand, spinning should be over your left shoulder (repeat 3 times in each direction)

4. "Leaves fall to the ground"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with leaflets below, along the torso.

1 - sit down, put the leaves on the ground in front of you,

2 - stand up, straighten up,

3 - sit down, take the leaves,

4 - stand up, straighten up (repeat 4 times)

5. "Jumping with leaves"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, feet parallel, hands with leaves in front of the chest.

Jumping with turning around. First in one direction, then in the other (repeat 3 times in each direction)

6. Breathing exercise "The breeze plays with the leaves"

Children take the leaf by the petiole, draw air through the nose and exhale it, blow on the leaf (repeat 4 times)

"Extracurricular activities and additional education during childhood in a preschool educational institution"

My teaching initiative is that children can easily, skillfully and with pleasure switch to different types of activities while playing, with the help of an exciting journey, which is closely intertwined with the desire to be real hardworking helpers and at the same time remain connoisseurs of beauty and all life on earth.

Form of holding: matinee for children of senior preschool age.

A fascinating trip to the autumn forest and the village to the garden captures children's attention and imagination, and children are happy to plunge into the wonderful world of autumn colors.


  • Raise a love for nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the time of the year;
  • to consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through the expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, games;
  • to develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to maintain an emotionally positive attitude;
  • to promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team.


  • To teach children to expressively sing songs, recite poems, dance on stage;
  • to form communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance, develop creative abilities, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


  1. Host, Autumn - adults
  2. Potatoes, Peas, Onions, Cabbage - children.

The progress of the matinee

The sound recording of “Autumn Song” from “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.


Autumn again, birds again
In a hurry to fly to a warm land,
And again the autumn holiday
Comes to kindergarten!

For the autumn holiday, the guys prepared poems, please tell us.

1st child:

A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.

2nd child:

A flock of birds flies away, clouds rush about, sobbing.
Aspen trembles like a thin blade of grass in the wind.
I tell her: “Calm down, don’t be afraid of the white winter!”

3rd child:

Beautiful asters and rowan brushes,
Chrysanthemum bushes and viburnum clusters.
And from the maples to us leaves, like letters fly,
Covering our beloved garden!

4th child:

In our hall we will arrange
Real leaf fall.
Let the leaves turn
And fly, fly, fly.

Song "LEAVES FALL" Muz. M.Kraseva.

5th child:

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.

6th child:

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,
The leaves on the trees also do not sit.
All day today everyone is flying, flying ...
Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.

Dance "Autumn Leaves"The children bow and sit down.

Leading: Guys, in the morning the postman Pechkin came to our kindergarten and brought 2 incredibly colorfully painted letters, let's open them and read them!

“Hello, little residents of the Kalinka kindergarten! Grandma Agafya is writing to you from the village of Podelkino. It’s already autumn in the yard, and my garden is full of unharvested vegetables. My dears, help your grandmother to harvest!”

Guys, can we help grandma Agafya? Then let's not hesitate and hit the road!

All children get up like a train and "ride" in a circle to the "Song of Friends" by M. Starokadomsky from the movie "Merry Travelers". Children come out - Vegetables, hats of vegetables are held behind their backs. The host draws the attention of all children to the 4 “vegetables” that have come out.

Leading: Hello. Who you are?

Vegetables: We are vegetables from the garden of grandmother Agafya.

Leading: Then take us to the garden.

Vegetables: With pleasure! Just guess riddles about us.

Potatoes: And green and dense in the garden grew a bush, dig a little: under a bush ...

Children: Potato! (the child puts on a hat of potatoes).

Peas: Dried up in the hot sun, and tearing their pods...

Children: Peas! (the child puts on a hat of peas).

Onion: I'll make everyone around cry, x Well, I'm not a fighter, but ...

Children: Bow! (child puts on a hat).

Cabbage: I was born to glory, my head is white, curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them!

Children: Cabbage! (the child puts on a hat of cabbage).

Leading: All you vegetables are important! And we all really need it!

Guys, I propose to invite all the vegetables to our friendly round dance!

SONG-DANCE "HARVEST HAVE" Music. And Filippenko. Dchildren sit down, "vegetables" caps are removed.

Leading: How fun and friendly you sing, and now let's work.

Children are divided into 2 teams of 5 people. In the center of the hall, the “first” children lay out hoops-beds to the music, the “seconds” plant vegetables, the “thirds” water the vegetables, the “fourths” pick vegetables, the “fifths” clean the hoops-beds. The team that does it faster wins. The game is repeated 2 times.

Leading: So we helped grandmother Agafya, gathered all the vegetables and cleaned the garden. But we have another letter, let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my magical forest! Here I painted all the leaves in different colors, red, yellow, orange, brown, I water the earth with rain so that many mushrooms and berries grow. The forest is incredibly beautiful! Come, let's enjoy together! (Children) Guys, this is an invitation from the Queen of Autumn herself! Do we accept this invitation? Then let's not delay! Let's hurry!

They go in a circle with a “train” to the “Song of Friends” by M. Starokadomsky from the movie Merry Travelers. To the sounds of the forest, Autumn enters, dancing, and distributes two branches to the children. .


My bow to you, my friends!(bows)
I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time.
Do you love when I come?(children answer)
I bring beauty everywhere.
Look, already in the golden, crimson forest
A ray of golden sun glided from heaven,
And on the ground lies a golden carpet,
Only in the autumn you will see this.

Leading: We are very glad to visit you, dear Autumn! Our guys have prepared poems for you, please listen.

7th child:

The leaves flew away after the flock of birds.
I miss the red autumn day after day.
The sky is sad, the sun is sad...
It is a pity that autumn is not warm for a long time.

8th child:

Yellow coins fall from a branch,
There's a treasure under your feet!
This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting
Golden gives leaves to you and us, and everyone in a row.

10th child:

And winter will come to us
We don't get discouraged
Let's start a round dance -
We remember autumn.

Leading: Dear Autumn, we want to give you a song called "Autumn Round Dance".

SONG "Autumn round dance" Music. E. Kuryachiy.Children sing, and to lose they perform various movements with twigs.At the end of the song, the children sit on the chairs and put the branches each under their chair.

Autumn: Thanks guys for the song. And I have prepared riddles for you. Do you love riddles? Listen carefully!

In autumn it is often needed -
Ate the rain beats on the puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds,
He is the best helper for us.
Open it above yourself
And arrange a canopy for yourself!

Children: Leaf fall.


September and October
There are so many in the yard!
The rain has passed - left them,
Medium, small, large.

Children: Puddles.


The cold scares them so much
Fly to warm countries
They can't sing, they can't have fun.
Who gathered in flocks? ...

Children: Birds.


Who stands on a strong foot
In the brown leaves by the path?
Got a hat made of grass
There is no head under the cap.

Children: Mushroom.

Autumn: Well done, you solved all my riddles! Do you want to play in my forest?

Children: We want.


Two drivers are blindfolded. Children - "mushrooms" (4 children) run around the hall to cheerful music. If you come across a "fly agaric" (4 children), the children-spectators shout: "Don't take it!". The winner is the one who "collects" more mushrooms in a certain time. We play 2 times with different drivers and "mushrooms".

Autumn: How you played together and fun!

Leading: Dear Autumn, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's go with us to say goodbye, let's dance together our favorite dance "Invitation".

Autumn: With pleasure.


You are fun to play with
Songs to sing and dance.
Thank you for everything
And I give you gifts.

(Autumn gives a basket of apples, gives it to the teachers).

Leading: Guys, let's thank our dear Autumn for sweet and fragrant gifts.

Children: Thank you, Autumn.


Time flew by quickly
It's time for us to part.
I still have worries
Goodbye, kids!

(Autumn waves his hand and leaves to the sounds of the forest, making a circle).

Leading: Well, we guys will hurry back to kindergarten in order to be in time for dinner!

(“They go” to the music one circle).

Leading: Did you enjoy our trip?

Leading: So we visited the autumn forest at the very Queen of Autumn, helped grandmother Agafya to collect vegetables. Our holiday is over.

(Children become a “train” behind the leader and “leave” to cheerful music.)


1. Magazine "Musical Director"

2. Magazine "Musical palette"

3. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. "A holiday every day" (senior group). St. Petersburg, 2012.

Autumn games for children of middle preschool age

garden rhyme

We listen to the rhyme and try to remember it.

We will go to the garden with you

We will find many flowers there:

Asters, phloxes, dahlias,

And carnations and lupins.

I will find chrysanthemums.

What else grows in the garden?


And you will be the one to drive!

Game "Gardener"

Each participant in the game chooses a flower for himself - a daisy, a peony, a rose, etc. One of the participants becomes a gardener. He says:

I was born a gardener.

Not a little angry.

I'm tired of all the flowers, except ... chamomile.

What happened to you?

In love.

What happened to you?

The dialogue is repeated, another flower is called. The game continues. Anyone who does not react quickly when called is out of the game.

Finger game "Berries"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers - we count the berries.

How many berries are there in the world?

All, of course, and do not count!

Strawberries and strawberries

And gooseberries, and lingonberries,

And also currant

Black and red.

Oh, delicious jam!

The berry is great!

There are raspberries and blueberries

There are cranberries and blueberries

And then there are grapes.

Everyone is happy with grapes!

Game "All colors"

The teacher offers a color. Children must remember and name the berry of this color. Game options: name fruits, flowers.

Game "Collecting plums"

Plums are ripe in the garden.

They are delicious and beautiful.

(We put our hands forward and slightly spread them to the sides.)

But all the plums are high

And getting them is not easy.

(Raise hands up.)

To pick plums for us,

Let's bend the branches.

(Raise hands up and jump in place.)

Nothing succeeded,

We'll try again.

(Repeat jumps with arms raised up.)

We brought the ladder

Wonderful staircase.

We climb on it

We pick plums easily.

Game "Look at the plums"

The teacher shows the children five plums of different colors - yellow, red, burgundy, blue, purple (ovals cut out of paper). On command, the children close their eyes. The teacher removes one of the plums or changes its place, after which he asks the children to open their eyes. They have to say what has changed. In the future, you can complicate the task: make two or three changes at the same time.

Forest riddles

Prickly, grey.

For any danger

Rolls up into a ball. (Hedgehog.)

with big ears,

In a gray fluffy coat.

So cowardly

Who is afraid of everyone. (Hare.)

With a fluffy tail

In a red fluffy coat.

So cunning

That can deceive everyone. (A fox.)

Big, clumsy

In a brown coat.

Likes berries and honey. (Bear.)

Game "Magic Wand"

The teacher touches the children with a magic wand and turns them into wild animals: bears, wolves, foxes, tigers, etc. Children must portray the walk and habits of the animal (you can also show what sounds it makes). The one who does it better than the others will be the winner.

Finger game "Mushrooms"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers - we count mushrooms.

We walked through the forest, walked,

A body of mushrooms was found.

Once - a mushroom under a birch,

Two - a mushroom under an aspen.

Three - a mushroom for a stump,

And four - under a bush.

Six and seven - under the maple branch.

Eight - for the green pine.

Nine - in the clearing.

Ten - toadstool mushroom.

Shall we take it?

(Children answer.)

Why not take it?

(Children answer.)

Game "Berries, mushrooms, nuts"

When the teacher pronounces the word "mushrooms", the children should sit down, when the word "berries" - they should stand with their hands down, and when the word "nuts" - while standing, raise their hands up (nuts grow high). The teacher can accompany the words with actions and sometimes show the wrong action to confuse the participants in the game.

Finger game "Jam"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers.

What to make jam from

To have a meal?

From gooseberries, raspberries,

From currants, viburnum,

From rowan, from blueberry,

From fragrant strawberries.

From strawberry and pear

We invite you to eat too.

And we'll give you cherries.

Come, let's eat!

Game "Guess the berries"

The teacher throws the ball to the player and pronounces the first syllable in the name of a berry. The player catches the ball, says the whole name of the berry and throws the ball to the teacher. For example:

Vi... (Cherry.)

Ma... (Raspberry.)

Clu... (Strawberry.)

Kry... (Gooseberries.)

Look ... (Currant.)

Village riddles

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

Has a mustache and a long tail.

Lots of hair, short stature.

In the morning he sits on the window.

Guessed? It's a cat).

Pinching on the heels -

Run without looking back. (Goose.)

Not a rider

And with spurs.

There is a scallop

And not combed.

Not an alarm clock

And wakes everyone up in the morning. (Rooster.)

Walks, quacks.

Walking around the yard

Leads the kids. (Chicken.)

Appeared in a yellow coat.

Farewell, two shells! (Chick.)

There is a mop in the middle of the yard.

Forks in front, brooms in back. (Cow.)

Game "Guess the animal"

The teacher thinks of some kind of pet. Children must guess it. The first person to name the animal wins. Children take turns asking clarifying questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. For example:

Does this animal have horns?

Does this animal have hooves?

Eating grass and hay?

Gives milk?

Is it a cow?

Sunflower game

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

Appeared at the fence

Thin sprout.

(We squat and stand up.)

He quickly reached up

Suddenly a leaf sprang up.

(Raise hands up.)

Here is a big flower -

So much like the sun.

(Shake hands raised up.)

Delicate every petal

Yellow sunflower.

(We put our hands forward and spread our fingers.)

There's a lot in it

The seeds are already ripe.

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

There will be a treat

For boys and girls!

(We shift straight arms, stretch in front of us.)

The game "Is it made of?"

The teacher names what they eat. Children must say what it is made of. For example: sunflower oil - from sunflower seeds (oil is squeezed out of them with the help of heavy presses), sour cream - from milk, bread - from grain, jam - from fruits and berries, etc.

Game "Trees"

We listen to the story and perform various movements.

The sun shone brightly in summer.

A warm breeze blew through the trees.

(We wave our hands at ourselves.)

Warm rain washed the green leaves.

(Three cheeks with fingertips.)

And then summer ended, autumn came.

Cold rain beat on the leaves.

(We tap the cheeks with our fingertips.)

The cold wind shook the trees.

(Swinging from side to side.)

The leaves turned yellow and fell to the ground.

(We squat, then get up.)

It became very cold, and the trees fell asleep.

(Place palms under cheek.)

The trees will wake up in the spring.

It will be warm, the sun will shine brightly.

(Spread out fingers in front of you.)

The trees will grow new leaves.

Warm rain will wash the green leaves

(Shake hands.)

Game "Wind and Trees"

One of the players is in the role of the wind. The rest are trees. They stand with their hands up and slightly spreading them to the sides. The wind blows, weak or strong, and the trees sway accordingly.

Coniferous riddles

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

Winter and summer

One color. (Fur tree, pine tree.)

With needles

Not a frog. (Fur tree, pine tree.)

Around her willingly

We lead a round dance

When the holiday comes

Happy New Year. (Christmas tree.)

Game "Yolka"

We listen to poetry and do a fun massage: we touch different parts of the body with our fingers.

At our green Christmas tree

The needles are very prickly.

Prick cheeks, prick ears

Alena and a friend.

pricking handles,

Prick legs

Alyosha and Seryozhka.

Both knees and sides.

Enough, baby, bye!

Game "Snakes"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

Snakes crawl everywhere -

Both on land and in water.

(We make wave-like movements in front of us with our hands.)

Snakes crawl to the left -

They were there and they are here.

(Right hand move undulating to the left.)

The snakes will crawl to the right -

They were there and they are here.

(We move the left hand in waves to the right.)

The snakes climb the trunk

(Raise hands up.)

And slide down onto the grass.

(Put hands down.)

Snakes crawl under a snag

And under it they will quietly lie down.

(We bend down and squat.)

Game "Snake"

Children stand one after another and hold the belt of a neighbor standing in front. This is a snake. She crawls forward, turns to the sides, crawls away from obstacles. The movement speed gradually increases. It is important that the column does not fall apart (you cannot remove your hands).

Riddles about birds

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

Who sat on the bitch

And yells "coo-coo, coo-coo"? (Cuckoo.)

I go to the pond to swim

Dive and splash.

There I shout: “Ha-ha-ha!

How beautiful are the shores! (Goose.)

Fly away, sparrows!

Run away, mice!

Someone black and big

Came down to us from the roof.

Hide, fly and mosquito!

Who is shouting "kar-kar-kar" here? (Crow.)

Game "Geese and Wolf"

We need to choose the wolf. At the beginning of the game, he sits on the sidelines. The words are spoken by the educator himself or (as a dialogue) together with the children. After that, the geese fly (run) past the Wolf to their house. And the Wolf is trying to grab the geese. Those who managed to escape continue the game. The game will end when all the geese have been caught.

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

Well fly home!

The Gray Wolf under the mountain does not let us go home!

Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings!

The game "Owl flies"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The owl flies over the bushes.

(We wave our arms like wings.)

Save yourself, mice.

(We squat.)

The owl flies -

Angry, angry:

Who here is not afraid of me?

(We wave our arms like wings.)

I'll fly even lower

I'll grab the mouse now!

(We make grasping movements with our hands in front of us.)

The owl looks at the ground vigilantly.

Save yourself, mice, in a mink. (We squat.)

The mice crawled into the mink,

(We run in place.)

Angry bird was fooled.

(We wave our hands in front of us.)

Game "Owl and mice"

An owl can be selected using a rhyme. The rest of the children are mice. A large circle is laid out on the floor with a rope. This is a mink. At the command of the educator, the mice run out of the mink and have fun, run around. The teacher says: "Here an owl flies out of the forest." The mice must quickly run into the hole so as not to be caught.

Finger game "Birds"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers. At the last words we hide the handles.

This bird is a nightingale.

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl

Sleepy head.

This bird is a bird

Gray feather.

This bird is a waxwing

This bird is a corncrake.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a merry siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Come on, birds, go home!

Game "Migratory and non-migratory birds"

The teacher says the names of the birds. If the birds are migratory (fly south in autumn), then the children flap their arms like wings. If the birds do not fly away, they remain to winter in their native places, then the children stand with their hands down. For example: starling (waving), swallow (waving), sparrow (hands below), titmouse (hands below), dove (hands below), rook (waving), crow (hands below).

Autumn riddles

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

Stronger than the sun

Weaker than the wind.

No legs, but walking.

No eyes, but crying. (Cloud.)

Came from the sky

Gone to the ground. (Rain.)

Cold rain drizzles

And the bear is in a hurry to fall asleep.

The mouse collects stocks.

Who knows what time of year? (Autumn.)

All the flowers are gone

The leaves have all fallen off.

The birds are flying away.

When does it happen? (In autumn.)

Game "Autumn"

The teacher talks about autumn and sometimes deliberately makes mistakes. If he speaks incorrectly, the children should clap their hands.

It gets warmer in autumn than in summer. (We clap.)

It gets colder in autumn than in summer.

New green leaves appear in autumn. (We clap.)

In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and red, then fall off.

In autumn, some birds come to us from the south. (We clap.)

In autumn, some birds fly south.

In autumn, the bear and hedgehog wake up. (We clap.)

In autumn, the bear and hedgehog fall asleep.

Autumn games for children of primary preschool age

Finger game "Flowers"

We listen to verses and perform hand movements: we alternately bend and unbend our fingers.

The sun is rising -

The flowers open up.

The sun goes down -

The flowers are closing.

It becomes light again

The sun is shining in the sky.

Rejoice in the sun

And flowers, and children.

But the sun goes to sleep

And it's dark again.

The sun doesn't shine.

Sleep flowers and children.

The day comes again

The sun is rising.

And flowers, waking up,

Open quickly.

And then the night comes

The sun is going down.

And the flowers, getting ready to sleep,

Close again.

We want to help flowers.

We will tell them: day and night,

Day is night, day is night.

Game "Collect the petals"

On the floor - two circles (middle of daisies). At some distance from them - two bunches of petals. On command, two participants each collect their own chamomile. Whoever does it the fastest wins.

The game "Leaf fall"

The wind is blowing, blowing

The wind shakes the tree.

Leaves are falling

On the grass, on the bumps.

(We squat and stand up.)

The wind is blowing, blowing

The wind rips off the leaves.

(Raise hands up, then lower down.)

How can the branches not tremble?

How can they keep the leaves?

(Hands in front of you, shake your hands.)

Leaves are spinning in the air

Leaves fall on the grass.

(We circle in place, then we squat.)

We'll go for a walk now.

(Let's go to the place.)

Let's collect the leaves!

(We lean.)

Game "Autumn Leaves"

On the floor are red, yellow and orange leaves cut out of paper. Children are divided into three teams, each collects leaves of its own color. The team that completes the task faster than others wins. The game can be repeated by distributing the colors differently.

Game "Maple Leaves"

We listen to poems and do a fun massage: we touch different parts of the body with our palms.

How beautiful maple leaves -

Red, yellow and green!

The leaves have fallen from the tree

We got hit on the head.

On the back of the head, on the crown,

And from the crown and on the ears.

And they fell on the forehead,

And they got it on the nose.

Leaves fall on your shoulders

And they land on their stomach.

And then on the shoulders

Well, from them to the stomach.

Leaves fall on the handles

Leaves fall on their feet.

There are piles of leaves everywhere

In the leaves - grass and paths.

Leaves are falling game

Palms are like maple leaves. The teacher names the parts of the body (for example: “Leaves fell on the knees”, “Leaves fell on the stomach”). To what is named, children should quickly put their hands on it, as if leaves had fallen there.

Game "Vegetables"

The teacher names the vegetables one by one. The children have to draw them. Cabbage - show with your hands how round it is; carrot - joined hands up; zucchini - joined hands down; etc.

Finger game "Garden"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers.

Our garden is good!

Where else can you find this?!

People are surprised:

How rich is our garden!

We'll show you what's growing.

And we'll tell you everything

We are not empty here.

Cabbage has grown.

Here is dill, and here is parsley,

It's beets and potatoes

It's pumpkin and peas.

Harvest is not bad at all!

Turnip, radish and carrot...

Lots of different vegetables.

We will make salads

And we'll cook delicious cabbage soup.

The game "Khomkina exercise"

The teacher reads the poem, accompanying the reading with movements. Children perform these movements.

Then the teacher offers: at will, each of the participants in the game can come up with and show some kind of exercise, and the rest will repeat it.

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

Homka, Homka, Hamster -

(Stroking belly.)

Striped barrel.

(We stroke the sides.)

Homka gets up early

(Raise hands up.)

Washes cheeks, rubs nose.

(Three cheeks and nose.)

Homka sweeps the hut

(We wave our hands from side to side.)

And goes to charge.

(Raise hands up, then spread them apart.)

The game "Our charge"

One-two - circled.

Three-four - hands up.

Five or six - bent over.

Seven-eight - hands up.

Nine-ten - we squat,

And then we repeat everything.

Game "Apples"

We listen to the verses and show what is being said.

apples on branches

They hung high.

(Raise hands up.)

And get us apples

It wasn't easy.

(Jumping in place.)

We stood on tiptoe

We pull arms, legs.

(We stand on tiptoe and stretch up.)

And then we are twigs

Shocked a little.

(Shake hands.)

apples flew

On thick grass.

(Put hands down.)

Put them in a basket

We'll find an empty one.

(We show how to put apples in a basket.)

Game "Pass the Apple"

Children stand in a circle. Music sounds. Children pass an apple (ball) in a circle. Suddenly the music stops. Whoever has the ball at that moment is out of the game.

Little Lamb Lives across the river.

I saw insects

Calling Mom:

Be-e, be-e!

And the Goat, the son of the Goat,

Scared of the dragonfly.

Played in the meadow

Called Mom:

Me-e, me-e!

Game "Lamb"

We listen to poetry and do a fun massage: we touch different parts of the body with our fingers.

We will stroke the curls

Our Lamb.

Where do curls grow?

And here, and here.

Both on the forehead and on the head.

We can stroke them deftly.

Both chest and back

Softly, as on a feather bed.

Lots of fur on the sides

As if in soft clouds.

On the tummy, on the legs

And a little on the tail.

Good curls

Our Lamb!

Game "House"

We listen to verses and perform hand movements.

We will build a new house.

(We clap our hands.)

We will knock with a hammer.

(Knock fist on fist.)

The house is higher, higher, higher -

(Put one palm on top of the other.)

We've reached the roof.

(Raise hands up.)

Let's make a window

Let's rest a little.

We open doors

(Cover your eyes with your palms and remove your palms.)

Let's get into the house!

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

Game "Guess the animal"

The driver (children themselves can act in this role in turn) depicts the gait, habits, voice of a pet (cow, goat, chicken, rooster, cat, dog, etc.). The rest must guess.

Game "Walking in the rain"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

Rain outside again.

(Shake hands.)

Let's go for a walk anyway.

(Let's go to the place.)

The wind blows without end.

(We make wave-like movements with our hands in front of us.)

Trees swayed.

(Raise hands up, swing from side to side.)

The rain is dripping from the clouds.

(Shake hands.)

We are walking along the path.

(Let's go to the place.)

The rain drips on the handles

(We drum with the fingers of one hand on the other hand.)

The rain drips on your feet.

(We touch the legs with the tips of our fingers.)

The rain is falling harder.

Where are the puddles?

(We spread our arms to the sides, and then bring them together in front of us.)

We will get through, because we can

Jump over puddles!

(We jump in place.)

Game "Rain"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The rain poured from this cloud,

And from this - drizzle.

(Raise hands up, shake hands.)

The rain wet the ground

Poured large puddles everywhere.

(We wave our hands in front of us, then spread our arms to the sides.)

We don't need rain.

We jump through puddles.

(Move your head from side to side, then jump in place.)

Jump-jump, jump-jump -

From bump to bump.

(We take a step to the left and another left, then a step to the right and another right.)

Game "Puddles"

There are sheets of paper on the floor. These are puddles. Children must run to the other end of the room, running around all the puddles. You can't step on them. Whoever steps in is out of the game. The teacher determines the winners.

Riddles about birds

We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

Who sat on the bitch

And yells "coo-coo, coo-coo"? (Cuckoo.)

Fly away, sparrows!

Run away, mice!

Someone black and big

Came down to us from the roof.

Hide, fly and mosquito!

Who is shouting "kar-kar-kar" here? (Crow.)

Looking for grains in the dust

Picks up crumbs.

Rides, small in stature,

In the park on the path.

What a gray bastard

Is everything screaming “chirp-chirp”? (Sparrow.)

Game "Sparrow"

The teacher calls the actions that the sparrow performs. Children do these things. For example: a sparrow is jumping (everyone is jumping), a sparrow is flying (everyone is waving their hands), a sparrow is pecking at grains (you can tap the index finger of your right hand on the palm of your left), a sparrow is hiding (everyone squats and covers their heads with their hands).

Game "Birds"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The birds have flown

They sat on the mountain ash.

(We squat.)

They began to peck berries,

Feed your kids.

(Knocking index fingerone hand on the palm of the other.)

The birds have flown

(We wave our arms like wings.)

They sat on the viburnum.

(We squat.)

They began to peck berries,

Feed your kids.

(We tap the index finger of one hand on the palm of the other.)

Game "Gathering berries"

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the mountain ash grows high (this is a tree), and the cranberry grows low (these are small bushes), after which he explains the rules of the game. If the teacher pronounces the word “rowan”, the children raise their hands up (tear the mountain ash), and if the word “cranberry”, they squat (pick cranberries).

Game "Mishkin's House"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The bear was walking in the forest

(Let's go to the place.)

And he picked mushrooms.

(We lean.)

The bear is building a new house,

(We fold our hands over our heads like a house.)

Will sleep peacefully in it.

(Place palms under cheek.)

Under a tall pine

(Raise hands up.)

There was a big house.

(We spread our arms to the sides.)

And on a soft bed

The mouse went to sleep.

(We squat.)

The game "At the bear in the forest"

With the help of a counting rhyme, a Bear is chosen. He sits on the side. The rest of the participants in the game walk nearby, pick berries and say:

At the Bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

And the bear does not sleep

And looks at us.

After these words, the Bear begins to catch the children. The one who caught him, he takes to his lair.

Finger game "Spots"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers - we count the spots.

I want a ladybug

Draw spots.

Well, let's help her -

Once - a black circle.

Two is a black circle.

Three and four -

Draw wider.

Five and six -

The paint is still there.

Seven is the last circle.

There is no more paint.

Fly to the meadow.

Hello from all of us!

Game "Find the ladybug"

Children are ladybugs. The driver (it may be a teacher or one of the children) says:


Fly to the sky

Bring us some bread.

Black and white

Just not hot.

While these words are heard, the children run around the room and, depicting ladybugs, wave their hands, and then squat and freeze. You can't move. Whoever moves is out of the game.

Game "Pike"

We listen to verses and perform various movements. The pike swims in the water

Pike swim everywhere.

(We make movements as if we are swimming.)

floats to the surface,

(Raise hands up.)

And then it dives to the bottom.

(We squat.)

Clicking teeth evil pike,

And then sits silently.

(With half-bent palms we depict the mouth of a pike.)

Wants to fish there.

When he sees a fish - grab it!

(We make grasping movements with our hands in front of us.)

Game "Catch the fish"

On the floor or on the table - fish cut out of cardboard (a paper clip is attached to each). Also for the game you need a fishing rod - a stick with a cord, at the end of which a magnet is attached. The one who manages to catch more fish than others wins.

To save the fish from the pike, we must move them to another body of water. To do this, let's catch the fish and place them in the prepared bucket.

"Gather Mushrooms"

Children collect mushrooms and put them in a basket for the teacher. To play tambourine - run away under an umbrella - hide from the rain. At this time, another adult imperceptibly scatters mushrooms, and the teacher invites the children again to the forest for mushrooms: "the rain is over." This is repeated twice. When the children go to the forest for mushrooms for the third time, they will find a large mushroom with sweets hidden in the stem.

"Game with leaves"

Children after a round dance or dance with leaves remain standing in a circle. Autumn offers to put the leaves on the floor and dance, and when the music is over, quickly take the leaf and hide it behind your back so that autumn cannot take it away. After the game, Autumn blows on the "leaves" (children), they fly away to their places.

game "Clouds-plakuchki" (O. Sivukhina)

Children are arranged in two circles - boys and girls. Mom is invited to each circle, she plays the role of Cloud Mom, children are droplets.
Educator. These are the mothers of Clouds, and you are restless children!
Clouds walked across the sky
Red sun caught. (walk around in circles)
And we'll catch up with the sun
And we will catch the red! (switch to stomping step)
The sun is hidden
And they themselves cried: drip-drip-drip! (squat, tapping fingers on the floor)
Droplets scattered, raindrops,
They run along the paths, along the roofs, along the blades of grass ...
(running away)
And now: one, two, three!
Find a mother cloud! (children must find their Mom Cloud, line up in a circle)

game with mothers "Two umbrellas"

Mothers with umbrellas of different colors move along with their children in all directions. When the music ends, mothers stop, girls and boys gather in circles under different umbrellas: girls under pink, boys under blue.

One two Three!
Find an umbrella mom!

The game "Veterok and Janitor"

Music sounds, (wind noise) all the children scatter around the hall. The janitor's music plays. The janitor comes out with a broom and says the words:

Street cleaner: Oh, there is a lot of work:

How many leaves have fallen!

I'm in a hurry to sweep

I'm tidying up! (sweeps)

I'm sweeping, sweeping, sweeping, I'll gather the leaves in a heap.

It sweeps to the music, children-leaves flock together.

Street cleaner: I swept all the tracks.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.


Wind noise. The breeze runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they scatter and sit down again.

Street cleaner: Disorder, in fact

All the leaves are scattered.

I'll take a broom

I'll pick up the leaves again.

I'm throwing, throwing, throwing

I'll put the leaves in a pile.

Music Janitor (with a broom in the middle of the hall) Children-leaves flock together.

Street cleaner: I swept all the tracks.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.

The janitor leaves. The breeze runs out (child)

Wind: I am a cheerful breeze, my path is not close, not far.

I fly around the world, I inflate all the leaves.

Wind noise. The breeze runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they scatter and sit down again. Included

Street cleaner.

Street cleaner: Oh, you mischievous leaves, bright and painted!

So as not to dare to fly away, I must catch you all!

Music Janitor. The janitor catches up with the children, they run to their places and hide the leaves under the chairs.

Street cleaner: I ran, I was tired, but I did not catch up with the leaves.
There are only puddles on the paths, the janitor is no longer needed here.

Presenter: You're right, Janitor.

The rain pours every day, does not allow us to walk.

And we are not afraid of the rain, we will have fun together! (song about rain)

Game - attraction "Collect the leaves"

Leaves of yellow, red and green colors are scattered on the floor. 3 children are welcome. Everyone must collect leaves of a certain color. On a signal: "1,2,3, collect!" children collect leaves. Whoever collects first is the winner.

Game - attraction "Harvest"

There are 2 trucks near the central wall, and closer to the audience, vegetables are scattered in hoops - "beds". Two players who play on a signal are driving trucks to the beds by the rope, picking vegetables in the back. After collecting vegetables, they bring the crop to its original place. Whoever collected and brought first - he won.

senior preschool age

Game - attraction "Three legs"

At the central wall are two - four players. The middle legs are tied with a cord. As a result, for two - three legs. The task of the players is to run to the chip, run around it and return to its original place.

Game - attraction "Pull the turnip"

Near the audience, at a great distance from each other, there are 2 turnips on the floor (children sitting on chairs can also be turnips, with a turnip cap on their heads). Playing in 2 columns stand near the central wall: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. On a signal, the grandfathers run first to the turnip and, having run around it, each returns to his column. They take the grandmother by the hand, run around the turnip, and return. Grandmothers take their granddaughters by the hand, etc. When all the characters run around their turnip. They pull her out. Whose link will pull the turnip first.

"Don't get your feet wet"

Option 1: children cross the "swamp" by shifting three boards.

Option 2: jump over "puddles" - sheets of cut cardboard on the floor.

Game with leaves for attention

- One two Three! Take this sheet!

One two Three! Take the red sheet!

One two Three! Maple Leaf!

One two Three! Get two sheets!

One two Three! Take the same sheet as mine!

One two Three! Take nothing!

Game "Autumn Treats"

Vegetables and fruits lie together on a common tray. Children need to quickly sort them so that one can cook soup and another compote.

"Running in galoshes"

Leader or hero: Who lost the galoshes, children? (shows) Someone now danced and lost. (Beats, trying to try on someone).

Come on, let's see ... Yes, look at it, another one. And also, it seems, on the right foot ...

I don't have a couple, so what?

I'll run in one shoe. (Trying to run in one galosh)

Well, who, answer, brothers,

Do you want to run too?


Children are divided equally into trees and mushrooms, choose a mushroom picker. Trees stand in a circle. Mushrooms hide behind them. A mushroom picker walks in the center, reads:

Mushroomer: I went to the forest for mushrooms,

But there were no mushrooms.

Where did they hide?

Under the trees? Or under the stumps?

Mushrooms: And here we are!

Just pick us up!

1,2,3! Run!

The mushrooms run away. The mushroom picker catches them.

"Carry a Potato in a Spoon"

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: transfer one potato in a spoon from a hoop (bed-hole) to a bucket. Whose team will harvest faster.

"Who will more accurately fall into the bucket"

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: to get a potato in a bucket. Whose team will harvest faster and more accurately.

Auction: "Name the potato dishes"

Game "Collect a wreath"

Option 1: Leaves from the basket are poured onto the floor. Children take one leaf from a pile and lay wreaths on the floor: birch, maple, oak.

Option 2: Then the presenter suggests laying out wreaths from those leaves that are in the pockets of the children on the chairs. To the music of the waltz, children move around the hall, dance. At the end of the music, they stand in circles, each leaf in its own.

"Taste Vegetables"

With their eyes closed, the children taste the vegetable and name it.

"Autumn Leaves" - fantas

Presenter: We will now take autumn leaves and play with them. (The presenter distributes autumn leaves to the children).

Presenter: Ta-ra-ra!

The game starts! (everyone speaks in unison).

Presenter: Make three hats from a scarf for an aspen leaf. (Children come out holding aspen leaves in their hands - they complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a maple leaf

That artist is an equilibrist.

Can perform in the circus

Hold a stick in your hand.

(Children come out with maple leaves, perform tasks - walk along a cord stretched on the floor, holding a stick in their hand - to the music).

Presenter: An oak leaf will tell a rhyme

Or autumn will say signs,

Or without words he will show us objects ...

(Children who have oak leaves come out and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a birch leaf

That mimic artist -

Does not say anything,

Gesture will portray everything ... (sour lemon, thorn, fluff, etc.) (Children come out with birch leaves and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a rowan leaf -

Speak without hesitation:

Karl and Clara

Stole corals.

(Children who have rowan leaves go out and complete the task).

Apple games

1) Relay game. 2 teams are participating. You need to quickly transfer apples from one basket to another.

2) There is 1 apple in a cup of water. The participant needs to get it without the help of hands.

3) 2 planar trees are placed in the center of the hall, apples hang from them, children need to quickly pick up apples blindfolded in their basket.

Breathing exercise "Autumn leaves"

A playful breeze flew into the forest:

Quietly, softly, he sang a song to the branches:

A strong wind also flew into our forest:

Loudly, loudly to the branches, he sang a song:

The breezes took turns singing songs to the leaves:

That quiet: Sh-sh-sh!

That loud: Sh-sh-sh!

That quiet: Sh-sh-sh!

That loud: Sh-sh-sh!

And then they flew away!

Game-attraction "Cross the swamp"

Two children participate in the competition. 12 “bumps” are placed around the hall - cardboard mock-ups, uneven in shape and painted in gray-brown color. For each participant, six bumps were prepared at a short distance from each other: you can only step forward along the “bumps” and go back in the same way. The one who does it faster wins.

Game "Harvest"

Children are divided into two teams - "Veterok" and "Droplet". For the game you need 6 hoops, 2 children's watering cans, 2 buckets, 8 potatoes. On a signal, the “tractor drivers” come out with the first stomping step, move like a “snake”, set up hoops and run to their starting position.

Girls go with buckets, put 1 potato in each hoop. Then the "waterers" run, running around each hoop. The latter run with buckets, harvest.

game "Stumps-leaves-heads"

Several parents are chosen - they are “stumps”, children are “leaves”. The driver takes turns saying the words “stumps”, “heads of cabbage”. To the music, either parents or children begin to move. As soon as the driver says: “Kochanchiki”, the children should quickly run up to any “stump” in the circle, as tightly as possible.