Hunting games. Hunting games Best bloody games on pc

Good day, dear readers!
So the time has come to draw a line under the second material from the series "TOP-10: Your Choice", the theme of which is the sexiest heroines of computer games. If anyone missed the beginning, then we recall that the choice of dozens was done exclusively by our users, who first offered their options on the forum, and then voted for the bloodiest of the bloodiest. Our task now is to tell about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. What will we do.
So, we meet - the bloodiest computer games in the opinion of our users!

Subtly and gracefully, Marcus Phoenix cuts careless locusts with a premium Lancer, mercilessly sawing bones with them and irrigating the screen with a strategic supply of blood from several donor centers at once. The shots from behind the shelter systematically spread the unlucky infection of the head, scattering unappetizing scraps over the land drowning in mud. Hordes of locusts fall dead when they meet face-to-face with jocks from the Delta squad, painting the gray landscapes with scattering arms and legs and buckets of red liquid.

Epic Games wrote a fighting tale, in which there is no place for mercy and lyrical digressions with the reading of the chosen Byron aloud. Well, if the war for the life of all mankind and with some insects, then one cannot do without sawing objectionable bodies in half, bleeding and total cruelty. It's scary to imagine what Epics can be built in the third part, if you give them Project Natal in their hands and in between times offer to cut locusts almost “with our own hands” ... Although we are all for it!

If anyone else thinks comics are for kids, then X-Men Origins: Wolverine can mercilessly abuse the flimsy inner world of these poor fellows. The title comrade with adamantine claws does not stand on ceremony with the special forces - he chops into pieces so finely that once brutal men can be safely sent to salad and seasoned with mayonnaise. Without honors and tears - just squeezing all the crimson juices from the oncoming AI henchmen. But what is there - and Wolverine himself, if he was unlucky and touched a machine-gun burst or a rocket, turns into a walking mince. The flying flesh exposes its metal skeleton, frightening away the faint of heart and giving a chance to people with a fantasy to find out "To what extent can Wolverine turn into a walking corpse?"

Software has moved away from cute and childish schemes for creating "games-by-films" and made the right decision. Everything is deserved.

Well, yes, how can it be without Clive Barker. Those who have read his books or at least saw their film adaptations guess why Jericho climbed to the top.

Corridors littered with giblets and guts, suspended on hooks and constantly bleeding carcasses of flesh, inhuman BDSM with dense corsets of nails and bloody bandages that are creepy to look at - this is, let's say, a standard sketch for the Barker universes.

From Japanese cinema with greetings - Monolith Productions, already loved by many for the anime action Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, quoted the Asian school of horror almost literally in F.E.A.R.... Little pale girls with long hair and a dress stained with some kind of red substance - what is there to be afraid of, right? However, when these girls suddenly appear behind their backs in a room that is knee-deep in blood and with floating corpses around, the effect is completely different.

It is by adding to F.E.A.R. crimson rivers, mixing them with extraordinary schoolgirls, breaking their spines on a count of one, and on a count of two - folding their necks and pumping blood, Monolith Productions stood out from the gray crowd. Not so new, but impressive. For which they are honored and praised.

It is believed that Rockstar games specially released in due time Manhunt to divert the angry gaze of the censors from Gta... If before all the dogs were hung on Gta, where "unmotivated cruelty, pools of blood and flying off heads" is the norm, then Manhunt surpassed even the odious series. Rockstar I didn't even bother with the plot too much - I just built the scenery, handed out primitive stealth and a bunch of improvised tools: plastic bags, wires, kitchen knives, hammers and other household utensils.

But instead of everyday tasks for their use, she suggested smashing the skulls of enemies with hammers, gouging out the eyes with a crowbar, chopping off heads with a machete, which can then be used as bait (!) - I never dreamed of that. Gta.

A game about cruelty, about cruelty and about nothing but cruelty - there are no hidden meanings in the choice.

Series Fallout always had a disregard for the censors - every successful hit in the groin was supplied with an unprintable commentary, every shot in the head - the remains of the skull scattering around the area, and the minigun's burst turned enemies into a sieve, unpleasantly exposing the meat.

Fallout 3 grabbed the baton - the head, as expected, tears apart, blood gushes in different directions, parts of the body are lost here very quickly and even somehow naturally. Well, the notorious 3D added missing entertainment. The true spirit of the Wasteland! Therefore, it is not surprising that even before the release Fallout 3 has collected so many negative reviews from the pious and the tags "Banned for sales in Australia, Germany" that even savvy mathematicians will be counted.

We hope it doesn't disappoint.

The starship Ishimura, at first glance, clean but empty corridors, enchanting space in the porthole window - a pacifying picture. Until the necromorphs appear on the screen.

Bloody gruel-smear on the walls, disfigured corpses, methodically separating limbs of clumsy alien creatures, a juicy gushing stream of liquid from cut pieces of necromorphs - the picture is transformed in an instant.

So a man with a higher education, engineer Isaac Clarke, has fun, with his own hands dismembering the flickering monster everywhere. The issued brand “Mature” and a rather interesting idea justified expectations - it became a noble entertainment with a scarlet hue, which came very close to the top three.

How without zombies! Without them nowhere now - they are still consumables that are not a sin to weave into any game. Yes, that's just Left 4 dead managed to do this very successfully - the army of ghouls, nonstop following the canons, goes to hell very quickly, dumping their intestines on the asphalt and washing them with blood. Running in a circle and overgrown with an unpleasant dark tan, formed from a Molotov cocktail accidentally thrown into the crowd, and even receiving savory blows on the jaws with a butt. Or vice versa - tearing the survivors to shreds, literally pulling flesh out of the poor with muscles.

Naturally, blood is not the main thing here - the teamwork of the survivors is above all. Radio-ready microphones, polished tactics, and pitch-beating levels will give you a lot of fun under these conditions. But if PG users saw a sea of ​​blood and deliberate horror here, then so be it - a bronze medalist, congratulations!

I just want to start with the damn "cat like a muffler", but better refrain. There is Dude, there is a whole city filled to capacity with perverts, terrorists and celebrities. There is a mountain of weapons. The rest is in your hands. Whether to set fire to people, smear them on the wall from a bazooka, or blow off heads with sniper shots - this is a real simulator of a sadiugi who fell into Paradise built with his own hands. Do what you want - no one even thinks to stop. Even more likely, he will offer to make fun of the little people, gutting them and washing them with their entrails.

Still it is Postal- the most unceremonious, senseless and cruel game production of recent years. The indignant speeches of the truth-lovers, the dissatisfied faces of the reviewers, the enthusiastic reviews of the players telling how they successfully set the family on fire on vacation - everything was confused. However, citizens from Running with scissors deservedly snatch the silver award from our hands. Look there, do not blunder!

And here is our winner! The Alex Mercer Bloodbath couldn't be better. Not giving a damn about such concepts as reputation, philanthropy and other funny words, our mutated superhero was allowed to do whatever his heart desires. First, for seed, we throw cars at passers-by, smearing them on the pavement. Then we press on the tank of brainless mutants. Under the crunch of bones, we grow claws like Wolverine and begin to turn everyone we meet into a shapeless meat mass. Parts of the arms and legs cinematically fly to the sides, the limp half of the body falls to the ground - such shots are found at every step.

All in all, a fair victory. The Bloodiest Game medal goes straight to the mutant abode Radical Entertainment... Squeeze Alex's bloody claw, he deserves it.

Well, that's all for today in terms of texts, but there is still an excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. We just have to say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until August 1st. Eugene “Mumby” Molodov was with you today.

In addition, we remind you that right at this moment the first stage of preparation of the third material from the cycle "TOP-10: Your Choice" started, in which you can take part. The most unexpected endings became the topic.

Every person sometimes wants to come after work and relax, or have some fun. And, perhaps, the best solution for mental and moral rest can be some kind of "meaty" terribly bloody game. It will help relieve stress and tension due to the fact that you can chop any crowd of enemies into minced meat.

If you are some kind of faint-hearted person and you have uncontrollable gag reflexes, then before watching we recommend you “get drunk” on valerian and take some kind of pot, because now we will announce the Top 7 most violent and bloodiest games. And keep in mind that all the games presented have different genres and directions, so some may not like them. But in any case, all these games have only one thing in common - a hard dismemberment, a lot of blood and stabbing! A large gaming portal "" presents the most violent and bloody games that are worthy of attention!


Mortal Kombat is familiar to everyone literally from childhood. The game has become a true standard of fanning and cruelty. Thanks to the last two parts, everyone can take a free course in anatomy, because those unique blows that are presented in the game do not just break bones, they also tear ligaments, tear and tear hearts. And fatalities do break, dismember, chop and even blow up an opponent. And most importantly, all this is happening under a huge fountain of blood! The most savage ways of fighting, the most terrible fighters, hundreds of broken bones, hundreds of invalids - you can find all this in the Mortal Kombat series.

So, if you want to watch your opponent put his ass on an ice stake, knock all the crap out of his head, or rip out his guts along with the salad he ate the day before yesterday, then it's time for you to take part in Mortal Kombat!


Do you think Dead Space is a simple scarecrow for the night? No, really. The Dead Space series has become famous not only as a survival horror, but also as the most "meat" game. In the shoes of a desperate engineer Isaac Clark, you will have to fight with creatures that are much worse than your neighbors - necromorphs. Moreover, these creatures are so tenacious that you have to constantly crush with your iron, thirty-kilogram shoe, their skulls, from which the remnants of the brain and a heap of blood fly out. Constant fights in rooms stained with intestines and blood, with the products of a bloody fantasy, turn into a real meat grinder, where different limbs constantly fly and pools of blood are formed. The level of dismemberment and cruelty goes off scale when you realize that you are fighting for your life. When the cartridges run out, arms, legs and a cutter go into battle. If you want to take part in the bloody mince, then sit down and help old Isaac grow iron eggs.


When it comes to bloody meat, it is impossible not to touch upon the brutal God of War series of action games. The whole story of the game revolves around the toughest and most vengeful person - Kratos. This bald miracle, for the sake of his revenge, cut out a huge number of mystical and legendary creatures, which should have been included in the "Red Book". Moreover, Kratos did not stop at the genocide of monsters - his next target was the Greek Gods, whom he simply incredibly bloody hollow into all the cracks. What this Spartan is doing on the battlefield simply does not settle in his head. He rips out his eyes, he breaks his legs, breaks his arms, knocks out his teeth, he just chops and makes, from what seems invincible, an ordinary chicken fillet. However, one should not expect anything else from the former Spartan general in a fit of rage.


Hotline Miami is a great series from an indie developer that is all about assassination. Players are given the opportunity to kill in a variety of ways, and the story behind all these bloody murders is simply amazing. And the main difference between this brutal game is that any of your murders are not really motivated. Each level is a solid mess, where you kill every person who shows at least a little bit of his ** from around the corner. In addition to the fact that the game is very cruel and bloody, it also has scenes of violence. Stylish and attractive, Hotline Miami will appeal to anyone who just wants to unwind after a hard day at work.

Manhunt Series

Manhunt is a game for the most real maniacs and sadists. The game is very much like the movie "Hostel", where you also had to watch the monstrous scenes that the characters did. But the Manhunt series is different in that you can take, for example, a hammer and break someone's skull. Or take a package and horribly strangle the offender. Manhunt is a game about cruelty, about cruelty and about nothing but cruelty itself - there are no secret intentions here, just the sadistic inclinations of the protagonist and the authors' fantasy sick in the trash.

Painkiller Series

Have you ever dreamed of taking the brains out of some fiend of Hell? Well, you have just the perfect opportunity to do it in Painkiller. Here you are given everything - from meat chopping to countless methods of murder. Scum and huge Bosses are just waiting for you to hack them to death, shoot them, blow up and smash all their insides for the amusement of the public. A huge arsenal of weapons allows you to destroy any offender in the most brutal ways. And if you are tired of shooting, then take a grinder in your hands and cut the witch's skulls forward. If you're still hungry for meat, then welcome to Painkiller.

Postal Series

The Postal series is the most scandalous and shocking game series ever. But the second part turned out to be the most immoral. But this is not surprising, because it is here that racism, homophobia, vandalism, ethnic scandals and many other details that should be hidden are present. And this is without taking into account the fact that here you can kill and mock women, old people and even animals! The Postal series is a collection of immorality and thoughtless cruelty, so it's no different than that. And if you think that this game is not bloody, then you are very much mistaken, because there you can not only shoot a cute busty housewife in the kitchen, but also harshly shred her whole body. So if you are off the hook, or you want to make fun of everyone because of personal reasons, then you should definitely play Postal.

As you know, on Friday the 13th the Doom reincarnation was released. Chainsaw, rocket launcher, finishing blows by hand - you won't be able to take demons alive. Id Software did not pursue the 12+ rating, the atmosphere of the meat market reigns in the game. But Doom is far from the only bloody shooter. And not even the most bloody! Who took the crown away from the founders of the genre? Now we will find out.

10. Blood

There is blood in the name of this game itself, which was released back in 1997. Despite the sprite monsters and primitive graphics, the violence in Blood was serious: crazy cultists and the monsters they summoned could be pricked with pitchforks and set on fire with Molotov cocktails. Nostalgia for this game among connoisseurs is off the charts - let's hope that someone sensible will take up the revival of IP.

9. Shadow Warrior (2013)

Speaking of the successful revival of classic games, Shadow Warrior is the perfect example. The protagonist, an exotic Asian version of Duke Nyukem, makes greasy jokes, shoots demons from 2 Uzi, and finishes the survivors with a katana. The enemies of our ninja came from otherworldly worlds, but their blood is red, and their meat is meat. The presence of cutting edged weapons aggravates the effect.

8. Bulletstorm

Everyone knows that Cliff Bleszinski created Gears of War, many people know about his work on Lawbreakers, but another creation of his is almost forgotten - which is a pity! In Bulletstorm, you could raise the unfortunate enemy with the help of anti-gravity superpowers, well, then the choice is yours - to take out a savory kick and send it to the spikes, or fire a drill and screw the victim into the ceiling.

7. Darkness 2

It would be better if the mafiosi did not offend the main character of this game. As a result of the devil's pact, he receives tentacles and goes to the vendetta. Then something harsher than traditional hentai begins. Firearms play a secondary role, and tentacles are needed not for pleasures, but for dividing adversaries into components: arms, legs, heads, torso, etc.

6. Dead Space

Strictly speaking, this is not a shooter at all, but shooting in this dark space adventure plays an important role - as well as dismemberment. Isaac Clarke is an engineer in the best traditions of Gordon Freeman, but not an athlete. And the necromorphs are too nimble. To deprive them of a pair of limbs using a laser cutter in order to reduce the speed of movement to the level of homo sapiens - God himself commanded.

5. Fallout 4

You can, of course, found a settlement, plant turnips, build cozy houses and, in general, a peaceful life. But sooner or later super-mutants, or raiders envious of agricultural successes, will descend upon a hunt for human beings. Then the bloody Mash perk pumped to the maximum may come in handy. It will give you a real chance to tear apart even a large mutant with just one bullet from an air rifle. Beauty, and more!

4. Gears of War 4

The main creation of Cliff Bleszinski could not fail to get into this rating. Judging by previous installments of Gears of War, Bulletstorm and Lawbreakers, Mr. Bleszinski considers violence and gore to be almost the cornerstone of shooter building. One of the iconic weapons in the series is the under-barrel chainsaw assault rifle (Warhammer 40,000?). With all the consequences that follow from the abdominal cavities of enemies.

3. Killing Floor 2

The first part of this franchise was called by some gourmets the best team PVE-shooter, eclipsing even Left4Dead 2. Killing Floor 2 is in early access on Steam, but it is already quite popular: it is planned to be released on consoles. In addition, the game will be the first to use Nvidia Flex technology - all for more realistic meat. However, only PK-boyars will be able to visit the improved meat rows.

Shotguns and chainsaws - all this has already been in the previous parts. But the hard-hitting manual finishing moves have shone as the new guiding light for DOOM's reincarnation. Large specimens of demons weigh several quintals - the effects of their extermination are appropriate. Considering that there can be about 2 - 3 such adversaries on the screen at the same time, and even a dozen small imps in addition, the action often turns into a bloodbath. Once again, many human thanks to the authors for not chasing a 12+ rating and additional profit.

1. Sniper Elite 4

And here is the unexpected leader of the rating. Unlike Dr. Hayden and Olivia Pierce, modern science has not yet proven the existence of the Underworld, so demons are still in the realm of fantasy. Shoving the fiend of hell his own heart down his throat is interesting fun, but Sniper Elite really scares you with its anatomical details. Well-aimed bullets knock out brains, break bones and pierce lungs, and even in slow motion. Compared to this course of a pathologist, the colorful demonic porridge will seem like a kindergarten.

I think a lot of gamers like it when games are full of blood, cruelty, murder, guts that stick to the screen from the explosion and slowly slide down. And, naturally, they are interested in the question, what are the most bloody games. Well, ordinary gamers may be interested in this question in order to successfully bypass them. We offer you a list of the 25 bloodiest games.

Previously, in order to create blood, the developers created sprites, rendered frame by frame, so that in the end the player saw 2 seconds of blood flying into the monitor. Now technology has stepped forward significantly and rivers of blood appear on the screen with much less effort. And realism has also increased significantly.

We will deliberately not mention very old games here, but there will be a couple of surprises. I think the most normal thing would be to list five games a day. And the reader will not tire me either.

25th place. Neverdead

Neverdead Is one of the last games that was born in the crazy minds of the guys from Rebellion. They also gave the world a series of games Aliens vs Predator and Shinta Nojiri. The whole game is based on the fact that the main character does not die, but simply falls apart and can then even get back together. It certainly looks funny. You can see everything for yourself in the video.

24th place. Dead island

You probably remember the simply magnificent, amazing, amazing Dead Island trailer, which told the terrible story of a family who came to rest on a paradise island. However, it turned out that this video has little in common with the game. Basically, the whole game is about destroying zombies. Yes, the list of the bloodiest games simply could not do without zombies. It is obvious. What is bloody in Dead Island, you can see in the video just above.

23rd place. Fallout 3

Of course, you can't name great Fallout 3 animation, but, nevertheless, this does not prevent it from being cruel. In the video just above, it is shown how the heads of the opponents fly into smithereens and come off.

22nd place. Team Fortress 2

I think a lot of people played it, especially after it became free. And, perhaps, behind the mind-blowing action of this game, you did not even notice how cruel it is. The video just below shows one of the moments when the characters are simply torn to pieces and the blood sprinkles all the walls nearby. And if you remember that battles can take place quite massively, then you can see a lot of blood on the screen.

21st place. Prey

Remember this game? Probably remember, at one time she made a lot of noise. If for some reason you think that she is not cruel, then watch this video with the torture of people with alien machines. Add to this the gloomy and oppressive atmosphere, the abundance of blood in the game, and if you play looking at night, you can safely reluctance to go to bed for a couple of hours.

20th place. Postal 2

Yes, we have not forgotten about it, and it is on our list of the most violent and bloody games. Do you also remember what perversions and nasty things you can do there? Perhaps this is the only game where you can douse a person with gasoline, set it on fire, and then pee on it to extinguish it. I'm not talking about cats instead of mufflers. I believe that it can justifiably take the 20th place.

Perhaps, on this ringing note, today we will stop the world of bone crunch, gurgling blood and scattering brains. Tomorrow we will tell you about five even more bloody and brutal games.

Material taken from Translated and supplemented by Andrey Nikitin specially for website

Not so long ago, the status of a person and his position in the tribe depended on the ability to hunt, but today there is no need to craft a spear or track down wild animals with a homemade bow at the ready. Hunting games will allow you to enjoy the most ancient instincts without harming living beings and destroying rare animal specimens. Just choose this category on our website and join this exciting and courageous activity!

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