How to keep your fingers on the mouse. Guide for choosing the type of mouse hold. Main parts of a computer mouse

What am I doing wrong? Am I holding my mouse correctly? Is my keyboard at a comfortable angle and should my monitor be closer? Is my chair too high?

Such questions are often asked when people start to feel unstable in the game and begin to lose confidence in themselves. They are not sure what they are doing right and what is wrong. First you need to ask yourself what kind of player you want to be. Are you a player who plays at home for fun, or are you trying to achieve more and go to some tournaments, or perhaps you want to become a professional player?

If you just want to play well for yourself and are only going to play from home, then there is no need for really big changes. Since you will only be playing on one computer and in one room most of the time, you do not need to follow many rules. Simply because your body will sooner or later get used to the environment and the way you approach and hold things. We will point out for you the most important issues that are most frequently discussed and that can help you stay stable.

Monitor and chair position

The most important thing is that your back is straight or properly supported. This may sound like your mom's advice, but it's true nonetheless! Since we spend so much time in front of the computer, we need a straight back position for several reasons. The first reason is, of course, to avoid back pain or back injuries.

Trust me, you don't want to have back pain during tournaments or important games... By sitting upright and positioning your monitor and chair at the right angle and height, you don't have to lean forward or bend over like many of us gamers do these days.

Tilting forward or bending is a natural reaction when your monitor is below your head level or when your monitor is pushed too far back on your desk. This means that you automatically try to get closer to see better. The best solution for this is to purchase one of these monitor brackets, which will allow you to adjust the height of the monitor to the level of your head and help you move it as close as possible. Of course, this solution is only for home-based players.

If you don’t have the money or are more focused on LAN games or tournaments where you cannot set up your monitor and position it the way you would like, then I recommend that you place the monitor closer to the edge of the table and raise it. Players often place the keyboard on the left to make it easier to place everything on the table. It may not be the best option for your eyes, but it will definitely help you find the correct posture, great visibility and improve your gameplay.

Make sure that your seat is not too high and that your legs do not dangle in the air when you play, as this can cause circulatory problems that will ultimately affect your health. Your feet should be on the ground. When it comes to the height of your desk, it should allow you to keep your elbows slightly open, ranging from 90 to 110 degrees.

Correct posture is often overlooked by many players when at the computer, but you can be more than sure to resort to it later if you are trying to become a pro. Once they join a decent organization, they may ask you to do so, and it will affect your performance for some time. This is not something that any of us would like to face, being in a new place, where we are trying to prove ourselves and work out at all 110%.

How to hold the keyboard

Many players often try to follow the example of professional players by keeping up with the latest gaming trends. This can be very useful in many cases and will give you an added advantage. How professional players CS: GO's layout of their keyboards has led to huge confusion in the community and caused some misunderstandings.

As you can see in the photo taken by the Razer team, many CS: GO players use this "special" or alternative way of placing devices on the table, which has become something very noticeable in the gaming community. When people see such a scheme in tournaments, they ask, "Why are they playing like this?" There are many assumptions and answers, and most of them are correct. This arrangement was discovered by tournament players who liked to have their monitors very close to them.

This is mainly due to the fact that the monitor was very close to the edge of the table and there was no room for anything else. Therefore, they were forced to put the keyboard on the side. Simply because of the limited space for each player on the tournament or home table, they had to rotate the keyboard. Many players have accidentally discovered that this way of placing the keyboard not only saves a lot of space, but is also quite convenient. Players who use this positioning style say it is more comfortable for your hand because you can place it on the table.

With a more natural wrist position, your hand does not tense as usual. Many players who use this keyboard layout play with unusual bindings in the game, which can be confusing. But you have to understand that if your keyboard is at this angle, you may be reaching for other buttons that are different from those that you reach with the standard keyboard layout.

In general, we recommend that you use whichever is comfortable for you, and the corner arrangement should be one that you should try out for at least one week. This location may be more convenient for you, even if you do not need the monitor closer.

How to hold the mouse

The way everyone holds their mouse is really unique in some way. In tournaments or LANs, you can see many variations and combinations when it comes to gripping the mouse. Some people like to move their hand over the rug, while some people, on the contrary, like to contact their fingers with the rug, using them for better control. There are tons of players who like to play with their index and middle fingers on the left and right mouse buttons, but there are also a large number of players who prefer to use the middle finger for scrolling and the ring finger for the right button. There are endless combinations, but to be honest, they all boil down to 3 main types of mouse grips.

A palm grip is when the whole hand rests on the mouse, and the fingers are on the buttons.

Claw grip - the palm rests on the back of the mouse. The fingers are curved so that the fingertips are perpendicular to the mouse buttons.

A fingertip grip is when the palm does not touch the mouse and the mouse is fully controlled by the fingers.

In Counter-Strike, as in most shooters, stability and steady hand movement are the top priority. You will progress several times faster thanks to your muscle memory with a stable grip that does not add any additional motor functions, such as moving the mouse with only your fingers or just your wrist.

The best grip when it comes to stability is the palm grip. Just because you don't add any additional variation as you move your hand, the mouse is very stable and it is very easy to perform the same movement with the same precision every time.

The claw grip is the second most popular grip. It still offers palm-like stability thanks to its firm grip in the palm. The claw grip is unique among other styles as it allows us to quickly transform styles. You can lift your palm off the mouse and operate it with only your fingers, similar to a fingertip grip.

When it comes to fingertip grip, I want to disappoint some of you, but this is the least stable grip and is not really recommended. This is because your palm is raised above the back of the mouse at all times, which makes this style really imprecise when it comes to large mouse movements. It might be good for people who play with tremendous sensitivity in the game, but as we all know, high sensitivity is not very good for CS: GO.

We recommend the palm grip and claw grip as they are best used in most shooters. To play consistently and progress faster, make sure you take into account all of these tips we gave you.

In order to decide how to keep the mouse in the game, there are several factors to consider:

  • sensitivity (resolution) of the mouse
  • rug size
  • mouse shape

Mouse sensitivity

By changing the mouse sensitivity, you can adjust the pointer speed on the monitor and in the game. The lower the mouse sensitivity, the slower its speed, and vice versa, the higher the sensitivity, the faster its speed. Some models of mice are equipped with additional buttons that allow you to instantly switch the DPI of the mouse, changing its sensitivity.

Mouse sensitivity in CS game

The lower the sensitivity of the mouse, the better the accuracy of shooting at long and medium distances, but the less your mobility at short distances. Conversely, with a high sensitivity of the mouse, you move around the map quite comfortably, you can quickly react to an unexpected situation, but at the same time you lose accuracy at long and medium distances.

In order to set the optimal mouse sensitivity in a CS game, you need to place the mouse in the middle of the carpet and move your hand to the edge of the mat. Your model in the game should rotate 180 degrees. Therefore, by swiping the mouse horizontally across the entire mat, the model should be turned at least 360 degrees.

If you have insufficient spread, do not write off changing the sensitivity of the mouse, pay attention to the mat. Maybe you should buy it in a larger size. After all, the larger the size of the mouse pad, the greater your mobility without sacrificing accuracy.

How do I adjust the sensitivity of my mouse?

  • If your mouse is equipped with additional buttons for dynamic sensitivity change, then you can switch the resolution (DPI) by clicking on them.
  • If the mouse is not equipped with additional buttons, then you need to launch the Mouse Control Center, select your mouse and click on Basic Options. There you will find Sensitivity. Adjust the settings and click the Apply button.

Position of the mat, hand and fingers in the game

Position of the mat in the game

Right keep mouse in play not enough, it is necessary to conveniently place a rug under it. The position of the mat during play should be such that it hangs slightly off the table. This is another advantage of the large rug. In this position, your hand will have the same surface throughout. This will increase the stability of your game, as there will be no unnecessary variables. Otherwise, you will have two sharp corners that will cause micro discomfort.

Hand position in the game

Keep the mouse in play try as naturally as possible. In this case, the hand should not be very tense. If the wrist rests tightly on the mat, it improves accuracy when micro targeting, but constrains movement in melee and when turning away from grenades.

Hold mouse in the game it is better so that the wrist lightly touches the mat and the hand is not constantly in tension. To do this, place your hand so that the middle of your forearm rests on the edge of the table (mat).

Finger position in the game

The way you keep your fingers on depends directly on its shape. Three fingers are responsible for aim - thumb, ring and little fingers. Place your hand on the mouse and pinch with three fingers. The little finger should barely touch the rug. The ring finger should be firmly pressed against the little finger so that it does not dangle and touch the mouse button. It is necessary to hold the mouse in the game with exactly three fingers so that the nameless one does not dangle and prevent the index finger from pressing the mouse button.

The rest of the fingers, index and middle, are responsible for clicks and reactions. In order to maximize the mouse click speed, it is necessary to keep the index finger slightly bent. Do not bend it too much or, on the contrary, keep it straight, this will slow down the speed of clicking the mouse button.

Let's summarize. How to keep the mouse in the game

Keep the mouse in play it is necessary as naturally as possible, holding it with three fingers. The little finger should barely touch the rug. For maximum mouse click speed, keep your index finger slightly bent.

The rug should hang slightly off the table, the wrist should touch the rug lightly, and the middle of the forearm should rest on the edge of the table (rug).

Don't forget about the correct mouse sensitivity and mat size.

Well, now we figured out how to keep the mouse in the game. It turns out it's not that difficult.

Just as with the help of our hands we interact with objects of the material world, with the help of the mouse we can interact with objects on the computer screen. You can move, open, modify, drop, and more with just pointing and clicking.

The main parts of a computer mouse

Usually the computer mouse has two buttons: the primary button (usually the left) and the secondary button (usually the right). The main button is the one you'll use the most.

Most mice also have a wheel between the buttons, making it easier to scroll through documents and web pages. On some mice, the wheel can be pressed like a third button. Advanced mice may have additional buttons with other functions.

How to hold and move a computer mouse

Place the mouse near the keyboard on a clean, level surface, such as a mouse pad. Hold the mouse, do not strain your hand... Your index finger should be on the primary button and your thumb should be on the side.

To move the mouse, slowly drag it in any direction. Don't twist the mouse - it should be aimed away from you with the wire. When you move the mouse, the pointer (see figure) on the screen moves in the same direction. If the table or mouse pad is out of stock and you cannot move the mouse further, lift it up and move it closer to you.

Hold your mouse effortlessly to keep your wrist straight

Pointing, clicking, and dragging objects with the mouse

Pointing to an object on the screen means moving the mouse so that the pointer touches the object. If you hover your mouse over an object, a small window often appears with a description of the object.

For example, if you hover over the "Trash" on the desktop, a rectangle appears with the following inscription: "Contains files and folders that have been deleted."

The pointer can change depending on where it is pointed. For example, if you hover over a link in a browser, the pointer changes from an arrow to a hand that points with a finger.

Most mouse actions combine hovering the pointer with pressing one of the mouse buttons. There are four main ways to use mouse buttons: click, double click, right click and drag.

Click (button press)

To click an object, place the pointer over it on the screen, press and release the primary button (usually the left one). Clicking is most often used to select (highlight) an object or open a menu. This is sometimes referred to as a single click or mouse click.

Double click

To double-click an object, move the cursor over it on the screen and double-click quickly. If the interval between two clicks is too long, the system may interpret them as two separate clicks rather than double.

Double-clicking is often used to open objects on the desktop. For example, you can open an application or folder by double-clicking its icon on the desktop.

If you can't double-click, you can adjust double click speed(period of time allowed between clicks).

Follow these steps:

  • Click to open the Mouse Properties window.
  • Select a tab Buttons and then move the slider Double click speed to decrease or increase the speed.

Right click

To right-click an object, move the cursor over it on the screen, press and release the auxiliary button (usually the right one).

By right-clicking an object, you can usually display a list of actions that can be performed on it... For example, if you right-click the Trash icon on the desktop, a menu appears that allows you to open the Trash, empty, delete, or view its properties. If you are not sure what to do with an object, right-click.

Drag and drop interface elements

Objects can be moved around the screen using drag and drop. To drag an object, move the mouse pointer over the object, press and hold the main button, move the object to the desired location, and then release the main button.

Drag and drop is often used to move files and folders to another location, and to move windows and icons on the screen.

Using the mouse scroll wheel

If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can use it to scroll through a document or web page. For scrolling way down turn the wheel back ( to yourself). For scrolling up turn the wheel forward ( Push).

Setting up your computer mouse

You can customize the mouse according to your preference. For example, you can change the speed at which the mouse pointer moves across the screen or the appearance of the pointer.

If you are better at using your left hand, you can make the primary mouse button on your right. additional information see Changing Mouse Options.

Using your computer mouse safely

Holding and moving the mouse correctly can prevent pain or injury to the wrist and arm, especially after prolonged use of the computer.

Here are some tips to help prevent problems:

  • Place the mouse at elbow level. Your forearms should be relaxed to the sides.
  • Do not squeeze or grip the mouse firmly. Keep it light.
  • Move the mouse by rotating your arm at the elbow. Do not bend your wrist down, up, or to the sides.
  • Press the mouse buttons easily.
  • Keep your fingers relaxed. Do not hold them tightly over the keys.
  • When not using the mouse, do not hold it.
  • Take short breaks from your computer every 15-20 minutes.

For more information on other parts of the computer, see

It's time to call the Year of the Sitting Man for at least one year, and not the Year of the Sheep;)
A sedentary lifestyle is becoming a truly calling card of the 21st century. Many people, especially among young people, spend more and more time sitting at the computer. At the same time, not everyone knows how to properly sit at the computer.
Today our task is to learn this before it's too late.

You yourself have noticed more than once how time flies while sitting at the computer. Especially when playing computer games... How much time do you spend on this?
And if the time spent at the PC can be shortened and take breaks, then the correct sitting position at the computer needs to be learned. Otherwise, disaster such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, etc. cannot be avoided. Which in turn will negatively affect all systems and organs.
How can you avoid this? To do this, you need to know the rules of sitting at a computer and adhere to them:

First of all, you should take care of purchasing a high-quality computer chair and a table that is suitable for the height, it is better to buy a regular writing desk on which the keyboard and mouse will be located at elbow level and without a monitor add-on from above, so that the screen is below eye level.

Next, you need to learn how to sit correctly. To do this, you must adjust the height of the chair so that your feet with full feet are on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. And your elbows were on the armrest when you type and hold the mouse. Sitting in a chair, you need to push your lower back close to the back and align your back. Ideally, the spine should be in balance and the back muscles only slightly support it. Leaning to either side will overstrain the muscles and then ache. Only balance and relaxation, as in meditation, the ideal sitting posture. The shoulders are relaxed. The head should also be in balance, and the neck should only serve as support. The neck muscles should be strained to a minimum. You cannot tilt your head forward, as well as throw it back.

Otherwise, the blood circulation in the brain will deteriorate, which will lead to a drop in working capacity and, therefore, wages. And gamers are threatened in this case with a sudden Game Over! One day, a weak opponent sitting right will defeat you! In addition, in profile you will look something like this:

Not a very attractive sight: sad:

To avoid this, you need to sit at the computer correctly!

If after 2-3 hours of sitting at the computer your back, lower back, neck or arms hurt, then you are not sitting correctly. If after 4-5 hours of sitting everything hurts you - you sit too long. Take breaks and warm up.

How long can you sit at the computer.

How long you can sit at the computer everyone decides for himself. But if you do not take breaks every hour or maximum every 2 hours for 10-15 minutes, then soon your body will force it to do and it will be much longer and not more pleasant. You decide!
It is enough to set yourself a reminder or an alarm clock and you will remember how long you can sit at the computer and take breaks.

Correct posture when working on a computer or what not to do:

Do not cross your legs, as you impair blood circulation in the feet.
- You cannot prop your head up with your hand. Why do you need cervical dislocation and neck pain?
- You can not "creep" on the chair, sit upright and keep your balance.

How to hold the mouse correctly.

How to hold the mouse correctly is shown in the figure. There are also alternative ways to hold the mouse, but this one is the most anatomically correct and comfortable one.
When you hold the mouse as shown below, the click load is spread over more fingers and the hand fatigue less. So it's worth retraining if you don't hold the mouse correctly. When buying a mouse, it is important to choose the right one for the size of your palm. The main criterion is that you should be comfortable holding it. Do not chase design and unnecessary bells and whistles.

Learning to touch-type is also helpful. This will help avoid tilting your head and straining your neck when looking at the keyboard. The blind print training software will help you with this.
You can download the keyboard simulator for free on our website.

The hands should not be tense and should lie straight. Don't pound the keyboard hard, remember, the days of typewriters are long gone: fellow:

How to protect your eyes while sitting at the computer.

An outstretched arm distance from the monitor will help prevent visual impairment. It's also worth replacing your old monitor with an LCD if you haven't already.

When taking breaks, spend 1 to 2 minutes doing eye exercises. Finding them on the Internet is easy.