How to play DayZ: Practical Tips. Dayz Standalone Tips. Help beginners Useful Tips DayZ for beginners

It all started with the free multiplayer modification for the ARMA 2 computer game and add-on ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead developed by Bohemia Interactive. The modification was created by one of the future employees of Bohemia Interactive, the New Zealand geimidizainer of the Dina Hall as an amateur addition. On August 8, 2012, it was announced that Bohemia Interactive would deal with the transformation of a modification into an independent game. The action of the game takes place in the fictional post-Soviet state of Black Russian, the inhabitants of which as a result of some cataclysm turned into aggressive zombies. The character managed by the player should survive in a hostile environment, avoiding enemies and mining in abandoned buildings weapons, food and other suggestions. At the same time, other players operate on the same map; Each player has the right to kill the characters of other players, avoid them or unite with them into a group for joint survival.

Briefly about our servers

Our servers have the construction, mining of ore and transfer it to the game currency.

Secure zones for sharing, merchants, gaming money.

On our servers are preserved tents and transport, there are also helicopters, boats and many different transports.

We have bonuses in the form of exploding zombies from which the top Lut falls, Lightive garbage

On servers for sale clan bases or protection dome for their buildings, more in the Personal Account

Full-featured personal account with a service store, as well as numerous free features and support.

Guide to launch

Download the last version of the game

Unpack the game to any folder.

Run Launcher_sa.exe on behalf of the administrator.

Be sure to read the requirements for the character of the character

We introduce your nickname, we save.

Choose the server and click to play

Down-load a game

The first thing you need to know is:

each time during the login of the character in the game, in the lower right corner of the screen, an inscription appears with a location of the character - do not miss it, it will help in the future with orientation on the map.

Then, download a common area map:

And we find yourself on it.
Further. Since the starting set is very poor, you will need to deal with food and weapons in the near city. I recommend not paying attention to the village (there is very modest LUT) and immediately go to the store of a major city. The best for newbies are electric facilities in the south - in the center of the city there are many buildings with a good melt in the form of backpacks, navigation and production items - and Berezino - in the northeast, for the same reason. See yourself where to run closer to you.

A little about control:


Change the character's rack, with the position of lying / sitting / in full growth
- opens a backpack or the contents of the subject in front of you
- opens the chat string to communicate with other survivors

(B and Yu in Russian layout) - change the radio channel, in which you want to say something / write. Usually use an additional (blue) channel, it is global and broadcast on the entire territory (so far). To communicate on a close distance, so that you do not hear the entire server, use direct (white) channel.

<колесо мыши вверх>

Opens the action menu with a character or subject to you. Left mouse button - confirm, right - cancel.

<средняя кнопка мыши>

- Fast action, it is better to use for simple operations (when the "Open Doors" icon appears before the cursor, "climb the stairs" and the like).
- Switches the shooting mode or throwing the garnet / fera (the range of the latter depends on the duration of pressing M1)
- Smell an obstacle

Backpack and inventory:

1 - The contents of your pockets, from this menu uses all consumable items other than bandages. Some actions (for example, blood transfusions or an injection of adrenaline comrade) also require the presence of an item used in these slots.
2 - a kind of belt bag. It serves only the cartridges for the gun and bandages.
3 - bag with various gadgets and devices necessary for survival.

If you click on the image backpack under a rifle, and then downcoming the button - Open Bag (open a backpack), then the menu will appear with the contents of the punch backpack

shift things into it or from it by pressing the arrows left / right near the corresponding position

A small advice - if in your journey you found another backpack - before raising it through the action menu (the mouse wheel up), lay out all things from the old on the ground. Then, when the new thing is a new one - we will collect all things back.

Some items (for example, firewood or rolled tent) occupy several inventory cells, do not be surprised if some slots will be inaccessible due to this


1 - the level of the noise
2 - Player's Visibility
3 - humanity (the more often you kill people, the evil will be a muzzle. It does not affect anything in fact)
4 - Temperature - if you swim in cold water for a long time, you can catch a cold (PERS will begin to cough)
5 - Thirst indicator.
6 - blood level, or in other words - a health indicator. If plusik flashes on it - you have bleeding (treated with bandages)
7 - Hunger (theoretically you can die from hunger if there is nothing for a long time, in practice I did not bring it)

If you are wounded:

The Dayz Universe is a dangerous place in which you often will hurt. So, in order:

1) If the plusion flashes near the blood indicator - you have bleeding. To treat, you need to open the inventory (button G) and right-click on the bandages to choose - reject yourself. The gleaming takes some time, so it is better to start this process outside the battle.
2) If a white indicator appeared similar to compressed teeth and / or a very trembling sight - it means PERS struggles with a strong bout of pain. It is treated with an anesthetic or itself takes place over time.
3) If Persians fell on the stomach and can only crawl, a broken bone indicator appeared - obviously, you have a fracture. Treated morphine.
4) Hefty hourglass appeared on the floor of the screen - then you lost consciousness. You will be stationary until all the "sand" or your friend does not add to you adrenaline.
5) If the picture before your eyes becomes black and white - it means you have a low blood level. For recovery, it will take either transfusion with the help of another person, or a long-lasting feeding canned food (200 hp with 1 pcs) or a meat fried on the fire (800xp for satellite)

Where to look for supplies:

The very first nishtyaki is easier to collect in stores, there is regularly spawn food, backpacks, basic weapons (like pistols M1911 and revolver, rifles Enfield and Winchester). Some tools, navigation tools also come across stores, sometimes in two-storey cafes and long administrative buildings.
The weapon is more abruptly (like assault and sniper rifles, elite shotguns) spawn in military tents, barracks, hangars on the runway, in the navigation tower of flights and a fire station.
Medical suppres - in hospitals, they have a glass showcase that can be broken by a shot or throw a blank bottle of whiskey.

Zombie. What are they eating

There are three types of zombies: walking, jumping and crawling (in common crane)
From the jumper you can escape, the rest will catch up. Yes, yes, the slider will rise and run with a small probability. Each dead man can reward you with bleeding or altogether send to knockout. Be careful.

The most common newbie error is shooting at the first zombie. The error is that the crowd of zombies will founce on the sounds of a shot, to fight off from which even good equipment is not easy.

Therefore, if Zombie noted you:
whether there is no other zombie near other zombies - if not, then shoot, preferably with a gun - it makes less noise. If you are, then run squatting beyond the location of the village and kill the lousy there.

If you still sneeze a whole crowd of zombies, you have three output:
1) In essence, illegal. Just get off for a second from zombies and turn off the server. After re-entering the server, the zombies will not be on you.
2) Run to the nearest tower / barn / building. Try to either get up in a narrow passage or climb on the stairs to the roof and from there to shoot the crowd. This method requires a whole cloud of cartridges and is generally the most dangerous, from that and ineffective
3) The third way: we climb the stairs to any construction crane, tower or roof. Sit down in order to leave the field of view crowded at the bottom of Zombies. Throw the fire, on which the zombies will switch to ten times - and after and will forget about you at all, starting to disperse.
The only difficulty is some zombies manage to climb along the vertical staircase - so be alert.

Survivors - the first meeting or man man - Wolf:

A social factor plays a rather significant role in DayZ.
If you are quite naive, kind or just want a company - when you meet with another surviving forehead, use the swaying on the Q and E buttons as a sign of your good intentions. Better, if you noticed the survivor first, and managed to talk in advance with him with the help of a chat / voice.
But remember, never, I repeat - never try to get acquainted with the groups of players or newcomers, armed with PMAMI - the first will kill you, knowing about numerical superiority, the second is just because of the possibility of quick profit - there is nothing to lose, they will not want to lose it on the coast.

If you got it that you are killed by the jar of stew or a portion of Lulz - boldly go on the path of the gangster. Universal neglect and tons of diverse lute you are guaranteed.

Dick path. How to survive in the forest.:

So, you are tired of regular meetings with bandits, you want a quiet life - it's time to ask for help to your mother nature.
You will need: matches, ax (for firewood cuts), knife (for the cutting of animals), a couple of flasks with water and preferably a bunch of a map / compass.

To survive, our character is enough to satisfy 2 needs - food and water.
With water, everything is simple - approach the lake or a column with drinking in the village, open a backpack and right click on the flask - fill. In the case of the lake, you must kneel in the water. Do not go deeper, it is possible to lose a backpack (simply drown it).

With food, everything is more complicated:
1) Find an animal in the forest, we kill and separated by a knife (through the action menu on the wheel). We get raw meat.
2) We go to the nearest forest, come to the tree, open a backpack and the right click on the ax - ruby \u200b\u200bfirewood.
3) In any convenient location, we break the bonfire - for this you also need to right-click matches from the backpack, then through the action menu, ignite the fire on the resulting place and fry meat.

Read more about secured movement:

I will tell you how to stay unnoticed in the city and the forest.
So, you already know about changing the racks using the z, x, c buttons. But the appearance of the character also depends on the time of day (at night it is minimal) and the type of surface on which PERS is located.
For example, on a smooth asphalt in the city of squatting gives 3 divisions of visibility near the eye icon, and on the ground - only 2. Try to keep the roadside, moving along the grass.
If clamping shift, PERS will start moving slower, but also will lose 1 stick in sight.
When driving, visibility is actually at zero, which allows you to cite in 3 meters from zombies without detection from the last side.

Separately, I note that:
1) Cannot crawl on surfaces with a large inclination or relief (for example, stairs in a high-rise building or high steps)
2) Some inputs in the buildings are bugged - if you try to cover them, Persians will stop at the door and will fall in full growth (an example of this is the main entrance of all stores). Therefore, in such premises it is better to go squatting.
3) The game also has the opportunity to break the glass bottle to distract the zombies, but because of their slow speed in a non-aggressive state and weak Ai, it is often not the best idea.

Against the players will help you only visual masking - bush, branched spruce, special skin of green camouflage or kamo "under the grass." Do not hope to stay unnoticed lying in ordinary grass - it does not load at a great distance, why you will lie like on an open palm. Also on the close distance you can imagine yourself with steps, coughing or just heavy breathing after running.

Never run in full growth - if certainly do not want to feed the hungry dead or join them.

Use keys to Dayz Standalone and their purpose:

Button Tab. - Opens your inventory, you can view objects lying on Earth, different status messages.
Button / - opens chat for communication
Button Caps Lock. - includes a voice microphone in the game
Button W. The character goes ahead. Quickly press 2 times and keep - the character begins to run.
Button A. - The character goes to the left.
Button S. - The character goes back.
Button D. - The character goes to the right.

When a character stands:
Button Q. - Character leans to the left
Button E. - Character leans right
When the character lies:
Button Q. - Character rolls to the left
Button E. - Character rolled the right

Button Z. - Character falls on the floor
Button X. - Character falls down
Button C. - Character gets on straight legs
Button V. - When running the character jumps over the barrier. When walking stirs.
Button F. Or the mouse wheel - with its help you can fill different containers, open the doors, climb on the stairs, select things and make the remaining uses.
Button LKM. - The character begins to attack.
Button PKM. - Quick Pressing, the character begins to aim. When holding PCM, the increase in distance.
Button F1. - Animation of greetings.
Button F2. - Character surrenders.
Button F3. - Character sits on Earth
Button - (minus) - Increases distance in the sight
Button + - Reduces the distance in the sight

And now, I will tell you some oddities and some of the Aza Dayz Standalone game, in order to be in the essence of the game and connect with a stranger world of Chernrug Registry and its cruelty, which leads bandits, marauders and zombari:
- For dressing wounds and other wounds, you can take a shirt or a T-shirt and break it on the rags and after you can take away. Before dressing, it is best to disinfive them alcohol. But if you do not have alcohol, then it will come down.
- When you keep some weapon in your hands, then you will run slower with him. To run faster, you should remove the weapon by the shoulder and double pressing the button W., then you will make your character go to quick running.
- To effectively use weapons in hands it is worth pressing the key spaceThe character will raise it, then lower the weapon.
- To look back when running or walking or just a character stands, you need to clamp the key Alt. And twist the mouse from the side to the side. Remember, you always need to look around and back, it does not matter where you are and what you are busy.
- If you have met the character and in his hands the gun FNX45, then you can look at it and externally define it is charged or not.

- In order for you to be inconspicuous, it is best to walk in the greencraft, on the bushes and do not run through the open space.
- When you hit the zombie fell haray below? This suggests that he is alive and need to finish it. And when fell face up - this is already a corpse.
- Usually at home with a closed door with a closed door. If someone brought the house in front of you, then the doors will be open, the truth is not always.
- In such types of the building, you will not find anything and they do not respond to Lout:

- Maximum speed running when your character has empty hands.
- Fire ax is a better melee weapon from all. May kill Zombach with only one strike, and a person up to 2 blows.

If you poisoned, it is best to fill the most stomach to vomiting. Repeat at least twice.
- Through the radio can be communicated with the other. How to use it.

By radio can be accepted. How to use a radio, read:

- For the operation of the usual flashlight and the lamp you need a battery. To a beam of light from the lantern shining where you need, and not to the side, you need to press the key Space.
- Need an online map of the black club? I ask here -
- If you often play at night, then for better visibility you can enlarge brightness and gamut. Do not know how to change?

- Now I will tell you how to do in the game Dayz Standalone to do and where to run after you repented on the map:

First of all, how did you appear on the map, the most important thing you need to assess the situation and determine the place where you appeared. If you do not have a card in the game Dayz Standalone and use (fit very well for), you can safely determine the location if you know how to navigate the terrain. And if you want adrenaline and adventure, then you still need to know the coordinates of large cities, the share in order to go and try good luck in finding a valuable lute and corpses.

We looked and defined our approximate location, now you need to go to look for food, drink, clothes, and of course firearms. Found along the way a shirt or a t-shirt, take it and instantly rotate on the rags. When you are wounded, you can tie my wounds to yourself. Now we need to find weapons. The chance falls that you can eat when your hands appear at least a screwdriver. It is best to look for a fly in big cities, but such things are very dangerous. A very big chance to meet a person, and a very large spawn zombie. But such actions will help you to get enough sleep and reveal to you, for example, you can find a gun, a peeper and the necessary equipment to be found in electric facilities.

The second largest problem is water. The first thing to do is to find a column and get drunk almost a maximum (to be a condition Stuffed.), To all if you have an empty bottle or flask, type water in it. Everybody stored, now time to go on a trip to Dayz Standalone map. In the future, you will have a sea of \u200b\u200bLute, any non-needed trash with a very competent and cautious game or a very fast death when it gets up with hugs to the first zombach)). Well, that's all) dry powder and the jar of beans to you).

And so today I will tell you how to play Dayz Standalone. Naturally, you can purchase the game in Steam for $ 29.99. Despite the fact that the price is quite high, the game inspires confidence, as it develops quite quickly and the prospects look very tempting.

... Enjoy Guide, who will tell you how to play Dayz Standalone ...

If you briefly, we can say that the developers have worked for fame, at the moment what game is so close to reality? During the game, you constantly have to use medicines, changing clothes as it is wear out, do not forget to eat and drink water otherwise lose consciousness.

You should not forget that Dayz you should constantly care about your character, in other words the player must remember all his needs, otherwise it can end at least a disease, and in the worst death for your character. But we will not be about bad, then I will tell you how to survive in this harsh and cruel world.

Charisma:not everyone boasts to his skill of communication, but not everyone knows that in the game there is not a little confidence in the game (I hold down the Caps-Lock, we speak the microphone first, which will come to mind, just not killed you), so what the rules need to follow , to know how to play Dayz Standalone.

  • Rule number 1: To achieve confidence! Just shout that you are lost 😀 you are friendly;
  • Rule number 2: Never give out your firearm without any reason, it can save your life;
  • Rule number 3: If you see another character with "cool gun", and you are at a distance of less than 15 meters and you only have a tip hat and bit, click F2, the character will raise your hands and most likely they will lose you and not notice, in the worst case, handcuffs will be handcuffed and take blood, but it is still better than faithful death. P.S is not the case of the case, do not try to run, otherwise you will be killed;
  • Details about zombies: What if you met Zombies?

  • Rule number 4: if there is an ax, and the firearm is not worth it spend precious cartridges, you should wait for a moment, one accurate blow to the head and zombie dead;
  • Rule number 5: Try to noise as much as possible, and do not go to an open battle more than two zombies. Remember: 5 out of 10 strokes infect you with a disease that you have to be treated with not delicious pills, and 9 of 10 blows are allowed, and the bandages are now not cheap;
  • Small "Lifehaki":we all love to run passable on the expanses of the game, but it does not always work out to get to the right place, especially if the city has someone withdrawal.

  • Rule number 6: Forget about the village houses, do not eat old spoiled fruits, but only fresh, collect as many cans as possible with a cola, they quench thirst and hunger;
  • Rule number 7: If you need a firearm, do not look for it in the villages, you need to the military base, all of them 4: Zelenogorsk, Krasnostov, Marsh and Choosing, but be alert, not alone we are so smart.
  • Rule number 8: Bits, mounts, shovels, forget about them, to the extreme case, a wrench, the lot of real men is an ax.
  • An ordinary situation: You were in the city, gathered the supplies and eventually broke the leg fallen from the steps, after that we can only crawl, as well as climbing the attached stairs, but we still can be moving at all. What should I do if you broke your leg?

    Option I "Standard"

    • Carry morphine;
    • Use and rejoice in cartoons;

    Option ІІ "reasonable"

    • Take a stick, 3 rags;
    • Create a bus and take a tire to the leg;

    Option III "Accelerated"

    • Press ESC, we can go;
    • Go to the server healthy;

    Food:we need to drink a lot and eat, because of this, food search is a very important part of the game, how to quench hunger or thirst? If you want to survive - do not eat everything that rot!

    • Find food, or canned food;
    • If canfers, find a knife or opening;
    • Eat till one is full;
    • Find a column or lake;
    • Drink to full saturation;
    • You can also drink a gas meter, it quenches and hunger and thirst;

    Blood: The game provides us with a lot of ways to die, mainly either a bullet in the forehead and bleeding, which cannot be stopped. What should I do if you have bleeding?

    • Open the first-aid kit, take the bandage, rewound;
    • If there are no bandages, rub clothes;

    Under fire: The famous saying: "Who has a longer trunk, that and right," in fact this rule does not apply to Dayz Standalone, since an opponent with a mosinka can be killed from an ordinary revolver. What should I do if there are fire?
    Option І "For schoolchildren"

    • alt + F4.
    • Close Z.

    Option ІІ "for advanced"

    • Sharply run in the opposite direction, we need to understand where the fire comes from;
    • We run into the shelter and go around the enemy;
    • We shoot in it from the middle distance;

    Option III "for suicide"

    • Lie down and do not move
    • Wait for the enemy

    ... An example of how to play Dayz Standalone ..

    I hope this article will be useful for you and explained in general terms how to play Dayz Standalone. Unsubscribe in the comments if something is not clear, I will gladly answer your questions.

    (Dropping: 3134)

  • Nick changes in the Lumaemu.ini file in the line: Playername (or PlayernickName) \u003d your nickname.
    If you cannot save the file - first remove the "read only" checkbox in the file properties.

    Basic clothing classes now have an attribute of cold protection
    New and fixed weapons, animals.
    New models of grown plants.
    Wolf model.
    Billet and animation of soil processing in a greenhouse with a shovel or chipper
    Model greenhouse.
    Wetting affects the temperature of the character.
    Clothes can be squeezed with hands to reduce her wet.
    6 character temperature conditions with relevant statuses:
    it is warmed - between 35.8 and 36.7
    easy supercooling: between 35 and 35.8
    medium overcooling: between 34.5 and 35
    heavy supercooling: less than 34.5 (the loss of blood and health begins)
    heavy overheating: from 38
    stable temperature: from 36.7 to 38
    The bonfire now heats and dries clothes within 2.5m radius. In the radius less than half meter causes overheating.
    with a long run in the "Sprint" mode, overheating occurs.
    the state "I am Sweating" ("I swept") can be removed by wiping the body with alcohol.
    Electrocnut and electric shuffle - require a battery and deprive consciousness with a small damage and a chance of fibrillation.
    Raincoat and hill jacket are protected from rain.
    Plant seed landing algorithms with a probability of rotting the growing plant with time. Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse.
    Camouflage gili model for head.
    Can you shoot onion on the go?
    Improved onion animations.
    Gloves without fingers.
    Helmet "Mask-1"
    Skater's protective helmet.
    More colors Bandan.
    Balaclava of different colors: beige, black, black with skull, blue, green, pink, white. Decraphy in 1 rag.
    Pants and fire jacket.
    The model of the medical thermometer and the temperature measurement function of its or other character.
    Model hammer.
    Damage textures for signal rocket, Longhorn and sight, RUGER, P38.
    New plant class "Farming", which can probably collect or grow in the future: Birch Low, Rosehip dog, hazel, black elderberry, burdock, fir tree
    Sounds of opening and closing doors.
    Fireplace texture in civilian building "Aerokluba"
    New images when loading.
    Hunting knife.
    Brass knuckles.
    Telescopic baton with opening animation and police club with handle.
    IL-18 gun with painting in black and green. It will probably be the possibility of crafting cut.
    Teddy bear position animations in hand
    From the books removed the "Great Charter of Valibilities"
    When connected, the server name, IP and other information
    The warmer "Jungle Boots" boots.
    The warmest pants "slide" and police officers.
    New stairs.
    The bottom of the melee weapon is now on the new system, and not by the cursor.
    Improved and corrected some shaders.
    New emotions of characters: crying, laughter.
    When collecting apples, a rotten apple can crawl.

    ChangeLog: Stable - 0.46.124490

    Known Issues:
    Crash CauseD by Fireplace Kit in Players Inventory
    Character Cloning
    Player Can Look Through Walls
    Zombies Are Spawning On Spot Of Their Death
    Player Is Stuck in Building After Reconnect
    Player Cannot Respawn Properly WHEN HE HAS DROWNED
    Shadow Related Client FPS Drops

    Actions: You can Sort Out Good Ammunition from a ruined stack
    Animations: New Reload Animations for Longhorn and a Second Reload for the Crossbow.
    Animations: New Reload for B95 Double Rifle.
    Animations: MP5K Reload Animations
    Animations: Added Aimed Pose for Sitting with Rifle.
    Animations: Drinking from Pond and Well.
    Loot: Added MP5 with Magazines
    Loot: Added Military Pilotka Side Cap
    Map: Karmanovka Has Returned
    Map: Novodmitrovsk Has Been Added
    Map: Industrial Area of \u200b\u200bNovodmitrovsk Has Been Added.
    Map: Tenement Area Near Novodmitrovsk Has Been Added.
    Map: Dobroe Village is added.
    Map: New Administrative Buildings Has Been Added in Novo.
    Item: Flashbang Grenade
    Item: Hand Grenade
    Item: Added Green and Black Color Variants of The Zsh3 Helmet. CAN BE CRAFTED.
    Sound: Play Sound When Using The Bow.
    Server: Security Improvement HotFix

    Actions: Painting 75 AKM Drum Magazine
    Actions: Crafting Fur Backpack
    Actions: AKM ButtStock Painting
    Actions: Breaking Apart Backpacks, Down Into Parts
    Actions: Leather Backpack Crafting
    Actions: Raised Chance to Ignite Fire In Wind
    Actions: Fixed Crash with Meat Duplication in Fireplace / Inventory
    Actions: CAN "T Eat Meat Directly From The Fireplace
    Animations: Fixed Hand Movement AT The End of Sks Reloading.
    Animations: Hand Clipping In Unarmed Run.
    Animations: Crouch Walks and Runs Replaced with New Animations.
    Animations: Sprint with Gun Replaced with New Animation.
    Animations: Jump and Vualt Animations Updated
    Animations: Hand Poses Added for Granades, Pelts, Alcohol Tincture, Fishing Rod, Magazines, Woods.
    Animations: Zombie Attack Animations Polished.
    Animations: gestures poses fixed.
    Animations: Two Handed Arming Animations Fixed.
    Animations: Fixed An Issue WHERE Surrender Kept Getting Cancelled WHEN Used With One Handed Melee Weapons
    Animations: Fixed An Issue Where Vomiting Was Not Working Properly Wit 2 Handed Melee Weapons
    Animations: Fixed An Issue Where Drinking Animation Was Not Playing WHEN THE PLAYER WAS IN PRONE
    Animations: Throwing Items Reconfigured, Staying Wound Up Should Not Prevent The Player from Getting Knocked Down or Cuffed
    Animations: Leaning Tweaked in Transitional States, Should Now Allow for Smoother Transitions While Leaning
    Gear: Alpha Sorting in Alcohol Tincture Model
    Item: Hacksaw Hand Placement
    Sound: arrow Loading
    Sound: arrow ejecting
    Sound: Fishing Bait Check

    Famous bugs
    Bonfire: If you change things in places in the fire, then the probability of their loss of more than 90%

    Animation: New character movement animations with weapons.
    Animation: animation collection of berries.
    Animation: Drink animation for columns and streams.
    Animation: Movement Animation in Sita.
    Animation: animation fishing
    Animation: Animation of Stone Mining
    Animation: Animation of wood cutting
    Items: New unloading on 12 slots.
    Items: Added AKM and modules for it.
    Items: Added P1 Pistol
    Items: Added Longhorn
    Items: Added composite arrow for onions
    Items: Added Police Form
    Items: Added pants hill-e
    Items: Added Falf Faiter
    Items: Added homemade leather bag
    Items: Added Uniforms "Eagle"
    Items: Added fishing gear
    Items: Added homemade fishing rod
    Items: Added ordinary fishing rod
    Items: Hipster glasses added
    Gathering: You can tear apples with apple trees
    Gathering: You can collect sticks in the forest
    Setting: Added the ability to pull out pages from books
    Setting: Added the ability to extract a stone
    Setting: Added the ability to chop trees
    Surroundings: Added the ability to dig worms
    Hunting: Added Spavong Points Animals
    Hunting: added AI for animals
    Hunting: Added the ability to cut animals and uncover the skin (with a knife)
    Hunting: added deer
    Hunting: Added a goat
    Hunting: Added boar
    Hunting: added cow
    Hunting: Added chicken
    Hunting: Added two types of fish
    Engine: Added the ability to cancel the current action
    Cooking: Added food states (raw, fried, stroken, rotten)
    Locations: Added city Novodmitrovsk
    Locations: Added Village Pocket
    Locations: Added quarry near the nail
    Objects: Added two new types of industrial buildings
    Events: Added an event of spawn 3 helicopters, victims, when starting a server, on the western map

    Fixes at
    Hotfix, correcting severe lags and disinhrons for most players
    The server part now supports customizable time acceleration and makes it possible to speed up the cycle of the day and night.
    New zombie animations are tested (they are now much faster). We will wait for your feedback so that it does not turn out that zombies are too fast.

    List of changes

    Actions: Vomiting is now accompanied by a corresponding sound.
    Actions: Ballistic helmet can be painted (in green or black) with paint spray.
    Actions: You can check the pulse from the players unconscious.
    Actions: When searching for berries, they are added to the inventory.
    Actions: "Eat everything" is now available for everything that can be used.
    Animations: New Recharge Animations Sporerter 22
    Animations: New Recharge Animations RUGER MKII.
    Animations: Players can now sit with a weapon
    Animation: Fully new animation of dual-handed melee weapons. New right-sided posture, motion animation and attacks for axes, baseball bits, gas wrench, scrap, fire extinguisher, shovels and hoes. The position "Sight" and "omitted" for positions standing, sitting and lying.
    Kraft: Painting SCS.
    Kraft: Painting a fire ax.
    Kraft: Painting BLASE B95.
    Setting: new textures of rocks and stones.
    Food: Added Item - Bourgeon (Sambucus).
    Food: Added Item - Rosehip Berry (Canina).
    Equipment: Sickle added to Spaun.
    Equipment: COLT 1911 has been added to LUT with engraving
    Equipment: Lutu added box for 10 cartridges with a booth
    Equipment: Added coat of red, black, brown, blue, green and gray flowers.
    Equipment: Green and Black SCS version
    Equipment: Green and black version of the fire ax.
    Equipment: Added Panama headdress in colors: red / black / brown / blue / green / gray.
    Equipment: A rabbit leg added, a boar steak and chicken breast.
    Equipment: Fresh and rotten tomato Added to Spaun on the server.
    Equipment: Fresh and rotten potatoes added to Spaun on the server.
    Equipment: Fresh and rotten Bedroom Peppers Added to Spaun on the server.
    Equipment: Canned peaches are added to Spaun on the server.
    Equipment: In Lout Added Canned Bacon - Tactical Bacon
    Equipment: Masks can no longer be worn along with helmets and helmets.
    Equipment: Sporerter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and related stores and ammunition (.22LR and 9MM) Added to Spaun.
    Equipment: Coat and Panama Added to Spaun.
    Equipment: Added long stick out of ash
    Graphics: Changed the addition of light to the calculated scene.
    Graphics: Rendering of the objects of objects now occurs during the day.
    Graphics: Support for the engine of point light sources (for example, a gas lamp) is now working correctly.
    Map: Updated the village of Olsha.
    Map: Updated village Helm.
    Map: New stony formations are created on the outskirts of Svetloyarsk.
    Map: Created a new Orthodox church.
    Map: On the map Police sites and medical groups have been added.
    Map: A rustic pub will spawn Lout.
    Map: New villages in the Svetloyarsk area.
    Map: added city "Black Polyana" / "Chernaya Polana" + surroundings.
    Map: Road signs for black glade
    Medicine: players can happen a heart attack (manifests as a "intermittent pulse" when checking the pulse).
    Weather: Rain, clouds and wind are now calculated on the server and are broadcast by customers.
    Weather: Rain now causes wetting items and clothes.


    Actions: Return "INUSEITEM" for action with the target.
    Actions: Fixed the feed value of almost "empty" food.
    Actions: Improved messages to collect berries.
    Actions: Removed duplicate menu item with tire crafting.
    Actions: Fixed a message for action "Contain from the bottle"
    Actions: Changed the duration of the animation of eating the entire rice packaging.
    Actions: Feeding other players now takes the right amount of food \\ drink
    Actions: Flask remains in hands after forced drinking.
    Actions: After eating flakes in inventory, an empty box no longer remains.
    Actions: Fluids are spent correctly after you have drove another player.
    Actions: Now you can not drink another player with alcohol or disinfectant sprays.
    Actions: broken (eninged) flaps / bandages and sticks no longer allow to create tires infinitely.
    Actions: If the amount of food is less than 1/4 Eat All button (EAT AL) will reproduce a short animation of food reception.
    Actions: Forced reception of water / food does not use all water / food, but also does not break the flask.
    Actions: Messages when drinking from well
    Animations: Fixed Bandage Bandget Alignment and Tablet Reception.
    Animations: The correct animations of the holding of various stores.
    Animations: The player can now lose consciousness when located in water.
    Animations: New M4A1 recharging animations.
    Animations: many bugs and glitches while driving or shift in different racks.
    Animations: Rolls dumped zoom.
    Animations: Rash animation (Q and E) became faster.
    Sound: subsonic cartridges now do not publish supersonic click
    Balance: increased damage from 762x39, 9mm, .22lr. A little reduced damage from the fraction.
    Equipment: Packaging of water disinfection tablets now contains 10 tablets. Added the ability to treat cholera.
    Equipment: Difficult SCS can be charged with one cartridge
    Equipment: Changed Type of Villa in Inventory
    Equipment: Removed message about quantity in the pop-up bag window
    Equipment: Title Striped T-shirts
    Graphics: Now SSAO is saved in the settings.
    Graphics: changed rain effect settings.
    Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes instead of 12 bytes on top)
    Graphics: Reference (Culling) directional light sources Fixed
    Graphics: Fixed Landscape Crossings
    Graphics: Fixing the geometry of the trace from the fireyer.
    Login: Fixed a bug in which the character could get stuck in unconscious after respaun
    Map: Svetloyarsk optimized
    Map: Forest bugs near Svetlolyarsk.
    Medicine: The character did not die at zero health or blood due to the features of the medical system.
    Medicine: Adrenaline now leads to a sense of any player unconscious, even who has little blood.
    Medicine: Defibrillators restore the work of the heart from the players with an attack.
    Medicine: Fixed unpredictable effects from loss of consciousness. (Adrenaline will awaken all unconscious, except for the cordial attack)
    Medicine: Damage Damage System in Middle Battle is changed for a better balance.
    Medicine: the chance of bleeding after attack fists is significantly reduced.
    Medicine: Fixed messages about hand and leg fractures.
    Medicine: The bots of the switched players did not receive damage from shock and bleeding.
    Medicine: drop from height during running did not kill the player.
    Network: Thrown items appeared with a delay (now immediately).
    Network: Inventory items causing raisons due to the system of non-marginal package delivery. (While there is a hotfix before the completion of the guaranteed delivery system)
    Network: Optimization of network messaging should lead to a reduction in the load on the network and a slight increase in the FPS client and server.
    Construction: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in the logs)
    Designs: Lost items if they are thrown next to stairs or walls
    Zombies: Now Zombies are mostly kissing in the chest when attacking

    Release date: Experimental version

    Physics: challenge physics of objects is now disabled
    Middle Fight: Two-handed arms gestures do not work in the near battle
    Middle Fight: the impossibility of a hand-to-hand attack with "omitted" with the hands (click "Space" to enter the battle mode)
    Network: The problem with invisibility of zombies and players for the client in some cases


    Animation: Added Recharge Animation RUGER 10/22
    Animation: Added Recharge Animation RUGER MKII
    Kraft: Addual Painting SCS
    Kraft: Added ability to paint a fire ax
    Craft: Addual Painting B95
    Equipment: Added wool coat of red, black, blue, green, gray colors
    Equipment: Canned Opener can be used as a melee weapon
    Equipment: Added rabbit legs, pork steaks and chicken breasts
    Equipment: Added flat hat of red, black, brown, blue, green and gray colors
    Equipment: Added SCS Green and Black Option
    Equipment: Added Option B95 green and black
    Equipment: Added forks
    LUT: added new types of weapons: sporther 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and appropriate stores and ammunition (22LR and 9MM)
    Zombies: While the simple spawn zombie system is implemented, a more advanced spawn method is expected.


    Actions: Added a test for checking collisions in the lying position and when overpanding
    Animation: Now it is impossible to look into the sight during the ride with aiming
    Animation: Animation of the loss of the consciousness of the character in the water will be correct
    Animation: Right Animation of Stores In Hands of the Character
    Animation: Animation of the tilt of the body when pressed to the left and right (Q and E) now happens faster
    Equipment: Pack of water purification tablet now contains 10 tablets. With it you can eliminate cholero in water
    Buildings: changed recognition of the structures of obstacles (due to errors in the logs)
    Buildings: Fixed the disappearance of objects abandoned near stairs and walls
    Network: Inventory items caused dissynchronization due to the continuous update of their status (Hotfix at the moment should provide guaranteed network messages)
    Network: Optimized Network Message Updates, which should lead to a reduction in the throughput and increase FPS from clients and on the server
    Sounds: subsonic shells do not make cotton when shot

    Famous problems

    Physics: Throwing items so far is disabled.
    Cold weapons: gestures so far do not work if two-handed cold weapons are in hand.
    Cold weapons: it is impossible to take an attack from a "low" rack (click "Space" to change the rack on the "combat").


    Actions: Ballistic helmet can be painted (in green or black) with paint spray.
    Actions: You can collect water during the rain in a bottle and a flask.
    Animation: Fully new animation of dual-handed melee weapons. New right-sided posture, motion animation and attacks for axes, baseball bits, gas wrench, scrap, fire extinguisher, shovels and hoes. "Low" and "Aim" Stances Introduced for Stand, Crouch and Prone.
    Equipment: Added options for ballistic helmets - black and in the UN Coloring.
    Equipment: Cannent knife can be used as a melee weapon.
    Equipment: Masks can no longer rush with helmets.
    Equipment: Moth now can be found.
    Equipment: Added green variants of parts M4A1.
    Equipment: Added Panama headdress.
    Graphics: Rendering of the objects of objects now occurs during the day
    Graphics: HDR is configured and works better with bright objects (for example lanterns, etc.)
    Graphics: support by the engine of point light sources (for example, a gas lamp) is now working correctly.
    Zombies: Temporarily implemented a simple zombie respavna mechanism to a better solution.


    Actions: Creating a bus now uses the entire disposable bandage and only a portion of the reusable.
    Actions: broken (ruined) rags / bandages and sticks no longer allow to create tires endlessly.
    Actions: If the amount of food is less than 1/4 Using the Eat All button (EAT AL) will reproduce a short animation of food reception.
    Actions: The game messages are edited during the rapid use of water and overlay the tire on broken limbs.
    Actions: Fast welcome / food does not use all water / food, but also does not break the flask.
    Animation: Fixed Animation of Bandage Bandage and Tablet Reception.
    Equipment: Multicolored ballistic helmets have been introduced.
    Equipment: Reduced the chance of the appearance of backpacks on construction sites.
    Graphics: The rain no longer goes inside the buildings with the selected quality settings of the shadows "low" or "disabled".
    Medicine: drop from the height did not kill the player if he fled.
    Medicine: The player could jump with broken legs.
    Network: items appeared with a delay (now immediately).
    Network: Inventory Items Causing Desync Due to Non-Guaranteed Until Guaranteed Message Change Is Complete).
    Network: Optimization of network messaging should lead to a reduction in bandwidth and a slight increase in the FPS client and server.
    Structures: Changed Inheritance of Barrier Structures (Due to Errors in Logs).
    Weapons: A mesh optic sight is centered.

    Actions: New sound effects in vomiting
    Actions: You can check the pulse from the players unconscious
    Actions: Now the berries will be added to the inventory
    Actions: Function "Eat All" is now supported for consumables (i.e., you can overtake the entire jar of beans at a time)
    Animations: New Recharge Animation RUger 10/22
    Animations: The player can now sit (F3) with a gun / weapon in hand

    New texture scalgor
    Food: added beats elders
    Meals: Added rose berries
    Graphics: Changed Light overlap on zalented objects
    Card: Olsha has been updated
    Map: Helm has been updated
    Map: Rock formations outside Svetloyarsk were added
    Map: The Orthodox Chapel was added
    Map: Police sites and medical centers
    Map: New villages near Svetloyarsk
    Medical: Players can get a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" "with the ability to check the pulse)
    Weather: rain, clouds, wind are calculated on the server
    Weather: Rain now causes wetting items and players

    Actions: Added InuseItem Team for Action for the Subject
    Actions: saturation indicators will be correctly added to the use of practically ending meals (let's say banks from 25%)
    Actions: Script messages about the collection of berries The player has been improved (Gray Information Text)
    Graphics: SSAO parameters in the settings are now saved (not reset by default)
    Graphics: Rain Effect Indicators Changed
    Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes by 12 bytes in the highest point)
    Graphics: Fixed light / shadow
    Graphics: Fixed Landscape Crossing
    Graphics: Fixed geometry of light flashes (apparently from shots)
    Login: Error when creating a new character could lead to a player's jams unconscious
    Map: Performance Optimization in Svetloyarsk
    Map: Fixed bugs in the forests around Svelloyarsk
    Medicine: Fixed a bug in which the player did not die at zero levels of blood and health
    Medicine: Adrenaline's injection is now returned to consciousness even if the blood level fell
    Medicine: The defibrillator is used to start the heart of characters who have a heart attack
    Medicine: the loss of consciousness was irregular and unpredictable behavior (syringes with adrenaline now always return the player in consciousness, if he is not a heart attack)
    Medicine: Damage Damage System in the Middle Battle is changed in the direction of improved balance
    Medicine: The probability of bleeding from hand-to-hand blows is significantly reduced
    Medicine: when the avatars of the players (released from the server) did not receive damage from shock or blood loss (apparently it is due to the character that remains on the server after turning off the player and disappears after 30 seconds, this is part of the system against combat-loggers, and simply put panties disconctor
    Zombies: Now the attacks of zombies are directed mainly to the chest area

    Running the game:
    1) Running the game is carried out through the launcher (client.exe). In it you need to specify your nickname: Settings: Nickname. -\u003e Save.
    2) Server selection is carried out there: (so far) Survival / Deathmatch / Namalsk (about the latter will have to be specified in the group)
    Namalsk is a paid "VIP server", since renting hosts for the server is not cheap, and this is how the project is supported (we do not live with communism)

    In Game:
    Play -\u003e Click on the Remote -\u003e tab, enter the message address of the server and port 2302 (or use ready-made servers from the list -).

    The list of current servers 0.47 can be found on the site (docking: 5068) and unpack both files in the root folder of the game.
    2) Configure Server Name (HostName), Admin Password (PasswordDMIN), Number of Slots (MaxPlayers) in Server.cfg.
    3) Add to HOSTS file (C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc \\ hosts) string:
    4) Start Server is carried out through Dayz.bat.. The port is changing in the same file, if desired.
    5) To connect to your server, enter the address

    In order for your server to be seen on the Internet, you must have a white ip and open port, or use (or).
  • See also manual creatures through


  • In order not to suffer with informal servers, we recommend buying dAYZ SA license key in a proven store And enjoy the game without troubles with updates.
  • If the game writes on top of version 0.34 instead of 0.45 (or even less), then this is normal. Such a feature of the work of the Fix.
  • Sometimes the inscription "Waiting for the server" can hang for a very long time, tolerate, but if it lasts more than 5 minutes, then go to the "ESC" key and try again.
  • If you write an error associated with Steam, then come in without Steam and through steam2wrapperlauncher.exe.
  • If you write an error associated with Msvcp120.dll, then go to go.
  • If there are problems with starting, do not forget to put bags and for.\u003e Auto: almost all wheel equipment Arma 2 + Crawler BMP + Pak P85C
    \u003e Boats: 2 types of motor boats for moving between OS OS on Namalsk (in the future and for Taviana card)
    \u003e At the moment, aviation is cut, but can be returned back after the patch, if most players find it appropriate
    \u003e Additional weapons and backpacks from ARMA 2
    \u003e Classic Survival Server (on ChernArusplus 0.52 map)
    \u003e Need to refuel the equipment (on the survival server)
    \u003e Dynamic events on the Survival server (spawn containers with a muddle, etc.)

    \u003e Dedicated Deathmatch Server (on map Rahmadi 0.56)
    \u003e Dynamic transportation respawn as destruction (on deathmatch server)
    \u003e Bulletcam (on Deathmatch server)
    \u003e "bombing" every 5 minutes (on deathmatch server)

    \u003e Additional VIP server (on map of Namalsk from Arma 2 Dayz Mod: Namalsk Crysis)
    \u003e Joint inventory (can be exchanged subjects, 2m distance)
    \u003e Convenient dynamically hidden sight, tied to a weapon shooting vector
    \u003e Brown zombies, capable of bullying even the most avid camper
    \u003e Coward fauna in the face of chickens, rams, rats, bears and many other types of livery
    \u003e Radio, clock, Zluta Kolaoka / Malinovka / Klasik Soda and other chips missing after 0.28
    >Seats on servers (so far): Survival - 75 / Deathmatch - 50 / Namalsk - 75
    >restarts of servers only 2 times a day: 00: 00/12: 00 (on MSK.)
    \u003e And much more (list and so big)

    More information according to servers and client