How the carpenter works in minecraft. Full guide Fashion Carpenters Blocks is the best server with mods. Effective contact with pipes

Carpenter - machine for automatic crafting, has its own list of recipes (Forestry). To work a carpenter, the energy of engines from BuildCraft or Forestry is needed. Energy can be transmitted directly by putting the engine next to the device, or through electrical pipes. The craft uses: bronze ingot (6pcs), glass (2pc.), Durable machine (1pc.)
Carpenter interface:
I. Recipe window. According to themselves, the materials are not found here, but only a recipe is remembered (LKM - write a subject to a cell, PCM - Clear cell).
II. Window for packaging. Some recipes may require packaging (box or cardboard).
III. Storage tank. Most recipes require water, so the carpenter has a reservoir for 10 waters. For some crafts, oil is used, or the liquid is not used at all. Fluids are not mixed, it is better to use two carpenters or fill the tank only to the level required for the crafting.
IV. Window result. If the recipe is posted correctly (packaging is required for some recipes), then the result will be displayed in this window. The vertical strip shows the progress of creating an object.
V. Product window. Here you can pick up ready-made products. If in this window is a subject that is different from the result of the current recipe, then the current craft will be executed, then the device will stop and will wait until the place is free, and as soon as this happens, the created item will switch to this window. The same will be if the possible result exceeds the size of the stack.
Vi. Window for water tanks (oil). Through it, you can replenish the water tank.
VII. Internal inventory for 18 seats. Here are placed materials for crafting. And even if they end, the recipe itself is not reset, as it is prescribed separately in the recipe window.
Interaction with pipes:
Takes on a pipe:
Packaging (boxes and cardboard) - any side
Items from the current recipe - any side
Any water containers - any side
Liquid - any side (you can pour any liquid, and the carpenter will even work on it, possibly a bug)
You can remove:
Kraft result - any side

MOD CARPENTERS BLOCKS makes impossible things possible. For example, in the game there is no semi-block of a student and many others, with the help of this fashion you will have such an opportunity. Let's look at the mod in detail. I will talk about all subjects of the Fashion Carpenters Blocks.

All Items Fashion:

Creative items, it is impossible to scaffle such, but you can make a hammer with help:

From the beginning I will tell about two tools, which in this fashion will be needed constantly:

Carpenter's hammer:

  • We are interested in block settings, used PKM. and LKM. According to the desired block

A carpenter's chisel:

  • Need to clipping ornament on blocks, used PKM. and LKM. According to the desired block

Items, blocks and their capabilities:

1. Carpenter block:

  • Need any sticks and any tree boards
  • If you press the hammer PKM. or LKM. Makes a block in half-terminal - to beat the hammer from the top or from the side of it the position of the semi-block
  • PKM. and block will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.

2. Straight carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. or LKM. The position of the slope will change
  • What to give a slope to another type, take the desired block and just click PKM. And the slope will change the texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block

3. Folding carpenter block:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. It will become less, or change the position of the slope. LKM. It will act as opposite, then-there to change one direction or another if you hit many times, then it will be the usual square block. In fact, from this block you can "Slight" various slopes
  • To give the block another type, take the desired block and just click PKM. and block will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block

Screenshot for clarity:

Violet wool - Carpenter block

Blue wool - direct carpenter

Green wool - Folding carpenter block

The screenshot of the semi-blocks from the carpenter block:

4. Steps of a carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. or LKM. The position of the staircase will change
  • To give the block another type, take the desired block and just click PKM. and block will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block

5. Fence and wicket carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. Fence and gate will change model
  • To give the block another type, take the desired block and just click PKM. and block will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block

Types of fence:

Types of wickets in an open and closed position:

6. Flower pot of carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. or LKM.color Pot will change
  • What to give a peas another view, take the desired block and just click PKM. and block will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the pot (ornament will appear if you change the color of the pot with the help of another block, not a hammer)
  • To put in a pot flower need to keep the land in hand or land with grass and press PKM. After you can put a flower

7. Carpenter door:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. changes the position of the door handle
  • If you press the hammer LKM. will change the door model
  • To give the block another type, take the desired block and just click PKM. And the block will change the texture. You can make a different texture of alent sash and bottom
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the doors (not at all)

8. Luke Carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. The hatch will change the model
  • What would give a hatch another look, take the desired block and just click PKM. And the hatch will change the texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. Ornament will appear ornaments

9. Bed carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM.or LKM. Bed linen can change over bed
  • What to give the bed another view take the desired block and just click PKM. And the bed change only the wooden part of the bed. You can make different textures in the head and lower
  • If you press the chisel PKM. Ornaments will appear on the wooden part of the bed
  • Bed combined with nearby, in the screenshot one huge bed

10. Staircase and torch:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. or LKM. on torch / stairs - nothing happens
  • What to give the Faculus / Stairs to another view, take the desired block and just click PKM. and block will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.

11. Carpenter tile:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. or LKM. on the tile will change the drawing
  • Tile can not be betrayed another texture with the help of another block
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.on tile - nothing happens

12. Carpenter button:

  • If you press the hammer LKM. It will happen ...
  • What to give the button another view, take the desired block and just click PKM. and the button will change the texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block, which will be little noticeable

13. Carpenter lever:

  • If you press the hammer LKM. It will happen ...
    • Punch - Inverted Red Stone output
    • FIRST STONE - Normal Red Stone Input
  • What to give lever another kind take the desired block and just click PKM. and the lever will change the texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block, which will be little noticeable

14. Carpenter daylight sensor:

  • If you press the hammer LKM. It will happen ...
    • Punch - Inverted Red Stone output
    • FIRST STONE - Normal Red Stone Input
  • If you press the hammer PKM. It will happen ...
    • The first blow - switching the state on the verge of sleep player (sunrise and sunset)
    • The second blow - switching the state on the threshold of the appearance of monsters
  • What to give the sensor to another view, take the desired block and just click PKM. and the sensor will change the texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block, which will be little noticeable

15. Purpose Clamp:

  • If you press the hammer LKM. It will happen ...
    • Punch - Inverted Red Stone output
    • FIRST STONE - Normal Red Stone Input
  • If you press the hammer PKM. It will happen ...
    • The first blow - activated only by monsters
    • The second blow - activated only by animals
    • Third strike - activated by all entities
    • Fourth strike - activated only by players
  • What to give the pressure plate another look, take the desired block and just click PKM. and push plate will change texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the block, which will be little noticeable

Screenshot of the buttons, lever, pressure plate and daylight sensor:

16. Safe carpenter:

  • If you press the hammer PKM. It will happen ...
    • First blow - items can only be removed
    • Second blow - it is possible only to put items
    • Third blow - items can be put and removing
    • Fourth blow - disabled
  • What would you give a safe another look, take the desired block and just click PKM. And the safe will change the texture
  • If you press the chisel PKM. or LKM.ornaments will appear on the safe

Helpful information:

  • If you put the subject and betrayed it with a texture with another block, then when you break the subject itself and the block that you spent
  • Hammer and chisel spends strength

Sincerely, the administration of Youvipas World.

Carpenter "S Blocks Adds special blocks (frames) to the game, which can be customized (from English. "Custom" \u003d tune) and special tools for customization itself, as well as several very useful mechanisms.

Blocks and subjects

To create a block with the desired texture, you must take the appropriate block and click on the right mouse button along the carpenter block or any other item from the mode. You can give a carpenter block various shades, simply by pressing the PCM dye. If you press the PKM on the already used carpenter unit by any block, then a small lining will be. You can also use wheat seed overlays, wheat itself, snowballs, lian, threads, brown mushroom. When using seed overlays, grass will appear on which you can plant a seedling of a tree. To reset all the "decorations" of the block, you need to press SHIFT + LKM hammer for further configuration external view Tools are needed.


Total 2 of them: a hammer and a carpenter's chisel.
A hammer Need for cheating block shape. You can change the form from any item from the mode: the left mouse button is rotated, and its form changes the right. But it does not act on the staircase, the bed (only color changes) and the mechanisms, but we will tell about just below.
Chisel You can change the effect of the block texture or object, for example, the brick effect or various patterns.


Safe carpenter. PCMs are configured to use modes:
1. Items can only be removed.
2. Objects can only be left.
3. Items can be removed and left.
4. Disabled.
PCM + SHIFT closes or opens a safe.

Lever, push cooker, carpenter button. You can invert the signal of the Redstone. For example, if you hit the pressure plate with a hammer of an LKM, then the Redstone signal will go initially, without pressing the slab itself. PCM changes the possibility of activating the mechanism by various mobs or players:
1. Only players activate.
2. Activate only hostile mobs.
3. Activate all mobs.
4. Activate all creatures.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the sensor daylight carpenter. PCM hammer can choose sensor sensitivity:
1. Activation during the start of the player's sleep.
2. Activation during the appearance of monsters (including storms).