How to make a pirate card. Master Class. How to form paper. Pirate treasure map. How to draw a treasure map with your own hands: a few simple ways

We have already learned so much information about pirates, enough enough. But there is another detail, and it is called a treasure map. Everyone remembered, and Abordaji, and Litra Roma, even a parrot, but forgot what Manilo all become a pirate is treasures. And today we have a chance to hide personal treasures and find out how to draw a map For their search.

Why pirates buried wealth and painted the map - remains a pleasant mystery. The first thought that came to - rum so rooted their memory, which had to draw the path there and back. Probably the same rum as Magically influenced the desire to bury something to the ground. But it was not there. Not yet a circle with a protein is found. Thinking a bit, the second thought came - it is not so easy to carry with me tons of loot gold on the same ship. But with a pirate ship, it's not so easy to go to the port - immediately for the festive hanging tel. Therefore, the pirates buried the treasures on the nearest shores, well, the card served Wikipedia for a traveler. But disagreement lived among the pirates, they did not trust each other. The more people knew about the treasure - the less people began to know about the treasure. That is why it is believed that pirate pirate only on the deck of the ship, on the land - enemies, and this is a pure truth, how much on the land there are only one goal. But the treasures were also such for which several finished pirates were honored and duty, and not a crime. For example, such:

  • Recently, in the territory of Ireland, we will find a ship, sank very in the late 1941th year, from the side of which wear raised 48 tons of silver. Of the happiness there were no measures, but the Irish people were harsh, did not distribute coins to the poor and needy, but threw them into the development of the naval industry. Suddenly still find.
  • Mel Fisher is a legend among treasure hunters. It was he who in 1985 found an attack ship, which sank, just think, back in 1622. Briefly about prices. With the ship raised more than 200 gold and 1100 silver bars, and all sorts of decorations for ladies. Is it how much dough? Yes, it, the robot, will become a treasure hunter.
  • But the largest mining fell to the honor of 2007, when the company Odyssey (as symbolicly called it) found the merchant company Merchant Royal, on board which was raised by the total value of 500 million bucks. This is not a nose cywall. The company will receive 90% of the general suma. And I would have at least one gold coin.

Before, how to draw a mapYou hide something, then draw and give your friends in search. Yes, and yourself do not forget what and where lies. Forward, treasure seekers.

How to draw a map of the treasure pencil phased

Step one.

Step second.

Step Three.

Step fourth.

Pitch fifth.

If the card is already drawn, but no one can find a treasure, and even you forgot where he is not upset, the end of the world will soon, so you can still draw something.

The old pirate card is easily created with their own hands. Help in its manufacture you will be able to children from four years old. And to draw it yourself forces by the guys 7-8 years or older. Such a drawing will be able to become an element of the design of a children's room, serve as an accessory of a children's thematic day of birth or playing pirates or the search of the treasure. The guys like such "vintage" things, especially boys. By the way, the "Assignment" method of paper may be useful in many other cases. For example, on such paper, you can write a greeting card certificate or make a vintage album.
How to make an old pirated card with your own hands
Take a dense Watman paper, saming it with water using a cosmetic cotton disk. Then take ground coffee and pour it on paper. You can slightly smeared with your hand to evenly cover the entire sheet. We get this "beauty." In this creative process, even the smallest children are with pleasure!
We will wait for coffee dry and shake with it with paper. The most impatient can take advantage of drying with a hairdryer. The same need to repeat on the other side of the paper. We get such a sheet.
We "constituted" paper and obtained the basis for an old pirated card.
You can also form paper. To do this, you need to brew strong tea, wait until it cools, squeeze the paper and put it into the vessel with tea for 20-30 minutes. Then get the paper, dry and smooth the iron.
In order to be seen that our pirate card is really an old, unevenly cut down the scissors of the edge of the map. For the work, you can also trust the kids - maybe they will get even more painfully than yours!
To give a color, the edges of the card can be fused on the candle. This is not an optional procedure. And, of course, only adults should do it!
So, we have created "parchment" with their own hands for an old pirated card. Now you need to fill it with content. Draw a sketch, then transfer it to a simple pencil card. The most convenient glass is a picture - impose on the window to the lumen and circle lines. Draw thin and precise lines, because the eraser on our "parchment" is not recommended!
Crop the drawing can be woven brown, orange, red shades.
Our map lacks only a wax seal. It is best to simulate such a printing fits a polymer self-decent clay (terracotta color). If there is no clay, then you, of course, can take ordinary plasticine. But such a print will be fragile. To increase the life of plasticine printing, cover it with a thin layer of nail polish.
Take clay or plasticine, ride two balls and flattened them in the pellets. For one cake, we put the rope, we will join the second. We press. Now let's take some decoration with a convex pattern (or a plug of wine) and put it to our print so that it remains to be left.
Another option is to make a print of paper and cardboard. I cut out of red cardboard (or cardboard and paper) two details of printing and gluing them together, having rubbed the rope in the middle. On paper "print" you can apply any drawings and inscriptions.
Our old pirate card is ready! You can start the game. Happy swimming!

Encrypted treasure map is not just a game that gives a lot of happiness to boys, but also a reason for the implementation of creative potential. I realized that when at school at the competition "The Best Encipher" was set to prepare some encrypted text on the poster. I approached this lesson responsibly, and that from this idea it turned out - see ourselves.

Usually all school crafts we make with your son together. But this time we had a lot of crafts for the school, which it was necessary to prepare in 2 days. We have distributed tasks among themselves, and I had to encrypt the information. But this is better, since the son on a change can decipher not only other posters, but this one - he was interested.

I immediately want to tell why I chose a treasure map. As it seemed to me, ordinary rebuses, and similar encrypted texts for children 1-4 classes would be too boring. Treasure map with encrypted names of continents, islands, oceans and mountains, deserts and lakes - this is what more interested children than the usual encrypted text.

I imagined myself a little and introduced the wall with posters, ciphers and rebuses. Treasure card will definitely attract my attention. Especially if it were almost like real. I think if you make such a card for your children (just like that, and not for the competition), they will be happy to spend time and will be able to develop logical abilities.

For the manufacture of treasure cards, it is necessary:
- dense paper
- colour pencils
- Red felt-tip pen
- scissors
- stickers or pictures on pirated topics
- Glue
- matches

To make a map as much as possible to the real, I set up a tight paper from all sides and quenched her as soon as the edges acquired the necessary forms of the burnt card.

At the hotel list, I printed a note about the cipher, which decided to encrypt everything on the map.

For the card, I encrypted the legend about the pirate treasure. That's how she looked in the finished form. I printed it on a separate sheet of paper and cut out (as chaotic as possible).

On the Internet found pictures on a pirated theme. Cut them to then stick in the right places.

Printed to the map encrypted legend and a sign with an decoder. Where there is a free space left, painted continents and islands.

Using a knife of the styling of a soft simple pencil.

Rubbed a pencil with a piece of paper. Some places (lakes, deserts, etc.) painted with colored pencils.

Pirate themes distributed on the map and glued with a pencil glue.

A red felt-tip pen draws a ship path line to the island of treasure.

Signed encrypted names of mountains, lakes, oceans, islands. In general, fantasy is where to root \u003d)

I hope and you liked the idea to make a treasure map with your own hands.

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Do you have a noisy pirate party? Wonderful! The trouble is to be, of course, a lot, but it is worth it. So, the games and contests are prepared, frightening outfits are sewn, delicious treats spread to a stunning fragrance around the apartment ... The case is small: how to draw a pirated treasure map for children.

Namely, to find together with small curious pirates in the Bottle of Roma (a bottle of children's champagne is perfectly suitable. The main attribute of the upcoming sea adventure is the old, the treasure card shaped and start swimming.

Make such a card is not at all difficult.

What do you need to do from scratch

  • A sheet of paper (I used ordinary office paper A4 size).
  • Strong welding (for primer).
  • Cotton swab.
  • Black gel handle.
  • Colour pencils.
  • Scissors.
  • Ribbon or slice of the twine.

How to draw a pirated treasure map for children

How to achieve effects as if faded in the sun and aged paper time? Very simple: Firmly brew tea or (if you want to make a sheet darker) instant coffee.

Well wet your cotton swab in the liquid.

And process a sheet of paper from two sides.

For some time, we leave the paper to dry, to accelerate the process, you can put a sheet on the heating radiator. It turns out a beautifully primed, a bit swollen during drying (which is also wonderful) the texture basis for the future card.

Now we start posting on the map the necessary objects. You can pick up a suitable motive and srink from it, and you can in advance to sketch a small sketch. Draw directly on a gel handle map. You can also apply text with printed letters with tasks.

It turns out beautiful when the graphic lines are lightly "highlighted by" color. In my case, this is ordinary color pencils. You can paint in several ways to paint or rub on the surface of the paper with grated stylus.

Applying objects to a pirated map, show all your fantasy - interesting frightening names will be delighted with small travelers (well, when they also coincide with the names of contests and tests that arise "on the way"). And, of course, do not forget to mark the place where the "ancient treasure" is hidden.

With the help of scissors, we draw up the edge of the card, as shown in the photo.

And neatly over the candles "Kopit" sheet and burn the edges. Here - the main thing is not to be climbed and do not give fire to ruin the whole work done.

Card ready! We turn it into the tube, rewind the twine or satin ribbon and hide in a suitable bottle.

How to draw a pirated treasure map for children for a holiday.

He was a lead-pirate. Children received interesting experience and unforgettable impressions. And Angelina kindly shares with us its developments. Learn and use!

"The scenario of the holiday still spinning in my head, and I had already sent the future to the future participants from the next Flint of the following content:

"Pirate Old Flint collects a team to search for treasures.

Pirate vessel "Barracuda" will be moored in there at 10 am! (With a bad, rainy weather, it will not be able to reach the sea and the collection of pirates is transferred to the next week).
The first task for the pirate is to come up with a real pirate name and arrive at the specified time at a meeting in a pirate costume.

Present an old Flint black label. "

I wrote a letter from hand, painted a pirate flag, opened in the right amount, laid out on the conversion with black marks. Black marks can be cut out of cardboard, and I made them from plasticine. The children were intrigued, counted days before the event and reacted to the preparation very seriously!

When preparing a quest, the scenario always relies on the venue and age of the participants. In our case, these were kids for 3-5 years, most tasks were hidden at home and in the surrounding area.

Quest preparation:

1. Encrypted message.

2. Key to cipher - note, with cipher pictures and letters.

3. Multicolored butterflies - 14 pieces. Butterfly seven colors, letters wrote on the back side. Collected pairwise butterflies with letters folded in the name of seven notes. The task implies that children sort butterflies in colors, they will see the letters and the words and the words - notes: up, re, mi, fa, etc.

4. Treasure map. Drawn card, I tightly sealed the cells, without sparing a tape for tightness, and placed in a plastic box that poured water and frozen. So that the card drowned, I pressed it to the bottom of a few pebbles. When the water frozen, it turned out beautifully, it was possible to add shells, it would be even better!

5. Pirate flag, Drawn from the hand of black shallow on a sheet of paper A3. It is glued to the gate of scotch (we called the island of shadows), under the flag - an envelope with a new task.

6. The inscription "Barracuda" To designate the ship. Actually, the house itself and was a pirate ship, a room - a cabin, a kitchen - galley, etc.

7. Envelopes with riddles and tasks.

8. Buy balloons (about 10 pcs), flapper and rubber pachecheu. As a treasure - kinder-surprise eggs. Flint clappers have wandered the young pirates during the game, raised the morale :). And in the balls I invested a few notes with riddles. Inflated balls tied higher, so that the children themselves could not reach them themselves.

9. Find pirate songs (Pirates song from x / f PEppi Long stocking and theme from the C / F Pirates of the Caribbean Sea).

10. Prepare sea riddles, (see Attachment).

For all the adventures we needed only one acting person - Pirate Flint, who played the role of the lead.


When all the children gathered Flint announced that the team starts searching for treasures.

In order for the ship to be drove it is necessary to lift the sail. (On the veranda we hang rolled curtains, they symbolized sails.) Slipping the curtains, the kids found encrypted Message And the main pirate explained: to read the cipher needed "key", He is at his girlfriend, huge pachery Which hides somewhere in the garden.

The children went to wander around the garden and soon Puchikha was found. Under her wasenvelope with a key For cipher rays.

For the age of our team, the message was too long, and they had to show a pretty patience and continue to call the letters by comparing them with pictures. With the help of parents read: "Listen to the rustle of butterflies inside a white jellyfish."

What was in our house reminded a huge white jellyfish? Children looked at anyone, while someone did not guessed that it was hanging from the ceiling Palantine (mosquito net). I tied it in advance in the middle and puts paper butterflies there. The kids rushed to jellyfish, unleashed and all butterflies scattered over the bed.

Flint suggested that need to collect couples And guess what they denote these short words. When the children realized that these were notes, they were offered to find the next task where notes are hidden - in the musical instrument. In our case, it was Fisharmonium. Children raised the lid and found an envelope with the next task: "Pirates are very cheerful people, together, having fun Pirate dance!"

I turned on the song, and all gotten, jerked.

When children calmed down, Flint offered choose from members of the head of the main assistant captain in the following way: "Who knows more than all fish and marine inhabitants, he will be an assistant captain." All got into a circle and in turn called fish who could no longer remember anything - dropped out. So it was determined by the one who fell a honorable task to go on a galley and bring a tray with watermelon for the whole team.

While the pirates and their parents were supported by watermelon and sandwiches I turned on a song for the background of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, we represented how they float on the ship, sails, the waves are fighting about the board, the sun over the clouds, etc.

When pirates and their parents coped with this delicious task, it turned out that on the reverse side of the tray, on the bottom, the envelope is glued! The task said: "With the help of a" Thousand Feathers "spell, turn into monster with eight legs, two mouths and two eyes. Only such a might can disrupt enchanted balls, inside - a new task! "

Children in turn climbed on adult shoulders and blindfolded Cut off hanging high balls. So everyone visited the role of monsters, and in his hands everyone was a balloon.

Further it was necessary to burst them, To read the notes hidden inside. It turned out to be fun, they just slept on them on the grass and then collected scattered papers. On small pieces were riddles about the sea (see Attachment), And the next task: "Go to the island of Shadows, where the pirate flag hangs. The island is enchanted to reach him to build a bridge from the shadows. "

The task meted that children in a chain became on a concrete path and chalk down the shadows of each other, Moving to the island.

Thinking in this way to the wicket Our Pratics REDFY FLAGE AND found a new envelope with a note: "Look for a map in the country of eternal ice." The kids guessed that we have this refrigerator and found a frozen map. But how to get it from there? They suffered her in the sun, picked up forks, everything is no sense!

Flint came to the rescue, he brought a bowl of hot water and poured into the box, then the ice lay and fell out of the box. She was broken about the concrete path and got a pirated card!

On the map determined where treasures are hidden - In the country of "Melatia", no one had to persuade anyone - the kids gladly went to the pool, where they found their deserved treasures under the tree, they got out, freshed and went home, filled with impressions and positive emotions. "

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