How to earn the points of valor in the front line. How to play "Front Line" mode: Review of innovations in World of Tanks. New game mechanics regime

"Front Line" returns to World Of Tanks and starts February 11th. The mode has been subjected to point and balanced directions, thanks to which it retained the main features of the unique gameplay "Line of the Front", but it became even more interesting. In addition, the developers conducted its optimization, so that it should become more comfortable.

Unlike 2018, the new version of the "front line" will be valid throughout 2019. The updated mode will consist of a series of gaming events throughout the year.

Thus, the "front line" will start every calendar month and will be available to players for one week. Below we are talking about long-term purposes in the "front line" and other important changes that will be added to the mode.


* The start time and end will be known later.

In the front line, the cease-fire mode will be operated (from 4:00 Moscow time to 7:00 Moscow time), during which the mode will be unavailable as part of the current episode.

general description

  • Fights occur between two teams, 30 players each.
  • The battles in the mode are only on a level VIII technique.
  • To participate in mode, all the level of level VIII is available in the hangar, as well as special leases of the level VIII level.


Each team has its own task:

  • The attacking team should break through the front of defense and destroy at least 3 long-term firepoints out of 5 on the territory of the enemy.
  • The defending team, respectively, should keep the attackers before the expiration of the battle time.

The fighting occurs on the map with a total area of \u200b\u200b9 square kilometers, which can be conditionally divided into three horizontal defense lines:

  • The first line of defense, sectors A, B and C - starting points for attacking and defending commands.
  • The second line of defense, sectors D, E, and F - fighting are transferred to this part of the card after the seizure of one of the sectors of the first line of defense.
  • The third defense line is a portion of the map, not divided into sectors, on which the final part of the battle occurs. It is here that the main goals are large-caliber guns, the destruction of which leads to victory. These guns are fixed and do not fire, and attacking must destroy them to win.

At the start of the battle, the teams are automatically distributed on 10 tanks for each of the three sectors of the first line of defense.

Each of the first and second lines sectors has a database. Capturing the base of the attacking team leads to the capture of the entire sector and the discovery for the attack following it vertically.

For example, capturing the database in the A sector, the attacking command will be able to capture only the D.

Capturing at least one of the second-line sectors opens access to the third line and makes it possible to attack the main goals - the towers of large-caliber guns.

If the attacking command can be consolidated in the sector and start capturing the base, then the capture is carried out according to the familiar rules, but with some additions:

  • The capture is knocked off from the tank only after its destruction.
  • Drawing damage The tank or module suspends the capture of the base with this tank for 5 seconds.
  • The more the first line bases are captured, the smaller the capture glasses will be required to capture the second. If one base of the first line is captured, then 450 capture glasses will be required to capture the base. If two databases are captured, then 250 capture glasses will be required. The capture of all three bases of the first line will reduce the required number of capture glasses to 150. Remember: 1 capture point is 1 second stay in the circle.
  • It is impossible to return the captured sector.

In case of loss of the sector, the defendant must leave the lost sector in 1 minute. After a minute, all the remaining tanks of the defendant team will fall under the strike of aviation.

Similarly, the tanks of the attacking command that have fallen into the sector of the second line of defense without capturing the previous sector, in the following seconds they will be attacked from air.

The destruction of the main objectives becomes possible after capturing at least one sector of the second line.

Main goals - five huge steamed large-caliber guns towers:

  • The strength of each goal is 3200 units.
  • Front armor / tower: it is impossible to break through or cause damage by fragantive-fugasic shells.
  • Side armor: 165 mm.
  • Feed armor: 90 mm.
  • Vulnerable places: doors (70 mm) and ventilation holes (25 mm).

Basic battle duration in front line mode - 12 minutes. This time can be increased due to the successful action of the attacking team:

  • Capturing sectors A, B, C adds time time for 2 minutes (for capturing each sector).
  • The capture of the sectors D, E, F also adds the battle time for 2 minutes (for the capture of each sector). The capture of the last zone adds a battle time for 4 minutes.


  1. If, after a battle time, at least one player from the attacking command is in the circle of the base capture, the system of additional time is activated.
  2. Overtime lasts until the base capture lasts. The maximum time is 90 seconds. If during this time the base was not captured, the attacking command loses. If the capture was knocked down during an overime, the attacking command loses, overtime is completed early. An extra time is disconnected if none of the attackers captures the database.

Description of other gaming mechanics

In the front line mode, the mechanics of the revival of tanks in battle will act, as well as service zones and combat reserves, the use of which can even turn the losing situation in your favor.

Revival in battle

  • At the beginning of the battle, each player has one Renaissance Machine.
  • Every five minutes after the start of the battle, each player receives one additional possibility of revival, but the player cannot accumulate more than two revivals.
  • The total amount of revival is not limited.

Sector, where 12 Allied machines are already located, it becomes unavailable for rebirth. In one sector, there may be only one SAU. Playing a saau, you will not be able to revive in the sector, where there is one saau.

After destroying the tank, if you have the possibility of rebirth, the screen appears on which you can choose a suitable technique for combat and choose the place of rebirth on any of the controlled zone command.

Due to the huge sizes of the map, we added another innovation, which will help you quickly change the direction in battle. It can be useful, for example, when you finished resistance to the opponent on the flank, capturing the last defense sector, and now you need to quickly move to another flank to support the onslaught.

Pressing the key ABOUT (in English layout it J.) You can go to the mode of choice of technology. Yes, while the tank will self-associate (after a short reference), but sometimes such actions can lead to victory.

Martial reserves

In total, six combat reserves will be used in the front line mode.

Each class of technology has a definite number of slots in the hangar for combat reserves:

  • One slot at medium / heavy tanks
  • Two slots at PT-SAU
  • Three slots in light tanks and sau

Such a distribution will allow each unit of technology to influence the development of the battle: light tanks, for example, can not only effectively explore the battlefield, but at the expense of a larger number of combat reserves it will be more densely interact with allies.

The combat reserves are selected only in the hangar, before the start of combat.

Slots for combat reserves are located on the left, in the same part of the screen as equipment with conventional consumables.

Each combat reserve has 5 levels, to pump that can be used using combat reserves, earned for progress in the front line levels, which will be written below.

The principle of operation of combat reserves (efficiency values \u200b\u200bare indicated for maximum V level):


Activates a bomber who resets 60 bombs on an area of \u200b\u200b50 to 30 meters. The technique in the air strike sector receives a slight damage and the effect of stunning for 26 seconds. The air has the most effective against fast-lived goals or against large groups of enemy machines. An additional stunning effect will also bring a definite remuneration to the player.

For damage caused by this reserve, experience and loans will also be accrued.


The artillery battery for 5 seconds performs a volley from 20 shells on the area of \u200b\u200b10 meters. The technique in the center of the strike receives significant damage, while the goals on the border of the zone are in relative security. The "art crew" is most effective for making maximum damage on slow purposes.

The damage caused by this reserve will also accrue experience and loans.

Divergent squad

It gives a constant 50% bonus to the replenishment rate and 50% bonus to the speed of recovery of the service area. Attacking get 100% bonus to the speed of capturing the base. Protecting blocking the seizure of the base for 10 seconds is larger when damage is damage to the machine attacking player. Additionally, the defending can block the capture of the base, stopping in the capture circle. Combat reserve "Divergent detachment" is most effective with allied machines for attack or protection of the bases, for frequent use of replenishment areas.


Increases the increase to the main specialties of the player's crew and allies by 15% within a radius of 40 meters within 60 seconds. If the machine leaves the radius of the reserve, "inspiration" continues to operate 10 seconds. "Inspiring" is summarized with all the existing bonuses of the crew members, therefore it is most effectively combined with premium equipment and equipment (for example, an ocean and improved ventilation). Experience get those players who activated "inspiration." If several players include this fighting reserve, the bonus receives a player who has turned it first.

Plane scout

The reconnaissance aircraft leads observation of the zone of 300 x 750 meters. The flight of the scout lasts 15 seconds; All the machines in this area are detected and remain visible for 30 seconds. The reconnaissance aircraft is most effective in areas near the player's car, which is not supported by the Allied Scouts. All information about the observed opponents is received not only by the player who activates the reserve, but also to all the other allies as part of its death; He also receives experience for the damage caused by the Allies.

For the damage caused by the allies to the plane of the aircraft by a player, experience and loans will also be charged.

Smoke curtain

The specified zone 200 is 50 meters 5 smoke grenades are shot. The smokes are valid for 50 seconds; They reduce the review and masks the machines in the specified sector. The technique in the smoke curtain has 2/3 of the review. The smoke curtain is most effective for the shelter of the allies from the enemy's fire or, if necessary, cross the prosecable area in greater security. For the damage caused by the allies in the smokes of the player, experience and loans will also be accrued.

Service zone

In each sector on the map, in addition to the circle of the base capture, there is a service area. The service area restores the strength of the tank, damaged modules, relieves the contusion of the crew members and replenishes the ammunition.

  • If during the repair the player gets damage, the service area is blocked for 5 minutes.
  • After the recovery of the tank, up to 100% service zone becomes inaccessible for 2 minutes.

Following the battle, the player will pay the full cost of the restored durability zone, but not more than 100% of the strength of the machine.

For example:

  • The player repaired three times 20% of the strength of the machine - it will pay 60% for repairs.
  • The player repaired three times with 40% of the strength, but according to the results of the battle, will pay not 120%, but only 100%.Thisthe rule will be applied, even if the player's machine was destroyed during the battle.
  • Thus, the repair exceeding the strength of the tank is free.

At the same time, if the number of shells spent exceeds the capacity of the wake, the write-off will occur for the total number of replenished shells from the total income for the fight.

Consumables work on the principle of random battles: write-off will occur for one-time use in battle, regardless of how many times the consumor was used.

Rental cars

All rental machines are available only for the front line mode, and they cannot be involved in random battles or other game modes.

To participate in the battles on the front line, the player is enough to have in the hangar at least one level VIII level.

However, for a more comfortable game in mode, it is recommended to have as many cars as possible: after destruction in battle, the machine is not available for recovery for a few minutes. If you have suitable cars in the hangar, select another available machine and return to battle after a 30-second reference time during rebirth.

If your hangar is not enough or there is no appropriate level of level VIII level, you can rent it. Rental technique will be available on one episode or immediately to all the remaining episodes.

All rental machines are a copy of the existing machines with the same characteristics.

Each episode for renting three cars will be available. In total, 11 cars will be available for rent.

The basic rental machine for the mode will be a copy of the T-44 Soviet Middle Tank under study. This tank will be available during all episodes and will not be replaced by another machine. The remaining ten rental cars will be copies of existing premium machines. Two rental cars will be available in each episode. After the fifth episode, all pairs of rental cars will again be repeated.

Rental tanks will be equipped with "virtual" slots, and they will remain on your account until you delete them manually. Accordingly, all equipment, shells, consumables, crew, etc. You will need to be removed manually if you plan to remove the tank.

Rental technique will be available, even if your hangar already has an original version of the machine. Thus, on your account there may be two identical tanks - T-44 and T-44 LF.

You can not rent one and the car twice. For example, on your account there may be only one T34 LF.

The total number of equipment is not limited; Thus, on your account there may be up to 11 rental tanks.

There are 4 types of rent:

  • Rent on one episode, When you rent a car for the first time. In this case, you get the car together with the crew.
  • Rent for one episodeWhen you have already rented the car and the lease period is an expiration. In this case, the machine remains in your hangar and the lease period can be extended, while the cost of extension will be lower than the initial rental cost. This operation is possible even if this machine is not available for lease in the current episode. In this case, the crew is not re-issued.
  • Rent for all remaining episodes. In this case, the machine will be available for all episodes, and the cost of renting a car for the week will be the most profitable. The rental price decreases with each episode passed *.
  • Weekend offer.Two days before the end of the episode (Saturday and Sunday), if this is the first rental, the car will be available for renting for the remaining two days plus the entire next episode. Total rental period can be 8 or 9 days.

* This option will be unavailable with episode 6 for tank T-44 LF And with episode 8 for all other rental cars.

This offer is perfectly suitable for those who prefer to play on the weekend.

Cost at the beginning of the season: With each season, the rental price decreases by 10%. For example, in episode 6, the cost of lease of a heavy tank will be 2000 gold.

T-44 tank is rented along with the crew trained by 75%, when leaseed for a week, and with a crew trained by 100%, when leased for the entire season 2019.

Premium machines are rented with free crew trained up to 100%.

If necessary, you can transplant the rental already available or better trained crew.

Completion of weekly rent

After the completion of the weekly rental period, the car will remain in your hangar, however it will be unavailable for battle.

You can remove the rent from your hangar or extend the rental. To do this, click on the machine right-click and select the desired action from the opening menu. These operations are also available in the warehouse (click on the machine right-click and select the desired action).

You can extend the rental on the car, even if the rental for this machine is not available in the current episode.

Thus, all 11 rental machines can be on your episode 5.

Discounts on original versions of rental cars

All gold spent on rent will accumulate in a special account that can be used to obtain a discount when you buy an original version of any rental machine.

The rental technique and the period of its rent do not matter, all spent gold will be stored on the score.

The size of the discount is determined by the following factors:

  • The amount of gold that has accumulated on the score
  • The cost of the original version of the machine

The discount value will depend on the amount of gold spent on rent. The more gold you spend, the more discount you get. The discount will only be calculated in gold.

Gold, which was not used to receive a discount, remains on the score and can accumulate further for further purchases.

Gold on the score that was not used to receive a discount will be lost after the end of the season.

* If you want to buy the original version of the PZ tank. 58 FL, PZ. 58 Mutz will be credited to your account.


The ability to activate the discount will appear in one of the following episodes. Nevertheless, gold will be credited at the expense immediately.


Five simple, but important items: how to accrue experience, loans and write off the cost of repair and shells.

  1. Repair payment occurs for each destroyed tank: no matter how many times you are destroyed in battle - the cost of repair will be written off once.
  2. Payment of consumables and shells is also written off for everything that was used in battle. Additional payment is charged only for replenishment of equipment.
  3. Credits are accrued on similar formulas, as in random battles. There is a small difference: due to b about by the time of the battle and the potential to go into battle on a large number of tanks, we made correcting coefficients that will save you from care to complete minus on loans in most cases. The mode is interesting, and we want to give the opportunity to plunge into it, without fear to go off.
  4. Experience is accrued in the same way as in random battles, plus additional coefficients for the title. Experience is distributed over all tanks that participated in the battle, depending on the results that you showed on each tank.
  5. Bonuses from personal reserves, clan payments (30%, as in random battle), from premium technology - all works in the "front line".


We are ready to encourage only honest fighters who fight for their team to the last, regardless of the developing situation in battle. Therefore, the corrective yield of the coefficients only work for those players that remained to the end of the battle.

If you leave the battle before it is completed, the yield will be canceled, and the cost of all repairs sprinkles in full. The players whom "thrown out" from the game due to technical problems will be able to return to battle for 5 minutes. After returning to the player, corrective coefficients will not be applied.

Disable fire on the allies

We have collected and studied your feedback in detail related to the disconnection of the Damage to the Allies after launching the "Line Line" regime last year. And they saw that our idea was liked by players and have a favorable influenced the playing process of the regime. Therefore, we decided not to include damage from union fire on the front line.

Awards for successful action in battle

Players can receive awards for certain effective actions in battle:

"Stormsovik" "Iron Shield" "Commander" "Professional" "Storm platoon"
Playing the attackers, earn 100 points of capturing the base or destroy the large-caliber enemy instrument. Playing for defending, apply at least 1,800 damage to the enemy machines located in the base zones or within a radius of 150 meters from the main goals. Earn the most experience of the fight and get the title of general. Apply damage, as well as assist in destruction, transmitting intelligence or knocking caterpillars, with a total of 10,000 units. The platoon should destroy at least 20 enemy machines for one fight. Each platoon participant receives this award.

Long-term goals and mechanics valor

This time, the "front line" will be not a short gaming event, but a full-fledged game season consisting of 10 episodes, which will last almost all 2019.

For successful actions in battles on the "Front Line" you will receive a number of awards: loans, consumables, outlook instructions, personal reserves.

The most active and successful players will receive premium tanks, bones, gaming gold and a unique secret Tank IX level.

Episodes of the season 2019.

The "front line" mode will be available one calendar week, each calendar month, from February to November 2019. Weeks when the "front line" will be available will be called episodes; The mode will be unavailable during periods between episodes. Thus, in the 2019 season, players will be available 10 episodes, each of which will last one week.

Dates of episodes will be declared in the course of the season. You can explore the schedule of the current and the next episode and plan your participation in advance in mode.

Front-like experience and your development in battle

In the front line mode, there is a rank system. Ranks are only six, from ordinary to the general. Your rank depends on the amount of experience earned in battle, which depends on your efficiency in the battle. Your main goal is to capture / protect zones and destroy / protect the main goals. The total experience earned throughout the technique that participated in battle is counted. The more experience you earn, the higher your rank will be.

You raise your rank right in battle and you can follow your development.

The resulting rank determines coefficientto your experience.

The coefficient of experience is applied after the fight to the total number of pure experience earned on all machines that participated in battle.

Levels of the Front Line

You earn ranks (from ordinary to general) throughout the battle. At the end of the battle, depending on the rank achieved, you get front-line experience (points of front-line experience ) . Front-like experience is used to enhance your "Front Line" And your development in the 2019 season.

Level 1 0 points * 11 level 5000 21 level 15700
2 level 300 points 12 level 5800 22 level 17100
3 level 650 13 level 6700 23 level 18600
4 level 1000 14 level 7600 24 level 20100
5 level 1400 15 level 8600 25 level 21700
6 level 1800 16 level 9600 26 level 23300
7 level 2300 17 level 10700 27 level 25000
8 level 2900 18 level 11900 28 level 26800
9 level 3600 19 level 13100 29 level 28600
10 level 4300 20 level 14400 30 level 30500

* Important: Each number is the total number of points needed to obtain a new level. For example, to go from the 27th to the 28th level, you need to earn 1800 points of front-line experience.

Mechanics Vallest

Having reached the 30th "front line" level, you get the opportunity to use the special mechanics of valor.

When using this mechanics you drop your level of the front line and the levels of combat reserves and get the opportunity to go through the path from the 1st to the 30th front line and earn all the awards again.

Levels of valor and development in the 2019 season

Using the cash mechanic, you can not only reset your level of the front line, but also increase your degree d slaughter.

Total ten degrees are available. When achieving each degree of validity, you get awards, including bones, gold, medals and stripes.

Access to degrees of valor opens gradually, as the episodes pass.

The maximum degree of validity is limited by the current episode number plus two degrees.

For example, in the first episode, you can achieve the third degree of valor, in the second episode - the fourth degree of valor and so on.

Thus, in episode 8, the most active and productive players will already be able to achieve the level of valor X.

On the other hand, progress in the levels of valor is not limited to time or the schedule of episodes. For example, you start the game from an episode 5. You can catch the levels of valor (with i according to V, and even by VII (V + II)) at any convenient moment, starting with the first degree of valor.

This mechanic will allow you to plan your gaming activity throughout the season. For example, you can catch your progress at the levels of valor and skip one or two episodes of the "front line" when you cannot take part in any of the steps of the regime.

It is important to note that your progress on the "front line" levels within the framework of a single degree of validity remains unchanged and is not reset. For example, if you complete the episode at the 25th level of the "front line", you will start the game in the second episode with the same level.

In addition to the main awards, each level of valor brings you glasses Vallestwhich can be exchanged at a premium tank. After achieving the maximum possible degree of progress, progress on the levels of the front line stops, to rolling until the 29th or 30th level once again and reset it immediately with the beginning of the new stage will not be.

Degree of valor and suggestive technique


In the 2019 season, each player will have the opportunity to get many different awards. Offers:

  • Awards for achieving each front level.
  • Awards for achieving each degree of valor for those who want to achieve all levels in each episode of the gaming event.
  • And finally, the suggestion technique for the most stubborn and skillful players who have repeatedly proved their skills throughout the 10 episodes of the season.

Exchange of glasses valued for premium cars

Each degree of valor brings a certain amount of valor points. The higher the degree - the more glasses it brings. Valor's glasses can be exchanged for premium technique. In total, 4 cars will be available for exchange.

  • STA-2 is a well-known premium Tank VIII level. Good mobility, firepower and excellent angle of declining tools make the STA-2 wonderful support machine.
  • WZ-111 is a Chinese heavy tank with a big one-time damage, good protection and rational corners of the arrow. It is able to give a worthy repulse as medium, as well as heavy tanks.
  • Emil 1951 - Premium Tank VIII level, which is currently available to obtain only as a reward for the "Front line".
  • Secret machine IX level. Its name, type, nation, TTX and other features are classified. You can only get this machine if you reach X degree of valor and draw the required amount of valor points.

Detailed information about Emil 1951 and the secret car will be provided in the course of the season in one of the future episodes.

The cost of all cars is different. Increase your progress in the front line mode to get a more attractive machine.

If your account already has STA-2 or WZ-111, you will not be able to exchange valve glasses to get them.

At the end of the season, the remaining valve glasses can be exchanged for bones or gold. Exchange will be possible only if their quantities are not enough to acquire one of the premium machines. The exchange rate will be known later. Carefully follow the news.

Choose with the mind, since the total amount of good glasses is enough for two cars!

Glasses and pumping combat reserves

In addition to the reward for achieving each front level, you get special glasseswho are needed to pump combat reserves.

Unlike progress in the levels that goes automatically, you will need to open and pump the combat reserves yourself.

Performance in mode

In the new season, we optimized the map to ensure stable performance. You can notice the performance gain in comparison with the past launch. However, battles in the front line mode are more demanding on computer performance than random fights.

This is due to several key features of the new regime, including a huge map size, a large number of objects and technology on it, as well as activation of combat reserves.

As a result, in some cases, problems can be observed with the level of FPS and the quality of textures.


Season 2019 The Front Line mode is a full-fledged gaming event with a multitude of mechanic, balance sheet settings and variables. During the season there may be a situation where it is necessary to make some changes (for example, based on the balanced considerations). Such edits may appear throughout the season. We will communicate about all changes in the regime in our portal - follow the news.

See you in the battlefields!

Great news for WORLD OF TANKS veterans: Many Play Mode The FRONT Line is reborn. According to the current tradition, the developers have retained the overall concept of the game regime, but noticeably changed the balancing and finalized the visualization.

In addition, now the length of the "Front Line" will take the full calendar year. The mode will be broken into several stages, start which will be with a monthly interval. Each tour will continue the week, maximizing the game audience. It's time to get acquainted with the updated "Front line" in more detail.

Schedule of Episodes Front Line

So, the season starts on February 11th at 07:00 in the Moscow region. The first episode will be completed on February 18 at 04:00 at the capital. After that, players will be given to rest until March for the month. The second stage shed in the period from March 11 to March 18.

Further schedule is not yet known, but given the overall concept, it can be assumed that the "front line" will start the 11th of each month. This game event will be completed in November.

General provisions

Consider the basic conditions of the game mode. I will not delve into the details so as not to spoil the impression of the game. We will analyze only the basic rules.

  1. Combat tasks. For each team there are its set goals. In particular, one team breaks through the defense line in order to eliminate the minimum of 3 stationary firepoints, and establish control over key zones. The second team acts as defenders, and keeps defense on the flanks. Batals occur in a square, 9 km2, which is conventionally divided into 3 defensive lines.
  2. Overtime mode. This option is activated automatically if at least one of the attacker tanks is located in the capture circle. According to the rules, the supplement is given a maximum of 90 seconds. Overtime can be interrupted early, if you confuse the grip to the zero mark. If the overtime attacking does not capture the checkpoint, they lose.
  3. Renaissance mode. Game reincarnation is charged one for every 5 minutes spent in battle. Total allowing no more than 2 revivals at the same time.
  4. Reserves. The number of available reserves depends on the class of technology. In particular, it will be possible to use: a smoke veil, inspiration, aircraft, an intelligence aircraft, an ax, a sabotage detachment.
  5. Maintenance. The map includes repair areas where the crew can be cured, repair damage and replenish the BC.

What you need to know about the rent in the front line

Immediately, we note that the "line of the front" opens exclusively for the level of the 8th level, so to participate in the event, you need to have at least one such car in the hangar. Ideally, the "eighth" should be somewhat: after the death, the tank is freezed for a few minutes.

For players who have not managed to pump equipment up to the 8th level, developers offer to rent tanks. It is important here to understand that the rented machines are adapted exclusively for the "front line", so they will not be able to use in other game modes.

Rental tanks are an accurate analogue of their prototypes, fully copy tactical and technical characteristics and booking indicators. Rules allow rental per stage or until the end of the game event.

In each stage, 3 tanks are offered for rent, all such cars will be 11. The basic technology is considered the T-44. This tank will participate in all stages, and it is not expected to replace it with other machines. Another combat technique will change periodically.

Slots to the leased tanks are included, rent allowed even in situations if the prototype of the machine is already in the hangar. For example, if the player has T-44, and it will decide to rent the same tank, the car will be called the T-44 LF. At the same time, it is impossible to rent the same tank twice for one game stage.

A total of 4 rental options are offered, so each of the participants may find an optimal option for themselves. It looks like this:

When renting equipment, it is important to consider a number of nuances:

When will the rental be completed in the LF?

If the rental period expires, the car continues to remain in the hangar. It is important to understand that the tank remains a lifeless ballast, inaccessible for any battle mode. When this happens, the player remains two options:

  1. Extend the rental of equipment for a new stage;
  2. Remove the tank from the hangar.

To select any of the available options, you need to click on the tank of the right mouse button, and make the right action.

Shopping discounts

This feature is provided for by the rules of the game event. In particular, if the player is rolled on any of the premium tanks during the "front line", and will want to acquire a real version of the military equipment, it can count on a good discount.

The magnitude of the discount is defined individually. The fundamental factors in this matter are:

  • How much gold was spent on renting equipment in the seasons of a gaming event;
  • The cost of equipment that the player is going to buy.

To implement such an opportunity, a special bonus account will appear in the game client, where gold will accumulate, spent on renting equipment. Note that it is impossible to use these means, the score is only needed to determine the size of a personal discount. The mechanism works simply: the more the user spent, the more profitable will buy.

Here you need to clarify that this "gold piggy bank" will act during the entire gaming event. The discount is calculated only in the gold equivalent, you can use this privilege immediately at the end of the stage in which the technique was rented.

We add that when the "front line" is completed, the bonus account burns, and receiving a discount when buying a prem technique becomes impossible.

Awards in the "Front Line" and the Rules of Exchange

For particularly distinguished players, developers prepared very interesting awards. In particular, the points deserved during the game event can be exchanged for combat equipment. For the exchange, 4 excellent cars are offered, but even here it has not been without pleasant surprises.

So, as award equipment is offered:

  1. STA-2. This is an excellent premium article, which refers to the Japan Development Branch. The tank has relatively good mobility and weapons, which makes it an ideal fire support machine.
  2. WZ-111. This is a heavy tank of China, pleasing tankers with excellent booking indicators. The car seems to be created for the breakthrough of the enemy's defense, may alone restrain the attacks of opponents on urban maps.
  3. Emil 1951. This is a unperturbable "Swede" with a drum tool and relatively good booking. The car just recently passed the SuperTest, and will currently be available only as a prize in the "front line".
  4. "A dark horse". No, this is not the name of the fine. We are talking about a surprise promised by developers. This is a premium of the 9th level tank, the name and tactical and technical characteristics of which are still kept secret. Information about this technique will appear a little later, in one of the episodes of the game event. However, knowing Wargaming policies, it can be assumed that the intrigue will remain as long as possible.

To take advantage of the possibility of exchanging, you need to dial a certain number of valor points: 6, 10, 12, and 15. Graduation is given in the order of transfer of military equipment in the list above.

Note that the rules of the game event do not allow re-enrollment of the tank per gaming account. It follows that if the player already has STA-2 and WZ-111 in the hangar, exchange points for these units of military equipment will not succeed.

In such situations deserved in the fields of the Front Line, the valor can be exchanged for the gold currency or bones. Please note that the possibility of such an exchange is opened only in the case when earned valid points are not enough to obtain another premium machine. The exchange rate has not yet been disclosed, and it will be announced additionally.

In general, if it is responsibly approaching the game, earned valve points should be enough to receive two premium tanks. Therefore, it makes sense to try: the offer is really profitable and interesting.

Instead of conclusion, add that the game line "front line" is rather demanding to the "iron" resources, so there may be problems with FPS drawdown and texture displaying on weak computers. At the same time, the developers worked on the optimization of the card, trying to increase productivity.

The "front line" mode returns! 1 Run on OT today at 21:00 Moscow time.

25 Number, January 25, we waited and here it is the front line. As expected, everything is very easy.

February 11, 2019, the "front line" will finally return to the game! We have slightly changed this mode so that you can better feel the gameplay. The profitability of the game will remain the same - we made adjustments to the balance, the "Valor" system and the mechanics of renting equipment in the "Front Line". And also added new long-term goals that will motivate play in this mode all year.

Before the "front line" officially launches on the main server, we would like to make sure that the changes made are well. And check it during the third stage of the total test version 1.4.

* The "front line" will be available on the overall update test 1.4 so that you can familiarize yourself with this mode in advance. In this case, the mode will be available with minor technical interruptions.
** On gaming servers, the mode will be active after the release of version 1.4, as soon as we make sure that everything works correctly and the players well understood the match of the "front line".

Episodes of the "Font Line"

This time, the "front line" will be not a short gaming event, but a whole series of such events that will be held throughout the year. The mode will be launched once a month and last one week. In general, the game line "FRONT LINE" in 2019 will take 10 weeks. Weeks when the mode is available is called episodes.

Mechanics "Valor" and long-term goals

Each stage of the front line will bring you closer to premium techniques. How it works? In each battle, you will get the title - from the rank and to the general for effective fighting. Depending on the title achieved, the front-line experience will be accrued, automatically boosting the level of the front - from the 1st to the 30th. Each such increases brings awards and allows you to improve combat "consumables". Having reached the 30th front level, you can use the mechanics of valor and reset the progress. This action will bring you a degree of valor. Each new degree of valor provides additional reward and valor's glasses, which can be spent on award technique.

Total, what can be in the "front line"

  1. Rank in battle. Associated for effective actions in the battle and bring front-line experience.
  2. Front-line experience. Used to increase the level of the front and depends on the title obtained on the basis of battle. The higher it is, the more front-line experience you earn.
  3. Front level. Allows strengthening the action of combat "consumables". Total levels of front 30, the achievement of each of them brings an additional reward. After the 30th front level becomes affordable valor mechanics.
  4. Mechanics valor. When used, reset progress after reaching the 30th front level. At the same time, you get a new degree of valor.
  5. Degree of valor. Accrued for each use of valor mechanics. In just a year you can get ten degrees of valor. Each new brings the valve glasses, which can be spent on award technique.
  6. Valor's glasses. Called for achieving a new value of valor. What she is higher, the more valor's glasses receive a player. You can spend them on premium technique. Valor's glasses collected during the front line of the front line, enough for two of the four available premium tanks.

Mechanics "Valor" completely recycled. Now this is a comprehensive and long-term progress system on the way to award-premium technique.

  • Each use of the "Valor" mechanics is a step towards the tenth degree of valor, maximum in the "front line".
  • For each stage of the "front line", the degree of valor can be obtained +2 times to the number of the current episode of the "front line".

For example, in the second gaming week you can get the 4th degree of valor, and in the third - 5th. Thus, starting to play at any time, you hit all missed levels.
At the same time there is no strict time frame in which you should get missed degrees of valor. For example, if you start playing the 5th episode, you can get all missed degrees at any time (from the 1st to 7th).


For the achievement of a new front level (of all of them 30) you will receive a specific reward: loans, equipment, predominates, personal reserves.
For each degree of valor, you will receive additional awards: loans, bones, stripes, gaming gold.

Premium technique

In addition to the usual awards for achieving certain degrees of valor, you can earn valve points. And exchange them on premium cars.

The higher the degree of valor, the more valor points you earn for its achievement. The more points you want, the more valuable car can be chosen for exchange:

  1. STA-2 - Tank You can buy either for valoring glasses, or buy for gold in the store.
  2. WZ-111 - You probably met it in random battles.
  3. Emil 1951 ( ) - This is an exclusive machine that can be obtained for the first time only within the "Front Line". Testing this tank has not yet completed, and the characteristics are not yet final. We finalize TTH machines during one of the episodes of the front line.
  4. Secret machine IX level. Its name, type, nation, TTX and other features are hidden. We will tell about them later, during the season. You can get this car, only reaching the 10th degree of valor.

*** IMPORTANT: Choose a car with the mind - earned valve points will be enough for a maximum of two tanks.

Change changes

Previously defending the team had an advantage over the attacker. So that everything was honest, we made the following changes:

  • reduced the strength of the main goals;
  • removed a number of positions that gave an excessive advantage of the defendant team;
  • blocked several passages that allowed to safely get into the rear of the attacking team;
  • some zones changed the relief around the databases in favor of the attacking team;
  • removed a number of positions that reduced the pace of the game in the development of the attack.

After analyzing the statistics, we also made other adjustments:

  • changed the position of some supply zones;
  • blocked a number of imbalance fighter positions that were used to maintain fire at the rebirth points;
  • significantly increased the damage obtained by machines that did not leave the closed zone;
  • improved the combat reserves of the Smoke Curtain and "Inspiring";
  • slightly lowered the damage caused by the air strike and the art frester.

In the new season, we optimized the map to ensure stable performance. You will see the increase in FPS on the computers of almost any configuration. However, the "front line" will still require more system resources than ordinary random battles. The reason for the impressive size of the card, a large number of objects and technology on it, as well as the use of combat reserves, that is, the factors directly related to the "front line".

Equipment rental

This season you can rent equipment specifically for the game in the front line mode. All rental cars are copies of existing tanks and will be available only in the "front line".

- The usual car will be available for rental for loans throughout the season.
- Two premium cars will be available for renting for gaming gold during each episode. Total ten tanks. During each episode, the pair of cars available for rent will change. The pairs will then repeat.

**** Note: This lease system will work only in the "front line" mode.

All gaming gold spent on rental of equipment will accumulate in a special account. You can use it to get a discount when you buy an original version of any of the rented premium machines.

After a large-scale update in March, Wargaming did not stop and revenge on the new version of the game 1.0.1. One of the important innovations was the appearance of the Italian branch, against the background of which the developers announced cooperation with the legendary goalkeeper of the Turin "Juventus" Gianluigi Buffon. However, more important news, in my opinion, has become the test launch of the new game line "Front Line".

"Front Line" - a special arcade mode, something that resembles the Gameplay of the competing project War Thunder. With him, I am not very familiar, so the WOT innovation was perceived by me very positively. The mode turned out to be interesting, tightening and fascinating, not at all a couple of boring battles of 30x30 for level 10 technology. What is interesting and good fight "Front Line", how to play it and how it affects productivity - now I will tell you.

The main features of the "front line" in WOT

Fight in the front line mode is intended for technology only 8 levels. In order for all the players to appreciate and test a new regime, each to the account was accrued two tanks: the Soviet Art T-44 (a similar premium machine from Rostelecom) and American TT T32. They are available only in the "front line" and cannot be used in other modes.

Especially for the new mode, a truly huge map was developed, an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 10 times more locations for "random battle". It is divided into 9 sectors containing strategic dots - bases and dots. Two teams join the battle, the goal of one of which is to capture the bases and destroy the dots until the battle time expires, the second is to prevent this. Captured basements can not be able to need, as they master the team moves forward. For each point, the team receives extra time.

Also in the World of Tanks mode "Front Line" there is a system of individual progress. For useful actions on the battlefield, such as damage to opponents and their destruction, the capture of databases and the destruction of dollars, the player is accrued with glasses, and its title rises. The more benefit it will bring, the higher the title will receive and the more bonuses for experience and loans will receive after the fight.

Unlike the standard battle, which is limited by 15 minutes, but on average it lasts about 7, the WOT mode "front line" can delay half an hour. After all, after the destruction of the technique on the battlefield, the player returns to the hangar and can choose any other suitable tank. It happens not immediately, you need to wait. The waiting time of the next exit depends on the utility of the player and the time of his life on the battlefield.

To avoid getting into the hangar, you can use the recovery points of the technique located in each of the squares. Stay on them resumes strength indicators, repairs one damaged module and restores the health of one crew member. Also, the replenishment of shells is replenished by 10% per second.

You can use the repair point in no more often than once every 2 minutes poles to 10 seconds per second of recovery, which is done to protect against the immortality of tanks constantly at the point.

System of promotions and awards

Playing in the new mode "Front Line", World of Tanks players get, in addition to experience and loans, other bonuses. Among them are consumables and equipment, bonus glasses, combat reserves. The latter can be used to purchase auxiliary resources, such as airflow, art print, bombardment, smoke curtain, inspiration and sabotage detachment. Their use allows the player and its allies to benefit from the battlefield.

The higher the level of the player in the new mode - the more additional awards it receives. Among them are first aid kits, repair kits, fire extinguishers, loans, bones, personal reserves and others. Maximum can be achieved by 30 levels, after which the chance is provided to use the mechanics of valoring and start with 1 level to re-earn the awards.

The battle strategy in the "front line" mode is significantly different from the standard "random". Concentration on making maximum damage, with a selfish manner of the game, it may not be a better option even for a very experienced player. The price of loss of the point (or its nonsense) is very high, and it gives the game of a special taste.

  • Do not concentrate on damage to the most convenient targets. It is important to take into account tactical atmosphere to prevent the taking / loss of the base. It is better to work for the purposes that are taking active actions at the most important points.
  • After the destruction of one of its car, when choosing the next tank, you need to take into account the situation on the battlefield. If the speaker is required to prevent capture - it is worth taking a high-speed machine that will quickly get to enemies. To capture someone else's base, on the contrary, it is better to get into battle on a well armored TT, capable of selling flank storm.
  • It is evenly distributed to flanks evenly, in accordance with the current situation on the map. When leaving the battle after death, it is better to choose to revive the most dangerous location where help will not be superfluous.
  • When playing from the attack, you should not focus on one flank, forgetting about others. After all, even if you completely capture the left, right or center, and get to the enemy guns - you can lose, without having time to destroy them in time and capture all the bases.

"Front Line" and WOT Performance

The new mode involves the game to a much larger on the map and allows a large accumulation of technology in one place. Naturally, it could not not affect the speed of the game. In a standard battle, at the maximum graphic quality settings in FullHD resolution, the average FPS indicator on my computer is about 80-90. In the "front line" indicators are not at all so optimistic.

In the absence of a significant number of techniques nearby, the frame rate differs little from the "random fight". But if you get involved in a hot shootout, the frame rate sends. It mainly keeps at the level of a completely acceptable 50-60 FPS, but sometimes there are drawdowns up to 30-40 frames per second. It turns out that in the front line mode, the performance of WoT is doubled.

The reduction in speed does not have a great effect on the gameplay on fast modern PCs. But if you play a laptop or an old computer, it can be critical. After all, if 30 fps still can be safely played, then 15 FPS is already beyond tolerance, the brakes will be visible to the naked eye.


The new "front line" mode in World of Tanks revived my interest in the game. Lately, I do not often play it very often, since for 5 years the usual "random" managed to breathe. But seeing the "front line" and testing this mode, I played three hours in a row, and not only for familiarizing it with him and writing a review, but simply because it really captures.

So far, the "front line" is only tested, and the gaming client is not deprived of the bugs. So, one day I had an departure from the game, which I had never seen before. In addition, the interest of gamers to the regime causes difficulties at the entrance to battle. It is not always possible to connect to the queue on the input from the first time, and if it turns out, the time waiting time of command generation may take a few minutes.

And it is not among the night on the working day, and in the evening hour-peak, when the audience on servers is usually the greatest. This picture is completely opposite to the waiting time in the "Random" mode.

An unpleasant feature is the "stop fire mode", which is currently on all servers from 00:00 to 11:00 hours. Therefore, you will not always play in the new mode that it grieves.

Despite the available flaws and flaws, the WOT mode "front line" seemed very fascinating. I would like the developers to leave him and continue to develop, eliminating cons and introducing new advantages.

And what do you think about this, do you like the new mode in World of Tanks? Whatever changes do you want to add to it for the best gameplay?

World of Tanks game developers respond to the most frequently asked questions about the "front line" mode.

1) Is the economy changed in the front line mode?
The regime economy has not changed.

2) Why on T-44 LF can not transplant the crew without a fine?
This tank, like other rental cars for the Front Line, is a copy of the original machine. Since the original T-44 there is no such possibility, it does not have it and T-44 LF.

3) Where to look at your progress in the event?
To do this, in the hangar to the right of the "Battery" button, select the "Front Line" mode. From above in the center there will appear the icon reflecting your level "front line" and the level of valor. If you bring a mouse pointer to it - a hint will appear.

4) How to get valor levels?
First you need to reach 30 levels of the front line. When the 30 level is reached in the progress window, it will be possible to increase the valor. Taking advantage of her for the first time the player receives the first level of valor. After that, you can pass all 30 levels again, each time after reaching the 30th using an increase in valve. Thus, each time you can raise the level of valor more and above, up to the tenth.
Access to degrees of valor opens gradually - the maximum degree of validity in the stage is limited by the current stage of the stage plus two degrees (for example, at the time of the 5th stage, you can take a maximum of 7 levels of valor).

5) How to reach 10 levels of valor to get all rewards if I can not take part in all stages?
Starting from the 8th stage (episode), you can earn all 10 levels of valor in the theory of the stage.

6) What is discharged in progress during the transition to the next stage?
When moving to the next step, the player does not lose progress made earlier. Neither the levels of the "front line" nor the levels of valor, nor anything else.

7) Is it possible to purchase all 4 cars for glasses?
No, earned valve points will be enough for a maximum of two tanks. Therefore, consider it when choosing tanks.

8) Will I get gold if I already have in the Sta-2 and WZ-111 hangar?
If your account already has STA-2 or WZ-111, you will not be able to exchange valve glasses to get them.

9) What to do with the values \u200b\u200bwith glasses, which will remain after sharing on the technique, or if they were not enough to exchange?
At the end of the season, the remaining valve glasses can be exchanged for bones or gold. Exchange will be possible only if the points are not enough to acquire one of the premium machines.

10) Why did I deprived the experience, loans and ranks on the basis of the battle?
This happens if the player left the battle ahead of time - we are ready to encourage only honest fighters who fight for their team to the last.
At the same time, if the player came out of the battle not independently, and his "thrown out" - he can return to battle for 5 minutes, and then there will be no income and title. After returning to the player, corrective coefficients will not be applied.

11) Is it possible to perform an LBZ in the "front line"?
The execution of personal combat missions in the "front line" is not provided.