What skills are worth pumping in Middle-earth Shadow of War. Completing Missions and Orders

Good day, Comrades!
I also decided to check in by writing the VT pumping.
The goal below is survival (including comfort), speed of cleaning mobs, killing bosses.

1) Choice of side and deity. My BT is dark, in fact, it makes no difference. The only "+" of the dark side, which I found when pumping from Orcs, there are more mobs in the location where the first orc portal in the storyline is located. I play on closed, I don't go through the company, but the discrepancies in it seem to be minimal.
Better than God I haven't found a test for myself, at least you can use it at least a couple of times in situations where mobs were surrounded by several heads higher than you due to the fact that some kind of good high ran alongside :) The balls have decent damage, but as they say, the best defense is attack;)

2) The choice of weapons. I decided on this for a long time. There are 3 types of melee weapons in the game: one-handed, crushing, pole-arm (we immediately discard the staves, we are talking about picks).
A) One-handed - implies taking the "Dual weapon" skill, because I consider pumping VT with a shield to be ineffective. In my opinion, VT has no problems with protection, in my opinion, and from modest practice (I cannot compare the current with the XC), and taking the shield as a reproach to the DMG is not the best option.
Pros: x2 holes (maximum 6 when taking two officer's sabers), weapon bonuses x2 (both increase and variety), maximum attack speed of all 3 types -> clearing speed with normal DMG.
Cons: Less DMG than the other two.
B) Crushing - means two-handed axes, sledgehammers.
Pros: maximum DMG among a melee of weapons, frequent bonus on “ignore” weapons. armor "(uber mod. For crashing bosses and thick mobs), life lich in%.
Cons: the lowest speed among melee weapons, I don't remember axes with 3 working holes ==> only 2 holes are not enough.
C) Pole - pikes.
Pros: above average DMG + average speed, chance of hitting a neighboring mob (IMHO Über mod for clearing crowds of mobs), life lich in% is not uncommon.
Cons: the same as with crushing - a small number of holes.
* I did not consider two-handed swords, because I did not find a single serious two-handed man for which this skill could be taken (Seira's blade is the only thing with which you can run with this skill, and then only because of the holes). In terms of DMG and speed, it resembles a peak, from mods cuts of different severity are common (with mobs it is not necessary, because it will fall faster from a direct DMG, and I think it is not effective to take with an emphasis only on bosses, because you will not swing on them and kill them with the weapons described above without any hassle).

I was tempted by the "holes" in the weapons and I chose Paired. Described all types of weapons, the choice is yours. Leveling does not bind to one weapon, but some examples will be on dual weapons.

3) Skills. Now we can scatter the skills (everything is written in turn of taking).
1. Tactics - taken first, the main skill. Has priority number 1 maxims up to 75 points. In addition to increasing damage and crits, it affects the modification of 2 schools at once!
2. Armor - taken second. The goal is to invest 5 points until the 10th levl -> we will open access to the second column of defensive skills, slightly reduce the cooldown and increase the defense (Do not invest more than 5 points).
3. Dual weapon (or the one that you chose after reading the brief description above) - 1 point is invested for the possibility of taking a second weapon, which will make it easier to kill mobs already on a small Levle.
4. Concentration of ЗЗ - priority number 2 maxims up to 75 points (Rationale below).
5. Concentration of the aircraft - priority number 3 maxims up to 75 points.
6. Concentration - we throw 1 point to be able to use 2 buffs.
Below are 3 defensive skills.
7. Combat reflexes - dodge + anti-crit.
8. Constitution - max HP + regen.
9. Cruelty - increased armor + reduced damage in%.
10. I leave the choice up to you. I advise you to take either Discipline. the attack will mainly be 1 skill (VD will reduce the cooldown, increase the DMG), or Damage will also increase the DMG (IMHO VD will be more effective).
I do not advise you to take the skills: "Speed" (minimum increase in defense, on Levle 100+, 1 ring is enough for speed, Charon's grease or grease from the Executioner's set + shoulders from Hell's torment and running speed will be at least 140%), "Resistance magic "(VT has a huge increase to the stat" Willpower "gives a buff from the first school" Dark Determination ", which affects the resistance of magic).

4) Modifications. Due to the fact that we are maximizing tactics, modifications for 1 skill from the 1st and 2nd schools will be quickly available to us. First of all, we need to modulate 3 skills - Dark determination, Ferocious rage, Protective radiation.

Grim Determination:
A) Rejuvenation - regen och. An important thing in the survival of the Persian and I think this is understandable to everyone (for example, at a skill level of ~ 60, it will give ~ 600-700 hp / sec). We will have a lot of HP as it is.
B) Discipline - reduces the penalty for the buff, because The buff will have to be maxed out, I think this mod is relevant. Another mod gives protection, having 4 defensive skills, I think you can neglect it.
C) Reflexes - at 60 levle skill will give ~ 30% evasion + reflexes + gear for the probability of evasion. Personally, at 65 levle, I had 60.5% evasion (including gear + skills). The second mod gives resistance to physics. In Ancaria, far from everyone is hit with physics, from physics, and without that, VT has enough protection at the expense of thick armor. And finally, as for me, it's better not to get hit than to reduce the damage by%.

Ferocious Rage (the main combat skill that we will use):
A and B) Double hit - after raising the skill "Weapon" to 75, you will have at least 80% for hitting x2. Although already after taking the second mod, the double hit occurs very often.
C) Taste and color. Vampire - will increase survivability (drinks a certain amount of HP (the increase comes from pumping the skill), not the% of the DMG inflicted on the enemy, but since the hits in the skill are applied quickly, the total will give the norms of HP). Poison - will slightly increase the DMG => the speed of killing mobs. I chose a vampire.
Protective radiation:
A) Backlash - repelling rifle attacks B) Anti-magic - repelling magical attacks C) Parry - increasing the chance to reflect attacks.
* there can be no other options, because the reflection of stun and bind will not work so often (not all mobs bind and stun), more and more often they run alone, therefore the spread of the skill at the party is also not relevant.

I will also describe skill mods that are used solely to facilitate meetings with bosses and large crowds wanting to get an autograph.

Furious Order:
A) Persistence - extends the duration of the action. The attack level of BT and without auxiliary skills will be high. It is easier to increase it by forging a blacksmith's sharpening weapon for + damage and + attack (personally, I have all weapons sharpened, jewelry is inserted only into armor).
B) Dash - increases your running speed. Actually, because of this mod, I use the Furious Order, tk. I run on foot (well, it doesn't look like BT on a dog in a battle). The second mod gives an increase in attack speed - as soon as you bring the weapon skill to 75 points, and according to my buildup it will be at 80-82 levl (excluding items + skills), the attack speed will be maximum 150%.
C) Surge of strength - reduction of the cooldown of all combat skills.
Battle Standard:
A) Elite - increase in attack and defense by 50%. Why increase the radius, if we will be "in the thick of things", who needs to fit himself.
B) Healing - increases the regen in battle. Taking this skill will increase the survivability. (The increase to exp is ~ 30% with a skill level of 100, according to sacredwiki).
C) Fear - reduces the attack and defense of the enemy.
Deadly revelry:
A) Control - increases the attack. Berserk mod disappears, tk. our regen + def. skills will not let health fall.
B) Steadfastness - prolongs the duration.
C) Burn - adds fire damage from the released energy. It is more useful for me, tk. I use weapons with fire damage and have bijou + fire damage.
Devil's Breath:
A) Open wound. B) Fragility. C) Injury (Skill for bosses in cases where there is not enough DMG to pierce the armor of the boss. It is good to use in a combo with Ferocious Fury - cut, lower the armor and made a series of double hits on a bleeding enemy)
Mowing is not used, m. this skill is relevant with the Executioner's ax, when 1 hit = 5-7 corpses. With a pair it will come out m. only with kobolds (based on leveling mobs +15).

5) The choice of armor and jewelry. If possible, all gear (armor and jewelry) on + to skills + to dodge (it is extremely difficult to do this without the second enchant of the merchant), respectively, our choice of things with a large number of holes (3 sets of Hell's torments, 2 other sets + also the yellow ones fall from the mobs). The armor is thicker (you can ignore the rollback penalty, because at first you won't be able to use the skill alone, and there is nothing to do with it). There is no normal biji - wear armor at the forge if you are not yet confident in a bunch of mobs. And on damage + attack, which will increase the DMG + hitting accuracy.

6) Conclusion. Up to the 75th levla maxims tactics, concentration of ZZ and VS, dual weapons. We put runes only in buffs - this will be the foundation of survival and comfortable play without clicking on the spacebar, swallowing cans. Mobs are cut out by a series of hits of Ferocious Rage, maintain a rollback of 2-4 seconds and you will not need other combat skills - the speed of stripping, the combo DD + Ferocious Rage works on bosses. Weapon tip: at the beginning I think the best weapon is the Orcish Thunderstorm axes - it has a mode of inflicting serious wounds, and most importantly, it increases the attack speed (until the skill with the weapon is 75, there will be problems with the speed). Then the officer's sabers with 3 gold holes and + are ideal for the survival bonus. Due to the fact that one-handed weapons have the smallest damage (daggers are not considered in this build at all) - watch out for the levl of the object that you have in your hands (the weapon quickly weakens with an increase in the level of the Persian => mobs).

If you do everything correctly, you will come to skill 75 with 3 masters - tactics, concentration of ZZ and VS, which will allow you to keep buffs at the maximum level and higher, feeling comfortable surrounded by mobs. Also 4 skills in each school will be completely modified. With the fourth skill, I pumped a pair of weapons to the master, which made it possible to inflict ~ 35% double hit + maximum attack speed. Then everyone can go their own way of developing the remaining skills, the only thing I would advise is to develop all skills to the master no higher, for the remaining points after the 180th leveled max schools to increase the level of buffs, because they are all the power of BT in my opinion;).
My path of development after 4-masters: Reflexes 75, Constitution 75, Cruelty 75 ... Personally, I had no problems with defense and rollback, there was enough DMG from the skill, so I left Armor and Concentration for myself for later.

Some real numbers (at least with my swing):
Lvl 99 character;
evasion (what is shown when you hover the mouse over the attack in the "F" statistics) - 51.4%;
HP - 21,500, Regen - 685.2 hp / sec;
Reflection: BB - 76%; Rifle - 65.1%; Magic - 65.1%;
Running speed - 147%, Willpower - ~ 3000.
Bonuses from things that affect the indicators above:
+ 68.4% chance of dodging (+ 37.5% gives a separate MP buff);
+26 to all skills (jewelry is forged), the rest are different bonuses from set items.
ZY The figures are given for a character dressed for the test, of course, I will not describe the real figures in combat uniforms. They are "slightly" different;)

Taken from sacred.net.ru

powerful weapon in battle!
Enslaved and trained by the High Elves, he excels in close combat. The elves have transformed him into an elite warrior who pursues only one all-consuming goal: victory in battle! He died on the battlefield, but came back to life from his eternal sleep.

Now he travels between the world of the living and the realm of the dead.

The Shadow Warrior was once an elite guard and fought for his sovereign in countless battles across the lands of the Elven Empire. His strength in battle made him a nightmare for enemies. He was an all-crushing weapon in the hands of his warlord. His strength, discipline and obedience were unsurpassed.

Nevertheless, with the same inevitability as day turns to night, even the best of warriors meet their worthy end on the battlefield. The gods summoned the soul of an elite guard and led him to the golden halls of fame, where he was to rule forever as a powerful warrior.

But the High Elven general had other plans for him! He decided to return the soul of a warrior from the world of the dead to his lifeless body, so that he again entered the battlefield. The elven high priests performed an ancient ritual to resurrect the warrior from the dead and tried to connect him with T-Energy. Alas, but the willpower of the warrior did not weaken and he did not succumb to the priests. The ritual has failed! An elite fighter became a Shadow Warrior - an undead with a living mind. Tormented by the memories of how he was torn from paradise, he killed everyone who was present at the ceremony and fled.

Now he travels between worlds in the guise of the undead. His only longing is to return to the golden halls of Elysium, where he will find his peace. Unfortunately, the gates are securely closed and do not allow those who were created with the use of T-Energy to enter. Even death does not bring him deliverance - instead it throws him into the eternal maelstrom of life.

Which path will the Shadow Warrior take?

A spark of humanity still glows deep within the Shadow Warrior. He can fight for the peace and liberation of Ancaria until he learns to contain the T-Energy, which is now uncontrollable. Thus, the T-Energy that flows in his body can flow out of him and peacefully end his vicious life.

However, he can also follow the dark path. His hatred is concentrated on those who brought him back. His task is to gain control over T-Energy in order to achieve overwhelming power.

Torn apart by his inner conflict, he begins his journey through the world of Ancaria ...

The Shadow Warrior is a skilled fighter. He is well armored, and among his skills is the mastery of all types of slashing and crushing weapons. His self-discipline is unmatched. All of these attributes make him great at battling T-Energy spawn. His strength and physique make him a difficult and dangerous foe. At the same time, he has a decisive advantage over all living things: he continues to be in contact with the World of the Dead. However, the meaning of this diabolical combination will only become apparent on the battlefield.

In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, there are many ways to kill orcs. The question is how exactly do you want to do this. The game provides us with six branches of abilities, each of which contains about 5-6 skills. Points for pumping do not drop out to Talion very often, so the choice should be approached wisely. In our guide, we will tell you which skills you should pay attention to.

Best skills in Middle-earth Shadow of War:

First of all, when pumping a character, you should decide on your style of play. All skills are divided into six branches, each of which is responsible for a specific battle tactics. The last branch is storyline and will open by itself as you progress through the corresponding quests. In addition to the basic skills that have a large icon, there are also improvements. Do not neglect them, because they make many abilities much more interesting. Only one upgrade for each skill can be active at a time.

Melee Skills:

  • Execution is the first skill to buy. When the power meter is full, it will allow you to kill weaker enemies with one hit. Its Dark Resolve upgrade is also worth getting early on when your hero is still weak. He's going to get hit on the head a lot anyway, so let's take advantage of it. Covert Power should only be acquired if you intend to use stealth mode frequently.
  • Brutal aggression- the ability is good not so much in itself, but thanks to the Phantom Execution upgrade, available from level 11. He will allow you to perform several executions in a row, spending on this focus.
  • Perfect counterattack- in this skill we are again interested in its improvements. A shower of arrows is a must for those who are into ranged combat. You will have to run less in search of ammunition. Powerful Turn and Deadly Counterattack will bring noticeable benefits in close combat and allow you to execute enemies more often.

Stealth Fighting Skills:

  • Elven agility- both improvements for this skill will significantly speed up your hidden movement between enemies. We especially love Phantom Throw. Try to get them as soon as possible.
  • Ghost chain- Perhaps this is the best skill for stealthy passage of the game. With the right skill, you can make a small camp in a very short time. The Monster Hunter upgrade allows you to stealthily kill beasts as well.
  • Poisonous probe- do not underestimate this skill and all its additions. If used correctly, it will allow you to wreak havoc in the ranks of the enemy, since the necessary barrels, cells and nests are scattered throughout the game world in abundance.

Ranged Skills:

  • Explosion- this skill, as well as its Explosive Arrow update, should be pumped to all players, regardless of playstyle. He will allow you to significantly thin out the ranks of the enemy before entering into open confrontation with him.
  • Predatory bird is another interesting ability that will allow you to shoot while in the air. The Claw Strike upgrade will make your landings into a group of enemies from a height quite epic, and will come in handy even for those who prefer close combat.
  • Powerful shot- this skill in combination with one of the improvements will make your character's shots much stronger and more spectacular. Pump it as soon as the opportunity arises.
  • Blow from the shadows- this skill is indispensable for destroying snipers in enemy camps. Just climb higher and run through the towers. For fans of the stealth mode, we recommend that you pump it without fail.

Ghost Skills:

  • Dagger sling- do not underestimate this skill, as it allows you not only to slow down enemies, but also to build up power. Combined with updates, it will be a significant help for you in battle, as it has infinite charges.
  • Elven light is a great skill that can be used when the power meter is full. Upgrade one of the add-ons to it and enjoy the resulting effect. Especially useful for players who prefer close combat.
  • Ice storm- This skill is especially effective when combined and upgraded by Ice Storm. It also affects the captains, which will save your character more than once in the midst of a fierce battle. Again, a must when choosing melee tactics.
  • Treasure hunter- this skill is worth downloading only for the sake of improving Brainfuck, which will allow you to save precious seconds in battle.

Riding Skills:

  • Rider on Karagor- is required for pumping, as it allows you to mount a broken Karagora on horseback. The improvements are aimed at enhancing your fighting skills on this animal. Recommended for pumping for any style of play.
  • Graug rider- these opponents are less common than Karagors, but they are still encountered. Subduing them is much faster than killing them, so at least the basic skill must be pumped.
  • Summon mount- this is your only opportunity to stop running between tasks on your own two feet. And in battle, animals can become irreplaceable allies.
  • Shadow rider is another useful skill that, thanks to its improvements, will make your fight against Karagor easier. They caused us a lot of trouble, so we were happy with this group of abilities as children.
  • Dragon rider- well, everything is simple. Who doesn't want to ride a dragon?) This is not only a flying vehicle, but also a mobile flamethrower. Take it, you won't regret it.

If you don't learn from your mistakes, there is no point in making them.

Lawrence Peter

The peasant stood at the gate and watched the sunset. A robber ran by, but the city guards cleverly cut him with halberds, and threw the corpse to the deceased brothers in the profession, already piled up in a pile. In the morning it was already the fiftieth villain.

Suddenly muffled screams rang out, and the mighty figure of a warrior emerged from the forest, fighting off simultaneously from a bear, a robber, a wolf, a dwarf kobold and a revived corpse. A minute later, the hero came closer, wiped the blood from the blade and looked inquiringly at the crowd.

The locals were silent. Finally, the blacksmith's daughter was found: "I lost my kitty yesterday ..." The warrior nodded busily, turned around and disappeared into the thicket.

Sacred prince of darkness

There must be one hero. This simple principle was used by the Germans from Ascaron Entertainment, releasing a series of fantasy action movies Sacred. The basis of the game is simple, like a drawing of a ball in three projections: our character wanders the country, destroys enemies, clears dungeons, completes tasks for piecework, finds treasures, saves humanity.

You can negotiate on horseback.

The question "why" is not held in high esteem here, much more important is "how to kill the monster." We are not even talking about realism, the goal is to destroy the maximum number of someone. By the way, there are many enemies: every forest path is simply teeming with aggressive evil spirits waiting for at least some kind of traveler.

The more adversaries lie on the bones, the stronger the hero will become. In a couple of days, a village guy will learn to kill with different types of weapons (from a crossbow to a scimitar), throw lightning and raise the dead. The torn shirt will be replaced by silver armor, the wooden club - by a magic staff.

The "role-playing" system will even allow you to build a character in its own way, but all the changes are aimed at the art of war. There is not even a hint of different solutions to the same problem: to resolve a problem means to kill its cause.

All this is unthinkable without a rich assortment of things. Helmets, hats, cones, helmets are so different in appearance and properties that they will lead to paranoia when looking for the best option. The variety of weapons is completely indescribable.

With such initial data Sacred began a loud march around the world, with the same returned now. The gameplay could hardly be called original even four years ago, but the game found fans among the Germans, English, Spaniards, Russians ... By the way, in Russia the name sounded after translation as "Prince of Darkness", somewhat distorting the original Sacred ("sacred", " divine "," inviolable ").

V Sacred 2, of course, there are differences from other representatives of the genre, albeit not revolutionary. One of the key ones is horses, which not only help to move, but also simplify battles. Often we do not engage in battle, but simply rush to the next city, dodging the persistent beast. The number of enemies is still infinite: the same will come to the place of the killed.

They obviously did not save on architecture!

Surprisingly, the game actually has two parallel role-playing systems. One of them is standard: development depends on experience and new levels. The other is based on runes obtained on the battlefield as loot. Each rune is a new ability or development of an already received one.

Another difference is the factions that assess the events from different angles. There are even two campaigns: "good" and "evil". Both light and dark heroes live in the same world, save the same children, receive money for the same contract killings, but their ultimate goals are opposite.

Another interesting mechanism is the sequence of techniques, or simply combo... We can combine several spells and then call them all with one click.

There are many such important details. Blacksmithing, for example, allows you to upgrade weapons. But what about a few deities that give followers one or another ability?

Finally, the variety of characters is a clear virtue of Sacred 2. From the first part, only the famous seraphim, a winged Amazon with the habits of a paladin. High elves can still be called formulaic, but the rest of the characters immediately grab attention.

Dryads, for example, adorn themselves with the dried heads of their enemies and kill themselves with blowpipes. Next to them is a shadow warrior - a zombie special forces with a penchant for necromancy. The Combat Inquisitor, no stranger to magic, has a healthy sense of humor. An ancient Egyptian robot wins with the help of high technologies completes the motley company.

An oasis on a stormy sea

Four years have passed since the release of the first part of Sacred. Remember the best games of 2004? The Sims 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Call of Duty, Painkiller, True Crime, Evil Genius, Perimeter, Sphere. Then it was new. It would seem so long ago!

It is inexpressibly pleasant that there is something stable in our changing world. I could quote my colleague Anton Lysenko in paragraphs - after all, it was he who then wrote the article on Sacred.

It is better to go to the bear alone. With regard to Sacred 2, this means that the bear should be alone, without pirates in the wings.

Again, the graphics are several years behind their peers. Once again, bugs complicate life so that the ability to complete the game is questionable. Again, management fiercely resists man. Again, the tasks are reduced to "go there and kill everyone." Stability is a hallmark of class.

Ascaron Entertainment seems to have become a tranquil oasis amid the ebullient waves of emotion overwhelming developers. The principles of the game are defined, the course is set, and the programmers are confidently moving along the set path. There is only one question left: what does an oasis do in the middle of the sea when it belongs in the desert?

Sacred 2 is certainly no stranger to progress. The new online modes, for example, are made in the latest fashion, allowing for joint passage using a local network, and battles over the Internet. However, such new items are rather an exception.

Ascaron calmly does its job, not looking back at the throwing in the genre, not exchanging for doubts. Did the rat leave a two-meter spear after death? Well, it happens. Hidden in the village shop an arsenal sufficient for the army? But it's more interesting! Little girls pay thousands of gold to save a kitten? Why not...

In such dashing conditions, it makes no sense to be surprised at the scenario and the local world. For Ancaria, a thousand years forward or backward are trifles, hardly worthy mentions.

You ask how one peasant feeds dozens of robbers? Does it surprise you when a traveler from the ancient world enters the Middle Ages? Be surprised, it gives life a spice.

Fire swords

The Sacred series has consistently garnered devastating reviews. The first glance finds numerous parallels with Diablo down to the smallest detail, and the differences are not always in favor of the novelty. In addition, the title "clone" does not add points to the rating at all.

Comparisons with other similar “copies” are also not fun. Titan quest looks down at Sacred, as if at an anachronism, at a living monument to antediluvian games.

The picture is spoiled by only one oddity: the work of Ascaron Entertainment is economically successful, the game has enough fans. In 2005, an addition was released, now the second part. Popularity is not due to chance!

The easiest way is to fix the formula “ Diablo minus mana plus runes and horses". Such phrases, like diagnoses, speak immediately and meaningfully. Moreover, it is very difficult to argue with such verdicts, including for the reason that they are fair.

Doubts remain: maybe this is not the only side from which you can look at Sacred? Are there any other similar anomalies?

The forests look peaceful at times, but the robber can be seen behind the bush.

I think we will find the closest analogue in the cinema. One of the products of Hollywood - absurd comedies, fed by Jim Abrahams and David Zucker: "Naked Pistol", "Airplane!" ... Let's not say how good or bad they are, this is a matter of tastes and preferences. After all, such films do not claim high spirituality or grandiose cultural contributions. The point is different: they are popular, collect more and more new fans, bring positive emotions.

The main thing in these films is not parodies or even jokes. Moreover, these films strange even by the standards of other comedies, let alone serious dramas! Crazy heroes live comfortably in an absolutely insane world, and with joyful surprise we find more and more connections with our native reality.

It is strange to evaluate "Naked Pistol" by the acting, the realism of the script. Maybe Sacred shouldn't be put in a Procrustean bed of graphics or balance? Fans love Ancaria, including for the nonsense and rubbish that overwhelms this world. Moreover, it is in this capacity that he brings the most surprises. How do you, for example, the demon Orpheus, who is responsible for lovers in the afterlife?

Let's take into account: we are facing an extremely specific game. It is even difficult to call it comedic - there are not so many jokes in it, and German humor has a special flavor. But there is a lot of nonsense, "Easter eggs", parodies and oddities here.

What's the conclusion? You can enjoy Sacred 2 if you don't take it seriously at first. Then the graphics will not be annoying, and numerous bugs will lose all their maliciousness. Especially if you wait for patches.

Completing the picture, I will tell you about the translation. Akella did a very good job on the lyrics, especially on the dialogues. The details of the assignments are scheduled in such a way that they can be considered real literature, and everything is sounded qualitatively. However, the translation of certain concepts is sometimes poorly tested: for example, the mysterious “ item", Which turned out to be an ordinary belt. I suspect nee it was German sache(things, belongings), to which it is really difficult to find a Russian equivalent. In general, here you also have to watch with humor, otherwise how to endure " student silk subject»?

variety, tasksroutine battles
shadows, detailrequirements, dynamics
voiced dialoguesmusic
Game world
variety, wealthillogicality
camera complianceerrors, optimization

Acquaintance with Ankaria

Sacred 2 fell into our hands shortly before the release of the issue, and there was no room for a complete guide. However, we cannot leave you without tips to get you started. First of all, they are intended for those who have not met the first part of the game, because among the principles of the game there are quite unexpected things.


The game begins with the choice of a character: it affects the features of the passage, the style of fighting, the overall difficulty of the game. A mistake at this stage will bring a lot of negative emotions, so it is better to choose a hero by yourself.

Seraphim- a warrior, not alien to magic. By nature, this is a paladin, so only a "good" campaign is available. A powerful character, a favorite of the developers, she can be considered a symbol of the entire game. She is incredibly strong in combat, and magic adds variety. A good choice for those who came to Ancaria for the first time and are not alien to the forces of light.

High elf- a magician in its purest form. Close to the forces of good. It is quite difficult to fight with it, so the game will surely become an overcoming of problems. If you like it, there is no better choice. Strongly undesirable for beginners.

Dryad- shooter with a touch of magic. This is not an easy option: some of the enemies will surely reach the heroine, but it is already hard to fight back from close up. However, if you are used to destroying the enemy from a distance, then you can handle it without stress. It is important that this fragile girl will not raise a heavy weapon, so you can forget about halberds.

Temple guard Is a cyborg loving technology. Clothes in the game are usually sewn on humanoids, so don't expect much variety among clothes. But the guard is capable of simultaneously shooting and hitting with melee weapons - these are its built-in functions. All in all, this robot will do if you don't like fiddling with clothes or choosing swords carefully. In addition, this is the most unusual character - perhaps the best choice for a second adventure.

Shadow Warrior- a champion in battles, not forgetting about necromancy. An excellent choice for those interested in the combat part of the game (and in Sacred, this is the foundation). In short, before you is a wonderful tool for destroying enemies. The hero is a little morose, but what did you want from the ex-dead?

Inquisitor- dark forces in concentrated form. Arrogance, cynicism and black humor are comfortably combined in one person. Among the inquisitor's abilities are melee combat and black magic, but in practice neither one nor the other can be considered truly deadly. The inquisitor is rather limited in clothing (the position obliges), although the guard has much more problems with things. In addition, the principles do not allow this character to use shields, so get ready to take up two-handed swords and similar offensive weapons.

In addition to the character, you need to choose a deity before starting the game. The consequences of this choice are the most direct: in fact, you choose for yourself another powerful spell for the entire game. If you are going to fight on high difficulty, then it is better to choose someone who is good for your health - Cybele, for example. If you are confident in your superiority over your enemies, just stop at a close philosophy.

The first steps

So, your hero went hunting. The number of enemies is endless: wherever you go, you will find new battles, blood and danger. The main goal is to give the battles the right direction, which will allow you to quickly develop and see new lands.

There seem to be many more merchants in Ancaria than peasants.

Better to start by looking for a village or farm. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a map (key M): next to the housing there are usually monoliths (an icon that looks like a monument) and merchants (a bag). In addition, side assignments (question mark) are also given there.

A little later you will find a rune master (human figure), a blacksmith (hammer) and horse merchants (horseshoe), but more about them later. At first, it is important to collect as many tasks as possible so as not to run again. In Sacred 2, tasks can be completed in batches!

On a note: by clicking on the map with the middle mouse button, you will examine the terrain in detail. Of course, this is only true if you have visited the area of ​​interest before.

Finding the target is not difficult: it is marked on the map with a circle. You can select one of the circles, then a pointer to this point will appear on the compass. However, do not rely on this pointer, it loves to be weird.

Sometimes an assignment requires someone to accompany you. In this case, the circle indicates the start point and only if you click on it will move to the target. You have to remember your destination personally.

Sometimes you have to go inside buildings. The character does not know how to open doors automatically, every time you have to click on a door or a gate.

To battle!

Before the collision, you can learn about their strength. A hint will be given by color: green indicates weak enemies, yellow - visible, red - dangerous. There are also gray opponents, but they can be ignored.

One on one you can easily kill the "yellow" enemy, but such encounters are rare. If there are a lot of enemies, do not be ashamed to retreat to the nearest city: the city guards will be happy to help you.

Your health gauge is next to the portrait: it's a red semicircle to the right of it. The green semicircle symbolizes character development.

Attacking enemies is simple: the left mouse button is responsible for the weapon, the right one for the selected ability. At first, the hero has only one weapon slot: do not be confused by the four keys from F1 to F4. When the hero grows up a little, you can quickly change several types of weapons - a bow for a spear, for example.

It is important: both the sword and the shield fit in one cell to the left of the compass (unlike other games of a similar genre). The left side of the cell belongs to the right hand, to the left, as logic suggests, the right.

Active abilities include special melee techniques and magic. Of all the available abilities, you must choose several, so that later they can be called during the battle. To select, you need to drag the corresponding icon to the cell to the right of the compass.

There is no mana in Sacred 2: instead, each ability needs to be "chilled". The periods of such pauses can vary significantly - from ten seconds to several minutes. Since you have a lot of enemies, it is better to choose something quick-fire.

In addition to active ones, the game has passive abilities. They only need to be summoned once per battle, and they constantly protect you. It is necessary to select passive abilities separately: there are special cells for them in the lower right corner of the screen. The easiest way to start protection is to press 5.

Finally, don't forget about divine help! In Ancaria, prayers are not needed: just click in the lower left corner of the screen.


The main loot you'll find in the opening is runes... Each of them potentially means an improvement in one of the abilities... If the rune matches your class, you can simply "enable" it with the right mouse button on the item screen.

If you are a dryad, and the rune is intended for the inquisitors, it remains to exchange it for the necessary, suitable one. This useful business is done by the rune masters, they can be found in large cities. Their course is extortionate, four to one, but there is no choice.

Do all the runes in your class need to be “invested” in abilities? First - yes, you need to try all the abilities! When you choose the ability that you like, develop that ability.

Magic blow: to beat - so to beat!

Please note that abilities are divided into schools... It is better to use the active and passive abilities of one school, then they can be further strengthened. By focusing on a school, it has a growing experience score of its own, allowing you to make another change.

Finally, active abilities can be combined into groups - combo... The main value of such groups is that you can fit several spells in one cell. This, of course, is important against strong enemies, but there are not many such unique ones in the opening. The main problem is the number of enemies, so it is better to do without combos until the middle of the game.

Have you forgotten that Sacred 2 has two parallel role-playing systems? Let's continue!

When the hero's level grows, points will appear for character development. There are three types of these points: for improving characteristics, introducing new skills or expanding previously selected ones.

Specifications - the most familiar essence for us. The list is standard: strength, dexterity, endurance, intelligence, vitality, magical power. At the beginning of the game, health is most important, so I recommend investing all points in your own safety.

In the same window you will find the panel skills... It is divided into four parts: combat skills, offensive skills, defensive skills, general skills. Debut is a time to worry about your own life, so focus on the penultimate skill group.

In the early hours of the game, it is helpful to concentrate on one skill group. Once you put five points into one group, new, advanced skills become available.

Each class has different skill sets, so it is difficult to advise on anything specific. If you haven't decided on a school of ability yet, invest your points in something neutral and clearly useful. There is no need for explicitly "additional" skills, such as improved horse riding.

Action Key
Weapon F1 - F4
Skills / spells 1 — 4
Spheres F5 - F8
Gains 5 — 8
Potions Q - Y
Healing potion Space
Divine help G
Summon mount 0
Collect all A (Q)
Inventory I (F)
Combat skills S
Skills C
Tasks L
Map M
Minimap Tab


What is important to pay attention to in Ancaria?

First, don't forget to activate monoliths... It is near them that you can be reborn in case of trouble, and you will be loaded next to them.

If you easily defeat all enemies in the vicinity, pay attention to dungeons: there the concentration of treasures is noticeably higher. In addition, there is a possibility of doing some task inadvertently and then getting a prize.

Buy as soon as possible horse... This is especially true for warriors, and it is more difficult for mages: abilities and spells do not work if you are on horseback. However, personal transport is useful even if you are fighting on foot.

All enemies cannot be defeated. Experience points and gold are better earned through assignments: customers pay quite well. The main plus of battles is the runes, which are extremely important for the initial development of the hero.

Sooner or later, you will get bored of empty hacking through the robbers. In this case, it is better to run away from enemies: the guards of the city boundaries will protect you from pursuers. It is for such purposes that the horse is indispensable.

It is important: if the enemies are too annoying, help can be found. Moreover, " bodyguards»Will work for free! It is enough to take a task in which you will be given support. Now it is enough not to accidentally complete this task, and new friends will follow you everywhere. Of course, not every companion is useful: an armed guard will strengthen you, and a defenseless girl will only confuse you.

Blacksmith, against expectations, has nothing to do with horses. These people will help you improve your weapon - insert some kind of jewel into the sword, for example. The system is simple and familiar.

You know enough to start battles. I hope the routine will not drag you out and you will see under the bloody spots a malicious self-sufficient world, ready to surprise any traveler.

Talion, the protagonist of Middle-earth: Shadow of War, has a gigantic amount of skills. Not all skills are equally useful, let's try to figure out what should be downloaded first.



Talion, the protagonist of Middle-earth: Shadow of War, has a gigantic amount of skills. Not all skills are equally useful, let's try to figure out what should be downloaded first.

What you need to know about skills and upgrades

In total, 33 skills are presented in Shadow of War, each of them has from two to three improvements. In most cases, to level up, you need to get a skill point (you get it when you reach a new level and for completing certain tasks), some skills are unlocked during the passage of story missions.

Upgrades complement skills, a skill can only have one upgrade active at a time. Pumping improvements also takes place for skill points. Like skills, some improvements are unlocked only after progressing through the story or collecting collectibles - they are indicated in gold in the list.

The skill tree is divided into six branches: Combat, Robbery, Ranged, Ghost, Rider, and History. You don't have to think about the History branch at all: it opens entirely during the passage of the main storyline of Middle-earth: Shadow of War.

What skills need to be downloaded first

When choosing skills for pumping, you need to understand an important thing: for most of the game, Talion fights with various creatures of the world of Middle-earth, and for the most part it is melee. You will rarely resort to stealth, archery will be really useful only during battles with certain types of opponents.

First of all, pay attention to the Fight and Robbery branches - they are tailored specifically for close combat. In a branch The battle it is worth first of all to pump the following skills:

  • Execution: A very useful melee skill that can aid in combat with captains. The "Grim Resolve" upgrade can be added to Execution, allowing you to gain power when you take damage.
  • Brutal aggression: The skill allows you to charge power twice and perform a savage execution that scares away opponents. Complement Aggression with the Phantom Execution upgrade so you can execute multiple enemies at once.
After pumping these skills, you can pay attention to the "Critical hit" (it should be supplemented with the improvement "Inevitability") and "Perfect counterattack" (here you can take "Rain of arrows" or "Deadly counterattack").

In a branch Robbery your best bet is to start by learning the following skills:

  • Elven agility: An instant must-have that dramatically increases Talion's agility. This skill needs to be downloaded anyway. Complete it with the Spectral Throw upgrade.
  • Ghost chain: Allows you to perform several consecutive stealth kills - sometimes very useful. Add the Shadowblade upgrade to Chains to make the ability a little cheaper.
Have these skills improved? Fine. Now you can spend a few points on "Brutality" with the "Stubborn Cruelty" upgrade or on "Deadly Ghost", supplemented by "Drain Spirit".

Also, for melee combat, you should take a couple of skills from the branch Ghost:

  • Dagger sling: A great way to stack the hit counter - it ticks even if the enemy is immune to damage. Complement the ability with the Rain of Blades upgrade, so Talion will throw several daggers at the same time.
  • Ice storm: Freeze is useful in battles with captains and large opponents. The best upgrade is Ice Soul, so the ability can be used against hordes of orcs.
Some players advise to first of all download the skill Treasure hunter from the "Ghost" tree: it allows you to collect all the dropped loot simply by running over it. In fact, loot does not drop out so often that for the sake of this skill you can open the entire branch of the "Ghost" - "Treasure Hunter" is more valuable due to the "Intelligibility" improvement, which increases the chances of high-quality equipment falling out of captains.

What skills are better to postpone

All other skills can be downloaded plus or minus in any order. However, there are several branches in Middle-earth: Shadow of War that can be postponed.

First of all, this applies to the "Rider" and "Ranged Battle" branches: at least until the third act, you will feel great and without the opportunity to blow up fires, freeze enemies with a shot in the leg, or ride on Karagors.

Accurate archery is a great thing, but there are too many enemies and battles in Middle-earth: Shadow of War: if you target every orc, then you will need several months and several wagons of arrows to complete the game. Accurate shooting can come in handy during battles with captains, but it is worth remembering that some of them are invulnerable to fire.

Almost the only excuse for upgrading the "Rider" branch is flying on dragons. That is why in the first acts of the game this branch should be ignored: dragons will not appear soon.