Card solitaires - Pouchikha. Card solitaires - Pouchyha Rules and order of the game

Virtual Card Solitaire Spider enters the standard set of games in Windows Only a few years. A card game appeared in France for several centuries ago. At first, only prisoners played in Solitaire, but over time, this game was widespread in the salons and palaces of French nobility. The celebrities of that time were even assigned their last names to certain layouts.

Currently, the computer game Solitaire Spider is especially popular among office workers. So, employees try to take themselves at least to avoid routine and relax a little.
Although there is no partner-rival in this computer entertainment, the excitement is so strong that the game is really easy to captivate and see it for several hours. During the existence of the game among office employees, so many professionals have already accumulated that it is time to spend corporate solitaire championships. Jokes jokes, and the game still gained wide fame and universal recognition.

From where Solitaire Spider acquired its name, it remains only to guess. Some decay of cards on the monitor seems like a painstaking and clear job of spider, which is methodically engaged in its web. Single cards and whole stacks move there and back, and the collected chains are instantly descended down, as if spiders on the web. Such a spectacle can look like a third-party observer, so some of the game is simply pleasant to follow.

Rules of the game

2 decks participate in solitaire, each of which has 52 cards. Total program generates 10 columns. The cards in them lie closed and only the top is rotated by the face. These open cards must be moved from column to column.

The rules of the game are incredibly simple:

  • It is necessary to destroy all the cards in ten columns;
  • This needs to be done for the minimum number of moves.

To eliminate cards, you should move them from one column to another. Thus, a totality of suitable cards from the ace to the king should be formed. As soon as the group of one suit is going, it is automatically removed.

The game happens that all the moves are already over: it makes no sense to carry cards. But you can decompose another row on top, then everything will start first.

There are several differences in the virtual game from the desktop:

  • One, two or four suites participate in the game. By itself, that one suites make up the easiest way;
  • The ability to cancel moves. So, you can reset the last chain, think over all the variants of the moves and choose the best;
  • Ability to save the game in order to re-entertain at any time.

What to do in the game

Solitaire Spider is a card game where the goal is to collect all the cards in the stacks from the king down to twos and cover the twice ace. As soon as the stack on the table is collected, for example, the king, lady, ... Two, Ace, then the whole stack is removed from the table. As soon as all the cards left the table - Solitaire was descended. Solitaire "Spider" is played by two decks, i.e. 104 cards. Initially, 54 cards are decomposed in 10 columns. The first 4 columns of 6 cards and the remaining columns of 5 cards. All cards in columns are turned face down, except the top. Top cards, one in each column, lie face up. The remaining 50 cards are placed in a deck at the bottom of the screen. You can play a spider in three different ways that affect the complexity of the game: newcomer, advanced player and expert. In the online solitaire for a beginner all 104 cards of only one suit, this game is called "spider one suit." In the option of playing for advanced (two suites) there are worms and peaks. And in the option for experts - all 4 suites. The number of cards on the table remains unchanged - 104 pieces.

What to do in the game

When playing one suit

The game begins with open 10 cards on the table. From ten open cards, you need to find ordinal combinations and fold them from the older (king) to the younger (two, which at the end still needs to cover the ace). In other words, the card can always shift to another minimal card. For example: 4, it is possible to put on only 5, and the entire combination of 5 + 4 can be put on only 6 s.t.d.
Please note that the combination of 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 is can be dragged, and 9 + 8 + K + 4 + 3 - it is impossible. But in the second version, you can take 4 + 3 and move them to 5-ku.
The goal of solitaire is to collect on the table a full stack from the king to twos with ace. As soon as the stack is assembled, it leaves the table.
You can also mix one card or incomplete stack to the place of the empty column, regardless of the suit and value of the map.
If the available combinations of open cards are over - click the deck located in the lower left corner of the screen. New 10 cards will be opened, which will cover cards lying in 10 columns on the table.
The collected stack is the king, the lady ... Two, ace - automatically retract from the screen.

What to do in the game

Solitaire Spider game in 2 and 4

Rules are continued in the same form, however, with some additions. In the process of folding solitaire, you can add maps of different stripes to each other. For example: 2 worms can be folded into 3 peaks. Red cards on black and on the contrary, only in such a sequence. However, in general, this combination remains temporary, since the final deck should consist only of maps of one suit.
As for the movement of the stack, you can move the stacks in which the cards lie in the correct order by seniority and at the same time have one suit. Those. A stack with a "lady of peaks, a currency of peaks, 10 peaks" You can move, but a stack "Lady peaks, currencies worms, 10 peaks" - no.
NB: Option of spider in 4 suit is ready and you can play it.

What to do in the game

Rating in Solitaire "Spider"

Points in spider are considered to be different and the rating is built in different ways. We adhere to the simple rule in building the wrestling of our players - the faster the player collects solitaire, the faster he thinks. Although we adhere to such a rule, in the near future we turn to the system counting system. The smaller the moves made the player - the better. +1 for the course, +1 for the hint, +1 for canceling the stroke.

What to do in the game

Features of our game

We added a new functionality to the spider, this you will not find anywhere on online services - this is a game of solitaire to the whole screen! This feature is very convenient, especially for laptop owners, whose small screens do not always fit the entire contents of the web page. We have unique platforms for spider in 2 suites that will help to collect solitaire even novice players. Our solitaire spider converges almost always. Over time, we remove extension from the base, which players cannot collect and leave only those that have already come down from someone. Those. Crowdsourcing helps not only fill the base, but also filters extensions that cannot be decomposed. We do not take money for the game, so you can play a spider solitaire you can completely free our solitaire cross-platform, i.e. You can play it both on the computer and on your smartphone (iPhone or Android) designers tried on a deck of cards, so you can appreciate the beauty of the deck, its convenience when playing both on the computer and on a smartphone, where visuality and The size of the cards directly affects the usability of solitaire. While you cannot save the alignment, open on the table, but you can remember the number of this scenario and replay it at any convenient moment. The last 20 layouts issued for collecting, are available in the Personal Account, unless, of course, you entered the site through social networks. Registration of users allows you to participate in the ranking with other players. You can track the most popular and most complex layouts and try to improve their results.
Full list of our pieces of solitaire "Spider"

What to do in the game

Convergence of spider

It is believed that any solitaire with proper decomposition converges. This applies to a suited spider when taking into account a) that the player does not make mistakes. B) Card alignment is generated in a special way and subordinated to some rules. The first rule depends only on you, the second from us. If you and we do our job correctly - then the game converges. It should be noted here that the convergence of solitator is much higher, so it is more valued by players. There is a mathematical model that we use when distributing cards (it is more correct to say - when generating distribution), according to which our spider converges almost always (99%). Although we write 100%, it is not quite so.

Among the many different solitaires, special, it can be said, the first place is occupied by Solitaire "Spider". If you turn to statistics, it really becomes clear that this solitaire leads with a decent margin, overtaking all other species of these interesting logical card games. Why is it, not any other? Probably, the percentage of convergence, the distribution of folding and the general perception of the game cause such a high position "spider" in the solitan community. All these properties of solitaire persuasion, converge for this game in the Golden Middle. Since the species of this hit solitaire just a few, we consider it necessary to tell about each of them in more detail. Perhaps each of you, dear readers, will find something new on the "spider" for themselves in this article.

The main varieties of solitaire "Spider" include game options that differ in the number of masters. In order of increasing complexity, these options are located like this:

  • One suit - for layouts use 104 suited cards, most often peak;
  • Two suites are the same 104 cards, but two texts;
  • Four suites - the number of cards is the same, but all four card suit are involved;

Why does the number of texts affect the complexity? The point is here in the rules. In any variant of solitaire, drag the whole column of ordered cards only if all the maps in it are one suit. And in no way! Nevertheless, collect column from maps of different masters is quite possible. From here and there is an increase in difficulty with an increase in the number of masters involved in the scenario.

Additional varieties are not conceptually changed the principle of the scenario and the game and are only in ways to put the remainder of the deck, the game game options, sound, changeable shirts of cards, and so on, but the latter are more likely to settings than to the gameplay itself.

Rules layout "Spider"

In this section of the articles will focus on the rules of layout and the game in the four-way version of the "Spider". Two standard decks for 52 cards are taken. Folded together, the cards are thoroughly mixed, and 54 cards are folded on the gaming table with lines for 10 stacks in each. Imagine that you rent cards for 10 people. Passing uniformly 4 to the closed, shirt up (totaling 44 cards), the remaining 10 cards pass consistently open. Thus, it turns out 10 stacks, in four of which 6 cards, and in the other six - on 5. The top cards of the pile are open, the remainder of the deck in a closed form is placed next to one of the corners of the gaming table. Solitaire is ready for layout.

The main task of playing "Puchge" varieties of solitaire is the restoration of the hierarchical order of cards in the deck, as in just printed from the factory packaging. Each suit must be collected separately and sorted at the following order. A lady puts on the king, on her, then a dozen and so on to twos. Closes the procession of the ace-father. It is not difficult to calculate that in the process of disassembling the Solitaire "Spider", the player has to recreate as much as eight stacks of 13 cards in each: two worms of stacks, two - peak, two TREF MASTES and also a bubnoy couple.

It is worth noting that in two-bed and suited versions of the game, three or two extra suites are replaced by the scenario. For example, if you play "Spider" with two masters, then 52 cards will be one, and 52 are another suit, for example, peaks and cherry. The sequence of collecting materials is not regulated. So, the cards are decomposed, the player is ready.

Immediately give simple, but not always, unfortunately, the fulfillment of the Council. You never hurry to take a backstop of a deck, without making sure, after checking each stack and cards in columns, in the fact that there are no more game options. Remember, scatter 10 cards from the deck in all the stacks can be in one click, and to restore with such work, the previously selected combinations will have long, and not always possible.

The analysis of the cards is carried out according to the principle: the nominal nominal is put on a unit of younger without taking into account the table. For example, it can be put on the cross eight: a crusade (preferably, if there is a possibility), peak, tambourine or worm, but only a seven. By analogy, analyzing the possibilities and trying to collectably larger a sudden column, maps are laid out until the available moves are present. When there are no more options (once again, pay attention to the previous paragraph), use a deck by clicking on which you get up to 10 cards at once (if the balance of the deck allows), one in each stack. After receiving new cards from the deck, try to restore and access the already assembled combinations.

Thus laid all the cards, trying to collect complete sequences of 13 cards from the king to the ace. The right rows are collected, fold into the stack and drop out of the game. So, folding eight 13 card stacks, you will collect solitaire and won the game. Statistical studies show that on average, the number of victories of the players in the "spider" when laying solitaire from four masters is 30%. Much depends on observation and attention in the decay process and assembly sequence.

This solitaire loves attentive and patient, torping and fidget he does not forgive mistakes. If you are very limited time, you should not be taken for the "Spider" layout, highlight the process at least 5 minutes. We wish you successful layouts and positive emotions from playing this wonderful solitaire.

As you can guess from the name, this is a game from the "Spiders" family. This species is played by one deck.


One deck 52 cards


The cards are distributed in seven rows, in the first one card, in the second two and so on. Only the top cards of each row are open. The remaining cards remain in reserve


Remove all cards.


  • Cards can be put on other cards in order to, d, in, 10, ..., 3, 2, T.
  • The map is placed on a map of any suit.
  • Maps can be moved both by one and correctly assembled sequences. In this case, the moved sequence should be one suit.
  • Kings can not be put on the aces.
  • On an empty place in the game row, any map or properly collected sequence of cards is constructed.
  • As soon as some sequence of one suit is completely built, it is cleaned.
  • If there are no moves, remove the cards from the reserve. From the reserve it is impossible to remove the cards, if there is an empty place in the game rows.

Solitaire "Puchikha" For one deer Of 52 cards.

28 cards are laid out in seven rows as follows: in the first row - one card, in the second - two, in the third - three and so on.

Top cards lie up, the rest - crap up .

The deck is located on the left above the working rows.

After each move from the deck distribute 7 cards - one to each working series.

On the released working series you can move any map or a series of cards compiled descending dignity and similar masty. .

Please note that before the next distribution of cards from the deck to all free working series you need to put some card or series, that is, all the working series should be occupied.

Work cards can be composed in a series of advantage of dignity, regardless of suit, but it is better to try to make them descending the advantages of similar suit, since only such series can be fluent.

Solita's goal " puchikha" - decompose all maps in four blocks of 13 cards similar to suit in descending order of dignity.

When a block of any suit is composed entirely, it is immediately removed from the playing field.

It is considered solitant of increased complexity. Solitaire "Pouchikha" - the result of the merger of solitales " Spider "And" Klondike ”.

There is also a simplified version of this. solitaire , called "children's pachery".

In this embodiment, there is only one difference: it is allowed to move the blocks of cards, built in descending order of dignity regardless of suit.

It simplifies the movement of cards and increases the chances of winning.