Who is the author of the phrase that our life game. Lyrics - Aria Herman. What is our life game! Another lyrical retreat

Have you noticed that many articles begin with the quotes "What is our life? Game!", Which is mistakenly attributed to Shakespeare? And got the best answer

Answer from ELLA Kuznetsova [Guru]
The whole world is the theater.
In it women, men - all the actors.
They have their own exits, leaving,
And each does not play a role.
Seven actions in the play that. First baby ... etc.
Shakespeare. How do you like it. Act 2, scene 7, a monologue of Jacques. Transfer a shipkina-cupelik, in another translation can sound somewhat different.
The original source of Shakespeare words: "The whole world is the theater. In it, women, men are all the actors "- writings of the Roman writer Guy Petrononia. His line "Mundus Universus Exercet Histrionam" decorated the fronton of the building, where the Globe Theater was located, for which Shakespeare (Google) wrote his plays.
Well, with Aria Herman, it seems, everything is clear.

Answer from Eergey Smolitsky[guru]
Nowhere and never wrote like this.
Libretto to opera "Peak Lady" wrote Modest Tchaikovsky, he also belongs to the words of all Aria.
Actually, it is strange to not remember that Pushkin's "peak lady" is written by prose.
The articles, where the words you give are attributed to Shakespeare, did not seem to have met. I would like to look at the journalist who could admit this.

Answer from Maria Magdalina[guru]
Aria Germany from the opera "Peak Lady"
That our life is a game
Good and evil, alone dreams.
Labor, honesty, fairy tales for nonsense,
Who is right, who is happy here, friends
Today you are, and tomorrow I.
So throw the same struggle
Catch the moment of luck,
Let the loser cry
Let the loser cry
Klyanya, Klyhan his destiny.
What is right - death is alone
Like the shore of the sea bustle.
We all refrain she,
Who is her mile of us, friends
Today you are, and tomorrow I.
So throw the same struggle
Catch the moment of luck,
Let the loser cry
Let the loser cry
Klyanya his destiny.

Answer from Nina Demyanova[guru]
What is our life? The game! This Pushkin is a peak lady.

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: Have you noticed that many articles begin with the quotes "What is our life? Game!", Which is mistakenly attributed to Shakespeare?

Answer from 3 response[guru]

It is suddenly interesting to know who first told the phrase that our life is a game? The search engine scored and pressed the search, issued several answers, here they are:

1. "said Pushkin"
2. "Pushkin ... peak lady ..."
3. "Life is the theater, and everyone plays his role in it."So said Shakespeare
4. "So! Smart person - Shakespeare."

And now, I will bring an excerpt of interpretation on the Holy Matthew of the Evangelist, given to us the Holy Father John Zlatoust, spoken by him for many of many centuries to Shakespeare and Pushkin.

"So, borrowers, lean these words. Our life is not a game, or better to say, Real Life - GameBut the future is not a game. And maybe not the game only, but also worse. Not laughter ends, but the big causes harm to those who do not want to carefully landscaping themselves. Tell me: what we, creating magnificent houses, vary from children,
playing and building houses? What is the difference between their lunch and our luxury?
There is no, isn't just what we do with torment. If we are not
noting the insignificance of all this, there is nothing surprising because
we have not yet become men. And when we do, we will find out that all this children's
fun. Coming into mature age, we laugh at children's classes, although in
child age we read these classes very important and, collecting the shards and
dirt vanity at least those build high walls. And however,
we will soon be destroyed soon and falls; Yes, if it was, what we
would you fit? So the magnificent our homes. They can't accept citizen
heaven, and does not want to live in them the one who has the Higher Fatherland; but how
we destroy the children's toys with your feet, so, and he leaves our spirit.
building. And how we laugh at children, crying about the destruction of those built by them
the house, and he not only laughs, but also cries when we sob on our homes,
because he has a compassionate heart, and sees the great for us from this
harm. So, we will be husbands. How long can we creep on the ground? Long Lie
male by stones and trees? How long to play? And if only played! Not,
we leave and the most salvation. And as children who neglect the teachings, and
playing games only are subjected to cruel punishments and we, exhaust
all the effort to its everyday classes, and being unable to give
business report in spiritual teaching, which after death will be required of us, incur
extreme punishment. And no one can save us, at least there was a father, at least
brother, or other anyone. But all that we are committed now will die, and torment
what is happening from this will be infinite and unceasing. So it happens with
children when father for their tape completely extermines all their children's toys,
and through it forces them to cry incessantly. And to assure you in truth
words of mine, I will introduce such a thing that people most of all reveal worthy
respect, it is, wealth, and opposing him spiritual virtue which
you please: Then you clearly see all his poverty. So, imagine two people
(I'm not talking about love, but about wealth, correctly acquired), and
one of them can multiply his estate, let him swim off the sea, processes
earth and consumes all sorts of other ways to acquire; Although I do not know
can he, so do, make a legitimate acquisition, but we put that he
acquires benefits to a legitimate way. So be it; let him buy fields
slaves and so on, may not be in this acquisition of it as notions.
On the contrary, another, as rich, let it sells its fields, sells houses,
gold and silver vessels, supplies requiring; Let ease the fate of the poor
doctors patients, helps those who are in need; Let allow from the Uz, alone
takes out of the miner, others frees from the removal, the prisoners frees
from punishment ... Whose side would you like to be? However, I have not yet said about
the future, but so far about the present. So, who would like to follow:
lee who collects gold, or to the one that eliminates others from misfortune?
Lee, who buys the fields, or the one that determined himself
genus human? Whether, which is surrounded by a plurality of gold, or
which is crowned with countless praises? Is this last not like
some of the angel who came down from heaven to correct other people? And the other ne.
is more like a child who collects everything without purpose and meaning than
on age? If the legal acquisition of wealth is so worthy of laughter, and
there is a sign of extreme madness, then how not to call that the unfortunate of all who
also bad collects him? If, and now he is worthy of the great laughter, then
what tears worthy will life will be by death when he joins
geenna and deprivation of kingdom. "

"Our whole life is a game, and people in it are actors" William Shakespeare. The monologue of Jacques from the comedy "How do you like it"

The whole world is the theater.
In it women, men - all the actors.
They have their own exits, leaving,
And each does not play a role.

What is our life? The game!

The phrase from Aria Hermann Opera "Peak Lady" (premiere - December 7, 1890) Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky on the story of Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich.
Author Libretto - Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1850-1916), Brother P. I. Tchaikovsky:

"G E R M A N H:

Good and evil - some dreams!
Labor, honesty - Fairy tales for nonsense.
Who is right, who is happy here, friends?
Today you are, and tomorrow I am! "

On the network are other variations of poems on this well-known topic. Below are only some of them.

Alexey Zharkov

All life is a game, and people in it actors.
No wonder Shakespeare said!
Everyone has a mask at the ready.
Which get ready for a moment.

Trying to hide all the problems.
Changing masks every moment.
We are confused unfortunately
What is the path of us now?

The path of loneliness is close to us and understand.
And everything seems to surround you!
And create paints impressions,
But this is only your illusion.

In reality around one theater.
The actors are completely here and there.
After all, life is a game, and people in it actors.
Such a fate You have:
We live to play, change the masks,
We change the masks to play.

Inna Voskina

What is our life - a game or reality?
In humans, we perform a role,
In the soul, we keep our secrets,
All our essence, emotions and pain.

"Life is a game!", "Said Shakespeare,
Forget the words, leave the scene,
Live in harmony with everyone.

(Rhetoric on the verge of casuisics)

Man - playing animal.

Charles Lam.

Let's, in the end, understand that there is our life, who are we in her and why?

These questions were worried about thousands of years, we are not the first to put this question to the edge. But answers or many, or not at all. The great minds, as a rule, set a question about the meaning of life, not responding to it, more often they only assumed a particular answer. And God will save me to declare that life is something that is the meaning of it in that, and therefore it is necessary to live like that, and not otherwise.

P.I. Tchaikovsky in the "peak lady" wrote a wonderful Aryia Herman, and not knowing the opera people heard the famous thesis of the hero: "What is our life? - Game! .. ", often use it, as a quote, completely without giving meanings to the meaning and phrase and the very Aria itself, where it goes on:" Today you are, and tomorrow I ... "from these positions and consider the topic approved by the editorial board.

"We do not ask us, we want to be born to this light or not." Few people do not know this postulate, few people do not use it. Again, without giving it values. Circumstances, emotions, stress and so on force us to pronounce such phrases. Another thing is when your child is suitable and or in the forehead asks, or shout in the cast: "Why did you give me me?!" And here moms with dads in confusion are bred by their hands - there is nothing to answer.

Someone once (I will not lie, I do not remember) related the above postulate with the game: Indeed, this game is such with the highest, he did not ask us, he gave us parents, and those, accordingly, gave us life. And come on, friend, play, otherwise you will lose. And we play, everyone as can. We play all my life. Looks like a life on the game? Of course!

Any game suggests a goal, you must walk to some finals, someone to get around, beat, at the same time win, typing N-o points. Moreover, the rules in such a game are more than free and conditional. And each shurns to the target target in accordance with its education, the level of intelligence, the outlook, the degree of claims and claims and other applicants.

Somewhere in the first third of the distance, it becomes quite clear to us how much this game is complex, the yard, hard and even cruel. Someone is suspended, someone comes off the distance, someone slows turnover, and someone continues to shower, jumping from the level to the level, without thinking about partners in this game: if only to reach the goal first and climb a large kush on the way . And our children look at us and hit ...


I am the actor, the game is my element, my life. Azart is peculiar to me by the nature of the profession. Just do not confuse this excitement with azart, say, a card player. The essence of these azarts is different. I am exciting an excitement of knowledge, research. Following another classic, Shakespeare, I can argue that "the whole world is the theater. In it, women, men - all the actors, and everyone does not play a role. "

Agree, the great Englishman was right. Over a year and a half, on the stage, I stumbled so much masks that sometimes it was difficult to distinguish, where I and where the character was played by me. This is the cost of profession. It is difficult to stay, and not only on the stage. But, on the other hand, my profession obliges me to observe life, observe people, for their manifestations in different situations, as their character, temperament, the intellectual component affect these manifestations. And every year I am convinced of the loyalty of the formulation of Shakespeare. Everyone is playing, all !!! And children, including.

On this, the lyrical retreat is completed and the reflection on the specified topic continues.

Any game is some comprehension, a specific set of experience. With an increase in the level of the game, experience increases, knowledge multiplied. Raising level involves bonuses. This is the law of the game, the law of life.

The game is imposed by a child from the very beginning of his life. First, the child tears a smile to answer the parent smile, then, playing, the child learns to walk, memorize, say something to do. As we grow up, the rates in this game are growing: "Make it!" - "And what I get for this?" Familiar? Familiar.

But it is on the one hand ... On the other hand, the child surrounds today such a number of information that even an adult is unable to digest. Television is the main provider of information. As a result, children become aggressive, mercantileous, unmanageable.

Another lyrical retreat

I have a lot of friends among children. One guy (8 years old) with the move comes up with such types of weapons, such ways torture that the diva is given. Even his intelligent parents are often in a stupor. And the guy plays, showing how something explodes, how someone is scattered into pieces.

Another boy (3 years old) loves his father and does not put his grandparents in anything (parents deliberately restrict it in watching the TV, very scrupulously followed what he looks, offer him specific films and cartoons), he writer in his years His rich fantasy is boil and poured on adults, and grandparents can not fit his game and energy requests. My nephew (7 years old) has been brought by a spiderman for several years.

He resortes to his parents and reports that he won the villains (before that, we heard screams and screams, moans and growls, various kinds of "Tydych!", "Uau!", "Bach!"), And who are these villains why they Villains for him is not important. At the same time, they all use our expressions, the words from the TV, the plots of imported cartoons, as a rule, from the "Jetix" channel or the like.

Nonsense, aggression, violence becomes the condition of the game, whose name is life. This, for example, the proposed circumstances of this level, and we, players, should guess the rules of their behavior at this level, must pass it, carry out their children on it, gain their experience, supply their children's experience and go to the next level.

Examples of these, in general, private, may seem like small and even grinding someone, but it is natural, only part of the puzzle. (Here, by the way, another comparison of life and games.)

I continue.

Given the topic, the further conversation can now go exclusively about the rules of this game. About their detection, formulation for themselves, about following them and (in no case or!) On non-compliance with them. The most remarkable that the rules in this game are installed by the players themselves. We are not us, but those who played long before us. We use their experiences, we assign it to yourself, again - accordingly, our ideas about them (rules), our intelligence, character, temperament ...

"Everything was ever already ..." Life develops on a spiral. The history of mankind is the story of a suit, first of all. How difficult, for example, today's writers, so much everything is composed, was analyzed that it seems that there are no longer left for research. And they are new to the newly analyzed themes, the postulates and truth accepted by the ancestors accepted by the ancestors, often suck new senses from the finger, open the "lie of the centuries". What is not a game? And such actions are not always dictated only only by their desire to remain among the best players, as in any game is evidenced by the Honor Gallery.

But after all, it is still interesting: a person is rare on foreign mistakes, only on his own. And having learned, having struggling, faced, the rear mind understands that it was "once already." So it turns out that experience is the number of cones on your head. So in any game: the cards came out that way, the cubes were given exactly such a combination, it was on the button that you clicked, passing the level. And the alignment of the rules was so so ...

Life-game offers a great set of temptations. You can even assume that these are seduced and there are peculiar rules of the game. Life-game offers the random set of paths, they are also the essence of the rule. As in the Russian eponym: "Go right to come right - you will lose a horse, you will go left - ..."

Do not choose your way, that is, not to accept certain rules of the game, it is impossible. On the one hand, religions are called us, on the other hand, the vices are seduced, with the third - knowledge, with the fourth ... and there are many of them, there is no way. And starting to walk on one way, we are or continuing to go on it, or by overgrowing on a different way. And so in a circle, and without end, and without end.

One thing can be said with confidence to bring your children's life on some kind of life, you have to decide on your own. It's hard for the extremely gentlemen adults, you are not worse you know. But we have to. Otherwise, in the case of children, a fairy tale about a white bull will come out. There will be children to walk in a circle, aki goats, tied to the peg.

At the meeting with the audience, Andrei Mironova, Schukintsy students asked: "How to live?". He replied: "Honestly." It is necessary to play honestly. If life is a game, then let's play by the rules. The question is normal: what is this rules that need to formulate themselves? What are you generally speaking, if throughout the article only crucify that about some ephemeral concepts yes about the incomprehensible experience of ancestors?

And I'm talking about Tom, my friends that we in our velocities we reached the technical progress and known only to us "maybe" that we completely forgot who we, from where. About "why" I'm generally better silent. The fact remains a fact: we have become lazy, we became ignorant and ignorant, scordly, non-vibrant and stunningly uninteresting themselves. Realize yourself without the experience of the departed generations - it is impossible! With you, we cannot decide what we demand from children, gentlemen?

The rules of the game whose name is "Life", we have under your nose, you only need to see and take. And at all should not look at this game with a look of the doomed. You have to play! So it happened that we play everything and always, someone more, someone less, someone lucky, someone is not very, but the result in any case depends only on us.

Fate? Rock? Fatum? You still remember the parks, those from ancient Greece. They may have, but if they also contact the Greeks for an example, it should be remembered that these citizens always tried the gods to furnish, to argue and even having fun. And the Jewish Yahweh generally provided man to determine his fate. Did not know? Here you see ...

Sorry, dear readers, if something hurt your pride, I did not want to offend anyone. My goals did not have to learn or give recipes, I wanted only to designate the problem according to the topic. But my observations for life, for people, for themselves, make me do these disappointing conclusions. At some point in your life, I clearly realize that a saucer with a blue drive is not in nature, although the damn wants it to exist. And if it occurs somewhere, then a little later, it has to pay for him.

And this is the main rule of the game. And we must learn, you have to read my way, looking at the next walking, supporting, pushing someone forward, carefully bypassing someone on turns, disappointing in someone, gaining something and someone, losing, say goodbye ... This is fascinating, informative. "If you knew if you knew if you knew! .." Chekhov's three sisters exclaimed. But it is impossible to know in advance, and interest. Find out what around the turn, you can only look at it. The story does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination at all.

Last lyrical retreat

My favorite poet Yuri Levitansky wrote such a poem:

I slowly learned to live.

Hours is hard for me.

Moreover, it was often possible

lesson on after postpone.

And again, again to the Azam,

in paper with heads of gossip.

Sesame, - I say, - Open! ..

No sesame.

It was possible to bring it completely, and not only him, from Levitanian excellent poems. But I consciously do not bring. Find, read, find out yourself.

And again for the game! Rates are growing.

Oleg Heatukhov