Accumulations in gold. Store your savings in gold. Purchase jewelry

Where to store savings? 3 most popular options

Turbulence in the Russian economy declined, but the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - Elvira Nabiuma, predicts that the next 3 years will also be a difficult period. Citizens arises a simple question - where to store savings and in what. Some have already been so desperate that they are not thinking about the increase in their funds, but they are looking for a calm harbor for their savings to just save them. Russia is a country of opportunity, including economic, and if you competently come up to the issue of saving savings, then in the end you can get income.

Money under the pillow

Store money at home - this habit of the 90s, which is alive and today. Some people still keep money at home, which is called under the pillow. Although the state provides warranties for bank deposits, as well as people have other storage options. Most often, this solution has several reasons:

  • Ignorance of your capabilities;
  • Distrust of the banking system;
  • Black origin of money;
  • Unwillingness "shine" your property;

Cash is the headache of tax and regulatory bodies. Money in the bank is much easier to control and track operations. If a person got money illegally or simply did not pay taxes, then the savings of the house under the pillow will be allowed to hide property from regulatory authorities.

Since the summer of 2016, banks can request a source of origin of money when opening a contribution to the client. Full anonymity is one of the main advantages of savings at home.

Another weighty argument in favor of savings at home is always money. You can spend money at any time and you do not need to fear that the bank will burst or at its box office / ATMs will end in cash. It provides you with certain independence from the financial system, but for this independence will have to pay. And this payback lies in the main disadvantages of this type of savings.

Money under the pillow does not work and do not bring income. Even the usual contribution to the bank can bring you 8-10% per annum. Inflation in Russia is at a mark of 6-8% per annum. As a result, it turns out that you not only lose a potential income of 8-10% per annum, but also lose 6-8% of the purchasing power of your money. After 3-5 years, you "lack" almost half of your savings.

Do not exclude and the ability to lose money physically. A fire may occur in the apartment or you can tritely rob. This is the risk of losing 100% of your savings. And if you decide to insure your real estate, most companies do not insure money available in the apartment. You can buy a safe for storing your savings at home, but such a step can attract additional attention from the thieves.

Savings in the bank

Confidence in the banking system in Russia is at a high level. A significant role in this was played by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DC). Deposits in banks in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles are insured and their refund is guaranteed by the state. If the banking system and the DC work, the contributions to 1.4 million rubles cannot be lost.

You can count not only for safety, but also on yield. By November 2016, the best annual bank in banks was 10.5%. Top 5 deposits:

Bank Premier Credit10,5%
Bank VBB10,32%
Russian standard10%
Renaissance Credit9,5%
Credit Europe Bank9,5%

The ideal option is the option is replenished, but with the possibility of early removal without loss of percent. As a rule, the most revented contributions (9-10% per annum) are burdened with fixed terms, which means you have no access to your money. This is the main minus savings in banks.

Only those who can confirm the origin of their money can take advantage of savings in the bank. As soon as you disclose the contribution to the bank you fall into the field of vision of controlling organs. This does not mean that your bank extends information about you. Those money, which "lit up" in your account, can potentially cause questions from the regulatory authorities.

You can store not only rubles in the bank, but also currency and even precious metals. Some banks also offer financial investment tools, such as buying shares. Contribution to the Bank is the most conservative banking tool suitable for savings. The remaining banking tools more relate to investment tools, and not saving savings, and also conjugate with great risk.

Savings in currency

To the question - in what currency to store savings, there is no unambiguous answer. If you have a sufficient savings, you can form your own currency basket. Experts recommend including three currencies in it: rubles, dollars and euros. In Russia, you can buy other currencies, including promising Japanese yen or Chinese yuan, but for savings it is better to use the largest world currencies.

The percentage of currencies in your portfolio may vary depending on your visions of the future. One of the most common schemes: 40 to 60. Where 40% is the currency of Russia (rubles), and 60% is a foreign currency. You can form your own currency portfolio, for example, by 40% of rubles, by 30% of dollars and 30% of the euro.

This ratio is determined by the fact that you can put the savings in rubles to the bank under 8-10% per annum, thereby getting income. In addition, the Russian ruble is a currency that you can pay within Russia. And if you continue to live in Russia, then you must have at least part of your savings in rubles.

Savings in foreign currency will not provide you with high return on deposit, as the rates differ within 0.5-2% per annum. Foreign currency guarantees you stability, and also promises potential income if the currency rate changes greatly.

To predict what will be the euro or dollar rate in 2017 and other years is an extremely difficult task. If you look at the plans of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, by 2019 the ministry expects an average dollar rate of 71.1 rubles. If you proceed from the draft budget, we can conclude that savings in dollars and the euro are promoting good prospects.

Precious metals and OMS

If we look at the price of gold, silver and other precious metals, we will see that today's value of most metals are far from their historical maxima. The price of Troika Culiation of Gold in relation to the US dollar:

Gold is the main "rescue circle" for investors from all over the world, when the economy collapses or simply in unstable years. Savings in metals are usually characteristic of those people who persecute long-term goals. In the short term, the price of precious metals may even fall, but in the long run it is one of the most reliable types of savings.

If you decide to buy precious metals in the ingots, then you will be obliged to pay VAT. Also with savings in precious metals are the cost of their storage and possible transportation. There are risks of injury of ingots, as well as relatively high spending on the purchase and sale. You will not be able to buy or sell ingots at a market price. One of the simplest ways to the precious metals market is an impersonal metallic accounts (OMS).

OMS provides a number of large banks, for example, Sberbank and Alpha Bank. Instead of a classic bank account, which stores the currency, an account opened on which the precious metal is "stored". The account is called "impersonal", since you do not buy metal bars, your account is stored on the number of purchased metal. For example, 32 Troy Gold Onts.

Such accounts can be used both savings and investment. You can sell metal as easy as you bought it through the OMS. The difference between the shopping / sale course and the market price is about 2%, and all operations can be online, but after the conclusion of the contract with the bank. In addition to gold, you can look at other metals, such as silver, platinum or palladium. Alpha Bank offers convenient tools for saving in metals, for comparison, we offer a course on November 15:

Let's talk about. There are many points of view on this matter, in each of them you can find your rational grain. I already wrote, now I will stop on what it is better to store them. So, consider the most actual ways to store savings, their main advantages and disadvantages.

Storage of savings in national currency.

This way of storing savings can be called the easiest, affordable and understandable. It goes without saying that keeping savings should not be at home under the pillow, where they will be impaired, but in banks. At the same time, a thoughtful approach to choosing and is necessary.

Benefits :

- savings will be stored in the same currency in which you earn money and will spend them, therefore, there are no losses and commission on the transformation of funds to other monetary or material assets, currency exchange and inverse operations;

- on deposits in national currency the most, respectively, you will get the greatest income from storage of savings;

- it is easiest to make regular replenishment of savings;

- absolute liquidity of savings.

disadvantages :

- Savings will be subject to currency risks: the national currency may depreciate with respect to foreign and other monetary and material assets.

Storage of savings in foreign currency.

This way of storing savings is not less popular, maybe even more. For many people, for some reason, in the subconscious, it is laid down that the national currency is bad, and foreign is good, so the question is "what to keep savings?" From many you can hear a unambiguous answer: "Of course in dollars!". However, this is not always like this: the foreign currency can accurately depreciate in relation to the national, and even if there is a general trend towards growth, then at the time when savings are needed for use, its course may fall, even if temporarily. This is especially true of such a currency as the euro and other leading world currencies (except for the US dollar). Personally, I am constantly watching like fans of foreign things, incl. And dollars, give it cheaper than they bought, and at the same time they rejoice that "but we have everything reliable!".

Benefits :

- savings will be protected from the risk of depreciation of the national currency;

- This option can be convenient to those who earn money in a root or collects savings for making a large purchase for a factory (for example, the acquisition of real estate);

- Making the replenishment of savings, you can choose days with the smallest currency purchase rate, thus purchasing it as profitable as possible. However, it requires certain skills for analyzing and forecasting exchange rates.

disadvantages :

- savings in the root are also subject to currency risks, only in the opposite direction;

- Exchange national currency for foreign, you lose on the difference of purchase and sale courses, especially if the operation has to be done twice (bought currency - held for some time - sold currency);

- rates on deposits in the roasting are significantly lower than in deposits in national currency;

- There is always the risk that the state will introduce any restrictions on the flow of foreign currency, which can violate your plans.

Storage of savings in precious metals.

Thinking about what to keep savings, people increasingly began to lean towards precious metals. This method is gaining popularity due to the fact that precious metals have almost always a clear tendency to increase in price, unlike any currency. Here I speak exactly the physical metals (in the ingots), and not about the price for virtual precious metals on international exchanges - there it can both grow and fall. Gold traditionally remains the most popular dragmetal for storing savings, but now in banks you can freely buy other types of metals, such as silver and platinum.

Benefits :

- Dragometals most often (but not always!) Race in price, in view of the fact that their number is physically limited (unlike any currency that you can print how much), so savings will be less susceptible to depreciation risk;

- Dragmetals occupy little place: the solid amount of cash bills is equivalent to a small metal ingot, therefore, the precious metals are easier to store. In addition, they can be stored in bank accounts in electronic form.

disadvantages :

- Buy the desired Dragmetal ingots are not so simple: they may not be available and have to be ordered;

- Very high difference in the course of purchase and sales of precious metals (for example, much more than between the courses of buying and selling currency) - you will lose a lot on the operation;

- small ingots of precious metals are more expensive (in price for 1 g) than large. The larger the weight of the ingot, the cheaper it is his gram. Therefore, in precious metals, it is impossible to swap large ingots into small, give delivery, get percentages in physical ingots, etc. Small savings savings in precious metals are much less profitable than large;

- It is very difficult to produce a periodic replenishment of savings: first, for this we need quite large amounts of replenishment, secondly, the operation of the purchase of metal is more difficult than, let's say, replenishment of the cash deposit;

- Very low liquidity: sell the ingot of the precious metallol back to the bank is not as easy as it should be purchased, this operation, as a rule, can be carried out only in the head office of the bank, and then not in each. In any compartment, freely sell bank metals are usually impossible;

- when storing the precious metallol in electronic form in bank accounts, there is a risk that they will be given a contribution not in physical ingots, but in money (for example, if the state has introduced such a restriction, or the bank does not turn out to be the necessary metals);

- Store the precious metals at home is dangerous (from the point of view of possible criminal situations), and in the bank cell - expensive (its value will not pay off the growth of metals in the price).

In principle, these are all current savings storage methods. Many people thinking about how to store savings are considering more such options as an investment in real estate, securities and other material assets. However, here I am ready to argue: the investment of money in such assets will not be in a way of storing savings, but rather - investments. After all, they have their own specific function, and they should not be confused, for example, with personal capital.

The choice of a way to store savings depends on many factors, and in a temporary relation these factors can change very quickly, so I can not say that some kind of way is better, and some worse. I tried to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of each way of storing savings, it remains to agree or disagree with my reflections and make your conclusion about what is better to store savings.

That's all. To new meetings on!

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Gold over the centuries was a classic accumulation option for savings. Modern man, reflecting on where to invest his money, invariably remembers this precious metal.

Will invest in gold - pluses and cons

Banks offer several investment options by:

  • Investments in ingots.
  • Acquisition of coins.
  • Opening an impersonal metallic account (OMS).

There are practically no prerequisites for the gold depreciate completely. Even with economic catastrophes or significant problems in the global market, this metal remains convertible and in demand.

Unlike securities or currencies, extremely dependent on financial oscillations, gold is quite sufficient, so investors call it the most stable asset in their portfolio.

Regarding the yield of gold, the situation is ambiguous. The fact is that the cost of metal can be significantly varied, so planning short-term storage of money in gold is needed with caution. The risk of significant losses is too great. Such a scheme is more suitable for experienced exchange players.

If we talk about long contributions for all decades, then its high reliability will become the most important plus of such storage, but the profit will most likely be small. Convert funds "to perspective" is best in physical gold (ingots and coins).

The investment in gold for a period of one to three years is considered optimal. This scheme will practice perfectly in case the euro or the US dollar depreciates. Here the best form of storage is physical gold, which is inferior to impersonal metal bills.

Will invest money in gold? When the main task of investment is reliable and long-term storage, it is unambiguously invest. In this case, you should use ingots and coins. If the "canned" in the metal means may unexpectedly need in the near future, then the more logical than everything, or refrain from such an idea, or open an impersonal metallic account.

How to invest money in bank gold?

During periods of economic stability, experts recommend to allocate for the purchase of precious metal about 5% of the total amount of the investment portfolio. It is advisable to transfer money to gold progressively, in equal intervals. For example, once a month or quarterly. This approach will averaged the price of one gram of total savings and lines possible throughout.

In each particular situation, you will have to choose the most appropriate storage option, since there is no ideal and absolutely win-win investment.

  • Gold bars


  • Maximum reliability of investments.
  • No binding to the jar.
  • Lack of dependence on changes in legislation.


  • When buying is additionally paid 18% VAT.
  • The amount of investment should be rather big.
  • Low liquidity.

Output: For small money gold in the ingots it is impossible to buy. Such investments should be large and long-term, since fast and profitable sale of precious metal in physical form is often difficult.

In addition, it will be necessary to constantly carry additional costs associated with the storage of gold ingots. The average price for the services of the safe cell is 0.1% of the total cost of metal per month.

  • Golden coins


  • Investments are distinguished by maximum reliability.
  • There is no binding to the jar.
  • No need to pay VAT.


  • The essential difference in the purchase price and sale.
  • The need for safe storage.
  • Low liquidity.
  • Ambiguous pricing.

Output: Buying gold in bank coins with an ambulance is absolutely unprofitable.

If the price of gold remained unchanged, the contributor will incur losses, since there is always a significant financial difference between the purchase and sale of the bank of the same coin.

Unpleasant minus You can consider the additional costs for the chasing that are invested in the price of the product.

Keep money in gold using coins is beneficial only in the long run. There is a chance that over time, the cost of some collectible coins will be incommensurable to grow compared to the usual.

  • Anathered metallic account


  • A small difference between the cost of buying and selling metal.
  • No need to pay for VAT.
  • High liquidity.
  • No need for metal storage.
  • Ability to invest a small amount of money.


  • Dependence on the reliability of the bank.
  • Dependence on changes in legislation.
  • Additional risks associated with the signing of the contract.

Output: When opening the OMS depositor, in essence, it does not buy gold, but the obligations of the bank, so you need to choose a financial institution with special care.

Risks are associated with the fact that it is impossible to insure such a contribution, and at the time of the sale of gold the rate may be disadvantageous.

However, this is the most convenient way to invest in gold.

Is it worth keeping money in gold jewelry and other gold assets?

Golden decorations - the thing is beautiful, but impractical and absolutely illiquid.

If you acquire jewels from talented jewelers with the hope of recognizing their genius or invest in historically significant vintage things, you can hope that over time, the cost of these gold jewelry will noticeably increase. However, it is rather a lot of connoisseurs and aesthetes, rather than, businessmen.

In reality, it is almost impossible to sell existing decorations in their real value. Lombards and jewelry stores take such products only as a scrap. At the same time, only the current market value of one gram of gold is paid, without taking into account the value of the jeweler's work itself.

There are other types of money transfer to gold assets, for example:

  • ETF - Purchase stocks of funds listed on foreign exchanges
  • Private electronic money provided with gold
  • Gold on the market

All these methods can only use knowledgeable people who estimate real risks. For successful investment, it is necessary to understand the situation in the global market and take into account the constant economic changes.

The storage of gold in the bank is useful if you decide (or other metal). Remember to avoid VAT pay, it is better to immediately issue a metallic account of responsible storage.

It opens with a bank for storing a precious metal with the preservation of all its individual signs: name, sample, serial number, manufacturer. In other words, you give the bank to keep your ingot and backwards you get it.

How to open a metallic account of responsible storage? The account opens in the following cases:

  • when buying precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), in the event that the client does not want to keep gold in the ingots at home. You buy gold in a bank, but do not take it with you, but leave in the bank repository;
  • gold was first kept at home or in another bank, but now surrendered to the bank for storage.

When making account, only a passport will be needed. When opening a metal account, the client is filled with a statement, the storage contract is necessarily consistent and the act of receiving ingots is drawn up, where the individual features of each ingot are specified in detail.

When you take ingots from the bank, the bank will have to return exactly the metal you have passed for storage.

Some banks do not take on metal accounts of the responsible storage of the ingot, which are not purchased from them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of gold storage in a jar:

  • secure storage in a special storage;
  • do not think about transportation;
  • you do not need to pay VAT if you bought gold and immediately issued a storage contract for it, that is, do not take gold from the bank with you;
  • the bank performs the storage service of the ingots, it does not become their owner and is obliged to return the Gold to the Client on the first request.
  • for storing gold in a bank you need to pay the commission.

Alternative to a metallic account of responsible storage

Gold is not necessarily acquired in ingots, a good alternative is investment coins. Gold investment coins are not subject to VAT, the procedure for buying and selling is much faster and easier. In addition to gold coins, you can purchase

Expensive metals, in particular gold, are a profitable asset for storing and increasing profits. Most citizens of our Motherland are familiar with only one way of investments - the acquisition of ingots of various weights with subsequent storage and sale.

But there are other methods of naughty on the values \u200b\u200bof the depths of the Earth, as well as in each listed operation there are pitfalls that can reduce the profitability of the transaction. How not to get to see - consider further.

The most profitable types of investment in metals are the purchase of valuable coins and OMS.

Coins, in turn, are differently differentiated:

Golden Historical Value

They consist of aurum by 50-70%, which significantly increases their liquidity, as well, every year they are becoming more and more expensive. Avual numismatists are ready to pay the states for the opportunity to have rare collectible things.

Investment banking

This is the type of money created specifically to simplify the storage system of the offices. As an example, you can take a coin George Victorious. Its denomination is only 50 rubles, but the true value is much higher. The percentage of gold in it is 65 units, which in the weight equivalent is 7 grams. On the stock exchanges, in pawnshops and banks, the price of Aurum varies in a large range, but on average amounts to 1300 rubles per gram. Consequently, one coin will cost the owner of 9-10 tr.

The advantages of this type of investment is enough. First of all, they are not subject to tax costs, which saves up to 20% of capital when buying, but to sell values \u200b\u200bwill have to consider VAT, the indicator of which will be 13%. Funding to coins is long-term as buying and selling them is carried out strictly on the inner course of the bank. In order not to lose on the inverse trading - follow the state of coins. Cuted by a cat, with blackening or other defects, they fall sharply in price.

The impersonal metallic account frees the investor from the need for storage and money, and gold is all stored in a special cell under the clock protection of the state. Replenishment of such an investment is possible by making cash, translating the metal from another account or adding to the cell of its gold. The whole process resembles ordinary manipulations with a cash deposit, only without percent removal.

Is it worth it? Is it profitable to invest in gold in Sberbank?

Sberbank carries out more than half of all appliance operations in the country, which indicates its reliability and development. The institution offers the most favorable conditions for storing metals compared to small financial organizations. Over the past 16 years, gold has strengthened by 244% in relation to the ruble. On average, it brings from 6 to 14% of the annual income to the depositor. A specific figure depends on the situation in the state and in the general market.

If the contribution to gold has already been perfect and you keep it at home, then the bank is ready to take your minerals weighing from 1 gr. up to 1 kg. After expert evaluation of the sample and the state you will call the amount of the transaction. The same weight can be investigated in OMS. The details are indicated above.

Do you keep money in gold? Storage specifics

In contrast to the stock exchanges with their options, gold is a real and tangible type of deposit and a win-win option for enrichment.

It does not depend on fluctuations in currency exchange rates, it is difficult to destroy it with global catastrophes. This type of investment also falls under insurance (except for OMS), which makes it attractive.

Are there any problems to exchange gold for money?

The liquidity of gold in any form has always been at the height and continues to keep the brand. Pay the cash equivalent of the ingot or coins you can in the pawnshop, jewelry store, a bank or ordinary individuals who want to purchase a metal.

How to use gold as money?

It is best to use gold as a way of storing assignments, and as money to use money.