Equipment for stream. Full guide for beginner streamers Equipment for having games

Hello everyone!

I decided to publish a fairly complete guide for those who are interested in streaming broadcasting, and does not know how to start.
It will cover a wide variety of topics with a large number of proposals based on my personal observations and advice of experienced streamers.
This guide is made for those who plan to use OBS, XSplit or another program, but not familiar with them.
Therefore, before starting, we advise you to run into, put on a helmet, get a cup of tea and understand the reason for the journey through this article.

Creating your canal

Inventing the name of the channel, as for any product, you wish something catchy and easily memorable. In addition, for those who want to play with him, you must have the topic.
Your name is as important because it distinguishes you from others, it's like a brand of your channel.
Some people, when creating a channel, use unattractive and not original names, for example 'zzfukkystream', although you can come up with a more memorable type '' or something like this.
You will most likely try to secure on some place in the ranking of this highly competitive market, so think well above the channel name, as it will be soil for many future solutions.

Winged phrases

At first glance, this may seem stupid, but the winged statements can make a lot in this industry. They create branding, feeling of familiarity for fans / viewers, allowing you to find your channel among others. Cohhcarnage, for example, has its own - "Good Show !!" When it receives a level for Ezekien_III, it also has a unique fist, carried out when receiving a new level.
Running from your own winged phrase, it can make people worry on your channel, they will look forward to your winten phrase, and what they say, look at themselves when talking with the audience.


Before running the broadcast, plan the schedule.
It is very important in order to indicate the specific time of the stream for viewers, preparation for your goal and inform the time of your arrival on the Internet. This is important for the holding of the audience.
Stable broadcasts are needed to attract permanent spectators, as they can come, and there is nothing to watch! On the other hand, it is not necessary to broadcast too often, because you will breathe too quickly, and the streams will not have a new content.
Make the right schedule so that it makes the stabilization of your channel's views, attracting new spectators and the subsequent increase in your popularity.


This is the most discussed part of streaming broadcasts, each assembly is unique, and it is difficult to say whether there is a perfect installation. What I'm going to do is explain to the appointment of each component, and how important they are important for broadcasting and your audience.


The CPU (processor) is usually the most important aspect regarding the technical side of the streaming video.
If you use 1 PC, it not only runs the game, and also encodes the video and broadcasts to the channel.
What is coding? Coding is the process of converting media content that you write and convert it to the standard that will receive Twitch.
Coding is a resource-intensive process, and this means that you need a rather powerful processor.
I recommend processors having resources, more those that you will use to provide sufficiently calculated power, as well as durability.
Buying a processor, you need to define a time frame, in which it can be used, not paying attention to the system requirements of the Games.
AMD / Intel processors will allow you to get a maximum of your money, even if you spend $ 100, the processor will be considered a powerful 2 years before the need to update it.


GPU (video card) is essential in the gameplay.
Two main competitors are AMD and NVIDIA.
The better your video card, the better the game will look like, and you will get higher quality broadcast.
If you are using a NVENC encoder from NVIDIA, the graphics processor will not be so critically littered by the translation, mostly only the game.


RAM (RAM) is short-term memory. I would advise 8 GB, but I strongly recommend 16 GB and more, as the open world games and survival games use a lot to store data from servers.
RAM significantly improves multitasking when you run multiple applications, while moving the game.


The most likely use HDD (Solid Drive Disk) or SSD (Solid State Drive).
SSD drives are ideal for storing all your basic programs and the operating system that works and runs from it.
HDD uses mechanical components to start, which allows you to store your data on it.
SSD drives use flash memory (as well as flash drives, and this allows them to be faster and more reliable, since the probability of mechanical destruction is levelingly zero).
If you want to save the broadcast content on your computer, make sure you have a sufficient memory capacity on HDD.
So you can write down your broadcast!


The monitor will be your best friend when your broadcast will become more popular.
I currently use 3 monitors
"Why so much?" - you ask.
The central monitor is the main one - I play on it.
Left monitor - for OBS, to display notifications and so on.
Finally we reached the right monitor. I use it for Chat Bota (I use Ankhbot, but a little later).


If you decide to use a webcam, then you should take a decent, high-quality Logitech worth about $ 100, which you have enough for several years of use (of course in technical terms).


Choosing a microphone is a more difficult solution.
Each person has its own, proven way to broadcast audio to its audience.
Many use a simple headset, and ultimately go to something else when they are fixed in the rating of streaming broadcasts.
Others immediately use high-quality microphones on the similarity of Razer Seiren or Yeti MIC.
And not a small aspect - you will use the usual audio entrance, or still buy a digital, perhaps you will use the studio microphone to broadcast the sound of professional quality with a large number of options and effects for which the scissors will need a shaped stand.


It is important that you have more than 5 Mbps download speeds. This will allow you to upload your encoder to a bit rate ~ 2000 kbps.

Capture video

For those who want to broadcast cantilever games, an external video capture card may be required.
There are many capture cards for old connections and HDMI.
You have the ability to use internal capture devices, but external will reduce the load on your computer, as the processor will be used only for the game, as on consoles.
Search for a capture card - also quite expensive, in relation to time and money occupation.


Peripherals. This is a mouse, keyboard, various gamepads.
It does not have a load on Stream, just you get what you like - you make the gameplay more convenient for yourself.

Setup Obs.

1. Double-download OBS. This is an open source application. It is absolutely free, which does not limit the user in broadcasts.

2. CLOSE CLR BROWSER, which will be needed to provide a canal with warning and other notifications.

3. Inherit instructions to install the downloaded OBS and the CLR-plugin for the browser.

4. Register an account on Go to the channel and in the right shrinking panel in the information panel, find Stream Key and click "Show Key". This is important for OBS, as it uses it to broadcast to your channel. Stream Key will need to be inserted into the field called Stream Key Play Path, and when you enable Live mode, you will start broadcast video.

5. Install the coding bit rate. The Gold Rule Rule - Bitrate is about 2000 kbps for your Internet. Make sure you use the CBR encoder, I personally use the x264 encoder.

6. Install video settings. Golden rule - resolution 1280x720 (720p) and 30 FPS (frames per second).

7. Install the sound parameters as you are more convenient. You can leave the default microphone settings. I personally use a stereo microphone with high sound quality, but set up on mono.

8. Create scenes and sources. Sources are combined into scenes. For example: you want to make an introductory video before starting broadcasting or before the start of the game, or during the download of the game / match. A webcam is also added here, text notifications.

9. Take a trial launch of broadcasting. This is important to evaluate the source video stream that viewers will be able to see.


1. Herthing. This should be something unique. Creating a logo, make sure that he rushed into the eyes. The viewer must immediately understand that this logo represents exactly your channel.

2. Label. Do you buy them on the Internet, or do ourselves - overlay should improve your channel, increase attractiveness. But do not get carried away, because you can not notice how the entire stream screen clogs. You can specify information about yourself, donations or new subscribers.

3. Informational panels. On your channel at the bottom (immediately under the video) there is an information panel. Use it at your discretion. Here you can leave links to your pages from social networks, on sites and simply write about yourself. By creating panels, consider the topic of your channel, it is quite important.

4.Social networks. Associate the name of your channel with your social networking pages. It gives rise to some kind of advertising and distribution on several sites: Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and so on.

Stream! Good part!

These will be general advice that will help you in the online broadcast industry, which always has a place to improve. Even the best serpentine and entertainer take place to improve.

Do not be neutral in relation to what is happening in the chat. Contact the audience, talk to you, comment on your actions, the same music. It will not only make your video content of dialogs, but also attracts new spectators for which, in fact, you play. In addition, you practice your voice ligaments so that you can speak for a long time.
Minimizing the stream shutdown time. Try to reduce the amount of your absence to solve personal problems. If you are young, then explain to parents or other family members, the essence of the broadcast and why you need it. Exterminate and the time you plan to spend on broadcast - I hope they will understand you. After all, you agree - there is nothing worse than mom, talking about scattered underwear in the bathroom.
Do not play oversaturated games, if you are not a good player. Try to avoid what I call "Top 4": League of Legends, Defense of the Ancients, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Hearthstone, if you do not know how to play them. These games are too competitive, and you will look like a small midge among the streams of tournaments or professional players. Try to start with games with the number of viewers of 300-500, unless this is the only broadcast channel.
Do not shout on "Dudoser". "Dudoser" are those that will try to survive, prior to your channel or just offend you. Most viewers will simply leave your game. Better turn on some bot. Some people may want you just sit back.
Do not ask for donations. By this you will seem too pitiful. Usually funds donate teams. Only, specify what you strive for.
Be sure that the viewers are comfortable to watch you.
Network. Sails. Do not clutter the network. Limit your broadcast resources. After all, some viewers do not possess the Internet as you.
Create contests! Let rarely, but it can attract more viewers. It can make you a more promising member of the streaming community.


Now I am going to list three main bots.

1.ankbot. This is my favorite bot, because it has quite flexible settings. It is completely free and all information and actions will be stored on Google Docs, with which it can integrate. It has songs of songs, prizes and so on. It also has the ability to block / delete links, block / delete languages \u200b\u200b(for example - you want the audience, communicate only in English, then messages in other languages \u200b\u200bwill simply be deleted).

2.nightbot. Free, on a web-based bot, which provides features such as: moderation, songs, as well as custom commands.

3.moobot. A similar Nightbot is that it is also based on the cloud. Includes songs and more.


1. Create a separate mail that does not contain your name, nickname or channel name. This will create a break of you and your online person.

2. When creating PayPal, go to the business accounts section, and make sure that all information is hidden by privacy settings. Your address will be displayed when buying things, but the information will be hidden when you will pay money. I recommend using the name "Channel's Twitch Channel".

3. Do you use Skype with the audience! If you trust 100% of random spectators, do not even use TeamSpeak. Discord is a new application that prevents your IP address with a random viewer.

4. Do let's too much details about your location! I do not recommend inviting family / acquaintances to the stream, as they can talk about your name or location. Get Po Box to send things to the audience, without worrying about the fact that someone gets your personal data.

5. Bess what you changed your Steam-profile mail. If you sent someone to the game - the recipient will see your email address. Change it.

Stream-TV is an interactive television service based on ADSL technology provided by Komstar-Direct CJSC to individuals - MGTS subscribers. Does not require the installation of any antennas, broadcasting television gear is provided with the highest quality image quality, regardless of the level of radio signal and radio interference at the site of the subscriber. The signal transmission is carried out via the MGTS subscriber telephone line, while the phone remains free.

Necessary equipment

  • Decoder and smart card
  • Ethernet -Cabel. Please note that such a cable is not included in the delivery of the decoder "Stream-TV". The cable that is included in the package of the modem is characterized by a low length and will be used to connect the modem and the Stream TV decoder.
  • TV equipped with an RCA input (composite input). Such an entrance is available on any modern TV. You can connect the TV and the decoder using A / V - AMINO cable, which is supplied with decoder. If your TV also has SCART, S-Video and you want to use these connectors, you can purchase an additional special cable for connecting a decoder with a TV.

If the computer and TV are located in different rooms, you need to place a decoder and a modem next to the TV, and the Ethernet cable is paved to another room to the computer. To connect the modem in one room, with a decoder located in another room, it is undesirable, since as a result, an image that scatters on the squares can be turned on on the TV screen when changing frames and disappears sound. This is due to the attenuation of the video and audio signal in a long Ethernet cable. Therefore, it is necessary to connect the modem and a decoder with a short Ethernet cable, which is supplied to the modem, and the modem and computer - long, the Internet access speed from the computer will remain high. If you still need to place a modem and a decoder in different rooms, we advise you to use PowerLine adapters (for example, ZyXEL PLA 400 EE), which transmit a signal over the electrical wiring of a high speed building.

Step 1. Connect the equipment

Connect the TV and a decoder using the AMINO Cable A / V (or the S-Video, SCART cable you purchased). Then connect the modem and the Ethernet cable decoder, which is supplied to the modem. Connect the decoder and power supply, without connecting it to the power grid.

Step 2. Turn on the equipment

Turn on the TV, activate the video reception mode through the RCA connector (or SCART, S-Video, if you wish to use these connectors). How to do this, indicated in the TV manual. For some TV models, it is enough to enable AV mode, other models may require more detailed settings. Turn on the modem, wait for it when it establishes the connection to the Internet.

Step 3. Install a smart card

Insert the smart card into the decoder as follows: Position the decoder horizontally, slide with a small smart card effort by a gold-plated contact pad, the contact pad must be in the front of the smart card. As a result, the smart card should "look out" from the decoder about one and a half centimeters. After that, at your request, you can position the decoder vertically.

Step 4. Activation of the TV package

Turn on the decoder inserting the power supply into an electrical outlet. If everything is configured correctly, a red light will light up on the front panel of the decoder, and after a while on the TV screen you will see a request to enter your account number and authorization code. Enter them using the digital keys of the remote control decoder. If the numbers are not entered, press the STB key on the remote control and try entering the numbers again. After successfully entering the account number and the authorization code, after a while you will see the image of the page of the main menu "Stream-TV".

Main menu "Stream-TV"

The menu navigation is performed using the "up", "down", "right", "left" on the decoder remote control. Confirmation of selection is performed by pressing the "OK" key. You can get useful information by opening the "Information" section.

Useful information for subscriber "Stream-TV"

To view the television channels, you need to subscribe to one of the TV packages that will complement your tariff Internet access plan. It is necessary to do this through the Personal Cabinet of the Stream subscriber. However, the changed tariff will enhance only for the next day (for unlimited tariffs) or from the 1st day of the next month (for limited tariff plans). And you would like to start using "Stream-TV" right now. Therefore, subscribe directly from the TV screen. It should be noted that in this case, before entering into force the TV package, which you subscribed to in addition to your Internet access tariff plan, television watching fee is charged at higher rates and daily. In your interests, as soon as possible, activate the TV package to your tariff plan for accessing the Internet. After activating such a packet, the subscription you spent from the TV screen, that is, more expensive, automatically stops acting, the fee for using the STRIM TV service will be charged from the personal account once a month, as is the use of Internet access. So, in order to start using the service "Stream-TV" right now, you need to open the section "Tariffs". You will be asked to enter PIN -Kod. Enter 1111, this code acted at the time of writing this manual. If this code is invalid, call the Stream-TV technical support service to find out the current code. Entering the correct code, you will fall on the subscription page. Choose a package of interest, subscribe.

When entering the "Tariff" section, you must enter PIN 1111

Select the section "TV channels" and subscribe to the package of TV channels

Step 5. We look

Return to the main menu by pressing the MENU key on the remote control and selecting the "Home". You can go to the Main page of the menu by both when working in the menu and while watching television programs. It is enough to press the MENU button on the remote control of the STRIM TV decoder. In the main menu in the "Services" section, select "TV channels". The menu of this section opens. Available for viewing in your chosen package channels are marked with "+" sign, inaccessible - sign "-". Select the channel you need. To view it in full screen mode, click "OK" on the remote control of the decoder.

At the beginning of the show, the first few seconds at the bottom of the screen is displayed information about the channel number, its name, title and time of the start of the transmission broadcast currently, and the same information about the next transmission, current date and time. If you want this information at any time, you can call the "Down" key on the decoder remote control. The program can be viewed directly on the TV screen.

On some programs there are abstract. It can be viewed by being in the menu.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

The decoder does not turn on Check the availability of voltage in the electrical outlet to which the decoder is connected. If there is a voltage in it, press the STB key on the remote control and the power on / off key.
The decoder turns on, but does not respond to commands supplied using the remote control Check the condition of the batteries in the remote control, the correctness of their installation. If everything is in order with the batteries, press the STB on the console.
Decoder and TV are included, but there is no image on the TV screenCheck that the decoder and television is correct. Through the TV menu, check whether the audio and video reception mode is activated through the TV connector to which the cable is connected from the decoder.
No broadcastIf it is impossible to watch TV shows a specific television channel for reasons that do not depend on CJSC "Comstar-Direct", you will see a message on the TV screen.

Tell your friends!

Microphone, headphones, webcam. Maybe something else? Or is it and that? And how to choose and what models to choose?

To start moving one computer will be not enough. You need at least at least a good microphone and headphones. In this article we will tell you what kind of requirements should be put forward for additional equipment.

Equipment for strima

As we have said - the minimum set of equipment is a microphone and headphones. You can take the headset. Here as well as convenient.

Microphone for strima

The microphone is generally a mandatory element of any stream. You can say MUST Have. The viewer will not just watch how you play music. Not. He wants to listen to you. Your thoughts, jokes or hysterics. They want to hear how you burn when the team bottom, how you stead the opponent when you win in chlamyne. It is behind all this goes to the streams. Do not look like listening to.

Therefore, you need to choose something high quality. We do not say that it is necessary to take the studio technique, but the better the microphone, the better stream.

Headphones for Stream

Headphones for stream are also obligatory if you want, of course, too, hear some sounds from the game and music. The columns will not fit, otherwise the sound of them will be duplicated into the microphone and this will create a disgusting echo.

Headphones choose solely from their preferences. For the viewer, they do not matter at all, so you like it, then take. Although Synechisers are 150 thousand rubles, even though cheap Panasonics from the transition for 50 rubles.

Webcam for Stream

Webcam - the thing is completely optional. Many even popular streamers lead streams without webcam and nothing terrible. In essence, the camera is needed only if you plan to make some kind of presentation from your stream, like, for example, Karina. After each game, she makes squats exactly as many times as died in the game.

Also, the camera is needed for visual contact with the audience. When you behave some conversation or answer questions, it is better to have a webcam - it will create a more friendly atmosphere.

You need to choose a camera with good image quality. It is desirable that she can shoot at least 480r. It is also not bad when there is autofocus in the chamber. Because if it is not, you will have to sit still. After all, if you suddenly move the chair a little backward or forward, then instead of a clear focused picture, the audience will see a blurred stain.

It is also better to pay attention to webcams with built-in backlight. It will greatly increase the picture quality. Otherwise, your face will be dim and dark.

To take some cool expensive webcam does not make any sense. At least at the beginning of its streamer career.

Additional equipment for streaming games

In the initial set, this thing is definitely not included, but in the future, be sure to accumulate yourself - a steep thing. We are talking about a green background (chromium). The thing is greater for professional striming, but very cool. If you put it clearly, then with due tuning on the user screen you will be visible as if on a transparent background. It looks especially cool when you have a special place for webcams in the screen frame

In order not to occupy a lot of game space the best option is a transparent background.

Shine. If you want to do cool stream, you will have to take care of the cool light. To get a high-quality image, you need 2 light spotlights. It is best to use professional light that photographers with a diffuser are used to not have a concentrated beam. Then the picture will be soft and pleasant.

Podlet for microphone and filter. When at a certain point you understand that your microphone creates an extra noise and it's time to buy something better, you need to immediately take a comfortable stand with a filter. This is, first, conveniently and aesthetic, secondly, really improve the sound quality.

The support for the microphone is better to take on the floor, and not on the table. On the table the microphone can vibrate from the active use of the keyboard and mouse, it will create additional interference.

On this, in principle, everything. Additionally, you can buy anything else, but this is another conversation!

Make only high-quality streams. If you have any questions - ask in the comments!